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5270 Indentifying Critical Factors Influencing Timeshare Purchases in India
Authors: Shivam Kushwaha, Veena Bansal
Timeshare refers to real estate that is owned simultaneously by many, for a specified time in a year, for a specified numbers of years and is maintained and managed by an agency. Timeshare falls under the umbrella of tourism and is often used for vacation. Timeshare industry has attracted significantly less number of customers in India as compared to the US and Europe. In more than 40 years of existence of timeshare industry, it has not been able to grow its roots among Indian customers. The purpose of the study: To explore perception of Indian customers towards the adoption of timeshare segment of the hospitality industry and identify the factors. Source of data: Survey has been done on existing owners of holidays memberships, resorts or those who at least tourism experience in their past purchases. Methodology: Logistic Regression is used to predict binary responses of the customers based on identified critical factors which might influence timeshare purchases. Result: The study identified four factors: discretionary income, exchange options, ownership pride, risk, and measured their influence on intention to purchases in India. It is recognized that is all four variables are statistically significant while explaining in purchase intentions of customers in India.Keywords: timeshare, holiday, tourism, customer perception, intent to use, Indian tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2985269 Investigation of Atomic Adsorption on the Surface of BC3 Nanotubes
Authors: S. V. Boroznin, I. V. Zaporotskova, N. P. Polikarpova
Studing of nanotubes sorption properties is very important for researching. These processes for carbon and boron nanotubes described in the high number of papers. But the sorption properties of boron containing nanotubes, susch as BC3-nanotubes haven’t been studied sufficiently yet. In this paper we present the results of theoretical research into the mechanism of atomic surface adsorption on the two types of boron-carbon nanotubes (BCNTs) within the framework of an ionic-built covalent-cyclic cluster model and an appropriately modified MNDO quantum chemical scheme and DFT method using B3LYP functional with 6-31G basis. These methods are well-known and the results, obtained using them, were in good agreement with the experiment. Also we studied three position of atom location above the nanotube surface. These facts suggest us to use them for our research and quantum-chemical calculations. We studied the mechanism of sorption of Cl, O and F atoms on the external surface of single-walled BC3 arm-chair nanotubes. We defined the optimal geometry of the sorption complexes and obtained the values of the sorption energies. Analysis of the band structure suggests that the band gap is insensitive to adsorption process. The electron density is located near atoms of the surface of the tube. Also we compared our results with others, which have been obtained earlier for pure carbon and boron nanotubes. The most stable adsorption complex has been between boron-carbon nanotube and oxygen atom. So, it suggests us to make a research of oxygen molecule adsorption on the BC3 nanotube surface. We modeled five variants of molecule orientation above the nanotube surface. The most stable sorption complex has been defined between the oxygen molecule and nanotube when the oxygen molecule is located above the nanotube surface perpendicular to the axis of the tube.Keywords: Boron-carbon nanotubes, nanostructures, nanolayers, quantum-chemical calculations, nanoengineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3185268 Analysis of Complex Business Negotiations: Contributions from Agency-Theory
Authors: Jan Van Uden
The paper reviews classical agency-theory and its contributions to the analysis of complex business negotiations and gives an approach for the modification of the basic agency-model in order to examine the negotiation specific dimensions of agency-problems. By illustrating fundamental potentials for the modification of agency-theory in context of business negotiations the paper highlights recent empirical research that investigates agent-based negotiations and inter-team constellations. A general theoretical analysis of complex negotiation would be based on a two-level approach. First, the modification of the basic agency-model in order to illustrate the organizational context of business negotiations (i.e., multi-agent issues, common-agencies, multi-period models and the concept of bounded rationality). Second, the application of the modified agency-model on complex business negotiations to identify agency-problems and relating areas of risk in the negotiation process. The paper is placed on the first level of analysis – the modification. The method builds on the one hand on insights from behavior decision research (BRD) and on the other hand on findings from agency-theory as normative directives to the modification of the basic model. Through neoclassical assumptions concerning the fundamental aspects of agency-relationships in business negotiations (i.e., asymmetric information, self-interest, risk preferences and conflict of interests), agency-theory helps to draw solutions on stated worst-case-scenarios taken from the daily negotiation routine. As agency-theory is the only universal approach able to identify trade-offs between certain aspects of economic cooperation, insights obtained provide a deeper understanding of the forces that shape business negotiation complexity. The need for a modification of the basic model is illustrated by highlighting selected issues of business negotiations from agency-theory perspective: Negotiation Teams require a multi-agent approach under the condition that often decision-makers as superior-agents are part of the team. The diversity of competences and decision-making authority is a phenomenon that overrides the assumptions of classical agency-theory and varies greatly in context of certain forms of business negotiations. Further, the basic model is bound to dyadic relationships preceded by the delegation of decision-making authority and builds on a contractual created (vertical) hierarchy. As a result, horizontal dynamics within the negotiation team playing an important role for negotiation success are therefore not considered in the investigation of agency-problems. Also, the trade-off between short-term relationships within the negotiation sphere and the long-term relationships of the corporate sphere calls for a multi-period perspective taking into account the sphere-specific governance-mechanisms already established (i.e., reward and monitoring systems). Within the analysis, the implementation of bounded rationality is closely related to findings from BRD to assess the impact of negotiation behavior on underlying principal-agent-relationships. As empirical findings show, the disclosure and reservation of information to the agent affect his negotiation behavior as well as final negotiation outcomes. Last, in context of business negotiations, asymmetric information is often intended by decision-makers acting as superior-agents or principals which calls for a bilateral risk-approach to agency-relations.Keywords: business negotiations, agency-theory, negotiation analysis, interteam negotiations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1405267 Fungal Flocculation of Single Algae Species and Mixed Algal Communities
Authors: Digby Wrede, Stephen Gray, Syed Hussainy
Microalgae are extremely useful organisms but notoriously hard to harvest. The use of fungal pellets has been found to be an efficient way to flocculate numerous species of algae. However, only the flocculation of single species of algae has been investigated. Algae are generally found in complex communities in the environment comprising of numerous species of algae ranging from simple single cell algae such as Chlorella to more complex or communal algae such as Dictyosphaerium. This study investigated the flocculation capabilities of Aspergillus oryzae to flocculate four species of algae; Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Scenedesmus acuminatus and Dictyosphaerium sp., and the algal communities in four different types of domestic effluent from a lagoon-based treatment plant; primary effluent, secondary effluent and the high rate algal pond effluent at a natural and at a lowered pH level. Spectrophotometry was used to measure the changes in algal population. C. vulgaris, S. acuminatus and S. quadricauda, had over 90% reduction of algal in suspension after 24 hours. Dictyosphaerium sp. showed a little to no removal after 24 hours. The primary, secondary, and natural pH level HRAP had roughly a 50% removal after 24 hours, the HRAP which was grown at a lower pH level had over a 90% removal after 24 hours. pH has been shown previously to affect fungal flocculation. Fungal and algae pellets have been shown to be able to treat wastewater and can be converted to biofuels in a very similar method to how algae are currently converted. The mixture of both fungi and algae has also been shown to provide a higher yield of oils then separately and are able to more efficiently treat wastewater then algae or fungi by themselves.Keywords: algae harvesting, Aspergillus oryzae, fungal flocculation, wastewater treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1655266 Family Dynamics on Attitude Towards Peace: The Mediating Role of Emotional Regulation Strategies
Authors: Nicole Kaye A. Callanta, Shalimar B. Baruang, Anne Edelienne P. Tadena, Imelu G. Mordeno, Odessa May D. Escalona
Untold numbers of children and adolescents around the world are exposed increasingly to the war on a daily basis. These experiences shape how they will view themselves, others, and the world. A wealth of studies have shown the role of family dynamics in the development of children’s attitudes, particularly their social behaviors. This specific study, however, contends that family dynamics influence peace and conflict resolution attitude and further asserts that it is brought about by the degree of emotional regulation strategies they use. Utilising purposive sampling, adolescent participant-respondents were from different schools in Southern Philipines, specifically of the cities of Marawi and Iligan, where exposure to warring clans, internal struggle between the Philippine Military and insurgencies, and the recent Marawi Seige caused by Al-Qaeda and ISIS-spawned terrorism. Results showed emotional regulation strategies mediate the relationship between family dynamics, particularly on family cohesion, and attitude towards peace. Thus implying the association between family cohesion and attitude towards peace strengthens with the use of emotional regulation strategies.Keywords: attitude towards peace, emotional regulation strategies, family cohesion, family dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1755265 Fabrication, Testing and Machinability Evaluation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Authors: S. S. Panda, Arkesh Chouhan, Yogesh Deshpande
The present paper deals with designing and fabricating an apparatus for the speedy and accurate manufacturing of fiber reinforced composite lamina of different orientation, thickness and stacking sequences for testing. Properties derived through an analytical approach are verified through measuring the elastic modulus, ultimate tensile strength, flexural modulus and flexural strength of the samples. The 00 orientation ply looks stiffer compared to the 900 ply. Similarly, the flexural strength of 00 ply is higher than to the 900 ply. Sample machinability has been studied by conducting numbers of drilling based on Taguchi Design experiments. Multi Responses (Delamination and Damage grading) is obtained using the desirability approach and optimum cutting condition (spindle speed, feed and drill diameter), at which responses are minimized is obtained thereafter. Delamination increases nonlinearly with the increase in spindle speed. Similarly, the influence of the drill diameter on delamination is higher than the spindle speed and feed rate.Keywords: delamination, FRP composite, Taguchi design, multi response optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2725264 A Study on 5-11 Year-Old Children's Level of Knowledge about Personal Safety and Protection from Social Dangers
Authors: Özden Kuşcu, Yağmur Kuşcu, Zeynep Çetintaş, S. Sunay Yildirim Doğru
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effect of the subjects “personal safety” and “protection from dangers” included in primary school curriculum on the students’ levels of knowledge about safety and protection from social dangers. The study group included 469 students between 5–11 years old with 231 preschoolers and 238 primary school students and their parents and teachers. Instruments used to collect data were “Personal Safety Interview Form” for children, “Parent Interview Form” and “Teacher Interview Form”. Forms included 15 open-ended questions about personal safety. The researchers collected the research data through one-on-one interviews with children. Results of the study revealed that preschoolers and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders did not know their home addresses and telephone numbers and their families were not aware of that. The study also showed that those who had this information were unsure as to who to share this information with. Accordingly, more should be done to increase the levels of knowledge of preschoolers and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders about personal safety and protection from dangers.Keywords: security, social danger, elementary school, preschool
Procedia PDF Downloads 4595263 Challenges and Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching Chemical Bonding: Perspectives from Moroccan Educators
Authors: Sara Atibi, Azzeddine Atibi, Salim Ahmed, Khadija El Kababi
The concept of chemical bonding is fundamental in chemistry education, ubiquitous in school curricula, and essential to numerous topics in the field. Mastery of this concept enables students to predict and explain the physical and chemical properties of substances. However, chemical bonding is often regarded as one of the most complex concepts for secondary and higher education students to comprehend, due to the underlying complex theory and the use of abstract models. Teachers also encounter significant challenges in conveying this concept effectively. This study aims to identify the difficulties and alternative conceptions faced by Moroccan secondary school students in learning about chemical bonding, as well as the pedagogical strategies employed by teachers to overcome these obstacles. A survey was conducted involving 150 Moroccan secondary school physical science teachers, using a structured questionnaire comprising closed, open-ended, and multiple-choice questions. The results reveal frequent student misconceptions, such as the octet rule, molecular geometry, and molecular polarity. Contributing factors to these misconceptions include the abstract nature of the concepts, the use of models, and teachers' difficulties in explaining certain aspects of chemical bonding. The study proposes improvements for teaching chemical bonding, such as integrating information and communication technologies (ICT), diversifying pedagogical tools, and considering students' pre-existing conceptions. These recommendations aim to assist teachers, curriculum developers, and textbook authors in making chemistry more accessible and in addressing students' misconceptions.Keywords: chemical bonding, alternative conceptions, chemistry education, pedagogical strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 265262 Water-Fluxed Melting and Back-Arc Extension in the Continental Arc: Evidence from I-Type Granites, Adakitic Rocks and High-Nb Basalts at the Western Margin of the Yangtze Block, South China
Authors: B. Huang, W. Wang, J. H. Zhao
The Neoproterozoic western margin of the Yangtze Block in South China preserves distinctive magmatic associations that record variable water contents and tectonic processes in continental arc settings. Systematic field investigation and detailed petrological studies reveal two distinct magmatic episodes: the Yuanmou Complex (811-802 Ma) and Jinping granites (750 Ma). Through thermodynamic modeling and geochemical analysis, this study demonstrates systematic variations in magma generation controlled by crustal water content at different depths. Phase equilibria modeling indicates the Jinping I-type granites formed through low water-fluxed melting at medium pressure (6-9 kbar), whereas contemporaneous adakitic rocks resulted from high water-flux partial melting of thickened lower crust at high pressure (9-12 kbar). High-Nb basalts in the Yuanmou Complex derived from metasomatized mantle wedge during slab rollback, indicating a back-arc extensional environment. The spatial and temporal relationships between these magmatic rocks constrain the evolution of water content and tectonic setting during continental arc development. Integrated geochemical and isotopic data demonstrate the control of water content on magma generation processes. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of crustal growth and reworking in continental arc settings.Keywords: adakitic and high Nb mafic rocks, back-arc extension, continental Arc, water-fluxed melting
Procedia PDF Downloads 75261 Survival of Islamic Banking Services in Tanzania: A Quick Survey on Conflicting Legal Framework
Authors: Ayoub Ali Maulana
“The success and sustainability of an Islamic finance system depends on the ability to establish a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that supports synergy amongst the components in the system”. Numbers of banks have introduced Islamic banking windows claiming that their products follow Islamic banking values without any compromise. National Bank of Commerce Limited, Stanbic Bank Limited, Kenya Commercial Bank, The Peoples Bank of Zanzibar and Amana Bank Limited are some of the banks which offer Islamic banking products in Tanzania. To date, there is no single provision in Tanzanian laws that speak of Islamic banking activities in the country. Despite the fact that consultancy commissioned to International Monetary Fund (IMF) to research on the best laws to govern Islamic banking industry in the country, the speed is not encouraging in making sure that the same is introduced as soon as possible. This paper highlights the trend of the banking services in Tanzania and examines the application of Islamic banking system in the Tanzanian conventional banking environment. In particular the paper considers whether the Islamic banking services in Tanzania can survive without an appropriate legal framework that accommodates it.Keywords: islamic banks, interest, islamic windows, Tanzania
Procedia PDF Downloads 3495260 A Multi-Stage Learning Framework for Reliable and Cost-Effective Estimation of Vehicle Yaw Angle
Authors: Zhiyong Zheng, Xu Li, Liang Huang, Zhengliang Sun, Jianhua Xu
Yaw angle plays a significant role in many vehicle safety applications, such as collision avoidance and lane-keeping system. Although the estimation of the yaw angle has been extensively studied in existing literature, it is still the main challenge to simultaneously achieve a reliable and cost-effective solution in complex urban environments. This paper proposes a multi-stage learning framework to estimate the yaw angle with a monocular camera, which can deal with the challenge in a more reliable manner. In the first stage, an efficient road detection network is designed to extract the road region, providing a highly reliable reference for the estimation. In the second stage, a variational auto-encoder (VAE) is proposed to learn the distribution patterns of road regions, which is particularly suitable for modeling the changing patterns of yaw angle under different driving maneuvers, and it can inherently enhance the generalization ability. In the last stage, a gated recurrent unit (GRU) network is used to capture the temporal correlations of the learned patterns, which is capable to further improve the estimation accuracy due to the fact that the changes of deflection angle are relatively easier to recognize among continuous frames. Afterward, the yaw angle can be obtained by combining the estimated deflection angle and the road direction stored in a roadway map. Through effective multi-stage learning, the proposed framework presents high reliability while it maintains better accuracy. Road-test experiments with different driving maneuvers were performed in complex urban environments, and the results validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.Keywords: gated recurrent unit, multi-stage learning, reliable estimation, variational auto-encoder, yaw angle
Procedia PDF Downloads 1475259 CFD Investigation of Turbulent Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Closed Lid-Driven Cavity
Authors: A. Khaleel, S. Gao
Both steady and unsteady turbulent mixed convection heat transfer in a 3D lid-driven enclosure, which has constant heat flux on the middle of bottom wall and with isothermal moving sidewalls, is reported in this paper for working fluid with Prandtl number Pr = 0.71. The other walls are adiabatic and stationary. The dimensionless parameters used in this research are Reynolds number, Re = 5000, 10000 and 15000, and Richardson number, Ri = 1 and 10. The simulations have been done by using different turbulent methods such as RANS, URANS, and LES. The effects of using different k- models such as standard, RNG and Realizable k- model are investigated. Interesting behaviours of the thermal and flow fields with changing the Re or Ri numbers are observed. Isotherm and turbulent kinetic energy distributions and variation of local Nusselt number at the hot bottom wall are studied as well. The local Nusselt number is found increasing with increasing either Re or Ri number. In addition, the turbulent kinetic energy is discernibly affected by increasing Re number. Moreover, the LES results have shown a good ability of this method in predicting more detailed flow structures in the cavity.Keywords: mixed convection, lid-driven cavity, turbulent flow, RANS model, large Eddy simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2115258 Imperfect Production Inventory Model with Inspection Errors and Fuzzy Demand and Deterioration Rates
Authors: Chayanika Rout, Debjani Chakraborty, Adrijit Goswami
Our work presents an inventory model which illustrates imperfect production and imperfect inspection processes for deteriorating items. A cost-minimizing model is studied considering two types of inspection errors, namely, Type I error of falsely screening out a proportion of non-defects, thereby passing them on for rework and Type II error of falsely not screening out a proportion of defects, thus selling those to customers which incurs a penalty cost. The screened items are reworked; however, no returns are entertained due to deteriorating nature of the items. In more practical situations, certain parameters such as the demand rate and the deterioration rate of inventory cannot be accurately determined, and therefore, they are assumed to be triangular fuzzy numbers in our model. We calculate the optimal lot size that must be produced in order to minimize the total inventory cost for both the crisp and the fuzzy models. A numerical example is also considered to exemplify the procedure which is followed by the analysis of sensitivity of various parameters on the decision variable and the objective function.Keywords: deteriorating items, EPQ, imperfect quality, rework, type I and type II inspection errors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1825257 EnumTree: An Enumerative Biclustering Algorithm for DNA Microarray Data
Authors: Haifa Ben Saber, Mourad Elloumi
In a number of domains, like in DNA microarray data analysis, we need to cluster simultaneously rows (genes) and columns (conditions) of a data matrix to identify groups of constant rows with a group of columns. This kind of clustering is called biclustering. Biclustering algorithms are extensively used in DNA microarray data analysis. More effective biclustering algorithms are highly desirable and needed. We introduce a new algorithm called, Enumerative tree (EnumTree) for biclustering of binary microarray data. is an algorithm adopting the approach of enumerating biclusters. This algorithm extracts all biclusters consistent good quality. The main idea of EnumLat is the construction of a new tree structure to represent adequately different biclusters discovered during the process of enumeration. This algorithm adopts the strategy of all biclusters at a time. The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed using both synthetic and real DNA micryarray data, our algorithm outperforms other biclustering algorithms for binary microarray data. Biclusters with different numbers of rows. Moreover, we test the biological significance using a gene annotation web tool to show that our proposed method is able to produce biologically relevent biclusters.Keywords: DNA microarray, biclustering, gene expression data, tree, datamining.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3725256 Enhancing AI for Global Impact: Conversations on Improvement and Societal Benefits
Authors: C. P. Chukwuka, E. V. Chukwuka, F. Ukwadi
This paper focuses on the advancement and societal impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. It explores the need for a theoretical framework in corporate governance, specifically in the context of 'hybrid' companies that have a mix of private and government ownership. The paper emphasizes the potential of AI to address challenges faced by these companies and highlights the importance of the less-explored state model in corporate governance. The aim of this research is to enhance AI systems for global impact and positive societal outcomes. It aims to explore the role of AI in refining corporate governance in hybrid companies and uncover nuanced insights into complex ownership structures. The methodology involves leveraging the capabilities of AI to address the challenges faced by hybrid companies in corporate governance. The researchers will analyze existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance and integrate AI systems to improve problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems. The paper suggests that improved AI systems have the potential to shape a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. AI can uncover nuanced insights and navigate complex ownership structures in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. The theoretical importance of this research lies in the exploration of the role of AI in corporate governance, particularly in the context of hybrid companies. By integrating AI systems, the paper highlights the potential for improved problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems, contributing to a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The data for this research will be collected from existing literature on corporate governance, specifically focusing on hybrid companies. Additionally, data on AI capabilities and their application in corporate governance will be collected. The collected data will be analyzed through a systematic review of existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance. The researchers will also analyze the capabilities of AI systems and their potential application in addressing the challenges faced by hybrid companies. The findings will be synthesized and compared to identify patterns and potential improvements. The research concludes that AI systems have the potential to enhance corporate governance in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. By leveraging AI capabilities, nuanced insights can be uncovered, and complex ownership structures can be navigated, shaping a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The findings highlight the importance of integrating AI in refining problem-solving and understanding intricate systems for global impact.Keywords: advancement, artificial intelligence, challenges, societal impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 565255 Advancing Early Intervention Strategies for United States Adolescents and Young Adults with Schizophrenia in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Authors: Peggy M. Randon, Lisa Randon
Introduction: The post-COVID-19 era has presented unique challenges for addressing complex mental health issues, particularly due to exacerbated stress, increased social isolation, and disrupted continuity of care. This article outlines relevant health disparities and policy implications within the context of the United States while maintaining international relevance. Methods: A comprehensive literature review (including studies, reports, and policy documents) was conducted to examine concerns related to childhood-onset schizophrenia and the impact on patients and their families. Qualitative and quantitative data were synthesized to provide insights into the complex etiology of schizophrenia, the effects of the pandemic, and the challenges faced by socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Case studies were employed to illustrate real-world examples and areas requiring policy reform. Results: Early intervention in childhood is crucial for preventing or mitigating the long-term impact of complex psychotic disorders, particularly schizophrenia. A comprehensive understanding of the genetic, environmental, and physiological factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia is essential. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened symptoms and disrupted treatment for many adolescent patients with schizophrenia, emphasizing the need for adaptive interventions and the utilization of virtual platforms. Health disparities, including stigma, financial constraints, and language or cultural barriers, further limit access to care, especially for socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Policy implications: Current US health policies inadequately support patients with schizophrenia. The limited availability of longitudinal care, insufficient resources for families, and stigmatization represent ongoing policy challenges. Addressing these issues necessitates increased research funding, improved access to affordable treatment plans, and cultural competency training for healthcare providers. Public awareness campaigns are crucial to promote knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of mental health disorders. Conclusion: The unique challenges faced by children and families in the US affected by schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders have yet to be adequately addressed on institutional and systemic levels. The relevance of findings to an international audience is emphasized by examining the complex factors contributing to the onset of psychotic disorders and their global policy implications. The broad impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health underscores the need for adaptive interventions and global responses. Addressing policy challenges, improving access to care, and reducing the stigma associated with mental health disorders are crucial steps toward enhancing the lives of adolescents and young adults with schizophrenia and their family members. The implementation of virtual platforms can help overcome barriers and ensure equitable access to support and resources for all patients, enabling them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.Keywords: childhood, schizophrenia, policy, United, States, health, disparities
Procedia PDF Downloads 785254 An Accidental Forecasting Modelling for Various Median Roads
Authors: Pruethipong Xinghatiraj, Rajwanlop Kumpoopong
Considering the current situation of road safety, Thailand has the world’s second-highest road fatality rate. Therefore, decreasing the road accidents in Thailand is a prime policy of the Thai government seeking to accomplish. One of the approaches to reduce the accident rate is to improve road environments to fit with the local behavior of the road users. The Department of Highways ensures that choosing the road median types right to the road characteristics, e.g. roadside characteristics, traffic volume, truck traffic percentage, etc., can decrease the possibility of accident occurrence. Presently, raised median, depressed median, painted median and median barriers are typically used in Thailand Highways. In this study, factors affecting road accident for each median type will be discovered through the analysis of the collecting of accident data, death numbers on sample of 600 Kilometers length across the country together with its roadside characteristics, traffic volume, heavy vehicles percentage, and other key factors. The benefits of this study can assist the Highway designers to select type of road medians that can match local environments and then cause less accident prone.Keywords: highways, road safety, road median, forecasting model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2695253 Location-Domination on Join of Two Graphs and Their Complements
Authors: Analen Malnegro, Gina Malacas
Dominating sets and related topics have been studied extensively in the past few decades. A dominating set of a graph G is a subset D of V such that every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least one member of D. The domination number γ(G) is the number of vertices in a smallest dominating set for G. Some problems involving detection devices can be modeled with graphs. Finding the minimum number of devices needed according to the type of devices and the necessity of locating the object gives rise to locating-dominating sets. A subset S of vertices of a graph G is called locating-dominating set, LD-set for short, if it is a dominating set and if every vertex v not in S is uniquely determined by the set of neighbors of v belonging to S. The location-domination number λ(G) is the minimum cardinality of an LD-set for G. The complement of a graph G is a graph Ḡ on same vertices such that two distinct vertices of Ḡ are adjacent if and only if they are not adjacent in G. An LD-set of a graph G is global if it is an LD-set of both G and its complement Ḡ. The global location-domination number λg(G) is defined as the minimum cardinality of a global LD-set of G. In this paper, global LD-sets on the join of two graphs are characterized. Global location-domination numbers of these graphs are also determined.Keywords: dominating set, global locating-dominating set, global location-domination number, locating-dominating set, location-domination number
Procedia PDF Downloads 1845252 Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants in Bridim Village Development Committee in Langtang National Park, Nepal
Authors: Ila Shrestha
Bridim Village Development Committee (VDC) is one of the medicinal plants hot spots of Nepal. It is located on a ridge above the lower Langtang Khola, steep and narrow spot in between 1944 m to 4833 m altitude. The study area is homogeneously inhabited by Tamang communities. An investigation on folk herbal medicine on the basis of traditional uses of medicinal plants was done in 2014. The local traditional healers, elder men and women, traders and teachers, were consulted as key informants for documentation of indigenous knowledge on the medicinal plants. It was found that altogether seventy-one medicinal plant species belonging to sixty genera and thirty-three families were used by local people for twenty-seven diseases. Roots of thirty-four species were the most frequently used plant parts and bigger numbers of species were found to be used in fever of ten species. Most medicines were prepared in the form of juice of forty species. The attempt of the study was to document ethno medicinal practices to treat different diseases in the study area for conservation of indigenous knowledge.Keywords: Bridim village, ethnomedicine, national park, plants
Procedia PDF Downloads 2975251 A Comparative Analysis of Geometric and Exponential Laws in Modelling the Distribution of the Duration of Daily Precipitation
Authors: Mounia El Hafyani, Khalid El Himdi
Precipitation is one of the key variables in water resource planning. The importance of modeling wet and dry durations is a crucial pointer in engineering hydrology. The objective of this study is to model and analyze the distribution of wet and dry durations. For this purpose, the daily rainfall data from 1967 to 2017 of the Moroccan city of Kenitra’s station are used. Three models are implemented for the distribution of wet and dry durations, namely the first-order Markov chain, the second-order Markov chain, and the truncated negative binomial law. The adherence of the data to the proposed models is evaluated using Chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The Akaike information criterion is applied to assess the most effective model distribution. We go further and study the law of the number of wet and dry days among k consecutive days. The calculation of this law is done through an algorithm that we have implemented based on conditional laws. We complete our work by comparing the observed moments of the numbers of wet/dry days among k consecutive days to the calculated moment of the three estimated models. The study shows the effectiveness of our approach in modeling wet and dry durations of daily precipitation.Keywords: Markov chain, rainfall, truncated negative binomial law, wet and dry durations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1265250 Advanced Techniques in Robotic Mitral Valve Repair
Authors: Abraham J. Rizkalla, Tristan D. Yan
Purpose: Durable mitral valve repair is preferred to a replacement, avoiding the need for anticoagulation or re-intervention, with a reduced risk of endocarditis. Robotic mitral repair has been gaining favour globally as a safe, effective, and reproducible method of minimally invasive valve repair. In this work, we showcase the use of the Davinci© Xi robotic platform to perform several advanced techniques, working synergistically to achieve successful mitral repair in advanced mitral disease. Techniques: We present the case of a Barlow type mitral valve disease with a tall and redundant posterior leaflet resulting in severe mitral regurgitation and systolic anterior motion. Firstly, quadrangular resection of P2 is performed to remove the excess and redundant leaflet. Secondly, a sliding leaflet plasty of P1 and P3 is used to reconstruct the posterior leaflet. To anchor the newly formed posterior leaflet to the papillary muscle, CV-4 Goretex neochordae are fashioned using the innovative string, ruler, and bulldog technique. Finally, mitral valve annuloplasty and closure of a patent foramen ovale complete the repair. Results: There was no significant residual mitral regurgitation and complete resolution of the systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve on post operative transoesophageal echocardiography. Conclusion: This work highlights the robotic approach to complex repair techniques for advanced mitral valve disease. Familiarity with resection and sliding plasty, neochord implantation, and annuloplasty allows the modern cardiac surgeon to achieve a minimally-invasive and durable mitral valve repair when faced with complex mitral valve pathology.Keywords: robotic mitral valve repair, Barlow's valve, sliding plasty, neochord, annuloplasty, quadrangular resection
Procedia PDF Downloads 875249 Germplasm Collections and Morphological Studies of Andropogongayanus-Andropogon tectorum Complex in Southwestern Nigeria
Authors: Ojo F. M., Nwekeocha C. C., Faluyi J. O.
Morphological studies were carried out on Andropogongayanus-Andropogontectorum complex collected in Southwestern Nigeria to provide full characterizationof the two species of Andropogon; elucidating their population dynamics. Morphological data from selected accessions of A. gayanus and A. tectorum from different parts of Southwestern Nigeria were collected and characterized using an adaptation of the Descriptors for Wild and Cultivated Rice (Oryza spp). Preliminary morphological descriptions were carried out at the points of collection. Garden populations were raised from the vegetative parts of some accessions, and hybrids were maintained in Botanical Garden of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. The data obtained were subjected to inferential tests and Duncan’s multiple range test. This study has revealed distribution pattern of the two species in the area of study, which suggests a south-ward migration of Andropogongayanus from the northern vegetational zones of Nigeria to the southern ecological zones. The migration of A. gayanus around Igbeti with occasional occurrence of A. tectorum along the roadsides without any distinct phenotypic hybrid and Budo-Ode in Oyo State has been established as the southern limit of the spread of A. gayanus, the migration of A. gayanus to the South is not an invasion but a slow process. A. gayanus was not encountered in Osun, Ondo, Ekiti, and Ogun States. Andropogongayanus and Andropogon tectorum not only emerge from the rootstocks rapidly but can also produce independent propagules by rooting at some nodes. The plants can spread by means of these propagules even if it does not produce sexual or apomictic seeds. This potential for vegetative propagation, in addition to the perennial habit, confer considerable advantage for colonization by the Andropogongayanus-AndropogontectorumComplex.Keywords: accessions, distribution, migration, propagation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1175248 Does Operating Cash Flow Really Matter in Value Relevance? A Recent Empirical Analysis on the Largest European Companies
Authors: Francesco Paolone
This paper investigates the role of Operating Cash Flow (OCF) and accruals in firm valuation analyzing financial statement information from the largest European companies and evaluating their relation to firm market value. Using a dataset of 500 largest European companies in 2018, the study investigates the relative value-relevance of equity, net income and operating cash flow (OCF). Findings show that the cash flow measure has the same explanatory power and intensity as equity and earnings to explain the market value. This study contributes to the debate on the value relevance of OCF incremental to book value and earnings. It also extends the literature, showing that OCF has information content (value relevance) superior to earnings and book value in the main European markets (Bepari et al., 2013). Finally, the study provides a support that accounting method choice may confuse investors, who have reduced confidence in accounting earnings and book value; in other words, nowadays European investors rely more on cash flows instead of accruals numbers.Keywords: Cash Flow Statement, Value Relevance, Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1325247 Basins of Attraction for Quartic-Order Methods
Authors: Young Hee Geum
We compare optimal quartic order method for the multiple zeros of nonlinear equations illustrating the basins of attraction. To construct basins of attraction effectively, we take a 600×600 uniform grid points at the origin of the complex plane and paint the initial values on the basins of attraction with different colors according to the iteration number required for convergence.Keywords: basins of attraction, convergence, multiple-root, nonlinear equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2525246 Building Safer Communities through Institutional Collaboration in Ghana: An Appraisal of Existing Arrangement
Authors: Louis Kusi Frimpong, Martin Oteng-Ababio
The problem of crime and insecurity in urban environments are often complex, multilayered, multidimensional and sometimes interwoven. It is from this perspective that recent approaches and strategies aimed at responding to crime and insecurity have looked at the problem from a social, economic, spatial and institutional point of view. In Ghana, there is much understanding of how various elements of the social and spatial setting influence crime and safety concerns of residents in urban areas. However, little research attention has been given to the institutional dimension of the problem of crime and insecurity in urban Ghana. In particular, scholars and policymakers in the area of safety and security have scarcely interrogated the forms of collaboration that exist between the various formal and informal institutions and how gaps and lapses in this collaboration influence vulnerability to crime and feelings of insecurity. Using Sekondi-Takoradi as a case study and drawing on both primary and secondary data, this paper assesses the activities of various institutions both formal and informal in crime control and prevention in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, the third largest city in Ghana. More importantly, the paper seeks to address gaps in the institutional arrangement and coordination between and among institutions at the forefront of crime prevention efforts in the metropolis and by extension Ghanaian cities. The study found that whiles there is some form of collaboration between the police and the community, little collaboration existed between planning authorities and the police on the one hand, and the community on the other hand. The paper concludes that in light of the complex nature of a crime, institutional coordination and an inclusive approach involving formal and informal will be critical in promoting safer cities in Ghana.Keywords: crime prevention, coordination, Ghana, institutional arrangement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1275245 Design of a Graphical User Interface for Data Preprocessing and Image Segmentation Process in 2D MRI Images
Authors: Enver Kucukkulahli, Pakize Erdogmus, Kemal Polat
The 2D image segmentation is a significant process in finding a suitable region in medical images such as MRI, PET, CT etc. In this study, we have focused on 2D MRI images for image segmentation process. We have designed a GUI (graphical user interface) written in MATLABTM for 2D MRI images. In this program, there are two different interfaces including data pre-processing and image clustering or segmentation. In the data pre-processing section, there are median filter, average filter, unsharp mask filter, Wiener filter, and custom filter (a filter that is designed by user in MATLAB). As for the image clustering, there are seven different image segmentations for 2D MR images. These image segmentation algorithms are as follows: PSO (particle swarm optimization), GA (genetic algorithm), Lloyds algorithm, k-means, the combination of Lloyds and k-means, mean shift clustering, and finally BBO (Biogeography Based Optimization). To find the suitable cluster number in 2D MRI, we have designed the histogram based cluster estimation method and then applied to these numbers to image segmentation algorithms to cluster an image automatically. Also, we have selected the best hybrid method for each 2D MR images thanks to this GUI software.Keywords: image segmentation, clustering, GUI, 2D MRI
Procedia PDF Downloads 3775244 An Investigation of the Use of Visible Spectrophotometric Analysis of Lead in an Herbal Tea Supplement
Authors: Salve Alessandria Alcantara, John Armand E. Aquino, Ma. Veronica Aranda, Nikki Francine Balde, Angeli Therese F. Cruz, Elise Danielle Garcia, Antonie Kyna Lim, Divina Gracia Lucero, Nikolai Thadeus Mappatao, Maylan N. Ocat, Jamille Dyanne L. Pajarillo, Jane Mierial A. Pesigan, Grace Kristin Viva, Jasmine Arielle C. Yap, Kathleen Michelle T. Yu, Joanna J. Orejola, Joanna V. Toralba
Lead is a neurotoxic metallic element that is slowly accumulated in bones and tissues especially if present in products taken in a regular basis such as herbal tea supplements. Although sensitive analytical instruments are already available, the USP limit test for lead is still widely used. However, because of its serious shortcomings, Lang Lang and his colleagues developed a spectrophotometric method for determination of lead in all types of samples. This method was the one adapted in this study. The actual procedure performed was divided into three parts: digestion, extraction and analysis. For digestion, HNO3 and CH3COOH were used. Afterwards, masking agents, 0.003% and 0.001% dithizone in CHCl3 were added and used for the extraction. For the analysis, standard addition method and colorimetry were performed. This was done in triplicates under two conditions. The 1st condition, using 25µg/mL of standard, resulted to very low absorbances with an r2 of 0.551. This led to the use of a higher concentration, 1mg/mL, for condition 2. Precipitation of lead cyanide was observed and the absorbance readings were relatively higher but between 0.15-0.25, resulting to a very low r2 of 0.429. LOQ and LOD were not computed due to the limitations of the Milton-Roy Spectrophotometer. The method performed has a shorter digestion time, and used less but more accessible reagents. However, the optimum ratio of dithizone-lead complex must be observed in order to obtain reliable results while exploring other concentration of standards.Keywords: herbal tea supplement, lead-dithizone complex, standard addition, visible spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3885243 Wind Turbine Scaling for the Investigation of Vortex Shedding and Wake Interactions
Authors: Sarah Fitzpatrick, Hossein Zare-Behtash, Konstantinos Kontis
Traditionally, the focus of horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) blade aerodynamic optimisation studies has been the outer working region of the blade. However, recent works seek to better understand, and thus improve upon, the performance of the inboard blade region to enhance power production, maximise load reduction and better control the wake behaviour. This paper presents the design considerations and characterisation of a wind turbine wind tunnel model devised to further the understanding and fundamental definition of horizontal axis wind turbine root vortex shedding and interactions. Additionally, the application of passive and active flow control mechanisms – vortex generators and plasma actuators – to allow for the manipulation and mitigation of unsteady aerodynamic behaviour at the blade inboard section is investigated. A static, modular blade wind turbine model has been developed for use in the University of Glasgow’s de Havilland closed return, low-speed wind tunnel. The model components - which comprise of a half span blade, hub, nacelle and tower - are scaled using the equivalent full span radius, R, for appropriate Mach and Strouhal numbers, and to achieve a Reynolds number in the range of 1.7x105 to 5.1x105 for operational speeds up to 55m/s. The half blade is constructed to be modular and fully dielectric, allowing for the integration of flow control mechanisms with a focus on plasma actuators. Investigations of root vortex shedding and the subsequent wake characteristics using qualitative – smoke visualisation, tufts and china clay flow – and quantitative methods – including particle image velocimetry (PIV), hot wire anemometry (HWA), and laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) – were conducted over a range of blade pitch angles 0 to 15 degrees, and Reynolds numbers. This allowed for the identification of shed vortical structures from the maximum chord position, the transitional region where the blade aerofoil blends into a cylindrical joint, and the blade nacelle connection. Analysis of the trailing vorticity interactions between the wake core and freestream shows the vortex meander and diffusion is notably affected by the Reynold’s number. It is hypothesized that the shed vorticity from the blade root region directly influences and exacerbates the nacelle wake expansion in the downstream direction. As the design of inboard blade region form is, by necessity, driven by function rather than aerodynamic optimisation, a study is undertaken for the application of flow control mechanisms to manipulate the observed vortex phenomenon. The designed model allows for the effective investigation of shed vorticity and wake interactions with a focus on the accurate geometry of a root region which is representative of small to medium power commercial HAWTs. The studies undertaken allow for an enhanced understanding of the interplay of shed vortices and their subsequent effect in the near and far wake. This highlights areas of interest within the inboard blade area for the potential use of passive and active flow control devices which contrive to produce a more desirable wake quality in this region.Keywords: vortex shedding, wake interactions, wind tunnel model, wind turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2355242 Study of Microstructure of Weldment Obtained by Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) on IS 2062 Grade B Mild Steel Plate at Zero Degree Celsius
Authors: Ajay Biswas, Swapan Bhaumik, Abhijit Bhowmik
Present experiment has been carried out to study the microstructure of weldment obtained by submerged arc welding on mild steel plate at zero degree Celsius. To study this, bead on plate welding is done by submerged arc welding on the sample plate of heavy duty mild steel of designation IS 2062 grade B, fitted on the special fixture ensuring the plate temperature at zero degree Celsius. Sixteen numbers of such samples are welded by varying the most influencing parameters viz. travel speed, voltage, wire feed rate and electrode stick-out at four different levels. Taguchi’s design of experiment is applied by selecting Taguchi's L16 orthogonal array to restrict the number of experimental runs. Cross sectioned samples are polished and etched to view the weldment. Finally, different zone of the weldment is observed by optical microscope. From the type of microstructure of weldment it is concluded that submerged arc welding is feasible at zero degree Celsius on mild steel plate.Keywords: Submerged Arc Welding, zero degree Celsius, Taguchi’s design of experiment, microstructure of weldment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4425241 Communication Infrastructure Required for a Driver Behaviour Monitoring System, ‘SiaMOTO’ IT Platform
Authors: Dogaru-Ulieru Valentin, Sălișteanu Ioan Corneliu, Ardeleanu Mihăiță Nicolae, Broscăreanu Ștefan, Sălișteanu Bogdan, Mihai Mihail
The SiaMOTO system is a communications and data processing platform for vehicle traffic. The human factor is the most important factor in the generation of this data, as the driver is the one who dictates the trajectory of the vehicle. Like any trajectory, specific parameters refer to position, speed and acceleration. Constant knowledge of these parameters allows complex analyses. Roadways allow many vehicles to travel through their confined space, and the overlapping trajectories of several vehicles increase the likelihood of collision events, known as road accidents. Any such event has causes that lead to its occurrence, so the conditions for its occurrence are known. The human factor is predominant in deciding the trajectory parameters of the vehicle on the road, so monitoring it by knowing the events reported by the DiaMOTO device over time, will generate a guide to target any potentially high-risk driving behavior and reward those who control the driving phenomenon well. In this paper, we have focused on detailing the communication infrastructure of the DiaMOTO device with the traffic data collection server, the infrastructure through which the database that will be used for complex AI/DLM analysis is built. The central element of this description is the data string in CODEC-8 format sent by the DiaMOTO device to the SiaMOTO collection server database. The data presented are specific to a functional infrastructure implemented in an experimental model stage, by installing on a number of 50 vehicles DiaMOTO unique code devices, integrating ADAS and GPS functions, through which vehicle trajectories can be monitored 24 hours a day.Keywords: DiaMOTO, Codec-8, ADAS, GPS, driver monitoring
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