Search results for: tool tip temperature
10653 SQL Generator Based on MVC Pattern
Authors: Chanchai Supaartagorn
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard de facto language to access and manipulate data in a relational database. Although SQL is a language that is simple and powerful, most novice users will have trouble with SQL syntax. Thus, we are presenting SQL generator tool which is capable of translating actions and displaying SQL commands and data sets simultaneously. The tool was developed based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The MVC pattern is a widely used software design pattern that enforces the separation between the input, processing, and output of an application. Developers take full advantage of it to reduce the complexity in architectural design and to increase flexibility and reuse of code. In addition, we use White-Box testing for the code verification in the Model module.Keywords: MVC, relational database, SQL, White-Box testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 42210652 Investigating the Rate of Migration of Plasticizers from PET Bottles into Salad Oil during Storage
Authors: Simin Asadollahi, Amir H. Soruri, Ali Moghimi
Nowadays, salad oils are used in many countries around the world. Therefore, it is of great importance to ensure the safety of these food products which are usually packaged in Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and come on the market. This study investigated the effects of storage time and temperature on the migration rate of phthalate compounds from PET bottle to salad oil. In more detail, migration rate of bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate from bottles to salad oil samples was measured in 1st, the 30th, and the 60th days of storage at a temperature of either 20 or 40 °C. At both storage temperatures, an increase in the storage time led to a statistically significant increase in the migration rate of phthalate compounds (p<.01). Regarding this, the highest migration rate occurred after 60 days of storage in to the samples. Furthermore, it was revealed bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate had a higher migration rate at 40 °C than at 20 °C which showed that an increase in the storage temperature would lead to an increase in the migration rate. The highest migration rate occurred in relation to salad oil stored at 40 °C and after 60 days of storage.Keywords: salad oil, migration rate, polyethylene terephthalate, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
Procedia PDF Downloads 36510651 Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Strategic Place Branding Tool
Authors: L. Ozoliņa
Place branding as a strategic marketing tool is applied in Latvia since 2000. The main objective of the study is to find unique connecting aspects of the intangible cultural heritage elements on the development of sustainable place branding. The study is based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with Latvian place branding experts and content analysis of Latvia's place brand identities. The study indicates place branding as an internal co-creational and educational process of all involved stakeholders of the place and highlights a critical view on the local place branding practices on the notability of the in-depth research of the intangible cultural heritage.Keywords: belonging, identity, intangible cultural heritage, narrative, self-image, place branding
Procedia PDF Downloads 14510650 Optimization of Pumping Power of Water between Reservoir Using Ant Colony System
Authors: Thiago Ribeiro De Alencar, Jacyro Gramulia Junior, Patricia Teixeira Leite Asano
The area of the electricity sector that deals with energy needs by the hydropower and thermoelectric in a coordinated way is called Planning Operating Hydrothermal Power Systems. The aim of this area is to find a political operative to provide electrical power to the system in a specified period with minimization of operating cost. This article proposes a computational tool for solving the planning problem. In addition, this article will be introducing a methodology to find new transfer points between reservoirs increasing energy production in hydroelectric power plants cascade systems. The computational tool proposed in this article applies: i) genetic algorithms to optimize the water transfer and operation of hydroelectric plants systems; and ii) Ant Colony algorithm to find the trajectory with the least energy pumping for the construction of pipes transfer between reservoirs considering the topography of the region. The computational tool has a database consisting of 35 hydropower plants and 41 reservoirs, which are part of the southeastern Brazilian system, which has been implemented in an individualized way.Keywords: ant colony system, genetic algorithms, hydroelectric, hydrothermal systems, optimization, water transfer between rivers
Procedia PDF Downloads 32610649 Kinetic Studies on CO₂ Gasification of Low and High Ash Indian Coals in Context of Underground Coal Gasification
Authors: Geeta Kumari, Prabu Vairakannu
Underground coal gasification (UCG) technology is an efficient and an economic in-situ clean coal technology, which converts unmineable coals into calorific valuable gases. This technology avoids ash disposal, coal mining, and storage problems. CO₂ gas can be a potential gasifying medium for UCG. CO₂ is a greenhouse gas and, the liberation of this gas to the atmosphere from thermal power plant industries leads to global warming. Hence, the capture and reutilization of CO₂ gas are crucial for clean energy production. However, the reactivity of high ash Indian coals with CO₂ needs to be assessed. In the present study, two varieties of Indian coals (low ash and high ash) are used for thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Two low ash north east Indian coals (LAC) and a typical high ash Indian coal (HAC) are procured from the coal mines of India. Low ash coal with 9% ash (LAC-1) and 4% ash (LAC-2) and high ash coal (HAC) with 42% ash are used for the study. TGA studies are carried out to evaluate the activation energy for pyrolysis and gasification of coal under N₂ and CO₂ atmosphere. Coats and Redfern method is used to estimate the activation energy of coal under different temperature regimes. Volumetric model is assumed for the estimation of the activation energy. The activation energy estimated under different temperature range. The inherent properties of coals play a major role in their reactivity. The results show that the activation energy decreases with the decrease in the inherent percentage of coal ash due to the ash layer hindrance. A reverse trend was observed with volatile matter. High volatile matter of coal leads to the estimation of low activation energy. It was observed that the activation energy under CO₂ atmosphere at 400-600°C is less as compared to N₂ inert atmosphere. At this temperature range, it is estimated that 15-23% reduction in the activation energy under CO₂ atmosphere. This shows the reactivity of CO₂ gas with higher hydrocarbons of the coal volatile matters. The reactivity of CO₂ with the volatile matter of coal might occur through dry reforming reaction in which CO₂ reacts with higher hydrocarbon, aromatics of the tar content. The observed trend of Ea in the temperature range of 150-200˚C and 400-600˚C is HAC > LAC-1 >LAC-2 in both N₂ and CO₂ atmosphere. At the temperature range of 850-1000˚C, higher activation energy is estimated when compared to those values in the temperature range of 400-600°C. Above 800°C, char gasification through Boudouard reaction progressed under CO₂ atmosphere. It was observed that 8-20 kJ/mol of activation energy is increased during char gasification above 800°C compared to volatile matter pyrolysis between the temperature ranges of 400-600°C. The overall activation energy of the coals in the temperature range of 30-1000˚C is higher in N₂ atmosphere than CO₂ atmosphere. It can be concluded that higher hydrocarbons such as tar effectively undergoes cracking and reforming reactions in presence of CO₂. Thus, CO₂ gas is beneficial for the production of high calorific value syngas using high ash Indian coals.Keywords: clean coal technology, CO₂ gasification, activation energy, underground coal gasification
Procedia PDF Downloads 17210648 Effects of Closed-Caption Programs on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning
Authors: Bahman Gorjian
This study investigated the effects of closed-captioning on vocabulary learning and listening comprehension of English-language movies. Captioning is thus an effective language-learning tool for persons learning English as a second language. Because students may learn a foreign language "passively," utilizing subtitles on television could make learning English enjoyable for them. Closed captioning is an electrical technique that converts spoken words from a television program's audio into written text that mimics subtitles in another language. The findings of this study showed the importance of using closed-captioning software when learning a foreign language. As a result, these must be considered when teaching EFL/ESL. The influence of watching movies with closed captions on vocabulary and hearing is compared in this study. This goal can be reached by employing a closed-captioned movie as a teaching tool in the classroom. This research was critical because it demonstrates the advantages of closed-captioning programs in EFL classrooms for both teachers and students. The study's findings assisted teachers in better understanding how to employ closed captioning as a teaching tool in the classroom. The effects will be seen as even more significant for language learners who use the method.Keywords: closed-captions, listening, comprehension, vcabulary
Procedia PDF Downloads 8910647 Flame Propagation Velocity of Selected Gas Mixtures Depending on the Temperature
Authors: Kaczmarzyk Piotr, Anna Dziechciarz, Wojciech Klapsa
The purpose of this paper is demonstration the test results of research influence of temperature on the velocity of flame propagation using gas and air mixtures for selected gas mixtures. The research was conducted on the test apparatus in the form of duct 2 m long. The test apparatus was funded from the project: “Development of methods to neutralize threats of explosion for determined tanks contained technical gases, including alternative sources of supply in the fire environment, taking into account needs of rescuers” number: DOB-BIO6/02/50/2014. The Project is funded by The National Centre for Research and Development. This paper presents the results of measurement of rate of pressure rise and rate in flame propagation, using test apparatus for mixtures air and methane or air and propane. This paper presents the results performed using the test apparatus in the form of duct measuring the rate of flame and overpressure wave. Studies were performed using three gas mixtures with different concentrations: Methane (3% to 8% vol), Propane (3% to 6% vol). As regard to the above concentrations, tests were carried out at temperatures 20 and 30 ̊C. The gas mixture was supplied to the inside of the duct by the partial pressure molecules. Data acquisition was made using 5 dynamic pressure transducers and 5 ionization probes, arranged along of the duct. Temperature conditions changes were performed using heater which was mounted on the duct’s bottom. During the tests, following parameters were recorded: maximum explosion pressure, maximum pressure recorded by sensors and voltage recorded by ionization probes. Performed tests, for flammable gas and air mixtures, indicate that temperature changes have an influence on overpressure velocity. It should be noted, that temperature changes do not have a major impact on the flame front velocity. In the case of propane and air mixtures (temperature 30 ̊C) was observed DDT (Deflagration to Detonation) phenomena. The velocity increased from 2 to 20 m/s. This kind of explosion could turn into a detonation, but the duct length is too short (2 m).Keywords: flame propagation, flame propagation velocity, explosion, propane, methane
Procedia PDF Downloads 22610646 Assessment of Metal and Nano-Metal Doped TiO₂ Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Almeda Textile Industry, Tigray, Ethiopia
Authors: Mulugeta Gurum Gerechal
Nowadays, the photocatalytic mechanism of water purification using nanoparticles has gained wider acceptance. For this purpose, the Crystal form of N- TiO₂ and Ag-TiO₂ was prepared from TiCl₄, Urea, NH₄OH and AgNO₃ by sol-gel method and simple solid phase reaction followed by calcination at a temperature of 400 °C for 4h at each. The synthesized photocatalysts were characterized using XRD, SEM and UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra. In the experiment, it was found that the absorption edge of N-TiO₂ was a well efficient shift to visible light as compared to Ag-TiO₂. The XRD diffraction makes the particle size of N-TiO₂ smaller than Ag-TiO₂. The effect of catalyst loading and the effect of temperature on the photocatalytic efficiency of the prepared samples was tested using methylene blue as a target pollutant. The photocatalytic degradation efficiency of the catalysts for methylene blue was increased from 57.05 to 96.02% under solar radiation as the amount of the catalyst increased from 0.15 to 0.45 gram for N-TiO₂. Similarly, photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was increased from 40.32 to 81.21% as the amount of Ag-TiO₂ increased from 0.05g to 0.1g. In addition, the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of the catalysts for the removal of methylene blue was increased from 58.00 to 98.00 and 47.00 to 81.21 % under solar radiation as the calcination temperature of the catalyst increased from 300 to 500 for N-TiO₂ for Ag-TiO₂ 300 to 4000C. However, a further increase in catalyst loading and calcination temperature was found to decrease the degradation efficiency.Keywords: photocatalysis, degradation, nanoparticles, catalyst loading, calcination and methylene blue
Procedia PDF Downloads 6310645 Effect of Temperature on the Permeability and Time-Dependent Change in Thermal Volume of Bentonite Clay During the Heating-Cooling Cycle
Authors: Nilufar Chowdhury, Fereydoun Najafian Jazi, Omid Ghasemi-Fare
The thermal effect on soil properties induces significant variations in hydraulic conductivity, which is attributable to temperature-dependent transitions in soil properties. With the elevation of temperature, there can be a notable increase in intrinsic permeability due to the degeneration of bound water molecules into a free state facilitated by thermal energy input. Conversely, thermal consolidation may cause a reduction in intrinsic permeability as soil particles undergo densification. This thermal response of soil permeability exhibits pronounced heterogeneity across different soil types. Furthermore, this temperature-induced disruption of the bound water within clay matrices can enhance the mineral-to-mineral contact, initiating irreversible deformation within the clay structure. This indicates that when soil undergoes heating-cooling cycles, plastic strain can develop, which needs to be investigated for every soil type to understand the thermo-hydro mechanical behavior of clay properly. This research aims to study the effect of the heating-cooling cycle on the intrinsic permeability and time-dependent evaluation of thermal volume change of sodium Bentonite clay. A temperature-controlled triaxial permeameter cell is used in this study. The selected temperature is 20° C, 40° C, 40° C and 80° C. The hydraulic conductivity of Bentonite clay under 100 kPa confining stresses was measured. Hydraulic conductivity analysis was performed on a saturated sample for a void ratio e = 0.9, corresponding to a dry density of 1.2 Mg/m3. Different hydraulic gradients were applied between the top and bottom of the sample to obtain a measurable flow through the sample. The hydraulic gradient used for the experiment was 4000. The diameter and thickness of the sample are 101. 6 mm, and 25.4 mm, respectively. Both for heating and cooling, the hydraulic conductivity at each temperature is measured after the flow reaches the steady state condition to make sure the volume change due to thermal loading is stabilized. Thus, soil specimens were kept at a constant temperature during both the heating and cooling phases for at least 10-18 days to facilitate the equilibration of hydraulic transients. To assess the influence of temperature-induced volume changes of Bentonite clay, the evaluation of void ratio change during this time period has been monitored. It is observed that the intrinsic permeability increases by 30-40% during the heating cycle. The permeability during the cooling cycle is 10-12% lower compared to the permeability observed during the heating cycle at a particular temperature. This reduction in permeability implies a change in soil fabric due to the thermal effect. An initial increase followed by a rapid decrease in void ratio was observed, representing the occurrence of possible osmotic swelling phenomena followed by thermal consolidation. It has been observed that after a complete heating-cooling cycle, there is a significant change in the void ratio compared to the initial void ratio of the sample. The results obtained suggest that Bentonite clay’s microstructure can change subject to a complete heating-cooling process, which regulates macro behavior such as the permeability of Bentonite clay.Keywords: bentonite, permeability, temperature, thermal volume change
Procedia PDF Downloads 5710644 Analysis of Heat Transfer and Energy Saving Characteristics for Bobsleigh/Skeleton Ice Track
Authors: Zichu Liu, Zhenhua Quan, Xin Liu, Yaohua Zhao
Enhancing the heat transfer characteristics of the bobsleigh/skeleton ice track and reducing the energy consumption of the bobsleigh/skeleton ice track plays an important role in energy saving of the refrigeration systems. In this study, a track ice-making test rig was constructed to verify the accuracy of the established ice track heat transfer model. The different meteorological conditions on the variations in the heat transfer characteristics of the ice surface, ice temperature, and evaporation temperature with or without Terrain Weather Protection System (TWPS) were investigated, and the influence of the TWPS with and without low emissivity materials on these indexes was also compared. In addition, the influence of different pipe spacing and diameters of refrigeration pipe on the heat transfer resistance of the track is also analyzed. The results showed that compared with the ice track without sunshade facilities, TWPS could reduce the heat transfer between ice surface and air by 17.6% in the transition season, and TWPS with low emissivity material could reduce the heat transfer by 37%. The thermal resistance of the ice track decreased by 8.9×10⁻⁴ m²·°C/W, and the refrigerant evaporation temperature increased by 0.25 °C when the cooling pipes spacing decreased by every 10 mm. The thermal resistance decreased by 1.46×10⁻³ m²·°C/W, and the refrigerant evaporation temperature increased by 0.3 °C when the pipe diameter increased by one nominal diameter.Keywords: bobsleigh/skeleton ice track, calculation model, heat transfer characteristics, refrigeration
Procedia PDF Downloads 11110643 A Study on Prediction Model for Thermally Grown Oxide Layer in Thermal Barrier Coating
Authors: Yongseok Kim, Jeong-Min Lee, Hyunwoo Song, Junghan Yun, Jungin Byun, Jae-Mean Koo, Chang-Sung Seok
Thermal barrier coating(TBC) is applied for gas turbine components to protect the components from extremely high temperature condition. Since metallic substrate cannot endure such severe condition of gas turbines, delamination of TBC can cause failure of the system. Thus, delamination life of TBC is one of the most important issues for designing the components operating at high temperature condition. Thermal stress caused by thermally grown oxide(TGO) layer is known as one of the major failure mechanisms of TBC. Thermal stress by TGO mainly occurs at the interface between TGO layer and ceramic top coat layer, and it is strongly influenced by the thickness and shape of TGO layer. In this study, Isothermal oxidation is conducted on coin-type TBC specimens prepared by APS(air plasma spray) method. After the isothermal oxidation at various temperature and time condition, the thickness and shape(rumpling shape) of the TGO is investigated, and the test data is processed by numerical analysis. Finally, the test data is arranged into a mathematical prediction model with two variables(temperature and exposure time) which can predict the thickness and rumpling shape of TGO.Keywords: thermal barrier coating, thermally grown oxide, thermal stress, isothermal oxidation, numerical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 34210642 Normal Spectral Emissivity of Roughened Aluminum Alloy AL 6061 Surfaces at High Temperature
Authors: Sumeet Kumar, C. V. Krishnamurthy, Krishnan Balasubramaniam
Normal spectral emissivity of Al 6061 alloys with different surface finishes was experimentally measured at 833°K. Four different samples were prepared by polishing the surfaces of the alloy by 80, 220, 600 grit sizes of SiC abrasive papers and diamond paste. The samples were heated in air for 6 h at 833°K, and the emissivity was measured during the process from pyrometers operating at wavelengths of 3.9, 5.14 and 7.8 μm. The results indicated that the emissivity was increasing with heating time and the rate of increase was rapid during the initial stage of heating in comparison with the later stage. This appears to be because of the parabolic rate law followed by the process of oxidation. Further, it is found that the increase in emissivity with heating time was higher for rough surfaces than that for polished surfaces. Both the results were analyzed at all the three wavelengths, and qualitatively similar results were obtained for all of them. In this way emissivity of the alloy can be increased by roughening the surfaces and heating it at high temperature until the surfaces are oxidized.Keywords: aluminum alloy, high temperature, normal spectral emissivity, surface roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 22810641 Sleep Quality as Perceived by Critically Ill Patients at El Manial University Hospitals
Authors: Mohamed Adel Ahmed, Warda Youssef Morsy , Hanaa Ali El Feky
Background: Literature review cited that sleep is absolutely essential for surviving and reclamation of the quality of life. Critically ill patients often have poor sleep quality with prolonged sleep latency, sleep fragmentation, decreased sleep efficiency and frequent arousals. Nurses have a unique role for the early diagnosis of sleep disorders, decreasing stressors levels and providing the necessary environmental regulations to create a therapeutic ambiance. The aim of the study: to assess perceived sleep quality and identify factors affecting sleep quality among adult critically ill patients At El Manial University Hospital. Research Design: A descriptive exploratory design was utilized. Research questions: a) how do adult critically ill patients perceive sleep quality in the Critical Care Department of El Manial University Hospital? b) What are the factors affecting sleep quality among adult critically ill patients at El Manial University Hospital? Setting: selected critical and cardiac care units at El Manial University Hospital. Sample: A samples of convenience consisting of 100 adult male and female patients were included in the study. Tools of data collection: tool 1: Socio-demographic and Medical Data Sheet, tool 2: Modified St Mary's Hospital Sleep Questionnaire tool 3: Factors Affecting Sleep Quality Questionnaire among ICU Patients Results: The current study revealed that 76.0% of the studied sample had lack of sleep disturbance before hospitalization. However, 84 % had sleep disturbances during ICU stay, of these more than two-thirds (67 %) had moderate sleep disturbance. Presence of strange and bad odors, noise, having pain, fear of death and a loud voice produced by the ICU personnel had the most significant negative impact on patients’ sleep in percentage of 52.4, 50, 61.9, 45.2, 52.4, respectively. Conclusion: Sleep disturbances in the ICU are multifactorial, and ICU patients’ perceived degrees of sleep disturbance as a moderate. Recommendations: Based on findings of the present study, the following are recommended to be done by ICU nurses; create a healing ICU environment that should incorporate noise, light and temperature controls; decrease stimuli during night time hours to promote regulation of the circadian rhythm, allow usage of sleeping aids such as relaxing music, eye patches and earplugs into their daily nursing practice; cluster nursing activities and eliminate non-essential treatments during night time hours to allow uninterrupted sleep periods of at least 90 minutes to complete one sleep cycle , and minimize staff conversation, alarm noise and light during the quiet night time hours.Keywords: sleep quality, critically ill, patients, perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 44410640 Stress-Strain Relation for Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperature
Authors: Josef Novák, Alena Kohoutková
The performance of concrete structures in fire depends on several factors which include, among others, the change in material properties due to the fire. Today, fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) belongs to materials which have been widely used for various structures and elements. While the knowledge and experience with FRC behavior under ambient temperature is well-known, the effect of elevated temperature on its behavior has to be deeply investigated. This paper deals with an experimental investigation and stress‑strain relations for hybrid fiber reinforced concrete (HFRC) which contains siliceous aggregates, polypropylene and steel fibers. The main objective of the experimental investigation is to enhance a database of mechanical properties of concrete composites with addition of fibers subject to elevated temperature as well as to validate existing stress-strain relations for HFRC. Within the investigation, a unique heat transport test, compressive test and splitting tensile test were performed on 150 mm cubes heated up to 200, 400, and 600 °C with the aim to determine a time period for uniform heat distribution in test specimens and the mechanical properties of the investigated concrete composite, respectively. Both findings obtained from the presented experimental test as well as experimental data collected from scientific papers so far served for validating the computational accuracy of investigated stress-strain relations for HFRC which have been developed during last few years. Owing to the presence of steel and polypropylene fibers, HFRC becomes a unique material whose structural performance differs from conventional plain concrete when exposed to elevated temperature. Polypropylene fibers in HFRC lower the risk of concrete spalling as the fibers burn out shortly with increasing temperature due to low ignition point and as a consequence pore pressure decreases. On the contrary, the increase in the concrete porosity might affect the mechanical properties of the material. To validate this thought requires enhancing the existing result database which is very limited and does not contain enough data. As a result of the poor database, only few stress-strain relations have been developed so far to describe the structural performance of HFRC at elevated temperature. Moreover, many of them are inconsistent and need to be refined. Most of them also do not take into account the effect of both a fiber type and fiber content. Such approach might be vague especially when high amount of polypropylene fibers are used. Therefore, the existing relations should be validated in detail based on other experimental results.Keywords: elevated temperature, fiber reinforced concrete, mechanical properties, stress strain relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 34010639 Novel Hole-Bar Standard Design and Inter-Comparison for Geometric Errors Identification on Machine-Tool
Authors: F. Viprey, H. Nouira, S. Lavernhe, C. Tournier
Manufacturing of freeform parts may be achieved on 5-axis machine tools currently considered as a common means of production. In particular, the geometrical quality of the freeform parts depends on the accuracy of the multi-axis structural loop, which is composed of several component assemblies maintaining the relative positioning between the tool and the workpiece. Therefore, to reach high quality of the geometries of the freeform parts the geometric errors of the 5 axis machine should be evaluated and compensated, which leads one to master the deviations between the tool and the workpiece (volumetric accuracy). In this study, a novel hole-bar design was developed and used for the characterization of the geometric errors of a RRTTT 5-axis machine tool. The hole-bar standard design is made of Invar material, selected since it is less sensitive to thermal drift. The proposed design allows once to extract 3 intrinsic parameters: one linear positioning and two straightnesses. These parameters can be obtained by measuring the cylindricity of 12 holes (bores) and 11 cylinders located on a perpendicular plane. By mathematical analysis, twelve 3D points coordinates can be identified and correspond to the intersection of each hole axis with the least square plane passing through two perpendicular neighbour cylinders axes. The hole-bar was calibrated using a precision CMM at LNE traceable the SI meter definition. The reversal technique was applied in order to separate the error forms of the hole bar from the motion errors of the mechanical guiding systems. An inter-comparison was additionally conducted between four NMIs (National Metrology Institutes) within the EMRP IND62: JRP-TIM project. Afterwards, the hole-bar was integrated in RRTTT 5-axis machine tool to identify its volumetric errors. Measurements were carried out in real time and combine raw data acquired by the Renishaw RMP600 touch probe and the linear and rotary encoders. The geometric errors of the 5 axis machine were also evaluated by an accurate laser tracer interferometer system. The results were compared to those obtained with the hole bar.Keywords: volumetric errors, CMM, 3D hole-bar, inter-comparison
Procedia PDF Downloads 38610638 The Effect of Feedstock Type and Slow Pyrolysis Temperature on Biochar Yield from Coconut Wastes
Authors: Adilah Shariff, Nur Syairah Mohamad Aziz, Norsyahidah Md Saleh, Nur Syuhada Izzati Ruzali
The first objective of this study is to investigate the suitability of coconut frond (CF) and coconut husk (CH) as feedstocks using a laboratory-scale slow pyrolysis experimental setup. The second objective is to investigate the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the biochar yield. The properties of CF and CH feedstocks were compared. The properties of the CF and CH feedstocks were investigated using proximate and elemental analysis, lignocellulosic determination, and also thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The CF and CH feedstocks were pyrolysed at 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 °C for 2 hours at 10 °C/min heating rate. The proximate analysis showed that CF feedstock has 89.96 mf wt% volatile matter, 4.67 mf wt% ash content and 5.37 mf wt% fixed carbon. The lignocelluloses analysis showed that CF feedstock contained 21.46% lignin, 39.05% cellulose and 22.49% hemicelluloses. The CH feedstock contained 84.13 mf wt% volatile matter, 0.33 mf wt% ash content, 15.54 mf wt% fixed carbon, 28.22% lignin, 33.61% cellulose and 22.03% hemicelluloses. Carbon and oxygen are the major component of the CF and CH feedstock compositions. Both of CF and CH feedstocks contained very low percentage of sulfur, 0.77% and 0.33%, respectively. TGA analysis indicated that coconut wastes are easily degraded. It may be due to their high volatile content. Between the temperature ranges of 300 and 800 °C, the TGA curves showed that the weight percentage of CF feedstock is lower than CH feedstock by 0.62%-5.88%. From the D TGA curves, most of the weight loss occurred between 210 and 400 °C for both feedstocks. The maximum weight loss for both CF and CH are 0.0074 wt%/min and 0.0061 wt%/min, respectively, which occurred at 324.5 °C. The yield percentage of both CF and CH biochars decreased significantly as the pyrolysis temperature was increased. For CF biochar, the yield decreased from 49.40 wt% to 28.12 wt% as the temperature increased from 300 to 700 °C. The yield for CH biochars also decreased from 52.18 wt% to 28.72 wt%. The findings of this study indicated that both CF and CH are suitable feedstock for slow pyrolysis of biochar.Keywords: biochar, biomass, coconut wastes, slow pyrolysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 21410637 The Key Role of Yttrium Oxide on Devitrification Resilience of Barium Gallo-germanate Glasses: Physicochemical Properties and Crystallization Study
Authors: Samar Aoujia, Théo Guérineaub, Rayan Zaitera, Evelyne Fargina, Younès Messaddeqb, Thierry Cardinala
Two barium gallo-germanate glass series were elaborated to investigate the effect of the yttrium introduction on the glass physicochemical properties and crystallization behavior. One to twenty mol% of YO3/2 were either added into the glass matrix or substituted for gallium oxide. The glass structure was studied by Raman spectroscopy, and the thermal, optical, thermo-mechanical and physical properties are examined. The introduction of yttrium ions in both glass series increases the glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature, softening temperature, coefficient of linear thermal expansion and density. Through differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction analyses, it was found that competition occurs between the gallo-germanate zeolite-type phase and the yttrium-containing phase. From 13 mol% of YO3/2, the yttrium introduction impedes the formation of surface crystallization in these glasses.Keywords: photonic, heavy-metal oxide, glass, crystallization
Procedia PDF Downloads 14610636 Cutting Performance of BDD Coating on WC-Co Tools
Authors: Feng Xu, Zhaozhi Liu, Junhua Xu, Xiaolong Tang, Dunwen Zuo
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond coated cutting tool has excellent cutting performance, it is the most ideal tool for the processing of nonferrous metals and alloys, composites, nonmetallic materials and other difficult-to-machine materials efficiently and accurately. Depositing CVD diamond coating on the cemented carbide with high cobalt content can improve its toughness and strength, therefore, it is very important to research on the preparation technology and cutting properties of CVD diamond coated cemented carbide cutting tool with high cobalt content. The preparation technology of boron-doped diamond (BDD) coating has been studied and the coated drills were prepared. BDD coating were deposited on the drills by using the optimized parameters and the SEM results show that there are no cracks or collapses in the coating. Cutting tests with the prepared drills against the silumin and aluminum base printed circuit board (PCB) have been studied. The results show that the wear amount of the coated drill is small and the machined surface has a better precision. The coating does not come off during the test, which shows good adhesion and cutting performance of the drill.Keywords: cemented carbide with high cobalt content, CVD boron-doped diamond, cutting test, drill
Procedia PDF Downloads 44010635 Effect of Concrete Strength on the Bond Between Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Concrete in Hot Weather
Authors: Usama Mohamed Ahamed
This research deals with the bond behavior of carbon FRP composite wraps adhered/bonded to the surface of the concrete. Four concrete mixes were designed to achieve a concrete compressive strength of 18, 22.5,25 and 30 MP after 28 days of curing. The focus of the study is on bond degradation when the hybrid structure is exposed to hot weather conditions. Specimens were exposed to 50 0C temperature duration 6 months and other specimens were sustained in laboratory temperature ( 20-24) 0C. Upon removing the specimens from their conditioning environment, tension tests were performed in the machine using a specially manufactured concrete cube holder. A lightweight mortar layer is used to protect the bonded carbon FRP layer on the concrete surface. The results show that the higher the concrete's compressive, the higher the bond strength. The high temperature decreases the bond strength between concrete and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer. The use of a protection layer is essential for concrete exposed to hot weather.Keywords: concrete, bond, hot weather and carbon fiber, carbon fiber reinforced polymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 10910634 Prevalence of Parasitic Diseases in Different Fishes of North-West Himalayan Streams of India
Authors: Feroz A. Shah, M. H. Balkhi
The study was aimed at to record the distribution and prevalence of various metazoan parasites of fish from hill stream/coldwater fishes of various water bodies of northwest Himalayan region of India. Snow trout (Schizoth oracids) from eutrophic lakes and fresh water streams were collected from January to December 2012, to study the impact of environmental factors on the dynamics and distribution of parasitic infection. The prevalence of helminth parasites was correlated with available physico-chemical parameters including water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO). The most abundant parasitic infection recorded during this study was Adenoscolex sp. (Cestode parasite) which showed positive correlation with pH (significant p≤0.05) negative correlation with temperature. The Bothriocephalus was having positive correlation with water temperature while as negative correlation was observed with pH and DO. The correlation between Diplozoon sp. and Clinostomum sp. with the physiochemical parameters were non-significant.Keywords: hill stream fishes, parasites, Western Himalayas, prevelance
Procedia PDF Downloads 39410633 Preliminary Study on Using of Thermal Energy from Effluent Water for the SBR Process of RO
Authors: Gyeong-Sung Kim, In-soo Ahn, Yong Cho
SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) process is usually applied to membrane water treatment plants to treat its concentrated wastewater. The role of SBR process is to remove COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and NH3 from wastewater before discharging it outside of the water treatment plant using microorganism. Microorganism’s nitrification capability is influenced by water temperature because the nitrification rate of the concentrated wastewater becomes ‘zero’ as water temperature approach 0℃. Heating system is necessary to operate SBR in winter season even though the operating cost increase sharply. The operating cost of SBR at ‘D’ RO water treatment plant in Korea was 51.8 times higher in winter (October to March) compare to summer (April to September) season in 2014. Otherwise the effluent water temperature maintained around 8℃ constantly in winter. This study focuses on application heat pump system to recover the thermal energy from the effluent water of ‘D’ RO plant so that the operating cost will be reduced.Keywords: water treatment, water thermal energy, energy saving, RO, SBR
Procedia PDF Downloads 51710632 Optimization of Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery from Gas Turbine with Respect to Cooling Condition
Authors: Young Min Kim, Jeong Lak Sohn, Eui Soo Yoon
This study describes the optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) power cycle for recovering waste heat from a gas turbine. An S-CO2 cycle that recovers heat from small industrial and aeroderivative gas turbines can outperform a steam-bottoming cycle despite its simplicity and compactness. In using S-CO2 power cycles for waste heat recovery, a split cycle was studied to maximize the net output power by incorporating the utilization efficiency of the waste heat (lowering the temperature of the exhaust gas through the heater) along with the thermal efficiency of the cycle (minimizing the temperature difference for the heat transfer, exergy loss). The cooling condition of the S-CO2 WHR system has a great impact on the performance and the optimum low pressure of the system. Furthermore, the optimum high pressure of the S-CO2 WHR systems for the maximum power from the given heat sources is dependent on the temperature of the waste heat source.Keywords: exergy loss, gas turbine, optimization, supercritical CO2 power cycle, split cycle, waste heat recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 35010631 The Role of ICT in Engaging Youth in Agricultural Transformation of Africa
Authors: Adebola Adedugbe
Agriculture is the mainstay of most countries in Africa. It employs up to 90 percent of the rural workforce, who are mostly youth and women. Engaging youths in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in agriculture is critical to economic and agricultural development of the African continent. The objective of this paper is to identify and mobilize the potentials of young Africans in agriculture through ICT and recognize their role as the dominant driver for sustainable agricultural development in Africa. This paper identifies the role of ICT as a tool for attracting youths to agriculture. The development of ICT is important in stimulating youths in SME’s to compete favorably and effectively as a way to fight poverty through job and wealth creation. It is one of the strategies for promoting entrepreneurship by increasing the availability and diversity of online information.Keywords: Africa, agriculture, ICT, tool, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 45110630 Fear and Anxiety among School Age Children Undergoing Dental Treatment in an Oral Health Unit
Authors: Maha Ibrahim Mohamed Khalifa
Background: Dental fear and anxiety lead to avoidance of dental treatment and deterioration of oral health. Aim of the study: To assess the levels of fear and anxiety among school-age children undergoing dental treatment. Setting: The study was conducted in Outpatient Dental Clinics at Benha Teaching Hospital. Research design: A descriptive research design was utilized to conduct the study. Sample: A purposive sample of 60 school-age children and their mothers attending at the previously mentioned setting was included. Tools: Three tools were used: Tool one: A structured interviewing questionnaire for Personal characteristics of children and their mothers. Tool two: Dental Subscale of Children's Fear Survey Schedule (CFSS-DS). Tool three: Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS). Results: It was illustrated that more than two-fifths (43.3%) of children had maximum fear and more than half of children (53.3%) had maximal anxiety. Conclusion: Many school-age children undergoing dental treatment suffer from high levels of fear and anxiety. Recommendations: The study recommended further research should be conducted to assess levels of fear and anxiety among children undergoing dental treatments and preferable nursing interventions for reducing their fears and anxieties.Keywords: fear, anxiety, children, dental treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 8910629 Effect of Evaporator Temperature on the Performance of Water Desalination/Refrigeration Adsorption System Using AQSOA-ZO2
Authors: Peter G. Youssef, Saad M. Mahmoud, Raya K. AL-Dadah
Many water desalination technologies have been developed but in general they are energy intensive and have high cost and adverse environmental impact. Recently, adsorption technology for water desalination has been investigated showing the potential of using low temperature waste heat (50-85oC) thus reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This work mathematically compares the performance of an adsorption cycle that produces two useful effects namely, fresh water and cooling using two different adsorbents, silica-gel and an advanced zeolite material AQSOA-ZO2, produced by Mitsubishi plastics. It was found that at low chilled water temperatures, typically below 20oC, the AQSOA-Z02 is more efficient than silica-gel as the cycle can produce 5.8 m3 of fresh water per day and 50.1 Rton of cooling per tonne of AQSOA-ZO2. Above 20oC silica-gel is still better as the cycle production reaches 8.4 m3 per day and 62.4 Rton per tonne of silica-gel. These results show the potential of using the AQSOA-Z02 at low chilled water temperature for water desalination and cooling applications.Keywords: adsorption, desalination, refrigeration, seawater
Procedia PDF Downloads 49610628 Effects of Sintering Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Ni-17Cr Alloy
Authors: B. J. Babalola, M. B. Shongwe
Spark Plasma Sintering technique is a novel processing method that produces limited grain growth and highly dense variety of materials; alloys, superalloys, and carbides just to mention a few. However, initial particle size and spark plasma sintering parameters are factors which influence the grain growth and mechanical properties of sintered materials. Ni-Cr alloys are regarded as the most promising alloys for aerospace turbine blades, owing to the fact that they meet the basic requirements of desirable mechanical strength at high temperatures and good resistance to oxidation. The conventional method of producing this alloy often results in excessive grain growth and porosity levels that are detrimental to its mechanical properties. The effect of sintering temperature was evaluated on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the nanostructured Ni-17Cr alloy. Nickel and chromium powder were milled using high energy ball milling independently for 30 hours, milling speed of 400 revs/min and ball to powder ratio (BPR) of 10:1. The milled powders were mixed in the composition of Nickel having 83 wt % and chromium, 17 wt %. This was sintered at varied temperatures from 800°C, 900°C, 1000°C, 1100°C and 1200°C. The structural characteristics such as porosity, grain size, fracture surface and hardness were analyzed by scan electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, Archimedes densitometry, micro-hardness tester. The corresponding results indicated an increase in the densification and hardness property of the alloy as the temperature increases. The residual porosity of the alloy reduces with respect to the sintering temperature and in contrast, the grain size was enhanced. The study of the mechanical properties, including hardness, densification shows that optimum properties were obtained for the sintering temperature of 1100°C. The advantages of high sinterability of Ni-17Cr alloy using milled powders and microstructural details were discussed.Keywords: densification, grain growth, milling, nanostructured materials, sintering temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 40210627 A Multi-Objective Optimization Tool for Dual-Mode Operating Active Magnetic Regenerator Model
Authors: Anna Ouskova Leonteva, Michel Risser, Anne Jeannin-Girardon, Pierre Parrend, Pierre Collet
This paper proposes an efficient optimization tool for an active magnetic regenerator (AMR) model, operating in two modes: magnetic refrigeration system (MRS) and thermo-magnetic generator (TMG). The aim of this optimizer is to improve the design of the AMR by applying a multi-physics multi-scales numerical model as a core of evaluation functions to achieve industrial requirements for refrigeration and energy conservation systems. Based on the multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm 3 (NSGA3), it maximizes four different objectives: efficiency and power density for MRS and TMG. The main contribution of this work is in the simultaneously application of a CPU-parallel NSGA3 version to the AMR model in both modes for studying impact of control and design parameters on the performance. The parametric study of the optimization results are presented. The main conclusion is that the common (for TMG and MRS modes) optimal parameters can be found by the proposed tool.Keywords: ecological refrigeration systems, active magnetic regenerator, thermo-magnetic generator, multi-objective evolutionary optimization, industrial optimization problem, real-world application
Procedia PDF Downloads 11410626 Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Authors: R. Vidhya, M. Navamuniyammal M. Sivakumar, S. Reeta
The unplanned urbanization affects the environment due to pollution, conditions of the atmosphere, decreased vegetation and the pervious and impervious soil surface. Considered to be a cumulative effect of all these impacts is the Urban Heat Island. In this paper, the urban heat island effect is studied for the Chennai city, TamilNadu, South India using satellite remote sensing data. LANDSAT 8 OLI and TIRS DATA acquired on 9th September 2014 were used to Land Surface Temperature (LST) map, vegetation fraction map, Impervious surface fraction, Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Normalized Difference Building Index (NDBI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) map. The relationship among LST, Vegetation fraction, NDBI, NDWI, and NDVI was calculated. The Chennai city’s Urban Heat Island effect is significant, and the results indicate LST has strong negative correlation with the vegetation present and positive correlation with NDBI. The vegetation is the main factor to control urban heat island effect issues in urban area like Chennai City. This study will help in developing measures to land use planning to reduce the heat effects in urban area based on remote sensing derivatives.Keywords: land surface temperature, brightness temperature, emissivity, vegetation index
Procedia PDF Downloads 27510625 Research of Intrinsic Emittance of Thermal Cathode with Emission Nonuniformity
Authors: Yufei Peng, Zhen Qin, Jianbe Li, Jidong Long
The thermal cathode is widely used in accelerators, FELs and kinds of vacuum electronics. However, emission nonuniformity exists due to surface profile, material distribution, temperature variation, crystal orientation, etc., which will cause intrinsic emittance growth, brightness decline, envelope size augment, device performance deterioration or even failure. To understand how emittance is manipulated by emission nonuniformity, an intrinsic emittance model consisting of contributions from macro and micro surface nonuniformity is developed analytically based on general thermal emission model at temperature limited regime according to a real 3mm cathode. The model shows relative emittance increased about 50% due to temperature variation, and less than 5% from several kinds of micro surface nonuniformity which is much smaller than other research. Otherwise, we also calculated emittance growth combining with Monte Carlo method and PIC simulation, experiments of emission uniformity and emittance measurement are going to be carried out separately.Keywords: thermal cathode, electron emission fluctuation, intrinsic emittance, surface nonuniformity, cathode lifetime
Procedia PDF Downloads 29810624 Investigation of the Grain-Boundary Segregation Transition in the Binary Fe-C Alloy
Authors: Végh Ádám, Mekler Csaba, Dezső András, Szabó Dávid, Stomp Dávid, Kaptay György
Grain boundary segregation transition (GBST) has been calculated by a thermodynamic model in binary alloys. The method is used on cementite (Fe3C) segregation in base-centered cubic (ferrite) iron (Fe) in the Fe-C binary system. The GBST line is shown in the Fe3C lacking part of the phase diagram with high solvent (Fe) concentration. At a lower solute content (C) or at higher temperature the grain boundary is composed mostly of the solvent atoms (Fe). On higher concentration compared to the GBST line or at lower temperature a phase transformation occurs at the grain boundary, the latter mostly composed of the associates (Fe3C). These low-segregation and high-segregation states are first order interfacial phase transitions of the grain boundary and can be transformed into each other reversibly. These occur when the GBST line is crossed by changing the bulk composition or temperature.Keywords: GBST, cementite, segregation, Fe-C alloy
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