Search results for: professional autonomy
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2387

Search results for: professional autonomy

1277 Job Satisfaction and Career Choices: A Study Using Schein´s Career Anchor Model

Authors: Rosana Silvina Codaro, Patricia Amelia Tomei


This study explores the relationship between job satisfaction and alignment between the individual´s current occupation and his talents, needs and values, namely his 'career anchors'. With this purpose in mind, a quantitative survey was performed for a non- graduate probabilistic sample of management business students of a private university in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the survey showed there is no significant association between satisfaction at work and alignment with the individual’s career anchor. The most frequent career anchor found for both genders was lifestyle, showing a trend towards finding a career that allows some balance between professional and personal life. The study also showed that self-employed individuals are more satisfied with their work than the individuals employed by a company are, and men are more satisfied at work than women are, Individuals aligned and not satisfied tend to be the ones who have fewer years of work experience and individuals not aligned and satisfied tend to be older.

Keywords: careers, career anchors, job satisfaction, Schein´s career anchor model

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1276 Esports: A Biomechanics and Performance Perspective

Authors: Alex S. Talan


The introduction of scientific terms for esports can directly affect the quality of the training process. This is a critically important scientific task since esports is a rapidly developing global sport that has only recently begun to receive scientific and methodological consideration. In this report, we evaluate esports from a biomechanical perspective. First, we examine the relationship between physical performance and esports gaming techniques, with consideration toward engineering more effective physical and in-game training methodologies for amateur and professional esports competitors. In addition, we advocate that applying biomechanical research methodologies has the added potential to improve physical performance and endurance in esports athletes. With the budding attention on the esports enterprise globally, scientific research into esports would benefit from standardizing terminologies and methodological approaches that are specifically tailored to assess esports training efficacy to enhance individual and team performance within the esports community.

Keywords: cybersport, esports, biomechanics, sports technique, training standards, dental occlusion, sports engineering, sitting pose

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1275 The Saudi Arabia 2030 Strategy: Translation Reception and Translator Readiness

Authors: Budur Alsulami


One of the aims of the recently implemented Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 strategy is focused on strengthening education, entertainment, and tourism to attract international visitors to the country. To promote and increase the tourism sector, tourism translation can serve the tourism industry by translating various materials that promote the country’s tourism such as brochures, catalogues, and websites. In order to achieve the goal of enhancing tourism in Saudi Arabia, promotional texts related to tourism and Saudi culture will need to be translated into English and addressed to non-Arabic-speaking potential tourists. This research aims to measure student readiness to be professional translators who can introduce and promote Saudi Arabia to non-Arabic-speaking tourists. The study will also evaluate students' abilities to promote and convey Saudi culture to non-Arabic tourists by translating tourism texts. Translating tourism materials demands considerable effort and specific translation skills to capture tourists' interest and encourage visits. Numerous scholars have explored challenges in translating tourism promotional materials, focusing on translation methods, cultural issues, course design, and necessary knowledge for tourism translation. Based on these insights, experts recommend that translators prioritize audience expectations, cultural appropriateness, and linguistic conventions while revising course syllabi to include practical skills. This research aims to assess students' readiness to become professional translators aligned with Vision 2030 tourism goals. To accomplish this, in the first stage of the project, twenty students from two Saudi Arabian Universities who have completed at least two years of Translation Studies were invited to translate two tourism texts of 300 words each. These tourism texts contain information about famous tourist sights and traditional food in Saudi Arabia and contained cultural terms and heritage information. The students then completed a questionnaire about the challenges of the text and the process of their translation, and then participated in a semi-structured interview. In the second stage of the project, the students’ translations will be evaluated by a qualified National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) examiner applying the NAATI rubrics. Finally, these translations will be read and assessed by fifteen to twenty native and near-native readers of English, who will evaluate the quality of the translations based on their understanding and perception of these texts. Results analysed to date suggest that a number of student translators faced challenges such as choosing a suitable translation method, omitting some key terms or words during the translation process, and managing their time, all of which may indicate a lack of practice in translating texts of this nature and lack of awareness regarding translation strategies most suitable for the genre.

Keywords: Saudi Arabia Vision 2030, translation, tourism, reader reception, culture, heritage, translator training/competencies

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1274 The Implications of Technological Advancements on the Constitutional Principles of Contract Law

Authors: Laura Çami (Vorpsi), Xhon Skënderi


In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the traditional principles of contract law are facing significant challenges. The emergence of new technologies, such as electronic signatures, smart contracts, and online dispute resolution mechanisms, is transforming the way contracts are formed, interpreted, and enforced. This paper examines the implications of these technological advancements on the constitutional principles of contract law. One of the fundamental principles of contract law is freedom of contract, which ensures that parties have the autonomy to negotiate and enter into contracts as they see fit. However, the use of technology in the contracting process has the potential to disrupt this principle. For example, online platforms and marketplaces often offer standard-form contracts, which may not reflect the specific needs or interests of individual parties. This raises questions about the equality of bargaining power between parties and the extent to which parties are truly free to negotiate the terms of their contracts. Another important principle of contract law is the requirement of consideration, which requires that each party receives something of value in exchange for their promise. The use of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, has created new challenges in determining what constitutes valuable consideration in a contract. Due to the ambiguity in this area, disagreements about the legality and enforceability of such contracts may arise. Furthermore, the use of technology in dispute resolution mechanisms, such as online arbitration and mediation, may raise concerns about due process and access to justice. The use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to determine the outcome of disputes may also raise questions about the impartiality and fairness of the process. Finally, it should be noted that there are many different and complex effects of technical improvements on the fundamental constitutional foundations of contract law. As technology continues to evolve, it will be important for policymakers and legal practitioners to consider the potential impacts on contract law and to ensure that the principles of fairness, equality, and access to justice are preserved in the contracting process.

Keywords: technological advancements, constitutional principles, contract law, smart contracts, online dispute resolution, freedom of contract

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1273 Nine Foundational Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Authors: Jennie Long, Marjorie Bock


Although the professional literature related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has focused on successful interventions and strategies, there is a lack of documentation regarding which of these methods and supports are most foundational and essential for classroom use. Specifically, literature does not define the core foundational interventions and strategies that would be elemental for educators to use with students with an ASD diagnosis. From the increase in prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, to the challenge students with ASD pose in classrooms, to the requirement to implement evidence-based practice, rises an enormous challenge in the field of education. Foundational interventions should be in place the first day the student enters the classroom. The nine interventions are foundational in nature and because of the dramatic increase in prevalence there is currently a need for classroom programs to provide the foundation of basic educational skills as well as the specialty skills specific to the area of ASD utilizing the most current research. This article presents nine evidence-based intervention categories for implementation with students on the spectrum.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, classroom, evidence-based, foundational

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1272 A Player's Perspective of University Elite Netball Programmes in South Africa

Authors: Wim Hollander, Petrus Louis Nolte


University sport in South Africa is not isolated from the complexity of globalization and professionalization of sport, as it forms an integral part of the sports development environment in South Africa. In order to align their sports programs with global and professional requirements, several universities opted to develop elite sports programs; recruit specialized personnel such as coaches, administrators, and athletes; provide expert coaching; scientific and medical services; sports testing; fitness, technical and tactical expertise; sport psychological and rehabilitation support; academic guidance and career assistance; and student-athlete accommodation. In addition, universities provide administrative support and high-quality physical resources (training facilities) for the benefit of the overall South African sport system. Although it is not compulsory for universities to develop elite sports programs to prepare their teams for competitions, elite competitions such as the annual Varsity Sport, University Sport South Africa (USSA) and local club competitions and leagues within international university competitions where universities not only compete but also deliver players for representative national netball teams. The aim of this study is, therefore, to describe the perceptions of players of the university elite netball programs they were participating in. This study adopted a descriptive design with a quantitative approach, utilizing a self-structured questionnaire as a research technique. As this research formed part of a national research project for NSA with a population of 172 national and provincial netball players, a sample of 92 university netball players from the population was selected. Content validity of the self-structured questionnaire was secured through a test-retest process, with construct validity through a member of the Statistical Consultation Services (STATCON) of the University of Johannesburg that provided feedback on the structural format of the questionnaire. Reliability was measured utilizing Cronbach Alpha on p < 0.005 level of significance. A reliability score of 0.87 was measured. The research was approved by the Board of Netball South Africa and ethical conduct implemented according to the processes and procedures approved by the Ethics Committees of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Johannesburg with clearance number REC-01-30-2019. From the results, it is evident that university elite netball programs are professional, especially with regards to the employment of knowledgeable and competent coaches and technical officials such as team managers and sport sciences staff. These professionals have access to elite training facilities, support staff, and relatively large groups of elite players, all elements of an elite program that could enhance the national federation’s (Netball South Africa) system. Universities could serve the dual purpose of serving as university netball clubs, as well as providing elite training services and facilities as performance hubs for national players.

Keywords: elite sport programmes, university netball, player experiences, varsity sport netball

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1271 Biomechanical Perspectives on the Urinary Bladder: Insights from the Hydrostatic Skeleton Concept

Authors: Igor Vishnevskyi


Introduction: The urinary bladder undergoes repeated strain during its working cycle, suggesting the presence of an efficient support system, force transmission, and mechanical amplification. The concept of a "hydrostatic skeleton" (HS) could contribute to our understanding of the functional relationships among bladder constituents. Methods: A multidisciplinary literature review was conducted to identify key features of the HS and to gather evidence supporting its applicability in urinary bladder biomechanics. The collected evidence was synthesized to propose a framework for understanding the potential hydrostatic properties of the urinary bladder based on existing knowledge and HS principles. Results: Our analysis revealed similarities in biomechanical features between living fluid-filled structures and the urinary bladder. These similarities include the geodesic arrangement of fibres, the role of enclosed fluid (urine) in force transmission, prestress as a determinant of stiffness, and the ability to maintain shape integrity during various activities. From a biomechanical perspective, urine may be considered an essential component of the bladder. The hydrostatic skeleton, with its autonomy and flexibility, may provide insights for researchers involved in bladder engineering. Discussion: The concept of a hydrostatic skeleton offers a holistic perspective for understanding bladder function by considering multiple mechanical factors as a single structure with emergent properties. Incorporating viewpoints from various fields on HS can help identify how this concept applies to live fluid-filled structures or organs and reveal its broader relevance to biological systems, both natural and artificial. Conclusion: The hydrostatic skeleton (HS) design principle can be applied to the urinary bladder. Understanding the bladder as a structure with HS can be instrumental in biomechanical modelling and engineering. Further research is required to fully elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying HS in the bladder.

Keywords: hydrostatic skeleton, urinary bladder morphology, shape integrity, prestress, biomechanical modelling

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1270 VeriFy: A Solution to Implement Autonomy Safely and According to the Rules

Authors: Michael Naderhirn, Marco Pavone


Problem statement, motivation, and aim of work: So far, the development of control algorithms was done by control engineers in a way that the controller would fit a specification by testing. When it comes to the certification of an autonomous car in highly complex scenarios, the challenge is much higher since such a controller must mathematically guarantee to implement the rules of the road while on the other side guarantee aspects like safety and real time executability. What if it becomes reality to solve this demanding problem by combining Formal Verification and System Theory? The aim of this work is to present a workflow to solve the above mentioned problem. Summary of the presented results / main outcomes: We show the usage of an English like language to transform the rules of the road into system specification for an autonomous car. The language based specifications are used to define system functions and interfaces. Based on that a formal model is developed which formally correctly models the specifications. On the other side, a mathematical model describing the systems dynamics is used to calculate the systems reachability set which is further used to determine the system input boundaries. Then a motion planning algorithm is applied inside the system boundaries to find an optimized trajectory in combination with the formal specification model while satisfying the specifications. The result is a control strategy which can be applied in real time independent of the scenario with a mathematical guarantee to satisfy a predefined specification. We demonstrate the applicability of the method in simulation driving scenarios and a potential certification. Originality, significance, and benefit: To the authors’ best knowledge, it is the first time that it is possible to show an automated workflow which combines a specification in an English like language and a mathematical model in a mathematical formal verified way to synthesizes a controller for potential real time applications like autonomous driving.

Keywords: formal system verification, reachability, real time controller, hybrid system

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1269 Factors Affecting Attitude of Community Pharmacists Towards Locally Manufactured Pharmaceutical Products in Addisababa: A Cross-sectional Study

Authors: Gelila Tamyalew, Asres Abitie


Community Pharmacists (CPs) have a significant part in consumer choice in the rational use of LMPPs. The opinion of pharmacists regarding branded and generic medications can offer a perception of the potential obstacles that might have to be overcome to advance generic medicine utilization. Many factors affect CPs' attitudes negatively toward LMPPs. Therefore, the current study assessed factors that can affect CPs' attitudes toward LMPPs. In the regression analysis of variables, three variables were associated with CPs' attitudes toward LMPPs. These are; maximum educational status, professional status, and year of experience in community pharmacy practice. Moreover, lack of belief in LMPPs, substitution agreement with the prescriber, cost-effectiveness of LMPPs, and consumer preference/demand were the most influencing reasons for the selection of LMPPs. In conclusion, the attitude of CPs seems suboptimal that requires an intervention to optimize LMPP utilization.

Keywords: locally manufactured pharmaceutical products, attitude, community pharmacist, Ethiopia

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1268 The Significance of Organizational Failure Based on the Instance of Samsung Lions Case

Authors: Jae Soo Do, Kyoung Seok Kim


Korea baseball experts reckoned Samsung Lions as the best baseball team. It has the unparalleled records of winning first place in the pennant race for five straight years from 2011 to 2015 and winning the Korean series for four years in a row from 2011 to 2014. However, the team made an unbelievably miserable record of ninth place in the pennant race in 2016 and 2017. How come the strong competitive superiority has gone and what kind of slump made the team how it is now. This study investigates this organizational failure case of Samsung Lions, the professional baseball team in Korea. What factors have brought the organizational failure to Samsung Lions? Based on an in-depth examination on how a league-fore-runner drastically lost its competitive superiority, this verifies the necessity of risk management to which common corporations as well as sport teams can be subject at any time in these days.

Keywords: Samsung Lions, organizational failure, baseball, slump

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1267 The Relationship between Working Models and Psychological Safety

Authors: Rosyellen Rabelo Szvarça, Pedro Fialho, Auristela Duarte de Lima Moser


Background: New ways of working, such as teleworking or hybrid working, have changed and have impacted both employees and organizations. To understand the individuals' perceptions among different working models, this study aimed to investigate levels of psychological safety among employees working in person, hybrid, and remote environments and the correlation of demographic or professional characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was distributed electronically. A self-administered questionnaire was composed of sociodemographic data, academic status, professional contexts, working models, and the seven-item instrument of psychological safety. The psychological safety instrument was computed to determine its reliability, showing a Cronbach’s 0.75, considering a good scale when compared to the original, analyzed with 51 teams from a North American company, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82. Results: The survey was completed by 328 individuals, 60% of whom were in-person, 29.3% hybrid, and 10.7% remote. The Chi-Square test with the Bonferroni post-test for qualitative variables associated with the working models indicates a significant association (p 0.001) for academic qualifications. In-person models present 29.4% of individuals with secondary education and 38.1% undergraduate; hybrid present 51% postgraduate and 35.4% undergraduate. This was similar to remote workers, with 48.6% postgraduate and 34.3% undergraduate. There were no significant differences in gender composition between work models (p = 0.738), with most respondents being female in all three work groups. Remote workers predominated in areas such as commerce, marketing, and services; education and the public sector were common in the in-person group, while technology and the financial sector were predominant among hybrid workers (p < 0.001). As for leadership roles, there was no significant association with working models (p = 0.126). The decision on the working model was predominantly made by the organization for in-person and hybrid workers (p < 0.001). Preference for the working model was in line with the workers' scenario at that time (p < 0.001). Kruskal-Wallis test with Bonferroni's post hoc test compared the psychological safety scores between working groups, reveling statistically higher scores in hybrid group x̃ = 5.64 compared to in-person group x̃ = 5, with remote workers showing scores similar to other groups x̃ = 5.43 (p = 0.004). Age demonstrated no significant difference between the working groups (p = 0.052). On the other hand, organization tenure and job tenure were higher in in-person groups compared to the hybrid and remote groups (p < 0.001). The hybrid model illustrates a balance between in-person and remote models. The results highlight that higher levels of psychological safety can be correlated with the flexibility of hybrid work, as well as physical interaction, spontaneity, and informal relationships, which are considered determinants of high levels of psychological safety. Conclusions: Psychological safety at the group level using the seven-item scale is widely employed in comparison to other commonly employed measures. Despite psychological safety having been around for decades, primarily studied in in-person work contexts, the current findings contribute to expanding research with hybrid or remote settings. Ultimately, this investigation has demonstrated the significance of work models in assessing psychological safety levels.

Keywords: hybrid work, new ways of working, psychological safety, workplace, working models

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1266 Battle of Narratives: Georgia between Dialogue and Confrontation

Authors: Ketevan Epadze


The paper aims to examine conflicting historical narratives proposed by the Georgian and Abkhazian scholars on the territorial affiliation of Abkhazia in the 1950s, explain how these narratives were connected to the Soviet nationalities policy after WW II and demonstrate the dynamic of the narratives’ battle in the last years of the Soviet system, which was followed by military conflict in the post-Soviet era. Abkhazia –a breakaway region of Georgia- self-declared its independence in 1992. Historical dispute on the territorial rights of Abkhazia emerged long before the military conflict began and was connected to the theory of Abkhazian ethnogenesis written by the Georgian literary scholar Pavle Ingorokva. He argued that medieval Abkhazians were Georgians, while modern Abkhazians are newcomers in Abkhazia. After the de-Stalinization, Abkhazian historians developed historical narrative opposed to Ingorokva’s theory. In the 1980s, Georgian dissidents who strove for Georgia’s independence used Ingorokva’s thesis to oppose Abkhazians desire for self-determination and sovereignty. Abkhazian political actors in their turn employed opposite historical arguments to legitimate their rights over autonomy. Ingorokva’s theory is one of the principal issues, discussed during the Georgian-Abkhazian dialogue; it often confuses Georgians and gives the reasons to Abkhazians for complaining about the Georgian discrimination in the Soviet past. The study is based on the different kind of sources: archival materials of the 1950s (Communist Party Archive of Georgia, Soviet Journal ‘Mnatobi’), the book by Pavle Ingorokva ‘Giorgi Merchule’ (1947-1954) and Zurab Anchabadze’s responsive work to Ingorokva’s book – ‘From the medieval history of Abkhazia’ (1956-1959), political speeches of the Georgian and Abkhazian political actors in the 1980s, secondary sources on the Soviet nationalities policy from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Keywords: Soviet, history, ethnicity, nationalism, politics, post-Soviet, conflict

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1265 Using Electronic Portfolio to Promote English Speaking Ability of EFL Undergraduate Students

Authors: Jiraporn Lao-Un, Dararat Khampusaen


Lack of exposure to English language in the authentic English setting naturally leads to a lack of fluency in the language. As a result, Thai EFL learners are struggling in meeting with the communication 'can do' descriptors of the Common European Framework of References (CEFR) required by the Ministry of Education. This initial phase of the ongoing study, employing the e-portfolio to promote the English speaking ability, probed into the effects of the use of e-portfolio on Thai EFL nursing students' speaking ability. Also, their opinions towards the use of e-portfolio to enhance their speaking ability were investigated. The participants were 44 undergraduate nursing students at a Thai College of Nursing. The participants undertook four lessons to promote their communication skills according to the CEFR criteria. Throughout the semester, the participants videotaped themselves while completing the four speaking tasks. The videos were then uploaded onto the e-portfolio website where the researcher provided them with the feedbacks. The video records were analyzed by the speaking rubric designed according to the CEFR 'can do' descriptors. Also, students were required to record self-reflections in video format and upload onto the same URL Students' oral self-reflections were coded to find out the perceptions towards the use of the e-portfolio in promoting their speaking ability. The results from the two research instruments suggested the effectiveness of the tool on improving speaking ability, learner autonomy and media literacy skills. In addition, the oral reflection videos revealed positive opinion towards the tool. The discussion offers the current status of English speaking ability among Thai EFL students. This reveals the gaps between the EFL speaking ability and the CEFR ‘can do’ descriptors. In addition, the author raises the light on integration of the 21st century IT tool to enhance these students’ speaking ability. Lastly, the theoretical implications and recommendation for further study in integrating electronic tools to promote language skills in the EFL context are offered for further research.

Keywords: EFL communication, EFL speaking, English communication, E-learning, E-portfolio, speaking ability, Thai EFL learners

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1264 The Development of Quality Standards for the Qualification of Community Interpreters in Germany: A Needs Assessment

Authors: Jessica Terese Mueller, Christoph Breitsprecher, Mike Oliver Mosko


Due to an unusually high number of asylum seekers entering Germany over the course of the past few years, the need for community interpreters has increased dramatically, in order to make the communication between asylum seekers and various actors in social and governmental agencies possible. In the field of social work in particular, there are community interpreters who possess a wide spectrum of qualifications spanning from state-certified professional interpreters with graduate degrees to lay or ad-hoc interpreters with little to no formal training. To the best of our knowledge, Germany has no official national quality standards for the training of community interpreters at present, which would serve to professionalise this field as well as to assure a certain degree of quality in the training programmes offered. Given the current demand for trained community interpreters, there is a growing number of training programmes geared toward qualifying community interpreters who work with asylum seekers in Germany. These training programmes range from short one-day workshops to graduate programmes with specialisations in Community Interpreting. As part of a larger project to develop quality standards for the qualification of community interpreters working with asylum seekers in the field of social work, a needs assessment was performed in the city-state of Hamburg and the state of North Rhine Westphalia in the form of focus groups and individual interviews with relevant actors in the field in order to determine the content and practical knowledge needed for community interpreters from the perspectives of those who work in and rely on this field. More specifically, social workers, volunteers, certified language and cultural mediators, paid and volunteer community interpreters and asylum seekers were invited to take part in focus groups in both locations, and asylum seekers, training providers, researchers, linguists and other national and international experts were individually interviewed. The responses collected in these focus groups and interviews have been analysed using Mayring’s concept of content analysis. In general, the responses indicate a high degree of overlap related to certain categories as well as some categories which seemed to be of particular importance to certain groups individually, while showing little to no relevance for other groups. For example, the topics of accuracy and transparency of the interpretations, as well as professionalism and ethical concerns were touched on in some form in most groups. Some group-specific topics which are the focus of experts were topics related to interpreting techniques and more concretely described theoretical and practical knowledge which should be covered in training programmes. Social workers and volunteers generally concentrated on issues regarding the role of the community interpreters and the importance of setting and clarifying professional boundaries. From the perspective of service receivers, asylum seekers tended to focus on the importance of having access to interpreters who are from their home region or country and who speak the same regiolect, dialect or variety as they do in order to prevent misunderstandings or misinterpretations which might negatively affect their asylum status. These results indicate a certain degree of consensus with trainings offered internationally for community interpreters.

Keywords: asylum seekers, community interpreting, needs assessment, quality standards, training

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1263 Work Experience and Employability: Results and Evaluation of a Pilot Training Course on Skills for Company Tutors

Authors: Javier Barraycoa, Olga Lasaga


Work experience placements are one of the main routes to employment and acquiring professional experience for recent graduates. The effectiveness of these work experience placements is conditioned to the training in skills, especially teaching skills, of company tutors. For this reason, a manual specifically designed for training company tutors in these skills has been developed. Similarly, a pilot semi-attendance course to provide the resources that enable tutors to improve their role as instructors was carried out. The course was quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated with the aim of assessing its effectiveness, detecting shortcomings and areas to be improved, and revising the manual contents. One of the biggest achievements was the raising of awareness in the participating tutors of the importance of their work and of the need to develop teaching skills. As a result of this project, we have detected a need to design specific training supplements according to knowledge areas and sectors, to collate good practices and to create easily accessible audiovisual materials.

Keywords: company tutors, employability, teaching skills, work experience

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1262 Classroom Readiness of Open and Distance Learning Student Teachers

Authors: E. C. du Plessis


Teaching practice is a major component of teacher education and the preparation of teachers for the real-life classroom throughout the world. Learning is seen as a constructive process, whether it is classroom based or takes place by means of distance education. Blending theory and practice with effective education in distance context as part of situated learning is crucial. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine distance education student teachers' classroom readiness on completion of the teaching practice modules of their Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course. A qualitative research approach was used for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. A total of 15 student teachers enrolled at the College of Education of an ODL (Open and Distance Learning) institution were selected and volunteered to participate in the research. In the light of the results of the research, it is recommended that more attention is given to the interaction between mentor teachers, academic lecturers, and student teachers, as well as the expectations and responsibilities of these role-players.

Keywords: communities of practice, mentor teachers, open and distance learning, practicum, professional development, student teachers, teaching practice

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1261 An Empirical Investigation of Mobile Banking Services Adoption in Pakistan

Authors: Aijaz A. Shaikh, Richard Glavee-Geo, Heikki Karjaluoto


Adoption of Information Systems (IS) is receiving increasing attention such that its implications have been closely monitored and studied by the IS management community, industry and professional gatekeepers. Building on previous research regarding the adoption of technology, this paper develops and validates an integrated model of the adoption of mobile banking. The model originates from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). This paper intends to offer a preliminary scrutiny of the antecedents of the adoption of mobile banking services in the context of a developing country. Data was collected from Pakistan. The findings showed that an integrated TAM and TPB model greatly explains the adoption intention of mobile banking; and perceived behavioural control and its antecedents play a significant role in predicting adoption Theoretical and managerial implications of findings are presented and discussed.

Keywords: developing country, mobile banking service adoption, technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior

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1260 Differences in the Level of Self-Efficacy and Intensity of Narcissism among Band and Solo Musicians

Authors: Weronika Molińska, Joanna Rajchert


A musical career is not only about the quality of performing or playing music. Musicians can choose from a variety of specializations and career paths. The described study focused on psychological traits which relate to a solo career (performing individually or as a leader) or performing as part of a chamber ensemble, ensemble, choir, or orchestra. The hypothesis predicted that narcissism and self-efficacy would be higher in musicians performing solo. The study involved 124 professional musicians: instrumentalists and soloists, singers (n = 59), and ensemble instrumentalists and singers (n = 65). The results confirmed the hypothesis and showed that soloists were higher on self-efficacy and narcissism. In particular, soloists were higher on leader characteristics, demand for admiration, and vanity than musicians performing in ensembles. The result of these studies is a good introduction to a broader project answering the questions of what can increase or decrease the musician's sense of self-efficacy and whether the decreased self-efficacy could induce musicians to give up their solo careers.

Keywords: self-efficacy, musicians, musical profession, narcissism, soloists

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1259 The Role of Video in Teaching and Learning Pronunciation: A Case Study

Authors: Kafi Razzaq Ahmed


Speaking fluently in a second language requires vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills. Teaching the English language entails teaching pronunciation. In professional literature, there have been a lot of attempts to integrate technology into improving the pronunciation of learners. The technique is also neglected in Kurdish contexts, Salahaddin University – Erbil included. Thus, the main aim of the research is to point out the efficiency of using video materials for both language teachers and learners within and beyond classroom learning and teaching environments to enhance student's pronunciation. To collect practical data, a research project has been designed. In subsequent research, a posttest will be administered after each lesson to 100 first-year students at Salahaddin University-Erbil English departments. All students will be taught the same material using different methods, one based on video materials and the other based on the traditional approach to teaching pronunciation. Finally, the results of both tests will be analyzed (also knowing the attitudes of both the teachers and the students about both lessons) to indicate the impact of using video in the process of teaching and learning pronunciation.

Keywords: video, pronunciation, teaching, learning

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1258 The Lacuna in Understanding of Forensic Science amongst Law Practitioners in India

Authors: Poulomi Bhadra, Manjushree Palit, Sanjeev P. Sahni


Forensic science uses all branches of science for criminal investigation and trial and has increasingly emerged as an important tool in the administration of justice. However, the growth and development of this field in India has not been as rapid or widespread as compared to the more developed Western countries. For successful administration of justice, it is important that all agencies involved in law enforcement adopt an inter-professional approach towards forensic science, which is presently lacking. In light of the alarmingly high average acquittal rate in India, this study aims to examine the lack of understanding and appreciation of the importance and scope of forensic evidence and expert opinions amongst law professionals such as lawyers and judges. Based on a study of trial court cases from Delhi and surrounding areas, the study underline the areas in forensics where the criminal justice system has noticeably erred. Using this information, the authors examine the extent of forensic understanding amongst legal professionals and attempt to conclusively identify the areas in which they need further appraisal. A cross-sectional study done using a structured questionnaire was conducted amongst law professionals across age, gender, type and years of experience in court, to determine their understanding of DNA, fingerprints and other interdisciplinary scientific materials used as forensic evidence. In our study, we understand the levels of understanding amongst lawyers with regards to DNA and fingerprint evidence, and how it affects trial outcomes. We also aim to understand the factors that prevent credible and advanced awareness amongst legal personnel, amongst others. The survey identified the areas in modern and advanced forensics, such as forensic entomology, anthropology, cybercrime etc., in which Indian legal professionals are yet to attain a functional understanding. It also brings to light, what is commonly termed as the ‘CSI-effect’ in the Western courtrooms, and provides scope to study the existence of this phenomenon and its effects on the Indian courts and their judgements. This study highlighted the prevalence of unchallenged expert testimony presented by the prosecution in criminal trials and impressed upon the judicial system the need for independent analysis and evaluation of the scientist’s data and/or testimony by the defense. Overall, this study aims to define a clearer and rigid understanding of why legal professionals should have basic understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of forensic sciences. Based on the aforementioned findings, the author suggests various measures by which judges and lawyers might obtain an extensive knowledge of the advances and promising potentialities of forensic science. This includes promoting a forensic curriculum in legal studies at Bachelor’s and Master’s level as well as in mid-career professional courses. Formation of forensic-legal consultancies, in consultation with the Department of Justice, will not only assist in training police, military and law personnel but will also encourage legal research in this field. These suggestions also aim to bridge the communication gap that presently exists between law practitioners, forensic scientists and the general community’s awareness of the criminal justice system.

Keywords: forensic science, Indian legal professionals, interdisciplinary awareness, legal education

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1257 Current Global Education Trends: Issues and Challenges of Physical and Health Education Teaching and Learning in Nigerian Schools

Authors: Bichi Muktar Sani


The philosophy of Physical and Health Education is to develop academic and professional competency which will enable individuals earn a living and render unique services to the society and also provide good basis of knowledge and experience that characterize an educated and fully developed person through physical activities. With the increase of sedentary activities such as watching television, playing videogames, increased computer technology, automation and reduction of high school Physical and Health Education schedules, young people are most likely to become overweight, and less fit. Physical Education is a systematic instruction in sports, training, practice, gymnastics, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program. Physical and Health Education is the study, practice, and appreciation of the art and science of human movement. Physical and Health Education is course in the curricula that utilizes the learning in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in a lay or movement exploration setting. The paper made some recommendations on the way forward.

Keywords: issues, challenges, physical education, school

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1256 Autonomous Exploration, Navigation and Mapping Payload Integrated on a Quadruped Robot

Authors: Julian Y. Raheema, Michael R. Hess, Raymond C. Provost, Mark Bilinski


The world is rapidly moving towards advancing and utilizing artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics. The ground-breaking Boston Dynamics quadruped robot, SPOT, was designed for industrial and commercial tasks requiring limited autonomous navigation. Out of the box, SPOT has route memorization and playback – it can repeat a path that it has been manually piloted through, but it cannot autonomously navigate an area that has not been previously explored. The presented SPOT payload package is built on ROS framework to support autonomous navigation and mapping of an unexplored environment. The package is fully integrated with SPOT to take advantage of motor controls and collision avoidance that comes natively with the robot. The payload runs all computations onboard, takes advantage of visual odometry SLAM and uses an Intel RealSense depth camera and Velodyne LiDAR sensor to generate 2D and 3D maps while in autonomous navigation mode. These maps are fused into the navigation stack to generate a costmap to enable the robot to safely navigate the environment without causing damage to the surroundings or the robot. The operator defines the operational zone and start location and then sends the explore command to have SPOT explore, generate 2D and 3D maps of the environment and return to the start location to await the operator's next command. The benefit of the presented package is that it is much lighter weight and less expensive than previous approaches and, importantly, operates in GPS-denied scenarios, which is ideal for indoor mapping. There are numerous applications that are hazardous to humans for SPOT enhanced with the autonomy payload, including disaster response, nuclear inspection, mine inspection, and so on. Other less extreme uses cases include autonomous 3D and 2D scanning of facilities for inspection, engineering and construction purposes.

Keywords: autonomous, SLAM, quadruped, mapping, exploring, ROS, robotics, navigation

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1255 Making Use of Content and Language Integrated Learning for Teaching Entrepreneurship and Neuromarketing to Master Students: Case Study

Authors: Svetlana Polskaya


The study deals with the issue of using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) concept when teaching Master Program students majoring in neuromarketing and entrepreneurship. Present-day employers expect young graduates to conduct professional communication with their English-speaking peers and demonstrate proper knowledge of the industry’s terminology and jargon. The idea of applying CLIL was the result of the above-mentioned students possessing high proficiency in English, thus, not requiring any further knowledge of the English language in terms of traditional grammar or lexis. Due to this situation, a CLIL-type program was devised, allowing learners to acquire new knowledge of entrepreneurship and neuromarketing spheres combined with simultaneous honing their English language practical usage. The case study analyzes CLIL application within this particular program as well as the experience accumulated in the process.

Keywords: CLIL, entrepreneurship, neuromarketing, foreign language acquisition, proficiency level

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1254 Digital Rehabilitation for Navigation Impairment

Authors: Milan N. A. Van Der Kuil, Anne M. A. Visser-Meily, Andrea W. M. Evers, Ineke J. M. Van Der Ham


Navigation ability is essential for autonomy and mobility in daily life. In patients with acquired brain injury, navigation impairment is frequently impaired; however, in this study, we tested the effectiveness of a serious gaming training protocol as a tool for cognitive rehabilitation to reduce navigation impairment. In total, 38 patients with acquired brain injury and subjective navigation complaints completed the experiment, with a partially blind, randomized control trial design. An objective navigation test was used to construct a strengths and weaknesses profile for each patient. Subsequently, patients received personalized compensation training that matched their strengths and weaknesses by addressing an egocentric or allocentric strategy or a strategy aimed at minimizing the use of landmarks. Participants in the experimental condition received psychoeducation and a home-based rehabilitation game with a series of exercises (e.g., map reading, place finding, and turn memorization). The exercises were developed to stimulate the adoption of more beneficial strategies, according to the compensatory approach. Self-reported navigation ability (wayfinding questionnaire), participation level, and objective navigation performance were measured before and after 1 and 4 weeks after completing the six-week training program. Results indicate that the experimental group significantly improved in subjective navigation ability both 1 and 4 weeks after completion of the training, in comparison to the score before training and the scores of the control group. Similarly, goal attainment showed a significant increase after the first and fourth week after training. Objective navigation performance was not affected by the training. This navigation training protocol provides an effective solution to address navigation impairment after acquired brain injury, with clear improvements in subjective performance and goal attainment of the participants. The outcomes of the training should be re-examined after implementation in a clinical setting.

Keywords: spatial navigation, cognitive rehabilitation, serious gaming, acquired brain injury

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1253 Information and Communication Technology and Business Education in Nigeria

Authors: Oloniyo Kemisola Eunice, Odere Oladunni Oluwafeyikemi


Technological change and globalization have created a new global economy with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) occupying a complex position in relation to globalization. The emergence of this new global economy has serious implications on the nature and purpose of educational institutions. The paper is basically a theoretical discourse. Data for analysis were obtained from secondary sources. The paper found that significant challenges confront the integration of ICTs in education in the areas of educational policy and planning, infrastructure, language and content, capacity building and financing in Nigeria. The paper concluded that business education needs to be well equipped to anticipate and respond to opportunities created by ICTs in order to participate productively and equitably in an increasingly technology-rich and knowledge-driven world. The paper recommended, among others, that the investments in ICTs should be used to promote the development of basic skills, problem-solving and communication skills and the professional development of teachers.

Keywords: information, communication, technology, business, education

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1252 Counseling Ethics in Turkish Counseling Programs

Authors: Umut Arslan, John Sommers Flanagan


The purpose of this study was to investigate qualifications of ethics training in counselor education programs in Turkey. The survey data were collected from 251 Turkish counseling students to examine differences in ethical judgments between freshmen and seniors. Chi-square analysis was used to analyze the data from an ethical practice and belief survey. This survey was used to assess counselor candidates’ ethical judgments regarding Turkish counseling ethical codes and sources of ethics information. Statistically significant differences were found between university seniors and freshmen on items that are related to confidentiality, dual relationships, and professional relationships. Furthermore, patterns based on demographic information showed significant differences as a result of gender, economic status, and parents’ educational level. Participants gave the highest rating of information sources to Turkish counseling ethical codes.

Keywords: ethics, training, Turkey, counselor, education

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1251 Identifying Learning Support Patterns for Enhancing Quality Outputs in Massive Open Online Courses

Authors: Cristina Galván-Fernández, Elena Barberà, Jingjing Zhang


In recent years, MOOCs have been in the spotlight for its high drop-out rates, which potentially impact on the quality of the learning experience. This study attempts to explore how learning support can be used to keep student retention, and in turn to improve the quality of learning in MOOCs. In this study, the patterns of learning support were identified from a total of 4202592 units of video sessions, clickstream data of 25600 students, and 382 threads generated in 10 forums (optional and mandatory) in five different types of MOOCs (e.g. conventional MOOCs, professional MOOCs, and informal MOOCs). The results of this study have shown a clear correlation between the types of MOOCs, the design framework of the MOOCs, and the learning support. The patterns of tutor-peer interaction are identified, and are found to be highly correlated with student retention in all five types of MOOCs. In addition, different patterns of ‘good’ students were identified, which could potentially inform the instruction design of MOOCs.

Keywords: higher education, learning support, MOOC, retention

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1250 Differences in Activity Patterns between Adult and U-21 Major League Players in Four Field Positions

Authors: U. Harel, E. Carmeli


The Purpose was to measure differences in activity patterns between major league adult and U-21 soccer players. Four U-21 players and four adult team players were evaluated using a repeated measures technique. All eight players were affiliated with the Maccabi Haifa soccer club from the Israeli professional and U-21major leagues, depending on the player’s age. GPS sensors were attached to the players during five consecutive games to identify patterns regarding running distance and speed according to the field positions. There was no significant difference in the total running distances covered by two age groups. When measuring running speed, an advantage was observed in the adult group when comparing two players from different age groups that played the same position. Differences in activity patterns were evident between adult and U-21 major league soccer players. Furthermore, differences in within group activity pattern emerged between the positions under investigation. These findings provide valuable knowledge that may serve the principle of training specificity.

Keywords: physical fitness, soccer, positional differences, GPS, training specificity

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1249 Applying Personel Resilence and Emotional Agitation in Occupational, Health and Safety Education and Training

Authors: M. Jayandran


Continual professional development is an important concept for safety professionals to strengthen the knowledge base and to achieve the required qualifications or international memberships in a given time. But the main problems which have observed among most of the safety aspirants are as follows: lack of focus, inferiority complex, superiority complex, lack of interest and lethargy, family and off job stress, health issues, usage of drugs and alcohol, and absenteeism. A HSE trainer should be an expert in soft skills and other stress, emotional handling techniques, so as to manage the above aspirants during training. To do this practice, a trainer has to brainstorm himself of few of the soft skills like personnel resilience, mnemonic techniques, mind healing, and subconscious suggestion techniques by integrating with an emotional intelligence quotient of the aspirants. By adopting these techniques, a trainer can successfully deliver the course and influence the different types of audience to achieve success in training.

Keywords: personnel resilience, mnemonic techniques, mind healing, sub conscious suggestion techniques

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1248 Revolutionizing Interior Design with AI: A Comprehensive Analysis of Coohom’s Innovative Features

Authors: Raghad Alshabrawi, Raghad Alafif


Coohom is revolutionizing the world of interior design by seamlessly blending cutting-edge AI technology with an intuitive, user-friendly platform. Catering to both professionals and enthusiasts, Coohom empowers users to transform their creative visions into stunning 3D realities with unmatched speed and precision. This research explores Coohom’s groundbreaking AI capabilities, from personalized design suggestions to real-time layout optimization and photorealistic rendering. Compared to competitors like SketchUp and AutoCAD, Coohom stands out with its simplicity, accessibility, and AI-driven innovation. User feedback reveals overwhelming satisfaction, with Coohom’s AI praised for delivering diverse design options, unparalleled accuracy, and significant time savings. As AI continues to reshape the design landscape, Coohom leads the charge, making professional-grade design effortless and accessible to all. This paper highlights the transformative potential of Coohom, showcasing how it is setting a new benchmark for creativity, efficiency, and innovation in the digital design industry.

Keywords: interor design, coohom AI 3D, 3D Models, sketced

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