Search results for: individuals
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 3225

Search results for: individuals

2055 The Psychological Impact of Acute Occupational Hand Trauma

Authors: Michelle Roesler, Ian Glendon, Francis O'Callaghan


This study expands on recent findings and offers a new perspective on recovery from injury and return to work (RTW) after an acute traumatic occupational hand injury. Recovery is a complex medical and psychosocial process. A number of predictor variables were studied simultaneously to identify the bio-psychosocial variables that impede recovery. An unexpected phenomenon to emerge from this study was the high incidence of complications within the hand-injured patient sample. Twenty six percent (n = 71) of the total sample (N = 263) required a second operation due to complications. This warranted further investigation. Results confirmed that complications not only significantly delayed the RTW outcome but also had a profound psychological impact on the individuals affected. Research has found that surgical complications are usually the result of incorrect early assessment and management. A strategic plan needs to be implemented to ensure the optimal level of surgical care is provided for managing acute traumatic hand injuries to avoid such complications.

Keywords: occupational hand trauma, psychological recovery, return to work, psychology

Procedia PDF Downloads 511
2054 Functional Analysis of Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Gene Mutations Detected in Patients with Thyroid Dyshormonogenesis

Authors: Biswabandhu Bankura, Srikanta Guria, Madhusudan Das


Purpose: Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. We aimed to identify the spectrum of mutations in the TPO gene leading to hypothyroidism in the population of West Bengal to establish the genetic etiology of the disease. Methods: 200 hypothyroid patients (case) and their corresponding sex and age matched 200 normal individuals (control) were screened depending on their clinical manifestations. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood samples and TPO gene (Exon 7 to Exon 14) was amplified by PCR. The PCR products were subjected to sequencing to identify mutations. Results: Single nucleotide changes such as Glu 641 Lys, Asp 668 Asn, Thr 725 Pro, Asp 620 Asn, Ser 398 Thr, and Ala 373 Ser were found. Changes in the TPO were assayed in vitro to compare mutant and wild-type activities. Five mutants were enzymatically inactive in the guaiacol and iodide assays. This is a strong indication that the mutations are present at crucial positions of the TPO gene, resulting in inactivated TPO. Key Findings: The results of this study may help to develop a genetic screening protocol for goiter and hypothyroidism in the population of West Bengal.

Keywords: thyroid peroxidase, hypothyroidism, mutation, in vitro assay, transfection

Procedia PDF Downloads 345
2053 Functional Analysis of Thyroid Peroxidase Gene Mutations Detected in Patients with Thyroid Dyshormonogenesis

Authors: Biswabandhu Bankura, Srikanta Guria, Madhusudan Das


Purpose: Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. We aimed to identify the spectrum of mutations in the TPO gene leading to hypothyroidism in the population of West Bengal to establish the genetic etiology of the disease. Methods: 200 hypothyroid patients (case) and their corresponding sex and age matched 200 normal individuals (control) were screened depending on their clinical manifestations. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood samples and TPO gene (Exon 7 to Exon 14) was amplified by PCR. The PCR products were subjected to sequencing to identify mutations. Results: Single nucleotide changes such as Glu 641 Lys, Asp 668 Asn, Thr 725 Pro, Asp 620 Asn, Ser 398 Thr, and Ala 373 Ser were found. Changes in the TPO were assayed in vitro to compare mutant and wild-type activities. Five mutants were enzymatically inactive in the guaiacol and iodide assays. This is a strong indication that the mutations are present at crucial positions of the TPO gene, resulting in inactivated TPO. Key Findings: The results of this study may help to develop a genetic screening protocol for goiter and hypothyroidism in the population of West Bengal.

Keywords: thyroid peroxidase, hypothyroidism, mutation, in vitro assay, transfection

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2052 Workplace Humor and Creativity in It Teams: A Conceptual Framework

Authors: Hima Elizabeth Mathew, V. VijayalakshmI


All of us know what it is like to experience humor. Humor and laughter are universal aspects of human experience, occurring in all cultures and virtually in all individuals throughout the world. For people today, the workplace is associated more with the cubicles they sit, than with the co-workers around them. With reference to the current generation and the work context, the paper aims to understand the concept of humor at the workplace and its influence on team creativity in organizations. Humor is a multi-disciplinary topic that has been investigated for many years by researchers from fields such as anthropology, psychology, physiology and linguistics but significantly less thoroughly by management researchers. Researchers in the field of creativity also had their initial focus on the individual differences leading to creativity. Although the studies yielded some important findings regarding creative people, it provided the little help to practitioners in helping people develop creativity and almost ignored the role of social environment in enhancing creativity. After a review the relevant literature of the key variables, a theoretical framework is proposed linking workplace humor, emotional contagion, and team creativity. The findings of the study are expected to help academicians gain clarity on Workplace Humor for future research.

Keywords: emotional contagion, humor, team creativity, workplace humor

Procedia PDF Downloads 495
2051 Effect of Natural and Urban Environments on the Perception of Thermal Pain – Experimental Research Using Virtual Environments

Authors: Anna Mucha, Ewa Wojtyna, Anita Pollak


The environment in which an individual resides and observes may play a meaningful role in well-being and related constructs. Contact with nature may have a positive influence of natural environments on individuals, impacting mood and psychophysical sensations, such as pain relief. Conversely, urban settings, dominated by concrete elements, might lead to mood decline and heightened stress levels. Similarly, the situation may appear in the case of the perception of virtual environments. However, this is a topic that requires further exploration, especially in the context of relationships with pain. The aforementioned matters served as the basis for formulating and executing the outlined experimental research within the realm of environmental psychology, leveraging new technologies, notably virtual reality (VR), which is progressively gaining prominence in the domain of mental health. The primary objective was to investigate the impact of a simulated virtual environment, mirroring a natural setting abundant in greenery, on the perception of acute pain induced by thermal stimuli (high temperature) – encompassing intensity, unpleasantness, and pain tolerance. Comparative analyses were conducted between the virtual natural environment (intentionally constructed in the likeness of a therapeutic garden), virtual urban environment, and a control group devoid of virtual projections. Secondary objectives aimed to determine the mutual relationships among variables such as positive and negative emotions, preferences regarding virtual environments, sense of presence, and restorative experience in the context of the perception of presented virtual environments and induced thermal pain. The study encompassed 126 physically healthy Polish adults, distributing 42 individuals across each of the three comparative groups. Oculus Rift VR technology and the TSA-II neurosensory analyzer facilitated the experiment. Alongside demographic data, participants' subjective feelings concerning virtual reality and pain were evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the original Restorative Experience in the Virtual World questionnaire (Doświadczenie Regeneracji w Wirtualnym Świecie), and an adapted Slater-Usoh-Steed (SUS) questionnaire. Results of statistical and psychometric analyses, such as Kruskal-Wallis tests, Wilcoxon tests, and contrast analyses, underscored the positive impact of the virtual natural environment on individual pain perception and mood. The virtual natural environment outperformed the virtual urban environment and the control group without virtual projection, particularly in subjective pain components like intensity and unpleasantness. Variables such as restorative experience, sense of presence and virtual environment preference also proved pivotal in pain perception and pain tolerance threshold alterations, contingent on specific conditions. This implies considerable application potential for virtual natural environments across diverse realms of psychology and related fields, among others as a supportive analgesic approach and a form of relaxation following psychotherapeutic sessions.

Keywords: environmental psychology, nature, acute pain, emotions, vitrual reality, virtual environments

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2050 Checklist of Odonata of Shasha Forest Reserve, Ife Southern, Osun State, Nigeria

Authors: Ehikhamele Isaac Erhomosele, Ogbogu Sunday Sylvester


A biodiversity survey was conducted in Shasha Forest Reserve, Ife southern, Osun State, Nigeria between May 2019 to April 2021 with a view to determining the nature of Odonata fauna of the forest. A total number of 1055 individuals of adult dragonflies and damselflies belonging to 8 families (Aeshnidae, Calopterygidae, Chlorocyphidae, Coenagrionidae, Gomphidae, Lestidae, Libellulidae and Platycnemididae) were recorded. Five (5) of these families of which belong to the suborder Zygoptera, and the remaining three (3) to Anisoptera. Libellulidae was the most abundant family while Gomphidae recorded the least representative. No new species of Odonata was recorded. Most of the families reported were previously been documented in the tropical region. Logging activities and human disturbance have been attributed to the nature of Odonata species in the Forest. It is therefore recommended that logging should be restricted to designated areas of the forest and regulated by the Department of Forestry of Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources in conjunction with the Federal Ministry of Environment.

Keywords: checklist, Odonata, Shasha, families

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2049 A Pattern Practise for Awareness Educations on Information Security: Information Security Project

Authors: Fati̇h Apaydin


Education technology is an area which constantly changes and creates innovations. As an inevitable part of the changing circumstances, the societies who have a tendency to the improvements keep up with these innovations by using the methods and strategies which have been designed for education technology. At this point, education technology has taken the responsibility to help the individuals improve themselves and teach the effective teaching methods by filling the airs in theoretical information, information security and the practice. The technology which comes to the core of our lives by raising the importance of it day by day and it enforced its position in computer- based environments. As a result, ‘being ready for technological innovations, improvement on computer-based talent, information, ability and attitude’ doctrines have to be given. However, it is today quite hard to deal with the security and reinforcement of this information. The information which is got illegally gives harm to society from every aspect, especially education. This study includes how and to what extent to use these innovative appliances such as computers and the factor of information security of these appliances in computer-based education. As the use of computer is constantly becoming prevalent in our country, both education and computer will never become out of date, so how computer-based education affects our lives and the study of information security for this type of education are important topics.

Keywords: computer, information security, education, technology, development

Procedia PDF Downloads 595
2048 Exploring the Impact of AI Tools in Microsoft PowerPoint

Authors: Budoor Bujeir, Noor Alaidaros, Sultana Alsolami


This study investigates how AI tools in Microsoft PowerPoint, such as Designer and Translation, might improve the process of creating presentations. Thanks to its sophisticated AI features, PowerPoint has become a powerful tool for effectively creating high-quality presentations. Designed to maximize user experience, key features include multilingual translation, real-time collaboration, and design ideas. A mixed-method approach was used, combining hands-on demos of particular AI technologies with a questionnaire given to both inexperienced and seasoned users. The survey examined how often individuals used these features, how helpful they thought they were, and how much time they could save. The results show that although tools like Designer are not widely used, they are recognized for improving aesthetics and saving time. The accuracy and usefulness of translation technologies in multilingual environments received high ratings, emphasizing how they promote inclusive communication. The importance of incorporating AI into productivity software is highlighted by this study, opening the door to more approachable, effective, and captivating presentation workflows.

Keywords: Microsoft PowerPoint, AI features, designer, translation, presentation tools, NLP

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2047 Effects of Nicotine on Symptoms Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Authors: Daniella Hirwa


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with several risk-taking behaviors, including drug use and smoking. Such risk-taking behaviors are often a result of an attempt to self-manage symptoms associated with ADHD. The present review investigates the effects of nicotine on symptoms associated with ADHD. This systematic literature review was conducted for 2017-2024 using keywords associated with ADHD, smoking, and nicotine. The results indicate that individuals with ADHD start smoking earlier than those without ADHD, and it is believed that this prevalence and the higher rates of smoking are due to improvements in cognitive and executive function, attention, and impulsivity due to the effect that nicotine has on dopamine release. Longitudinal studies with larger sample sizes and comprehensive health history and cognitive testing are required to gain more insight into the ways that nicotine affects ADHD symptoms and the context by which smoking is used as a method of self-treatment to help aid the development of nicotine-based treatment options that do not pose the same health risks as smoking.

Keywords: ADHD, nicotine, risk-taking behaviors, smoking

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2046 A Sociocultural View of Ethnicity of Parents and Children's Language Learning

Authors: Thapanee Musiget


Ethnic minority children’s language learning is believed that it can be developed through school system. However, many cases prove that these kids are left to challenge with multicultural context at school and sometimes decreased the ability to acquire new learning. Consequently, it is significant for ethnicity parents to consider that prompting their children at home before their actual school age can eliminate negative outcome of children's language acquisition. This paper discusses the approach of instructional use of parents and children language learning in the context of minority language group in Thailand. By conducting this investigation, secondary source of data was gathered with the purpose to point out some primary methods for parents and children in ethnicity. The process of language learning is based on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky, which highlights expressive communication among individuals as the best motivating force in human development and learning. The article also highlights the role of parents as they lead the instruction approach. In the discussion part, the role of ethnic minority parents as a language instructor is offered as mediator.

Keywords: ethnic minority, language learning, multicultural context, sociocultural theory

Procedia PDF Downloads 392
2045 The Role of Oral and Intestinal Microbiota in European Badgers

Authors: Emma J. Dale, Christina D. Buesching, Kevin R. Theis, David W. Macdonald


This study investigates the oral and intestinal microbiomes of wild-living European badgers (Meles meles) and will relate inter-individual differences to social contact networks, somatic and reproductive fitness, varying susceptibility to bovine tuberculous (bTB) and to the olfactory advertisement. Badgers are an interesting model for this research, as they have great variation in body condition, despite living in complex social networks and having access to the same resources. This variation in somatic fitness, in turn, affects breeding success, particularly in females. We postulate that microbiota have a central role to play in determining the successfulness of an individual. Our preliminary results, characterising the microbiota of individual badgers, indicate unique compositions of microbiota communities within social groups of badgers. This basal information will inform further questions related to the extent microbiota influence fitness. Hitherto, the potential role of microbiota has not been considered in determining host condition, but also other key fitness variables, namely; communication and resistance to disease. Badgers deposit their faeces in communal latrines, which play an important role in olfactory communication. Odour profiles of anal and subcaudal gland secretions are highly individual-specific and encode information about group-membership and fitness-relevant parameters, and their chemical composition is strongly dependent on symbiotic microbiota. As badgers sniff/ lick (using their Vomeronasal organ) and over-mark faecal deposits of conspecifics, these microbial communities can be expected to vary with social contact networks. However, this is particularly important in the context of bTB, where badgers are assumed to transmit bTB to cattle as well as conspecifics. Interestingly, we have found that some individuals are more susceptible to bTB than are others. As acquired immunity and thus potential susceptibility to infectious diseases are known to depend also on symbiotic microbiota in other members of the mustelids, a role of particularly oral microbiota can currently not be ruled out as a potential explanation for inter-individual differences in infection susceptibility of bTB in badgers. Tri annually badgers are caught in the context of a long-term population study that began in 1987. As all badgers receive an individual tattoo upon first capture, age, natal as well as previous and current social group-membership and other life history parameters are known for all animals. Swabs (subcaudal ‘scent gland’, anal, genital, nose, mouth and ear) and fecal samples will be taken from all individuals, stored at -80oC until processing. Microbial samples will be processed and identified at Wayne State University’s Theis (Host-Microbe Interactions) Lab, using High Throughput Sequencing (16S rRNA-encoding gene amplification and sequencing). Acknowledgments: Gas-Chromatography/ Mass-spectrometry (in the context of olfactory communication) analyses will be performed through an established collaboration with Dr. Veronica Tinnesand at Telemark University, Norway.

Keywords: communication, energetics, fitness, free-ranging animals, immunology

Procedia PDF Downloads 189
2044 Examining the Racialisation of White Workers in Rural Louisiana as a Technology of Capitalist Management and Control

Authors: Kendall Artz


In the 1950s, a wave of violent labor unrest shook a small town in south-western Louisiana leading to the racialisation of workers—previously considered white—as ‘mixed-race’ or, in local terms, ‘Redbone.’ This paper examines why the group known as ‘Redbones’ were marked as non-white in relation to strike violence and their opposition to capitalist expansion. Utilising archival research, historiography and oral testimony, I examine how an instance of labor unrest was reinterpreted by local law enforcement, an interstate capitalist class and the national press as calling into question the racial integrity of a group of workers who had been formerly marked as white. This explosive and largely unstudied strike provides an opportunity to better understand how racialisation operates as a technology of control, even over individuals who appear phenotypically white. The strike at Elizabeth allows a glimpse at the tactics of representatives of white supremacy when white workers do not fully embrace the ‘wages of whiteness.

Keywords: American federation of labor, labor history, Louisiana history, wages of whiteness

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2043 Preventing Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Ghana: A Constellation of Local Strategies and Solutions

Authors: Abdulai Abubakari


The rollercoaster relationship between farmers and herders in Sub-Saharan Africa has compelled most governments to undertake different mitigating strategies. Over the past two decades, the expulsion of migrant herdsmen, the killing of cattle and human beings, and fines have been used by the state and aggrieved individuals to resolve the conflicts. Unlike this paper, most of the research conducted on this subject matter has been largely theoretical and lacks practical solutions to the conflicts. This paper is unique because it focuses on concrete strategies and practical solutions to ending the century-old phenomenon of farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana. The paper employed power or compete (fight) theory as well as compromise and negotiation theories in the analyses. The paper employed, basically, socio-anthropological methods: interviews, focus group discussions, and observations to gather data. The paper found that compromises through negotiation with the stakeholders are the best ways of resolving these conflicts. Through this, we support the compromise and negotiation approach rather than expulsion to resolve farmer-herder conflicts.

Keywords: farmer-herder, conflict, prevention, strategies, stakeholders

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2042 Problems Encountered during the Education Process in Hakkari

Authors: Mukadder Baran, Medine Baran Türkan, Gülbeyaz Baran Durmaz


The objective of this work is to collect and evaluate the thoughts about Hakkari's education system of the highschool pupils of the city of Hakkari. To this end, semi-directed questionnaire forms were used. The samples of this work are made up of 24 pupils studying at four different highschools. In order to analyze the data collected, the content analysis method was used. According to the results of this work, the following factors bear an influence on the conditions of education in Hakkari: political environment, feudal resources, family, teacher, geographic conditions, social environment, transportation, difficulties related to economic resources or the access to information. Proceeding from these results, we believe that the bettermen of the conditions of education in Hakkari will improve the pupils' level of achievement. In turn, the rise in educational levels will lay the ground for a more effective participation in democratic processes. In this manner, the rise in educational level will result in a progress in society and ensure the more active participation of individuals in the socio-economic process.

Keywords: economic resources, education, political environment, poverty

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2041 The Incidence of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Positive Myasthenia Gravis in South Africa

Authors: Mombaur Busisiwe, Lesosky Maia, Liebenberg Lisa, Heckmann Jeannine


Introduction: To assess age- and gender-specific incidence rates (IR) of acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-antibody positive myasthenia gravis (MG) in South Africa, and geographical variation in incidence. Methods: IRs were calculated from positive AChR antibody laboratory data between 2011 and 2012, using 2011 population census data. Results:890 individuals were seropositive, for an annual IR of 8.5 per million. Age-standardized IR for early- (< 50) and late-onset (≥ 50) MG were 4.1 and 24 per million, respectively, and for juveniles, 4.3 per million. The IR between provinces ranged from 1 to 19 per million. Conclusions: In this Southern hemisphere African population, the overall IR and peak IR (in older men) for seropositive MG is comparable to that in Europe and North America, arguing against environmental factors. However, IRs may be higher among children with African genetic ancestry. Geographical variation in incidence underscores the importance of outreach programs for regions with limited resources.

Keywords: incidence rates (IR), acetylcholine receptor (AChR), myasthenia gravis (MG), South Africa

Procedia PDF Downloads 495
2040 “Self-Torturous Thresholds” in Post-WWII Japan: Three Thresholds to Queer Japanese Futures

Authors: Maari Sugawara


This arts-based research is about "self-torture": the interplay of seemingly opposing elements of pain, pleasure, submission, and power. It asserts that "self-torture" can be considered a nontrivial mediation between the aesthetic and the sociopolitical. It explores what the author calls queered self-torture; "self-torture" marked by an ambivalence that allows the oppressed to resist, and their counter-valorization occasionally functions as therapeutic solutions to the problems they highlight and condense. The research goal is to deconstruct normative self-torture and propose queered self-torture as a fertile ground for considering the complexities of desire that allow the oppressed to practice freedom. While “self-torture” manifests in many societies, this research focuses on cultural and national identity in post-WWII Japan using this lens of self-torture, as masochism functions as the very basis for Japanese cultural and national identity to ensure self-preservation. This masochism is defined as an impulse to realize a sense of pride and construct an identity through the acceptance of subordination, shame, and humiliation in the face of an all-powerful Other; the dominant Euro-America. It could be argued that this self-torture is a result of Japanese cultural annihilation and the trauma of the nation's defeat to the US. This is the definition of "self-torturous thresholds," the author’s post-WWII Japan psycho-historical diagnosis; when this threshold is crossed, the oppressed begin to torture themselves; the oppressors no longer need to do anything to maintain their power. The oppressed are already oppressing themselves. The term "oppressed" here refers to Japanese individuals and residents of Japan who are subjected to oppressive “white” heteropatriarchal supremacist structures and values that serve colonialist interests. There are three stages in "self-torturous thresholds": (1) the oppressors no longer need to oppress because the oppressed voluntarily commit to self-torture; (2) the oppressed find pleasure in self-torture; and (3) the oppressed achieve queered self-torture, to achieve alternative futures. Using the conceptualization of "self-torture," this research examines and critiques pleasure, desire, capital, and power in postwar Japan, which enables the discussion of the data-colonizing “Moonshot Research and Development program”. If the oppressed want to divest from the habits of normative self-torture, which shape what is possible in both our present and future, we need methods to feel and know that the alternative results of self-torture are possible. Phase three will be enacted using Sarah Ahmed's queer methodology to reorient national and cultural identity away from heteronormativity. Through theoretical analysis, textual analysis, archival research, ethnographic interviews, and digital art projects, including experimental documentary as a method to capture the realities of the individuals who are practicing self-torture, this research seeks to reveal how self-torture may become not just a vehicle of pleasure but also a mode of critiquing power and achieving freedom. It seeks to encourage the imaginings of queer Japanese futures, where the marginalized survive Japan’s natural and man-made disasters and Japan’s Imperialist past and present rather than submitting to the country’s continued violence.

Keywords: arts-based research, Japanese studies, interdisciplinary arts, queer studies, cultural studies, popular culture, BDSM, sadomasochism, sexuality, VR, AR, digital art, visual arts, speculative fiction

Procedia PDF Downloads 74
2039 Using a Robot Companion to Detect and Visualize the Indicators of Dementia Progression and Quality of Life of People Aged 65 and Older

Authors: Jeoffrey Oostrom, Robbert James Schlingmann, Hani Alers


This document depicts the research into the indicators of dementia progression, the automation of quality of life assignments, and the visualization of it. To do this, the Smart Teddy project was initiated to make a smart companion that both monitors the senior citizen as well as processing the captured data into an insightful dashboard. With around 50 million diagnoses worldwide, dementia proves again and again to be a bothersome strain on the lives of many individuals, their relatives, and society as a whole. In 2015 it was estimated that dementia care cost 818 billion U.S Dollars globally. The Smart Teddy project aims to take away a portion of the burden from caregivers by automating the collection of certain data, like movement, geolocation, and sound-levels. This paper proves that the Smart Teddy has the potential to become a useful tool for caregivers but won’t pose as a solution. The Smart Teddy still faces some problems in terms of emotional privacy, but its non-intrusive nature, as well as diversity in usability, can make up for it.

Keywords: dementia care, medical data visualization, quality of life, smart companion

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2038 Decreasing the Oxidative Stress in Autistic Children: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study With Palm Dates Fruit

Authors: Ammal Mokhtar Metwally, Amal Elsaied, Ghada A. Abdel-Latef, Ebtissam M. Salah El-Din, Hanaa R. M. Attia


The link between various diet therapies and autism is controversial and limited. Nutritional interventions aim to increase antioxidant levels suggesting a positive effect on the improvement of autism severity. In this study, the effectiveness of a 90-day Dates fruits consumption fruits (a non-pharmacological and risk-free option) on alleviating autism severity symptoms in individuals with ASD was investigated. The study examined also whether the baseline or improvements of some of the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the subjects affected their response to dates fruits intake on the severity of ASD symptoms. Methodology: This study involved a randomized controlled, double-blind 3-month dates fruits intake. 131 Egyptian children aged 3-12 years with confirmed ASD were enrolled in the study. cases were randomized in one of the three groups as follows; 1st regimen: Group I on 3 dates’ fruits/day (47 cases), 2nd regimen: Group II on 5 dates’ fruits/day (42 cases), and 3rd regimen: group III; nondates group (42 cases). ASD severity was assessed using both the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-V) criteria and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) analysis. The following measures were assessed before and after the regimens: blood levels of three oxidative markers; Malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), nutritional, dietary assessment & anthropometric measurements Results: A significant reduction in the mean score of autism was detected based on CARS scores for those on dates’ regimens compared to those on non-dates (p < 0.01). Participants on 5 dates’ fruits/day for three months showed the highest improvement for autism severity based on both CARS and DSM5 compared to those in 3 dates’ fruits/day and non-dates groups. Responders to dates fruits intake as reflected on the Improvement of autism severity based on CARS diagnosis was detected among 78.7 % and 62.9 % based on CARS and DSM5 diagnosis, respectively. Responders had significant improvement in BMI z score and in the ratio levels of both MDA/SOD and MDA/GPX. Conclusion: The positive results of this study suggest that palm dates fruits could be recommended for children with ASD as adjuvant therapy on a daily regular basis to achieve consistent improvement of autism symptoms Objective: Investigate the effectiveness of a 90-day Dates fruits consumption fruits on alleviating autism severity symptoms in individuals with ASD and explore the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the subjects affected their response to dates fruits intake. Methodology: The study was a randomized controlled, double-blind for 3-month. 131 autistic Egyptian children aged 3-12 years were enrolled in one of the three groups; 1st: on 3 dates’ fruits/day (47 cases), 2nd: Group II on 5 dates’ fruits/day (42 cases), and 3rd: group III; nondates group (42 cases). Conclusion: The positive results of this study suggest that palm dates fruit (a non-pharmacological and risk-free option) could be recommended for children with ASD as adjuvant therapy on a daily regular basis to achieve consistent improvement of autism symptoms.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, palm dates fruits, CARS, DSM5, oxidative markers

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2037 Oat Bran Associated with Nutritional Counseling in Treating Obesity and Other Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

Authors: Simone Raimondi De Souza, Glaucia Maria Moraes De Oliveira, Ronir Raggio Luiz, Glorimar Rosa


Introduction: Obesity is among the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Genesis is multifactorial, including genetic, hormonal and environmental factors disorders, among which inadequate feeding pattern, for which nutritional counseling strategies have proven effective. The consumption of beta-glucans (soluble fibers that reportedly promote satiety) present in oat bran can be an effective strategy for preventing and treating obesity. Other benefits have been observed with oat bran consumption, such as reduction of hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia, two other risk factors for CVD. Objectives: To analyze the effect of oat bran consumption associated with nutritional counseling in reducing body mass index (BMI), blood cholesterol, glucose profile, waist and neck circumference in obese individuals, and to evaluate the change in eating pattern. Methods: clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, lasting 90 days with adults of both genders, with BMI ≥30kg/m2. The study was approved by the Ethics in Research involving human beings in a public institute of cardiology, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Individuals were invited to participate and accepted formally by signing the Terms of Consent. Participants were randomized into oat bran group (gOB) or placebo group (gPCB) and received, respectively: morning prepared consisting of 40g oat bran, 30g of skimmed milk powder and 1g sweetener sucralose; refined flour 40g rice, 30g of milk powder and 1g sweetener sucralose. The Ten Steps to Healthy Eating, of Brazilian Ministry of Health were used to support the nutritional counseling. Variables analyzed: gender; age; BMI, waist circumference (WC) neck circumference (NC); systolic blood pressure (SBP); diastolic blood pressure (DBP); food consumption, total cholesterol (TC), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c), non-HDL cholesterol (nHDLc), triglycerides (TG), fasting glucose (FG), fasting insulin (FI) and HOMA-IR. Dietary intake was assessed by 24-hour dietary recall. The Diet Quality Index revised for the Brazilian population (IQD-R) assessed quality of feeding pattern. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS version 21, considering statistically significant p-value less than 0.05. Results: A total of 38 participants were included, age = 50 ± 7,6years, 63% women. 19 subjects were placed in gOB and 19 in gPCB. After intervention, statistically significant reductions were observed in the following parameters: in gOB: IQD-R, TC, LDL-c, nHDL-c, FI, SBP, DBP, BMI, WC, NC; in gPCB: IQD-R, LDL-c, SBP, DBP, BMI, WC, NC. No statistically significant differences were observed in the results between groups. Conclusion: Our results reinforce nutritional counseling as important strategy for prevention and treatment of obesity and suggest that inclusion of oat bran in daily diet can bring additional benefits controlling risk factors for CVD. More studies are needed to establish all benefits of oat bran to human health as well as the ideal daily dose for consumption.

Keywords: oat bran, cardiovascular disease, nutritional counseling, obesity

Procedia PDF Downloads 232
2036 Immunological and Genetic Studies of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

Authors: Alaa Jawad Hassan, Saad Marza Al-Aaraji, Fadil Abbas Hamad


The current study was designed to assess some immunological parameters and pedigree analysis for atopic dermatitis patients, as the study included 64 patients (37 males and 27 females) and 24 healthy individuals (12 males and 12 females) with no history of the AD. The cases of this study were divided into two age groups; the first is infant and children (1-10 years), while the second is adolescent and adults (11- 60 years). The number of cases was 51 and 13 in each age group respectively. Sera samples from confirmed AD patients and healthy control were analysed by mean of ELISA for assessment the concentrations of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 and IgE. The study showed that a significant increase (P < 0.05) in IL-1β, IL-4 and IgE levels in the patients compared with the control group in both age groups and gender, while there was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the concentration of IL-2. The study of pedigree analysis shows the genetic tendency in the frequency of disease depending on the genetic history of family, where more patients returning to families in which both parents or one of them infected with AD, whereas the patients were no parents infected with AD they are suffering from asthma and the disease recurs in their uncles.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis, cytokines, IgE, molecular biology

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2035 Development of a Computer Vision System for the Blind and Visually Impaired Person

Authors: Rodrigo C. Belleza, Jr., Roselyn A. Maaño, Karl Patrick E. Camota, Darwin Kim Q. Bulawan


Eyes are an essential and conspicuous organ of the human body. Human eyes are outward and inward portals of the body that allows to see the outside world and provides glimpses into ones inner thoughts and feelings. Inevitable blindness and visual impairments may result from eye-related disease, trauma, or congenital or degenerative conditions that cannot be corrected by conventional means. The study emphasizes innovative tools that will serve as an aid to the blind and visually impaired (VI) individuals. The researchers fabricated a prototype that utilizes the Microsoft Kinect for Windows and Arduino microcontroller board. The prototype facilitates advanced gesture recognition, voice recognition, obstacle detection and indoor environment navigation. Open Computer Vision (OpenCV) performs image analysis, and gesture tracking to transform Kinect data to the desired output. A computer vision technology device provides greater accessibility for those with vision impairments.

Keywords: algorithms, blind, computer vision, embedded systems, image analysis

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2034 The Appeal of Vocal Islamism in the West: The Case of Hizb ut-Tahrir vis-à-vis Its Competitors

Authors: Elisa Orofino


Islamism is a very debated topic in the West but almost exclusively explored in its violent forms. Nevertheless, a number of “vocal radical Islamist” groups exist in the West and legally operate because of their non-violent nature. Vocal radicals continually inspire individuals and lead them towards specific goals and priorities, sometimes even towards violence. This paper uses the long-living group Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) to explore the elements that make the organization appealing to segments of Muslim community in the West. This paper uses three agency variables - reflexive monitoring, the rationalization of action and the motivations for actions – to analyze HT’s appeal vis-à-vis two other Islamist groups, Ikhwan al-Muslimun and Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), having similar goals and the same high international profile. This paper concludes that HT’s uniqueness is given by its method, detailed vision of the caliphate, consistency over time and the emphasis placed on the caliphate as the leading force of HT’s unchanged motivation for action.

Keywords: agency, caliphate, Islamist groups, radicalization, vocal radicals

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2033 Leadership, Corruption, and Governance in Nigeria since 1960: The Way Forward

Authors: Reginald Chikere Keke


This paper examined leadership failure consequent on endemic corruption as being the bane of good governance in Nigeria since independence in 1960 and the way forward. Nigeria is lavishly gifted by nature of abundance in human and material resources to be harnessed a strategic, resolute, ingenious, and inventive leadership. For leadership to drive sustainable growth in society, it must be rooted in the cultural values of the people. This, however, is contrary in Nigeria owing to unscrupulous leadership miscarriage, corruption, and bad governance. Using the eclectic approach, the paper scrutinizes the issues of leadership, corruption, and governance to clearly show how bad leadership and governance have destroyed the national fabric and the way out of Nigeria's development quack mire. Furthermore, this paper examined the perplexing nature of corruption in Nigeria that has made it the only lucrative endeavor for politicians and their cronies, leading Nigeria to be regarded as the world's poverty capital. This paper advocate that Nigerians and the international community must endeavor to enshrine effective leadership and good governance through strong institutions, laws, and individuals who have zero tolerance for corruption and mediocrity in the polity. Only then will the fatherland of everyone’s dreams will be realized, and the labors of our hero’s past will not be in vain.

Keywords: corruption, leadership, governance, Nigeria

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2032 An Interpretable Data-Driven Approach for the Stratification of the Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Authors: D.Mendes, J. Henriques, P. Carvalho, T. Rocha, S. Paredes, R. Cabiddu, R. Trimer, R. Mendes, A. Borghi-Silva, L. Kaminsky, E. Ashley, R. Arena, J. Myers


The continued exploration of clinically relevant predictive models continues to be an important pursuit. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) portends clinical vital information and as such its accurate prediction is of high importance. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to develop a data-driven model, based on computational intelligence techniques and, in particular, clustering approaches, to predict CRF. Two prediction models were implemented and compared: 1) the traditional Wasserman/Hansen Equations; and 2) an interpretable clustering approach. Data used for this analysis were from the 'FRIEND - Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: The National Data Base'; in the present study a subset of 10690 apparently healthy individuals were utilized. The accuracy of the models was performed through the computation of sensitivity, specificity, and geometric mean values. The results show the superiority of the clustering approach in the accurate estimation of CRF (i.e., maximal oxygen consumption).

Keywords: cardiorespiratory fitness, data-driven models, knowledge extraction, machine learning

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2031 Exploring Cybercrimes and Major Security Breaches: Assessing the Broader Fiscal Impact on Nigeria

Authors: Washima Tuleun


Cybercrime is a global concern, and Nigeria is not immune to its effects. This paper investigates the cybercrimes and significant cyber-attacks that have targeted businesses and institutions in Nigeria, examining their various forms and the financial and economic impacts they have on individuals, businesses, and the nation as a whole. As technological advancements rapidly evolve and online services gain widespread adoption, there has been a corresponding rise in cyber-related attacks. These attacks often target personal data, exploit system vulnerabilities, and result in the theft of sensitive information, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and broader impacts on organizations. The study conducts a thorough review of existing literature, case studies, and statistical data to provide a comprehensive understanding of Nigeria’s cybercrime landscape. Additionally, it assesses the efforts by both the government and the private sector to address these challenges and offers recommendations for more effective strategies to mitigate and reduce their impact.

Keywords: cybersecurity, telecommunications engineering, information technology, threat intelligence, vulnerability management, computing

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2030 Portable Glove Controlled Video Game for Hand Rehabilitation

Authors: Vinesh Janarthanan, Mohammad H. Rahman


There are numerous neurological conditions that may result in a loss of motor function. Such conditions may include cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke or multiple sclerosis. Due to impaired motor function, specifically in the hand and arm, living independently becomes tremendously more difficult. Rehabilitation programs are the main method to treat these kinds of disabled individuals. However, these programs require longtime commitment from the clinicians/therapists, demand person to person caring, and typically the treatment duration is usually very long. Aside from the treatment received from the therapist, the continuation of neuroplasticity at home is essential to maximizing development and restoring the biological function. To contribute in this area, we have researched and developed a portable and comfortable hand glove for fine motor skills rehabilitation. The glove provides interactive home-based therapy to engage the patient with simple games. The key to this treatment is the repetition of moving the hand and being capable of positioning the hand in various ways.

Keywords: home based, wearable sensors, glove, rehabilitation, motor function, video games

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2029 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Priciples and Obligations

Authors: Rady Farag Aziz Ibrahim


The gap between Islamic terrorism and human rights has become an important issue in the fight against Islamic terrorism worldwide. This situation is repeated because terrorism and human rights are interconnected in such a way that when the former begins, the latter becomes subject to violence. This unknown relationship was recognized in the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action adopted at the International Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna on 25 June 1993, confirming that terrorist acts, in all their forms and manifestations, aim to destroy the rights of individuals. humanity to destroy. Therefore, Islamic terrorism is a violation of basic human rights. For this purpose, the first part of the article will focus on the relationship between terrorism and human rights and the synergy between these two concepts. The second part then explores the emerging concept of cyber threats and how they exist. Additionally, technology analysis will be conducted against threats based on human rights. This will be achieved through analysis of the concept of 'securitization' of human rights and by striking a balance between counter-terrorism measures and the protection of human rights at all costs. This article concludes with recommendations on how to balance terrorism and human rights today.

Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development

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2028 Cultural Intelligence for the Managers of Tomorrow: A Data-Based Analysis of the Antecedents and Training Needs of Today’s Business School Students

Authors: Justin Byrne, Jose Ramon Cobo


The growing importance of cross- or intercultural competencies (used here interchangeably) for the business and management professionals is now a commonplace in both academic and professional literature. This reflects two parallel developments. On the one hand, it is a consequence of the increased attention paid to a whole range of 'soft skills', now seen as fundamental in both individuals' and corporate success. On the other hand, and more specifically, the increasing demand for interculturally competent professionals is a corollary of ongoing processes of globalization, which multiply and intensify encounters between individuals and companies from different cultural backgrounds. Business schools have, for some decades, responded to the needs of the job market and their own students by providing students with training in intercultural skills, as they are encouraged to do so by the major accreditation agencies on both sides of the Atlantic. Adapting Early and Ang's (2003) formulation of Cultural Intelligence (CQ), this paper aims to help fill the lagunae in the current literature on intercultural training in three main ways. First, it offers an in-depth analysis of the CQ of a little studied group: contemporary Millenial and 'Generation Z' Business School students. The level of analysis distinguishes between the four different dimensions of CQ, cognition, metacognition, motivation and behaviour, and thereby provides a detailed picture of the strengths and weaknesses in CQ of the group as a whole, as well as of different sub-groups and profiles of students. Secondly, by crossing these individual-level findings with respondents' socio-cultural and educational data, this paper also proposes and tests hypotheses regarding the relative impact and importance of four possible antecedents of intercultural skills identified in the literature: prior international experience; intercultural training, foreign language proficiency, and experience of cultural diversity in habitual country of residence. Third, we use this analysis to suggest data-based intercultural training priorities for today's management students. These conclusions are based on the statistical analysis of individual responses of some 300 Bachelor or Masters students in a major European Business School provided to two on-line surveys: Ang, Van Dyne, et al's (2007) standard 20-question self-reporting CQ Scale, and an original questionnaire designed by the authors to collate information on respondent's socio-demographic and educational profile relevant to our four hypotheses and explanatory variables. The data from both instruments was crossed in both descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis. This research shows that there is no statistically significant and positive relationship between the four antecedents analyzed and overall CQ level. The exception in this respect is the statistically significant correlation between international experience, and the cognitive dimension of CQ. In contrast, the results show that the combination of international experience and foreign language skills acting together, does have a strong overall impact on CQ levels. These results suggest that selecting and/or training students with strong foreign language skills and providing them with international experience (through multinational programmes, academic exchanges or international internships) constitutes one effective way of training culturally intelligent managers of tomorrow.

Keywords: business school, cultural intelligence, millennial, training

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2027 Creative Thinking through Mindful Practices: A Business Class Case Study

Authors: Malavika Sundararajan


This study introduces the use of mindfulness techniques in the classroom to make individuals aware of how the creative thinking process works, resulting in more constructive learning and application. Case observation method was utilized within a classroom setting in a graduate class in the Business School. It entailed, briefing the student participants about the use of a template called the dots and depths map, and having them complete it for themselves, compare it to their team members and reflect on the outputs. Finally, they were debriefed about the use of the template and its value to their learning and creative application process. The major finding is the increase in awareness levels of the participants following the use of the template, leading to a subsequent pursuit of diverse knowledge and acquisition of relevant information and not jumping to solutions directly, which increased their overall creative outputs for the given assignment. The significant value of this study is that it can be applied to any classroom on any subject as a powerful mindfulness tool which increases creative problem solving through constructive knowledge building.

Keywords: connecting dots, mindful awareness, constructive knowledge building, learning creatively

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2026 Establishing Feedback Partnerships in Higher Education: A Discussion of Conceptual Framework and Implementation Strategies

Authors: Jessica To


Feedback is one of the powerful levers for enhancing students’ performance. However, some students are under-engaged with feedback because they lack responsibility for feedback uptake. To resolve this conundrum, recent literature proposes feedback partnerships in which students and teachers share the power and responsibilities to co-construct feedback. During feedback co-construction, students express feedback needs to teachers, and teachers respond to individuals’ needs in return. Though this approach can increase students’ feedback ownership, its application is lagging as the field lacks conceptual clarity and implementation guide. This presentation aims to discuss the conceptual framework of feedback partnerships and feedback co-construction strategies. It identifies the components of feedback partnerships and strategies which could facilitate feedback co-construction. A systematic literature review was conducted to answer the questions. The literature search was performed using ERIC, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar with the keywords “assessment partnership”, “student as partner,” and “feedback engagement”. No time limit was set for the search. The inclusion criteria encompassed (i) student-teacher partnerships in feedback, (ii) feedback engagement in higher education, (iii) peer-reviewed publications, and (iv) English as the language of publication. Those without addressing conceptual understanding and implementation strategies were excluded. Finally, 65 publications were identified and analysed using thematic analysis. For the procedure, the texts relating to the questions were first extracted. Then, codes were assigned to summarise the ideas of the texts. Upon subsuming similar codes into themes, four themes emerged: students’ responsibilities, teachers’ responsibilities, conditions for partnerships development, and strategies. Their interrelationships were examined iteratively for framework development. Establishing feedback partnerships required different responsibilities of students and teachers during feedback co-construction. Students needed to self-evaluate performance against task criteria, identify inadequacies and communicate their needs to teachers. During feedback exchanges, they interpreted teachers’ comments, generated self-feedback through reflection, and co-developed improvement plans with teachers. Teachers had to increase students’ understanding of criteria and evaluation skills and create opportunities for students’ expression of feedback needs. In feedback dialogue, teachers responded to students’ needs and advised on the improvement plans. Feedback partnerships would be best grounded in an environment with trust and psychological safety. Four strategies could facilitate feedback co-construction. First, students’ understanding of task criteria could be increased by rubrics explanation and exemplar analysis. Second, students could sharpen evaluation skills if they participated in peer review and received teacher feedback on the quality of peer feedback. Third, provision of self-evaluation checklists and prompts and teacher modeling of self-assessment process could aid students in articulating feedback needs. Fourth, the trust could be fostered when teachers explained the benefits of feedback co-construction, showed empathy, and provided personalised comments in dialogue. Some strategies were applied in interactive cover sheets in which students performed self-evaluation and made feedback requests on a cover sheet during assignment submission, followed by teachers’ response to individuals’ requests. The significance of this presentation lies in unpacking the conceptual framework of feedback partnerships and outlining feedback co-construction strategies. With a solid foundation in theory and practice, researchers and teachers could better enhance students’ engagement with feedback.

Keywords: conceptual framework, feedback co-construction, feedback partnerships, implementation strategies

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