Search results for: corrective measures
2657 Understanding Health Behavior Using Social Network Analysis
Authors: Namrata Mishra
Health of a person plays a vital role in the collective health of his community and hence the well-being of the society as a whole. But, in today’s fast paced technology driven world, health issues are increasingly being associated with human behaviors – their lifestyle. Social networks have tremendous impact on the health behavior of individuals. Many researchers have used social network analysis to understand human behavior that implicates their social and economic environments. It would be interesting to use a similar analysis to understand human behaviors that have health implications. This paper focuses on concepts of those behavioural analyses that have health implications using social networks analysis and provides possible algorithmic approaches. The results of these approaches can be used by the governing authorities for rolling out health plans, benefits and take preventive measures, while the pharmaceutical companies can target specific markets, helping health insurance companies to better model their insurance plans.Keywords: breadth first search, directed graph, health behaviors, social network analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4732656 An Electronic and Performance Test for the Applicants to Faculty of Education for Early Childhood in Egypt for Measuring the Skills of Teacher Students
Authors: Ahmed Amin Mousa, Gehan Azam
The current study presents an electronic test to measure teaching skills. This test is a part of the admission system of the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood, Cairo University. The test has been prepared to evaluate university students who apply for admission the Faculty. It measures some social and physiological skills which are important for successful teachers, such as emotional adjustment and problem solving; moreover, the extent of their love for children and their capability to interact with them. The test has been approved by 13 experts. Finally, it has been introduced to 1,100 students during the admission system of the academic year 2016/2017. The results showed that most of the applicants have an auditory learning style. In addition, 97% of them have the minimum requirement skills for teaching children.Keywords: electronic test, performance, early childhood, skills, teacher student
Procedia PDF Downloads 2552655 Understanding the Impact of Out-of-Sequence Thrust Dynamics on Earthquake Mitigation: Implications for Hazard Assessment and Disaster Planning
Authors: Rajkumar Ghosh
Earthquakes pose significant risks to human life and infrastructure, highlighting the importance of effective earthquake mitigation strategies. Traditional earthquake modelling and mitigation efforts have largely focused on the primary fault segments and their slip behaviour. However, earthquakes can exhibit complex rupture dynamics, including out-of-sequence thrust (OOST) events, which occur on secondary or subsidiary faults. This abstract examines the impact of OOST dynamics on earthquake mitigation strategies and their implications for hazard assessment and disaster planning. OOST events challenge conventional seismic hazard assessments by introducing additional fault segments and potential rupture scenarios that were previously unrecognized or underestimated. Consequently, these events may increase the overall seismic hazard in affected regions. The study reviews recent case studies and research findings that illustrate the occurrence and characteristics of OOST events. It explores the factors contributing to OOST dynamics, such as stress interactions between fault segments, fault geometry, and mechanical properties of fault materials. Moreover, it investigates the potential triggers and precursory signals associated with OOST events to enhance early warning systems and emergency response preparedness. The abstract also highlights the significance of incorporating OOST dynamics into seismic hazard assessment methodologies. It discusses the challenges associated with accurately modelling OOST events, including the need for improved understanding of fault interactions, stress transfer mechanisms, and rupture propagation patterns. Additionally, the abstract explores the potential for advanced geophysical techniques, such as high-resolution imaging and seismic monitoring networks, to detect and characterize OOST events. Furthermore, the abstract emphasizes the practical implications of OOST dynamics for earthquake mitigation strategies and urban planning. It addresses the need for revising building codes, land-use regulations, and infrastructure designs to account for the increased seismic hazard associated with OOST events. It also underscores the importance of public awareness campaigns to educate communities about the potential risks and safety measures specific to OOST-induced earthquakes. This sheds light on the impact of out-of-sequence thrust dynamics in earthquake mitigation. By recognizing and understanding OOST events, researchers, engineers, and policymakers can improve hazard assessment methodologies, enhance early warning systems, and implement effective mitigation measures. By integrating knowledge of OOST dynamics into urban planning and infrastructure development, societies can strive for greater resilience in the face of earthquakes, ultimately minimizing the potential for loss of life and infrastructure damage.Keywords: earthquake mitigation, out-of-sequence thrust, seismic, satellite imagery
Procedia PDF Downloads 902654 Enhancing the Effectiveness of Witness Examination through Deposition System in Korean Criminal Trials: Insights from the U.S. Evidence Discovery Process
Authors: Qi Wang
With the expansion of trial-centered principles, the importance of witness examination in Korean criminal proceedings has been increasingly emphasized. However, several practical challenges have emerged in courtroom examinations, including concerns about witnesses’ memory deterioration due to prolonged trial periods, the possibility of inaccurate testimony due to courtroom anxiety and tension, risks of testimony retraction, and witnesses’ refusal to appear. These issues have led to a decline in the effective utilization of witness testimony. This study analyzes the deposition system, which is widely used in the U.S. evidence discovery process, and examines its potential implementation within the Korean criminal procedure framework. Furthermore, it explores the scope of application, procedural design, and measures to prevent potential abuse if the system were to be adopted. Under the adversarial litigation structure that has evolved through several amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act, the deposition system, although conducted pre-trial, serves as a preliminary procedure to facilitate efficient and effective witness examination during trial. This system not only aligns with the goal of discovering substantive truth but also upholds the practical ideals of trial-centered principles while promoting judicial economy. Furthermore, with the legal foundation established by Article 266 of the Criminal Procedure Act and related provisions, this study concludes that the implementation of the deposition system is both feasible and appropriate for the Korean criminal justice system. The specific functions of depositions include providing case-related information to refresh witnesses’ memory as a preliminary to courtroom examination, pre-reviewing existing statement documents to enhance trial efficiency, and conducting preliminary examinations on key issues and anticipated questions. The subsequent courtroom witness examination focuses on verifying testimony through public and cross-examination, identifying and analyzing contradictions in testimony, and conducting double verification of testimony credibility under judicial supervision. Regarding operational aspects, both prosecution and defense may request depositions, subject to court approval. The deposition process involves video or audio recording, complete documentation by court reporters, and the preparation of transcripts, with copies provided to all parties and the original included in court records. The admissibility of deposition transcripts is recognized under Article 311 of the Criminal Procedure Act. Given prosecutors’ advantageous position in evidence collection, which may lead to indifference or avoidance of depositions, the study emphasizes the need to reinforce prosecutors’ public interest status and objective duties. Additionally, it recommends strengthening pre-employment ethics education and post-violation disciplinary measures for prosecutors.Keywords: witness examination, deposition system, Korean criminal procedure, evidence discovery, trial-centered principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 132653 Decision Making about the Environmental Management Implementation: Incentives and Expectations
Authors: Eva Štěpánková
Environmental management implementation is presently one of the ways of organization success and value improvement. Increasing an organization motivation to environmental measures introduction is caused primarily by the rising pressure of the society that generates various incentives to endeavor for the environmental performance improvement. The aim of the paper is to identify and characterize the key incentives and expectations leading organizations to the environmental management implementation. The author focuses on five businesses of different size and field, operating in the Czech Republic. The qualitative approach and grounded theory procedure are used in research. The results point out that the significant incentives for environmental management implementation represent primarily demands of customers, the opportunity to declare the environmental commitment and image improvement. The researched enterprises less commonly expect the economical contribution, competitive advantage increase or export rate improvement. The results show that marketing contributions are primarily expected from the environmental management implementation.Keywords: environmental management, environmental management system, ISO 14001, Czech Republic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3862652 Political Determinants of Sovereign Spread: The Great East-West Divide
Authors: Maruska Vizek, Josip Glaurdic, Marina Tkalec, Goran Vuksic
We empirically explore whether and how taxation affects bilateral real exchange rates in the euro area – relative unit labor costs and relative consumer price indices. We find that employers’ social security contributions and the value added tax changes have the expected effects put forward in the fiscal devaluation literature and simulations. Increases in employers’ contributions appreciate the relative unit labor costs in the short- and the long-run, while value added tax hike appreciates the relative consumer prices. Somewhat surprisingly, for personal income tax increases, we find a short-run depreciating impact on the relative unit labor costs, while increases in employees’ contributions depreciate both measures of real exchange rates in the short-run.Keywords: sovereign bonds, European Union, developing countries, political determinants
Procedia PDF Downloads 3112651 Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria: Integrating Energy Efficiency and Renewables
Authors: Vicx Farm
This paper examines the critical role of energy efficiency management and renewable energy in fostering sustainable agricultural practices in Nigeria. With the growing concerns over energy security, environmental degradation, and climate change, there is an urgent need to transition towards more sustainable energy sources and practices in the agricultural sector. Nigeria, being a significant player in the global agricultural market, stands to benefit immensely from integrating energy efficiency measures and renewable energy solutions into its agricultural activities. This paper discusses the current energy challenges facing Nigerian agriculture, explores the potential benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption, and proposes strategies for effective implementation. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and practitioners to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies in Nigerian agriculture, thereby promoting sustainable development and resilience in the sector.Keywords: energy, agriculture, sustainability, power
Procedia PDF Downloads 742650 Gender Stereotypes in the Media Content as an Obstacle for Elimination of Discrimination against Women in the Republic of Serbia
Authors: Mirjana Dokmanovic
The main topic of this paper is the analysis of the presence of gender stereotypes in the media content in the Republic of Serbia with respect to the state commitments to eliminate discrimination against women. The research methodology included the analysis of the media content of six daily newspapers and two magazines on the date of 28 December 2015 and the analysis of the reality TV show programs in 2015 from gender perspective. The methods of the research has also included a desk research and a qualitative analysis of the available data, statistics, policy papers, studies, and reports produced by the government, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media, the Press Council, the associations of media professionals, the independent human rights bodies, and civil society organizations (CSOs). As a State Signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Republic of Serbia has adopted numerous measures in this field, including the Law on Equality between Sexes and the national gender equality strategies. Special attention has been paid to eliminating gender stereotypes and prejudices in the media content and portraying of women. This practice has been forbidden by the Law on Electronic Media, the Law on Public Information and Media, the Law on Public Service Broadcasting and the Bylaw on the Protection of Human Rights in the Provision of Media Services. Despite these commitments, there has not been achieved progress regarding eliminating gender stereotypes in the media content. The research indicates that the media perpetuate traditional gender roles and patriarchal patterns. Female politicians, entrepreneurs, academics, scientists, and engineers have been very rarely portrayed in the media. On the other side, women are in their focus as celebrities, singers, and actresses. Women are underrepresented in the pages related to politics and economy, while they are mostly present in the cover stories related to show-business, health care, family and household matters. Women are three times more than men identified on the basis of their family status, as mothers, wives, daughters, etc. Hate speech, misogyny, and violence against women are often present in the reality TV shows. The abuse of women and their bodies in advertising is still widely present. The cases of domestic violence are still presented with sensationalism, although there has been achieved progress in portraying victims of domestic violence with respect and dignity. The issues related to gender equality and the position of the vulnerable groups of women, such as Roma women or rural women, are not visible in the media. This research, as well as warnings of women’s CSOs and independent human rights bodies, indicates the necessity to implement legal and policy measures in this field consistently and with due diligence. The aim of the paper is to contribute eliminating gender stereotypes in the media content and advancing gender equality.Keywords: discrimination against women, gender roles, gender stereotypes, media, misogyny, portraying women in the media, prejudices against women, Republic of Serbia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2062649 Coevaluations Software among Students in Active Learning Methodology
Authors: Adriano Pinargote, Josue Mosquera, Eduardo Montero, Dalton Noboa, Jenny Venegas, Genesis Vasquez Escuela
In the framework of Pre University learning of the Polytechnic School of the Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador, the methodology of Active Learning (Flipped Classroom) has been implemented for applicants who wish to obtain a quota within the university. To complement the Active Learning cycle, it has been proposed that the respective students influence the qualification of their work groups, for which a web platform has been created that allows them to evaluate the performance of their peers through a digital coevaluation that measures through statistical methods, the group and individual performance score that can reflect in numbers a weighting score corresponding to the grade of each student. Their feedback provided by the group help to improve the performance of the activities carried out in classes because the note reflects the commitment with their classmates shown in the class, within this analysis we will determine if this implementation directly influences the performance of the grades obtained by the student.Keywords: active learning, coevaluation, flipped classroom, pre university
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392648 A Study of Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress among First and Second Year Medical Students in South India
Authors: Nitin Joseph
Objectives: This study was done to assess emotional intelligence levels and to find out its association with socio demographic variables and perceived stress among medical students. Material and Methods: This study was done among first and second year medical students. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Emotional intelligence scores was found to significantly increase with age of the participants (F=2.377, P < 0.05). Perceived stress was found to be significantly more among first year (t=1.997, P=0.05). Perceived stress was found to significantly decrease with increasing emotional intelligence scores (r = – 0.226, P < 0.001). Conclusion: First year students were found to be more vulnerable to stress than their seniors probably due to lesser emotional intelligence. As both these parameters are related, ample measures to improve emotional intelligence needs to be supported in the training curriculum of beginners so as to make them more stress free during early student life.Keywords: emotional intelligence, medical students, perceived stress, socio demographic variables
Procedia PDF Downloads 4542647 Smart Meter Incorporating UWB Technology
Authors: T. A. Khan, A. B. Khan, M. Babar, T. A. Taj, Imran Ijaz Imran
Smart Meter is a key element in the evolving concept of Smart Grid, which plays an important role in interaction between the consumer and the supplier. In general, the smart meter is an intelligent digital energy meter that measures the consumption of electrical energy and provides other additional services as compared to the conventional energy meters. One of the important element that makes a meter smart and different is its communication module. Smart meters usually have two way and real-time communication between the consumer and the supplier through which its transfer data and information. In this paper, Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is recommended as communication platform because of its high data-rate and presents the physical layer, which could be easily incorporated in existing Smart Meters. The physical layer is simulated in MATLAB Simulink and the results are provided.Keywords: Ultra Wide Band (UWB), Smart Meter, MATLAB, transfer data
Procedia PDF Downloads 5182646 Ammonia Bunkering Spill Scenarios: Modelling Plume’s Behaviour and Potential to Trigger Harmful Algal Blooms in the Singapore Straits
Authors: Bryan Low
In the coming decades, the global maritime industry will face a most formidable environmental challenge -achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To meet this target, the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has worked to establish green shipping and digital corridors with ports of several other countries around the world where ships will use low-carbon alternative fuels such as ammonia for power generation. While this paradigm shift to the bunkering of greener fuels is encouraging, fuels like ammonia will also introduce a new and unique type of environmental risk in the unlikely scenario of a spill. While numerous modelling studies have been conducted for oil spills and their associated environmental impact on coastal and marine ecosystems, ammonia spills are comparatively less well understood. For example, there is a knowledge gap regarding how the complex hydrodynamic conditions of the Singapore Straits may influence the dispersion of a hypothetical ammonia plume, which has different physical and chemical properties compared to an oil slick. Chemically, ammonia can be absorbed by phytoplankton, thus altering the balance of the marine nitrogen cycle. Biologically, ammonia generally serves the role of a nutrient in coastal ecosystems at lower concentrations. However, at higher concentrations, it has been found to be toxic to many local species. It may also have the potential to trigger eutrophication and harmful algal blooms (HABs) in coastal waters, depending on local hydrodynamic conditions. Thus, the key objective of this research paper is to support the development of a model-based forecasting system that can predict ammonia plume behaviour in coastal waters, given prevailing hydrodynamic conditions and their environmental impact. This will be essential as ammonia bunkering becomes more commonplace in Singapore’s ports and around the world. Specifically, this system must be able to assess the HAB-triggering potential of an ammonia plume, as well as its lethal and sub-lethal toxic effects on local species. This will allow the relevant authorities to better plan risk mitigation measures or choose a time window with the ideal hydrodynamic conditions to conduct ammonia bunkering operations with minimal risk. In this paper, we present the first part of such a forecasting system: a jointly coupled hydrodynamic-water quality model that can capture how advection-diffusion processes driven by ocean currents influence plume behaviour and how the plume interacts with the marine nitrogen cycle. The model is then applied to various ammonia spill scenarios where the results are discussed in the context of current ammonia toxicity guidelines, impact on local ecosystems, and mitigation measures for future bunkering operations conducted in the Singapore Straits.Keywords: ammonia bunkering, forecasting, harmful algal blooms, hydrodynamics, marine nitrogen cycle, oceanography, water quality modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 832645 The Different Effects of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Group Therapy on QEEG Measures in Various Severity Substance Use Disorder Involuntary Clients
Authors: Yu-Chi Liao, Nai-Wen Guo, Chun‑Hung Lee, Yung-Chin Lu, Cheng-Hung Ko
Objective: The incidence of behavioral addictions, especially substance use disorders (SUDs), is gradually be taken seriously with various physical health problems. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) is a treatment option for promoting long-term health behavior change in recent years. MBRP is a structured protocol that integrates formal meditation practices with the cognitive-behavioral approach of relapse prevention treatment by teaching participants not to engage in reappraisal or savoring techniques. However, considering SUDs as a complex brain disease, questionnaires and symptom evaluation are not sufficient to evaluate the effect of MBRP. Neurophysiological biomarkers such as quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) may improve accurately represent the curative effects. This study attempted to find out the neurophysiological indicator of MBRP in various severity SUD involuntary clients. Participants and Methods: Thirteen participants (all males) completed 8-week mindfulness-based treatment provided by trained, licensed clinical psychologists. The behavioral data were from the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) and Negative Mood Regulation Scale (NMR) before and afterMBRP treatment. The QEEG data were simultaneously recorded with executive attention tasks, called comprehensive nonverbal attention test(CNAT). The two-way repeated-measures (treatment * severity) ANOVA and independent t-test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Thirteen participants regrouped into high substance dependence (HS) and low substance dependence (LS) by SDS cut-off. The HS group showed more SDS total score and lower gamma wave in the Go/No Go task of CNAT at pretest. Both groups showed the main effect that they had a lower frontal theta/beta ratio (TBR) during the simple reaction time task of CNAT. The main effect showed that the delay errors of CNAT were lower after MBRP. There was no other difference in CNAT between groups. However, after MBRP, compared to LS, the HS group have resonant progress in improving SDS and NMR scores. The neurophysiological index, the frontal TBR of the HS during the Go/No Go task of CNATdecreased than that of the LS group. Otherwise, the LS group’s gamma wave was a significant reduction on the Go/No Go task of CNAT. Conclusion: The QEEG data supports the MBRP can restore the prefrontal function of involuntary addicts and lower their errors in executive attention tasks. However, the improvement of MBRPfor the addict with high addiction severity is significantly more than that with low severity, including QEEG’s indicators and negative emotion regulation. Future directions include investigating the reasons for differences in efficacy among different severity of the addiction.Keywords: mindfulness, involuntary clients, QEEG, emotion regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1472644 The Trend of Competitive Balance in Turkish Football Super League
Authors: Tugbay Inan
Competitive balance is known to have an important effect in determining the result of football matches. The degree of competitiveness is referred as competitive balance in football. Sports economics are the extent to which overall league attendances will be raised by measures, such as media effect, home advantage, revenue sharing, which aim to improve competitive balance. The purpose of present study was to measure the competitive balance in the football league of Turkey. In this study, by using long term competitive balance analysis, some facing problems and precautions were discussed through the seasons (1987-2014) in Turkish Football Super League (TSL). Within the practice of this study, The way that competitive balance level followed was determined in the history of super league (27 years). Based on this purpose, C5 Competitive Balance Index (C5CBI) and a Herfindahl index of competitive balance (HICB) were used. Finally, it is seen that in Super League, competitive balance factor took place time to time, however in total, a view apart from competitive balance is obviously seen.Keywords: competitive balance, turkish football, c5 competitive balance index, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
Procedia PDF Downloads 5602643 Event Extraction, Analysis, and Event Linking
Authors: Anam Alam, Rahim Jamaluddin Kanji
With the rapid growth of event in everywhere, event extraction has now become an important matter to retrieve the information from the unstructured data. One of the challenging problems is to extract the event from it. An event is an observable occurrence of interaction among entities. The paper investigates the effectiveness of event extraction capabilities of three software tools that are Wandora, Nitro and SPSS. We performed standard text mining techniques of these tools on the data sets of (i) Afghan War Diaries (AWD collection), (ii) MUC4 and (iii) WebKB. Information retrieval measures such as precision and recall which are computed under extensive set of experiments for Event Extraction. The experimental study analyzes the difference between events extracted by the software and human. This approach helps to construct an algorithm that will be applied for different machine learning methods.Keywords: event extraction, Wandora, nitro, SPSS, event analysis, extraction method, AFG, Afghan War Diaries, MUC4, 4 universities, dataset, algorithm, precision, recall, evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5982642 Management of Empty Containers by Consignees in the Hinterland
Authors: Benjamin Legros, Jan Fransoo, Oualid Jouini
This study aims to evaluate street-turn strategies for empty container repositioning in the hinterland. Containers arrive over time at the (importer) consignee, while the demand for containers arises from the (exporter) shipper. A match can be operated between an empty container from the consignee and the load from the shipper. Therefore, we model the system as a double-ended queue with non-zero matching time and a limited number of resources in order to optimize the reposition- ing decisions. We determine the performance measures when the consignee operates using a fixed withholding threshold policy. We show that the matching time mainly plays a role in the matching proportion, while under a certain duration, it only marginally impacts the consignee’s inventory policy and cost per container. Also, the withholding level is mainly determined by the shipper’s production rate.Keywords: container, double-ended queue, inventory, Markov decision process, non-zero matching time, street-turn
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442641 Parenting Interventions for Refugee Families: A Systematic Scoping Review
Authors: Ripudaman S. Minhas, Pardeep K. Benipal, Aisha K. Yousafzai
Background: Children of refugee or asylum-seeking background have multiple, complex needs (e.g. trauma, mental health concerns, separation, relocation, poverty, etc.) that places them at an increased risk for developing learning problems. Families encounter challenges accessing support during resettlement, preventing children from achieving their full developmental potential. There are very few studies in literature that examine the unique parenting challenges refugee families’ face. Providing appropriate support services and educational resources that address these distinctive concerns of refugee parents, will alleviate these challenges allowing for a better developmental outcome for children. Objective: To identify the characteristics of effective parenting interventions that address the unique needs of refugee families. Methods: English-language articles published from 1997 onwards were included if they described or evaluated programmes or interventions for parents of refugee or asylum-seeking background, globally. Data were extracted and analyzed according to Arksey and O’Malley’s descriptive analysis model for scoping reviews. Results: Seven studies met criteria and were included, primarily studying families settled in high-income countries. Refugee parents identified parenting to be a major concern, citing they experienced: alienation/unwelcoming services, language barriers, and lack of familiarity with school and early years services. Services that focused on building the resilience of parents, parent education, or provided services in the family’s native language, and offered families safe spaces to promote parent-child interactions were most successful. Home-visit and family-centered programs showed particular success, minimizing barriers such as transportation and inflexible work schedules, while allowing caregivers to receive feedback from facilitators. The vast majority of studies evaluated programs implementing existing curricula and frameworks. Interventions were designed in a prescriptive manner, without direct participation by family members and not directly addressing accessibility barriers. The studies also did not employ evaluation measures of parenting practices or the caregiving environment, or child development outcomes, primarily focusing on parental perceptions. Conclusion: There is scarce literature describing parenting interventions for refugee families. Successful interventions focused on building parenting resilience and capacity in their native language. To date, there are no studies that employ a participatory approach to program design to tailor content or accessibility, and few that employ parenting, developmental, behavioural, or environmental outcome measures.Keywords: asylum-seekers, developmental pediatrics, parenting interventions, refugee families
Procedia PDF Downloads 1652640 Development of Web-Based Iceberg Detection Using Deep Learning
Authors: A. Kavya Sri, K. Sai Vineela, R. Vanitha, S. Rohith
Large pieces of ice that break from the glaciers are known as icebergs. The threat that icebergs pose to navigation, production of offshore oil and gas services, and underwater pipelines makes their detection crucial. In this project, an automated iceberg tracking method using deep learning techniques and satellite images of icebergs is to be developed. With a temporal resolution of 12 days and a spatial resolution of 20 m, Sentinel-1 (SAR) images can be used to track iceberg drift over the Southern Ocean. In contrast to multispectral images, SAR images are used for analysis in meteorological conditions. This project develops a web-based graphical user interface to detect and track icebergs using sentinel-1 images. To track the movement of the icebergs by using temporal images based on their latitude and longitude values and by comparing the center and area of all detected icebergs. Testing the accuracy is done by precision and recall measures.Keywords: synthetic aperture radar (SAR), icebergs, deep learning, spatial resolution, temporal resolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 912639 How COVID 19 Changed Policy Makers Behavior toward Environmental Policy
Authors: Ammar Alrefaei
The COVID-19 pandemic changed human life. The vast majority of the COVID effect was on the healthcare sector, but its impact on the global economy cannot be denied. In the field of environment, the pandemic may have a more significant impact on the environment than all environmental activity and policies of recent years. The pandemic consequences for the environment may be far more unpredictable than one might assume. In view of this, it is imperative for legislators from different states to be prepared to apply adequate measures to counteract such consequences. This article aimed to examine the obstacles to implementing effective environmental policies after the COVID-19 pandemic using different examples from different countries. Also, how adopting new initiatives, such as the Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Green Initiative, can help policymakers and legislators adopt new laws and policies. In addition, this paper reviewed the developing dangers to environmental protection after the pandemic and analyzed the major challenges to instrument active environmental policies during COVID-19 and in the world after COVID.Keywords: environmental policy, environment law, green initiative, COVID 19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1132638 Energy Refurbishment of University Building in Cold Italian Climate: Energy Audit and Performance Optimization
Authors: Fabrizio Ascione, Martina Borrelli, Rosa Francesca De Masi, Silvia Ruggiero, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli
The Directive 2010/31/EC 'Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 may 2010 on the energy performance of buildings' moved the targets of the previous version toward more ambitious targets, for instance by establishing that, by 31 December 2020, all new buildings should demand nearly zero-energy. Moreover, the demonstrative role of public buildings is strongly affirmed so that also the target nearly zero-energy buildings is anticipated, in January 2019. On the other hand, given the very low turn-over rate of buildings (in Europe, it ranges between 1-3%/yearly), each policy that does not consider the renovation of the existing building stock cannot be effective in the short and medium periods. According to this proposal, the study provides a novel, holistic approach to design the refurbishment of educational buildings in colder cities of Mediterranean regions enabling stakeholders to understand the uncertainty to use numerical modelling and the real environmental and economic impacts of adopting some energy efficiency technologies. The case study is a university building of Molise region in the centre of Italy. The proposed approach is based on the application of the cost-optimal methodology as it is shown in the Delegate Regulation 244/2012 and Guidelines of the European Commission, for evaluating the cost-optimal level of energy performance with a macroeconomic approach. This means that the refurbishment scenario should correspond to the configuration that leads to lowest global cost during the estimated economic life-cycle, taking into account not only the investment cost but also the operational costs, linked to energy consumption and polluting emissions. The definition of the reference building has been supported by various in-situ surveys, investigations, evaluations of the indoor comfort. Data collection can be divided into five categories: 1) geometrical features; 2) building envelope audit; 3) technical system and equipment characterization; 4) building use and thermal zones definition; 5) energy building data. For each category, the required measures have been indicated with some suggestions for the identifications of spatial distribution and timing of the measurements. With reference to the case study, the collected data, together with a comparison with energy bills, allowed a proper calibration of a numerical model suitable for the hourly energy simulation by means of EnergyPlus. Around 30 measures/packages of energy, efficiency measure has been taken into account both on the envelope than regarding plant systems. Starting from results, two-point will be examined exhaustively: (i) the importance to use validated models to simulate the present performance of building under investigation; (ii) the environmental benefits and the economic implications of a deep energy refurbishment of the educational building in cold climates.Keywords: energy simulation, modelling calibration, cost-optimal retrofit, university building
Procedia PDF Downloads 1812637 A Review of End-of-Term Oral Tests for English-Majored Students of HCMC Open University
Authors: Khoa K. Doan
Assessment plays an essential role in teaching and learning English as it aims to measure the learning outcomes. Designing appropriate test types and procedures for four skills, especially productive skills, is a very challenging task for teachers of English. The assessment scheme is supposed to provide precise measures and fair opportunities for students to demonstrate what they can do with their language skills. This involves content domains, measurement techniques, administrative feasibility, target populations, and potential sources of testing bias. Based on these elements, a review of end-of-term speaking tests for English-majored students at Ho Chi Minh City Open University (Viet Nam) was undertaken for the purpose of analyzing the strengths and limitations of the testing tool for the speaking assessment. It helped to identify what could be done to facilitate the process of teaching and learning in that context.Keywords: assessment, oral tests, speaking, testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3202636 Evaluating Electronic Service Quality in Banking Iran
Authors: Vahid Bairami Rad
With the rapid growth of the Internet and the globalization of the market, most enterprises are trying to attract and win customers in the highly competitive electronic market. Better e-service quality will enhance the relationship with customers and their satisfaction. So the measurement of eservice quality is very important but it is a complex process due to the complex nature of services. Literature predicts that there is a lack of universal definition of e-service quality. The e-service quality measures in banking have great importance in achieving high customer base. This paper proposes a conceptual model for measuring e-service quality in Iranian Banking Iran. Nine dimensions reliability, ease of use, personalization, security and trust, website aesthetic, responsiveness, contact and speed of delivery had been identified. The results of this paper may help to develop a proper scale to measure the e-service quality in Iranian Banking Industry, which may assist to maintain and improve the performance and effectiveness of e-service quality to retain customers.Keywords: electronic banking, Dimensions, customer service quality, electronic, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 5002635 Metabolic Cost and Perceived Exertion during Progressive and Randomized Walking Protocols
Authors: Simeon E. H. Davies
This study investigated whether selected metabolic responses and the perception of effort varied during four different walk protocols where speed increased progressively 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 km/hr (progressive treadmill walk (PTW); and progressive land walk (PLW); or where the participant adjusted to random changes of speed e.g. 6, 3, 7, 4, and 5 km/hr during a randomized treadmill walk (RTW); and a randomized land walk (RLW). Mean stature and mass of the seven participants was 1.75m and 70kg respectively, with a mean body fat of 15%. Metabolic measures including heart rate, relative oxygen uptake, ventilation, increased in a linear fashion up to 6 km/hr, however at 7 km/hr there was a significant increase in metabolic response notably during the PLW, and to a similar, although lesser extent in RLW, probably as a consequence of the loss of kinetic energy when turning at each cone in order to maintain the speed during each shuttle. Respiration frequency appeared to be a more sensitive indicator of physical exertion, exhibiting a rapid elevation at 5 km/hr. The perception of effort during each mode and at each speed was largely congruent during each walk protocol.Keywords: exertion, metabolic, progressive, random, walking
Procedia PDF Downloads 4642634 Unsupervised Assistive and Adaptative Intelligent Agent in Smart Enviroment
Authors: Sebastião Pais, João Casal, Ricardo Ponciano, Sérgio Lorenço
The adaptation paradigm is a basic defining feature for pervasive computing systems. Adaptation systems must work efficiently in a smart environment while providing suitable information relevant to the user system interaction. The key objective is to deduce the information needed information changes. Therefore relying on fixed operational models would be inappropriate. This paper presents a study on developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant to assist the user in interacting with their Smart Environment. We propose an Unsupervised and Language-Independent Adaptation through Intelligent Speech Interface and a set of methods of Acquiring Knowledge, namely Semantic Similarity and Unsupervised Learning.Keywords: intelligent personal assistants, intelligent speech interface, unsupervised learning, language-independent, knowledge acquisition, association measures, symmetric word similarities, attributional word similarities
Procedia PDF Downloads 5642633 Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Egyptian Children Vaccinated during Infancy
Authors: Iman I. Salama, Samia M. Sami, Somaia I. Salama, Zeinab N. Said, Thanaa M. Rabah, Aida M. Abdel-Mohsin
This is a national community-based project to evaluate the effectiveness of HBV vaccination program in prevention of infection. HBV markers were tested in the sera of 3600 vaccinated children. Infected children were followed up for 1 year. Prevalence of HBV infection was 0.39 % (0.28% positive for anti-HBc, 0.03% positive for HBsAg and 0.08% positive for both). One year later, 50% of positive anti-HBc children turned negative with sustained positivity for positive HBsAg cases. HBV infection was significantly higher at age above 9 years (0.6%) compared to 0.2% at age 3-9 years and 0% at younger age (P < 0.05). Logistic analysis revealed that predictors for HBV infection were history of blood transfusion, regular medical injection, and family history of either HBV infection or drug abuse (adjusted odds ratios 6.2, 5.6, 7.6 & 19.1 respectively). HBV vaccination program produced adequate protection. Adherence to infection control measures and safe blood transfusion are recommended.Keywords: HBV infection, HBV vaccine, children, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 4482632 Analysis of Changes in Land Uses Planning for Bangalore City as per Master Plans
Authors: Minakshi Goswami, M. V. Khire
The urban land use is an outcome of geographical and socio economic factors over the decades. Hence, spatial information on land use and possibilities of alternate use is essential for the selection, planning and implementation to meet the increasing demands of human needs and welfare of the urban area. This information assists in monitoring the land use resulting out of charging demands of increasing urban population over the decades. So in this paper, a detailed work on urban land use pattern, with a special reference to build up land in Bangalore city is analyzed in view of the various master plans from 1975to 2011. An attempt has been made to study the status of urban land use of Bangalore city during this period to detect the changes on land utilization rate that has taken place in each master plan period, particularly in the built-up land. The set of measures taken by the city corporation to contain the problems regarding the extremely bothering existing land use in Bangalore city is analyzed.Keywords: built up land, land use changes, master plan, population
Procedia PDF Downloads 4642631 Food Insecurity and Other Correlates of Individual Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Women Living with HIV (WLWH) in the United States
Authors: E. Wairimu Mwangi, Daniel Sarpong
Background: Access to effective antiretroviral therapy in the United States has resulted in the rise in longevity in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Despite the progress, women living with HIV (WLWH) experience increasing rates of cardiometabolic disorders compared with their HIV-negative counterparts. Studies focusing on the predictors of metabolic disorders in this population have largely focused on the composite measure of metabolic syndrome (METs). This study seeks to identify the predictors of composite and individual METs factors in a nationally representative sample of WLWH. In particular, the study also examines the role of food security in predicting METs. Methods: The study comprised 1800 women, a subset of participants from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS). The primary exposure variable, food security, was measured using the U.S. 10-item Household Food Security Survey Module. The outcome measures are the five metabolic syndrome indicators (elevated blood pressure [systolic BP > 130 mmHg and diastolic BP ≥ 85 mmHg], elevated fasting glucose [≥ 110 mg/dL], elevated fasting triglyceride [≥ 150 mg/dL], reduced HDL cholesterol [< 50 mg/dL], and waist circumference > 88 cm) and the composite measure - Metabolic Syndrome (METs) Status. Each metabolic syndrome indicator was coded one if yes and 0 otherwise. The values of the five indicators were summed, and participants with a total score of 3 or greater were classified as having metabolic syndrome. Participants classified as having metabolic syndrome were assigned a code of 1 and 0 otherwise for analysis. The covariates accounted for in this study fell into sociodemographic factors and behavioral and health characteristics. Results: The participants' mean (SD) age was 47.1 (9.1) years, with 71.4% Blacks and 10.9% Whites. About a third (33.1%) had less than a high school (HS) diploma, 60.4% were married, 32.8% were employed, and 53.7% were low-income. The prevalence of worst dietary diversity, low, moderate, and high food security were 24.1%, 26.6%, 17.0%, and 56.4%, respectively. The correlate profile of the five individual METs factors plus the composite measure of METs differ significantly, with METs based on HDL having the most correlates (Age, Education, Drinking Status, Low Income, Body Mass Index, and Health Perception). Additionally, metabolic syndrome based on waist circumference was the only metabolic factor where food security was significantly correlated (Food Security, Age, and Body Mass Index). Age was a significant predictor of all five individual METs factors plus the composite METs measure. Except for METs based on Fasting Triglycerides, body mass index (BMI) was a significant correlate of the various measures of metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol significantly correlated with most predictors. BMI was a significant predictor of all METs factors except Fasting Triglycerides. Food insecurity, the primary predictor, was only significantly associated with waist circumference.Keywords: blood pressure, food insecurity, fasting glucose, fasting triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, metabolic syndrome, waist circumference, women living with HIV
Procedia PDF Downloads 602630 An Integrated Cognitive Performance Evaluation Framework for Urban Search and Rescue Applications
Authors: Antonio D. Lee, Steven X. Jiang
A variety of techniques and methods are available to evaluate cognitive performance in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) applications. However, traditional cognitive performance evaluation techniques typically incorporate either the conscious or systematic aspect, failing to take into consideration the subconscious or intuitive aspect. This leads to incomplete measures and produces ineffective designs. In order to fill the gaps in past research, this study developed a theoretical framework to facilitate the integration of situation awareness (SA) and intuitive pattern recognition (IPR) to enhance the cognitive performance representation in USAR applications. This framework provides guidance to integrate both SA and IPR in order to evaluate the cognitive performance of the USAR responders. The application of this framework will help improve the system design.Keywords: cognitive performance, intuitive pattern recognition, situation awareness, urban search and rescue
Procedia PDF Downloads 3302629 Precarious Employment Experience; Developing a Precariousness Scale
Authors: Gul Selin Erben
Precariousness can be evaluated as the new employment climate of the neo-liberal employment markets. As the word refers to a new mode of employment experience and working practices, it was felt as a necessity to reveal the basic characteristics of this kind of employment experience. Furthermore, according to the literature, precarious employment practices have some negative outcomes such as alienation, sense of anger, and anomy. Thus, it has quite significant to reveal the conditions' characteristics and practices of precarious employment. This study has the purpose to develop an instrument which measures the precarious employment practices. In order to develop a precariousness scale, the relevant literature was examined, and 30 statements were established as a result of the literature review. The development and validation of the scale were done by a sample of 123 individuals who work in different sectors in İstanbul as a white color employee. Convenience sampling was used as a sampling methodology. Reliability and factor analysis were conducted. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, 3 dimensions were gathered.Keywords: employment, employment experience, precariousness, scale development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1682628 Consequences of Sentence on Children's Socialization: Exploratory Study of Criminal Women of Punjab, Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Shabbir
This paper inspects the effects of the sentenced criminal women upon the socialization of their children, in the Pakistani context. The objectives of the study are to find out the socio-psychological and cultural effects of the jail environment on the children and behavior of sentenced women towards their children as well as analyze the facilities provided by the jail authorities for the socialization of the women. Quantitative variables and qualitative thematic variables caused by the opinions through open-ended questionnaire were collected and analyze by applying statistical measures, e.g. Social Sciences Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), to reflect out the results. It was found that the sentence of women shatters the socialization process of their children which commonly leads them to criminality. The government should review the ongoing sentence policies for an improvement and betterment. For this purpose, the idea of socialization centers would be a healthy initiative.Keywords: socialization, criminal women, sentence, socio-psychological and cultural
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