Search results for: development of mind
15716 Readiness of Intellectual Capital Measurement: A Review of the Property Development and Investment Industry
Authors: Edward C. W. Chan, Benny C. F. Cheung
In the knowledge economy, the financial indicator is not the unique instrument to gauge the performance of a company. The role of intellectual capital contributing to the company performance is increasing. To measure the company performance due to intellectual capital, the value-added intellectual capital (VAIC) model is adopted to measure the intellectual capital utilisation efficiency of the subject companies. The purpose of this study is to review the readiness of measuring intellectual capital for the Hong Kong listed companies in the property development and property investment industry by using VAIC model. This study covers the financial reports from the representative Hong Kong listed property development companies and property investment companies in the period 2014-2019. The findings from this study indicated the industry is ready for IC measurement employing VAIC framework but not yet ready for using the extended VAIC model.Keywords: intellectual capital, intellectual capital measurement, property development, property investment, Skandia navigator, VAIC
Procedia PDF Downloads 11515715 Bank Loans and the Business Cycle: The Case of the Czech Republic
Authors: Libena Cernohorska, Jan Cernohorsky
This article aims to evaluate the impact of loans provided within the Czech banking sector on the growth of the Czech economy. The article is based on research of current scientific findings in respect to bank loans and economic development. The paper is based on data taken from the Czech Statistical Office on the development of the gross domestic product and data from the Czech National Bank on the development of loans from the period 2004-2015. Links between selected variables are tested using Granger causality tests. The results calculated confirm the hypothesis of the impact of the loans on economic growth, with a six-month delay. The results thus correspond to the standard economic findings and results of most previous studies.Keywords: bank, business cycle, economic growth, loans
Procedia PDF Downloads 12715714 Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation Methodologies: Past, Present and Future
Authors: Gabriel Wainer
Modeling and Simulation methods have been used to better analyze the behavior of complex physical systems, and it is now common to use simulation as a part of the scientific and technological discovery process. M&S advanced thanks to the improvements in computer technology, which, in many cases, resulted in the development of simulation software using ad-hoc techniques. Formal M&S appeared in order to try to improve the development task of very complex simulation systems. Some of these techniques proved to be successful in providing a sound base for the development of discrete-event simulation models, improving the ease of model definition and enhancing the application development tasks; reducing costs and favoring reuse. The DEVS formalism is one of these techniques, which proved to be successful in providing means for modeling while reducing development complexity and costs. DEVS model development is based on a sound theoretical framework. The independence of M&S tasks made possible to run DEVS models on different environments (personal computers, parallel computers, real-time equipment, and distributed simulators) and middleware. We will present a historical perspective of discrete-event M&S methodologies, showing different modeling techniques. We will introduce DEVS origins and general ideas, and compare it with some of these techniques. We will then show the current status of DEVS M&S, and we will discuss a technological perspective to solve current M&S problems (including real-time simulation, interoperability, and model-centered development techniques). We will show some examples of the current use of DEVS, including applications in different fields. We will finally show current open topics in the area, which include advanced methods for centralized, parallel or distributed simulation, the need for real-time modeling techniques, and our view in these fields.Keywords: modeling and simulation, discrete-event simulation, hybrid systems modeling, parallel and distributed simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 32315713 Diagnosis, Development, and Adoption of Technology Packages for Innovation in Precision Agriculture in the Wine Sector in Mexico
Authors: Nivon P. Alejandra, Valencia P. L. Rodrigo, Vivanco V. Martin, Morita A. Adelina
Technological innovation is fundamental to reach and maintain the levels of competitiveness of agricultural producers, the detection of actors, their activities, resources and capacities of an innovation system is needed for the development of technological packages that adapt to each type of crops, local circumstances and characteristics of the producer. The growing development of the viticulture and wine sector in Mexico prospects an increase in its national market participation for 2020, this is the reason to consider it a fertile field for the technological packages adoption that promote Precision Agriculture (PA) in a harmonic and sustainable development. A viability inspection of technological packages adoption by viticulture and wine sector is made following the methodology proposed by SAGARPA in 2015 and the World Bank in 2008: the history, actors, strengths and opportunities are analyzed in this particular agroindustrial sector, also its technological innovation system is inspected in order to improve technological capacities and innovation networks taking into account local and regional resources. PA and technological packages adoption can help improving the conditions and quality of the grape for winemaking: increasing the wine's storage potential and its nutraceutical nature. The assertive diagnosis in vineyard opportunity areas will help the management of the crop by applying natural treatments at the right time in the right place.Keywords: technological packages, precision farming, sustainable development, innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 20115712 Development of a Consult Liaison Psychology Service: A Systematic Review
Authors: Ben J. Lippe
Consult Liaison Psychology services are overgrowing, given the robust empirical support of the utility of this service in hospital settings. These psychological services, including clinical assessment, applied psychotherapy, and consultation with other healthcare providers, have been shown to improve health outcomes for patients and bolster important areas of administrative interest such as decreased length of patient admission. However, there is little descriptive literature outlining the process and mechanisms of building or developing a Consult Liaison Psychology service. The main findings of this current conceptual work are intended to be clear in nature to elucidate the essential methods involved in developing consult liaison psychology programs, including thorough reviews of relevant behavioral health literature and inclusion of experiential outcomes. The diverse range of hospital settings and healthcare systems makes a “blueprint” method of program development challenging to define, yet important structural frameworks presented here based on the relevant literature and applied practice can help lay critical groundwork for program development in this growing area of psychological service. This conceptual approach addresses the prominent processes, as well as common programmatic and clinical pitfalls, involved in the event of a Consult Liaison Psychology service. This paper, including a systematic review of relevant literature, is intended to serve as a key program development reference for the development of Consult Liaison Psychology services, other related behavioral health programs, and to help inform further research efforts.Keywords: behavioral health, consult liaison, health psychology, psychology program development
Procedia PDF Downloads 16015711 Investigating the Associative Network of Color Terms among Turkish University Students: A Cognitive-Based Study
Authors: R. Güçlü, E. Küçüksakarya
Word association (WA) gives the broadest information on how knowledge is structured in the human mind. Cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, and applied linguistics are the disciplines that consider WA tests as substantial in gaining insights into the very nature of the human cognitive system and semantic knowledge. In this study, Berlin and Kay’s basic 11 color terms (1969) are presented as the stimuli words to a total number of 300 Turkish university students. The responses are analyzed according to Fitzpatrick’s model (2007), including four categories, namely meaning-based responses, position-based responses, form-based responses, and erratic responses. In line with the findings, the responses to free association tests are expected to give much information about Turkish university students’ psychological structuring of vocabulary, especially morpho-syntactic and semantic relationships among words. To conclude, theoretical and practical implications are discussed to make an in-depth evaluation of how associations of basic color terms are represented in the mental lexicon of Turkish university students.Keywords: color term, gender, mental lexicon, word association task
Procedia PDF Downloads 13215710 Open Access in the Economic Sphere: A Framework Interpreting the Rise of the UK, US and China at Different Historical Times
Authors: Guanghua Yu
This article has examined the rise of the UK, US, and China at different historical times to explain the argument that it is open access in the economic sphere, as well as institutional building related to the protection of property rights, contract enforcement, financial market, the rule of law, and human resource accumulation that determine economic and human development. Both the UK, after the Glorious Revolution in the seventeenth century, and China, after its adoption of the open door policy at the end of the 1970s, follow such a path of development. The difference between the UK and China in moving toward that path is the different coordination of elites. While the coordination of elites in the UK through parliament played important roles in forcing the government to consider the wider encompassing interest in society after the Glorious Revolution, the coordination of elites in China has mainly been achieved by the Communist Party of China such that the Chinese Government has started to pay greater deal of attention to the wider encompassing interest in the country from 1978. The article has also examined the rise of the US following colonial settlement to independence and institutional building thereafter. The US case is similarly consistent with the argument that open access in the economic sphere and institutional building matter the most to economic development. More decentralized methods of the coordination of elites in the US among colonies (states), the federal governments, and other political groups similarly shaped the path towards open access in the economic sphere and institutional building. As such, open access in the political sphere plays an indirect role in development at best. If that is correct, there are possibilities that different political systems are able to achieve coordination of elites so that governments will turn their attention to development.Keywords: open access, interconnected institutions, democracy, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 8015709 Debt Reconstruction, Career Development and Famers Household Well-Being in Thailand
Authors: Yothin Sawangdee, Piyawat Katewongsa, Chutima Yousomboon, Kornkanok Pongpradit, Sakapas Saengchai, Phusit Khantikul
Debts reconstruction under some of moratorium projects is one of important method that highly benefits to both the Banks and farmers. The method can reduce probabilities for nonprofits loan. This paper discuss about debts reconstruction and career development training for farmers in Thailand between 2011 and 2013. The research designed is mix-method between quantitative survey and qualitative survey. Sample size for quantitative method is 1003 cases. Data gathering procedure is between October and December 2013. Main results affirmed that debts reconstruction is needed. And there are numerous benefits from farmers’ career development training. Many of farmers who attend field school activities able to bring knowledge learned to apply for the farms’ work. They can reduce production costs. Framers’ quality of life and their household well-being also improve. This program should apply in any countries where farmers have highly debts and highly risks for not return the debts.Keywords: career development, debts reconstruction, farmers household well-being, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 40915708 Environmental Aspects in the Job Performed by Supervisors Working in Industries
Authors: Mahesh Chandra Paliwal, Ajay Kumar Jain
Supervisors working in the industries must have the knowledge and skills for performing their job for environmental protection and sustainable development. A survey of thirty industries was conducted to know the roles of supervisors related to environmental protection and sustainable development. A questionnaire was prepared based on the discussion with the environmental experts. The findings of the study show that supervisors must be aware of practices followed for good housekeeping, water management, waste management, maintenance of effluent treatment plants, monitoring pollution control level to perform their job to save the environment. These aspects must be incorporated in diploma curriculum so that the diploma pass outs may use this knowledge and skills in the industries.Keywords: environmental protection, sustainable development, water management, waste management, curriculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 33115707 History and Development of the Printing Industry in Nigeria: The Case of Zaria
Authors: Eunice S. A. Jeje
The world over no society is homogeneous therefore, there is the presence of migrants from different places who resides in different places due to certain factors that either attracts them to these places or forced them out of their initial environment. The bottom line is that they moved out of their initial environment to other places for survival, therefore, engage in social cum economic activities to sustain a living which at the same time has enhanced the development and growth of such communities. In the case of Zaria, the Yoruba people are one of the major migrant groups who had moved into Zaria over time. Out of the numerous roles they played in the development of Zaria, the establishment and sustenance of the printing industry are one. Selected Yoruba migrants from the South-west of the country who were skilled in the profession due to stiff competition in their region and the desire to eke out a living had to move into Northern Nigeria to establish printing outlets which have consequently developed to what it is today. The printing industry is one of the avenues to which information and knowledge are disseminated. This is achieved through the publishing of texts, books, Newspapers, Magazines, pamphlets, etc. to convey information to the wider public, in this bid, it leads to the spread of knowledge, ideas, and information. The introduction of printing industry to Nigeria was in the 19th century during the incursion of the missionaries to the West Coast of Africa, but it was not until the colonial period (20th Century) that its presence could be felt in the interior of Nigeria especially in Northern Nigeria and to be specific in Zaria. In essence, the influence of the Yoruba people in the growth and expansion of printing industry in Zaria cannot be over emphasized. It is the thrust of this research to bring to the fore through the use of primary and secondary sources the role and contributions of the Yoruba people in the development of the print industry in Zaria and also showcase the importance of migrants in the development of societies.Keywords: development, printing industry, Yoruba, Zaria
Procedia PDF Downloads 24515706 Effectiveness of Adopting Software Quality Frameworks in Software Organizations: A Qualitative Review
Authors: Sarah K. Amer, Nagwa Badr, Osman Ibrahim, Ahmed Hamad
This paper surveys the effectiveness of software process quality assurance frameworks, with some focus on Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) - a framework that has become widely adopted in software organizations. The importance of quality improvement in software development, and the differences in the outcomes of quality framework implementation between Middle Eastern and North African (MENA-region) countries and non-MENA-region countries are discussed. The greatest challenges met in the MENA region are identified, with particular focus on Egypt and its rising software development industry.Keywords: software quality, software process improvement, software development methodologies, capability maturity model integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 35615705 A Novel Design of Inset Feed Patch Antenna for Ultra Wide Band Application
Authors: Priyanka Aggarwal, Priyanka Mangla
This work has focused on the aspect of UWB antenna design, which is very suitable for portable UWB applications. The design of new UWB antenna faces some challenges. The antenna should be compact, preferably conformal, and low cost for manufacture, and have good electrical performance, such as good matching, directional radiation performance over a wide band, good time response, etc. Keeping these goals in mind a compact and directional compact open-slot antenna was built. The antenna radiating structure is in the form of two exponentially tapered arms that lie on the opposite sides of the substrate. The antenna operates over the frequency band from 2.95 GHz to more than 12.1 GHz. It exhibits a directive radiation performance with a peak gain which is between 5.4 dBi and 8.3 dBi in the specified band. The antenna has linear phase response over the entire UWB frequency range and hence constant group delay which is vital for transmission and reception of sub-nanosecond pulses. Due to its planar profile, physically compact size, wide impedance bandwidth, directive performance over a wide bandwidth proposed antenna is a good candidate for portable UWB applications and other UWB integrated circuits.Keywords: inset feed patch antenna, ultra wide band, radiation performance, geometry, antenna
Procedia PDF Downloads 43815704 Promotion of Public Participation in Community Planning, Bang Nang Li Sub-District, Amphawa District, Samutsongkhram Province
Authors: Sakapas Saengchai, Wilasinee Jintalikitdee, Matinee Kongsatit, Natapol Puaprasert
The study on promotion of public participation in community planning is a qualitative research. The data collection tools included participating observation, in-depth interview and focus group of executives of sub-district administrative organizations, sub-district headmen, community leaders of 5 villages, including civil society forums for exchanging ideas of village members. The study results revealed that key promotions of public participation in community planning were as follows: 1) Perception on public authorities’ information: Public relations should be set and information on community planning, key principles of local people participation should be prepared. Collaboration with community leaders in each village via sub-district administrative organizations should be established. 2) Discussion: In civil society forums, village members should brainstorm their opinions towards community development, village development, quality of life, current situation and problems to be revolved. 3) Participation: Members of each village should jointly participate, with community leaders, in setting sub-district development policies and community development projects. 4) Collaboration: To achieve goals, communities of each member should participate in project implementation and activities of community plans. 5) People power promotion: In each stage of communication planning, community leaders, village committees, local people should jointly set directions of village development and make decisions. This will enhance their joint learning and create community driving power. Community will become strong leading to sustainable self-reliance.Keywords: people participation, community plans, community development, community driving power
Procedia PDF Downloads 36915703 Play-Based Early Education and Teachers’ Professional Development: Impact on Vulnerable Children
Authors: Chirine Dannaoui, Maya Antoun
This paper explores the intricate dynamics of play-based early childhood education (ECE) and the impact of professional development on teachers implementing play-based pedagogy, particularly in the context of vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. By utilizing qualitative methodologies, including classroom observations and in-depth interviews with five early childhood educators and a field manager, this study delves into the challenges and transformations experienced by teachers in adopting play-based learning strategies. The research unveils the critical role of continuous and context-specific professional development in empowering teachers to implement play-based pedagogies effectively. When appropriately supported, it emphasizes how such educational approaches significantly enhance children's cognitive, social, and emotional development in crisis-affected environments. Key findings indicate that despite diverse educational backgrounds, teachers show considerable growth in their pedagogical skills through targeted professional development. This growth is vital for fostering a learning environment where vulnerable children can thrive, particularly in humanitarian settings. The paper also addresses educators' challenges, including adapting to play-based methodologies, resource limitations, and balancing curricular requirements with the need for holistic child development. This study contributes to the discourse on early childhood education in crisis contexts, emphasizing the need for sustainable, well-structured professional development programs. It underscores the potential of play-based learning to bridge educational gaps and contribute to the healing process of children facing calamity. The study highlights significant implications for policymakers, educators, schools, and not-for-profit organizations engaged in early childhood education in humanitarian contexts, stressing the importance of investing in teacher capacity and curriculum reform to enhance the quality of education for children in general and vulnerable ones in particular.Keywords: play-based learning, professional development, vulnerable children, early childhood education
Procedia PDF Downloads 6115702 Beyond Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility: Examining the Impact of the New Mandatory Community Development Agreement in the Mining Sector of Sierra Leone
Authors: Wusu Conteh
Since the 1990s, neo-liberalization has become a global agenda. The free market ushered in an unprecedented drive by Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to secure mineral rights in resource-rich countries. Several governments in the Global South implemented a liberalized mining policy with support from the International Financial Institutions (IFIs). MNCs have maintained that voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has engendered socio-economic development in mining-affected communities. However, most resource-rich countries are struggling to transform the resources into sustainable socio-economic development. They are trapped in what has been widely described as the ‘resource curse.’ In an attempt to address this resource conundrum, the African Mining Vision (AMV) of 2009 developed a model on resource governance. The advent of the AMV has engendered the introduction of mandatory community development agreement (CDA) into the legal framework of many countries in Africa. In 2009, Sierra Leone enacted the Mines and Minerals Act that obligates mining companies to invest in Primary Host Communities. The study employs interviews and field observation techniques to explicate the dynamics of the CDA program. A total of 25 respondents -government officials, NGOs/CSOs and community stakeholders were interviewed. The study focuses on a case study of the Sierra Rutile CDA program in Sierra Leone. Extant scholarly works have extensively explored the resource curse and voluntary CSR. There are limited studies to uncover the mandatory CDA and its impact on socio-economic development in mining-affected communities. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explicate the impact of the CDA in Sierra Leone. Using the theory of change helps to understand how the availability of mandatory funds can empower communities to take an active part in decision making related to the development of the communities. The results show that the CDA has engendered a predictable fund for community development. It has also empowered ordinary members of the community to determine the development program. However, the CDA has created a new ground for contestations between the pre-existing local governance structure (traditional authority) and the newly created community development committee (CDC) that is headed by an ordinary member of the community.Keywords: community development agreement, impact, mandatory, participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 12515701 Analyzing the Economic Impact and Stakeholder Perception of Destination Promotion: A Case Study of the First City on the Mississippi as 'True North'
Authors: Kelly La Venture
Destination promotion has become increasingly important to economic development in the United States. Key stakeholders of the First City on the Mississippi recognizes the importance of the visitor economy and decided to invest in destination promotion of the city as ‘True North’. The purpose of the study was to analyze the economic impact and stakeholder perceptions of destination promotion of the First City on the Mississippi as ‘True North’ using the case study method. Using a semi-structured guide consisting of 8 questions and additional probing questions, investigators engaged in 30-90 minute interviews with 20 key stakeholders. Data captured was then subjected to thematic analysis and interpretation. Through a review of literature and interview analysis, data indicate(1) there is increasing value in the visitor economy of the First City on the Mississippi,(2) the visitor economy warrants investments in destination promotion,(3) economic development can be more effective through coordination of destination promotion of as ‘True North’ and,(4) destination promotion fuels development across the entire economic spectrum. As a result, the First City on the Mississippi should prioritize marketing efforts of as ‘True North’ and coordinate these efforts with economic development initiatives. The destination promotion of the First City on the Mississippi as ‘True North’ may raise the communities profile and open doors to increased tourism, business relocation, business expansion, and entrepreneurs ready to start up a new organization.Keywords: case study method, destination promotion, economic development, leisure and business travel
Procedia PDF Downloads 29615700 Insecurity and Insurgency on Economic Development of Nigeria
Authors: Uche Lucy Onyekwelu, Uche B. Ugwuanyi
Suffice to say that socio-economic disruptions of any form is likely to affect the wellbeing of the citizenry. The upsurge of social disequilibrium caused by the incessant disruptive tendencies exhibited by youths and some others in Nigeria are not helping matters. In Nigeria the social unrest has caused different forms of draw backs in Socio Economic Development. This study has empirically evaluated the impact of insecurity and insurgency on the Economic Development of Nigeria. The paper noted that the different forms of insecurity in Nigeria are namely: Insurgency and Banditry as witnessed in Northern Nigeria; Militancy: Niger Delta area and self-determination groups pursuing various forms of agenda such as Sit –at- Home Syndrome in the South Eastern Nigeria and other secessionist movements. All these have in one way or the other hampered Economic development in Nigeria. Data for this study were collected through primary and secondary sources using questionnaire and some existing documentations. Cost of investment in different aspects of security outfits in Nigeria represents the independent variable while the differentials in the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) and Human Development Index(HDI) are the measures of the dependent variable. Descriptive statistics and Simple Linear Regression analytical tool were employed in the data analysis. The result revealed that Insurgency/Insecurity negatively affect the economic development of the different parts of Nigeria. Following the findings, a model to analyse the effect of insecurity and insurgency was developed, named INSECUREDEVNIG. It implies that the economic development of Nigeria will continue to deteriorate if insurgency and insecurity continue. The study therefore recommends that the government should do all it could to nurture its human capital, adequately fund the state security apparatus and employ individuals of high integrity to manage the various security outfits in Nigeria. The government should also as a matter of urgency train the security personnel in intelligence cum Information and Communications Technology to enable them ensure the effectiveness of implementation of security policies needed to sustain Gross Domestic Product and Human Capital Index of Nigeria.Keywords: insecurity, insurgency, gross domestic product, human development index, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 10415699 Teacher Professional Development with Collaborative Action Research: Teachers' Responses to Research
Authors: Sumaya Saqr
Although many teachers regard academic research as the inclusive domain of academic researchers, teachers should contribute to the body of research guiding their own practice. Drawing on the qualitative analysis of 20 teachers’ reflection journals and interviews, this case study sheds light on the personal and professional benefits of teachers’ applications of collaborative action research in English language teaching context. The findings reveal that several aspects of teacher identity and classroom practice were changed. The present paper aspires to reveal the way in which collaborative action research process, as a learner-centered approach to staff development, would help teachers to become more independent and professionally autonomous and hence effecting change that is far greater than its initial purpose.Keywords: change, collaborative action research, personal and professional benefits, professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 17915698 Impacts of Teachers’ Cluster Model Meeting Intervention on Pupils’ Learning, Academic Achievement and Attitudinal Development in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Olusola Joseph Adesina, Abiodun Ezekiel Adesina
Efforts at improving the falling standard of education in the country call for the need-based assessment of the primary tier of education in Nigeria. Teachers’ cluster meeting intervention is a step towards enhancing the teachers’ professional competency, efficient and effective pupils’ academic achievement and attitudinal development. The study thus determined the impact of the intervention on pupils’ achievement in Oyo State, Nigeria. Three research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. Pre-test, post-test control group, quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. Eight intact classes from eight different schools were randomly selected into treatment and control groups. Two response instruments, pupils academic achievement test (PAAT; r = 0.87) and pupils attitude to lesson scale (PALS; r = 0.80) were used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyse the collected data. The results showed that the teachers’ cluster meeting have significant impact on pupils academic achievement (F (1,327) =41.79; p<0.05) and attitudinal development (F (1,327) =26.01; p<0.05) in the core subjects of primary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study therefore recommended among others that teachers’ cluster meeting should be sustained for teachers’ professional development and pupils’ upgradement in the State.Keywords: teachers’ cluster meeting, pupils’ academic achievement, pupils’ attitudinal development, academic achievement
Procedia PDF Downloads 47215697 Tourism Development and Planning in Rwanda
Authors: Ntachobazi bosco
Tourism Development and Planning in Rwanda: Rwanda, a small landlocked country located in the heart of Africa, has experienced significant growth in its tourism industry in recent years. The country’s stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality have made it an attractive destination for travelers from around the world. However, to ensure sustainable tourism development and planning, the Rwandan government has implemented various strategies and policies to promote responsible tourism practices. Infrastructure Development: To support the growth of the tourism industry, the Rwandan government has invested heavily in infrastructure development. This includes the construction of new hotels, resorts, and lodges, as well as the upgrading of existing facilities. The government has also improved the country’s transportation network, including the construction of new airports and the upgrading of existing ones. Conservation Efforts: Rwanda is home to several national parks and reserves, including the famous Volcanoes National Park, which is known for its mountain gorilla populations. To protect these natural wonders, the Rwandan government has implemented conservation efforts, such as the establishment of protected areas and the development of sustainable tourism practices. Community-Based Tourism: Community-based tourism is a key component of Rwanda’s tourism development strategy. The government has established several community-based tourism programs, which aim to involve local communities in the tourism industry and provide them with economic benefits. These programs include homestays, village tours, and cultural performances. Sustainable Tourism Practices: To promote sustainable tourism practices, the Rwandan government has implemented several initiatives, such as the use of eco-friendly accommodations and the promotion of responsible wildlife viewing practices. The government has also established the Rwanda Tourism Board, which is responsible for promoting and regulating the tourism industry. Challenges and Opportunities: Despite the growth of the tourism industry in Rwanda, several challenges need to be addressed, such as the lack of skilled labor and the need for more infrastructure development. However, there are also several opportunities for the industry, such as the potential for ecotourism and the growth of the meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) market.Keywords: tourism, in rwanda, developent, in africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 6315696 Abdominal Pregnancy with a Live Newborn in a Low Resource Setting: A Case Report
Authors: Olivier Mulisya, Guelord Barasima, Henry Mark Lugobe, Philémon Matumo, Bienfait Mumbere Vahwere, Hilaire Mutuka, Zawadi Léocadie, Wesley Lumika
Abdominal pregnancy is defined as pregnancy anywhere within the peritoneal cavity, exclusive of tubal, ovarian, or broad ligament locations. It is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy with high morbidity and mortality for both the mother and the fetus. Diagnosis can be frequently missed in most poor-resource settings because of poor antenatal coverage, low socioeconomic status in most of the patients as well as lack of adequate medical resources. Clinical diagnosis can be very difficult and an ultrasound scan is very helpful during the early stages of gestation but can also be disappointing in the later stages. We report a case of a 25-year-old woman with severe abdominal pain not amended with any medication. A clinical picture of shock lead to an emergency laparotomy which confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy. The ministry of health in developing countries should make an effort to make routine early ultrasounds accessible to pregnant women, and obstetricians should keep in mind the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, irrespective of the gestational age.Keywords: abdominal pregnancy, live new bron, ultrasound imaging, abdominal pain
Procedia PDF Downloads 9915695 Development of an Information System Based Airport Evaluation Method
Authors: Eniko Nagy, Csaba Csiszar
Satisfaction of air transportation passengers is significantly affected by the perceived quality of airport information services. The development potential of ICT is considerable. The traditional and new functions of ‘smart’ airports are realized by complex services aiding seamless, comfortable and less time-consuming travel. Based on the elements of the transportation chain the information management functions, their relationships and the technical solutions have been identified. The functions have been categorized by their development level and evaluation scores have been assigned to each category. Correction factors influencing the usefulness of the technology or the service have been introduced. A method for the calculation of ‘smart’ index in order to compare the airports in objective way has been developed; thus facilitating further developments. The method has been applied for the case study of Budapest.Keywords: air transportation informatics, evaluation, information service, smart airport
Procedia PDF Downloads 21415694 Women Participation in Agriculture and Rural Development Activities in Kwacciyar-Lalle and Mogonho Communities of Sokoto State, Nigeria
Authors: B. Z. Abubakar, J. P. Voh, B. F. Umar, S. Khalid, A. A. Barau, J. Aigbe
The study was conducted to identify and assess the various community development programmes designed and executed by Sokoto Agricultural and Community Development Project (SACDP) with the assistance of International Funds for Agricultural Development (IFAD) among women beneficiaries in Kwacciyar-lalle and Mogonho communities of Sokoto state. A simple random sampling technique was employed to select 20 project beneficiaries in each of the selected communities, making a total of 40 beneficiaries. Structured questionnaire, descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages and also participatory methodologies such as focus group discussion and pair wise ranking were used to analyze the data. Results showed that majority of the beneficiaries (75%) were married and undertook animal rearing as their major occupation. Results further showed that (85%) of the beneficiaries were involved in decision making, which enhanced their participation. Pair-wise ranking showed dug well as the most preferred activity, followed by construction of Islamic school in Kwacciyar-lalle while well construction followed by provision of improved animal species were most preferred in Mogonho. Recommendations made in the light of achieving people’s participation include provision of more infrastructural facilities and working materials.Keywords: community development, focus group, pair-wise ranking, infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 37215693 Analysis of Tourism Development Level and Research on Improvement Strategies - Take Chongqing as an Example
As a member of the tertiary industry, tourism is an important driving factor for urban economic development. As a well-known tourist city in China, according to statistics, the added value of tourism and related industries in 2022 will reach 106.326 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%, accounting for 3.7% of the city's GDP. However, the overall tourism development level of Chongqing is seriously unbalanced, and the tourism strength of the main urban area is much higher than that of the southeast Chongqing, northeast Chongqing and the surrounding city tourism area, and the overall tourism strength of the other three regions is relatively balanced. Based on the estimation of tourism development level and the geographic detector method, this paper finds that the important factors affecting the tourism development level of non-main urban areas in Chongqing are A-level tourist attractions. Through GIS geospatial analysis technology and SPSS data correlation research method, the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of A-level tourist attractions in Chongqing were quantitatively analyzed by using data such as geospatial data cloud, relevant documents of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, planning cloud, and relevant statistical yearbooks. The results show that: (1) The spatial distribution of tourist attractions in non-main urban areas of Chongqing is agglomeration and uneven. (2) The spatial distribution of A-level tourist attractions in non-main urban areas of Chongqing is affected by ecological factors, and the degree of influence is in the order of water factors> topographic factors > green space factors.Keywords: tourist attractions, geographic detectors, quantitative research, ecological factors, GIS technology, SPSS analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1815692 Developing and Managing an Institutional Repository in a Nigerian University Library: The Futa Experience
Authors: Belau Olatunde Gbadamosi, Oluchi Okere
Spurred by the ease of access to and the cost-effectiveness of open-source software such as DSpace, EPrints, and Greenstone Digital Libraries for hosting digital content, many libraries have added institutional repositories (IRs) to their repertoire of digital assets. This paper adopts a qualitative approach based on focus group discussions and the system development life cycle model (SDLC) to describe the experience of Albert Ilemobade Library (the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria (FUTA) in the development of their IR - FUTASpace. Peculiar challenges experienced in the course of the development and solutions adopted are also reported. This study will serve as a reference point to other institutions, particularly those operating in developing countries, which may be poorly funded.Keywords: institutional repository, digital libraries, university libraries, DSpace
Procedia PDF Downloads 17615691 Conservation and Development of Rural Everyday Landscapes in the Context of Modernization and Transformation
Authors: Xie Weifan, Wang Zhongde
Everyday landscape in the countryside has long played an important role as a cultural representation of the countryside and a link between the countryside and social relations. In the transformation of modernization, the daily landscape in the countryside needs to change with the transformation of daily life in countryside therefore, interpreting the daily landscape in the countryside and understanding the basic characteristics and value perception of the daily landscape from the villagers' perspective can help to understand the daily landscape in the countryside and its conservation and development. Taking Lizi Village in Qianjiang District, Chongqing Municipality, China, as a case study, we collected important daily landscapes in villagers' perceptions through in-depth interviews, categorized them into personal living space, public affairs space, and public activity space, and analyzed the characteristics of the spatial distribution of daily landscapes. The perceptual characteristics of the villagers' perceptions are analyzed and divided into four major types, namely, physical environment perception, atmosphere and culture perception, emotional feelings, and behavioral preferences, and their perceptual characteristics are analyzed respectively to understand the important characteristics of the villagers' perceptions of the daily landscapes. Finally, it is proposed that the protection and development of daily landscape in villages need to improve the mechanism of discovering and evaluating daily landscape, encourage residents to participate in the construction of daily landscape, protect the high-value daily landscape, and promote the innovative development of daily landscape.Keywords: rural landscape, everyday landscape, landscape perception, conservation and development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3015690 Serious Game for Learning: A Model for Efficient Game Development
Authors: Zahara Abdulhussan Al-Awadai
In recent years, serious games have started to gain an increasing interest as a tool to support learning across different educational and training fields. It began to serve as a powerful educational tool for improving learning outcomes. In this research, we discuss the potential of virtual experiences and games research outside of the games industry and explore the multifaceted impact of serious games and related technologies on various aspects of our lives. We highlight the usage of serious games as a tool to improve education and other applications with a purpose beyond the entertainment industry. One of the main contributions of this research is proposing a model that facilitates the design and development of serious games in a flexible and easy-to-use way. This is achieved by exploring different requirements to develop a model that describes a serious game structure with a focus on both aspects of serious games (educational and entertainment aspects).Keywords: game development, requirements, serious games, serious game model
Procedia PDF Downloads 6115689 Assessment of Sustainability in the Wulo Abiye Watershed, Central Highlands of Ethiopia
Authors: Getabalew Derib, Arragaw Alemayehu
Assessing the sustainability of watersheds holds significant importance for regional natural resource management and to achieve sustainable development. This study investigated the sustainability of the Wulo Abiye watershed, central highlands of Ethiopia. The sustainability status of the watershed was evaluated by using 17 indicators representing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development goals (SDGs) based on the local and existing conditions of the watershed. The results indicated that environmental sustainability was at a ’ high’ level, while social and economic sustainability and the aggregate index were at ‘moderate’ levels. The overall level of community participation in the planning and evaluation phases of watershed management was at ’low’ levels. The implementation phase was at ’high’ level. Overall , the sustainability status of watershed management and level of community participation were at ‘moderate’ levels. The study concluded that integrated support is needed to overcome the identified challenges to achieve sustainable development in watersheds.Keywords: Wulo Abiye watershed, community participation, watershed management, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4815688 Moral Reasoning among Croatian Adolescents with Different Levels of Education
Authors: Nataša Šimić, Ljiljana Gregov, Matilda Nikolić, Andrea Tokić, Ana Proroković
Moral development takes place in six phases which can be divided in a pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional level. Moral reasoning, as a key concept of moral development theories, involves a process of discernment/inference in doubtful situations. In research to date, education has proved to be a significant predictor of moral reasoning. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in moral reasoning and Kohlberg's phases of moral development between Croatian adolescents with different levels of education. In Study 1 comparisons between the group of secondary school students aged 17-18 (N=192) and the group of university students aged 21-25 (N=383) were made. Study 2 included comparison between university students group (N=69) and non-students group (N=43) aged from 21 to 24 (these two groups did not differ in age). In both studies, the Croatian Test of Moral Reasoning by Proroković was applied. As a measure of moral reasoning, the Index of Moral Reasoning (IMR) was calculated. This measure has some advantages compared to other measures of moral reasoning, and includes individual assessments of deviations from the ‘optimal profile’. Results of the Study 1 did not show differences in the IMR between secondary school students and university students. Both groups gave higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to higher phases of moral development. However, group differences were found for pre-conventional and conventional phases. As expected, secondary school students gave significantly higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to lower phases of moral development. Results of the Study 2 showed that university students, in relation to non-students, have higher IMR. Respecting to phases of moral development, both groups of participants gave higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to the post-conventional phase. Consistent with expectations and previous findings, results of both studies did not confirm gender differences in moral reasoning.Keywords: education, index of moral reasoning, Kohlberg's theory of moral development, moral reasoning
Procedia PDF Downloads 25215687 The Impact of Leadership and Ethical Development in the Organization
Authors: Hteya Vamsa
This research aimed to investigate ethical leadership development in an organization, how it can transform an organization effectively and its advantages so the organization can improve and be innovative in the future. The study was designed as documentary research and is focused on ethical leadership and ethical development within organizations, especially in the Western part of Myanmar, in Rakhine state, to achieve sustainable growth with peace and stability in the long term. Moral leadership was one of the main factors in bringing positive change to the organization. However, if there is no ethical leadership in the organization, they will not be able to change in the direction they desire and could experience negative change instead. Ethical leadership is related to considerate behavior, honesty, trust in leadership, interactional fairness, and socialized charismatic leadership. Even though there are many kinds of leadership and ethics, all are based on people is thinking; ethical leaders think logically, critically, and ethically, with no intention to harm others. Otherwise, to be active, vital players, leaders need to attend capacity-building classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences that ensure learning and promote leadership qualities. They should also participate in mental training classes, just like mindfulness meditation. Leaders are the driving force, whether his or her society develops or not. So, leaders need to possess ethical leadership, clear mental qualities, and competence in the 21st century.Keywords: leadership, ethical development, organization, Ethic
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