Search results for: Biomass conversion
967 Investigation of Hydrate Formation of Associated Petroleum Gas from Promoter Solutions for the Purpose of Utilization and Reduction of Its Burning
Authors: M. E. Semenov, U. Zh. Mirzakimov, A. S. Stoporev, R. S. Pavelev, M. A. Varfolomeev
Gas hydrates are host-guest compounds. Guest molecules can be low molecular weight components of associated petroleum gas (C1-C4 hydrocarbons), carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen. Gas hydrates have a number of unique properties that make them interesting from a technological point of view, for example, for storing hydrocarbon gases in solid form under moderate thermobaric conditions. Currently, the possibility of storing and transporting hydrocarbon gases in the form of solid hydrate is being actively explored throughout the world. The hydrate form of gas has a number of advantages, including a significant gas content in the hydrate, relative safety and environmental friendliness of the process. Recently, new developments have been proposed that seek to reduce the number of steps to obtain the finished hydrate, for example, using a pressing device/screw inside the reactor. However, the energy consumption required for the hydrate formation process remains a challenge. Thus, the goal of the current work is to study the patterns and mechanisms of the hydrate formation process using small additions of hydrate formation promoters under static conditions. The study of these aspects will help solve the problem of accelerated production of gas hydrates with minimal energy consumption. New compounds have been developed at Kazan Federal University that can accelerate the formation of methane hydrate with a small amount of promoter in water, not exceeding 0.1% by weight. These promoters were synthesized based on available natural compounds and showed high efficiency in accelerating the growth of methane hydrate. To test the influence of promoters on the process of hydrate formation, standard experiments are carried out under dynamic conditions with stirring. During such experiments, the time at which hydrate formation begins (induction period), the temperature at which formation begins (supercooling), the rate of hydrate formation, and the degree of conversion of water to hydrate are assessed. This approach helps to determine the most effective compound in comparative experiments with different promoters and select their optimal concentration. These experimental studies made it possible to study the features of the formation of associated petroleum gas hydrate from promoter solutions under static conditions. Phase transformations were studied using high-pressure micro-differential scanning calorimetry under various experimental conditions. Visual studies of the growth mode of methane hydrate depending on the type of promoter were also carried out. The work is an extension of the methodology for studying the effect of promoters on the process of associated petroleum gas hydrate formation in order to identify new ways to accelerate the formation of gas hydrates without the use of mixing. This work presents the results of a study of the process of associated petroleum gas hydrate formation using high-pressure differential scanning micro-calorimetry, visual investigation, gas chromatography, autoclave study, and stability data. It was found that the synthesized compounds multiply the conversion of water into hydrate under static conditions up to 96% due to a change in the growth mechanism of associated petroleum gas hydrate. This work was carried out in the framework of the program Priority-2030.Keywords: gas hydrate, gas storage, promotor, associated petroleum gas
Procedia PDF Downloads 73966 Assessing Efficiency Trends in the Indian Sugar Industry
Authors: S. P. Singh
This paper measures technical and scale efficiencies of 40 Indian sugar companies for the period from 2004-05 to 2013-14. The efficiencies are estimated through input-oriented DEA models using one output variable—value of output (VOP) and five input variables—capital cost (CA), employee cost (EMP), raw material (RW), energy & fuel (E&F) and other manufacturing expenses (OME). The sugar companies are classified into integrated and non-integrated categories to know which one achieves higher level of efficiency. Sources of inefficiency in the industry are identified through decomposing the overall technical efficiency (TE) into pure technical efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE). The paper also estimates input-reduction targets for relatively inefficient companies and suggests measures to improve their efficiency level. The findings reveal that the TE does not evince any trend rather it shows fluctuations across years, largely due to erratic and cyclical pattern of sugar production. Further, technical inefficiency in the industry seems to be driven more by the managerial inefficiency than the scale inefficiency, which implies that TE can be improved through better conversion of inputs into output.Keywords: DEA, slacks, sugar industry, technical efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 319965 Construction of a Radial Centrifuge Pump for Agricultural Applications
Authors: Elmo Thiago Lins Cöuras Ford, Valentina Alessandra Carvalho do Vale
With the evolution of the productive processes, demonstrated mainly by the presence every time larger of the irrigation and to crescent it disputes for water, accompanied by your shortage (distances every time larger), there is need to project facilities that can provide supply of water with larger speed and efficiency. Being like this, the presence of hydraulic pumps in an irrigation project or water supply for small communities, is of highest importance, and the knowledge of the fundamental parts to your good operation it deserves the due attention and care. Hydraulic pumps are machines of flow, whose function is to supply energy for the water, in order to press down her, through the conversion of mechanical energy of your originating from rotor a motor the combustion or of an electric motor. This way, the hydraulic pumps are had as generating hydraulic machines. The objective of this work was to project and to build a radial centrifugal pump for agricultural application in small communities.Keywords: centrifuge pump, hydraulic energy, agricultural applications, irrigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 372964 Bio-Furan Based Poly (β-Thioether Ester) Synthesized via Thiol-Michael Addition Polymerization with Tunable Structure and Properties
Authors: Daihui Zhang, Marie J. Dumont
A derivative of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was synthesized for the thiol-Michael addition reaction. The efficiency of the catalysts (base and nucleophiles) and side reactions during the thiol-Michael addition were investigated. Dimethylphenylphosphine efficiently initiated the thiol-Michael addition polymerization for synthesizing a series of bio-based furan polymers with different structure and properties. The benzene rings or hydroxyl groups present in the polymer chains increased the glass transition temperature (Tg) of poly (β-thioether ester). Additionally, copolymers with various compositions were obtained via adding different ratio of 1,6-hexanedithiols to 1,4-benzenedithiols. 1H NMR analysis revealed that experimental ratios of two dithiols monomers matched well with theoretical ratios. The occurrence of a reversible Diels-Alder reaction between furan rings and maleimide groups allowed poly (β-thioether ester) to be dynamically crosslinked. These polymers offer the potentials to produce materials from biomass that have both practical mechanical properties and reprocessing ability.Keywords: copolymers, Diels-Alder reaction, hydroxymethylfurfural, Thiol-Michael addition
Procedia PDF Downloads 331963 Power Management Strategy for Solar-Wind-Diesel Stand-Alone Hybrid Energy System
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam, Adel Merabet, Rachid Beguenane, Hussein Ibrahim
This paper presents a simulation and mathematical model of stand-alone solar-wind-diesel based hybrid energy system (HES). A power management system is designed for multiple energy resources in a stand-alone hybrid energy system. Both Solar photovoltaic and wind energy conversion system consists of maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage regulation, and basic power electronic interfaces. An additional diesel generator is included to support and improve the reliability of stand-alone system when renewable energy sources are not available. A power management strategy is introduced to distribute the generated power among resistive load banks. The frequency regulation is developed with conventional phase locked loop (PLL) system. The power management algorithm was applied in Matlab®/Simulink® to simulate the results.Keywords: solar photovoltaic, wind energy, diesel engine, hybrid energy system, power management, frequency and voltage regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 455962 Aspen Plus Simulation of Saponification of Ethyl Acetate in the Presence of Sodium Hydroxide in a Plug Flow Reactor
Authors: U. P. L. Wijayarathne, K. C. Wasalathilake
This work presents the modelling and simulation of saponification of ethyl acetate in the presence of sodium hydroxide in a plug flow reactor using Aspen Plus simulation software. Plug flow reactors are widely used in the industry due to the non-mixing property. The use of plug flow reactors becomes significant when there is a need for continuous large scale reaction or fast reaction. Plug flow reactors have a high volumetric unit conversion as the occurrence for side reactions is minimum. In this research Aspen Plus V8.0 has been successfully used to simulate the plug flow reactor. In order to simulate the process as accurately as possible HYSYS Peng-Robinson EOS package was used as the property method. The results obtained from the simulation were verified by the experiment carried out in the EDIBON plug flow reactor module. The correlation coefficient (r2) was 0.98 and it proved that simulation results satisfactorily fit for the experimental model. The developed model can be used as a guide for understanding the reaction kinetics of a plug flow reactor.Keywords: aspen plus, modelling, plug flow reactor, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 603961 Dietary Ergosan as a Supplemental Nutrient on Growth Performance, and Stress in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
Authors: Ehsan Ahmadifar, Mohammad Ali Yousefi, Zahra Roohi
In this study, the effects of different levels of Ergosan (control group (0), 2, 4 and 6 gr Ergosan per Kg diet) as a nutritional supplement were investigated on growth indices and stress in Zebrafish for 3 months. Larvae (4-day-old after hatching) were fed with experimental diet from the beginning of feeding until adult (adolescence) (average weight: 69.3 g, length: 5.1 cm). Different levels of Ergosan had no significant effect on rate survival (P < 0.05). The results showed that diet containing 6 gr Ergosan significantly caused the best FCR in Zebrafish (P < 0.05). By increasing the Ergosan diet, specific growth rate increased. Body weight gain and condition factor had significant differences (P < 0.05) as the highest and the lowest were observed in treatment 3 gr of Ergosan and control, respectively. The results showed that fish fed with experimental diet, had the highest resistance to environmental stresses compared to control, and the test temperature, oxygen, salinity and alkalinity samples containing 6 gr/kg, was significantly more resistance compared to the other treatments (P < 0.05). Overall, to achieve high resistance to environmental stress and increase final biomass using 6 gr/kg Ergosan in diet fish Zebrafish.Keywords: Ergosan, stress, growth performance, Danio rerio
Procedia PDF Downloads 248960 Dynamic Thermomechanical Behavior of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints
Authors: Sonia Sassi, Mostapha Tarfaoui, Hamza Benyahia
Composite materials are increasingly being used as a substitute for metallic materials in many technological applications like aeronautics, aerospace, marine and civil engineering applications. For composite materials, the thermomechanical response evolves with the strain rate. The energy balance equation for anisotropic, elastic materials includes heat source terms that govern the conversion of some of the kinetic work into heat. The remainder contributes to the stored energy creating the damage process in the composite material. In this paper, we investigate the bulk thermomechanical behavior of adhesively-bonded composite assemblies to quantitatively asses the temperature rise which accompanies adiabatic deformations. In particular, adhesively bonded joints in glass/vinylester composite material are subjected to in-plane dynamic loads under a range of strain rates. Dynamic thermomechanical behavior of this material is investigated using compression Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars (SHPB) coupled with a high speed infrared camera and a high speed camera to measure in real time the dynamic behavior, the damage kinetic and the temperature variation in the material. The interest of using high speed IR camera is in order to view in real time the evolution of heat dissipation in the material when damage occurs. But, this technique does not produce thermal values in correlation with the stress-strain curves of composite material because of its high time response in comparison with the dynamic test time. For this reason, the authors revisit the application of specific thermocouples placed on the surface of the material to ensure the real thermal measurements under dynamic loading using small thermocouples. Experiments with dynamically loaded material show that the thermocouples record temperatures values with a short typical rise time as a result of the conversion of kinetic work into heat during compression test. This results show that small thermocouples can be used to provide an important complement to other noncontact techniques such as the high speed infrared camera. Significant temperature rise was observed in in-plane compression tests especially under high strain rates. During the tests, it has been noticed that sudden temperature rise occur when macroscopic damage occur. This rise in temperature is linked to the rate of damage. The more serve the damage is, a higher localized temperature is detected. This shows the strong relationship between the occurrence of damage and induced heat dissipation. For the case of the in plane tests, the damage takes place more abruptly as the strain rate is increased. The difference observed in the obtained thermomechanical response in plane compression is explained only by the difference in the damage process being active during the compression tests. In this study, we highlighted the dependence of the thermomechanical response on the strain rate of bonded specimens. The effect of heat dissipation of this material cannot hence be ignored and should be taken into account when defining damage models during impact loading.Keywords: adhesively-bonded composite joints, damage, dynamic compression tests, energy balance, heat dissipation, SHPB, thermomechanical behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 213959 Implementation of MPPT Algorithm for Grid Connected PV Module with IC and P&O Method
Authors: Arvind Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Dattatraya H. Nagaraj, Amanpreet Singh, Jayanthi Prattapati
In recent years, the use of renewable energy resources instead of pollutant fossil fuels and other forms has increased. Photovoltaic generation is becoming increasingly important as a renewable resource since it does not cause in fuel costs, pollution, maintenance, and emitting noise compared with other alternatives used in power applications. In this paper, Perturb and Observe and Incremental Conductance methods are used to improve energy conversion efficiency under different environmental conditions. PI controllers are used to control easily DC-link voltage, active and reactive currents. The whole system is simulated under standard climatic conditions (1000 W/m2, 250C) in MATLAB and the irradiance is varied from 1000 W/m2 to 300 W/m2. The use of PI controller makes it easy to directly control the power of the grid connected PV system. Finally the validity of the system will be verified through the simulations in MATLAB/Simulink environment.Keywords: incremental conductance algorithm, modeling of PV panel, perturb and observe algorithm, photovoltaic system and simulation results
Procedia PDF Downloads 509958 Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction by N-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres
Authors: Bita Bayatsarmadi, Shi-Zhang Qiao
The development of ordered mesoporous carbon materials with controllable structures and improved physicochemical properties by doping heteroatoms such as nitrogen into the carbon framework has attracted a lot of attention, especially in relation to energy storage and conversion. Herein, a series of Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon spheres (NMC) was synthesized via a facile dual soft-templating procedure by tuning the nitrogen content and carbonization temperature. Various physical and (electro) chemical properties of the NMCs have been comprehensively investigated to pave the way for feasible design of nitrogen-containing porous carbon materials. The optimized sample showed a favorable electrocatalytic activity as evidenced by high kinetic current and positive onset potential for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) due to its large surface area, high pore volume, good conductivity and high nitrogen content, which make it as a highly efficient ORR metal-free catalyst in alkaline solutions.Keywords: porous carbon, N-doping, oxygen reduction reaction, soft-template
Procedia PDF Downloads 253957 The Social Impact of Religion on New Immigrants: A Case Study of Christianity Among Chinese Immigrants in New Zealand
Authors: Ziwen Wang
There are close links between religion and migration. As newcomers to a foreign nation, new immigrants endured many pressures and challenges. Religion can be an important part of a migrant’s personal identity, and religious communities can offer valued connections and relationships. During the migration process, religion can undergo significant changes as migrants travel across geographical and cultural gaps and as they face new opportunities or new constraints. For those migrants who are not religious, during this unsettling time, people might become sensitive to the "sacredness", accepting its guidance, and occasionally contemplating religious conversion. This research examines the role of faith and the church in supporting new Chinese immigrants from the perspective of the social function of Christianity, utilizing Chinese immigrants in New Zealand as a case study. Through participant observation in four Chinese churches and over seventy semi-structured interviews, this research illustrates how religion has provided them with a haven and how the church provides indispensable material, spiritual, and informational resources essential for their adaptation to life in New Zealand.Keywords: migration and religion, overseas chinese, religious capital, christianity
Procedia PDF Downloads 84956 Cell Biomass and Lipid Productivities of Meyerella planktonica under Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Growth Conditions
Authors: Rory Anthony Hutagalung, Leonardus Widjaja
Microalgae Meyerella planktonica is a potential biofuel source because it can grow in bulk in either autotrophic or heterotrophic condition. However, the quantitative growth of this algal type is still low as it tends to precipitates on the bottom. Beside, the lipid concentration is still low when grown in autotrophic condition. In contrast, heterotrophic condition can enhance the lipid concentration. The combination of autotrophic condition and agitation treatment was conducted to increase the density of the culture. On the other hand, a heterotrophic condition was set up to raise the lipid production. A two-stage experiment was applied to increase the density at the first step and to increase the lipid concentration in the next step. The autotrophic condition resulted higher density but lower lipid concentration compared to heterotrophic one. The agitation treatment produced higher density in both autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. The two-stage experiment managed to enhance the density during the autotrophic stage and the lipid concentration during the heterotrophic stage. The highest yield was performed by using 0.4% v/v glycerol as a carbon source (2.9±0.016 x 106 cells w/w) attained 7 days after the heterotrophic stage began. The lipid concentration was stable starting from day 7.Keywords: agitation, glycerol, heterotrophic, lipid productivity, Meyerella planktonica
Procedia PDF Downloads 339955 Comparison of Solar Radiation Models
Authors: O. Behar, A. Khellaf, K. Mohammedi, S. Ait Kaci
Up to now, most validation studies have been based on the MBE and RMSE, and therefore, focused only on long and short terms performance to test and classify solar radiation models. This traditional analysis does not take into account the quality of modeling and linearity. In our analysis we have tested 22 solar radiation models that are capable to provide instantaneous direct and global radiation at any given location Worldwide. We introduce a new indicator, which we named Global Accuracy Indicator (GAI) to examine the linear relationship between the measured and predicted values and the quality of modeling in addition to long and short terms performance. Note that the quality of model has been represented by the T-Statistical test, the model linearity has been given by the correlation coefficient and the long and short term performance have been respectively known by the MBE and RMSE. An important founding of this research is that the use GAI allows avoiding default validation when using traditional methodology that might results in erroneous prediction of solar power conversion systems performances.Keywords: solar radiation model, parametric model, performance analysis, Global Accuracy Indicator (GAI)
Procedia PDF Downloads 352954 Investigation of the Variables Affecting the Use of Charcoal to Delay Fermentation in Wet Beans Slurry Using Chemical and Physical Analysis
Authors: Anuoluwapo O. Adewole
Fermentation is the conversion of monomeric sugars into ethanol and carbondioxide in the presence of microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. In line with the aim and objective of this research project, which is to investigate into the variables affecting the use of charcoal to delay fermentation in wet beans slurry, some physical and chemical analysis were carried out on the wet beans slurry using a PH meter in which a thermometer is incorporated in it, and a measuring cylinder was used for the foam level test. About 250 grams of the ground beans slurry was divided into two portions for testing. The sample with charcoal was labeled sample 'A' while the second sample without charcoal was labeled sample 'B' subsequently. The experiment lasted for a period of 41.15 hours (i.e., forty-one hours and nine minutes). During the fourth process, both samples could not be tested as the laboratory had been saturated with foul odor and both samples were packed and sealed in polythene bag for disposal in the trash can. It was generally observed that the sample with the charcoal lasted for a longer time before that without charcoal before total spoilage occurred.Keywords: fermentation, monomeric sugars, beans slurry, charcoal, anaerobic conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 333953 Development of Non-frozen Vegan Burger Patty Using Tender Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) as a Meat Substitute: Evaluation of Textural, Physico-Chemical, and Sensory Characteristics
Authors: O. D. A. N. Perera, H. G. Wanigasinghe
Tender jackfruit is an underutilized biomass, which still has a good consumer demand. Valorization of this ingredient into meat analog would obtain greater consumer acceptance due to concerns about health, the environment, and living sustainably of mankind have increased significantly in this decade, opening the market for meat substitutes. The objective of this research was to create a plant-based meat substitute with a structure similar to meat products. In this study, three different combinations of tender jackfruit were used to create vegan burger patties, which were then examined for their textural, physico-chemical, and sensory qualities. The developed burger patties have been compared with store-bought chicken patties. The developed vegan burger patties P1, P2, and P3 had a comparable flavor preference to the control and demonstrated considerable general acceptability (p >.05). P3 has a high quantity of protein (17.10 ± 0.02%) and fiber (6.40 ± 0.06%). At the same time, the vegan burger patty resulted in less fat, high fiber, and high protein which meets the vegan consumer requirements.Keywords: underutilized, high fibre, soya protein isolate, cooking yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 65952 Monitoring the Rate of Expansion of Agricultural Fields in Mwekera Forest Reserve Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
Authors: K. Kanja, M. Mweemba, K. Malungwa
Due to the rampant population growth coupled with retrenchments currently going on in the Copper mines in Zambia, a number of people are resorting to land clearing for agriculture, illegal settlements as well as charcoal production among other vices. This study aims at assessing the rate of expansion of agricultural fields and illegal settlements in protected areas using remote sensing and Geographic Information System. Zambia’s Mwekera National Forest Reserve was used as a case study. Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique (ISODATA), as well as maximum likelihood, supervised classification on four Landsat images as well as an accuracy assessment of the classifications was performed. Over the period under observation, results indicate annual percentage changes to be -0.03, -0.49 and 1.26 for agriculture, forests and settlement respectively indicating a higher conversion of forests into human settlements and agriculture.Keywords: geographic information system, land cover change, Landsat TM and ETM+, Mwekera forest reserve, remote sensing
Procedia PDF Downloads 144951 IoT Continuous Monitoring Biochemical Oxygen Demand Wastewater Effluent Quality: Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors: Sergio Celaschi, Henrique Canavarro de Alencar, Claaudecir Biazoli
Effluent quality is of the highest priority for compliance with the permit limits of environmental protection agencies and ensures the protection of their local water system. Of the pollutants monitored, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) posed one of the greatest challenges. This work presents a solution for wastewater treatment plants - WWTP’s ability to react to different situations and meet treatment goals. Delayed BOD5 results from the lab take 7 to 8 analysis days, hindered the WWTP’s ability to react to different situations and meet treatment goals. Reducing BOD turnaround time from days to hours is our quest. Such a solution is based on a system of two BOD bioreactors associated with Digital Twin (DT) and Machine Learning (ML) methodologies via an Internet of Things (IoT) platform to monitor and control a WWTP to support decision making. DT is a virtual and dynamic replica of a production process. DT requires the ability to collect and store real-time sensor data related to the operating environment. Furthermore, it integrates and organizes the data on a digital platform and applies analytical models allowing a deeper understanding of the real process to catch sooner anomalies. In our system of continuous time monitoring of the BOD suppressed by the effluent treatment process, the DT algorithm for analyzing the data uses ML on a chemical kinetic parameterized model. The continuous BOD monitoring system, capable of providing results in a fraction of the time required by BOD5 analysis, is composed of two thermally isolated batch bioreactors. Each bioreactor contains input/output access to wastewater sample (influent and effluent), hydraulic conduction tubes, pumps, and valves for batch sample and dilution water, air supply for dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation, cooler/heater for sample thermal stability, optical ODO sensor based on fluorescence quenching, pH, ORP, temperature, and atmospheric pressure sensors, local PLC/CPU for TCP/IP data transmission interface. The dynamic BOD system monitoring range covers 2 mg/L < BOD < 2,000 mg/L. In addition to the BOD monitoring system, there are many other operational WWTP sensors. The CPU data is transmitted/received to/from the digital platform, which in turn performs analyses at periodic intervals, aiming to feed the learning process. BOD bulletins and their credibility intervals are made available in 12-hour intervals to web users. The chemical kinetics ML algorithm is composed of a coupled system of four first-order ordinary differential equations for the molar masses of DO, organic material present in the sample, biomass, and products (CO₂ and H₂O) of the reaction. This system is solved numerically linked to its initial conditions: DO (saturated) and initial products of the kinetic oxidation process; CO₂ = H₂0 = 0. The initial values for organic matter and biomass are estimated by the method of minimization of the mean square deviations. A real case of continuous monitoring of BOD wastewater effluent quality is being conducted by deploying an IoT application on a large wastewater purification system located in S. Paulo, Brazil.Keywords: effluent treatment, biochemical oxygen demand, continuous monitoring, IoT, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 74950 Synergistic Effect of Carbon Nanostructures and Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes on the Piezoelectric Property of Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Authors: Deepalekshmi Ponnamma, Erturk Alper, Pradeep Sharma, Mariam Al Ali AlMaadeed
Integrating efficient energy harvesting materials into soft, flexible and eco-friendly substrates could yield significant breakthroughs in wearable and flexible electronics. Here we present a hybrid filler combination of titanium dioxide nanotubes and the carbon nanostructures-carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxide- synthesized by hydrothermal method and then introduced into a semi crystalline polymer, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Simple mixing method is adopted for the PVDF nanocomposite fabrication after ensuring a high interaction among the fillers. The films prepared were mainly tested for the piezoelectric responses and for the mechanical stretchability. The results show that the piezoelectric constant has increased while changing the total filler concentration. We propose integration of these materials in fabricating energy conversion devices useful in flexible and wearable electronics.Keywords: dielectric property, hydrothermal growth, piezoelectricity, polymer nanocomposite
Procedia PDF Downloads 354949 Food Waste Utilization: A Contemporary Prospect of Meeting Energy Crisis Using Microbial Fuel Cell
Authors: Bahareh Asefi, Fereidoun Farzaneh, Ghazaleh Asefi, Chang-Ping Yu
Increased production of food waste (FW) is a global issue that is receiving more attention due to its environmental and economic impacts. The generation of electricity from food waste, known as energy recovery, is one of the effective solutions in food waste management. Food waste has high energy content which seems ideal to achieve dual benefits in terms of energy recovery and waste stabilization. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising technology for treating food waste and generate electricity. In this work, we will review energy utilization from different kind of food waste using MFC and factors which affected the process. We have studied the key technology of energy generated from food waste using MFC to enhance the food waste management. The power density and electricity production by each kind of food waste and challenges were identified. This work explored the conversion of FW into energy from different type of food waste, which aim to provide a theoretical analysis for energy utilization of food waste.Keywords: energy generation, food waste, microbial fuel cell, power density
Procedia PDF Downloads 229948 Design of a Controlled BHJ Solar Cell Using Modified Organic Vapor Spray Deposition Technique
Authors: F. Stephen Joe, V. Sathya Narayanan, V. R. Sanal Kumar
A comprehensive review of the literature on photovoltaic cells has been carried out for exploring the better options for cost efficient technologies for future solar cell applications. Literature review reveals that the Bulk Heterojunction (BHJ) Polymer Solar cells offer special opportunities as renewable energy resources. It is evident from the previous studies that the device fabricated with TiOx layer shows better power conversion efficiency than that of the device without TiOx layer. In this paper, authors designed a controlled BHJ solar cell using a modified organic vapor spray deposition technique facilitated with a vertical-moving gun named as 'Stephen Joe Technique' for getting a desirable surface pattern over the substrate to improving its efficiency over the years for industrial applications. We comprehended that the efficient processing and the interface engineering of these solar cells could increase the efficiency up to 5-10 %.Keywords: BHJ polymer solar cell, photovoltaic cell, solar cell, Stephen Joe technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 543947 Design and Simulation of 3-Transistor Active Pixel Sensor Using MATLAB Simulink
Authors: H. Alheeh, M. Alameri, A. Al Tarabsheh
There has been a growing interest in CMOS-based sensors technology in cameras as they afford low-power, small-size, and cost-effective imaging systems. This article describes the CMOS image sensor pixel categories and presents the design and the simulation of the 3-Transistor (3T) Active Pixel Sensor (APS) in MATLAB/Simulink tool. The analysis investigates the conversion of the light into an electrical signal for a single pixel sensing circuit, which consists of a photodiode and three NMOS transistors. The paper also proposes three modes for the pixel operation; reset, integration, and readout modes. The simulations of the electrical signals for each of the studied modes of operation show how the output electrical signals are correlated to the input light intensities. The charging/discharging speed for the photodiodes is also investigated. The output voltage for different light intensities, including in dark case, is calculated and showed its inverse proportionality with the light intensity.Keywords: APS, CMOS image sensor, light intensities photodiode, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 178946 Influence of Recombination of Free and Trapped Charge Carriers on the Efficiency of Conventional and Inverted Organic Solar Cells
Authors: Hooman Mehdizadeh Rad, Jai Singh
Organic solar cells (OSCs) have been actively investigated in the last two decades due to their several merits such as simple fabrication process, low-cost manufacturing, and lightweight. In this paper, using the optical transfer matrix method (OTMM) and solving the drift-diffusion equations processes of recombination are studied in inverted and conventional bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OSCs. Two types of recombination processes are investigated: 1) recombination of free charge carriers using the Langevin theory and 2) of trapped charge carriers in the tail states with exponential energy distribution. These recombination processes are incorporated in simulating the current- voltage characteristics of both conventional and inverted BHJ OSCs. The results of this simulation produces a higher power conversion efficiency in the inverted structure in comparison with conventional structure, which agrees well with the experimental results.Keywords: conventional organic solar cells, exponential tail state recombination, inverted organic solar cells, Langevin recombination
Procedia PDF Downloads 188945 Utilization of Aluminium Dross as a Main Raw Material for Synthesize the Geopolymers via Mechanochemistry Method
Authors: Pimchanok Puksisuwan, Pitak Laorattanakul, Benya Cherdhirunkorn
The use of aluminium dross as a raw material for geopolymer synthesis via mechanochemistry method was studied. The geopolymers were prepared using aluminium dross from secondary aluminium industry, fly ash from a biomass power plant and liquid alkaline activators, which is a mixture of sodium silicate solution (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) (Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio 4:1, 3:1 and 2:1). Aluminium dross consists mostly of alumina (Al2O3), silicon oxide (SiO2) and aluminium nitride (AlN). The raw materials were mixed and milled using the high energy ball milling method for 5, 10 and 15 minutes in order to reduce the particle size. The milled powders were uniaxially pressed into a cylinder die with the pressure of 2200 psi. The cylinder samples were cured in the sealed plastic bags for 3, 7 and 14 days at the room temperature and 60°C for 24 hour. The mechanical property of geopolymers was investigated. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were carried out in order to study the microstructure and phase structures of the geopolymers, respectively. The results showed that aluminium dross could enhance the mechanical property of geopolymers product by mechanochemistry method and meet the TISI requirements.Keywords: aluminium dross, fly ash, geopolymer, mechanochemistry
Procedia PDF Downloads 255944 Defective Autophagy Leads to the Resistance to PP2 in ATG5 Knockout Cells Generated by CRISPR-Cas9 Endonuclease
Authors: Sung-Hee Hwang, Michael Lee
Upregulated Src activity has been implicated in a variety of cancers. Thus, Src family tyrosine kinase (SFK) inhibitors are often effective cancer treatments. Here, we investigate the role of autophagy in ATG5 knockout cell lines generated by the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas mediated genome editing. The CRISPR-associated protein Cas9 is an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease that uses RNA–DNA complementarity to identify target sites for sequence specific double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) cleavage. Interestingly, ATG5 KO cells clearly showed a greater proliferation rate than WT NIH 3T3 cells, implying that autophagy induction is cytotoxic. Also, the clonogenic survival of ATG5 KO cells was greater than WT cells. The MTT assay revealed that the cytotoxic effect of PP2 was weaker on ATG5 knockout cells than that WT cells. The conversion of non-autophagic LC3-I to autophagic LC3-II and RT-PCR confirmed the functional gene knockout. Furthermore, Cyto-ID autophagy assay also revealed that PP2 failed to induce autophagy in ATG5 knockout cells. Together, our findings suggest that the resistance to PP2 in ATG5 knockout cells is associated with defective autophagy.Keywords: ATG5 knockout, Autophagy, CRISPR/Cas9, PP2
Procedia PDF Downloads 348943 Two-Dimensional Symmetric Half-Plane Recursive Doubly Complementary Digital Lattice Filters
Authors: Ju-Hong Lee, Chong-Jia Ciou, Yuan-Hau Yang
This paper deals with the problem of two-dimensional (2-D) recursive doubly complementary (DC) digital filter design. We present a structure of 2-D recursive DC filters by using 2-D symmetric half-plane (SHP) recursive digital all-pass lattice filters (DALFs). The novelty of using 2-D SHP recursive DALFs to construct a 2-D recursive DC digital lattice filter is that the resulting 2-D SHP recursive DC digital lattice filter provides better performance than the existing 2-D SHP recursive DC digital filter. Moreover, the proposed structure possesses a favorable 2-D DC half-band (DC-HB) property that allows about half of the 2-D SHP recursive DALF’s coefficients to be zero. This leads to considerable savings in computational burden for implementation. To ensure the stability of a designed 2-D SHP recursive DC digital lattice filter, some necessary constraints on the phase of the 2-D SHP recursive DALF during the design process are presented. Design of a 2-D diamond-shape decimation/interpolation filter is presented for illustration and comparison.Keywords: all-pass digital filter, doubly complementary, lattice structure, symmetric half-plane digital filter, sampling rate conversion
Procedia PDF Downloads 438942 Reuse of Huge Industrial Areas
Authors: Martina Perinkova, Lenka Kolarcikova, Marketa Twrda
Brownfields are one of the most important problems that must be solved by today's cities. The topic of this article is description of developing a comprehensive transformation of post-industrial area of the former iron factory national cultural heritage Lower Vítkovice. City of Ostrava used to be industrial superpower of the Czechoslovak Republic, especially in the area of coal mining and iron production, after declining industrial production and mining in the 80s left many unused areas of former factories generally brownfields and backfields. Since the late 90s we are observing how the city officials or private entities seeking to remedy this situation. Regeneration of brownfields is a very expensive and long-term process. The area is now rebuilt for tourists and residents of the city in the entertainment, cultural, and social center. It was necessary do the reconstruction of the industrial monuments. Equally important was the construction of new buildings, which helped reusing of the entire complex. This is a unique example of transformation of technical monuments and completion of necessary new objects, so that the area could start working again and reintegrate back into the urban system.Keywords: brown fields, conversion, historical and industrial buildings, reconstruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 330941 Electrochemistry of Metal Chalcogenides Semiconductor Materials; Theory and Practical Applications
Authors: Mahmoud Elrouby
Metal chalcogenide materials have wide spectrum of properties, for that these materials can be used in electronics, optics, magnetics, solar energy conversion, catalysis, passivation, ion sensing, batteries, and fuel cells. This work aims to, how can obtain these materials via electrochemical methods simply for further applications. The work regards in particular the systems relevant to the sulphur sub-group elements, i.e., sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. The role of electrochemistry in synthesis, development, and characterization of the metal chalcogenide materials and related devices is vital and important. Electrochemical methods as preparation tool offer the advantages of soft chemistry to access bulk, thin, nano film and epitaxial growth of a wide range of alloys and compounds, while as a characterization tool provides exceptional assistance in specifying the physicochemical properties of materials. Moreover, quite important applications and modern devices base their operation on electrochemical principles. Thereupon, our scope in the first place was to organize existing facts on the electrochemistry of metal chalcogenides regarding their synthesis, properties, and applications.Keywords: electrodeposition, metal chacogenides, semiconductors, applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 299940 Scalar Modulation Technique for Six-Phase Matrix Converter Fed Series-Connected Two-Motor Drives
Authors: A. Djahbar, M. Aillerie, E. Bounadja
In this paper we treat a new structure of a high-power actuator which is used to either industry or electric traction. Indeed, the actuator is constituted by two induction motors, the first is a six-phase motor connected in series with another three-phase motor via the stators. The whole is supplied by a single static converter. Our contribution in this paper is the optimization of the system supply source. This is feeding the multimotor group by a direct converter frequency without using the DC-link capacitor. The modelling of the components of multimotor system is presented first. Only the first component of stator currents is used to produce the torque/flux of the first machine in the group. The second component of stator currents is considered as additional degrees of freedom and which can be used for power conversion for the other connected motors. The decoupling of each motor from the group is obtained using the direct vector control scheme. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed structure.Keywords: induction machine, motor drives, scalar modulation technique, three-to-six phase matrix converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 548939 The Experiment and Simulation Analysis of the Effect of CO₂ and Steam Addition on Syngas Composition of Natural Gas Non-Catalyst Partial Oxidation
Authors: Zhenghua Dai, Jianliang Xu, Fuchen Wang
Non-catalyst partial oxidation technology has been widely used to produce syngas by reforming of hydrocarbon, including gas (natural gas, shale gas, refinery gas, coalbed gas, coke oven gas, pyrolysis gas, etc.) and liquid (residual oil, asphalt, deoiled asphalt, biomass oil, etc.). For natural gas non-catalyst partial oxidation, the H₂/CO(v/v) of syngas is about 1.8, which is agreed well with the request of FT synthesis. But for other process, such as carbonylation and glycol, the H₂/CO(v/v) should be close to 1 and 2 respectively. So the syngas composition of non-catalyst partial oxidation should be adjusted to satisfy the request of different chemical synthesis. That means a multi-reforming method by CO₂ and H₂O addition. The natural gas non-catalytic partial oxidation hot model was established. The effects of O₂/CH4 ratio, steam, and CO₂ on the syngas composition were studied. The results of the experiment indicate that the addition of CO₂ and steam into the reformer can be applied to change the syngas H₂/CO ratio. The reactor network model (RN model) was established according to the flow partition of industrial reformer and GRI-Mech 3.0. The RN model results agree well with the industrial data. The effects of steam, CO₂ on the syngas compositions were studied with the RN model.Keywords: non-catalyst partial oxidation, natural gas, H₂/CO, CO₂ and H₂O addition, multi-reforming method
Procedia PDF Downloads 212938 Mass Production of Endemic Diatoms in Polk County, Florida Concomitant with Biofuel Extraction
Authors: Melba D. Horton
Algae are identified as an alternative source of biofuel because of their ubiquitous distribution in aquatic environments. Diatoms are unique forms of algae characterized by silicified cell walls which have gained prominence in various technological applications. Polk County is home to a multitude of ponds and lakes but has not been explored for the presence of diatoms. Considering the condition of the waters brought about by predominant phosphate mining activities in the area, this research was conducted to determine if endemic diatoms are present and explore their potential for low-cost mass production. Using custom-built photobioreactors, water samples from various lakes provided by the Polk County Parks and Recreation and from nearby ponds were used as the source of diatoms together with other algae obtained during collection. Results of the initial culture cycles were successful, but later an overgrowth of other algae crashed the diatom population. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory to tease out some factors possibly contributing to the die-off. Generally, the total biomass declines after two culture cycles and the causative factors need further investigation. The lipid yield is minimum; however, the high frustule production after die-off adds value to the overall benefit of the harvest.Keywords: diatoms, algae, biofuel, lipid, photobioreactor, frustule
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