Search results for: groundwater and mine water monitoring
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 11626

Search results for: groundwater and mine water monitoring

10486 Phytoremediation of Lead Polluted Soils with Native Weeds in Nigeria

Authors: Comfort Adeoye, Anthony Eneji


Lead pollution by mining, industrial dumping, and other anthropogenic uses are corroding the environment. Efforts being made to control it include physical, chemical and biological methods. The failure of the aforementioned methods are largely due to the fact that they are cumbersome, expensive, and not eco-friendly. Some plant species can be used for remediation of these pollutants. The objective of this work is to investigate the abilities of two native weed species to remediate two lead-polluted soils: a) Battery dumpsite and, (b) Naturally occurring lead mine. Soil samples were taken from the two sites: a) Kumapayi in Ibadan, a battery dumpsite, (b) Zamfara, a natural lead mine. Screen house experiment in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) replicated three times was carried out at I.I.T.A. Unpolluted soils were collected and polluted with various rates of lead concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5%. These were planted with weed species. Plant growth parameters were monitored for twelve weeks, after which the plants were harvested. Dry weight and plant uptake of the lead were taken. Analysis of data was carried out using, Genstat, Excel and descriptive statistics. Relative concentration of lead (Pb) in the above and below ground parts of Gomphrena celusoides revealed that a higher amount of Pb is taken up in the root compared with the shoots at different levels of Pb pollution. However, lead uptake at 0.5% > 0.2% > 0.1% > Control. In essence, phytoremediation of Gomphrena is highest at soil pollution of 0.5% and its retention is greater in the root than the shoot.In S. pyramidalis, soil retention ranges from 0.1% > 0.5% > 0.2% > control. Uptake is highest at 0.5% > 0.1% > 0.2 in stem. Uptake in leaves is highest at 0.2%, but none in the 0.5% pollution. Therefore, different plant species exhibited different accumulative mode probably due to their physiological and rooting systems. Gomphrena spp. rooting system is tap root,while that of S.pyramidalis is fibrous.

Keywords: grass, lead, phytoremediation, pollution

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10485 Development, Testing, and Application of a Low-Cost Technology Sulphur Dioxide Monitor as a Tool for use in a Volcanic Emissions Monitoring Network

Authors: Viveka Jackson, Erouscilla Joseph, Denise Beckles, Thomas Christopher


Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) has been defined as a non-flammable, non-explosive, colourless gas, having a pungent, irritating odour, and is one of the main gases emitted from volcanoes. Sulphur dioxide has been recorded in concentrations hazardous to humans (0.25 – 0.5 ppm (~650 – 1300 μg/m3), downwind of many volcanoes and hence warrants constant air-quality monitoring around these sites. It has been linked to an increase in chronic respiratory disease attributed to long-term exposures and alteration in lung and other physiological functions attributed to short-term exposures. Sulphur Springs in Saint Lucia is a highly active geothermal area, located within the Soufrière Volcanic Centre, and is a park widely visited by tourists and locals. It is also a current source of continuous volcanic emissions via its many fumaroles and bubbling pools, warranting concern by residents and visitors to the park regarding the effects of exposure to these gases. In this study, we introduce a novel SO2 measurement system for the monitoring and quantification of ambient levels of airborne volcanic SO2 using low-cost technology. This work involves the extensive production of low-cost SO2 monitors/samplers, as well as field examination in tandem with standard commercial samplers (SO2 diffusion tubes). It also incorporates community involvement in the volcanic monitoring process as non-professional users of the instrument. We intend to present the preliminary monitoring results obtained from the low-cost samplers, to identify the areas in the Park exposed to high concentrations of ambient SO2, and to assess the feasibility of the instrument for non-professional use and application in volcanic settings

Keywords: ambient SO2, community-based monitoring, risk-reduction, sulphur springs, low-cost

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10484 Approved Cyclic Treatment System of Grey Water

Authors: Hanen Filali, Mohamed Hachicha


Treated grey water (TGW) reuse emerged as an alternative resource to meet the growing demand for water for agricultural irrigation and reduce the pressure on limited existing fresh water. However, this reuse needs adapted management in order to avoid environmental and health risks. In this work, the treatment of grey water (GW) was studied from a cyclic treatment system that we designed and implemented in the greenhouse of National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF). This system is composed of three levels for treatment (TGW 1, TGW 2, and TGW 3). Each level includes a sandy soil box. The use of grey water was moderated depending on the chemical and microbiological quality obtained. Different samples of soils and treated grey water were performed and analyzed for 14 irrigation cycles. TGW through cyclic treatment showed physicochemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5) in the range of 7,35-7,91, 1,69-5,03 dS/m, 102,6-54,2 mgO2/l, and 31,33-15,74 mgO2/l, respectively. Results showed a reduction in the pollutant load with a significant effect on the three treatment levels; however, an increase in salinity was observed during all irrigation cycles. Microbiological results showed good grey water treatment with low health risk on irrigated soil. Treated water quality was below permissible Tunisian standards (NT106.03), and treated water is suitable for non-potable options.

Keywords: treated grey water, irrigation, cyclic treatment, soils, physico-chemical parameters, microbiological parameters

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10483 A Case Study on the Drivers of Household Water Consumption for Different Socio-Economic Classes in Selected Communities of Metro Manila, Philippines

Authors: Maria Anjelica P. Ancheta, Roberto S. Soriano, Erickson L. Llaguno


The main purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a significant relationship between socio-economic class and household water supply demand, through determining or verifying the factors governing water use consumption patterns of households from a sampling from different socio-economic classes in Metro Manila, the national capital region of the Philippines. This study is also an opportunity to augment the lack of local academic literature due to the very few publications on urban household water demand after 1999. In over 600 Metro Manila households, a rapid survey was conducted on their average monthly water consumption and habits on household water usage. The questions in the rapid survey were based on an extensive review of literature on urban household water demand. Sample households were divided into socio-economic classes A-B and C-D. Cluster analysis, dummy coding and outlier tests were done to prepare the data for regression analysis. Subsequently, backward stepwise regression analysis was used in order to determine different statistical models to describe the determinants of water consumption. The key finding of this study is that the socio-economic class of a household in Metro Manila is a significant factor in water consumption. A-B households consume more water in contrast to C-D families based on the mean average water consumption for A-B and C-D households are 36.75 m3 and 18.92 m3, respectively. The most significant proxy factors of socio-economic class that were related to household water consumption were examined in order to suggest improvements in policy formulation and household water demand management.

Keywords: household water uses, socio-economic classes, urban planning, urban water demand management

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10482 Clay Develop Plasticity With Water

Authors: Boualla Nabila


The problems created by the water in Civil Engineering are sometimes neglected or often badly posed when they are not completely ignored, and yet they are fundamental as regards both the conditions of execution of the worksites and the stability. Several damages were caused by the infiltration of water in the soils, in particular in clay regions which can swell under the effect of an increase in their water content as in the case of the Oued Tlelat clay which is made up of yellow-colored marly clays and red-colored El Maleh area. This study was carried out on soil from a site, located near the city of Oran and the city of Ain Tmouchent (northern Algeria) where we encounter many problems of cracking of buildings and bottom uplift of excavations. The study consists first of all in determining the mechanical and physical characteristics of the clay, namely the parameters of sheer, simple compression, and that of the odometer. Then the study focused on a comparison of the influence of water type on the mechanical and physical properties of swelling clay soil.

Keywords: clay, water, liquidity limit, plastic limit

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10481 Technology Identification, Evaluation and Selection Methodology for Industrial Process Water and Waste Water Treatment Plant of 3x150 MWe Tufanbeyli Lignite-Fired Power Plant

Authors: Cigdem Safak Saglam


Most thermal power plants use steam as working fluid in their power cycle. Therefore, in addition to fuel, water is the other main input for thermal plants. Water and steam must be highly pure in order to protect the systems from corrosion, scaling and biofouling. Pure process water is produced in water treatment plants having many several treatment methods. Treatment plant design is selected depending on raw water source and required water quality. Although working principle of fossil-fuel fired thermal power plants are same, there is no standard design and equipment arrangement valid for all thermal power plant utility systems. Besides that, there are many other technology evaluation and selection criteria for designing the most optimal water systems meeting the requirements such as local conditions, environmental restrictions, electricity and other consumables availability and transport, process water sources and scarcity, land use constraints etc. Aim of this study is explaining the adopted methodology for technology selection for process water preparation and industrial waste water treatment plant in a thermal power plant project located in Tufanbeyli, Adana Province in Turkey. Thermal power plant is fired with indigenous lignite coal extracted from adjacent lignite reserves. This paper addresses all above-mentioned factors affecting the thermal power plant water treatment facilities (demineralization + waste water treatment) design and describes the ultimate design of Tufanbeyli Thermal Power Plant Water Treatment Plant.

Keywords: thermal power plant, lignite coal, pretreatment, demineralization, electrodialysis, recycling, ash dampening

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10480 Adverse Impacts of Poor Wastewater Management Practices on Water Quality in Gebeng Industrial Area, Pahang, Malaysia

Authors: I. M. Sujaul, M. A. Sobahan, A. A. Edriyana, F. M. Yahaya, R. M. Yunus


This study was carried out to investigate the adverse effect of industrial waste water on surface water quality in Gebeng industrial estate, Pahang, Malaysia. Surface water was collected from 6 sampling stations. Physico-chemical parameters were characterized based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis according to standard methods by American Public Health Association (APHA). Selected heavy metals were determined by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP MS). The result reveled that the concentration of heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr and Hg were high in samples. The result showed that the value of Pb and Hg were higher in the wet season in comparison to dry season. According to Malaysia National Water Quality Standard (NWQS) and Water Quality Index (WQI) all the sampling station were categorized as class IV (highly polluted). The present study reveled that the adverse effects of careless disposal of wastes and directly discharge of effluents affected on surface water quality. Therefore, the authorities should implement the laws to ensure the proper practices of waste water management for environmental sustainability around the study area.

Keywords: water, heavy metals, water quality index, Gebeng

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10479 Application of Dissolved Air Flotation for Removal of Oil from Wastewater

Authors: Talat Ghomashchi, Zahra Akbari, Shirin Malekpour, Marjan Alimirzaee


Mixing the waste water of industries with natural water has caused environmental pollution. So researcher try to obtain methods and optimum conditions for waste water treatment. One of important stage in waste water treatment is dissolved air flotation. DAF is used for the removal of suspended solids and oils from waste water. In this paper, the effect of several parameters on flotation efficiency with Cationic polyacrylamide as flocculant, was examined, namely, (a) concentration of cationic flocculants, (b) pH (c) fast mixing time, (d) fast mixing speed,(e) slow mixing time,(f) retention time and temperature. After design of experiment, in each trial turbidity of waste water was measured by spectrophotometer. Results show that contribution of pH and concentration of flocculant on flotation efficiency are 75% and 9% respectively. Cationic polyacrylamide led to a significant increase in the settling speed and effect of temperature is negligible. In the optimum condition, the outcome of the DAF unit is increased and amount of suspended solid and oil in waste water is decreased effectively.

Keywords: dissolved air flotation, oil industry, waste water, treatment

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10478 A Smart Sensor Network Approach Using Affordable River Water Level Sensors

Authors: Dian Zhang, Brendan Heery, Maria O’Neill, Ciprian Briciu-Burghina, Noel E. O’Connor, Fiona Regan


Recent developments in sensors, wireless data communication and the cloud computing have brought the sensor web to a whole new generation. The introduction of the concept of ‘Internet of Thing (IoT)’ has brought the sensor research into a new level, which involves the developing of long lasting, low cost, environment friendly and smart sensors; new wireless data communication technologies; big data analytics algorithms and cloud based solutions that are tailored to large scale smart sensor network. The next generation of smart sensor network consists of several layers: physical layer, where all the smart sensors resident and data pre-processes occur, either on the sensor itself or field gateway; data transmission layer, where data and instructions exchanges happen; the data process layer, where meaningful information is extracted and organized from the pre-process data stream. There are many definitions of smart sensor, however, to summarize all these definitions, a smart sensor must be Intelligent and Adaptable. In future large scale sensor network, collected data are far too large for traditional applications to send, store or process. The sensor unit must be intelligent that pre-processes collected data locally on board (this process may occur on field gateway depends on the sensor network structure). In this case study, three smart sensing methods, corresponding to simple thresholding, statistical model and machine learning based MoPBAS method, are introduced and their strength and weakness are discussed as an introduction to the smart sensing concept. Data fusion, the integration of data and knowledge from multiple sources, are key components of the next generation smart sensor network. For example, in the water level monitoring system, weather forecast can be extracted from external sources and if a heavy rainfall is expected, the server can send instructions to the sensor notes to, for instance, increase the sampling rate or switch on the sleeping mode vice versa. In this paper, we describe the deployment of 11 affordable water level sensors in the Dublin catchment. The objective of this paper is to use the deployed river level sensor network at the Dodder catchment in Dublin, Ireland as a case study to give a vision of the next generation of a smart sensor network for flood monitoring to assist agencies in making decisions about deploying resources in the case of a severe flood event. Some of the deployed sensors are located alongside traditional water level sensors for validation purposes. Using the 11 deployed river level sensors in a network as a case study, a vision of the next generation of smart sensor network is proposed. Each key component of the smart sensor network is discussed, which hopefully inspires the researchers who are working in the sensor research domain.

Keywords: smart sensing, internet of things, water level sensor, flooding

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10477 Solar Heating System to Promote the Disinfection of Water

Authors: Elmo Thiago Lins Cöuras Ford, Valentina Alessandra Carvalho do Vale


It presents a heating system using low cost alternative solar collectors to promote the disinfection of water in low income communities that take water contaminated by bacteria. The system consists of two solar collectors, with total area of 4 m² and was built using PET bottles and cans of beer and soft drinks. Each collector is made up of 8 PVC tubes, connected in series and work in continuous flow. It will determine the flux the most appropriate to generate the temperature to promote the disinfection. It will be presented results of the efficiency and thermal loss of system and results of analysis of water after undergoing the process of heating.

Keywords: Disinfection of water, solar heating system, poor communities, bioinformatics, biomedicine

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10476 Investigating Willingness to Pay for Water Services in a Newly Established Municipality in Malamulele, Vhembe District Municipality, South Africa

Authors: D. T. Chabalala


Currently South Africa is facing a triple challenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality. As such, communities have limited access to basic municipal services such as water, sanitation and electricity. Citizens such as those residing at Malamulele Township will be responsible to pay for the cost of water services that they consume instead of having the costs subsidised by the newly formed Municipality. The question on whether Malamulele residents would be willing to pay for water services provided for them need to be investigated. This study was conducted in Malamulele Township and surrounding villages. The article is based on a survey of 500 randomly selected households from township and villages surrounding Malamulele. The study uses the contingent valuation method to determine households’ willingness to pay for water services as well as the consequences they possibly will encounter in case their response is negative. The obtained results can be used by the Municipality and other Government Departments in order to better identify the affordable rates and the quantity of water service to be provided. Thus, it will make Municipality water supply services stable and sustainable. It will also be used as a tool to provide inform decisions about a range of infrastructure to enhance water supply systems.

Keywords: willingness to pay, contingent valuation method, water supply systems, Malamulele

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10475 Standards of Toxicity and Food Security in Brazil

Authors: Ana Luiza Da Gama E Souza


This article aims to discuss the problem of food insecurity in Brazil in what it refers to contamination of food by chemical substances such as herbicides, pesticides, and other contaminants. The issue will be faced by analyzing, on the one hand, the standards that guide the food system in the world and, on the other hand, human rights indicators whose purpose is to provide an effective monitoring of the State's obligations to guarantee food security, analyzing the implications of the former for the success of the latter. The methodology adopted in this article was bibliographic-documentary and consists of three moments of analysis. The first moment consists in the analysis of the reports of the Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States to identify the set of progress indicators developed by the Commission. This analysis will involve the new methodology used to evaluate the efficiency in monitoring food security in Brazil the case of using pesticides in the production of food at levels of toxicity not admitted by the inspection bodies. The second moment consists in evaluating the mechanism for monitoring food security in Brazil, which was initially established by the National Food Security Plan (PLANSAN) for 2012-2015 and improved by the II National Food Security Plan for 2016-2019. Those mechanisms were prepared by the Chamber (CAISAN), and have the function to compare the monitoring proposals with the results presented by CAISAN on the Indicators and Results Report of the National Plan for Food and Nutrition Security 2012-2015. The third moment was intended to understand, analyze and evaluate the standardization process of the agri-food system, especially regarding the level of toxicity standards, that is related to food safety monitoring as a guarantee of pesticide-free food. The results show the dependence between private standards of toxicity and the indicators of food safety that leads to inefficiency on monitoring that mechanism in Brazil.

Keywords: standards, indicators, human rights, food security

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10474 Voluntary Water Intake of Flavored Water in Euhydrated Horses

Authors: Brianna M. Soule, Jesslyn A. Bryk-Lucy, Linda M. Ritchie


Colic, defined as abdominal pain in the horse, has several known predisposing factors. Decreased water intake has been shown to predispose equines to impaction colic. The objective of this study was to determine if offering flavored water (sweet feed or banana extract) would increase voluntary water intake in horses to serve as an assessable, noninvasive method for farm managers, veterinarians, or owners to decrease the risk of impaction colic. An a priori power analysis, which was conducted using G*Power version, indicated that the minimum sample size required to achieve 80% power for detecting a large effect at a significance level of α = .05 was 19 horses for a one-way repeated measures ANOVA with three treatment levels and assuming a non-sphericity correction of ε=0.5. After a three-day control period, 21 horses were randomly divided into two sequences and offered either banana or sweet feed flavored water. Horses always had a bucket of unflavored water available. A repeated measure study design was used to measure water consumption of each horse over a 62-hour period. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine whether there were statistically significant differences among the means for the three-day average water intake (ml/kg). Although not statistically significant (F(2, 38) = 1.28, p = .290, partial η2 = .063), the three-day average water intake was largest for banana flavored water (M = 53.51, SD = 9.25 ml/kg), followed by sweet feed (M = 52.93, SD = 11.99 ml/kg), and, finally, unflavored water (M = 50.40, SD = 10.82 ml/kg). Paired-samples t-tests were used to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between the three-day average water intake (ml/kg) for flavored versus unflavored water. The average unflavored water intake (M = 29.3 ml/kg, SD = 8.9) over the measurement period was greater than the banana flavored water (M = 27.7 ml/kg, SD = 9.8), but the average consumption of the sweet feed flavored water (M = 30.4 ml/kg, SD = 14.6) was greater than unflavored water (M = 24.3 ml/kg, SD = 11.4). None of these differences in average intake were statistically significant (p > .244). Future research is warranted to determine if other flavors significantly increase voluntary water intake in horses.

Keywords: colic, equine, equine science, water intake, flavored water, horses, equine management, equine health, horse health, horse health care management, colic prevention

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10473 Parental Monitoring of Learners’ Cell Phone Use in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Authors: Melikhaya Skhephe, Robert Mawuli Kwasi Boadzo, Zanoxolo Berington Gobingca


This research study sought to examine parental monitoring of learners’ cell phone use in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. To this end, the researchers employed a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through questionnaires, with a sample of 15 parents having been purposively selected. The findings revealed that parents are unaware that they have to monitor the learner’s cell phone. Another finding was that parents in the 21-century did not support the use of mobile phones in education. The researchers recommend that parent’s discussion forums be created to educate parents on how a cell phone can be used in education. Cellphone companies need to be encouraged to educate parents on how they monitor cell phones used by learners. Another recommendation was that network providers need to restrict access to searching on the internet according to age.

Keywords: parental monitoring, app blocking services, learner’s cell phone use, cell phone

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10472 Designing a Patient Monitoring System Using Cloud and Semantic Web Technologies

Authors: Chryssa Thermolia, Ekaterini S. Bei, Stelios Sotiriadis, Kostas Stravoskoufos, Euripides G. M. Petrakis


Moving into a new era of healthcare, new tools and devices are developed to extend and improve health services, such as remote patient monitoring and risk prevention. In this concept, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing present great advantages by providing remote and efficient services, as well as cooperation between patients, clinicians, researchers and other health professionals. This paper focuses on patients suffering from bipolar disorder, a brain disorder that belongs to a group of conditions called effective disorders, which is characterized by great mood swings.We exploit the advantages of Semantic Web and Cloud Technologies to develop a patient monitoring system to support clinicians. Based on intelligently filtering of evidence-knowledge and individual-specific information we aim to provide treatment notifications and recommended function tests at appropriate times or concluding into alerts for serious mood changes and patient’s non-response to treatment. We propose an architecture, as the back-end part of a cloud platform for IoT, intertwining intelligence devices with patients’ daily routine and clinicians’ support.

Keywords: bipolar disorder, intelligent systems patient monitoring, semantic web technologies, healthcare

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10471 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Morocco

Authors: Abdelghani Qadem, Zouhair Qadem


Like the countries of the Mediterranean region, Morocco is likely to be at high risk of water scarcity due to climate change. Morocco, which is the subject of this study, is located between two climatic zones, temperate in the North tropical in the South, Morocco is distinguished by four types of climate: humid, sub-humid, semi-arid, and arid. The last decades attest to the progression of the semi-arid climate towards the North of the country. The IPCC projections, which have been made in this direction, show that there is an overall downward trend in rainfall contributions varying on average between 10% and 30% depending on the scenario selected and the region considered, they also show an upward trend in average annual temperatures. These trends will have a real impact on water resources, which will result in a drop in the volume of water resources varying between 7.6% and 40.6%. The present study aims to describe the meteorological conditions of Morocco in order to answer the problem dealing with the effect of climatic fluctuations on water resources and to assess water vulnerability in the face of climate change.

Keywords: morocco, climate change, water resources, impact, water scarcity

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10470 Water Productivity as an Indicator of Bioenergetic Sustainability in Sugarcane

Authors: Rubens Duarte Coelho, Timóteo Herculino da Silva Barros, Jefferson de Olveira Costa


Brazil has an electrical matrix of predominantly renewable origin, with emphasis on water sources, which account for 65.2%, biomass energy for 8.2%, wind for 6.8% and solar for 0.13% of the domestic supply. Among these sources, sugarcane cultivation stands out, aiming both at the production of bioethanol and biomass to supply “clean energy”. However, like all other crops, sugar cane demands a large volume of a natural resource that is increasingly “scarce” in quantity and quality: water. Adequate and strategic water management throughout the entire sugarcane cycle is of fundamental importance, and water productivity can be used to adjust irrigation planning and decision-making, increasing the productivity of stalks, bioethanol, biomass, and sugar. In this way, water productivity is a good indicator for analysis and decision-making considering the sustainability of cultivation, as it allows evaluation of the variation in the ratio between production and the amount of water used, suggesting values that maximize the use of this natural resource. In this context, studies that relate water demand, in this case, expressed by water productivity, with the energy production of this crop, in this case, expressed by the production of bioethanol, biomass and sugar, are fundamental to obtaining an efficient production of renewable energy, which aims at the rational use of natural resources, especially water. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the response of sugarcane varieties subjected to different water availability to obtain better sustainability in bioenergy production, presenting water productivity indices for Bioethanol, Sugar and Biomass. The variety that responded best was RB966928, with a bioethanol yield of 68.7 L Mg-1. Future research should focus on the water response under each of the sugarcane fractions in terms of their elemental composition so that the influence of water on the energy supply of this crop can be better understood.

Keywords: energy matrix, water use, water use efficiency, sustainability

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10469 Application of Artificial Ground-Freezing to Construct a Passenger Interchange Tunnel for the Subway Line 14 in Paris, France

Authors: G. Lancellotta, G. Di Salvo, A. Rigazio, A. Davout, V. Pastore, G. Tonoli, A. Martin, P. Jullien, R. Jagow-Klaff, R. Wernecke


Artificial ground freezing (AGF) technique is a well-proven soil improvement approach used worldwide to construct shafts, tunnels and many other civil structures in difficult subsoil or ambient conditions. As part of the extension of Line 14 of the Paris subway, a passenger interchange tunnel between the new station at Porte de CI ichy and the new Tribunal the Grand Instance has been successfully constructed using this technique. The paper presents the successful application of AGF by Liquid Nitrogen and Brine implemented to provide structural stability and groundwater cut-off around the passenger interchange tunnel. The working conditions were considered to be rather challenging, due to the proximity of a hundred-year-old existing service tunnel of the Line 13, and subsoil conditions on site. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine the relevant soil parameters for hydro-thermal-mechanical aspects and to implement numerical analyses. Monitoring data were used in order to check and control the development and the efficiency of the freezing process as well as to back analyze the parameters assumed for the design, both during the freezing and thawing phases.

Keywords: artificial ground freezing, brine method, case history, liquid nitrogen

Procedia PDF Downloads 227
10468 Generation of Quasi-Measurement Data for On-Line Process Data Analysis

Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho


For ensuring the safety of a manufacturing process one should quickly identify an assignable cause of a fault in an on-line basis. To this end, many statistical techniques including linear and nonlinear methods have been frequently utilized. However, such methods possessed a major problem of small sample size, which is mostly attributed to the characteristics of empirical models used for reference models. This work presents a new method to overcome the insufficiency of measurement data in the monitoring and diagnosis tasks. Some quasi-measurement data are generated from existing data based on the two indices of similarity and importance. The performance of the method is demonstrated using a real data set. The results turn out that the presented methods are able to handle the insufficiency problem successfully. In addition, it is shown to be quite efficient in terms of computational speed and memory usage, and thus on-line implementation of the method is straightforward for monitoring and diagnosis purposes.

Keywords: data analysis, diagnosis, monitoring, process data, quality control

Procedia PDF Downloads 483
10467 Dehydration of Residues from WTP for Application in Building Materials and Reuse of Water from the Waste Treatment: A Feasible Solution to Complete Treatment Systems

Authors: Marco Correa, Flavio Araujo, Paulo Scalize, Antonio Albuquerque


The increasing reduction of the volumes of surface water sources which supply most municipalities, as well as the continued rise of demand for treated water, combined with the disposal of effluents from washing of decanters and filters of the water treatment plants, generates a continuous search for correct environmentally solutions to these problems. The effluents generated by the water treatment industry need to be suitably processed for return to the environment or re-use. This article shows an alternative for the dehydration of sludge from the water treatment plants (WTP) and eventual disposal of sludge drained. Using the simple design methodology, we present a case study for a drainage in tanks geotextile, full-scale, which involve five sludge drainage tanks from WTP of the Rio Verde City. Aiming to the reutilization the water drained from the sludge and enabling its reuse both at the beginning of the treatment process at the WTP and in less noble services as for watering the gardens of the local town hall. The sludge will be used to production of building materials.

Keywords: re-use, residue, sustainable, water treatment plants, sludge

Procedia PDF Downloads 492
10466 Water Access and Food Security: A Cross-Sectional Study of SSA Countries in 2017

Authors: Davod Ahmadi, Narges Ebadi, Ethan Wang, Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez


Compared to the other Least Developed Countries (LDCs), major countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have limited access to the clean water. People in this region, and more specifically females, suffer from acute water scarcity problems. They are compelled to spend too much of their time bringing water for domestic use like drinking and washing. Apart from domestic use, water through affecting agriculture and livestock contributes to the food security status of people in vulnerable regions like SSA. Livestock needs water to grow, and agriculture requires enormous quantities of water for irrigation. The main objective of this study is to explore the association between access to water and individuals’ food security status. Data from 2017 Gallup World Poll (GWP) for SSA were analyzed (n=35,000). The target population in GWP is the entire civilian, non-institutionalized, aged 15 and older population. All samples selection is probability based and nationally representative. The Gallup surveys an average of 1,000 samples of individuals per country. Three questions related to water (i.e., water quality, availability of water for crops and availability of water for livestock) were used as the exposure variables. Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) was used as the outcome variable. FIES measures individuals’ food security status, and it is composed of eight questions with simple dichotomous responses (1=Yes and 0=No). Different statistical analyses such as descriptive, crosstabs and binary logistic regression, form the basis of this study. Results from descriptive analyses showed that more than 50% of the respondents had no access to enough water for crops and livestock. More than 85% of respondents were categorized as “food insecure”. Findings from cross-tabulation analyses showed that food security status was significantly associated with water quality (0.135; P=0.000), water for crops (0.106; P=0.000) and water for livestock (0.112; P=0.000). In regression analyses, the probability of being food insecure increased among people who expressed no satisfaction with water quality (OR=1.884 (OR=1.768-2.008)), not enough water for crops (OR=1.721 (1.616-1.834)) and not enough water for livestock (OR=1.706 (1.819)). In conclusion, it should note that water access affects food security status in SSA.

Keywords: water access, agriculture, livestock, FIES

Procedia PDF Downloads 152
10465 Oil Displacement by Water in Hauterivian Sandstone Reservoir of Kashkari Oil Field

Authors: A. J. Nazari, S. Honma


This paper evaluates oil displacement by water in Hauterivian sandstone reservoir of Kashkari oil field in North of Afghanistan. The core samples of this oil field were taken out from well No-21st, and the relative permeability and fractional flow are analyzed. Steady state flow laboratory experiments are performed to empirically obtain the fractional flow curves and relative permeability in different water saturation ratio. The relative permeability represents the simultaneous flow behavior in the reservoir. The fractional flow approach describes the individual phases as fractional of the total flow. The fractional flow curve interprets oil displacement by water, and from the tangent of fractional flow curve can find out the average saturation behind the water front flow saturation. Therefore, relative permeability and fractional flow curves are suitable for describing the displacement of oil by water in a petroleum reservoir. The effects of irreducible water saturation, residual oil saturation on the displaceable amount of oil are investigated through Buckley-Leveret analysis.

Keywords: fractional flow, oil displacement, relative permeability, simultaneously flow

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10464 Remote Sensing of Aerated Flows at Large Dams: Proof of Concept

Authors: Ahmed El Naggar, Homyan Saleh


Dams are crucial for flood control, water supply, and the creation of hydroelectric power. Every dam has a water conveyance system, such as a spillway, providing the safe discharge of catastrophic floods when necessary. Spillway design has historically been investigated in laboratory research owing to the absence of suitable full-scale flow monitoring equipment and safety problems. Prototype measurements of aerated flows are urgently needed to quantify projected scale effects and provide missing validation data for design guidelines and numerical simulations. In this work, an image-based investigation of free-surface flows on a tiered spillway was undertaken at the laboratory (fixed camera installation) and prototype size (drone video) (drone footage) (drone footage). The drone videos were generated using data from citizen science. Analyses permitted the measurement of the free-surface aeration inception point, air-water surface velocities, fluctuations, and residual energy at the chute's downstream end from a remote site. The prototype observations offered full-scale proof of concept, while laboratory results were efficiently confirmed against invasive phase-detection probe data. This paper stresses the efficacy of image-based analyses at prototype spillways. It highlights how citizen science data may enable academics better understand real-world air-water flow dynamics and offers a framework for a small collection of long-missing prototype data.

Keywords: remote sensing, aerated flows, large dams, proof of concept, dam spillways, air-water flows, prototype operation, remote sensing, inception point, optical flow, turbulence, residual energy

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10463 Using Log Files to Improve Work Efficiency

Authors: Salman Hussam


As a monitoring system to manage employees' time and employers' business, this system (logger) will monitor the employees at work and will announce them if they spend too much time on social media (even if they are using proxy it will catch them). In this way, people will spend less time at work and more time with family.

Keywords: clients, employees, employers, family, monitoring, systems, social media, time

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10462 Investigation of Surface Water Quality Intera-Annual Variations, Gorganroud Basin, Iran

Authors: K. Ebrahimi, S. Shahid, H. Dehban


Climate variability can affect surface water quality. The objective of present study is to assess the impacts of climate variability on water quality of Gorganroud River, Iran, over the time period 1971 to 2011. To achieve this aim, climate variability and water quality variations were studied involving a newly developed drought index (MRDI) and hysteresis curves, respectively. The results show that climate variability significantly affected surface water quality over the time. The existence of yearly internal variation and hysteresis phenomenon for pH and EC parameters was observed. It was found that though drought affected pH considerably, it could not affect EC significantly.

Keywords: climate variability, hysteresis curves, multi drought index, water quality

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10461 Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Measures: A Case Study in Nepal

Authors: Megha Raj Regmi


Water Supply and Sanitation coverage in Nepal is not satisfactory in South Asia. Far less than expected achievements have been realized in sanitation following the SDG for Nepal. There are so many queues of buckets to fetch water in the heart of the capital city Kathmandu. In Kathmandu Valley, daily water demand is 400 million litres, but the supply is only 200 million litres daily. Over- exploitation of ground water and traditional water sources causing the water levels to drop to alarming levels while most of the traditional waterspouts are also drying up. While about 40% of the World's population is deprived of drinking water, the urban populace uses excessive quantities of fresh water to flush the excreta. Water Supply and Basic Sanitation coverage in Nepal is 86% and 92%, respectively, of the total population. This research work basically deals with more than one thousand dry toilets constructed in peri-urban areas. The work has used appropriate technology and studied their performances in the context of Nepal based on complete laboratory analyses and regular monitoring. It has been found that dry toilets have a clear advantage in NPK recovery over traditional water-borne sanitation technology. This paper also deals with the effect of temperature in the decomposition process in dry toilets and also focuses on the different distinct technologies employed in Kathmandu Valley. This paper suggests the modifications needed in the implementation and study of the effect of human urine in composting and application on agriculture and the experience of more than one thousand Dry toilets in Kathmandu Valley. It also deals with the practices of bio-gas generation and community-led total sanitation to cope with the challenges of sanitation and hygiene in Nepal. The paper also describes in depth the different types of biomass energy production methods from the human and cattle manure units, including bio-gas generation from the kitchen wastes produced by a student hostel mixed with toilet waste. The uses of decomposed feces as a soil conditioner have been described along with the challenges and prospects of the uses of urine in agriculture as eco-friendly fertilizer in the context of Nepal. Finally, the paper exhibits a comparative study of all types of dry toilet developments in developed and developing countries like Australia, South Korea, Malaysia, China, India, Ukraine and Nepal. The community groups in our financial assistance have made many models of public toilets with biogas which are very successful in the height of 600 m up to 2000 meters from the mean sea level. In conclusion it makes a plea for the acceptance of these toilets for planners and decision makers with a set of pragmatic recommendations.

Keywords: bio- gas public toilet, dry toilet, low-cost technology, sustainable sanitation, total sanitation

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10460 Satellite Technology Usage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring and Verification: Policy Considerations for an International System

Authors: Timiebi Aganaba-Jeanty


Accurate and transparent monitoring, reporting and verification of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and removals is a requirement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Several countries are obligated to prepare and submit an annual national greenhouse gas inventory covering anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks, subject to a review conducted by an international team of experts. However, the process is not without flaws. The self-reporting varies enormously in thoroughness, frequency and accuracy including inconsistency in the way such reporting occurs. The world’s space agencies are calling for a new generation of satellites that would be precise enough to map greenhouse gas emissions from individual nations. The plan is delicate politically because the global system could verify or cast doubt on emission reports from the member states of the UNFCCC. A level playing field is required and an idea that an international system should be perceived as an instrument to facilitate fairness and equality rather than to spy on or punish. This change of perspective is required to get buy in for an international verification system. The research proposes the viability of a satellite system that provides independent access to data regarding greenhouse gas emissions and the policy and governance implications of its potential use as a monitoring and verification system for the Paris Agreement. It assesses the foundations of the reporting monitoring and verification system as proposed in Paris and analyzes this in light of a proposed satellite system. The use of remote sensing technology has been debated for verification purposes and as evidence in courts but this is not without controversy. Lessons can be learned from its use in this context.

Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions, reporting, monitoring and verification, satellite, UNFCCC

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10459 Assessment and Adaptation Strategy of Climate Change to Water Quality in the Erren River and Its Impact to Health

Authors: Pei-Chih Wu, Hsin-Chih Lai, Yung-Lung Lee, Yun-Yao Chi, Ching-Yi Horng, Hsien-Chang Wang


The impact of climate change to health has always been well documented. Amongst them, water-borne infectious diseases, chronic adverse effects or cancer risks due to chemical contamination in flooding or drought events are especially important in river basin. This study therefore utilizes GIS and different models to integrate demographic, land use, disaster prevention, social-economic factors, and human health assessment in the Erren River basin. Therefore, through the collecting of climatic, demographic, health surveillance, water quality and other water monitoring data, potential risks associated with the Erren River Basin are established and to understand human exposure and vulnerability in response to climate extremes. This study assesses the temporal and spatial patterns of melioidosis (2000-2015) and various cancer incidents in Tainan and Kaohsiung cities. The next step is to analyze the spatial association between diseases incidences, climatic factors, land uses, and other demographic factors by using ArcMap and GeoDa. The study results show that amongst all melioidosis cases in Taiwan, 24% cases (115) residence occurred in the Erren River basin. The relationship between the cases and in Tainan and Kaohsiung cities are associated with population density, aging indicator, and residence in Erren River basin. Risks from flooding due to heavy rainfall and fish farms in spatial lag regression are also related. Through liver cancer, the preliminary analysis in temporal and spatial pattern shows an increases pattern in annual incidence without clusters in Erren River basin. Further analysis of potential cancers connected to heavy metal contamination from water pollution in Erren River is established. The final step is to develop an assessment tool for human exposure from water contamination and vulnerability in response to climate extremes for the second year.

Keywords: climate change, health impact, health adaptation, Erren River Basin

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10458 Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Selective N-Allylation of 2,3-Disubstituted Indoles with Allylic Alcohols in Water

Authors: Bai-Jing Peng, Shyh-Chyun Yang


Organic reactions in water have recently attracted much attention, not only because unique reactivity is often observed in water but also because water is a safe and economical substitute for conventional organic solvents. Thus, development of environmental safe, atom-economical reactions in water is one of the most important goals of synthetic chemistry. The recent paper has documented renewed interest in the use of allylic substrates in the synthesis of new C−C, C−N, and C−O bonds. We have reported our attempts and some successful applications of a process involving the C-O bond cleavage catalyzed by palladium or platinum complexes in water. Because of the importance of heterocycle indole derivatives, much effort has been directed toward the development of methods for functionalization of the indole nucleus at N1 site. In our research, the palladium-catalyzed 2,3-disubstitued indoles with allylic alcohols was investigated under different conditions. Herein, we will establish a simple, convenient, and efficient method, which affords high yields of allylated indoles.

Keywords: palladium-catalyzed, allylic alcohols, indoles, water, allylation

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10457 Multivariate Analysis on Water Quality Attributes Using Master-Slave Neural Network Model

Authors: A. Clementking, C. Jothi Venkateswaran


Mathematical and computational functionalities such as descriptive mining, optimization, and predictions are espoused to resolve natural resource planning. The water quality prediction and its attributes influence determinations are adopted optimization techniques. The water properties are tainted while merging water resource one with another. This work aimed to predict influencing water resource distribution connectivity in accordance to water quality and sediment using an innovative proposed master-slave neural network back-propagation model. The experiment results are arrived through collecting water quality attributes, computation of water quality index, design and development of neural network model to determine water quality and sediment, master–slave back propagation neural network back-propagation model to determine variations on water quality and sediment attributes between the water resources and the recommendation for connectivity. The homogeneous and parallel biochemical reactions are influences water quality and sediment while distributing water from one location to another. Therefore, an innovative master-slave neural network model [M (9:9:2)::S(9:9:2)] designed and developed to predict the attribute variations. The result of training dataset given as an input to master model and its maximum weights are assigned as an input to the slave model to predict the water quality. The developed master-slave model is predicted physicochemical attributes weight variations for 85 % to 90% of water quality as a target values.The sediment level variations also predicated from 0.01 to 0.05% of each water quality percentage. The model produced the significant variations on physiochemical attribute weights. According to the predicated experimental weight variation on training data set, effective recommendations are made to connect different resources.

Keywords: master-slave back propagation neural network model(MSBPNNM), water quality analysis, multivariate analysis, environmental mining

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