Search results for: optic disc detection and segmentation
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4214

Search results for: optic disc detection and segmentation

3074 Multiphase Flow Regime Detection Algorithm for Gas-Liquid Interface Using Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Technique

Authors: Serkan Solmaz, Jean-Baptiste Gouriet, Nicolas Van de Wyer, Christophe Schram


Efficiency of the cooling process for cryogenic propellant boiling in engine cooling channels on space applications is relentlessly affected by the phase change occurs during the boiling. The effectiveness of the cooling process strongly pertains to the type of the boiling regime such as nucleate and film. Geometric constraints like a non-transparent cooling channel unable to use any of visualization methods. The ultrasonic (US) technique as a non-destructive method (NDT) has therefore been applied almost in every engineering field for different purposes. Basically, the discontinuities emerge between mediums like boundaries among different phases. The sound wave emitted by the US transducer is both transmitted and reflected through a gas-liquid interface which makes able to detect different phases. Due to the thermal and structural concerns, it is impractical to sustain a direct contact between the US transducer and working fluid. Hence the transducer should be located outside of the cooling channel which results in additional interfaces and creates ambiguities on the applicability of the present method. In this work, an exploratory research is prompted so as to determine detection ability and applicability of the US technique on the cryogenic boiling process for a cooling cycle where the US transducer is taken place outside of the channel. Boiling of the cryogenics is a complex phenomenon which mainly brings several hindrances for experimental protocol because of thermal properties. Thus substitute materials are purposefully selected based on such parameters to simplify experiments. Aside from that, nucleate and film boiling regimes emerging during the boiling process are simply simulated using non-deformable stainless steel balls, air-bubble injection apparatuses and air clearances instead of conducting a real-time boiling process. A versatile detection algorithm is perennially developed concerning exploratory studies afterward. According to the algorithm developed, the phases can be distinguished 99% as no-phase, air-bubble, and air-film presences. The results show the detection ability and applicability of the US technique for an exploratory purpose.

Keywords: Ultrasound, ultrasonic, multiphase flow, boiling, cryogenics, detection algorithm

Procedia PDF Downloads 170
3073 3D Microscopy, Image Processing, and Analysis of Lymphangiogenesis in Biological Models

Authors: Thomas Louis, Irina Primac, Florent Morfoisse, Tania Durre, Silvia Blacher, Agnes Noel


In vitro and in vivo lymphangiogenesis assays are essential for the identification of potential lymphangiogenic agents and the screening of pharmacological inhibitors. In the present study, we analyse three biological models: in vitro lymphatic endothelial cell spheroids, in vivo ear sponge assay, and in vivo lymph node colonisation by tumour cells. These assays provide suitable 3D models to test pro- and anti-lymphangiogenic factors or drugs. 3D images were acquired by confocal laser scanning and light sheet fluorescence microscopy. Virtual scan microscopy followed by 3D reconstruction by image aligning methods was also used to obtain 3D images of whole large sponge and ganglion samples. 3D reconstruction, image segmentation, skeletonisation, and other image processing algorithms are described. Fixed and time-lapse imaging techniques are used to analyse lymphatic endothelial cell spheroids behaviour. The study of cell spatial distribution in spheroid models enables to detect interactions between cells and to identify invasion hierarchy and guidance patterns. Global measurements such as volume, length, and density of lymphatic vessels are measured in both in vivo models. Branching density and tortuosity evaluation are also proposed to determine structure complexity. Those properties combined with vessel spatial distribution are evaluated in order to determine lymphangiogenesis extent. Lymphatic endothelial cell invasion and lymphangiogenesis were evaluated under various experimental conditions. The comparison of these conditions enables to identify lymphangiogenic agents and to better comprehend their roles in the lymphangiogenesis process. The proposed methodology is validated by its application on the three presented models.

Keywords: 3D image segmentation, 3D image skeletonisation, cell invasion, confocal microscopy, ear sponges, light sheet microscopy, lymph nodes, lymphangiogenesis, spheroids

Procedia PDF Downloads 380
3072 Predicting Loss of Containment in Surface Pipeline using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Supervised Machine Learning Model to Improve Process Safety in Oil and Gas Operations

Authors: Muhammmad Riandhy Anindika Yudhy, Harry Patria, Ramadhani Santoso


Loss of containment is the primary hazard that process safety management is concerned within the oil and gas industry. Escalation to more serious consequences all begins with the loss of containment, starting with oil and gas release from leakage or spillage from primary containment resulting in pool fire, jet fire and even explosion when reacted with various ignition sources in the operations. Therefore, the heart of process safety management is avoiding loss of containment and mitigating its impact through the implementation of safeguards. The most effective safeguard for the case is an early detection system to alert Operations to take action prior to a potential case of loss of containment. The detection system value increases when applied to a long surface pipeline that is naturally difficult to monitor at all times and is exposed to multiple causes of loss of containment, from natural corrosion to illegal tapping. Based on prior researches and studies, detecting loss of containment accurately in the surface pipeline is difficult. The trade-off between cost-effectiveness and high accuracy has been the main issue when selecting the traditional detection method. The current best-performing method, Real-Time Transient Model (RTTM), requires analysis of closely positioned pressure, flow and temperature (PVT) points in the pipeline to be accurate. Having multiple adjacent PVT sensors along the pipeline is expensive, hence generally not a viable alternative from an economic standpoint.A conceptual approach to combine mathematical modeling using computational fluid dynamics and a supervised machine learning model has shown promising results to predict leakage in the pipeline. Mathematical modeling is used to generate simulation data where this data is used to train the leak detection and localization models. Mathematical models and simulation software have also been shown to provide comparable results with experimental data with very high levels of accuracy. While the supervised machine learning model requires a large training dataset for the development of accurate models, mathematical modeling has been shown to be able to generate the required datasets to justify the application of data analytics for the development of model-based leak detection systems for petroleum pipelines. This paper presents a review of key leak detection strategies for oil and gas pipelines, with a specific focus on crude oil applications, and presents the opportunities for the use of data analytics tools and mathematical modeling for the development of robust real-time leak detection and localization system for surface pipelines. A case study is also presented.

Keywords: pipeline, leakage, detection, AI

Procedia PDF Downloads 193
3071 Predicting the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Development and Validation of Machine Learning Models

Authors: Jay L. Fu


Patients with Alzheimer's disease progressively lose their memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out simple daily tasks. The disease is irreversible, but early detection and treatment can slow down the disease progression. In this research, publicly available MRI data and demographic data from 373 MRI imaging sessions were utilized to build models to predict dementia. Various machine learning models, including logistic regression, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, random forest, and neural network, were developed. Data were divided into training and testing sets, where training sets were used to build the predictive model, and testing sets were used to assess the accuracy of prediction. Key risk factors were identified, and various models were compared to come forward with the best prediction model. Among these models, the random forest model appeared to be the best model with an accuracy of 90.34%. MMSE, nWBV, and gender were the three most important contributing factors to the detection of Alzheimer’s. Among all the models used, the percent in which at least 4 of the 5 models shared the same diagnosis for a testing input was 90.42%. These machine learning models allow early detection of Alzheimer’s with good accuracy, which ultimately leads to early treatment of these patients.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, clinical diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging, machine learning prediction

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3070 Emotion Detection in a General Human-Robot Interaction System Optimized for Embedded Platforms

Authors: Julio Vega


Expression recognition is a field of Artificial Intelligence whose main objectives are to recognize basic forms of affective expression that appear on people’s faces and contributing to behavioral studies. In this work, a ROS node has been developed that, based on Deep Learning techniques, is capable of detecting the facial expressions of the people that appear in the image. These algorithms were optimized so that they can be executed in real time on an embedded platform. The experiments were carried out in a PC with a USB camera and in a Raspberry Pi 4 with a PiCamera. The final results shows a plausible system, which is capable to work in real time even in an embedded platform.

Keywords: python, low-cost, raspberry pi, emotion detection, human-robot interaction, ROS node

Procedia PDF Downloads 130
3069 Conceptual Model for Massive Open Online Blended Courses Based on Disciplines’ Concepts Capitalization and Obstacles’ Detection

Authors: N. Hammid, F. Bouarab-Dahmani, T. Berkane


Since its appearance, the MOOC (massive open online course) is gaining more and more intention of the educational communities over the world. Apart from the current MOOCs design and purposes, the creators of MOOC focused on the importance of the connection and knowledge exchange between individuals in learning. In this paper, we present a conceptual model for massive open online blended courses where teachers over the world can collaborate and exchange their experience to get a common efficient content designed as a MOOC opened to their students to live a better learning experience. This model is based on disciplines’ concepts capitalization and the detection of the obstacles met by their students when faced with problem situations (exercises, projects, case studies, etc.). This detection is possible by analyzing the frequently of semantic errors committed by the students. The participation of teachers in the design of the course and the attendance by their students can guarantee an efficient and extensive participation (an important number of participants) in the course, the learners’ motivation and the evaluation issues, in the way that the teachers designing the course assess their students. Thus, the teachers review, together with their knowledge, offer a better assessment and efficient connections to their students.

Keywords: massive open online course, MOOC, online learning, e-learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 268
3068 Obstacle Detection and Path Tracking Application for Disables

Authors: Aliya Ashraf, Mehreen Sirshar, Fatima Akhtar, Farwa Kazmi, Jawaria Wazir


Vision, the basis for performing navigational tasks, is absent or greatly reduced in visually impaired people due to which they face many hurdles. For increasing the navigational capabilities of visually impaired people a desktop application ODAPTA is presented in this paper. The application uses camera to capture video from surroundings, apply various image processing algorithms to get information about path and obstacles, tracks them and delivers that information to user through voice commands. Experimental results show that the application works effectively for straight paths in daylight.

Keywords: visually impaired, ODAPTA, Region of Interest (ROI), driver fatigue, face detection, expression recognition, CCD camera, artificial intelligence

Procedia PDF Downloads 552
3067 The Power of the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method

Authors: Charles Lee


The Principal Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) technique has been used as a model reduction tool for many applications in engineering and science. In principle, one begins with an ensemble of data, called snapshots, collected from an experiment or laboratory results. The beauty of the POD technique is that when applied, the entire data set can be represented by the smallest number of orthogonal basis elements. It is the such capability that allows us to reduce the complexity and dimensions of many physical applications. Mathematical formulations and numerical schemes for the POD method will be discussed along with applications in NASA’s Deep Space Large Antenna Arrays, Satellite Image Reconstruction, Cancer Detection with DNA Microarray Data, Maximizing Stock Return, and Medical Imaging.

Keywords: reduced-order methods, principal component analysis, cancer detection, image reconstruction, stock portfolios

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3066 A Handheld Light Meter Device for Methamphetamine Detection in Oral Fluid

Authors: Anindita Sen


Oral fluid is a promising diagnostic matrix for drugs of abuse compared to urine and serum. Detection of methamphetamine in oral fluid would pave way for the easy evaluation of impairment in drivers during roadside drug testing as well as ensure safe working environments by facilitating evaluation of impairment in employees at workplaces. A membrane-based point-of-care (POC) friendly pre-treatment technique has been developed which aided elimination of interferences caused by salivary proteins and facilitated the demonstration of methamphetamine detection in saliva using a gold nanoparticle based colorimetric aptasensor platform. It was found that the colorimetric response in saliva was always suppressed owing to the matrix effects. By navigating the challenging interfering issues in saliva, we were successfully able to detect methamphetamine at nanomolar levels in saliva offering immense promise for the translation of these platforms for on-site diagnostic systems. This subsequently motivated the development of a handheld portable light meter device that can reliably transduce the aptasensors colorimetric response into absorbance, facilitating quantitative detection of analyte concentrations on-site. This is crucial due to the prevalent unreliability and sensitivity problems of the conventional drug testing kits. The fabricated light meter device response was validated against a standard UV-Vis spectrometer to confirm reliability. The portable and cost-effective handheld detector device features sensitivity comparable to the well-established UV-Vis benchtop instrument and the easy-to-use device could potentially serve as a prototype for a commercial device in the future.

Keywords: aptasensors, colorimetric gold nanoparticle assay, point-of-care, oral fluid

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3065 Design of Structural Health Monitoring System for a Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridge

Authors: Muhammad Fawad


Monitoring and structural health assessment are the primary requirements for the performance evaluation of damaged bridges. This paper highlights the case study of a damaged Reinforced Concrete (RC) bridge structure where the Finite element (FE) modelling of this structure was done using the material properties extracted by the in-situ testing. Analysis was carried out to evaluate the bridge damage. On the basis of FE analysis results, this study proposes a proper Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system that will extend the life cycle of the bridge with minimal repair costs and reduced risk of failure. This system is based on the installation of three different types of sensors: Liquid Levelling sensors (LLS) for measurement of vertical displacement, Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors (DFOS) for crack monitoring, and Weigh in Motion (WIM) devices for monitoring of moving loads on the bridge.

Keywords: bridges, reinforced concrete, finite element method, structural health monitoring, sensors

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3064 A Structure-Switching Electrochemical Aptasensor for Rapid, Reagentless and Single-Step, Nanomolar Detection of C-Reactive Protein

Authors: William L. Whitehouse, Louisa H. Y. Lo, Andrew B. Kinghorn, Simon C. C. Shiu, Julian. A. Tanner


C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase reactant and sensitive indicator for sepsis and other life-threatening pathologies, including systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Currently, clinical turn-around times for established CRP detection methods take between 30 minutes to hours or even days from centralized laboratories. Here, we report the development of an electrochemical biosensor using redox probe-tagged DNA aptamers functionalized onto cheap, commercially available screen-printed electrodes. Binding-induced conformational switching of the CRP-targeting aptamer induces a specific and selective signal-ON event, which enables single-step and reagentless detection of CRP in as little as 1 minute. The aptasensor dynamic range spans 5-1000nM (R=0.97) or 5-500nM (R=0.99) in 50% diluted human serum, with a LOD of 3nM, corresponding to 2-orders of magnitude sensitivity under the clinically relevant cut-off for CRP. The sensor is stable for up to one week and can be reused numerous times, as judged from repeated real-time dosing and dose-response assays. By decoupling binding events from the signal induction mechanism, structure-switching electrochemical aptamer-based sensors (SS-EABs) provide considerable advantages over their adsorption-based counterparts. Our work expands on the retinue of such sensors reported in the literature and is the first instance of an SS-EAB for reagentless CRP detection. We hope this study can inspire further investigations into the suitability of SS-EABs for diagnostics, which will aid translational R&D toward fully realized devices aimed at point-of-care applications or for use more broadly by the public.

Keywords: structure-switching, C-reactive protein, electrochemical, biosensor, aptasensor.

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3063 The Relationship between Fatigue Crack Growth and Residual Stress in Rails

Authors: F. Husem, M. E. Turan, Y. Sun, H. Ahlatci, I. Tozlu


Residual stress and fatigue crack growth rates are important to determine mechanical behavior of rails. This study aims to make relationship between residual stress and fatigue crack growth values in rails. For this purpose, three R260 quality rails (0.6-0.8% C, 0.6-1.25 Mn) were chosen. Residual stress of samples was measured by cutting method that is related in railway standard. Then samples were machined for fatigue crack growth test and analyze was completed according to the ASTM E647 standard which gives information about parameters of rails for this test. Microstructure characterizations were examined by Light Optic Microscope (LOM). The results showed that residual stress change with fatigue crack growth rate. The sample has highest residual stress exhibits highest crack growth rate and pearlitic structure can be seen clearly for all samples by microstructure analyze.

Keywords: residual stress, fatigue crack growth, R260, SEM, ASTM E647

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3062 Impact of Capture Effect on Receiver Initiated Collision Detection with Sequential Resolution in WLAN

Authors: Sethu Lekshmi, Shahanas, Prettha P.


All existing protocols in wireless networks are mainly based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance. By applying collision detection in wireless networks, the time spent on collision can be reduced and thus improves system throughput. However in a real WLAN scenario due to the use of nonlinear modulation techniques only receiver can decided whether a packet loss take place, even there are multiple transmissions. In this proposed method, the receiver or Access Point detects the collision when multiple data packets are transmitted from different wireless stations. Whenever the receiver detects a collision, it transmits a jamming signal to all the transmitting stations so that they can immediately stop their on-going transmissions. We also provide preferential access to all collided packet to reduce unfairness and to increase system throughput by reducing contention. However, this preferential access will not block the channel for the long time. Here, an in-band transmission is considered in which both the data frames and control frames are transmitted in the same channel. We also provide a simple mathematical model for the proposed protocol and give the simulation result of WLAN scenario under various capture thresholds.

Keywords: 802.11, WLAN, capture effect, collision detection, collision resolution, receiver initiated

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3061 Angle of Arrival Estimation Using Maximum Likelihood Method

Authors: Olomon Wu, Hung Lu, Nick Wilkins, Daniel Kerr, Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu, H. K. Hwang


Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar has received increasing attention in recent years. MIMO radar has many advantages over conventional phased array radar such as target detection, resolution enhancement, and interference suppression. In this paper, the results are presented from a simulation study of MIMO Uniformly-Spaced Linear Array (ULA) antennas. The performance is investigated under varied parameters, including varied array size, Pseudo Random (PN) sequence length, number of snapshots, and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The results of MIMO are compared to a traditional array antenna.

Keywords: MIMO radar, phased array antenna, target detection, radar signal processing

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3060 Non-Destructive Static Damage Detection of Structures Using Genetic Algorithm

Authors: Amir Abbas Fatemi, Zahra Tabrizian, Kabir Sadeghi


To find the location and severity of damage that occurs in a structure, characteristics changes in dynamic and static can be used. The non-destructive techniques are more common, economic, and reliable to detect the global or local damages in structures. This paper presents a non-destructive method in structural damage detection and assessment using GA and static data. Thus, a set of static forces is applied to some of degrees of freedom and the static responses (displacements) are measured at another set of DOFs. An analytical model of the truss structure is developed based on the available specification and the properties derived from static data. The damages in structure produce changes to its stiffness so this method used to determine damage based on change in the structural stiffness parameter. Changes in the static response which structural damage caused choose to produce some simultaneous equations. Genetic Algorithms are powerful tools for solving large optimization problems. Optimization is considered to minimize objective function involve difference between the static load vector of damaged and healthy structure. Several scenarios defined for damage detection (single scenario and multiple scenarios). The static damage identification methods have many advantages, but some difficulties still exist. So it is important to achieve the best damage identification and if the best result is obtained it means that the method is Reliable. This strategy is applied to a plane truss. This method is used for a plane truss. Numerical results demonstrate the ability of this method in detecting damage in given structures. Also figures show damage detections in multiple damage scenarios have really efficient answer. Even existence of noise in the measurements doesn’t reduce the accuracy of damage detections method in these structures.

Keywords: damage detection, finite element method, static data, non-destructive, genetic algorithm

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3059 Detecting and Thwarting Interest Flooding Attack in Information Centric Network

Authors: Vimala Rani P, Narasimha Malikarjunan, Mercy Shalinie S


Data Networking was brought forth as an instantiation of information-centric networking. The attackers can send a colossal number of spoofs to take hold of the Pending Interest Table (PIT) named an Interest Flooding attack (IFA) since the in- interests are recorded in the PITs of the intermediate routers until they receive corresponding Data Packets are go beyond the time limit. These attacks can be detrimental to network performance. PIT expiration rate or the Interest satisfaction rate, which cannot differentiate the IFA from attacks, is the criterion Traditional IFA detection techniques are concerned with. Threshold values can casually affect Threshold-based traditional methods. This article proposes an accurate IFA detection mechanism based on a Multiple Feature-based Extreme Learning Machine (MF-ELM). Accuracy of the attack detection can be increased by presenting the entropy of Internet names, Interest satisfaction rate and PIT usage as features extracted in the MF-ELM classifier. Furthermore, we deploy a queue-based hostile Interest prefix mitigation mechanism. The inference of this real-time test bed is that the mechanism can help the network to resist IFA with higher accuracy and efficiency.

Keywords: information-centric network, pending interest table, interest flooding attack, MF-ELM classifier, queue-based mitigation strategy

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3058 Determination of Benzatropine in Hair by GC/MS after Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)

Authors: Abdulsallam A. Bakdash, Aiyshah M. Alshehri, Hind M. Alenzi


Benzatropine (benztropine) is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease or involuntary movements due to the side effects of certain psychiatric drugs. We report in this study, results of a procedure for the determination of benzatropine in hair using LLE, once with methanol and second with phosphate buffer (pH 6.0), followed by filtration and then re-extraction with dichloromethane. A GC/MS method was developed and validated for this determination using selected ion monitoring (SIM) detection without derivatization. Linearity established over the concentration range 0.1-20.0 ng/mg hair, and the correlation coefficients were greater than 0.99. Recoveries were 52.2% and 21.1% using methanol and phosphate buffer extraction, respectively. Detection limits of benzatropine in hair were between 0.65 and 3.0 ng/mg hair, while the accuracy were 10.4% and 18.5% (RSD), respectively. We also applied this method to the analysis of soaked hair samples and demonstrated that the LLE using methanol meets the requirement for the analysis of benzatropine in hair.

Keywords: hair analysis, benzatropine, liquid-liquid extraction, GC/MS

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3057 ADCOR © Muscle Damage Rapid Detection Test Based on Skeletal Troponin I Immunochromatography Reaction

Authors: Muhammad Solikhudin Nafi, Wahyu Afif Mufida, Mita Erna Wati, Fitri Setyani Rokim, M. Al-Rizqi Dharma Fauzi


High dose activity without any pre-exercise will impact Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS known as delayed pain post-exercise and induce skeletal injury which will decrease athletes’ performances. From now on, post-exercise muscle damage can be detected by measuring skeletal troponin I (sTnI) concentration in serum using ELISA but this method needs more time and cost. To prevent decreased athletes performances, screening need to be done rapidly. We want to introduce our new prototype to detect DOMS acutely. Rapid detection tests are based on immunological reaction between skeletal troponin I antibodies and sTnI in human serum or whole blood. Chemical methods that are used in the manufacture of diagnostic test is lateral flow immunoassay. The material used is rat monoclonal antibody sTnI, colloidal gold, anti-mouse IgG, nitrocellulose membrane, conjugate pad, sample pad, wick and backing card. The procedure are made conjugate (colloidal gold and mAb sTnI) and insert into the conjugate pad, gives spray sTnI mAb and anti-mouse IgG into nitrocellulose membrane, and assemble RDT. RDT had been evaluated by measuring the sensitivity of positive human serum (n = 30) and negative human serum (n = 30). Overall sensitivity value was 93% and specificity value was 90%. ADCOR as the first rapid detection test qualitatively showed antigen-antibody reaction and showed good overall performances for screening of muscle damage. Furthermore, these finding still need more improvements to get best results.

Keywords: DOMS, sTnI, rapid detection test, ELISA

Procedia PDF Downloads 514
3056 Duplex Real-Time Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Beef and Pork

Authors: Mi-Ju Kim, Hae-Yeong Kim


Product mislabeling and adulteration have been increasing the concerns in processed meat products. Relatively inexpensive pork meat compared to meat such as beef was adulterated for economic benefit. These food fraud incidents related to pork were concerned due to economic, religious and health reasons. In this study, a rapid on-site detection method using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was developed for the simultaneous identification of beef and pork. Each specific LAMP primer for beef and pork was designed targeting on mitochondrial D-loop region. The LAMP assay reaction was performed at 65 ℃ for 40 min. The specificity of each primer for beef and pork was evaluated using DNAs extracted from 13 animal species including beef and pork. The sensitivity of duplex LAMP assay was examined by serial dilution of beef and pork DNAs, and reference binary mixtures. This assay was applied to processed meat products including beef and pork meat for monitoring. Each set of primers amplified only the targeted species with no cross-reactivity with animal species. The limit of detection of duplex real-time LAMP was 1 pg for each DNA of beef and pork and 1% pork in a beef-meat mixture. Commercial meat products that declared the presence of beef and/or pork meat on the label showed positive results for those species. This method was successfully applied to detect simultaneous beef and pork meats in processed meat products. The optimized duplex LAMP assay can identify simultaneously beef and pork meat within less than 40 min. A portable real-time fluorescence device used in this study is applicable for on-site detection of beef and pork in processed meat products. Thus, this developed assay was considered to be an efficient tool for monitoring meat products.

Keywords: beef, duplex real-time LAMP, meat identification, pork

Procedia PDF Downloads 225
3055 Design, Numerical Simulation, Fabrication and Physical Experimentation of the Tesla’s Cohesion Type Bladeless Turbine

Authors: M.Sivaramakrishnaiah, D. S .Nasan, P. V. Subhanjeneyulu, J. A. Sandeep Kumar, N. Sreenivasulu, B. V. Amarnath Reddy, B. Veeralingam


Design, numerical simulation, fabrication, and physical experimentation of the Tesla’s Bladeless centripetal turbine for generating electrical power are presented in this research paper. 29 Pressurized air combined with water via a nozzle system is made to pass tangentially through a set of parallel smooth discs surfaces, which impart rotational motion to the discs fastened common shaft for the power generation. The power generated depends upon the fluid speed parameter leaving the nozzle inlet. Physically due to laminar boundary layer phenomena at smooth disc surface, the high speed fluid layers away from the plate moving against the low speed fluid layers nearer to the plate develop a tangential drag from the viscous shear forces. This compels the nearer layers to drag along with the high layers causing the disc to spin. Solid Works design software and fluid mechanics and machine elements design theories was used to compute mechanical design specifications of turbine parts like 48 mm diameter discs, common shaft, central exhaust, plenum chamber, swappable nozzle inlets, etc. Also, ANSYS CFX 2018 was used for the numerical 2 simulation of the physical phenomena encountered in the turbine working. When various numerical simulation and physical experimental results were verified, there is good agreement between them 6, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The sources of input and size of the blades may affect the power generated and turbine efficiency, respectively. The results may change if there is a change in the fluid flowing between the discs. The inlet fluid pressure versus turbine efficiency and the number of discs versus turbine power studies based on both results were carried out to develop the 8 relationships between the inlet and outlet parameters of the turbine. The present research work obtained the turbine efficiency in the range of 7-10%, and for this range; the electrical power output generated was 50-60 W.

Keywords: tesla turbine, cohesion type bladeless turbine, boundary layer theory, cohesion type bladeless turbine, tangential fluid flow, viscous and adhesive forces, plenum chamber, pico hydro systems

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3054 Enhancing Precision Agriculture through Object Detection Algorithms: A Study of YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 in Detecting Armillaria spp.

Authors: Christos Chaschatzis, Chrysoula Karaiskou, Pantelis Angelidis, Sotirios K. Goudos, Igor Kotsiuba, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis


Over the past few decades, the rapid growth of the global population has led to the need to increase agricultural production and improve the quality of agricultural goods. There is a growing focus on environmentally eco-friendly solutions, sustainable production, and biologically minimally fertilized products in contemporary society. Precision agriculture has the potential to incorporate a wide range of innovative solutions with the development of machine learning algorithms. YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 are two of the most advanced object detection algorithms capable of accurately recognizing objects in real time. Detecting tree diseases is crucial for improving the food production rate and ensuring sustainability. This research aims to evaluate the efficacy of YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 in detecting the symptoms of Armillaria spp. in sweet cherry trees and determining their health status, with the goal of enhancing the robustness of precision agriculture. Additionally, this study will explore Computer Vision (CV) techniques with machine learning algorithms to improve the detection process’s efficiency.

Keywords: Armillaria spp., machine learning, precision agriculture, smart farming, sweet cherries trees, YOLOv5, YOLOv8

Procedia PDF Downloads 115
3053 Enhancing Fault Detection in Rotating Machinery Using Wiener-CNN Method

Authors: Mohamad R. Moshtagh, Ahmad Bagheri


Accurate fault detection in rotating machinery is of utmost importance to ensure optimal performance and prevent costly downtime in industrial applications. This study presents a robust fault detection system based on vibration data collected from rotating gears under various operating conditions. The considered scenarios include: (1) both gears being healthy, (2) one healthy gear and one faulty gear, and (3) introducing an imbalanced condition to a healthy gear. Vibration data was acquired using a Hentek 1008 device and stored in a CSV file. Python code implemented in the Spider environment was used for data preprocessing and analysis. Winner features were extracted using the Wiener feature selection method. These features were then employed in multiple machine learning algorithms, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Random Forest, to evaluate their performance in detecting and classifying faults in both the training and validation datasets. The comparative analysis of the methods revealed the superior performance of the Wiener-CNN approach. The Wiener-CNN method achieved a remarkable accuracy of 100% for both the two-class (healthy gear and faulty gear) and three-class (healthy gear, faulty gear, and imbalanced) scenarios in the training and validation datasets. In contrast, the other methods exhibited varying levels of accuracy. The Wiener-MLP method attained 100% accuracy for the two-class training dataset and 100% for the validation dataset. For the three-class scenario, the Wiener-MLP method demonstrated 100% accuracy in the training dataset and 95.3% accuracy in the validation dataset. The Wiener-KNN method yielded 96.3% accuracy for the two-class training dataset and 94.5% for the validation dataset. In the three-class scenario, it achieved 85.3% accuracy in the training dataset and 77.2% in the validation dataset. The Wiener-Random Forest method achieved 100% accuracy for the two-class training dataset and 85% for the validation dataset, while in the three-class training dataset, it attained 100% accuracy and 90.8% accuracy for the validation dataset. The exceptional accuracy demonstrated by the Wiener-CNN method underscores its effectiveness in accurately identifying and classifying fault conditions in rotating machinery. The proposed fault detection system utilizes vibration data analysis and advanced machine learning techniques to improve operational reliability and productivity. By adopting the Wiener-CNN method, industrial systems can benefit from enhanced fault detection capabilities, facilitating proactive maintenance and reducing equipment downtime.

Keywords: fault detection, gearbox, machine learning, wiener method

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3052 Towards a Conscious Design in AI by Overcoming Dark Patterns

Authors: Ayse Arslan


One of the important elements underpinning a conscious design is the degree of toxicity in communication. This study explores the mechanisms and strategies for identifying toxic content by avoiding dark patterns. Given the breadth of hate and harassment attacks, this study explores a threat model and taxonomy to assist in reasoning about strategies for detection, prevention, mitigation, and recovery. In addition to identifying some relevant techniques such as nudges, automatic detection, or human-ranking, the study suggests the use of major metrics such as the overhead and friction of solutions on platforms and users or balancing false positives (e.g., incorrectly penalizing legitimate users) against false negatives (e.g., users exposed to hate and harassment) to maintain a conscious design towards fairness.

Keywords: AI, ML, algorithms, policy, system design

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3051 Electronic Marketing Applied to Tourism Case Study

Authors: Ahcene Boucied


In this paper, a case study is conducted to analyze the effectiveness of web pages designed in Barbados for the tourism and hospitality industry. The assessment is made from two perspectives: to understand how the Barbados’ tourism industry is using the web, and to identify the effect of information technology on economic issues. In return, this is used: (a) to provide interested parties with accurate information and marketing insight necessary for decision making for electronic commerce/e-commerce, and (b) to demonstrate pragmatic difficulties in searching and designing web pages.

Keywords: segmentation, tourism stakeholders, destination marketing, case study

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3050 The Joint Properties for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Tubes

Authors: Ahbdelfattah M. Khourshid, T. Elabeidi


Friction Stir Welding (FSW), a solid state joining technique, is widely being used for joining Al alloys for aerospace, marine automotive and many other applications of commercial importance. FSW were carried out using a vertical milling machine on Al 5083 alloy pipe. These pipe sections are relatively small in diameter, 5mm, and relatively thin walled, 2mm. In this study, 5083 aluminum alloy pipe were welded as similar alloy joints using (FSW) process in order to investigate mechanical and microstructural properties .rotation speed 1400 r.p.m and weld speed 10,40,70 mm/min. In order to investigate the effect of welding speeds on mechanical properties, metallographic and mechanical tests were carried out on the welded areas. Vickers hardness profile and tensile tests of the joints as a metallurgical investigation, Optic Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used for base and weld zones.

Keywords: friction stir welding (FSW), Al alloys, mechanical properties, microstructure

Procedia PDF Downloads 537
3049 Immuno-field Effect Transistor Using Carbon Nanotubes Network – Based for Human Serum Albumin Highly Sensitive Detection

Authors: Muhamad Azuddin Hassan, Siti Shafura Karim, Ambri Mohamed, Iskandar Yahya


Human serum albumin plays a significant part in the physiological functions of the human body system (HSA).HSA level monitoring is critical for early detection of HSA-related illnesses. The goal of this study is to show that a field effect transistor (FET)-based immunosensor can assess HSA using high aspect ratio carbon nanotubes network (CNT) as a transducer. The CNT network were deposited using air brush technique, and the FET device was made using a shadow mask process. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and a current-voltage measurement system were used to examine the morphology and electrical properties of the CNT network, respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to confirm the surface alteration of the CNT. The detection process is based on covalent binding interactions between an antibody and an HSA target, which resulted in a change in the manufactured biosensor's drain current (Id).In a linear range between 1 ng/ml and 10zg/ml, the biosensor has a high sensitivity of 0.826 mA (g/ml)-1 and a LOD value of 1.9zg/ml.HSA was also identified in a genuine serum despite interference from other biomolecules, demonstrating the CNT-FET immunosensor's ability to quantify HSA in a complex biological environment.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes network, biosensor, human serum albumin

Procedia PDF Downloads 137
3048 An Investigation on Smartphone-Based Machine Vision System for Inspection

Authors: They Shao Peng


Machine vision system for inspection is an automated technology that is normally utilized to analyze items on the production line for quality control purposes, it also can be known as an automated visual inspection (AVI) system. By applying automated visual inspection, the existence of items, defects, contaminants, flaws, and other irregularities in manufactured products can be easily detected in a short time and accurately. However, AVI systems are still inflexible and expensive due to their uniqueness for a specific task and consuming a lot of set-up time and space. With the rapid development of mobile devices, smartphones can be an alternative device for the visual system to solve the existing problems of AVI. Since the smartphone-based AVI system is still at a nascent stage, this led to the motivation to investigate the smartphone-based AVI system. This study is aimed to provide a low-cost AVI system with high efficiency and flexibility. In this project, the object detection models, which are You Only Look Once (YOLO) model and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) model, are trained, evaluated, and integrated with the smartphone and webcam devices. The performance of the smartphone-based AVI is compared with the webcam-based AVI according to the precision and inference time in this study. Additionally, a mobile application is developed which allows users to implement real-time object detection and object detection from image storage.

Keywords: automated visual inspection, deep learning, machine vision, mobile application

Procedia PDF Downloads 124
3047 Intelligent Decision Support for Wind Park Operation: Machine-Learning Based Detection and Diagnosis of Anomalous Operating States

Authors: Angela Meyer


The operation and maintenance cost for wind parks make up a major fraction of the park’s overall lifetime cost. To minimize the cost and risk involved, an optimal operation and maintenance strategy requires continuous monitoring and analysis. In order to facilitate this, we present a decision support system that automatically scans the stream of telemetry sensor data generated from the turbines. By learning decision boundaries and normal reference operating states using machine learning algorithms, the decision support system can detect anomalous operating behavior in individual wind turbines and diagnose the involved turbine sub-systems. Operating personal can be alerted if a normal operating state boundary is exceeded. The presented decision support system and method are applicable for any turbine type and manufacturer providing telemetry data of the turbine operating state. We demonstrate the successful detection and diagnosis of anomalous operating states in a case study at a German onshore wind park comprised of Vestas V112 turbines.

Keywords: anomaly detection, decision support, machine learning, monitoring, performance optimization, wind turbines

Procedia PDF Downloads 167
3046 LEDs Based Indoor Positioning by Distances Derivation from Lambertian Illumination Model

Authors: Yan-Ren Chen, Jenn-Kaie Lain


This paper proposes a novel indoor positioning algorithm based on visible light communications, implemented by light-emitting diode fixtures. In the proposed positioning algorithm, distances between light-emitting diode fixtures and mobile terminal are derived from the assumption of ideal Lambertian optic radiation model, and Trilateration positioning method is proceeded immediately to get the coordinates of mobile terminal. The proposed positioning algorithm directly obtains distance information from the optical signal modeling, and therefore, statistical distribution of received signal strength at different positions in interior space has no need to be pre-established. Numerically, simulation results have shown that the proposed indoor positioning algorithm can provide accurate location coordinates estimation.

Keywords: indoor positioning, received signal strength, trilateration, visible light communications

Procedia PDF Downloads 414
3045 Detection of Intentional Attacks in Images Based on Watermarking

Authors: Hazem Munawer Al-Otum


In this work, an efficient watermarking technique is proposed and can be used for detecting intentional attacks in RGB color images. The proposed technique can be implemented for image authentication and exhibits high robustness against unintentional common image processing attacks. It deploys two measures to discern between intentional and unintentional attacks based on using a quantization-based technique in a modified 2D multi-pyramidal DWT transform. Simulations have shown high accuracy in detecting intentionally attacked regions while exhibiting high robustness under moderate to severe common image processing attacks.

Keywords: image authentication, copyright protection, semi-fragile watermarking, tamper detection

Procedia PDF Downloads 258