Search results for: learning and teaching system
23235 Analysing Tertiary Lecturers’ Teaching Practices and Their English Major Students’ Learning Practices with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Utilization in Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTs)
Authors: Malini Ganapathy, Sarjit Kaur
Maximising learning with higher-order thinking skills with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been deep-rooted and emphasised in various developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Singapore. The transformation of the education curriculum in the Malaysia Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 focuses on the concept of Higher Order Thinking (HOT) skills which aim to produce knowledgeable students who are critical and creative in their thinking and can compete at the international level. HOT skills encourage students to apply, analyse, evaluate and think creatively in and outside the classroom. In this regard, the National Education Blueprint (2013-2025) is grounded based on high-performing systems which promote a transformation of the Malaysian education system in line with the vision of Malaysia’s National Philosophy in achieving educational outcomes which are of world class status. This study was designed to investigate ESL students’ learning practices on the emphasis of promoting HOTs while using ICT in their curricula. Data were collected using a stratified random sampling where 100 participants were selected to take part in the study. These respondents were a group of undergraduate students who undertook ESL courses in a public university in Malaysia. A three-part questionnaire consisting of demographic information, students’ learning experience and ICT utilization practices was administered in the data collection process. Findings from this study provide several important insights on students’ learning experiences and ICT utilization in developing HOT skills.Keywords: English as a second language students, critical and creative thinking, learning, information and communication technology and higher order thinking skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 49123234 Efficacy of Clickers in L2 Interaction
Authors: Ryoo Hye Jin Agnes
This study aims to investigate the efficacy of clickers in fostering L2 class interaction. In an L2 classroom, active learner-to-learner interactions and learner-to-teacher interactions play an important role in language acquisition. In light of this, introducing learning tools that promote such interactions would benefit L2 classroom by fostering interaction. This is because the anonymity of clickers allows learners to express their needs without the social risks associated with speaking up in the class. clickers therefore efficiently help learners express their level of understanding during the process of learning itself. This allows for an evaluative feedback loop where both learners and teachers understand the level of progress of the learners, better enabling classrooms to adapt to the learners’ needs. Eventually this tool promotes participation from learners. This, in turn, is believed to be effective in fostering classroom interaction, allowing learning to take place in a more comfortable yet vibrant way. This study is finalized by presenting the result of an experiment conducted to verify the effectiveness of this approach when teaching pragmatic aspect of Korean expressions with similar semantic functions. The learning achievement of learners in the experimental group was found higher than the learners’ in a control group. A survey was distributed to the learners, questioning them regarding the efficacy of clickers, and how it contributed to their learning in areas such as motivation, self-assessment, increasing participation, as well as giving feedback to teachers. Analyzing the data collected from the questionnaire given to the learners, the study presented data suggesting that this approach increased the scope of interactivity in the classroom, thus not only increasing participation but enhancing the type of classroom participation among learners. This participation in turn led to a marked improvement in their communicative abilities.Keywords: second language acquisition, interaction, clickers, learner response system, output from learners, learner’s cognitive process
Procedia PDF Downloads 52223233 Guidelines for the Development of Community Classroom for Research and Academic Services in Ranong Province
Authors: Jenjira Chinnawong, Phusit Phukamchanoad
The objective of this study is to explore the guidelines for the development of community classroom for research and academic services in Ranong province. By interviewing leaders involved in the development of learning resources, research, and community services, it was found that the leaders' perceptions in the development of learning resources, research, and community services in Ranong, was at the highest level. They perceived at every step on policies of community classroom implementation, research, and community services in Ranong. Leaders' perceptions were at the moderate level in terms of analysis of problems related to procedures of community classroom management, research and community services in Ranong especially in the planning and implementation of the examination, improvement, and development of learning sources to be in good condition and ready to serve the visitors. Their participation in the development of community classroom, research, and community services in Ranong was at a high level, particularly in the participation in monitoring and evaluation of the development of learning resources as well as in reporting on the result of the development of learning resources. The most important thing in the development of community classroom, research and community services in Ranong is the necessity to integrate the three principles of knowledge building in teaching, research and academic services in order to create the identity of the local and community classroom for those who are interested to visit to learn more about the useful knowledge. As a result, community classroom, research, and community services were well-known both inside and outside the university.Keywords: community classroom, learning resources, development, participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 15823232 Foreign Language Reading Comprehenmsion and the Linguistic Intervention Program
Authors: Silvia Hvozdíková, Eva Stranovská
The purpose of the article is to discuss the results of the research conducted during the period of two semesters paying attention to selected factors of foreign language reading comprehension through the means of Linguistic Intervention Program. The Linguistic Intervention Program was designed for the purpose of the current research. It refers to such method of foreign language teaching which emphasized active social learning, creative drama strategies, self-directed learning. The research sample consisted of 360 respondents, foreign language learners ranging from 13 – 17 years of age. Specifically designed questionnaire and a standardized foreign language reading comprehension tests were applied to serve the purpose. The outcomes of the research recorded significant results towards significant relationship between selected elements of the Linguistic Intervention Program and the academic achievements in the factors of reading comprehension.Keywords: foreign language learning, linguistic intervention program, reading comprehension, social learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 11923231 Priming through Open Book MCQ Test: A Tool for Enhancing Learning in Medical Undergraduates
Authors: Bharti Bhandari, Bharati Mehta, Sabyasachi Sircar
Medical education is advancing in India, with its advancement newer innovations are being incorporated in teaching and assessment methodology. Our study focusses on a teaching innovation that is more student-centric than teacher-centric and is the need of the day. The teaching innovation was carried out in 1st year MBBS students of our institute. Students were assigned control and test groups. Priming was done for the students in the test group with an open-book MCQ based test in a particular topic before delivering formal didactic lecture on that topic. The control group was not assigned any such exercise. This was followed by formal didactic lecture on the same topic. Thereafter, both groups were assessed on the same topic. The marks were compiled and analysed using appropriate statistical tests. Students were also given questionnaire to elicit their views on the benefits of “self-priming”. The mean marks scored in theory assessment by the test group were statistically higher than the marks scored by the controls. According to students’ feedback, the ‘self-priming “process was interesting, helped in better orientation during class-room lectures and better understanding of the topic. They want it to be repeated for other topics with moderate difficulty level. Better performance of the students in the primed group validates the combination of student-centric priming model and didactic lecture as superior to the conventional, teacher-centric methods alone. If this system is successfully followed, the present teacher-centric pedagogy should increasingly give way to student-centric activities where the teacher is only a facilitator.Keywords: medical education, open-book test, pedagogy, priming
Procedia PDF Downloads 44623230 Interliterariness: Teaching Dystopia in the Arab Classrooms
Authors: Firas Al-Jubouri
Literature has been a subject of studying English at secondary, university, and postgraduate levels in many countries and for several decades. One of the prominent literary genres, which is being increasingly used in the literature classrooms, is dystopian literature. However, since teachers usually address the educational requirements of teaching canonical English literature to meet the expected objectives of the particular 1organisation, and the learner’s needs in the non- Anglophone context, they must also negotiate the issues of cultural differences, aesthetic values, literary significance, and the rationale of storytelling. This paper examines how teaching certain dystopian themes in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), an extremely influential dystopian canon, has to take into consideration the ideas, traditions, cultures, and means of literary interpretation inherent in the Arab Muslim world, with specific emphasis on the GCC region. It suggests the use of DionýzĎurišin’s (1929-1997) system of interliterariness in teaching world and comparative literature to help improve the interpretation of canonical literary texts in the international and inter-ethnic classrooms and contexts. Thus, this study helps to define a means of integrating global content and cross-cultural experiences into an effective teaching methodology that helps mitigate the major divides between the Anglophone text and the non-Anglophone readers.Keywords: anglophone, dystopia, brave new world, huxley, interliterariness
Procedia PDF Downloads 7823229 Teaching Method for a Classroom of Students at Different Language Proficiency Levels: Content and Language Integrated Learning in a Japanese Culture Classroom
Authors: Yukiko Fujiwara
As a language learning methodology, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become increasingly prevalent in Japan. Most CLIL classroom practice and its research are conducted in EFL fields. However, much less research has been done in the Japanese language learning setting. Therefore, there are still many issues to work out using CLIL in the Japanese language teaching (JLT) setting. it is expected that more research will be conducted on both authentically and academically. Under such circumstances, this is one of the few classroom-based CLIL researches experiments in JLT and aims to find an effective course design for a class with students at different proficiency levels. The class was called ‘Japanese culture A’. This class was offered as one of the elective classes for International exchange students at a Japanese university. The Japanese proficiency level of the class was above the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N3. Since the CLIL approach places importance on ‘authenticity’, the class was designed with materials and activities; such as books, magazines, a film and TV show and a field trip to Kyoto. On the field trip, students experienced making traditional Japanese desserts, by receiving guidance directly from a Japanese artisan. Through the course, designated task sheets were used so the teacher could get feedback from each student to grasp what the class proficiency gap was. After reading an article on Japanese culture, students were asked to write down the words they did not understand and what they thought they needed to learn. It helped both students and teachers to set learning goals and work together for it. Using questionnaires and interviews with students, this research examined whether the attempt was effective or not. Essays they wrote in class were also analyzed. The results from the students were positive. They were motivated by learning authentic, natural Japanese, and they thrived setting their own personal goals. Some students were motivated to learn Japanese by studying the language and others were motivated by studying the cultural context. Most of them said they learned better this way; by setting their own Japanese language and culture goals. These results will provide teachers with new insight towards designing class materials and activities that support students in a multilevel CLIL class.Keywords: authenticity, CLIL, Japanese language and culture, multilevel class
Procedia PDF Downloads 25323228 Thinking about Drawing: The Evolution of Architectural Education in China After 1949
Authors: Wang Yanze
Architectural design results from the interaction between space and drawing. Stemming from the Beaux-Arts architectural education, drawing kept its dominant position in teaching and learning process for centuries. However, this education system is being challenged in the present time due to the development of the times. Based on the architectural education of China after 1949, a brief introduction to the history of the evolution of the design concept and drawing is given in this paper. Illustrating with the reference to the students’ works in Nanjing Institute of Technology, the predecessor of Southeast University, in China, the paper analyses the relationship between concept and representation, as well as the participation of Space, the modernism discourse. This process contains the transmission of the character of architects, the renovation of drawing skills and the profound social background. With different purposes, the emphasis on representation tends to be combined with the operation on space, and the role of drawing in architectural design process also changes. Therefore, based on the continuity of the traditional architectural education system, the discussion on the “Drawing of Space” in contemporary education system is proposed.Keywords: architectural education, beaux-arts, drawing, modernism
Procedia PDF Downloads 48623227 Outcome-Based Education as Mediator of the Effect of Blended Learning on the Student Performance in Statistics
Authors: Restituto I. Rodelas
The higher education has adopted the outcomes-based education from K-12. In this approach, the teacher uses any teaching and learning strategies that enable the students to achieve the learning outcomes. The students may be required to exert more effort and figure things out on their own. Hence, outcomes-based students are assumed to be more responsible and more capable of applying the knowledge learned. Another approach that the higher education in the Philippines is starting to adopt from other countries is blended learning. This combination of classroom and fully online instruction and learning is expected to be more effective. Participating in the online sessions, however, is entirely up to the students. Thus, the effect of blended learning on the performance of students in Statistics may be mediated by outcomes-based education. If there is a significant positive mediating effect, then blended learning can be optimized by integrating outcomes-based education. In this study, the sample will consist of four blended learning Statistics classes at Jose Rizal University in the second semester of AY 2015–2016. Two of these classes will be assigned randomly to the experimental group that will be handled using outcomes-based education. The two classes in the control group will be handled using the traditional lecture approach. Prior to the discussion of the first topic, a pre-test will be administered. The same test will be given as posttest after the last topic is covered. In order to establish equality of the groups’ initial knowledge, single factor ANOVA of the pretest scores will be performed. Single factor ANOVA of the posttest-pretest score differences will also be conducted to compare the performance of the experimental and control groups. When a significant difference is obtained in any of these ANOVAs, post hoc analysis will be done using Tukey's honestly significant difference test (HSD). Mediating effect will be evaluated using correlation and regression analyses. The groups’ initial knowledge are equal when the result of pretest scores ANOVA is not significant. If the result of score differences ANOVA is significant and the post hoc test indicates that the classes in the experimental group have significantly different scores from those in the control group, then outcomes-based education has a positive effect. Let blended learning be the independent variable (IV), outcomes-based education be the mediating variable (MV), and score difference be the dependent variable (DV). There is mediating effect when the following requirements are satisfied: significant correlation of IV to DV, significant correlation of IV to MV, significant relationship of MV to DV when both IV and MV are predictors in a regression model, and the absolute value of the coefficient of IV as sole predictor is larger than that when both IV and MV are predictors. With a positive mediating effect of outcomes-base education on the effect of blended learning on student performance, it will be recommended to integrate outcomes-based education into blended learning. This will yield the best learning results.Keywords: outcome-based teaching, blended learning, face-to-face, student-centered
Procedia PDF Downloads 29123226 Cultural Snapshot: A Reflection on Project-Based Model of Cross-Cultural Understanding in Teaching and Learning
Authors: Kunto Nurcahyoko
The fundamental perception used in this study is that teaching and learning activities in Indonesian classroom have potentially generated individual’s sensitivity on cross-cultural understanding. This study aims at investigating Indonesian university students’ perception on cross-cultural understanding after doing Cultural Snapshot Project. The data was critically analyzed through multicultural ideology and diversity theories. The subjects were 30 EFL college students in one of colleges in Indonesia. Each student was assigned to capture a photo which depicted the existence of any cultural manifestation in their surrounding such as discrimination, prejudice and stereotype. Students were then requested asked to reflect on the picture by writing a short description on the picture and make an exhibition using their pictures. In the end of the project, students were instructed to fill in questionnaires to show their perception before and after the project. The result reveals that Cultural Snapshot Project has given the opportunity for the students to better realize cross-cultural understanding in their environment. In conclusion, the study shows that Cultural Snapshot Project has specifically enhanced students’ perception of multiculturalism in three major areas: cultural sensitivity and empathy, social tolerance, and understanding of diversity.Keywords: cultural snapshot, cross-cultural understanding, students’ perception, multiculturalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 31323225 Signed Language Phonological Awareness: Building Deaf Children's Vocabulary in Signed and Written Language
Authors: Lynn Mcquarrie, Charlotte Enns
The goal of this project was to develop a visually-based, signed language phonological awareness training program and to pilot the intervention with signing deaf children (ages 6 -10 years/ grades 1 - 4) who were beginning readers to assess the effects of systematic explicit American Sign Language (ASL) phonological instruction on both ASL vocabulary and English print vocabulary learning. Growing evidence that signing learners utilize visually-based signed language phonological knowledge (homologous to the sound-based phonological level of spoken language processing) when reading underscore the critical need for further research on the innovation of reading instructional practices for visual language learners. Multiple single-case studies using a multiple probe design across content (i.e., sign and print targets incorporating specific ASL phonological parameters – handshapes) was implemented to examine if a functional relationship existed between instruction and acquisition of these skills. The results indicated that for all cases, representing a variety of language abilities, the visually-based phonological teaching approach was exceptionally powerful in helping children to build their sign and print vocabularies. Although intervention/teaching studies have been essential in testing hypotheses about spoken language phonological processes supporting non-deaf children’s reading development, there are no parallel intervention/teaching studies exploring hypotheses about signed language phonological processes in supporting deaf children’s reading development. This study begins to provide the needed evidence to pursue innovative teaching strategies that incorporate the strengths of visual learners.Keywords: American sign language phonological awareness, dual language strategies, vocabulary learning, word reading
Procedia PDF Downloads 33423224 Using Learning Apps in the Classroom
Authors: Janet C. Read
UClan set collaboration with Lingokids to assess the Lingokids learning app's impact on learning outcomes in classrooms in the UK for children with ages ranging from 3 to 5 years. Data gathered during the controlled study with 69 children includes attitudinal data, engagement, and learning scores. Data shows that children enjoyment while learning was higher among those children using the game-based app compared to those children using other traditional methods. It’s worth pointing out that engagement when using the learning app was significantly higher than other traditional methods among older children. According to existing literature, there is a direct correlation between engagement, motivation, and learning. Therefore, this study provides relevant data points to conclude that Lingokids learning app serves its purpose of encouraging learning through playful and interactive content. That being said, we believe that learning outcomes should be assessed with a wider range of methods in further studies. Likewise, it would be beneficial to assess the level of usability and playability of the app in order to evaluate the learning app from other angles.Keywords: learning app, learning outcomes, rapid test activity, Smileyometer, early childhood education, innovative pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 7223223 Foot Recognition Using Deep Learning for Knee Rehabilitation
Authors: Rakkrit Duangsoithong, Jermphiphut Jaruenpunyasak, Alba Garcia
The use of foot recognition can be applied in many medical fields such as the gait pattern analysis and the knee exercises of patients in rehabilitation. Generally, a camera-based foot recognition system is intended to capture a patient image in a controlled room and background to recognize the foot in the limited views. However, this system can be inconvenient to monitor the knee exercises at home. In order to overcome these problems, this paper proposes to use the deep learning method using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for foot recognition. The results are compared with the traditional classification method using LBP and HOG features with kNN and SVM classifiers. According to the results, deep learning method provides better accuracy but with higher complexity to recognize the foot images from online databases than the traditional classification method.Keywords: foot recognition, deep learning, knee rehabilitation, convolutional neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 16323222 International Service Learning 3.0: Using Technology to Improve Outcomes and Sustainability
Authors: Anthony Vandarakis
Today’s International Service Learning practices require an update: modern technologies, fresh educational frameworks, and a new operating system to accountably prosper. This paper describes a model of International Service Learning (ISL), which combines current technological hardware, electronic platforms, and asynchronous communications that are grounded in inclusive pedagogy. This model builds on the work around collaborative field trip learning, extending the reach to international partnerships across continents. Mobile technology, 21st century skills and summit-basecamp modeling intersect to support novel forms of learning that tread lightly on fragile natural ecosystems, affirm local reciprocal partnership in projects, and protect traveling participants from common yet avoidable cultural pitfalls.Keywords: International Service Learning, ISL, field experiences, mobile technology, out there in here, summit basecamp pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 17223221 Effective Learning and Testing Methods in School-Aged Children
Authors: Farzaneh Badinlou, Reza Kormi-Nouri, Monika Knopf, Kamal Kharrazi
When we teach, we have two critical elements at our disposal to help students: learning styles as well as testing styles. There are many different ways in which educators can effectively teach their students; verbal learning and experience-based learning. Lecture as a form of verbal learning style is a traditional arrangement in which teachers are more active and share information verbally with students. In experienced-based learning as the process of through, students learn actively through hands-on learning materials and observing teachers or others. Meanwhile, standard testing or assessment is the way to determine progress toward proficiency. Teachers and instructors mainly use essay (requires written responses), multiple choice questions (includes the correct answer and several incorrect answers as distractors), or open-ended questions (respondents answers it with own words). The current study focused on exploring an effective teaching style and testing methods as the function of age over school ages. In the present study, totally 410 participants were selected randomly from four grades (2ⁿᵈ, 4ᵗʰ, 6ᵗʰ, and 8ᵗʰ). Each subject was tested individually in one session lasting around 50 minutes. In learning tasks, the participants were presented three different instructions for learning materials (learning by doing, learning by observing, and learning by listening). Then, they were tested via different standard assessments as free recall, cued recall, and recognition tasks. The results revealed that generally students remember more of what they do and what they observe than what they hear. The age effect was more pronounced in learning by doing than in learning by observing, and learning by listening, becoming progressively stronger in the free-recall, cued-recall, and recognition tasks. The findings of this study indicated that learning by doing and free recall task is more age sensitive, suggesting that both of them are more strategic and more affected by developmental differences. Pedagogically, these results denoted that learning by modeling and engagement in program activities have the special role for learning. Moreover, the findings indicated that the multiple-choice questions can produce the best performance for school-aged children but is less age-sensitive. By contrast, the essay as essay can produce the lowest performance but is more age-sensitive. It will be very helpful for educators to know that what types of learning styles and test methods are most effective for students in each school grade.Keywords: experience-based learning, learning style, school-aged children, testing methods, verbal learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 20423220 Impact of Ethnoscience-Based Teaching Approach: Thinking Relevance, Effectiveness and Learner Retention in Physics Concepts of Optics
Authors: Rose C.Anamezie, Mishack T. Gumbo
Physics learners’ poor retention, which culminates in poor achievement due to teaching approaches that are unrelated to learners’ in non-Western cultures, warranted the study. The tenet of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the ethnoscience-based teaching (EBT) approach on learners’ retention in the Physics concept of Optics in the Awka Education zone of Anambra State- Nigeria. Two research questions and three null hypotheses tested at a 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The design adopted for the study was Quasi-experimental. Specifically, a non-equivalent control group design was adopted. The population for the study was 4,825 SS2 Physics learners in the zone. 160 SS2 learners were sampled using purposive and random sampling. The experimental group was taught rectilinear propagation of light (RPL) using the EBT approach, while the control group was taught the same topic using the lecture method. The instrument for data collection was the 50 Physics Retention Test (PRT) which was validated by three experts and tested for reliability using Kuder-Richardson’s formula-20, which yielded coefficients of 0.81. The data were analysed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of co-variance (p< .05). The results showed higher retention for the use of the EBT approach than the lecture method, while there was no significant gender-based factor in the learners’ retention in Physics. It was recommended that the EBT approach, which bridged the gender gap in Physics retention, be adopted in secondary school teaching and learning since it could transform science teaching, enhance learners’ construction of new science concepts based on their existing knowledge and bridge the gap between Western science and learners’ worldviews.Keywords: Ethnoscience-based teaching, optics, rectilinear propagation of light, retention
Procedia PDF Downloads 8423219 Education, Learning and Management: Empowering Individuals for the Future
Authors: Ngong Eugene Ekia
Education is the foundation for the success of any society as its impact transcends across all sectors, including economics, politics, and social welfare. It is through education that individuals acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in life and contribute meaningfully to society. However, the world is changing rapidly, and it is vital for education systems to adapt to these changes to remain relevant. In this paper, we will discuss the current trends and challenges in education and management and propose solutions that can enable individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving world.Keywords: access to education, effective teaching and learning, strong management practices, and empowering and personal development
Procedia PDF Downloads 14323218 The Challenges of Hyper-Textual Learning Approach for Religious Education
Authors: Elham Shirvani–Ghadikolaei, Seyed Mahdi Sajjadi
State of the art technology has the tremendous impact on our life, in this situation education system have been influenced as well as. In this paper, tried to compare two space of learning text and hypertext with each other, and some challenges of using hypertext in religious education. Regarding the fact that, hypertext is an undeniable part of learning in this world and it has highly beneficial for the education process from class to office and home. In this paper tried to solve this question: the consequences and challenges of applying hypertext in religious education. Also, the consequences of this survey demonstrate the role of curriculum designer and planner of education to solve this problem.Keywords: Hyper-textual, learning, religious education, learning text
Procedia PDF Downloads 31323217 Use of Mobile Phone Applications in Teaching Precalculus
Authors: Jay-R. Hosana Leonidas, Jayson A. Lucilo
The K-12 Curriculum in the Philippines shed light to mathematics education as it recognizes the use of smartphones/mobile phones as appropriate tools necessary in teaching mathematics. However, there were limited pieces of evidence on the use of these devices in teaching and learning process. This descriptive study developed lessons integrating the use of mobile phone applications with basis on low-level competencies of students in Precalculus and determined its effects on students’ conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and attitudes towards Precalculus. Employing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scheme in the study, lessons developed were conducted among Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture for the academic year 2018-2019. This study found that there is a significant difference between the competency levels of students along conceptual understanding and procedural skills prior to and after the conduct of lessons developed. Also, it disclosed that the use of mobile phone applications had positive effects on students’ attitudes towards Precalculus. Thus, the use of mobile phone applications in teaching Precalculus can enrich students’ understanding of concepts and procedural skills (solving and graphing skills) and can increase students’ motivation, self-confidence, and enjoyment in dealing with Precalculus.Keywords: bring your own device, mathematics education, mobile phone applications, senior high school
Procedia PDF Downloads 16523216 Using the Semantic Web Technologies to Bring Adaptability in E-Learning Systems
Authors: Fatima Faiza Ahmed, Syed Farrukh Hussain
The last few decades have seen a large proportion of our population bending towards e-learning technologies, starting from learning tools used in primary and elementary schools to competency based e-learning systems specifically designed for applications like finance and marketing. The huge diversity in this crowd brings about a large number of challenges for the designers of these e-learning systems, one of which is the adaptability of such systems. This paper focuses on adaptability in the learning material in an e-learning course and how artificial intelligence and the semantic web can be used as an effective tool for this purpose. The study proved that the semantic web, still a hot topic in the area of computer science can prove to be a powerful tool in designing and implementing adaptable e-learning systems.Keywords: adaptable e-learning, HTMLParser, information extraction, semantic web
Procedia PDF Downloads 34123215 Aligning Informatics Study Programs with Occupational and Qualifications Standards
Authors: Patrizia Poscic, Sanja Candrlic, Danijela Jaksic
The University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics participated in the Stand4Info project, co-financed by the European Union, with the main idea of an alignment of study programs with occupational and qualifications standards in the field of Informatics. A brief overview of our research methodology, goals and deliverables is shown. Our main research and project objectives were: a) development of occupational standards, qualification standards and study programs based on the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF), b) higher education quality improvement in the field of information and communication sciences, c) increasing the employability of students of information and communication technology (ICT) and science, and d) continuously improving competencies of teachers in accordance with the principles of CROQF. CROQF is a reform instrument in the Republic of Croatia for regulating the system of qualifications at all levels through qualifications standards based on learning outcomes and following the needs of the labor market, individuals and society. The central elements of CROQF are learning outcomes - competences acquired by the individual through the learning process and proved afterward. The place of each acquired qualification is set by the level of the learning outcomes belonging to that qualification. The placement of qualifications at respective levels allows the comparison and linking of different qualifications, as well as linking of Croatian qualifications' levels to the levels of the European Qualifications Framework and the levels of the Qualifications framework of the European Higher Education Area. This research has made 3 proposals of occupational standards for undergraduate study level (System Analyst, Developer, ICT Operations Manager), and 2 for graduate (master) level (System Architect, Business Architect). For each occupational standard employers have provided a list of key tasks and associated competencies necessary to perform them. A set of competencies required for each particular job in the workplace was defined and each set of competencies as described in more details by its individual competencies. Based on sets of competencies from occupational standards, sets of learning outcomes were defined and competencies from the occupational standard were linked with learning outcomes. For each learning outcome, as well as for the set of learning outcomes, it was necessary to specify verification method, material, and human resources. The task of the project was to suggest revision and improvement of the existing study programs. It was necessary to analyze existing programs and determine how they meet and fulfill defined learning outcomes. This way, one could see: a) which learning outcomes from the qualifications standards are covered by existing courses, b) which learning outcomes have yet to be covered, c) are they covered by mandatory or elective courses, and d) are some courses unnecessary or redundant. Overall, the main research results are: a) completed proposals of qualification and occupational standards in the field of ICT, b) revised curricula of undergraduate and master study programs in ICT, c) sustainable partnership and association stakeholders network, d) knowledge network - informing the public and stakeholders (teachers, students, and employers) about the importance of CROQF establishment, and e) teachers educated in innovative methods of teaching.Keywords: study program, qualification standard, occupational standard, higher education, informatics and computer science
Procedia PDF Downloads 14323214 Safe and Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Control Model: A Hydroponics Case Study
Authors: Almutasim Billa A. Alanazi, Hal S. Tharp
Safe performance and efficient energy consumption are essential factors for designing a control system. This paper presents a reinforcement learning (RL) model that can be applied to control applications to improve safety and reduce energy consumption. As hardware constraints and environmental disturbances are imprecise and unpredictable, conventional control methods may not always be effective in optimizing control designs. However, RL has demonstrated its value in several artificial intelligence (AI) applications, especially in the field of control systems. The proposed model intelligently monitors a system's success by observing the rewards from the environment, with positive rewards counting as a success when the controlled reference is within the desired operating zone. Thus, the model can determine whether the system is safe to continue operating based on the designer/user specifications, which can be adjusted as needed. Additionally, the controller keeps track of energy consumption to improve energy efficiency by enabling the idle mode when the controlled reference is within the desired operating zone, thus reducing the system energy consumption during the controlling operation. Water temperature control for a hydroponic system is taken as a case study for the RL model, adjusting the variance of disturbances to show the model’s robustness and efficiency. On average, the model showed safety improvement by up to 15% and energy efficiency improvements by 35%- 40% compared to a traditional RL model.Keywords: control system, hydroponics, machine learning, reinforcement learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 18623213 Teachers of English for Accounting Purpose: Self-Identity and Self-Reflectivity
Authors: Nanis Setyorini
This is an interpretive study that aims to explore English teachers’ self-identity and self-reflection on teaching of English for accounting purpose in Indonesian accounting schools. Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of capitals, habitus, and field are applied to capture and analyze the outright feelings, dilemma, and efforts of how English teachers see their educational background and adjust their understanding of English teaching for specific purpose, how they deliver unrecognized materials about accountancy, how they build confidence in teaching accountancy experts, and how to develop their professional commitment as English teachers for accounting purpose. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions are conducted to 16 English teachers in accounting schools within five state and private universities in East Java, Indonesia. The appropriateness of English teachers for accounting students remains a debatable topic. Previous literatures assume that the best English teachers for accounting students should be those who can demonstrate good quality use of English as well as those who have sound accounting knowledge and experience; however, such teachers are rare to find. Most English teachers in Indonesian accounting schools generally graduate from English education or English literature that provide a very limited pedagogic theories and practices of English for specific purpose (ESP). As a result, ESP teachers often had misconception and loss of face when they deliver subject contents to their accounting students who sometimes have been employed as professional accountants. The teachers also face a dilemma in locating themselves as the insiders in English knowledge, but the outsiders in accounting field. These situations are generally problems in their early-stage of teaching due to the lack of ESP knowledge, the shortage of teaching preparation, the absence of ESP in-house trainings on English for accountancy, and the unconducive relations with accounting educators as well as other ESP teachers. Then, self-learning with various resources and strategies is said as their effort to develop their teaching competence so they are able to teach English for accounting students more effectively.Keywords: ESP teacher, English for accounting, self-identity, self-reflectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 39923212 Technological Affordances: Guidelines for E-Learning Design
Authors: Clement Chimezie Aladi, Itamar Shabtai
A review of the literature in the last few years reveals that little attention has been paid to technological affordances in e-learning designs. However, affordances are key to engaging students and enabling teachers to actualize learning goals. E-learning systems (software and artifacts) need to be designed in such a way that the features facilitate perceptions of the affordances with minimal cognition. This study aimed to fill this gap in the literature and encourage further research in this area. It provides guidelines for facilitating the perception of affordances in e-learning design and advances Technology Affordance and Constraints Theory by incorporating the affordance-based design process, the principles of multimedia learning, e-learning design philosophy, and emotional and cognitive affordances.Keywords: e-learning, technology affrodances, affordance based design, e-learning design
Procedia PDF Downloads 6323211 Animations for Teaching Food Chemistry: A Design Approach for Linking Chemistry Theory to Everyday Food
Authors: Paulomi (Polly) Burey, Zoe Lynch
In STEM education, students often have difficulty linking static images and words from textbooks or online resources, to the underlying mechanisms of the topic of study. This can often dissuade some students from pursuing study in the physical and chemical sciences. A growing movement in current day students demonstrates that the YouTube generation feel they learn best from video or dynamic, interactive learning tools, and will seek these out as alternatives to their textbooks and the classroom learning environment. Chemistry, and in particular visualization of molecular structures in everyday materials, can prove difficult to comprehend without significant interaction with the teacher of the content and concepts, beyond the timeframe of a typical class. This can cause a learning hurdle for distance education students, and so it is necessary to provide strong electronic tools and resources to aid their learning. As one of the electronic resources, an animation design approach to link everyday materials to their underlying chemistry would be beneficial for student learning, with the focus here being on food. These animations were designed and storyboarded with a scaling approach and commence with a focus on the food material itself and its component parts. This is followed by animated transitions to its underlying microstructure and identifying features, and finally showing the molecules responsible for these microstructural features. The animation ends with a reverse transition back through the molecular structure, microstructure, all the way back to the original food material, and also animates some reactions that may occur during food processing to demonstrate the purpose of the underlying chemistry and how it affects the food we eat. Using this cyclical approach of linking students’ existing knowledge of food to help guide them to understanding more complex knowledge, and then reinforcing their learning by linking back to their prior knowledge again, enhances student understanding. Food is also an ideal material system for students to interact with, in a hands-on manner to further reinforce their learning. These animations were launched this year in a 2nd year University Food Chemistry course with improved learning outcomes for the cohort.Keywords: chemistry, food science, future pedagogy, STEM Education
Procedia PDF Downloads 16023210 ESP: Peculiarities of Teaching Psychology in English to Russian Students
Authors: Ekaterina A. Redkina
The necessity and importance of teaching professionally oriented content in English needs no proof nowadays. Consequently, the ability to share personal ESP teaching experience seems of great importance. This paper is based on the 8-year ESP and EFL teaching experience at the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia, and presents theoretical analysis of specifics, possible problems, and perspectives of teaching Psychology in English to Russian psychology-students. The paper concerns different issues that are common for different ESP classrooms, and familiar to different teachers. Among them are: designing ESP curriculum (for psychologists in this case), finding the balance between content and language in the classroom, main teaching principles (the 4 C’s), the choice of assessment techniques and teaching material. The main objective of teaching psychology in English to Russian psychology students is developing knowledge and skills essential for professional psychologists. Belonging to international professional community presupposes high-level content-specific knowledge and skills, high level of linguistic skills and cross-cultural linguistic ability and finally high level of professional etiquette. Thus, teaching psychology in English pursues 3 main outcomes, such as content, language and professional skills. The paper provides explanation of each of the outcomes. Examples are also given. Particular attention is paid to the lesson structure, its objectives and the difference between a typical EFL and ESP lesson. There is also made an attempt to find commonalities between teaching ESP and CLIL. There is an approach that states that CLIL is more common for schools, while ESP is more common for higher education. The paper argues that CLIL methodology can be successfully used in ESP teaching and that many CLIL activities are also well adapted for professional purposes. The research paper provides insights into the process of teaching psychologists in Russia, real teaching experience and teaching techniques that have proved efficient over time.Keywords: ESP, CLIL, content, language, psychology in English, Russian students
Procedia PDF Downloads 61223209 The Use of Project to Enhance Learning Domains Stated by National Qualifications Framework: TQF
Authors: Duangkamol Thitivesa
This paper explores the use of project work in a content-based instruction in a Rajabhat University, Thailand. The use of project is to promote kinds of learning expected of student teachers as stated by Thailand Quality Framework: TQF. The kinds of learning are grouped into five domains: Ethical and moral development, knowledge, cognitive skill, interpersonal skills and responsibility, and analytical and communication skills. The content taught in class is used to lead the student teachers to relate their previously-acquired linguistic knowledge to meaningful realizations of the language system in passages of immediate relevance to their professional interests, teaching methods in particular. Two research questions are formulate to guide this study: 1) To what degree are the five domains of learning expected of student teachers after the use of project in a content class?, and 2) What is the academic achievement of the students’ writing skills, as part of the learning domains stated by TQF, against the 70% attainment target after the use of project to enhance the skill? The sample of the study comprised of 38 fourth-year English major students. The data was collected by means of a summative achievement test, student writing works, an observation checklist, and project diary. The scores in the summative achievement test were analyzed by mean score, standard deviation, and t-test. Project diary serves as students’ record of the language acquired during the project. List of structures and vocabulary noted in the diary has shown students’ ability to attend to, recognize, and focus on meaningful patterns of language forms.Keywords: Thailand quality framework, project Work, writing skill, summative
Procedia PDF Downloads 15123208 Instruct Students Effective Ways to Reach an Advanced Level after Graduation
Authors: Huynh Tan Hoi
Considered as one of the hardest languages in the world, Japanese is still the language that many young people choose to learn. Today, with the development of technology, learning foreign languages in general and Japanese language, in particular, is not an impossible barrier. Learning materials are not only from paper books, songs but also through software programs of smartphones or computers. Especially, students who begin to explore effective skills to study this language need to access modern technologies to improve their learning much better. When using the software, some students may feel embarrassed and challenged, but everything would go smoothly after a few days. After completing the course, students will get more knowledge, achieve a higher knowledge such as N2 or N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Certificate. In this research paper, 35 students who are studying at Ho Chi Minh City FPT University were asked to complete the questionnaire at the beginning of July up to August of 2018. Through this research, we realize that with the guidance of lecturers, the necessity of using modern software and some effective methods are indispensable in term of improving quality of teaching and learning process.Keywords: higher knowledge, Japanese, methods, software, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 22723207 Critical Thinking in the Moroccan Textbooks of English: Ticket to English as a Case Study
Authors: Mohsine Jebbour
The ultimate aim of this study was to analyze a second-year baccalaureate textbook of English to see to what extent it includes elements of critical thinking. A further purpose was to assess the extent to which the teachers’ teaching practices help students develop some degree of critical thinking. The literature on critical thinking indicated that all the writers agree that critical thinking is skilled and dispositional oriented, and most of the definitions highlight the skill and disposition to select, collect, analyze and evaluate information effectively. In this study, two instruments were used, namely content analysis and questionnaire to ensure validity and reliability. The sample of this study, on the one hand, was a second year textbook of English, namely Ticket to English. The process of collecting data was carried out through designing a checklist to analyze the textbook of English. On the other hand, high school students (second baccalaureate grade) and teachers of English constituted the second sample. Two questionnaires were administered—One was completed by 28 high school teachers (18 males and10 females), and the other was completed by 51 students (26 males and 25 females) from Fez, Morocco. The items of the questionnaire tended to elicit both qualitative and quantitative data. An attempt was made to answer two research questions. One pertained to the extent to which the textbooks of English contain critical thinking elements (Critical thinking skills and dispositions, types of questions, language learning strategies, classroom activities); the second was concerned with whether the teaching practices of teachers of English help improve students’ critical thinking. The results demonstrated that the textbooks of English include elements of critical thinking, and the teachers’ teaching practices help the students develop some degree of critical thinking. Yet, the textbooks do not include problem-solving activities and media analysis and 86% of the teacher-respondents tended to skip activities in the textbooks, mainly the units dealing with Project Work and Study Skills which are necessary for enhancing critical thinking among the students. Therefore, the textbooks need to be designed around additional activities and the teachers are required to cover the units skipped so as to make the teaching of critical thinking effective.Keywords: critical thinking, language learning strategies, language proficiency, teaching practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 61123206 Motivation on Vocabulary and Reading Skill via Teacher-Created Website for Thai Students
Authors: P. Klinkesorn, S. Yordchim, T. Gibbs, J. Achariyopas
Vocabulary and reading skill were examined in terms of teaching and learning via teacher-created website. The aims of this study are 1) to survey students’ opinions on the teacher-created website for learning vocabulary and reading skill 2) to survey the students’ motivation for learning vocabulary and reading skill through the teacher-created website. Motivation was applied to the results of the questionnaires and interview forms. Finding suggests that Teacher-Created Website can increase students’ motivation to read more, build up a large stock of vocabulary and improve their understanding of the vocabulary. Implications for developing both social engagement and emotional satisfaction are discussed.Keywords: motivation, teacher-created website, Thai students, vocabulary and reading skill
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