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3346 The Effect of Balance Training on Stable and Unstable Surfaces under Cognitive Dual-Task Condition on the Two Directions of Body Sway, Functional Balance and Fear of Fall in Non-Fallers Older Adults
Authors: Elham Azimzadeh, Fahimeh Khorshidi, Alireza Farsi
Balance impairment and fear of falling in older adults may reduce their quality of life. Reactive balance training could improve rapid postural responses and fall prevention in the elderly during daily tasks. Performing postural training and simultaneously cognitive dual tasks could be similar to the daily circumstances. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of balance training on stable and unstable surfaces under dual cognitive task conditions on postural control and fear of falling in the elderly. Methods: Thirty non-fallers of older adults (65-75 years) were randomly assigned to two training groups: stable-surface (n=10), unstable-surface (n=10), or a control group (n=10). The intervention groups underwent six weeks of balance training either on a stable (balance board) or an unstable (wobble board) surface while performing a cognitive dual task. The control group received no balance intervention. COP displacements in the anterioposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions using a computerized balance board, functional balance using TUG, and fear of falling using FES-I were measured in all participants before and after the interventions. Summary of Results: Mixed ANOVA (3 groups * 2 times) with repeated measures and post hoc test showed a significant improvement in both intervention groups in AP index (F= 11/652, P= 0/0002) and functional balance (F= 9/961, P= 0/0001). However, the unstable surface training group had more improvement. However, the fear of falling significantly improved after training on an unstable surface (p= 0/035). All groups had no significant improvement in the ML index (p= 0/817). In the present study, there was an improvement in the AP index after balance training. Conclusion: Unstable surface training may reduce reaction time in posterior ankle muscle activity. Furthermore, focusing attention on cognitive tasks can lead to maintaining balance unconsciously. Most of the daily activities need attention distribution among several activities. So, balance training concurrent to a dual cognitive task is challenging and more similar to the real world. According to the specificity of the training principle, it may improve functional independence and fall prevention in the elderly.Keywords: cognitive dual task, elderly, fear of falling, postural control, unstable surface
Procedia PDF Downloads 633345 Obstruction to Treatments Meeting International Standards for Lyme and Relapsing Fever Borreliosis Patients
Authors: J. Luché-Thayer, C. Perronne, C. Meseko
We reviewed how certain institutional policies and practices, as well as questionable research, are creating obstacles to care and informed consent for Lyme and relapsing fever Borreliosis patients. The interference is denying access to treatments that meet the internationally accepted standards as set by the Institute of Medicine. This obstruction to care contributes to significant human suffering, disability and negative economic effect across many nations and in many regions of the world. We note how evidence based medicine emphasizes the importance of clinical experience and patient-centered care and how these patients benefit significantly when their rights to choose among treatment options are upheld.Keywords: conflicts of interest, obstacles to healthcare accessibility, patient-centered care, the right to informed consent
Procedia PDF Downloads 2083344 Effects of Fire on Vegetation of the Prairies and Black Oak Sand Savannas of Kankakee, Illinois
Authors: Megan Alkazoff, Charles Ruffner
Tallgrass prairies and sand savannas, once covering northern to central Illinois, are ecosystems in need of restoration and conservation in the Midwestern United States. The Nature Conservancy manages five sites containing fragments of remaining tallgrass prairies and sand savannas within the Kankakee Sands using techniques such as prescribed burning and invasive species removal. The objective of this study was to conduct a ten-year resampling of transects established on these five sites during previous studies to assess whether the management tools applied there are helping maintain the tallgrass prairie and sand savannas. During the summer of 2020, permanent transect lines were sampled using a quadrat to determine the % Cover Class of each species rooted in the quadrat. Data gathered was analyzed using linear regression to illustrate the relationship between fire occurrence and species composition on the landscape. The fire frequency had a highly significant effect (P= 0.0025) on the species richness of all sites. The frequency of fire had a non-significant effect (P>0.05) on the Floristic Quality Index, percent C value 4-10, and bare-ground percentage of a site. These results suggest that fire on the landscape, both wild and prescribed, have increased biodiversity on all five sites but has not affected the Floristic Quality Index, percent C value 4-10, and the percentage of bare-ground on the sites.Keywords: fire, floristic quality assessment, sand savanna, species richness, tallgrass prairie
Procedia PDF Downloads 1793343 A Study of the Prevalence of Hypertension and Pre Hypertension in Adolescence Age between 10-17 in Ahvaz (2008-2009)
Authors: Armaghan Moravej Aleali, Seyed Mahmoud Latifi, Homeira Rashidi
Objective: High blood pressure in a risk factor for some disease like stroke, coronary heart disease, and renal failure. High blood pressure in children is an increasing health problem. The aim of this present was to determine prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension age between 10 to 17 years old. Material & Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted using multiphase sampling method in Ahvaz (Southwest of Iran). A questionnaire include: height, weight, and body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressures filled for each participant. Blood pressure was measured twice for each person. For the diagnosis of hypertension, the fourth report of the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents of the National Health Institute of United States was used. Results: The subject participants of the study were 1707children and adolescents including 922 boys (54%) and 785 girls 46%). The prevalence of high blood pressure was 1.7% (boys 2.5% girls 0.8%). The prevalence of pre-hypertension was 9 % (7.6% in boys, 10.6% in girls). The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased with increasing body mass index. Conclusion: In this study, the prevalence of high blood pressure was found to be lower than other studies in our country. The prevalence of the high blood pressure in boys was significantly higher than girls. This study, like other studies, showed a high correlation between being overweight and an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.Keywords: hypertension, pre-hypertension, childhood, adolescence
Procedia PDF Downloads 4613342 Physical Properties of Crushed Aggregates in Some Selected Quarries in Kwara State, Nigeria
Authors: S. A. Agbalajobi, W. A. Bello
This study examines rock properties of crushed aggregate in some selected quarries in Kwara state, Nigeria. Some physical properties (chemical composition, mineral composition, particle size distribution) of gneiss sample were determined using ISRM standards. The physicomechanical properties (specific gravity, dry density, porosity, water absorption, point load index, tensile, and compressive strength) of the gneiss rock were evaluated. The analysis on the gneiss samples revealed the mean dry density and the unit weight are 2.52 g/m3, 2.63 g/m3, 2.38 g/m3; and 24.1 kN/m3, 25.78 kN/m3, 23.33 kN/m3, respectively (for locations A,B,C). The water absorption level of the gneiss rock sample ranged from 0.38 % – 0.57 % for the three locations. The mean Schmidt hammer rebound value ranged from 51.0 – 52.4 for the three locations and mean point load index values ranged from 9.89 – 10.56 MPa classified as very high strength while the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock samples revealed that its strength ranged from 120 - 139 MPa (for location A, B, and C) classified as strong rock. The aggregate impact value test and aggregate crushing value test conducted on the gneiss aggregates from the three locations in accordance with British Standard. The gneiss sample from the three locations (A, B, and C) is a good material for the production of construction works such as concrete, bricks, pavement, embankment among others, the compressive strength of the material is within the accepted limit.Keywords: gneiss, aggregate impact, aggregate crushing, physic-mechanical properties, rock hardness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3093341 Role of Physical Properties of Maize Grains Towards Resistance to Sitotroga Cerealella (OLIV.) (Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera) in No Choice
Authors: Sohail Ahmed, Ahmad Raza
Physical properties of maize grains were correlated with levels of the life history of Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) (Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera) in no choice test to find out relative resistance in different varieties. Eight maize varieties /lines (EV-6089, Sahiwal-2002, Golden, 34N43, EV-1098, Sultan, China-1, EV-20) including seven yellow and one white were obtained from Maize and Millet Research Institute, Yousaf Wala, Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan. Freshly laid eggs (one day old) of S. cerealella were obtained and cultured on a susceptible maize variety for two generations for later on shifting to test varieties. Results showed that maximum moth emergence (10.33), fecundity (35.66), hatching (87.66%), moth weight (5.05 mg), development time (36.0 days) damage (93.35%) and grain weight loss (38.84%) was found in varieties, 34N43 and Golden, Sultan, Sahiwal 2002, 34N43, EV-6089, 34N43 and EV-1089, respectively. Varieties had significant difference with other varieties in these parameters (P<0.05). The varieties had positive as well as negative correlation between hardness index, grain weight and bulk density with the biological parameters of S. cerealella, percent grain damage and weight loss. Possible involvement of these grain properties in the resistance of maize grains towards S. cerealella is discussed.Keywords: sitotroga cerealella, hardness index, grain damage, maize, varieties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3903340 Effect of Question Answer Relationship (QARs) in Science Reading on the Academic Achievement of Students in Biology
Authors: Helen Ngozi Ibe, Chimmuanya Ezere
The study investigated the effect of Question Answer Relationships (QARs) in science reading on secondary school students’ achievement in Biology in Owerri Education Zone II of Imo State. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design and was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. The sample comprised of 67 SS2 Biology students. The sample was drawn using random sampling technique. One researcher made instrument titled: Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was used for collecting the data of the study. The reliability of the instrument was established using Kuder Richardson formula (KR-20) which yielded a reliability index of 0.85 and Cronbach alpha for the BSIRS with an index of 0.71. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. T-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The major findings are that students exposed to QARs strategy in science reading had higher achievement mean scores in biology than students in the control group; there is no significant difference between the achievement mean scores of male and female students exposed to QARs. The researchers recommended that science teachers should teach students the Question Answer Relationship reading strategy and that science students should endeavour to use the question - answer relationship reading strategy in classroom and individual science reading in order to enhance high academic achievement in the subjects being read.Keywords: academic achievement, biology, science reading, question-answer relationship
Procedia PDF Downloads 1243339 Assessing Suitability of Earthbag Technology for Temporary Housing: Sustainability Challenge
Authors: S. M. Amin Hosseini, Ana Blanco, Albert De La Fuente, Sergio Cavalaro
In emergency situations, it is fundamental to provide with a safe shelter to the population affected. However, the lack of resources and short time often represent a barrier difficult to overcome. A sustainable, rapid and low-cost construction technique is earthbag construction. This technique has spread as an alternative to the construction of emergency shelter, social housing, and even ecovillages. The earthbag construction consists of introducing soil in degradable bags that are stacked to form adobe structures. The present study aims to assess characteristics of the earthbag construction technique based on sustainability requirements and features of other methods used for temporary housing. In this case, after defining the sustainability criteria and emergency situation necessities, this study compares earthbag construction with other types of prefabricated temporary housing. Finally, the most suitable conditions for applying this technique based on the particular local properties and second life scenarios of superadobe temporary housing. The results of the study contribute to promote the earthbag and superadobe techniques as sustainable alternatives for temporary housing. However, the sustainability index of this technology highly depends on affected local conditions and characteristics. Consequently, in order to achieve a high sustainability index, emergency managers need to decide about this technology based on the highlighted results of this study, attention to the importance of specific local conditions and next functions of temporary housing.Keywords: temporary housing, temporary shelter, earthbag, superadobe, sustainability, emergency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2313338 Defectoscopy of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Using an Ultrasonic Method for Failure Monitoring
Authors: Sabina Hublova, Kristyna Hrabova, Petr Cikrle
Sustainable development and preservation of existing buildings are becoming increasingly important worldwide. In order to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions in the air and to reduce the amount of waste from building structures, we can predict an increasing demand for maintenance of some existing buildings in the future. The use of modern diagnostic methods, which allow detailed determination of the properties of structures, the identification of critical points, could be the great importance for the better assessment of existing structures. Non-destructive methods could be one of the options. From these methods, ultrasonic appears to be a highly perspective method, thanks to which we are able to identify critical points of an element or a structure. The experiment will focus on the use of electroacoustic methods for defectoscopy in reinforced concrete columns.Keywords: sustainability, defectoscopy, ultrasonic method, non-destructive methods, electroacoustic methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 1683337 Scaffolding Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences with Book Creator
Authors: Bekir Mugayitoglu
This work shares pre-service teachers' experiences with the Book Creator application during the face-to-face class. Participants for this work were pre-service teachers in a semester-long instructional technology course who developed their own e-books. The work was conducted during the Fall of 2023. Eleven pre-service teachers completed the project, producing books appropriate to their area of concentration. Analysis of participant progress reports shows, that Exemplars showcase creative ways to prepare pre-service teachers to design their own books and have an opportunity to use mobile apps to create a variety of e-material options. The findings support future opportunities for pre-service teachers to design and implement technology-supported literacy applications to integrate into their own classroom pedagogy.Keywords: scaffolding, e-book, classroom pedagogy, face-to-face class
Procedia PDF Downloads 633336 Workplace Risk Assessment in a Paint Factory
Authors: Rula D. Alshareef, Safa S. Alqathmi, Ghadah K. Alkhouldi, Reem O. Bagabas, Farheen B. Hasan
Safety engineering is among the most crucial considerations in any work environment. Providing mentally, physically, and environmentally safe work conditions must be the top priority of any successful organization. Company X is a local paint production company in Saudi Arabia; in a month, the factory experienced two significant accidents, which indicates that workers’ safety is overlooked. The aim of the research is to examine the risks, assess the root causes and recommend control measures that will eventually contribute to providing a safe workplace. The methodology used is sectioned into three phases, risk identification, assessment, and finally, mitigation. In the identification phase, the team used Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Lifting Index (NIOSH LI) tools to holistically establish knowledge about the current risk posed to the factory. The physical hazards in the factory were assessed in two different operations, which are mixing and filling/packaging. For the risk assessment phase, the hazards were deeply analyzed through their severity and impact. Additionally, through risk mitigation, the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) score decreased from 11 to 7, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Lifting Index (NIOSH LI) has been reduced from 5.27 to 1.85.Keywords: ergonomics, safety, workplace risks, hazards, awkward posture, fatigue, work environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 793335 Evaluation of the Impact of Pavement Roughness on Vehicle Emissions by HDM-4
Authors: Muhammad Azhar, Arshad Hussain
Vehicular emissions have increased in recent years due to rapid growth in world traffic resulting in an increase in associated problems such as air pollution and climate change, therefore it’s necessary to control vehicle emissions. This study looks at the effect of road maintenance on vehicle emissions. The Highway Development and Management Tool (HDM-4) was used to find the effect of road maintenance on vehicle emissions. Key data collected were traffic volume and composition, vehicle characteristics, pavement characteristics and climate data of the study area. Two options were analysed using the HDM-4 software; the base case or do nothing while the second is overlay maintenance. The study also showed a strong correlation between average roughness and yearly emission levels in both the alternatives. Finally, the study showed that proper maintenance reduces the roughness and emissions.Keywords: vehicle emissions, road roughness, IRI, maintenance, HDM-4, CO2
Procedia PDF Downloads 2653334 Antifeedant Activity of Ageratum conyzoides (L.) (Asteraceae) Extracts against Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
Authors: Tarun Kumar Vats, Sanjiv Mullick, Vagisha Rawal, Ashok Kumar Singh
Antifeedant activity of aqueous, methanolic and hexane crude extracts of powdered leaves of Ageratum conyzoides (L.) was evaluated against the last instar larvae of Plutella xylostella (L.), an oligophagous pest of Crucifer crops. Cauliflower leaf discs treated with different concentrations of extracts were provided to last instar larvae in both no-choice and choice bioassays under the standard laboratory conditions. All three extracts showed antifeedant effects in both the test conditions. In no-choice condition, hexane extract was found to significantly reduce the leaf area consumption at all the tested concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%). Also, aqueous and methanol extracts significantly reduced the leaf area consumption at different concentrations (P<0.05). In choice tests, effect of aqueous extract was significantly higher at 3%, 4% and 5% concentrations as compared to control. However, significant activities of methanol and hexane extracts were recorded even at lowest concentrations of 1% (P < 0.05). Complete feeding inhibition of larvae was observed at 2% concentration of hexane extract. Antifeedant index values (AFI) obtained were found to increase in a dose dependent manner, i.e. higher the concentration, more the activity. The results clearly indicate the potential of A. conyzoides extracts for its use in the integrated management of P. xylostella, which will be ecofriendly and sustainable.Keywords: ageratum conyzoides, plutella xylostella, crucifer, antifeedant index
Procedia PDF Downloads 3593333 Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Allometric Variation in the Hand Morphology of Adults
Authors: Aleksandr S. Ermolenko
Allometry is an important factor of morphological integration, contributing to the organization of the phenotype and its variability. The allometric change in the shape of the hand is particularly important in primate evolution, as the hand has important taxonomic features. Some of these features are known to parts with the shape, especially the ratio of the lengths of the index and ring fingers (2d: 4d ratio). The hand is a fairly well-studied system in the context of the evolutionary development of complex morphological structures since it consists of various departments (basipodium, metapodium, acropodium) that form a single structure –autopodium. In the present study, we examined the allometric variability of acropodium. We tested the null hypothesis that there would be no difference in allometric variation between the two components. Geometric morphometry based on a procrustation of 16 two-dimensional (2D) landmarks was analyzed using multivariate shape-by-size regressions in samples from 100 people (50 men and 50 women). The results obtained show that men have significantly greater allometric variability for the ring finger (variability in the transverse axis prevails), while women have significantly greater allometric variability for the index finger (variability in the longitudinal axis prevails). The influence of the middle finger on the shape of the hand is typical for both men and women. The influence of the little finger on the shape of the hand, regardless of gender, was not revealed. The results of this study support the hypothesis that allometry contributes to the organization of variation in the human hand.Keywords: human hand, size and shape, 2d:4d ratio, geometric morphometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1593332 Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low-lying areas: Coastal Evolution and Impact of Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios in Mirabello Gulf - NE Crete
Authors: Maria Kazantzaki, Evangelos Tsakalos, Eleni Filippaki, Yannis Bassiakos
Mediterranean areas are characterized by intense seismic and volcanic activity as well as eustatic changes, the result of which is the creation of particularly vulnerable coastal zones. The most vulnerable are low-lying coastal areas, the geomorphological evolution of which are highly affected by natural processes and anthropogenic interventions. Therefore, assessing changes that take place along coastal zones is of great importance in order to enable the development of integrated coastal management plans. A characteristic case is the gulf of Mirabello in N.E Crete, where intense coastal erosion, in combination with the tectonic subsidence of the area, threatens a large part of the coastal zone, resulting in direct socio-economic impacts. The present study assesses the temporal geomorphological changes that have taken place in the coastal zone of Mirabello gulf to provide a clear frame of the coastal zone evolution over time and performs a vulnerability assessment based on the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) methodology by Thieler and Hammar-Klose, considering geological features, coastal slope, relative sea-level change, shoreline erosion/accretion rates and mean significant wave height as well as mean tide range in the area. In light of this, an impact assessment, based on three different sea level rise scenarios, is also performed and presented.Keywords: coastal vulnerability index, coastal erosion, GIS, sea level rise
Procedia PDF Downloads 1733331 Unfolding Architectural Assemblages: Mapping Contemporary Spatial Objects' Affective Capacity
Authors: Panagiotis Roupas, Yota Passia
This paper aims at establishing an index of design mechanisms - immanent in spatial objects - based on the affective capacity of their material formations. While spatial objects (design objects, buildings, urban configurations, etc.) are regarded as systems composed of interacting parts, within the premises of assemblage theory, their ability to affect and to be affected has not yet been mapped or sufficiently explored. This ability lies in excess, a latent potentiality they contain, not transcendental but immanent in their pre-subjective aesthetic power. As spatial structures are theorized as assemblages - composed of heterogeneous elements that enter into relations with one another - and since all assemblages are parts of larger assemblages, their components' ability to engage is contingent. We thus seek to unfold the mechanisms inherent in spatial objects that allow to the constituent parts of design assemblages to perpetually enter into new assemblages. To map architectural assemblage's affective ability, spatial objects are analyzed in two axes. The first axis focuses on the relations that the assemblage's material and expressive components develop in order to enter the assemblages. Material components refer to those material elements that an assemblage requires in order to exist, while expressive components includes non-linguistic (sense impressions) as well as linguistic (beliefs). The second axis records the processes known as a-signifying signs or a-signs, which are the triggering mechanisms able to territorialize or deterritorialize, stabilize or destabilize the assemblage and thus allow it to assemble anew. As a-signs cannot be isolated from matter, we point to their resulting effects, which without entering the linguistic level they are expressed in terms of intensity fields: modulations, movements, speeds, rhythms, spasms, etc. They belong to a molecular level where they operate in the pre-subjective world of perceptions, effects, drives, and emotions. A-signs have been introduced as intensities that transform the object beyond meaning, beyond fixed or known cognitive procedures. To that end, from an archive of more than 100 spatial objects by contemporary architects and designers, we have created an effective mechanisms index is created, where each a-sign is now connected with the list of effects it triggers and which thoroughly defines it. And vice versa, the same effect can be triggered by different a-signs, allowing the design object to lie in a perpetual state of becoming. To define spatial objects, A-signs are categorized in terms of their aesthetic power to affect and to be affected on the basis of the general categories of form, structure and surface. Thus, different part's degree of contingency are evaluated and measured and finally, we introduce as material information that is immanent in the spatial object while at the same time they confer no meaning; they only convey some information without semantic content. Through this index, we are able to analyze and direct the final form of the spatial object while at the same time establishing the mechanism to measure its continuous transformation.Keywords: affective mechanisms index, architectural assemblages, a-signifying signs, cartography, virtual
Procedia PDF Downloads 1303330 A Review of Paleo-Depositional Environment and Thermal Alteration Index of Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic of A1-9 Well, NW Libya
Authors: M. A. Alrabib, Y. Sherif, A. K. Mohamed, E. A. Elfandi, E. I. Fandi
This paper introduces a paleo-environmental and hydrocarbon show in this well was identified in the interval of Dembaba formation to the Hassaona Formation was poor to very poor oil show. And from palaeo-environmental analysis there is neither particularly good reservoir nor source rock have been developed in the area. Recent palaeo-environment work undertakes that the sedimentary succession in this area comprises the Upper Paleozoic rock of the Carboniferous and Permian and the Mesozoic (Triassic) sedimentary sequences. No early Paleozoic rocks have been found in this area, these rocks were eroding during the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian time. During Latest Permian and earliest Triassic time evidence for major marine transgression has occurred. From depths 5930-5940 feet, to 10800-10810 feet, the TAI of the Al Guidr, the Bir Al Jaja Al Uotia, Hebilia and the top varies between 3+ to 4-(mature-dry gas). This interval corporate the rest part of the Dembaba Formation. From depth 10800- 10810 feet, until total sediment depth (11944 feet Log) which corporate the rest of the Dembaba and underlying equivalents of the Assedjefar and M Rar Formations and the underlying Indeterminate unit (Hassouna Formation) the TAI varies between 4 and 5 (dry gas-black and deformed).Keywords: paleoenvironmental, thermal alteration index, north western Libya, hydrocarbon
Procedia PDF Downloads 4703329 Effects of Rockdust as a Soil Stabilizing Agent on Poor Subgrade Soil
Authors: Muhammad Munawar
Pavement destruction is normally associated with the horizontal relocation of subgrade because of pavement engrossing water and inordinate avoidance and differential settlement of material underneath the pavement. The aim of the research is to study the effect of the additives (rockdust) on the stability and the increase of bearing capacity of selected soils in Mardan City. The physical, chemical and designing properties of soil were contemplated, and the soil was treated with added admixture rockdust with the goal of stabilizing the local soil. The stabilization or modification of soil is done by blending of rock dust to soils in the scope of 0 to 85% by the rate increment of 5%, 10%, and 15% individually. The following test was done for treated sample: Atterberg limits (liquid limit, plasticity index, plastic limit), standard compaction test, the California bearing test and the direct shear test. The results demonstrated that the gradation of soil is narrow from the particle size analysis. Plasticity index (P.I), Liquid limit (L.L) and plastic limit (P.L) were shown reduction with the addition of Rock dust. It was concluded that the maximum dry density is increasing with the addition of rockdust up to 10%, beyond 10%, it shows reduction in their content. It was discovered that the Cohesion C diminished, the angle of internal friction and the California bearing ratio (C.B.R) was improved with the addition of Rock dust. The investigation demonstrated that the best stabilizer for the contextual investigation (Toru road Mardan) is the rock dust and the ideal dosage is 10 %.Keywords: rockdust, stabilization, modification, CBR
Procedia PDF Downloads 2843328 Case Study of Migrants, Cultures and Environmental Crisis
Authors: Christina Y. P. Ting
Migration is a global phenomenon with movements of migrants from developed and developing countries to the host societies. Migrants have changed the host countries’ demography – its population structure and also its ethnic cultural diversity. Acculturation of migrants in terms of their adoption of the host culture is seen as important to ensure that they ‘fit into’ their adopted country so as to participate in everyday public life. However, this research found that the increase of the China-born migrants’ post-migration consumption level had impact on Australia’s environment reflected not only because of their adoption of elements of the host culture, but also retention of aspects of Chinese culture – indicating that the influence of bi-culturalism was in operation. This research, which was based on the face-to-face interview with 61 China-born migrants in the suburb of Box Hill, Melbourne, investigated the pattern of change in the migrants’ consumption upon their settlement in Australia. Using an ecological footprint calculator, their post-migration footprints were found to be larger than pre-migration footprint. The uniquely-derived CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) Index was used to measure individuals’ strength of connectedness to ethnic culture. Multi-variant analysis was carried out to understand which independent factors that influence consumption best explain the change in footprint (which is the difference between pre-and post-migration footprints, as a dependent factor). These independent factors ranged from socio-economic and demographics to the cultural context, that is, the CALD Index and indicators of acculturation. The major findings from the analysis were: Chinese culture (as measured by the CALD Index) and indicators of acculturation such as length of residency and using English in communications besides the traditional factors such as age, income and education level made significant contributions to the large increase in the China-born group’s post-migration consumption level. This paper as part of a larger study found that younger migrants’ large change in their footprint were related to high income and low level of education. This group of migrants also practiced bi-cultural consumption in retaining ethnic culture and adopting the host culture. These findings have importantly highlighted that for a host society to tackle environmental crisis, governments need not only to understand the relationship between age and consumption behaviour, but also to understand and embrace the migrants’ ethnic cultures, which may act as bridges and/or fences in relationships. In conclusion, for governments to deal with national issues such as environmental crisis within a cultural diverse population, it necessitates an understanding of age and aspects of ethnic culture that may act as bridges and fences. This understanding can aid in putting in place policies that enable the co-existence of a hybrid of the ethnic and host cultures in order to create and maintain a harmonious and secured living environment for population groups.Keywords: bicultural consumer, CALD index, consumption, ethnic culture, migrants
Procedia PDF Downloads 2473327 Fish Diversity of Two Lacustrine Wetlands of the Upper Benue Basin, Nigeria
Authors: D. L. David, J. A. Wahedi, Q. T. Zaku
A study was conducted at River Mayo Ranewo and River Lau, Taraba State Nigeria. The two rivers empty into the Upper Benue Basin. A survey of visual encounter was conducted within the two wetlands from June to August, 2014. The fish record was based entirely on landings of fishermen, number of canoes that land fish was counted, types of nets and baits used on each sampling day. Fishes were sorted into taxonomic groups, identified to family/ species level, counted and weighed in groups by species. Other aquatic organisms captured by the fishermen were scallops, turtles and frogs. The relative species abundance was determined by dividing the number of species from a site by the total number of species from all tributaries/sites. The fish were preserved in 2% formaldehyde solution and taken to the laboratory, were identified through keys of identification to African fishes and field guides. Shannon-Wieiner index of species diversity indicated that the diversity was highest at River Mayo Ranewo than River Lau. Results showed that at River Mayo Ranewo, the family Mochokidae recorded the highest (23.15%), followed by Mormyridae (22.64%) and the least was the family Lepidosirenidae (0.04%). While at River Lau, the family Mochokidae recorded the highest occurrence of (24.1%), followed by Bagridae (20.20%), and then Mormyridae, which also was the second highest in River Lau, with 18.46% occurrence. There was no occurrence of Malapteruridae and Osteoglossidae (0%) in River Lau, but the least occurrence was the family Gymnarchidae (0.04%). According to the result from the t-test, the fish composition was not significantly different (p≤0.05).Keywords: Diversity Index, Lau, Mayo Ranewo, Wetlands
Procedia PDF Downloads 3623326 On a Theoretical Framework for Language Learning Apps Evaluation
Authors: Juan Manuel Real-Espinosa
This paper addresses the first step to evaluate language learning apps: what theoretical framework to adopt when designing the app evaluation framework. The answer is not just one since there are several options that could be proposed. However, the question to be clarified is to what extent the learning design of apps is based on a specific learning approach, or on the contrary, on a fusion of elements from several theoretical proposals and paradigms, such as m-learning, mobile assisted language learning, and a number of theories about language acquisition. The present study suggests that the reality is closer to the second assumption. This implies that the theoretical framework against which the learning design of the apps should be evaluated must also be a hybrid theoretical framework, which integrates evaluation criteria from the different theories involved in language learning through mobile applications.Keywords: mobile-assisted language learning, action-oriented approach, apps evaluation, post-method pedagogy, second language acquisition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2083325 Numerical Analysis of Water Hammer in a Viscoelastic Pipe System Considering Fluid Structure Interaction
Authors: N. Tavakoli Shirazi
This study investigates the effects of pipe-wall viscoelasticity on water hammer pressures. Tests have been conducted in a reservoir-pipe-valve system configured of a main viscoelastic pipeline and two short steel pipes placed upstream and downstream of the main pipe. Rapid closure of a manually operated valve at the downstream end generates water hammer. Experimental measurements at several positions along the pipeline have been collected from the papers. Computer simulations of the experiment have been performed and the results of runs with various options affecting the water hammer are provided and discussed. It is shown that the incorporation of viscoelastic pipe wall mechanical behavior in the hydraulic transient model contributes to a favorable fitting between numerical results and observed data.Keywords: pipe system, PVC pipe, viscoelasticity, water hammer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4673324 Prolonged Ileus in Traumatic Pelvic Ring Injury Patients Who Underwent Arterial Angio-Embolization: A Retrospective Study
Authors: Suk Kyoon Song, Myung-Rae Cho
Purpose: Paralytic ileus occurs in up to 18% of patients with pelvic bone fractures. The aim of this study is to determine if massive bleeding requiring arterial angioembolization is related to the duration of ileus in patients with traumatic pelvic ring injuries. Methods: This retrospective study included 25 patients who underwent arterial angioembolization for traumatic pelvic ring injuries. Data were collected from prospectively maintained databases of two independent hospitals. Results: Demographic characteristics (such as age, sex, body mass index, and Charlson Comorbidity Index), cause of trauma, and severity of pelvic injuries were similar in the non-prolonged and prolonged ileus groups. As expected, the prolonged ileus group had a significantly longer duration of ileus than the non-prolonged ileus group (8.0 ± 4.2 days vs. 1.2 ± 0.4 days, respectively, P < 0.001). The mortality rate was higher in the prolonged ileus group (20% vs. 0%), but it was not significantly different (P = 0.13). Interestingly, the prolonged ileus group received significantly higher amounts of packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusions (6.1 ± 2.1 units vs. 3.8 ± 2.5 units; P = 0.02). The amount of PRBC transfusions was associated with a greater risk of prolonged ileus development (P = 0.03, OR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.08-3.88). Conclusion: This study supports the idea that the duration of the ileus is related to the amount of bleeding caused by the traumatic pelvic ring injury. In order to prevent further complications, conservative treatments of the ileus should be considered.Keywords: pelvic ring injury, bleeding, ileus, arterial angioembolization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1213323 Predictive Factors of Prognosis in Acute Stroke Patients Receiving Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy: A Retrospective Study
Authors: Shaoyi Lu
Background: Traditional Chinese medicine has been used to treat stroke, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. There is, however, no clear agreement about the optimal timing, population, efficacy, and predictive prognosis factors of traditional Chinese medicine supplemental therapy. Method: In this study, we used a retrospective analysis with data collection from stroke patients in Stroke Registry In Chang Gung Healthcare System (SRICHS). Stroke patients who received traditional Chinese medicine consultation in neurology ward of Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital from Jan 2010 to Dec 2014 were enrolled. Clinical profiles including the neurologic deficit, activities of daily living and other basic characteristics were analyzed. Through propensity score matching, we compared the NIHSS and Barthel index before and after the hospitalization, and applied with subgroup analysis, and adjusted by multivariate regression method. Results: Totally 115 stroke patients were enrolled with experiment group in 23 and control group in 92. The most important factor for prognosis prediction were the scores of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and Barthel index right before the hospitalization. Traditional Chinese medicine intervention had no statistically significant influence on the neurological deficit of acute stroke patients, and mild negative influence on daily activity performance of acute hemorrhagic stroke patient. Conclusion: Efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine as a supplemental therapy for acute stroke patients was controversial. The reason for this phenomenon might be complex and require more research to comprehend. Key words: traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Stroke, NIH stroke scale, Barthel index, predictive factor. Method: In this study, we used a retrospective analysis with data collection from stroke patients in Stroke Registry In Chang Gung Healthcare System (SRICHS). Stroke patients who received traditional Chinese medicine consultation in neurology ward of Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital from Jan 2010 to Dec 2014 were enrolled. Clinical profiles including the neurologic deficit, activities of daily living and other basic characteristics were analyzed. Through propensity score matching, we compared the NIHSS and Barthel index before and after the hospitalization, and applied with subgroup analysis, and adjusted by multivariate regression method. Results: Totally 115 stroke patients were enrolled with experiment group in 23 and control group in 92. The most important factor for prognosis prediction were the scores of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and Barthel index right before the hospitalization. Traditional Chinese medicine intervention had no statistically significant influence on the neurological deficit of acute stroke patients, and mild negative influence on daily activity performance of acute hemorrhagic stroke patient. Conclusion: Efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine as a supplemental therapy for acute stroke patients was controversial. The reason for this phenomenon might be complex and require more research to comprehend.Keywords: traditional Chinese medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, stroke, acupuncture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603322 The Use of Remotely Sensed Data to Extract Wetlands Area in the Cultural Park of Ahaggar, South of Algeria
Authors: Y. Fekir, K. Mederbal, M. A. Hammadouche, D. Anteur
The cultural park of the Ahaggar, occupying a large area of Algeria, is characterized by a rich wetlands area to be preserved and managed both in time and space. The management of a large area, by its complexity, needs large amounts of data, which for the most part, are spatially localized (DEM, satellite images and socio-economic information...), where the use of conventional and traditional methods is quite difficult. The remote sensing, by its efficiency in environmental applications, became an indispensable solution for this kind of studies. Remote sensing imaging data have been very useful in the last decade in very interesting applications. They can aid in several domains such as the detection and identification of diverse wetland surface targets, topographical details, and geological features... In this work, we try to extract automatically wetlands area using multispectral remotely sensed data on-board the Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) and Landsat satellite. Both are high-resolution multispectral imager with a 30 m resolution. The instrument images an interesting surface area. We have used images acquired over the several area of interesting in the National Park of Ahaggar in the south of Algeria. An Extraction Algorithm is applied on the several spectral index obtained from combination of different spectral bands to extract wetlands fraction occupation of land use. The obtained results show an accuracy to distinguish wetlands area from the other lad use themes using a fine exploitation on spectral index.Keywords: multispectral data, EO1, landsat, wetlands, Ahaggar, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3783321 Energy Models for Analyzing the Economic Wide Impact of the Environmental Policies
Authors: Majdi M. Alomari, Nafesah I. Alshdaifat, Mohammad S. Widyan
Different countries have introduced different schemes and policies to counter global warming. The rationale behind the proposed policies and the potential barriers to successful implementation of the policies adopted by the countries were analyzed and estimated based on different models. It is argued that these models enhance the transparency and provide a better understanding to the policy makers. However, these models are underpinned with several structural and baseline assumptions. These assumptions, modeling features and future prediction of emission reductions and other implication such as cost and benefits of a transition to a low-carbon economy and its economy wide impacts were discussed. On the other hand, there are potential barriers in the form political, financial, and cultural and many others that pose a threat to the mitigation options.Keywords: energy models, environmental policy instruments, mitigating CO2 emission, economic wide impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 5253320 The Impact of Sustainable Farm Management on Paddy Farmers’ Livelihood: The Case of Malaysia
Authors: Roslina Kamaruddin
The paddy farmer’s performance and ability to improve productivity for increased incomes is driven by their level of farm management practices. Knowledge on the nature and level of sustainable farm management (SFM) practice provides opportunities for supporting the competitive advantages of paddy farmers to sustainably break away from the poverty cycle. Little attention has been given to measuring the performance and impact of SFM for the improvement of paddy farmer's livelihood in Malaysia. Without understanding SFM, it is difficult to make policies and provide targeted, impactful support to paddy farmers. The objective of this study is to assess the level of SFM among paddy farmers by calculating the Sustainable Farm Management Index (SFMI) using the Rice Check (RC) guideline established by the Department of Agriculture. The structured questionnaire was designed to capture the nine elements of farming practices based on the RC and was then distributed to 788 paddy farmers in Malaysia's main granary areas, namely MADA, KADA, and BLS. Each practice was given a score to determine whether the guidelines were followed. The index ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being unsustainable and 100 being highly sustainable. A multiple regression analysis was employed as well to estimate the effects of SFM adoption on farmer livelihoods. The findings show that adopting SFM has a positive and significant effect on farmers' livelihoods. The paper, therefore, recommends that farmers should be educated on the importance of sustainable farming practices as this is essential for the sustainable livelihood development of poor farmers who rely on government subsidies.Keywords: sustainable farm management, paddy farming, rice check, granary areas, farmers livelihood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1003319 Urban Vegetative Planning for Ambient Ozone Pollution: An Eco-Management Approach
Authors: M. Anji Reddy, R. Uma Devi
Environmental planning for urban development is very much needed to reduce air pollution through the enhancement of vegetative cover in the cities like Hyderabad. This can be mainly based on the selection of appropriate native plant species as bioindicators to assess the impact of ambient Ozone. In the present study, tolerant species are suggested aimed to reduce the magnitude of ambient ozone concentrations which not only increase eco-friendly vegetation but also moderate air pollution. Hyderabad city is divided into 5 zones based on Land Use/Land Cover category further each zone divided into residential, traffic, industrial, and peri-urban areas. Highest ambient ozone levels are recorded in Industrial areas followed by traffic areas in the entire study area ( > 180 µg/m3). Biomonitoring of selected sixteen local urban plant species with the help of Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) showed its susceptibility to air pollution. Statistical regression models in between the tolerant plant species and ambient ozone levels suggested five plant species namely Azardirachta indica A. Juss which have a high tolerant response to ambient ozone followed by Delonix regia Hook. along with Millingtonia hortensis L.f., Alestonia Scholaries L., and Samania saman Jacq. in the industrial and traffic areas of the study area to mitigate ambient Ozone pollution and also to improve urban greenery.Keywords: air pollution tolerance index, bio-indicators, eco-friendly vegetation, urban greenery
Procedia PDF Downloads 4543318 A Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Change Detection of Wetlands in Diamond Harbour, West Bengal, India Using Normalized Difference Water Index
Authors: Lopita Pal, Suresh V. Madha
Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. The rapidly expanding human population, large scale changes in land use/land cover, burgeoning development projects and improper use of watersheds all has caused a substantial decline of wetland resources in the world. Major degradations have been impacted from agricultural, industrial and urban developments leading to various types of pollutions and hydrological perturbations. Regular fishing activities and unsustainable grazing of animals are degrading the wetlands in a slow pace. The paper focuses on the spatio-temporal change detection of the area of the water body and the main cause of this depletion. The total area under study (22°19’87’’ N, 88°20’23’’ E) is a wetland region in West Bengal of 213 The procedure used is the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) from multi-spectral imagery and Landsat to detect the presence of surface water, and the datasets have been compared of the years 2016, 2006 and 1996. The result shows a sharp decline in the area of water body due to a rapid increase in the agricultural practices and the growing urbanization.Keywords: spatio-temporal change, NDWI, urbanization, wetland
Procedia PDF Downloads 2833317 Analysis of Ionosphere Anomaly Before Great Earthquake in Java on 2009 Using GPS Tec Data
Authors: Aldilla Damayanti Purnama Ratri, Hendri Subakti, Buldan Muslim
Ionosphere’s anomalies as an effect of earthquake activity is a phenomenon that is now being studied in seismo-ionospheric coupling. Generally, variation in the ionosphere caused by earthquake activity is weaker than the interference generated by different source, such as geomagnetic storms. However, disturbances of geomagnetic storms show a more global behavior, while the seismo-ionospheric anomalies occur only locally in the area which is largely determined by magnitude of the earthquake. It show that the earthquake activity is unique and because of its uniqueness it has been much research done thus expected to give clues as early warning before earthquake. One of the research that has been developed at this time is the approach of seismo-ionospheric-coupling. This study related the state in the lithosphere-atmosphere and ionosphere before and when earthquake occur. This paper choose the total electron content in a vertical (VTEC) in the ionosphere as a parameter. Total Electron Content (TEC) is defined as the amount of electron in vertical column (cylinder) with cross-section of 1m2 along GPS signal trajectory in ionosphere at around 350 km of height. Based on the analysis of data obtained from the LAPAN agency to identify abnormal signals by statistical methods, obtained that there are an anomaly in the ionosphere is characterized by decreasing of electron content of the ionosphere at 1 TECU before the earthquake occurred. Decreasing of VTEC is not associated with magnetic storm that is indicated as an earthquake precursor. This is supported by the Dst index showed no magnetic interference.Keywords: earthquake, DST Index, ionosphere, seismoionospheric coupling, VTEC
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