Search results for: active power control
17542 Soil Bioremediation Monitoring Systems Powered by Microbial Fuel Cells
Authors: András Fülöp, Lejla Heilmann, Zsolt Szabó, Ákos Koós
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) present a sustainable biotechnological solution to future energy demands. The aim of this study was to construct soil based, single cell, membrane-less MFC systems, operated without treatment to continuously power on-site monitoring and control systems during the soil bioremediation processes. Our Pseudomonas aeruginosa 541 isolate is an ideal choice for MFCs, because it is able to produce pyocyanin which behaves as electron-shuttle molecule, furthermore, it also has a significant antimicrobial effect. We tested several materials and structural configurations to obtain long term high power output. Comparing different configurations, a proton exchange membrane-less, 0.6 m long with 0.05 m diameter MFC tubes offered the best long-term performances. The long-term electricity production were tested from starch, yeast extract (YE), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with humic acid (HA) as a mediator. In all cases, 3 kΩ external load have been used. The two best-operated systems were the Pseudomonas aeruginosa 541 containing MFCs with 1 % carboxymethyl cellulose and the MFCs with 1% yeast extract in the anode area and 35% hydrogel in the cathode chamber. The first had 3.3 ± 0.033 mW/m2 and the second had 4.1 ± 0.065 mW/m2 power density values. These systems have operated for 230 days without any treatment. The addition of 0.2 % HA and 1 % YE referred to the volume of the anode area resulted in 1.4 ± 0.035 mW/m2 power densities. The mixture of 1% starch with 0.2 % HA gave 1.82 ± 0.031 mW/m2. Using CMC as retard carbon source takes effect in the long-term bacterial survivor, thus enable the expression of the long term power output. The application of hydrogels in the cathode chamber significantly increased the performance of the MFC units due to their good water retention capacity.Keywords: microbial fuel cell, bioremediation, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, biotechnological solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 29317541 De Novo Design of Functional Metalloproteins for Biocatalytic Reactions
Authors: Ketaki D. Belsare, Nicholas F. Polizzi, Lior Shtayer, William F. DeGrado
Nature utilizes metalloproteins to perform chemical transformations with activities and selectivities that have long been the inspiration for design principles in synthetic and biological systems. The chemical reactivities of metalloproteins are directly linked to local environment effects produced by the protein matrix around the metal cofactor. A complete understanding of how the protein matrix provides these interactions would allow for the design of functional metalloproteins. The de novo computational design of proteins have been successfully used in design of active sites that bind metals like di-iron, zinc, copper containing cofactors; however, precisely designing active sites that can bind small molecule ligands (e.g., substrates) along with metal cofactors is still a challenge in the field. The de novo computational design of a functional metalloprotein that contains a purposefully designed substrate binding site would allow for precise control of chemical function and reactivity. Our research strategy seeks to elucidate the design features necessary to bind the cofactor protoporphyrin IX (hemin) in close proximity to a substrate binding pocket in a four helix bundle. First- and second-shell interactions are computationally designed to control orientation, electronic structure, and reaction pathway of the cofactor and substrate. The design began with a parameterized helical backbone that positioned a single histidine residue (as an axial ligand) to receive a second-shell H-bond from a Threonine on the neighboring helix. The metallo-cofactor, hemin was then manually placed in the binding site. A structural feature, pi-bulge was introduced to give substrate access to the protoporphyrin IX. These de novo metalloproteins are currently being tested for their activity towards hydroxylation and epoxidation. The de novo designed protein shows hydroxylation of aniline to 4-aminophenol. This study will help provide structural information of utmost importance in understanding de novo computational design variables impacting the functional activities of a protein.Keywords: metalloproteins, protein design, de novo protein, biocatalysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 15117540 Transmission Network Expansion Planning in Deregulated Power Systems to Facilitate Competition under Uncertainties
Authors: Hooshang Mohammad Alikhani, Javad Nikoukar
Restructuring and deregulation of power industry have changed the objectives of transmission expansion planning and increased the uncertainties. Due to these changes, new approaches and criteria are needed for transmission planning in deregulated power systems. The objective of this research work is to present a new approach for transmission expansion planning with considering new objectives and uncertainties in deregulated power systems. The approach must take into account the desires of all stakeholders in transmission expansion planning. Market based criteria must be defined to achieve the new objectives. Combination of market based criteria, technical criteria and economical criteria must be used for measuring the goodness of expansion plans to achieve market requirements, technical requirements, and economical requirements altogether.Keywords: deregulated power systems, transmission network, stakeholder, energy systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 65517539 Chaos Analysis of a 3D Finance System and Generalized Synchronization for N-Dimension
Authors: Muhammad Fiaz
The article in hand is the study of complex features like Zero Hopf Bifurcation, Chaos and Synchronization of integer and fractional order version of a new 3D finance system. Trusted tools of averaging theory and active control method are utilized for investigation of Zero Hopf bifurcation and synchronization for both versions respectively. Inventiveness of the paper is to find the answer of a question that is it possible to find a chaotic system which can be synchronized with any other of the same dimension? Based on different examples we categorically develop a theory that if a couple of master and slave chaotic dynamical system is synchronized by selecting a suitable gain matrix with special conditions then the master system is synchronized with any chaotic dynamical system of the same dimension. With the help of this study we developed generalized theorems for synchronization of n-dimension dynamical systems for integer as well as fractional versions. it proposed that this investigation will contribute a lot to control dynamical systems and only a suitable gain matrix with special conditions is enough to synchronize the system under consideration with any other chaotic system of the same dimension. Chaotic properties of fractional version of the new finance system are also analyzed at fractional order q=0.87. Simulations results, where required, also provided for authenticity of analytical study.Keywords: complex analysis, chaos, generalized synchronization, control dynamics, fractional order analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 7017538 Energy Management System and Interactive Functions of Smart Plug for Smart Home
Authors: Win Thandar Soe, Innocent Mpawenimana, Mathieu Di Fazio, Cécile Belleudy, Aung Ze Ya
Intelligent electronic equipment and automation network is the brain of high-tech energy management systems in critical role of smart homes dominance. Smart home is a technology integration for greater comfort, autonomy, reduced cost, and energy saving as well. These services can be provided to home owners for managing their home appliances locally or remotely and consequently allow them to automate intelligently and responsibly their consumption by individual or collective control systems. In this study, three smart plugs are described and one of them tested on typical household appliances. This article proposes to collect the data from the wireless technology and to extract some smart data for energy management system. This smart data is to quantify for three kinds of load: intermittent load, phantom load and continuous load. Phantom load is a waste power that is one of unnoticed power of each appliance while connected or disconnected to the main. Intermittent load and continuous load take in to consideration the power and using time of home appliances. By analysing the classification of loads, this smart data will be provided to reduce the communication of wireless sensor network for energy management system.Keywords: energy management, load profile, smart plug, wireless sensor network
Procedia PDF Downloads 27317537 Concept, Design and Implementation of Power System Component Simulator Based on Thyristor Controlled Transformer and Power Converter
Authors: B. Kędra, R. Małkowski
This paper presents information on Power System Component Simulator – a device designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. In this paper, we first provide an introductory information on the Power System Component Simulator and its capabilities. Then, the concept of the unit is presented. Requirements for the unit are described as well as proposed and introduced functions are listed. Implementation details are given. Hardware structure is presented and described. Information about used communication interface, data maintenance and storage solution, as well as used Simulink real-time features are presented. List and description of all measurements is provided. Potential of laboratory setup modifications is evaluated. Lastly, the results of experiments performed using Power System Component Simulator are presented. This includes simulation of under frequency load shedding, frequency and voltage dependent characteristics of groups of load units, time characteristics of group of different load units in a chosen area.Keywords: power converter, Simulink Real-Time, Matlab, load, tap controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 24217536 Application of Monitoring of Power Generation through GPRS Network in Rural Residênias Cabo Frio/Rj
Authors: Robson C. Santos, David D. Oliveira, Matheus M. Reis, Gerson G. Cunha, Marcos A. C. Moreira
The project demonstrates the construction of a solar power generation, integrated inverter equipment to a "Grid-Tie" by converting direct current generated by solar panels, into alternating current, the same parameters of frequency and voltage concessionaire distribution network. The energy generated is quantified by smart metering module that transmits the information in specified periods of time to a microcontroller via GSM modem. The modem provides the measured data on the internet, using networks and cellular antennas. The monitoring, fault detection and maintenance are performed by a supervisory station. Employed board types, best inverter selection and studies about control equipment and devices have been described. The article covers and explores the global trend of implementing smart distribution electrical energy networks and the incentive to use solar renewable energy. There is the possibility of the excess energy produced by the system be purchased by the local power utility. This project was implemented in residences in the rural community of the municipality of Cabo Frio/RJ. Data could be seen through daily measurements during the month of November 2013.Keywords: rural residence, supervisory, smart grid, solar energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 59417535 Energy and Exergy Performance Optimization on a Real Gas Turbine Power Plant
Authors: Farhat Hajer, Khir Tahar, Cherni Rafik, Dakhli Radhouen, Ammar Ben Brahim
This paper presents the energy and exergy optimization of a real gas turbine power plant performance of 100 MW of power, installed in the South East of Tunisia. A simulation code is established using the EES (Engineering Equation Solver) software. The parameters considered are those of the actual operating conditions of the gas turbine thermal power station under study. The results show that thermal and exergetic efficiency decreases with the increase of the ambient temperature. Air excess has an important effect on the thermal efficiency. The emission of NOx rises in the summer and decreases in the winter. The obtained rates of NOx are compared with measurements results.Keywords: efficiency, exergy, gas turbine, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 28417534 High Power Low Loss CMOS SPDT Antenna Switch for LTE-A Front End Module
Authors: Ki-Jin Kim, Suk-Hui LEE, Sanghoon Park, K. H. Ahn
A high power, low loss asymmetric single pole double through(SPDT) antenna switch for LTE-A Front-End Module(FEM) is presented in this paper by using CMOS technology. For the usage of LTE-A applications, low loss and high linearity are the key features which are very challenging works under CMOS process. To enhance insertion loss(IL) and power handling capability, this paper adopts asymmetric Transmitter (TX) and RX (Receiver) structure, floating body technique, multi-stacked structure, and feed forward capacitor technique. The designed SPDT switch shows TX IL 0.34 dB, RX IL 0.73 dB, P1dB 38.9 dBm at 0.9 GHz and TX IL 0.37 dB, RX IL 0.95 dB, P1dB 39.1 dBm at 2.5 GHz respectively.Keywords: CMOS switch, SPDT switch, high power CMOS switch, LTE-A FEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 36417533 STATCOM’s Contribution to the Improvement of Voltage Plan and Power Flow in an Electrical Transmission Network
Authors: M. Adjabi, A. Amiar, P. O. Logerais
Flexible Alternative Current Systems Transmission (FACTS) are used since nearly four decades and present very good dynamic performances. The purpose of this work is to study the behavior of a system where Static Compensator (STATCOM) is located at the midpoint of a transmission line which is the idea of the project functioning in disturbed modes with various levels of load. The studied model and starting from the analysis of various alternatives will lead to the checking of the aptitude of the STATCOM to maintain the voltage plan and to improve the power flow in electro-energetic system which is the east region of Algerian 400 kV transmission network. The steady state performance of STATCOM’s controller is analyzed through computer simulations with Matlab/Simulink program. The simulation results have demonstrated that STATCOM can be effectively applied in power transmission systems to solve the problems of poor dynamic performance and voltage regulation.Keywords: STATCOM, reactive power, power flow, voltage plan, Algerian network
Procedia PDF Downloads 56917532 STATCOM's Contribution to the Improvement of Voltage Plan and Power Flow in an Electrical Transmission Network
Authors: M. Adjabi, A. Amiar, P. O. Logerais
Flexible Alternative Current Systems Transmission (FACTS) are used since nearly four decades and present very good dynamic performances. The purpose of this work is to study the behavior of a system where Static Compensator (STATCOM) is located at the midpoint of a transmission line which is the idea of the project functioning in disturbed modes with various levels of load. The studied model and starting from the analysis of various alternatives will lead to the checking of the aptitude of the STATCOM to maintain the voltage plan and to improve the power flow in electro-energetic system which is the east region of Algerian 400 kV transmission network. The steady state performance of STATCOM’s controller is analyzed through computer simulations with Matlab/Simulink program. The simulation results have demonstrated that STATCOM can be effectively applied in power transmission systems to solve the problems of poor dynamic performance and voltage regulation.Keywords: STATCOM, reactive power, power flow, voltage plan, Algerian network
Procedia PDF Downloads 60217531 Improved Qualitative Modeling of the Magnetization Curve B(H) of the Ferromagnetic Materials for a Transformer Used in the Power Supply for Magnetron
Authors: M. Bassoui, M. Ferfra, M. Chrayagne
This paper presents a qualitative modeling for the nonlinear B-H curve of the saturable magnetic materials for a transformer with shunts used in the power supply for the magnetron. This power supply is composed of a single phase leakage flux transformer supplying a cell composed of a capacitor and a diode, which double the voltage and stabilize the current, and a single magnetron at the output of the cell. A procedure consisting of a fuzzy clustering method and a rule processing algorithm is then employed for processing the constructed fuzzy modeling rules to extract the qualitative properties of the curve.Keywords: B(H) curve, fuzzy clustering, magnetron, power supply
Procedia PDF Downloads 24117530 Smart Food Packaging Using Natural Dye and Nanoclay as a Meat Freshness Indicator
Authors: Betina Luiza Koop, Lenilton Santos Soares, Karina Cesca, Germán Ayala Valencia, Alcilene Rodrigues Monteiro
Active and smart food packaging has been studied to control and extend the food shelf-life. However, active compounds such as anthocyanins (ACNs) are unstable to high temperature, light, and pH changes. Several alternatives to stabilize and protect the anthocyanins have been researched, such as adsorption on nanoclays. Thus, this work aimed to stabilize anthocyanin extracted from jambolan fruit (Syzygium cumini), a noncommercial fruit, to development of food package sensors. The anthocyanin extract from jambolan pulp was concentrated by ultrafiltration and adsorbed on montmorillonite. The final biohybrid material was characterized by pH and color. Anthocyanins were adsorbed on nanoclay at pH 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 and temperatures of 10 and 20 °C. The highest adsorption values were obtained at low pH at high temperatures. The color and antioxidant activity of the biohybrid was maintained for 60 days. A test of the color stability at pH from 1 to 13, simulating spoiled food using ammonia vapor, was performed. At pH from 1 to 5, the ACNs pink color was maintained, indicating that the flavylium cation form was preserved. At pH 13, the biohybrid presented yellow color due to the ACN oxidation. These results showed that the biohybrid material developed has potential application as a sensor to indicate the freshness of meat products.Keywords: anthocyanin, biohybrid, food, smart packaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 7317529 Enhanced Efficiency of Thermoelectric Generator by Optimizing Mechanical and Electrical Structures
Authors: Kewen Li
Much attention has been paid to the application of low temperature thermal resources, especially for power generation in recent years. Most of the current commercialized thermal, including geothermal, power-generation technologies convert thermal energy to electric energy indirectly, that is, making mechanical work before producing electricity. Technology using thermoelectric generator (TEG), however, can directly transform thermal energy into electricity by using Seebeck effect. TEG technology has many advantages such as compactness, quietness, and reliability because there are no moving parts. One of the big disadvantages of TEGs is the low efficiency from thermal to electric energy. For this reason, we redesigned and modified our previous 1 KW (at a temperature difference of around 120 °C) TEG system. The efficiency of the system was improved significantly, about 20% greater. Laboratory experiments have been conducted to measure the output power, including both open and net power, at different conditions: different modes of connections between TEG modules, different mechanical structures, different temperature differences between hot and cold sides. The cost of the TEG power generator has been reduced further because of the increased efficiency and is lower than that of photovoltaics (PV) in terms of equivalent energy generated. The TEG apparatus has been pilot tested and the data will be presented. This kind of TEG power system can be applied in many thermal and geothermal sites with low temperature resources, including oil fields where fossil and geothermal energies are co-produced.Keywords: TEG, direct power generation, efficiency, thermoelectric effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 24217528 Proton Irradiation Testing on Commercial Enhancement Mode GaN Power Transistor
Authors: L. Boyaci
Two basic equipment of electrical power subsystem of space satellites are Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) and Power Distribution Unit (PDU). Today, the main switching element used in power equipment in satellites is silicon (Si) based radiation-hardened MOSFET. GaNFETs have superior performances over MOSFETs in terms of their conduction and switching characteristics. GaNFET has started to take MOSFET’s place in many applications in industry especially by virtue of its switching performances. If GaNFET can also be used in equipment for space applications, this would be great revolution for future space power subsystem designs. In this study, the effect of proton irradiation on Gallium Nitride based power transistors was investigated. Four commercial enhancement mode GaN power transistors from Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) are irradiated with 30MeV protons while devices are switching. Flux of 8.2x10⁹ protons/cm²/s is applied for 12.5 seconds to reach ultimate fluence of 10¹¹ protons/cm². Vgs-Ids characteristics are measured and recorded for each device before, during and after irradiation. It was observed that if there would be destructive events. Proton induced permanent damage on devices is not observed. All the devices remained healthy and continued to operate. For two of these devices, further irradiation is applied with same flux for 30 minutes up to a total fluence level of 1.476x10¹³ protons/cm². We observed that GaNFETs are fully functional under this high level of radiation and no destructive events and irreversible failures took place for transistors. Results reveal that irradiated GaNFET in this experiment has radiation tolerance under proton testing and very important candidate for being one of the future power switching element in space.Keywords: enhancement mode GaN power transistors, proton irradiation effects, radiation tolerance
Procedia PDF Downloads 15317527 Detection and Quantification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients as Adulterants in Garcinia cambogia Slimming Preparations Using NIR Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics
Authors: Dina Ahmed Selim, Eman Shawky Anwar, Rasha Mohamed Abu El-Khair
A rapid, simple and efficient method with minimal sample treatment was developed for authentication of Garcinia cambogia fruit peel powder, along with determining undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in its herbal slimming dietary supplements using near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics. Five featured adulterants, including sibutramine, metformin, orlistat, ephedrine, and theophylline are selected as target compounds. The Near infrared spectral data matrix of authentic Garcinia cambogia fruit peel and specimens degraded by intentional contamination with the five selected APIs was subjected to hierarchical clustering analysis to investigate their bundling figure. SIMCA models were established to ensure the genuiness of Garcinia cambogia fruit peel which resulted in perfect classification of all tested specimens. Adulterated samples were utilized for construction of PLSR models based on different APIs contents at minute levels of fraud practices (LOQ < 0.2% w/w).The suggested approach can be applied to enhance and guarantee the safety and quality of Garcinia fruit peel powder as raw material and in dietary supplements.Keywords: Garcinia cambogia, Quality control, NIR spectroscopy, Chemometrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 7717526 India’s Role in Afghanistan in the Post 9/11 Era
Authors: Fayiz Saifurahman
Afghanistan's geopolitically and geo-strategically location has remained the attention of Indian policy. On 11 September 2001, the terrorist attacks in the United States and the announcement of the United States, fight for international war against the Taliban in November 2001 provided India a chance to pursue its foreign policy goals of achieving a good position in the region and emerging as an international power. Therefore, post-9/11, India strengthened its efforts to re-establish its power in Afghanistan. The objectives of this study are to study the India-Afghanistan relation in the post 9/11 and to discuss the initial role of India in Afghanistan. The research method was conducted on a qualitative method based on descriptive. The research findings propose that; Indian foreign policy should be analyzed and increase its soft power. Afghanistan has definitely provided a significant occasion for India to increase its power in Afghanistan. In this linkage, Indian determinations have been to intrude all parts in Afghanistan to make them reliant on Indian cooperation.Keywords: Afghanistan, war, power, policy.
Procedia PDF Downloads 23217525 Recent Advances in Pulse Width Modulation Techniques and Multilevel Inverters
Authors: Satish Kumar Peddapelli
This paper presents advances in pulse width modulation techniques which refers to a method of carrying information on train of pulses and the information be encoded in the width of pulses. Pulse Width Modulation is used to control the inverter output voltage. This is done by exercising the control within the inverter itself by adjusting the ON and OFF periods of inverter. By fixing the DC input voltage we get AC output voltage. In variable speed AC motors the AC output voltage from a constant DC voltage is obtained by using inverter. Recent developments in power electronics and semiconductor technology have lead improvements in power electronic systems. Hence, different circuit configurations namely multilevel inverters have become popular and considerable interest by researcher are given on them. A fast Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) method for five-level inverter is also discussed. In this method, the space vector diagram of the five-level inverter is decomposed into six space vector diagrams of three-level inverters. In turn, each of these six space vector diagrams of three-level inverter is decomposed into six space vector diagrams of two-level inverters. After decomposition, all the remaining necessary procedures for the three-level SVPWM are done like conventional two-level inverter. The proposed method reduces the algorithm complexity and the execution time. It can be applied to the multilevel inverters above the five-level also. The experimental setup for three-level diode-clamped inverter is developed using TMS320LF2407 DSP controller and the experimental results are analysed.Keywords: five-level inverter, space vector pulse wide modulation, diode clamped inverter, electrical engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 38817524 The Effects of Menstrual Phase on Upper and Lower Body Anaerobic Performance in College-Aged Women
Authors: Kelsey Scanlon
Introduction: With the rate of female collegiate and professional athletes on the rise in recent decades, fluctuations in physical performance in relation to the menstrual cycle is an important area of study. PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to compare differences in upper and lower body maximal anaerobic capacities across a single menstrual cycle. Methode: Participants (n=11) met a total of four times; once for familiarization and again on day 1 of menses (follicular phase), day 14 (ovulation), and day 21 (luteal phase) respectively. Upper body power was assessed using a bench press weight of ~50% of the participant’s predetermined 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) on a ballistic measurement system and variables included peak force (N), mean force (N), peak power (W), mean power (W), and peak velocity (m/s). Lower body power output was collected using a standard Wingate test. The variables of interest were anaerobic capacity (w/kg), peak power (W), mean power (W), fatigue index (W/s), and total work (J). Result: Statistical significance was not observed (p > 0.05) in any of the aforementioned variables after completing multiple one ways of analyses of variances (ANOVAs) with repeated measures on time. Conclusion: Within the parameters of this research, neither female upper nor lower body power output differed across the menstrual cycle when analyzed using 50% of one repetition (1RM) maximal bench press and the 30-second maximal effort cycle ergometer Wingate test. Therefore, researchers should not alter their subject populations due to the incorrect assumption that power output may be influenced by the menstrual cycle.Keywords: anaerobic, athlete, female, power
Procedia PDF Downloads 14717523 Techno-Economic Analysis of Motor-Generator Pair System and Virtual Synchronous Generator for Providing Inertia of Power System
Authors: Zhou Yingkun, Xu Guorui, Wei Siming, Huang Yongzhang
With the increasing of the penetration of renewable energy in power system, the whole inertia of the power system is declining, which will endanger the frequency stability of the power system. In order to enhance the inertia, virtual synchronous generator (VSG) has been proposed. In addition, the motor-generator pair (MGP) system is proposed to enhance grid inertia. Both of them need additional equipment to provide instantaneous energy, so the economic problem should be considered. In this paper, the basic working principle of MGP system and VSG are introduced firstly. Then, the technical characteristics and economic investment of MGP/VSG are compared by calculation and simulation. The results show that the MGP system can provide same inertia with less cost than VSG.Keywords: high renewable energy penetration, inertia of power system, motor-generator pair (MGP) system, virtual synchronous generator (VSG), techno-economic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 45517522 An Algorithm Based on Control Indexes to Increase the Quality of Service on Cellular Networks
Authors: Rahman Mofidi, Sina Rahimi, Farnoosh Darban
Communication plays a key role in today’s world, and to support it, the quality of service has the highest priority. It is very important to differentiate between traffic based on priority level. Some traffic classes should be a higher priority than other classes. It is also necessary to give high priority to customers who have more payment for better service, however, without influence on other customers. So to realize that, we will require effective quality of service methods. To ensure the optimal performance of the network in accordance with the quality of service is an important goal for all operators in the mobile network. In this work, we propose an algorithm based on control parameters which it’s based on user feedback that aims at minimizing the access to system transmit power and thus improving the network key performance indicators and increasing the quality of service. This feedback that is known as channel quality indicator (CQI) indicates the received signal level of the user. We aim at proposing an algorithm in control parameter criterion to study improving the quality of service and throughput in a cellular network at the simulated environment. In this work we tried to parameter values have close to their actual level. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the system throughput and thus satisfies users' throughput and improves service to set up a successful call.Keywords: quality of service, key performance indicators, control parameter, channel quality indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 20517521 Comparison of Power Consumption of WiFi Inbuilt Internet of Things Device with Bluetooth Low Energy
Authors: Darshana Thomas, Edward Wilkie, James Irvine
The Internet of things (IoT) is currently a highly researched topic, especially within the context of the smart home. These are small sensors that are capable of gathering data and transmitting it to a server. The majority of smart home products use protocols such as ZigBee or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). As these small sensors are increasing in number, the need to implement these with much more capable and ubiquitous transmission technology is necessary. The high power consumption is the reason that holds these small sensors back from using other protocols such as the most ubiquitous form of communication, WiFi. Comparing the power consumption of existing transmission technologies to one with WiFi inbuilt, would provide a better understanding for choosing between these technologies. We have developed a small IoT device with WiFi capability and proven that it is much more efficient than the first protocol, 433 MHz. We extend our work in this paper and compare WiFi power consumption with the other most widely used protocol BLE. The experimental results in this paper would conclude whether the developed prototype is capable in terms of power consumption to replace the existing protocol BLE with WiFi.Keywords: bluetooth, internet of things (IoT), power consumption, WiFi
Procedia PDF Downloads 26717520 A Study of Evolutional Control Systems
Authors: Ti-Jun Xiao, Zhe Xu
Controllability is one of the fundamental issues in control systems. In this paper, we study the controllability of second order evolutional control systems in Hilbert spaces with memory and boundary controls, which model dynamic behaviors of some viscoelastic materials. Transferring the control problem into a moment problem and showing the Riesz property of a family of functions related to Cauchy problems for some integrodifferential equations, we obtain a general boundary controllability theorem for these second order evolutional control systems. This controllability theorem is applicable to various concrete 1D viscoelastic systems and recovers some previous related results. It is worth noting that Riesz sequences can be used for numerical computations of the control functions and the identification of new Riesz sequence is of independent interest for the basis-function theory. Moreover, using the Riesz sequences, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of (weak) solutions to these second order evolutional control systems in Hilbert spaces. Finally, we derive the exact boundary controllability of a viscoelastic beam equation, as an application of our abstract theorem.Keywords: evolutional control system, controllability, boundary control, existence and uniqueness
Procedia PDF Downloads 22417519 Using a Hybrid Method to Eradicate Bamboo Growth along the Route of Overhead Power Lines
Authors: Miriam Eduful
The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is under obligation, demanded by the Public Utility and Regulation Commission to meet set performance indices. However, in certain parts of the country, bamboo related power interruptions have become a challenge. Growth rate of the bamboo is such that the cost of regular vegetation maintenance along route of the overhead power lines has become prohibitive. To address the problem, several methods and techniques of bamboo eradication have being used. Some of these methods involved application of chemical compounds that are considered inimical and dangerous to the environment. In this paper, three methods of bamboo eradication along the route of the ECG overhead power lines have been investigated. A hybrid method has been found to be very effective and ecologically friendly. The method is locally available and comparatively inexpensive to apply.Keywords: bamboo, eradication, hybrid method, gly gold
Procedia PDF Downloads 36917518 Influence of Dryer Autumn Conditions on Weed Control Based on Soil Active Herbicides
Authors: Juergen Junk, Franz Ronellenfitsch, Michael Eickermann
An appropriate weed management in autumn is a prerequisite for an economically successful harvest in the following year. In Luxembourg oilseed rape, wheat and barley is sown from August until October, accompanied by a chemical weed control with soil active herbicides, depending on the state of the weeds and the meteorological conditions. Based on regular ground and surface water-analysis, high levels of contamination by transformation products of respective herbicide compounds have been found in Luxembourg. The most ideal conditions for incorporating soil active herbicides are single rain events. Weed control may be reduced if application is made when weeds are under drought stress or if repeated light rain events followed by dry spells, because the herbicides tend to bind tightly to the soil particles. These effects have been frequently reported for Luxembourg throughout the last years. In the framework of a multisite long-term field experiment (EFFO) weed monitoring, plants observations and corresponding meteorological measurements were conducted. Long-term time series (1947-2016) from the SYNOP station Findel-Airport (WMO ID = 06590) showed a decrease in the number of days with precipitation. As the total precipitation amount has not significantly changed, this indicates a trend towards rain events with higher intensity. All analyses are based on decades (10-day periods) for September and October of each individual year. To assess the future meteorological conditions for Luxembourg, two different approaches were applied. First, multi-model ensembles from the CORDEX experiments (spatial resolution ~12.5 km; transient projections until 2100) were analysed for two different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP8.5 and RCP4.5), covering the time span from 2005 until 2100. The multi-model ensemble approach allows for the quantification of the uncertainties and also to assess the differences between the two emission scenarios. Second, to assess smaller scale differences within the country a high resolution model projection using the COSMO-LM model was used (spatial resolution 1.3 km). To account for the higher computational demands, caused by the increased spatial resolution, only 10-year time slices have been simulated (reference period 1991-2000; near future 2041-2050 and far future 2091-2100). Statistically significant trends towards higher air temperatures, +1.6 K for September (+5.3 K far future) and +1.3 K for October (+4.3 K), were predicted for the near future compared to the reference period. Precipitation simultaneously decreased by 9.4 mm (September) and 5.0 mm (October) for the near future and -49 mm (September) and -10 mm (October) in the far future. Beside the monthly values also decades were analyzed for the two future time periods of the CLM model. For all decades of September and October the number of days with precipitation decreased for the projected near and far future. Changes in meteorological variables such as air temperature and precipitation did already induce transformations in weed societies (composition, late-emerging etc.) of arable ecosystems in Europe. Therefore, adaptations of agronomic practices as well as effective weed control strategies must be developed to maintain crop yield.Keywords: CORDEX projections, dry spells, ensembles, weed management
Procedia PDF Downloads 23517517 Linear Quadratic Gaussian/Loop Transfer Recover Control Flight Control on a Nonlinear Model
Authors: T. Sanches, K. Bousson
As part of the development of a 4D autopilot system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), i.e. a time-dependent robust trajectory generation and control algorithm, this work addresses the problem of optimal path control based on the flight sensors data output that may be unreliable due to noise on data acquisition and/or transmission under certain circumstances. Although several filtering methods, such as the Kalman-Bucy filter or the Linear Quadratic Gaussian/Loop Transfer Recover Control (LQG/LTR), are available, the utter complexity of the control system, together with the robustness and reliability required of such a system on a UAV for airworthiness certifiable autonomous flight, required the development of a proper robust filter for a nonlinear system, as a way of further mitigate errors propagation to the control system and improve its ,performance. As such, a nonlinear algorithm based upon the LQG/LTR, is validated through computational simulation testing, is proposed on this paper.Keywords: autonomous flight, LQG/LTR, nonlinear state estimator, robust flight control
Procedia PDF Downloads 13817516 Addressing the Exorbitant Cost of Labeling Medical Images with Active Learning
Authors: Saba Rahimi, Ozan Oktay, Javier Alvarez-Valle, Sujeeth Bharadwaj
Successful application of deep learning in medical image analysis necessitates unprecedented amounts of labeled training data. Unlike conventional 2D applications, radiological images can be three-dimensional (e.g., CT, MRI), consisting of many instances within each image. The problem is exacerbated when expert annotations are required for effective pixel-wise labeling, which incurs exorbitant labeling effort and cost. Active learning is an established research domain that aims to reduce labeling workload by prioritizing a subset of informative unlabeled examples to annotate. Our contribution is a cost-effective approach for U-Net 3D models that uses Monte Carlo sampling to analyze pixel-wise uncertainty. Experiments on the AAPM 2017 lung CT segmentation challenge dataset show that our proposed framework can achieve promising segmentation results by using only 42% of the training data.Keywords: image segmentation, active learning, convolutional neural network, 3D U-Net
Procedia PDF Downloads 15617515 Analysis of Transformer Reactive Power Fluctuations during Adverse Space Weather
Authors: Patience Muchini, Electdom Matandiroya, Emmanuel Mashonjowa
A ground-end manifestation of space weather phenomena is known as geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). GICs flow along the electric power transmission cables connecting the transformers and between the grounding points of power transformers during significant geomagnetic storms. Geomagnetically induced currents have been studied in other regions and have been noted to affect the power grid network. In Zimbabwe, grid failures have been experienced, but it is yet to be proven if these failures have been due to GICs. The purpose of this paper is to characterize geomagnetically induced currents with a power grid network. This paper analyses data collected, which is geomagnetic data, which includes the Kp index, DST index, and the G-Scale from geomagnetic storms and also analyses power grid data, which includes reactive power, relay tripping, and alarms from high voltage substations and then correlates the data. This research analysis was first theoretically analyzed by studying geomagnetic parameters and then experimented upon. To correlate, MATLAB was used as the basic software to analyze the data. Latitudes of the substations were also brought into scrutiny to note if they were an impact due to the location as low latitudes areas like most parts of Zimbabwe, there are less severe geomagnetic variations. Based on theoretical and graphical analysis, it has been proven that there is a slight relationship between power system failures and GICs. Further analyses can be done by implementing measuring instruments to measure any currents in the grounding of high-voltage transformers when geomagnetic storms occur. Mitigation measures can then be developed to minimize the susceptibility of the power network to GICs.Keywords: adverse space weather, DST index, geomagnetically induced currents, KP index, reactive power
Procedia PDF Downloads 11517514 Electronically Controlled Motorized Steering System (E-Mo Steer)
Authors: M. Prasanth, V. Nithin, R. Keerthana, S.Kalyani
In the current scenario, the steering system in automobiles is such that the motion from the steering wheel is transferred to driving wheel by mechanical linkages. In this paper, we propose a method to design a steering mechanism using servomotors to turn the wheels instead of linkages. In this method, a steering angle sensor senses the turn angle of the steering wheel and its output is processed by an electronical control module. Then the ECM compares the angle value to that of a standard value from a look-up database. Then it gives the appropriate input power and the turning duration to the motors. Correspondingly, the motors turn the wheels by means of bevel gears welded to both the motor output shafts and the wheel hubs. Thus, the wheels are turned without the complicated framework of linkages, reducing the driver’s effort and fatigue considerably.Keywords: electronic control unit, linkage-less steering, servomotors, E-Mo Steer
Procedia PDF Downloads 26317513 Evaluation of Energy Supply and Demand Side Management for Residential Buildings in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Authors: Oluwatosin Samuel Adeoye
Ekiti State is an agrarian state located in south western part of Nigeria. The injected power to the Ado-Ekiti and the entire state are 25MW and 37.6 MW respectively. The estimated power demand for Ado Ekiti and Ekiti state were 29.01MW and 224.116MW respectively. The distributed power to the consumers is characterized with shortcomings which include: in-adequate supply, poor voltage regulation, improper usage, illiteracy and wastage. The power generation in Nigeria is presently 1680.60MW which does not match the estimated power demand of 15,000MW with a population of over 170 million citizens. This paper evaluates the energy utilization in Ado Ekiti metropolis, the wastage and its economic implication as well as effective means of its management. The use of direct interviews, administration of questionnaires, measurements of current and voltage with clamp multimeter, and simple mathematical approach were used for the purpose of evaluation. Recommendations were made with the view of reducing energy waste from mean value of 10.84% to 2% in order to reduce the cost implication such that the huge financial waste can be injected to other parts of the economy as well as the management of energy in Ekiti state.Keywords: consumers, demand, energy, management, power supply, waste
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