Search results for: teacher satisfaction
1884 Proposing an Optimal Pattern for Evaluating the Performance of the Staff Management of the Water and Sewage Organization in Western Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Authors: Tohid Eskandarzadeh, Nader Bahlouli, Turaj Behnam, Azra Jafarzadeh
The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to propose an optimal pattern to evaluate the staff management performance of the water and sewage organization. The performance prism-model was used to evaluate the following significant dimensions of performance: organizational strategies, organizational processes, organization capabilities, stakeholders’ partnership and satisfaction. In the present study, a standard, valid and reliable questionnaire was used to obtain data about the five dimensions of the performance prism model. 169 sample respondents were used for responding the questionnaire who were selected from the staff of water and waste-water organization in western Azerbaijan, Iran. Also, Alpha coefficient was used to check the reliability of the data-collection instrument which was measured to be beyond 0.7. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by means of SPSS version 18. The results obtained from the data analysis indicated that the performance of the staff management of the water and waste-water organization in western Azerbaijan was acceptable in terms of organizational strategies, organizational process, stakeholders’ partnership and satisfaction. Nevertheless, it was found that the performance of the staff management with respect to organizational abilities was average. Indeed, the researchers drew the conclusion that the current performance of the staff management in this organization in western Azerbaijan was less than ideal performance.Keywords: performance evaluation, performance prism model, water, waste-water organization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3291883 Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs about Diagnostic Language Assessment Practices in a Large-Scale Assessment Program
Authors: Oluwaseun Ijiwade, Chris Davison, Kelvin Gregory
In Australia, like other parts of the world, the debate on how to enhance teachers using assessment data to inform teaching and learning of English as an Additional Language (EAL, Australia) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL, United States) have occupied the centre of academic scholarship. Traditionally, this approach was conceptualised as ‘Formative Assessment’ and, in recent times, ‘Assessment for Learning (AfL)’. The central problem is that teacher-made tests are limited in providing data that can inform teaching and learning due to variability of classroom assessments, which are hindered by teachers’ characteristics and assessment literacy. To address this concern, scholars in language education and testing have proposed a uniformed large-scale computer-based assessment program to meet the needs of teachers and promote AfL in language education. In Australia, for instance, the Victoria state government commissioned a large-scale project called 'Tools to Enhance Assessment Literacy (TEAL) for Teachers of English as an additional language'. As part of the TEAL project, a tool called ‘Reading and Vocabulary assessment for English as an Additional Language (RVEAL)’, as a diagnostic language assessment (DLA), was developed by language experts at the University of New South Wales for teachers in Victorian schools to guide EAL pedagogy in the classroom. Therefore, this study aims to provide qualitative evidence for understanding beliefs about the diagnostic language assessment (DLA) among EAL teachers in primary and secondary schools in Victoria, Australia. To realize this goal, this study raises the following questions: (a) How do teachers use large-scale assessment data for diagnostic purposes? (b) What skills do language teachers think are necessary for using assessment data for instruction in the classroom? and (c) What factors, if any, contribute to teachers’ beliefs about diagnostic assessment in a large-scale assessment? Semi-structured interview method was used to collect data from at least 15 professional teachers who were selected through a purposeful sampling. The findings from the resulting data analysis (thematic analysis) provide an understanding of teachers’ beliefs about DLA in a classroom context and identify how these beliefs are crystallised in language teachers. The discussion shows how the findings can be used to inform professional development processes for language teachers as well as informing important factor of teacher cognition in the pedagogic processes of language assessment. This, hopefully, will help test developers and testing organisations to align the outcome of this study with their test development processes to design assessment that can enhance AfL in language education.Keywords: beliefs, diagnostic language assessment, English as an additional language, teacher cognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991882 Physical Fitness Evaluation of Physical Education Teachers in Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM)
Authors: Mohamad Nizam Asmuni, Ahmad Naszeri Salleh, Yunus Adam, Azhar Yaacob, Mohd Hafiz Rosli, Muhamad Nazrul Hakim Abdullah
Physical Education teacher at the school should have good physical fitness to educate and guide students in the school. Currently, there are no standards for the level of physical fitness for teachers who teaches physical education at the school. Therefore, this research is to determine the level of physical fitness of teacher of Physical Education at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM). A total of 28 samples (18 men and 10 women, age 33 ± 4.91), teachers of physical education at MRSM, were randomly selected to participate in this study. Height, weight, body fat percentage, body mass index (BMI) and other physical testing are measured and recorded. The results showed that the average of body mass index (BMI) for teachers of Physical Education is 25.9 ± 4:57. Body mass index (BMI) of teachers can be categorized as pre-obese based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Body fat percentage for male (age; 34.3 ± 5.13) and female (age; 30.9 ± 3.81) teachers is 24.7% ± 6.54 and 30.6% ± 6.28, respectively. Male teachers were categorized as overfat, however, female teachers were categorized as healthy based on body fat ranges for standard adults at NY Obesity Research Center. Bleep test results show that the average Bleep test is level 4 and shuttle 2; average VO2max was 27.5 ± 5.94 L/min. Physical fitness and performance of physical education teachers at MRSM is much lower compared to the rugby junior athlete in University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Therefore, physical fitness of teachers must be improved to ensure the physical education classes at MRSM could be done better.Keywords: physical fitness, BMI, bleep test, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711881 [Keynote Talk]: Pragmatic Leadership in School Organization and Research in Physical Education Professional Development
Authors: Ellie Abdi
This paper is a review of a recently published book (April 2018) by Dr. Ellie Abdi. The book divides into two sections of 1) leadership in school organization and 2) pragmatic research in physical education professional development. The first part of the book explores school organizational development in terms of 1) communication development, 2) community development, and 3) decision making development. It concludes to acknowledge that decision making is the heart of educational management. This is while communication and community are essential to the development of the school organization. The role of a leader in a professional learning community (PLC) is acknowledged with the organizational development plan and moves onto 5 overall objectives of a professional development plan. It clarifies that professional learning community (PLC) benefits both students and professionals in education. Furthermore, professional development needs to be involved in opportunities to value diversity and foundations of learning, in addition to search for veteran teachers who offer a rich combination of experience and perspective. School educational platform in terms of teacher training in physical education is discussed in the second part. The book reviews that well-designed programs are powerful and constructive ways to identify the strength and weaknesses of teachers. Post-positivism, constructivism, advocacy/participatory, and pragmatism in teacher education are also disclosed. The book specifically unfolds pragmatic research in professional development of physical education. It provides researchers, doctoral, and masters level students with defined examples. In summary, the book shows how appropriate it is when many different traditions are displayed in a pragmatic way, following the stages of research from development to dissemination.Keywords: leadership, physical education, pragmatic, professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621880 The Impact of E-Learning on the Performance of History Learners in Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education
Authors: Joseph Osodo, Motsa Thobekani Phila
The study investigated the impact of e-learning on the performance of history learners in Eswatini general certificate of secondary education in the Manzini region of Eswatini. The study was guided by the theory of connectivism. The study had three objectives which were to find out the significance of e-learning during the COVID-19 era in learning History subject; challenges faced by history teachers’ and learners’ in e-learning; and how the challenges were mitigated. The study used a qualitative research approach and descriptive research design. Purposive sampling was used to select eight History teachers and eight History learners from four secondary schools in the Manzini region. Data were collected using face to face interviews. The collected data were analyzed and presented in thematically. The findings showed that history teachers had good knowledge on what e-learning was, while students had little understanding of e-learning. Some of the forms of e-learning that were used during the pandemic in teaching history in secondary schools included TV, radio, computer, projectors, and social media especially WhatsApp. E-learning enabled the continuity of teaching and learning of history subject. The use of e-learning through the social media was more convenient to the teacher and the learners. It was concluded that in some secondary school in the Manzini region, history teacher and learners encountered challenges such as lack of finances to purchase e-learning gadgets and data bundles, lack of skills as well as access to the Internet. It was recommended that History teachers should create more time to offer additional learning support to students whose performance was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic effects.Keywords: e-learning, performance, COVID-19, history, connectivism
Procedia PDF Downloads 771879 Effect Of E-banking On Performance Efficiency Of Commercial Banks In Pakistan
Authors: Naeem Hassan
The study intended to investigate the impact of the e banking system on the performance efficiency of the commercial banks in KP, Pakistan. In addition to this main purpose, the study also aimed at analyzing the impact of e banking on the service quality as well as satisfaction of the customers using e banking system. More over, the focus was also given to highlight the risks involved in the e banking system. The researcher has adopted the quantitative methodology in the study. in order to reach concrete finding, the researcher has analyzed the secondary data taken from the annual reports of selected banks and State bank of Pakistan as well as the primary data collected through the self-administrated questionnaire from the participants selected for the current study. The study highlighted that there is a significant impact of e banking on the financial efficiency on the commercial banks in KP, Pakistan. Additionally, the results of the study also show that the online banking is having significant effects on the customer satisfaction. The researcher recommends on the bases of findings that commercial banks should continue to adopt new technologies which will improve their margins and hence their net profit after tax in order to attract more investors. Additionally, commercial bank needs to minimize the time and risk in e-banking to attract more customers which will improve their net profit. Furthermore, the study findings also recommend the banking policy makers should also review policies related to promotion of innovation adoption and transfer of technology. Commercial banking system should encourage adoption of innovations that will improve profit of the banking industry.Keywords: E-banking, performance efficiency, commercial banks, effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 741878 An Exploration of Special Education Teachers’ Practices in a Preschool Intellectual Disability Centre in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Faris Algahtani
Background: In Saudi Arabia, it is essential to know what practices are employed and considered effective by special education teachers working with preschool children with intellectual disabilities, as a prerequisite for identifying areas for improvement. Preschool provision for these children is expanding through a network of Intellectual Disability Centres while, in primary schools, a policy of inclusion is pursued and, in mainstream preschools, pilots have been aimed at enhancing learning in readiness for primary schooling. This potentially widens the attainment gap between preschool children with and without intellectual disabilities, and influences the scope for improvement. Goal: The aim of the study was to explore special education teachers’ practices and perceived perceptions of those practices for preschool children with intellectual disabilities in Saudi Arabia Method: A qualitative interpretive approach was adopted in order to gain a detailed understanding of how special education teachers in an IDC operate in the classroom. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with experienced and qualified teachers. Data were analysed using thematic analysis, based on themes identified from the literature review together with new themes emerging from the data. Findings: American methods strongly influenced teaching practices, in particular TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children), which emphasises structure, schedules and specific methods of teaching tasks and skills; and ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), which aims to improve behaviours and skills by concentrating on detailed breakdown and teaching of task components and rewarding desired behaviours with positive reinforcement. The Islamic concept of education strongly influenced which teaching techniques were used and considered effective, and how they were applied. Tensions were identified between the Islamic approach to disability, which accepts differences between human beings as created by Allah in order for people to learn to help and love each other, and the continuing stigmatisation of disability in many Arabic cultures, which means that parents who bring their children to an IDC often hope and expect that their children will be ‘cured’. Teaching methods were geared to reducing behavioural problems and social deficits rather than to developing the potential of the individual child, with some teachers recognizing the child’s need for greater freedom. Relationships with parents could in many instances be improved. Teachers considered both initial teacher education and professional development to be inadequate for their needs and the needs of the children they teach. This can be partly attributed to the separation of training and development of special education teachers from that of general teachers. Conclusion: Based on the findings, teachers’ practices could be improved by the inclusion of general teaching strategies, parent-teacher relationships and practical teaching experience in both initial teacher education and professional development. Coaching and mentoring support from carefully chosen special education teachers could assist the process, as could the presence of a second teacher or teaching assistant in the classroom.Keywords: special education, intellectual disabilities, early intervention , early childhood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401877 Nurse Participation for the Economical Effectiveness in Medical Organizations
Authors: Alua Masalimova, Dameli Sulubecova, Talgat Isaev, Raushan Magzumova
The usual relation to nurses of heads of medical organizations in Kazakhstan is to use them only for per performing medical manipulations, but new economic conditions require the introduction of nursing innovations. There is an increasing need for managers of hospital departments and regions of ambulatory clinics to ensure comfortable conditions for doctors, nurses, aides, as well as monitoring marketing technology (the needs and satisfaction of staff work, the patient satisfaction of the department). It is going to the past the nursing activities as physician assistant performing his prescriptions passively. We are suggesting a model for the developing the head nurse as the manager on the example of Blood Service. We have studied in the scientific-production center of blood transfusion head nurses by the standard method of interviewing for involvement in coordinating the flow of information, promoting the competitiveness of the department. Results: the average age of the respondents 43,1 ± 9,8, female - 100%; manager in the Organization – 9,3 ± 10,3 years. Received positive responses to the knowledge of the nearest offices in providing similar medical service - 14,2%. The cost of similar medical services in other competitive organizations did not know 100%, did a study of employee satisfaction Division labour-85,7% answered negatively, the satisfaction donors work staff studied in 50.0% of cases involved in attracting paid Services Division showed a 28.5% of the respondent. Participation in management decisions medical organization: strategic planning - 14,2%, forming analysis report for the year – 14,2%, recruitment-30.0%, equipment-14.2%. Participation in the social and technical designing workplaces Division staff showed 85,0% of senior nurses. Participate in the cohesion of the staff of the Division method of the team used the 10.0% of respondents. Further, we have studied the behavioral competencies for senior sisters: customer focus – 20,0% of respondents have attended, the ability to work in a team – 40,0%. Personal qualities senior nurses were apparent: sociability – 80,0%, the ability to manage information – 40,0%, to make their own decisions - 14,2%, 28,5% creativity, the desire to improve their professionalism – 50,0%. Thus, the modern market conditions dictate this organization, which works for the rights of economic management; include the competence of the post of the senior nurse knowledge and skills of Marketing Management Department. Skills to analyses the information collected and use of management offers superior medical leadership organization. The medical organization in the recruitment of the senior nurse offices take into account personal qualities: flexibility, fluency of thinking, communication skills and ability to work in a team. As well as leadership qualities, ambition, high emotional and social intelligence, that will bring out the medical unit on competitiveness within the country and abroad.Keywords: blood service, head nurse, manager, skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441876 Medical Student's Responses to Emotional Content in Doctor-Patient Communication: To Explore Differences in Communication Training of Medical Students and Its Impact on Doctor-Patient Communication
Authors: Stephanie Yun Yu Law
Background: This study aims to investigate into communication between trainee doctors and patients, especially how doctor’s reaction to patient’s emotional issues expressed in the consultation affect patient’s satisfaction. Objectives: Thus, there are three aims in this study, 1.) how do trainee doctors react to patients emotional cues in OSCE station? 2.) Any differences in the respond type to emotional cues between first year students and third year students? 3.) Is response type (reducing space) related to OSCE outcome (patient satisfaction and expert rating)? Methods: Fifteen OSCE stations was videotaped, in which 9 were stations with first-year students and 6 were with third-year students. OSCE outcomes were measured by Communication Assessment Tool and Examiners Checklist. Analyses: All patient’s cues/concerns and student’s reaction were coded by Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequence. Descriptive data was gathered from Observer XT and logistic regression (two-level) was carried out to see if occurrence of reducing space response can be predicted by OSCE outcomes. Results: Reducing space responses from all students were slightly less than a half in total responses to patient’s cues. The mean percentage of reducing space behaviours was lower among first year students when compared to third year students. Patient’s satisfaction significantly (p<0.05) and negatively predicted reducing space behaviours. Conclusions: Most of the medical students, to some extent, did not provide adequate responses for patient’s emotional cues. But first year students did provide more space for patients to talk about their emotional issues when compared to third year students. Lastly, patients would feel less satisfied if trainee doctors use more reducing space responses in reaction to patient’s expressed emotional cues/concerns. Practical implications: Firstly, medical training programme can be tailored on teaching students how to detect and respond appropriately to emotional cues in order to improve underperformed student’s communication skills in healthcare setting. Furthermore, trainee doctor’s relationship with patients in clinical practice can also be improved by reacting appropriately to patient’s emotive cues in consultations (such as limit the use of reducing space behaviours).Keywords: doctors-patients communication, applied clinical psychology, health psychology, healthcare professionals
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191875 Learning Communities and Collaborative Reflection for Teaching Improvement
Authors: Mariana Paz Sajon, Paula Cecilia Primogerio, Mariana Albarracin
This study recovers an experience of teacher training carried out in an Undergraduate Business School from a private university in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The purpose of the project was to provide teachers with an opportunity to reflect on their teaching practices at the university. The aim of the study is to systematize lessons and challenges that emerge from this teacher training experience. A group of teachers who showed a willingness to learn teaching abilities was selected to work. They completed a formative journey working in learning communities starting from the immersion in different aspects of teaching and learning, class observations, and an individual and collaborative reflection exercise in a systematic way among colleagues. In this study, the productions of the eight teachers who are members of the learning communities are analyzed, framed in an e-portfolio that they prepared during the training journey. The analysis shows that after the process of shared reflection, traits related to powerful teaching and meaningful learning have appeared in the classes. For their part, teachers reflect having reached an awareness of their own practices, identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement, and the experience of sharing their own way and knowing the successes and failures of others was valued. It is an educational journey of pedagogical transformation of the teachers, which is infrequent in business education, which could lead to a change in teaching practices for the entire Business School. The present study involves theoretical and pedagogic aspects of education in a business school in Argentina and its flow-on implications for the workplace that may be transferred to other educational contexts.Keywords: Argentina, learning community, meaningful learning, powerful teaching, reflective practice
Procedia PDF Downloads 2271874 The Analyzer: Clustering Based System for Improving Business Productivity by Analyzing User Profiles to Enhance Human Computer Interaction
Authors: Dona Shaini Abhilasha Nanayakkara, Kurugamage Jude Pravinda Gregory Perera
E-commerce platforms have revolutionized the shopping experience, offering convenient ways for consumers to make purchases. To improve interactions with customers and optimize marketing strategies, it is essential for businesses to understand user behavior, preferences, and needs on these platforms. This paper focuses on recommending businesses to customize interactions with users based on their behavioral patterns, leveraging data-driven analysis and machine learning techniques. Businesses can improve engagement and boost the adoption of e-commerce platforms by aligning behavioral patterns with user goals of usability and satisfaction. We propose TheAnalyzer, a clustering-based system designed to enhance business productivity by analyzing user-profiles and improving human-computer interaction. The Analyzer seamlessly integrates with business applications, collecting relevant data points based on users' natural interactions without additional burdens such as questionnaires or surveys. It defines five key user analytics as features for its dataset, which are easily captured through users' interactions with e-commerce platforms. This research presents a study demonstrating the successful distinction of users into specific groups based on the five key analytics considered by TheAnalyzer. With the assistance of domain experts, customized business rules can be attached to each group, enabling The Analyzer to influence business applications and provide an enhanced personalized user experience. The outcomes are evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, demonstrating that utilizing TheAnalyzer’s capabilities can optimize business outcomes, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive sustainable growth. The findings of this research contribute to the advancement of personalized interactions in e-commerce platforms. By leveraging user behavioral patterns and analyzing both new and existing users, businesses can effectively tailor their interactions to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and ultimately drive sales.Keywords: data clustering, data standardization, dimensionality reduction, human computer interaction, user profiling
Procedia PDF Downloads 751873 The Gap between Curriculum, Pedagogy, and National Standards of Vietnamese English Language Teacher Education
Authors: Thi Phuong Lan Nguyen
Vietnamese English Language Teacher Education (ELTE) has been changing a lot in response to the rapidly evolving socio-economic context requirements. The Vietnamese government assigns the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) primary tasks to have policy changes to prepare for ELTE development in the globalization and socialization process. Many educational policies have been made to develop ELTE, however, they seem not to address the new global or social demands. The issue is that there are still significant disparities between the national policy and the institutional implementation. This study is to investigate the alignment between ELTE institutional curriculum, pedagogies, and MOET standards. This study used a mixed-method with the data sources from policy documents, a survey, and 33 interviews conducted with the lecturers and administrators from eleven Vietnamese ELTE institutions. The data have been analysed to understand the gap between policy and practice. The initial findings are (i) a low alignment of curriculum and language proficiency standards and (ii) a moderate alignment between curriculum and future-career skills standards. Many pedagogical challenges have been found. In order to address these gaps, it is necessary for the curriculum to be standards-based designed. It is also vital for professional development in order to improve the quality teaching. The study offers multiple perspectives on a complex issue. The study is meaningful not only to educational governance, but also to teaching practitioners, English language researchers, and English language learners. The significance lies in its relevance to English teaching careers across all parts of Vietnam, it yet remains relevant to ELTE in other countries teaching English as a foreign language.Keywords: alignment, curriculum, educational policy, English language teaching, pedagogy, standards
Procedia PDF Downloads 1701872 Challenges in Curriculum Development in Eastern European Countries: A Case Study of Georgia and Ukraine
Authors: Revaz Tabatadze
This research aims to describe and analyze the intricacies of curriculum development within the broader context of general education reforms undertaken in Eastern European Countries. Importantly, this study is the first of its kind, examining Georgian and Ukrainian National Curriculum documents locally and internationally. The significance of this research lies in its potential to guide the Ministry of Education and Science of the mentioned countries in revising existing curriculum documents to address contemporary challenges in general education. The findings will not only benefit post-Soviet countries but also offer insights for nations facing curriculum development and effectiveness issues. By examining the peculiarities of curriculum development amid globalization, this research aims to contribute to overcoming educational challenges at both local and international levels. This study defines key concepts related to curriculum, distinguishing between intended, implemented, and attained curricula. It also explores the historical context of curriculum development in Georgia and Ukraine from 1991 to 2021, highlighting changes in teacher standards and teacher certification examinations. The literature review section emphasizes the importance of curriculum development as a complex and evolving process, especially in the context of globalization. It underscores the need for a curriculum that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills in students. In summary, this research offers a comprehensive examination of curriculum development in Georgia and Ukraine, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in the age of globalization, with potential implications for educational systems worldwide.Keywords: curriculum development, general education reforms, eastern European countries, globalization in education
Procedia PDF Downloads 641871 A “Best Practice” Model for Physical Education in the BRICS Countries
Authors: Vasti Oelofse, Niekie van der Merwe, Dorita du Toit
This study addresses the need for a unified best practice model for Physical Education across BRICS nations, as current research primarily offers individual country recommendations. Drawing on relevant literature within the framework of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, as well as data from open-ended questionnaires completed by Physical Education experts from the BRICS countries, , the study develops a best practice model based on identified challenges and effective practices in Physical Education. A model is proposed that incorporates flexible and resource-efficient strategies tailored to address PE challenges specific to these countries, enhancing outcomes for learners, empowering teachers, and fostering systemic collaboration among BRICS members. The proposed model comprises six key areas: “Curriculum and policy requirements”, “General approach”, “Theoretical basis”, “Strategies for presenting content”, “Teacher training”, and “Evaluation”. The “Strategies for presenting program content” area addresses both well-resourced and poorly resourced schools, adapting curriculum, teaching strategies, materials, and learner activities for varied socio-economic contexts. The model emphasizes a holistic approach to learner development, engaging environments, and continuous teacher training. A collaborative approach among BRICS countries, focusing on shared best practices and continuous improvement, is vital for the model's successful implementation, enhancing Physical Education programs and outcomes across these nations.Keywords: BRICS countries, physical education, best practice model, ecological systems theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 151870 Addressing Educational Injustice through Collective Teacher Professional Development
Authors: Wenfan Yan, Yumei Han
Objectives: Educational inequality persists between China's ethnic minority regions and the mainland. The key to rectifying this disparity lies in enhancing the quality of educators. This paper delves into the Chinese government's innovative policy, "Group Educators Supporting Tibet" (GEST), designed to bridge the shortage of high-quality teachers in Tibet, a representative underprivileged ethnic minority area. GEST aims to foster collective action by networking provincial expert educators with Tibetan counterparts and collaborating between supporting provincial educational entities and Tibetan education entities. Theoretical Framework: The unequal distribution of social capital contributes significantly to the educational gap between ethnic minority areas and other regions in China. Within the framework of social network theory, motivated GEST educators take action to foster resources and relationships. This study captures grassroots perspectives to outline how social networking contributes to the policy objective of enhancing Tibetan teachers' quality and eradicating educational injustice. Methodology: A sequential mixed-methods approach was adopted to scrutinize policy impacts from the vantage point of social networking. Quantitative research involved surveys for GEST and Tibetan teachers, exploring demographics, perceptions of policy significance, motivations, actions, and networking habits. Qualitative research included focus group interviews with GEST educators, local teachers, and students from program schools. The findings were meticulously analyzed to provide comprehensive insights into stakeholders' experiences and the impacts of the GEST policy. Key Findings: The policy empowers individuals to impact Tibetan education significantly. Motivated GEST educators with prior educational support experiences contribute to its success. Supported by a collective -school, city, province, and government- the new social structure fosters higher efficiency. GEST's approach surpasses conventional methods. The individual, backed by educators, realizes the potential of transformative class design. Collective activities -pedagogy research, teaching, mentoring, training, and partnerships- equip Tibetan teachers, enhancing educational quality and equity. This collaborative effort establishes a robust foundation for the policy's success, emphasizing the collective impact on Tibetan education. Contributions: This study contributes to international policy studies focused on educational equity through collective teacher action. Using a mixed-methods approach and guided by social networking theory, it accentuates stakeholders' perspectives, elucidating the genuine impacts of the GEST policy. The study underscores the advancement of social networking, the reinforcement of local teacher quality, and the transformative potential of cultivating a more equitable and adept teaching workforce in Tibet. Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research Directions: While the study emphasizes the positive impacts of motivated GEST educators, there might be aspects or challenges not fully explored. A more comprehensive understanding of potential drawbacks or obstacles would provide a more balanced view. For future studies, investigating the long-term impact of the GEST policy on educational quality could provide insights into the sustainability of the improvements observed. Also, understanding the perspectives of Tibetan teachers who may not have directly benefited from GEST could reveal potential disparities in policy implementation.Keywords: teacher development, social networking, teacher quality, mixed research method
Procedia PDF Downloads 651869 Online Teacher Professional Development: An Extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model
Authors: Lovemore Motsi
The rapid pace of technological innovation, along with a global fascination with the internet, continues to result in a dominating call to integrate internet technologies in institutions of learning. However, the pressing question remains – how can online in-service training for teachers, support quality and success in professional development programmers. The aim of this study was to examine an integrated model that extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with additional constructs – including attitude and behaviour intention – adopted from the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to answer the question. Data was collected from secondary school teachers at 10 selected schools in the Tshwane South district by means of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS v 23.0), and the collected data was analysed quantitatively. The findings are congruent with model testing under conditions of volitional usage behaviour. In this regard, the role of facilitating condition variables is insignificant as a determinant of usage behaviour. Social norm variables also proved to be a weak determinant of behavioural intentions. Findings demonstrate that effort expectancy is the key determinant of online INSET usage. Based on these findings, the variable social influence and facilitating conditions are important factors in ensuring the acceptance of online INSET among teachers in selected secondary schools in the Tshwane South district.Keywords: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), teacher professional development, secondary schools, online INSET
Procedia PDF Downloads 2171868 Woodcast is Ecologically Sound and Tolerated by a Majority of Patients
Authors: R. Hassan, J. Duncombe, E. Darke, A. Dias, K. Anderson, R. G. Middleton
NHS England has set itself the task of delivering a “Net Zero” National Health service by 2040. It is incumbent upon all health care practioners to work towards this goal. Orthopaedic surgeons are no exception. Distal radial fractures are the most common fractures sustained by the adult population. However, studies are shortcoming on individual patient experience. The aim of this study was to assess the patient’s satisfaction and outcomes with woodcast used in the conservative management of distal radius fractures. For all patients managed with woodcast in our unit, we undertook a structured questionnaire that included the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) score, The EQ-5D-5L score and the pain numerical score at the time of injury and six weeks after. 30 patients were initially managed with woodcast. 80% of patients tolerated woodcast for the full duration of their treatment. Of these, 20% didn’t tolerate woodcast and had their casts removed within 48 hours. Of the remaining, 79.1% were satisfied about woodcast comfort, 66% were very satisfied about woodcast weight, 70% were satisfied with temperature and sweatiness, 62.5% were very satisfied about the smell/odour, and 75% were satisfied about the level of support woodcast provided. During their treatment, 83.3% of patients rated their pain as five or less. For those who completed their treatment in woodcast, none required any further intervention or utilised the open appointment because of ongoing wrist problems. In conclusion, when woodcast is tolerated, patients’ satisfaction and outcome levels were good. However, we acknowledged 20% of patients in our series were not able to tolerate woodacst, Therefore, we suggest a comparison between the widely used synthetic plaster of Paris casting and woodcast to come in order.Keywords: distal radius fractures, ecological cast, sustainability, woodcast
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041867 Preschool Teachers' Teaching Performance in Relation to Their Technology and 21st Century Skills
Authors: Vida Dones-Jimenez
The main purpose of this study is to determine the preschool teachers’ technology and 21st-century skills and its relation to teachers’ performance. The participants were 94 preschool teachers and 59 school administrators from the CDAPS member schools. The data were collected by using 21st Century Skill, developed by ISSA (2009), Technology Skills of Teachers Survey (2013) and Teacher Performance Evaluation Criteria and Descriptors (200) was modified by the current researcher to suit the needs of her study and was administered personally by her. The surveys were designed to measure the participants’ 21st-century skills, technology skills and teaching performance. The result of the study indicates that the majority of the preschool teachers are the college graduate. Most of them are in the teaching profession for 0 to 10 years. It also indicated that the majority of the school administrators are masters’ degree holder. The preschool teachers are outstanding in their teaching performance as rated by the school administrators. The preschool teachers are skillful in using technology, and they are very skillful in executing the 21st-century skills in teaching. It was further determined that no significant difference between preschool teachers 21st-century skill in regards to educational attainment same as with the number of years in teaching, likewise with their technology skills. Furthermore, the study has shown that there is a very weak relationship between technology and 21st-century skills of preschool teachers, a weak relationship between technology skills and teaching performance and a very weak relationship between 21st-century skills and teaching performance were also established. The study recommends that the preschool teachers should be encouraged to enroll in master degree programs. School administrators should support the implementation of newly adopted technologies and support faculty members at various levels of use and experience. It is also recommended that regular review of the professional development plan be undertaken to upgrade 21st-century teaching and learning skills of preschool teachers.Keywords: preschool teacher, teaching performance, technology, 21st century skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 3991866 Motivation Needs in Working of the Employees in Rayong Province: A Case Study of Panakom Co., Ltd.
Authors: Ganratchakan Ninlawan, Witthaya Mekhum
The objective of this research was to investigate motivation needs in working of the employees in Rayong Province at Panakom Co., Ltd. The sample group included 59 operational employees of Panakom Co., Ltd divided into 2 main parts to complete the questionnaires. Part 1 dealt with personal information of the staff in the form of checklist questions. Part 2 was about the motivation needs in working in the form of 5 rating scales. The data were analyzed to find frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, and SD with the results as follows. They reported their working conditions in the moderate level while the first aspect was on the regulation of the Working Support Department. The second rated aspect was on the modern facilities and office stationeries followed by the working environment such as lighting, temperature, sound system, and atmosphere. The last aspect was on the provision of enough working equipment. On the part of work stability and work progress, they rated this aspect at the moderate level with the details below. The first aspect was their satisfaction in work rotation followed by the encouragement in joining training and seminar to increase working knowledge. The third aspect was their perception on the progress of their careers. The last aspect was on the chance to get promoted in special cases. On the payment and fringe benefit, they rated this part in the moderate level with the highest aspect being on the provided fringe benefit such as health care. The second aspect was on the suitable salary compared to their knowledge and proficiency. The third aspect was on the satisfaction on the activities and seminars provided by the company. Finally, the last aspect was on the sufficient salary when compared with the current cost of living.Keywords: motivation needs, working, employees, Rayong Province
Procedia PDF Downloads 2551865 A Study on the Ideal and Actual Coping Responses of Public and Private College School Teachers on Job-Related Stress
Authors: Zaralyn Bernardo, Dante Boac, Annabelle Del Rosario
Professional individuals who are in a primary role to impart learning with the new generation are alarmingly tend to have a vast decrease in their workforce due to stress at work. Thus, the study used mixed method research design to explore the ideal and actual coping patterns of college school teachers, both private and public, using Coping Response Inventory-Adult (CRI-Adult). It was suggested that in order for coping to be effective there must be a congruence or good match between coping efforts and preferred coping style. Results basically provided the same information on sources of teacher stress. However, workload and low salary were more likely heightened, for public and private school, respectively. There is also a significant difference between the ideal and actual coping style of college school teachers. Though the public school teachers leaned towards problem-focused as their ideal way of coping, both public and private teachers are somewhat inclined to use emotion-focused coping in actual situation. Results of FGD identified the factors that contribute to the incongruence or mismatch in their preferred style of coping and actual efforts to cope. Identified factors based on thematic analysis (TA) are clustered into themes such as affectivity and rehearsal of the preferred coping responses, sensitivity to pressure impairs coping efficacy, seeking for social acceptance and approval, indefinite appraisal of perceived stress, emotional dysregulation, and impulsivity, immediate desire to terminate negative emotion and adversity. Most of the factors somewhat provide partial elucidation on the engagement of the respondents on emotion-focused coping.Keywords: coping responses subtypes, appraisal, teacher stress, ideal and actual coping
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671864 A Comparison between Virtual Case-Based Learning and Traditional Learning: The Effect on Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Performance during Covid-19: A Pilot Study
Authors: Aya M. Aboudesouky
Covid-19 has changed and affected the whole world dramatically in a new way that the entire world, even scientists, have not imagined before. The educational institutions around the world have been fighting since Covid-19 hit the world last December to keep the educational process unchanged for all students. E-learning was a must for almost all US universities during the pandemic. It was specifically more challenging to use online case-based learning instead of regular classes among nursing students who take practical education. This study aims to examine the difference in performance and satisfaction between nursing students taking traditional education and those who take virtual case-based education during their practical study. This study enrolls 40 last-year nursing undergraduates from a mid-sized university in Western Pennsylvania. The study uses a convenient sample. Students will be divided into two groups; a control group that is exposed to traditional teaching strategy and a treatment group that is exposed to a case-based teaching strategy. The module designed for this study is a total parenteral nutrition (TPN) module that will be taught for one month. The treatment group (n=20) utilizes the virtual simulation of the CBL method, while the control group (n=20) uses the traditional lecture-based teaching method. Student evaluations are collected after a month by using the survey to attain the students’ learning satisfaction and self-evaluation of the course. The post-test is used to assess the end of the course performance.Keywords: virtual case-based learning, traditional education, nursing education, Covid-19 crisis, online practical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291863 Investing the Employees Higher Quitting Intention at the Call Centers of Pakistan: A Reality or a Myth: A Case Study of Pakistan Telecommunication Sector
Authors: Naheed Malik, Marisa Smith
This study has been undertaken as an attempt to explore the underlying reasons that cause higher employee turnover rates at the call centers of Pakistan. This research also aimed to examine the relationship among the job related variables such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, supervisor support, self-esteem, organizational stressors (work overload, role ambiguity and work family conflict) and quitting inclination. A total of 340 call centers respondents filled the survey questionnaire. The data was analyzed through SPSS 19.0. Results reveal the significant relationship among the study variables and stress level contributing more towards employee penchant to leave the job. A significant amount of call centers employee have proclivity to quit from their jobs as soon as they would be able to find some other jobs with attractive compensation. The majority of the respondents were found to be unhappy and dissatisfied due to hectic schedule and imbalance between family and work. This research also highlighted the specific areas in which call centre management needs to emphasize deliberately that affect more sharply on employee leaving aptitude. This study also suggests some useful strategies for the well being of employees that can minimize their tendency of quitting and retention in the long run.Keywords: call centers, stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, supervisor’s support, self esteem, employee turnover, employees’ intention to quit, customer service representative (CSRs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821862 The Role of Blended Modality in Enhancing Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education: A Case Study of a Hybrid Course of Oral Production and Listening of French
Authors: Tharwat N. Hijjawi
Learning oral skills in an Arabic speaking environment is challenging. A blended course (material, activities, and individual/ group work tasks …) was implemented in a module of level B1 for undergraduate students of French as a foreign language in order to increase their opportunities to practice listening and speaking skills. This research investigates the influence of this modality on enhancing active learning and examines the effectiveness of provided strategies. Moreover, it aims at discovering how it allows teacher to flip the traditional classroom and create a learner-centered framework. Which approaches were integrated to motivate students and urge them to search, analyze, criticize, create and accomplish projects? What was the perception of students? This paper is based on the qualitative findings of a questionnaire and a focus group interview with learners. Despite the doubled time and effort both “teacher” and “student” needed, results revealed that the NTIC allowed a shift into a learning paradigm where learners were the “chiefs” of the process. Tasks and collaborative projects required higher intellectual capacities from them. Learners appreciated this experience and developed new life-long learning competencies at many levels: social, affective, ethical and cognitive. To conclude, they defined themselves as motivated young researchers, motivators and critical thinkers.Keywords: active learning, critical thinking, inverted classroom, learning paradigm, problem-based
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691861 Optimizing and Evaluating Performance Quality Control of the Production Process of Disposable Essentials Using Approach Vague Goal Programming
Authors: Hadi Gholizadeh, Ali Tajdin
To have effective production planning, it is necessary to control the quality of processes. This paper aims at improving the performance of the disposable essentials process using statistical quality control and goal programming in a vague environment. That is expressed uncertainty because there is always a measurement error in the real world. Therefore, in this study, the conditions are examined in a vague environment that is a distance-based environment. The disposable essentials process in Kach Company was studied. Statistical control tools were used to characterize the existing process for four factor responses including the average of disposable glasses’ weights, heights, crater diameters, and volumes. Goal programming was then utilized to find the combination of optimal factors setting in a vague environment which is measured to apply uncertainty of the initial information when some of the parameters of the models are vague; also, the fuzzy regression model is used to predict the responses of the four described factors. Optimization results show that the process capability index values for disposable glasses’ average of weights, heights, crater diameters and volumes were improved. Such increasing the quality of the products and reducing the waste, which will reduce the cost of the finished product, and ultimately will bring customer satisfaction, and this satisfaction, will mean increased sales.Keywords: goal programming, quality control, vague environment, disposable glasses’ optimization, fuzzy regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251860 Expanding the Atelier: Design Lead Academic Project Using Immersive User-Generated Mobile Images and Augmented Reality
Authors: David Sinfield, Thomas Cochrane, Marcos Steagall
While there is much hype around the potential and development of mobile virtual reality (VR), the two key critical success factors are the ease of user experience and the development of a simple user-generated content ecosystem. Educational technology history is littered with the debris of over-hyped revolutionary new technologies that failed to gain mainstream adoption or were quickly superseded. Examples include 3D television, interactive CDROMs, Second Life, and Google Glasses. However, we argue that this is the result of curriculum design that substitutes new technologies into pre-existing pedagogical strategies that are focused upon teacher-delivered content rather than exploring new pedagogical strategies that enable student-determined learning or heutagogy. Visual Communication design based learning such as Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography and Design process is heavily based on the traditional forms of the classroom environment whereby student interaction takes place both at peer level and indeed teacher based feedback. In doing so, this makes for a healthy creative learning environment, but does raise other issue in terms of student to teacher learning ratios and reduced contact time. Such issues arise when students are away from the classroom and cannot interact with their peers and teachers and thus we see a decline in creative work from the student. Using AR and VR as a means of stimulating the students and to think beyond the limitation of the studio based classroom this paper will discuss the outcomes of a student project considering the virtual classroom and the techniques involved. The Atelier learning environment is especially suited to the Visual Communication model as it deals with the creative processing of ideas that needs to be shared in a collaborative manner. This has proven to have been a successful model over the years, in the traditional form of design education, but has more recently seen a shift in thinking as we move into a more digital model of learning and indeed away from the classical classroom structure. This study focuses on the outcomes of a student design project that employed Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies in order to expand the dimensions of the classroom beyond its physical limits. Augmented Reality when integrated into the learning experience can improve the learning motivation and engagement of students. This paper will outline some of the processes used and the findings from the semester-long project that took place.Keywords: augmented reality, blogging, design in community, enhanced learning and teaching, graphic design, new technologies, virtual reality, visual communications
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401859 Pupils' and Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences of Welsh Language Instruction
Authors: Mirain Rhys, Kevin Smith
In 2017, the Welsh Government introduced an ambitious, new strategy to increase the number of Welsh speakers in Wales to 1 million by 2050. The Welsh education system is a vitally important feature of this strategy. All children attending state schools in Wales learn Welsh as a second language until the age of 16 and are assessed at General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) level. In 2013, a review of Welsh second language instruction in Key Stages 3 and 4 was completed. The report identified considerable gaps in teachers’ preparation and training for teaching Welsh; poor Welsh language ethos at many schools; and a general lack of resources to support the instruction of Welsh. Recommendations were made across a number of dimensions including curriculum content, pedagogical practice, and teacher assessment, training, and resources. With a new national curriculum currently in development, this study builds on this review and provides unprecedented detail into pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of Welsh language instruction. The current research built on data taken from an existing capacity building research project on Welsh education, the Wales multi-cohort study (WMS). Quantitative data taken from WMS surveys with over 1200 pupils in schools in Wales indicated that Welsh language lessons were the least enjoyable subject among pupils. The current research aimed to unpick pupil experiences in order to add to the policy development context. To achieve this, forty-four pupils and four teachers in three schools from the larger WMS sample participated in focus groups. Participants from years 9, 11 and 13 who had indicated positive, negative and neutral attitudes towards the Welsh language in a previous WMS survey were selected. Questions were based on previous research exploring issues including, but not limited to pedagogy, policy, assessment, engagement and (teacher) training. A thematic analysis of the focus group recordings revealed that the majority of participants held positive views around keeping the language alive but did not want to take on responsibility for its maintenance. These views were almost entirely based on their experiences of learning Welsh at school, especially in relation to their perceived lack of choice and opinions around particular lesson strategies and assessment. Analysis of teacher interviews highlighted a distinct lack of resources (materials and staff alike) compared to modern foreign languages, which had a negative impact on student motivation and attitudes. Both staff and students indicated a need for more practical, oral language instruction which could lead to Welsh being used outside the classroom. The data corroborate many of the review’s previous findings, but what makes this research distinctive is the way in which pupils poignantly address generally misguided aims for Welsh language instruction, poor pedagogical practice and a general disconnect between Welsh instruction and its daily use in their lives. These findings emphasize the complexity of incorporating the educational sector in strategies for Welsh language maintenance and the complications arising from pedagogical training, support, and resources, as well as teacher and pupil perceptions of, and attitudes towards, teaching and learning Welsh.Keywords: bilingual education, language maintenance, language revitalisation, minority languages, Wales
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121858 Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Pre-Service Art and Music Teachers towards the Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Authors: Agah Tugrul Korucu
Information and communication technologies have become an important part of our daily lives with significant investments in technology in the 21st century. Individuals are more willing to design and implement computer-related activities, and they are the main component of computer self-efficacy and self-efficacy related to the fact that the increase in information technology, with operations in parallel with these activities more successful. The Self-efficacy level is a significant factor which determines how individuals act in events, situations and difficult processes. It is observed that individuals with higher self-efficacy perception of computers who encounter problems related to computer use overcome them more easily. Therefore, this study aimed to examine self-efficacy perceptions of pre-service art and music teachers towards the use of information and communication technologies in terms of different variables. Research group consists of 60 pre-service teachers who are studying at Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education Art and Music department. As data collection tool of the study; “personal information form” developed by the researcher and used to collect demographic data and "the perception scale related to self-efficacy of informational technology" are used. The scale is 5-point Likert-type scale. It consists of 27 items. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sample compliance value is found 0.959. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the scale is found to be 0.97. computer-based statistical software package (SPSS 21.0) is used in order to analyze the data collected by data collection tools; descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance are used as statistical techniques.Keywords: self-efficacy perceptions, teacher candidate, information and communication technologies, art teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261857 Language Development and Learning about Violence
Authors: Karen V. Lee
The background and significance of this study involves research about a music teacher discovering how language development and learning can help her overcome harmful and lasting consequences from sexual violence. Education about intervention resources from language development that helps her cope with consequences influencing her career as teacher. Basic methodology involves the qualitative method of research as theoretical framework where the author is drawn into a deep storied reflection about political issues surrounding teachers who need to overcome social, psychological, and health risk behaviors from violence. Sub-themes involve available education from learning resources to ensure teachers receive social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and intervention resources that evoke visceral, emotional responses from the audience. Major findings share how language development and learning provide helpful resources to victims of violence. It is hoped the research dramatizes an episodic yet incomplete story that highlights the circumstances surrounding the protagonist’s life. In conclusion, the research has a reflexive storied framework that embraces harmful and lasting consequences from sexual violence. The reflexive story of the sensory experience critically seeks verisimilitude by evoking lifelike and believable feelings from others. Thus, the scholarly importance of using language development and learning for intervention resources can provide transformative aspects that contribute to social change. Overall, the circumstance surrounding the story about sexual violence is not uncommon in society. Language development and learning supports the moral mission to help teachers overcome sexual violence that socially impacts their professional lives as victims.Keywords: intervention, language development and learning, sexual violence, story
Procedia PDF Downloads 3321856 Exploring Enabling Effects of Organizational Climate on Academicians’ Emotional Intelligence and Learning Outcomes: A Case from Chinese Higher Education
Authors: Zahid Shafait, Jiayu Huang
Purpose: This study is based on a trait-based theory of emotional intelligence. This study intends to explore the enabling effect of organizational climate, i.e., affiliation, innovation, and fairness, on the emotional intelligence of teachers in Chinese higher education institutes. This study, additionally, intends to investigate the direct impact of teachers’ emotional intelligence on their learning outcomes, i.e., cognitive, social, self-growth outcomes and satisfaction with the university experience. Design/methodology/approach: This study utilized quantitative research techniques to scrutinize the data. Moreover, partial least squares structural equation modeling, i.e., PLS-SEM, was used to assess the hypothetical relationships to conclude their statistical significance. Findings: Results confirmed the supposed associations, i.e., the organizational climate has an enabling effect on emotional intelligence. Likewise, emotional intelligence was concluded to have a direct and positive association with learning outcomes in higher education. Practical implications: This study has investigated abandoned research that is enabling the effects of organizational climate on teachers’ emotional intelligence in Chinese higher education. Organizational climate enables emotionally intelligent teachers to learn efficiently and, at the same time, augments their satisfaction and productivity within an institution. Originality/value: This study investigated the enabling effects of organizational climate on teachers’ emotional intelligence in Chinese higher education that is original in investigated country and sector.Keywords: organizational climate, emotional intelligence, learning outcomes, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 761855 Beyond Rhetoric and Buzzword, Policies and Politics: Towards Practical Institutional Involvement in Science and Technology Teacher Education Programmes for Sustainable Development
Authors: Alvin Uchenna Ugwu
The United Nation’s 2030 agenda and Global Action Programme (GAP) for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has mandated all sectors in the societies, including education, to develop strategies towards actualizing sustainability in all facets of the society, by the year 2030. Education is no doubt a key tool for social change. However, educational institutions in most African nations need a paradigmatic shift to strike a balance between policies (curricular) and practices, with regards to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The paradigm shift in this regard is described as whole-institution/school approach. The whole institution approaches advocate action-focused ESD. In other words, ESD policy and curriculum makers, formal and non-formal education institutions, need to ‘practice what they preach’. This paper is developed from an ongoing study carried out by the author and guided by two research questions: -What are the views of intermediate phase science and technology preservice teachers on the ESD content included in the science and technology modules? -What challenges or enable intermediate phase science and technology pre-service teachers to learn about ESD in science and technology modules? The study drew from the views and experiences of preservice science teachers, learning about ESD in a university’s college of education in South Africa. Using qualitative case study research design, the research data were generated via questionnaires and focus group discussions. Analysis of generated data indicates that universities and institutions of higher learning need to demonstrate practical involvement while implementing ESD in societies, rather than just standing as knowledge media. Findings of the study further suggest that natural sciences and technology courses in teacher education programmes and other institutions of higher learning, should be perceived as key transformative tools in shaping the consciousness of students towards integrating and fostering ESD in developing countries such as South Africa. Thus, this paper seeks to promote ‘Whole Institution Involvement’ in teacher education colleges in South Africa, as a measure of improving ESD in higher education settings. The paper suggests that in order to achieve ESD in higher education settings and beyond, policies and practices should be reexamined beyond rhetoric and buzzwords. The paper further argues that implementation of ESD is largely influenced by context, hence two different contexts should be examined empirically.Keywords: education for sustainable development, higher education institutions, pre-service science teachers, qualitative case study research, whole institution involvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 177