Search results for: RC frame buildings
1478 Structural Performance of Mechanically Connected Stone Panels under Cyclic Loading: Application to Aesthetic and Environmental Building Skin Design
Authors: Michel Soto Chalhoub
Building designers in the Mediterranean region and other parts of the world utilize natural stone panels on the exterior façades as skin cover. This type of finishing is not only intended for aesthetic reasons but also environmental. The stone, since the earliest ages of civilization, has been used in construction and to-date some of the most appealing buildings owe their beauty to stone finishing. The stone also provides warmth in winter and freshness in summer as it moderates heat transfer and absorbs radiation. However, as structural codes became increasingly stringent about the dynamic performance of buildings, it became essential to study the performance of stone panels under cyclic loading – a condition that arises under the building is subjected to wind or earthquakes. The present paper studies the performance of stone panels using mechanical connectors when subjected to load reversal. In this paper, we present a theoretical model that addresses modes of failure in the steel connectors, by yield, and modes of failure in the stone, by fracture. Then we provide an experimental set-up and test results for rectangular stone panels of varying thickness. When the building is subjected to an earthquake, its rectangular panels within the structural system are subjected to shear deformations, which in turn impart stress into the stone cover. Rectangular stone panels, which typically range from 40cmx80cm to 60cmx120cm, need to be designed to withstand transverse loading from the direct application of lateral loads, and to withstand simultaneously in-plane loading (membrane stress) caused by inter-story drift and overall building lateral deflection. Results show correlation between the theoretical model which we derive from solid mechanics fundamentals and the experimental results, and lead to practical design recommendations. We find that for panel thickness below a certain threshold, it is more advantageous to utilize structural adhesive materials to connect stone panels to the main structural system of the building. For larger panel thicknesses, it is recommended to utilize mechanical connectors with special detailing to ensure a minimum level of ductility and energy dissipation.Keywords: solid mechanics, cyclic loading, mechanical connectors, natural stone, seismic, wind, building skin
Procedia PDF Downloads 2571477 Forecasting Models for Steel Demand Uncertainty Using Bayesian Methods
Authors: Watcharin Sangma, Onsiri Chanmuang, Pitsanu Tongkhow
A forecasting model for steel demand uncertainty in Thailand is proposed. It consists of trend, autocorrelation, and outliers in a hierarchical Bayesian frame work. The proposed model uses a cumulative Weibull distribution function, latent first-order autocorrelation, and binary selection, to account for trend, time-varying autocorrelation, and outliers, respectively. The Gibbs sampling Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is used for parameter estimation. The proposed model is applied to steel demand index data in Thailand. The root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean absolute error (MAE) criteria are used for model comparison. The study reveals that the proposed model is more appropriate than the exponential smoothing method.Keywords: forecasting model, steel demand uncertainty, hierarchical Bayesian framework, exponential smoothing method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3501476 A Comparison of Design and Off-Design Performances of a Centrifugal Compressor
Authors: Zeynep Aytaç, Nuri Yücel
Today, as the need for high efficiency and fuel-efficient engines have increased, centrifugal compressor designs are expected to be high-efficient and have high-pressure ratios than ever. The present study represents a design methodology of centrifugal compressor placed in a mini jet engine for the design and off-design points with the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and compares the performance characteristics at the mentioned two points. Although the compressor is expected to provide the required specifications at the design point, it is known that it is important for the design to deliver the required parameters at the off-design point also as it will not operate at the design point always. It was observed that the obtained mass flow rate, pressure ratio, and efficiency values are within the limits of the design specifications for the design and off-design points. Despite having different design inputs for the mentioned two points, they reveal similar flow characteristics in the general frame.Keywords: centrifugal compressor, computational fluid dynamics, design point, off-design point
Procedia PDF Downloads 1451475 Smartphone Video Source Identification Based on Sensor Pattern Noise
Authors: Raquel Ramos López, Anissa El-Khattabi, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, Luis Javier García Villalba
An increasing number of mobile devices with integrated cameras has meant that most digital video comes from these devices. These digital videos can be made anytime, anywhere and for different purposes. They can also be shared on the Internet in a short period of time and may sometimes contain recordings of illegal acts. The need to reliably trace the origin becomes evident when these videos are used for forensic purposes. This work proposes an algorithm to identify the brand and model of mobile device which generated the video. Its procedure is as follows: after obtaining the relevant video information, a classification algorithm based on sensor noise and Wavelet Transform performs the aforementioned identification process. We also present experimental results that support the validity of the techniques used and show promising results.Keywords: digital video, forensics analysis, key frame, mobile device, PRNU, sensor noise, source identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291474 Design of Active Power Filters for Harmonics on Power System and Reducing Harmonic Currents
Authors: Düzgün Akmaz, Hüseyin Erişti
In the last few years, harmonics have been occurred with the increasing use of nonlinear loads, and these harmonics have been an ever increasing problem for the line systems. This situation importantly affects the quality of power and gives large losses to the network. An efficient way to solve these problems is providing harmonic compensation through parallel active power filters. Many methods can be used in the control systems of the parallel active power filters which provide the compensation. These methods efficiently affect the performance of the active power filters. For this reason, the chosen control method is significant. In this study, Fourier analysis (FA) control method and synchronous reference frame (SRF) control method are discussed. These control methods are designed for both eliminate harmonics and perform reactive power compensation in MATLAB/Simulink pack program and are tested. The results have been compared for each two methods.Keywords: parallel active power filters, harmonic compensation, power quality, harmonics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4601473 Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Serpentine Channel Water Cooler Heat Sink
Authors: Hao Xiaohong, Wu Zongxiang, Chen Xuefeng
With the high power density and high integration of electronic devices, their heat flux has been increasing rapidly. Therefore, an effective cooling technology is essential for the reliability and efficient operation of electronic devices. Liquid cooling is studied increasingly widely for its higher heat transfer efficiency. Serpentine channels are superior in the augmentation of single-phase convective heat transfer because of their better channel velocity distribution. In this paper, eight different frame sizes water-cooled serpentine channel heat sinks are designed to study the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics. With water as the working fluid, experiment setup is established and the results showed the effect of different channel width, fin thickness and number of channels on thermal resistance and pressure drop.Keywords: heat transfer, experiment, serpentine heat sink, pressure drop
Procedia PDF Downloads 4551472 Analytical Investigation of Replaceable Links with Reduced Web Section for Link-to-Column Connections in Eccentrically Braced Frames
Authors: Daniel Y. Abebe, Sijeong Jeong, Jaehyouk Choi
The use of eccentrically braced frame (EBF) is increasing day by day as EBF possesses high elastic stiffness, stable inelastic response under cyclic lateral loading, and excellent ductility and energy dissipation capacity. The ductility and energy dissipation capacity of EBF depends on the active link beams. Recently, there are two types EBFs; these are conventional EBFs and EBFs with replaceable links. The conventional EBF has a disadvantage during maintenance in post-earthquake. The concept of removable active link beam in EBF is developed to overcome the limitation of the conventional EBF in post-earthquake. In this study, a replaceable link with reduced web section is introduced and design equations are suggested. In addition, nonlinear finite element analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the proposed links.Keywords: EBFs, replaceable link, earthquake disaster, reduced section
Procedia PDF Downloads 3341471 Prediction of Fire Growth of the Office by Real-Scale Fire Experiment
Authors: Kweon Oh-Sang, Kim Heung-Youl
Estimating the engineering properties of fires is important to be prepared for the complex and various fire risks of large-scale structures such as super-tall buildings, large stadiums, and multi-purpose structures. In this study, a mock-up of a compartment which was 2.4(L) x 3.6 (W) x 2.4 (H) meter in dimensions was fabricated at the 10MW LSC (Large Scale Calorimeter) and combustible office supplies were placed in the compartment for a real-scale fire test. Maximum heat release rate was 4.1 MW and total energy release obtained through the application of t2 fire growth rate was 6705.9 MJ.Keywords: fire growth, fire experiment, t2 curve, large scale calorimeter
Procedia PDF Downloads 3381470 Building Bridges on Roads With Major Constructions
Authors: Mohamed Zaidour
In this summary, we are going to look in brief at the bridges and their building and construction on most roads and we have followed a simple method to explain each field clearly because the geographical and climatic diversity of an area leads to different methods and types of roads and installation engineering in other areas In mountain areas we need to build retaining walls in areas of rain. It needs to construct ferries to discharge water from roads in areas of temporary or permanent rivers. There is a need to build bridges and construct road installations in the process of collecting the necessary information, such as soil type. This information needs it, engineer, when designing the constructor and in this section, we will identify the types and methods of calculation bridge columns rules phrases the walls are chock.Keywords: bridges, buildings, concrete, constructions, roads
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191469 Redundancy Component Matrix and Structural Robustness
Authors: Xinjian Kou, Linlin Li, Yongju Zhou, Jimian Song
We introduce the redundancy matrix that expresses clearly the geometrical/topological configuration of the structure. With the matrix, the redundancy of the structure is resolved into redundant components and assigned to each member or rigid joint. The values of the diagonal elements in the matrix indicates the importance of the corresponding members or rigid joints, and the geometrically correlations can be shown with the non-diagonal elements. If a member or rigid joint failures, reassignment of the redundant components can be calculated with the recursive method given in the paper. By combining the indexes of reliability and redundancy components, we define an index concerning the structural robustness. To further explain the properties of the redundancy matrix, we cited several examples of statically indeterminate structures, including two trusses and a rigid frame. With the examples, some simple results and the properties of the matrix are discussed. The examples also illustrate that the redundancy matrix and the relevant concepts are valuable in structural safety analysis.Keywords: Structural Robustness, Structural Reliability, Redundancy Component, Redundancy Matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751468 Study on Natural Light Distribution Inside the Room by Using Sudare as an Outside Horizontal Blind in Tropical Country of Indonesia
Authors: Agus Hariyadi, Hiroatsu Fukuda
In tropical country like Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, most of the energy consumption on building is for the cooling system, the second one is from lighting electric consumption. One of the passive design strategy that can be done is optimizing the use of natural light from the sun. In this area, natural light is always available almost every day around the year. Natural light have many effect on building. It can reduce the need of electrical lighting but also increase the external load. Another thing that have to be considered in the use of natural light is the visual comfort from occupant inside the room. To optimize the effectiveness of natural light need some modification of façade design. By using external shading device, it can minimize the external load that introduces into the room, especially from direct solar radiation which is the 80 % of the external energy load that introduces into the building. It also can control the distribution of natural light inside the room and minimize glare in the perimeter zone of the room. One of the horizontal blind that can be used for that purpose is Sudare. It is traditional Japanese blind that have been used long time in Japanese traditional house especially in summer. In its original function, Sudare is used to prevent direct solar radiation but still introducing natural ventilation. It has some physical characteristics that can be utilize to optimize the effectiveness of natural light. In this research, different scale of Sudare will be simulated using EnergyPlus and DAYSIM simulation software. EnergyPlus is a whole building energy simulation program to model both energy consumption—for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and plug and process loads—and water use in buildings, while DAYSIM is a validated, RADIANCE-based daylighting analysis software that models the annual amount of daylight in and around buildings. The modelling will be done in Ladybug and Honeybee plugin. These are two open source plugins for Grasshopper and Rhinoceros 3D that help explore and evaluate environmental performance which will directly be connected to EnergyPlus and DAYSIM engines. Using the same model will maintain the consistency of the same geometry used both in EnergyPlus and DAYSIM. The aims of this research is to find the best configuration of façade design which can reduce the external load from the outside of the building to minimize the need of energy for cooling system but maintain the natural light distribution inside the room to maximize the visual comfort for occupant and minimize the need of electrical energy consumption.Keywords: façade, natural light, blind, energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461467 Global Based Histogram for 3D Object Recognition
Authors: Somar Boubou, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Michihiro Kawanishi
In this work, we address the problem of 3D object recognition with depth sensors such as Kinect or Structure sensor. Compared with traditional approaches based on local descriptors, which depends on local information around the object key points, we propose a global features based descriptor. Proposed descriptor, which we name as Differential Histogram of Normal Vectors (DHONV), is designed particularly to capture the surface geometric characteristics of the 3D objects represented by depth images. We describe the 3D surface of an object in each frame using a 2D spatial histogram capturing the normalized distribution of differential angles of the surface normal vectors. The object recognition experiments on the benchmark RGB-D object dataset and a self-collected dataset show that our proposed descriptor outperforms two others descriptors based on spin-images and histogram of normal vectors with linear-SVM classifier.Keywords: vision in control, robotics, histogram, differential histogram of normal vectors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2801466 The Study of Mirror Self-Recognition in Wildlife
Authors: Azwan Hamdan, Mohd Qayyum Ab Latip, Hasliza Abu Hassim, Tengku Rinalfi Putra Tengku Azizan, Hafandi Ahmad
Animal cognition provides some evidence for self-recognition, which is described as the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. The mirror self-recognition (MSR) or mark test is a behavioral technique to determine whether an animal have the ability of self-recognition or self-awareness in front of the mirror. It also describes the capability for an animal to be aware of and make judgments about its new environment. Thus, the objectives of this study are to measure and to compare the ability of wild and captive wildlife in mirror self-recognition. Wild animals from the Royal Belum Rainforest Malaysia were identified based on the animal trails and salt lick grounds. Acrylic mirrors with wood frame (200 x 250cm) were located near to animal trails. Camera traps (Bushnell, UK) with motion-detection infrared sensor are placed near the animal trails or hiding spot. For captive wildlife, animals such as Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) were selected from Zoo Negara Malaysia. The captive animals were also marked using odorless and non-toxic white paint on its forehead. An acrylic mirror with wood frame (200 x 250cm) and a video camera were placed near the cage. The behavioral data were analyzed using ethogram and classified through four stages of MSR; social responses, physical inspection, repetitive mirror-testing behavior and realization of seeing themselves. Results showed that wild animals such as barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) and long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) increased their physical inspection (e.g inspecting the reflected image) and repetitive mirror-testing behavior (e.g rhythmic head and leg movement). This would suggest that the ability to use a mirror is most likely related to learning process and cognitive evolution in wild animals. However, the sun bear’s behaviors were inconsistent and did not clearly undergo four stages of MSR. This result suggests that when keeping Malayan sun bear in captivity, it may promote communication and familiarity between conspecific. Interestingly, chimp has positive social response (e.g manipulating lips) and physical inspection (e.g using hand to inspect part of the face) when they facing a mirror. However, both animals did not show any sign towards the mark due to lost of interest in the mark and realization that the mark is inconsequential. Overall, the results suggest that the capacity for MSR is the beginning of a developmental process of self-awareness and mental state attribution. In addition, our findings show that self-recognition may be based on different complex neurological and level of encephalization in animals. Thus, research on self-recognition in animals will have profound implications in understanding the cognitive ability of an animal as an effort to help animals, such as enhanced management, design of captive individuals’ enclosures and exhibits, and in programs to re-establish populations of endangered or threatened species.Keywords: mirror self-recognition (MSR), self-recognition, self-awareness, wildlife
Procedia PDF Downloads 2741465 Green Aviation System: The Way Forward for Better Environment
Authors: Ramana Reddy, Vijay Kothari
Aircraft provide a fast, reliable mode of transport with no comparable alternative for long distance travel. Throughout the years, technology improvements have been made to aircraft and engines to make them more fuel efficient. Air traffic continues to grow around the world and needs more aircrafts to accommodate such rapid growth. This has direct consequences on two of the most important environmental factors i.e. emissions and noise. Aviation contributes about 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Aviation emits a number of pollutants that alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere, changing its radiative balance and hence influencing the climate. In order to reduce or if possible eliminate potential harm to the environment and also make air travel efficient and economical, an environmentally beneficial concept called “Green Aviation System” is required. This is a structured frame work with elements like innovative technologies/tools in engineering design, manufacturing, airport and fleet operations.Keywords: air traffic, environment, emissions, noise, green aviation system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4571464 Using TRACE, PARCS, and SNAP Codes to Analyze the Load Rejection Transient of ABWR
Authors: J. R. Wang, H. C. Chang, A. L. Ho, J. H. Yang, S. W. Chen, C. Shih
The purpose of the study is to analyze the load rejection transient of ABWR by using TRACE, PARCS, and SNAP codes. This study has some steps. First, using TRACE, PARCS, and SNAP codes establish the model of ABWR. Second, the key parameters are identified to refine the TRACE/PARCS/SNAP model further in the frame of a steady state analysis. Third, the TRACE/PARCS/SNAP model is used to perform the load rejection transient analysis. Finally, the FSAR data are used to compare with the analysis results. The results of TRACE/PARCS are consistent with the FSAR data for the important parameters. It indicates that the TRACE/PARCS/SNAP model of ABWR has a good accuracy in the load rejection transient.Keywords: ABWR, TRACE, PARCS, SNAP
Procedia PDF Downloads 1981463 Effect of Upper Face Sheet Material on Flexural Strength of Polyurethane Foam Hybrid Sandwich Material
Authors: M. Atef Gabr, M. H. Abdel Latif, Ramadan El Gamsy
Sandwich panels comprise a thick, light-weight plastic foam such as polyurethane (PU) sandwiched between two relatively thin faces. One or both faces may be flat, lightly profiled or fully profiled. Until recently sandwich panel construction in Egypt has been widely used in cold-storage buildings, cold trucks, prefabricated buildings and insulation in construction. Recently new techniques are used in mass production of Sandwich Materials such as Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) and Vacuum bagging technique. However, in recent times their use has increased significantly due to their widespread structural applications in building systems. Structural sandwich panels generally used in Egypt comprise polyurethane foam core and thinner (0.42 mm) and high strength about 550 MPa (yield strength) flat steel faces bonded together using separate adhesives and By RIM technique. In this paper, we will use a new technique in sandwich panel preparation by using different face sheet materials in combination with polyurethane foam to form sandwich panel structures. Previously, PU Foam core with same thin 2 faces material was used, but in this work, we use different face materials and thicknesses for the upper face sheet such as Galvanized steel sheets (G.S),Aluminum sheets (Al),Fiberglass sheets (F.G) and Aluminum-Rubber composite sheets (Al/R) with polyurethane foam core 10 mm thickness and 45 Kg/m3 Density and Galvanized steel as lower face sheet. Using Aluminum-Rubber composite sheets as face sheet is considered a hybrid composite sandwich panel which is built by Hand-Layup technique by using PU glue as adhesive. This modification increases the benefits of the face sheet that will withstand different working environments with relatively small increase in its weight and will be useful in several applications. In this work, a 3-point bending test is used assistant professor to measure the most important factor in sandwich materials that is strength to weight ratio(STW) for different combinations of sandwich structures and make a comparison to study the effect of changing the face sheet material on the mechanical behavior of PU sandwich material. Also, the density of the different prepared sandwich materials will be measured to obtain the specific bending strength.Keywords: hybrid sandwich panel, mechanical behavior, PU foam, sandwich panel, 3-point bending, flexural strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171462 Indoor Robot Positioning with Precise Correlation Computations over Walsh-Coded Lightwave Signal Sequences
Authors: Jen-Fa Huang, Yu-Wei Chiu, Jhe-Ren Cheng
Visible light communication (VLC) technique has become useful method via LED light blinking. Several issues on indoor mobile robot positioning with LED blinking are examined in the paper. In the transmitter, we control the transceivers blinking message. Orthogonal Walsh codes are adopted for such purpose on auto-correlation function (ACF) to detect signal sequences. In the robot receiver, we set the frame of time by 1 ns passing signal from the transceiver to the mobile robot. After going through many periods of time detecting the peak value of ACF in the mobile robot. Moreover, the transceiver transmits signal again immediately. By capturing three times of peak value, we can know the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between two peak value intervals and finally analyze the accuracy of the robot position.Keywords: Visible Light Communication, Auto-Correlation Function (ACF), peak value of ACF, Time difference of Arrival (TDOA)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261461 Fast and Robust Long-term Tracking with Effective Searching Model
Authors: Thang V. Kieu, Long P. Nguyen
Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF) based trackers have gained a lot of attention recently because of their accuracy and fast calculation speed. However, this algorithm is not robust in cases where the object is lost by a sudden change of direction, being obscured or going out of view. In order to improve KCF performance in long-term tracking, this paper proposes an anomaly detection method for target loss warning by analyzing the response map of each frame, and a classification algorithm for reliable target re-locating mechanism by using Random fern. Being tested with Visual Tracker Benchmark and Visual Object Tracking datasets, the experimental results indicated that the precision and success rate of the proposed algorithm were 2.92 and 2.61 times higher than that of the original KCF algorithm, respectively. Moreover, the proposed tracker handles occlusion better than many state-of-the-art long-term tracking methods while running at 60 frames per second.Keywords: correlation filter, long-term tracking, random fern, real-time tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391460 A Study on Weight-Reduction of Double Deck High-Speed Train Using Size Optimization Method
Authors: Jong-Yeon Kim, Kwang-Bok Shin, Tae-Hwan Ko
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a weight-reduction design method for the aluminum extrusion carbody structure of a double deck high-speed train using size optimization method. The size optimization method was used to optimize thicknesses of skin and rib of the aluminum extrusion for the carbody structure. Thicknesses of 1st underframe, 2nd underframe, solebar and roof frame were selected by design variables in order to conduct size optimization. The results of the size optimization analysis showed that the weight of the aluminum extrusion could be reduced by 0.61 tons (5.60%) compared to the weight of the original carbody structure.Keywords: double deck high-speed train, size optimization, weigh-reduction, aluminum extrusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2921459 Shaking Table Test and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Spring Viscous Damper Cable System
Authors: Asad Naeem, Jinkoo Kim
This research proposes a self-centering passive damping system consisting of a spring viscous damper linked with a preloaded tendon. The seismic performance of the spring viscous damper is evaluated by pseudo-dynamic tests, and the results are used for the formulation of an analytical model of the damper in the structural analysis program. The shaking table tests of a two-story steel frame installed with the proposed damping system are carried out using five different earthquake records. The results from the shaking table tests are verified by numerical simulation of the retrofitted structure. The results obtained from experiments and numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed damping system with self-centering capability is effective in reducing earthquake-induced displacement and member forces.Keywords: seismic retrofit, spring viscous damper, shaking table test, earthquake resistant structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811458 Selecting Skyline Mash-Ups under Uncertainty
Authors: Aymen Gammoudi, Hamza Labbaci, Nizar Messai, Yacine Sam
Web Service Composition (Mash-up) has been considered as a new approach used to offer the user a set of Web Services responding to his request. These approaches can return a set of similar Mash-ups in a given context that makes users unable to select the perfect one. Recent approaches focus on computing the skyline over a set of Quality of Service (QoS) attributes. However, these approaches are not sufficient in a dynamic web service environment where the delivered QoS by a Web service is inherently uncertain. In this paper, we treat the problem of computing the skyline over a set of similar Mash-ups under certain dimension values. We generate dimensions for each Mash-up using aggregation operations applied to the QoS attributes. We then tackle the problem of computing the skyline under uncertain dimensions. We present each dimension value of mash-up using a frame of discernment and introduce the d-dominance using the Evidence Theory. Finally, we propose our experimental results that show both the effectiveness of the introduced skyline extensions and the efficiency of the proposed approaches.Keywords: web services, uncertain QoS, mash-ups, uncertain dimensions, skyline, evidence theory, d-dominance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2351457 On the Framework of Contemporary Intelligent Mathematics Underpinning Intelligent Science, Autonomous AI, and Cognitive Computers
Authors: Yingxu Wang, Jianhua Lu, Jun Peng, Jiawei Zhang
The fundamental demand in contemporary intelligent science towards Autonomous AI (AI*) is the creation of unprecedented formal means of Intelligent Mathematics (IM). It is discovered that natural intelligence is inductively created rather than exhaustively trained. Therefore, IM is a family of algebraic and denotational mathematics encompassing Inference Algebra, Real-Time Process Algebra, Concept Algebra, Semantic Algebra, Visual Frame Algebra, etc., developed in our labs. IM plays indispensable roles in training-free AI* theories and systems beyond traditional empirical data-driven technologies. A set of applications of IM-driven AI* systems will be demonstrated in contemporary intelligence science, AI*, and cognitive computers.Keywords: intelligence mathematics, foundations of intelligent science, autonomous AI, cognitive computers, inference algebra, real-time process algebra, concept algebra, semantic algebra, applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 611456 Comparative Study of the Distribution of Seismic Loads of Buildings with Asymmetries Plan
Authors: Ahmed Hamza Yache
The main purpose of this study is to estimate the distribution of shear forces in building structures with asymmetries in the plan submitted to seismic forces can cause, in this case, simultaneous deformations of translation and torsion. To this end, the distribution of shear forces is obtained by seismic forces calculated from the equivalent static method of the Algerian earthquake code RPA 99 (2003 version) and spectral modal analysis for an irregular building plan without kinks. Comparison of the results obtained by these two methods used to highlight the difference in terms of distributions of shear forces in such structures.Keywords: structure, irregular, code, seismic, method, force, period
Procedia PDF Downloads 5851455 Scaling Strategy of a New Experimental Rig for Wheel-Rail Contact
Authors: Meysam Naeimi, Zili Li, Rolf Dollevoet
A new small–scale test rig developed for rolling contact fatigue (RCF) investigations in wheel–rail material. This paper presents the scaling strategy of the rig based on dimensional analysis and mechanical modelling. The new experimental rig is indeed a spinning frame structure with multiple wheel components over a fixed rail-track ring, capable of simulating continuous wheel-rail contact in a laboratory scale. This paper describes the dimensional design of the rig, to derive its overall scaling strategy and to determine the key elements’ specifications. Finite element (FE) modelling is used to simulate the mechanical behavior of the rig with two sample scale factors of 1/5 and 1/7. The results of FE models are compared with the actual railway system to observe the effectiveness of the chosen scales. The mechanical properties of the components and variables of the system are finally determined through the design process.Keywords: new test rig, rolling contact fatigue, rail, small scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 4911454 Reduced Power Consumption by Randomization for DSI3
Authors: David Levy
The newly released Distributed System Interface 3 (DSI3) Bus Standard specification defines 3 modulation levels from which 16 valid symbols are coded. This structure creates power consumption variations depending on the transmitted data of a factor of more than 2 between minimum and maximum. The power generation unit has to consider therefore the worst case maximum consumption all the time and be built accordingly. This paper proposes a method to reduce both the average current consumption and worst case current consumption. The transmitter randomizes the data using several pseudo-random sequences. It then estimates the energy consumption of the generated frames and selects to transmit the one which consumes the least. The transmitter also prepends the index of the pseudo-random sequence, which is not randomized, to allow the receiver to recover the original data using the correct sequence. We show that in the case that the frame occupies most of the DSI3 synchronization period, we achieve average power consumption reduction by up to 13% and the worst case power consumption is reduced by 17.7%.Keywords: DSI3, energy, power consumption, randomization
Procedia PDF Downloads 5381453 Optical Multicast over OBS Networks: An Approach Based on Code-Words and Tunable Decoders
Authors: Maha Sliti, Walid Abdallah, Noureddine Boudriga
In the frame of this work, we present an optical multicasting approach based on optical code-words. Our approach associates, in the edge node, an optical code-word to a group multicast address. In the core node, a set of tunable decoders are used to send a traffic data to multiple destinations based on the received code-word. The use of code-words, which correspond to the combination of an input port and a set of output ports, allows the implementation of an optical switching matrix. At the reception of a burst, it will be delayed in an optical memory. And, the received optical code-word is split to a set of tunable optical decoders. When it matches a configured code-word, the delayed burst is switched to a set of output ports.Keywords: optical multicast, optical burst switching networks, optical code-words, tunable decoder, virtual optical memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 6081452 The Impact of Roof Thermal Performance on the Indoor Thermal Comfort in a Natural Ventilated Building Envelope in Hot Climatic Climates
Authors: J. Iwaro, A. Mwasha, K. Ramsubhag
Global warming has become a threat of our time. It poses challenges to the existence of beings on earth, the built environment, natural environment and has made a clear impact on the level of energy and water consumption. As such, increase in the ambient temperature increases indoor and outdoor temperature level of the buildings which brings about the use of more energy and mechanical air conditioning systems. In addition, in view of the increased modernization and economic growth in the developing countries, a significant amount of energy is being used, especially those with hot climatic conditions. Since modernization in developing countries is rising rapidly, more pressure is being placed on the buildings and energy resources to satisfy the indoor comfort requirements. This paper presents a sustainable passive roof solution as a means of reducing energy cooling loads for satisfying human comfort requirements in a hot climate. As such, the study based on the field study data discusses indoor thermal roof design strategies for a hot climate by investigating the impacts of roof thermal performance on indoor thermal comfort in naturally ventilated building envelope small scaled structures. In this respect, the traditional concrete flat roof, corrugated galvanised iron roof and pre-painted standing seam roof were used. The experiment made used of three identical small scale physical models constructed and sited on the roof of a building at the University of the West Indies. The results show that the utilization of insulation in traditional roofing systems will significantly reduce heat transfer between the internal and ambient environment, thus reducing the energy demand of the structure and the relative carbon footprint of a structure per unit area over its lifetime. Also, the application of flat slab concrete roofing system showed the best performance as opposed to the metal roof sheeting alternative systems. In addition, it has been shown experimentally through this study that a sustainable passive roof solution such as insulated flat concrete roof in hot dry climate has a better cooling strength that can provide building occupant with a better thermal comfort, conducive indoor conditions and energy efficiency.Keywords: building envelope, roof, energy consumption, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711451 Large Scale Method to Assess the Seismic Vulnerability of Heritage Buidings: Modal Updating of Numerical Models and Vulnerability Curves
Authors: Claire Limoge Schraen, Philippe Gueguen, Cedric Giry, Cedric Desprez, Frédéric Ragueneau
Mediterranean area is characterized by numerous monumental or vernacular masonry structures illustrating old ways of build and live. Those precious buildings are often poorly documented, present complex shapes and loadings, and are protected by the States, leading to legal constraints. This area also presents a moderate to high seismic activity. Even moderate earthquakes can be magnified by local site effects and cause collapse or significant damage. Moreover the structural resistance of masonry buildings, especially when less famous or located in rural zones has been generally lowered by many factors: poor maintenance, unsuitable restoration, ambient pollution, previous earthquakes. Recent earthquakes prove that any damage to these architectural witnesses to our past is irreversible, leading to the necessity of acting preventively. This means providing preventive assessments for hundreds of structures with no or few documents. In this context we want to propose a general method, based on hierarchized numerical models, to provide preliminary structural diagnoses at a regional scale, indicating whether more precise investigations and models are necessary for each building. To this aim, we adapt different tools, being developed such as photogrammetry or to be created such as a preprocessor starting from pictures to build meshes for a FEM software, in order to allow dynamic studies of the buildings of the panel. We made an inventory of 198 baroque chapels and churches situated in the French Alps. Then their structural characteristics have been determined thanks field surveys and the MicMac photogrammetric software. Using structural criteria, we determined eight types of churches and seven types for chapels. We studied their dynamical behavior thanks to CAST3M, using EC8 spectrum and accelerogramms of the studied zone. This allowed us quantifying the effect of the needed simplifications in the most sensitive zones and choosing the most effective ones. We also proposed threshold criteria based on the observed damages visible in the in situ surveys, old pictures and Italian code. They are relevant in linear models. To validate the structural types, we made a vibratory measures campaign using vibratory ambient noise and velocimeters. It also allowed us validating this method on old masonry and identifying the modal characteristics of 20 churches. Then we proceeded to a dynamic identification between numerical and experimental modes. So we updated the linear models thanks to material and geometrical parameters, often unknown because of the complexity of the structures and materials. The numerically optimized values have been verified thanks to the measures we made on the masonry components in situ and in laboratory. We are now working on non-linear models redistributing the strains. So we validate the damage threshold criteria which we use to compute the vulnerability curves of each defined structural type. Our actual results show a good correlation between experimental and numerical data, validating the final modeling simplifications and the global method. We now plan to use non-linear analysis in the critical zones in order to test reinforcement solutions.Keywords: heritage structures, masonry numerical modeling, seismic vulnerability assessment, vibratory measure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4931450 Review and Evaluation of Viscose Damper on Structural Responses
Authors: Ehsan Sadie
Developments in the field of damping technology and advances in the area of dampers in equipping many structures have been the result of efforts and testing by researchers in this field. In this paper, a sample of a two-story building is simulated with the help of SAP2000 software, and the effect of a viscous damper on the performance of the structure is explained. The effect of dampers on the response of the structure is investigated. This response involves the horizontal displacement of floors. In this case, the structure is modeled once without a damper and again with a damper. In this regard, the results are presented in the form of tables and graphs. Since the seismic behavior of the structure is studied, the responses show the appropriate effect of viscous dampers in reducing the displacement of floors, and also the energy dissipation in the structure with dampers compared to structures without dampers is significant. Therefore, it is economical to use viscous dampers in areas that have a higher relative earthquake risk.Keywords: bending frame, displacement criterion, dynamic response spectra, earthquake, non-linear history spectrum, SAP2000 software, structural response, viscous damper
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161449 Missing Narratives and Their Potential Impact on Resettlement Strategies
Authors: Natina Roberts, Hanhee Lee
The existing and emerging refugee research reports unfavorable resettlement outcomes in multiple domains. The proposed paper highlights trends in refugee research in which empirical studies investigate resettlement of former refugees from individual and culturally homogeneous perspectives. The proposed paper then aims to examine the reality of the lived experience of resettlement from family and cross-cultural viewpoints. Proponents for this focus include the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The UNHCR is responsible for leading resettlement efforts for refugees through the durable solutions of repatriation, local integration and resettlement. Life experiences with refugee families, and a report of literary findings on former refugee resettlement from various cultural backgrounds – that highlight similarities and differences among various ethnic groups, will be discussed. The proposed paper is expected to frame underrepresented refugee perspectives, and review policy implications in healthcare, education, and public support systems.Keywords: refugee, cross-cultural, families, resettlement policy
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