Search results for: pedagogic strategies
4384 Unlocking E-commerce: Analyzing User Behavior and Segmenting Customers for Strategic Insights
Authors: Aditya Patil, Arun Patil, Vaishali Patil, Sudhir Chitnis, Anjum Patel
Rapid growth has given e-commerce platforms a lot of client behavior and spending data. To maximize their strategy, businesses must understand how customers utilize online shopping platforms and what influences their purchases. Our research focuses on e-commerce user behavior and purchasing trends. This extensive study examines spending and user behavior. Regression and grouping disclose relevant data from the dataset. We can understand user spending trends via multilevel regression. We can analyze how pricing, user demographics, and product categories affect customer purchase decisions with this technique. Clustering groups consumers by spending. Important information was found. Purchase habits vary by user group. Our analysis illuminates the complex world of e-commerce consumer behavior and purchase trends. Understanding user behavior helps create effective e-commerce marketing strategies. This market can benefit from K-means clustering. This study focuses on tailoring strategies to user groups and improving product and price effectiveness. Customer buying behaviors across categories were shown via K-means clusters. Average spending is highest in Cluster 4 and lowest in Cluster 3. Clothing is less popular than gadgets and appliances around the holidays. Cluster spending distribution is examined using average variables. Our research enhances e-commerce analytics. Companies can improve customer service and decision-making with this data.Keywords: e-commerce, regression, clustering, k-means
Procedia PDF Downloads 244383 Perceptions of Climate Change Risk to Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study of Patale Community Forestry User Group, Nepal
Authors: N. R. P Withana, E. Auch
The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of climate change risk to forest ecosystems and forest-based communities as well as perceived effectiveness of adaptation strategies for climate change as well as challenges for adaptation. Data was gathered using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Simple random selection technique was applied. For the majority of issues, the responses were obtained on multi-point Likert scales, and the scores provided were, in turn, used to estimate the means and other useful estimates. A composite knowledge index developed using correct responses to a set of self-rated statements were used to evaluate the issues. The mean of the knowledge index was 0.64. Also all respondents recorded values of the knowledge index above 0.25. Increase forest fire was perceived by respondents as the greatest risk to forest eco-system. Decrease access to water supplies was perceived as the greatest risk to livelihoods of forest based communities. The most effective adaptation strategy relevant to climate change risks to forest eco-systems and forest based communities livelihoods in Kathmandu valley in Nepal as perceived by the respondents was reforestation and afforestation. As well, lack of public awareness was perceived as the major limitation for climate change adaptation. However, perceived risks as well as effective adaptation strategies showed an inconsistent association with knowledge indicators and social-cultural variables. The results provide useful information to any party who involve with climate change issues in Nepal, since such attempts would be more effective once the people’s perceptions on these aspects are taken into account.Keywords: climate change, risk perceptions, forest ecosystems, forest-based communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 3994382 Coexistence and Conservation of Sympatric Large Carnivores in Gir Protected Area, Gujarat, Western India
Authors: Nazneen Zehra
Gir Protected Area (PA) is home to two sympatric large carnivores, the Asiatic lion and the common leopard, which share the same habitat. Understanding their interactions and coexistence is crucial for effective conservation management. From 2009 to 2012, we studied the availability and consumption of prey by these two carnivores to understand the dynamics of their interactions and coexistence. Ungulates provided approximately 3634.45 kg/km² of prey biomass, primarily composed of chital (ca. 2711.25 kg/km²), sambar (ca. 411.78 kg/km²), and nilgai (ca. 511.52 kg/km²). Other prey included peafowl (75.76 kg/km²) and langur (ca. 158.72 kg/km²). Both carnivores prioritized chital as their key prey species. The diet of Asiatic lions was predominantly composed of ungulates, with biomass contributions of chital (301.14 kg), sambar (378.75 kg), and nilgai (291.42 kg). Other prey species, such as peafowl and langur, contributed 1.36 kg and 2.40 kg, respectively, to the lions' diet. For leopards, the diet also heavily relied on chital (311.49 kg), followed by sambar (44.03 kg) and nilgai (172.78 kg). The biomass of other prey species in the leopards' diet included peafowl (2.08 kg) and langur (36.07 kg). Both species were found to primarily utilize teak-mixed forest, followed by riverine forest and teak-acacia-zizyphus habitats. The similarities in diet composition and habitat use indicate competition between these sympatric species. This competition may require one predator species to bear certain costs for the benefit of the other, which can influence conservation and management strategies. Effective conservation strategies are necessary to ensure the long-term survival of both the Asiatic lion and the common leopard equally and to maintain ecological balance in Gir PA.Keywords: large carnivores, Gir PA, coexistence, resource utilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 304381 Effects of Lung Protection Ventilation Strategies on Postoperative Pulmonary Complications After Noncardiac Surgery: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Background: Mechanical ventilation has been confirmed to increase the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs), and several studies have shown that low tidal volumes combined with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and recruitment manoeuvres (RM) reduce the incidence of PPCs. However, the optimal lung-protective ventilatory strategy remains unclear. Methods: Multiple databases were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published prior to October 2023. The association between individual PEEP (iPEEP) or other forms of lung-protective ventilation and the incidence of PPCs was evaluated by Bayesian network meta-analysis. Results: We included 58 studies (11610 patients) in this meta-analysis. The network meta-analysis showed that low ventilation (LVt) combined with iPEEP and RM was associated with significantly lower incidences of PPCs [HVt: OR=0.38 95CrI (0.19, 0.75), LVt: OR=0.33, 95% CrI (0.12, 0.82)], postoperative atelectasis, and pneumonia than was HVt or LVt. In abdominal surgery, LVT combined with iPEEP or medium-to-high PEEP and RM were associated with significantly lower incidences of PPCs, postoperative atelectasis, and pneumonia. LVt combined with iPEEP and RM was ranked the highest, which was based on SUCRA scores. Conclusion: LVt combined with iPEEP and RM decreased the incidences of PPCs, postoperative atelectasis, and pneumonia in noncardiac surgery patients. iPEEP-guided ventilation was the optimal lung protection ventilation strategy. The quality of evidence was moderate.Keywords: protection ventilation strategies, postoperative pulmonary complications, network meta-analysis, noncardiac surgery
Procedia PDF Downloads 384380 Low Impact Development Strategies Applied in the Water System Planning in the Coastal Eco-Green Campus
Authors: Ying Li, Zaisheng Hong, Weihong Wang
With the rapid enlargement of the size of Chinese universities, newly built campuses are springing up everywhere in recent years. It is urged to build eco-green campus because the role of higher education institutions in the transition to a more sustainable society has been highlighted for almost three decades. On condition that a new campus is usually built on an undeveloped site, where the basic infrastructure is not completed, finding proper strategies in planning and design of the campus becomes a primary concern. Low Impact Development (LID) options have been proposed as an alternative approach to make better use of rainwater in planning and design of an undeveloped site. On the basis of analyzing the natural circumstance, geographic condition, and other relative information, four main LID approaches are coordinated in this study of Hebei Union University, which are ‘Storage’, ‘Retaining’, ‘Infiltration’ and ‘Purification’. ‘Storage’ refers to a big central lake in the campus for rainwater harvesting. ‘Retaining’ means rainwater gardens scattered in the campus, also being known as bioretention areas which mimic the naturally created pools of water, to decrease surface flow runoff. ‘Infiltration’ is designed of grassed swales, which also play a part of floodway channel. ‘Purification’ is known as either natural or artificial wetland to reduce pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorous in the waterbody. With above mentioned measures dealing with the synthetic use of rainwater in the acid & alkali area in the coastal district, an eco-green campus construction and an ecological sustainability will be realized, which will give us more enlightenment and reference.Keywords: newly built campus, low impact development, planning design, rainwater reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 2494379 Mapping the Technological Interventions to the National Action Plan for Marine Litter Management 2018-2025: Addressing the Marine Plastic Litter at the Marine Tourism Destinations in Indonesia
Authors: Kaisar Akhir, Azhar Slamet
This study aims to provide recommendations for addressing marine plastic litter at the ocean tourism destinations in Indonesia sustainably through technological interventions in the framework of the National Action Plan for Marine Litter Management 2018-2025. In Indonesia, marine tourism is a rapidly growing economic sector. However, marine tourism destinations are facing a global challenge called marine plastic litter. Marine plastic litter is a threat to those destinations since it has potential impacts on the reduction of marine environmental sustainability, the health of tourists and local communities as well as tourism business income. Since 2018, the Indonesian government has passed and promulgated the National Plan of Action on Marine Litter Management 2018-2025. This national action plan consists of three important key aspects of interventions (i.e., societal effort, technological application, and institutional coordination) and five strategies for addressing marine litter in Indonesia, in particular, to address 70% of marine plastic litter by 2025. The strategies include 1) National movement for raising awareness of stakeholders, 2) Land-based litter management, 3) Litter management at the sea and coasts, 4) Funding mechanism, institutional strengthening, monitoring, and law enforcement, and 5) Research and development. In this study, technological interventions around the world and in Indonesia are reviewed and analyzed on their relevance to the national action plan based on five criteria. As a result, there are twelve kinds of technological interventions recommended to be implemented for addressing marine plastic litter in the marine tourism destinations in Indonesia.Keywords: marine litter management, marine plastic litter, national action plan, ocean sustainability, ocean tourism destination, technological interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1704378 Cost Benefit Analysis of Adoption of Climate Change Adaptation Options among Rural Rice Farmers in Nepal
Authors: Niranjan Devkota , Ram Kumar Phuya, Durga Lal Shreshta
This paper estimates cost and benefit of adoption of climate change adaptation options available to the rural rice farmers of Nepal. Adoption of adaptation strategies, intensity of use of adaptation options, identification of labor and non-labor cost and finally per unit cost and benefit analysis of climate change adaptation were made. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to source respondents for the study and used structured questionnaire techniques to collect data from 773 households from seven districts; 3 from Terai and 4 from Hilly region of Nepal. The result revealed that there are 13 major adaptation options rice farmers practice in order to protect themselves from climatic risk. Among the given adaptation options, the first three popular adaptation options practiced by rice farmers are (i) increasing use of chemical fertilizer (60.93%) (ii) use of climate smart verities (49.29%) and (iii) change in nursery date (32.08%). Adaptation cost is obvious, based on that, the first three costly adaptation options are the alternative irrigation practice which incurred average cost of US $69.95 (US$ 1 = 102.84 Nepalese Rupees) followed by a denser plantation of local seeds ($ 20.69) and using climate smart varieties ($ 18.06). 88% farmers practiced more than one adaptation strategies on the same farm with the aim of reducing the effect of extreme climatic conditions. Total cost and revenue revealed that per unit total cost ranges from $28.34 to $32.79 whereas per unit total revenue ranges $33.4 to $49.02. Surprisingly, it is observed that farmers who do not adopt any adaptation options are able to receive highest income from per unit production. As Net Present Value (NPV) is positive and Benefit Cost Ration (BCR) is greater than one for every adaptation options that indicates the available adaptation options are profitable to the rice farmers.Keywords: climate change, adaptation options, cost benefit analysis, rural rice farmers, Nepal
Procedia PDF Downloads 2644377 Typology of Fake News Dissemination Strategies in Social Networks in Social Events
Authors: Mohadese Oghbaee, Borna Firouzi
The emergence of the Internet and more specifically the formation of social media has provided the ground for paying attention to new types of content dissemination. In recent years, Social media users share information, communicate with others, and exchange opinions on social events in this space. Many of the information published in this space are suspicious and produced with the intention of deceiving others. These contents are often called "fake news". Fake news, by disrupting the circulation of the concept and similar concepts such as fake news with correct information and misleading public opinion, has the ability to endanger the security of countries and deprive the audience of the basic right of free access to real information; Competing governments, opposition elements, profit-seeking individuals and even competing organizations, knowing about this capacity, act to distort and overturn the facts in the virtual space of the target countries and communities on a large scale and influence public opinion towards their goals. This process of extensive de-truthing of the information space of the societies has created a wave of harm and worries all over the world. The formation of these concerns has led to the opening of a new path of research for the timely containment and reduction of the destructive effects of fake news on public opinion. In addition, the expansion of this phenomenon has the potential to create serious and important problems for societies, and its impact on events such as the 2016 American elections, Brexit, 2017 French elections, 2019 Indian elections, etc., has caused concerns and led to the adoption of approaches It has been dealt with. In recent years, a simple look at the growth trend of research in "Scopus" shows an increasing increase in research with the keyword "false information", which reached its peak in 2020, namely 524 cases, reached, while in 2015, only 30 scientific-research contents were published in this field. Considering that one of the capabilities of social media is to create a context for the dissemination of news and information, both true and false, in this article, the classification of strategies for spreading fake news in social networks was investigated in social events. To achieve this goal, thematic analysis research method was chosen. In this way, an extensive library study was first conducted in global sources. Then, an in-depth interview was conducted with 18 well-known specialists and experts in the field of news and media in Iran. These experts were selected by purposeful sampling. Then by analyzing the data using the theme analysis method, strategies were obtained; The strategies achieved so far (research is in progress) include unrealistically strengthening/weakening the speed and content of the event, stimulating psycho-media movements, targeting emotional audiences such as women, teenagers and young people, strengthening public hatred, calling the reaction legitimate/illegitimate. events, incitement to physical conflict, simplification of violent protests and targeted publication of images and interviews were introduced.Keywords: fake news, social network, social events, thematic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 644376 The Role of Blended Modality in Enhancing Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education: A Case Study of a Hybrid Course of Oral Production and Listening of French
Authors: Tharwat N. Hijjawi
Learning oral skills in an Arabic speaking environment is challenging. A blended course (material, activities, and individual/ group work tasks …) was implemented in a module of level B1 for undergraduate students of French as a foreign language in order to increase their opportunities to practice listening and speaking skills. This research investigates the influence of this modality on enhancing active learning and examines the effectiveness of provided strategies. Moreover, it aims at discovering how it allows teacher to flip the traditional classroom and create a learner-centered framework. Which approaches were integrated to motivate students and urge them to search, analyze, criticize, create and accomplish projects? What was the perception of students? This paper is based on the qualitative findings of a questionnaire and a focus group interview with learners. Despite the doubled time and effort both “teacher” and “student” needed, results revealed that the NTIC allowed a shift into a learning paradigm where learners were the “chiefs” of the process. Tasks and collaborative projects required higher intellectual capacities from them. Learners appreciated this experience and developed new life-long learning competencies at many levels: social, affective, ethical and cognitive. To conclude, they defined themselves as motivated young researchers, motivators and critical thinkers.Keywords: active learning, critical thinking, inverted classroom, learning paradigm, problem-based
Procedia PDF Downloads 2694375 Classification of Regional Innovation Types and Region-Based Innovation Policies
Authors: Seongho Han, Dongkwan Kim
The focus of regional innovation policies is shifting from a central government to local governments. The central government demands that regions enforce autonomous and responsible regional innovation policies and that regional governments seek for innovation policies fit for regional characteristics. However, the central government and local governments have not arrived yet at a conclusion on what innovation policies are appropriate for regional circumstances. In particular, even if each local government is trying to find regional innovation strategies that are based on the needs of a region, its innovation strategies turn out to be similar with those of other regions. This leads to a consequence that is inefficient not only at a national level, but also at a regional level. Existing researches on regional innovation types point out that there are remarkable differences in the types or characteristics of innovation among the regions of a nation. In addition they imply that there would be no expected innovation output in cases in which policies are enforced with ignoring such differences. This means that it is undesirable to enforce regional innovation policies under a single standard. This research, given this problem, aims to find out the characteristics and differences in innovation types among the regions in Korea and suggests appropriate policy implications by classifying such characteristics and differences. This research, given these objectives, classified regions in consideration of the various indicators that comprise the innovation suggested by existing related researches and illustrated policies based on such characteristics and differences. This research used recent data, mainly from 2012, and as a methodology, clustering analysis based on multiple factor analysis was applied. Supplementary researches on dynamically analyzing stability in regional innovation types, establishing systematic indicators based on the regional innovation theory, and developing additional indicators are necessary in the future.Keywords: regional innovation policy, regional innovation type, region-based innovation, multiple factor analysis, clustering analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4794374 Intrusion Detection in Cloud Computing Using Machine Learning
Authors: Faiza Babur Khan, Sohail Asghar
With an emergence of distributed environment, cloud computing is proving to be the most stimulating computing paradigm shift in computer technology, resulting in spectacular expansion in IT industry. Many companies have augmented their technical infrastructure by adopting cloud resource sharing architecture. Cloud computing has opened doors to unlimited opportunities from application to platform availability, expandable storage and provision of computing environment. However, from a security viewpoint, an added risk level is introduced from clouds, weakening the protection mechanisms, and hardening the availability of privacy, data security and on demand service. Issues of trust, confidentiality, and integrity are elevated due to multitenant resource sharing architecture of cloud. Trust or reliability of cloud refers to its capability of providing the needed services precisely and unfailingly. Confidentiality is the ability of the architecture to ensure authorization of the relevant party to access its private data. It also guarantees integrity to protect the data from being fabricated by an unauthorized user. So in order to assure provision of secured cloud, a roadmap or model is obligatory to analyze a security problem, design mitigation strategies, and evaluate solutions. The aim of the paper is twofold; first to enlighten the factors which make cloud security critical along with alleviation strategies and secondly to propose an intrusion detection model that identifies the attackers in a preventive way using machine learning Random Forest classifier with an accuracy of 99.8%. This model uses less number of features. A comparison with other classifiers is also presented.Keywords: cloud security, threats, machine learning, random forest, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3204373 Gendered Vulnerabilities in the Face of Climate Change: A Socioeconomic Study of Rural Women in Barmer District, Rajasthan, India: A Research Paper in the Discipline of Sociology
Authors: Kushagra Garg
This study delves into the profound socioeconomic challenges posed by climate change for rural women in Barmer District, Rajasthan. Drawing insights from field research involving 100 women, it paints a vivid picture of how the changing climate deepens existing gender disparities. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research captures the lived experiences of women whose daily lives are inextricably tied to agriculture, water collection, and household responsibilities. As rising temperatures and erratic rainfall disrupt traditional livelihoods, women bear the brunt of dwindling resources, deteriorating health conditions, and intensified domestic burdens, often with little support or recognition. Beyond economic hardships, the findings reveal a ripple effect on sociocultural dynamics, where entrenched gender roles further limit women’s ability to adapt to climate stressors. This paper underscores the urgent need for policies that not only acknowledge these unique vulnerabilities but actively involve women in crafting solutions. It advocates for gender-responsive, community-driven adaptation strategies that empower women to build resilience within their communities. By centering the voices of those most affected, this study highlights the critical intersection of climate action and gender equity, urging a shift from reactive measures to proactive, inclusive solutions tailored to the realities of rural women.Keywords: climate change, gender inequality, rural women, socioeconomic impacts, resilience strategies, community adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 44372 “Protection” or “Destruction”: Taking the Cultural Heritage Protection of the Grand Canal in Huaxian and Xunxian Sections of Henan Province as Example
The Grand Canal of China has been in use for more than two thousand years. It runs through the central and eastern regions of China and communicates with the five major river systems of Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River from north to south. It is a complex, systematic and comprehensive water conservancy project in the period of agricultural civilization and includes the three parts of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the Sui and Tang Dynasties Canal and the Eastern Zhejiang Canal. It covers eight provinces and cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and Anhui. The Grand Canal is an important channel connecting the Central Plains and the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, and it is also an important waterway trade channel. Nowadays, although the Grand Canal no longer bears the burden of communicating water transportation between the north and the south, the site of the Grand Canal is still a “historical museum” of the lifestyle of people who lived on the canal from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China. By means of literature reading and field investigation, this paper compares the different protection strategies of the Grand Canal in the region between the ancient villages of Huaxian and Xunxian, which witness the vicissitudes of canal water transport, to explore whether the protective renovation of historical and cultural routes is “protection” or “destruction”, and puts forward some protection suggestions.Keywords: The Grand Canal, heritage conservation, cultural route, ancient villages, strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1534371 Traditional Practices and Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Food Waste Reduction: A Lesson from Africa
Authors: Gabriel Sunday Ayayia
Food waste has reached alarming levels worldwide, contributing to food insecurity, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. While numerous strategies exist to mitigate this issue, the role of traditional practices and indigenous knowledge remains underexplored. There is a need to investigate how these age-old practices can contribute to sustainable food waste reduction, particularly in the African context. This study explores the potential of traditional practices and indigenous knowledge in Africa to address this challenge sustainably. The study examines traditional African food management practices and indigenous knowledge related to food preservation and utilization; assess the impact of traditional practices on reducing food waste and its broader implications for sustainable development, and identify key factors influencing the continued use and effectiveness of traditional practices in contemporary African societies. Thus, the study argues that traditional practices and indigenous knowledge in Africa offer valuable insights and strategies for sustainable food waste reduction that can be adapted and integrated into global initiatives This research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Data collection will involve in-depth interviews, surveys, and participant observations in selected African communities. Moreover, a comprehensive review of literature on traditional food management practices and their impact on food waste reduction will be conducted. The significance of this study lies in its potential to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and modern sustainability efforts. By uncovering the value of traditional practices in reducing food waste, this research can inform policies, interventions, and awareness campaigns aimed at achieving sustainable food systems worldwide.Keywords: traditional practices, indigenous knowledge, food waste reduction, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 784370 The Television as an Affordable and Effective Way to Promote Healthy Diet and Physical Activity to Prevent or Treat Obesity
Authors: P. Gil Del Álamo, J. García Pereda, A. Castañeda De La Paz, D. Arazola Lopez, M. D. Cubiles De La Vega, A. Enguíx González, J. M. Muñoz Pichardo
In the last decades, obesity has more than doubled and is, with overweight, the second leading cause of preventable death. Despite multiple strategies against obesity, no country to date has reduced the number of obese people. To achieve World Health Organization’s target to reverse this tendency we need dramatic and different actions to engage the civil society in creating demand for a healthy style of life. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that a social media as the television can be used to convince the civil society that a healthy nutrition and physical activity are affordable, effective and necessary to prevent and to treat the obesity. Methodology: 61 individuals (34 women and 27 men) with obesity (mean BMI 45,51) were recruited to follow during 22 weeks an intensive lifestyle intervention in order to lose weight in a healthy manner. They were not isolated or moved from their usual environment. This program included endocrinological and nutritional assessment, promotion of physical activity and psychological support. BMI was measured every week. Time to leave obesity between men and women was analyzed with a survival analysis. Results: BMI decreased in all the cases. Analysing Time to leave obesity, around the week 30, 25% of men leave the obesity and around the week 39, 25% of women leave the obesity too. Conclusion: We demonstrate the audience that improving the quality of the diet and increasing the physical activity is a realistic way to lose weight. This evidence can encourage the people to act in their own self-interest changing their style of life in order to prevent or to reduce their overweight.Keywords: obesity epidemic, obesity prevention, obesity strategies, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2914369 Human-Computer Interaction: Strategies for Ensuring the Design of User-Centered Web Interfaces for Smartphones
Authors: Byron Joseph A. Hallar, Annjeannette Alain D. Galang, Maria Visitacion N. Gumabay
The widespread adoption and increasing proliferation of smartphones that started during the first decade of the twenty-first century have enabled their users to communicate and access information in ways that were merely thought of as possibilities in the few years before the smartphone revolution. A product of the convergence of the cellular phone and portable computer, the smartphone provides an additional important function that used to be the exclusive domain of desktop-bound computers and portable computers: Web Browsing. For increasing numbers of users, the smartphone and allied devices such as tablet computers have become their first and often their only means of accessing the World Wide Web. This has led to the development of websites that cater to the needs of the new breed of smartphone-carrying web users. The smaller size of smartphones as compared with conventional computers has provided unique challenges to web interface designers. The smaller screen size and touchscreen interface have made it much more difficult to read and navigate through web pages that were in most part designed for traditional desktop and portable computers. Although increasing numbers of websites now provide an alternate website formatted for smartphones, problems with ease of use, reliability and usability still remain. This study focuses on the identification of the problems associated with smartphone web interfaces, the compliance with accepted standards of user-oriented web interface design, the strategies that could be utilized to ensure the design of user-centric web interfaces for smartphones, and the identification of the current trends and developments related to user-centric web interface design intended for the consumption of smartphone users.Keywords: human-computer interaction, user-centered design, web interface, mobile, smartphone
Procedia PDF Downloads 3574368 Circular Economy Initiatives in Denmark for the Recycling of Household Plastic Wastes
Authors: Rikke Lybæk
This paper delves into the intricacies of recycling household plastic waste within Denmark, employing an exploratory case study methodology to shed light on the technical, strategic, and market dynamics of the plastic recycling value chain. Focusing on circular economy principles, the research identifies critical gaps and opportunities in recycling processes, particularly regarding plastic packaging waste derived from households, with a notable absence in food packaging reuse initiatives. The study uncovers the predominant practice of downcycling in the current value chain, underscoring a disconnect between the potential for high-quality plastic recycling and the market's readiness to embrace such materials. Through detailed examination of three leading companies in Denmark's plastic industry, the paper highlights the existing support for recycling initiatives, yet points to the necessity of assured quality in sorted plastics to foster broader adoption. The analysis further explores the importance of reuse strategies to complement recycling efforts, aiming to alleviate the pressure on virgin feedstock. The paper ventures into future perspectives, discussing different approaches such as biological degradation methods, watermark technology for plastic traceability, and the potential for bio-based and PtX plastics. These avenues promise not only to enhance recycling efficiency but also to contribute to a more sustainable circular economy by reducing reliance on virgin materials. Despite the challenges outlined, the research demonstrates a burgeoning market for recycled plastics within Denmark, propelled by both environmental considerations and customer demand. However, the study also calls for a more harmonized and effective waste collection and sorting system to elevate the quality and quantity of recyclable plastics. By casting a spotlight on successful case studies and potential technological advancements, the paper advocates for a multifaceted approach to plastic waste management, encompassing not only recycling but also innovative reuse and reduction strategies to foster a more sustainable future. In conclusion, this study underscores the urgent need for innovative, coordinated efforts in the recycling and management of plastic waste to move towards a more sustainable and circular economy in Denmark. It calls for the adoption of comprehensive strategies that include improving recycling technologies, enhancing waste collection systems, and fostering a market environment that values recycled materials, thereby contributing significantly to environmental sustainability goals.Keywords: case study, circular economy, Denmark, plastic waste, sustainability, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1084367 Planning for Sustainability in the Built Environment
Authors: Adedayo Jeremiah Adeyekun, Samuel Oluwagbemiga Ishola
This paper aimed to identify the significance of sustainability in the built environment, the economic and environmental importance to building and construction projects. Sustainability in the built environment has been a key objective of research over the past several decades. Sustainability in the built environment requires reconciliation between economic, environmental and social impacts of design and planning decisions made during the life cycle of a project from inception to termination. Planning for sustainability in the built environment needs us to go beyond our individual disciplines to consider the variety of economic, social and environmental impacts of our decisions in the long term. A decision to build a green residential development in an isolated location may pass some of the test of sustainability through its reduction in stormwater runoff, energy efficiency, and ecological sustainability in the building, but it may fail to be sustainable from a transportation perspective. Sustainability is important to the planning, design, construction, and preservation of the built environment; because it helps these activities reflect multiple values and considerations. In fact, the arts and sciences of the built environment have traditionally integrated values and fostered creative expression, capabilities that can and should lead the sustainability movement as society seeks ways to live in dynamic balance with its own diverse needs and the natural world. This research aimed to capture the state-of-the-art in the development of innovative sustainable design and planning strategies for building and construction projects. Therefore, there is a need for a holistic selection and implication approach for identifying potential sustainable strategies applicable to a particular project and evaluating the overall life cycle impact of each alternative by accounting for different applicable impacts and making the final selection among various viable alternatives.Keywords: sustainability, built environment, planning, design, construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1774366 Understanding Tactical Urbanisms in Derelict Areas
Authors: Berna Yaylalı, Isin Can Traunmüller
This paper explores the emergent bottom-up practices in the fields of architecture and urban design within comparative perspectives of two cities. As a temporary, easily affordable intervention that gives the possibility of transforming neglected spaces into vibrant public spaces, tactical urbanism, together with creative place-making strategies, presents alternative ways of creating sustainable developments in derelict and underused areas. This study examines the potential of social and physical developments through a reading of case studies of two creative spatial practices: a pop-up garden transformed from an unused derelict space in Favoriten, Vienna, and an urban community garden in Kuzguncuk, Istanbul. Two cities are chosen according to their multicultural population and diversity. Istanbul was selected as a design city by UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2017, and Vienna was declared an open and livable city by its local government. This research will use media archives and reports, interviews with locals and local governments, site observations, and visual recordings as methods to provide a critical reading on creative public spaces from the view of local users in these neighborhoods. Reflecting on these emergent ways, this study aims at discussing the production process of tactile urbanism with the practices of locals and the decision-making process with cases from İstanbul and Vienna. The comparison between their place-making strategies in tactical urbanism will give important insights for future developments.Keywords: creative city, tactical urbanism, neglected area, public space
Procedia PDF Downloads 1044365 Economics Analysis of Chinese Social Media Platform Sina Weibo and E-Commerce Platform Taobao
Authors: Xingyue Yang
This study focused on Chinese social media stars and the relationship between their level of fame on the social media platform Sina Weibo and their sales revenue on the E-commerce platform Taobao/ This was viewed from the perspective of Adler’s superstardom theory and Rosen and MacDonald’s theories examining the economics of celebrities who build their audience using digital, rather than traditional platforms. Theory and empirical research support the assertion that stars of traditional media achieve popular success due to a combination of talent and market concentration, as well as a range of other factors. These factors are also generally considered relevant to the popularisation of social media stars. However, success across digital media platforms also involves other variables - for example, upload strategies, cross-platform promotions, which often have no direct corollary in traditional media. These factors were the focus of our study, which investigated the relationship between popularity, promotional strategy and sales revenue for 15 social media stars who specialised in culinary topics on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo. In 2019, these food bloggers made a total of 2076 Sina Weibo posts, and these were compiled alongside calculations made to determine each food blogger’s sales revenue on the eCommerce platforms Taobao/Tmall. Quantitative analysis was then performed on this data, which determined that certain upload strategies on Weibo - such as upload time, posting format and length of video - have an important impact on the success of sales revenue on Taobao/ attention economics, digital media, network effect, social media stars
Procedia PDF Downloads 2334364 Urban Sprawl Analysis in the City of Thiruvananthapuram and a Framework Formulation to Combat it
Authors: Sandeep J. Kumar
Urbanisation is considered as the primary driver of land use and land cover change that has direct link to population and economic growth. In India, as well as in other developing countries, cities are urbanizing at an alarming rate. This unprecedented and uncontrolled urbanisation can result in urban sprawl. Due to a number of factors, urban sprawl is recognised to be a result of poor planning, inadequate policies, and poor governance. Urban sprawl may be seen as posing a threat to the development of sustainable cities. Hence, it is very essential to manage this. Planning for predicted future growth is critical to avoid the negative effects of urban growth at the local and regional levels. Thiruvananthapuram being the capital city of Kerala is a city of economic success, challenges, and opportunities. Urbanization trends in the city have paved way for Urban Sprawl. This thesis aims to formulate a framework to combat the emerging urban sprawl in the city of Thiruvananthapuram. For that, the first step was to quantify trends of urban growth in Thiruvananthapuram city using Geographical Information System(GIS) and remote sensing techniques. The technique and results obtained in the study are extremely valuable in analysing the land use changes. Secondly, these change in the trends were analysed through some of the critical factors that helped the study to understand the underlying issues of the existing city structure that has resulted in urban sprawl. Anticipating development trends can modify the current order. This can be productively resolved using regional and municipal planning and management strategies. Hence efficient strategies to curb the sprawl in Thiruvananthapuram city have been formulated in this study that can be considered as recommendations for future planning.Keywords: urbanisation, urban sprawl, geographical information system(GIS), thiruvananthapuram
Procedia PDF Downloads 1084363 The Cultural Persona of Artificial Intelligence: An Analysis of Anthropological Challenges to Public Communication
Authors: Abhivardhan, Ritu Agarwal
The role of entrepreneurial ethics is connected with materializing the core components of human life, and the flexible and gullible attributions dominate the materialization of human lifestyle and outreach in the age of the internet and globalization. One of the key bi-products of the age of information – Artificial Intelligence has become a relevant mechanism to materialize and understand human empathy and originality via various algorithmic policing methodologies with specific intricacies. Since it has a special connection with ethnocentrism – it has the potential to influence the approach of international law and politics owed to the rise of and approach towards perception and communication via populism in progressive and third world countries. The paper argues about the cultural persona of artificial intelligence, and its ontological resemblance in human life is connected with the ethnocentric treatment of cyberspace, with an analysis of the influence of the ethics of entrepreneurship in international politics. The paper further provides an analysis of fake news and misinformation as the sub-strata of communication strategies involving populism determined as a communication strategy and about the legal case of constitutional redemption in recent legislative developments in Europe, the U.S, and Asia with reference to certain important strategies, policy documentation, declarations, and legal instruments. The paper concludes that the capillaries of the anthropomorphic developments of cultural perception via towards artificial intelligence have a hidden and unstable connection with the common approach of entrepreneurial ethics, which influences populism to disrupt the peaceful order of international politics via some minor backlashes in the technological, legal and social realm of human life. Suggestions with the conclusion are hereby provided.Keywords: ethnocentrism, perception politics, populism, international law, slacktivism, artificial intelligence ethics, enculturation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1304362 Exploring the Experiences of Women Regarding Poor Birth Spacing at Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Authors: Averill Reindle T. Camilo, Veena Jaye B. Cosme, Hazel Kaye a Mabborang, Johannah a Magayam, Julie May D. Magguiya, Trisha Irish W. Maique, Klein Van M. Maloc, Jaydee B. Masadao, Yvonne Mae P. Ματεο
The City of Tabuk had the highest number of registered births in the province of Kalinga, indicating the need to study birth spacing trends in Tabuk City further. The study investigates women's experiences with poor birth spacing in Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga, focusing on their views, practices, challenges, and strategies to cope with these issues. A qualitative research approach was used, specifically the Descriptive Phenomenological Research Design with eight (8) participants from Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga. The study found that women's views on poor birth spacing, including intense desire, wanting to have more children, and their perception of children as blessings and helpers, are prevalent and including side effects of contraceptives. The challenges faced by women due to poor birth spacing include financial constraints, sickness, lack of support, and time constraints. These issues can lead to increased living costs for stay-at-home parents, including food, clothing, transportation, medical care, housing, childcare, and budget modifications. The participants also face difficulties in handling sick children and adjusting to uneven birth spacing. To cope, they focus on earning money, patience, andcontraception, while seeking family support fromin-laws andmothers.Keywords: birth spacing, contraception, coping strategies, maternal health, women experiences
Procedia PDF Downloads 314361 The Strategies to Develop Post-Disaster Multi-Mode Transportation System from the Perspective of Traffic Resilience
Authors: Yuxiao Jiang, Lingjun Meng, Mengyu Zhan, Lichunyi Zhang, Yingxia Yun
On August 8th of 2015, a serious explosion occurred in Binhai New Area of Tianjin. This explosion led to the suspension of Tianjin-Binhai Light Rail Line 9 which was an important transportation mean connecting the old and new urban areas and the suspension causes inconvenience to commuters traveling from Tianjin to Binhai or Binhai to Tianjin and residents living by Line 9. On this regard, this paper intends to give suggestions on how to develop multi-mode transportation system rapidly and effectively after a disaster and tackle with the problems in terms of transportation infrastructure facilities. The paper proposes the idea of traffic resilience which refers to the city’s ability to restore its transportation system and reduce risks when the transportation system is destroyed by a disaster. By doing questionnaire research, on the spot study and collecting data from the internet, a GIS model is established so as to analyze the alternative traffic means used by different types of residents and study the transportation supply and demand. The result shows that along the Line 9, there is a larger demand for alternative traffic means in the place which is nearer to the downtown area. Also, the distribution of bus stations is more reasonable in the place nearer to downtown area, however, the traffic speed in the area is slower. Based on traffic resilience, the paper raises strategies to develop post-disaster multi-mode transportation system such as establishing traffic management mechanism timely and effectively, building multi-mode traffic networks, improving intelligent traffic systems and so on.Keywords: traffic resilience, multi-mode transportation system, public traffic, transportation demand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3504360 Analyzing Bridge Response to Wind Loads and Optimizing Design for Wind Resistance and Stability
Authors: Abdul Haq
The goal of this research is to better understand how wind loads affect bridges and develop strategies for designing bridges that are more stable and resistant to wind. The effect of wind on bridges is essential to their safety and functionality, especially in areas that are prone to high wind speeds or violent wind conditions. The study looks at the aerodynamic forces and vibrations caused by wind and how they affect bridge construction. Part of the research method involves first understanding the underlying ideas influencing wind flow near bridges. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are used to model and forecast the aerodynamic behaviour of bridges under different wind conditions. These models incorporate several factors, such as wind directionality, wind speed, turbulence intensity, and the influence of nearby structures or topography. The results provide significant new insights into the loads and pressures that wind places on different bridge elements, such as decks, pylons, and connections. Following the determination of the wind loads, the structural response of bridges is assessed. By simulating their dynamic behavior under wind-induced forces, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to model the bridge's component parts. This work contributes to the understanding of which areas are at risk of experiencing excessive stresses, vibrations, or oscillations due to wind excitations. Because the bridge has inherent modes and frequencies, the study considers both static and dynamic responses. Various strategies are examined to maximize the design of bridges to withstand wind. It is possible to alter the bridge's geometry, add aerodynamic components, add dampers or tuned mass dampers to lessen vibrations, and boost structural rigidity. Through an analysis of several design modifications and their effectiveness, the study aims to offer guidelines and recommendations for wind-resistant bridge design. In addition to the numerical simulations and analyses, there are experimental studies. In order to assess the computational models and validate the practicality of proposed design strategies, scaled bridge models are tested in a wind tunnel. These investigations help to improve numerical models and prediction precision by providing valuable information on wind-induced forces, pressures, and flow patterns. Using a combination of numerical models, actual testing, and long-term performance evaluation, the project aims to offer practical insights and recommendations for building wind-resistant bridges that are secure, long-lasting, and comfortable for users.Keywords: wind effects, aerodynamic forces, computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 674359 Investigating Potential Pest Management Strategies for Citrus Gall Wasp in Australia
Authors: M. Yazdani, J. F. Carragher
Citrus gall wasp (CGW), Bruchophagus fellis (Hym: Eurytomidae), is an Australian native insect pest. CGW has now become a problem of national concern, threatening the viability of the entire Australian citrus industry. However, CGW appears to exhibit a preference for certain citrus species; growers report that grapefruit and lemons are most severely infested, with oranges and mandarins affected to a lesser extent. Given the specificity of the host plant-insect interactions, it is speculated that plant volatiles may play a significant role in host recognition. To address whether plant volatiles is involved in host plant preference by CGW we tested the behavioral response of CGW to plants in a wind tunnel. The result showed that CGW had significantly higher preference to grapefruit and lemon than other cultivars and the least preference was recorded to mandarin (Chi-square test, P<0.001). Because CGW exhibited a detectable choice further studies were undertaken to identify the components of the volatiles from each species. We trapped the volatile chemicals emitted by a 30 cm tip of each plant onto a solid Porapak matrix. Eluted extracts were then analysed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) and the presumptive identity of the major compounds from each species inferred from the MS library. Although the same major compounds existed in all of the cultivars, the relative ratios of them differed between species. Next, we will validate the identity of the key volatiles using authentic standards and establish their ability to elicit olfactory responses in CGW in wind tunnel and field experiments. Identification of semiochemicals involved in host location by CGW is of interest not only from an ecological perspective but also for the development of novel pest control strategies.Keywords: Citrus gall wasp, Bruchophagus fellis, volatiles, semiochemicals, IPM
Procedia PDF Downloads 2334358 Strategies for a Sustainable Future of Forest and Tribal Peoples on This Planet
Authors: Dharmpal Singh
The objective of this proposed project is to relocation and resettlement of carnivores tribal communities who are currently residing in the protected forest land in all over the world just like resettlement project of the carnivores tribal families of Mongia who at past were residing in Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve (RTR) and had caused excess damage of endangered species of wildlife including Tigers. At present several tribal communities are residing in the another national parks and they not only consuming the wild animals but also involved in illegal trading of vital organs, skin and bones with National and international traders. Tribal are ideally suited for the job because they are highly skilled game trackers and due to having had a definite source of income over the years, they easily drawn in to the illegal wildlife trade and slaughter of wild animals. Their income is increasing but wild animals are on the brink of extinction. For the conservation of flora and fauna the rehabilitation process should be thought out according to the RTR project (which not only totally change the quality of life of mongia tribal community but also increased the conopy cover of forest and grass due to reduced the biotic pressure on protected land of forest in Rajasthan state) with appropriate understanding of the sociology of the people involved, their culture, education standard and the need of different skills to be acquired by them for sustenance such as agriculture, dairy, poultry, social forestry, job as forest guard and others eco-development programmes. Perhaps, the dimensions presented by me may generate discussion among the international wild life lovers and conservationists and remedies may be result oriented in the field of management of forest and conservation of wildlife on this planet.Keywords: strategies, rehablety of tribals, conservation of forest, eco-development Programmes, wildlife
Procedia PDF Downloads 4364357 Urban Design and Social Capital in Spontaneous Settlements
Rapid urbanization have made of spontaneous settlements one of the dominant´s social subjects of the XXIst century. Currently, it´s recognized that these territories cannot easily be eradicated and are a way of life to many populations of emergent countries. Since late 90s, there is an urgent concern in finding planning and efficient urban design strategies to poverty reduction, spatial integration and social inclusion of low-income communities. The article aims to identify, understand and evaluate the social inclusion´s processes through the urban transformation that has been undertaken in Moravia and how they affected the community´s social capital. To achieve this objective, we start to analyse the PPMIM´s planning discourse in which prevails the sustainability´s concept, to further identify, through the analysis of the project carried out, the urban design strategies implemented and their impact on the perception and on the community´s experience, and, finally, how these focused on the social capital. It relies on concepts such as urban design, social capital, local development and sustainability. At the urban design level it starts on the current principles of “making places”, on the new urbanism concepts and on the practices on the ground carried out by a new generation of architects/planners whose have the main ethical approach in order to create more opportunities and greater social impact to these territories. At the social capital´s level and on the development´s theory, relies on authors such as Coleman, Putman Kliksberg and Amartya Sen. Finally, it aims to address a general discussion about the positive and negative implications of slum upgrading programmes and some necessary recommendations for urban design and social capital can really be translated into real resources for the self sustainable development of low-income communities and their future generations.Keywords: local and sustainable development, social capital, spontaneous settlements, urban design
Procedia PDF Downloads 4924356 The Impact of a Cognitive Acceleration Program on Prospective Teachers' Reasoning Skills
Authors: Bernardita Tornero
Cognitive Acceleration in Mathematics Education (CAME) programmes have been used successfully for promoting the development of thinking skills in school students for the last 30 years. Given that the approach has had a tremendous impact on the thinking capabilities of participating students, this study explored the experience of using the programme with prospective primary teachers in Chile. Therefore, this study not only looked at the experience of prospective primary teachers during the CAME course as learners, but also examined how they perceived the approach from their perspective as future teachers, as well as how they could transfer the teaching strategies they observed to their future classrooms. Given the complexity of the phenomenon under study, this research used a mixed methods approach. For this reason, the impact that the CAME course had on prospective teachers’ thinking skills was not only approached by using a test that assessed the participants’ improvements in these skills, but their learning and teaching experiences were also recorded through qualitative research tools (learning journals, interviews and field notes). The main findings indicate that, at the end of the CAME course, prospective teachers not only demonstrated higher thinking levels, but also showed positive attitudinal changes towards teaching and learning in general, and towards mathematics in particular. The participants also had increased confidence in their ability to teach mathematics and to promote thinking skills in their students. In terms of the CAME methodology, prospective teachers not only found it novel and motivating, but also commented that dealing with the thinking skills topic during a university course was both unusual and very important for their professional development. This study also showed that, at the end of the CAME course, prospective teachers felt they had developed strategies that could be used in their classrooms in the future. In this context, the relevance of the study is not only that it described the impact and the positive results of the first experience of using a CAME approach with prospective teachers, but also that some of the conclusions have significant implications for the teaching of thinking skills and the training of primary school teachers.Keywords: cognitive acceleration, formal reasoning, prospective teachers, initial teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 4034355 Nurse´s Interventions in Patients with Dementia During Clinical Practice: A Literature Review
Authors: Helga Martins, Idália Matias
Background: Dementia is an important research topic since that life expectancy worldwide is increasing, so people are getting older. The aging of populations has a major impact on the increase in dementia, and nurses play a major role in taking care of these patients. Therefore, the implementation of nursing interventions based on evidence is vital so that we are aware of what we can do in clinical practice in order to provide patient cantered care to patients with dementia. Aim: To identify the nurse´s interventions in patients with dementia during clinical practice. Method: Literature review grounded on an electronic search in the EBSCOhost platform (CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text, and Nursing & Allied Health Collection), using the search terms of "dementia" AND "nurs*" AND “interventions” in the abstracts. The inclusion criteria were: original papers published up to June 2021. A total of 153 results after de duplicate removal we kept 104. After the application of the inclusion criteria, we included 15 studies This literature review was performed by two independent researchers. Results: A total of 15 results about nurses’ interventions in patients with dementia were included in the study. The major interventions are therapeutic communication strategies, environmental management of stressors involving family/caregivers; strategies to promote patient safety, and assistance in activities of daily living in patients who are clinically deteriorated. Conclusion: Taking care of people with dementia is a complex and demanding task. Nurses are required to have a set of skills and competences in order to provide nursing interventions. We highlight that is necessary an awareness in nursing education regarding providing nursing care to patients with dementia.Keywords: dementia, interventions, nursing, review
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