Search results for: availability analysis
27964 Assessment of the Energy Balance Method in the Case of Masonry Domes
Authors: M. M. Sadeghi, S. Vahdani
Masonry dome structures had been widely used for covering large spans in the past. The seismic assessment of these historical structures is very complicated due to the nonlinear behavior of the material, their rigidness, and special stability configuration. The assessment method based on energy balance concept, as well as the standard pushover analysis, is used to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods in the case of masonry dome structures. The Soltanieh dome building is used as an example to which two methods are applied. The performance points are given from superimposing the capacity, and demand curves in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) and energy coordination are compared with the nonlinear time history analysis as the exact result. The results show a good agreement between the dynamic analysis and the energy balance method, but standard pushover method does not provide an acceptable estimation.Keywords: energy balance method, pushover analysis, time history analysis, masonry dome
Procedia PDF Downloads 28127963 Study of Sub-Surface Flow in an Unconfined Carbonate Aquifer in a Tropical Karst Area in Indonesia: A Modeling Approach Using Finite Difference Groundwater Model
Authors: Dua K. S. Y. Klaas, Monzur A. Imteaz, Ika Sudiayem, Elkan M. E. Klaas, Eldav C. M. Klaas
Due to its porous nature, karst terrains – geomorphologically developed from dissolved formations, is vulnerable to water shortage and deteriorated water quality. Therefore, a solid comprehension on sub-surface flow of karst landscape is essential to assess the long-term availability of groundwater resources. In this paper, a single-continuum model using a finite difference model, MODLFOW, was constructed to represent an unconfined carbonate aquifer in a tropical karst island of Rote in Indonesia. The model, spatially discretized in 20 x 20 m grid cells, was calibrated and validated using available groundwater level and atmospheric variables. In the calibration and validation steps, Parameter Estimation (PEST) and geostatistical pilot point methods were employed to estimate hydraulic conductivity and specific yield values. The results show that the model is able to represent the sub-surface flow indicated by good model performances both in calibration and validation steps. The final model can be used as a robust representation of the system for future study on climate and land use scenarios.Keywords: carbonate aquifer, karst, sub-surface flow, groundwater model
Procedia PDF Downloads 15027962 Ethanolamine Detection with Composite Films
Authors: S. A. Krutovertsev, A. E. Tarasova, L. S. Krutovertseva, O. M. Ivanova
The aim of the work was to get stable sensitive films with good sensitivity to ethanolamine (C2H7NO) in air. Ethanolamine is used as adsorbent in different processes of gas purification and separation. Besides it has wide industrial application. Chemical sensors of sorption type are widely used for gas analysis. Their behavior is determined by sensor characteristics of sensitive sorption layer. Forming conditions and characteristics of chemical gas sensors based on nanostructured modified silica films activated by different admixtures have been studied. As additives molybdenum containing polyoxometalates of the eighteen series were incorporated in silica films. The method of hydrolythic polycondensation from tetraethyl orthosilicate solutions was used for forming such films in this work. The method’s advantage is a possibility to introduce active additives directly into an initial solution. This method enables to obtain sensitive thin films with high specific surface at room temperature. Particular properties make polyoxometalates attractive as active additives for forming of gas-sensitive films. As catalyst of different redox processes, they can either accelerate the reaction of the matrix with analyzed gas or interact with it, and it results in changes of matrix’s electrical properties Polyoxometalates based films were deposited on the test structures manufactured by microelectronic planar technology with interdigitated electrodes. Modified silica films were deposited by a casting method from solutions based on tetraethyl orthosilicate and polyoxometalates. Polyoxometalates were directly incorporated into initial solutions. Composite nanostructured films were deposited by drop casting method on test structures with a pair of interdigital metal electrodes formed at their surface. The sensor’s active area was 4.0 x 4.0 mm, and electrode gap was egual 0.08 mm. Morphology of the layers surface were studied with Solver-P47 scanning probe microscope (NT-MDT, Russia), the infrared spectra were investigated by a Bruker EQUINOX 55 (Germany). The conditions of film formation varied during the tests. Electrical parameters of the sensors were measured electronically in real-time mode. Films had highly developed surface with value of 450 m2/g and nanoscale pores. Thickness of them was 0,2-0,3 µm. The study shows that the conditions of the environment affect markedly the sensors characteristics, which can be improved by choosing of the right procedure of forming and processing. Addition of polyoxometalate into silica film resulted in stabilization of film mass and changed markedly of electrophysical characteristics. Availability of Mn3P2Mo18O62 into silica film resulted in good sensitivity and selectivity to ethanolamine. Sensitivity maximum was observed at weight content of doping additive in range of 30–50% in matrix. With ethanolamine concentration changing from 0 to 100 ppm films’ conductivity increased by 10-12 times. The increase of sensor’s sensitivity was received owing to complexing reaction of tested substance with cationic part of polyoxometalate. This fact results in intramolecular redox reaction which sharply change electrophysical properties of polyoxometalate. This process is reversible and takes place at room temperature.Keywords: ethanolamine, gas analysis, polyoxometalate, silica film
Procedia PDF Downloads 21227961 Speciation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soils
Authors: Bulent Topcuoglu
Repeated amendments of organic matter and intensive use of fertilizers, metal-enriched chemicals and biocides may cause soil and environmental pollution in greenhouses. Specially, the impact of heavy metal pollution of soils on food metal content and underground water quality has become a public concern. Due to potential toxicity of heavy metals to human life and environment, determining the chemical form of heavy metals in greenhouse soils is an important approach of chemical characterization and can provide useful information on its mobility and bioavailability. A sequential extraction procedure was used to estimate the availability of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Cr) in greenhouse soils of Antalya Aksu. Zn was predominantly associated with Fe-Mn oxide fraction, major portion of Cd associated with carbonate and organic matter fraction, a major portion of (>65 %) Ni and Cr were largely associated with Fe-Mn oxide and residual fractions and Pb was largely associated with organic matter and Fe-Mn oxide fractions. Results of the present study suggest that the mobility and bioavailability of metals probably increase in the following order: Cr < Pb < Ni < Cd < Zn. Among the elements studied, Zn and Cd appeared to be the most readily soluble and potentially bioavailable metals and these metals may carry a potential risk for metal transfer in food chain and contamination to ground water.Keywords: metal speciation, metal mobility, greenhouse soils, biosystems engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 41827960 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distributed Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shiva Rudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. MATLAB programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained. To maintain the tolerance limit, 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 70327959 The Role of Nurses and Midwives’ Self-Government in Postgraduate Education in Poland
Authors: Tomasz Holecki, Hanna Dobrowolska
In the Polish health care system, nurses and midwives are obliged to regularly update their professional knowledge. It is all regulated by the Law on the nurse and midwife’s profession and the code of ethics. The professional self-governing body (County Chamber of Nurses and Midwives) is obliged to organize ongoing training for them so that maintaining accessibility and availability to the high quality of educational services could be possible at all levels of post-graduate education. The aim of this study is an analysis of post-graduate education organized by the County Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in the city of Katowice, Poland, as a professional self-governing body operating in the area of Silesian province inhabited by almost 5 million citizens which bring together more than 30 thousand professionally active nurses and midwives. In the years 2000-2017, the self-government of nurses and midwives trained over 50,000 people. The education and supervision system over the labour of nurses and midwives establishes exercising control by a self-governing body. In practice, this means that conducting activities aimed at creating legal regulations and organizational conditions, as well as the practical implementation of courses, belongs to the professional self-government of nurses and midwives. The most of specialization courses that were provided from their own funds came from membership fees. The biggest group was participants of specializations in the fields of cardiac, anesthesia, and preventive nursing. The smallest group of people participated in such specializations as neonatal, emergency, and obstetrics nursing. The most popular specialist courses were in the fields of the electrocardiogram and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, whereas the least popular were the ones in the fields of protective vaccinations of neonates. So-called 'soft training-courses' in the fields of improvement of social skills and management were also provided. The research shows that a vast majority of nurses and midwives are interested in raising their professional qualifications. Specialist courses and selected fields of qualification courses received the most concrete attention. In light of conducted research, one can assert that cooperation inside the community of nurses and midwives provides access to high-quality education and training services regularly used by a wide circle of them. The presented results exemplify a level of real interest in specialist and qualification training-courses and also show sources of financing them.Keywords: nurses and midwives, ongoing training, postgraduate education, specialist training-courses
Procedia PDF Downloads 10527958 Study of the Removal of a Red Dye Acid and Sodium Bentonite Raw
Authors: N. Ouslimani, M. T. Abadlia
Wastewater from manufacturing industries are responsible for many organic micropollutants such as some detergents and dyes. It is estimated that 10-15 % of these chemical compounds in the effluents are discharged. In the method of dyeing the dyes are often used in excess to improve the dye and thereby the waste water are highly concentrated dye. The treatment of effluents containing dye has become a necessity given its negative repercussions on ecosystems mainly due to the pollutant nature of synthetic dyes and particularly soluble dyes such as acid dyes. Technology adsorptive separation is now a separation technologies of the most important treatments. The choice led to the use of bentonite occurs in order to use an equally effective and less costly than replacing charcoal. This choice is also justified by the importance of the material developed by, the possibility of cation exchange and high availability in our country surface. During this study, therefore, we test the clay, the main constituent is montmorillonite, whose most remarkable properties are its swelling resulting from the presence of water in the space between the sheets and the fiber structure to the adsorption of acid dye "red Bemacid. "The study of various parameters i.e. time, temperature, and pH showed that the adsorption is more favorable to the temperature of 19 °C for 240 minutes at a Ph equal to 2.More styles and Langmuir adsorption Freundlich were applied to describe the isotherms. The results show that sodium bentonite seems to affect the ability and effectiveness to adsorb colorant.Les ultimate quantities are respectively 0.629 mg/g and 0.589 mg/g for sodium bentonite and bentonite gross.Keywords: Bentonite, treatment of polluted water, acid dyes, adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 26327957 English Syllabus in the Iranian Education System
Authors: Shaghayegh Mirshekari, Atiyeh Ghorbani
EThe Iranian system of education has been politically influenced by the thoughts of the governing religious party. It has brought many religious books into the educational system from grade one up to graduation from high school, and therefore, teaching English as a non-Islamic language has been put aside the system, focusing on the Islamic language of Arabic. Teaching English has been widely talked about in international academia, but the Iranian educational system has not brought in any of its outcomes due to the general policy of keeping people away from international Western thoughts. Because of the increasing interest among Iranians in learning English, this language is being taught and studied in public and private schools, commercial and adult schools, language institutes, colleges, universities, and numerous homes throughout the country. Methods and techniques of teaching English, the attitude of the teachers and learners towards the language, and the availability of textbooks and other language materials are quite different in any one of the different institutions. This paper has evaluated the outcome of the Iranian educational system in teaching English in terms of their methods of teaching, as well as the policies regarding the educational system. The results show that not only has there been no progress in the system in terms of teaching English, rather there is backwardness in this regard due to the political policy of preventing people from learning English. Therefore, we see the majority of the youth not speaking English properly at the age where they need to enter the international arena.Keywords: English, public school, language, Iran, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 6727956 Functionality Based Composition of Web Services to Attain Maximum Quality of Service
Authors: M. Mohemmed Sha Mohamed Kunju, Abdalla A. Al-Ameen Abdurahman, T. Manesh Thankappan, A. Mohamed Mustaq Ahmed Hameed
Web service composition is an effective approach to complete the web based tasks with desired quality. A single web service with limited functionality is inadequate to execute a specific task with series of action. So, it is very much required to combine multiple web services with different functionalities to reach the target. Also, it will become more and more challenging, when these services are from different providers with identical functionalities and varying QoS, so while composing the web services, the overall QoS is considered to be the major factor. Also, it is not true that the expected QoS is always attained when the task is completed. A single web service in the composed chain may affect the overall performance of the task. So care should be taken in different aspects such as functionality of the service, while composition. Dynamic and automatic service composition is one of the main option available. But to achieve the actual functionality of the task, quality of the individual web services are also important. Normally the QoS of the individual service can be evaluated by using the non-functional parameters such as response time, throughput, reliability, availability, etc. At the same time, the QoS is not needed to be at the same level for all the composed services. So this paper proposes a framework that allows composing the services in terms of QoS by setting the appropriate weight to the non-functional parameters of each individual web service involved in the task. Experimental results show that the importance given to the non-functional parameter while composition will definitely improve the performance of the web services.Keywords: composition, non-functional parameters, quality of service, web service
Procedia PDF Downloads 33427955 Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Aniline
Authors: Dharshini M., Hema N. S.
The project for the production of aniline is done by providing 295.46 tons per day of nitrobenzene as feed. The material and energy balance calculations for the different equipment like distillation column, heat exchangers, reactor and mixer are carried out with simulation via DWSIM. The conversion of nitrobenzene to aniline by hydrogenation process is considered to be 96% and the total production of the plant was found to be 215 TPD. The cost estimation of the process is carried out to estimate the feasibility of the plant. The net profit and percentage return of investment is estimated to be ₹27 crores and 24.6%. The payback period was estimated to be 4.05 years and the unit production cost is ₹113/kg. A techno-economic analysis was performed for the production of aniline; the result includes economic analysis and sensitivity analysis of critical factors. From economic analysis, larger the plant scale increases the total capital investment and annual operating cost, even though the unit production cost decreases. Uncertainty analysis was performed to predict the influence of economic factors on profitability and the scenario analysis is one way to quantify uncertainty. In scenario analysis the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario are compared with the base case scenario. The best-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 120 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹112.05/kg and the worst-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 60 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹115.9/kg. The base case is closely related to the best case by 99.2% in terms of unit production cost. since the unit production cost is less and the profitability is more with less payback time, it is feasible to construct a plant at this capacity.Keywords: aniline, nitrobenzene, economic analysis, unit production cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 10927954 Assessing Role of Newspapers in Creating Awareness of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan
Authors: Fatima Kiran
This study investigates the HIV/AIDS coverage in the selected newspapers. The premises of the study depend upon the fact that informing public about any social issue that effects people’s life is among one of the fundamental functions of media, such as HIV/AIDS is one of prime importance. In this study two most prime newspapers of Pakistan Daily Jang and Daily Dawn were analyzed. This paper adopted two approaches for investigation one is content analysis and another is discourse analysis. The content analysis was used to determine the frequency of HIV/AIDS content coverage. Discourse analysis was used to determine consciousness of these newspapers on covering HIV/AIDS stories with correct language and terminologies according to the given media guideline of UNICEF. Total 368 editions from 1st July 2017 to 31st December 2017 were sampled for the study. The result of the study indicates that newspapers have severely underestimated the severity of HIV/AIDS. The coverage given by newspapers is dissatisfactory. Selected newspapers used inappropriate terminologies and language in the stories which shows negligence of newspapers regarding HIV/AIDS issue.Keywords: Pakistani newspapers, HIV/AIDS, coverage, public awareness, content analysis, discourse analysis, press consciousness
Procedia PDF Downloads 14427953 Modeling of Hydraulic Networking of Water Supply Subsystem Case of Addis Ababa
Authors: Solomon Weldegebriel Gebrelibanos
Water is one of the most important substances in human life that can give a human liberality with its cost and availability. Water comes from rainfall and runoff and reaches the ground as runoff that is stored in a river, ponds, and big water bodies, including sea and ocean and the remaining water portion is infiltrated into the ground to store in the aquifer. Water can serve human beings in various ways, including irrigation, water supply, hydropower and soon. Water supply is the main pillar of the water service to the human being. Water supply distribution in Addis Ababa arises from Legedadi, Akakai, and Gefersa. The objective of the study is to measure the performance of the water supply distribution in Addis Ababa city. The water supply distribution model is developed by computer-aided design software. The model can analyze the operational change, loss of water, and performance of the network. The two design criteria that have been employed to analyze the network system are velocity and pressure. The result shows that the customers are using the water at high pressure with low demand. The water distribution system is older than the expected service life with more leakage. Hence the study recommended that fixing Pressure valves and new distribution facilities can resolve the performance of the water supply systemKeywords: distribution, model, pressure, velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 13827952 Computer Simulation Studies of Aircraft Wing Architectures on Vibration Responses
Authors: Shengyong Zhang, Mike Mikulich
Vibration is a crucial limiting consideration in the analysis and design of airplane wing structures to avoid disastrous failures due to the propagation of existing cracks in the material. In this paper, we build CAD models of aircraft wings to capture the design intent with configurations. Subsequent FEA vibration analysis is performed to study the natural vibration properties and impulsive responses of the resulting user-defined wing models. This study reveals the variations of the wing’s vibration characteristics with respect to changes in its structural configurations. Integrating CAD modelling and FEA vibration analysis enables designers to improve wing architectures for implementing design requirements in the preliminary design stage.Keywords: aircraft wing, CAD modelling, FEA, vibration analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 16527951 Effects of Roof Materials on Onion Storage
Authors: Imoukhuede Oladunni Bimpe, Ale Monday Olatunbosun
Periodic scarcity of onion requires urgent solution in Nigerian agro-economy. The high percentage of onion losses incurred after harvesting period is due to non-availability of appropriate facility for its storage. Therefore, some storage structures were constructed with different roofing materials. The response of the materials to the weather parameters like temperature and relative humidity were evaluated to know their effects on the performance of the storage structures. The temperature and relative humidity were taken three times daily alongside with the weight of the onion in each of the structures; the losses as indicated by loss indices like shrinkage, rottenness, sprouting and colour were identified and percentage loss per week determined. The highest mean percentage loss (22%) was observed in the structure with iron roofing materials while structure with thatched materials had the lowest (9.4%); The highest temperature was observed in the structure with Asbestos roofing materials and no significant difference in the temperature value in the structure with thatched and Iron materials; highest relatively humidity was found in Asbestos roofing material while the lowest in the structure with Iron materials. It was conclusively found that the storage structure with thatched roof had the best performance in terms of losses.Keywords: onion, storage structures, weather parameters, roof materials, losses
Procedia PDF Downloads 61527950 The Comparative Analysis of International Financial Reporting Standart Adoption through Earnings Response Coefficient and Conservatism Principle: Case Study in Jakarta Islamic Index 2010 – 2014
Authors: Dwi Wijiastutik, Tarjo, Yuni Rimawati
The purpose of this empirical study is to analyse how to the market reaction and the conservative degree changes on the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standart (IFRS) through Jakarta Islamic Index. The study also has given others additional analysis on the profitability, capital structure and size company toward IFRS adoption. The data collection methods used in this study reveals as secondary data and deep analysis to the company’s annual report and daily price stock at yahoo finance. We analyse 40 companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index from 2010 to 2014. The result of the study concluded that IFRS has given a different on the depth analysis to the two of variance analysis: Moderated Regression Analysis and Wilcoxon Signed Rank to test developed hypotheses. Our result on the regression analysis shows that market response and conservatism principle is not significantly after IFRS Adoption in Jakarta Islamic Index. Furthermore, in addition, analysis on profitability, capital structure, and company size show that significantly after IFRS adoption. The findings of our study help investor by showing the impact of IFRS for making decided investment.Keywords: IFRS, earnings response coefficient, conservatism principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 27327949 Scaling out Sustainable Land Use Systems in Colombia: Some Insights and Implications from Two Regional Case Studies
Authors: Martha Lilia Del Rio Duque, Michelle Bonatti, Katharina Loehr, Marcos Lana, Tatiana Rodriguez, Stefan Sieber
Nowadays, most agricultural practices can reduce the ability of ecosystems to provide goods and services. To enhance environmentally friendly food production and to maximize social and economic benefits, sustainable land use systems (SLUS) are one of the most critical strategies increasingly/strongly promoted by donors organizations, international agencies, and policymakers. This process involves the question of how SLUS can be scaled out also large-scale landscapes and not merely isolated experiments. As SLUS are context-specific strategies, diffusion and replication of successful SLUS in Colombia required the identification of main factors that facilitate this scaling out process. We applied a case study approach to investigate the scaling out process of SLUS in cocoa and livestock sector within peacebuilding territories in Colombia, specifically, in Cesar and Caqueta region. These two regions are contrasting, but both have a current trend of increasing land degradation. Presently in Colombia, Caqueta is one of the most deforested departments, and Cesar has some most degraded soils. Following a qualitative research approach, 19 semi-structured interviews and 2 focus groups were conducted with agroforestry experts in both regions to analyze (1) what does it mean a sustainable land use system in Cocoa/Livestock, specifically in Caqueta or Cesar and (2) to identify the key elements at the level of the following dimensions: biophysical, economic and profitability, market, social, policy and institutions that can explain how and why SLUS are replicated and spread among more producers. The Interviews were coded and analyzed using MAXQDA to identify, analyze and report patterns (themes) within data. As the results show, key themes, among which: premium market, solid regional markets and price stability, water availability and management, generational renewal, land use knowledge and diversification, producer organization and certifications are crucial to understand how the SLUS can have an impact across large-scale landscapes and how the scaling out process can be set up best in order to be successful across different contexts. The analysis further reveals which key factors might affect SLUS efficiency.Keywords: agroforestry, cocoa sector, Colombia, livestock sector, sustainable land use system
Procedia PDF Downloads 16227948 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Spare Parts Technology
Authors: Amir Andria Gad Shehata
Minimizing the inventory cost, optimizing the inventory quantities, and increasing system operational availability are the main motivations to enhance forecasting demand of spare parts in a major power utility company in Medina. This paper reports in an effort made to optimize the orders quantities of spare parts by improving the method of forecasting the demand. The study focuses on equipment that has frequent spare parts purchase orders with uncertain demand. The pattern of the demand considers a lumpy pattern which makes conventional forecasting methods less effective. A comparison was made by benchmarking various methods of forecasting based on experts’ criteria to select the most suitable method for the case study. Three actual data sets were used to make the forecast in this case study. Two neural networks (NN) approaches were utilized and compared, namely long short-term memory (LSTM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP). The results as expected, showed that the NN models gave better results than traditional forecasting method (judgmental method). In addition, the LSTM model had a higher predictive accuracy than the MLP model.Keywords: spare part, spare part inventory, inventory model, optimization, maintenanceneural network, LSTM, MLP, forecasting demand, inventory management
Procedia PDF Downloads 6527947 Contextual Sentiment Analysis with Untrained Annotators
Authors: Lucas A. Silva, Carla R. Aguiar
This work presents a proposal to perform contextual sentiment analysis using a supervised learning algorithm and disregarding the extensive training of annotators. To achieve this goal, a web platform was developed to perform the entire procedure outlined in this paper. The main contribution of the pipeline described in this article is to simplify and automate the annotation process through a system of analysis of congruence between the notes. This ensured satisfactory results even without using specialized annotators in the context of the research, avoiding the generation of biased training data for the classifiers. For this, a case study was conducted in a blog of entrepreneurship. The experimental results were consistent with the literature related annotation using formalized process with experts.Keywords: sentiment analysis, untrained annotators, naive bayes, entrepreneurship, contextualized classifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 39727946 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distribution Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shivarudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. Matlab programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained.To maintain the tolerance limit , 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 59027945 Availability Analysis of Process Management in the Equipment Maintenance and Repair Implementation
Authors: Onur Ozveri, Korkut Karabag, Cagri Keles
It is an important issue that the occurring of production downtime and repair costs when machines fail in the machine intensive production industries. In the case of failure of more than one machine at the same time, which machines will have the priority to repair, how to determine the optimal repair time should be allotted for this machines and how to plan the resources needed to repair are the key issues. In recent years, Business Process Management (BPM) technique, bring effective solutions to different problems in business. The main feature of this technique is that it can improve the way the job done by examining in detail the works of interest. In the industries, maintenance and repair works are operating as a process and when a breakdown occurs, it is known that the repair work is carried out in a series of process. Maintenance main-process and repair sub-process are evaluated with process management technique, so it is thought that structure could bring a solution. For this reason, in an international manufacturing company, this issue discussed and has tried to develop a proposal for a solution. The purpose of this study is the implementation of maintenance and repair works which is integrated with process management technique and at the end of implementation, analyzing the maintenance related parameters like quality, cost, time, safety and spare part. The international firm that carried out the application operates in a free region in Turkey and its core business area is producing original equipment technologies, vehicle electrical construction, electronics, safety and thermal systems for the world's leading light and heavy vehicle manufacturers. In the firm primarily, a project team has been established. The team dealt with the current maintenance process again, and it has been revised again by the process management techniques. Repair process which is sub-process of maintenance process has been discussed again. In the improved processes, the ABC equipment classification technique was used to decide which machine or machines will be given priority in case of failure. This technique is a prioritization method of malfunctioned machine based on the effect of the production, product quality, maintenance costs and job security. Improved maintenance and repair processes have been implemented in the company for three months, and the obtained data were compared with the previous year data. In conclusion, breakdown maintenance was found to occur in a shorter time, with lower cost and lower spare parts inventory.Keywords: ABC equipment classification, business process management (BPM), maintenance, repair performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 19527944 Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Citizenship in Textbooks in Iran
Authors: Jafar Ahmadi
This research has been done as a discourse analysis of the concept of citizenship in textbooks in Iran. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant citizenship discourse in textbooks in the content of textbooks. The research method in this research is qualitative and qualitative content analysis. The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful manner and according to the research topic of books related to Persian literature, religious education and social education. The selected theoretical framework of this research is the three theories of citizenship (pre-modern, modern and postmodern). For each of these discourses, components and indicators have been extracted that are the basis of data analysis. The research findings show that the dominant citizenship discourse on the content of Iranian textbooks is pre-modern discourse and is the basis of this type of religious citizenship discourse. Finally, the findings show that the government uses the institution of education to reproduce its power.Keywords: citizenship, textbooks, discourse analysis, religious citizenship, representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19927943 Numerical Modal Analysis of a Multi-Material 3D-Printed Composite Bushing and Its Application
Authors: Paweł Żur, Alicja Żur, Andrzej Baier
Modal analysis is a crucial tool in the field of engineering for understanding the dynamic behavior of structures. In this study, numerical modal analysis was conducted on a multi-material 3D-printed composite bushing, which comprised a polylactic acid (PLA) outer shell and a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) flexible filling. The objective was to investigate the modal characteristics of the bushing and assess its potential for practical applications. The analysis involved the development of a finite element model of the bushing, which was subsequently subjected to modal analysis techniques. Natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios were determined to identify the dominant vibration modes and their corresponding responses. The numerical modal analysis provided valuable insights into the dynamic behavior of the bushing, enabling a comprehensive understanding of its structural integrity and performance. Furthermore, the study expanded its scope by investigating the entire shaft mounting of a small electric car, incorporating the 3D-printed composite bushing. The shaft mounting system was subjected to numerical modal analysis to evaluate its dynamic characteristics and potential vibrational issues. The results of the modal analysis highlighted the effectiveness of the 3D-printed composite bushing in minimizing vibrations and optimizing the performance of the shaft mounting system. The findings contribute to the broader field of composite material applications in automotive engineering and provide valuable insights for the design and optimization of similar components.Keywords: 3D printing, composite bushing, modal analysis, multi-material
Procedia PDF Downloads 11027942 Using Satellite Images Datasets for Road Intersection Detection in Route Planning
Authors: Fatma El-Zahraa El-Taher, Ayman Taha, Jane Courtney, Susan Mckeever
Understanding road networks plays an important role in navigation applications such as self-driving vehicles and route planning for individual journeys. Intersections of roads are essential components of road networks. Understanding the features of an intersection, from a simple T-junction to larger multi-road junctions, is critical to decisions such as crossing roads or selecting the safest routes. The identification and profiling of intersections from satellite images is a challenging task. While deep learning approaches offer the state-of-the-art in image classification and detection, the availability of training datasets is a bottleneck in this approach. In this paper, a labelled satellite image dataset for the intersection recognition problem is presented. It consists of 14,692 satellite images of Washington DC, USA. To support other users of the dataset, an automated download and labelling script is provided for dataset replication. The challenges of construction and fine-grained feature labelling of a satellite image dataset is examined, including the issue of how to address features that are spread across multiple images. Finally, the accuracy of the detection of intersections in satellite images is evaluated.Keywords: satellite images, remote sensing images, data acquisition, autonomous vehicles
Procedia PDF Downloads 14727941 qPCR Method for Detection of Halal Food Adulteration
Authors: Gabriela Borilova, Monika Petrakova, Petr Kralik
Nowadays, European producers are increasingly interested in the production of halal meat products. Halal meat has been increasingly appearing in the EU's market network and meat products from European producers are being exported to Islamic countries. Halal criteria are mainly related to the origin of muscle used in production, and also to the way products are obtained and processed. Although the EU has legislatively addressed the question of food authenticity, the circumstances of previous years when products with undeclared horse or poultry meat content appeared on EU markets raised the question of the effectiveness of control mechanisms. Replacement of expensive or not-available types of meat for low-priced meat has been on a global scale for a long time. Likewise, halal products may be contaminated (falsified) by pork or food components obtained from pigs. These components include collagen, offal, pork fat, mechanically separated pork, emulsifier, blood, dried blood, dried blood plasma, gelatin, and others. These substances can influence sensory properties of the meat products - color, aroma, flavor, consistency and texture or they are added for preservation and stabilization. Food manufacturers sometimes access these substances mainly due to their dense availability and low prices. However, the use of these substances is not always declared on the product packaging. Verification of the presence of declared ingredients, including the detection of undeclared ingredients, are among the basic control procedures for determining the authenticity of food. Molecular biology methods, based on DNA analysis, offer rapid and sensitive testing. The PCR method and its modification can be successfully used to identify animal species in single- and multi-ingredient raw and processed foods and qPCR is the first choice for food analysis. Like all PCR-based methods, it is simple to implement and its greatest advantage is the absence of post-PCR visualization by electrophoresis. qPCR allows detection of trace amounts of nucleic acids, and by comparing an unknown sample with a calibration curve, it can also provide information on the absolute quantity of individual components in the sample. Our study addresses a problem that is related to the fact that the molecular biological approach of most of the work associated with the identification and quantification of animal species is based on the construction of specific primers amplifying the selected section of the mitochondrial genome. In addition, the sections amplified in conventional PCR are relatively long (hundreds of bp) and unsuitable for use in qPCR, because in DNA fragmentation, amplification of long target sequences is quite limited. Our study focuses on finding a suitable genomic DNA target and optimizing qPCR to reduce variability and distortion of results, which is necessary for the correct interpretation of quantification results. In halal products, the impact of falsification of meat products by the addition of components derived from pigs is all the greater that it is not just about the economic aspect but above all about the religious and social aspect. This work was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (QJ1530107).Keywords: food fraud, halal food, pork, qPCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 24727940 Analysis of Patient No-Shows According to Health Conditions
Authors: Sangbok Lee
There has been much effort on process improvement for outpatient clinics to provide quality and acute care to patients. One of the efforts is no-show analysis or prediction. This work analyzes patient no-shows along with patient health conditions. The health conditions refer to clinical symptoms that each patient has, out of the followings; hyperlipidemia, diabetes, metastatic solid tumor, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, drug dependence abuse, schizophrenia, major depression, and pain. A dataset from a regional hospital is used to find the relationship between the number of the symptoms and no-show probabilities. Additional analysis reveals how each symptom or combination of symptoms affects no-shows. In the above analyses, cross-classification of patients by age and gender is carried out. The findings from the analysis will be used to take extra care to patients with particular health conditions. They will be forced to visit clinics by being informed about their health conditions and possible consequences more clearly. Moreover, this work will be used in the preparation of making institutional guidelines for patient reminder systems.Keywords: healthcare system, no show analysis, process improvment, statistical data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 23327939 Regulation of Transfer of 137cs by Polymeric Sorbents for Grow Ecologically Sound Biomass
Authors: A. H. Tadevosyan, S. K. Mayrapetyan, N. B. Tavakalyan, K. I. Pyuskyulyan, A. H. Hovsepyan, S. N. Sergeeva
Soil contamination with radiocesium has a long-term radiological impact due to its long physical half-life (30.1 years for 137Cs and 2 years for 134Cs) and its high biological availability. 137Cs causes the largest concerns because of its deleterious effect on agriculture and stock farming, and, thus, human life for decades. One of the important aspects of the problem of contaminated soils remediation is understand of protective actions aimed at the reduction of biological migration of radionuclides in soil-plant system. The most effective way to bind radionuclides is the use of selective sorbents. The proposed research mainly aims to achieve control on transfer of 137Cs in a system growing media–plant due to counter ions variation in the polymeric sorbents. As the research object, Japanese basil-Perilla frutescens was chosen. Productivity of plants depending on the presence (control-without presence of polymer) and type of polymer material, as well as content of 137Cs in plant material has been determined. The character of different polymers influences on the 137Cs migration in growing media–plant system as well as accumulation in the plants has been cleared up.Keywords: radioceaseum, Japanese basil, polymer, soil-plant system
Procedia PDF Downloads 18327938 A Hybrid Data Mining Algorithm Based System for Intelligent Defence Mission Readiness and Maintenance Scheduling
Authors: Shivam Dwivedi, Sumit Prakash Gupta, Durga Toshniwal
It is a challenging task in today’s date to keep defence forces in the highest state of combat readiness with budgetary constraints. A huge amount of time and money is squandered in the unnecessary and expensive traditional maintenance activities. To overcome this limitation Defence Intelligent Mission Readiness and Maintenance Scheduling System has been proposed, which ameliorates the maintenance system by diagnosing the condition and predicting the maintenance requirements. Based on new data mining algorithms, this system intelligently optimises mission readiness for imminent operations and maintenance scheduling in repair echelons. With modified data mining algorithms such as Weighted Feature Ranking Genetic Algorithm and SVM-Random Forest Linear ensemble, it improves the reliability, availability and safety, alongside reducing maintenance cost and Equipment Out of Action (EOA) time. The results clearly conclude that the introduced algorithms have an edge over the conventional data mining algorithms. The system utilizing the intelligent condition-based maintenance approach improves the operational and maintenance decision strategy of the defence force.Keywords: condition based maintenance, data mining, defence maintenance, ensemble, genetic algorithms, maintenance scheduling, mission capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 29727937 Effect of Microfiltration on the Composition and Ripening of Iranian Fetta Cheese
Authors: M. Dezyani, R. Ezzati belvirdi, M. Shakerian, H. Mirzaei
The effect of Microfiltration (MF) on proteolysis, hardness, and flavor of Feta cheese during 6 mo of aging was determined. Raw skim milk was microfiltered two-fold in two cheese making trials. In trial 1, four vats of cheese were made in 1 d using unconcentrated milk (1X), 1.26X, 1.51X, and 1.82X Concentration Factors (CF). Casein-(CN)-to-fat ratio was constant among treatments. Proteolysis during cheese aging decreased with increasing CF due to either limitation of substrate availability for chymosin due to low moisture in the nonfat substance (MNFS), inhibition of chymosin activity by high molecular weight milk serum proteins, such as α2-macroglobulin, retained in the cheese or low residual chymosin in the cheese. Hardness of fresh cheese increased, and cheese flavor intensity decreased with increasing CF. In trial 2, the 1X and 1.8X CF were compared directly. Changes made in the cheese making procedure for the 1.8X CF (more chymosin and less cooking) increased the MNFS and made proteolysis during aging more comparable for the 1X and 1.8X cheeses. The significant difference in cheese hardness due to CF in trial 1 was eliminated in trial 2. In a triangle test, panelists could not differentiate between the 1X and 1.8X cheeses. Therefore, increasing chymosin and making the composition of the two cheeses more similar allowed production of aged Fetta cheese from milk concentrated up to 1.8X by MF that was not perceived as different from aged feta cheese produced without MF.Keywords: feta cheese, microfiltration, concentration factor, proteolysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 41427936 A Semiotic Analysis of the Changes in the Visual Sign System of International Advertisements in the Arab World
Authors: Nabil Mohammed Nasser Salem
International advertisements targeting the Arab world are usually modified to be compatible with the conservative culture in many Arab countries. The portrayal of female models in international advertisements in Arab magazines avoids direct sexual representation. Arab culture is guided by religious teachings and social restrictions that prohibit the display of many parts of the female body. Exposure of shoulders, arms, armpits, cleavage, legs, thighs, etc., of the female body is usually avoided in international advertisements published in Arab magazines. Exposure to parts of the female body other than the face and hands may be considered offensive in many parts of Arab countries. Although extensive research has been conducted on Arabic advertisements, to our best knowledge, there are no publications in the literature that address the recent changes in the visual sign system in international advertisements in Arab magazines using semiotics as a research method. The present study aims to analyze the changes in the visual sign system of international advertisements published in Arab magazines that promote female fragrances. It tries to analyze the differences in the sexual representations of the same female models in some selected advertisements during different periods. The magazines are randomly selected from the period between 2000 and 2019. The selection of magazines is based on their availability and popularity. The study focuses on the Dior Jadore ads because they reflect important changes in the appearance of the same female model between 2000 to 2019. The result of the study shows important changes in the sexual representation of the same female body. The Dior Jadore advertisement in 2000 shows only the head of the female model. The model is modestly portrayed and shows clear cultural and religious restrictions on the sexual representation of the female body. The result shows that the same female model is portrayed differently in the Dior Jadore advertisement from the period 2005 to 2019. These versions of advertisements show more parts of the female body that are covered in the older versions and show stronger sexual representations. The study is an important contribution as it fills an important gap in the literature by extending semiotic research to the study of recent visual changes in the sign system of international advertisements published in Arab magazines during an important period in the history of international advertisement targeting the Arab world, as they reflect changes in the sexual representation of female models.Keywords: Arab magazine, female body, international advertisements, semiotics, sexual representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 9027935 A Self-Built Corpus-Based Study of Four-Word Lexical Bundles in Native English Teachers’ EFL Classroom Discourse in Northeast China: The Significance of Stance
Authors: Fang Tan
This research focuses on the appropriate use of lexical bundles in spoken discourse, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in Northeast China. While previous studies have mainly examined lexical bundles in written discourse, there is a need to investigate their usage in spoken discourse due to the limited availability of spoken discourse corpora. English teachers’ use of lexical bundles is crucial for effective teaching and communication in the EFL classroom. The aim of this study is to investigate the functions of four-word lexical bundles in native English teachers’ EFL oral English classes in Northeast China. Specifically, the research focuses on the usage of stance bundles, which were found to be the most significant type of bundle in the analyzed corpus. By comparing the self-built university spoken English classroom discourse corpus with the other self-built university English for General Purposes (EGP) corpus, the study aims to highlight the difference in bundle usage between native and non-native teachers in EFL classrooms. The research employs a corpus-based study. The observed corpus consists of more than 300,000 tokens, in which the data has been collected in the past five years. The reference corpus is composed of over 800,000 tokens, in which the data has been collected over 12 years. All the primary data collection involved transcribing and annotating spoken English classes taught by native English teachers. The analysis procedures included identifying and categorizing four-word lexical bundles, with specific emphasis on stance bundles. Frequency counts, and comparisons with the Chinese English teachers’ corpus were conducted to identify patterns and differences in bundle usage. The research addresses the following questions: 1) What are the functions of four-word lexical bundles in native English teachers’ EFL oral English classes? 2) How do stance bundles differ in usage between native and non-native English teachers’ classes? 3) What implications can be drawn for English teachers’ professional development based on the findings? In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the usage of four-word lexical bundles, particularly stance bundles, in native English teachers’ EFL oral English classes in Northeast China. The research highlights the difference in bundle usage between native and non-native English teachers’ classes and provides implications for English teachers’ professional development. The findings contribute to the understanding of lexical bundle usage in EFL classroom discourse and have theoretical importance for language teaching methodologies. The self-built university English classroom discourse corpus used in this research is a valuable resource for future studies in this field.Keywords: EFL classroom discourse, four-word lexical bundles, stance, implication
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