Search results for: Critical paradigm
5071 Irrelevant Angry Faces, Compared to Happy Faces, Facilitate the Response Inhibition
Authors: Rashmi Gupta
It is unclear whether arousal or valence modulates the response inhibition process. It has been suggested that irrelevant positive emotional information (e.g., happy faces) and negative emotional information (e.g., angry faces) interact with attention differently. In the present study, we used arousal-matched irrelevant happy and angry faces. These faces were used as stop-signals in the stop-signal paradigm. There were two kinds of trials: go-trials and stop-trials. Participants were required to discriminate between the letter X or O by pressing the corresponding keys on go-trials. However, a stop signal was occasionally presented on stop trials, where participants were required to withhold their motor response. A significant main effect of emotion on response inhibition was observed. It indicated that the valence of a stop signal modulates inhibitory control. We found that stop-signal reaction time was faster in response to irrelevant angry faces than happy faces, indicating that irrelevant angry faces facilitate the response inhibition process compared to happy faces. These results shed light on the interaction of emotion with cognitive control functions.Keywords: attention, emotion, response inhibition, inhibitory control
Procedia PDF Downloads 1055070 Study of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Episodes
Authors: Jinee Gogoi, Som K. Sharma, Kalyan Bhuyan
The atmospheric layers are coupled to each other with the different dynamical, electrical, radiative and chemical processes. A large scale thermodynamical phenomenon in winter polar regions which affects the middle atmosphere vigorously is Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). Two major SSW events were occurred during 1998-1999; one in December 1998 which is associated with vortex displacement and another in February- March 1999 associated with vortex splitting. Lidar study of these two major events from Mt. Abu (24.36⁰N, 72.45⁰E, ~1670 m amsl) has shown that though SSWs are mostly observed over high and mid latitudes, their effects can also be seen over India. We have studied ionospheric variations (primarily fₒF₂, h’F and hpF₂) over Ahmedabad (23.1⁰N, 72.58⁰E) during these events. Ionospheric disturbances have been found after four-five days of peak temperature. An increase (decrease) in critical frequency (fₒF₂) during morning (afternoon) has been noticed which may be in response to the updrift (down drift). Effects are stronger during displacement event (1998) than during the splitting event (1999). We have also studied some recent events occurred during 2006 (January), 2009 (January) and 2013 (January) using temperature data from Sounding of Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) satellite. Though some modeling work supports the hypothesis that planetary waves are responsible for atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, there is still more significant works to do to understand how exactly the coupling can take place.Keywords: sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), polar vortex, ionosphere, critical frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2495069 Aligning the Sustainability Policy Areas for Decarbonisation and Value Addition at an Organisational Level
Authors: Bishal Baniya
This paper proposes the sustainability related policy areas for decarbonisation and value addition at an organizational level. General and public sector organizations around the world are usually significant in terms of consuming resources and producing waste – powered through their massive procurement capacity. However, these organizations also possess huge potential to cut resource use and emission as many of these organizations controls supply chain of goods/services. They can therefore be a trend setter and can easily lead other major economic sectors such as manufacturing, construction and mining, transportation, etc. in pursuit towards paradigm shift for sustainability. Whilst the environmental and social awareness has improved in recent years and they have identified policy areas to improve the organizational environmental performance, value addition to the core business of the organization hasn’t been understood and interpreted correctly. This paper therefore investigates ways to align sustainability policy measures in a way that it creates better value proposition relative to benchmark by accounting both eco and social efficiency. Preliminary analysis shows co-benefits other than resource and cost savings fosters the business cases for organizations and this can be achieved by better aligning the policy measures and engaging stakeholders.Keywords: policy measures, environmental performance, value proposition, organisational level
Procedia PDF Downloads 1515068 User Satisfaction Survey Based Facility Performance Evaluation
Authors: Gopikrishnan Seshadhri, V. M. Topkar
Facility management post occupation is a facet that has gained tremendous ground in the recent times. While the efficiency of expenditure and utilization of all types of resources are monitored to ensure timely completion with minimum cost and acceptable quality during construction phase, value for money comes out only when the facility performs satisfactorily post occupation, meeting aspirations and expectations of users of the facility. It is more so for the public facilities. Due to the paradigm shift in focus to outcome based performance evaluation, user satisfaction obtained mainly through questionnaires has become the single important criterion in performance evaluation. Questionnaires presently being used to gauge user satisfaction being subjective, the feedback obtained do not necessarily reflect actual performance. Hence, there is a requirement of developing a survey instrument that can gauge user satisfaction as objectively as possible and truly reflects the ground reality. A near correct picture of actual performance of the built facility from the user point of view will enable facility managers to address pertinent issues. This paper brings out the need for an effective survey instrument that will elicit more objective user response. It also lists steps involved in formulation of such an instrument.Keywords: facility performance evaluation, attributes, attribute descriptors, user satisfaction surveys, statistical methods, performance indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 2915067 Mathematics Anxiety and Attitude among Nigerian University Library and Information Science Undergraduate Students
Authors: Fredrick Olatunji Ajegbomogun, Clement Ola Adekoya
Mathematics has, for ages, been an essential subject in the education curriculum across the globe. The word mathematics scares the majority of undergraduate students and even more library and information science (LIS) students who have not seen the pertinence of the subject to their academic pursuits. This study investigated mathematics anxiety and attitudes among LIS undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Multi-stage and convenient sampling techniques were used for the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistical tools. It was found that mathematics is important in LIS education. The students displayed a high level of anxiety toward mathematics. The students have a negative attitude toward mathematics. However, the hypotheses tested revealed that while the LIS female undergraduate students displayed low levels of anxiety and a positive attitude toward mathematics, the level of anxiety of the male undergraduate students was high, and their attitude toward mathematics was negative. It was recommended that LIS undergraduate students develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and appreciate that the paradigm shift in the practice of librarianship is towards mathematics as a way of developing technological tools (hardware and software) to facilitate the effective delivery of library services.Keywords: anxiety, attitude, library and information science, mathematics anxiety, undergraduate students, Nigerian universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1575066 Effect of Cavities on the Behaviour of Strip Footing Subjected to Inclined Load
Authors: Ali A. Al-Jazaairry, Tahsin T. Sabbagh
One of the important concerns within the field of geotechnical engineering is the presence of cavities in soils. This present work is an attempt to understand the behaviour of strip footing subjected to inclined load and constructed on cavitied soil. The failure mechanism of strip footing located above such soils was studied analytically. The capability of analytical model to correctly expect the system behaviour is assessed by carrying out verification analysis on available studies. The study was prepared by finite element software (PLAXIS) in which an elastic-perfectly plastic soil model was used. It was indicated, from the results of the study, that the load carrying capacity of foundation constructed on cavity can be analysed well using such analysis. The research covered many foundation cases, and in each foundation case, there occurs a critical depth under which the presence of cavities has shown minimum impact on the foundation performance. When cavities are found above this critical depth, the load carrying capacity of the foundation differs with many influences, such as the location and size of the cavity and footing depth. Figures involving the load carrying capacity with the affecting factors studied are presented. These figures offer information beneficial for the design of strip footings rested on underground cavities. Moreover, the results might be used to design a shallow foundation constructed on cavitied soil, whereas the obtained failure mechanisms may be employed to improve numerical solutions for this kind of problems.Keywords: axial load, cavity, inclined load, strip footing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2565065 Evaluation of Corrosion Behaviour of Austenitic Steel 08Cr18Ni10Ti Exposed to Supercritical Water
Authors: Monika Šípová, Daniela Marušáková, Claudia Aparicio
New sources and ways of producing energy are still seeking, and one of the sustainable ways is Generation IV nuclear reactors. The supercritical water-cooled reactor is one of the six nuclear reactors of Generation IV, and as a consequence of the development of light water, reactors seem to be the most perspective. Thus, materials usually used in light water reactors are also tested under the expected operating conditions of the supercritical water-cooled reactor. Austenitic stainless steel 08Cr18Ni10Ti is widely used in the eastern types of light water nuclear power plants. Therefore, specimens of 08Cr18Ni10Ti were exposed to conditions close to the pseudo-critical point of water and high-temperature supercritical water. The description and evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel have been done based on the results of X-ray diffraction in combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron backscatter diffraction. Thus, significant differences have been found in the structure and composition of oxides formed depending on the temperature of exposure. The high temperature of supercritical water resulted in localised form of corrosion in contrast to the thin oxide layer of 1 µm present on the surface of specimens exposed close to the pseudo-critical point of water. The obtained results are important for further research as the supercritical water can be successfully used as a coolant for small modular reactors, which are currently of interest.Keywords: localised corrosion, supercritical water, stainless steel, electron backscatter diffraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 795064 A Critical Discourse Analysis of ‘Youth Radicalisation’: A Case of the Daily Nation Kenya Online Newspaper
Authors: Miraji H. Mohamed
The purpose of this study is to critique ‘radicalisation’ and more particularly ‘youth radicalisation’ by exploring its usage in online newspapers. ‘Radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ have become the most common terms in terrorism studies since the 9/11 attacks. Regardless of the geographic location, when the word terrorism is used the terms ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ always follow to attempt to explore the journey of the perpetrators towards violence. These terms have come to represent a discourse of dominantly pejorative traits often used to describe spaces, groups, and processes identified as problematic. Even though ambiguously defined they feature widely in government documents, political statements, news articles, academic research, social media platforms, religious gatherings, and public discussions. Notably, ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ have been closely conflated with the term youth to form ‘youth radicalisation’ to refer to a discourse of ‘youth at risk’. The three terms largely continue to be used unquestioningly and interchangeably hence the reason why they are placed in single quotation marks to deliberately question their conventional usage. Albeit this comes timely in the Kenyan context where there has been a proliferation of academic and expert research on ‘youth radicalisation’ (used as a neutral label) without considering the political, cultural and socio-historical contexts that inform this label. This study seeks to draw these nuances by employing a genealogical approach that historicises and deconstructs ‘youth radicalisation’; and by applying a Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) of Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse Kenyan online newspaper - The Daily Nation between 2015 and 2018. By applying the concept of representation to analyse written texts, the study reveals that the use of ‘youth radicalisation’ as a discursive strategy disproportionately affects young people especially those from cultural/ethnic/religious minority groups. Also, the ambiguous use of ‘radicalisation’ and ‘youth radicalisation’ by the media reinforces the discourse of ‘youth at risk’ which has become the major framework underpinning Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) interventions. Similarly, the findings indicate that the uncritical use of ‘youth radicalisation’ has been used to serve political interests; and has become an instrument of policing young people, thus contributing to their cultural shaping. From this, it is evident that the media could thwart rather than assist CVE efforts. By exposing the political nature of the three terms through evidence-based research, this study offers recommendations on how critical reflective reporting by the media could help to make CVE more nuanced.Keywords: discourse, extremism, radicalisation, terrorism, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1315063 Ranking the Factors That Influence the Construction Project Success: The Jordanian Perspective
Authors: Ghanim A. Bekr
Project success is what must be done for the project to be acceptable to the client, stakeholders and end-users who will be affected by the project. The study of project success and the critical success factors (CSFs) are the means adopted to improve the effectiveness of project. This research is conducted to make an attempt to identify which variables influence the success of project implementation. This study has selected, through an extensive literature review and interviews, (83) factors categorized in (7) groups that the questionnaire respondents were asked to score. The responses from 66 professionals with an average of 15 years of experience in different types of construction projects in Jordan were collected and analyzed using SPSS and most important factors for success for various success criteria are presented depending on the relative importance index to rank the categories. The research revealed the significant groups of factors are: Client related factors, Contractor’s related factors, Project Manager (PM) related factors, and Project management related factors. In addition the top ten sub factors are: Assertion of the client towards short time of the project, availability of skilled labor, Assertion of the client towards high level of the quality, capability of the client in taking risk, previous experience of the PM in similar projects, previous experience of the contractor in similar projects, decision making by the client/ the client’s representative at the right time, assertion of client towards low cost of project, experience in project management in previous projects, and flow of the information among parties. The results would be helpful to construction project professionals in taking proactive measures for successful completion of construction projects in Jordan.Keywords: construction projects, critical success factors, Jordan, project success
Procedia PDF Downloads 1635062 A Medical Vulnerability Scoring System Incorporating Health and Data Sensitivity Metrics
Authors: Nadir A. Carreon, Christa Sonderer, Aakarsh Rao, Roman Lysecky
With the advent of complex software and increased connectivity, the security of life-critical medical devices is becoming an increasing concern, particularly with their direct impact on human safety. Security is essential, but it is impossible to develop completely secure and impenetrable systems at design time. Therefore, it is important to assess the potential impact on the security and safety of exploiting a vulnerability in such critical medical systems. The common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) calculates the severity of exploitable vulnerabilities. However, for medical devices it does not consider the unique challenges of impacts to human health and privacy. Thus, the scoring of a medical device on which human life depends (e.g., pacemakers, insulin pumps) can score very low, while a system on which human life does not depend (e.g., hospital archiving systems) might score very high. In this paper, we propose a medical vulnerability scoring system (MVSS) that extends CVSS to address the health and privacy concerns of medical devices. We propose incorporating two new parameters, namely health impact, and sensitivity impact. Sensitivity refers to the type of information that can be stolen from the device, and health represents the impact on the safety of the patient if the vulnerability is exploited (e.g., potential harm, life-threatening). We evaluate fifteen different known vulnerabilities in medical devices and compare MVSS against two state-of-the-art medical device-oriented vulnerability scoring systems and the foundational CVSS.Keywords: common vulnerability system, medical devices, medical device security, vulnerabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1695061 Risk Assessment in Construction of K-Span Buildings in United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Authors: Imtiaz Ali, Imam Mansoor
Investigations as a part of the academic study were undertaken to identify and evaluate the significant risks associated with the construction of K-span buildings in the region of UAE. Primary field data was collected through questionnaires obtaining specific open and close-ended questions from carefully selected construction firms, civil engineers and, construction manager regarding risks associated to K-span building construction. Historical data available for other regions of the same construction technique was available which was compared for identifying various non-critical and critical risk parameters by comparative evaluation techniques to come up with important risks and potential sources for their control and minimization in K-Span buildings that is increasing in the region. The associated risks have been determined with their Relative Importance Index (RII) values of which Risk involved in Change of Design required by Owners carries the highest value (RII=0.79) whereas, Delayed Payment by Owner to Contractor is one of the least (RII=0.42) value. The overall findings suggest that most relative risks as quantified originate or associated with the contractors. It may be concluded that project proponents undertaking K-span projects in planning and budgeting the cost and delays should take into account of risks on high account if changes in design are also required any delays in the material by the supplier would then be a major risk in K-span project delay. Since projects are, less costly, so owners have limited budgets, then they hire small contractors, which are not highly competent contractors. So study suggests that owner should be aware of these types of risks associated with the construction of K-span buildings in order to make it cost effective.Keywords: k-span buildings, k-span construction, risk management, relative improvement index (RII)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3765060 Revisiting Historical Illustrations in the Age of Digital Anatomy Education
Authors: Julia Wimmers-Klick
In the contemporary study of anatomy, medical students utilize a diverse array of resources, including lab handouts, lectures, and, increasingly, digital media such as interactive anatomy apps and digital images. Notably, a significant shift has occurred, with fewer students possessing traditional anatomy atlases or books, reflecting a broader trend towards digital approaches like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and web-based programs. This paper seeks to explore the evolution of anatomy education by contrasting current digital tools with historical resources, such as classical anatomical illustrations and atlases, to assess their relevance and potential benefits in modern medical education. Through a comprehensive literature review, the development of anatomical illustrations is traced from the textual descriptions of Galen to the detailed and artistic representations of Da Vinci, Vesalius, and later anatomists. The examination includes how the printing press facilitated the dissemination of anatomical knowledge, transforming covert dissections into public spectacles and formalized teaching practices. Historical illustrations, often influenced by societal, religious, and aesthetic contexts, not only served educational purposes but also reflected the prevailing medical knowledge and ethical standards of their times. Critical questions are raised about the place of historical illustrations in today's anatomy curriculum. Specifically, their potential to teach critical thinking, highlight the history of medicine, and offer unique insights into past societal conditions are explored. These resources are viewed in their context, including the lack of diversity and the presence of ethical concerns, such as the use of illustrations from unethical sources like Pernkopf’s atlas. In conclusion, while digital tools offer innovative ways to visualize and interact with anatomical structures, historical illustrations provide irreplaceable value in understanding the evolution of medical knowledge and practice. The study advocates for a balanced approach that integrates traditional and modern resources to enrich medical education, promote critical thinking, and provide a comprehensive understanding of anatomy. Future research should investigate the optimal combination of these resources to meet the evolving needs of medical learners and the implications of the digital shift in anatomy education.Keywords: human anatomy, historical illustrations, historical context, medical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 255059 Prediction of the Aerodynamic Stall of a Helicopter’s Main Rotor Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis
Authors: Assel Thami Lahlou, Soufiane Stouti, Ismail Lagrat, Hamid Mounir, Oussama Bouazaoui
The purpose of this research work is to predict the helicopter from stalling by finding the minimum and maximum values that the pitch angle can take in order to fly in a hover state condition. The stall of a helicopter in hover occurs when the pitch angle is too small to generate the thrust required to support its weight or when the critical angle of attack that gives maximum lift is reached or exceeded. In order to find the minimum pitch angle, a 3D CFD simulation was done in this work using ANSYS FLUENT as the CFD solver. We started with a small value of the pitch angle θ, and we kept increasing its value until we found the thrust coefficient required to fly in a hover state and support the weight of the helicopter. For the CFD analysis, the Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) method with k-ε turbulent model was used to study the 3D flow around the rotor for θmin. On the other hand, a 2D simulation of the airfoil NACA 0012 was executed with a velocity inlet Vin=ΩR/2 to visualize the flow at the location span R/2 of the disk rotor using the Spallart-Allmaras turbulent model. Finding the critical angle of attack at this position will give us the ability to predict the stall in hover flight. The results obtained will be exposed later in the article. This study was so useful in analyzing the limitations of the helicopter’s main rotor and thus, in predicting accidents that can lead to a lot of damage.Keywords: aerodynamic, CFD, helicopter, stall, blades, main rotor, minimum pitch angle, maximum pitch angle
Procedia PDF Downloads 875058 Sarvathobhadram-Organic Initiative: Cooperative Model for Resilient Agriculture by Adopting System of Rice Intensification
Authors: Sreeni K. R.
Sarvathobhadram-Organic–Farmers Cooperative was helpful in supporting small and marginal farmers in customizing, adapting, and tailoring the system to their specific requirements. The Farmers Club, which has 50 members, was founded in May 2020 to create additional cash while also encouraging farmers to shift to organic farming. The club's mission is to ensure food security, livelihood, and entrepreneurship in the Anthikad Block Panchayat. The project addressed climate change and resilience, collaborating with government departments and utilizing convergence to maximize the schemes accessible to farmers in panchayath. The transformation was sluggish initially, but it accelerated over time, indicating that farmers have variable levels of satisfaction based on a variety of circumstances. This paper examines the changing trend in the area after adopting organic farming using the SRI method, the increase in production, and the success of the convergence method. It also attempts to find out various constraints faced by farmers during the paradigm shift from conventional methods to organic, and the results have proven that SRI should be considered as a potential cultivation method for all farmer's groups (Padasekharam).Keywords: Sarvathobhadram-Organic, Thanniyam gram Panchayat, organic Joythi rice, convergence method, Jeevamirtham, natural methods, system of rice intensification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1435057 Influence of Sr(BO2)2 Doping on Superconducting Properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223 Phase
Authors: N. G. Margiani, I. G. Kvartskhava, G. A. Mumladze, Z. A. Adamia
Chemical doping with different elements and compounds at various amounts represents the most suitable approach to improve the superconducting properties of bismuth-based superconductors for technological applications. In this paper, the influence of partial substitution of Sr(BO2)2 for SrO on the phase formation kinetics and transport properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTS has been studied for the first time. Samples with nominal composition Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2-xCa2Cu3Oy[Sr(BO2)2]x, x=0, 0.0375, 0.075, 0.15, 0.25, were prepared by the standard solid state processing. The appropriate mixtures were calcined at 845 oC for 40 h. The resulting materials were pressed into pellets and annealed at 837 oC for 30 h in air. Superconducting properties of undoped (reference) and Sr(BO2)2-doped (Bi,Pb)-2223 compounds were investigated through X-ray diffraction (XRD), resistivity (ρ) and transport critical current density (Jc) measurements. The surface morphology changes in the prepared samples were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). XRD and Jc studies have shown that the low level Sr(BO2)2 doping (x=0.0375-0.075) to the Sr-site promotes the formation of high-Tc phase and leads to the enhancement of current carrying capacity in (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTS. The doped sample with x=0.0375 has the best performance compared to other prepared samples. The estimated volume fraction of (Bi,Pb)-2223 phase increases from ~25 % for reference specimen to ~70 % for x=0.0375. Moreover, strong increase in the self-field Jc value was observed for this dopant amount (Jc=340 A/cm2), compared to an undoped sample (Jc=110 A/cm2). Pronounced enhancement of superconducting properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconductor can be attributed to the acceleration of high-Tc phase formation as well as the improvement of inter-grain connectivity by small amounts of Sr(BO2)2 dopant.Keywords: bismuth-based superconductor, critical current density, phase formation, Sr(BO₂)₂ doping
Procedia PDF Downloads 2445056 Risk Based Maintenance Planning for Loading Equipment in Underground Hard Rock Mine: Case Study
Authors: Sidharth Talan, Devendra Kumar Yadav, Yuvraj Singh Rajput, Subhajit Bhattacharjee
Mining industry is known for its appetite to spend sizeable capital on mine equipment. However, in the current scenario, the mining industry is challenged by daunting factors of non-uniform geological conditions, uneven ore grade, uncontrollable and volatile mineral commodity prices and the ever increasing quest to optimize the capital and operational costs. Thus, the role of equipment reliability and maintenance planning inherits a significant role in augmenting the equipment availability for the operation and in turn boosting the mine productivity. This paper presents the Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) planning conducted on mine loading equipment namely Load Haul Dumpers (LHDs) at Vedanta Resources Ltd subsidiary Hindustan Zinc Limited operated Sindesar Khurd Mines, an underground zinc and lead mine situated in Dariba, Rajasthan, India. The mining equipment at the location is maintained by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) namely Sandvik and Atlas Copco, who carry out the maintenance and inspection operations for the equipment. Based on the downtime data extracted for the equipment fleet over the period of 6 months spanning from 1st January 2017 until 30th June 2017, it was revealed that significant contribution of three downtime issues related to namely Engine, Hydraulics, and Transmission to be common among all the loading equipment fleet and substantiated by Pareto Analysis. Further scrutiny through Bubble Matrix Analysis of the given factors revealed the major influence of selective factors namely Overheating, No Load Taken (NTL) issues, Gear Changing issues and Hose Puncture and leakage issues. Utilizing the equipment wise analysis of all the downtime factors obtained, spares consumed, and the alarm logs extracted from the machines, technical design changes in the equipment and pre shift critical alarms checklist were proposed for the equipment maintenance. The given analysis is beneficial to allow OEMs or mine management to focus on the critical issues hampering the reliability of mine equipment and design necessary maintenance strategies to mitigate them.Keywords: bubble matrix analysis, LHDs, OEMs, Pareto chart analysis, spares consumption matrix, critical alarms checklist
Procedia PDF Downloads 1545055 A Critical Appraisal of the Philosophy of University and Its Debates: The Creation of Disempowered Youth in the Ethiopian Education Sector
Authors: Sisaye Tamrat Ayalew
This paper focuses on the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia and the debates surrounding it. It highlights the contradictory views on the role of universities, with some perceiving them as practical problem-solving institutions and others emphasizing the production and dissemination of knowledge. The aim of this study is to critically explore the debates around the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia. It also seeks to examine how the understanding of this philosophy contributes to the marginalization of youth in the country. This research adopts a phenomenological qualitative research design. It aims to understand the impact of socio-economic and political factors on university education and how youth from disadvantaged backgrounds experience marginalization in the job market. The study reveals that the understanding of educational philosophy varies across different contexts and over time. In the Ethiopian context, the philosophy of universities lacks a disinterested pursuit of knowledge and instrumentalist epistemology. Instead, it oversimplifies the philosophy to the point of devaluing knowledge and treating certificates as commodities, even in the absence of formal training. In conclusion, this research highlights the need for a critical appraisal of the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia. It emphasizes the negative impact of an oversimplified and commodified approach to knowledge on the empowerment of youth. By bringing attention to these issues, this study contributes to the broader understanding of the role of universities in society and calls for reforms in the Ethiopian education sector to promote empowerment rather than disempowerment.Keywords: philosophy of universities, marginalized youth, diploma mill, instrumentalist epistemology, disinterested pursuit
Procedia PDF Downloads 765054 Effective Financial Planning: A Study of Comprehensive Retirement Planning for Financial Independence
Authors: Stanley Yap, Chong Wei Ying, Leow Hon Wei
Purpose: In Malaysia, an effective financial planning is vital to accumulate wealth and financial independence. However, retirees are required to resume working due to insufficient pension fund. This study examines how the financial decision in retirement planning is being made based on the net worth from the household. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses financial data from a married working couple with children to evaluate their composition of financial position. Numerous financial methods are made pertaining to net worth analysis, insurance needs analysis, investment portfolio rebalancing, estate planning, education planning and retirement planning to enhance the financial decision. Findings: Our results show, firstly, financial planning is essential to achieve financial independence; secondly, insurance needs, education and retirement funding are the most significant for household. Thirdly, current resources are critical to maintain family lifestyle after retirement, emergency funds for critical illness, and the long term children education funding. Practical implications: Refer to the findings, sufficient net worth is priority in financial planning. Different suggestions for household include reduction of unnecessary expenses, re-allocate of cash flow, adequate insurance coverage and re-balancing of investment portfolios to accumulate wealth. It is a challenge to obtain financial independence, hence, there is a need to increase the literature on financial planning. Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, this is the important paper that uses financial information from household to provide solutions to enhance the efficiency of financial planning industry.Keywords: net worth, financial planning, wealth and financial independence, retirement planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4925053 Thematic Analysis of Ramayana Narrative Scroll Paintings: A Need for Knowledge Preservation
Authors: Shatarupa Thakurta Roy
Along the limelight of mainstream academic practices in Indian art, exist a significant lot of habitual art practices that are mutually susceptible in their contemporary forms. Narrative folk paintings of regional India has successfully dispersed to its audience social messages through pulsating pictures and orations. The paper consists of images from narrative scroll paintings on ‘Ramayana’ theme from various neighboring states as well as districts in India, describing their subtle differences in style of execution, method, and use of material. Despite sharing commonness in the choice of subject matter, habitual and ceremonial Indian folk art in its formative phase thrived within isolated locations to yield in remarkable variety in the art styles. The differences in style took place district wise, cast wise and even gender wise. An open flow is only evident in the contemporary expressions as a result of substantial changes in social structures, mode of communicative devices, cross-cultural exposures and multimedia interactivities. To decipher the complex nature of popular cultural taste of contemporary India it is important to categorically identify its root in vernacular symbolism. The realization of modernity through European primitivism was rather elevated as a perplexed identity in Indian cultural margin in the light of nationalist and postcolonial ideology. To trace the guiding factor that has still managed to obtain ‘Indianness’ in today’s Indian art, researchers need evidences from the past that are yet to be listed in most instances. They are commonly created on ephemeral foundations. The artworks are also found in endangered state and hence, not counted much friendly for frequent handling. The museums are in dearth of proper technological guidelines to preserve them. Even though restoration activities are emerging in the country, the existing withered and damaged artworks are in threat to perish. An immediacy of digital achieving is therefore envisioned as an alternative to save this cultural legacy. The method of this study is, two folded. It primarily justifies the richness of the evidences by conducting categorical aesthetic analysis. The study is supported by comments on the stylistic variants, thematic aspects, and iconographic identities alongside its anthropological and anthropomorphic significance. Further, it explores the possible ways of cultural preservation to ensure cultural sustainability that includes technological intervention in the form of digital transformation as an altered paradigm for better accessibility to the available recourses. The study duly emphasizes on visual description in order to culturally interpret and judge the rare visual evidences following Feldman’s four-stepped method of formal analysis combined with thematic explanation. A habitual design that emerges and thrives within complex social circumstances may experience change placing its principle philosophy at risk by shuffling and altering with time. A tradition that respires in the modern setup struggles to maintain timeless values that operate its creative flow. Thus, the paper hypothesizes the survival and further growth of this practice within the dynamics of time and concludes in realization of the urgency to transform the implicitness of its knowledge into explicit records.Keywords: aesthetic, identity, implicitness, paradigm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3715052 Climate Change: A Critical Analysis on the Relationship between Science and Policy
Authors: Paraskevi Liosatou
Climate change is considered to be of global concern being amplified by the fact that by its nature, cannot be spatially limited. This fact makes necessary the intergovernmental decision-making procedures. In the intergovernmental level, the institutions such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change develop efforts, methods, and practices in order to plan and suggest climate mitigation and adaptation measures. These measures are based on specific scientific findings and methods making clear the strong connection between science and policy. In particular, these scientific recommendations offer a series of practices, methods, and choices mitigating the problem by aiming at the indirect mitigation of the causes and the factors amplifying climate change. Moreover, modern production and economic context do not take into consideration the social, political, environmental and spatial dimensions of the problem. This work studies the decision-making process working in international and European level. In this context, this work considers the policy tools that have been implemented by various intergovernmental organizations. The methodology followed is based mainly on the critical study of standards and process concerning the connections and cooperation between science and policy as well as considering the skeptic debates developed. The finding of this work focuses on the links between science and policy developed by the institutional and scientific mechanisms concerning climate change mitigation. It also analyses the dimensions and the factors of the science-policy framework; in this way, it points out the causes that maintain skepticism in current scientific circles.Keywords: climate change, climate change mitigation, climate change skepticism, IPCC, skepticism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1365051 Dynamic Software Product Lines for Customer Centric Context Aware Business Process Management
Authors: Bochra Khiari, Lamia Labed
In the new digital marketplace, organizations are striving for a proactive position by leveraging the great potential of disruptive technologies to seize the full opportunity of the digital revolution in order to reshape their customer value propositions. New technologies such as big data analytics, which provide prediction of future events based on real-time information, are being integrated into BPM which urges the need for additional core values like capabilities for dynamic adaptation, autonomic behavior, runtime reconfiguration and post-deployment activities to manage unforeseen scenarios at runtime in a situated and changeable context. Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL) is an emerging paradigm that supports these runtime variability mechanisms. However, few works exploiting DSPLs principles and techniques in the BPM domain have been proposed so far. In this paper, we propose a conceptual approach DynPL4CBPM, which integrates DSPLs concepts along with the entire related dynamic properties, to the whole BPM lifecycle in order to dynamically adapt business processes according to different context conditions in an individual environment.Keywords: adaptive processes, context aware business process management, customer centric business process management, dynamic software product lines
Procedia PDF Downloads 1615050 From Waste to Wealth: A Future Paradigm for Plastic Management Using Blockchain Technology
Authors: Jim Shi, Jasmine Chang, Nesreen El-Rayes
The world has been experiencing a steadily increasing trend in both the production and consumption of plastic. The global consumer revolution should not have been possible without plastic, thanks to its salient feature of inexpensiveness and durability. But, as a two-edged sword, its durable quality has returned to haunt and even jeopardized us. That exacerbating the plastic crisis has attracted various global initiatives and actions. Simultaneously, firms are eager to adopt new technology as they witness and perceive more potential and merit of Industry 4.0 technologies. For example, Blockchain technology (BCT) is drawing the attention of numerous stakeholders because of its wide range of outstanding features that promise to enhance supply chain operations. However, from a research perspective, most of the literature addresses the plastic crisis from either environmental or social perspectives. In contrast, analysis from the data science perspective and technology is relatively scarce. To this end, this study aims to fill this gap and cover the plastic crisis from a holistic view of environmental, social, technological, and business perspectives. In particular, we propose a mathematical model to examine the inclusion of BCT to enhance and improve the efficiency on the upstream and the downstream sides of the plastic value, where the whole value chain is coordinated systematically, and its interoperability can be optimized. Consequently, the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goal and Circular Economics (CE) sustainability can be maximized.Keywords: blockchain technology, plastic, circular economy, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 815049 Application of Deep Learning and Ensemble Methods for Biomarker Discovery in Diabetic Nephropathy through Fibrosis and Propionate Metabolism Pathways
Authors: Oluwafunmibi Omotayo Fasanya, Augustine Kena Adjei
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major complication of diabetes, with fibrosis and propionate metabolism playing critical roles in its progression. Identifying biomarkers linked to these pathways may provide novel insights into DN diagnosis and treatment. This study aims to identify biomarkers associated with fibrosis and propionate metabolism in DN. Analyze the biological pathways and regulatory mechanisms of these biomarkers. Develop a machine learning model to predict DN-related biomarkers and validate their functional roles. Publicly available transcriptome datasets related to DN (GSE96804 and GSE104948) were obtained from the GEO database (, and 924 propionate metabolism-related genes (PMRGs) and 656 fibrosis-related genes (FRGs) were identified. The analysis began with the extraction of DN-differentially expressed genes (DN-DEGs) and propionate metabolism-related DEGs (PM-DEGs), followed by the intersection of these with fibrosis-related genes to identify key intersected genes. Instead of relying on traditional models, we employed a combination of deep neural networks (DNNs) and ensemble methods such as Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM) and XGBoost to enhance feature selection and biomarker discovery. Recursive feature elimination (RFE) was coupled with these advanced algorithms to refine the selection of the most critical biomarkers. Functional validation was conducted using convolutional neural networks (CNN) for gene set enrichment and immunoinfiltration analysis, revealing seven significant biomarkers—SLC37A4, ACOX2, GPD1, ACE2, SLC9A3, AGT, and PLG. These biomarkers are involved in critical biological processes such as fatty acid metabolism and glomerular development, providing a mechanistic link to DN progression. Furthermore, a TF–miRNA–mRNA regulatory network was constructed using natural language processing models to identify 8 transcription factors and 60 miRNAs that regulate these biomarkers, while a drug–gene interaction network revealed potential therapeutic targets such as UROKINASE–PLG and ATENOLOL–AGT. This integrative approach, leveraging deep learning and ensemble models, not only enhances the accuracy of biomarker discovery but also offers new perspectives on DN diagnosis and treatment, specifically targeting fibrosis and propionate metabolism pathways.Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, deep neural networks, gradient boosting machines (GBM), XGBoost
Procedia PDF Downloads 125048 Framework for Enhancing Water Literacy and Sustainable Management in Southwest Nova Scotia
Authors: Etienne Mfoumou, Mo Shamma, Martin Tango, Michael Locke
Water literacy is essential for addressing emerging water management challenges in southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS), where growing concerns over water scarcity and sustainability have highlighted the need for improved educational frameworks. Current approaches often fail to fully represent the complexity of water systems, focusing narrowly on the water cycle while neglecting critical aspects such as groundwater infiltration and the interconnectedness of surface and subsurface water systems. To address these gaps, this paper proposes a comprehensive framework for water literacy that integrates the physical dimensions of water systems with key aspects of understanding, including processes, energy, scale, and human dependency. Moreover, a suggested tool to enhance this framework is a real-time hydrometric data map supported by a network of water level monitoring devices deployed across the province. These devices, particularly for monitoring dug wells, would provide critical data on groundwater levels and trends, offering stakeholders actionable insights into water availability and sustainability. This real-time data would facilitate deeper understanding and engagement with local water issues, complementing the educational framework and empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions. By integrating this tool, the proposed framework offers a practical, interdisciplinary approach to improving water literacy and promoting sustainable water management in SWNS.Keywords: water education, water literacy, water management, water systems, Southwest Nova Scotia
Procedia PDF Downloads 335047 An Ethnographic View of Elementary School English Language Policy Implementation
Authors: Peter Ferguson
In 2018, Japan’s Ministry of Education revised the public elementary school curriculum. As part of widespread reforms, the recent Course of Study established English as an academic subject in Grades 5 and 6 plus lowered the starting age of 'foreign language activities' to Grade 3. These changes were implemented in April 2020. This presentation will examine the process and effects that policy implementation had on schools and teachers. A critical analysis of the 2018 Course of Study policy documents revealed several discourses were expressed concerning not only English education and foreign language acquisition, but that larger political and socioeconomic ideological beliefs on globalization, language, nation, culture, and identity were also articulated. Using excerpts from document analysis, the presenter will demonstrate how competing discourses were expressed in policy texts. Data from interviews with national policymakers also exposed several challenges policymakers faced as they tried to balance competing discourses and articulate important pedagogical concepts while having their voices heard. Findings show that some stakeholders were marginalized during the processes of policy creation, transmission, and implementation. This presentation is part of a larger multiple case study that utilized ethnography of language policy and critical analysis of discourse to examine how English education language policy was implemented into the national elementary school curriculum in Japan, and how stakeholders at the various educational levels contended with the creation, interpretation, and appropriation of the language policy.Keywords: ethnography of language policy, elementary school EFL, language ideologies, discourse analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1205046 Teacher-Scaffolding vs. Peer-Scaffolding in Task-Based ILP Instruction: Effects on EFL Learners’ Metapragmatic Awareness
Authors: Amir Zand-Moghadam, Mahnaz Alizadeh
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of teacher-scaffolding versus peer-scaffolding on EFL learners’ metapragmatic awareness in the paradigm of task-based language teaching (TBLT). To this end, a number of dialogic information-gap tasks requiring two-way interactant relationship were designed for the five speech acts of request, refusal, apology, suggestion, and compliment following Ellis’s (2003) model. Then, 48 intermediate EFL learners were randomly selected, homogenized, and assigned to two groups: 26 participants in the teacher-scaffolding group (Group One) and 22 in the peer-scaffolding group (Group Two). While going through the three phases of pre-task, while-task, and post-task, the participants in the first group completed the designed tasks by the teacher’s interaction, scaffolding, and feedback. On the other hand, the participants in the second group were required to complete the tasks in expert-novice pairs through peer scaffolding in all the three phases of a task-based syllabus. The findings revealed that the participants in the teacher-scaffolding group developed their L2 metapragmatic awareness more than the peer-scaffolding group. Thus, it can be concluded that teacher-scaffolding is more effective than peer scaffolding in developing metapragmatic awareness among EFL learners. It can also be claimed that the use of tasks can be more influential when they are accompanied by teacher-scaffolding. The findings of the present study have implications for language teachers and researchers.Keywords: ILP, metapragmatic awareness, scaffolding, task-based instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5855045 Aerodynamics of Spherical Combat Platform Levitation
Authors: Aelina Franz
In recent years, the scientific community has witnessed a paradigm shift in the exploration of unconventional levitation methods, particularly in the domain of spherical combat platforms. This paper explores aerodynamics and levitational dynamics inherent in these spheres by examining interactions at the quantum level. Our research unravels the nuanced aerodynamic phenomena governing the levitation of spherical combat platforms. Through an analysis of the quantum fluid dynamics surrounding these spheres, we reveal the crucial interactions between air resistance, surface irregularities, and the quantum fluctuations that influence their levitational behavior. Our findings challenge conventional understanding, providing a perspective on the aerodynamic forces at play during the levitation of spherical combat platforms. Furthermore, we propose design modifications and control strategies informed by both classical aerodynamics and quantum information processing principles. These advancements not only enhance the stability and maneuverability of the combat platforms but also open new avenues for exploration in the interdisciplinary realm of engineering and quantum information sciences. This paper aims to contribute to levitation technologies and their applications in the field of spherical combat platforms. We anticipate that our work will stimulate further research to create a deeper understanding of aerodynamics and quantum phenomena in unconventional levitation systems.Keywords: spherical combat platforms, levitation technologies, aerodynamics, maneuverable platforms
Procedia PDF Downloads 585044 The Efects of Viable Marketing on Sustainable Development
Authors: Gabriela Tutuanu
The economic, social and environmental undesirable impact of the existing development pattern pushes to the adoption and use of a new development paradigm that of sustainable development. This paper intends to substantiate how the marketing can help the sustainable development. It begins with the subjects of sustainable development and sustainable marketing as they are discussed in literature. The sustainable development is a three dimensional concept which embeds the economic dimension, the social dimension and the environmental dimension that ask to have in view the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, social equity and environmental quality. A major challenge to achieve these goals at business level and to integrate all three dimensions of sustainability is the sustainable marketing. The sustainable marketing is a relationship marketing that aims at building lasting relationships with the social and natural environment on a long-term thinking and futurity and this philosophy allows helping all three dimensions of sustainability. As marketing solutions that could contribute to the sustainable development. We advance the stimulation of sustainable demand, the constant innovation and improvement of sustainable products, the design and use of customized communication, a multichannel distribution network and the sale of sustainable products and services at fair prices. Their implementation will increase the economic, social and environmental sustainability at a large extent in the future if they are supported by political, governmental and legal authorities.Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable marketing, sustainable demand, sustainable product, credible communication, multi-channel distribution network, fair price
Procedia PDF Downloads 4755043 Measuring Delay Using Software Defined Networks: Limitations, Challenges, and Suggestions for Openflow
Authors: Ahmed Alutaibi, Ganti Sudhakar
Providing better Quality-of-Service (QoS) to end users has been a challenging problem for researchers and service providers. Building applications relying on best effort network protocols hindered the adoption of guaranteed service parameters and, ultimately, Quality of Service. The introduction of Software Defined Networking (SDN) opened the door for a new paradigm shift towards a more controlled programmable configurable behavior. Openflow has been and still is the main implementation of the SDN vision. To facilitate better QoS for applications, the network must calculate and measure certain parameters. One of those parameters is the delay between the two ends of the connection. Using the power of SDN and the knowledge of application and network behavior, SDN networks can adjust to different conditions and specifications. In this paper, we use the capabilities of SDN to implement multiple algorithms to measure delay end-to-end not only inside the SDN network. The results of applying the algorithms on an emulated environment show that we can get measurements close to the emulated delay. The results also show that depending on the algorithm, load on the network and controller can differ. In addition, the transport layer handshake algorithm performs best among the tested algorithms. Out of the results and implementation, we show the limitations of Openflow and develop suggestions to solve them.Keywords: software defined networking, quality of service, delay measurement, openflow, mininet
Procedia PDF Downloads 1665042 Empirical Investigation of Bullwhip Effect with Sensitivity Analysis in Supply Chain
Authors: Shoaib Yousaf
The main purpose of this research is to the empirical investigation of the bullwhip effect under sensitivity analysis in the two-tier supply chain. The simulation modeling technique has been applied in this research as a research methodology to see the sensitivity analysis of the bullwhip effect in the rice industry of Pakistan. The research comprises two case studies that have been chosen as a sample. The results of this research have confirmed that reduction in production delay reduces the bullwhip effect, which conforms to the time compressing paradigm and the significance of the reduction in production delay to lessen demand amplification. The result of this research also indicates that by increasing the value of time to adjust inventory decreases the bullwhip effect. Furthermore, by decreasing the value of alpha increases the damping effect of the exponential smoother, it is not surprising that it also reduces the bullwhip effect. Moreover, by reducing the value of time to work in progress also reduces the bullwhip effect. This research will help practitioners and operation managers to reduces the major costs of their products in three ways. They can reduce their i) inventory levels, ii) better utilize their capacity and iii) improve their forecasting techniques. However, this study is based on two tier supply chain, while in reality the supply chain has got many tiers. Hence, future work will be extended across more than two-tier supply chains.Keywords: bullwhip effect, rice industry, supply chain dynamics, simulation, sensitivity analysis
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