Search results for: Syed Muhammad Hassan
1005 An Islamic Microfinance Business Model in Bangladesh and Its Role in Poverty Alleviation
Authors: Abul Hassan
Present socio-economic context and women wellbeing in Bangladesh imposes lots of constraints on women’s involvement in income generating activities. Different studies showed that the implementation of World Bank structural adjustment policies have had mixed impacts on women and their wellbeing. By involving poor people specially women in Islamic microfinance programmes in Bangladesh are used as a tool to combat poverty. Women are specifically targeted by Islamic microfinance under the rural development scheme of Islami Bank Bangladesh that provide interest free loan to the women groups. The programme has a multiplier effect since women invest largely in their households. The aim of this research is twofold: firstly, it wanted to confirm or refute a positive link between Islamic microfinance and the socio-economic wellbeing of women in Bangladesh and secondly, to explore the context in which Islamic microfinance programs function in Bangladesh and the way their performance can be improved. Based on structured questionnaires’ survey, this study addressed two research questions: (1) What can be expected from the offer of Islamic microfinance on the welfare of recipients and (2) Under what conditions would such an offer be more beneficial. The main result of this study shows that increase in women’s income and assets played a very important role in enhancing women’s economic independence and sense of self-confidence. An important policy recommendation is that it is necessary to redirect Islamic microfinance towards diversified developmental activities that will contribute to the improvement, in the long run, of the wellbeing of the recipients.Keywords: business model, Islamic microfinance, women’s wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3891004 The Role Collagen VI Plays in Heart Failure: A Tale Untold
Authors: Summer Hassan, David Crossman
Myocardial fibrosis (MF) has been loosely defined as the process occurring in the pathological remodeling of the myocardium due to excessive production and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including collagen. This reduces tissue compliance and accelerates progression to heart failure, as well as affecting the electrical properties of the myocytes resulting in arrhythmias. Microscopic interrogation of MF is key to understanding the molecular orchestrators of disease. It is well-established that recruitment and stimulation of myofibroblasts result in Collagen deposition and the resulting expansion in the ECM. Many types of Collagens have been identified and implicated in scarring of tissue. In a series of experiments conducted at our lab, we aim to elucidate the role collagen VI plays in the development of myocardial fibrosis and its direct impact on myocardial function. This was investigated through an animal experiment in Rats with Collagen VI knockout diseased and healthy animals as well as Collagen VI wild diseased and healthy rats. Echocardiogram assessments of these rats ensued at four-time points, followed by microscopic interrogation of the myocardium aiming to correlate the role collagen VI plays in myocardial function. Our results demonstrate a deterioration in cardiac function as represented by the ejection fraction in the knockout healthy and diseased rats. This elucidates a potential protective role that collagen-VI plays following a myocardial insult. Current work is dedicated to the microscopic characterisation of the fibrotic process in all rat groups, with the results to follow.Keywords: heart failure, myocardial fibrosis, collagen, echocardiogram, confocal microscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 831003 The Role of Organizational Culture in Facilitating Employee Job Satisfaction in Emerald Group
Authors: Mohamed Haffar, Muhammad Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Ghoneim
The importance of having a good organizational culture that supports employee job satisfaction has fascinated both the business and academic world because of a tantalizing promise: culture can be fundamental to the enhancement of financial performance. This promise has led to growing interest for both researchers and practitioners in attempting to understand the influence of organizational culture on employees’ satisfaction and organizational performance. Even though the relationship between organizational culture and employee job satisfaction have gained attention in the literature, the majority of studies have been conducted within manufacturing organizations and tend to oversee the impact of culture on employee job satisfaction in a service-based environment. Thus, the main driving force of this study was to explore the role of organizational culture types in facilitating employee job satisfaction at Emerald Publishing Group. Interviews qualitative data analysis indicated that Emerald’s culture dominated by adhocracy and clan culture values. In addition, the findings provided evidence, which demonstrated that group and adhocracy organizational culture types play key roles in facilitating employee job satisfaction in a service-based environment.Keywords: employee satisfaction, organizational culture, performance, service based environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4391002 Angiographic Evaluation of ETT (Treadmill) Positive Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Bangladesh
Authors: Syed Dawood Md. Taimur, Saidur Rahman Khan, Farzana Islam
Objective: To evaluate the factors which predetermine the coronary artery disease in patients having positive Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) that is treadmill results and coronary artery findings. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted at Department of Cardiology, Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute,Dhaka,Bangladesh from 1st January, 2014 to 31st August, 2014. All patients who had done ETT (treadmill) for chest pain diagnosis were studied. One hundred and four patients underwent coronary angiogram after positive treadmill result. Patients were divided into two groups depending upon the angiographic findings, i.e. true positive and false positive. Positive treadmill test patients who have coronary artery involvement these are called true positive and who have no involvement they are called false positive group. Both groups were compared with each other. Results: Out of 104 patients, 81 (77.9%) patients had true positive ETT and 23 (22.1%) patients had false positive ETT. The mean age of patients in positive ETT was 53.46± 8.06 years and male mean age was 53.63±8.36 years and female was 52.87 ± 7.0 years. Sixty nine (85.19%) male patients and twelve (14.81%) female patients had true positive ETT, whereas 15 (65.21%) males and 8 (34.79%) females had false positive ETT, this was statistically significant (p<0.032)difference in the two groups(sex) in comparison of true and false positive ETT. The risk factors of these patients like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history and smoking were seen among these patients. Hypertensive patients having true positive which were statically significant (p<0.004) and diabetic, dyslipidaemic patients having true positive which were statically significant (p < 0.032 & 0.030).True positive patients had family history were 68 (83.95%) and smoking were 52 (64.20%), where family history patients had statistically significant(p<0.017) between two groups of patients and smokers were significant (p<0.012). 46 true positive patients achieved THR which was not statistically significant (P<0.138)and 79 true patients had abnormal resting ECG whether it was significant (p<0.036). Amongst the vessels involvement the most common was LAD 55 (67.90%), followed by LCX 42 (51.85%), RCA 36 (44.44%) and the LMCA was 9 (11.11%), .40 patients (49.38%) had SVD, 26 (30.10%) had DVD, 15(18.52%) had TVD and 23 had normal coronary arteries. Conclusion: It can be concluded that among the female patients who have positive ETT with normal resting ECG, who had achieved target heart rate are likely to have a false positive test result. Conversely male patients,resting abnormal ECG who had not achieved THR, symptom limited ETT, have a hypertension, diabetis, dyslipidaemic, family history and smoking are likely to have a true positive treadmill test result.Keywords: exercise tolerance test, coronary artery disease, coronary angiography, true positive, false positive
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721001 Digestibility in Yankasa Rams Fed Brachiaria ruziziensis – Centrosema pascuorum Hay Mixtures with Concentrate
Authors: Ibrahim Sani, J. T. Amodu, M. R. Hassan, R. J. Tanko, N. Adamu
This study investigated the digestibility of Brachiaria ruziziensis and Centrosema pascuorum hay mixtures at varying proportions in Yankasa rams. Twelve Yankasa rams with average initial weight 10.25 ± 0.1 kg were assigned to three dietary treatments of B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum hay at different mixtures (75BR:25CP, 50BR:50CP and 25BR:75CP, respectively) in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) for a period of 14 days. Concentrate diet was given to the experimental animals as supplement at fixed proportion, while the forage mixture (basal diet) was fed at 3% body weight. Animals on 50BR:50CP had better nutrient digestibility (crude protein, acid and neutral detergent fibre, ether extract and nitrogen free extract) than other treatment diets, except in dry matter digestibility (87.35%) which compared with 87.54% obtained in 25BR:75CP treatment diet and also organic matter digestibility. All parameters taken on nitrogen balance with the exception of nitrogen retained were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in animals fed 25BR:75CP diet, but were statistically similar with values obtained for animals on 50BR:50CP diet. From results obtained in this study, it is concluded that mixture of 25%BR75%CP gave the best nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in Yankasa rams. It is therefore recommended that B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum should be fed at 50:50 mixture ratio for enhanced animal growth and performance in Nigeria.Keywords: B. ruziziensis, C. pascuorum, digestibilty, rams, Yankasa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311000 Time Overrun in Pre-Construction Planning Phase of Construction Projects
Authors: Hafiz Usama Imad, Muhammad Akram Akhund, Tauha Hussain Ali, Ali Raza Khoso, Fida Hussain Siddiqui
Construction industry plays a significant role in fulfilling the major requirements of the human being. It is one of the major constituents of every developed country. Although the construction industry of both the developing and developed countries encompasses a major part of the economy, and millions of rupees are utilized every year on various kinds of construction projects. But, this industry is facing numerous hurdles in terms of its budget and timely completion. Construction projects generally consist of several phases like planning, designing, execution, and finishing. This research study aims to determine the significant factors of time overrun in pre-construction planning (PCP) phase of construction projects in Pakistan. Questionnaires were distributed by various means and responses of respondents were compiled and collected data were then analyzed through a statistical technique using SPSS version 24. Major causes of time overrun in pre-construction planning phase; which is an extremely important phase of construction projects, were revealed. The research conclusion will provide a pathway for stakeholders to pay attention to the mentioned causes to overcome the major issue of time overrun.Keywords: construction industry, Pakistan, pre-construction planning phase, time overrun
Procedia PDF Downloads 255999 Electronic Libraries and the Emergence of New Technology Paradigms
Authors: A. Basheer Ahamadhu, Kiran Kaur, Zainab Ajab Mohideen, Sukmawati Muhammad, Noor Azlinda Wan Jan
Library management facing favorable conditions and unexpected challenges in the century of information technology. They were having been under pressure to meet their duties to meet the information needs of customers. An information technology has brought big changes to the traditional methods of library work. Libraries need to evaluate, measuring effect information technology to them. This would equip them with the knowledge to make effective information technology to enhance their services. Recognizing the importance of development an electronic library, this research investigated their willingness to change from the traditional library based on the level of automation for the digital library initiatives, review both of the problems associated with digital library and public and terms to be considered for future growth. The main components have been inspected, such as grip library, demographic automations and digitization projects, digital library related to budgetary problems, the thought leader in the electronic library practices library, and the situation viewed for future growth. Libraries have run several digitization projects, at the level of institutions and countries but still needs more efforts in order to bring it to higher levels.Keywords: academic library, electronic library, information technology, information commons, web pages library
Procedia PDF Downloads 478998 Hansen Solubility Parameters, Quality by Design Tool for Developing Green Nanoemulsion to Eliminate Sulfamethoxazole from Contaminated Water
Authors: Afzal Hussain, Mohammad A. Altamimi, Syed Sarim Imam, Mudassar Shahid, Osamah Abdulrahman Alnemer
Exhaustive application of sulfamethoxazole (SUX) became as a global threat for human health due to water contamination through diverse sources. The addressed combined application of Hansen solubility (HSPiP software) parameters and Quality by Design tool for developing various green nanoemulsions. HSPiP program assisted to screen suitable excipients based on Hansen solubility parameters and experimental solubility data. Various green nanoemulsions were prepared and characterized for globular size, size distribution, zeta potential, and removal efficiency. Design Expert (DoE) software further helped to identify critical factors responsible to have direct impact on percent removal efficiency, size, and viscosity. Morphological investigation was visualized under transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Finally, the treated was studied to negate the presence of the tested drug employing ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission microscopy) technique and HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography). Results showed that HSPiP predicted biocompatible lipid, safe surfactant (lecithin), and propylene glycol (PG). Experimental solubility of the drug in the predicted excipients were quite convincing and vindicated. Various green nanoemulsions were fabricated, and these were evaluated for in vitro findings. Globular size (100-300 nm), PDI (0.1-0.5), zeta potential (~ 25 mV), and removal efficiency (%RE = 70-98%) were found to be in acceptable range for deciding input factors with level in DoE. Experimental design tool assisted to identify the most critical variables controlling %RE and optimized content of nanoemulsion under set constraints. Dispersion time was varied from 5-30 min. Finally, ICP-OES and HPLC techniques corroborated the absence of SUX in the treated water. Thus, the strategy is simple, economic, selective, and efficient.Keywords: quality by design, sulfamethoxazole, green nanoemulsion, water treatment, icp-oes, hansen program (hspip software
Procedia PDF Downloads 84997 Supply Chain Technology Adoption in Textile and Apparel Industry
Authors: Zulkifli Mohamed Udin, Lee Khai-Loon, Mohamad Ghozali Hassan
In today’s dynamic business environment, the competition is no longer between firms, but between supply chains to gain competitive advantages. The global manufacturing sector, especially the textile and apparel industry are essentially known for its supply chain dependency. The delicate nature of its business leads to emphasis on the smooth movement of upstream and downstream supply chain. The nature of this industry, however, result in huge dynamic flow of physical, information, and financial. The dynamic management of these flows requires adoption of supply chain technologies. Even though technology is widely implemented and studied in many industries by researchers, adoption of supply chain technologies in Malaysian textile and apparel industry is limited. There is relatively a handful academic study conducted on recent developments in Malaysian textile and apparel industry and supply chain technology adoption indicate a major gap in supply chain performance studies. Considering the importance given to Third Industrial Master Plan by the government Malaysia, it is necessary to understand the power of supply chain technology adoptions. This study aims to investigate supply chain technology adoption by textile and apparel companies in Malaysia. The result highlighted the benefits perceived by textile and apparel companies from supply chain technologies. The indifference of small and medium enterprises to operation management acts as a major inhibitor to the adoption of supply chain technologies, since they have resource limitations. This study could be used as a precursor for further detailed studies on this issue.Keywords: supply chain technology adoption, supply chain performance, textile, apparel industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 492996 Role of Digital Economy in the Emerging Countries Like Nigeria
Authors: Aminu Fagge Muhammad
The digital economy is fast becoming the most innovative and widest reaching economy in the world, especially in developing countries. The paper aimed at examining role of digital economy in the emerging countries like Nigeria. The methodology used in the study is Business Model Perspective: lying between the process and structural perspectives, bring in the idea of the new business models that are being enabled e.g. e-business or e-commerce. The paper concluded that, the policy objectives and measures, and processes and structures necessary to enhance digital economy growth and its contribution to socio-economic development. The finding reveals that, digital infrastructure is in part incomplete, costly and poorly-performing in emerging economies like Nigeria. The wider digital ecosystem suffers a shortfall in human capabilities, weak financing, and poor governance. It is also found that, Growth in the digital economy is exacerbating digital exclusion, inequality, adverse incorporation and other digital harms. It is recommended that, government in partnership with private sector should build strong local infrastructure to enable broadband availability and accessibility and to create an enabling environment for strong competition in the telecom and technology ecosystem.Keywords: Digital Economy, Emerging Countries, Business Model , Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 129995 Need of National Space Legislation for Space Faring Nations
Authors: Muhammad Naveed, Yang Caixia
The need for national space legislation is pivotal, particularly in light of the fact that in recent years space activities have grown immensely both in volume and diversity. Countries are progressively developing capabilities in space exploration and scientific discoveries, market their capabilities to manufacture satellites, provide launch services from their facilities and are looking to privatize and commercialize their space resources. Today, nations are also seeking to comprehend the technological and financial potential of the private sector and are considering to share their financial burdens with them and to limit their exposures to risks, but they are lagging behind in legal framework in this regard. In the perspective of these emerging developments, it is therefore, felt that national space legislation should be enacted with the goal of building and implementing a vibrant and transparent legal framework at the national level to hasten investments and to ensure growth in this capital intensive - highly yield strategic sector. This study looks at (I) the international legal framework that governs space activities; (II) motivation behind making national space laws; and (III) the need for national space legislation. The paper concludes with some recommendations with regards to the conceivable future direction for national space legislation, in particular space empowered sub-areas for countries.Keywords: international conventions, national legislation, space faring nations, space law
Procedia PDF Downloads 278994 Sustainability of Vernacular Architecture in Zegalli Houses in Northern Iran with Emphasis on Their Seismic Behavior
Authors: Mona Zaryoun, Mahmood Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad Hassan Khalkhali, Haniyeh Okhovat
Zegalli houses in Guilan province, northern Iran, are a type of vernacular houses which their foundation, skeleton and walls all have been made of wood. The only houses which could survive the major Manjil-Rudbar earthquake of 1990 with a magnitude of 7.2 were these houses. Regarding this fact, some researchers started thinking of this type of foundations used in these houses to benefit from rocking-wise behavior. On the one hand, the relatively light weight of the houses, have helped these houses to withstand well against seismic excitations. In this paper at first a brief description of Zegalli houses and their architectural features, with emphasis on their foundation is presented. in the next stage foundation of one of these houses is modeled as a sample by a using a computer program, which has been developed in MATLAB environment, and by using the horizontal and vertical accelerograms of a set of selected site compatible earthquakes, a series of time history analysis (THA) are carried out to investigate the behavior of this type of houses against earthquake. Based on numerical results of THA it can be said that even without no sliding at the foundation timbers, only due to the rocking which occurs in various levels of the foundation the seismic response of the house is significantly reduced., which results in their stability subjected to earthquakes with peak ground acceleration of around 0.35g. Therefore, it can be recommended the Zegalli houses are considered as sustainable Iranian vernacular architecture, and it can be recommended that the use of these houses and their architecture and their structural merits are reconsidered by architects as well as civil and structural engineers.Keywords: MATLAB software, rocking behavior, time history analysis, Zegalli houses
Procedia PDF Downloads 288993 Experimental Investigation to Produce an Optimum Mix Ratio of Micro-Concrete
Authors: Shofiq Ahmed, Rakibul Hassan, Raquib Ahsan
Concrete is one of the basic elements of RCC structure and also the most crucial one. In recent years, a lot of researches have been conducted to develop special types of concrete for special purposes. Micro-concrete is one of them which has high compressive strength and is mainly used for retrofitting. Micro-concrete is a cementitious based composition formulated for use in repairs of areas where the concrete is damaged & the area is confined in movement making the placement of conventional concrete difficult. According to recent statistics, a large number of structures in the major cities of Bangladesh are vulnerable to collapse. Retrofitting may thus be required for a sustainable solution, and for this purpose, the utilization of micro-concrete can be considered as the most effective solution. For that reason, the aim of this study was to produce micro-concrete using indigenous materials in low cost. Following this aim, the experimental data were observed for five mix ratios with varied amount of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and admixture. The investigation criteria were a compressive strength, tensile strength, slump and the cost of different mix ratios. Finally, for a mix ratio of 1:1:1.5, the compressive strength was achieved as 7820 psi indicating highest strength among all the samples with the reasonable tensile strength of 1215 psi. The slump of 6.9 inches was also found for this specimen indicating it’s high flowability and making it’s convenient to use as micro-concrete. Moreover, comparing with the cost of foreign products of micro-concrete, it was observed that foreign products were almost four to five times costlier than this local product.Keywords: indigenous, micro-concrete, retrofitting, vulnerable
Procedia PDF Downloads 330992 Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil over Mg-Al Modified K-10 Clay Catalyst
Authors: Muhammad Ayoub, Abrar Inayat, Bhajan Lal, Sintayehu Mekuria Hailegiorgis
Biodiesel which comes from pure renewable resources provide an alternative fuel option for future because of limited fossil fuel resources as well as environmental concerns. The transesterification of vegetable oils for biodiesel production is a promising process to overcome this future crises of energy. The use of heterogeneous catalysts greatly simplifies the technological process by facilitating the separation of the post-reaction mixture. The purpose of the present work was to examine a heterogeneous catalyst, in particular, Mg-Al modified K-10 clay, to produce methyl esters of palm oil. The prepared catalyst was well characterized by different latest techniques. In this study, the transesterification of palm oil with methanol was studied in a heterogeneous system in the presence of Mg-Al modified K-10 clay as solid base catalyst and then optimized these results with the help of Design of Experiments software. The results showed that methanol is the best alcohol for this reaction condition. The best results was achieved for optimization of biodiesel process. The maximum conversion of triglyceride (88%) was noted after 8 h of reaction at 60 ̊C, with a 6:1 molar ratio of methanol to palm oil and 3 wt % of prepared catalyst.Keywords: palm oil, transestrefication, clay, biodiesel, mesoporous clay, K-10
Procedia PDF Downloads 397991 Business Constraints and Growth Potential of Smes: Case Study of Electrical Industry in Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Waseem Akram
The current study attempts to analyze the impact of business constraints on the growth potential and performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the electrical industry of Pakistan. Primary data have been utilized for the study collected from the electrical industry cluster in Sargodha, Pakistan. OLS regression is used to assess the impact of business constraints on the performance of SMEs by controlling the effect of Technology Level, Innovations, and Firm Size. To associate business constraints with the growth potential of SMEs, the study utilized Tetrachoric Correlation and Logistic Regression. Findings reveal that all the business constraints negatively affect the performance of SMEs in the electrical industry except Political Instability. Results of Tetrachoric Correlation show that all the business constraints are negatively correlated with the growth potential of SMEs. Logistic Regression results show that Energy Constraint, Inflation and Price Instability, and Bad Business Practices, all three business constraints cause to reduce the probability of income growth in sample SMEs.Keywords: SMEs, business constraints, performance, growth potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 170990 The Impact of System Cascading Collapse and Transmission Line Outages to the Transfer Capability Assessment
Authors: Nur Ashida Salim, Muhammad Murtadha Othman, Ismail Musirin, Mohd Salleh Serwan
Uncertainty of system operating conditions is one of the causative reasons which may render to the instability of a transmission system. This will encumber the performance of transmission system to efficiently transmit the electrical power between areas. For that reason, accurate assessment of Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) is essential in order to ensure effective power transfer between areas during the occurrence of system uncertainties. The power transfer is also called as the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) in which it is the information required by the utilities and marketers to instigate selling and buying the electric energy. This paper proposes a computationally effective approach to estimate TRM and ATC by considering the uncertainties of system cascading collapse and transmission line outages which is identified as the main reasons in power system instability. In accordance to the results that have been obtained, the proposed method is essential for the transmission providers which could help the power marketers and planning sectors in the operation and reserving transmission services based on the ATC calculated.Keywords: system cascading collapse, transmission line outages, transmission reliability margin, available transfer capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 427989 Voltage Problem Location Classification Using Performance of Least Squares Support Vector Machine LS-SVM and Learning Vector Quantization LVQ
Authors: M. Khaled Abduesslam, Mohammed Ali, Basher H. Alsdai, Muhammad Nizam Inayati
This paper presents the voltage problem location classification using performance of Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) in electrical power system for proper voltage problem location implemented by IEEE 39 bus New-England. The data was collected from the time domain simulation by using Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT). Outputs from simulation data such as voltage, phase angle, real power and reactive power were taken as input to estimate voltage stability at particular buses based on Power Transfer Stability Index (PTSI).The simulation data was carried out on the IEEE 39 bus test system by considering load bus increased on the system. To verify of the proposed LS-SVM its performance was compared to Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). The results showed that LS-SVM is faster and better as compared to LVQ. The results also demonstrated that the LS-SVM was estimated by 0% misclassification whereas LVQ had 7.69% misclassification.Keywords: IEEE 39 bus, least squares support vector machine, learning vector quantization, voltage collapse
Procedia PDF Downloads 443988 Influence of Wall Stiffness and Embedment Depth on Excavations Supported by Cantilever Walls
Authors: Muhammad Naseem Baig, Abdul Qudoos Khan, Jamal Ali
Ground deformations in deep excavations are affected by wall stiffness and pile embedment ratio. This paper presents the findings of a parametric study of 64ft deep excavation in mixed stiff soil conditions supported by a cantilever pile wall. A series of finite element analyses have been carried out in Plaxis 2D by varying pile embedment ratio and wall stiffness. It has been observed that maximum wall deflections decrease by increasing the embedment ratio up to 1.50; however, any further increase in pile length does not improve the performance of wall. Similarly, increasing wall stiffness reduces the wall deformations and affects the deflection patterns of wall. The finite element analysis results are compared with field data of 25 case studies of cantilever walls. Analysis results fall within the range of normalized wall deflections of 25 case studies. It has been concluded that deep excavations can be supported by cantilever walls provided the system stiffness is increased significantly.Keywords: excavations, support systems, wall stiffness, cantilever walls
Procedia PDF Downloads 214987 Quantification of Aerodynamic Variables Using Analytical Technique and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Authors: Adil Loya, Kamran Maqsood, Muhammad Duraid
Aerodynamic stability coefficients are necessary to be known before any unmanned aircraft flight is performed. This requires expertise on aerodynamics and stability control of the aircraft. To enable efficacious performance of aircraft requires that a well-defined flight path and aerodynamics should be defined beforehand. This paper presents a study on the aerodynamics of an unmanned aero vehicle (UAV) during flight conditions. Current research holds comparative studies of different parameters for flight aerodynamic, measured using two different open source analytical software programs. These software packages are DATCOM and XLRF5, which help in depicting the flight aerodynamic variables. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was also used to perform aerodynamic analysis for which Star CCM+ was used. Output trends of the study demonstrate high accuracies between the two software programs with that of CFD. It can be seen that the Coefficient of Lift (CL) obtained from DATCOM and XFLR is similar to CL of CFD simulation. In the similar manner, other potential aerodynamic stability parameters obtained from analytical software are in good agreement with CFD.Keywords: XFLR5, DATCOM, computational fluid dynamic, unmanned aero vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 298986 Woodcast is Ecologically Sound and Tolerated by a Majority of Patients
Authors: R. Hassan, J. Duncombe, E. Darke, A. Dias, K. Anderson, R. G. Middleton
NHS England has set itself the task of delivering a “Net Zero” National Health service by 2040. It is incumbent upon all health care practioners to work towards this goal. Orthopaedic surgeons are no exception. Distal radial fractures are the most common fractures sustained by the adult population. However, studies are shortcoming on individual patient experience. The aim of this study was to assess the patient’s satisfaction and outcomes with woodcast used in the conservative management of distal radius fractures. For all patients managed with woodcast in our unit, we undertook a structured questionnaire that included the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) score, The EQ-5D-5L score and the pain numerical score at the time of injury and six weeks after. 30 patients were initially managed with woodcast. 80% of patients tolerated woodcast for the full duration of their treatment. Of these, 20% didn’t tolerate woodcast and had their casts removed within 48 hours. Of the remaining, 79.1% were satisfied about woodcast comfort, 66% were very satisfied about woodcast weight, 70% were satisfied with temperature and sweatiness, 62.5% were very satisfied about the smell/odour, and 75% were satisfied about the level of support woodcast provided. During their treatment, 83.3% of patients rated their pain as five or less. For those who completed their treatment in woodcast, none required any further intervention or utilised the open appointment because of ongoing wrist problems. In conclusion, when woodcast is tolerated, patients’ satisfaction and outcome levels were good. However, we acknowledged 20% of patients in our series were not able to tolerate woodacst, Therefore, we suggest a comparison between the widely used synthetic plaster of Paris casting and woodcast to come in order.Keywords: distal radius fractures, ecological cast, sustainability, woodcast
Procedia PDF Downloads 104985 Assessment of Vehicular Emission and Its Impact on Urban Air Quality
Authors: Syed Imran Hussain Shah
Air pollution rapidly impacts the Earth's climate and environmental quality, causing public health nuisances and cardio-pulmonary illnesses. Air pollution is a global issue, and all population groups in all the regions in the developed and developing parts of the world were affected by it. The promise of a reduction in deaths and diseases as per SDG No. 3 is an international commitment towards sustainable development. In that context, assessing and evaluating the ambient air quality is paramount. This article estimates the air pollution released by the vehicles on roads of Lahore, a mega city having 13.98 million populations. A survey was conducted on different fuel stations to determine the estimated fuel pumped to different types of vehicles from different fuel stations. The number of fuel stations in Lahore is around 350. Another survey was also conducted to interview the drivers to know the per-litre fuel consumption of other vehicles. Therefore, a survey was conducted on 189 fuel stations and 400 drivers using a combination of random sampling and convenience sampling methods. The sampling was done in a manner to cover all areas of the city including central commercial hubs, modern housing societies, industrial zones, main highways, old traditional population centres, etc. Mathematical equations were also used to estimate the emissions from different modes of vehicles. Due to the increase in population, the number of vehicles is increasing, and consequently, traffic emissions were rising at a higher level. Motorcycles, auto rickshaws, motor cars, and vans were the main contributors to Carbon dioxide and vehicular emissions in the air. It has been observed that vehicles that use petrol fuel produce more Carbon dioxide emissions in the air. Buses and trucks were the main contributors to NOx in the air due to the use of diesel fuel. Whereas vans, buses, and trucks produce the maximum amount of SO2. PM10 and PM2.5 were mainly produced by motorcycles and motorcycle two-stroke rickshaws. Auto rickshaws and motor cars mainly produce benzene emissions. This study may act as a major tool for traffic and vehicle policy decisions to promote better fuel quality and more fuel-efficient vehicles to reduce emissions.Keywords: particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, climate change, pollution control
Procedia PDF Downloads 15984 Characterization of Mineralogy, Geochemical and Origin of Nephelinitic Jurf Ed-darawish Volcano in Western Central Jordan
Authors: Hassan Farhan Alfugha
the cenozoic volcanism in westt central jordan which show homohgenous lava from upper represented by basaltic scoria cones and flows and covers approximately 10 km. fourtten nephelinitic rock samples were collected at jurf ed-darawish volcanism to analyze major minor and trace elements by using XRF.. geochemical parameters of these samp;es such as MG/MG+FE+2, the ratio range from 0.41 to 0.45 and high ti contents 3.09-3.28wt % indicate that the corresponding magmas are nearly of primary origin . this magma show low variable abundances of compatible and incompatible trace elements reflecting a homogenous source. the studied volcanic rocks, which are mainly nephlinites, belong to the alkaline rocks series containing 4.38-5.95wt% alkali oxides they are usually undersaturated in regard it the silica content, which ranges between 39.88-41.50wt.%.value compared to other jordanien basaltic rocks majorminor and trace elementes data as well as mantel xenoliths entrained in the volcanic rocks are spinel iherzolites that suggest the lithospheric mantle as the source for the pleistocene volcanism these xenoliths resided at shallow mantle depths (45 km ) because a geothermobarometric analysis yielded p-t conditions close to 15 kbar and 1100c the mantle nodules did not equilibrate with the melts indicating a fast transport from the mantle to the surface and a mgma >65 km deeper source area of the melts.Keywords: nephelinite plestocene western central jordan, western central jordan, volcano in western central jordan, central jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 79983 An Application of Remote Sensing for Modeling Local Warming Trend
Authors: Khan R. Rahaman, Quazi K. Hassan
Global changes in climate, environment, economies, populations, governments, institutions, and cultures converge in localities. Changes at a local scale, in turn, contribute to global changes as well as being affected by them. Our hypothesis is built on a consideration that temperature does vary at local level (i.e., termed as local warming) in comparison to the predicted models at the regional and/or global scale. To date, the bulk of the research relating local places to global climate change has been top-down, from the global toward the local, concentrating on methods of impact analysis that use as a starting point climate change scenarios derived from global models, even though these have little regional or local specificity. Thus, our focus is to understand such trends over the southern Alberta, which will enable decision makers, scientists, researcher community, and local people to adapt their policies based on local level temperature variations and to act accordingly. Specific objectives in this study are: (i) to understand the local warming (temperature in particular) trend in context of temperature normal during the period 1961-2010 at point locations using meteorological data; (ii) to validate the data by using specific yearly data, and (iii) to delineate the spatial extent of the local warming trends and understanding influential factors to adopt situation by local governments. Existing data has brought the evidence of such changes and future research emphasis will be given to validate this hypothesis based on remotely sensed data (i.e. MODIS product by NASA).Keywords: local warming, climate change, urban area, Alberta, Canada
Procedia PDF Downloads 339982 Child Maltreatment Prevention Readiness Assessment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Majid Al-Eissa, Hassan Saleheen, Fatimah Al Shehri, Maha AlMuneef
Global efforts are being made to combat child maltreatment (CM); however, in 2011 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) response to this issue was found to be mediocre. Several developments have been implemented in KSA since then, and reevaluation is now necessary. The aim of this study is to assess the CM-prevention readiness (CMPR) of KSA in regard to implementing large-scale, evidence-based CM-prevention programs. Participants were decision makers and senior managers in the field of CM. Face-to-face interviews were conducted in the participants’ offices. This was a cross-sectional study. We used the multi-dimensional tool “Readiness Assessment for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment - short version,” which examines ten dimensions concerning this topic. Comparison between the results of this study and those of the 2011 examination was performed to determine how the situation in KSA has changed. Sixty informants were interviewed; the majority being females (57%) and from governmental institutions (56%). The average total score for the ten dimensions was 47.4%, an increase from the 43.7% reported in 2011. The strongest dimensions were legislations and mandates (8.3/10), followed by knowledge (7.1/10) and institutional links and resources (5.8/10). The lowest scores concerned human and technical resources (1.7/10) and attitude towards CM (2.8/10). Compared to the 2011 results, some dimensions showed significant improvements, but the majority had remained consistent. Time and commitment are necessary to secure CMPR improvement. Periodic assessment of CMPR is required to provide proper recommendations to the government regarding the progress of CM-prevention strategies.Keywords: assessment, child maltreatment, prevention, readiness, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 178981 Interaction Design In Home Appliance: An Integrated Approach InKanseiAnd Hedonomic “Cases: Rice Cooker, Juicer, Mixer”
Authors: Sara Mostowfi, Hassan Sadeghinaeini, Sana Behnamasl, Leila Ensaniat, Maryam Mostafaee
Nowadays, most of product producers, e.g. home appliance, electronic machines and vehicles focus on quality and comfort, and promise consumers ease of use and pleasurable experiences during product using. Consumers make their purchase decisions according to two needs: functional and emotional needs. Functional needs are fulfilled by product functionality, besides emotional needs are related to psychologists’ aspects of production. Emotions are distinctive elements which should be added to products and services to lead them up. In this case, the authors’ survey conducted pleasurable and hedonomic aspects in products of a home appliance company in Iran. In this regard, three samples of home appliance were selected: mixer, rice cooker, iron. Fifteen women (20-60) participated in this study. Every user evaluated each product by questionnaire based on 7 point semantic differential scale. After analyzing the results with statistical methods, results showed that 90% of users aren’t satisfied with hedonic and pleasurable criteria in interaction with these products. They notified that regarding hedonomics and pleasurable criteria’s they will have better ease of use and functionality. Our findings show a significant association between products’ features and user satisfaction. It seems that industrial design has a significant impression on the company’s products and with regard the pleasurable criteria the company sales will be more successful.Keywords: home appliance, interaction, pleasure, hedonomy, ergonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 383980 Comparative Study on Performance of Air-Cooled Condenser (ACC) Steel Platform Structures using SCBF Frames, Spatial Structures and CFST Frames
Authors: Hassan Gomar, Shahin Bagheri, Nader Keyvan, Mozhdeh Shirinzadeh
Air-Cooled Condenser (ACC) platform structures are the most complicated and principal structures in power plants and other industrial parts which need to condense the low-pressure steam in the cycle. Providing large spans for this structure has great merit as there would be more space for other subordinate buildings and pertinent equipment. Moreover, applying methods to reduce the overall cost of construction while maintaining its strength against severe seismic loading is of high significance. Tabular spatial structures and composite frames have been widely used in recent years to satisfy the need for higher strength at a reasonable price. In this research program, three different structural systems have been regarded for ACC steel platform using Special Concentrate Braced Frames (SCBF), which is the most common system (first scheme), modular spatial frames (second scheme) and finally, a modified method applying Concrete Filled Steel Tabular (CFST) columns (third scheme). The finite element method using Sap2000 and Etabs software was conducted to investigate the behavior of the structures and make a precise comparison between the models. According to the results, the total weight of the steel structure in the second scheme decreases by 13% compared to the first scheme and applying CFST columns in the third scheme causes a 3% reduction in the total weight of the structure in comparison with the second scheme while all the lateral displacements and P-M interaction ratios are in the admissible limit.Keywords: ACC, SCBF frames, spatial structures, CFST frames
Procedia PDF Downloads 198979 Black Shales Outcrops in Malaysia: Occurrence and Geological Setting
Authors: Hassan Baioumy, Yuniarti Ulfa, Mohd Nawawi, Mohammad Noor Akmal Anuar
Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic black shales that can be a potential source of energy and precious metals are widely distributed in Malaysia Peninsula, Sarawak and Sabah. Two Paleozoic black shales outcrops were reported in the Langkawi Island belonging to the Cambrian fluvial Machinchang Formation and the Silurian glaciomarine Singa Formation. More the seventeen occurrences of Paleozoic black shales outcrops have been found in the Peninsular Malaysia that range in age from Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian in the Terengganu, Perlis, Pahang, and Perak States. Mesozoic black shales outcrops occur in several places in both the Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. In the Peninsular Malaysia, Triassic black shales occur in the Nami area, Northern Kedah and in the Pahang area. In Sarawak, Triassic black shales have been reported in the Bau area. Cenozoic black shales outcrops were reported in both Sarawak at Miri area and Sabah at the Ranau and Tenom areas. Preliminary mineralogical and geochemical investigations on some of these black shales outcrops showed distinct compositional variations among these black shales outcrops probably due to variations in their source area composition and/or depositional and diagenetic settings of these shales. Some of these shalese also subjected to post-depositional hydrothermal mineralization that enriched these shales with Au-bearing minerals such as pyrite, calchopyrite, and arsenopyrite. Many of the studied black shales outcrops look rich in organic matter, which increase the possibility of using these black shales as an unconventional energy resource.Keywords: black shales, energy, mineralization, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 534978 Using Students’ Perceptions for Measuring Teacher Effectiveness
Authors: Muhammad Akram, Qamar Naseem, Imtiaz Ahmad
The purpose of this study was to correlate students’ perceptions of teacher effectiveness with their academic achievement in English and Mathematics at the secondary level (grade 9th) based on five national professional standards for teacher evaluation in Pakistan (subject matter knowledge, instructional planning and strategies, assessment, learning environment, effective communication. A Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire (SPTEQ) was developed by the researchers to collect data from 2009 students from forty public girls and boys high/ higher secondary schools in district Khanewal, Pakistan. The overall reliability of the SPTEQ was α=.86. The study found a significant positive relationship among all the five factors of teacher effectiveness construct. The study also showed significant, positive relationship between teacher effectiveness factors and students’ achievement in English and mathematics. No significant differences were found between male and female students’ perceptions about their English teacher effectiveness. The implications include students’ personal attachments with their teachers that might convince them to overrate their teachers.Keywords: communication, students’ achievement, teacher effectiveness, teaching strategies, teaching strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 301977 A Review of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc NETworks (MANET)
Authors: Hafiza Khaddija Saman, Muhammad Sufyan
The increase in availability and popularity of mobile wireless devices has led researchers to develop a wide variety of Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) protocols to exploit the unique communication opportunities presented by these devices. Devices are able to communicate directly using the wireless spectrum in a peer-to-peer fashion, and route messages through intermediate nodes, however, the nature of wireless shared communication and mobile devices result in many routing and security challenges which must be addressed before deploying a MANET. In this paper, we investigate the range of MANET routing protocols available and discuss the functionalities of several ranging from early protocols such as DSDV to more advanced such as MAODV, our protocol study focuses upon works by Perkins in developing and improving MANET routing. A range of literature relating to the field of MANET routing was identified and reviewed, we also reviewed literature on the topic of securing AODV based MANETs as this may be the most popular MANET protocol. The literature review identified a number of trends within research papers such as exclusive use of the random waypoint mobility model, excluding key metrics from simulation results and not comparing protocol performance against available alternatives.Keywords: protocol, MANET, ad-Hoc, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 264976 Highly Accurate Target Motion Compensation Using Entropy Function Minimization
Authors: Amin Aghatabar Roodbary, Mohammad Hassan Bastani
One of the defects of stepped frequency radar systems is their sensitivity to target motion. In such systems, target motion causes range cell shift, false peaks, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) reduction and range profile spreading because of power spectrum interference of each range cell in adjacent range cells which induces distortion in High Resolution Range Profile (HRRP) and disrupt target recognition process. Thus Target Motion Parameters (TMPs) effects compensation should be employed. In this paper, such a method for estimating TMPs (velocity and acceleration) and consequently eliminating or suppressing the unwanted effects on HRRP based on entropy minimization has been proposed. This method is carried out in two major steps: in the first step, a discrete search method has been utilized over the whole acceleration-velocity lattice network, in a specific interval seeking to find a less-accurate minimum point of the entropy function. Then in the second step, a 1-D search over velocity is done in locus of the minimum for several constant acceleration lines, in order to enhance the accuracy of the minimum point found in the first step. The provided simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Keywords: automatic target recognition (ATR), high resolution range profile (HRRP), motion compensation, stepped frequency waveform technique (SFW), target motion parameters (TMPs)
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