Search results for: mechanical and electronic engineering
6764 Effect of Temperature Condition in Extracting Carbon Fibers on Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Polypropylene Reinforced by Recycled Carbon Fibers
Authors: Shota Nagata, Kazuya Okubo, Toru Fujii
The purpose of this study is to investigate the proper condition in extracting carbon fibers as the reinforcement of composite molded by injection method. Recycled carbon fibers were extracted from wasted CFRP by pyrolyzing epoxy matrix of CFRP under air atmosphere at different temperature conditions 400, 600 and 800°C in this study. Recycled carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene (RCF/PP) pellets were prepared using twin screw extruder. The RCF/PP specimens were molded into dumbbell shaped specimens using injection molding machine. The tensile strength of recycled carbon fiber was decreased with rising pyrolysis temperature from 400 to 800°C. However, superior mechanical properties of tensile strength, tensile modulus and fracture strain of RCF/PP specimen were obtained when the extracting temperature was 600°C. Almost fibers in RCF/PP specimens were aligned in the mold filling direction in this study when the extracting temperature was 600°C. To discuss the results, the failure mechanisms of RCF/PP specimens was shown schematically. Finally, it was concluded that the temperature condition at 600°C should be selected in extracting carbon fibers as the reinforcement of RCF/PP composite molded by injection method.Keywords: CFRP, recycled carbon fiber, injection molding, mechanical properties, fiber orientation, failure mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 4466763 Synthesis of Highly Stable Pseudocapacitors From Secondary Resources
Authors: Samane Maroufi, Rasoul Khayyam Nekouei, Sajjad Mofarah
Fabrication of the state-of-the-art portable pseudocapacitors with the desired transparency, mechanical flexibility, capacitance, and durability is challenging. In most cases, the fabrication of such devices requires critical elements which are either under the crisis of depletion or their extraction from virgin mineral ores have sever environmental impacts. This urges the use of secondary resources instead of virgin resources in fabrication of advanced devices. In this research, ultrathin films of defect-rich Mn1−x−y(CexLay)O2−δ with controllable thicknesses in the range between 5 nm to 627 nm and transmittance (≈29–100%) have been fabricated via an electrochemical chronoamperometric deposition technique using an aqueous precursor derived during the selective purification of rare earth oxide (REOs) isolated from end-of-life nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries. Intercalation/de-intercalation of anionic O2− through the atomic tunnels of the stratified Mn1−x−y(CexLay)O2−δ crystallites was found to be responsible for outstanding areal capacitance of 3.4 mF cm−2 of films with 86% transmittance. The intervalence charge transfer among interstitial Ce/La cations and Mn oxidation states within the Mn1−x−y(CexLay)O2−δ structure resulted in excellent capacitance retention of ≈90% after 16 000 cycles. The synthesised transparent flexible Mn1−x−y(CexLay)O2−δ full-cell pseudocapacitor device possessed the energy and power densities of 0.088 μWh cm⁻² and 843 µW cm⁻², respectively. These values show insignificant changes under vigorous twisting and bending to 45–180° confirming these value-added materials are intriguing alternatives for size-sensitive energy storage devices. This research confirms the feasibility of utilisation of secondary waste resources for the fabrication of high-quality pseudocapacitors with engineered defects with the desired flexibility, transparency, and cycling stability suitable for size-sensitive portable electronic devices.Keywords: pseudocapacitors, energy storage devices, flexible and transparent, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 886762 A Study on the Korean Connected Industrial Parks Smart Logistics It Financial Enterprise Architecture
Authors: Ilgoun Kim, Jongpil Jeong
Recently, a connected industrial parks (CIPs) architecture using new technologies such as RFID, cloud computing, CPS, Big Data, 5G 5G, IIOT, VR-AR, and ventral AI algorithms based on IoT has been proposed. This researcher noted the vehicle junction problem (VJP) as a more specific detail of the CIPs architectural models. The VJP noted by this researcher includes 'efficient AI physical connection challenges for vehicles' through ventilation, 'financial and financial issues with complex vehicle physical connections,' and 'welfare and working conditions of the performing personnel involved in complex vehicle physical connections.' In this paper, we propose a public solution architecture for the 'electronic financial problem of complex vehicle physical connections' as a detailed task during the vehicle junction problem (VJP). The researcher sought solutions to businesses, consumers, and Korean social problems through technological advancement. We studied how the beneficiaries of technological development can benefit from technological development with many consumers in Korean society and many small and small Korean company managers, not some specific companies. In order to more specifically implement the connected industrial parks (CIPs) architecture using the new technology, we noted the vehicle junction problem (VJP) within the smart factory industrial complex and noted the process of achieving the vehicle junction problem performance among several electronic processes. This researcher proposes a more detailed, integrated public finance enterprise architecture among the overall CIPs architectures. The main details of the public integrated financial enterprise architecture were largely organized into four main categories: 'business', 'data', 'technique', and 'finance'.Keywords: enterprise architecture, IT Finance, smart logistics, CIPs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1686761 Tensile Properties of 3D Printed PLA under Unidirectional and Bidirectional Raster Angle: A Comparative Study
Authors: Shilpesh R. Rajpurohit, Harshit K. Dave
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) gains popularity in recent times, due to its capability to create prototype as well as functional end use product directly from CAD file. Parts fabricated using FDM process have mechanical properties comparable with those of injection-molded parts. However, performance of the FDM part is severally affected by the poor mechanical properties of the part due to nature of layered structure of printed part. Mechanical properties of the part can be improved by proper selection of process variables. In the present study, a comparative study between unidirectional and bidirectional raster angle has been carried out at a combination of different layer height and raster width. Unidirectional raster angle varied at five different levels, and bidirectional raster angle has been varied at three different levels. Fabrication of tensile specimen and tensile testing of specimen has been conducted according to ASTM D638 standard. From the results, it can be observed that higher tensile strength has been obtained at 0° raster angle followed by 45°/45° raster angle, while lower tensile strength has been obtained at 90° raster angle. Analysis of fractured surface revealed that failure takes place along with raster deposition direction for unidirectional and zigzag failure can be observed for bidirectional raster angle.Keywords: additive manufacturing, fused deposition modeling, unidirectional, bidirectional, raster angle, tensile strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 1856760 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concretes Manufactured Using Pre-Coated Recycled Fine Aggregate
Authors: An Cheng, Hui-Mi Hsu, Sao-Jeng Chao, Wei-Ting Lin
This study investigated the mechanical properties and durability of concrete produced using recycled fine aggregate (RFA) pre-coated with fly ash, slag, and a polymer solution (PVA). We investigated the physical and microscopic properties of fresh concrete while adjusting several of the fabrication parameters, such as the constituent makeup and thickness of RFA pre-coatings. The study is divided into two parts. The first part involves mortar testing in which the RFA used for coating had a water/cement ratio of 0.5 and fly ash, slag, and PVA viscosity of 5~6cps, 21~26cps, 25~30cps, or 44~50cps. In these tests, 100% of the natural fine aggregate was replaced by RCA. The second part of the study involved the mixing of concrete with 25% FRA, which was respectively coated with fly ash, slag, or PVA at a viscosity of 44~50cps. In these tests, the water/cement ratio was either .4 or 0.6. The major findings in this study are summarized as follows: Coating RFA coated with fly ash and PVA was shown to increase flow in the fresh concrete; however, the coating of FRA with slag resulted in a slight decrease in flow. Coating FRA with slag was shown to improve the compressive and splitting strength to a greater degree than that achieved by coating FRA with fly ash and PVA. The mechanical properties of concrete mixed with slag were shown to increase with the thickness of the coating. Coating FRA with slag was also shown to enhance the durability of the concrete, regardless of the water/cement ratio.Keywords: recycled fine aggregates, pre-coated, fly ash, slag, pre-coated thickness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3246759 Influence of Processing Regime and Contaminants on the Properties of Postconsumer Thermoplastics
Authors: Fares Alsewailem
Material recycling of thermoplastic waste offers practical solution for municipal solid waste reduction. Post-consumer plastics such as polyethylene (PE), polyethyleneterephtalate (PET), and polystyrene (PS) may be separated from each other by physical methods such as density difference and hence processed as single plastic, however one should be cautious about the contaminants presence in the waste stream inform of paper, glue, etc. since these articles even in trace amount may deteriorate properties of the recycled plastics especially the mechanical properties. furthermore, melt processing methods used to recycle thermoplastics such as extrusion and compression molding may induce degradation of some of the recycled plastics such as PET and PS. In this research, it is shown that care should be taken when processing recycled plastics by melt processing means in two directions, first contaminants should be extremely minimized, and secondly melt processing steps should also be minimum.Keywords: Recycling, PET, PS, HDPE, mechanical
Procedia PDF Downloads 2846758 The Effect of Hybrid SPD Process on Mechanical Properties, Drawability, and Plastic Anisotropy of DC03 Steel
Authors: Karolina Kowalczyk-Skoczylas
The hybrid SPD process called DRECE (Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion) combines the concepts of ECAP method and CONFORM extrusion, and is intended for processing sheet-metal workpieces. The material in the fоrm оf a metal strip is subjected tо plastic defоrmation by passing thrоugh the shaping tоol at a given angle α. Importantly, in this process the dimensions of the metal strip dо nоt change after the pass is cоmpleted. Subsequent DRECE passes allоw fоr increasing the effective strain in the tested material. The methоd has a significant effect оn the micrоstructure and mechanical prоperties оf the strip. The experimental tests have been conducted on the unconventional DRECE device in VŠB Ostrava, the Czech Republic. The DC03 steel strips have been processed in several passes - up to six. Then, both Erichsen cupping tests as well as static tensile tests have been performed to evaluate the effect of DRECE process on drawability, plastic anisotropy and mechanical properties of the investigated steel. Both yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increase significantly after consecutive passes. Drawability decreases slightly after the first and second pass. Then it stabilizes on a reasonably high level, which means that the steel is characterized by useful drawability for technological processes. It was investigated in the material is characterized by a normal anisotropy. In the microstructure, an intensification of the development of microshear bands and their mutual intersection is observed, which leads to the fragmentation of the grain into smaller volumes and, consequently, to the formation of an ultrafine grained structure. "The project was co-financed by the European Union within the programme "The European Funds for Śląsk (Silesia) 2021-2027".Keywords: SPD process, low carbon steel, mechanical properties, plastic deformation, microstructure evolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 206757 Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Welds Fabricated at a Close Proximity on Offshore Structures
Authors: T. Nakkeran, C. Dhamodharan, Win Myint Soe , Ramasamy Deverajan, M. Ganesh Babu
This manuscript presents the results of an experimental investigation performed to study the material and mechanical properties of two weld joints fabricated within close proximity. The experiment was designed using welded S355 D Z35 with distances between two parallel adjacent weld toes at 8 mm. These distances were less than the distance that has normally been recommended in standards, codes, and specifications. The main idea of the analysis is to determine any significant effects when welding the joints with the close proximity of 8mm using the SAW welding process of the one joint with high heat put and one joint welded with the FCAW welding process and evaluating the destructing and nondestructive testing between the welded joints. Further, we have evaluated the joints with Mechanical Testing for evaluating by performing Tensile test, bend testing, Macrostructure, Microstructure, Hardness test, and Impact testing. After evaluating the final outcome of the result, no significant changes were observed for welding the close proximity of weld of 8mm distance between the joints as compared to the specification minimum distance between the weldments of any design should be 50mm.Keywords: S355 carbon steel, weld proximity, SAW process, FCAW process, heat input, bend test, tensile test, hardness test, impact test, macro and microscopic examinations
Procedia PDF Downloads 996756 Improving Alginate Bioink by Recombinant Spider-Silk Biopolymer
Authors: Dean Robinson, Miriam Gublebank, Ella Sklan, Tali Tavor Re'em
Alginate, a natural linear polysaccharide polymer extracted from brown seaweed, is extensively applied due to its biocompatibility, all- aqueous ease of handling, and relatively low costs. Alginate easily forms a hydrogel when crosslinked with a divalent ion, such as calcium. However, Alginate hydrogel holds low mechanical properties and is cell-inert. To overcome these drawbacks and to improve alginate as a bio-ink for bioprinting, we produced a new alginate matrix combined with spider silk, one of the most resilient, elastic, strong materials known to men. Recombinant spider silk biopolymer has a sponge-like structure and is known to be biocompatible and non-immunogenic. Our results indicated that combining synthetic spider-silk into bio-printed cell-seeded alginate hydrogels resulted in improved properties compared to alginate: improved mechanical properties of the matrix, achieving a tunable gel viscosity and high printability, alongside prolonged and higher cell viability in culture, probably due to the improved cell-matrix interactions. The new bio-ink was then used for bilayer bioprinting of epithelial and stromal endometrial cells. Such a co-culture model will be used for the formation of the complex endometrial tissue for studying the embryo implantation process.Keywords: cell culture, tissue engineering, spider silk, alginate, bioprinting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1986755 Surface Morphology Refinement and Laves Phase Control of Inconel 718 during Plasma Arc Additive Manufacturing by Alternating Magnetic Field
Authors: Yi Zheng
Improving formability and mechanical properties have always been one of the challenges in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) of nickel-based superalloys. In this work, the effect of a coaxially coupled alternating magnetic field (AMF) on surface morphology and mechanical properties of plasma arc-based additive manufactured Inconel 718 deposit were investigated. Results show that the Lorentz force induced by AMF strongly alters the flow behavior of the plasma jet and the molten pool, suppressing the tendency of the liquid metal in the molten pool to flow down on the two sides face of the deposit, which in turn remarkably improved the surface accuracy of the thin-walled deposit. Furthermore, the electromagnetic stirring induced by AMF can effectively enhance the convection between the dendrites, which could not only contribute to the formation of finer dendrites but also alleviate the enrichment of the elements (i.e., Nb and Mo) at the solid-liquid interface and inhibits the precipitation of Laves phase. The smallest primary dendritic arm spacing (~13 μm) and lowest Laves phases area fraction (3.12%) were witnessed in the bottom region of the AMF-assisted deposit. The mechanical test confirmed that the deposit's micro-hardness and tensile properties were moderately improved compared with the counterpart without AMF.Keywords: additive manufacturing, inconel 718, alternating magnetic field, laves phase
Procedia PDF Downloads 796754 Comparative Analysis of Real and Virtual Garment Fit
Authors: Kristina Ancutiene
The goal of this research is to perform comparative analysis between the virtual fit of the woman's dress and the fit on a real person. The dress fitting was done using mechanical and structural parameters of the 100 % linen fabric and using Modaris_3D_Fit software (CAD Lectra). The dress was also sawn after which garment fit differences of real and virtual dress was researched. Four respondents whose figures were similar were used to evaluate the ease and strain deformations of the real and virtual dress. The scores that were given by the respondents wearing the real dress were compared to the ease and strain results that were given by the software. The main result was that respondents feel similar to the virtual stretch deformations but their ease feeling is not always matching the virtual ones. The results may be influenced by psychological factors and different understanding about purpose of garment.Keywords: virtual garment, 3D CAD, garment fit, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3466753 The Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of DC-Electrodeposited Ni-Mn Alloy Coating with Low Internal Stress
Authors: Chun-Ying Lee, Kuan-Hui Cheng, Mei-Wen Wu
The nickel-manganese (Ni-Mn) alloy coating prepared from DC electrodeposition process in sulphamate bath was studied. The effects of process parameters, such as current density and electrolyte composition, on the cathodic current efficiency, microstructure, internal stress and mechanical properties were investigated. Because of its crucial effect on the application to the electroforming of microelectronic components, the development of low internal stress coating with high leveling power was emphasized. It was found that both the coating’s manganese content and the cathodic current efficiency increased with the raise in current density. In addition, the internal stress of the deposited coating showed compressive nature at low current densities while changed to tensile one at higher current densities. Moreover, the metallographic observation, X-ray diffraction measurement, transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination, and polarization curve measurement were conducted. It was found that the Ni-Mn coating consisted of nano-sized columnar grains and the maximum hardness of the coating was associated with (111) preferred orientation in the microstructure. The grain size was refined along with the increase in the manganese content of the coating, which accordingly, raised its hardness and mechanical tensile strength. In summary, the Ni-Mn coating prepared at lower current density of 1-2 A/dm2 had low internal stress, high leveling power, and better corrosion resistance.Keywords: Ni-Mn coating, DC plating, internal stress, leveling power
Procedia PDF Downloads 3706752 Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Reinforced Composite with Different Fiber Orientation
Authors: Y. C. Ching, K. H. Chong
The increasing of environmental awareness has led to grow interest in the expansion of materials with eco-friendly attributes. In this study, a 3 ply sandwich layer of kenaf fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester with various fiber orientations was developed. The effect of the fiber orientation on mechanical and thermal stability properties of polyester was studied. Unsaturated polyester as a face sheets and kenaf fibers as a core was fabricated with combination of hand lay-up process and cold compression method. Tested result parameters like tensile, flexural, impact strength, melting point, and crystallization point were compared and recorded based on different fiber orientation. The failure mechanism and property changes associated with directional change of fiber to polyester composite were discussed.Keywords: kenaf fiber, polyester, tensile, thermal stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3606751 Testing of Complicated Bus Bar Protection Using Smart Testing Methodology
Authors: K. N. Dinesh Babu
In this paper, the protection of a complicated bus arrangement with a dual bus coupler and bus sectionalizer using low impedance differential protection applicable for very high voltages like 220kV and 400kV is discussed. In many power generation stations, several operational procedures are implemented to utilize the transfer bus as the main bus and to facilitate the maintenance of circuit breakers and current transformers (in each section) without shutting down the bay(s). Owing to this fact, the complications in operational philosophy have thrown challenges for the bus bar protection implementation. Many bus topologies allow any one of the main buses available in the station to be used as an auxiliary bus. In such a system, pre-defined precautions and procedures are made as guidelines, which are followed before assigning any bus as an auxiliary bus. The procedure involves shifting of links, changing rotary switches, insertion of test block, and so on, thereby causing unreliable operation. This kind of unreliable operation or inadvertent procedural lapse may result in the isolation of the bus bar from the grid due to the unpredictable operation of the bus bar protection relay, which is a commonly occurring phenomenon due to manual mistakes. With the sophisticated configuration and implementation of logic in modern intelligent electronic devices, the operator is free to select the transfer arrangement without sacrificing the protection required by a bus differential system for a reliable operation, and labor-intensive processes are completely eliminated. This paper deals with the procedure to test the security logic for such special scenarios using Megger make SMRT, bus bar protection relay to assure system stability and get rid of all the specific operational precautions/procedure.Keywords: bus bar protection, by-pass isolator, blind spot, breaker failure, intelligent electronic device, end fault, bus unification, directional principle, zones of protection, breaker re-trip, under voltage security, smart megger relay tester
Procedia PDF Downloads 696750 Information Literacy Skills of Legal Practitioners in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan: An Empirical Study
Authors: Saeed Ullah Jan, Shaukat Ullah
Purpose of the study: The main theme of this study is to explore the information literacy skills of the law practitioners in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan under the heading "Information Literacy Skills of Legal Practitioners in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan: An Empirical Study." Research Method and Procedure: To conduct this quantitative study, the simple random sample approach is used. An adapted questionnaire is distributed among 254 lawyers of Dera Ismail Khan through personal visits and electronic means. The data collected is analyzed through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software. Delimitations of the study: The study is delimited to the southern district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Dera Ismael Khan. Key Findings: Most of the lawyers of District Dera Ismail Khan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa can recognize and understand the needed information. A large number of lawyers are capable of presenting information in both written and electronic forms. They are not comfortable with different legal databases and using various searching and keyword techniques. They have less knowledge of Boolean operators for locating online information. Conclusion and Recommendations: Efforts should be made to arrange refresher courses and training workshops on the utilization of different legal databases and different search techniques for retrieval of information sources. This practice will enhance the information literacy skills of lawyers, which will ultimately result in a better legal system in Pakistan. Practical implication(s): The findings of the study will motivate the policymakers and authorities of legal forums to restructure the information literacy programs to fulfill the lawyers' information needs. Contribution to the knowledge: No significant work has been done on the lawyers' information literacy skills in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. It will bring a clear picture of the information literacy skills of law practitioners and address the problems faced by them during the seeking process.Keywords: information literacy-Pakistan, infromation literacy-lawyers, information literacy-lawyers-KP, law practitioners-Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1526749 Effect of Varying Scaffold Architecture and Porosity of Calcium Alkali Orthophosphate Based-Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Authors: D. Adel, F. Giacomini, R. Gildenhaar, G. Berger, C. Gomes, U. Linow, M. Hardt, B. Peleskae, J. Günster, A. Houshmand, M. Stiller, A. Rack, K. Ghaffar, A. Gamal, M. El Mofty, C. Knabe
The goal of this study was to develop 3D scaffolds from a silica containing calcium alkali orthophosphate utilizing two different fabrication processes, first a replica technique namely the Schwartzwalder Somers method (SSM), and second 3D printing, i.e. Rapid prototyping (RP). First, the mechanical and physical properties of the scaffolds (porosity, compressive strength, and solubility) was assessed and second their potential to facilitate homogenous colonization with osteogenic cells and extracellular bone matrix formation throughout the porous scaffold architecture. To this end murine and rat calavarie osteoblastic cells were dynamically seeded on both scaffold types under perfusion with concentrations of 3 million cells. The amount of cells and extracellular matrix as well as osteogenic marker expression was evaluated using hard tissue histology, immunohistochemistry, and histomorphometric analysis. Total porosities of both scaffolds were 86.9 % and 50% for SSM and RP respectively, Compressive strength values were 0.46 ± 0.2 MPa for SSM and 6.6± 0.8 MPa for RP. Regarding the cellular behavior, RP scaffolds displayed a higher cell and matrix percentage of 24.45%. Immunoscoring yielded strong osteocalcin expression of cells and matrix in RP scaffolds and a moderate expression in SSM scaffolds. 3D printed RP scaffolds displayed superior mechanical and biological properties compared to SSM. 3D printed scaffolds represent excellent candidates for bone tissue engineering.Keywords: calcium alkali orthophosphate, extracellular matrix mineralization, osteoblast differentiation, rapid prototyping, scaffold
Procedia PDF Downloads 3316748 Analysis of Compressive and Tensile Response of Pumpkin Flesh, Peel and Unpeeled Tissues Using Experimental and FEA
Authors: Maryam Shirmohammadi, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda, YuanTong Gu
The mechanical damage on the agricultural crop during and after harvesting can create high volume of damage on tissue. Uniaxial compression and tensile loading were performed on flesh and peel samples of pumpkin. To investigate the structural changes on the tissue, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to capture the cellular structure change before and after loading on tissue for tensile, compression and indentation tests. To obtain required mechanical properties of tissue for the finite element analysis (FEA) model, laser measurement sensors were used to record the lateral displacement of tissue under the compression loading. Uniaxial force versus deformation data were recorded using Universal Testing Machine for both tensile and compression tests. The experimental Results were employed to develop a material model with failure criteria. The results obtained by the simulation were compared with those obtained by experiments. Note that although modelling food materials’ behaviour is not a new concept however, majority of previous studies focused on elastic behaviour and damages under linear limit, this study, however, has developed FEA models for tensile and compressive loading of pumpkin flesh and peel samples using, as the first study, both elastic and elasto-plastic material types. In addition, pumpkin peel and flesh tissues were considered as two different materials with different properties under mechanical loadings. The tensile and compression loadings were used to develop the material model for a composite structure for FEA model of mechanical peeling of pumpkin as a tough skinned vegetable.Keywords: compressive and tensile response, finite element analysis, poisson’s ratio, elastic modulus, elastic and plastic response, rupture and bio-yielding
Procedia PDF Downloads 3316747 Virtual Schooling as a Collaboration between Public Schools and the Scientific Community
Authors: Thomas A. Fuller
Over the past fifteen years, virtual schooling has been introduced and implemented in varying degrees throughout the public education system in the United States. It is possible in some states for students to voluntarily take all of their course load online, without ever having to step in a classroom. Experts foresee a dramatic rise in the number of courses taken online by public school students in the United States, with some predicting that by 2019 as many as 50% of public high school courses will be delivered online. This electronic delivery of public education offers tremendous potential to the scientific community because it calls for innovation and is funded by public school revenue. Public accountability provides a ready supply of statistical data for measuring the progress of virtual schools as they are implemented into the public school arena. This allows for a survey of the current use of virtual schooling through examination of past statistical data, as well as forecasting forward for future years based upon this past data. Virtual schooling is on the rise in the United States, but its growth has been tempered by practical problems of implementation. The greatest and best use of virtual schooling thus far has been to supplement the courses offered by public schools (e.g., offering unique language courses, elective courses, and games-based math and science courses). The weaknesses of virtual schooling lay in the problematic accountability in allowing students to take courses online at home and the lack of supportive infrastructure in the public school arena. Virtual schooling holds great promise for the public school education system in the United States, as well as the scientific community. Online courses allow students access to a much greater catalog of courses than is offered through classroom instruction in their local public school. This promising sector needs assistance from the scientific community in implementing new pedagogical methodologies.Keywords: virtual schools, online classroom, electronic delivery, technological innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3846746 Preparation and Analysis of Enhanced Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics with Al Base Alloy
Authors: M. R. Ashok, S. Srivatsan, S. Vignesh
Common replacement for glass in composites is the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP). The GFRP has its own advantages for being a good alternative. The purpose of this research is to find a suitable enhancement for the commonly used composite Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP). The goal is to enhance the material properties of the composite by providing a suitable matrix with Al base. The various mechanical tests are performed to analyze and compare the improvement in the mechanical properties of the composite. As a result, this material can be used as an alternative for the commonly used GFRP in various fields with increased effectiveness in its functioning.Keywords: alloy based composites, composite materials, glass fiber reinforced plastics, sSuper composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 3346745 Assessment of E-Learning Facilities in Open and Distance Learning and Information Need by Students
Authors: Sabo Elizabeth
Electronic learning is increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to vast growth of internet technology. This approach is important in human capital development. An investigation of open distance and e-learning facilities and information need by open and distance learning students was carried out in Jalingo, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were administered to 70 registered ODL students of the NOUN. Information sourced from the respondents covered demographic, economic and institutional variables. Data collected for demographic variables were computed as frequency count and percentages. Assessment of the effectiveness of ODL facilities and information need among open and distance learning students was computed on a three or four point Likert Rating Scale. Findings indicated that there are more men compared to women. A large proportion of the respondents are married and there are more matured students in ODL compared to the youth. A high proportion of the ODL students obtained qualifications higher than the secondary school certificate. The proportion of computer literate ODL students was high, and large number of the students does not own a laptop computer. Inadequate e -books and reference materials, internet gadgets and inadequate books (hard copies) and reference material are factors that limit utilization of e-learning facilities in the study areas. Inadequate computer facilities and power back up caused inconveniences and delay in administering and use of e learning facilities. To a high extent, open and distance learning students needed information on university time table and schedule of activities, availability and access to books (hard and e-books) and reference materials. The respondents emphasized that contact with course coordinators via internet will provide a better learning and academic performance.Keywords: open and distance learning, information required, electronic books, internet gadgets, Likert scale test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3256744 Effect of Printing Process on Mechanical Properties and Porosity of 3D Printed Concrete Strips
Authors: Wei Chen
3D concrete printing technology is a novel and highly efficient construction method that holds significant promise for advancing low-carbon initiatives within the construction industry. In contrast to traditional construction practices, 3D printing offers a manual and formwork-free approach, resulting in a transformative shift in labor requirements and fabrication techniques. This transition yields substantial reductions in carbon emissions during the construction phase, as well as decreased on-site waste generation. Furthermore, when compared to conventionally printed concrete, 3D concrete exhibits mechanical anisotropy due to its layer-by-layer construction methodology. Therefore, it becomes imperative to investigate the influence of the printing process on the mechanical properties of 3D printed strips and to optimize the mechanical characteristics of these coagulated strips. In this study, we conducted three-dimensional reconstructions of printed blocks using both circular and directional print heads, incorporating various overlap distances between strips, and employed CT scanning for comprehensive analysis. Our research focused on assessing mechanical properties and micro-pore characteristics under different loading orientations.Our findings reveal that increasing the overlap degree between strips leads to enhanced mechanical properties of the strips. However, it's noteworthy that once full overlap is achieved, further increases in the degree of coincidence do not lead to a decrease in porosity between strips. Additionally, due to its superior printing cross-sectional area, the square printing head exhibited the most favorable impact on mechanical properties.This paper aims to improve the tensile strength, tensile ductility, and bending toughness of a recently developed ‘one-part’ geopolymer for 3D concrete printing (3DCP) applications, in order to address the insufficient tensile strength and brittle fracture characteristics of geopolymer materials in 3D printing scenarios where materials are subjected to tensile stress. The effects of steel fiber content, and aspect ratio, on mechanical properties, were systematically discussed, including compressive strength, flexure strength, splitting tensile strength, uniaxial tensile strength, bending toughness, and the anisotropy of 3DP-OPGFRC, respectively. The fiber distribution in the printed samples was obtained through x-ray computed tomography (X-CT) testing. In addition, the underlying mechanisms were discussed to provide a deep understanding of the role steel fiber played in the reinforcement. The experimental results showed that the flexural strength increased by 282% to 26.1MP, and the compressive strength also reached 104.5Mpa. A high tensile ductility, appreciable bending toughness, and strain-hardening behavior can be achieved with steel fiber incorporation. In addition, it has an advantage over the OPC-based steel fiber-reinforced 3D printing materials given in the existing literature (flexural strength 15 Mpa); It is also superior to the tensile strength (<6Mpa) of current geopolymer fiber reinforcements used for 3D printing. It is anticipated that the development of this 3D printable steel fiber reinforced ‘one-part’ geopolymer will be used to meet high tensile strength requirements for printing scenarios.Keywords: 3D printing concrete, mechanical anisotropy, micro-pore structure, printing technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 786743 Characterization of an Ecological Mortar Lightweight With Polystyrene
Authors: Aidoud Assia, Bencheikh Messaouda, Boukour Salima
Polystyrene is often seen in the ocean and on Algerian beaches, mainly as food containers. It's one of the top 10 most common items found there. This happens because it's light and easily carried away from its original source, like packaging or transport, into the environment. Unfortunately, it's not recycled much because it's not very profitable to do so. Hence, turning this waste into a resource can turn challenges into opportunities for a territory's economic and environmental development, which is the focus of this study. the goal is to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of a new type of mortar made from dune sand mixed with recycled polystyrene. it also aim to assess its potential for use in various construction applications. The mixtures were prepared by replacing portions of dune sand with polystyrene waste at varying volumes (10%, 20%, and 30%), while keeping the amount of cement constant. The results indicate a noticeable impact on both the physical and mechanical properties because of incorporating polystyrene waste.Keywords: polystyrène, eco-mortier, sable de dune, résistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 556742 Fabrication of Silver Nanowire Based Low Temperature Conductive Ink
Authors: Merve Nur Güven Biçer
Conductive inks are used extensively in electronic devices like sensors, batteries, photovoltaic devices, antennae, and organic light-emitting diodes. These inks are typically made from silver. Wearable technology is another industry that requires inks to be flexible. The aim of this study is the fabrication of low-temperature silver paste by synthesis long silver nanowires.Keywords: silver ink, conductive ink, low temperature conductive ink, silver nanowire
Procedia PDF Downloads 1896741 Mechanical Characteristics on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Aluminum Plate
Authors: A. Chellil, A. Nour, S. Lecheb , H. Mechakra, L. Addar, H. Kebir
This paper present a mechanical characteristics on fatigue crack propagation in Aluminium Plate based on strain and stress distribution using the abaqus software. The changes in shear strain and stress distribution during the fatigue cycle with crack growth is identified. In progressive crack in the strain distribution and the stress is increase in the critical zone. Numerical Modal analysis of the model developed, prove that the Eigen frequencies of aluminium plate were decreased after cracking, and this reduce is nonlinear. These results can provide a reference for analysts and designers of aluminium alloys in aeronautical systems. Therefore, the modal analysis is an important factor for monitoring the aeronautic structures.Keywords: aluminum alloys, plate, crack, failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4286740 Shaking Force Balancing of Mechanisms: An Overview
Authors: Vigen Arakelian
The balancing of mechanisms is a well-known problem in the field of mechanical engineering because the variable dynamic loads cause vibrations, as well as noise, wear and fatigue of the machines. A mechanical system with unbalance shaking force and shaking moment transmits substantial vibration to the frame. Therefore, the objective of the balancing is to cancel or reduce the variable dynamic reactions transmitted to the frame. The resolution of this problem consists in the balancing of the shaking force and shaking moment. It can be fully or partially, by internal mass redistribution via adding counterweights or by modification of the mechanism's architecture via adding auxiliary structures. The balancing problems are of continue interest to researchers. Several laboratories around the world are very active in this area and new results are published regularly. However, despite its ancient history, mechanism balancing theory continues to be developed and new approaches and solutions are constantly being reported. Various surveys have been published that disclose particularities of balancing methods. The author believes that this is an appropriate moment to present a state of the art of the shaking force balancing studies completed by new research results. This paper presents an overview of methods devoted to the shaking force balancing of mechanisms, as well as the historical aspects of the origins and the evolution of the balancing theory of mechanisms.Keywords: inertial forces, shaking forces, balancing, dynamics, mechanism design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1276739 The Design Process of an Interactive Seat for Improving Workplace Productivity
Authors: Carlos Ferreira, Paulo Freitas, Valentim Freitas
Creative industries’ workers are becoming more prominent as countries move towards intellectual-based economies. Consequently, the nature and essence of the workplace needs to be reconfigured so that creativity and productivity can be better promoted at these spaces. Using a multidisciplinary approach and a user-centered methodology, combining product design, electronic engineering, software and human-computer interaction, we have designed and developed a new seat that uses embedded sensors and actuators to increase the overall well-being of its users, their productivity and their creativity. Our contribution focuses on the parameters that most affect the user’s work on these kinds of spaces, which are, according to our study, noise and temperature. We describe the design process for a new interactive seat targeted at improving workspace productivity.Keywords: human-computer interaction, usability, user interface, creativity, ergonomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2216738 Polymer-Ceramic Composite Film Fabrication and Characterization for Harsh Environment Applications
Authors: Santiranjan Shannigrahi, Mohit Sharma, Ivan Tan Chee Kiang, Yong Anna Marie
Polymer-ceramics composites are gaining importance due to their high specific strength, corrosion resistance, and high mechanical properties, as well as low cost. As a result, polymer composites are suitable for various industrial applications, like automobiles, aerospace, and biomedical areas. The present work comprises the development of polymer-ceramic composite films and is tested for the harsh environment including weatherability and UV barrier property. The polymer composite films are kept in weather chamber for a fixed period of time followed by tested for their physical, mechanical and chemical properties. The composite films are fabricated using compounding followed by hot pressing. UV-visible spectroscopy results reveal that the pure polymer polyethylene (PE) films are transparent in the visible range and do not absorb UV. However, polymer ceramic composite films start absorbing UV completely even at very low filler loading amount of 5 wt.%. The changes in tensile properties of the various composite films before and after UV illuminations for 40 hrs at 60 degC are analyzed. The tensile strength of neat PE film has been observed 8% reduction, whereas the remarkable increase in tensile strength has been observed (18% improvement for 10 wt. % filled composites films). The UV exposure leads to strengthen the crosslinking among PE polymer chains in the filled composite films, which contributes towards the incremented tensile strength properties.Keywords: polymer ceramic composite, processing, harsh environment, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3856737 Study Properties of Bamboo Composite after Treatment Surface by Chemical Method
Authors: Kiatnarong Supapanmanee, Ekkarin Phongphinittana, Pongsak Nimdum
Natural fibers are readily available raw materials that are widely used as composite materials. The most common problem facing many researchers with composites made from this fiber is the adhesion between the natural fiber contact surface and the matrix material. Part of the problem is due to the hydrophilic properties of natural fibers and the hydrophobic properties of the matrix material. Based on the aforementioned problems, this research selected bamboo fiber, which is a strong natural fiber in the research study. The first step was to study the effect of the mechanical properties of the pure bamboo strip by testing the tensile strength of different measurement lengths. The bamboo strip was modified surface with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 6wt% concentrations for different soaking periods. After surface modification, the physical and mechanical properties of the pure bamboo strip fibers were studied. The modified and unmodified bamboo strips were molded into a composite material using epoxy as a matrix to compare the mechanical properties and adhesion between the fiber surface and the material with tensile and bending tests. In addition, the results of these tests were compared with the finite element method (FEM). The results showed that the length of the bamboo strip affects the strength of the fibers, with shorter fibers causing higher tensile stress. Effects of surface modification of bamboo strip with NaOH, this chemical eliminates lignin and hemicellulose, resulting in the smaller dimension of the bamboo strip and increased density. From the pretreatment results above, it was found that the treated bamboo strip and composite material had better Ultimate tensile stress and Young's modulus. Moreover, that results in better adhesion between bamboo fiber and matrix material.Keywords: bamboo fiber, bamboo strip, composite material, bamboo composite, pure bamboo, surface modification, mechanical properties of bamboo, bamboo finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 946736 The Investigation of Niobium Addition on Mechanical Properties of Al11Si alloy
Authors: Kerem Can Dizdar, Semih Ateş, Ozan Güler, Gökhan Basman, Derya Dışpınar, Cevat Fahir Arısoy
Grain refinement and obtaining homogeneous microstructure is the key parameter in casting of aluminum alloys. Ti has been traditionally used as grain refiner, however, inconsistency and heterogeneous dendrite arms, as well as fading efficiency, have been the drawbacks of Ti. Alternatively, Nb (Niobium) has gained attention. In this work, the effect of Nb was investigated in case of both as cast and T6 heat treated conditions. Different ratios of Nb (0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 weight%) were added to AlSi11 alloy, mechanical properties were examined statistically, and relationship was established between microstructure and mechanical properties by examining the grain size and dendrite characteristics before and after heat treatment. Results indicate that in the case of as cast state; with the increasing addition of Nb has no significant effect on yield strength, however, it increases the tensile strength and elongation starting with 0.05wt% ratio, and it remains constant up to 0.1wt%. For the heat-treated condition; Nb addition provides increment at yield strength and tensile strength up to 0.05wt%, but it leads to decrementfrom 0.05 to 0.1wt%. The opposite is valid for the elongation; It decreases in between 0-0.05wt% then rises in range of 0.05-0.1wt%. Highest yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were found T6 heat treated 0.05wt% Nb addition. 0.05wt% was found as critical Nbaddition ratio for mechanical properties of Al-11Si alloys. Grain refinement and obtaining homogeneous microstructure is the key parameter in casting of aluminum alloys. Ti has been traditionally used as grain refiner, however, inconsistency and heterogeneous dendrite arms, as well as fading efficiency, have been the drawbacks of Ti. Alternatively, Nb (Niobium) has gained attention. In this work, the effect of Nb was investigated in case of both as cast and T6 heat treated conditions. Different ratios of Nb (0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 weight%) were added to AlSi11 alloy, mechanical properties were examined statistically, and relationship was established between microstructure and mechanical properties by examining the grain size and dendrite characteristics before and after heat treatment. Results indicate that in the case of as cast state; with the increasing addition of Nb has no significant effect on yield strength, however, it increases the tensile strength and elongation starting with 0.05wt% ratio, and it remains constant up to 0.1wt%. For the heat-treated condition; Nb addition provides increment at yield strength and tensile strength up to 0.05wt%, but it leads to decrement from 0.05 to 0.1wt%. The opposite is valid for the elongation; It decreases in between 0-0.05wt% then rises in range of 0.05-0.1wt%. Highest yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were found T6 heat treated 0.05wt% Nb addition. 0.05wt% was found as critical Nbaddition ratio for mechanical properties of Al-11Si alloys.Keywords: al-si alloy, grain refinement, heat treatment, mechanical properties, microstructure, niobium, sand casting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1486735 Effect of the Accelerated Carbonation in Fibercement Composites Reinforced with Eucalyptus Pulp and Nanofibrillated Cellulose
Authors: Viviane da Costa Correia, Sergio Francisco Santos, Holmer Savastano Junior
The main purpose of this work was verify the influence of the accelerated carbonation in the physical and mechanical properties of the hybrid composites, reinforced with micro and nanofibers and composites with microfibers. The composites were produced by the slurry vacuum dewatering method, followed by pressing. It was produced using two formulations: 8% of eucalyptus pulp + 1% of the nanofibrillated cellulose and 9% of eucalyptus pulp, both were subjected to accelerated carbonation. The results showed that the accelerated carbonation contributed to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the hybrid composites and of the composites reinforced with microfibers (eucalyptus pulp).Keywords: carbonation, cement composites, nanofibrillated cellulose, eucalyptus pulp
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