Search results for: media richness theory
6447 Meiji Centennial as a Media Event: Ideas for Upcoming Turkish Republic Centennial
Authors: Hasan Topacoglu
The Meiji Restoration was a chain of events that restored Japan in 1868 and considered as the beginning of Japanese Modernization by many scholars. In 1968, to honor its modern incarnation, Japan celebrated Meiji Centennial as one of the biggest Media Events in the country after the World War II. It was celebrated all around the country throughout the year following with a central event in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Japanese scholars started an opposition movement and claimed that Government was using this event to raise nationalism, pointing at Government’s statement on the meaning of Meiji. Most of the scholars, unfortunately, were hooked into the ideological problem of the Government’s way of planning and evaluated it as a failure. However, scholars missed out an important point that apart from the central event in Tokyo, each city planned its own event and celebrated it on a different date, also with a different theme. For example, Kyoto showed a regional characteristic and focused on Kyoto’s own culture, tradition etc., and highlighted a further past than 100 years. This was mainly because some areas/cities had a different ‘memory’ for Meiji Restoration than Tokyo which was reflected through the way they celebrated Meiji Centennial. On the other hand, 2023 will be the year of Turkish Republic Centennial. A year which will be marked by national and maybe even international events. Although an official committee has not been announced yet, The 2023 Vision, a list of goals has been released by the Government to coincide with the centenary of the Republic of Turkey in 2023 and there are some ongoing projects that are planned to be completed by then. By looking at the content of these projects, it is possible to say that Government is aiming to focus on Modernization through the Centennial. However, some of the projects are already showing some interesting characteristics such as the Istanbul New Airport whose design is inspired by Selimiye Mosque’s Islamic-Ottoman figure. It is true that Turkey and Japan have different historical backgrounds and the timeline of the Meiji Restoration and Foundation of Turkish Republic are different. Therefore, a particular comparison between these two events is not justified. However, they may have more in common than we are up to think because, each country marked the start of a new nation conceived on modern principles. For that reason, it is important to understand the similarities or differences between Meiji Centennial and Turkish Republic Centennial as a media event. This study introduces Meiji Centennial as a media event and analyses opposition movement along with the meaning of Meiji Centennial. Additionally, it explains regional characteristic differences and gives Kyoto as an example. Moreover, it introduces some of the ongoing Centennial projects in Turkey and analyses the meaning of the Turkish Republic Centennial through these projects. Without comparing Japan and Turkey, it explains the case of Japan but the discussion centers on deepening our understanding of Centennial as a Media Event and remarks some important aspects for Turkey’s upcoming Centennial events.Keywords: media events, Meiji centennial, the 2023 vision, Turkish republic centennial
Procedia PDF Downloads 3326446 Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Use of Scharmer’s Theory-U Model in Action-Learning-Based Leadership Development Program
Authors: Donald C. Lantu, Henndy Ginting, M. Yorga Permana, Dany M. A. Ramdlany
We constructed a training program for top-talents of a Bank with Scharmer Theory-U as the model. In this training program, we implemented the action learning perspective, as it is claimed to be the most effective one currently available. In the process, participants were encouraged to be more involved, especially compared to traditional lecturing. The goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of this particular training. The program consists of six days non-residential workshop within two months. Between each workshop, the participants were involved in the works of action learning group. They were challenged by dealing with the real problem related to their tasks at work. The participants of the program were 30 best talents who were chosen according to their yearly performance. Using paired difference statistical test in the behavioral assessment, we found that the training was not effective to increase participants’ leadership competencies. For the future development program, we suggested to modify the goals of the program toward the next stage of development.Keywords: action learning, behavior, leadership development, Theory-U
Procedia PDF Downloads 1966445 Images of Spiritism in Brazilian Catholic Discourse (1889-1937)
Authors: Frantisek Kalenda
With the ultimate triumph of the republican movement in 1889 in Brazil and adoption of constitution promoting religious freedom, formerly dominant Roman Catholic Church entered a long period of struggle to recover its lost position, fighting both liberal and secular character of the new regime and rising competition on the “market of faith”. Spiritism in its originally Brazilian form proved to be one if its key adversaries during the First (1889-1930) and Second Republic (1930-1937), provoking significant attempt within official Church to discredit and destroy the movement. This paper explores this effort through Catholic portrayal of Spiritism in its official media, focusing, on the creation of stereotypes and both theological and “scientific” arguments used against it. Its core is based on primary sources’ analysis, mainly influential A Ordem and Mensageiro da Fé.Keywords: Catholic Church, media, other, spiritism, stereotype
Procedia PDF Downloads 2746444 Factors Influencing the Adoption of Interpersonal Communication Media to Maximize Business Competitiveness among Small and Medium Enterprises in Hong Kong: Industry Types and Entrepreneur Characteristics
Authors: Olivine Lo
Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) consist of a broad variety of businesses, ranging from small grocery shops to manufacturing concerns. Some are dynamic and innovative, while others are more traditional. The definition of SMEs varies by country but is most determined by the number of employees, though business assets and sales revenues are alternative measures. There are eight main types of SME industries in Hong Kong: garment, electronics, plastics, metal and machinery, trading and logistics, building, manufacturing, and service industries. Information exchange is a key goal of human communication, and communicators have used a variety of media to maintain relationships through traditional face-to-face interactions and written forms like letters and faxes. With the advancement of mediated-interpersonal communication media from telephone to synchronic online tools like email, instant messaging, voice messaging, and video conferencing for sustaining relationships, particularly enabling geographically distanced relationships. Although these synchronous tools are gaining popularity, they are facilitating relationship maintenance in everyday life and complementing rather than replacing the more conventional face-to-face interactions. This study will test if there are any variances in effects by industry type among Hong Kong SMEs. The competitiveness of the business environment refers to the competition faced by a business within its particular industry. The more intense the competition in a given sector, the greater the potential for strategic uses of specific needs in a business. Both internal organization characteristics and external environments may affect firm performance and financial resources. The level of competitiveness within an industry will be a more reliable indicator to show how Hong Kong SMEs are striving to achieve their business goals using different techniques in their communication media preferences, rather than mere classification by industry type. This study thus divides the competitiveness of the business environment into internal and external: (1) the internal environment competition is the inherent competitiveness of the products or services provided by the SMEs, whereas (2) the external environment competition includes the economic and political realities and competitors joining the market. This study will test various organizational characteristics and competitiveness of the business environment to predict entrepreneurs’ communication media preferences.Keywords: competitiveness of business environment, small- and medium-sized enterprises, organizational characteristics, communication media preference
Procedia PDF Downloads 346443 Micropropagation of Pelargonium odoratissimum (L.) L’Her., Using Petiole and Leaf Explants
Authors: Mohammad Ali Aazami Mavaloo, Mohammad Bagher Hassanpouraghdam
Intact leaves, leaf segments and petiole sections derived from nodal explants in vitro were employed for the optimization of Pelargonium odoratissimum micropropagation. MS and ½ MS media enriched with BAP (1, 1.5, 2 and 4.5 mg/l) and NAA (0.1, 1 and 1.5 mg/l) were the treatment combinations used for. With leaf segments, the lowest browning incidence, the greatest callogenesis and the highest number of shoots were obtained with the media containing 1.5 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L NAA. Two mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L NAA hold the same results for petiole explants. Intact leaves showed the best results for the three before-mentioned traits with 1 mg/L BAP + 1 mg/L NAA. 0.2 mg/L NAA caused the highest rooting percentage and the greatest mean data for the number and length of the roots. Rooted plantlets were transferred to the pots containing 1:1 peat-moss and perlite. Acclimatization of the plantlets was followed by 90 percent of survival rate in the greenhouse.Keywords: Pelargonium odoratissimum, micropropagation, BAP, NAA
Procedia PDF Downloads 4006442 The Construction of Malaysian Airline Tragedies in Malaysian and British Online News: A Multidisciplinary Study
Authors: Theng Theng Ong
This study adopts a multidisciplinary method by combining the corpus-based discourse analysis study and language attitude study to explore the construction of Malaysia airline tragedies: MH370, MH17 and QZ8501 in the selected Malaysian and United Kingdom (UK) online news. The study aims to determine the ways in which Malaysian Airline tragedies MH370, MH17 and QZ8501 are linguistically defined and constructed in terms of keyword and collocation. The study also seeks to identify the types of discourse that are presented in the new articles. The differences or similarities in terms of keywords, topics or issues covered by the selected Malaysian and UK news media will also be examined. Finally, the language attitude study will be carried out to examine the Malaysia and UK university students’ attitudes toward the keywords, topics or issues covered by the selected Malaysian and UK news media pertaining to Malaysian Airline tragedies MH370, MH17 and QZ8501. The analysis is divided into two parts with the first part focusing on corpus-based discourse analysis on the media text. The second part of the study is to investigate Malaysians and UK news readers’ attitudes towards the online news being reported by the Malaysian and UK news media pertaining to the Airline tragedies. The main findings of corpus-based discourse analysis are essential in designing the questions in the questionnaires and interview and therefore led to the identification of the attitudes among Malaysian and UK news. This study adopts a multidisciplinary method by combining the corpus-based discourse analysis study and language attitude study to explore the construction of Malaysia airline tragedies: MH370, MH17 and QZ8501 in the selected Malaysian and United Kingdom (UK) online news. The study aims to determine the ways in which Malaysian Airline tragedies MH370, MH17 and QZ8501 are linguistically defined and constructed in terms of keyword and collocation. The study also seeks to identify the types of discourse that are presented in the new articles. The differences or similarities in terms of keywords, topics or issues covered by the selected Malaysian and UK news media will also be examined. Finally, the language attitude study will be carried out to examine the Malaysia and UK university students’ attitudes toward the keywords, topics or issues covered by the selected Malaysian and UK news media pertaining to Malaysian Airline tragedies MH370, MH17 and QZ8501. The analysis is divided into two parts with the first part focusing on corpus-based discourse analysis on the media text. The second part of the study is to investigate Malaysians and UK news readers’ attitudes towards the online news being reported by the Malaysian and UK news media pertaining to the Airline tragedies. The main findings of corpus-based discourse analysis are essential in designing the questions in the questionnaires and interview and therefore led to the identification of the attitudes among Malaysian and UK news.Keywords: corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis, news media, tragedies study
Procedia PDF Downloads 3356441 The Theory of the Mystery: Unifying the Quantum and Cosmic Worlds
Authors: Md. Najiur Rahman
This hypothesis reveals a profound and symmetrical connection that goes beyond the boundaries of quantum physics and cosmology, revolutionizing our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos, given its name ‘The Theory of the Mystery’. This theory has an elegantly simple equation, “R = ∆r / √∆m” which establishes a beautiful and well-crafted relationship between the radius (R) of an elementary particle or galaxy, the relative change in radius (∆r), and the mass difference (∆m) between related entities. It is fascinating to note that this formula presents a super synchronization, one which involves the convergence of every basic particle and any single celestial entity into perfect alignment with its respective mass and radius. In addition, we have a Supporting equation that defines the mass-radius connection of an entity by the equation: R=√m/N, where N is an empirically established constant, determined to be approximately 42.86 kg/m, representing the proportionality between mass and radius. It provides precise predictions, collects empirical evidence, and explores the far-reaching consequences of theories such as General Relativity. This elegant symmetry reveals a fundamental principle that underpins the cosmos: each component, whether small or large, follows a precise mass-radius relationship to exert gravity by a universal law. This hypothesis represents a transformative process towards a unified theory of physics, and the pursuit of experimental verification will show that each particle and galaxy is bound by gravity and plays a unique but harmonious role in shaping the universe. It promises to reveal the great symphony of the mighty cosmos. The predictive power of our hypothesis invites the exploration of entities at the farthest reaches of the cosmos, providing a bridge between the known and the unknown.Keywords: unified theory, quantum gravity, mass-radius relationship, dark matter, uniform gravity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1076440 Content Creation as Performance
Authors: D. van der Merwe
Walter Benjamin observed a marked difference in test performances versus final performances, with special regard to film and the cinema setting versus the stage as the site of performance, exhibition, and consumption. The attention given to film is justifiable and valid given its position as the best example of media convergence of Benjamin’s era, that of late modernity. In contemporary terms, however, the film has been supplanted by content as the prime example of convergence at work, and the digital domain, materialized in the form of the mobile internet, as the substituted site for the cinema. By examining the performance of the polymediated self within social media content, this paper hopes to establish the practice of content creation as a cultural artefact evidencing exhibition value on par with -or at least comparable with- performance art.Keywords: content creation, convergence, stage performance, test performance, polymediation, Walter Benjamin
Procedia PDF Downloads 146439 Establishing Ministerial Social Media Handles for Public Grievances Redressal and Reciprocation System
Authors: Ashish Kumar Dwivedi
Uttar Pradesh is largest part of Indian Federal system encapsulating twenty two million populations and has huge cultural, economic and religious diversity. The newly elected 18 months old state leadership of Uttar Pradesh has envisaged and initiated various proactive strides for the public grievance redressal and inclusive development schemes for all the sections of population from its very day of assumption of the office by Hon’ble Chief Minster Shri Yogi Adtiyanath. These initiatives also include Departmental responses via social media handles as Twitter, Facebook Page, and Web interaction. In the same course, every department of state government has been guided for the correct usage of verified social media handle separately and in co-ordination with other departments. These guidelines included making new WhatsApp groups to connect technocrats and politicians to communicate on common platform. Minister for Department of Infrastructure and Industrial Development, Shri Satish Mahana is a very popular leader and very intuitive statesman, has thousands of followers on social media and his accounts receive almost three hundred individually mentioned notifications from the various parts of Uttar Pradesh. These notifications primarily include problems related to livelihood and grievances concerned to department. To address these communications, a body of five experts has been set who are actively responding on various levels and increase bureaucratic engagements with marginalized sections of society. With reference to above background, this piece of research was conducted to analyze, categorize and derive effective implementation of public policies via social media platforms. This act of responsiveness has brought positive change in the mindset of population for the government, which was missed earlier. Department of Industrial Development in the Government is also inclined to attract investors aiming to become first trillion-dollar economy of India henceforth department also organized two major successful events in last one year. These events were also frame worked on social media platform to update 2.5 million population of state who is actively using social media in many ways. To analyze change scientifically, this study has been conducted and big data has been collected from October 2017 to September 2018 from the departmental social media handles as Twitter, Facebook, and emails. For this data, a statistical study has been conducted to analyze sentiments and expectations, specific and common requirement of communities, nature of grievances and their effective elucidation fitted into government policies. The control sample has also been taken from previous government activities to analyze the change. The statistical study used tools such as correlation study and principal component analysis. Also in this research communication, the modus operandi of grievance redressal, proliferation of government policies, connections to their beneficiaries and quick response procedure will be discussed.Keywords: correlation study, principal component analysis, bureaucratic engagements, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1276438 Analyzing Social Media Discourses of Domestic Violence in Promoting Awareness and Support Seeking: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Sudha Subramani, Hua Wang
Domestic Violence (DV) against women is now recognized to be a serious and widespread problem worldwide. There is a growing concern that violence against women has a global public health impact, as well as a violation of human rights. From the existing statistical surveys, it is revealed that there exists a strong relationship between DV and health issues of women like bruising, lacerations, depression, anxiety, flashbacks, sleep disturbances, hyper-arousal, emotional distress, sexually transmitted diseases and so on. This social problem is still considered as behind the closed doors issue and stigmatized topic. Women conceal their sufferings from family and friends, as they experience a lack of trust in others, feelings of shame and embarrassment among the society. Hence, women survivors of DV experience some barriers in seeking the support of specialized services such as health care access, crisis support, and legal guidance. Fortunately, with the popularity of social media like Facebook and Twitter, people share their opinions and emotional feelings to seek the social and emotional support, for sympathetic encouragement, to show compassion and empathy among the public. Considering the DV, social media plays a predominant role in creating the awareness and promoting the support services to the public, as we live in the golden era of social media. The various professional people like the public health researchers, clinicians, psychologists, social workers, national family health organizations, lawyers, and victims or their family and friends share the unprecedentedly valuable information (personal opinions and experiences) in a single platform to improve the social welfare of the community. Though each tweet or post contains a less informational value, the consolidation of millions of messages can generate actionable knowledge and provide valuable insights about the public opinion in general. Hence, this paper reports on an exploratory analysis of the effectiveness of social media for unobtrusive assessment of attitudes and awareness towards DV. In this paper, mixed methods such as qualitative analysis and text mining approaches are used to understand the social media disclosures of DV through the lenses of opinion sharing, anonymity, and support seeking. The results of this study could be helpful to avoid the cost of wide scale surveys, while still maintaining appropriate research conditions is to leverage the abundance of data publicly available on the web. Also, this analysis with data enrichment and consolidation would be useful in assisting advocacy and national family health organizations to provide information about resources and support, raise awareness and counter common stigmatizing attitudes about DV.Keywords: domestic violence, social media, social stigma and support, women health
Procedia PDF Downloads 2916437 Saudi and U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Saudi Vision 2030 Concerning Women in Online Newspapers
Authors: Ziyad Alghamdi
This research investigates how issues concerning Saudi women have been represented in selected U.S. and Saudi publications. Saudi Vision 2030 is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's development strategy, which was revealed on April 25, 2016. This study used 115 news items across selected newspapers as its sampling. The New York Times and the Washington Post were chosen to represent U.S. newspapers and picked two Saudi newspapers, Al Jazirah, and Al Watan. This research examines how these issues were covered before and during the implementation of Saudi Vision 2030. The news pieces were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The qualitative study employed an inductive technique to uncover frames. Furthermore, this work looked at how American and Saudi publications had framed Saudi women depicted in images by reviewing the photographs used in news reports about Saudi women's issues. The primary conclusion implies that the human-interest frame was more prevalent in American media, whereas the economic frame was more prevalent in Saudi publications. A variety of diverse topics were considered.Keywords: Saudi newspapers, Saudi Vision 2030, framing theory, Saudi women
Procedia PDF Downloads 896436 Strategies of Spatial Optimization for Open Space in the Old-Age Friendly City: An Investigation of the Behavior of the Elderly in Xicheng Square in Hangzhou
Authors: Yunxiang Fang
With the aging trend continuing to accelerate, open space is important for the daily life of the elderly, and its old-age friendliness is worthy of attention. Based on behavioral observation and literature research, this paper studies the behavior of the elderly in urban open space. Through the investigation, classification and quantitative analysis of the activity types, time characteristics and spatial behavior order of the elderly in Xicheng Square in Hangzhou, it summarizes the square space suitable for the psychological needs, physiology and activity needs of the elderly, combined with the basis of literature research. Finally, the suggestions for the improvement of the old-age friendship of Xicheng Square are put forward, from the aspects of microclimate, safety and accessibility, space richness and service facility quality.Keywords: behavior characteristics, old-age friendliness, open space, square
Procedia PDF Downloads 1696435 Adsorptive Media Selection for Bilirubin Removal: An Adsorption Equilibrium Study
Authors: Vincenzo Piemonte
The liver is a complex, large-scale biochemical reactor which plays a unique role in the human physiology. When liver ceases to perform its physiological activity, a functional replacement is required. Actually, liver transplantation is the only clinically effective method of treating severe liver disease. Anyway, the aforementioned therapeutic approach is hampered by the disparity between organ availability and the number of patients on the waiting list. In order to overcome this critical issue, research activities focused on liver support device systems (LSDs) designed to bridging patients to transplantation or to keep them alive until the recovery of native liver function. In recirculating albumin dialysis devices, such as MARS (Molecular Adsorbed Recirculating System), adsorption is one of the fundamental steps in albumin-dialysate regeneration. Among the albumin-bound toxins that must be removed from blood during liver-failure therapy, bilirubin and tryptophan can be considered as representative of two different toxin classes. The first one, not water soluble at physiological blood pH and strongly bounded to albumin, the second one, loosely albumin bound and partially water soluble at pH 7.4. Fixed bed units are normally used for this task, and the design of such units requires information both on toxin adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. The most common adsorptive media used in LSDs are activated carbon, non-ionic polymeric resins and anionic resins. In this paper, bilirubin adsorption isotherms on different adsorptive media, such as polymeric resin, albumin-coated resin, anionic resin, activated carbon and alginate beads with entrapped albumin are presented. By comparing all the results, it can be stated that the adsorption capacity for bilirubin of the five different media increases in the following order: Alginate beads < Polymeric resin < Albumin-coated resin < Activated carbon < Anionic resin. The main focus of this paper is to provide useful guidelines for the optimization of liver support devices which implement adsorption columns to remove albumin-bound toxins from albumin dialysate solutions.Keywords: adsorptive media, adsorption equilibrium, artificial liver devices, bilirubin, mathematical modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2566434 Rethinking Peace Journalism in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of News Discourse on the Afghan Refugee Repatriation Conflict
Authors: Ayesha Hasan
This study offers unique perspectives and analyses of peace and conflict journalism through interpretative repertoire, media frames, and critical discourse analyses. Two major English publications in Pakistan, representing both long and short-form journalism, are investigated to uncover how the Afghan refugee repatriation from Pakistan in 2016-17 has been framed in Pakistani English media. Peace journalism focuses on concepts such as peace initiatives and peace building, finding common ground, and preventing further conflict. This study applies Jake Lynch’s Coding Criteria to guide the critical discourse analysis and Lee and Maslog’s Peace Journalism Quotient to examine the extent of peace journalism in each text. This study finds that peace journalism is missing in Pakistani English press, but represented, to an extent, in long-form print and online coverage. Two new alternative frames are also proposed. This study gives an in-depth understanding of if and how journalists in Pakistan are covering conflicts and framing stories that can be identified as peace journalism. This study represents significant contributions to the remarkably limited scholarship on peace and conflict journalism in Pakistan and extends Shabbir Hussain’s work on critical pragmatic perspectives on peace journalism in Pakistan.Keywords: Afghan refugee repatriation, Critical discourse analysis, Media framing , Peace and conflict journalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2016433 An Application of Extreme Value Theory as a Risk Measurement Approach in Frontier Markets
Authors: Dany Ng Cheong Vee, Preethee Nunkoo Gonpot, Noor Sookia
In this paper, we consider the application of Extreme Value Theory as a risk measurement tool. The Value at Risk, for a set of indices, from six Stock Exchanges of Frontier markets is calculated using the Peaks over Threshold method and the performance of the model index-wise is evaluated using coverage tests and loss functions. Our results show that 'fat-tailedness' alone of the data is not enough to justify the use of EVT as a VaR approach. The structure of the returns dynamics is also a determining factor. This approach works fine in markets which have had extremes occurring in the past thus making the model capable of coping with extremes coming up (Colombo, Tunisia and Zagreb Stock Exchanges). On the other hand, we find that indices with lower past than present volatility fail to adequately deal with future extremes (Mauritius and Kazakhstan). We also conclude that using EVT alone produces quite static VaR figures not reflecting the actual dynamics of the data.Keywords: extreme value theory, financial crisis 2008, value at risk, frontier markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 2766432 High-Pressure Calculations of the Elastic Properties of ZnSx Se 1−x Alloy in the Virtual-Crystal Approximation
Authors: N. Lebga, Kh. Bouamama, K. Kassali
We report first-principles calculation results on the structural and elastic properties of ZnS x Se1−x alloy for which we employed the virtual crystal approximation provided with the ABINIT program. The calculations done using density functional theory within the local density approximation and employing the virtual-crystal approximation, we made a comparative study between the numerical results obtained from ab-initio calculation using ABINIT or Wien2k within the Density Functional Theory framework with either Local Density Approximation or Generalized Gradient approximation and the pseudo-potential plane-wave method with the Hartwigzen Goedecker Hutter scheme potentials. It is found that the lattice parameter, the phase transition pressure, and the elastic constants (and their derivative with respect to the pressure) follow a quadratic law in x. The variation of the elastic constants is also numerically studied and the phase transformations are discussed in relation to the mechanical stability criteria.Keywords: density functional theory, elastic properties, ZnS, ZnSe,
Procedia PDF Downloads 5746431 The Impact of an Interactive E-Book on Mathematics Reading and Spatial Ability in Middle School Students
Authors: Abebayehu Yohannes, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Chiu-Chen Chang
Mathematics reading and spatial ability are important learning components in mathematics education. However, many students struggle to understand real-world problems and lack the spatial ability to form internal imagery. To cope with this problem, in this study, an interactive e-book was developed. The result indicated that both groups had a significant increase in the mathematics reading ability test, and a significant difference was observed in the overall mathematics reading score in favor of the experimental group. In addition, the interactive e-book learning mode had significant impacts on students’ spatial ability. It was also found that the richness of content with visual and interactive elements provided in the interactive e-book enhanced students’ satisfaction with the teaching material.Keywords: interactive e-books, spatial ability, mathematics reading, satisfaction, three view
Procedia PDF Downloads 1936430 Pedagogy of Possibility: Exploring the TVET of Southern African Workers on Foreign Vessels Mediated by Ubiquitous Google and Microsoft apps
Authors: Robin Ferguson
The context which this paper explores is the provision of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) of southern African workers at sea on local and foreign vessels using a blended learning approach. The pedagogical challenge of providing quality education in this context is that multiple African and foreign languages and cultural norms are found amongst the all-male crew; and there are widely differing levels of education, low levels of digital literacy and limited connectivity. The methodology used is a nested case study. The study describes the mechanisms used to provide ongoing, real-time workplace TVET on two foreign vessels. Some training was done in person when the vessels came into port, however, the majority of the TVET was achieved from shore to ship using a combination of commonly available Google and Microsoft Apps and WhatsApp. Voice, video and text in multiple languages were used to accommodate different learning styles. The learning was supported by the development of learning networks using social media. This paper also reflects on the shore-based organisational change processes required to support sea learning. The conceptual framework used is the Theory of Practice Architectures (TPA) as is provides a site-ontological perspective of the sayings/thinkings, doings and relatings of this workplace training which is multiplanar as it plays out at sea and ashore, in-person and on-line. Using TPA, the overarching practice architectures and supporting structures which confound or enable these learning practices are revealed. The contribution which this paper makes is an insight into an innovative vocational pedagogy which promotes ICT-mediated learning amongst workers who suffer from low levels of literacies and limited ICT-access and who work and live in remote places. It is a pedagogy of possibility which crosses the digital divide.Keywords: theory of practice architecture, microsoft, google, whatsapp, vocational pedagogy, mariners, distributed workplaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 826429 Examining Motivational Strategies of Foreign Manufacturing Firms in Ghana
Authors: Samuel Ato Dadzie
The objective of this study is to examine the influence of eclectic paradigm on motivational strategy of foreign subsidiaries in Ghana. This study uses binary regression model, and the analysis was based on 75 manufacturing investments made by MNEs from different countries in 1994–2008. The results indicated that perceived market size increases the probability of foreign firms undertaking a market seeking (MS) in Ghana, while perceived cultural distance between Ghana and foreign firm’s home countries decreased the probability of foreign firms undertaking an market seeking (MS) foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ghana. Furthermore, extensive international experience decreases the probability of foreign firms undertaking a market seeking (MS) foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ghana. Most of the studies done by earlier researchers were based on the advanced and emerging countries and offered support for the theory, which was used in generalizing the result that multinational corporations (MNCs) normally used the theory regarding investment strategy outside their home country. In using the same theory in the context of Ghana, the result does not offer strong support for the theory. This means that MNCs that come to Sub-Sahara Africa cannot rely much on eclectic paradigm for their motivational strategies because prevailing economic conditions in Ghana are different from that of the advanced and emerging economies where the institutional structures work.Keywords: foreign subsidiary, motives, Ghana, foreign direct investment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4336428 Artificial Intelligence Based Meme Generation Technology for Engaging Audience in Social Media
Authors: Andrew Kurochkin, Kostiantyn Bokhan
In this study, a new meme dataset of ~650K meme instances was created, a technology of meme generation based on the state of the art deep learning technique - GPT-2 model was researched, a comparative analysis of machine-generated memes and human-created was conducted. We justified that Amazon Mechanical Turk workers can be used for the approximate estimating of users' behavior in a social network, more precisely to measure engagement. It was shown that generated memes cause the same engagement as human memes that produced low engagement in the social network (historically). Thus, generated memes are less engaging than random memes created by humans.Keywords: content generation, computational social science, memes generation, Reddit, social networks, social media interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1416427 Developments in corporate governance and economic growth in Sub Saharan Africa
Authors: Martha Matashu
This study examined corporate governance and economic growth trends in Sub Saharan African (SSA) countries. The need for corporate governance arise from the fact that the day to day running of the business is done by management who in accordance with the neoclassical theory and agency theory have inborn tendencies to use the resources of the company to their advantage. This prevails against a background where the endogenous economic growth theory hold the assumption that economic growth is an outcome of the overall performance of all companies within an economy. This suggest that corporate governance at firm level determine economic growth through its impact on the overall performance. Nevertheless, insight into literature suggest that efforts to promote corporate governance in countries across SSA since the 1980s to date have not yet yielded desired outcomes. The board responsibilities, shareholder rights, disclosure and transparency, protection of minority shareholder, and liability of directors were thus used as proxies of corporate governance because these are believed to be mechanisms that are believed to enhance company performance their effect on enhancing accountability and transparency. Using panel data techniques, corporate governance and economic growth data for 29 SSA countries from the period of 2008 to 2019 was analysed. The findings revealed declining economic growth trend despite an increase in corporate governance aspects such as director liability, shareholders’ rights, and protection of minority shareholder in SSA countries. These findings are in contradiction to the popularly held theoretical principles of economic growth and corporate governance. The study reached the conclusion thata nonlinearrelationship exists between corporate governance and economic growth within the selectedSSA countries during the period under investigation. This study thus recommends that measures should be taken to create conditions for corporate governance that would bolster significant positive contributions to economic growth in the region.Keywords: corporate governance, economic growth, sub saharan Africa, agency theory, endogenous theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1496426 Towards an Analysis of Rhetoric of Digital Arabic Discourse
Authors: Gameel Abdelmageed
Arabs have a rhetorical heritage which has greatly contributed to the monitoring and analyzing of the rhetoric of the Holy Quran, Hadith, and Arabic texts on poetry and oratory. But Arab scholars - as far as the researcher knows – have not contributed to monitoring and analyzing the rhetoric of digital Arabic discourse although it has prominence, particularly in social media and has strong effectiveness in the political and social life of Arab society. This discourse has made its impact by using very new rhetorical techniques in language, voice, image, painting and video clips which are known as “Multimedia” and belong to “Digital Rhetoric”. This study suggests that it is time to draw the attention of Arab scholars and invite them to monitor and analyze the rhetoric of digital Arabic discourse.Keywords: digital discourse, digital rhetoric, Facebook, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 3736425 Butterfly Diversity along Urban-Rural Gradient in Kolkata, India
Authors: Sushmita Chaudhuri, Parthiba Basu
Urbanization leads to habitat degradation and is responsible for the fast disappearance of native butterfly species. Random sampling of rural, suburban and urban sites in an around Kolkata metropolis revealed the presence of 28 species of butterfly belonging to 5 different families in winter (February-March). Butterfly diversity, species richness and abundance decreased with increase in urbanization. Psyche (Leptosia nina of family Pieridae) was the most predominant butterfly species found everywhere in Kolkata during the winter period. The most dominant family was Nymphalidae (11species), followed by Pieridae (6 species), Lycaenidae (5 species), Papilionidae (4 species) and Hesperiidae (2 species). The rural and suburban sites had butterfly species that were unique to those sites. Vegetation cover and flowering shrub density were significantly related to butterfly diversity.Keywords: butterfly, Kolkata metropolis, Shannon-Weiner diversity index, species diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2906424 Causes for the Precession of the Perihelion in the Planetary Orbits
Authors: Kwan U. Kim, Jin Sim, Ryong Jin Jang, Sung Duk Kim
It is Leverrier that discovered the precession of the perihelion in the planetary orbits for the first time in the world, while it is Einstein that explained the astronomical phenomenom for the first time in the world. The amount of the precession of the perihelion for Einstein’s theory of gravitation has been explained by means of the inverse fourth power force(inverse third power potential) introduced totheory of gravitation through Schwarzschild metric However, the methodology has a serious shortcoming that it is impossible to explain the cause for the precession of the perihelion in the planetary orbits. According to our study, without taking the cause for the precession of the perihelion, 6 methods can explain the amount of the precession of the perihelion discovered by Leverrier. Therefore, the problem of what caused the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits must be solved for physics because it is a profound scientific and technological problem for a basic experiment in construction of relativistic theory of gravitation. The scientific solution to the problem proved that Einstein’s explanation for the planetary orbits is a magic made by the numerical expressions obtained from fictitious gravitation introduced to theory of gravitation and wrong definition of proper time The problem of the precession of the perihelion seems solved already by means of general theory of relativity, but, in essence, the cause for the astronomical phenomenon has not been successfully explained for astronomy yet. The right solution to the problem comes from generalized theory of gravitation. Therefore, in this paper, it has been shown that by means of Schwarzschild field and the physical quantities of relativistic Lagrangian redflected in it, fictitious gravitation is not the main factor which can cause the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits. In addition to it, it has been shown that the main factor which can cause the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits is the inverse third power force existing really in the relativistic region in the Solar system.Keywords: inverse third power force, precession of the perihelion, fictitious gravitation, planetary orbits
Procedia PDF Downloads 156423 Identification and Origins of Multiple Personality: A Criterion from Wiggins
Authors: Brittany L. Kang
One familiar theory of the origin of multiple personalities focuses on how symptoms of trauma or abuse are central causes, as seen in paradigmatic examples of the condition. The theory states that multiple personalities constitute a congenital condition, as babies all exhibit multiplicity, and that generally alters only remain separated due to trauma. In more typical cases, the alters converge and become a single identity; only in cases of trauma, according to this account, do the alters remain separated. This theory is misleading in many aspects, the most prominent being that not all multiple personality patients are victims of child abuse or trauma, nor are all cases of multiple personality observed in early childhood. The use of this criterion also causes clinical problems, including an inability to identify multiple personalities through the variety of symptoms and traits seen across observed cases. These issues present a need for revision in the currently applied criterion in order to separate the notion of child abuse and to be able to better understand the origins of multiple personalities itself. Identifying multiplicity through the application of identity theories will improve the current criterion, offering a bridge between identifying existing cases and understanding their origins. We begin by applying arguments from Wiggins, who held that each personality within a multiple was not a whole individual, but rather characters who switch off. Wiggins’ theory is supported by observational evidence of how such characters are differentiated. Alters of older ages are seen to require different prescription lens, in addition to having different handwriting. The alters may also display drastically varying styles of clothing, preferences in food, their gender, sexuality, religious beliefs and more. The definitions of terms such as 'personality' or 'persons' also become more distinguished, leading to greater understanding of who is exactly able to be classified as a patient of multiple personalities. While a more common meaning of personality is a designation of specific characteristics which account for the entirety of a person, this paper argues from Wiggins’ theory that each 'personality' is in fact only partial. Clarification of the concept in question will allow for more successful future clinical applications.Keywords: identification, multiple personalities, origin, Wiggins' theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2426422 Information Literacy: Concept and Importance
Authors: Gaurav Kumar
An information literate person is one who uses information effectively in all its forms. When presented with questions or problems, an information literate person would know what information to look for, how to search efficiently and be able to access relevant sources. In addition, an information literate person would have the ability to evaluate and select appropriate information sources and to use the information effectively and ethically to answer questions or solve problems. Information literacy has become an important element in higher education. The information literacy movement has internationally recognized standards and learning outcomes. The step-by-step process of achieving information literacy is particularly crucial in an era where knowledge could be disseminated through a variety of media. What is the relationship between information literacy as we define it in higher education and information literacy among non-academic populations? What forces will change how we think about the definition of information literacy in the future and how we will apply the definition in all environments?Keywords: information literacy, human beings, visual media and computer network etc, information literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3406421 Social Media Retailing in the Creator Economy
Authors: Julianne Cai, Weili Xue, Yibin Wu
Social media retailing (SMR) platforms have become popular nowadays. It is characterized by a creative combination of content creation and product selling, which differs from traditional e-tailing (TE) with product selling alone. Motivated by real-world practices like social media platforms “TikTok” and, we endeavor to study if the SMR model performs better than the TE model in a monopoly setting. By building a stylized economic model, we find that the SMR model does not always outperform the TE model. Specifically, when the SMR platform collects less commission from the seller than the TE platform, the seller, consumers, and social welfare all benefit more from the SMR model. In contrast, the platform benefits more from the SMR model if and only if the creator’s social influence is high enough or the cost of content creation is small enough. For the incentive structure of the content rewards in the SMR model, we found that a strong incentive mechanism (e.g., the quadratic form) is more powerful than a weak one (e.g., the linear form). The previous one will encourage the creator to choose a much higher quality level of content creation and meanwhile allowing the platform, consumers, and social welfare to become better off. Counterintuitively, providing more generous content rewards is not always helpful for the creator (seller), and it may reduce her profit. Our findings will guide the platform to effectively design incentive mechanisms to boost the content creation and retailing in the SMR model and help the influencers efficiently create content, engage their followers (fans), and price their products sold on the SMR platform.Keywords: content creation, creator economy, incentive strategy, platform retailing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1176420 Changes of pH and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Growth in Liquid Media
Authors: Sayaka Ono, Ryutaro Imai, Tomoko Ehara, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Hajime Matsumura
Background: Wound pH affects a number of important factors in wound healing. We previously measured the pH value of the exudates collected from second-degree burns and found that the increase in pH was observed in the burn wounds in which colonized by Staphylococcus spp., and the increase in pH was evident prior to the clinical findings of local infection. To investigate the relationship between the changes of pH value and bacterial growth, we performed in vitro study using Pseudomonas aeruginosa and liquid medium as a locally infected wound equivalent model. Methods: Pseudomonas aeruginosa standard strain (ATCCR 10145TM) was cultured at 37 °C environment in Luria Broth Miller medium. The absorbance rate which means the amount of bacteria was measured by a microplate reader 2300EnSpireTM). The pH was measured using pH-indicator strips (MColorpHastTM). The statistical analysis was performed using the product-moment correlation coefficient of Pearson's. Results: The absorbance rate and pH value were increased along with culture period. There was a positive correlation between pH value and absorbance rate (n = 27, Pearson's r = 0.985). Moreover, there was a positive correlation between pH value and the culture period (n = 18, Pearson's r = 0.901). The bacteria was well growth in the media from pH 6.6 to pH 8.0 and the pH of culture media converged at 8 -9 along with the bacterial growth. Conclusion: From these results, we conclude that pH value of the wound is correlated with the number of viable bacteria and bacterial growth periods.Keywords: colonization, potential of hydrogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, wound
Procedia PDF Downloads 2816419 How Accountants Can Save the World
Authors: Todd Sayre
The proprietary balance sheet represents equity as the shareholders’ net worth. FASB (1985) codified the proprietary format with the justification that shareholders, like partners and proprietors, owned and had “ownership interests” in the net assets. The results of the hypotheses tests imply that shareholders do not resemble owners nor do they have ownership interests in the net assets. Accordingly, the paper argues that replacing the proprietary format with an entity format in corporate reporting would not only help corporate reports to be more representationally faithful, but would also help people to recognize that are entities onto themselves.Keywords: proprietary theory, entity theory, earned capital approach, corporate governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 256418 Competencies of a Commercial Grain Farmer: A Classic Grounded Theory Approach
Authors: Thapelo Jacob Moloi
This paper purports to present the findings in relation to the competencies of commercial grain farmers using a classic grounded theory method. A total of about eighteen semi-structured interviews with farmers, former farmers, farm workers, and agriculture experts were conducted. Findings explored competencies in the form of skills, knowledge and personal attributes that commercial grain farmers possess. Skills range from production skills, financial management skill, time management skill, human resource management skill, planning skill to mechanical skill. Knowledge ranges from soil preparation, locality, and technology to weather knowledge. The personal attributes that contribute to shaping a commercial grain farmer are so many, but for this study, seven stood out as a passion, work dedication, self-efficacy, humbleness, intelligence, emotional stability, and patience.Keywords: grain farming, farming competencies, classic grounded theory, competency model
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