Search results for: optimal chiller loading
3511 Testing a Flexible Manufacturing System Facility Production Capacity through Discrete Event Simulation: Automotive Case Study
Authors: Justyna Rybicka, Ashutosh Tiwari, Shane Enticott
In the age of automation and computation aiding manufacturing, it is clear that manufacturing systems have become more complex than ever before. Although technological advances provide the capability to gain more value with fewer resources, sometimes utilisation of the manufacturing capabilities available to organisations is difficult to achieve. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) provide a unique capability to manufacturing organisations where there is a need for product range diversification by providing line efficiency through production flexibility. This is very valuable in trend driven production set-ups or niche volume production requirements. Although FMS provides flexible and efficient facilities, its optimal set-up is key in achieving production performance. As many variables are interlinked due to the flexibility provided by the FMS, analytical calculations are not always sufficient to predict the FMS’ performance. Simulation modelling is capable of capturing the complexity and constraints associated with FMS. This paper demonstrates how discrete event simulation (DES) can address complexity in an FMS to optimise the production line performance. A case study of an automotive FMS is presented. The DES model demonstrates different configuration options depending on prioritising objectives: utilisation and throughput. Additionally, this paper provides insight into understanding the impact of system set-up constraints on the FMS performance and demonstrates the exploration into the optimal production set-up.Keywords: discrete event simulation, flexible manufacturing system, capacity performance, automotive
Procedia PDF Downloads 3283510 Optimal Beam for Accelerator Driven Systems
Authors: M. Paraipan, V. M. Javadova, S. I. Tyutyunnikov
The concept of energy amplifier or accelerator driven system (ADS) involves the use of a particle accelerator coupled with a nuclear reactor. The accelerated particle beam generates a supplementary source of neutrons, which allows the subcritical functioning of the reactor, and consequently a safe exploitation. The harder neutron spectrum realized ensures a better incineration of the actinides. The almost generalized opinion is that the optimal beam for ADS is represented by protons with energy around 1 GeV (gigaelectronvolt). In the present work, a systematic analysis of the energy gain for proton beams with energy from 0.5 to 3 GeV and ion beams from deuteron to neon with energies between 0.25 and 2 AGeV is performed. The target is an assembly of metallic U-Pu-Zr fuel rods in a bath of lead-bismuth eutectic coolant. The rods length is 150 cm. A beryllium converter with length 110 cm is used in order to maximize the energy released in the target. The case of a linear accelerator is considered, with a beam intensity of 1.25‧10¹⁶ p/s, and a total accelerator efficiency of 0.18 for proton beam. These values are planned to be achieved in the European Spallation Source project. The energy gain G is calculated as the ratio between the energy released in the target to the energy spent to accelerate the beam. The energy released is obtained through simulation with the code Geant4. The energy spent is calculating by scaling from the data about the accelerator efficiency for the reference particle (proton). The analysis concerns the G values, the net power produce, the accelerator length, and the period between refueling. The optimal energy for proton is 1.5 GeV. At this energy, G reaches a plateau around a value of 8 and a net power production of 120 MW (megawatt). Starting with alpha, ion beams have a higher G than 1.5 GeV protons. A beam of 0.25 AGeV(gigaelectronvolt per nucleon) ⁷Li realizes the same net power production as 1.5 GeV protons, has a G of 15, and needs an accelerator length 2.6 times lower than for protons, representing the best solution for ADS. Beams of ¹⁶O or ²⁰Ne with energy 0.75 AGeV, accelerated in an accelerator with the same length as 1.5 GeV protons produce approximately 900 MW net power, with a gain of 23-25. The study of the evolution of the isotopes composition during irradiation shows that the increase in power production diminishes the period between refueling. For a net power produced of 120 MW, the target can be irradiated approximately 5000 days without refueling, but only 600 days when the net power reaches 1 GW (gigawatt).Keywords: accelerator driven system, ion beam, electrical power, energy gain
Procedia PDF Downloads 1433509 Submicron Laser-Induced Dot, Ripple and Wrinkle Structures and Their Applications
Authors: P. Slepicka, N. Slepickova Kasalkova, I. Michaljanicova, O. Nedela, Z. Kolska, V. Svorcik
Polymers exposed to laser or plasma treatment or modified with different wet methods which enable the introduction of nanoparticles or biologically active species, such as amino-acids, may find many applications both as biocompatible or anti-bacterial materials or on the contrary, can be applied for a decrease in the number of cells on the treated surface which opens application in single cell units. For the experiments, two types of materials were chosen, a representative of non-biodegradable polymers, polyethersulphone (PES) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) as biodegradable material. Exposure of solid substrate to laser well below the ablation threshold can lead to formation of various surface structures. The ripples have a period roughly comparable to the wavelength of the incident laser radiation, and their dimensions depend on many factors, such as chemical composition of the polymer substrate, laser wavelength and the angle of incidence. On the contrary, biopolymers may significantly change their surface roughness and thus influence cell compatibility. The focus was on the surface treatment of PES and PHB by pulse excimer KrF laser with wavelength of 248 nm. The changes of physicochemical properties, surface morphology, surface chemistry and ablation of exposed polymers were studied both for PES and PHB. Several analytical methods involving atomic force microscopy, gravimetry, scanning electron microscopy and others were used for the analysis of the treated surface. It was found that the combination of certain input parameters leads not only to the formation of optimal narrow pattern, but to the combination of a ripple and a wrinkle-like structure, which could be an optimal candidate for cell attachment. The interaction of different types of cells and their interactions with the laser exposed surface were studied. It was found that laser treatment contributes as a major factor for wettability/contact angle change. The combination of optimal laser energy and pulse number was used for the construction of a surface with an anti-cellular response. Due to the simple laser treatment, we were able to prepare a biopolymer surface with higher roughness and thus significantly influence the area of growth of different types of cells (U-2 OS cells).Keywords: cell response, excimer laser, polymer treatment, periodic pattern, surface morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2373508 Optrix: Energy Aware Cross Layer Routing Using Convex Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Ali Shareef, Aliha Shareef, Yifeng Zhu
Energy minimization is of great importance in wireless sensor networks in extending the battery lifetime. One of the key activities of nodes in a WSN is communication and the routing of their data to a centralized base-station or sink. Routing using the shortest path to the sink is not the best solution since it will cause nodes along this path to fail prematurely. We propose a cross-layer energy efficient routing protocol Optrix that utilizes a convex formulation to maximize the lifetime of the network as a whole. We further propose, Optrix-BW, a novel convex formulation with bandwidth constraint that allows the channel conditions to be accounted for in routing. By considering this key channel parameter we demonstrate that Optrix-BW is capable of congestion control. Optrix is implemented in TinyOS, and we demonstrate that a relatively large topology of 40 nodes can converge to within 91% of the optimal routing solution. We describe the pitfalls and issues related with utilizing a continuous form technique such as convex optimization with discrete packet based communication systems as found in WSNs. We propose a routing controller mechanism that allows for this transformation. We compare Optrix against the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) and we found that Optrix performs better in terms of convergence to an optimal routing solution, for load balancing and network lifetime maximization than CTP.Keywords: wireless sensor network, Energy Efficient Routing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933507 Development of a Solar Energy Based Prototype, CyanoClean, for Arsenic Removal from Water with the Use of a Cyanobacterial Consortium in Field Conditions of India
Authors: Anurakti Shukla, Sudhakar Srivastava
Cyanobacteria are known for rapid growth rates, high biomass, and the ability to accumulate potentially toxic elements and contaminants. The present work was planned to develop a low-cost, feasible prototype, CyanoClean, for the growth of a cyanobacterial consortium for the removal of arsenic (As) from water. The cyanobacterial consortium consisting of Oscillatoria, Phormidiumand Gloeotrichiawas used, and the conditions for optimal growth of the consortium were standardized. A pH of 7.6, initial cyanobacterial biomass of 10 g/L, and arsenite [As(III)] and arsenate [As(V)] concentration of 400 μΜand 600 μM, respectively, were found to be suitable. The CyanoClean prototype was designed with acrylic sheet and had arrangements for optimal cyanobacterial growth in natural sunlight and also in artificial light. The As removal experiments in concentration- and duration-dependent manner demonstrated removal of up to 39-69% and 9-33% As respectively from As(III) and As(V)-contaminated water. In field testing of CyanoClean, natural As-contaminated groundwater was used, and As reduction was monitored when a flow rate of 3 L/h was maintained. In a field experiment, As concentration in groundwater was found to reduce from 102.43 μg L⁻¹ to <10 μg L⁻¹ after 6 h in natural sunlight. However, in shaded conditions under artificial light, the same result was achieved after 9 h. The CyanoClean prototype is of simple design and can be easily up-scaled for application at a small- to medium-size land and shall be affordable even for a low- to middle-income group farmer.Keywords: cyanoclean, gloeotrichia, oscillatoria, phormidium, phycoremediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1443506 Optimal Design of Submersible Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Based Design of Experiment and Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Xiao Zhang, Wensheng Xiao, Junguo Cui, Hongmin Wang
Submersible permanent magnet linear synchronous motors (SPMLSMs) are electromagnetic devices, which can directly drive plunger pump to obtain the crude oil. Those motors have been gradually applied in oil fields due to high thrust force density and high efficiency. Since the force performance closely depends on the concrete structural parameters, the seven different structural parameters are investigated in detail. This paper presents an optimum design of an SPMLSM to minimize the detent force and maximize the thrust by using design of experiment (DOE) and genetic algorithm (GA). The three significant structural parameters (air-gap length, slot width, pole-arc coefficient) are separately screened using 27 1/16 fractional factorial design (FFD) to investigate the significant effect of seven parameters used in this research on the force performance. Response surface methodology (RSM) is well adapted to make analytical model of thrust and detent force with constraints of corresponding significant parameters and enable objective function to be easily created, respectively. GA is performed as a searching tool to search for the Pareto-optimal solutions. By finite element analysis, the proposed PMLSM shows merits in improving thrust and reducing the detent force dramatically.Keywords: optimization, force performance, design of experiment (DOE), genetic algorithm (GA)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2903505 Multi-Scale Control Model for Network Group Behavior
Authors: Fuyuan Ma, Ying Wang, Xin Wang
Social networks have become breeding grounds for the rapid spread of rumors and malicious information, posing threats to societal stability and causing significant public harm. Existing research focuses on simulating the spread of information and its impact on users through propagation dynamics and applies methods such as greedy approximation strategies to approximate the optimal control solution at the global scale. However, the greedy strategy at the global scale may fall into locally optimal solutions, and the approximate simulation of information spread may accumulate more errors. Therefore, we propose a multi-scale control model for network group behavior, introducing individual and group scales on top of the greedy strategy’s global scale. At the individual scale, we calculate the propagation influence of nodes based on their structural attributes to alleviate the issue of local optimality. At the group scale, we conduct precise propagation simulations to avoid introducing cumulative errors from approximate calculations without increasing computational costs. Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed multi-scale model in controlling network group behavior.Keywords: influence blocking maximization, competitive linear threshold model, social networks, network group behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 233504 Iterative Dynamic Programming for 4D Flight Trajectory Optimization
Authors: Kawser Ahmed, K. Bousson, Milca F. Coelho
4D flight trajectory optimization is one of the key ingredients to improve flight efficiency and to enhance the air traffic capacity in the current air traffic management (ATM). The present paper explores the iterative dynamic programming (IDP) as a potential numerical optimization method for 4D flight trajectory optimization. IDP is an iterative version of the Dynamic programming (DP) method. Due to the numerical framework, DP is very suitable to deal with nonlinear discrete dynamic systems. The 4D waypoint representation of the flight trajectory is similar to the discretization by a grid system; thus DP is a natural method to deal with the 4D flight trajectory optimization. However, the computational time and space complexity demanded by the DP is enormous due to the immense number of grid points required to find the optimum, which prevents the use of the DP in many practical high dimension problems. On the other hand, the IDP has shown potentials to deal successfully with high dimension optimal control problems even with a few numbers of grid points at each stage, which reduces the computational effort over the traditional DP approach. Although the IDP has been applied successfully in chemical engineering problems, IDP is yet to be validated in 4D flight trajectory optimization problems. In this paper, the IDP has been successfully used to generate minimum length 4D optimal trajectory avoiding any obstacle in its path, such as a no-fly zone or residential areas when flying in low altitude to reduce noise pollution.Keywords: 4D waypoint navigation, iterative dynamic programming, obstacle avoidance, trajectory optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1633503 Influence of Cobalt Incorporation on the Structure and Properties of SOL-Gel Derived Mesoporous Bioglass Nanoparticles
Authors: Ahmed El-Fiqi, Hae-Won Kim
Incorporation of therapeutic elements such as Sr, Cu and Co into bioglass structure and their release as ions is considered as one of the promising approaches to enhance cellular responses, e.g., osteogenesis and angiogenesis. Here, cobalt as angiogenesis promoter has been incorporated (at 0, 1 and 4 mol%) into sol-gel derived calcium silicate mesoporous bioglass nanoparticles. The composition and structure of cobalt-free (CFN) and cobalt-doped (CDN) mesoporous bioglass nanoparticles have been analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-Transform Infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR). The physicochemical properties of CFN and CDN have been investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), Selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX). Furthermore, the textural properties, including specific surface area, pore-volume, and pore size, have been analyzed from N²⁻sorption analyses. Surface charges of CFN and CDN were also determined from surface zeta potential measurements. The release of ions, including Co²⁺, Ca²⁺, and SiO₄⁴⁻ has been analyzed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Loading and release of diclofenac as an anti-inflammatory drug model were explored in vitro using Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). XRD results ensured the amorphous state of CFN and CDN whereas, XRF further confirmed that their chemical compositions are very close to the designed compositions. HR-TEM analyses unveiled nanoparticles with spherical morphologies, highly mesoporous textures, and sizes in the range of 90 - 100 nm. Moreover, N²⁻ sorption analyses revealed that the nanoparticles have pores with sizes of 3.2 - 2.6 nm, pore volumes of 0.41 - 0.35 cc/g and highly surface areas in the range of 716 - 830 m²/g. High-resolution XPS analysis of Co 2p core level provided structural information about Co atomic environment and it confirmed the electronic state of Co in the glass matrix. ICP-AES analysis showed the release of therapeutic doses of Co²⁺ ions from 4% CDN up to 100 ppm within 14 days. Finally, diclofenac loading and release have ensured the drug/ion co-delivery capability of 4% CDN.Keywords: mesoporous bioactive glass, nanoparticles, cobalt ions, release
Procedia PDF Downloads 1083502 Sustained-Release Persulfate Tablets for Groundwater Remediation
Authors: Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Wei-Yu Chen, Ku-Fan Chen
Contamination of soil and groundwater has become a serious and widespread environmental problem. In this study, sustained-release persulfate tablets were developed using persulfate powder and a modified cellulose binder for organic-contaminated groundwater remediation. Conventional cement-based persulfate-releasing materials were also synthesized for the comparison. The main objectives of this study were to: (1) evaluate the release rates of the remedial tablets; (2) obtain the optimal formulas of the tablets; and (3) evaluate the effects of the tablets on the subsurface environment. The results of batch experiments show that the optimal parameter for the preparation of the persulfate-releasing tablet was persulfate:cellulose = 1:1 (wt:wt) with a 5,000 kg F/cm2 of pressure application. The cellulose-based persulfate tablet was able to release 2,030 mg/L of persulfate per day for 10 days. Compared to cement-based persulfate-releasing materials, the persulfate release rates of the cellulose-based persulfate tablets were much more stable. Moreover, since the tablets are soluble in water, no waste will be produced in the subsurface. The results of column tests show that groundwater flow would shorten the release time of the tablets. This study successfully developed unique persulfate tablets based on green remediation perspective. The efficacy of the persulfate-releasing tablets on the removal of organic pollutants needs to be further evaluated. The persulfate tablets are expected to be applied for site remediation in the future.Keywords: sustained-release persulfate tablet, modified cellulose, green remediation, groundwater
Procedia PDF Downloads 2913501 Preparation and Properties of Chloroacetated Natural Rubber Rubber Foam Using Corn Starch as Curing Agent
Authors: Ploenpit Boochathum, Pitchayanad Kaolim, Phimjutha Srisangkaew
In general, rubber foam is produced based on the sulfur curing system. However, the remaining sulfur in the rubber product waste is burned to sulfur dioxide gas causing the environment pollution. To avoid using sulfur as curing agent in the rubber foam products, this research work proposes non-sulfur curing system by using corn starch as a curing agent. The ether crosslinks were proposed to be produced via the functional bonding between hydroxyl groups of the starch molecules and chloroacetate groups added on the natural rubber molecules. The chloroacetated natural rubber (CNR) latex was prepared via the epoxidation reaction of the concentrated natural rubber latex, subsequently, epoxy rings were attacked by chloroacetic acid to produce hydroxyl groups and chloroacetate groups on the rubber molecules. Foaming agent namely NaHCO3 was selected to add in the CNR latex due to the low decomposition temperature at about 50°C. The appropriate curing temperature was assigned to be 90°C that is above gelatinization temperature; 60-70°C, of starch. The effect of weight ratio of starch, i.e., 0 phr, 3 phr and 5 phr, on the physical properties of CNR rubber foam was investigated. It was found that density reduced from 0.81 g/cm3 for 0 phr to 0.75 g/cm3 for 3 phr and 0.79 g/cm3 for 5 phr. The ability to return to its original thickness after prolonged compressive stresses of CNR rubber foam cured with starch loading of 5 phr was found to be considerably better than that of CNR rubber foam cured with starch 3 phr and CNR rubber foam without addition of starch according to the compression set that was determined to decrease from 66.67% to 40% and 26.67% with the increase loading of starch. The mechanical properties including tensile strength and modulus of CNR rubber foams cured using starch were determined to increase except that the elongation at break was found to decrease. In addition, all mechanical properties of CNR rubber foams cured with the starch 3 phr and 5 phr were found to be slightly different and drastically higher than those of CNR rubber foam without the addition of starch. This research work indicates that starch can be applicable as a curing agent for CNR rubber. This is confirmed by the increase of the elastic modulus (G') of CNR rubber foams that was cured with the starch over the CNR rubber foam without curing agent. This type of rubber foam is believed to be one of the biodegradable and environment-friendly product that can be cured at low temperature of 90°C.Keywords: chloroacetated natural rubber, corn starch, non-sulfur curing system, rubber foam
Procedia PDF Downloads 3243500 An Experimental Investigation on Explosive Phase Change of Liquefied Propane During a Bleve Event
Authors: Frederic Heymes, Michael Albrecht Birk, Roland Eyssette
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) has been a well know industrial accident for over 6 decades now, and yet it is still poorly predicted and avoided. BLEVE is created when a vessel containing a pressure liquefied gas (PLG) is engulfed in a fire until the tank rupture. At this time, the pressure drops suddenly, leading the liquid to be in a superheated state. The vapor expansion and the violent boiling of the liquid produce several shock waves. This works aimed at understanding the contribution of vapor ad liquid phases in the overpressure generation in the near field. An experimental work was undertaken at a small scale to reproduce realistic BLEVE explosions. Key parameters were controlled through the experiments, such as failure pressure, fluid mass in the vessel, and weakened length of the vessel. Thirty-four propane BLEVEs were then performed to collect data on scenarios similar to common industrial cases. The aerial overpressure was recorded all around the vessel, and also the internal pressure changed during the explosion and ground loading under the vessel. Several high-speed cameras were used to see the vessel explosion and the blast creation by shadowgraph. Results highlight how the pressure field is anisotropic around the cylindrical vessel and highlights a strong dependency between vapor content and maximum overpressure from the lead shock. The time chronology of events reveals that the vapor phase is the main contributor to the aerial overpressure peak. A prediction model is built upon this assumption. Secondary flow patterns are observed after the lead. A theory on how the second shock observed in experiments forms is exposed thanks to an analogy with numerical simulation. The phase change dynamics are also discussed thanks to a window in the vessel. Ground loading measurements are finally presented and discussed to give insight into the order of magnitude of the force.Keywords: phase change, superheated state, explosion, vapor expansion, blast, shock wave, pressure liquefied gas
Procedia PDF Downloads 803499 Ultracapacitor State-of-Energy Monitoring System with On-Line Parameter Identification
Authors: N. Reichbach, A. Kuperman
The paper describes a design of a monitoring system for super capacitor packs in propulsion systems, allowing determining the instantaneous energy capacity under power loading. The system contains real-time recursive-least-squares identification mechanism, estimating the values of pack capacitance and equivalent series resistance. These values are required for accurate calculation of the state-of-energy.Keywords: real-time monitoring, RLS identification algorithm, state-of-energy, super capacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 5353498 Insulin Resistance in Children and Adolescents in Relation to Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference and Body Fat Weight
Authors: E. Vlachopapadopoulou, E. Dikaiakou, E. Anagnostou, I. Panagiotopoulos, E. Kaloumenou, M. Kafetzi, A. Fotinou, S. Michalacos
Aim: To investigate the relation and impact of Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference (WC) and Body Fat Weight (BFW) on insulin resistance (MATSUDA INDEX < 2.5) in children and adolescents. Methods: Data from 95 overweight and obese children (47 boys and 48 girls) with mean age 10.7 ± 2.2 years were analyzed. ROC analysis was used to investigate the predictive ability of BMI, WC and BFW for insulin resistance and find the optimal cut-offs. The overall performance of the ROC analysis was quantified by computing area under the curve (AUC). Results: ROC curve analysis indicated that the optimal-cut off of WC for the prediction of insulin resistance was 97 cm with sensitivity equal to 75% and specificity equal to 73.1%. AUC was 0.78 (95% CI: 0.63-0.92, p=0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of obesity for the discrimination of participants with insulin resistance from those without insulin resistance were equal to 58.3% and 75%, respectively (AUC=0.67). BFW had a borderline predictive ability for insulin resistance (AUC=0.58, 95% CI: 0.43-0.74, p=0.101). The predictive ability of WC was equivalent with the correspondence predictive ability of BMI (p=0.891). Obese subjects had 4.2 times greater odds for having insulin resistance (95% CI: 1.71-10.30, p < 0.001), while subjects with WC more than 97 had 8.1 times greater odds for having insulin resistance (95% CI: 2.14-30.86, p=0.002). Conclusion: BMI and WC are important clinical factors that have significant clinical relation with insulin resistance in children and adolescents. The cut off of 97 cm for WC can identify children with greater likelihood for insulin resistance.Keywords: body fat weight, body mass index, insulin resistance, obese children, waist circumference
Procedia PDF Downloads 3203497 Numerical Simulation of Precast Concrete Panels for Airfield Pavement
Authors: Josef Novák, Alena Kohoutková, Vladimír Křístek, Jan Vodička
Numerical analysis software belong to the main tools for simulating the real behavior of various concrete structures and elements. In comparison with experimental tests, they offer an affordable way to study the mechanical behavior of structures under various conditions. The contribution deals with a precast element of an innovative airfield pavement system which is being developed within an ongoing scientific project. The proposed system consists a two-layer surface course of precast concrete panels positioned on a two-layer base of fiber-reinforced concrete with recycled aggregate. As the panels are supposed to be installed directly on the hardened base course, imperfections at the interface between the base course and surface course are expected. Considering such circumstances, three various behavior patterns could be established and considered when designing the precast element. Enormous costs of full-scale experiments force to simulate the behavior of the element in a numerical analysis software using finite element method. The simulation was conducted on a nonlinear model in order to obtain such results which could fully compensate results from the experiments. First, several loading schemes were considered with the aim to observe the critical one which was used for the simulation later on. The main objective of the simulation was to optimize reinforcement of the element subject to quasi-static loading from airplanes. When running the simulation several parameters were considered. Namely, it concerns geometrical imperfections, manufacturing imperfections, stress state in reinforcement, stress state in concrete and crack width. The numerical simulation revealed that the precast element should be heavily reinforced to fulfill all the demands assumed. The main cause of using high amount of reinforcement is the size of the imperfections which could occur at real structure. Improving manufacturing quality, the installation of the precast panels on a fresh base course or using a bedding layer underneath the surface course belong to the main steps how to reduce the size of imperfections and consequently lower the consumption of reinforcement.Keywords: nonlinear analysis, numerical simulation, precast concrete, pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 2573496 Simulation of Scaled Model of Tall Multistory Structure: Raft Foundation for Experimental and Numerical Dynamic Studies
Authors: Omar Qaftan
Earthquakes can cause tremendous loss of human life and can result in severe damage to a several of civil engineering structures especially the tall buildings. The response of a multistory structure subjected to earthquake loading is a complex task, and it requires to be studied by physical and numerical modelling. For many circumstances, the scale models on shaking table may be a more economical option than the similar full-scale tests. A shaking table apparatus is a powerful tool that offers a possibility of understanding the actual behaviour of structural systems under earthquake loading. It is required to use a set of scaling relations to predict the behaviour of the full-scale structure. Selecting the scale factors is the most important steps in the simulation of the prototype into the scaled model. In this paper, the principles of scaling modelling procedure are explained in details, and the simulation of scaled multi-storey concrete structure for dynamic studies is investigated. A procedure for a complete dynamic simulation analysis is investigated experimentally and numerically with a scale factor of 1/50. The frequency domain accounting and lateral displacement for both numerical and experimental scaled models are determined. The procedure allows accounting for the actual dynamic behave of actual size porotype structure and scaled model. The procedure is adapted to determine the effects of the tall multi-storey structure on a raft foundation. Four generated accelerograms were used as inputs for the time history motions which are in complying with EC8. The output results of experimental works expressed regarding displacements and accelerations are compared with those obtained from a conventional fixed-base numerical model. Four-time history was applied in both experimental and numerical models, and they concluded that the experimental has an acceptable output accuracy in compare with the numerical model output. Therefore this modelling methodology is valid and qualified for different shaking table experiments tests.Keywords: structure, raft, soil, interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1363495 Preparation of Activated Carbon from Lignocellulosic Precursor for Dyes Adsorption
Authors: H. Mokaddem, D. Miroud, N. Azouaou, F. Si-Ahmed, Z. Sadaoui
The synthesis and characterization of activated carbon from local lignocellulosic precursor (Algerian alfa) was carried out for the removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. The effect of the production variables such as impregnation chemical agents, impregnation ratio, activation temperature and activation time were investigated. Carbon obtained using the optimum conditions (CaCl2/ 1:1/ 500°C/2H) was characterized by various analytical techniques scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopic analysis (FTIR) and zero-point-of-charge (pHpzc). Adsorption tests of methylene blue on the optimal activated carbon were conducted. The effects of contact time, amount of adsorbent, initial dye concentration and pH were studied. The adsorption equilibrium examined using Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Redlich–Peterson models reveals that the Langmuir model is most appropriate to describe the adsorption process. The kinetics of MB sorption onto activated carbon follows the pseudo-second order rate expression. The examination of the thermodynamic analysis indicates that the adsorption process is spontaneous (ΔG ° < 0) and endothermic (ΔH ° > 0), the positive value of the standard entropy shows the affinity between the activated carbon and the dye. The present study showed that the produced optimal activated carbon prepared from Algerian alfa is an effective low-cost adsorbent and can be employed as alternative to commercial activated carbon for removal of MB dye from aqueous solution.Keywords: activated carbon, adsorption, cationic dyes, Algerian alfa
Procedia PDF Downloads 2303494 Optimal Sortation Strategy for a Distribution Network in an E-Commerce Supply Chain
Authors: Pankhuri Dagaonkar, Charumani Singh, Poornima Krothapalli, Krishna Karthik
The backbone of any retail e-commerce success story is a unique design of supply chain network, providing the business an unparalleled speed and scalability. Primary goal of the supply chain strategy is to meet customer expectation by offering fastest deliveries while keeping the cost minimal. Meeting this objective at the large market that India provides is the problem statement that we have targeted here. There are many models and optimization techniques focused on network design to identify the ideal facility location and size, optimizing cost and speed. In this paper we are presenting a tactical approach to optimize cost of an existing network for a predefined speed. We have considered both forward and reverse logistics of a retail e-commerce supply chain consisting of multiple fulfillment (warehouse) and delivery centers, which are connected via sortation nodes. The mathematical model presented here determines if the shipment from a node should get sorted directly for the last mile delivery center or it should travel as consolidated package to another node for further sortation (resort). The objective function minimizes the total cost by varying the resort percentages between nodes and provides the optimal resource allocation and number of sorts at each node.Keywords: distribution strategy, mathematical model, network design, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2983493 In Working, Career Is Not Everything: A Case Study of Family Friendly Policies on Bank Company
Authors: Trias Setiawati, Rizkika Awalia
The study title is “In Working, Career is not everything: A Case Study of Family Friendly Policies (FFP) on Bank Company.” This study aims to describe the application of FFP in the banking, especially Bank Rakyat Indonesia or BRI (Indonesian People Bank) in Katamso Branch Office in Yogyakarta Katamso Branch Office in Yogyakarta (KBOY) as a support company to create a work-life balance, as well as the achievement of career and family harmony is seen from the work-family conflict faced by the employees. The importance of the application of FFP in an organization is basically to build competitive advantage of a company. This study used qualitative research methods with a case study approach in BRI in KBOY. Data collection techniques used non-participant observation and in-depth structured interviews with three employees. The results showed that FFP is in general adoption and not optimal yet. Optimal FFP policy is not yet implemented; it just in the in-formal policies such as the lack of flexible-time, the lack of daycare, the lack of counseling for employees of personal nature, despite it was the availability of lactation rooms for feeding. The employees found difficulties in balancing between achieving careers at work and reaching family harmony. Not pursued a career does not mean that they do not want to reach a better position, but they do not want to ignore the family harmony because of the hours of work overload.Keywords: career, family friendly policies, work-family balance, work-family conflict
Procedia PDF Downloads 4163492 Multiparticulate SR Formulation of Dexketoprofen Trometamol by Wurster Coating Technique
Authors: Bhupendra G. Prajapati, Alpesh R. Patel
The aim of this research work is to develop sustained release multi-particulates dosage form of Dexketoprofen trometamol, which is the pharmacologically active isomer of ketoprofen. The objective is to utilization of active enantiomer with minimal dose and administration frequency, extended release multi-particulates dosage form development for better patience compliance was explored. Drug loaded and sustained release coated pellets were prepared by fluidized bed coating principle by wurster coater. Microcrystalline cellulose as core pellets, povidone as binder and talc as anti-tacking agents were selected during drug loading while Kollicoat SR 30D as sustained release polymer, triethyl citrate as plasticizer and micronized talc as an anti-adherent were used in sustained release coating. Binder optimization trial in drug loading showed that there was increase in process efficiency with increase in the binder concentration. 5 and 7.5%w/w concentration of Povidone K30 with respect to drug amount gave more than 90% process efficiency while higher amount of rejects (agglomerates) were observed for drug layering trial batch taken with 7.5% binder. So for drug loading, optimum Povidone concentration was selected as 5% of drug substance quantity since this trial had good process feasibility and good adhesion of the drug onto the MCC pellets. 2% w/w concentration of talc with respect to total drug layering solid mass shows better anti-tacking property to remove unnecessary static charge as well as agglomeration generation during spraying process. Optimized drug loaded pellets were coated for sustained release coating from 16 to 28% w/w coating to get desired drug release profile and results suggested that 22% w/w coating weight gain is necessary to get the required drug release profile. Three critical process parameters of Wurster coating for sustained release were further statistically optimized for desired quality target product profile attributes like agglomerates formation, process efficiency, and drug release profile using central composite design (CCD) by Minitab software. Results show that derived design space consisting 1.0 to 1.2 bar atomization air pressure, 7.8 to 10.0 gm/min spray rate and 29-34°C product bed temperature gave pre-defined drug product quality attributes. Scanning Image microscopy study results were also dictate that optimized batch pellets had very narrow particle size distribution and smooth surface which were ideal properties for reproducible drug release profile. The study also focused on optimized dexketoprofen trometamol pellets formulation retain its quality attributes while administering with common vehicle, a liquid (water) or semisolid food (apple sauce). Conclusion: Sustained release multi-particulates were successfully developed for dexketoprofen trometamol which may be useful to improve acceptability and palatability of a dosage form for better patient compliance.Keywords: dexketoprofen trometamol, pellets, fluid bed technology, central composite design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1363491 Static Relaxation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Pipes
Authors: Mohammed Y. Abdellah, Mohamed K. Hassan, A. F. Mohamed, Shadi M. Munshi, A. M. Hashem
Pips made from glass fiber reinforced polymer has competitive role in petroleum industry. The need of evaluating the mechanical behavior of (GRP) pipes is essential objects. Stress relaxation illustrates how polymers relieve stress under constant strain. Static relaxation test is carried out at room temperature. The material gives poor static relaxation strength, two loading cycles have been observed for the tested specimen.Keywords: GRP, sandwich composite material, static relaxation, stress relief
Procedia PDF Downloads 6263490 Parametric Investigation of Wire-Cut Electric Discharge Machining on Steel ST-37
Authors: Mearg Berhe Gebregziabher
Wire-cut electric discharge machining (WEDM) is one of the advanced machining processes. Due to the development of the current manufacturing sector, there has been no research work done before about the optimization of the process parameters based on the availability of the workpiece of the Steel St-37 material in Ethiopia. Material Removal Rate (MRR) is considered as the experimental response of WCEDM. The main objective of this work is to investigate and optimize the process parameters on machining quality that gives high MRR during machining of Steel St-37. Throughout the investigation, Pulse on Time (TON), Pulse off Time (TOFF) and Velocities of Wire Feed (WR) are used as variable parameters at three different levels, and Wire tension, flow rate, type of dielectric fluid, type of the workpiece and wire material and dielectric flow rate are keeping as constants for each experiment. The Taguchi methodology, as per Taguchi‟ 's standard L9 (3^3) Orthogonal Array (OA), has been carried out to investigate their effects and to predict the optimal combination of process parameters over MRR. Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the effect of the parameters and to identify the optimum cutting parameters on MRR. MRR was measured by using the Electronic Balance Model SI-32. The results indicated that the most significant factors for MRR are TOFF, TON and lastly WR. Taguchi analysis shows that, the optimal process parameters combination is A2B2C2, i.e., TON 6μs, TOFF 29μs and WR 2 m/min. At this level, the MRR of 0.414 gram/min has been achieved.Keywords: ANOVA, MRR, parameter, Taguchi Methode
Procedia PDF Downloads 443489 Semantic Differences between Bug Labeling of Different Repositories via Machine Learning
Authors: Pooja Khanal, Huaming Zhang
Labeling of issues/bugs, also known as bug classification, plays a vital role in software engineering. Some known labels/classes of bugs are 'User Interface', 'Security', and 'API'. Most of the time, when a reporter reports a bug, they try to assign some predefined label to it. Those issues are reported for a project, and each project is a repository in GitHub/GitLab, which contains multiple issues. There are many software project repositories -ranging from individual projects to commercial projects. The labels assigned for different repositories may be dependent on various factors like human instinct, generalization of labels, label assignment policy followed by the reporter, etc. While the reporter of the issue may instinctively give that issue a label, another person reporting the same issue may label it differently. This way, it is not known mathematically if a label in one repository is similar or different to the label in another repository. Hence, the primary goal of this research is to find the semantic differences between bug labeling of different repositories via machine learning. Independent optimal classifiers for individual repositories are built first using the text features from the reported issues. The optimal classifiers may include a combination of multiple classifiers stacked together. Then, those classifiers are used to cross-test other repositories which leads the result to be deduced mathematically. The produce of this ongoing research includes a formalized open-source GitHub issues database that is used to deduce the similarity of the labels pertaining to the different repositories.Keywords: bug classification, bug labels, GitHub issues, semantic differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 2043488 Optimizing Foaming Agents by Air Compression to Unload a Liquid Loaded Gas Well
Authors: Mhenga Agneta, Li Zhaomin, Zhang Chao
When velocity is high enough, gas can entrain fluid and carry to the surface, but as time passes by, velocity drops to a critical point where fluids will start to hold up in the tubing and cause liquid loading which prevents gas production and may lead to the death of the well. Foam injection is widely used as one of the methods to unload liquid. Since wells have different characteristics, it is not guaranteed that foam can be applied in all of them and bring successful results. This research presents a technology to optimize the efficiency of foam to unload liquid by air compression. Two methods are used to explain optimization; (i) mathematical formulas are used to solve and explain the myth of how density and critical velocity could be minimized when air is compressed into foaming agents, then the relationship between flow rates and pressure increase which would boost up the bottom hole pressure and increase the velocity to lift liquid to the surface. (ii) Experiments to test foam carryover capacity and stability as a function of time and surfactant concentration whereby three surfactants anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), nonionic Triton 100 and cationic hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTAB) were probed. The best foaming agents were injected to lift liquid loaded in a created vertical well model of 2.5 cm diameter and 390 cm high steel tubing covered by a transparent glass casing of 5 cm diameter and 450 cm high. The results show that, after injecting foaming agents, liquid unloading was successful by 75%; however, the efficiency of foaming agents to unload liquid increased by 10% with an addition of compressed air at a ratio of 1:1. Measured values and calculated values were compared and brought about ± 3% difference which is a good number. The successful application of the technology indicates that engineers and stakeholders could bring water flooded gas wells back to production with optimized results by firstly paying attention to the type of surfactants (foaming agents) used, concentration of surfactants, flow rates of the injected surfactants then compressing air to the foaming agents at a proper ratio.Keywords: air compression, foaming agents, gas well, liquid loading
Procedia PDF Downloads 1353487 A Variable Neighborhood Search with Tabu Conditions for the Roaming Salesman Problem
Authors: Masoud Shahmanzari
The aim of this paper is to present a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) with Tabu Search (TS) conditions for the Roaming Salesman Problem (RSP). The RSP is a special case of the well-known traveling salesman problem (TSP) where a set of cities with time-dependent rewards and a set of campaign days are given. Each city can be visited on any day and a subset of cities can be visited multiple times. The goal is to determine an optimal campaign schedule consist of daily open/closed tours that visit some cities and maximizes the total net benefit while respecting daily maximum tour duration constraints and the necessity to return campaign base frequently. This problem arises in several real-life applications and particularly in election logistics where depots are not fixed. We formulate the problem as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP), in which we capture as many real-world aspects of the RSP as possible. We also present a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on a VNS with TS conditions. The initial feasible solution is constructed via a new matheuristc approach based on the decomposition of the original problem. Next, this solution is improved in terms of the collected rewards using the proposed local search procedure. We consider a set of 81 cities in Turkey and a campaign of 30 days as our largest instance. Computational results on real-world instances show that the developed algorithm could find near-optimal solutions effectively.Keywords: optimization, routing, election logistics, heuristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 943486 Multi-Stage Multi-Period Production Planning in Wire and Cable Industry
Authors: Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh, Shaghayegh Rezaee Amiri
This paper presents a methodology for serial production planning problem in wire and cable manufacturing process that addresses the problem of input-output imbalance in different consecutive stations, hoping to minimize the halt of machines in each stage. To this end, a linear Goal Programming (GP) model is developed, in which four main categories of constraints as per the number of runs per machine, machines’ sequences, acceptable inventories of machines at the end of each period, and the necessity of fulfillment of the customers’ orders are considered. The model is formulated based upon on the real data obtained from IKO TAK Company, an important supplier of wire and cable for oil and gas and automotive industries in Iran. By solving the model in GAMS software the optimal number of runs, end-of-period inventories, and the possible minimum idle time for each machine are calculated. The application of the numerical results in the target company has shown the efficiency of the proposed model and the solution in decreasing the lead time of the end product delivery to the customers by 20%. Accordingly, the developed model could be easily applied in wire and cable companies for the aim of optimal production planning to reduce the halt of machines in manufacturing stages.Keywords: goal programming approach, GP, production planning, serial manufacturing process, wire and cable industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613485 Behavior of Laminated Plates under Mechanical Loading
Authors: Mahmoudi Noureddine
In this study the use of two variable refined plate theories of laminated composite plates to static response of laminated plates. The plate theory accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strains, and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factor. The validity of the present theory is demonstrated by comparison with solutions available in the literature and finite element method. The result is presented for the static response of simply supported rectangular plates under uniform sinusoidal mechanical loadings.Keywords: bending, composite, laminate, plates, fem
Procedia PDF Downloads 4073484 A Cognitive Approach to the Optimization of Power Distribution across an Educational Campus
Authors: Mrinmoy Majumder, Apu Kumar Saha
The ever-increasing human population and its demand for energy is placing stress upon conventional energy sources; and as demand for power continues to outstrip supply, the need to optimize energy distribution and utilization is emerging as an important focus for various stakeholders. The distribution of available energy must be achieved in such a way that the needs of the consumer are satisfied. However, if the availability of resources is not sufficient to satisfy consumer demand, it is necessary to find a method to select consumers based on factors such as their socio-economic or environmental impacts. Weighting consumer types in this way can help separate them based on their relative importance, and cognitive optimization of the allocation process can then be carried out so that, even on days of particularly scarce supply, the socio-economic impacts of not satisfying the needs of consumers can be minimized. In this context, the present study utilized fuzzy logic to assign weightage to different types of consumers based at an educational campus in India, and then established optimal allocation by applying the non-linear mapping capability of neuro-genetic algorithms. The outputs of the algorithms were compared with similar outputs from particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms. The results of the study demonstrate an option for the optimal utilization of available energy based on the socio-economic importance of consumers.Keywords: power allocation, optimization problem, neural networks, environmental and ecological engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4803483 The Temperature Degradation Process of Siloxane Polymeric Coatings
Authors: Andrzej Szewczak
Study of the effect of high temperatures on polymer coatings represents an important field of research of their properties. Polymers, as materials with numerous features (chemical resistance, ease of processing and recycling, corrosion resistance, low density and weight) are currently the most widely used modern building materials, among others in the resin concrete, plastic parts, and hydrophobic coatings. Unfortunately, the polymers have also disadvantages, one of which decides about their usage - low resistance to high temperatures and brittleness. This applies in particular thin and flexible polymeric coatings applied to other materials, such a steel and concrete, which degrade under varying thermal conditions. Research about improvement of this state includes methods of modification of the polymer composition, structure, conditioning conditions, and the polymerization reaction. At present, ways are sought to reflect the actual environmental conditions, in which the coating will be operating after it has been applied to other material. These studies are difficult because of the need for adopting a proper model of the polymer operation and the determination of phenomena occurring at the time of temperature fluctuations. For this reason, alternative methods are being developed, taking into account the rapid modeling and the simulation of the actual operating conditions of polymeric coating’s materials in real conditions. The nature of a duration is typical for the temperature influence in the environment. Studies typically involve the measurement of variation one or more physical and mechanical properties of such coating in time. Based on these results it is possible to determine the effects of temperature loading and develop methods affecting in the improvement of coatings’ properties. This paper contains a description of the stability studies of silicone coatings deposited on the surface of a ceramic brick. The brick’s surface was hydrophobized by two types of inorganic polymers: nano-polymer preparation based on dialkyl siloxanes (Series 1 - 5) and an aqueous solution of the silicon (series 6 - 10). In order to enhance the stability of the film formed on the brick’s surface and immunize it to variable temperature and humidity loading, the nano silica was added to the polymer. The right combination of the polymer liquid phase and the solid phase of nano silica was obtained by disintegration of the mixture by the sonification. The changes of viscosity and surface tension of polymers were defined, which are the basic rheological parameters affecting the state and the durability of the polymer coating. The coatings created on the brick’s surfaces were then subjected to a temperature loading of 100° C and moisture by total immersion in water, in order to determine any water absorption changes caused by damages and the degradation of the polymer film. The effect of moisture and temperature was determined by measurement (at specified number of cycles) of changes in the surface hardness (using a Vickers’ method) and the absorption of individual samples. As a result, on the basis of the obtained results, the degradation process of polymer coatings related to their durability changes in time was determined.Keywords: silicones, siloxanes, surface hardness, temperature, water absorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 2433482 Addition of Phosphates on Stability of Sterilized Goat Milk in Different Seasons
Authors: Mei-Jen Lin, Yuan-Yuan Yu
Low heat stability of goat milk limited the application of ultra-high temperature (UHT) sterilization on producing sterilized goat milk in order to keep excess goat milk in summer for producing goat dairy products in winter in Taiwan. Therefore, this study aimed to add stabilizers in goat milk to increase the heat stability for producing UHT sterilized goat milk preserved for making goat dairy products in winter. The amounts of 0.05-0.11% blend of sodium phosphates (Na) and blend of sodium/potassium phosphates (Sp) were added in raw goat milk at different seasons a night before autoclaved sterilization at 135°C 4 sec. The coagulation, ion calcium concentration and ethanol stability of sterilized goat milk were analyzed. Results showed that there were seasonal differences on choosing the optimal stabilizers and the addition levels. Addition of 0.05% and 0.22% of both Na and Sp salts in Spring goat milk, 0.10-0.11% of both Na and Sp salts in Summer goat milk, and 0.05%Na Sp group in Autumn goat milk were coagulated after autoclaved, respectively. There was no coagulation found with the addition of 0.08-0.09% both Na and Sp salts in goat milk; furthermore, the ionic calcium concentration were lower than 2.00 mM and ethanol stability higher than 70% in both 0.08-0.09% Na and Sp salts added goat milk. Therefore, the optimal addition level of blend of sodium phosphates and blend of sodium/potassium phosphates were 0.08-0.09% for producing sterilized goat milk at different seasons in Taiwan.Keywords: coagulation, goat milk, phosphates, stability
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