Search results for: aspect series
3187 Parenting Styles and Their Relation to Videogame Addiction
Authors: Petr Květon, Martin Jelínek
We try to identify the role of various aspects of parenting style in the phenomenon of videogame playing addiction. Relevant self-report questionnaires were part of a wider set of methods focused on the constructs related to videogame playing. The battery of methods was administered in school settings in paper and pencil form. The research sample consisted of 333 (166 males, 167 females) elementary and high school students at the age between 10 and 19 years (m=14.98, sd=1.77). Using stepwise regression analysis, we assessed the influence of demographic variables (gender and age) and parenting styles. Age and gender together explained 26.3% of game addiction variance (F(2,330)=58.81, p<.01). By adding four aspect of parenting styles (inconsistency, involvement, control, and warmth) another 10.2% of variance was explained (∆F(4,326)=13.09, p<.01). The significant predictor was gender of the respondent, where males scored higher on game addiction scale (B=0.70, p<.01), age (β=-0.18, p<.01), where younger children showed higher level of addiction, and parental inconsistency (β=0.30, p<.01), where the higher the inconsistency in upbringing, the more developed game playing addiction.Keywords: gender, parenting styles, video games, addiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3513186 A Study on Waste Management Policy in Minamata City Kumamoto Prefecture Japan
Authors: Qiannan Zhuo, Wanglin Yan
Minamata City and its citizens have been suffered from Minamata Disease, one of the worst environmental problems in Japan, since 1956. To mitigate the bad images brought by Minamata Disease, Minamata City has started a series of environmental friendly activities from 60 years ago. Garbage separation is the very beginning one. It has been already done for more than 20 years since Minamata citizens started to separate their garbage into more than 20 categories. In this research, the author evaluated the effectiveness of the waste management policy in Minamata city by analyzing the recycle rate and the landfill amount., and also pointed out the problems brought by it through the qualitative survey.Keywords: Minamata City, households waste, garbage separation, recycle reduce reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 2383185 Impacts of Exchange Rate and Inflation Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan
Authors: Saad Bin Nasir
The study identifies the impact of inflation and foreign exchange rate on foreign direct investment in Pakistan. Inflation and exchange rates are used as independent variables and foreign direct investment is taken as dependent variable. Discreet time series data has been used from the period of 1999 to 2009. The results of regression analysis reveal that high inflation has negative impact on foreign direct investment and higher exchange rates has positive impact on foreign direct investment in Pakistan. The inflation and foreign exchange rates both are insignificant in the analysis.Keywords: inflation rate, foreign exchange rate, foreign direct investment, foreign assets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4223184 Impact of Tourists on HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Incidence
Authors: Ofosuhene O. Apenteng, Noor Azina Ismail
Recently tourism is a major foreign exchange earner in the World. In this paper, we propose the mathematical model to study the impact of tourists on the spread of HIV incidences using compartmental differential equation models. Simulation studies of reproduction number are used to demonstrate new insights on the spread of HIV disease. The periodogram analysis of a time series was used to determine the speed at which the disease is spread. The results indicate that with the persistent flow of tourism into a country, the disease status has increased the epidemic rate. The result suggests that the government must put more control on illegal prostitution, unprotected sexual activity as well as to emphasis on prevention policies that include the safe sexual activity through the campaign by the tourism board.Keywords: HIV/AIDS, mathematical transmission modeling, tourists, stability, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933183 Engineering Review of Recycled Concrete Production for Structural and Non-Structural Applications (Green Concrete)
Authors: Hadi Rouhi Belvirdi
With the increasing demand for sustainable development, recycled materials are receiving more attention in construction projects. To promote sustainable development, this review article evaluates the feasibility of using recycled concrete in construction projects from an economic and environmental perspective. The results show that making concrete using recycled concrete is a suitable strategy for sustainable development. A complete examination of the physical and chemical properties of these recycled materials also provides important information about their suitability for use in the construction industry. Most of the studies do not show surprising results of the compressive or bending strength of these materials, and only the aspect of sustainable development of these materials is of interest. Their application can be investigated more in masonry and joinery works, but among them, some studies sometimes obtained more compressive and bending strength than the control sample, which can be used in concrete structures. Most of the cases introduced and discussed in this study can be implemented and help the country and the people of Iran preserve the environment and discuss sustainable development.Keywords: environmental recycling, sustainable development, recycled materials, construction management
Procedia PDF Downloads 333182 Block Mining: Block Chain Enabled Process Mining Database
Authors: James Newman
Process mining is an emerging technology that looks to serialize enterprise data in time series data. It has been used by many companies and has been the subject of a variety of research papers. However, the majority of current efforts have looked at how to best create process mining from standard relational databases. This paper is the first pass at outlining a database custom-built for the minimal viable product of process mining. We present Block Miner, a blockchain protocol to store process mining data across a distributed network. We demonstrate the feasibility of storing process mining data on the blockchain. We present a proof of concept and show how the intersection of these two technologies helps to solve a variety of issues, including but not limited to ransomware attacks, tax documentation, and conflict resolution.Keywords: blockchain, process mining, memory optimization, protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 1043181 Forest Fire Risk Mapping Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and GIS-Based Application: A Case Study in Hua Sai District, Thailand
Authors: Narissara Nuthammachot, Dimitris Stratoulias
Fire is one of the main causes of environmental and ecosystem change. Therefore, it is a challenging task for fire risk assessment fire potential mapping. The study area is Hua Sai district, Nakorn Sri Thammarat province, which covers in a part of peat swamp forest areas. 55 fire points in peat swamp areas were reported from 2012 to 2016. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) methods were selected for this study. The risk fire area map was arranged on these factors; elevation, slope, aspect, precipitation, distance from the river, distance from town, and land use. The results showed that the predicted fire risk areas are found to be in appreciable reliability with past fire events. The fire risk map can be used for the planning and management of fire areas in the future.Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, fire risk assessment, geographic information system, peat swamp forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 2143180 Analyzing the Importance of Technical Writing in Professional Industry of Pakistan
Authors: Sadaf Khalid, Jahanzaib Sarwar, Rabia Touseef
No matter how much perfect we become in our practical skills regarding the implementation of learned ideas, the need of technical writing capability cannot be neglected to be a professional. Technical writing is a way of communicating the ideas in written which, otherwise, need to be presented orally. Technical writing skills have always been the need of the time, as they are required for internal, as well as external official communication in both formal and informal manner. Moreover, they are the best way to capture the attention of your customers by presenting information in an effective manner. This paper aims to analyze the importance of technical writing skills in professional industries of Pakistan by conducting a survey. Survey results presented in this paper clearly depicts the importance of formal and informal written communication media used in different professional industries in Pakistan. Analysis and discussion of the extent to which the alternative ways of communication besides technical writing have got importance in Pakistan is also an important aspect of this survey.Keywords: technical writing, survey, oral communication, globalization, communication trends, formal communication media, informal communication, audience
Procedia PDF Downloads 4173179 Prediction of Scour Profile Caused by Submerged Three-Dimensional Wall Jets
Authors: Abdullah Al Faruque, Ram Balachandar
Series of laboratory tests were carried out to study the extent of scour caused by a three-dimensional wall jets exiting from a square cross-section nozzle and into a non-cohesive sand beds. Previous observations have indicated that the effect of the tailwater depth was significant for densimetric Froude number greater than ten. However, the present results indicate that the cut off value could be lower depending on the value of grain size-to-nozzle width ratio. Numbers of equations are drawn out for a better scaling of numerous scour parameters. Also suggested the empirical prediction of scour to predict the scour centre line profile and plan view of scour profile at any particular time.Keywords: densimetric froude number, jets, nozzle, sand, scour, tailwater, time
Procedia PDF Downloads 4363178 Location Management in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobility
Authors: Amrita Anil Agashe, Sumant Tapas, Ajay Verma Yogesh Sonavane, Sourabh Yeravar
Due to advancement in MEMS technology today wireless sensors network has gained a lot of importance. The wide range of its applications includes environmental and habitat monitoring, object localization, target tracking, security surveillance etc. Wireless sensor networks consist of tiny sensor devices called as motes. The constrained computation power, battery power, storage capacity and communication bandwidth of the tiny motes pose challenging problems in the design and deployment of such systems. In this paper, we propose a ubiquitous framework for Real-Time Tracking, Sensing and Management System using IITH motes. Also, we explain the algorithm that we have developed for location management in wireless sensor networks with the aspect of mobility. Our developed framework and algorithm can be used to detect emergency events and safety threats and provides warning signals to handle the emergency.Keywords: mobility management, motes, multihop, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 4213177 Flip-Chip Bonding for Monolithic of Matrix-Addressable GaN-Based Micro-Light-Emitting Diodes Array
Authors: Chien-Ju Chen, Chia-Jui Yu, Jyun-Hao Liao, Chia-Ching Wu, Meng-Chyi Wu
A 64 × 64 GaN-based micro-light-emitting diode array (μLEDA) with 20 μm in pixel size and 40 μm in pitch by flip-chip bonding (FCB) is demonstrated in this study. Besides, an underfilling (UF) technology is applied to the process for improving the uniformity of device. With those configurations, good characteristics are presented, operation voltage and series resistance of a pixel in the 450 nm flip chip μLEDA are 2.89 V and 1077Ω (4.3 mΩ-cm²) at 25 A/cm², respectively. The μLEDA can sustain higher current density compared to conventional LED, and the power of the device is 9.5 μW at 100 μA and 0.42 mW at 20 mA.Keywords: GaN, micro-light-emitting diode array(μLEDA), flip-chip bonding, underfilling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4243176 Synthesis and Anticholinesterase Activity of Carvacrol Derivatives
Authors: Fatih Sonmez
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and it is the most common form of dementia that affects aged people. Acetylcholinesterase is a hydrolase involved in the termination of impulse transmission at cholinergic synapses by rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter ACh in the central and peripheral nervous system. Carvacrol (5-iso-propyl-2-methyl-phenol) is a main bioactive monoterpene isolated from many medicinal herbs, such as Thymus vulgaris, Monarda punctate and Origanum vulgare spp. It is known that carvacrol has been widely used as an active anti-inflammatory ingredient, which can inhibit the isoproterenol induced inflammation in myocardial infarcted rats. In this paper, a series of 12 carvacrol substituted carbamate derivatives (2a-l) was synthesized and their inhibitory activities on AChE and BuChE were evaluated. Among them, 2d exhibited the strongest inhibition against AChE with an IC50 value of 2.22 µM, which was 130-fold more than that of carvacrol (IC50 = 288.26 µM).Keywords: Acetylcholinesterase, Butyrylcholinesterase, Carbamate, Carvacrol
Procedia PDF Downloads 3543175 Autonomous Quantum Competitive Learning
Authors: Mohammed A. Zidan, Alaa Sagheer, Nasser Metwally
Real-time learning is an important goal that most of artificial intelligence researches try to achieve it. There are a lot of problems and applications which require low cost learning such as learn a robot to be able to classify and recognize patterns in real time and real-time recall. In this contribution, we suggest a model of quantum competitive learning based on a series of quantum gates and additional operator. The proposed model enables to recognize any incomplete patterns, where we can increase the probability of recognizing the pattern at the expense of the undesired ones. Moreover, these undesired ones could be utilized as new patterns for the system. The proposed model is much better compared with classical approaches and more powerful than the current quantum competitive learning approaches.Keywords: competitive learning, quantum gates, quantum gates, winner-take-all
Procedia PDF Downloads 4733174 Students’ Perceptions of Mobile Learning: Case Study of Kuwait
Authors: Rana AlHajri, Salah Al-Sharhan, Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan
Mobile learning is a new learning landscape that offers opportunity for collaborative, personal, informal, and students’ centered learning environment. In implementing any learning system such as a mobile learning environment, learners’ expectations should be taken into consideration. However, there is a lack of studies on this aspect, particularly in the context of Kuwait higher education (HE) institutions. This study focused on how students perceive the use of mobile devices in learning. Although m-learning is considered as an effective educational tool in developed countries, it is not yet fully utilized in Kuwait. The study reports on the results of a survey conducted on 623 HE students in Kuwait to a better understand students' perceptions and opinions about the effectiveness of using mobile learning systems. An analysis of quantitative survey data is presented. The findings indicated that Kuwait HE students are very familiar with mobile devices and its applications. The results also reveal that students have positive perceptions of m-learning, and believe that video-based social media applications enhance the teaching and learning process.Keywords: higher education, mobile learning, social media, students’ perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 3703173 A Quality Improvement Project on Eye Care in the Intensive Care Unit
Authors: Julius Lenaerts, Ahmed Elsaadawy, Mohammed Bashir
Background Sedated and paralyzed patients have an impaired blink reflex leading to ophthalmic complications such as conjunctivitis, epithelial defects, bacterial keratitis, and more. These are entirely preventable complications through regular eye care. Methods Patients at level 3 or above (intubated/paralyzed) care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) were reviewed between February and April. Data was pulled from Metavision and adherence was compared to Royal College of Ophthalmology (RCOphth) recommendations[4]. Using a multi-pronged approach through posters, individual teaching sessions and faculty teaching, we aimed to educate staff about eye care in the ICU. Patients were reaudited in the period July to August. Results Out of 40 patients, only 23% were assessed for eye care needs on admission compared to 77% after teaching; eye care was only delivered 59% of the time it was due, compared to 61%; 2.5% of patients had eyedrops prescribed compared to 41%. This shows an overall increase in meeting RCOphth standards. Key messages Eye care is an overlooked aspect of patient care in the ICU, associated with avoidable ocular complications. Healthcare staff need further rigorous education on the provision and importance of eye care to reduce avoidable complications.Keywords: ICU, eye care, risk, QIP
Procedia PDF Downloads 853172 Analytical Soliton Solutions of the Fractional Jaulent-Miodek System
Authors: Sajeda Elbashabsheh, Kamel Al-Khaled
This paper applies a modified Laplace Adomian decomposition method to solve the time-fractional JaulentMiodek system. The method produce convergent series solutions with easily compatible components. This paper considers the Caputo fractional derivative. The effectiveness and applicability of the method are demonstrated by comparing its results with those of prior studies. Results are presented in tables and figures. These solutions might be imperative and significant for the explanation of some practical physical phenomena. All computations and figures in the work are done using MATHEMATICA. The numerical results demonstrate that the current methods are effective, reliable, and simple to i implement for nonlinear fractional partial differential equations.Keywords: approximate solutions, Jaulent-Miodek system, Adomian decomposition method, solitons
Procedia PDF Downloads 473171 Application and Verification of Regression Model to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Authors: Masood Beheshtirad
Identification of regions having potential for landslide occurrence is one of the basic measures in natural resources management. Different landslide hazard mapping models are proposed based on the environmental condition and goals. In this research landslide hazard map using multiple regression model were provided and applicability of this model is investigated in Baghdasht watershed. Dependent variable is landslide inventory map and independent variables consist of information layers as Geology, slope, aspect, distance from river, distance from road, fault and land use. For doing this, existing landslides have been identified and an inventory map made. The landslide hazard map is based on the multiple regression provided. The level of similarity potential hazard classes and figures of this model were compared with the landslide inventory map in the SPSS environments. Results of research showed that there is a significant correlation between the potential hazard classes and figures with area of the landslides. The multiple regression model is suitable for application in the Baghdasht Watershed.Keywords: landslide, mapping, multiple model, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 3263170 Competitive Advantage Effecting Firm Performance: Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand
Authors: Somdech Rungsrisawas
The objectives of this study are to examine the relationship between the competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their overall performance. A mixed method has been applied to identify the effect of determinants toward competitive advantage. The sample is composed of SMEs in product and service businesses. The study has been tested at an organizational level with samples of SME entrepreneurs, business successors, and board of directors or management team. Quantitative analysis has been conducted through multiple regression analysis with 400 samples. The findings illustrate that each aspect of competitive advantage needs a different set of driving factors to explain either the direct or the indirect effect on firm performance. Interestingly, technological capability is a perfect mediator and interorganizational cooperation toward competitive advantage. In addition, differentiation is difficult to be perceived by customers, as well as difficult to manage; however, it is considered important to develop an SMEs product or service for firm sustainably.Keywords: competitive advantage, firm performance, technological capability, Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2993169 A Survey of Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning
Authors: Pingping Lin, Xudong Luo, Yifan Fan
Sentiment analysis is a very active research topic. Every day, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and other social media, as well as significant e-commerce websites, generate a massive amount of comments, which can be used to analyse peoples opinions or emotions. The existing methods for sentiment analysis are based mainly on sentiment dictionaries, machine learning, and deep learning. The first two kinds of methods rely on heavily sentiment dictionaries or large amounts of labelled data. The third one overcomes these two problems. So, in this paper, we focus on the third one. Specifically, we survey various sentiment analysis methods based on convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, long short-term memory, deep neural network, deep belief network, and memory network. We compare their futures, advantages, and disadvantages. Also, we point out the main problems of these methods, which may be worthy of careful studies in the future. Finally, we also examine the application of deep learning in multimodal sentiment analysis and aspect-level sentiment analysis.Keywords: document analysis, deep learning, multimodal sentiment analysis, natural language processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1643168 The Implications of Some Social Variables in Increasing the Unemployed in Egypt
Authors: Mohamed Elkhouli
This research sets out to identify some social factors or variables that may need to be controlled in order to decrease the volume of unemployed in Egypt. As well as, it comes to investigate the relationship between a set of social variables and unemployment issue in Egypt in the sake of determining the most important social variables influencing the rise of unemployed during the time series targeted (2002-2012). Highlighting the unemployment issue is becoming an increasingly important topic in all countries throughout the world resulting from expand their globalization efforts. In general, the study tries to determine what the most social priorities are likely to adopt seriously by the Egypt's government in order to solve the unemployed problem. The results showed that the low value for both of small projects and the total value of disbursed social security respectively have significant impact on increasing the No. of unemployed in Egypt, according to the target period by the current study.Keywords: Egypt, social status, unemployment, unemployed
Procedia PDF Downloads 3263167 Using A Blockchain-Based, End-to-End Encrypted Communication System Between Mobile Terminals to Improve Organizational Privacy
Authors: Andrei Bogdan Stanescu, Robert Stana
Creating private and secure communication channels between employees has become a critical aspect in order to ensure organizational integrity and avoid leaks of sensitive information. With the widespread use of modern methods of disrupting communication between users, real use-cases of advanced encryption mechanisms have emerged to avoid cyber-attackers that are willing to intercept private conversations between critical employees in an organization. This paper aims to present a custom implementation of a messaging application named “Whisper” that uses end-to-end encryption (E2EE) mechanisms and blockchain-related components to protect sensitive conversations and mitigate the risks of information breaches inside organizations. The results of this research paper aim to expand the areas of applicability of E2EE algorithms and integrations with private blockchains in chat applications as a viable method of enhancing intra-organizational communication privacy.Keywords: end-to-end encryption, mobile communication, cryptography, communication security, data privacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 913166 Temperament and Psychopathology in Children of Patients Suffering from Schizophrenia
Authors: Rushi Naaz, Diksha Suchdeva
Background: Temperament is a very important aspect of functioning that needs to be understood in children of patients suffering from schizophrenia. The children of parents with mental disorder have substantially increased risk of psychiatric illness in them and may exhibit a range of problems from minor variations in temperament and adjustment to manifest psychiatric disorder. Method: A case control study was conducted to study the temperament characteristics and psychopathology in children of patients suffering from schizophrenia as compared to those of healthy controls. Both the groups were evaluated on Temperament Measurement Schedule and Childhood Psychopathology Measurement Schedule. Results: The results showed that children of patients suffering from schizophrenia were withdrawing, less adaptable, less sociable and had lower activity level than children of healthy parents. However, on the measure of psychopathology, no significant difference was found. Conclusion: Since temperament can be identified at an early age, children at risk for the disorder later on could be identified early enough for possible primary intervention.Keywords: children, childhood psychopathology, parental psychopathology, psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia, temperament
Procedia PDF Downloads 3723165 Metallacyclodimeric Array Containing Both Suprachannels and Cages: Selective Reservoir and Recognition of Diiodomethane
Authors: Daseul Lee, Jeong Jun Lee, Ok-Sang Jung
Self-assembly of a series of ZnX2 (X- = Cl-, Br-, and I-) with 2,3-bis(4’-nicotinamidephenoxy)naphthalene (L) as a new bidentate pyridyl-donor ligand yields systematic metallacyclodimeric unit, [ZnX2L]2. The supramolecule constitutes a characteristically stacked forming both 1D suprachannels and cages. Weak C-H⋯π and inter-digitated π⋯π interactions are main driving forces in the formation of both suprachannels and cages. The slightly different features between the suprachannel and cage have been investigated by 1H NMR and TG analysis, which solvent quantitatively exchange within only suprachannels. Photo-unstable CH2I2 molecules are stabilized via capturing within suprachannels, which is monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Furthermore, the photoluminescence intensity, from the chromophore naphthyl moiety of [ZnCl2L]2, gradually decreases with the addition of CH2I2. And washing off the CH2I2 by dichloromethane returned the PL intensity back to its approximately original signal.Keywords: metallacyclodimer, suprachannel, π⋯π interaction, molecular recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223164 A Mini Radar System for Low Altitude Targets Detection
Authors: Kangkang Wu, Kaizhi Wang, Zhijun Yuan
This paper deals with a mini radar system aimed at detecting small targets at the low latitude. The radar operates at Ku-band in the frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) mode with two receiving channels. The radar system has the characteristics of compactness, mobility, and low power consumption. This paper focuses on the implementation of the radar system, and the Block least mean square (Block LMS) algorithm is applied to minimize the fortuitous distortion. It is validated from a series of experiments that the track of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be easily distinguished with the radar system.Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), interference, Block Least Mean Square (Block LMS) Algorithm, Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3203163 Building up of European Administrative Space at Central and Local Level as a Key Challenge for the Kosovo's Further State Building Process
Authors: Arlinda Memetaj
Building up of a well-functioning administrative justice system is one of the key prerequisites for ensuring the existence of an accountable and efficient public administration in Kosovo as well. To this aim, the country has already established an almost comprehensive legislative and institutional frameworks. The latter derives from (among others) the Kosovo`s Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU of 2016. A series of efforts are being presently still undertaken by all relevant domestic and international stakeholders being active in both the Kosovo`s public administration reform and the country` s system of a local self-government. Both systems are thus under a constant state of reform. Despite the aforesaid, there is still a series of shortcomings in the country in above context. There is a lot of backlog of administrative cases in the Prishtina Administrative court; there is a public lack in judiciary; the public administration is organized in a fragmented way; the administrative laws are still not properly implemented at local level; the municipalities` legislative and executive branches are not sufficiently transparent for the ordinary citizens ... Against the above short background, the full paper firstly outlines the legislative and institutional framework of the Kosovo's systems of an administrative justice and local self-government (on the basis of the fact that public administration and local government are not separate fields). It then illustrates the key specific shortcomings in those fields, as seen from the perspective of the citizens' right to good administration. It finally claims that the current status quo situation in the country may be resolved (among others) by granting Kosovo a status of full member state of the Council of Europe or at least granting it with a temporary status of a contracting party of (among others) the European Human Rights Convention. The later would enable all Kosovo citizens (regardless their ethnic or other origin whose human rights are violated by the Kosovo`s relative administrative authorities including the administrative courts) to bring their case/s before the respective well-known European Strasbourg-based Human Rights Court. This would consequently put the State under permanent and full monitoring process, with a view to obliging the country to properly implement the European Court`s decisions (as adopted by this court in those cases). This would be a benefit first of all for the very Kosovo`s ordinary citizens regardless their ethnic or other background. It would provide for a particular positive input in the ongoing efforts being undertaken by Kosovo and Serbia states within the EU-facilitated Dialogue, with a view to building up of an integral administrative justice system at central and local level in the whole Kosovo` s territory. The main method used in this paper is the descriptive, analytical and comparative one.Keywords: administrative courts, administrative justice, administrative procedure, benefit, European Human Rights Court, human rights, monitoring, reform.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3053162 Designing User Interfaces for Just in Time Enterprise Solution
Authors: Romi Dey
Introduction: One of the most important criteria for technology to sustain and grow is through it’s elaborate and intuitive design methodology and design thinking. Designing for enterprise applications that cater to Just in Time Technology is one of the most challenging and detailed processes any User Experience Designer would come across. Description: The basic principles of Design, when applied to tailor to these technologies, creates an immense challenge and that’s how a set of redefined and revised design principles that can be applied to designing any Just In Time manufacturing solution. Findings: The thorough process of understanding the end user, their existing pain points which they’ve faced in the real world, their responsibilities and expectations, the core needs and last but not the least the demands, creates havoc nurturing of the design methodologies for the Just in Time solutions. With respect to the business aspect, design and design principles play a strong role in any form of innovation. Conclusion: Innovation and knowledge about the latest technologies are the keywords in the manufacturing industry. It becomes crucial for the product development team to be precise in their understanding of the technology and being sure of end users expectation.Keywords: design thinking, enterprise application, Just in Time, user experience design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713161 Study of a Developed Model Describing a Vacuum Membrane Distillation Unit Coupled to Solar Energy
Authors: Fatma Khaled, Khaoula Hidouri, Bechir Chaouachi
Desalination using solar energy coupled with membrane techniques such as vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) is considered as an interesting alternative for the production of pure water. During this work, a developed model of a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hollow fiber membrane module of a VMD unit of seawater was carried out. This simulation leads to establishing a comparison between the effects of two different equations of the vaporization latent heat on the membrane surface temperature and on the unit productivity. Besides, in order to study the effect of putting membrane modules in series on the outlet fluid temperature and on the productivity of the process, a simulation was executed.Keywords: vacuum membrane distillation, membrane module, membrane temperature, productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1923160 Innovation and Performance of Very Small Agri-Food Enterprises in Cameroon
Authors: Ahmed Moustapha Mfokeu
Agri-food VSEs in Cameroon are facing a succession of crises, lack of security, particularly in the Far North, South West, and North West regions, the consequences of the Covid 19 crisis, and the war in Ukraine . These multiple crises have benefited the reception of the prices of the raw materials. Moreover, the exacerbation of competitive pressures is driven by the technological acceleration of productive systems in emerging countries which increase the demands imposed on the markets. The Cameroonian VSE must therefore be able to meet the new challenges of international competition, especially through innovation. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of innovation on the performance of very small agribusinesses in Cameroon. On the methodological level, the data were provided from a sample of 153 companies in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé. This research uses structural equation models with latent variables. The main results show that there is a positive and significant link between innovation and the performance of very small agri-food companies, so if it is important for entrepreneurs to encourage and practice innovation, it is also necessary to make them understand and make them like this aspect in their strategic function.Keywords: innovation, performance, very small enterprise, agrifood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1133159 Pattern Recognition Search: An Advancement Over Interpolation Search
Authors: Shahpar Yilmaz, Yasir Nadeem, Syed A. Mehdi
Searching for a record in a dataset is always a frequent task for any data structure-related application. Hence, a fast and efficient algorithm for the approach has its importance in yielding the quickest results and enhancing the overall productivity of the company. Interpolation search is one such technique used to search through a sorted set of elements. This paper proposes a new algorithm, an advancement over interpolation search for the application of search over a sorted array. Pattern Recognition Search or PR Search (PRS), like interpolation search, is a pattern-based divide and conquer algorithm whose objective is to reduce the sample size in order to quicken the process and it does so by treating the array as a perfect arithmetic progression series and thereby deducing the key element’s position. We look to highlight some of the key drawbacks of interpolation search, which are accounted for in the Pattern Recognition Search.Keywords: array, complexity, index, sorting, space, time
Procedia PDF Downloads 2473158 An Incremental Refinement Approach to a Development of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Using Event-B
Authors: Rajaa Filali, Mohamed Bouhdadi
This paper presents an incremental development of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) in Event-B. DHCP is widely used communication protocol, which provides a standard mechanism to obtain configuration parameters. The specification is performed in a stepwise manner and verified through a series of refinements. The Event-B formal method uses the Rodin platform to modeling and verifying some properties of the protocol such as safety, liveness and deadlock freedom. To model and verify the protocol, we use the formal technique Event-B which provides an accessible and rigorous development method. This interaction between modelling and proving reduces the complexity and helps to eliminate misunderstandings, inconsistencies, and specification gaps.Keywords: DHCP protocol, Event-B, refinement, proof obligation, Rodin
Procedia PDF Downloads 229