Search results for: social work with dementitude
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 21478

Search results for: social work with dementitude

20338 New Media and Social Media Laws and Ethics in United Arab Emirates

Authors: Ahmed Farouk Radwan, Sheren Mousa


There are many laws and regulations governing the use of new and social media in the United Arab Emirates. During the past few years, the importance of using these platforms in the fields of media and government communication has increased, as well as at the level of individual use. In 2016, the National Media Council Law was issued to regulate traditional and new media field, and gave the council the power to oversee and undertake the media affairs in the state. NMC is mandated to: Develop the UAE’s media policy, Draft media legislation and ensure its execution and Prohibited media content ,Co-ordinate the media policy between the emirates in line with the UAE’s domestic and foreign policy, Ensure support for the federation and project national unity. All media organizations in the UAE must comply with the regulations and rules issued by council. Social media influencers have to be licensed by NMC if they accept paid ads to be published on their accounts. The study explores other laws concerning of new media and social media regulations and ethics including Combatting Cybercrimes law, Combating Discrimination and Hatred law, The Government Guidelines for social media users in the UAE, The Guidelines for the practices of electronic participation and social networking, Copyright Law, and Child Rights Law. The study clarifies the legal articles, items and standards in all these laws which related with the new media and social platforms and also determines the prohibited digital practices and the cultural norms governing it.

Keywords: media laws, media ethics, new media , UAE

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20337 Gender Difference in Social Interaction Skills of Autism Using Token Economy and Video Modelling Strategies

Authors: Olusola Akintunde Adediran


This study examined differential effect of Gender difference in social interaction skill of pupils with autism using token economy and video modeling as intervention strategies. A pretest, posttest, control group, quasi-experimental research design was adopted in the study. 17 participants (11 males and 6 females) were selected purposively from 5 centres in Ibadan and randomized into three groups (token economy, video modeling and control groups). Two instruments were used in the study; Autism Spectrum Rating Scale (ASRS) for 299.00 Autistic Disorder (r = 0.82) and Children’s Self-report Social Skill Scale (CS4) (r= 0.93). A descriptive statistics was used to analyse the participants social interaction data based on intervention and gender, while inferential statistics of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and scheffe post-hoc measure was used to anlayse three null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained indicated that there was a significant main effect of treatment on social interaction of participants, but there was no significant of main effect of gender on the social interaction of participants, hence, (F(2,14) = .741; p > .05, eta = .050). Lastly, there was no significant interaction effect of treatment and gender of the participants, hence (F(2,10) = 2.177; p > .05, eta 2 = 202). The study has contributed to the frontiers of knowledge by establishing that social interaction of autism is attainable when token economy and video modelling are used as treatment intervention, hence, they should be adopted by the teachers, curriculum planners and other stakeholders.

Keywords: social interaction, token economy, video modelling, autism, gender

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20336 Work Ability Program Produces Short-Term Productivity Improvements

Authors: Jukka Surakka, Risto Tuominen, Jukka Piippo


The aim of this work was to study the development of sick leaves and presenteeism during a work ability program. Productivity losses were determined for 70 employees from four organizations and for 42 controls. Numbers of sick leave days (SLD) were collected from employers’ records for three months before the program started and each subsequent three months for one year after the initiation. Presenteeism was determined for four weeks before and after one year of the program implementation. In the first three months of implementation SLD reduced among project members by 55% and increased by 27% among controls (p<0.001). However, during the last two measurement periods, the project subjects had more SLD than they had before the program started (p<0.001), and also more than the controls (p<0.001). Overall, during the one year implementation the program subjects had on average 23% increase in SLD, whereas the controls had 35% decrease in their SLD (p<0.001). Program participants experienced per month 3.6 hours more presenteeism after the one-year implementation and among the controls presenteeism increased by 2.5 hours. Work ability program produced short-term productivity benefits, but with longer program duration the benefits disappeared.

Keywords: work ability, absenteeism, presenteeism, productivity, sick leave

Procedia PDF Downloads 289
20335 Social Networks Global Impact on Protest Movements and Human Rights Activism

Authors: Marcya Burden, Savonna Greer


In the wake of social unrest around the world, protest movements have been captured like never before. As protest movements have evolved, so too have their visibility and sources of coverage. Long gone are the days of print media as our only glimpse into the action surrounding a protest. Now, with social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, we have access to real-time video footage of protest movements and human rights activism that can reach millions of people within seconds. This research paper investigated various social media network platforms’ statistical usage data in the areas of human rights activism and protest movements, paralleling with other past forms of media coverage. This research demonstrates that social networks are extremely important to protest movements and human rights activism. With over 2.9 billion users across social media networks globally, these platforms are the heart of most recent protests and human rights activism. This research shows the paradigm shift from the Selma March of 1965 to the more recent protests of Ferguson in 2014, Ni Una Menos in 2015, and End Sars in 2018. The research findings demonstrate that today, almost anyone may use their social networks to protest movement leaders and human rights activists. From a student to an 80-year-old professor, the possibility of reaching billions of people all over the world is limitless. Findings show that 82% of the world’s internet population is on social networks 1 in every 5 minutes. Over 65% of Americans believe social media highlights important issues. Thus, there is no need to have a formalized group of people or even be known online. A person simply needs to be engaged on their respective social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) regarding any cause they are passionate about. Information may be exchanged in real time around the world and a successful protest can begin.

Keywords: activism, protests, human rights, networks

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20334 The Influence of Social Media to Trends Design at Restaurant in Urban Area of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

Authors: Suparwoko, M. Hardyan Prastyanto, Aisah Azhari Marwangi


Today, we face with some paradoxical tendencies. In the field of culture, on the one hand, we are witnessing the emergence of ethnic and religious fervor that is becoming stronger, but on the other hand, we are also witnessing a new ideology that characterized the flow of transnationalism, globalism, and secularism. Through social media, the globalization movement is accommodated to spread all over the world. Globalization also requires the commercialization of many fields, including architecture. In the architecture of commercial buildings, the appeal of the building is an important aspect for the function of the building. That theory is the basis for research of this study. This study aimed to know the influence of social media on the changing trends in the design of restaurant in urban areas of Yogyakarta Province. This study is using observation (survey) method to restaurants in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas to collect data, then the assessment of data by using the theory of the social media Path and Instagram that provide trend information from interior and building facades of the restaurant. By using social media Path and Instagram based survey methods, it can be seen that the intensity of social media users who publish or promote restaurant that has been chosen. Generally, conventional character of the restaurant have changed into a material and visually conceptual restaurant.

Keywords: influence, social media, changes, architecture trend

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20333 Role-Specific Target-Systems in Professional Bureaucracies: A Qualitative Analysis in the OR

Authors: Kirsten Hoeper, Maike Kriependorf


This paper firstly discusses the initial situation and problems. Afterward, it defines professional bureaucracies and shows their impact for the OR-work. The OR-center and its actors are shown. Finally, the paper provides the empiric design for detecting the target systems of the different work groups within the OR, the quality criteria in qualitative research and empirical results. It is shown that different groups have different targets in their daily work and that helps for a better understanding. More precisely, by detecting the target systems of these experts, we can ‘bridge’ the different points of view to create a common basis for the work in the OR. One of the aims was to find bridges to overcome separating factors. This paper describes the situation in Germany focusing the Hannover Medical School. It can be assumed that the results can be transferred to other countries using the DRG-System (Diagnosis Related Groups).

Keywords: hospital, OR, professional bureaucracies, target systems

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20332 Understanding the Qualities of Indian Neighborhoods: Understanding of Social Spaces

Authors: Venkata Ravi Kumar Veluru


Indian traditional neighborhoods are socially active and sometimes intrusive communities, which are losing their qualities due to western influences, undermining the traditional Indian values by blind adaptation of western neighborhood concepts since the scale is not suitable to the Indian context. This paper aims to understand the qualities of Indian traditional neighborhoods by evaluating a traditional neighborhood of Jaipur, comparing it with a modern planned neighborhood of Chandigarh, designed by a foreign planner, in the neighborhood concept of the western world, to find out the special qualities of traditional Indian neighborhoods as compared to western concepts in terms of social spaces, by way of physical observation of selected neighborhoods and residents structured questionnaire survey. The combined analysis found that social spaces are abundantly available in traditional neighborhoods, which are missing in modern neighborhoods, which are the main qualities where interactions happen, aiming towards the formation of social capital. The qualities of traditional neighborhoods have to be considered while designing new neighborhoods in India.

Keywords: Indian neighborhoods, modern neighborhoods, neighborhood planning, social spaces, traditional neighborhoods

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20331 Sensory Gap Analysis on Port Wine Promotion and Perceptions

Authors: José Manue Carvalho Vieira, Mariana Magalhães, Elizabeth Serra


The Port Wine industry is essential to Portugal because it carries a tangible cultural heritage and for social and economic reasons. Positioned as a luxury product, brands need to pay more attention to the new generation's habits, preferences, languages, and sensory perceptions. Healthy lifestyles, anti-alcohol campaigns, and digitalisation of their buying decision process need to be better understood to understand the wine market in the future. The purpose of this study is to clarify the sensory perception gap between Port Wine descriptors promotion and the new generation's perceptions to help wineries to align their strategies. Based on the interpretivist approach - multiple methods and techniques (mixed-methods), different world views and different assumptions, and different data collection methods and analysis, this research integrated qualitative semi-structured interviews, Port Wine promotion contents, and social media perceptions mined by Sentiment Analysis Enginius algorithm. Findings confirm that Port Wine CEOs' strategies, brands' promotional content, and social perceptions are not sufficiently aligned. The central insight for Port Wine brands' managers is that there is a long and continuous work of understanding and associating their descriptors with the most relevant perceptual values and criteria of their targets to reposition (when necessary) and sustainably revitalise their brands. Finally, this study hypothesised a sensory gap that leads to a decrease in consumption, trying to find recommendations on how to transform it into an advantage for a better attraction towards the young age group (18-25).

Keywords: port wine, consumer habits, sensory gap analysis, wine marketing

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20330 Role of Urban-Rural Partnership in the Generation of Socio-Economic Success in Polish Metropolitan Areas

Authors: Jerzy Bański


The purpose of the paper is to describe the role of urban-rural partnership in social and economic development. The concept of urban-rural collaboration is relatively new and assumes the need to link large metropolitan areas with surrounding rural areas in a number of ways. It is strongly related to the existing concept of polycentric spatial development. At the European Union level, the first document to address the need for urban-rural partnerships was the European Spatial Development Perspective from 1999. The paper focuses on factors that generate social and economic success on examples of several metropolitan territories in Poland (Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, Krakow). A survey focused on rural communes made it possible to assess key success factors (location, social and economic, technological and organizational) that could be later used to determine the right course of action in the area of urban-rural cooperation, with the desired outcome being effective metropolitan area development. The main challenges to urban-rural partnership are issues associated with spatial planning, infrastructure and public services. These are areas of the greatest conflict of interest, too. Any analysis of urban-rural cooperation in metropolitan areas really needs to focus on the unique nature of this type of relationship. This includes issues such as commuting to work in the urban core and vice versa, complementarity of technical infrastructure, and joint strategic planning. Other forms of cooperation should focus on the tourist and recreational aspects of areas surrounding the urban core.

Keywords: partnership, rural areas, urbanization, metropolitan areas, Poland

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20329 Enactments of Global Citizenship Education: Social Justice in Public Spheres of Education

Authors: Sabrina Jafralie


This proposed chapter explains how civic religious literacy is a means to promote social justice in Canada. It will first present the specific conception of global citizenship education that will undergird the discussion in the chapter. Then, it will offer a conception of civic religious literacy that explains how it promotes social justice as a form of global citizenship education. To illustrate this point, I will list specific examples of social and political inequities in Canada, such as hate crime statistics from 2013-2018 across the country and in specific provinces and cities. I will also highlight different types of discrimination, such as that towards religious minorities, Indigenous peoples, and those that conflate race and religion, and other intersections of identity that civic religious literacy can address. To conclude this initial section of the chapter, I will cite international studies that discuss religious literacy as a means to promote characteristics and aims of global citizenship education.

Keywords: Civic Literacy, Pedagogy, Quebec, Social Justice

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20328 Attitudes toward Cultural Diversity: A Study of Russian Teachers

Authors: Rezeda Khairutdinova, Chulpan Gromova, Dina Birman


The paper presents results of an exploratory study of teachers’ social attitudes toward ethnic and religious diversity, and variables influencing such attitudes. The study was conducted in Russia and is focused on school teachers, given their special role in culturally diverse modern societies. Using the social distance scale (adapted from Bogardus, 1926), we sampled 355 school teachers from two Russian regions known for their high cultural diversity: Moscow and Moscow region, Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan, and measured teacher attitudes toward large religious and ethnic groups (including migrants). The findings showed that teachers hold mostly tolerant attitudes with respect to members belonging to culturally and religiously diverse groups. The social distance between respondents and native residents of their region was minimal. Social distance was larger with respect to such ethnic groups as migrants from the Caucasian and Central Asian countries. The analysis of perception of different religious groups also showed positive attitudes toward these groups and readiness to interact with them. Teacher attitudes were not related to their age or ethnicity. The findings indicated that there was a significant correlation between social distance and the region of residence on the one hand, and between social distance and the degree of social interaction on the other. The results of this study will be used to develop a large-scale study to contribute to a better understanding of teacher attitudes toward immigrant students in public schools.

Keywords: attitudes of teachers, cultural diversity, migrants, social distance

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20327 Costa and Mccrae's Neo-Pi Factor and Early Adolescents School Social Adjustment in Cross River State Nigeria

Authors: Peter Unoh Bassey


The study examined the influence of Costa and McCrae’s Neo-PI Factor and early adolescent’s school social adjustment in Cross River State, Nigeria. The research adopted the causal-comparative design also known as the ex-post facto with about one thousand and eighteen (1,018) students who were randomly selected from one stream of JSS 1 classes in 19 schools out of seventy-three (73) in the study area. Data were collected using two instruments one is the NEO-PI scale, and students school social adjustment questionnaire. Three research questions and three research hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The analysis of data was carried out using both the independent t-test statistics and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analyzed result indicated that the five dimensions had a significant influence on students school social adjustment. A post hoc was equally carried out to show the relative significant difference among the study variables. In view of the above, it was recommended that teachers, parents and educational psychologists should be involved to enhance students the confidence to overcome their social adjustment problem.

Keywords: Costa and McCrae’s NEO-PI Factor, early adolescents, school, social adjustment

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20326 Quality of Workplace Program Aiming at Increasing Productivity in the Civil Construction Area

Authors: Claudineia Brazil, Luciane Salvi, Margareth Haubrich


The research aims to understand the determinants of Quality of Life at Work (QWL) and the main indicators that influence the productivity of employees working in construction. The methodology is based on the qualitative theoretical approach, in which information is collected in works that have already been carried out, providing a more detailed compression of the research from the point of view of other authors. In this research, pioneering models for assessing Quality of Life at Work (QWL) were investigated, seeking to find the best quality of life indicators in the work environment. The elements investigated in the research were classified into three main groups: Organizational, Environmental and Behavioral. In order to obtain the results, the information obtained through bibliographic research was compared and it was possible to conclude that the focus on the quality of life at work influences the individual and collective productivity of employees, causing the company to be positively impacted. This advocates the need for strategic actions in the area of people management, which will meet these needs. Therefore, it is hoped that this study can contribute to the more effective management of human resources in organizations, reflecting on increased productivity.

Keywords: construction, management, productivity, quality of life at work

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20325 MOVIDA.polis: Physical Activity mHealth Based Platform

Authors: Rui Fonseca-Pinto, Emanuel Silva, Rui Rijo, Ricardo Martinho, Bruno Carreira


The sedentary lifestyle is associated to the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases (obesity, hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2) and the World Health Organization, given the evidence that physical activity is determinant for individual and collective health, defined the Physical Activity Level (PAL) as a vital signal. Strategies for increasing the practice of physical activity in all age groups have emerged from the various social organizations (municipalities, universities, health organizations, companies, social groups) by increasingly developing innovative strategies to promote motivation strategies and conditions to the practice of physical activity. The adaptation of cities to the new paradigms of sustainable mobility has provided the adaptation of urban training circles and mobilized citizens to combat sedentarism. This adaptation has accompanied the technological evolution and makes possible the use of mobile technology to monitor outdoor training programs and also, through the network connection (IoT), use the training data to make personalized recommendations. This work presents a physical activity counseling platform to be used in the physical maintenance circuits of urban centers, the MOVIDA.polis. The platform consists of a back office for the management of circuits and training stations, and for a mobile application for monitoring the user performance during workouts. Using a QRcode, each training station is recognized by the App and based on the individual performance records (effort perception, heart rate variation) artificial intelligence algorithms are used to make a new personalized recommendation. The results presented in this work were obtained during the proof of concept phase, which was carried out in the PolisLeiria training circuit in the city of Leiria (Portugal). It was possible to verify the increase in adherence to the practice of physical activity, as well as to decrease the interval between training days. Moreover, the AI-based recommendation acts as a partner in the training and an additional challenging factor. The platform is ready to be used by other municipalities in order to reduce the levels of sedentarism and approach the weekly goal of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia FCT- Portugal and CENTRO2020 under the scope of MOVIDA project: 02/SAICT/2016 – 23878.

Keywords: physical activity, mHealth, urban training circuits, health promotion

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20324 Legal Framework of Islamic Social Finance to Support M40 Income Group in Malaysia

Authors: Azlin Suzana Salim


The 12th Malaysian Plan 2021-2025, issued by the Economic Planning Unit in 2021, outlined one of the six important priorities to support M40 towards equitable society. The Financial Sector Blueprint 2022-2026, released by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2022, further outlined the fifth key thrust focusing on Islamic Social Finance. The purpose of this research is to examine the Legal Framework of bridging Islamic Social Finance to support M40 Income Group in Malaysia. This study adopts a doctrinal legal research method to examine the laws and regulations governing Islamic Social Finance in Malaysia and a qualitative method to examine the Islamic Social Finance Instrument to support the M40 income group. The implication of this study is important to propose the legal framework and bridge the Islamic Social Finance instrument to support the M40 income group in Malaysia. The significance of this study is to realign between priorities of the 12th Malaysian Plan 2021-2025 and the Financial Sector Blueprint 2022-2026.

Keywords: legal framework, Islamic social finance, m40 income group, law and regulation

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20323 Envisioning Process in Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Study of Cambodian Living Arts

Authors: Alexandre Bédard, Caroline Coulombe, Jonathan Harvey


Envisioning process (EP) in medium enterprises is treated equally in very small enterprises. Building on the concept of social construction, this study aims to explore how envisioning is constructed in a medium enterprise in which stakeholders are involved and how it is influenced. We use a unique case method based on qualitative data collected through 11 interviews representing various members of the organization. Through the discussion of the findings, we were able to confirm the social construction of the EP and to identify three main stakeholders responsible for the construction of the vision, mainly political and social powers, actors of the organization, and financial providers. Moreover, EP is influenced by external factors; in this case, the history of the organization and the value and importance of the art and the culture for Cambodians.

Keywords: envisioning process, social constructivism, medium enterprise, legitimacy

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20322 Preschoolers’ Involvement in Indoor and Outdoor Learning Activities as Predictors of Social Learning Skills in Niger State, Nigeria

Authors: Okoh Charity N.


This study investigated the predictive power of preschoolers’ involvement in indoor and outdoor learning activities on their social learning skills in Niger state, Nigeria. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Correlational research design was employed in the study. The population of the study consisted of 8,568 Nursery III preschoolers across the 549 preschools in the five Local Education Authorities in Niger State. A sample of 390 preschoolers drawn through multistage sampling procedure. Two instruments; Preschoolers’ Learning Activities Rating Scale (PLARS) and Preschoolers’ Social Learning Skills Rating Scale (PSLSRS) developed by the researcher were used for data collection. The reliability coefficients obtained for the PLARS and PSLSRS were 0.83 and 0.82, respectively. Data collected were analyzed using simple linear regression. Results showed that 37% of preschoolers’ social learning skills are predicted by their involvement in indoor learning activities, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). It also shows that 11% of preschoolers’ social learning skills are predicted by their involvement in outdoor learning activities, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, it was recommended among others, that government and school administrators should employ qualified teachers who will stand as role models for preschoolers’ social skills development and provide indoor and outdoor activities and materials for preschoolers in schools.

Keywords: preschooler, social learning, indoor activities, outdoor activities

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20321 Innovative Communication for Promoting Tourism in Southern Thailand

Authors: Pitimanus Bunlue


This research aim (1) to determine the content of communication, social capital and cultural capital to promote tourism in the province to create awareness, motivation and desire to tourists visiting Thailand (2) to evaluate the performance of innovation communication social capital and cultural capital to promote tourism southern of Thailand. This research is a qualitative research. A research synthesis projects on social capital and cultural capital by use focus group discussions with media professionals and academics to communicate using a random sample specific. The result show that (1) Innovative communication, social capital and cultural capital and effective communication innovations after everyone wants to travel to Ranong province is the very highest level. (2) Information and experience about Ranong at a high level. (3) The data shows the strengths of each of the attractions at a high level. (4) The data shows a lifestyle that is unique to the province is moderate.

Keywords: innovative communication, promoting tourism, southern of Thailand, social capital

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20320 Impact of Hashtags in Tweets Regarding COVID-19 on the Psyche of Pakistanis: A Critical Discourse Analytical Study

Authors: Muhammad Hamza


This study attempts to analyze the social media reports regarding Covid-19 that impacted the psyche of Pakistanis. This Study is delimited to hashtags from Tweets on a social media platform. During Covid-19, it has been observed that it affected the psychological conditions of Pakistanis. With the application of the three-dimensional model presented by Fairclough, together with a data analytic software “FireAnt” i.e., social media and data analysis toolkit, which is used to filter, identify, report and export data from social media accurately. A detailed and explicit exploration of the various hashtags by users from different fields was conducted. This study conducted a quantitative as well as qualitative methods of analysis. The study examined the perspectives of the Pakistanis behind the use of various hashtags with the lenses of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). While conducting this research, CDA was helpful to reveal the connection between the psyche of the people and the Covid-19 pandemic. It was found that how different Pakistanis used social media and how Covid-19 impacted their psyche. After collecting and analyzing the hashtags from twitter it was concluded that majority of people received negative impact from social media reports, while, some people used their hashtags positively and were found positive during Covid-19, and some people were found neutral.

Keywords: Covid, Covid-19, psyche, Covid Pakistan

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20319 The Ethical and Social Implications of Using AI in Healthcare: A Literature Review

Authors: Deepak Singh


AI technology is rapidly being integrated into the healthcare system, bringing many ethical and social implications. This literature review examines the various aspects of this phenomenon, focusing on the ethical considerations of using AI in healthcare, such as how it might affect patient autonomy, privacy, and doctor-patient relationships. Furthermore, the review considers the potential social implications of AI in Healthcare, such as the potential for automation to reduce the availability of healthcare jobs and the potential to widen existing health inequalities. The literature suggests potential benefits and drawbacks to using AI in healthcare, and it is essential to consider the ethical and social implications before implementation. It is concluded that more research is needed to understand the full implications of using AI in healthcare and that ethical regulations must be in place to ensure patient safety and the technology's responsible use.

Keywords: AI, healthcare, telemedicine, telehealth, ethics, security, privacy, patient, rights, safety

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20318 Window Seat: Examining Public Space, Politics, and Social Identity through Urban Public Transportation

Authors: Sabrina Howard


'Window Seat' uses public transportation as an entry point for understanding the relationship between public space, politics, and social identity construction. This project argues that by bringing people of different races, classes, and genders in 'contact' with one another, public transit operates as a site of exposure, as people consciously and unconsciously perform social identity within these spaces. These performances offer a form of freedom that we associate with being in urban spaces while simultaneously rendering certain racialized, gendered, and classed bodies vulnerable to violence. Furthermore, due to its exposing function, public transit operates as a site through which we, as urbanites and scholars, can read social injustice and reflect on the work that is necessary to become a truly democratic society. The major questions guiding this research are: How does using public transit as the entry point provide unique insights into the relationship between social identity, politics, and public space? What ideas do Americans hold about public space and how might these ideas reflect a liberal yearning for a more democratic society? To address these research questions, 'Window Seat' critically examines ethnographic data collected on public buses and trains in Los Angeles, California, and online news media. It analyzes these sources through literature in socio-cultural psychology, sociology, and political science. It investigates the 'everyday urban hero' narrative or popular news stories that feature an individual or group of people acting against discriminatory or 'Anti-American' behavior on public buses and trains. 'Window Seat' studies these narratives to assert that by circulating stories of civility in news media, United Statsians construct and maintain ideas of the 'liberal city,' which is characterized by ideals of freedom and democracy. Furthermore, for those involved, these moments create an opportunity to perform the role of the Good Samaritan, an identity that is wrapped up in liberal beliefs in diversity and inclusion. This research expands conversations in urban studies by making a case for the political significance of urban public space. It demonstrates how these sites serve as spaces through which liberal beliefs are circulated and upheld through identity performance.

Keywords: social identity, public space, public transportation, liberalism

Procedia PDF Downloads 206
20317 Social Semantic Web-Based Analytics Approach to Support Lifelong Learning

Authors: Khaled Halimi, Hassina Seridi-Bouchelaghem


The purpose of this paper is to describe how learning analytics approaches based on social semantic web techniques can be applied to enhance the lifelong learning experiences in a connectivist perspective. For this reason, a prototype of a system called SoLearn (Social Learning Environment) that supports this approach. We observed and studied literature related to lifelong learning systems, social semantic web and ontologies, connectivism theory, learning analytics approaches and reviewed implemented systems based on these fields to extract and draw conclusions about necessary features for enhancing the lifelong learning process. The semantic analytics of learning can be used for viewing, studying and analysing the massive data generated by learners, which helps them to understand through recommendations, charts and figures their learning and behaviour, and to detect where they have weaknesses or limitations. This paper emphasises that implementing a learning analytics approach based on social semantic web representations can enhance the learning process. From one hand, the analysis process leverages the meaning expressed by semantics presented in the ontology (relationships between concepts). From the other hand, the analysis process exploits the discovery of new knowledge by means of inferring mechanism of the semantic web.

Keywords: connectivism, learning analytics, lifelong learning, social semantic web

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20316 Analysis of Social Factors for Achieving Social Resilience in Communities of Indonesia Special Economic Zone as a Strategy for Developing Program Management Frameworks

Authors: Inda Annisa Fauzani, Rahayu Setyawati Arifin


The development of Special Economic Zones in Indonesia cannot be separated from the development of the communities in them. In accordance with the SEZ's objectives as a driver of economic growth, the focus of SEZ development does not only prioritize investment receipts and infrastructure development. The community as one of the stakeholders must also be considered. This becomes a challenge when the development of an SEZ has the potential to have an impact on the community in it. These impacts occur due to changes in the development of the area in the form of changes in the main regional industries and changes in the main livelihoods of the community. As a result, people can feel threats and disturbances. The community as the object of development is required to be able to have resilience in order to achieve a synergy between regional development and community development. A lack of resilience in the community can eliminate the ability to recover from disturbances and difficulty to adapt to changes that occur in their area. Social resilience is the ability of the community to be able to recover from disturbances and changes that occur. The achievement of social resilience occurs when the community gradually has the capacity in the form of coping capacity, adaptive capacity, and transformative capacity. It is hoped that when social resilience is achieved, the community will be able to develop linearly with regional development so that the benefits of this development can have a positive impact on these communities. This study aims to identify and analyze social factors that influence the achievement of social resilience in the community in Special Economic Zones in Indonesia and develop a program framework for achieving social resilience capacity in the community so that it can be used as a strategy to support the successful development of Special Economic Zones in Indonesia that provide benefits to the local community. This study uses a quantitative research method approach. Questionnaires are used as research instruments which are distributed to predetermined respondents. Respondents in this study were determined by using purposive sampling of the people living in areas that were developed into Special Economic Zones. Respondents were given a questionnaire containing questions about the influence of social factors on the achievement of social resilience. As x variables, 42 social factors are provided, while social resilience is used as y variables. The data collected from the respondents is analyzed in SPSS using Spearman Correlation to determine the relation between x and y variables. The correlated factors are then used as the basis for the preparation of programs to increase social resilience capacity in the community.

Keywords: community development, program management, social factor, social resilience

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20315 Premature Departure of Active Women from the Working World: One Year Retrospective Study in the Tunisian Center

Authors: Lamia Bouzgarrou, Amira Omrane, Malika Azzouzi, Asma Kheder, Amira Saadallah, Ilhem Boussarsar, Kamel Rejeb


Introduction: Increasing the women’s labor force participation is a political issue in countries with developed economies and those with low growth prospects. However, in the labor market, women continue to face several obstacles, either for the integration or for the maintenance at work. This study aims to assess the prevalence of premature withdrawal from working life -due to invalidity or medical justified early retirement- among active women in the Tunisian center and to identify its determinants. Material and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study, over one year, focusing on the agreement for invalidity or early retirement for premature usury of the body- delivered by the medical commission of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) in the central Tunisian district. We exhaustively selected women's files. Data related to Socio-demographic characteristics, professional and medical ones, were collected from the CNAM's administrative and medical files. Results: During the period of one year, 222 women have had an agreement for premature departure of their professional activity. Indeed, 149 women (67.11%) benefit of from invalidity agreement and 20,27% of them from favorable decision for early retirement. The average age was 50 ± 6 years with extremes of 23 and 62 years, and 18.9% of women were under 45 years. Married women accounted for 69.4% and 59.9% of them had at least one dependent child in charge. The average professional seniority in the sector was 23 ± 8 years. The textile-clothing sector was the most affected, with 70.7% of premature departure. Medical reasons for withdrawal from working life were mainly related to neuro-degenerative diseases in 46.8% of cases, rheumatic ones in 35.6% of cases and cardiovascular diseases in 22.1% of them. Psychiatric and endocrine disorders motivated respectively 17.1% and 13.5% of these departures. The evaluation of the sequels induced by these pathologies concluded to an average permanent partial disability equal to 61.4 ± 17.3%. The analytical study concluded that the agreement of disability or early retirement was correlated with the insured ‘age (p = 10-3), the professional seniority (p = 0.003) and the permanent partial incapacity (PPI) rate assessed by the expert physician (p = 0.04). No other social or professional factors were correlated with this decision. Conclusion: Despite many advances in labour law and Tunisian legal text on employability, women still exposed to several social and professional inequalities (payment inequality, precarious work ...). Indeed, women are often pushed to accept working in adverse conditions, thus they are more vulnerable to develop premature wear on the body and being forced to premature departures from the world of work. These premature withdrawals from active life are not only harmful to the concerned women themselves, but also associated with considerable costs for the insurance organism and the society. In order to ensure maintenance at work for women, a political commitment is imperative in the implementation of global prevention strategies and the improvement of working conditions, particularly in our socio-cultural context.

Keywords: Active Women , Early Retirement , Invalidity , Maintenance at Work

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20314 Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study of Two Largest Banks in India

Authors: Navdeep Kaur


Corporate Social Responsibility is the process through which the organizations execute their philanthropic visions for social welfare. This paper considers the data of one Public Sector Bank–State Bank of India (SBI) and one Private Sector Bank-Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) from the year 2008 to 2016. The study is based on descriptive research design, and secondary data collected from the annual report of respective bank from website and different literature are reviewed. Least Square Method is used for estimating CSR spending for the financial year 2017-18. The analysis shows that these banks are making efforts for the implementation of CSR, but are not spending their 2% share of profits on CSR. There is a need for better CSR activities by the banks, which is possible by concentrating more on the prevailing social issues. The finding reveals that the percentage of profit after tax spends for CSR by SBI is more compare to ICICI. The estimated Spending for CSR for 2017-18 is also more in SBI as compared to ICICI.

Keywords: banking sector, corporate social responsibility in India, financial institution, public sector banks, SBI, ICICI

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20313 Examination of Teacher Candidates Attitudes Towards Disabled Individuals Employment in terms of Various Variables

Authors: Tuna Şahsuvaroğlu


The concept of disability is a concept that has been the subject of many studies in national and international literature with its social, sociological, political, anthropological, economic and social dimensions as well as with individual and social consequences. A disabled person is defined as a person who has difficulties in adapting to social life and meeting daily needs due to loss of physical, mental, spiritual, sensory and social abilities to various degrees, either from birth or for any reason later, and they are in need of protection, care, rehabilitation, counseling and support services. The industrial revolution and the rapid industrialization it brought with it led to an increase in the rate of disabilities resulting from work accidents, in addition to congenital disabilities. This increase has resulted in disabled people included in the employment policies of nations as a disadvantaged group. Although the participation of disabled individuals in the workforce is of great importance in terms of both increasing their quality of life and their integration with society and although disabled individuals are willing to participate in the workforce, they encounter with many problems. One of these problems is the negative attitudes and prejudices that develop in society towards the employment of disabled individuals. One of the most powerful ways to turn these negative attitudes and prejudices into positive ones is education. Education is a way of guiding societies and transferring existing social characteristics to future generations. This can be maintained thanks to teachers, who are one of the most dynamic parts of society and act as the locomotive of education driven by the need to give direction and transfer and basically to help and teach. For this reason, there is a strong relationship between the teaching profession and the attitudes formed in society towards the employment of disabled individuals, as they can influence each other. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine teacher candidates' attitudes towards the employment of disabled individuals in terms of various variables. The participants of the study consist of 665 teacher candidates studying at various departments at Marmara University Faculty of Education in the 2022-2023 academic year. The descriptive survey model of the general survey model was used in this study as it intends to determine the attitudes of teacher candidates towards the employment of disabled individuals in terms of different variables. The Attitude Scale Towards Employment of Disabled People was used to collect data. The data were analyzed according to the variables of age, gender, marital status, the department, and whether there is a disabled relative in the family, and the findings were discussed in the context of further research.

Keywords: teacher candidates, disabled, attitudes towards the employment of disabled people, attitude scale towards the employment of disabled people

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20312 Invisible to Invaluable - How Social Media is Helping Tackle Stigma and Discrimination Against Informal Waste Pickers of Bengaluru

Authors: Varinder Kaur Gambhir, Neema Gupta, Sonal Tickoo Chaudhuri


Bengaluru, a rapidly growing metropolis in India, with a population of 12.5 million citizens, generates 5,757 metric tonnes of solid waste per day. Despite their invaluable contribution to waste management, society and the economy, waste pickers face significant stigma, suspicion and contempt and are left with a sense of shame about their work. In this context, BBC Media Action was funded by the H&M Foundation to develop a 3-year multi-phase social media campaign to shift perceptions of waste picking and informal waste pickers amongst the Bengaluru population. Research has been used to inform project strategy and adaptation, at all stages. Formative research to inform campaign strategy used mixed methods– 14 focused group discussions followed by 406 online surveys – to explore people’s knowledge of, and attitudes towards waste pickers, and identify potential barriers and motivators to changing perceptions. Use of qualitative techniques like metaphor maps (using bank of pictures rather than direct questions to understand mindsets) helped establish the invisibility of informal waste pickers, and the quantitative research enabled audience segmentation based on attitudes towards informal waste pickers. To pretest the campaign idea, eight I-GDs (individual interaction followed by group discussions) were conducted to allow interviewees to first freely express their feelings individually, before discussing in a group. Robert Plucthik’s ‘wheel of emotions’ was used to understand audience’s emotional response to the content. A robust monitoring and evaluation is being conducted (baseline and first phase of monitoring already completed) using a rotating longitudinal panel of 1,800 social media users (exposed and unexposed to the campaign), recruited face to face and representative of the social media universe of Bengaluru city. In addition, qualitative in-depth interviews are being conducted after each phase to better understand change drivers. The research methodology and ethical protocols for impact evaluation have been independently reviewed by an Institutional Review Board. Formative research revealed that while waste on the streets is visible and is of concern to the public, informal waste pickers are virtually ‘invisible’, for most people in Bengaluru Pretesting research revealed that the creative outputs evoked emotions like acceptance and gratitude towards waste-pickers, suggesting that the content had the potential to encourage attitudinal change. After the first phase of campaign, social media analytics show that #Invaluables content reached at least 2.6 million unique people (21% of the Bengaluru population) through Facebook and Instagram. Further, impact monitoring results show significant improvements in spontaneous awareness of different segments of informal waste pickers ( such as sorters at scrap shops or dry waste collection centres -from 10% at baseline to 16% amongst exposed and no change amongst unexposed), recognition that informal waste pickers help the environment (71% at baseline to 77% among exposed and no change among unexposed) and greater discussion about informal waste pickers among those exposed (60%) as against not exposed (49%). Using the insights from this research, the planned social media intervention is designed to increase the visibility of and appreciation for the work of waste pickers in Bengaluru, supporting a more inclusive society.

Keywords: awareness, discussion, discrimination, informal waste pickers, invisibility, social media campaign, waste management

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20311 Early Talent Identification and Its Impact on Children’s Growth and Development: An Examination of “The Social Learning Theory, by Albert Bandura"

Authors: Michael Subbey, Kwame Takyi Danquah


Finding a child's exceptional skills and abilities at a young age and nurturing them is a challenging process. The Social Learning Theory (SLT) of Albert Bandura is used to analyze the effects of early talent identification on children's growth and development. The study examines both the advantages and disadvantages of early talent identification and stresses the significance of a moral strategy that puts the welfare of the child first. The paper emphasizes the value of a balanced approach to early talent identification that takes into account individual differences, cultural considerations, and the child's social environment.

Keywords: early talent development, social learning theory, child development, child welfare

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20310 Open Space Use in University Campuses with User Requirements Analysis: The Case of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Meşelik Campus

Authors: Aysen Celen Ozturk, Hatice Dulger


University may be defined as a teaching institution consisting of faculties, institutes, colleges, and units that have undergraduate and graduate education, scientific research and publications. It has scientific autonomy and public legal personality. Today, universities are not only the institutions in which students and lecturers experience education, training and scientific work. They also offer social, cultural and artistic activities that strengthen the link with the city. This also incorporates all city users into the campus borders. Thus, universities contribute to social and individual development of the country by providing science, art, socio-cultural development, communication and socialization with people of different cultural and social backgrounds. Moreover, universities provide an active social life, where the young population is the majority. This enables the sense of belonging to the users to develop, to increase the interaction between academicians and students, and to increase the learning / producing community by continuing academic sharing environments outside the classrooms. For this reason, besides academic spaces in university campuses, the users also need closed and open spaces where they can socialize, spend time together and relax. Public open spaces are the most important social spaces that individuals meet, express themselves and share. Individuals belonging to different socio-cultural structures and ethnic groups maintain their social experiences with the physical environment they are in, the outdoors, and their actions and sharing in these spaces. While university campuses are being designed for their individual and social development roles, user needs must be determined correctly and design should be realized in this direction. While considering that requirements may change over time, user satisfaction should be questioned at certain periods and new arrangements should be made in existing applications in the direction of current demands. This study aims to determine the user requirements through the case of Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Meşelik Campus / Turkey. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) questionnaire, cognitive mapping and deep interview methods are used in the research process. All these methods show that the students, academicians and other officials in the Meşelik Campus of Eskişehir Osmangazi University find way finding elements insufficient and are in need of efficient landscape design and social spaces. This study is important in terms of determining the needs of the users as a design input. This will help improving the quality of common space in Eskişehir Osmangazi University and in other similar universities.

Keywords: university campuses, public open space, user requirement, post occupancy evaluation

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20309 The Public Relations Activities on Social Networking Sites for Communication to the Customer: Case Study the Company in Thailand

Authors: Phakit Treesukol


The purpose of this investigation is to ascertain Internet users’ behaviours towards companies’ public relations activities on social networking sites. In order to conduct a study of Internet users’ behaviour, data was collected using the quota sampling method from a total of 100 Internet users who are members of SNS and used the Internet during the period 10 December 2009 to 9 January 2010. An online self-administrated questionnaire was distributed through Facebook, Hi5 and Twitter to Internet users by using snowball sampling technique. Results of the study showed that the majority of the respondents were using social networking sites with the main purpose to contact their friends. Presently, most of the respondents were not regularly receiving companies’ public relations activities on social networking sites. The highest frequency of survey responses by the respondents was for hiding or deleting information introducing new products or services from companies on SNS also as well.

Keywords: media uses and gratification, online activities, public relations activities, social networking sites

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