Search results for: finite control set-model predictive control
12692 Special Properties of the Zeros of the Analytic Representations of Finite Quantum Systems
Authors: Muna Tabuni
The paper contains an investigation on the special properties of the zeros of the analytic representations of finite quantum systems. These zeros and their paths completely define the finite quantum system. The present paper studies the construction of the analytic representation from its zeros. The analytic functions of finite quantum systems are introduced. The zeros of the analytic theta functions and their paths have been studied. The analytic function f(z) have exactly d zeros. The analytic function has been constructed from its zeros.Keywords: construction, analytic, representation, zeros
Procedia PDF Downloads 20812691 Analytical Formulae for the Approach Velocity Head Coefficient
Authors: Abdulrahman Abdulrahman
Critical depth meters, such as abroad crested weir, Venture Flume and combined control flume are standard devices for measuring flow in open channels. The discharge relation for these devices cannot be solved directly, but it needs iteration process to account for the approach velocity head. In this paper, analytical solution was developed to calculate the discharge in a combined critical depth-meter namely, a hump combined with lateral contraction in rectangular channel with subcritical approach flow including energy losses. Also analytical formulae were derived for approach velocity head coefficient for different types of critical depth meters. The solution was derived by solving a standard cubic equation considering energy loss on the base of trigonometric identity. The advantage of this technique is to avoid iteration process adopted in measuring flow by these devices. Numerical examples are chosen for demonstration of the proposed solution.Keywords: broad crested weir, combined control meter, control structures, critical flow, discharge measurement, flow control, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic structures, open channel flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 27512690 An Epidemiological Analysis of the Occurrence of Bovine Brucellosis and Adopted Control Measures in South Africa during the Period 2014 to 2019
Authors: Emily Simango, T. Chitura
Background: Bovine brucellosis is among the most neglected zoonotic diseases in developing countries, where it is endemic and a growing challenge to public health. The development of cost-effective control measures for the disease can only be affirmed by the knowledge of the disease epidemiology and the ability to define its risk profiles. The aim of the study was to document the trend of bovine brucellosis and the control measures adopted following reported cases during the period 2014 to 2019 in South Africa. Methods: Data on confirmed cases of bovine brucellosis was retrieved from the website of the World Organisation of Animal Health (WOAH). Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS, 2022) version 29.0. Descriptive analysis (frequencies and percentages) and the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were utilized for statistical significance (p<0.05). Results: The data retrieved in our study revealed an overall average bovine brucellosis prevalence of 8.48. There were statistically significant differences in bovine brucellosis prevalence across the provinces for the years 2016 and 2019 (p≥0.05), with the Eastern Cape Province having the highest prevalence in both instances. Documented control measures for the disease were limited to killing and disposal of disease cases as well as vaccination of susceptible animals. Conclusion: Bovine brucellosis is real in South Africa, with the risk profiles differing across the provinces. Information on brucellosis control measures in South Africa, as reported to the WOAH, is not comprehensive.Keywords: zoonotic, endemic, Eastern Cape province, vaccination
Procedia PDF Downloads 6812689 Curcumin Promotes the Deoxygenated State of Hemoglobin
Authors: Roohallah Yousefi
Introduction: In beta-thalassemia, an imbalance in the production of beta subunits of hemoglobin leads to the oxidation and deposition of excess alpha-globin chains at the cell membrane, resulting in the hemolysis of erythrocytes and a disorder of erythropoiesis. Antioxidants, such as curcumin, may promote this progression. This study aims to investigate the antioxidant effect of curcumin on hemolysate samples from patients with beta-thalassemia. Materials and methods: Pure curcumin was extracted and purified for use in studying its effect on the visual light absorbance of hemoglobin in hemolysate samples from beta-thalassemia patients compared to control samples. Changes in light absorbance at 540 and 700 nm wavelengths during exposure to curcumin were analyzed to examine the shift from oxyhemoglobin to deoxyhemoglobin. Results: Curcumin was found to dissolve rapidly and to a high degree in ethanol at 1 mg/ml, but did not dissolve in distilled water at the same concentration. The curcumin addition to the hemolysate sample of a patient with beta-thalassemia resulted in a decrease in the light absorbance of the sample at 540 nm wavelength, with minimal changes observed in the control sample. Conclusion: Curcumin deoxygenated the hemolysate samples from both the patient and control, causing hemoglobin precipitation to occur slowly. The study suggests a greater potential role for curcumin in deoxygenating hemoglobin in the hemolysate samples of beta-thalassemia patients compared to those of the normal control.Keywords: beta-thalassemia, hemoglobin, curcumin, alpha-globin
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512688 Surface Pressure Distribution of a Flapped-Airfoil for Different Momentum Injection at the Leading Edge
Authors: Mohammad Mashud, S. M. Nahid Hasan
The aim of the research work is to modify the NACA 4215 airfoil with flap and rotary cylinder at the leading edge of the airfoil and experimentally study the static pressure distribution over the airfoil completed with flap and leading-edge vortex generator. In this research, NACA 4215 wing model has been constructed by generating the profile geometry using the standard equations and design software such as AutoCAD and SolidWorks. To perform the experiment, three wooden models are prepared and tested in subsonic wind tunnel. The experiments were carried out in various angles of attack. Flap angle and momentum injection rate are changed to observe the characteristics of pressure distribution. In this research, a new concept of flow separation control mechanism has been introduced to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil. Control of flow separation over airfoil which experiences a vortex generator (rotating cylinder) at the leading edge of airfoil is experimentally simulated under the effects of momentum injection. The experimental results show that the flow separation control is possible by the proposed mechanism, and benefits can be achieved by momentum injection technique. The wing performance is significantly improved due to control of flow separation by momentum injection method.Keywords: airfoil, momentum injection, flap, pressure distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 14012687 High Performance of Direct Torque and Flux Control of a Double Stator Induction Motor Drive with a Fuzzy Stator Resistance Estimator
Authors: K. Kouzi
In order to have stable and high performance of direct torque and flux control (DTFC) of double star induction motor drive (DSIM), proper on-line adaptation of the stator resistance is very important. This is inevitably due to the variation of the stator resistance during operating conditions, which introduces error in estimated flux position and the magnitude of the stator flux. Error in the estimated stator flux deteriorates the performance of the DTFC drive. Also, the effect of error in estimation is very important especially at low speed. Due to this, our aim is to overcome the sensitivity of the DTFC to the stator resistance variation by proposing on-line fuzzy estimation stator resistance. The fuzzy estimation method is based on an on-line stator resistance correction through the variations of the stator current estimation error and its variations. The fuzzy logic controller gives the future stator resistance increment at the output. The main advantage of the suggested algorithm control is to avoid the drive instability that may occur in certain situations and ensure the tracking of the actual stator resistance. The validity of the technique and the improvement of the whole system performance are proved by the results.Keywords: direct torque control, dual stator induction motor, Fuzzy Logic estimation, stator resistance adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 32812686 PRENACEL: Development and Evaluation of an M-Health Strategy to Improve Prenatal Care in Brazil
Authors: E. M. Vieira, C. S. Vieira, L. P. Bonifácio, L. M. de Oliveira Ciabati, A. C. A. Franzon, F. S. Zaratini, J. A. C. Sanchez, M. S. Andrade, J. P. Dias de Souza
The quality of prenatal care is key to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Communication between the health service and users can stimulate prevention and care. M-health has been an important and low cost strategy to health education. The PRENACEL programme (prenatal in the cell phone) was developed. It consists of a programme of information via SMS from the 20th week of pregnancy up to 12th week after delivery. Messages were about prenatal care, birth, contraception and breastfeeding. Communication of the pregnant woman asking questions about their health was possible. The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of PRENACEL as a useful complement to the standard prenatal care. Twenty health clinics were selected and randomized by cluster, 10 as the intervention group and 10 as the control group. In the intervention group, women and their partner were invited to participate. The control group received the standard prenatal care. All women were interviewed in the immediate post-partum and in the 12th and 24th week post-partum. Most women were married, had more than 8 years of schooling and visit the clinic more than 6 times during prenatal care. The intervention group presented lowest percentage of higher economic participants (5.6%), less single mothers and no drug user. It also presented more prenatal care visits than the control group and it was less likely to present Severe Acute Maternal Mortality when compared to control group as well as higher percentage of partners (75.4%) was present at the birth compared to control group. Although the study is still being carried out, preliminary data are showing positive results of the compliance of women to prenatal care.Keywords: cellphone, health technology, prenatal care, prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 38912685 Finite Element Approximation of the Heat Equation under Axisymmetry Assumption
Authors: Raphael Zanella
This works deals with the finite element approximation of axisymmetric problems. The weak formulation of the heat equation under the axisymmetry assumption is established for continuous finite elements. The weak formulation is implemented in a C++ solver with implicit march-in-time. The code is verified by space and time convergence tests using a manufactured solution. The solving of an example problem with an axisymmetric formulation is compared to that with a full-3D formulation. Both formulations lead to the same result, but the code based on the axisymmetric formulation is much faster due to the lower number of degrees of freedom. This confirms the correctness of our approach and the interest in using an axisymmetric formulation when it is possible.Keywords: axisymmetric problem, continuous finite elements, heat equation, weak formulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 20412684 Large-Eddy Simulations for Aeronautical Systems
Authors: R. R. Mankbadi
There are several technologically-important flow situations in which there is a need to control the outcome of the fluid flow. This could include flow separation, drag, noise, as well as particulate separations, to list only a few. One possible approach is the passive control, in which the design geometry is changed. An alternative approach is the Active Flow Control (AFC) technology in which an actuator is embedded in the flow field to change the outcome. Examples of AFC are pulsed jets, synthetic jets, plasma actuators, heating, and cooling, etc. In this work will present an overview of the development of this field. Some examples will include Airfoil Noise Suppression: Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) is used to simulate the effect of synthetic jet actuator on controlling the far field sound of a transitional airfoil. The results show considerable suppression of the noise if the synthetic jet is operated at frequencies. Mixing Enhancement and suppression: Results will be presented to show that imposing acoustic excitations at the nozzle exit can lead to enhancement or reduction of the jet plume mixing. In vertical takeoff of Aircrafts or in Space Launch, we will present results on the effects of water injection on reducing noise, and on protecting the structure and payload from fatigue damage. Other applications will include airfoil-gust interaction and propulsion systems optimizations.Keywords: aeroacoustics, flow control, aerodynamics, large eddy simulations
Procedia PDF Downloads 28912683 Modelling of Rate-Dependent Hysteresis of Polypyrrole Dual Sensing-Actuators for Precise Position Control
Authors: Johanna Schumacher, Toribio F. Otero, Victor H. Pascual
Bending dual sensing-actuators based on electroactive polymers are faradaic motors meaning the consumed charge determines the actuator’s tip position. During actuation, consumed charges during oxidation and reduction result in different tip positions showing dynamic hysteresis effects with errors up to 25%. For a precise position control of these actuators, the characterization of the hysteresis effect due to irreversible reactions is crucial. Here, the investigation and modelling of dynamic hysteresis effects of polypyrrole-dodezylbenzenesulfonate (PPyDBS) actuators under ambient working conditions are presented. The hysteresis effect is studied for charge consumption at different frequencies and a rate-dependent hysteresis model is derived. The hysteresis model is implemented as closed loop system and is verified experimentally.Keywords: dual sensing-actuator, electroactive polymers, hysteresis, position control
Procedia PDF Downloads 38712682 Time Optimal Control Mode Switching between Detumbling and Pointing in the Early Orbit Phase
Authors: W. M. Ng, O. B. Iskender, L. Simonini, J. M. Gonzalez
A multitude of factors, including mechanical imperfections of the deployment system and separation instance of satellites from launchers, oftentimes results in highly uncontrolled initial tumbling motion immediately after deployment. In particular, small satellites which are characteristically launched as a piggyback to a large rocket, are generally allocated a large time window to complete detumbling within the early orbit phase. Because of the saturation risk of the actuators, current algorithms are conservative to avoid draining excessive power in the detumbling phase. This work aims to enable time-optimal switching of control modes during the early phase, reducing the time required to transit from launch to sun-pointing mode for power budget conscious satellites. This assumes the usage of B-dot controller for detumbling and PD controller for pointing. Nonlinear Euler's rotation equations are used to represent the attitude dynamics of satellites and Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) reaction wheels and magnetorquers are used to perform the manoeuver. Simulation results will be based on a spacecraft attitude simulator and the use case will be for multiple orbits of launch deployment general to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites.Keywords: attitude control, detumbling, small satellites, spacecraft autonomy, time optimal control
Procedia PDF Downloads 11712681 Comparison of Finite-Element and IEC Methods for Cable Thermal Analysis under Various Operating Environments
Authors: M. S. Baazzim, M. S. Al-Saud, M. A. El-Kady
In this paper, steady-state ampacity (current carrying capacity) evaluation of underground power cable system by using analytical and numerical methods for different conditions (depth of cable, spacing between phases, soil thermal resistivity, ambient temperature, wind speed), for two system voltage level were used 132 and 380 kV. The analytical method or traditional method that was used is based on the thermal analysis method developed by Neher-McGrath and further enhanced by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and published in standard IEC 60287. The numerical method that was used is finite element method and it was recourse commercial software based on finite element method.Keywords: cable ampacity, finite element method, underground cable, thermal rating
Procedia PDF Downloads 37912680 Mesotrione and Tembotrione Applied Alone or in Tank-Mix with Atrazine on Weed Control in Elephant Grass
Authors: Alexandre M. Brighenti
The experiment was carried out in Valença, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, to evaluate the selectivity and weed control of carotenoid biosynthesis inhibiting herbicides applied alone or in combination with atrazine in elephant grass crop. The treatments were as follows: mesotrione (0.072 and 0.144 kg ha-1 + 0.5% v/v mineral oil - Assist®), tembotrione (0.075 and 0.100 kg ha-1 + 0.5% v/v mineral oil - Aureo®), atrazine + mesotrione (1.25 + 0.072 kg ha-1 + 0.5% v/v mineral oil - Assist®), atrazine + tembotrione (1.25 + 0.100 kg ha-1 + 0.5% v/v mineral oil - Aureo®), atrazine + mesotrione (1.25 + 0.072 kg ha-1), atrazine + tembotrione (1.25 + 0.100 kg ha-1) and two controls (hoed and unhoed check). Two application rates of mesotrione with the addition of mineral oil or the tank mixture of atrazine plus mesotrione, with or without the addition of mineral oil, did not provide injuries capable to reduce elephant grass forage yield. Tembotrione was phytotoxic to elephant grass when applied with mineral oil. Atrazine and tembotrione in a tank-mix, with or without mineral oil, were also phytotoxic to elephant grass. All treatments provided satisfactory weed control.Keywords: forage, Napier grass, pasture, Pennisetum purpureum, weeds
Procedia PDF Downloads 28512679 Implementation and Design of Fuzzy Controller for High Performance Dc-Dc Boost Converters
Authors: A. Mansouri, F. Krim
This paper discusses the implementation and design of both linear PI and fuzzy controllers for DC-DC boost converters. Design of PI controllers is based on temporal response of closed-loop converters, while fuzzy controllers design is based on heuristic knowledge of boost converters. Linear controller implementation is quite straightforward relying on mathematical models, while fuzzy controller implementation employs one or more artificial intelligences techniques. Comparison between these boost controllers is made in design aspect. Experimental results show that the proposed fuzzy controller system is robust against input voltage and load resistance changing and in respect of start-up transient. Results indicate that fuzzy controller can achieve best control performance concerning faster transient response, steady-state response good stability and accuracy under different operating conditions. Fuzzy controller is more suitable to control boost converters.Keywords: boost DC-DC converter, fuzzy, PI controllers, power electronics and control system
Procedia PDF Downloads 47712678 Development and Investigation of Efficient Substrate Feeding and Dissolved Oxygen Control Algorithms for Scale-Up of Recombinant E. coli Cultivation Process
Authors: Vytautas Galvanauskas, Rimvydas Simutis, Donatas Levisauskas, Vykantas Grincas, Renaldas Urniezius
The paper deals with model-based development and implementation of efficient control strategies for recombinant protein synthesis in fed-batch E.coli cultivation processes. Based on experimental data, a kinetic dynamic model for cultivation process was developed. This model was used to determine substrate feeding strategies during the cultivation. The proposed feeding strategy consists of two phases – biomass growth phase and recombinant protein production phase. In the first process phase, substrate-limited process is recommended when the specific growth rate of biomass is about 90-95% of its maximum value. This ensures reduction of glucose concentration in the medium, improves process repeatability, reduces the development of secondary metabolites and other unwanted by-products. The substrate limitation can be enhanced to satisfy restriction on maximum oxygen transfer rate in the bioreactor and to guarantee necessary dissolved carbon dioxide concentration in culture media. In the recombinant protein production phase, the level of substrate limitation and specific growth rate are selected within the range to enable optimal target protein synthesis rate. To account for complex process dynamics, to efficiently exploit the oxygen transfer capability of the bioreactor, and to maintain the required dissolved oxygen concentration, adaptive control algorithms for dissolved oxygen control have been proposed. The developed model-based control strategies are useful in scale-up of cultivation processes and accelerate implementation of innovative biotechnological processes for industrial applications.Keywords: adaptive algorithms, model-based control, recombinant E. coli, scale-up of bioprocesses
Procedia PDF Downloads 25712677 Multi-Level Clustering Based Congestion Control Protocol for Cyber Physical Systems
Authors: Manpreet Kaur, Amita Rani, Sanjay Kumar
The Internet of Things (IoT), a cyber-physical paradigm, allows a large number of devices to connect and send the sensory data in the network simultaneously. This tremendous amount of data generated leads to very high network load consequently resulting in network congestion. It further amounts to frequent loss of useful information and depletion of significant amount of nodes’ energy. Therefore, there is a need to control congestion in IoT so as to prolong network lifetime and improve the quality of service (QoS). Hence, we propose a two-level clustering based routing algorithm considering congestion score and packet priority metrics that focus on minimizing the network congestion. In the proposed Priority based Congestion Control (PBCC) protocol the sensor nodes in IoT network form clusters that reduces the amount of traffic and the nodes are prioritized to emphasize important data. Simultaneously, a congestion score determines the occurrence of congestion at a particular node. The proposed protocol outperforms the existing Packet Discard Network Clustering (PDNC) protocol in terms of buffer size, packet transmission range, network region and number of nodes, under various simulation scenarios.Keywords: internet of things, cyber-physical systems, congestion control, priority, transmission rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 30812676 Exploring the Impacts of Field of View on 3D Game Experiences and Task Performances
Authors: Jiunde Lee, Meng-Yu Wun
The present study attempted to explore how the range differences of ‘Geometric Field of Vision’ (GFOV) and differences in camera control in 3D simulation games, OMSI—The Bus Simulator of the 2013 PC version, affected players’ cognitive load, anxiety, and task performances. The study employed a between-subjects factorial experimental design. A total of 80 subjects completed experiment whose data were eligible for further analysis. The results of this study showed that in the difference of field of view, players had better task performances in a spacious view. Although cognitive resources consumed more of the players’ ‘mental demand,’ ‘physical demand’, and ‘temporal demand’, they had better performances in the experiment, and their anxiety was effectively reduced. On the other hand, in the narrow GFOV, players thought they spent more cognitive resources on ‘effort’ and ‘frustration degree,’ and had worse task performances, but it was not significant enough to reduce their anxiety. In terms of difference of camera control, players had worse performances since the fixed lens restricted their dexterous control. However, there was no significant difference in the players’ subjective cognitive resources or anxiety. The results further illustrated that task performances were affected by the interaction of GFOV and camera control.Keywords: geometric field of view, camera lens, cognitive load, anxiety
Procedia PDF Downloads 15212675 Test Bench Development and Functional Analysis of a Reaction Wheel for an Attitude Determination and Control System Prototype
Authors: Pablo Raul Yanyachi, Alfredo Mamani Saico, Jorch Mendoza, Wang Xinsheng
The Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) plays a pivotal role in the operation of nanosatellites such as Cubesats, managing orientation and stability during space missions. Within the ADCS, Reaction Wheels (RW) are electromechanical devices responsible for adjusting and maintaining satellite orientation through the application of kinetic moments. This study focuses on the characterization and analysis of a specific Reaction Wheel integrated into an ADCS prototype developed at the National University of San Agust´ın, Arequipa (UNSA). To achieve this, a single-axis Test Bench was constructed, where the reaction wheel consists of a brushless motor and an inertia flywheel driven by an Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). The research encompasses RW characterization, energy consumption evaluation, dynamic modeling, and control. The results have allowed us to ensure the maneuverability of ADCS prototypes while maintaining energy consumption within acceptable limits. The characterization and linearity analysis provides valuable insights for sizing and optimizing future reaction wheel prototypes for nanosatellites. This contributes to the ongoing development of aerospace technology within the scientific community at UNSA.Keywords: test bench, nanosatellite, control, reaction wheel
Procedia PDF Downloads 10412674 Design and Simulation of Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on Adaptive Fuzzy PI Controller
Authors: Brahim Ferdi, Samira Dib
The unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), a combination of shunt and series active power filter, is one of the best solutions towards the mitigation of voltage and current harmonics problems in distribution power system. PI controller is very common in the control of UPQC. However, one disadvantage of this conventional controller is the difficulty in tuning its gains (Kp and Ki). To overcome this problem, an adaptive fuzzy logic PI controller is proposed. The controller is composed of fuzzy controller and PI controller. According to the error and error rate of the control system and fuzzy control rules, the fuzzy controller can online adjust the two gains of the PI controller to get better performance of UPQC. Simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed controller. The results show that the proposed controller has fast dynamic response and high accuracy of tracking the current and voltage references.Keywords: adaptive fuzzy PI controller, current harmonics, PI controller, voltage harmonics, UPQC
Procedia PDF Downloads 55812673 Efficient Prediction of Surface Roughness Using Box Behnken Design
Authors: Ajay Kumar Sarathe, Abhinay Kumar
Production of quality products required for specific engineering applications is an important issue. The roughness of the surface plays an important role in the quality of the product by using appropriate machining parameters to eliminate wastage due to over machining. To increase the quality of the surface, the optimum machining parameter setting is crucial during the machining operation. The effect of key machining parameters- spindle speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on surface roughness has been evaluated. Experimental work was carried out using High Speed Steel tool and AlSI 1018 as workpiece material. In this study, the predictive model has been developed using Box-Behnken Design. An experimental investigation has been carried out for this work using BBD for three factors and observed that the predictive model of Ra value is closed to predictive value with a marginal error of 2.8648 %. Developed model establishes a correlation between selected key machining parameters that influence the surface roughness in a AISI 1018. FKeywords: ANOVA, BBD, optimisation, response surface methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 15912672 Development and Evaluation of Removable Shear Link with Perforated Web
Authors: Daniel Y. Abebe, Jaehyouk Choi
The objective of this paper is to investigate, through an analytical study, the behavior of both stiffened and un-stiffened removable shear link with perforated web considering different number and size of web openings. Removable shear link with perforated web is a novel shear link beam proposed to be used in eccentrically braced frame (EBF). The proposed link overcomes the difficulties during construction slab due to less cross-sectional areas of the link to control the plastic deformation on the conventional EBF with removable shear link. Finite element analyses were conducted under both cyclic and monotonic loading and from the results obtained design equations are developed.Keywords: eccentrically braced frame, removable shear link, perforated web, non-linear FE analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 36312671 Coupling of Two Discretization Schemes for the Lattice Boltzmann Equation
Authors: Tobias Horstmann, Thomas Le Garrec, Daniel-Ciprian Mincu, Emmanuel Lévêque
Despite the efficiency and low dissipation of the stream-collide formulation of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) algorithm, which is nowadays implemented in many commercial LBM solvers, there are certain situations, e.g. mesh transition, in which a classical finite-volume or finite-difference formulation of the LB algorithm still bear advantages. In this paper, we present an algorithm that combines the node-based streaming of the distribution functions with a second-order finite volume discretization of the advection term of the BGK-LB equation on a uniform D2Q9 lattice. It is shown that such a coupling is possible for a multi-domain approach as long as the overlap, or buffer zone, between two domains, is achieved on at least 2Δx. This also implies that a direct coupling (without buffer zone) of a stream-collide and finite-volume LB algorithm on a single grid is not stable. The critical parameter in the coupling is the CFL number equal to 1 that is imposed by the stream-collide algorithm. Nevertheless, an explicit filtering step on the finite-volume domain can stabilize the solution. In a further investigation, we demonstrate how such a coupling can be used for mesh transition, resulting in an intrinsic conservation of mass over the interface.Keywords: algorithm coupling, finite volume formulation, grid refinement, Lattice Boltzmann method
Procedia PDF Downloads 38012670 Enhancing Predictive Accuracy in Pharmaceutical Sales through an Ensemble Kernel Gaussian Process Regression Approach
Authors: Shahin Mirshekari, Mohammadreza Moradi, Hossein Jafari, Mehdi Jafari, Mohammad Ensaf
This research employs Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) with an ensemble kernel, integrating Exponential Squared, Revised Matern, and Rational Quadratic kernels to analyze pharmaceutical sales data. Bayesian optimization was used to identify optimal kernel weights: 0.76 for Exponential Squared, 0.21 for Revised Matern, and 0.13 for Rational Quadratic. The ensemble kernel demonstrated superior performance in predictive accuracy, achieving an R² score near 1.0, and significantly lower values in MSE, MAE, and RMSE. These findings highlight the efficacy of ensemble kernels in GPR for predictive analytics in complex pharmaceutical sales datasets.Keywords: Gaussian process regression, ensemble kernels, bayesian optimization, pharmaceutical sales analysis, time series forecasting, data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 7112669 Advanced Nanomaterials in Catalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Pollution Control and Renewable Energy
Authors: Abonyi Matthew Ndubuisi, Christopher Chiedozie Obi, Joseph Tagbo Nwabanne
This review focuses on the application of advanced nanomaterials in catalysis for pollution control and renewable energy solutions. This review provides a comprehensive examination of the latest developments in nanocatalysts, highlighting their role in addressing environmental challenges and facilitating sustainable energy solutions. The unique properties of nanomaterials, including high surface area, tunable electronic properties, and enhanced reactivity, make them ideal candidates for catalytic applications. This review explores various types of nanomaterials, such as metal nanoparticles, carbon-based nanostructures, and metal-organic frameworks, and their effectiveness in processes like photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, and hydrogen production. Additionally, the review discusses the environmental benefits of using nanocatalysts in pollution control, focusing on the degradation of pollutants in water and air. The potential of these materials to bridge the gap between environmental remediation and clean energy production is emphasized, showcasing their dual role in mitigating pollution and advancing renewable energy technologies. In conclusion, the review analyzes the current challenges and future directions in the field, highlighting the need for continued research to improve the design and application of nanocatalysts for a sustainable future.Keywords: nanomaterials, catalysis, pollution control, renewable energy, sustainable technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2612668 Autonomous Position Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Accelerometer Response for Indoor Navigation Using Kalman Filtering
Authors: Syed Misbahuddin, Sagufta Kapadia
Autonomous indoor drone navigation has been posed with various challenges, including the inability to use a Global Positioning System (GPS). As of now, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) either rely on 3D mapping systems or utilize external camera arrays to track the UAV in an enclosed environment. The objective of this paper is to develop an algorithm that utilizes Kalman Filtering to reduce noise, allowing the UAV to be navigated indoors using only the flight controller and an onboard companion computer. In this paper, open-source libraries are used to control the UAV, which will only use the onboard accelerometer on the flight controller to estimate the position through double integration. One of the advantages of such a system is that it allows for low-cost and lightweight UAVs to autonomously navigate indoors without advanced mapping of the environment or the use of expensive high-precision-localization sensors.Keywords: accelerometer, indoor-navigation, Kalman-filtering, position-control
Procedia PDF Downloads 35012667 Sensitivity to Misusing Verb Inflections in Both Finite and Non-Finite Clauses in Native and Non-Native Russian: A Self-Paced Reading Investigation
Authors: Yang Cao
Analyzing the oral production of Chinese-speaking learners of English as a second language (L2), we can find a large variety of verb inflections – Why does it seem so hard for them to use consistent correct past morphologies in obligatory past contexts? Failed Functional Features Hypothesis (FFFH) attributes the rather non-target-like performance to the absence of [±past] feature in their L1 Chinese, arguing that for post puberty learners, new features in L2 are no more accessible. By contrast, Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis (MSIH) tends to believe that all features are actually acquirable for late L2 learners, while due to the mapping difficulties from features to forms, it is hard for them to realize the consistent past morphologies on the surface. However, most of the studies are limited to the verb morphologies in finite clauses and few studies have ever attempted to figure out these learners’ performance in non-finite clauses. Additionally, it has been discussed that Chinese learners may be able to tell the finite/infinite distinction (i.e. the [±finite] feature might be selected in Chinese, even though the existence of [±past] is denied). Therefore, adopting a self-paced reading task (SPR), the current study aims to analyze the processing patterns of Chinese-speaking learners of L2 Russian, in order to find out if they are sensitive to misuse of tense morphologies in both finite and non-finite clauses and whether they are sensitive to the finite/infinite distinction presented in Russian. The study targets L2 Russian due to its systematic morphologies in both present and past tenses. A native Russian group, as well as a group of English-speaking learners of Russian, whose L1 has definitely selected both [±finite] and [±past] features, will also be involved. By comparing and contrasting performance of the three language groups, the study is going to further examine and discuss the two theories, FFFH and MSIH. Preliminary hypotheses are: a) Russian native speakers are expected to spend longer time reading the verb forms which violate the grammar; b) it is expected that Chinese participants are, at least, sensitive to the misuse of inflected verbs in non-finite clauses, although no sensitivity to the misuse of infinitives in finite clauses might be found. Therefore, an interaction of finite and grammaticality is expected to be found, which indicate that these learners are able to tell the finite/infinite distinction; and c) having selected [±finite] and [±past], English-speaking learners of Russian are expected to behave target-likely, supporting L1 transfer.Keywords: features, finite clauses, morphosyntax, non-finite clauses, past morphologies, present morphologies, Second Language Acquisition, self-paced reading task, verb inflections
Procedia PDF Downloads 11012666 Modeling and Analysis of Laser Sintering Process Scanning Time for Optimal Planning and Control
Authors: Agarana Michael C., Akinlabi Esther T., Pule Kholopane
In order to sustain the advantages of an advanced manufacturing technique, such as laser sintering, minimization of total processing cost of the parts being produced is very important. An efficient time management would usually very important in optimal cost attainment which would ultimately result in an efficient advanced manufacturing process planning and control. During Laser Scanning Process Scanning (SLS) procedures it is possible to adjust various manufacturing parameters which are used to influence the improvement of various mechanical and other properties of the products. In this study, Modelling and mathematical analysis, including sensitivity analysis, of the laser sintering process time were carried out. The results of the analyses were represented with graphs, from where conclusions were drawn. It was specifically observed that achievement of optimal total scanning time is key for economic efficiency which is required for sustainability of the process.Keywords: modeling and analysis, optimal planning and control, laser sintering process, scanning time
Procedia PDF Downloads 9812665 A Different Approach to Optimize Fuzzy Membership Functions with Extended FIR Filter
Authors: Jun-Ho Chung, Sung-Hyun Yoo, In-Hwan Choi, Hyun-Kook Lee, Moon-Kyu Song, Choon-Ki Ahn
The extended finite impulse response (EFIR) filter is addressed to optimize membership functions (MFs) of the fuzzy model that has strong nonlinearity. MFs are important parts of the fuzzy logic system (FLS) and, thus optimizing MFs of FLS is one of approaches to improve the performance of output. We employ the EFIR as an alternative optimization option to nonlinear fuzzy model. The performance of EFIR is demonstrated on a fuzzy cruise control via a numerical example.Keywords: fuzzy logic system, optimization, membership function, extended FIR filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 72412664 Effects of Milk Fat Sustitution by Margarine on Iranian uf Brine Cheese
Authors: Mahnaz Manafi Dizaj Yekan, Mostafa Mazaheri Tehrani, Javad Hesari
Physicochemical properties of Ultrafiltered White cheese analogues made with substituting 1/3 and 2/3 of the dairy fat with vegetable fat, margarine, were studied during ripening. Results showed replacement of milk fat by margarine made to more hardness and springiness in cheese samples and overcome to softening of texture as one of the main defects of UF white cheeses. Analysis of Fatty acids Profiles of samples fat by Gas Chromatography revealed cheese analogues samples had higher ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids and can led to improve nutritional quality of product. Sensorial characteristics of analogue cheeses were similar to control samples with respect to color but better than control samples in stiffness, while overall acceptance of analogues with 1/3 fat replacement was similar to control cheeses and better than analogue cheeses with 2/3 fat replacement.Keywords: analogue cheese, uf white cheese, margarine, stiffness, springiness, fatty acids profiles
Procedia PDF Downloads 45912663 Bit Error Rate Monitoring for Automatic Bias Control of Quadrature Amplitude Modulators
Authors: Naji Ali Albakay, Abdulrahman Alothaim, Isa Barshushi
The most common quadrature amplitude modulator (QAM) applies two Mach-Zehnder Modulators (MZM) and one phase shifter to generate high order modulation format. The bias of MZM changes over time due to temperature, vibration, and aging factors. The change in the biasing causes distortion to the generated QAM signal which leads to deterioration of bit error rate (BER) performance. Therefore, it is critical to be able to lock MZM’s Q point to the required operating point for good performance. We propose a technique for automatic bias control (ABC) of QAM transmitter using BER measurements and gradient descent optimization algorithm. The proposed technique is attractive because it uses the pertinent metric, BER, which compensates for bias drifting independently from other system variations such as laser source output power. The proposed scheme performance and its operating principles are simulated using OptiSystem simulation software for 4-QAM and 16-QAM transmitters.Keywords: automatic bias control, optical fiber communication, optical modulation, optical devices
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