Search results for: online Arabic teachers
4151 Using Automated Agents to Facilitate Instructions in a Large Online Course
Authors: David M Gilstrap
In an online course with a large enrollment, the potential exists for the instructor to become overburdened with having to respond to students’ emails, which consequently decreases the instructor’s efficiency in teaching the course. Repetition of instructions is an effective way of reducing confusion among students, which in turn increases their efficiencies, as well. World of Turf is the largest online course at Michigan State University, which employs Brightspace as its management system (LMS) software. Recently, the LMS upgraded its capabilities to utilize agents, which are auto generated email notifications to students based on certain criteria. Agents are additional tools that can enhance course design. They can be run on-demand or according to a schedule. Agents can be timed to effectively remind students of approaching deadlines. The content of these generated emails can also include reinforced instructions. With a large online course, even a small percentage of students that either do not read or do not comprehend the course syllabus or do not notice instructions on course pages can result in numerous emails to the instructor, often near the deadlines for assignments. Utilizing agents to decrease the number of emails from students has enabled the instructor to efficiently instruct more than one thousand students per semester without any graduate student teaching assistants.Keywords: agents, Brightspace, large enrollment, learning management system, repetition of instructions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2034150 Lab Activities for Introducing Nanoscience to Teachers and Students
Authors: Riam Abu-Much, Muhamad Hugerat
Nanoscience has become one of the main science fields in the world; its importance is reflected in both society and industry; therefore, it is very important to intensify educational programs among teachers and students that aim to introduce "Nano Concepts" to them. Two different lab activities were developed for demonstrating the importance of nanoscale materials using unique points of view. In the first, electrical conductive films made of silver nanoparticles were fabricated. The silver nanoparticles were protected against aggregation using electrical conductive polypyrrole, which acts also as conductive bridge between them. The experiments show a simpler way for fabricating conductive thin film than the much more complicated and costly conventional method. In the second part, the participants could produce emulsions of liposome structures using Phosphatidylcholine as a surfactant, and following by minimizing the size of it from micro-scale to nanometer scale (400 nm), using simple apparatus called Mini-Extruder, in that way the participants could realize the change in solution transparency, and the effect of Tyndall when the size of the liposomes is reduced. Freshmen students from the Academic Arab College for Education in Haifa, Israel, who are studying to become science teachers, participated in this lab activity as part of the course "Chemistry in the Lab". These experiments are appropriate for teachers, high school and college students.Keywords: case study, colloid, emulsion, liposome, surfactant
Procedia PDF Downloads 2024149 Sexual Diversity Training for Hong Kong Teachers Preliminary Themes Identified from Qualitative Interviews
Authors: Diana K. Kwok
Despite the fact that Hong Kong government aims to develop an inclusive society, sexual minority students continue to encounter sexual prejudice without legal protection. They also have difficulties accessing relevant services from mental health and educational professionals, who do not receive systematic training to work with sexual minority students. Informed by the literature on sexual prejudice, heterosexual hegemony, genderism, as well as code of practice for frontline practitioners, the authors explored self-perceived knowledge of teachers and sexual minorities on sexuality and sexual prejudice, and how they perceive prejudice towards sexual minorities in Chinese cultural context. Semi-structure qualitative interviews were carried out with 31 school personnel informants (school teachers and counseling team members) and 25 sexual minority informants on their understanding of sexuality knowledge, their perception of sexual prejudice within school context in Hong Kong, as well as their suggested themes on teachers training on sexual prejudice reduction. This presentation specifically focuses on transcripts from sexual minority informants. Data analysis was carried out through NVivo, and followed the procedures spelt out in the qualitative research literature. Trustworthiness of the study was addressed through various strategies. Preliminary themes emerged from transcript content analysis: 1) A gap of knowledge between sexual minority informants and teachers; 2) Perception on sexual prejudice within cultural context; 3) Heterosexual hegemony and genderism within school system; 4) Needs for mandatory training: contents and strategies. The sexual minority informants found that teachers they encountered were predominantly adopted concepts of binary sex and dichotomous gender. Informants also indicated that the teachings of Confucianism cultural values, religiosity in Hong Kong might well be important cultural forces contributing to sexual prejudice manifested in school context. Although human rights and social justice concepts were embedded in professional code of practice of teachers and school helping professionals, informants found that teachers they encountered may face a dilemma when supporting sexual minority students navigating heterosexual hegemony and genderism in, as a consequence of their personal, institutional, cultural and religious backgrounds. Acknowledgments: The sexual prejudice project was funded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (ECS28401614), 2015 to 2017.Keywords: sexual prejudice, Chinese teachers, Chinese sexual minorities, teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 2834148 Learning to Transform, Transforming to Learn: An Exploration of Teacher Professional Learning in the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Reflection) in the Primary (K-6) Setting
Authors: Susan E Orlovich
Ongoing, effective teacher professional learning is acknowledged as a critical influence on teacher practice. However, it is unclear whether the elements of effective professional learning result in transformed teacher practice in the classroom. This research project is interested in 4C teacher professional learning. The professional learning practices to assist teachers in transforming their practice to integrate the 4C capabilities seldom feature in the academic literature. The 4Cs are a shorthand way of representing the concepts of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical reflection and refer to the capabilities needed for deeper learning, personal growth, and effective participation in society. The New South Wales curriculum review (2020) acknowledges that identifying, teaching, and assessing the 4C capabilities are areas of challenge for teachers. However, it also recognises that it is essential for teachers to build the confidence and capacity to understand, teach and assess the capabilities necessary for learners to thrive in the 21st century. This qualitative research project explores the professional learning experiences of sixteen teachers in four different primaries (K-6) settings in Sydney, Australia, who are learning to integrate, teach and assess the 4Cs. The project draws on the Theory of Practice Architecture as a framework to analyse and interpret teachers' experiences in each site. The sixteen participants in the study are teachers from four primary settings and include early career, experienced, and teachers in leadership roles (including the principal). In addition, some of the participants are also teachers who are learning within a Community of Practice (CoP) as their school setting is engaged in a 4C professional learning, Community of Practice. Qualitative and arts-informed research methods are utilised to examine the cultural-discursive, social-political, and material-economic practice arrangements of the site, explore how these arrangements may have shaped the professional learning experiences of teachers, and in turn, influence the teaching practices of the 4Cs in the setting. The research is in the data analysis stage (October 2022), with preliminary findings pending. The research objective is to investigate the elements of the professional learning experiences undertaken by teachers to teach the 4Cs in the primary setting. The lens of practice architectures theory is used to identify the influence of the practice architectures on critical praxis in each site and examine how the practice arrangements enable or constrain the teaching of 4C capabilities. This research aims to offer deep insight into the practice arrangements which may enable or constrain teacher professional learning in the 4Cs. Such insight from this study may contribute to a better understanding of the practices that enable teachers to transform their practice to achieve the integration, teaching, and assessment of the 4C capabilities.Keywords: 4Cs, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical reflection, teacher professional learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1104147 The Impact of Online Visit Practice by Midwifery Students on Child-Rearing Midwives during The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Authors: Mari Murakami, Hiromi Kawasaki, Saori Fujimoto, Yoko Ueno
Background: In Japan, one of the goals of midwifery education is the development of one’s ability to comprehensively support the child-rearing generation in collaboration with professionals from other disciplines. However, in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, it has become extremely difficult to provide face-to-face support for mothers and children. Early on in the pandemic, we sought help from three parenting midwives as an alternative and attempted an online visit. Since midwives who are raising children respond to the training as both mothers who are care recipients and midwives as care providers. Therefore, we attempted to verify the usefulness of midwives experiencing training as mothers by clarifying the effects on those midwives who are raising children and who have experienced online visit training by students. Methods: The online visitations were conducted in June 2020. The collaborators were three midwives who were devoted to childcare. During the online visit training, we used the feedback records of their questions given by the collaborators (with their permission) to the students. The verbatim record was created from the records. Qualitative descriptive analysis was used, and subcategories and categories were extracted. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Epidemiology of Hiroshima University. Results: The average age of the three midwives was 36.3 years, with an average of 12.3 years of experience after graduation. They were each raising multiple children (ranging between a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 children). Their youngest infants were 6.7 months old on average for all. Five categories that emerged were: contributing to the development of midwifery students as a senior; the joy of accepting the efforts of a mother while raising children; recalling the humility of beginners through the integrity of midwifery students; learning opportunities about the benefits of online visits; and suggesting further challenges for online visits. Conclusion: The online visit training was an opportunity for midwives who are raising their own children to reinforce an honest and humble approach based on the attitude of the students, for self-improvement, and to reflect on the practice of midwifery from another person’s viewpoint. It was also noted that the midwives contributed to the education of midwifery students. Furthermore, they also agreed with the use of online visitations and considered the advantages and disadvantages of its use from the perspective of mothers and midwives. Online visits were seen to empower midwives on childcare leave, as their child-rearing was accepted and admired. Online visits by students were considered to be an opportunity to not only provide a sense of fulfillment as a recipient of care but also to think concretely about career advancement, during childcare leave, regarding the ideal way for midwifery training and teaching.Keywords: child-rearing midwife, COVID-19 pandemic, online visit practice, qualitive descriptive study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1434146 Psychological Dominance During and Afterward of COVID-19 Impact of Online-Offline Educational Learning on Students
Authors: Afrin Jaman Bonny, Mehrin Jahan, Zannatul Ferdhoush, Mumenunnessa Keya, Md. Shihab Mahmud, Sharun Akter Khushbu, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Sheikh Abujar
In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had led all the educational institutions to move to online learning platforms to ensure safety as well as the continuation of learning without any disruption to students’ academic life. But after the reopening of those educational institutions suddenly in Bangladesh, it became a vital demand to observe students take on this decision and how much they are comfortable with the new habits. When all educational institutions were ordered to re-open after more than a year, data was collected from students of all educational levels. A Google Form was used to conduct this online survey, and a total of 565 students participated without being pressured. The survey reveals the students' preferences for online and offline education systems, as well as their mental health at the time including their behavior to get back to offline classes depending on getting vaccinated or not. After evaluating the findings, it is clear that respondents' choices vary depending on gender and educational level, with female and male participants experiencing various mental health difficulties and attitudes toward returning to offline classes. As a result of this study, the student’s overall perspective on the sudden reopening of their educational institutions has been analyzed.Keywords: covid-19 epidemic, educational proceeding, university students, school/college students, physical activity, online platforms, mental health, psychological distress
Procedia PDF Downloads 2134145 Online Information Seeking: A Review of the Literature in the Health Domain
Authors: Sharifah Sumayyah Engku Alwi, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad
The development of the information technology and Internet has been transforming the healthcare industry. The internet is continuously accessed to seek for health information and there are variety of sources, including search engines, health websites, and social networking sites. Providing more and better information on health may empower individuals, however, ensuring a high quality and trusted health information could pose a challenge. Moreover, there is an ever-increasing amount of information available, but they are not necessarily accurate and up to date. Thus, this paper aims to provide an insight of the models and frameworks related to online health information seeking of consumers. It begins by exploring the definition of information behavior and information seeking to provide a better understanding of the concept of information seeking. In this study, critical factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence will be studied in relation to the value of seeking health information. It also aims to analyze the effect of age, gender, and health status as the moderator on the factors that influence online health information seeking, i.e. trust and information quality. A preliminary survey will be carried out among the health professionals to clarify the research problems which exist in the real world, at the same time producing a conceptual framework. A final survey will be distributed to five states of Malaysia, to solicit the feedback on the framework. Data will be analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0 analysis tools. It is hoped that at the end of this study, a novel framework that can improve online health information seeking is developed. Finally, this paper concludes with some suggestions on the models and frameworks that could improve online health information seeking.Keywords: information behavior, information seeking, online health information, technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behavior, UTAUT
Procedia PDF Downloads 2764144 The Impact of Online Learning on Visual Learners
Authors: Ani Demetrashvili
As online learning continues to reshape the landscape of education, questions arise regarding its efficacy for diverse learning styles, particularly for visual learners. This abstract delves into the impact of online learning on visual learners, exploring how digital mediums influence their educational experience and how educational platforms can be optimized to cater to their needs. Visual learners comprise a significant portion of the student population, characterized by their preference for visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and videos to comprehend and retain information. Traditional classroom settings often struggle to accommodate these learners adequately, relying heavily on auditory and written forms of instruction. The advent of online learning presents both opportunities and challenges in addressing the needs of visual learners. Online learning platforms offer a plethora of multimedia resources, including interactive simulations, virtual labs, and video lectures, which align closely with the preferences of visual learners. These platforms have the potential to enhance engagement, comprehension, and retention by presenting information in visually stimulating formats. However, the effectiveness of online learning for visual learners hinges on various factors, including the design of learning materials, user interface, and instructional strategies. Research into the impact of online learning on visual learners encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from fields such as cognitive psychology, education, and human-computer interaction. Studies employ qualitative and quantitative methods to assess visual learners' preferences, cognitive processes, and learning outcomes in online environments. Surveys, interviews, and observational studies provide insights into learners' preferences for specific types of multimedia content and interactive features. Cognitive tasks, such as memory recall and concept mapping, shed light on the cognitive mechanisms underlying learning in digital settings. Eye-tracking studies offer valuable data on attentional patterns and information processing during online learning activities. The findings from research on the impact of online learning on visual learners have significant implications for educational practice and technology design. Educators and instructional designers can use insights from this research to create more engaging and effective learning materials for visual learners. Strategies such as incorporating visual cues, providing interactive activities, and scaffolding complex concepts with multimedia resources can enhance the learning experience for visual learners in online environments. Moreover, online learning platforms can leverage the findings to improve their user interface and features, making them more accessible and inclusive for visual learners. Customization options, adaptive learning algorithms, and personalized recommendations based on learners' preferences and performance can enhance the usability and effectiveness of online platforms for visual learners.Keywords: online learning, visual learners, digital education, technology in learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 404143 CIPP Evaluation of Online Broadcasting of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University
Authors: Somkiat Korbuakaew, Winai Mankhatitham, Anchan Chongcharoen, Wichar Kunkum
This research’s objective is to evaluate the online broadcasting of Suan Dusit Rajabhat Univeristy by CIPP model. The evaluation was separated into 4 parts: context factor, input factor, process factor and product factor. Sample group in this research were 399 participants who were university’s executive, staff and students. Questionnaires and interview were the research tools. Data were analyzed by computer program. Statistics used here were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Findings are as follows: 1. Context factor: The context factor here in this research was university’s executives, staff and students. The study shows that they would like to use online broadcasting to be the educational tool and IT development. 2. Input factor: The input factor was the modern IT equipment to create interesting teaching materials and develop education in general. 3. Process factor: The process factor in this study was the publication of the program that it should be promoted more among students and should be more objective. 4. Product factor: The product factor in this study was the purpose of the program that it expands the educational channel for students.Keywords: evaluation, project, internet, online broadcasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5274142 Colloquialism in Audiovisual Translation: English Subtitling of the Lebanese Film Capernaum as a Case Study
Authors: Fatima Saab
This paper attempts to study colloquialism in audio-visual translation, with particular emphasis given to investigating the difficulties and challenges encountered by subtitlers in translating Lebanese colloquial into English. To achieve the main objectives of this study, ample and thorough cultural and translational analysis of examples drawn from the subtitled movie Capernaum are presented in order to identify the strategies used to overcome cultural barriers and differences and to show the process of decision-making by the translator. Also, special attention is given to explain the technicalities in translating subtitles and how they affect the translation process. The research is a descriptive analytical study whereby the writer sets out empirical observations, consisting of descriptive and analytical examination of the difficulties and problems associated with translating Arabic colloquialisms, specifically Lebanese, into English in the subtitled film, Capernaum. The research methodology utilizes a qualitative approach to group the selected data into the subtitling strategies presented by Gottlieb under the domesticating or foreignizing strategies according to Venuti's Model. It is shown that producing the same meanings to a foreign audience is not an easy task. The background of cultural elements and the stories that make up the history and mindset of the Lebanese and Arabic peoples leads to the use of the transfer and paraphrase methodologies most of the time (81% of the sample used for analysis). The research shows that translating and subtitling colloquialism needs special skills by the translators to overcome the challenges imposed by the limited presentation space as well as cultural differences. Translation of colloquial Arabic/Lebanese can be achieved to a certain extent and delivering the meaning and effect of the source language culture is accomplished in as much as the translator investigates and relates to the target culture.Keywords: Lebanese colloquial, audio-visual translation, subtitling, Capernaum
Procedia PDF Downloads 1494141 Trauma: Constructivist Theoretical Framework
Authors: Wendi Dunham, Kimberly Floyd
The constructivist approach to learning is a theoretical orientation that posits that individuals create their own understanding and knowledge of the world through their experiences and interactions. This approach emphasizes that learning is an active process and that individuals are not passive recipients when constructing their understanding of their world. When used concurrently with trauma-informed practices, a constructivist approach can inform the development of a framework for students and teachers that supports their social, emotional, and mental health in addition to enabling academic success. This framework can be applied to teachers and students. When applied to teachers, it can be used to achieve purposeful coping mechanisms through restorative justice and dispositional mindfulness. When applied to students, the framework can implement proactive, student-based practices such as Response to Intervention (RtI) and the 4 Rs to connect resiliency and intervention to academic learning. Using a constructivist, trauma-informed framework can provide students with a greater sense of control and agency over their trauma experiences and impart confidence in achieving school success.Keywords: trauma, trauma informed practices in education, constructivist theory framework, school responses to trauma, trauma informed supports for teachers, trauma informed strategies for students, restorative justice, mindfulness, response to intervention, the 4 R's, resiliency
Procedia PDF Downloads 494140 An Analysis of Twitter Use of Slow Food Movement in the Context of Online Activism
Authors: Kubra Sultan Yuzuncuyil, Aytekin İsman, Berkay Bulus
With the developments of information and communication technologies, the forms of molding public opinion have changed. In the presence of Internet, the notion of activism has been endowed with digital codes. Activists have engaged the use of Internet into their campaigns and the process of creating collective identity. Activist movements have been incorporating the relevance of new communication technologies for their goals and opposition. Creating and managing activism through Internet is called Online Activism. In this main, Slow Food Movement which was emerged within the philosophy of defending regional, fair and sustainable food has been engaging Internet into their activist campaign. This movement supports the idea that a new food system which allows strong connections between plate and planet is possible. In order to make their voices heard, it has utilized social networks and develop particular skills in the framework online activism. This study analyzes online activist skills of Slow Food Movement (SFM) develop and attempts to measure its effectiveness. To achieve this aim, it adopts the model proposed by Sivitandies and Shah and conduct both qualitiative and quantiative content analysis on social network use of Slow Food Movement. In this regard, the sample is chosen as the official profile and analyzed between in a three month period respectively March-May 2017. It was found that SFM develops particular techniques that appeal to the model of Sivitandies and Shah. The prominent skill in this regard was found as hyperlink abbreviation and use of multimedia elements. On the other hand, there are inadequacies in hashtag and interactivity use. The importance of this study is that it highlights and discusses how online activism can be engaged into a social movement. It also reveals current online activism skills of SFM and their effectiveness. Furthermore, it makes suggestions to enhance the related abilities and strengthen its voice on social networks.Keywords: slow food movement, Twitter, internet, online activism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2824139 Tutoring between “The Can Do” and “The Have to”: The Case of Batna 2 University (Algeria)
Authors: Radia Guerza
Tutoring at the Algerian University has been an issue of great controversy and debate. Henceforth, the current paper is an attempt to shed light on the issue of tutoring at Algerian University. It aims to set a plan for tutoring that might meet the student's needs and challenges. It endeavors to explore the following query: “what is the role of tutoring in the Algerian university between “The CAN DO” and “The HAVE TO”? To equate with the addressed research question, an exploratory small-scale study has been carried out at Batna 2 University using questionnaires and interviews with fifty (50) teachers. Results indicate that Algerian University is still lagging behind because of the huge lack of infrastructure means, human resources, and even pedagogical resources. In addition, the majority of our teachers are reluctant to adhere to the tutorial policy due to the lack of incentives; next to that, the increasing yearly number of students and students high ratio would hardly permit any tutoring sessions. Finally, this paper is the first attempt, to our best knowledge, towards raising the awareness of our institution, staff members, teachers, and students towards the importance of tutoring and how to adopt it.Keywords: attitudes, higher education, perceptions, tutoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 624138 Renovating Language Laboratories for Pedagogical and Technological Advancements in the New Era
Authors: Paul Lam, Chi Him Chan, Alan Tse
Language laboratories have been widely used in language learning, starting in the middle of the last century as one of the earliest forms of educational technology. They are designed to assist students’ language learning with technological innovations. Traditional language laboratories provide individual workstations that allow students to access multimedia language resources. In this type of facility, students can train their listening and speaking abilities, and teachers can also assess the performance of an individual student. Although such a setting promotes a student-centered pedagogy by encouraging students to work at their own pace and according to their own needs, it still favours a traditional, behaviourist language learning pedagogy which focuses on repetitive drilling. The change of pedagogies poses challenges to both the teachers and the facilities. The peer-learning pedagogy advocates that language learning should focus on the social aspect, which emphasizes the importance of everyday communication in language learning. The self-access, individual workstation language laboratories may not be able to provide the flexibility for interaction in the new pedagogies. Modern advancement in technology is another factor that drove our language laboratory renovation. In particular, mobile and wireless technology enabled the use of smaller and more flexible devices, making possible much clever use of space. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) renovated nine existing language laboratories to provide lighter and more advanced equipment, movable tables, and round desks. These facilities allow more flexibility and encourage students’ interaction. It is believed that the renovated language laboratories can serve different peer learning activities and thus support peer-learning pedagogies in language teaching and learning. A survey has been conducted to collect comments from the teachers who have used the renovated language laboratories and received forty-four response. The teachers’ comments reveal that they experienced different challenges in using the renovated language laboratories, and there is a need to provide guidance to teachers during the technological and pedagogical transition. For example, teachers need instruction on using the newly installed devices such as touch-monitor and visualizer. They also need advice on planning new teaching and learning activities. Nevertheless, teachers appreciated that the renovated language laboratories are flexible and provide more spaces for different learning activities.Keywords: language laboratories, language learning, peer-learning, student interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1074137 Computer Assisted Instructions for a Better Achievement in and Attitude towards Agricultural Economics
Authors: Abiodun Ezekiel Adesina, Alice M. Olagunju
This study determined the effects of Computer Assisted Instructions (CAI) and Academic Self-Concepts (ASC) on pre-service teachers’ achievement in AE concepts in CoE in Southwest, Nigeria. The study adopted pretest-posttest, control group, quasi-experimental design. Six CoE with e-library facilities were purposively selected. Two hundred and thirty-two intact 200 level Agricultural education students offering introduction to AE course across the six CoE were participants. The participants were assigned to three groups (D&PM, 77, TM, 73 and control, 82). Treatment lasted eight weeks. The AE achievement test (r=0.76), pre-service teachers’ ASC Scale (r=0.81); instructional guides for tutorial (r=0.76), drill and practice (r=0.81) and conventional lecture modes (r=0.83), and teacher performance assessment sheet were used for data collection. Data were analysed using analysis of covariance and Scheffe post-hoc at 0.05 level of significance. The participants were 55.6% female with mean age of 20.8 years. Treatment had significant main effects on pre-service teachers’ achievement (F(2,207)=60.52; η²=0.21; p < 0.05). Participants in D&PM (x̄ =27.83) had the best achievement compared to those in TM (x̄ =25.41) and control (x̄ =18.64) groups. ASC had significant main effect on pre-service teachers’ achievement (F(1,207)=22.011; η²=0.166; p < 0.05). Participants with high ASC (x̄ =27.52) had better achievement compared to those with low ASC (x̄ =22.37). The drill and practice and tutorial instructional modes enhanced students’ achievement in Agricultural Economics concepts. Therefore, the two instructional modes should be adopted for improved learning outcomes in agricultural economics concepts among pre-service teachers.Keywords: achievement in agricultural economics concepts, colleges of education in southwestern Nigeria, computer-assisted instruction, drill and practice instructional mode, tutorial instructional mode
Procedia PDF Downloads 2044136 Connected Female Sufi Disciples: The Workings of Social Online Communities in a Transnational Sufi Order
Authors: Sarah Hebbouch
Two decades ago, research on diasporic women’s participation within Sufi circles would have been inconceivable, not only because of a general lack of recognition of their contribution to Sufism but due to the intimacy of the rituals, often taking place in confined spaces, like zawiyas (Sufi lodges). Recent scholarly attention to female spiritual experience owes to a digital awareness and interest in exploring diasporic community reproduction of those experiences. Within a context where female disciples of a Sufi convent undergo a physical separation from the saint’s sanctuary -because of immigration from the homeland to the host country- technology becomes a social hub accounting for Sufis’ ritual commitment and preservation of cultural capital in the diaspora. This paper elucidates how female Sufi immigrants affiliating with the Boudchichi brotherhood (Morocco-based) maintain ‘a relational network’ and strong social online relationships with their female compatriots in Morocco through the use of online platforms. Sufi communities living in the diaspora find the internet an open interactive space that serves to kindle their distance of spiritual participation and corroborate their transnational belonging. The current paper explores the implications of the use of a digital baseline named “Tariqa Info,” the convent’s digital online platform, and how it mediates everyday ritual performance, the promotion of digital connection, and the communication of ideas and discourses. Such a platform serves the bolstering emotional bonds for transnational female disciples and inclusion within online communities in the homeland. Assisted by an ethnographic lens, this paper discusses the research findings of participatory field observation of Sufi women’s online communities, informed by the need to trace the many ostensible aspects of interconnectedness and divergences.Keywords: digital connection, Sufi convent, social online relationship, transnational female disciples
Procedia PDF Downloads 864135 Prevalence of Over-Schooling Preschoolers as Perceived by Teachers in Kwara Central, Nigeria
Authors: Rachael Ojima Agarry, Raheemat Opeyemi Omosidi
Over-schooling children is an abuse of the fundamental provisions of the National Policy on Education in Nigeria. The practice overburdens or places unwarranted academic demands on children, particularly preschoolers. This study was carried out to ascertain the prevalence of over-schooling preschoolers as perceived by teachers in the Kwara Central Senatorial District. One research question and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was employed. The population of the study consists of all preschool teachers in both private and public schools in Kwara Central. A validated instrument tagged “Questionnaire on Prevalence of Over-schooling of Preschoolers (QPOP)” with a reliability index of 0.76 was used for data collection. The questionnaire consists of sections A and B. Section A solicited the respondents’ demographic information, and Section B sought the prevalence of over-schooling as perceived by teachers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency and percentage. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the demographic information and the research question. The two research hypotheses were analyzed using a t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANCOVA) at a 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that there is a high level of prevalence of over-schooling of preschoolers in Kwara Central. Also, there is a significant difference in teachers' perception of the prevalence of over-schooling preschoolers based on school type and school location. It was concluded that both private and public schools in Kwara Central practice over-schooling of preschoolers at a high level. Hence, it was recommended that the government, through the State and/or Federal Ministry of Education, should enact and enforce a law that would ensure children in this category spend only the stipulated time in school as well as strict adherence to the recommended curriculum contents by proprietors and teachers.Keywords: over-schooling, preschoolers, school type, school location
Procedia PDF Downloads 604134 Investigating the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Motivation, Creativity and Job Stress
Authors: Mehrab Karimian
This study investigates the intricate relationships among Iranian EFL teachers’ motivation, creativity, and job stress in Shiraz and Fasa institutes. The primary aim is to explore these links using quantitative methods, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these factors interact within the educational context. The research employed convenient sampling, gathering data from 101 EFL teachers through three specific questionnaires: the Motivation to Teach Questionnaire, Teacher Creativity Questionnaire, and Job Stress Questionnaire. The methodology involved rigorous statistical analyses, including Pearson correlation and multiple regression, to interpret the collected data. The findings revealed positive relationships between motivation and creativity, as well as between motivation and job stress. However, no significant link was observed between creativity and job stress. Notably, creativity emerged as a strong predictor of motivation, highlighting its crucial role in the motivational dynamics of EFL teachers. The theoretical importance of this study lies in its contribution to understanding how motivation can influence both creativity and job stress among EFL teachers. By emphasizing the complex interplay of these factors, the study provides valuable insights that can inform future research and educational practices. The data collection process was thorough, utilizing well-established questionnaires to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings. Statistical analyses such as Pearson correlation and multiple regression were employed to interpret the relationships between motivation, creativity, and job stress. These analyses provided a detailed understanding of how these variables interact, offering a nuanced view of the motivational and stress dynamics in the teaching profession. The study addressed key questions regarding the influence of motivation on creativity and job stress, underscoring the predictive power of creativity on motivation. The conclusion drawn from the study suggests that motivated EFL teachers may experience higher levels of job stress. This finding highlights the need for targeted interventions to support teacher well-being and maintain their motivation. Such interventions could include professional development programs, stress management workshops, and creative teaching strategies to help teachers manage stress while fostering their motivation and creativity. Reviewers have commended the study for its contribution to the field, particularly in revealing the intricate dynamics between motivation, creativity, and job stress in EFL teachers. They recommend enhancing the methodology by considering potential confounding variables and incorporating qualitative approaches to complement the quantitative findings. These suggestions aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing EFL teachers’ motivation, creativity, and job stress.Keywords: creativity, Job stress, gender, years of teaching experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 214133 The Quality of Multi-Ethnic Preschool Environment and Human Resources: Teachers' Satisfaction on Their Career Development
Authors: Nordin Mamat, Abdul Rahim Razalli, Loy Chee Luen, Abdul Talib Hashim
This study was designed to investigate preschool environment in multi-ethnic preschool in Malaysia. The objectives are to identify the quality of work environment in multi-ethnic preschools; to investigate the practices of teachers’ role and responsibility; and to identify the quality of human resources. The study involved 2004 respondents who are the staff of multi-ethnic preschool from the government agency who provide preschool service. This study was conducted using a mixed method in which questionnaires and interviews were used to obtain data from respondents. The findings were analysed using mean and used Likert scale to determine the three-stage level such as the high, moderate and low. Findings indicated that the work environment at a moderate level, but the facilities provided insufficient to carry out educational activities with children. The result based on ranking of duties and responsibilities of teachers in multi-ethnic preschool shows the teachers practice daily record of children's development is very little, that only 65 persons are recording the child's development. The poor ratio of teachers and child in multi-ethnic preschool is between 25 to 35 children per class which means the children need a lot of attention. Meanwhile, the work environment is moderate with a mean score of 3.65 and overall mean score for level of staff career development 3.66 also moderate. The findings indicate the facilities provided in their workplace and staff career development requires improvements. Overall, the level of work environment is moderate, and it needs an improvement in term of facilities.Keywords: environment, human resources, multi-ethnic preschool, quality teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3284132 Implementing Lesson Study in Qatari Mathematics Classroom: A Case Study of a New Experience for Teachers through IMPULS-QU Lesson Study Program
Authors: Areej Isam Barham
The implementation of Japanese lesson study approach in the mathematics classroom has been grown worldwide as a model of professional development for teachers. In Qatar, the implementation of IMPULS-QU lesson study program aimed to establish a robust organizational improvement model of professional development for mathematics teachers in Qatar schools. This study describes the implementation of a lesson study model at Al-Markhyia Independent Primary School through different stages; and discusses how the planning process, the research lesson, and the post discussion participates in providing teachers and researchers with a successful research lesson for teacher professional development. The research followed a case study approach in one mathematics classroom. Two teachers and one professional development specialist participated the planning process. One teacher conducted the research lesson study by introducing a problem solving related to the concept of the ‘Mean’ in a mathematics class, 21 students in grade 6 participated in solving the mathematic problem, 11 teachers, 4 professional development specialists, and 4 mathematics professors observed the research lesson. All previous participants except the students participated in a pre and post-lesson discussion within this research. This study followed a qualitative research approach by analyzing the collected data through different stages in the research lesson study. Observation, field notes, and semi-structured interviews conducted to collect data to achieve the research aims. One feature of this lesson study research is that this research describes the implementation for a lesson study as a new experience for one mathematics teacher and 21 students after 3 years of conducting IMPULS-QU project in Al-Markhyia school. The research describes various stages through the implementation of this lesson study model starting from the planning process and ending by the post discussion process. Findings of the study also address the impact of lesson study approach in teaching mathematics for the development of teachers from their point views. Results of the study show the benefits of using lesson study from the point views of participated teachers, theory perceptions about the essential features of lesson study, and their needs for future development. The discussion of the study addresses different features and issues related to the implementation of IMPULS-QU lesson study model in the mathematics classroom. In the light of the study, the research presents recommendations and suggestions for future professional development.Keywords: lesson study, mathematics education, mathematics teaching experience, teacher professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1874131 Recurrent Patterns of Netspeak among Selected Nigerians on WhatsApp Platform: A Quest for Standardisation
Authors: Lily Chimuanya, Esther Ajiboye, Emmanuel Uba
One of the consequences of online communication is the birth of new orthography genres characterised by novel conventions of abbreviation and acronyms usually referred to as Netspeak. Netspeak, also known as internet slang, is a style of writing mainly used in online communication to limit the length of text characters and to save time. The aim of this study is to evaluate how second language users of the English language have internalised this new convention of writing; identify the recurrent patterns of Netspeak; and assess the consistency of the use of the identified patterns in relation to their meanings. The study is corpus-based, and data drawn from WhatsApp chart pages of selected groups of Nigerian English speakers show a large occurrence of inconsistencies in the patterns of Netspeak and their meanings. The study argues that rather than emphasise the negative impact of Netspeak on the communicative competence of second language users, studies should focus on suggesting models as yardsticks for standardising the usage of Netspeak and indeed all other emerging language conventions resulting from online communication. This stance stems from the inevitable global language transformation that is eminent with the coming of age of information technology.Keywords: abbreviation, acronyms, Netspeak, online communication, standardisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3924130 The Challenges Involved in Investigating and Prosecuting Hate Crime Online
Authors: Mark Williams
The digital revolution has radically transformed our social environment creating vast opportunities for interconnectivity and social interaction. This revolution, however, has also changed the reach and impact of hate crime, with social media providing a new platform to victimize and harass users in their homes. In this way, developments in the information and communication technologies have exacerbated and facilitated the commission of hate crime, increasing its prevalence and impact. Unfortunately, legislators, policymakers and criminal justice professionals have struggled to keep pace with these technological developments, reducing their ability to intervene in, regulate and govern the commission of hate crimes online. This work is further complicated by the global nature of this crime due to the tendency for offenders and victims to reside in multiple different jurisdictions, as well as the need for criminal justice professionals to obtain the cooperation of private companies to access information required for prosecution. Drawing on in-depth interviews with key criminal justice professionals and policymakers with detailed knowledge in this area, this paper examines the specific challenges the police and prosecution services face as they attempt to intervene in and prosecute the commission of hate crimes online. It is argued that any attempt to reduce online othering, such as the commission of hate crimes online, must be multifaceted, collaborative and involve both innovative technological solutions as well as internationally agreed ethical and legal frameworks.Keywords: cybercrime, digital policing, hate crime, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2284129 Urban Spatial Experience Construction Strategies Under the Intervention of Online Media: A Case Study of Liziba Light Rail Station in Chongqing
Authors: Zhongde Wang, Fanwei Meng, Ling Yang
Today, social media deeply engages in urban spatial production in a ‘Disembedding’ form, allowing the public to ‘foresight’ physical spaces through online platforms and subsequently engage in corresponding ‘sight’ and visits, thus leading to the emergence of ‘Internet Celebrity Spots’. This paper delves into the laws of action of online media, focusing on experiences. From the perspectives of the public, space, and media, it thoroughly analyzes the experiential design strategies of Chongqing's Liziba Light Rail Station, including the construction of the experiential mainline capturing the matrix of public behavior, the creation of experiential sidelines leveraging spatial advantages, and the deepening of experiential touchpoints to promote media resonance. This analysis aims to provide insights and references for similar urban spaces to transition from ‘internet-famous’ to ‘real-famous’ attractions.Keywords: online media, urban space, disembedding, internet celebrity spots, experience design
Procedia PDF Downloads 704128 The Active Role of Teacher's in Managing Effective Classroom Environment for High School Students from the Viewpoint of the Teachers
Authors: Majda Ibrahim Aljaroudi, Jwaher Alburake
The study aimed to identify the active role of the teacher in the management of the effective classroom environment for high school students from the viewpoint of the teachers, and to identify whether there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the respondents regarding the active role of the high school teachers in managing effective classroom environment in Riyadh, and also the total score depending on the variables of the study (qualifications, years of experience, training and development programs). This study used the descriptive survey approach where a questionnaire has been built and consisted of (35) items about five areas as a tool to measure the teacher's role in the management of effective classroom environment for high school students. The study population consisted of (1313) high school teachers in the government schools in south of Riyadh. It consisted of (70) teachers who were selected randomly. It used the appropriate statistical methods to analyze data by using statistical packages (SPSS). The study found the following results: • Most of the study sample members agreed on their role in the effective classroom environment management for high school students in government schools in Riyadh with an average (3.91 out of 5), which falls in the fifth category of Quintet scale (from 3.41 to 4.20) that refers to the option "often". • There are statistically significant differences between the mean responses of the study sample about the active role of the teacher in the effective classroom environment management for high school students regarding the concept of order in the classroom depending on the variable of years of experience for the benefit of teachers who have over 10 years of experience. There are statistically significant differences between the mean responses of the study sample about the teacher's active role in the effective classroom environment management for high school students regarding the educational process for maintaining the order in the classroom depending on the variable of training and development programs for the benefit of the teachers who have more than (5) courses. Due to the results of the study the researcher recommended a number of recommendations to improve the teacher's role in the effective classroom environment management for high school students.Keywords: effective management, active learning, educational sciences, pedagogical sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4434127 Post-traumatic Checklist-5 (PCL-5) Psychometric Properties: Across Sectional Study Among Lebanese Population
Authors: Fadwa Alhalaiqa, Othman Alfuqaha, Anas H. Khalifeh, Mahmoud Alsaraireh, Rami Masa’Deh, Natija S Manaa
Background: Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) usually occur after traumatic occurrences that exceed the range of common human experience. This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of PCL-5 checklist for the 20 PTSD symptoms from DSM-5 among Lebanese population and to identify the prevalence of PTSD. Methods: A cross sectional survey of PCL5 among 950 Lebanese using the online survey platform by Google form was conducted. Snowball recruitment was used to identify participants for the survey. STROBE guideline was used in reporting the current study. Results: Face content, construct, discriminant, and convergent validity had been accomplished of PCL-5. The reliability by Cronbach alpha, composite, and average variance extracted were set superior. We found also that more than half of the participants (55.6%) scored 33 or above, which is the cutoff score for a likely diagnosis of PTSD. Conclusion: The current study provides further support for the Arabic version PCL-5 validity and reliability among non-Western populations. This support using this tool in the screening of PTSD.Keywords: post traumatic stress disorder, psychometric properties, stress, adult population
Procedia PDF Downloads 1024126 COVID-19 Impact on Online Digital Marketing Business Activities
Authors: Veepaul Kaur Mann Balwinder Singh
The COVID-19 had an intense impact on several countries across the world. National governments have imposed widespread restrictions to prevent the growth of this pandemic. The new health competitive scenario induced by the COVID-19 crisis raised many issues on how business activities should be reorganized due to the difficulties of physical interactions with distributors, suppliers and customers. The pandemic has particularly affected the whole selling process because of the relevant issues that emerged in managing physical sale channels and interactions with one another, both in the Business-to-Consumer and in the Business-to-Business markets. Recent research about the appropriate actions and strategies that could help firms overcome the crisis has highlighted the key role of digital expertise that may ensure connections and, thus, help business activities run smoothly. This could be true, especially with the occurrence of strong limitations on physical interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The catastrophe changes life publically and economically. People are living alone for following the social distancing norms. In that set-up, Digital Marketing is playing an important role in civilization. Anyone can buy any item, pay bills, transfer money and compare items through Digital Marketing without physical interactions. After COVID-19, people will be more aware of health safety and trust. So, through Digital Marketing, organizations can approach customers and provide good service environments. In such a situation, the online network becomes the most important encouraging for online customers to get in contact with the firm and carry out online selling and purchasing activities around the world.Keywords: COVID-19, business, digital marketing, online customer
Procedia PDF Downloads 564125 Improving the Academic Performance of Students: Management Role of Head Teachers as a Key Contributing Factor
Authors: Dominic Winston Kaku
The academic performance of students is an area of great concern in education to the various stakeholders of education. This is because the academic performance of students is widely used as a measure of the success of the educational process. There are several factors, such as school-related factors, teachers related factors, pupils or students’ factors, and many others determining their academic performance. It appears that the management role of head teachers as a determining factor of pupils’ academic achievement is not much investigated. The management role of head teachers is an essential element in the educational process that has a huge influence on students’ academic performance. The aim of the research was to examine the management role of head teachers in improving the academic performance of students. The study employed a descriptive survey and was conducted among Junior High Schools in the Ellembelle District of the Western Region of Ghana. The respondents for the study were mainly all the head teachers, teachers, and some selected basic school pupils (JHS) in four-selected public basic schools in the Ellembelle district in the Western part of Ghana. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from a sampling size of 252 persons, including 226 JHS pupils, all JHS teachers, and head teachers of all four selected schools. Descriptive statistics, specifically frequencies, percentages, pie charts, bar charts, means, and standard deviation, were used to analyse the data, and that formed the basis of the presentation of findings. The study discovered that planning academic activities, fostering relationships between the school and the community, supervising lessons, staff motivation, and punishing students who go wrong are some of the activities the head teachers participate in to help improve students’ academic performance. The academic performance of students is an area of great concern in education to the various stakeholders of education. This is because the academic performance of students is widely used as a measure of the success of the educational process. There are several factors, such as school-related factors, teachers related factors, pupils or students’ factors, and many others determining their academic performance. It appears that the management role of head teachers as a determining factor of pupils’ academic achievement is not much investigated. The management role of head teachers is an essential element in the educational process that has a huge influence on students’ academic performance. The aim of the research was to examine the management role of head teachers in improving the academic performance of students. The study employed a descriptive survey and was conducted among Junior High Schools in the Ellembelle District of the Western Region of Ghana. The respondents for the study were mainly all the head teachers, teachers, and some selected basic school pupils (JHS) in four-selected public basic schools in the Ellembelle district in the Western part of Ghana. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from a sampling size of 252 persons, including 226 JHS pupils, all JHS teachers, and head teachers of all four selected schools. Descriptive statistics, specifically frequencies, percentages, pie charts, bar charts, means, and standard deviation, were used to analyse the data, and that formed the basis of the presentation of findings. The study discovered that planning academic activities, fostering relationships between the school and the community, supervising lessons, staff motivation, and punishing students who go wrong are some of the activities the head teachers participate in to help improve students’ academic performance.Keywords: supervision, head teacher, academic performance, planning, motivation, relationships
Procedia PDF Downloads 664124 A Survey on Early Screen Exposure during Infancy and Autism
Authors: I. Mahmood
This survey was conducted to explore the hypothesis that excessive screen exposure combined with a subsequent decrease in parent-child interaction during infancy might be associated with autism. The main questions being asked are: Were children with autism exposed to long hours of screen time during the first 2 years of life? And what was the reason(s) for exposure at such an early age? Other variables were also addressed in this survey. An Arabic questionnaire was administered online (June 2019) via a Facebook page, relatively well-known in Arab countries. 1725 parents of children diagnosed with autism participated in this survey. Results show that 80.9% of children surveyed who were diagnosed with autism had been exposed to screens for long periods of time during the first 2 years of life. It can be inferred from the results of this survey that over-exposure to screens disrupt the parent-child interaction which is shown to be associated with ASD. The results of this survey highlight the harmful effects of screen exposure during infancy and the importance of parent-child interaction during the critical period of brain development. This paper attempts to further explore the connection between parent-child interaction and ASD, as well as serve as a call for further research and investigation of the relation between screens and parent-child interactions during infancy and Autism.Keywords: attachment disorder, autism, screen exposure, virtual autism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1284123 Value Clusters of Grade 9 Teachers in the District of Trece Martires City, Division of Cavite: Basis for a Revised Values Education Program (RVEP)"
Authors: Juland D. Salayo
With numerous innovations introduced in the Philippine educational system, the country’s struggle of materializing its national goal of transforming lives ends with great loss. Many agree that the failure to emerge the integral values of the program, framework and the implementers impedes realization. Employing a descriptive-correlational method, it aimed to determine the value clusters of the Grade 9 teachers as assessed by themselves and by the students, the significant difference of the assessed values and the significant difference on the values based on their profile. Respondents were composed of sixty-nine (69) teachers and three hundred forty (340) students using simple random sampling. Through a survey-questionnaire, the study revealed that the teachers have high regards on their self-reliance, honesty and trustworthiness, obedience, politeness and respect and self-discipline and spirituality. In contrast, they have ranked the following values fairly: justice and fairness, courage, responsibility and punctuality and nationalism and patriotism. Having assessed by the students, they have highly regarded their teachers’ self-reliance, responsibility and punctuality, obedience, politeness and respect and fair play and sportsmanship. On the other hand, the student-respondents made a low assessment on the level of the teachers’ justice and fairness, nationalism and patriotism, honesty and trustworthiness and excellence. Using t-test, it showed that there is a significant difference between the assessments of the respondents. Finally, among the demographic profiles, only civil status and age rejected the hypothesis. The following were recommended: provide educators value-enhancement trainings and conferences, organize value-oriented organizations and activities, and make intensive value-campaigns heightening the low-assessed values. Thus, a Revised Values Education Program (RVEP) was made to further meet the objectives of the program, address the needs of its clienteles, and responding to the demands of both education and society towards excellence in service, social and economic revolution, and constructive national goals which are based from integral values.Keywords: values, value clusters, values education program, values education, teachers' assessed values
Procedia PDF Downloads 2874122 The Knowledge-Behavior Gap in the Online Information Seeking Process
Authors: Yen-Mei Lee
The concept of a knowledge-behavior gap has been discussed for several years. It is addressed that an individual’s knowledge does not sufficiently transfer to his or her actual actions. This concept is mostly focused on fields related to medicine or applied to health care issues to explain how people or patients connect their personal knowledge to actual health care behaviors. To our knowledge, seldomly has this research been applied to discuss people’s online information seeking behavior. In the current study, the main purpose is to investigate the relationship between web users’ personal values and their actual performances when seeking information on the Internet. The total number of twenty-eight participants, divided into one experienced group (n=14) and one novice group (n=14), were recruited and asked to complete a self-report questionnaire of fifty items related to information seeking actions and behaviors. During the execution, participants needed to rate the importance level (how important each item is) and the performance level (how often they actually do each item) from 1 to 10 points on each item. In this paper, the mean scores of the importance and the performance level are analyzed and discussed. The results show that there is a gap between web user’s knowledge and their actual online seeking behaviors. Both experienced group and novice group have higher average scores of the importance level (experienced group = 7.57, novice group = 6.01) than the actual performance level (experienced group = 6.89, novice group = 5.00) in terms of the fifty online information seeking actions. On the other hand, the experienced group perceives more importance of the fifty online seeking actions and performs actual behaviors better than the novice group. Moreover, experienced participants express a consistent result between their concept knowledge and actual behaviors. For instance, they feel extending a seeking strategy is important and frequently perform this action when seeking online. However, novice participants do not have a consistency between their knowledge and behaviors. For example, though they perceive browsing and judging information are less important than they get lost in the online information seeking process. However, in the actual behavior rating, the scores show that novices do browsing and judge information more often than they get lost when seeking information online. These results, therefore, help scholars and educators have a better understanding of the difference between experienced and novice web users regarding their concept knowledge and actual behaviors. In future study, figuring out how to narrow down the knowledge-behavior gap and create practical guidance for novice users to increase their online seeking efficiency is crucial. Not only could it help experienced users be aware of their actual information seeking behaviors, but also help the novice become mastery to concisely obtain information on the Internet.Keywords: experienced web user, information seeking behavior, knowledge-behavior gap, novice, online seeking efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 122