Search results for: interdisciplinary study
49374 A Comparative Study of Three Major Performance Testing Tools
Authors: Abdulaziz Omar Alsadhan, Mohd Mudasir Shafi
Performance testing is done to prove the reliability of any software product. There are a number of tools available in the markets that are used to perform performance testing. In this paper we present a comparative study of the three most commonly used performance testing tools. These tools cover the major share of the performance testing market and are widely used. In this paper we compared the tools on five evaluation parameters which are; User friendliness, portability, tool support, compatibility and cost. The conclusion provided at the end of the paper is based on our study and does not support any tool or company.Keywords: software development, software testing, quality assurance, performance testing, load runner, rational testing, silk performer
Procedia PDF Downloads 60849373 European and Scandinavian Tourists' Perceptions and Desire to Travel in Ranong Province
Authors: Wipanee Maen-In
The objectives of the research are i) to study the motivations of european and scandinavian tourists who select Ranong province as their destinations ii) to study their perception towards the Ranong Province and iii) to study the visitors’ decision making while visiting Ranong Province. The samples of the study are 220 European and Scandinavian tourists’ visitors at the Ranong by accidental sampling and in clouding online questionnaires for 53 sampling. The data analysis includes Percentage, Frequency and One-way ANOVA. The findings from the research are the motivation level of the visitors is considered prominent, the average score of the motivational factors ranks higher than the average of the pull factors to visit the Ranong province when considering the factors analysis, the research shows that the reason that most tourists visit the Ranong is for relaxation while the purity of the natural mineral hot springs is the most important pull factor.Keywords: European and Scandinavian, Ranong province, tourists’ perceptions, visitors’ decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 23349372 The Influences of Marketplace Knowledge, General Product Class Knowledge, and Knowledge in Meat Product with Traceability on Trust in Meat Traceability
Authors: Kawpong Polyorat
Since the outbreak of mad cow disease and bird flu, consumers have become more concerned with meat quality and safety. As a result, meat traceability is adopted as one approach to handle consumers’ concern in this issue. Nevertheless, in Thailand, meat traceability is rarely used as a marketing tool to persuade consumers. As a consequence, the present study attempts to understand consumer trust in the meat traceability system by conducting a study in this country to examine the impact of three types of consumer knowledge on this trust. The study results reveal that out of three types of consumer knowledge, marketplace knowledge was the sole predictor of consumer trust in meat traceability and it has a positive influence. General product class knowledge and knowledge in meat products with traceability, however, did not significantly influence consumer trust. The research results provide several implications and directions for future study.Keywords: consumer knowledge, marketing, product knowledge, traceability
Procedia PDF Downloads 32649371 Case Study of the Exercise Habits and Aging Anxiety of Taiwanese Insurance Agents
Authors: W. T. Hsu, H. L. Tsai
The rapid aging of the population is a common trend in the world. However, the progress of modern medical technology has increased the average life expectancy. The global population structure has changed dramatically, and the elderly population has risen rapidly. In the face of rapid population growth, it must be noted issues of the aging population must face up to, which are the physiological, psychological, and social problems associated with aging. This study aims to investigate how insurance agents are actively dealing with an aging society, their own aging anxiety, and their exercise habits. Purposive sampling was the sampling method of this study, a total of 204 respondents were surveyed and 204 valid surveys were returned. The returned valid ratio was 100%. Statistical method included descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results of the study found that the insurance agent’s age, seniority, exercise habits to aging anxiety are significantly different.Keywords: insurance practitioners, aging anxiety, exercise habits, elderly
Procedia PDF Downloads 31049370 Exploring the Types of Infants and Toddlers' Reading Responses in Nursery Centers: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Ming Fang Hsieh
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reading responses of infants and toddlers across different contexts in nursery centers. The study adopted Sipe’s framework for children’s literacy education to explore the reading behavior of infants and toddlers. The study was conducted at two nurseries. The sample comprised 46 infants and toddlers and 6 caregivers. The methods of data collection included observation of various reading activities, including shared reading in a group, one-on-one reading, and unstructured reading activities, as well as interviews with caregivers. The data obtained through observations and interviews were transcribed and analyzed. The caregivers and the children’s parents signed an informed consent form before the start of the study. There was no risk anticipated during the course of the study. The analysis revealed five types of reading responses exhibited by the infants and toddlers: (1) linguistic- verbally responding to reading, repeating vocabulary, and answering questions; (2) affective- concentrating on reading or requesting for repeated reading, leaning on books, and gazing at caregivers; (3) explosive- children under 18 months were observed manipulating books through their bodies or different movements like flipping, rotating, or tapping on books; (4) social- during unstructured reading context, children were seen interacting with peers or following the rules of reading, sitting properly, and choosing one book at a time; and (5) distracted responses- paying attention to something else instead of reading, walking around, and playing, which was usually observed during shared reading in a group. The study concluded that children’s distraction and explosive reading behaviors may be a part of the process of their emergent reading behavior. As children develop, they demonstrate an increase in verbal responses, improved concentration, and better behavior. The study suggests that adults should continue to provide appropriate reading opportunities beginning from infancy to nurture children’s reading behaviors.Keywords: reading response, infants and toddlers, early reading, picture books
Procedia PDF Downloads 11049369 An Appraisal of the Attitude and Motivation of Almajiri (Teenage-Beggars) to Tsangaya Education System in Katsina and Zamfara States, Nigeria
Authors: Rasaq Ayodeji Iliyas
Almajiris are teenage beggars who under the guise of been enlisted in religious study beg perpetually on the streets and homes. A poorly attended bridge gap juvenile education system called Tsangaya was instituted for them. This study appraised the attitude and motivation of the over 9 million Almajiris largely domiciled in the Northern Nigeria to the Government’s efforts at getting them educated. The study, a survey research design, employed validated structured interview instrument that showed a high reliability index (Alpha Cronbach- 0.86) to gather data. 950 Almajiris sampled across the 50 Local Government Areas of Katsina (36) and Zamfara (14) States, Nigeria participated in the study. Outcomes of the study revealed a chronic attitudinal problem from the Almajiris; and a peculiarly low motivation to the Tsangaya School. It was, however, recommended that traditional rulers should be mandated by government to sensitize parents on the many risks involved in the inhuman cultural practice, and the grave consequences of unskilled adult life of the children; and state governments should legislate against the demeaning Almajiri practice, which already misrepresents Islam.Keywords: Almajiri, apraissal, Tsangaya education, motivation, attitude, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 28149368 Study of the Stability of the Slope Open-Pit Mines: Case of the Mine of Phosphates – Tebessa, Algeria
Authors: Mohamed Fredj, Abdallah Hafsaoui, Radouane Nakache
The study of the stability of the mining works in rock masses fractured is the major concern of the operating engineer. For geotechnical works in mines and quarries, it there is not today's general methodology for analysis and the quantification of the risks relating to the dangers inherent in these concrete types (falling boulders, landslides, etc.). The reasons for this are uncertainty, which weighs on available data or lack of knowledge of the values of the parameters required for this analysis type. Stability calculations must be based on reliable knowledge of the distribution of discontinuities that dissect the Rocky massif and the resistance to shear of the intact rock and discontinuities. This study is aimed to study the stability of slope of mine (Kef Sennoun - Tebessa, Algeria). The problem is analyzed using a numerical model based on the finite elements (software Plaxis 3D).Keywords: stability, discontinuities, finite elements, rock mass, open-pit mine
Procedia PDF Downloads 32149367 Effect of Rotation on Love Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Medium with Corrugation
Authors: Soniya Chaudhary
The present study analyses the propagation of Love wave in rotating piezoelectric layer lying over an elastic substrate with corrugated boundaries. The appropriate solutions in the considered medium satisfy the required boundary conditions to obtain the dispersion relation of Love wave for charge free as well as electrically shorted cases. The effects of rotation are shown by graphically on the non-dimensional speed of the Love wave. In addition to classical case, some existing results have been deduced as particular case of the present study. The present study may be useful in rotation sensor and SAW devices.Keywords: corrugation, dispersion relation, love wave, piezoelectric
Procedia PDF Downloads 22649366 Exploring Legal Liabilities of Mining Companies for Human Rights Abuses: Case Study of Mongolian Mine
Authors: Azzaya Enkhjargal
Context: The mining industry has a long history of human rights abuses, including forced labor, environmental pollution, and displacement of communities. In recent years, there has been growing international pressure to hold mining companies accountable for these abuses. Research Aim: This study explores the legal liabilities of mining companies for human rights abuses. The study specifically examines the case of Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC), a large mining company in Mongolia that has been accused of human rights abuses. Methodology: The study used a mixed-methods approach, which included a review of legal literature, interviews with community members and NGOs, and a case study of EMC. Findings: The study found that mining companies can be held liable for human rights abuses under a variety of regulatory frameworks, including soft law and self-regulatory instruments in the mining industry, international law, national law, and corporate law. The study also found that there are a number of challenges to holding mining companies accountable for human rights abuses, including the lack of effective enforcement mechanisms and the difficulty of proving causation. Theoretical Importance: The study contributes to the growing body of literature on the legal liabilities of mining companies for human rights abuses. The study also provides insights into the challenges of holding mining companies accountable for human rights abuses. Data Collection: The data for the study was collected through a variety of methods, including a review of legal literature, interviews with community members and NGOs, and a case study of EMC. Analysis Procedures: The data was analyzed using a variety of methods, including content analysis, thematic analysis, and case study analysis. Conclusion: The study concludes that mining companies can be held liable for human rights abuses under a variety of legal and regulatory frameworks. There are positive developments in ensuring greater accountability and protection of affected communities and the environment in countries with a strong economy. Regrettably, access to avenues of redress is reasonably low in less developed countries, where the governments have not implemented a robust mechanism to enforce liability requirements in the mining industry. The study recommends that governments and mining companies take more ambitious steps to enhance corporate accountability.Keywords: human rights, human rights abuses, ESG, litigation, Erdenet Mining Corporation, corporate social responsibility, soft law, self-regulation, mining industry, parent company liability, sustainability, environment, UN
Procedia PDF Downloads 8149365 The Effects of Anapana Meditation Training Program Monitored by Skin Conductance and Temperature (SC/ST) Biofeedback on Stress in Bachelor’s Degree Students
Authors: Ormanee Patarathipakorn
Background: Stress was the major psychological problem that affecting to physical and mental health among undergraduate students. Aim of study was to determine the effective of meditation training program (MTP) for stress reduction measured by biofeedback (BB) machine. Material and Methods: This was quasi-experimental study conducted in Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Thailand. Study period was between August and December 2023. Participants were the first-year Dentistry students. MTP was concentration meditation (Anapana meditation). Stress measurement was evaluated by using Thai version perceived stress scale (T-PSS-10) was performed at one week before study, 14 and 18 weeks. Stress evaluation by biofeedback machine (skin conductance: SC and skin temperature: ST) were performed at one week before study, 4, 8, 14 and 18 weeks. Data from T-PSS-10 and SC/ST biofeedback were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 28 subjects were recruited. The mean age of participant was 18.4 years old. Two-thirds (19/28) was female. Stress reduction from MTP was detected since 4 and 8 weeks by STBB and SCBB, respectively. T-PSS 10 scores before MTP, 14 and 18 weeks were 17.7± 5.4, 9.8 ± 3.1 and 8.4 ± 3.1 with statistical significance. Conclusion: Meditation training program could reduce stress and measured by skin conductance and temperature biofeedback.Keywords: stress, meditation, biofeedback, student
Procedia PDF Downloads 3849364 Long- and Short-Term Impacts of COVID-19 and Gold Price on Price Volatility: A Comparative Study of MIDAS and GARCH-MIDAS Models for USA Crude Oil
Authors: Samir K. Safi
The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of two types of models, namely MIDAS and MIDAS-GARCH, in predicting the volatility of crude oil returns based on gold price returns and the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to identify which model would provide more accurate short-term and long-term predictions and which model would perform better in handling the increased volatility caused by the pandemic. The findings of the study revealed that the MIDAS model performed better in predicting short-term and long-term volatility before the pandemic, while the MIDAS-GARCH model performed significantly better in handling the increased volatility caused by the pandemic. The study highlights the importance of selecting appropriate models to handle the complexities of real-world data and shows that the choice of model can significantly impact the accuracy of predictions. The practical implications of model selection and exploring potential methodological adjustments for future research will be highlighted and discussed.Keywords: GARCH-MIDAS, MIDAS, crude oil, gold, COVID-19, volatility
Procedia PDF Downloads 6649363 Experimental Study on Floating Breakwater Anchored by Piles
Authors: Yessi Nirwana Kurniadi, Nira Yunita Permata
Coastline is vulnerable to coastal erosion which damage infrastructure and buildings. Floating breakwaters are applied in order to minimize material cost but still can reduce wave height. In this paper, we investigated floating breakwater anchored by piles based on experimental study in the laboratory with model scale 1:8. Two type of floating model were tested with several combination wave height, wave period and surface water elevation to determined transmission coefficient. This experimental study proved that floating breakwater with piles can prevent wave height up to 27 cm. The physical model shows that ratio of depth to wave length is less than 0.6 and ratio of model width to wave length is less than 0.3. It is confirmed that if those ratio are less than those value, the transmission coefficient is 0.5. The result also showed that the first type model of floating breakwater can reduce wave height by 60.4 % while the second one can reduce up to 55.56 %.Keywords: floating breakwater, experimental study, pile, transimission coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 53249362 Study on the Expression of Drought Tolerant Genes in Water-Stressed Basella Alba and Basella Rubra
Authors: T. O. Ajewole, K. S. Olorunmiaye, D. A. Animasaun, M. Okpeku
Drought impact on the production of food crops for the benefit of mankind cannot be overemphasized. This study shows the different kind of genes expressed at various level of drought regimes on Basella alba and rubra using a real-time PCR machine. The planting was done in the screen house while the gene expression study was carried out in the laboratory. Sandy-loamy soil was collected and four levels of drought regime was used as treatment and a control experiment was set up for the two vegetables. Drought interval of 5, 10, 15 and 20 days were used as treatments while a control experiment which was not starved of water at any point was also set up, five replicates were set up for each treatment. Stress was introduced at 12 Weeks after planting (WAP). From the result of this study, Basella alba shows the highest amplicon size of 34.6 and 52.32 for GmPCS5 and HVA1 respectively which by implication means these genes were expressed the more as the stress period interval increases.Keywords: water stress, basella alba, basella rubra, HVA1
Procedia PDF Downloads 4649361 Investigating the Relationship between Growth, Beta and Liquidity
Authors: Zahra Amirhosseini, Mahtab Nameni
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between growth, beta, and Company's cash. We calculate cash as dependent variable and growth opportunity and beta as independent variables. This study was based on an analysis of panel data. Population of the study is the companies which listed in Tehran Stock exchange and a financial data of 215 companies during the period 2010 to 2015 have been selected as the sample through systematic sampling. The results of the first hypothesis showed there is a significant relationship between growth opportunities cash holdings. Also according to the analysis done in the second hypothesis, we determined that there is an inverse relation between company risk and cash holdings.Keywords: growth, beta, liquidity, company
Procedia PDF Downloads 39549360 The Role of Strategic Flexibility for Achieving Sustainable Competition Advantage and Its Effect on Business Performance
Authors: Kemalettin Eryesil, Osman Esmen, Aykut Beduk
In this study, it has been studied to determine the relationship between business performance and strategic flexibility, which is defined to be the strategic choice that provides the ability of rapidly responding the changes of the dynamic environment of the companies, for having competitive advantages. In this context a field study has been conducted over 56 companies, which are active in informatics and electronics sectors in TEKNOKENT. As a result of the study it has been determined that; strategic flexibility has an effect on business performance and there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between strategic flexibility and business performance.Keywords: sustainable competition advantage, strategic flexibility, firm performance, TEKNOKENT
Procedia PDF Downloads 38549359 Users and Non-Users of Social Media: An Exploratory Study of Rural Women in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Authors: Neha Bhushan
For the purpose of this study a village of district Azamgarh has been selected which is a part of the most populous and backward state of the country, Uttar Pradesh. In the age of information, everyone has the right to acquire information and it becomes important to assess the acceptance and non-acceptance of social media among rural population. Rural women of the state are showing positive trends in the form of increased social media and mobile usage. This study is an effort to know the purpose of rural women for using social media. The study design is exploratory and qualitative in nature. Data collection primarily consisted of 25 semi-structured individual interviews having 10 open-ended specific questions in one of the villages of Azamgarh district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Sampling approach is flexible and situational. Data reveals that rural women have become active on social media since last six months to one year. Most of them are using Facebook, Whatsapp, and YouTube for the purpose of interaction, learning new skills, checking out recipes and latest fashion. This pilot study gives a bird eye view of the problem and opens door for exploring this least explored area.Keywords: exploratory research, mobile usage, rural women, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 14549358 The Impact of Government Subsidies to Keep Residents Studying at Home
Authors: Melissa James Maceachern
This study examines a financial aid program that is designed to “keep residents at home” to attend higher education by providing financial aid as an incentive or discount in their first year of university following high school graduation. This study offers insight into financial matters for higher education students that can assist in providing policy direction for student financing. In particular, this study found that students appeared to value the bursary but none of the key metrics related to participation or conversion to the home institution indicated that the bursary impacted enrolment or participation. One key metric, student loans received by direct entry high school students did indicate a decline in the number of recipients. This study also identified accessibility issues to higher education that are of importance when considering the declining youth populations, future labour market needs and the need to sustain higher education institutions. This is undoubtedly a challenging period of time given the changing social and demographic forces within Canada. A comprehensive examination of the policy and programs to address these forces needs to be undertaken. This study highlights the importance of utilizing financial aid in combination with other policy to assist students in accessing higher education.Keywords: accessibility, participation, financing, government
Procedia PDF Downloads 41649357 The Current Use of Computer Technology in Arabic Language
Authors: Saad Alkahtani
This study aims to identify the extent to which the faculty members who teach Arabic to speakers of other languages in Arabic language institutes at Saudi universities use computer technologies such as language laboratories, websites, software programs, and learning management system (LMS). It also seeks to identify critical difficulties that hinder the use of these technologies by faculty members. The population of the study consisted of 103 faculty members in four Arabic language institutes at Saudi universities. The results of the study showed a disparity in the use of computer technologies in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. The means of degree of use ranged from 1.20 through 2.83. The study also identified difficulties limiting the use of computer technology in teaching Arabic. And the means of averages of difficulty of use ranged from 1.50 to 2.89. The differences were not statistically significant among the institutes (at 0.05).Keywords: Arabic language programs, computer technology, using technology in teaching Arabic language, Arabic as a second language, computer skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 46249356 Assessing Student Attitudes toward Graded Readers, MReader and the MReader Challenge
Authors: Catherine Cheetam, Alan Harper, Melody Elliott, Mika Ito
This paper describes a pilot study conducted with English as a foreign language (EFL) students at a private university in Japan who used graded readers and the MReader website in class or independently to enhance their English reading skills. Each semester students who read 100,000 words with MReader quizzes passed enter into the ‘MReader Challenge,’ a reading contest that recognizes students for their achievement. The study focused specifically on the attitudes of thirty-six EFL students who successfully completed the Challenge in the 2015 spring semester using graded readers and MReader, and their motivation to continue using English in the future. The attitudes of these students were measured using their responses to statements on a Likert scaled survey. Follow-up semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven students to gain additional insight into their opinions. The results from this study suggest that reading graded readers in general promoted intrinsic motivation among a majority of the participants. This study is preliminary and needs to be expanded and continued to assess the lasting impact of the extensive reading program. Limitations and future directions of the study are also summarized and discussed.Keywords: attitudes, extensive, intrinsic, methodolgies, motivation, reading
Procedia PDF Downloads 21049355 Models of Bilingual Education in Majority Language Contexts: An Exploratory Study of Bilingual Programmes in Qatari Primary Schools
Authors: Fatma Al-Maadheed
Following an ethnographic approach this study explored bilingual programmes offered by two types of primary schools in Qatar: international and Independent schools. Qatar with its unique linguistic and socio-economic situation launched a new initiative for educatiobnal development in 2001 but with hardly any research linked to theses changes. The study reveals that the Qatari bilingual schools context was one of heteroglossia, with three codes in operation: Modern Standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic dialects and English. The two schools adopted different models of bilingualism. The international school adopted a strict separation policy between the two languages following a monoglossic belief. The independent school was found to apply a flexible language policy. The study also highlighted the daily challnges produced from the diglossia situation in Qatar, the difference between students and teacher dialect as well as acquiring literacy in the formal language. In addition to an abscence of a clear language policy in Schools, the study brought attention to the instructional methods utilised in language teaching which are mostly associated with successful bilingual education.Keywords: diglossia, instructional methods, language policy, qatari primary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 47349354 Teacher Professional Development in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Possibilities
Authors: Ohood Alshammary
This study explores the current situation of teacher professional development, focusing on challenges experienced by English language teachers at a Saudi Arabian university. The study examines the current context of English language department (ELD) teachers in relation to PD activities available and the nature of the challenges they face in their attempts to engage in PD. The study adopted an interpretive approach to understanding the current situation of teachers working at the English language department (ELD) at one Saudi Arabian university. The study's findings reveal that participating teachers were aware of the significance of PD but were disappointed that the voices of teachers were not heard. The research reveals many challenges; lack of autonomy, insufficient time, heavy workloads, unsupportive working environments, and PD activities that were not considered necessary by the participants. Teachers viewed PD as subject to a top-down system, causing them to feel professionally undermined, lacking autonomy, and forced to comply with university rules. The study makes several recommendations for improving the PD experience and helping raise institutional awareness of the need to encourage teacher engagement and recommend enhancements to ELD teachers' professional development based on teachers' perspectives.Keywords: adult learning., professional development, PD challenge, teacher perspective
Procedia PDF Downloads 7349353 Radionuclide Determination Study for Some Fish Species in Kuwait
Authors: Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait lies to the northwest of the Arabian Gulf. The levels of radionuclides are unknown in this area. Radionuclide like ²¹⁰Po, ²²⁶Ra, and ⁹⁰Sr accumulated in certain body tissues and bones, relate primarily to dietary uptake and inhalation. A large fraction of radiation exposure experienced by individuals comes from food chain transfer. In this study, some types of Kuwait fish were studied for radionuclide determination. These fish were taken from the Kuwaiti water territory during May. The study is to determine the radiation exposure for ²¹⁰Po in some fish species in Kuwait the ²¹⁰Po concentration was found to be between 0.089 and 2.544 Bq/kg the highs was in Zubaidy and the lowest was in Hamour.Keywords: the radionuclide, radiation exposure, fish species, Zubaida, Hamour
Procedia PDF Downloads 20449352 The Dynamic of Decentralization of Education Policy in Post-Reform Indonesia: Local Perspectives
Authors: Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa
This study is about the implementation of decentralization of education policy in today’s Indonesia’s reform era. The policy has made education as one of the basic public services that must be performed by the local governments. After more than a decade of implementing the policy, what have been achieved? Has the implementation of educational affairs in the region been able to improve the quality of education services in the region? What obstacles or challenges faced by the region in the implementation of the educational affairs? How does region overcome obstacles or challenges? In answering those strategic questions, this study will particularly investigate the implementation of educational affairs in the city and District of Cirebon, the two district level of governments in West Java Province. The two loci of study provide interesting insight, given the range of previous studies did not specifically investigate using a local perspective (city and district level). This study employs a qualitative research method through case studies. Operationally, this study is sustained by several data collection techniques, i.e. interviews, documentary method, and systematic observation. Needless to say, there have been many factors distorting the ideal construction of decentralization of education policy.Keywords: decentralization, decentralization of education, policy implementation, public service
Procedia PDF Downloads 37949351 Portrayal of Women in Television Advertisement
Authors: Priya Sarah Vijoy
The aim of this study is to analyze the Portrayal of women in Television Advertisements. This research study is conducted to analyze how women are portrayed in Television Advertisements. Advertising dates back to several hundreds of years. Right from the beginning, the seller wanted his goods to be sold and he used various techniques for achieving his objective. Advertisements have consistently confined women to traditional mother, home, or beauty/sex-oriented roles that are not representative of women’s diversity. Currently, in our society the television stereotyping of woman is the dominating forces in the media that degrade women and limit their representation. Thus the study analyzes how women are portrayed in Television advertisements and find whether roles of women in Television Advertisement are related to the product or not.Keywords: advertising, stereotyping, television, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 44249350 Urban Impervious and its Impact on Storm Water Drainage Systems
Authors: Ratul Das, Udit Narayan Das
Surface imperviousness in urban area brings significant changes in storm water drainage systems and some recent studies reveals that the impervious surfaces that passes the storm water runoff directly to drainage systems through storm water collection systems, called directly connected impervious area (DCIA) is an effective parameter rather than total impervious areas (TIA) for computation of surface runoff. In the present study, extension of DCIA and TIA were computed for a small sub-urban area of Agartala, the capital of state Tripura. Total impervious surfaces covering the study area were identified on the existing storm water drainage map from landuse map of the study area in association with field assessments. Also, DCIA assessed through field survey were compared to DCIA computed by empirical relationships provided by other investigators. For the assessment of DCIA in the study area two methods were adopted. First, partitioning the study area into four drainage sub-zones based on average basin slope and laying of existing storm water drainage systems. In the second method, the entire study area was divided into small grids. Each grid or parcel comprised of 20m× 20m area. Total impervious surfaces were delineated from landuse map in association with on-site assessments for efficient determination of DCIA within each sub-area and grid. There was a wide variation in percent connectivity of TIA across each sub-drainage zone and grid. In the present study, total impervious area comprises 36.23% of the study area, in which 21.85% of the total study area is connected to storm water collection systems. Total pervious area (TPA) and others comprise 53.20% and 10.56% of the total area, respectively. TIA recorded by field assessment (36.23%) was considerably higher than that calculated from the available land use map (22%). From the analysis of recoded data, it is observed that the average percentage of connectivity (% DCIA with respect to TIA) is 60.31 %. The analysis also reveals that the observed DCIA lies below the line of optimal impervious surface connectivity for a sub-urban area provided by other investigators and which indicate the probable reason of water logging conditions in many parts of the study area during monsoon period.Keywords: Drainage, imperviousness, runoff, storm water.
Procedia PDF Downloads 35149349 The Board Structure of Public and Private Sector Companies and Its Impact on Firm Performance: A Study of Fortune 500 Indian Companies from 2006 to 2015
Authors: Gayathri P. Nair
The focus of this study is to identify whether the board structure has any significant impact on the firm performance and finding out any evidence of being listed in the Fortune 500 list compiled and published by the American business magazine, Fortune and published globally by Time Inc., as the world’s wealthiest companies. The list has been released based on the ranking obtained for the total revenues for the respective fiscal year which has ended on or before March 31st. The study has been conducted on the Indian companies that were listed in the Fortune 500 list for the past 10 years. This study employs a logical regression between the variables, firm performance and board composition as mentioned in the clause 49 of companies act 1956 and 2013. For getting the firm performance, ROA has selected as the key performance metric, as it focuses the management attention on the assets required to run the business. The highlight of the study is that the tools had been applied between public and private sector firms so that, it reveals whether the board composition is helping out to maintain the position in the list. In addition, the findings reveal that apart from independent directors, all other variables have significant impact on firm performance.Keywords: board structure, Fortune 500 company, firm performance, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 23849348 Investigation of Suicide by Poison as a Result of Domestic Violence
Authors: Nazih Ramadan, Ghada Hassabo
Background and Aims: Domestic violence and other forms of violence against women and other family members are known to be substantial and widespread, with women more likely than men to be abused mostly by their partner, which is known as gender-based violence. Domestic violence is a major precipitating factor for suicide in many communities especially in our Middle East area. The aim of the study is to show the real relation between suicidal attempts and domestic violence especially in female victims. We tried also through this study to know the most common age at which the abused person attempt suicide, the perpetrator, the educational level of the abused person, and the social level of them. Materials and Methods: In this study, we collect data from 150 victims of suicidal attempts who came to seek medical help at National Poisoning Center. They were asked to answer a preformed questionnaire after giving consent. Results: The study shows that women are at higher risk for suicidal behavior and that suicidal attempt is directly proportionate to low level of education and low social class situation. Conclusion: the study shows the strong relation between attempting suicide and exposure to domestic violence. At the end of this work, we recommend understanding the broad scope and tragic impact of domestic violence; further research is needed concerning domestic violence-related suicide.Keywords: Cairo, domestic violence, domestic violence-related suicide, violence against women
Procedia PDF Downloads 28749347 Prescribing Pattern of Drugs in Patients with ARDS: An Observational Study
Authors: Rahul Magazine, Shobitha Rao
The aim of this study was to study the prescribing pattern of drugs in patients with ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) managed at a tertiary care hospital. This observational study was conducted at Kasturba Hospital, Karnataka, India. Data of patients admitted from January 2010 to December 2012 was collected. A total of 150 patients of ARDS were included. Data included patients’ age, gender, clinical disorders precipitating ARDS, and prescribing pattern of drugs. The mean age of the study population was 42.92±13.91 years. 48% of patients were less than 40 years of age. Infection was the cause of ARDS in 81.3% of subjects. Antibiotics were prescribed in all the subjects and beta-lactams were prescribed in 97.3%. 41.3% were prescribed corticosteroids, 39.3% diuretics and 89.3% intravenous fluids. Infection was the commonest etiology for ARDS, and beta-lactams were the commonest antibiotics prescribed. Corticosteroids and diuretics were prescribed in a significant number of patients. Most of the patients received intravenous fluids.Keywords: acute respiratory syndrome, beta lactams, corticosteroids, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Procedia PDF Downloads 36949346 The Comparative Analysis of International Financial Reporting Standart Adoption through Earnings Response Coefficient and Conservatism Principle: Case Study in Jakarta Islamic Index 2010 – 2014
Authors: Dwi Wijiastutik, Tarjo, Yuni Rimawati
The purpose of this empirical study is to analyse how to the market reaction and the conservative degree changes on the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standart (IFRS) through Jakarta Islamic Index. The study also has given others additional analysis on the profitability, capital structure and size company toward IFRS adoption. The data collection methods used in this study reveals as secondary data and deep analysis to the company’s annual report and daily price stock at yahoo finance. We analyse 40 companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index from 2010 to 2014. The result of the study concluded that IFRS has given a different on the depth analysis to the two of variance analysis: Moderated Regression Analysis and Wilcoxon Signed Rank to test developed hypotheses. Our result on the regression analysis shows that market response and conservatism principle is not significantly after IFRS Adoption in Jakarta Islamic Index. Furthermore, in addition, analysis on profitability, capital structure, and company size show that significantly after IFRS adoption. The findings of our study help investor by showing the impact of IFRS for making decided investment.Keywords: IFRS, earnings response coefficient, conservatism principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 27349345 The Relationship between Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate: The Indonesian EFL Context
Authors: Yana Shanti Manipuspika
Anxiety has potential to negatively affect foreign language learning process. This feeling leads the learners hesitate to communicate. This present study aimed at investigating the relationship between students’ anxiety and willingness to communicate of Indonesian EFL learners. There were 67 participants in this study who were the English Department students of Vocational Program of University of Brawijaya, Malang. This study employed Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) scale. The results of this study showed that the respondents had communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation. This study also revealed that English Department students of Vocational Program University of Brawijaya had high level of anxiety and low level of willingness to communicate. The relationship between foreign language classroom anxiety and willingness to communicate was found to be sufficiently negative. It is suggested for the language teachers to identify the causes of students’ language anxiety and try to create cheerful and less stressful atmosphere in the classroom. It is also important to find a way to develop their teaching strategies to stimulate students’ willingness to communicate.Keywords: English as a foreign language (EFL), foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA), vocational program, willingness to communicate (WTC)
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