Search results for: open failure
4259 Recreating Old Gardens, a Dynamic and Sustainable Design Pattern for Urban Green Spaces, Case Study: Persian Garden
Authors: Mina Sarabi, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Mitra Asadollahi Oula
In the old days, gardens reflect the identity and culture of each country. Persian garden in urban planning and architecture has a high position and it is a kind of paradise in Iranian opinion. But nowadays, the gardens were replaced with parks and urban open spaces. On the other hand, due to the industrial development of cities and increasing air pollution in urban environments, living in this spaces make problem for people. And improving ecological conditions will be felt more than ever. The purposes of this study are identification and reproduction of Persian garden pattern and adaptation of it with sustainability features in green spaces in contemporary cities and developing meaningful green spaces instead of designing aimless spaces in urban environment. The research method in this article is analytical and descriptive. Studying and collecting information about Iranian garden pattern is referring to library documents, articles and analysis case studies. The result reveals that Persian garden was the main factor the bond between man and nature. But in the last century, this relationship is in trouble. It has a significant impact in reducing the adverse effects of urban air pollution, noise and etc as well. Nowadays, recreated pattern of Iranian gardens in urban green spaces not only keep Iranian identity for future generations but also, using the principles of sustainability can play an important role in sustainable development and quality space of a city.Keywords: green open spaces, nature, Persian garden, urban sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2524258 Improving Carbon Dioxide Mass Transfer in Open Pond Raceway Systems for Improved Algal Productivity
Authors: William Middleton, Nodumo Zulu, Sue Harrison
Open raceway ponds are currently the most used system for the commercial cultivation of algal biomass, as it is a cost-effective means of production. However, raceway ponds suffer from lower algal productivity when compared to closed photobioreactors. This is due to poor gas exchange between the fluid and the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) mass transfer is a large concern in the production of algae in raceway pond systems. The utilization of atmospheric CO₂ does not support maximal growth; however, CO₂ supplementation in the form of flue gas or concentrated CO₂ is not cost-effective. The introduction of slopes into the raceway system presents a possible improvement to the mass transfer from the air, as seen in previous work conducted at CeBER. Slopes improve turbulence (decreasing the concentration gradient of dissolved CO₂) and can cause air entrainment (allowing for greater surface area and contact time between the air and water). This project tests the findings of previous studies conducted in an indoor lab-scale raceway on a larger scale under outdoor conditions. The addition of slopes resulted in slightly increased CO₂ mass transfer as well as algal growth rate and productivity. However, there were reductions in energy consumption and average fluid velocity in the system. These results indicate a potential to improve the economic feasibility of algal biomass production, but further economic assessment would need to be carried out.Keywords: algae, raceway ponds, mass transfer, algal culture, biotechnology, reactor design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1024257 Fuzzy Expert Approach for Risk Mitigation on Functional Urban Areas Affected by Anthropogenic Ground Movements
Authors: Agnieszka A. Malinowska, R. Hejmanowski
A number of European cities are strongly affected by ground movements caused by anthropogenic activities or post-anthropogenic metamorphosis. Those are mainly water pumping, current mining operation, the collapse of post-mining underground voids or mining-induced earthquakes. These activities lead to large and small-scale ground displacements and a ground ruptures. The ground movements occurring in urban areas could considerably affect stability and safety of structures and infrastructures. The complexity of the ground deformation phenomenon in relation to the structures and infrastructures vulnerability leads to considerable constraints in assessing the threat of those objects. However, the increase of access to the free software and satellite data could pave the way for developing new methods and strategies for environmental risk mitigation and management. Open source geographical information systems (OS GIS), may support data integration, management, and risk analysis. Lately, developed methods based on fuzzy logic and experts methods for buildings and infrastructure damage risk assessment could be integrated into OS GIS. Those methods were verified base on back analysis proving their accuracy. Moreover, those methods could be supported by ground displacement observation. Based on freely available data from European Space Agency and free software, ground deformation could be estimated. The main innovation presented in the paper is the application of open source software (OS GIS) for integration developed models and assessment of the threat of urban areas. Those approaches will be reinforced by analysis of ground movement based on free satellite data. Those data would support the verification of ground movement prediction models. Moreover, satellite data will enable our mapping of ground deformation in urbanized areas. Developed models and methods have been implemented in one of the urban areas hazarded by underground mining activity. Vulnerability maps supported by satellite ground movement observation would mitigate the hazards of land displacements in urban areas close to mines.Keywords: fuzzy logic, open source geographic information science (OS GIS), risk assessment on urbanized areas, satellite interferometry (InSAR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1604256 Assessing the Feasibility of Italian Hydrogen Targets with the Open-Source Energy System Optimization Model TEMOA - Italy
Authors: Alessandro Balbo, Gianvito Colucci, Matteo Nicoli, Laura Savoldi
Hydrogen is expected to become a game changer in the energy transition, especially enabling sector coupling possibilities and the decarbonization of hard-to-abate end-uses. The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan identifies hydrogen as one of the key elements of the ecologic transition to meet international decarbonization objectives, also including it in several pilot projects for the early development in Italy. This matches the European energy strategy, which aims to make hydrogen a leading energy carrier of the future, setting ambitious goals to be accomplished by 2030. The huge efforts needed to achieve the announced targets require to carefully investigate of their feasibility in terms of economic expenditures and technical aspects. In order to quantitatively assess the hydrogen potential within the Italian context and the feasibility of the planned investments and projects, this work uses the TEMOA-Italy energy system model to study pathways to meet the strict objectives above cited. The possible hydrogen development has been studied both in the supply-side and demand-side of the energy system, also including storage options and distribution chains. The assessment comprehends alternative hydrogen production technologies involved in a competition market, reflecting the several possible investments declined by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan to boost the development and spread of this infrastructure, including the sector coupling potential with natural gas through the currently existing infrastructure and CO2 capture for the production of synfuels. On the other hand, the hydrogen end-uses phase covers a wide range of consumption alternatives, from fuel-cell vehicles, for which both road and non-road transport categories are considered, to steel, and chemical industries uses and cogeneration for residential and commercial buildings. The model includes both high and low TRL technologies in order to provide a consistent outcome for the future decades as it does for the present day, and since it is developed through the use of an open-source code instance and database, transparency and accessibility are fully granted.Keywords: decarbonization, energy system optimization models, hydrogen, open-source modeling, TEMOA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1014255 A Concept of Rational Water Management at Local Utilities: The Use of RO for Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment/Reuse
Authors: N. Matveev, A. Pervov
Local utilities often face problems of local industrial wastes, storm water disposal due to existing strict regulations. For many local industries, the problem of wastewater treatment and discharge into surface reservoirs can’t be solved through the use of conventional biological treatment techniques. Current discharge standards require very strict removal of a number of impurities such as ammonia, nitrates, phosphate, etc. To reach this level of removal, expensive reagents and sorbents are used. The modern concept of rational water resources management requires the development of new efficient techniques that provide wastewater treatment and reuse. As RO membranes simultaneously reject all dissolved impurities such as BOD, TDS, ammonia, phosphates etc., they become very attractive for the direct treatment of wastewater without biological stage. To treat wastewater, specially designed membrane "open channel" modules are used that do not possess "dead areas" that cause fouling or require pretreatment. A solution to RO concentrate disposal problem is presented that consists of reducing of initial wastewater volume by 100 times. Concentrate is withdrawn from membrane unit as sludge moisture. The efficient use of membrane RO techniques is connected with a salt balance in water system. Thus, to provide high ecological efficiency of developed techniques, all components of water supply and wastewater discharge systems should be accounted for.Keywords: reverse osmosis, stormwater treatment, open-channel module, wastewater reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 3194254 Risk Assessment of Flood Defences by Utilising Condition Grade Based Probabilistic Approach
Authors: M. Bahari Mehrabani, Hua-Peng Chen
Management and maintenance of coastal defence structures during the expected life cycle have become a real challenge for decision makers and engineers. Accurate evaluation of the current condition and future performance of flood defence structures is essential for effective practical maintenance strategies on the basis of available field inspection data. Moreover, as coastal defence structures age, it becomes more challenging to implement maintenance and management plans to avoid structural failure. Therefore, condition inspection data are essential for assessing damage and forecasting deterioration of ageing flood defence structures in order to keep the structures in an acceptable condition. The inspection data for flood defence structures are often collected using discrete visual condition rating schemes. In order to evaluate future condition of the structure, a probabilistic deterioration model needs to be utilised. However, existing deterioration models may not provide a reliable prediction of performance deterioration for a long period due to uncertainties. To tackle the limitation, a time-dependent condition-based model associated with a transition probability needs to be developed on the basis of condition grade scheme for flood defences. This paper presents a probabilistic method for predicting future performance deterioration of coastal flood defence structures based on condition grading inspection data and deterioration curves estimated by expert judgement. In condition-based deterioration modelling, the main task is to estimate transition probability matrices. The deterioration process of the structure related to the transition states is modelled according to Markov chain process, and a reliability-based approach is used to estimate the probability of structural failure. Visual inspection data according to the United Kingdom Condition Assessment Manual are used to obtain the initial condition grade curve of the coastal flood defences. The initial curves then modified in order to develop transition probabilities through non-linear regression based optimisation algorithms. The Monte Carlo simulations are then used to evaluate the future performance of the structure on the basis of the estimated transition probabilities. Finally, a case study is given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method under no-maintenance and medium-maintenance scenarios. Results show that the proposed method can provide an effective predictive model for various situations in terms of available condition grading data. The proposed model also provides useful information on time-dependent probability of failure in coastal flood defences.Keywords: condition grading, flood defense, performance assessment, stochastic deterioration modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2354253 A Student Centered Learning Environment in Engineering Education: Design and a Longitudinal Study of Impact
Authors: Tom O'Mahony
This article considers the design of a student-centered learning environment in engineering education. The learning environment integrates a number of components, including project-based learning, collaborative learning, two-stage assignments, active learning lectures, and a flipped-classroom. Together these elements place the individual learner and their learning at the center of the environment by focusing on understanding, enhancing relevance, applying learning, obtaining rich feedback, making choices, and taking responsibility. The evolution of this environment from 2014 to the present day is outlined. The impact of this environment on learners and their learning is evaluated via student questionnaires that consist of both open and closed-ended questions. The closed questions indicate that students found the learning environment to be really interesting and enjoyable (rated as 4.7 on a 5 point scale) and encouraged students to adopt a deep approach towards studying the course materials (rated as 4.0 on a 5 point scale). A content analysis of the open-ended questions provides evidence that the project, active learning lectures, and flipped classroom all contribute to the success of this environment. Furthermore, this analysis indicates that the two-stage assessment process, in which feedback is provided between a draft and final assignment, is the key component and the dominant theme. A limitation of the study is the small class size (less than 20 learners per year), but, to some degree, this is compensated for by the longitudinal nature of the study.Keywords: deep approaches, formative assessment, project-based learning, student-centered learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1124252 Severe Post Operative Gas Gangrene of the Liver: Off-Label Treatment by Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation
Authors: Luciano Tarantino
Gas gangrene is a rare, severe infection with a very high mortality rate caused by Clostridium species. The infection causes a non-suppurative localized producing gas lesion from which harmful toxins that impair the inflammatory response cause vessel damage and multiple organ failure. Gas gangrene of the liver is very rare and develops suddenly, often as a complication of abdominal surgery and liver transplantation. The present paper deals with a case of gas gangrene of the liver that occurred after percutaneous MW ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma, resulting in progressive liver necrosis and multi-organ failure in spite of specific antibiotics administration. The patient was successfully treated with percutaneous Radiofrequency ablation. Case report: Female, 76 years old, Child A class cirrhosis, treated with synchronous insertion of 3 MW antennae for large HCC (5.5 cm) in the VIII segment. 24 hours after treatment, the patient was asymptomatic and left the hospital . 2 days later, she complained of fever, weakness, abdominal swelling, and pain. Abdominal US detected a 2.3 cm in size gas-containing area, eccentric within the large (7 cm) ablated area. The patient was promptly hospitalized with the diagnosis of anaerobic liver abscess and started antibiotic therapy with Imipenem/cilastatine+metronidazole+teicoplanine. On the fourth day, the patient was moved to the ICU because of dyspnea, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, right pleural effusion, ascites, and renal failure. Blood tests demonstrated severe leukopenia and neutropenia, anemia, increased creatinine and blood nitrogen, high-level FDP, and high INR. Blood cultures were negative. At US, unenhanced CT, and CEUS, a progressive enlargement of the infected liver lesion was observed. Percutaneous drainage was attempted, but only drops of non-suppurative brownish material could be obtained. Pleural and peritoneal drainages gave serosanguineous muddy fluid. The Surgeon and the Anesthesiologist excluded any indication of surgical resection because of the high perioperative mortality risk. Therefore, we asked for the informed consent of the patient and her relatives to treat the gangrenous liver lesion by percutaneous Ablation. Under conscious sedation, percutaneous RFA of GG was performed by double insertion of 3 cool-tip needles (Covidien LDT, USA ) into the infected area. The procedure was well tolerated by the patient. A dramatic improvement in the patient's condition was observed in the subsequent 24 hours and thereafter. Fever and dyspnea disappeared. Normalization of blood tests, including creatinine, was observed within 4 days. Heart performance improved, 10 days after the RFA the patient left the hospital and was followed-up with weekly as an outpatient for 2 months and every two months thereafter. At 18 months follow-up, the patient is well compensated (Child-Pugh class B7), without any peritoneal or pleural effusion and without any HCC recurrence at imaging (US every 3 months, CT every 6 months). Percutaneous RFA could be a valuable therapy of focal GG of the liver in patients non-responder to antibiotics and when surgery and liver transplantation are not feasible. A fast and early indication is needed in case of rapid worsening of patient's conditions.Keywords: liver tumor ablation, interventional ultrasound, liver infection, gas gangrene, radiofrequency ablation
Procedia PDF Downloads 814251 Clinical Effectiveness of Bulk-fill Resin Composite: A Review
Authors: Taraneh Estedlal
The objective of this study was to review in-vivo and in-vitro studies to compare the effectiveness of bulk-fill and conventional resin composites with regard to marginal adaptation, polymerization shrinkage, and other mechanical properties.PubMed and Scopus databases was investigated for in-vitro studies and randomized clinical trials comparing incidence of fractures, color stability, marginal adaptation, pain and discomfort, recurrent caries, occlusion, pulpal reaction, and proper proximal contacts of restorations made with conventional and bulk resins. The failure rate of conventional and flowable bulk-fill resin composites was not significantly different to sculptable bulk-fill resin composites. The objective of this study was to review in-vivo and in-vitro studies to compare the effectiveness of bulk-fill and conventional resin composites with regard to marginal adaptation, polymerization shrinkage, and other mechanical properties. PubMed and Scopus databases was investigated for in-vitro studies and randomized clinical trials comparing one of the pearlier mentioned properties between bulk-fill and control composites. Despite differences in physical and in-vitro properties, failure rate of conventional and flowable bulk-fill resin composites was not significantly different to sculptable bulk-fill resin composites.Keywords: polymerization shrinkage, color stability, marginal adaptation, recurrent caries, occlusion, pulpal reaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1454250 Safety Testing of Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries and Failure Modes Analysis
Authors: Romeo Malik, Yashraj Tripathy, Anup Barai
Transportation safety is a major concern for vehicle electrification on a large-scale. The failure cost of lithium-ion batteries is substantial and is significantly impacted by higher liability and replacement cost. With continuous advancement on the material front in terms of higher energy density, upgrading safety characteristics are becoming more crucial for broader integration of lithium-ion batteries. Understanding and impeding thermal runaway is the prime issue for battery safety researchers. In this study, a comprehensive comparison of thermal runaway mechanisms for two different cathode types, Li(Ni₀.₃Co₀.₃Mn₀.₃)O₂ and Li(Ni₀.₈Co₀.₁₅Al₀.₀₅)O₂ is explored. Both the chemistries were studied for different states of charge, and the various abuse scenarios that lead to thermal runaway is investigated. Abuse tests include mechanical abuse, electrical abuse, and thermal abuse. Batteries undergo thermal runaway due to a series of combustible reactions taking place internally; this is observed as multiple jets of flame reaching temperatures of the order of 1000ºC. The physicochemical characterisation was performed on cells, prior to and after abuse. Battery’s state of charge and chemistry have a significant effect on the flame temperature profiles which is otherwise quantified as heat released. Majority of the failures during transportation is due to these external short circuit. Finally, a mitigation approach is proposed to impede the thermal runaway hazard. Transporting lithium-ion batteries under low states of charge is proposed as a way forward. Batteries at low states of charge have demonstrated minimal heat release under thermal runaway reducing the risk of secondary hazards such as thermal runaway propagation.Keywords: battery reliability, lithium-ion batteries, thermal runaway characterisation, tomography
Procedia PDF Downloads 1224249 Analyzing the Effectiveness of Communication Practices and Processes within Project-Based Firms
Authors: Paul Saah, Charles Mbohwa, Nelson Sizwe Madonsela
The capacity to deliver projects on schedule, within budget, and to the pleasure of the client depends on effective communication, which is the lifeblood of project-based businesses. In order to pinpoint areas for development and shed light on the crucial role that communication plays in project success, the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of communication practises and processes inside project-based organisations. In order to analyse concepts and get a greater grasp of their theoretical basis, this study's methodology combines a careful review of the relevant literature with a conceptual analysis of the subject. Data from a varied sample of project-based businesses spanning all industries and sizes were collected via document analysis. The relationship between communication practises, and processes were investigated in connection to key performance measures such as project outcomes, client satisfaction, and team dynamics. According to the study's findings, project-based businesses that adopt effective communication practises, and procedures experience a reduction in unfavourable experiences, stronger integration, and coordination, clarity of purpose, and practises that can hasten problem resolution. However, failing to adopt effective communication practises and procedures in project-based company result in counter issues, including project derailment from the schedule, failure to meet goals, inefficient use of existing resources, and failure to meet organisational goals. Therefore, optimising their communication practises, and procedures are crucial for sustainable growth and competitive advantage as project-based enterprises continue to play a crucial part in today's dynamic business scene.Keywords: effective communication, project-based firms, communication practices, project success, communication strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 704248 Cost Effective Intraoperative Mri for Cranial and Spinal Cases Using Pre-Existing Three Side Open Mri-Adjacent to Operation Theater = Since-2005
Authors: V. K. Tewari, M. Hussain, H. K. D.Gupta
Aims/Background: The existing Intraoperative-MRI(IMRI) of developed countries is too costly to be utilized in any developing country. We have used the preexisting 3-side open 0.2-tesla MRI for IMRI in India so that the maximum benefit of the goal of IMRI is attained with cost effective state of the art surgeries. Material/Methods: We have operated 36-cases since 13thNov2005 via IMRI to till date. The table of MRI is used as an operating table which can be taken to the P3 level and as and when we require MRI to be done then the table can slide to P1 level so that the intraoperative monitoring can be done. The oxygen/nitrous tubes were taken out from vent made in the wall of the MRI room to outside. The small handy Boyel’s trolley was taken inside the MRI room with a small monitor. Anesthesia is been given in the MRI room itself. Usual skin markings were given with the help of scout MRI fields so the preciseness is increased. Craniotomy flap raised or the laminectomy and the dura opened in the similar fashion by same instruments as for the non IMRI case. Now corticectomy is planned after the T1 contrast image to localize and minimize the cortical resection. Staged and multiple P3 to P1 position and vice versa is planned respectively so that the resection is optimized to around 0.5 mm for radiotherapy. Immediate preclosure hematoma and edemas can be differentiated and cared for it. Results: Same MRI images as compared to highly expensive MRI of western world are achieved. Conclusion: 0.2 tesla Intraoperative MRI can be used for operative work for cranial and spinal cases easily with highly cost effectiveness.Keywords: intraoperative MRI, 0.2 tesla intraoperative MRI, cost effective intraoperative MRI, medical and health sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4564247 Ambisyllabic Conditioning in English: Evidence from the Accent of Nigerian Speakers of English
Authors: Nkereke Mfon Essien
In an ambisyllabic environment, one consonant sound simultaneously assumes both the coda and onset positions of a word due to its structural proclivity to affect two phonological processes or repair two ill-formed sequences in those syllable positions at the same time. This study sets out to examine the structural conditions that trigger this not-so-common phonological privilege for consonant sounds in the English language and Nigerian English and if such constraints could have any correspondence in the language studied. Data for the study were obtained from a native speaker of English who was the control and twenty (20) educated Nigerian speakers of English from the three ethnic/linguistic groups in Nigeria. Preliminary findings from the data show that ambisyllabicity in English is triggered mainly by stress, a condition which causes a consonant in a stressed syllable to become glottalised and simultaneously devoices the nearest voiced consonant in the next syllable. For example, in the word coupler,/'kʌplɜr/ is realized as ['kʌˀpl̥ɜr]. In some Nigerian English, preliminary findings show that ambisyllabicity is triggered by a sequence of intervocalic short, high central vowels and a coda nasal. Since the short vowel may not occur in an open syllable, the nasal serves to close the impermissible open syllable. However, since the Nigerian English foot structure does not permit a CVC.V syllable, the same coda nasal simultaneously repairs the impermissible syllable foot to (CV.CV) by applying the Maximal Onset Principle since this is a preliminary investigation, a conclusion would not suffice yet.Keywords: ambisyllabicity, nasal, coda, stress, phonological process, syllable, foot
Procedia PDF Downloads 234246 Salinity Effects on Germination of Malaysian Rice Varieties and Weedy Rice Biotypes
Authors: M. Kamal Uddin, H. Mohd Dandan, Ame H. Alidin
Germination and seedling growth of plant species are reduced in saline due to an external osmotic potential. An experiment was conducted at the laboratory, Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, to compare the salt effect on seed germination and growth of weedy rice and cultivated rice. Seeds (10 in each) were placed in petri dishes. Five salinity levels 0 (distilled water), 4, 8, 12 and 16 dSm-1 (NaCl) were applied. The number of germinated seeds was recorded daily. The final germination percentage, germination index (GI), seedling vigour index (SVI) mean germination time (MGT), shoot and root dry weight were estimated. At highest salinity (16 dSm-1) germination percentage was higher (100%) in weedy rice awn and weedy rice compact. Lowest germination percentage was in MR219 and TQR-8 (50-60%). Mean germination time (MGT) was found higher in all weedy rice biotypes compared to cultivated rice. At highest salinity (16dSm-1) weedy rice open produced the highest MGT (9.92) followed by weedy rice compact (9.73) while lowest MGT was in MR219 (9.48). At highest salinity (16dSm-1) germination index was higher in weedy rice awn (11.71) and compact type (9.62). Lowest germination index was in MR219 (5.90) and TQR-8 (8.94). At the highest salinity (16 dSm−1), seedling vigor index was highest in weedy rice awn (6.06) followed by weedy rice compact (5.26); while lowest was in MR219 (2.11) followed by MR269 (3.82).On the basis of Germination index, seedling vigor index and growth related results it could be concluded that weedy rice awn, compact and open biotypes were more salt tolerant compared to other cultivated rice MR219, MR269, and TQR-8.Keywords: germination, salinity, rice and weedy rice, sustainable agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4924245 Prevalence of Bovine Mastitis and Associated Risk Factors in Selected Dairy Farms in Zoba Anseba, Eritrea
Authors: Redie Kidane Ghebrehawariat, Betiel Habte Hadgu, Filmon Berhane Kahsay, Rim Berhane Fisehaye, Samuel Haile Kahsay, Saron Yemane Yosief, Selemawit Mosazghi Gilazghi
A cross-sectional study was conducted from 22 February to 9 April 2022 on small, medium, and large holder dairy farms to determine the bovine mastitis prevalence and associated risk factors in the Anseba region, Eritrea. A total of 34 dairy farms and 193 dairy cows were randomly selected. Dairy cows were physically examined for any change on the udder and milk; a California mastitis test was performed to check sub-clinical mastitis; a closed-ended semi-structured questionnaire composed of 28 variables/risk factors (21 management risk factors and 7 animal-level risk factors) was used to determine the risk factors responsible for clinical and sub-clinical mastitis in the dairy cows. The overall cow-level prevalence of mastitis was 147 (76.2%). The animal level prevalence rate of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis was found to be 22 (11.4%) and 125 (64.8%), respectively, while herd level prevalence both for clinical and subclinical mastitis was found to be 14 (41.2%) and 26 (76.5%) respectively. Based on the already set P-value, which is <0.05, a number of risk factors were found to have a significant relationship with the occurrence of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis. Generally, animal risk factors such as animal age, parity, injury on the udder or teat, and previous history of mastitis presence of injury on the udder and lactation stage were risk factors with a significant relationship with the occurrence of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis. On the other hand, management risk factors with a significant relationship to the occurrence of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis were herd size, failure to milk mastitic cow, at last, educational level, floor type, failure to use a towel, using one towel for more than one cow and failure to practice mastitis test. From a total of 772 quarters, 280 (36.3%) were found positive for sub-clinical mastitis using the California mastitis test; of these, 70 (9%) were weakly positive, 90 (11.7%) were distinct positive, and 120 (15.5%) were strongly positive. Furthermore, 13 (1.7%) quarters were blocked. Quarter level prevalence was right front 80 (41.5%), left front 64 (33.3%), right hind 69 (35.8%) and left hind 67 (34.7%). The study has shown that mastitis is a major problem for dairy farms and the findings suggested that mastitis is one of the limiting factors in increasing milk production. Subclinical mastitis was found to be a devastating problem, and it occurred in all three breeds of lactating dairy cattle. Therefore, farmers should work hard to avoid the above-mentioned risk factors to minimize the infection of their dairy cattle by mastitis and thereby increase their profit. On the other hand, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the extension unit, should work in close contact with the farmers to increase awareness of the economic importance of the disease and associated risk factors.Keywords: mastitis, prevalence, dairy cattle, Anseba, Eritrea
Procedia PDF Downloads 1324244 Examining Postcolonial Corporate Power Structures through the Lens of Development Induced Projects in Africa
Authors: Omogboyega Abe
This paper examines the relationships between socio-economic inequalities of power, race, wealth engendered by corporate structure, and domination in postcolonial Africa. The paper further considers how land as an epitome of property and power for the locals paved the way for capitalist accumulation and control in the hands of transnational corporations. European colonization of Africa was contingent on settler colonialism, where properties, including land, were re-modified as extractive resources for primitive accumulation. In developing Africa's extractive resources, transnational corporations (TNCs) usurped states' structures and domination over native land. The usurpation/corporate capture that exists to date has led to remonstrations and arguably a counter-productive approach to development projects. In some communities, the mention of extractive companies triggers resentment. The paradigm of state capture and state autonomy is simply inadequate to either describe or resolve the play of forces or actors responsible for severe corporate-induced human rights violations in emerging markets. Moreover, even if the deadly working conditions are conceived as some regulatory failure, it is tough to tell whose failure. The analysis in this paper is that the complexity and ambiguity evidenced by the multiple regimes and political and economic forces shaping production, consumption, and distribution of socio-economic variables are not exceptional in emerging markets. Instead, the varied experience in developing countries provides a window for seeing what we face in understanding and theorizing the structure and operation of the global economic and regulatory order in general.Keywords: colonial, emerging markets, business, human rights, corporation
Procedia PDF Downloads 674243 Comparing the Effects of Systemic Family Intervention on End Stage Renal Disease: Families of Different Modalities
Authors: Fenni Sim
Background: The application of systemic family therapy approaches to community health cases have not gathered traction. In National Kidney Foundation, Singapore, the belief is that community support has great potential in helping End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF) patients manage the demands of their treatment regime, whether Hemodialysis (HD) or Peritoneal Dialysis(PD) and sustain them on the treatment. However, the current community support does not include family interventions and is largely nursing based. Although nursing support is well provided to patients, and their family members in issues related to treatment and compliance, complex family issues and dynamics arising from caregiver strain or pre-dialysis relationship strain might deter efforts in managing the challenges of the treatment. Objective: The objective of the study is to understand the potential scope of work provided by a social worker who is trained in systemic family therapy and the effects of these interventions. Methodology: 3 families on HD and 3 families on PD who have been receiving family intervention for the past 6 months would be chosen for the study. A qualitative interview would be conducted to review the effectiveness for the family. Scales such as SCORE-15, PHQ-9, and Zarit Burden were used to measure family functioning, depression, and caregiver’s burden for the families. Results: The research is still in preliminary phase. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of family intervention for families with multiple stressors on different treatment modalities who might have different needs and challenges. Nursing support needs to be complemented with family-based support to manage complex family issues in order to achieve better health outcomes and improved family coping.Keywords: complementing nursing support, end stage renal failure, healthcare, systemic approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 2044242 Some Inequalities Related with Starlike Log-Harmonic Mappings
Authors: Melike Aydoğan, Dürdane Öztürk
Let H(D) be the linear space of all analytic functions defined on the open unit disc. A log-harmonic mappings is a solution of the nonlinear elliptic partial differential equation where w(z) ∈ H(D) is second dilatation such that |w(z)| < 1 for all z ∈ D. The aim of this paper is to define some inequalities of starlike logharmonic functions of order α(0 ≤ α ≤ 1).Keywords: starlike log-harmonic functions, univalent functions, distortion theorem
Procedia PDF Downloads 5264241 The Materiality of Noise Barriers: Sustainability Approach
Authors: Mostafa Gabr, Rania Abdul Galil, Nihal Salim
Various interventions are applied in cities with the aim to improve living and acoustic environmental conditions. Noise is one of the most influential and critical factors in the environment that has an effect on the QOL (quality of life) and urban environment. It ranks second among environmental pollution issues according to EEAA. Traffic noise is a major source of noise. Noise barriers are one of the physical techniques in landscape design used to reduce the impact of noise pollution in urban areas. Roadways noise pollution can be best controlled by a noise barrier. The aim of this paper is to consider all facets of sustainability when designing a comfortable acoustic environment in roadways, through different strategies related to planning and the design process. The study focuses on the relation between the design of noise barriers as a landscape noise mitigation installation and their materiality in so far as it influences the sustainability of the open space and the acceptability of users. According to previous studies, design of noise barrier mainly depends on cost as a decisive factor. This study asserts that environmental and socioeconomic costs associated are equally important. Hence, the paper presents a strategy for sustainable soundscape design. It builds a framework focusing on materiality considering the environmental and socioeconomic impact of noise barriers shaping urban open space around the road ways, and the different academic and market positions on noise barrier types and materials. Finally, it concludes with a matrix of the relation between the noise barrier design consideration and the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic and environmental).Keywords: traffic noise level, acoustic sustainability, noise barrier, noise reduction, noise control, acoustical level
Procedia PDF Downloads 4834240 Intellectual Capital as Resource Based Business Strategy
Authors: Vidya Nimkar Tayade
Introduction: Intellectual capital of an organization is a key factor to success. Many companies invest a huge amount in their Research and development activities. Any innovation is helpful not only to that particular company but also to many other companies, industry and mankind as a whole. Companies undertake innovative changes for increasing their capital profitability and indirectly increase in pay packages of their employees. The quality of human capital can also improve due to such positive changes. Employees become more skilled and experienced due to such innovations and inventions. For increasing intangible capital, the author has referred to a couple of books and referred case studies to come to a conclusion. Different charts and tables are also referred to by the author. Case studies are more important because they are proven and established techniques. They enable students to apply theoretical concepts in real-world situations. It gives solutions to an open-ended problem with multiple potential solutions. There are three different strategies for undertaking intellectual capital increase. They are: Research push strategy/ Technology pushed approach, Market pull strategy/ approach and Open innovation strategy/approach. Research push strategy, In this strategy, research is undertaken and innovation is achieved on its own. After invention inventor company protects such invention and finds buyers for such invention. In this way, the invention is pushed into the market. In this method, research and development are undertaken first and the outcome of this research is commercialized. Market pull strategy, In this strategy, commercial opportunities are identified first and our research is concentrated in that particular area. For solving a particular problem, research is undertaken. It becomes easier to commercialize this type of invention. Because what is the problem is identified first and in that direction, research and development activities are carried on. Open invention strategy, In this type of research, more than one company enters into an agreement of research. The benefits of the outcome of this research will be shared by both companies. Internal and external ideas and technologies are involved. These ideas are coordinated and then they are commercialized. Due to globalization, people from the outside company are also invited to undertake research and development activities. Remuneration of employees of both the companies can increase and the benefit of commercialization of such invention is also shared by both the companies. Conclusion: In modern days, not only can tangible assets be commercialized, but also intangible assets can also be commercialized. The benefits of such an invention can be shared by more than one company. Competition can become more meaningful. Pay packages of employees can improve. It Is a need for time to adopt such strategies to benefit employees, competitors, stakeholders.Keywords: innovation, protection, management, commercialization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1694239 Tip-Apex Distance as a Long-Term Risk Factor for Hospital Readmission Following Intramedullary Fixation of Intertrochanteric Fractures
Authors: Brandon Knopp, Matthew Harris
Purpose: Tip-apex distance (TAD) has long been discussed as a metric for determining risk of failure in the fixation of peritrochanteric fractures. TAD measurements over 25 millimeters (mm) have been associated with higher rates of screw cut out and other complications in the first several months after surgery. However, there is limited evidence for the efficacy of this measurement in predicting the long-term risk of negative outcomes following hip fixation surgery. The purpose of our study was to investigate risk factors including TAD for hospital readmission, loss of pre-injury ambulation and development of complications within 1 year after hip fixation surgery. Methods: A retrospective review of proximal hip fractures treated with single screw intramedullary devices between 2016 and 2020 was performed at a 327-bed regional medical center. Patients included had a postoperative follow-up of at least 12 months or surgery-related complications developing within that time. Results: 44 of the 67 patients in this study met the inclusion criteria with adequate follow-up post-surgery. There was a total of 10 males (22.7%) and 34 females (77.3%) meeting inclusion criteria with a mean age of 82.1 (± 12.3) at the time of surgery. The average TAD in our study population was 19.57mm and the average 1-year readmission rate was 15.9%. 3 out of 6 patients (50%) with a TAD > 25mm were readmitted within one year due to surgery-related complications. In contrast, 3 out of 38 patients (7.9%) with a TAD < 25mm were readmitted within one year due to surgery-related complications (p=0.0254). Individual TAD measurements, averaging 22.05mm in patients readmitted within 1 year of surgery and 19.18mm in patients not readmitted within 1 year of surgery, were not significantly different between the two groups (p=0.2113). Conclusions: Our data indicate a significant improvement in hospital readmission rates up to one year after hip fixation surgery in patients with a TAD < 25mm with a decrease in readmissions of over 40% (50% vs 7.9%). This result builds upon past investigations by extending the follow-up time to 1 year after surgery and utilizing hospital readmissions as a metric for surgical success. With the well-documented physical and financial costs of hospital readmission after hip surgery, our study highlights a reduction of TAD < 25mm as an effective method of improving patient outcomes and reducing financial costs to patients and medical institutions. No relationship was found between TAD measurements and secondary outcomes, including loss of pre-injury ambulation and development of complications.Keywords: hip fractures, hip reductions, readmission rates, open reduction internal fixation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1454238 Use of Waste Tire Rubber Alkali-Activated-Based Mortars in Repair of Concrete Structures
Authors: Mohammad Ebrahim Kianifar, Ehsan Ahmadi
Reinforced concrete structures experience local defects such as cracks over their lifetime under various environmental loadings. Consequently, they are repaired by mortars to avoid detrimental effects such as corrosion of reinforcement, which in long-term may lead to strength loss of a member or collapse of structures. However, repaired structures may need multiple repairs due to changes in load distribution, and thus, lack of compatibility between mortar and substrate concrete. On the other hand, waste tire rubber alkali-activated (WTRAA)-based materials have very high potential to be used as repair mortars because of their ductility and flexibility, which may delay the failure of repair mortar and thus, provide sufficient compatibility. Hence, this work presents a pioneering study on suitability of WTRAA-based materials as mortars for the repair of concrete structures through an experimental program. To this end, WTRAA mortars with 15% aggregate replacement, alkali-activated (AA) mortars, and ordinary mortars are made to repair a number of concrete beams. The WTRAA mortars are composed of slag as base material, sodium hydroxide as an alkaline activator, and different gradations of waste tire rubber (fine and coarse gradations). Flexural tests are conducted on the concrete beams repaired by the ordinary, AA, and WTRAA mortars. It is found that, despite having lower compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, the WTRAA and AA mortars increase the flexural strength of the repaired beams, give compatible failures, and provide sufficient mortar-concrete interface bondings. The ordinary mortars, however, show incompatible failure modes. This study demonstrates the promising application of WTRAA mortars in the practical repairs of concrete structures.Keywords: alkali-activated mortars, concrete repair, mortar compatibility, flexural strength, waste tire rubber
Procedia PDF Downloads 1584237 Effects of Drying Method and Seed Priming Duration on Coffee Seed and Seedling Quality
Authors: Taju Mohammednur, Tesfaye Megersa, Karta Kaske
Coffee is an economically important cash crop in Ethiopia. However, the conditions under which coffee seeds are dried and processed significantly affect the seedling quality and productivity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pre-sowing treatments and drying methods on the physiological quality of coffee seeds and seedlings. The study included two coffee varieties (74110, 75227), two drying conditions (under-shade drying room, open sun), and five durations of seed hydro priming (6, 8, 18, 24 hours, and an untreated control). Factorial combinations of the three factors were laid out in a Completely Randomized Design of three replications. Results indicated that the highest germination percentage (91%), emergence rate (90%), and seedling vigor index-I (2236 cm %) were recorded for seeds dried under-shade drying room. In contrast, the lowest values of germination percentage, emergence rate, and vigor index were observed for seeds dried under open sun. There was a significant difference in seed germination based on hydro priming time, with the highest germination percentage (83%) recorded for seeds soaked for 6 hours, followed by 24 hours (83%). The lowest germination percentage (77%) was recorded for un-soaked seeds. In conclusion, drying seeds under shade is better for coffee seed quality, and hydro priming has improved seedling vigor. However, further investigation into seed priming methods and preservation techniques for primed seeds is necessary to improve coffee seed quality.Keywords: coffee, germination, seed drying, seed longevity, seed priming
Procedia PDF Downloads 304236 Applying Wavelet Transform to Ferroresonance Detection and Protection
Authors: Chun-Wei Huang, Jyh-Cherng Gu, Ming-Ta Yang
Non-synchronous breakage or line failure in power systems with light or no loads can lead to core saturation in transformers or potential transformers. This can cause component and capacitance matching resulting in the formation of resonant circuits, which trigger ferroresonance. This study employed a wavelet transform for the detection of ferroresonance. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.Keywords: ferroresonance, wavelet transform, intelligent electronic device, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4974235 Fabrication and Characterization of Ceramic Matrix Composite
Authors: Yahya Asanoglu, Celaletdin Ergun
Ceramic-matrix composites (CMC) have significant prominence in various engineering applications because of their heat resistance associated with an ability to withstand the brittle type of catastrophic failure. In this study, specific raw materials have been chosen for the purpose of having suitable CMC material for high-temperature dielectric applications. CMC material will be manufactured through the polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) method. During the manufacturing process, vacuum infiltration and autoclave will be applied so as to decrease porosity and obtain higher mechanical properties, although this advantage leads to a decrease in the electrical performance of the material. Time and temperature adjustment in pyrolysis parameters provide a significant difference in the properties of the resulting material. The mechanical and thermal properties will be investigated in addition to the measurement of dielectric constant and tangent loss values within the spectrum of Ku-band (12 to 18 GHz). Also, XRD, TGA/PTA analyses will be employed to prove the transition of precursor to ceramic phases and to detect critical transition temperatures. Additionally, SEM analysis on the fracture surfaces will be performed to see failure mechanism whether there is fiber pull-out, crack deflection and others which lead to ductility and toughness in the material. In this research, the cost-effectiveness and applicability of the PIP method will be proven in the manufacture of CMC materials while optimization of pyrolysis time, temperature and cycle for specific materials is detected by experiment. Also, several resins will be shown to be a potential raw material for CMC radome and antenna applications. This research will be distinguished from previous related papers due to the fact that in this research, the combination of different precursors and fabrics will be experimented with to specify the unique cons and pros of each combination. In this way, this is an experimental sum of previous works with unique PIP parameters and a guide to the manufacture of CMC radome and antenna.Keywords: CMC, PIP, precursor, quartz
Procedia PDF Downloads 1604234 Engineering of E-Learning Content Creation: Case Study for African Countries
Authors: María-Dolores Afonso-Suárez, Nayra Pumar-Carreras, Juan Ruiz-Alzola
This research addresses the use of an e-Learning creation methodology for learning objects. Throughout the process, indicators are being gathered, to determine if it responds to the main objectives of an engineering discipline. These parameters will also indicate if it is necessary to review the creation cycle and readjust any phase. Within the project developed for this study, apart from the use of structured methods, there has been a central objective: the establishment of a learning atmosphere. A place where all the professionals involved are able to collaborate, plan, solve problems and determine guides to follow in order to develop creative and innovative solutions. It has been outlined as a blended learning program with an assessment plan that proposes face to face lessons, coaching, collaboration, multimedia and web based learning objects as well as support resources. The project has been drawn as a long term task, the pilot teaching actions designed provide the preliminary results object of study. This methodology is been used in the creation of learning content for the African countries of Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde. It has been developed within the framework of the MACbioIDi, an Interreg European project for the International cooperation and development. The educational area of this project is focused in the training and advice of professionals of the medicine as well as engineers in the use of applications of medical imaging technology, specifically the 3DSlicer application and the Open Anatomy Browser.Keywords: teaching contents engineering, e-learning, blended learning, international cooperation, 3dslicer, open anatomy browser
Procedia PDF Downloads 1734233 Factors Associated with Treatment Adherence among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in New Delhi
Authors: Ilham Zaidi, P. Sankara Sarma, Quazi Taufique Ahmed, V. Raman Kutty, Khalid Umer Khayyam, Gurpreet Singh, Abhishek Royal
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a global public health emergency, but it is particularly acute in India, which has the world's highest tuberculosis burden. Due to overpopulation, lack of sanitation, malnutrition, low living standards, and poor socioeconomic status, among other factors, it is India's most common infectious disease. The long period of treatment is one of the main reasons for considering it as a public health emergency. Consequently, there is an increase in patient noncompliance, which leads to treatment failure, adverse treatment outcomes, and deaths. This could lead to the growth of anti-TB drug resistance. According to the WHO, approximately 558 thousand new cases of Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis were diagnosed worldwide, with 8.5 percent developed Extensively Drug Resistance Tuberculosis. Methodology: This study is a program-based cross-sectional descriptive survey of adult tuberculosis patients enrolled in the Delhi-based Revised National Tuberculosis Program. The study setting was 27 NTEP districts of Delhi. (N=65,893) and Sample size- was 200; the sampling method which is used in the study was the systemic random sampling method. Results: Most of the demographic factors (age, gender, residence, and family type) were not significantly associated with adherence; marital status was found statistically significant with the treatment compliance. Hesitation while telling people about the disease and motivation to strictly follow drug schedule by healthcare workers were other factors where a significant association with drug adherence was observed. The study findings also suggest that provision of food, minimal financial and other moral support from family, counseling, discussion and politeness by healthcare providers might also facilitate adherence. Discussion and Conclusions: For TB treatment, adherence, age, sex, socioeconomic status, types of accommodations, malnutrition, and personal hygiene should all be considered; similar results were observed in previous studies. In the care of TB patients, DOTS services, health workers, and family support play a significant role. According to the country's National Strategic Plan, the Indian government has set a goal of eliminating tuberculosis by 2025 and patients' compliance with TB care and treatment adherence is very crucial to achieve this aim. A cohort study will be able to give a better understanding of factors associated with adherence since this study may have missed some defaulters who were absconding and could not be reached. Important Terms: RNTCP, NTEP, DOTS, DS-TB, DR-TB, RR-TB, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, Treatment failure, Treatment relapse, Treatment adherence.Keywords: treatment adherence, treatment relapse, treatment failure, drug resistance tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2014232 Spatial Architecture Impact in Mediation Open Circuit Voltage Control of Quantum Solar Cell Recovery Systems
Authors: Moustafa Osman Mohammed
The photocurrent generations are influencing ultra-high efficiency solar cells based on self-assembled quantum dot (QD) nanostructures. Nanocrystal quantum dots (QD) provide a great enhancement toward solar cell efficiencies through the use of quantum confinement to tune absorbance across the solar spectrum enabled multi-exciton generation. Based on theoretical predictions, QDs have potential to improve systems efficiency in approximate regular electrons excitation intensity greater than 50%. In solar cell devices, an intermediate band formed by the electron levels in quantum dot systems. The spatial architecture is exploring how can solar cell integrate and produce not only high open circuit voltage (> 1.7 eV) but also large short-circuit currents due to the efficient absorption of sub-bandgap photons. In the proposed QD system, the structure allows barrier material to absorb wavelengths below 700 nm while multi-photon processes in the used quantum dots to absorb wavelengths up to 2 µm. The assembly of the electronic model is flexible to demonstrate the atoms and molecules structure and material properties to tune control energy bandgap of the barrier quantum dot to their respective optimum values. In terms of energy virtual conversion, the efficiency and cost of the electronic structure are unified outperform a pair of multi-junction solar cell that obtained in the rigorous test to quantify the errors. The milestone toward achieving the claimed high-efficiency solar cell device is controlling the edge causes of energy bandgap between the barrier material and quantum dot systems according to the media design limits. Despite this remarkable potential for high photocurrent generation, the achievable open-circuit voltage (Voc) is fundamentally limited due to non-radiative recombination processes in QD solar cells. The orientation of voltage recovery system is compared theoretically with experimental Voc variation in mediation upper–limit obtained one diode modeling form at the cells with different bandgap (Eg) as classified in the proposed spatial architecture. The opportunity for improvement Voc is valued approximately greater than 1V by using smaller QDs through QD solar cell recovery systems as confined to other micro and nano operations states.Keywords: nanotechnology, photovoltaic solar cell, quantum systems, renewable energy, environmental modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1574231 Blockchain: Institutional and Technological Disruptions in the Public Sector
Authors: Maria Florencia Ferrer, Saulo Fabiano Amancio-Vieira
The use of the blockchain in the public sector is present today and no longer the future of disruptive institutional and technological models. There are still some cultural barriers and resistance to the proper use of its potential. This research aims to present the strengths and weaknesses of using a public-permitted and distributed network in the context of the public sector. Therefore, bibliographical/documentary research was conducted to raise the main aspects of the studied platform, focused on the use of the main demands of the public sector. The platform analyzed was LACChain, which is a global alliance composed of different actors in the blockchain environment, led by the Innovation Laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Lab) for the development of the blockchain ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean. LACChain provides blockchain infrastructure, which is a distributed ratio technology (DLT). The platform focuses on two main pillars: community and infrastructure. It is organized as a consortium for the management and administration of an infrastructure classified as public, following the ISO typologies (ISO / TC 307). It is, therefore, a network open to any participant who agrees with the established rules, which are limited to being identified and complying with the regulations. As benefits can be listed: public network (open to all), decentralized, low transaction cost, greater publicity of transactions, reduction of corruption in contracts / public acts, in addition to improving transparency for the population in general. It is also noteworthy that the platform is not based on cryptocurrency and is not anonymous; that is, it is possible to be regulated. It is concluded that the use of record platforms, such as LACChain, can contribute to greater security on the part of the public agent in the migration process of their informational applications.Keywords: blockchain, LACChain, public sector, technological disruptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1734230 Molecular Comparison of HEV Isolates from Sewage & Humans at Western India
Authors: Nidhi S. Chandra, Veena Agrawal, Debprasad Chattopadhyay
Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major cause of acute viral hepatitis in developing countries. It spreads feco orally mainly due to contamination of drinking water by sewage. There is limited data on the genotypic comparison of HEV isolates from sewage water and humans. The aim of this study was to identify genotype and conduct phylogenetic analysis of HEV isolates from sewage water and humans. Materials and Methods: 14 sewage water and 60 serum samples from acute sporadic hepatitis E cases (negative for hepatitis A, B, C) were tested for HEV-RNA by nested polymerase chain reaction (RTnPCR) using primers designed with in RdRp (RNA dependent RNA polymerase) region of open reading frame-1 (ORF-1). Sequencing was done by ABI prism 310. The sequences (343 nucleotides) were compared with each other and were aligned with previously reported HEV sequences obtained from GeneBank, using Clustal W software. A Phylogenetic tree was constructed by using PHYLIP version 3.67 software. Results: HEV-RNA was detected in 49/ 60 (81.67%) serum and 5/14 (35.71%) sewage samples. The sequences obtained from 17 serums and 2 sewage specimens belonged to genotype I with 85% similarity and clustering with previously reported human HEV sequences from India. HEV isolates from human and sewage in North West India are genetically closely related to each other. Conclusion: These finding suggest that sewage acts as reservoir of HEV. Therefore it is important that measures are taken for proper waste disposal and treatment of drinking water to prevent outbreaks and epidemics due to HEV.Keywords: hepatitis E virus, nested polymerase chain reaction, open reading frame-1, nucleotidies
Procedia PDF Downloads 379