Search results for: external cladding systems
10148 Application of Fourier Series Based Learning Control on Mechatronic Systems
Authors: Sandra Baßler, Peter Dünow, Mathias Marquardt
A Fourier series based learning control (FSBLC) algorithm for tracking trajectories of mechanical systems with unknown nonlinearities is presented. Two processes are introduced to which the FSBLC with PD controller is applied. One is a simplified service robot capable of climbing stairs due to special wheels and the other is a propeller driven pendulum with nearly the same requirements on control. Additionally to the investigation of learning the feed forward for the desired trajectories some considerations on the implementation of such an algorithm on low cost microcontroller hardware are made. Simulations of the service robot as well as practical experiments on the pendulum show the capability of the used FSBLC algorithm to perform the task of improving control behavior for repetitive task of such mechanical systems.Keywords: climbing stairs, FSBLC, ILC, service robot
Procedia PDF Downloads 31510147 Embodied Cognition as a Concept of Educational Neuroscience and Phenomenology
Authors: Elham Shirvani-Ghadikolaei
In this paper, we examine the connection between the human mind and body within the framework of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. We study the role of this connection in designing more efficient learning environments, alongside the findings in physical recognition and educational neuroscience. Our research shows the interplay between the mind and the body in the external world and discusses its implications. Based on these observations, we make suggestions as to how the educational system can benefit from taking into account the interaction between the mind and the body in educational affairs.Keywords: educational neurosciences, embodied cognition, pedagogical neurosciences, phenomenology
Procedia PDF Downloads 31910146 Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony and Least Squares Method for Rule-Based Systems Learning
Authors: Ahcene Habbi, Yassine Boudouaoui
This paper deals with the problem of automatic rule generation for fuzzy systems design. The proposed approach is based on hybrid artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization and weighted least squares (LS) method and aims to find the structure and parameters of fuzzy systems simultaneously. More precisely, two ABC based fuzzy modeling strategies are presented and compared. The first strategy uses global optimization to learn fuzzy models, the second one hybridizes ABC and weighted least squares estimate method. The performances of the proposed ABC and ABC-LS fuzzy modeling strategies are evaluated on complex modeling problems and compared to other advanced modeling methods.Keywords: automatic design, learning, fuzzy rules, hybrid, swarm optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 44010145 Mitigating Nitrous Oxide Production from Nitritation/Denitritation: Treatment of Centrate from Pig Manure Co-Digestion as a Model
Authors: Lai Peng, Cristina Pintucci, Dries Seuntjens, José Carvajal-Arroyo, Siegfried Vlaeminck
Economic incentives drive the implementation of short-cut nitrogen removal processes such as nitritation/denitritation (Nit/DNit) to manage nitrogen in waste streams devoid of biodegradable organic carbon. However, as any biological nitrogen removal process, the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) could be emitted from Nit/DNit. Challenges remain in understanding the fundamental mechanisms and development of engineered mitigation strategies for N2O production. To provide answers, this work focuses on manure as a model, the biggest wasted nitrogen mass flow through our economies. A sequencing batch reactor (SBR; 4.5 L) was used treating the centrate (centrifuge supernatant; 2.0 ± 0.11 g N/L of ammonium) from an anaerobic digester processing mainly pig manure, supplemented with a co-substrate. Glycerin was used as external carbon source, a by-product of vegetable oil. Out-selection of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) was targeted using a combination of low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (down to 0.5 mg O2/L), high temperature (35ºC) and relatively high free ammonia (FA) (initially 10 mg NH3-N/L). After reaching steady state, the process was able to remove 100% of ammonium with minimum nitrite and nitrate in the effluent, at a reasonably high nitrogen loading rate (0.4 g N/L/d). Substantial N2O emissions (over 15% of the nitrogen loading) were observed at the baseline operational condition, which were even increased under nitrite accumulation and a low organic carbon to nitrogen ratio. Yet, higher DO (~2.2 mg O2/L) lowered aerobic N2O emissions and weakened the dependency of N2O on nitrite concentration, suggesting a shift of N2O production pathway at elevated DO levels. Limiting the greenhouse gas emissions (environmental protection) from such a system could be substantially minimized by increasing the external carbon dosage (a cost factor), but also through the implementation of an intermittent aeration and feeding strategy. Promising steps forward have been presented in this abstract, yet at the conference the insights of ongoing experiments will also be shared.Keywords: mitigation, nitrous oxide, nitritation/denitritation, pig manure
Procedia PDF Downloads 24910144 A Case Study on the Effect of a Mobility Focused Exercise Training in Rehabilitation of an Elite Weightlifter with Shoulder Pain and Weakness
Authors: Lingling Li, Peng Zhao, Runze Guan, Alice Jones, Tao Yu
Background: Shoulder pain and weakness are associated with complex pathologies and often precludes weightlifters from participation in training. The role and mode of exercise training in weightlifters with shoulder pathology remains unclear. Objectives: This case report described an exercise program in management of an elite weightlifter with primary complaint of right shoulder pain and weakness. Methods: A 22-year-old weightlifter presented with 2-year duration of right shoulder pain and weakness which was worsened by routine weightlifting training, and symptoms were not relieved with steroid injection, manual therapy nor usual physiotherapy. There was a limitation in all active range of motion especially horizontal extension (13ᵒ) and external rotation (41ᵒ) with pain intensity at 4/10 and 10/10 (numeric pain rating score) respectively. Muscle weakness was most significant at supraspinatus and teres minor, 38% and 27% respectively compared to his left shoulder (hand-held dynamometry, Micro FET2). An exercise training program focusing on improving mobility was designed for this athlete following a comprehensive physical assessment. Exercises included specific stretching, muscle activating and scapular stability training; once per day, and for 60 minutes each session. All exercises were completed under instruction as pain allowed. Quantitative assessment was conducted at the end of each week for 3 weeks. Outcomes: After the program, the athlete was pain-free in all movements except the O’Brien active compression internal rotation test, the pain was however reduced from 10/10 to 3/10. The horizontal extension and external rotation range increased to 79ᵒ to 120ᵒ respectively, and strength of all rotator cuff muscles returned to normal. At 1-month follow up, the athlete was totally pain-free and had returned to normal function and weightlifting training activities. The outcomes sustained through 6-month and one year. Conclusion: This case report supports the use of a mobility-focused exercise program for management of shoulder pain and weakness in an elite weightlifter athlete.Keywords: exercise training, mobility, rehabilitation, shoulder pain, weightlifting
Procedia PDF Downloads 18010143 Human-Centred Data Analysis Method for Future Design of Residential Spaces: Coliving Case Study
Authors: Alicia Regodon Puyalto, Alfonso Garcia-Santos
This article presents a method to analyze the use of indoor spaces based on data analytics obtained from inbuilt digital devices. The study uses the data generated by the in-place devices, such as smart locks, Wi-Fi routers, and electrical sensors, to gain additional insights on space occupancy, user behaviour, and comfort. Those devices, originally installed to facilitate remote operations, report data through the internet that the research uses to analyze information on human real-time use of spaces. Using an in-place Internet of Things (IoT) network enables a faster, more affordable, seamless, and scalable solution to analyze building interior spaces without incorporating external data collection systems such as sensors. The methodology is applied to a real case study of coliving, a residential building of 3000m², 7 floors, and 80 users in the centre of Madrid. The case study applies the method to classify IoT devices, assess, clean, and analyze collected data based on the analysis framework. The information is collected remotely, through the different platforms devices' platforms; the first step is to curate the data, understand what insights can be provided from each device according to the objectives of the study, this generates an analysis framework to be escalated for future building assessment even beyond the residential sector. The method will adjust the parameters to be analyzed tailored to the dataset available in the IoT of each building. The research demonstrates how human-centered data analytics can improve the future spatial design of indoor spaces.Keywords: in-place devices, IoT, human-centred data-analytics, spatial design
Procedia PDF Downloads 19710142 Students’ Perception of E-Learning Systems at Hashemite University
Authors: Muneer Abbad
In search of better, traditional learning universities have expanded their ways to deliver knowledge and integrate cost effective e-learning systems. Universities’ use of information and communication technologies has grown tremendously over the last decade. To ensure efficient use of the e-learning system, this project aimed to evaluate the good and bad practices, detect errors and determine areas for further improvements in usage. This project critically evaluated the students’ perception of the e-learning system and recommended changes to improve students’ e-learning usage, through conducting questionnaire given to the students that have experience with e-learning systems. Results of the study indicated that, in general, students have favourable perceptions toward using the e-learning system. They seemed to value the resources tool and its contribution to building their knowledge more than other e-learning tools. However, they seemed to perceive a limited value from the audio or video podcasts. This study has shown that technology acceptance is the most variable, factor that contributes to students’ perception and satisfaction of the e-learning system.Keywords: e-learning, perception, Jordan, universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 49010141 Effects of Convective Momentum Transport on the Cyclones Intensity: A Case Study
Authors: José Davi Oliveira De Moura, Chou Sin Chan
In this study, the effect of convective momentum transport (CMT) on the life of cyclone systems and their organization is analyzed. A case of strong precipitation, in the southeast of Brazil, was simulated using Eta model with two kinds of convective parameterization: Kain-Fritsch without CMT and Kain-fritsch with CMT. Reanalysis data from CFSR were used to compare Eta model simulations. The Wind, mean sea level pressure, rain and temperature are included in analysis. The rain was evaluated by Equitable Threat Score (ETS) and Bias Index; the simulations were compared among themselves to detect the influence of CMT displacement on the systems. The result shows that CMT process decreases the intensity of meso cyclones (higher pressure values on nuclei) and change the positions and production of rain. The decrease of intensity in meso cyclones should be caused by the dissolution of momentum from lower levels from up levels. The rain production and rain distribution were altered because the displacement of the larger systems scales was changed. In addition, the inclusion of CMT process is very important to improve the simulation of life time of meteorological systems.Keywords: convection, Kain-Fritsch, momentum, parameterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 32510140 Context-Aware Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based Algorithm and Fuzzy Rules
Authors: Xochilt Ramirez-Garcia, Mario Garcia-Valdez
Contextual recommendations are implemented in Recommender Systems to improve user satisfaction, recommender system makes accurate and suitable recommendations for a particular situation reaching personalized recommendations. The context provides information relevant to the Recommender System and is used as a filter for selection of relevant items for the user. This paper presents a Context-aware Recommender System, which uses techniques based on Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based, as well as fuzzy rules, to recommend items inside the context. The dataset used to test the system is Trip Advisor. The accuracy in the recommendations was evaluated with the Mean Absolute Error.Keywords: algorithms, collaborative filtering, intelligent systems, fuzzy logic, recommender systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 42410139 Recent Legal Changes in Turkish Commercial Law to Be a Part of International Markets and Their Results
Authors: Ibrahim Arslan
Since 1984, Turkey has experienced a significant transformation in legal and economic matters. The most consequential examples of this transformation in recent years are the renewal of the Commercial Code and the Check Act. Nowadays, the commercial activity is not limited within the boundaries of the country; on the contrary, as required by the global economy, it has an international dimension. For this reason, unlike some other legal principles, the rules regulating the commercial life should be compatible with the international standards as much as possible. Otherwise the development possibility in the global markets will be limited. The Check Act has been adopted in 2009 and the Commercial Code has been adopted in 2011. The Commercial Code has been entered into force on 1 July 2012. The international dimension of check is in-disputable for it is based on the Geneva Convention. However, the Turkish business life has created a unique application of this legal tool. This application is called “post-date” checks. Indeed the majority of the checks being used in the market are post-dated checks. The holders of these checks have waited the date written on the check for presentation and collection. Thus, the actual situation has occurred. This actual situation has been legitimized via Check Act No. 5941 and post dated checks have gained a legal status. In the preparation of the new the Turkish Commercial Code one of the goals is "to ensure that the Turkish commercial law becomes a part of the international market". To achieve this goal, significant changes have been made especially concerning the independent external audition of the corporations, the board structure and public disclosure regulations. These changes aim to facilitate the internationalization of Turkish corporations as well as intensification of foreign direct investments through foreign capital. Although the target has been determined this way, after the adoption but five days before the entry into force of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, a law made backward going alterations concerning independent external audition and public disclosure regulations. Turkish Commercial Code has been currently in force with its altered status. Both the regulations in the Check Act as well as the changes in the Commercial Code are not compatible with the goals introduced by rationale “to ensure Turkish commercial law to be a part of the international market” as such.Keywords: Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Turkish Check Act, “post-date” checks, legal changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 29510138 Predictive Analysis of the Stock Price Market Trends with Deep Learning
Authors: Suraj Mehrotra
The stock market is a volatile, bustling marketplace that is a cornerstone of economics. It defines whether companies are successful or in spiral. A thorough understanding of it is important - many companies have whole divisions dedicated to analysis of both their stock and of rivaling companies. Linking the world of finance and artificial intelligence (AI), especially the stock market, has been a relatively recent development. Predicting how stocks will do considering all external factors and previous data has always been a human task. With the help of AI, however, machine learning models can help us make more complete predictions in financial trends. Taking a look at the stock market specifically, predicting the open, closing, high, and low prices for the next day is very hard to do. Machine learning makes this task a lot easier. A model that builds upon itself that takes in external factors as weights can predict trends far into the future. When used effectively, new doors can be opened up in the business and finance world, and companies can make better and more complete decisions. This paper explores the various techniques used in the prediction of stock prices, from traditional statistical methods to deep learning and neural networks based approaches, among other methods. It provides a detailed analysis of the techniques and also explores the challenges in predictive analysis. For the accuracy of the testing set, taking a look at four different models - linear regression, neural network, decision tree, and naïve Bayes - on the different stocks, Apple, Google, Tesla, Amazon, United Healthcare, Exxon Mobil, J.P. Morgan & Chase, and Johnson & Johnson, the naïve Bayes model and linear regression models worked best. For the testing set, the naïve Bayes model had the highest accuracy along with the linear regression model, followed by the neural network model and then the decision tree model. The training set had similar results except for the fact that the decision tree model was perfect with complete accuracy in its predictions, which makes sense. This means that the decision tree model likely overfitted the training set when used for the testing set.Keywords: machine learning, testing set, artificial intelligence, stock analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 9610137 Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Public Bicycle Projects in Chinese Cities
Authors: Xiujuan Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lei Yu, Xue Liu
There are many purported benefits of public bike systems, therefore, it has seen a sharp increase since 2008 in Hangzhou, China. However, there are few studies on the public bicycle system in Chinese cities. In order to make recommendations for the development of public bicycle systems, this paper analyzes the influencing factors by using the system dynamics method according to the main characteristics of Chinese cities. The main characteristics of Chinese cities lie in the city size and process of urbanization, traffic mode division, demographic characteristics, bicycle infrastructure and right of way, regime structure. Finally, under the context of Chinese bike sharing systems, these analyses results can help to design some feasible strategies for the planner to the development of the public bicycles.Keywords: engineering of communication and transportation system, bicycle, public bike, characteristics of Chinese cities, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 24410136 Arithmetic Operations in Deterministic P Systems Based on the Weak Rule Priority
Authors: Chinedu Peter, Dashrath Singh
Membrane computing is a computability model which abstracts its structures and functions from the biological cell. The main ingredient of membrane computing is the notion of a membrane structure, which consists of several cell-like membranes recurrently placed inside a unique skin membrane. The emergence of several variants of membrane computing gives rise to the notion of a P system. The paper presents a variant of P systems for arithmetic operations on non-negative integers based on the weak priorities for rule application. Consequently, we obtain deterministic P systems. Two membranes suffice. There are at most four objects for multiplication and five objects for division throughout the computation processes. The model is simple and has a potential for possible extension to non-negative integers and real numbers in general.Keywords: P system, binary operation, determinism, weak rule priority
Procedia PDF Downloads 44510135 Optimum Design of Grillage Systems Using Firefly Algorithm Optimization Method
Authors: F. Erdal, E. Dogan, F. E. Uz
In this study, firefly optimization based optimum design algorithm is presented for the grillage systems. Naming of the algorithm is derived from the fireflies, whose sense of movement is taken as a model in the development of the algorithm. Fireflies’ being unisex and attraction between each other constitute the basis of the algorithm. The design algorithm considers the displacement and strength constraints which are implemented from LRFD-AISC (Load and Resistance Factor Design-American Institute of Steel Construction). It selects the appropriate W (Wide Flange)-sections for the transverse and longitudinal beams of the grillage system among 272 discrete W-section designations given in LRFD-AISC so that the design limitations described in LRFD are satisfied and the weight of the system is confined to be minimal. Number of design examples is considered to demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm presented.Keywords: firefly algorithm, steel grillage systems, optimum design, stochastic search techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 43910134 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Civil Engineering
Authors: Naci Büyükkaracığan
Artificial neural networks (ANN) is an electrical model based on the human brain nervous system and working principle. Artificial neural networks have been the subject of an active field of research that has matured greatly over the past 55 years. ANN now is used in many fields. But, it has been viewed that artificial neural networks give better results in particular optimization and control systems. There are requirements of optimization and control system in many of the area forming the subject of civil engineering applications. In this study, the first artificial intelligence systems are widely used in the solution of civil engineering systems were examined with the basic principles and technical aspects. Finally, the literature reviews for applications in the field of civil engineering were conducted and also artificial intelligence techniques were informed about the study and its results.Keywords: artificial neural networks, civil engineering, Fuzzy logic, statistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 41510133 Pressure Regulator Optimization in LPG Fuel Injection Systems
Authors: M. Akif Ceviz, Alirıza Kaleli, Erdoğan Güner
LPG pressure regulator is a device which is used to change the phase of LPG from liquid to gas by decreasing the pressure. During the phase change, it is necessary to supply the latent heat of LPG to prevent excessive low temperature. Engine coolant is circulated in the pressure regulator for this purpose. Therefore, pressure regulator is a type of heat exchanger that should be designed for different engine operating conditions. The design of the regulator should ensure that the flow of LPG is in gaseous phase to the injectors during the engine steady state and transient operating conditions. The pressure regulators in the LPG gaseous injection systems currently used can easily change the phase of LPG, however, there is no any control on the LPG temperature in conventional LPG injection systems. It is possible to increase temperature excessively. In this study, a control unit has been tested to keep the LPG temperature in a band. Result of the study showed that the engine performance characteristics can be increased by using the system.Keywords: temperature, pressure regulator, LPG, PID
Procedia PDF Downloads 51610132 Energy Calculation for Excited Lithium Atom in Position Space
Authors: Khalil H. Al-Bayati, Khalid Omar Al-Baiti
The energy expectation valueKeywords: energy expectation value, atomic systems, ground and excited states, Hartree-Fock approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 61810131 Influence of Strengthening of Hip Abductors and External Rotators in Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Authors: Karima Abdel Aty Hassan Mohamed, Manal Mohamed Ismail, Mona Hassan Gamal Eldein, Ahmed Hassan Hussein, Abdel Aziz Mohamed Elsingerg
Background: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common musculoskeletal pain condition, especially in females. Decreased hip muscle strength has been implicated as a contributing factor, yet the relationships between pain, hip muscle strength and function are not known. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of strengthening hip abductors and lateral rotators on pain intensity, function and hip abductor and hip lateral rotator eccentric and concentric torques in patients with PFPS. Methods: Thirty patients had participated in this study; they were assigned into two experimental groups. With age ranged for eighty to thirty five years. Group A consisted of 15 patients (11females and 4 males) with mean age 20.8 (±2.73) years, received closed kinetic chain exercises program, stretching exercises for tight lower extremity soft tissues, and hip strengthening exercises .Group B consisted of 15 patients (12 females and 3 males) with mean age 21.2(±3.27) years, received closed kinetic chain exercises program and stretching exercises for tight lower extremity soft tissues. Treatment was given 2-3times/week, for 6 weeks. Patients were evaluated pre and post treatment for their pain severity, function of knee joint, hip abductors and external rotators concentric/eccentric peak torque. Result: the results revealed that there were significant differences in pain and function between both groups, while there was improvement for all values for both group. Conclusion: Six weeks rehabilitation program focusing on knee strengthening exercises either supplemented by hip strengthening exercises or not effective in improving function, reducing pain and improving hip muscles torque in patients with PFPS. However, adding hip abduction and lateral rotation strengthening exercises seem to reduce pain and improve function more efficiently.Keywords: patellofemoral pain syndrome, hip muscles, rehabilitation, isokinetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 45110130 The Role of Emotions in the Consumer: Theoretical Review and Analysis of Components
Authors: Mikel Alonso López
The early eighties saw the rise of a new research trend in several prestigious journals, mainly articles that related emotions with the decision-making processes of the consumer, and stopped treating them as external elements. That is why we ask questions such as: what are emotions? Are there different types of emotions? What components do they have? Which theories exist about them? In this study, we will review the main theories and components of emotion analysing the cognitive factor and the different emotional states that are generally recognizable with a focus in the classic debate as to whether they occur before the cognitive process or the affective process.Keywords: emotion, consumer behaviour, feelings, decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 34810129 Comparison between Approaches Used in Two Walk About Projects
Authors: Derek O Reilly, Piotr Milczarski, Shane Dowdall, Artur Hłobaż, Krzysztof Podlaski, Hiram Bollaert
Learning through creation of contextual games is a very promising way/tool for interdisciplinary and international group projects. During 2013 and 2014 we took part and organized two intensive students projects in different conditions. The projects enrolled 68 students and 12 mentors from 5 countries. In the paper we want to share our experience how to strengthen the chances to succeed in short (12-15 days long) student projects. In our case almost all teams prepared working prototype and the results were highly appreciated by external experts.Keywords: contextual games, mobile games, GGULIVRR, walkabout, Erasmus intensive programme
Procedia PDF Downloads 50210128 Comparison of Two Maintenance Policies for a Two-Unit Series System Considering General Repair
Authors: Seyedvahid Najafi, Viliam Makis
In recent years, maintenance optimization has attracted special attention due to the growth of industrial systems complexity. Maintenance costs are high for many systems, and preventive maintenance is effective when it increases operations' reliability and safety at a reduced cost. The novelty of this research is to consider general repair in the modeling of multi-unit series systems and solve the maintenance problem for such systems using the semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) framework. We propose an opportunistic maintenance policy for a series system composed of two main units. Unit 1, which is more expensive than unit 2, is subjected to condition monitoring, and its deterioration is modeled using a gamma process. Unit 1 hazard rate is estimated by the proportional hazards model (PHM), and two hazard rate control limits are considered as the thresholds of maintenance interventions for unit 1. Maintenance is performed on unit 2, considering an age control limit. The objective is to find the optimal control limits and minimize the long-run expected average cost per unit time. The proposed algorithm is applied to a numerical example to compare the effectiveness of the proposed policy (policy Ⅰ) with policy Ⅱ, which is similar to policy Ⅰ, but instead of general repair, replacement is performed. Results show that policy Ⅰ leads to lower average cost compared with policy Ⅱ.Keywords: condition-based maintenance, proportional hazards model, semi-Markov decision process, two-unit series systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 12510127 Design and Thermal Analysis of Power Harvesting System of a Hexagonal Shaped Small Spacecraft
Authors: Mansa Radhakrishnan, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Rizwan Mughal
Many universities around the world are working on modular and low budget architecture of small spacecraft to reduce the development cost of the overall system. This paper focuses on the design of a modular solar power harvesting system for a hexagonal-shaped small satellite. The designed solar power harvesting systems are composed of solar panels and power converter subsystems. The solar panel is composed of solar cells mounted on the external face of the printed circuit board (PCB), while the electronic components of power conversion are mounted on the interior side of the same PCB. The solar panel with dimensions 16.5cm × 99cm is composed of 36 solar cells (each solar cell is 4cm × 7cm) divided into four parallel banks where each bank consists of 9 solar cells. The output voltage of a single solar cell is 2.14V, and the combined output voltage of 9 series connected solar cells is around 19.3V. The output voltage of the solar panel is boosted to the satellite power distribution bus voltage level (28V) by a boost converter working on a constant voltage maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique. The solar panel module is an eight-layer PCB having embedded coil in 4 internal layers. This coil is used to control the attitude of the spacecraft, which consumes power to generate a magnetic field and rotate the spacecraft. As power converter and distribution subsystem components are mounted on the PCB internal layer, therefore it is mandatory to do thermal analysis in order to ensure that the overall module temperature is within thermal safety limits. The main focus of the overall design is on compactness, miniaturization, and efficiency enhancement.Keywords: small satellites, power subsystem, efficiency, MPPT
Procedia PDF Downloads 7710126 Build Information Systems Environment Clean Through the Sms Gateway
Authors: Lutpi Ginanjar
Environmental hygiene is indispensable for people to live healthy, safe and peaceful. In a small environment, the cleanliness of the environment is very easy to overcome, but on the larger environment requires a more complicated management and considerable investments. In general environmental hygiene are managed by the Department of Hygiene and Landscaper. Found a good management, but much less good management. The difficulties that are often encountered on waste management also caused public awareness itself. In addition, communities have difficulty in making a report about the rubbish because not dibangunnyasistem good information. Essai aims to build information systems environment clean especially the handling of waste in the city of Bandung, West Java province. The system was built with PHP software. Expected results obtained after the construction of the information system of environmental hygiene can be demonstrated to the community will be the health of the environment.Keywords: information systems, SMS gateway, management, software, PHP
Procedia PDF Downloads 49010125 Effectiveness with Respect to Time-To-Market and the Impacts of Late-Stage Design Changes in Rapid Development Life Cycles
Authors: Parth Shah
The author examines the recent trend where business organizations are significantly reducing their developmental cycle times to stay competitive in today’s global marketspace. The author proposes a rapid systems engineering framework to address late design changes and allow for flexibility (i.e. to react to unexpected or late changes and its impacts) during the product development cycle using a Systems Engineering approach. A System Engineering approach is crucial in today’s product development to deliver complex products into the marketplace. Design changes can occur due to shortened timelines and also based on initial consumer feedback once a product or service is in the marketplace. The ability to react to change and address customer expectations in a responsive and cost-efficient manner is crucial for any organization to succeed. Past literature, research, and methods such as concurrent development, simultaneous engineering, knowledge management, component sharing, rapid product integration, tailored systems engineering processes, and studies on reducing product development cycles all suggest a research gap exist in specifically addressing late design changes due to the shortening of life cycle environments in increasingly competitive markets. The author’s research suggests that 1) product development cycles time scales are now measured in months instead of years, 2) more and more products have interdepended systems and environments that are fast-paced and resource critical, 3) product obsolesce is higher and more organizations are releasing products and services frequently, and 4) increasingly competitive markets are leading to customization based on consumer feedback. The author will quantify effectiveness with respect to success factors such as time-to-market, return-of-investment, life cycle time and flexibility in late design changes by complexity of product or service, number of late changes and ability to react and reduce late design changes.Keywords: product development, rapid systems engineering, scalability, systems engineering, systems integration, systems life cycle
Procedia PDF Downloads 20410124 Electrokinetic Regulation of Flow in Microcrack Reservoirs
Authors: Aslanova Aida Ramiz
One of the important aspects of rheophysical problems in oil and gas extraction is the regulation of thermohydrodynamic properties of liquid systems using physical and physicochemical methods. It is known that the constituent parts of real fluid systems in oil and gas production are practically non-conducting, non-magnetically active components. Real heterogeneous hydrocarbon systems, from the structural point of view, consist of an infinite number of microscopic local ion-electrostatic cores distributed in the volume of the dispersion medium. According to Cohen's rule, double electric layers are formed at the contact boundaries of components in contact (oil-gas, oil-water, water-condensate, etc.) in a heterogeneous system, and as a result, each real fluid system can be represented as a complex composition of a set of local electrostatic fields. The electrokinetic properties of this structure are characterized by a certain electrode potential. Prof. F.H. Valiyev called this potential the α-factor and came up with the idea that many natural and technological rheophysical processes (effects) are essentially electrokinetic in nature, and by changing the α-factor, it is possible to adjust the physical properties of real hydraulic systems, including thermohydrodynamic parameters. Based on this idea, extensive research work was conducted, and the possibility of reducing hydraulic resistances and improving rheological properties was experimentally discovered in real liquid systems by reducing the electrical potential with various physical and chemical methods.Keywords: microcracked, electrode potential, hydraulic resistance, Newtonian fluid, rheophysical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 7810123 Understanding Organizational Capabilities and Dynamic Capabilities in the Context of Micro Enterprises: A Research Agenda
Authors: G. Gurkan Inan, Umit S. Bititci
Purpose of this study is to understand development of organizational capabilities in micro enterprises. Organizational capabilities underpin companies` competitive advantages as well as their ability to respond internal and external change. Current literature is focused on mainly large enterprises, with some interest on SMEs. However there is little research attempting to understand the applicability of organizational capability theories on micro enterprises. In this paper we propose a research framework and a research agenda for addressing this gap.Keywords: micro enterprises, organizational capabilities, dynamic capabilities, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 45210122 Symmetry Properties of Linear Algebraic Systems with Non-Canonical Scalar Multiplication
Authors: Krish Jhurani
The research paper presents an in-depth analysis of symmetry properties in linear algebraic systems under the operation of non-canonical scalar multiplication structures, specifically semirings, and near-rings. The objective is to unveil the profound alterations that occur in traditional linear algebraic structures when we replace conventional field multiplication with these non-canonical operations. In the methodology, we first establish the theoretical foundations of non-canonical scalar multiplication, followed by a meticulous investigation into the resulting symmetry properties, focusing on eigenvectors, eigenspaces, and invariant subspaces. The methodology involves a combination of rigorous mathematical proofs and derivations, supplemented by illustrative examples that exhibit these discovered symmetry properties in tangible mathematical scenarios. The core findings uncover unique symmetry attributes. For linear algebraic systems with semiring scalar multiplication, we reveal eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Systems operating under near-ring scalar multiplication disclose unique invariant subspaces. These discoveries drastically broaden the traditional landscape of symmetry properties in linear algebraic systems. With the application of these findings, potential practical implications span across various fields such as physics, coding theory, and cryptography. They could enhance error detection and correction codes, devise more secure cryptographic algorithms, and even influence theoretical physics. This expansion of applicability accentuates the significance of the presented research. The research paper thus contributes to the mathematical community by bringing forth perspectives on linear algebraic systems and their symmetry properties through the lens of non-canonical scalar multiplication, coupled with an exploration of practical applications.Keywords: eigenspaces, eigenvectors, invariant subspaces, near-rings, non-canonical scalar multiplication, semirings, symmetry properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 12410121 Implementation of ANN-Based MPPT for a PV System and Efficiency Improvement of DC-DC Converter by WBG Devices
Authors: Bouchra Nadji, Elaid Bouchetob
PV systems are common in residential and industrial settings because of their low, upfront costs and operating costs throughout their lifetimes. Buck or boost converters are used in photovoltaic systems, regardless of whether the system is autonomous or connected to the grid. These converters became less appealing because of their low efficiency, inadequate power density, and use of silicon for their power components. Traditional devices based on Si are getting close to reaching their theoretical performance limits, which makes it more challenging to improve the performance and efficiency of these devices. GaN and SiC are the two types of WBG semiconductors with the most recent technological advancements and are available. Tolerance to high temperatures and switching frequencies can reduce active and passive component size. Utilizing high-efficiency dc-dc boost converters is the primary emphasis of this work. These converters are for photovoltaic systems that use wave energy.Keywords: component, Artificial intelligence, PV System, ANN MPPT, DC-DC converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 6110120 Review and Comparison of Iran`s Sixteenth Topic of the Building with the Ranking System of the Water Sector Lead to Improve the Criteria of the Sixteenth Topic
Authors: O. Fatemi
Considering growing building construction industry in developing countries and sustainable development concept, as well as the importance of taking care of the future generations, codifying buildings scoring system based on environmental criteria, has always been a subject for discussion. The existing systems cannot be used for all the regions due to several reasons, including but not limited to variety in regional variables. In this article, the most important common LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) common and Global environmental scoring systems, used in UK, USA, and Japan, respectively, have been discussed and compared with a special focus on CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency), to credit assigning field (weighing and scores systems) as well as sustainable development criteria in each system. Then, converging and distinct fields of the foregoing systems are examined considering National Iranian Building Code. Furthermore, the common credits in the said systems not mentioned in National Iranian Building Code have been identified. These credits, which are generally included in well-known fundamental principles in sustainable development, may be considered as offered options for the Iranian building environmental scoring system. It is suggested that one of the globally and commonly accepted systems is chosen considering national priorities in order to offer an effective method for buildings environmental scoring, and then, a part of credits is added and/or removed, or a certain credit score is changed, and eventually, a new scoring system with a new title is developed for the country. Evidently, building construction industry highly affects the environment, economy, efficiency, and health of the relevant occupants. Considering the growing trend of cities and construction, achieving building scoring systems based on environmental criteria has always been a matter of discussion. The existing systems cannot be used for all the regions due to several reasons, including but not limited to variety in regional variables.Keywords: scoring system, sustainability assessment, water efficiency, national Iranian building code
Procedia PDF Downloads 18210119 Role of Education on Shaping the Personality of the Students in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Daund Taluka in Pune District of Maharashtra, India
Authors: L. K. Shitole
Usually on the face of it, personality is regarded as the external appearance of an individual. In psychology, the personality is not viewed merely as self or external appears, but it adds much more. Human resources development encompasses the personality development of the students. The student’s development starts right from the childhood and gradually continues right up to the completion of education in professional courses. This paper attempts to find out the role of the educational institutions in shaping the personality of the students from the rural area. Schools and colleges have infrastructural limitations, obtaining good quality and devoted teaching staff poses problems and even outside the school environment there are no private classes which may take care of this deficiency. The researcher has used the standardized test namely “Vyaktitva Shodhika” developed by Gyan Prabodhini, Pune for the students in Daund Taluka. There are 68 objective types of questions in the said questionnaire. Totally a sample size of 4191 students was selected. The sample was quite representative. It is observed that by and large the response indicates that the educational institutions are taking sincere efforts in shaping the personality of the students. In the semi-urban area i.e. at educational institutions of all levels, the performance on this front is excellent and at rest of Daund Taluka there is scope for improvement. Educational institutions of all levels are showing excellent performance in ensuring availability of the requisite infrastructure conducive for the development of the personality of the students. In rest of Daund Taluka there is ample scope for improving the situation. As far as data relating to role of co-curricular activities and sports programs in mental and physical development at various educational institutions is concerned Daund educational institutions have repeated their performance in securing “A” category, while in the rural area of Daund Taluka, there is need to step up the efforts in this regard. In today’s world of knowledge industry, one cannot ignore the importance of education and thereby the personality growth of the students. Accordingly, the educational institutions should undertake consistent research and extension activities in the area of personality development.Keywords: personality, attitude, infrastructure, quality of education, learning environment, teacher’s contribution, family and society’s role
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