Search results for: design flexibility
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 13251

Search results for: design flexibility

12111 Factors Affecting Expectations and Intentions of University Students in Educational Context

Authors: Davut Disci


Objective: to measure the factors affecting expectations and intentions of using mobile phone in educational contexts by university students, using advanced equations and modeling techniques. Design and Methodology: According to the literature, Mobile Addiction, Parental Surveillance-Safety/Security, Social Relations, and Mobile Behavior are most used terms of defining mobile use of people. Therefore, these variables are tried to be measured to find and estimate their effects on expectations and intentions of using mobile phone in educational context. 421 university students participated in this study and there are 229 Female and 192 Male students. For the purpose of examining the mobile behavior and educational expectations and intentions, a questionnaire is prepared and applied to the participants who had to answer all the questions online. Furthermore, responses to close-ended questions are analyzed by using The Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) software, reliabilities are measured by Cronbach’s Alpha analysis and hypothesis are examined via using Multiple Regression and Linear Regression analysis and the model is tested with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique which is important for testing the model scientifically. Besides these responses, open-ended questions are taken into consideration. Results: When analyzing data gathered from close-ended questions, it is found that Mobile Addiction, Parental Surveillance, Social Relations and Frequency of Using Mobile Phone Applications are affecting the mobile behavior of the participants in different levels, helping them to use mobile phone in educational context. Moreover, as for open-ended questions, participants stated that they use many mobile applications in their learning environment in terms of contacting with friends, watching educational videos, finding course material via internet. They also agree in that mobile phone brings greater flexibility to their lives. According to the SEM results the model is not evaluated and it can be said that it may be improved to show in SEM besides in multiple regression. Conclusion: This study shows that the specified model can be used by educationalist, school authorities to improve their learning environment.

Keywords: learning technology, instructional technology, mobile learning, technology

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12110 Advances in Design Decision Support Tools for Early-stage Energy-Efficient Architectural Design: A Review

Authors: Maryam Mohammadi, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mojtaba Ansari


The main driving force for increasing movement towards the design of High-Performance Buildings (HPB) are building codes and rating systems that address the various components of the building and their impact on the environment and energy conservation through various methods like prescriptive methods or simulation-based approaches. The methods and tools developed to meet these needs, which are often based on building performance simulation tools (BPST), have limitations in terms of compatibility with the integrated design process (IDP) and HPB design, as well as use by architects in the early stages of design (when the most important decisions are made). To overcome these limitations in recent years, efforts have been made to develop Design Decision Support Systems, which are often based on artificial intelligence. Numerous needs and steps for designing and developing a Decision Support System (DSS), which complies with the early stages of energy-efficient architecture design -consisting of combinations of different methods in an integrated package- have been listed in the literature. While various review studies have been conducted in connection with each of these techniques (such as optimizations, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, etc.) and their integration of them with specific targets; this article is a critical and holistic review of the researches which leads to the development of applicable systems or introduction of a comprehensive framework for developing models complies with the IDP. Information resources such as Science Direct and Google Scholar are searched using specific keywords and the results are divided into two main categories: Simulation-based DSSs and Meta-simulation-based DSSs. The strengths and limitations of different models are highlighted, two general conceptual models are introduced for each category and the degree of compliance of these models with the IDP Framework is discussed. The research shows movement towards Multi-Level of Development (MOD) models, well combined with early stages of integrated design (schematic design stage and design development stage), which are heuristic, hybrid and Meta-simulation-based, relies on Big-real Data (like Building Energy Management Systems Data or Web data). Obtaining, using and combining of these data with simulation data to create models with higher uncertainty, more dynamic and more sensitive to context and culture models, as well as models that can generate economy-energy-efficient design scenarios using local data (to be more harmonized with circular economy principles), are important research areas in this field. The results of this study are a roadmap for researchers and developers of these tools.

Keywords: integrated design process, design decision support system, meta-simulation based, early stage, big data, energy efficiency

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12109 A Design Approach in Architectural Education: Parasitic Architecture

Authors: Ozlem Senyigit, Nur Yilmaz


Throughout the architectural education, it is aimed to provide students with the ability to find original solutions to current problems. In this sense, workshops that provide creative thinking within the action, experiencing the environment, and finding instant solutions to problems have an important place in the education process. Parasitic architecture, which is a contemporary design approach in the architectural agenda, includes small scale designs integrated into the carrier system of existing structures in spaces of the existing urban fabric which resembles the host-parasite relationship in the biology field. The scope of this study consists of a 12-weeks long experimental workshop of the 'parasitic architecture', which was designed within the scope of Basic Design 2 course of the Department of Architecture of Çukurova University in the 2017-2018 academic year. In this study, parasitic architecture was discussed as a space design method. Students analyzed the campus of the Çukurova University and drew sketches to identify gaps in it. During the workshop, the function-form-context relationship was discussed. The output products were evaluated within the context of urban spaces/gaps, functional requirements, and students gained awareness not just about the urban occupancy but also gaps.

Keywords: design approach, parasitic architecture, experimental workshop, architectural education

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12108 Road Transition Design on Freeway Tunnel Entrance and Exit Based on Traffic Capacity

Authors: Han Bai, Tong Zhang, Lemei Yu, Doudou Xie, Liang Zhao


Road transition design on freeway tunnel entrance and exit is one vital factor in realizing smooth transition and improving traveling safety for vehicles. The goal of this research is to develop a horizontal road transition design tool that considers the transition technology of traffic capacity consistency to explore its accommodation mechanism. The influencing factors of capacity are synthesized and a modified capacity calculation model focusing on the influence of road width and lateral clearance is developed based on the VISSIM simulation to calculate the width of road transition sections. To keep the traffic capacity consistency, the right side of the transition section of the tunnel entrance and exit is divided into three parts: front arc, an intermediate transition section, and end arc; an optimization design on each transition part is conducted to improve the capacity stability and horizontal alignment transition. A case study on the Panlong Tunnel in Ji-Qing freeway illustrates the application of the tool.

Keywords: traffic safety, road transition, freeway tunnel, traffic capacity

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12107 Analysis of the Learning Effectiveness of the Steam-6e Course: A Case Study on the Development of Virtual Idol Product Design as an Example

Authors: Mei-Chun. Chang


STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) represents a cross-disciplinary and learner-centered teaching model that cultivates students to link theory with the presentation of real situations, thereby improving their various abilities. This study explores students' learning performance after using the 6E model in STEAM teaching for a professional course in the digital media design department of technical colleges, as well as the difficulties and countermeasures faced by STEAM curriculum design and its implementation. In this study, through industry experts’ work experience, activity exchanges, course teaching, and experience, learners can think about the design and development value of virtual idol products that meet the needs of users and to employ AR/VR technology to innovate their product applications. Applying action research, the investigation has 35 junior students from the department of digital media design of the school where the researcher teaches as the research subjects. The teaching research was conducted over two stages spanning ten weeks and 30 sessions. This research collected the data and conducted quantitative and qualitative data sorting analyses through ‘design draft sheet’, ‘student interview record’, ‘STEAM Product Semantic Scale’, and ‘Creative Product Semantic Scale (CPSS)’. Research conclusions are presented, and relevant suggestions are proposed as a reference for teachers or follow-up researchers. The contribution of this study is to teach college students to develop original virtual idols and product designs, improve learning effectiveness through STEAM teaching activities, and effectively cultivate innovative and practical cross-disciplinary design talents.

Keywords: STEAM, 6E model, virtual idol, learning effectiveness, practical courses

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12106 Validation of a Reloading Vehicle Design by Finite Element Analysis

Authors: Tuğrul Aksoy, Hüseyin Karabıyık


Reloading vehicles are the vehicles which are generally equipped with a crane and used to carry a stowage from a point and locate onto the vehicle or vice versa. In this study, structural analysis of a reloading vehicle was performed under the loads which are predicted to be exposed under operating conditions via the finite element method. Among the finite element analysis results, the stress and displacement distributions of the vehicle and the contact pressure distributions of the guide rings within the stabilization legs were examined. Vehicle design was improved by strengthening certain parts according to the analysis results. The analyses performed for the final design were verified by the experiments involving strain gauge measurements.

Keywords: structural analysis, reloading vehicle, crane, strain gauge

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12105 Mathematical Modeling of Switching Processes in Magnetically Controlled MEMS Switches

Authors: Sergey M. Karabanov, Dmitry V. Suvorov, Dmitry Yu. Tarabrin


The operating principle of magnetically controlled microelectromechanical system (MEMS) switches is based on controlling the beam movement under the influence of a magnetic field. Currently, there is a MEMS switch design with a flexible ferromagnetic electrode in the form of a fixed-terminal beam, with an electrode fastened on a straight or cranked anchor. The basic performance characteristics of magnetically controlled MEMS switches (service life, sensitivity, contact resistance, fast response) are largely determined by the flexible electrode design. To ensure the stable and controlled motion of the flexible electrode, it is necessary to provide the optimal design of a flexible electrode.

Keywords: flexible electrode, magnetically controlled MEMS, mathematical modeling, mechanical stress

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12104 Application of Sustainable Agriculture Based on LEISA in Landscape Design of Integrated Farming

Authors: Eduwin Eko Franjaya, Andi Gunawan, Wahju Qamara Mugnisjah


Sustainable agriculture in the form of integrated farming with its LEISA (Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture) concept has brought a positive impact on agriculture development and ambient amelioration. But, most of the small farmers in Indonesia did not know how to put the concept of it and how to combine agricultural commodities on the site effectively and efficiently. This research has an aim to promote integrated farming (agrofisheries, etc) to the farmers by designing the agricultural landscape to become integrated farming landscape as medium of education for the farmers. The method used in this research is closely related with the rule of design in the landscape architecture science. The first step is inventarization for the existing condition on the research site. The second step is analysis. Then, the third step is concept-making that consists of base concept, design concept, and developing concept. The base concept used in this research is sustainable agriculture with LEISA. The concept design is related with activity base on site. The developing concept consists of space concept, circulation, vegetation and commodity, production system, etc. The fourth step as the final step is planning and design. This step produces site plan of integrated farming based on LEISA. The result of this research is site plan of integrated farming with its explanation, including the energy flow of integrated farming system on site and the production calendar of integrated farming commodities for education and agri-tourism opportunity. This research become the right way to promote the integrated farming and also as a medium for the farmers to learn and to develop it.

Keywords: integrated farming, LEISA, planning and design, site plan

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12103 Cantilever Secant Pile Constructed in Sand: Capping Beam Analysis and Deformation Limitations

Authors: Khaled R. Khater


This paper fits in soil-structure interaction division. Its theme is soil retaining structures. Hence, the cantilever secant-pile wall imposed itself, focusing on the capping beam. Four research questions are prompted and beg an answer. How to calculate the forces that control capping beam design? What is the statical system of ‘capping beam-secant pile’ as one unit? Is it possible to design it to satisfy pre-specific lateral deformation? Is it possible to suggest permissible lateral deformation limits? Briefly, pile head displacements induced by Plaxis-2D are converted to forces needed for STAAD-Pro 3D models. Those models are constructed based on the proposed structural system. This is the paper’s idea and methodology. Parametric study performed considered three sand densities, one pile rigidity, and two excavation depths, i.e., 3.0 m and 5.0 m. The research questions are satisfactorily answered. This paper could be a first step towards standardizing analysis, design, and lateral deformations checks.

Keywords: capping beam, secant pile, numerical, design aids, sandy soil

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12102 Design and Analysis of Solar Powered Plane

Authors: Malarvizhi, Venkatesan


This paper summarizes about the design and optimization of solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle. The purpose of this research is to increase the range and endurance. It can be used for environmental research, aerial photography, search and rescue mission and surveillance in other planets. The ultimate aim of this research is to design and analyze the solar powered plane in order to detect lift, drag and other parameters by using cfd analysis. Similarly the numerical investigation has been done to compare the results of earth’s atmosphere to the mars atmosphere. This is the approach made to check whether the solar powered plane is possible to glide in the planet mars by using renewable energy (i.e., solar energy).

Keywords: optimization, range, endurance, surveillance, lift and drag parameters

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12101 Reliability Analysis of Partial Safety Factor Design Method for Slopes in Granular Soils

Authors: K. E. Daryani, H. Mohamad


Uncertainties in the geo-structure analysis and design have a significant impact on the safety of slopes. Traditionally, uncertainties in the geotechnical design are addressed by incorporating a conservative factor of safety in the analytical model. In this paper, a risk-based approach is adopted to assess the influence of the geotechnical variable uncertainties on the stability of infinite slopes in cohesionless soils using the “partial factor of safety on shear strength” approach as stated in Eurocode 7. Analyses conducted using Monte Carlo simulation show that the same partial factor can have very different levels of risk depending on the degree of uncertainty of the mean values of the soil friction angle and void ratio.

Keywords: Safety, Probability of Failure, Reliability, Infinite Slopes, Sand.

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12100 Characteristics of Asphalt Mixtures with Cocoa Shell Ash as Filler

Authors: Muhammad Nur Hidayat, Muksalmina, Chairul Fajar


An alternative to improve the quality of asphalt as a pavement material is to use modified asphalt with the addition of cocoa shell ash as a filler. This research aims to determine the effect of asphalt mixture and cocoa shell ash after testing the physical properties of asphalt. The method used was experimental by testing the physical properties of asphalt. The results showed that the optimum asphalt content of the cocoa husk ash mixture was 2%, with an asphalt penetration value of 60.03 mm. The result of the asphalt softening point test was 51.0°C. Asphalt ductility test results in 144 cm. Asphalt specific gravity test result 1.076 gr/ml. Asphalt weight loss test results in 0.0183%. In conclusion, cocoa shell ash has an effect on asphalt characteristics, namely increasing stability, flexibility and fatigue resistance.

Keywords: cocoa husk ash, asphalt characteristics, physical properties testing, filler

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12099 General and Sport Specific Fitness Testing Practices: Global Developments

Authors: Peter Smolianov, Jed Smith, Lisa Chen, Steven Dion, Christopher Schoen, Jaclyn Norberg


This study compared general conditioning and sport specific fitness tests used in China, European Union (EU), Russia, and the United States. A constant content comparison method was used to identify the differences. Data from the study indicated that there were shared test components, including aerobic fitness, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. However, the testing components and items, as well as the cut-off values of the analyzed tests varied by country for the same gender and age. Culturally unique methods of testing and preparing for the tests were identified. Additionally, evidence revealed support for lifelong fitness and long-term sport participation through comprehensive fitness and wellness guidelines for different age groups and through new internet-based technologies.

Keywords: fitness testing, global trends, new developments, worldwide comparison

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12098 Design and Optimization of a Small Hydraulic Propeller Turbine

Authors: Dario Barsi, Marina Ubaldi, Pietro Zunino, Robert Fink


A design and optimization procedure is proposed and developed to provide the geometry of a high efficiency compact hydraulic propeller turbine for low head. For the preliminary design of the machine, classic design criteria, based on the use of statistical correlations for the definition of the fundamental geometric parameters and the blade shapes are used. These relationships are based on the fundamental design parameters (i.e., specific speed, flow coefficient, work coefficient) in order to provide a simple yet reliable procedure. Particular attention is paid, since from the initial steps, on the correct conformation of the meridional channel and on the correct arrangement of the blade rows. The preliminary geometry thus obtained is used as a starting point for the hydrodynamic optimization procedure, carried out using a CFD calculation software coupled with a genetic algorithm that generates and updates a large database of turbine geometries. The optimization process is performed using a commercial approach that solves the turbulent Navier Stokes equations (RANS) by exploiting the axial-symmetric geometry of the machine. The geometries generated within the database are therefore calculated in order to determine the corresponding overall performance. In order to speed up the optimization calculation, an artificial neural network (ANN) based on the use of an objective function is employed. The procedure was applied for the specific case of a propeller turbine with an innovative design of a modular type, specific for applications characterized by very low heads. The procedure is tested in order to verify its validity and the ability to automatically obtain the targeted net head and the maximum for the total to total internal efficiency.

Keywords: renewable energy conversion, hydraulic turbines, low head hydraulic energy, optimization design

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12097 A Systematic Review of Business Strategies Which Can Make District Heating a Platform for Sustainable Development of Other Sectors

Authors: Louise Ödlund, Danica Djuric Ilic


Sustainable development includes many challenges related to energy use, such as (1) developing flexibility on the demand side of the electricity systems due to an increased share of intermittent electricity sources (e.g., wind and solar power), (2) overcoming economic challenges related to an increased share of renewable energy in the transport sector, (3) increasing efficiency of the biomass use, (4) increasing utilization of industrial excess heat (e.g., approximately two thirds of the energy currently used in EU is lost in the form of excess and waste heat). The European Commission has been recognized DH technology as of essential importance to reach sustainability. Flexibility in the fuel mix, and possibilities of industrial waste heat utilization, combined heat, and power (CHP) production and energy recovery through waste incineration, are only some of the benefits which characterize DH technology. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the possible business strategies which would enable DH to have an important role in future sustainable energy systems. The methodology used in this study is a systematic literature review. The study includes a systematic approach where DH is seen as a part of an integrated system that consists of transport , industrial-, and electricity sectors as well. The DH technology can play a decisive role in overcoming the sustainability challenges related to our energy use. The introduction of biofuels in the transport sector can be facilitated by integrating biofuel and DH production in local DH systems. This would enable the development of local biofuel supply chains and reduce biofuel production costs. In this way, DH can also promote the development of biofuel production technologies that are not yet developed. Converting energy for running the industrial processes from fossil fuels and electricity to DH (above all biomass and waste-based DH) and delivering excess heat from industrial processes to the local DH systems would make the industry less dependent on fossil fuels and fossil fuel-based electricity, as well as the increasing energy efficiency of the industrial sector and reduce production costs. The electricity sector would also benefit from these measures. Reducing the electricity use in the industry sector while at the same time increasing the CHP production in the local DH systems would (1) replace fossil-based electricity production with electricity in biomass- or waste-fueled CHP plants and reduce the capacity requirements from the national electricity grid (i.e., it would reduce the pressure on the bottlenecks in the grid). Furthermore, by operating their central controlled heat pumps and CHP plants depending on the intermittent electricity production variation, the DH companies may enable an increased share of intermittent electricity production in the national electricity grid.

Keywords: energy system, district heating, sustainable business strategies, sustainable development

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12096 Toward a New Approach for Modeling Lean, Agile and Leagile Supply Chains

Authors: Bouchra Abdelilah, Akram El Korchi, Atmane Baddou


With the very competitive business era that we witness nowadays, companies needs more that anytime to use all the resources they have in order to maximize performance and satisfy the customers’ needs. The changes occurring in the market business are often due to the variations of demand, which requires a very specific supply chain strategy. Supply chains aims to balance cost, quality, and service level and lead time. Still, managers are confused when faced with the strategies working the best for the supply chain: lean, agile and leagile. This paper presents a decision making tool that aims to assist the manager in choosing the supply chain strategy that suits the most his business, depending on the type of product and the nature of demand. Analyzing the different characteristics of supply chain will enable us to guide the manager to the suitable strategy between lean, agile and leagile.

Keywords: supply chain, lean, agile, flexibility, performance

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12095 Implementation of Quality Function Development to Incorporate Customer’s Value in the Conceptual Design Stage of a Construction Projects

Authors: Ayedh Alqahtani


Many construction firms in Saudi Arabia dedicated to building projects agree that the most important factor in the real estate market is the value that they can give to their customer. These firms understand the value of their client in different ways. Value can be defined as the size of the building project in relationship to the cost or the design quality of the materials utilized in finish work or any other features of building rooms such as the bathroom. Value can also be understood as something suitable for the money the client is investing for the new property. A quality tool is required to support companies to achieve a solution for the building project and to understand and manage the customer’s needs. Quality Function Development (QFD) method will be able to play this role since the main difference between QFD and other conventional quality management tools is QFD a valuable and very flexible tool for design and taking into the account the VOC. Currently, organizations and agencies are seeking suitable models able to deal better with uncertainty, and that is flexible and easy to use. The primary aim of this research project is to incorporate customer’s requirements in the conceptual design of construction projects. Towards this goal, QFD is selected due to its capability to integrate the design requirements to meet the customer’s needs. To develop QFD, this research focused upon the contribution of the different (significantly weighted) input factors that represent the main variables influencing QFD and subsequent analysis of the techniques used to measure them. First of all, this research will review the literature to determine the current practice of QFD in construction projects. Then, the researcher will review the literature to define the current customers of residential projects and gather information on customers’ requirements for the design of the residential building. After that, qualitative survey research will be conducted to rank customer’s needs and provide the views of stakeholder practitioners about how these needs can affect their satisfy. Moreover, a qualitative focus group with the members of the design team will be conducted to determine the improvements level and technical details for the design of residential buildings. Finally, the QFD will be developed to establish the degree of significance of the design’s solution.

Keywords: quality function development, construction projects, Saudi Arabia, quality tools

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12094 Architectural Design Strategies: Enhance Train Station Performance as the Catalyst of Transit Oriented Development in Jakarta, Case Study of Beos Commuter Line Station

Authors: Shinta Ardiana Sari, Dini Puti Angelia


A high number of urban population in Jakarta has been a substantial issue for mobility strategy. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) becomes one of the strategies to improve community livability based on the design of transit place and the system of its context. TOD principle is trying to win over pedestrian motorization habit, makes people would rather transit and travel more than using private vehicle. Train station takes the main role as the catalyst to emerge TOD, in Jakarta this role will be taken by Commuter line and the future MRT. For advancing its development, architectural design perspective is needed to perform evaluation while seeking for the strategies between accessibility transportation modes with convenience and safety for increasing human behavioral intention. This paper discovers design strategy for transit place that appropriates with Jakarta condition use the basic theories of liminal space and transit-oriented development goal. This paper use evidence-based approach with typology method to analyze the present condition of Commuter Line station in Jakarta and precedent of Asian Cities, Tokyo and Seoul, as the secondary sources, and also with numbers of valid questionnaires. Furthermore, the result of this paper aims to the emerging of a transit-oriented community by giving design requirements and suggestion transportation policies preparing for the operational of MRT in the future Jakarta and other similar cities.

Keywords: station design, transit place, transit-oriented development, urban

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12093 An Optimization Tool-Based Design Strategy Applied to Divide-by-2 Circuits with Unbalanced Loads

Authors: Agord M. Pinto Jr., Yuzo Iano, Leandro T. Manera, Raphael R. N. Souza


This paper describes an optimization tool-based design strategy for a Current Mode Logic CML divide-by-2 circuit. Representing a building block for output frequency generation in a RFID protocol based-frequency synthesizer, the circuit was designed to minimize the power consumption for driving of multiple loads with unbalancing (at transceiver level). Implemented with XFAB XC08 180 nm technology, the circuit was optimized through MunEDA WiCkeD tool at Cadence Virtuoso Analog Design Environment ADE.

Keywords: divide-by-2 circuit, CMOS technology, PLL phase locked-loop, optimization tool, CML current mode logic, RF transceiver

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12092 Comparison of Automated Zone Design Census Output Areas with Existing Output Areas in South Africa

Authors: T. Mokhele, O. Mutanga, F. Ahmed


South Africa is one of the few countries that have stopped using the same Enumeration Areas (EAs) for census enumeration and dissemination. The advantage of this change is that confidentiality issue could be addressed for census dissemination as the design of geographic unit for collection is mainly to ensure that this unit is covered by one enumerator. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the performance of automated zone design output areas against non-zone design developed geographies using the 2001 census data, and 2011 census to some extent, as the main input. The comparison of the Automated Zone-design Tool (AZTool) census output areas with the Small Area Layers (SALs) and SubPlaces based on confidentiality limit, population distribution, and degree of homogeneity, as well as shape compactness, was undertaken. Further, SPSS was employed for validation of the AZTool output results. The results showed that AZTool developed output areas out-perform the existing official SAL and SubPlaces with regard to minimum population threshold, population distribution and to some extent to homogeneity. Therefore, it was concluded that AZTool program provides a new alternative to the creation of optimised census output areas for dissemination of population census data in South Africa.

Keywords: AZTool, enumeration areas, small areal layers, South Africa

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12091 Sustainable Micro Architecture: A Pattern for Urban Release Areas

Authors: Saber Fatourechian


People within modern cities have faced macro urban values spreads rapidly through current style of living. Unexpected phenomena without any specific features of micro scale, humanity and urban social/cultural patterns. The gap between micro and macro scale is unidentified and people could not recognize where they are especially in the interaction between life and city. Urban life details were verified. Micro architecture is a pattern in which human activity derives from human needs in an unconscious position. Sustainable attitude via micro architecture causes flexibility in decision making through micro urbanism essentially impacts macro scale. In this paper the definition of micro architecture and its relation with city and human activity are argued, there after the interaction between micro and macro scale is presented as an effective way for urban sustainable development.

Keywords: micro architecture, sustainability, human activity, city

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12090 Optimal Design and Simulation of a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Power System for an Electrical Department in University of Tripoli, Libya

Authors: Mustafa Al-Refai


This paper presents the optimal design and simulation of a grid-connected Photovoltaic (PV) system to supply electric power to meet the energy demand by Electrical Department in University of Tripoli Libya. Solar radiation is the key factor determining electricity produced by photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper is designed to develop a novel method to calculate the solar photovoltaic generation capacity on the basis of Mean Global Solar Radiation data available for Tripoli Libya and finally develop a system design of possible plant capacity for the available roof area. MatLab/Simulink Programming tools and monthly average solar radiation data are used for this design and simulation. The specifications of equipments are provided based on the availability of the components in the market. Simulation results and analyses are presented to validate the proposed system configuration.

Keywords: photovoltaic (PV), grid, Simulink, solar energy, power plant, solar irradiation

Procedia PDF Downloads 302
12089 Design and Evaluation of an Online Case-Based Library for Technology Integration in Teacher Education

Authors: Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci, Ismail Sahin, Sirin Kucuk, Ismail Celik, Ahmet Oguz Akturk


ADDIE is an instructional design model which has the five core elements: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The ADDIE approach provides a systematic process for the analysis of instructional needs, the design and development of instructional programs and materials, implementation of a program, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of an instruction. The case-based study is an instructional design model that is a variant of project-oriented learning. Collecting and analyzing stories can be used in two primary ways -perform task analysis and as a learning support during instruction- by instructional designers. Besides, teachers use technology to develop students’ thinking, enriching the learning environment and providing permanent learning. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an interactive online case-study library website developed in a national project. The design goal of the website is to provide interactive, enhanced, case-based and online educational resource for educators through the purpose and within the scope of a national project. The ADDIE instructional design model was used in the development of the website for the interactive case-based library. This web-based library contains the navigation menus as the follows: “Homepage”, "Registration", "Branches", "Aim of The Research", "About TPACK", "National Project", "Contact Us", etc. This library is developed on a web-based platform, which is important in terms of manageability, accessibility, and updateability of data. Users are able to sort the displayed case-studies by their titles, dates, ratings, view counts, etc. In addition, they encouraged to rate and comment on the case-studies. The usability test is used and the expert opinion is taken for the evaluation of the website. This website is a tool to integrate technology in education. It is believed that this website will be beneficial for pre-service and in-service teachers in terms of their professional developments.

Keywords: design, ADDIE, case based library, technology integration

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12088 Information Tree: Establishment of Lifestyle-Based IT Visual Model

Authors: Chiung-Hui Chen


Traditional service channel is losing its edge due to emerging service technology. To establish interaction with the clients, the service industry is using effective mechanism to give clients direct access to services with emerging technologies. Thus, as service science receives attention, special and unique consumption pattern evolves; henceforth, leading to new market mechanism and influencing attitudes toward life and consumption patterns. The market demand for customized services is thus valued due to the emphasis of personal value, and is gradually changing the demand and supply relationship in the traditional industry. In respect of interior design service, in the process of traditional interior design, a designer converts to a concrete form the concept generated from the ideas and needs dictated by a user (client), by using his/her professional knowledge and drawing tool. The final product is generated through iterations of communication and modification, which is a very time-consuming process. Although this process has been accelerated with the help of computer graphics software today, repeated discussions and confirmations with users are still required to complete the task. In consideration of what is addressed above a space user’s life model is analyzed with visualization technique to create an interaction system modeled after interior design knowledge. The space user document intuitively personal life experience in a model requirement chart, allowing a researcher to analyze interrelation between analysis documents, identify the logic and the substance of data conversion. The repeated data which is documented are then transformed into design information for reuse and sharing. A professional interior designer may sort out the correlation among user’s preference, life pattern and design specification, thus deciding the critical design elements in the process of service design.

Keywords: information design, life model-based, aesthetic computing, communication

Procedia PDF Downloads 299
12087 Improved Photo-Active Layer Properties for Efficient Organic Solar Cells

Authors: Chahrazed Bendenia, Souhila Bendenia, Samia Moulebhar, Hanaa Merad-Dib, Sarra Merabet, Sid Ahmed Khantar, Baghdad Hadri


In recent years, organic solar cells (OSCs) have become the fundamental concern of researchers thanks to their advantages in terms of flexibility, manufacturing processes and low cost. The performance of these devices is influenced by various factors, such as the layers introduced in the stacking of the solar cell realized. In our work, the modeling of a reverse OSC under AM1.5G illumination will be determined. The photo-active polymer/fullerene layer will be analyzed from the polymer variation of this layer using the SCAPS simulator to extract the J-V characteristics: open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current (Jsc), filling factor (FF) and power conversion efficiency (η). The results obtained indicated that the materials used have a significant impact on improving the photovoltaic parameters of the devices studied.

Keywords: solar, polymer, simulator, characteristics

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12086 Demand and Supply Management for Electricity Markets: Econometric Analysis of Electricity Prices

Authors: Ioana Neamtu


This paper investigates the potential for demand-side management for the system price in the Nordic electricity market and the price effects of introducing wind-power into the system. The model proposed accounts for the micro-structure of the Nordic electricity market by modeling each hour individually, while still accounting for the relationship between the hours within a day. This flexibility allows us to explore the differences between peak and shoulder demand hours. Preliminary results show potential for demand response management, as indicated by the price elasticity of demand as well as a small but statistically significant decrease in price, given by the wind power penetration. Moreover, our study shows that these effects are stronger during day-time and peak hours,compared to night-time and shoulder hours.

Keywords: structural model, GMM estimation, system of equations, electricity market

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12085 From Comfort to Safety: Assessing the Influence of Car Seat Design on Driver Reaction and Performance

Authors: Sabariah Mohd Yusoff, Qamaruddin Adzeem Muhamad Murad


This study investigates the impact of car seat design on driver response time, addressing a critical gap in understanding how ergonomic features influence both performance and safety. Controlled driving experiments were conducted with fourteen participants (11 male, 3 female) across three locations chosen for their varying traffic conditions to account for differences in driver alertness. Participants interacted with various seat designs while performing driving tasks, and objective metrics such as braking and steering response times were meticulously recorded. Advanced statistical methods, including regression analysis and t-tests, were employed to identify design factors that significantly affect driver response times. Subjective feedback was gathered through detailed questionnaires—focused on driving experience and knowledge of response time—and in-depth interviews. This qualitative data was analyzed thematically to provide insights into driver comfort and usability preferences. The study aims to identify key seat design features that impact driver response time and to gain a deeper understanding of driver preferences for comfort and usability. The findings are expected to inform evidence-based guidelines for optimizing car seat design, ultimately enhancing driver performance and safety. The research offers valuable implications for automotive manufacturers and designers, contributing to the development of seats that improve driver response time and overall driving safety.

Keywords: car seat design, driver response time, cognitive driving, ergonomics optimization

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12084 Mitigation of High Voltage Equipment Design Deficiencies for Improved Operation and Maintenance

Authors: Riyad Awad, Abdulmohsen Alghadeer, Meshari Otaibi


Proper operation and maintenance (O&M) activities of high voltage equipment can lead to an increased asset lifecycle and maintain its integrity and reliability. Such a vital process is important to be proactively considered during equipment design and manufacturing phases by removing and eliminating any obstacles in the equipment which adversely affect the (O&M) activities. This paper presents a gap analysis pertaining to difficulties in performing operations and maintenance (O&M) high voltage electrical equipment, includes power transformers, switch gears, motor control center, disconnect switches and circuit breakers. The difficulties are gathered from field personnel, equipment design review comments, quality management system, and lessons learned database. The purpose of the gap analysis is to mitigate and prevent the (O&M) difficulties as early as possible in the design stage of the equipment lifecycle. The paper concludes with several recommendations and corrective actions for all identified gaps in order to reduce the cost (O&M) difficulties and improve the equipment lifecycle.

Keywords: operation and maintenance, high voltage equipment, equipment lifecycle, reduce the cost of maintenance

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12083 The Integration and Automation of EDA Tools in an Integrated Circuit Design Environment

Authors: Rohaya Abdul Wahab, Raja Mohd Fuad Tengku Aziz, Nazaliza Othman, Sharifah Saleh, Nabihah Razali, Rozaimah Baharim, M. Hanif M. Nasir


This paper will discuss how EDA tools are integrated and automated in an Integrated Circuit Design Environment. Some of the problems face in our current environment is that users need to configure manually on the library paths, start-up files and project directories. Certain manual processes that happen between the users and applications can be automated but they must be transparent to the users. For example, the users can run the applications directly after login without knowing the library paths and start-up files locations. The solution to these problems is to automate the processes using standard configuration files which will benefit the users and EDA support. This paper will discuss how the implementation is done to automate the process using scripting languages such as Perl, Tcl, Scheme and Shell Script. These scripting tools are great assets for design engineers to build a robust and powerful design flow and this technique is widely used to integrate all the tools together.

Keywords: EDA tools, Integrated Circuits, scripting, integration, automation

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12082 Investigation of the Effects of Processing Parameters on Pla Based 3D Printed Tensile Samples

Authors: Saifullah Karimullah


Additive manufacturing techniques are becoming more common with the latest technological advancements. It is composed to bring a revolution in the way products are designed, planned, manufactured, and distributed to end users. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) based 3D printing is one of those promising aspects that have revolutionized the prototyping processes. The purpose of this design and study project is to design a customized laboratory-scale FDM-based 3D printer from locally available sources. The primary goal is to design and fabricate the FDM-based 3D printer. After the fabrication, a tensile test specimen would be designed in Solid Works or [Creo computer-aided design (CAD)] software. A .stl file is generated of the tensile test specimen through slicing software and the G-codes are inserted via a computer for the test specimen to be printed. Different parameters were under studies like printing speed, layer thickness and infill density of the printed object. Some parameters were kept constant such as temperature, extrusion rate, raster orientation etc. Different tensile test specimens were printed for a different sets of parameters of the FDM-based 3d printer. The tensile test specimen were subjected to tensile tests using a universal testing machine (UTM). Design Expert software has been used for analyses, So Different results were obtained from the different tensile test specimens. The best, average and worst specimen were also observed under a compound microscope to investigate the layer bonding in between.

Keywords: additive manufacturing techniques, 3D printing, CAD software, UTM machine

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