Search results for: sustainable food
6805 Intervention to Reduce Unhealthy Food and Increasing Food Safety Among Thai Children
Authors: Mayurachat Kanyamee, Srisuda Rassameepong, Narunest Chulakarn
This experimental pretest-posttest control group design aimed to examine the effects of a family-based intervention on increasing fruit and vegetable intake and reduce fat and sugar intake and nutritional status among school-age children. Children were randomized to experimental 68 children and control 68 children. The experimental group received the intervention based on Social Cognitive Theory. The control group received the school’s usual educational program regarding healthy eating behavior. Data were collected via three questionnaires including: demographic characteristics; fruit and vegetable intake; and fat and sugar intake at baseline, sixteen weeks after baseline. Analysis of the data included the use of descriptive statistic and independent t-test. Results revealed the significant differences between the experimental and control group, regarding: fruit and vegetable intake, fat and sugar intake and nutritional status at sixteenth week after baseline. The findings suggest a family-based intervention, based on SCT, appears to be effective to improve eating behavior, and nutritional status of school -age children. So, the intervention can be applied to improve eating behavior among other groups of children.Keywords: family-based intervention, children, unhealthy food, food safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 2766804 When Food Cultures Meet: The Fur Trade Era on the North American Plains
Authors: C. Thomas Shay
When cultures meet, so do their foods. Beginning in the seventeenth century, European explorers, missionaries and fur traders entered the North American Great Plains, bringing with them deadly weapons, metal tools and a host of trade goods. Over time, they also brought barrels of their favorite comestibles—even candied ginger. While Indigenous groups actively bartered for the material goods, there was limited interest in European foods, mainly because they possessed a rich cuisine of their own.Keywords: native Americans, europeans, great plains, fur trade, food
Procedia PDF Downloads 1226803 Conceptualizing Thoughtful Intelligence for Sustainable Decision Making
Authors: Musarrat Jabeen
Thoughtful intelligence offers a sustainable position to enhance the influence of decision-makers. Thoughtful Intelligence implies the understanding to realize the impact of one’s thoughts, words and actions on the survival, dignity and development of the individuals, groups and nations. Thoughtful intelligence has received minimal consideration in the area of Decision Support Systems, with an end goal to evaluate the quantity of knowledge and its viability. This pattern degraded the imbibed contribution of thoughtful intelligence required for sustainable decision making. Given the concern, this paper concentrates on the question: How to present a model of Thoughtful Decision Support System (TDSS)? The aim of this paper is to appreciate the concepts of thoughtful intelligence and insinuate a Decision Support System based on thoughtful intelligence. Thoughtful intelligence includes three dynamic competencies: i) Realization about long term impacts of decisions that are made in a specific time and space, ii) A great sense of taking actions, iii) Intense interconnectivity with people and nature and; seven associate competencies, of Righteousness, Purposefulness, Understanding, Contemplation, Sincerity, Mindfulness, and Nurturing. The study utilizes two methods: Focused group discussion to count prevailing Decision Support Systems; 70% results of focus group discussions found six decision support systems and the positive inexistence of thoughtful intelligence among decision support systems regarding sustainable decision making. Delphi focused on defining thoughtful intelligence to model (TDSS). 65% results helped to conceptualize (definition and description) of thoughtful intelligence. TDSS is offered here as an addition in the decision making literature. The clients are top leaders.Keywords: thoughtful intelligence, sustainable decision making, thoughtful decision support system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366802 Providing Healthy Food in Primary and Secondary Schools of Saudi Arabia to Significantly Reduce Obesity and Improve Health by Using the Star Rating System for a Healthier Diet
Authors: Emran M. Badghish
Overweight and obesity have now become an epidemic around the globe, both in high-, as well as low-income regions. It is important to use preventive measures that are cost-effective. Schools are the essence of building societies and engaging them in healthy nutrition will offer a way to reach individuals at an early stage in life, with many positive and significant impacts. Aim: Provide healthy food in schools of children aged 5 to 18 years old. Methods: Distributing healthy food to a school and implementation of a star rating system for healthier foods, with five stars for the healthiest option to a half a star for the unhealthiest. The stars system was developed in Australia and should motivate children to consume the healthier nutritional options. Each canteen should be allowed a minimum of 3.5 stars rating for the food provided. Outcome Measurement: Body-mass-index as an indicator of overweight and obesity should be checked at the beginning of the study annually for five years for all children. Another side measurement is the performance by checking the grades and a questionnaire on eating habits at the start of the study and yearly. Expected Outcome: A lower health-risk behaviour and assistance to children in reaching their potentials as they will adapt to eating healthier. Nutrition during childhood has the potential to prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, dental diseases, hypertension and, in later life, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and a variety of cancers. In Australia NSW starting from 2016 is expecting a 5% reduction of childhood overweight and obesity by 2025. As for Saudi-Arabia, it is expected to have an, even more, reduction by 2023 as a lot of our children are canteen-dependent. Conclusion: Introducing healthy food in schools is a preventative method that would have significant influence on the reduction of the prevalence of obesity in Saudi-Arabia and improves its general health.Keywords: food, healthy, children, obesity, schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 1946801 Optimizing Irrigation Scheduling for Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study of a Farm in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria
Authors: Ejoh Nonso Francis
: Irrigation scheduling is a critical aspect of sustainable agriculture as it ensures optimal use of water resources, reduces water waste, and enhances crop yields. This paper presents a case study of a farm in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria, where irrigation scheduling was optimized using a combination of soil moisture sensors and weather data. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in improving water use efficiency and crop productivity. The results showed that the optimized irrigation scheduling approach led to a 30% reduction in water use while increasing crop yield by 20%. The study demonstrates the potential of technology-based irrigation scheduling to enhance sustainable agriculture in Nigeria and beyond.Keywords: irrigation scheduling, sustainable agriculture, soil moisture sensors, weather data, water use efficiency, crop productivity, nigeria, onitsha, anambra state, technology-based irrigation scheduling, water resources, environmental degradation, crop water requirements, overwatering, water waste, farming systems, scalability
Procedia PDF Downloads 786800 Ecodesign of Bioplastic Films for Food Packaging and Shelf-life Extension
Authors: Sónia Ribeiro, Diana Farinha, Elsa Pereira, Hélia Sales, Filipa Figueiredo, Rita Pontes, João Nunes
Conventional plastic impacts on Planet, natural resources contamination, human health as well as animals are the most attractive environmental and health attention. The lack of treatment in the end-of-life (EOL) phase and uncontrolled discard allows plastic to be found everywhere in the world. Food waste is increasing significantly, with a final destination to landfills. To face these difficulties, new packaging solutions are needed with the objective of prolonging the shelf-life of products as well as equipment solutions for the development of the mentioned packaging. FLUI project thus presents relevance and innovation to reach a new level of knowledge and industrial development focused in Ecodesign. Industrial equipment field for the manufacture of new packaging solutions based on biodegradable plastics films to apply in the food sector. With lesser environmental impacts and new solutions that make it possible to prevent food waste, reduce the production e consequent poor disposal of plastic of fossil origin. It will be a paradigm shift at different levels, from industry to waste treatment stations, passing through commercial agents and consumers. It can be achieved through the life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecodesign of the products, which integrates the environmental concerns in the design of the product as well as through the entire life cycle. The FLUI project aims to build a piece of new bio-PLA extrusion equipment with the incorporation of bioactive extracts through the production of flexible mono- and multi-layer functional films (FLUI systems). The biofunctional and biodegradable films will prompt the extension of packaged products’ shelf-life, reduce food waste and contribute to reducing the consumption of non-degradable fossil plastics, as well as the use of raw material from renewable sources.Keywords: food packing, bioplastics, ecodesign, circular economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 966799 Algae Biofertilizers Promote Sustainable Food Production and Nutrient Efficiency: An Integrated Empirical-Modeling Study
Authors: Zeenat Rupawalla, Nicole Robinson, Susanne Schmidt, Sijie Li, Selina Carruthers, Elodie Buisset, John Roles, Ben Hankamer, Juliane Wolf
Agriculture has radically changed the global biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen (N). Fossil fuel-enabled synthetic N-fertiliser is a foundation of modern agriculture but applied to soil crops only use about half of it. To address N-pollution from cropping and the large carbon and energy footprint of N-fertiliser synthesis, new technologies delivering enhanced energy efficiency, decarbonisation, and a circular nutrient economy are needed. We characterised algae fertiliser (AF) as an alternative to synthetic N-fertiliser (SF) using empirical and modelling approaches. We cultivated microalgae in nutrient solution and modelled up-scaled production in nutrient-rich wastewater. Over four weeks, AF released 63.5% of N as ammonium and nitrate, and 25% of phosphorous (P) as phosphate to the growth substrate, while SF released 100% N and 20% P. To maximise crop N-use and minimise N-leaching, we explored AF and SF dose-response-curves with spinach in glasshouse conditions. AF-grown spinach produced 36% less biomass than SF-grown plants due to AF’s slower and linear N-release, while SF resulted in 5-times higher N-leaching loss than AF. Optimised blends of AF and SF boosted crop yield and minimised N-loss due to greater synchrony of N-release and crop uptake. Additional benefits of AF included greener leaves, lower leaf nitrate concentration, and higher microbial diversity and water holding capacity in the growth substrate. Life-cycle-analysis showed that replacing the most effective SF dosage with AF lowered the carbon footprint of fertiliser production from 2.02 g CO₂ (C-producing) to -4.62 g CO₂ (C-sequestering), with a further 12% reduction when AF is produced on wastewater. Embodied energy was lowest for AF-SF blends and could be reduced by 32% when cultivating algae on wastewater. We conclude that (i) microalgae offer a sustainable alternative to synthetic N-fertiliser in spinach production and potentially other crop systems, and (ii) microalgae biofertilisers support the circular nutrient economy and several sustainable development goals.Keywords: bioeconomy, decarbonisation, energy footprint, microalgae
Procedia PDF Downloads 1396798 Evaluating Aquaculture Farmers Responses to Climate Change and Sustainable Practices in Kenya
Authors: Olalekan Adekola, Margaret Gatonye, Paul Orina
The growing demand for farmed fish by underdeveloped and developing countries as a means of contributing positively towards eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition for their fast growing populations has implications to the environment. Likewise, climate change poses both an immediate and future threat to local fish production with capture fisheries already experiencing a global decline. This not only raises fundamental questions concerning how aquaculture practices affect the environment, but also how ready are aquaculture farmers to adapt to climate related hazards. This paper assesses existing aquaculture practices and approaches to adapting to climate hazards in Kenya, where aquaculture has grown rapidly since the year 2009. The growth has seen rise in aquaculture set ups mainly along rivers and streams, importation of seed and feed and intensification with possible environmental implications. The aquaculture value chain in the context of climate change and their implication for practice is further investigated, and the strategies necessary for an improved implementation of resilient aquaculture system in Kenya is examined. Data for the study are collected from interviews, questionnaires, two workshops and document analysis. Despite acclaimed nutritional benefit of fish consumption in Kenya, poor management of effluents enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, and suspended solids has implications not just on the ecosystem, goods, and services, but is also potential source of resource-use conflicts especially in downstream communities and operators in the livestock, horticulture, and industrial sectors. The study concluded that aquaculture focuses on future orientation, climate resilient infrastructure, appropriate site selection and invest on biosafety as the key sustainable strategies against climate hazards.Keywords: aquaculture, resilience, environment, strategies, Kenya
Procedia PDF Downloads 1656797 Research Cooperation between of Ukraine in Terms of Food Chain Safety Control in the Frame of MICRORISK Project
Authors: Kinga Wieczorek, Elzbieta Kukier, Remigiusz Pomykala, Beata Lachtara, Renata Szewczyk, Krzysztof Kwiatek, Jacek Osek
The MICRORISK project (Research cooperation in assessment of microbiological hazard and risk in the food chain) was funded by the European Commission under the FP7 PEOPLE 2012 IRSES call within the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme of Marie Curie Action and realized during years from 2014 to 2015. The main aim of the project was to establish a cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the third State in the area important from the public health point of view. The following organizations have been engaged in the activity: National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) in Pulawy, Poland (coordinator), French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) in Maisons Alfort, France, National Scientific Center Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine (NSC IECVM), Kharkov and State Scientific and Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise (SSRILDVSE) Kijev Ukraine. The results of the project showed that Ukraine used microbiological criteria in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs. Compliance concerns both the criteria applicable at the stage of food safety (retail trade), as well as evaluation criteria and process hygiene in food production. In this case, the Ukrainian legislation also provides application of the criteria that do not have counterparts in the food law of the European Union, and are based on the provisions of Ukrainian law. Partial coherence of the Ukrainian and EU legal requirements in terms of microbiological criteria for food and feed concerns microbiological parameters such as total plate count, coliforms, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp., including S. aureus. Analysis of laboratory methods used for microbiological hazards control in food production chain has shown that most methods used in the EU are well-known by Ukrainian partners, and many of them are routinely applied as the only standards in the laboratory practice or simultaneously used with Ukrainian methods. The area without any legislation, where the EU regulation and analytical methods should be implemented is the area of Shiga toxin producing E. coli, including E. coli O157 and staphylococcal enterotoxin detection. During the project, the analysis of the existing Ukrainian and EU data concerning the prevalence of the most important food-borne pathogens on different stages of food production chain was performed. Particularly, prevalence of Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., L. monocytogenes as well as clostridia was examined. The analysis showed that poultry meat still appears to be the most important food-borne source of Campylobacter and Salmonella in the UE. On the other hand, L. monocytogenes were seldom detected above the legal safety limit (100 cfu/g) among the EU countries. Moreover, the analysis revealed the lack of comprehensive data regarding the prevalence of the most important food-borne pathogens in Ukraine. The results of the MICRORISK project are networking activities among researches originations participating in the tasks will help with a better recognition of each other regarding very important, from the public health point of view areas such as microbiological hazards in the food production chain and finally will help to improve food quality and safety for consumers.Keywords: cooperation, European Union, food chain safety, food law, microbiological risk, Microrisk, Poland, Ukraine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3776796 Effects of Ultraviolet Treatment on Microbiological Load and Phenolic Content of Vegetable Juice
Authors: Kubra Dogan, Fatih Tornuk
Due to increasing consumer demand for the high-quality food products and awareness regarding the health benefits of different nutrients in food minimal processing becomes more popular in modern food preservation. To date, heat treatment is often used for inactivation of spoilage microorganisms in foods. However, it may cause significant changes in the quality and nutritional properties of food. In order to overcome the detrimental effects of heat treatment, several alternatives of non-thermal microbial inactivation processes have been investigated. Ultraviolet (UV) inactivation is a promising and feasible method for better quality and longer shelf life as an alternative to heat treatment, which aims to inhibit spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms and to inactivate the enzymes in vegetable juice production. UV-C is a sub-class of UV treatment which shows the highest microcidal effect between 250-270 nm. The wavelength of 254 nm is used for the surface disinfection of certain liquid food products such as vegetable juice. Effects of UV-C treatment on microbiological load and quality parameter of vegetable juice which is a mix of celery, carrot, lemon and orange was investigated. Our results showed that storing of UV-C applied vegetable juice for three months, reduced the count of TMAB by 3.5 log cfu/g and yeast-mold by 2 log cfu/g compared to control sample. Total phenolic content was found to be 514.3 ± 0.6 mg gallic acid equivalent/L, and there wasn’t a significant difference compared to control. The present work suggests that UV-C treatment is an alternative method for disinfection of vegetable juice since it enables adequate microbial inactivation, longer shelf life and has minimal effect on degradation of quality parameters of vegetable juice.Keywords: heat treatment, phenolic content, shelf life, ultraviolet (UV-C), vegetable juice
Procedia PDF Downloads 2106795 The Impact of Technology on Food Science and Nutrition
Authors: Amera Karam Khalifa Robil
In numerous countries, traditional food habits play significant role in constructing of cutting-edge food habits. Suitable nutrients in children are also encouraged with the aid of determines meals behavior. The goal of observe is to survey the position of figure’s food behavior to shape of nutrition deeds in youngsters below 7 years in Tehran - Iran. The look at is a Descriptive examine. The members were 19 youngsters beneath 7 years with their mothers from a kindergarten inside the central Tehran. The sampling method turned into random sampling. The data changed into accrued by means of meals habits questionnaires and implementation of consultation meetings with the mothers. The information evaluation become qualitative analysis. The findings show that seventy-nine% children and their dad and mom have eaten enough and range breakfast, but food selections of youngsters have been trusted meals picks of mother and father. within the different meals, most of the people of youngsters enjoyed to devour dinner (58%), due to the fact the extra families may want to eat dinner collectively. according to mother opinions, the youngsters enjoy eating macaroni, chook, fried potatoes, chips and fruit juices. The researchers argue that mother’s function is unavoidable in the food alternatives amongst children. thankfully, the outcomes consider that youngsters generally tend to drink easy milk (79%). furthermore, their mother and father lead them to chocolate milk consumption (forty-two%) in place of other flavored milk. subsequently, despite popular perception declare that moms influence on vitamins conduct of youngsters, but they’re having a look at argues that the fathers have extra results on kids’ s nutrients behaviors. In conclusion, evidently the general trainings about selling healthful nutrients behavior for dad and mom via mass media can enhance vitamins behavior and behaviors of pre-college kids.Keywords: nutrition, public health, SA Harvest, foodfood habits, parents, nutrition behaviours, children, promoting nutrition
Procedia PDF Downloads 66794 The Effect of Regulation and Investment in Sustainable Practices on Environmental Performance and Consumer Trust: a Time Series Analysis of the Dominant Companies within the Energy Sector
Authors: Sempiga Olivier, Dominika Latusek-Jurczak
Climate change has allegedly been attributed to a high consumption of fossil fuels, leading to severe environmental problems. The energy sector has been among the most polluting sectors for many decades. Consequently, there is a lack of trust in several energy firms, especially those in fossil fuels and nuclear energy. A robust regulatory framework is needed, and more investment in renewable energy sources is paramount for a better environmental outcome. Given the significant environmental impact of energy production and consumption in the energy sector, sustainable marketing practices have become increasingly important. Although the latter has had the lion’s share in polluting the environment, much effort has been made recently to move away from fossil fuels and privilege renewable energy sources. How this shift would help rebuild trust in the energy industry is unclear. For the shift to have lasting effects, it may be essential that regulatory agencies examine how energy firms engage in sustainable investment. There is little empirical evidence on whether adopting regulating marketing practices and investment initiatives can help different organizations reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable development. Little is known about how and whether the environmental value in firms goes beyond rhetoric, greenwashing and publicity to translate into economic gains and environmental performance. The study investigates how regulatory agencies can help energy firms invest sustainably and take sustainable initiatives even amid the energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how these sustainable practices relate to renewed consumer trust. Using data from Corporate Knights, the study, through time series, analyses the relationship between sustainable regulation, sustainable practices of energy firms from around the world and their relation to consumer trust and environmental performance over the past 20 years. It examines how their sustainable investment, energy, and carbon productivity relate to environmental sustainability and consumer trust. This longitudinal study provides empirical evidence of the interplay between regulation, trust and environmental performance. The research is grounded in institutional trust theory, which emphasizes the role of regulatory frameworks and organizational practices in shaping public perceptions of fairness, transparency, and legitimacy. Results show that organizations in the energy sector, supported by robust regulatory tools, can overcome the negative image of polluters and compete with other companies in the fight against climate change and global warming. However, to do so, energy firms should consider investing more in renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable strategies and practices that go beyond greenwashing to improve their environmental performance, thereby rebuilding consumer trust in the energy sector. Results allow regulatory regimes and organizations to learn why it is crucial for energy firms to invest in renewable energy sources and engage in various sustainable initiatives and practices to contribute to better environmental outcomes and higher levels of trust.Keywords: consumer trust, energy, environmental performance, regulation, renewable energy sources, sustainable practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 156793 Inclusive Business and Its Contribution to Farmers Wellbeing in Arsi Ethiopia: Empirical Evidence
Authors: Senait G. Worku, Ellen Mangnus
Inclusive business models which integrates low-income people with companies value chain in a commercially viable way has gained momentum for the perceived potential to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in developing countries. This article investigates the impact of Community Revenue Enhancement through Technology Extension (CREATE) project of Heineken brewery on smallholder farmers’ wellbeing in Arsi zone Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. CREATE is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and Heineken N.V. which source malt barely from smallholder farmers in three zones of Oromia. The study assessed the impact of CREATE on malt barley productivity, food security and new asset purchase in Arsi zone by comparing households that participate in the project with non-participating households using propensity score matching method. The finding indicated that households that participated in the CREATE project had higher malt barley productivity and purchased more new assets than non-participating households. However, there is no significant difference on food security status of participating and non-participating households indicating that the project has a profound impact on asset accumulation than on food security improvement.Keywords: inclusive business, malt barley, propensity score matching, wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1566792 Human Rights Impact on Citizens Evolution
Authors: Joseph Marzouk Gerais Abdelmalak
The interface between development and human rights has long been the subject of academic debate. Therefore, to understand the dynamics between the two concepts, a number of principles have been adopted, ranging from the right to development to a human rights-based approach to development. Despite these attempts, the exact connection between development and human rights is not yet fully understood. However, the inherent interdependence between these two concepts and the idea that development efforts should be undertaken with respect for human rights guarantees have gained momentum in recent years. It will then be examined whether the right to sustainable development is recognized.The article therefore concludes that the principles of sustainable development are recognized, directly or indirectly, in various human rights instruments, which represents a positive answer to the question posed above. Therefore, this work discusses international and regional human rights instruments as well as case law and interpretative guidelines from human rights bodies to demonstrate this hypothesis.Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 746791 Climate Change as Wicked Problems towards Sustainable Development
Authors: Amin Padash, Mehran Khodaparast, Saadat Khodaparast
Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as “Global Warming”. The ultimate goal of this paper is to determine how climate change affects the style of life and all of our activities. The paper focuses on what the effects of humans are on climate change and how communities can achieve sustainable development and use resources in a way that is good for the ecosystem and public. We opine Climate Change is a vital issue that can be called “Wicked Problem”. This paper attempts to address this wicked problem by COMPRAM Methodology as one of the possible solutions.Keywords: climate change, COMPRAM, human influences, sustainable development, wicked problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 4566790 Implementation of Digital Technologies in SMEs in Kazakhstan: A Pathway to Sustainable Development
Authors: Toibayeva Shara, Zainolda Fariza, Abylkhassenova Dina, Zholdybaev Baurzhan, Almassov Nurbek, Aldabergenov Ablay
The article explores the opportunities and challenges associated with the adoption of digital technologies and automation in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Kazakhstan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Key aspects such as improving production efficiency, reducing carbon footprint, and resource efficiency are discussed, as well as the challenges faced by companies, including limited access to finance and lack of knowledge about digital solutions. Based on an analysis of existing practices, recommendations are offered to improve digital infrastructure and create an enabling environment for SMEs to increase their competitiveness and adaptability in the face of global change. The introduction of innovative technologies is seen as an important step towards long-term sustainability and successful business development in Kazakhstan. The study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant No. AP23488459) ‘Research and development of scientific and methodological foundations of an intelligent system of management of medium and small businesses in Kazakhstan’.Keywords: small and medium-sized businesses, digitalization, automation, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, innovation, competitiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 146789 Advancing Circular Economy Principles: Integrating AI Technology in Street Sanitation for Sustainable Urban Development
Authors: Xukai Fu
The concept of circular economy is interdisciplinary, intersecting environmental engineering, information technology, business, and social science domains. Over the course of its 15-year tenure in the sanitation industry, Jinkai has concentrated its efforts in the past five years on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology with street sanitation apparatus and systems. This endeavor has led to the development of various innovations, including the Intelligent Identification Sweeper Truck (Intelligent Waste Recognition and Energy-saving Control System), the Intelligent Identification Water Truck (Intelligent Flushing Control System), the intelligent food waste treatment machine, and the Intelligent City Road Sanitation Surveillance Platform. This study will commence with an examination of prevalent global challenges, elucidating how Jinkai effectively addresses each within the framework of circular economy principles. Utilizing a review and analysis of pertinent environmental management data, we will elucidate Jinkai's strategic approach. Following this, we will investigate how Jinkai utilizes the advantages of circular economy principles to guide the design of street sanitation machinery, with a focus on digitalization integration. Moreover, we will scrutinize Jinkai's sustainable practices throughout the invention and operation phases of street sanitation machinery, aligning with the triple bottom line theory. Finally, we will delve into the significance and enduring impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Special emphasis will be placed on Jinkai's contributions to community stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on human rights. Despite the widespread adoption of circular economy principles across various industries, achieving a harmonious equilibrium between environmental justice and social justice remains a formidable task. Jinkai acknowledges that the mere development of energy-saving technologies is insufficient for authentic circular economy implementation; rather, they serve as instrumental tools. To earnestly promote and embody circular economy principles, companies must consistently prioritize the UN Sustainable Development Goals and adapt their technologies to address the evolving exigencies of our world.Keywords: circular economy, core principles, benefits, the tripple bottom line, CSR, ESG, social justice, human rights, Jinkai
Procedia PDF Downloads 506788 Adaptation Actions in Companies as Theoretical and Practical Aspects: A Case Study of a Food Ingredients and Additives Producer
Authors: Maja Sajdak
The aim of this article is to identify the measures companies undertake in order to adapt to the environment as well as discussing their diversity and effectiveness. The research methods used in the study include an in-depth analysis of the literature and a case study, which helps to illustrate the issue in question. Referring to the concept of agility, which is firmly embedded in the theory of strategic management and has been developed with the aim of adapting to the environment and its changes, the paper first examines different types of adaptation measures for companies. Then the issue under discussion is illustrated with the example of the company Hortimex. This company is an eminent representative of the world’s leading manufacturers of food additives and ingredients. The company was established in 1988 and is a family business, which in practice means that it conducts business in a responsible manner, observing the law and respecting the interests of society and the environment. The company’s mission is to develop a market in Poland for the products and solutions offered by their partners and to share their knowledge of additives in food production and consumption.Keywords: adaptation measures, agile enterprise, flexibility, unanticipated changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2316787 The Sustainable Tourism in Essaouira in Morocco
Authors: Hadach Mohamed
Tourism becomes more and more a source of added value for developing countries. In Morocco, the sector contributes at 20% of national GDP, or the effects of this activity become increasingly harmful. The methodology we followed is qualitative, we analyzed the data according to a process-based approach in two longitudinal period from 2001 to 2009 and a period of real time from 2010 to 2014.Through a process-based longitudinal study we analyzed the effects of tourism on the three components of sustainability: economic, environmental and socio-cultural in Essaouira destination in the south west of Morocco. The objective of this paper is to identify among others, harmful effects of mass tourism on fragile destination in terms of load capacity, promotion of youth employment and respect for indigenous traditions. This study also aims to analyze the impact of tourism on the fragile destination, which depends heavily on this activity; it also seeks to test a series of indicators for sustainable development of sensitive areas. Within results, we found that tourism as an activity is very linked to the international situation, tested sustainable development indicators showed us that tourism is environmentally destructive, job creator and changer modes and lives of indigenous. Between the two periods analyzed, the situation becomes more and more vulnerable and the state intervention is becoming more indispensable.Keywords: Sustainable tourism; Essaouira; destination, environmental and socio-cultural
Procedia PDF Downloads 3346786 Affordable and Sustainable Housing Construction: Case Studies
Authors: Tony Rizk
Recent material advances and cost efficiencies are transforming the housing industry away from traditional lumber and gypsum material to alternate fiberboard material that is workable and resistant to fire, mold, and pest infestation. The use of these materials may add to the initial cost of construction. However, the life cycle (cradle to grave) cost of houses using these construction materials and methods are lower than the life cycle costs using traditional housing construction materials and methods. This paper will present four (4) case studies of sustainable house projects. Each project was designed and constructed using earthen-based, sustainable fiberboard material that is resistant to fire, mold, and infestation and fabricated at a very low material calorific value. These house projects have a living space ranging from 625 sq. ft. for an accessory dwelling unit and up to 3,200 sq. ft. 1-story and 2-story homes. For each case study, we will present the house engineering design and construction method, the initial construction costs, a summary of the life cycle costs, and a comparison to the life cycle cost of traditional housing available in the literature.Keywords: residential housing, sustainable housing, life cycle cost, fire resistance, mold, infestation resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1286785 Contextual Paper on Green Finance: Analysis of the Green Bonds Market
Authors: Dina H. Gabr, Mona A. El Bannan
With growing worldwide concern for global warming, green finance has become the fuel that pushes the world to act in combating and mitigating climate change. Coupled with adopting the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Green finance became a vital tool in creating a pathway to sustainable development, as it connects the financial world with environmental and societal benefits. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the concepts and definitions of green finance and the importance of 'green' impact investments today. The core challenge in combating climate change is reducing and controlling Greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, this study explores the solutions green finance provides putting emphasis on the use of renewable energy, which is necessary for enhancing the transition to the green economy. With increasing attention to the concept of green finance, multiple forms of green investments and financial tools have come to fruition; the most prominent are green bonds. The rise of green bonds, a debt market to finance climate solutions, provide a promising mechanism for sustainable finance. Following the review, this paper compiles a comprehensive green bond dataset, presenting a statistical study of the evolution of the green bonds market from its first appearance in 2006 until 2021.Keywords: climate change, GHG emissions, green bonds, green finance, sustainable finance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236784 Preparation and Properties of Gelatin-Bamboo Fibres Foams for Packaging Applications
Authors: Luo Guidong, Song Hang, Jim Song, Virginia Martin Torrejon
Due to their excellent properties, polymer packaging foams have become increasingly essential in our current lifestyles. They are cost-effective and lightweight, with excellent mechanical and thermal insulation properties. However, they constitute a major environmental and health concern due to litter generation, ocean pollution, and microplastic contamination of the food chain. In recent years, considerable efforts have been made to develop more sustainable alternatives to conventional polymer packaging foams. As a result, biobased and compostable foams are increasingly becoming commercially available, such as starch-based loose-fill or PLA trays. However, there is still a need for bulk manufacturing of bio-foams planks for packaging applications as a viable alternative to their fossil fuel counterparts (i.e., polystyrene, polyethylene, and polyurethane). Gelatin is a promising biopolymer for packaging applications due to its biodegradability, availability, and biocompatibility, but its mechanical properties are poor compared to conventional plastics. However, as widely reported for other biopolymers, such as starch, the mechanical properties of gelatin-based bioplastics can be enhanced by formulation optimization, such as the incorporation of fibres from different crops, such as bamboo. This research aimed to produce gelatin-bamboo fibre foams by mechanical foaming and to study the effect of fibre content on the foams' properties and structure. As a result, foams with virtually no shrinkage, low density (<40 kg/m³), low thermal conductivity (<0.044 W/m•K), and mechanical properties comparable to conventional plastics were produced. Further work should focus on developing formulations suitable for the packaging of water-sensitive products and processing optimization, especially the reduction of the drying time.Keywords: biobased and compostable foam, sustainable packaging, natural polymer hydrogel, cold chain packaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 1076783 The Distribution of Prevalent Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Authorized Food Store Formats Differ by U.S. Region and Rurality: Implications for Food Access and Obesity Linkages
Authors: Bailey Houghtaling, Elena Serrano, Vivica Kraak, Samantha Harden, George Davis, Sarah Misyak
United States (U.S.) Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants are low-income Americans receiving federal dollars for supplemental food and beverage purchases. Participants use a variety of (traditional/non-traditional) SNAP-authorized stores for household dietary purchases - also representing food access points for all Americans. Importantly consumers' food and beverage purchases from non-traditional store formats tend to be higher in saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium when compared to purchases from traditional (e.g., grocery/supermarket) formats. Overconsumption of energy-dense and low-nutrient food and beverage products contribute to high obesity rates and adverse health outcomes that differ in severity among urban/rural U.S. locations and high/low-income populations. Little is known about the SNAP-authorized food store format landscape nationally, regionally, or by urban-rural status, as traditional formats are currently used as the gold standard in food access research. This research utilized publicly available U.S. databases to fill this large literature gap and to provide insight into modes of food access for vulnerable U.S. populations: (1) SNAP Retailer Locator which provides a list of all authorized food stores in the U.S., and; (2) Rural-Urban Continuum Codes (RUCC) that categorize U.S. counties as urban (RUCC 1-3) or rural (RUCC 4-9). Frequencies were determined for the highest occurring food store formats nationally and within two regionally diverse U.S. states – Virginia in the east and California in the west. Store format codes were assigned (e.g., grocery, drug, convenience, mass merchandiser, supercenter, dollar, club, or other). RUCC was applied to investigate state-level differences in urbanity-rurality regarding prevalent food store formats and Chi Square test of independence was used to determine if food store format distributions significantly (p < 0.05) differed by region or rurality. The resulting research sample that represented highly prevalent SNAP-authorized food stores nationally included 41.25% of all SNAP stores in the U.S. (N=257,839), comprised primarily of convenience formats (31.94%) followed by dollar (25.58%), drug (19.24%), traditional (10.87%), supercenter (6.85%), mass merchandiser (1.62%), non-food store or restaurant (1.81%), and club formats (1.09%). Results also indicated that the distribution of prevalent SNAP-authorized formats significantly differed by state. California had a lower proportion of traditional (9.96%) and a higher proportion of drug (28.92%) formats than Virginia- 11.55% and 19.97%, respectively (p < 0.001). Virginia also had a higher proportion of dollar formats (26.11%) when compared to California (10.64%) (p < 0.001). Significant differences were also observed for rurality variables (p < 0.001). Prominently, rural Virginia had a significantly higher proportion of dollar formats (41.71%) when compared to urban Virginia (21.78%) and rural California (21.21%). Non-traditional SNAP-authorized formats are highly prevalent and significantly differ in distribution by U.S. region and rurality. The largest proportional difference was observed for dollar formats where the least nutritious consumer purchases are documented in the literature. Researchers/practitioners should investigate non-traditional food stores at the local level using these research findings and similar applied methodologies to determine how access to various store formats impact obesity prevalence. For example, dollar stores may be prime targets for interventions to enhance nutritious consumer purchases in rural Virginia while targeting drug formats in California may be more appropriate.Keywords: food access, food store format, nutrition interventions, SNAP consumers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1416782 Development of Bicomponent Fibre to Combat Insects
Authors: M. Bischoff, F. Schmidt, J. Herrmann, J. Mattheß, G. Seide, T. Gries
Crop yields have not increased as dramatically as the demand for food. One method to counteract this is to use pesticides to keep away predators, e.g. several forms of insecticide are available to fight insects. These insecticides and pesticides are both controversial as their application and their residue in the food product can also harm humans. In this study an alternative method to combat insects is studied. A physical insect-killing effect of SiO2 particles is used. The particles are applied on fibres to avoid erosion in the fields, which would occur when applied separately. The development of such SiO2 functionalized PP fibres is shown.Keywords: agriculture, environment, insects, protection, silica, textile
Procedia PDF Downloads 3006781 Biodegradable Cellulose-Based Materials for the Use in Food Packaging
Authors: Azza A. Al-Ghamdi, Abir S. Abdel-Naby
Cellulose acetate (CA) is a natural biodegradable polymer. It forms transparent films by the casting technique. CA suffers from high degree of water permeability as well as the low thermal stability at high temperatures. To adjust the CA polymeric films to the manufacture of food packaging, its thermal and mechanical properties should be improved. The modification of CA by grafting it with N-Amino phenyl maleimide (N-APhM) led to the construction of hydrophobic branches throughout the polymeric matrix which reduced its wettability as compared to the parent CA. The branches built onto the polymeric chains had been characterized by UV/Vis, 13C-NMR and ESEM. The improvement of the thermal properties was investigated and compared to the parent CA using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), contact angle and mechanical testing measurements. The results revealed that the water-uptake was reduced by increasing the graft percentage. The thermal and mechanical properties were also improved.Keywords: cellulose acetate, food packaging, graft copolymerization, thermal properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2236780 Innovation and Performance of Very Small Agri-Food Enterprises in Cameroon
Authors: Ahmed Moustapha Mfokeu
Agri-food VSEs in Cameroon are facing a succession of crises, lack of security, particularly in the Far North, South West, and North West regions, the consequences of the Covid 19 crisis, and the war in Ukraine . These multiple crises have benefited the reception of the prices of the raw materials. Moreover, the exacerbation of competitive pressures is driven by the technological acceleration of productive systems in emerging countries which increase the demands imposed on the markets. The Cameroonian VSE must therefore be able to meet the new challenges of international competition, especially through innovation. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of innovation on the performance of very small agribusinesses in Cameroon. On the methodological level, the data were provided from a sample of 153 companies in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé. This research uses structural equation models with latent variables. The main results show that there is a positive and significant link between innovation and the performance of very small agri-food companies, so if it is important for entrepreneurs to encourage and practice innovation, it is also necessary to make them understand and make them like this aspect in their strategic function.Keywords: innovation, performance, very small enterprise, agrifood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1136779 Cakrawala Baca Transformation Model into Social Enterprise: A Benchmark Approach from Socentra Agro Mandiri (SAM) and Agritektur
Authors: Syafinatul Fitri
Cakrawala Baca is one of social organization in Indonesia that realize to transform its organization into social enterprise to create more sustainable organization that result more sustainable social impact. Cakrawala Baca implements voluntary system for its organization and it has passive social target. It funds its program by several fund rising activities that depend on donors or sponsor. Therefore social activity that held does not create sustainable social impact. It is different with social enterprise that usually more independent in funding its activity through social business and implement active social target and professional work for organization member. Therefore social enterprise can sustain its organization and then able to create sustainable social impact. Developing transformation model from social movement into social enterprise is the focus of this study. To achieve the aim of study, benchmark approach from successful social enterprise in Indonesia that has previously formed as social movement is employed. The benchmark is conducted through internal and external scanning that result the understanding of how they transformed into social enterprise. After understanding SAM and Agritektur transformation, transformation pattern is formulated based on their transformation similarities. This transformation pattern will be implemented to formulate the transformation plan for Cakrawala Baca to be a social enterprise.Keywords: social movement/social organization, non-profit organization (NPO), social enterprise, transformation, Benchmarks approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 5106778 Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Embracing Additive Manufacturing with Eggshell Polylactide (PLA) Polymer
Authors: Choy Sonny Yip Hong
This abstract presents an exploration into the creation of a sustainable bio-polymer compound for additive manufacturing, specifically 3D printing, with a focus on eggshells and polylactide (PLA) polymer. The project initially conducted experiments using a variety of food by-products to create bio-polymers, and promising results were obtained when combining eggshells with PLA polymer. The research journey involved precise measurements, drying of PLA to remove moisture, and the utilization of a filament-making machine to produce 3D printable filaments. The project began with exploratory research and experiments, testing various combinations of food by-products to create bio-polymers. After careful evaluation, it was discovered that eggshells and PLA polymer produced promising results. The initial mixing of the two materials involved heating them just above the melting point. To make the compound 3D printable, the research focused on finding the optimal formulation and production process. The process started with precise measurements of the PLA and eggshell materials. The PLA was placed in a heating oven to remove any absorbed moisture. Handmade testing samples were created to guide the planning for 3D-printed versions. The scrap PLA was recycled and ground into a powdered state. The drying process involved gradual moisture evaporation, which required several hours. The PLA and eggshell materials were then placed into the hopper of a filament-making machine. The machine's four heating elements controlled the temperature of the melted compound mixture, allowing for optimal filament production with accurate and consistent thickness. The filament-making machine extruded the compound, producing filament that could be wound on a wheel. During the testing phase, trials were conducted with different percentages of eggshell in the PLA mixture, including a high percentage (20%). However, poor extrusion results were observed for high eggshell percentage mixtures. Samples were created, and continuous improvement and optimization were pursued to achieve filaments with good performance. To test the 3D printability of the DIY filament, a 3D printer was utilized, set to print the DIY filament smoothly and consistently. Samples were printed and mechanically tested using a universal testing machine to determine their mechanical properties. This testing process allowed for the evaluation of the filament's performance and suitability for additive manufacturing applications. In conclusion, the project explores the creation of a sustainable bio-polymer compound using eggshells and PLA polymer for 3D printing. The research journey involved precise measurements, drying of PLA, and the utilization of a filament-making machine to produce 3D printable filaments. Continuous improvement and optimization were pursued to achieve filaments with good performance. The project's findings contribute to the advancement of additive manufacturing, offering opportunities for design innovation, carbon footprint reduction, supply chain optimization, and collaborative potential. The utilization of eggshell PLA polymer in additive manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry, providing a sustainable alternative and enabling the production of intricate and customized products.Keywords: additive manufacturing, 3D printing, eggshell PLA polymer, design innovation, carbon footprint reduction, supply chain optimization, collaborative potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 746777 Unveiling the Potential of Hydroponics as a Climate-Smart Technology for Small-Scale Farming and Food Security in Africa
Authors: Margaret S. Gumisiriza, Ernest. R. Mbega, Patrick Ndakidemi, Businge K. Edward
The purpose of the paper was to assess existing literature regarding hydroponics in both the developing and developed countries. Furthermore, relate it to the context of African countries, how they can implement it and benefit from it in the face of climate change, high population growth rates, and reduced food production. Agriculture remains the major economic activity for a number of African countries. It is the source of income for most peasants, and still contributes to the Gross Domestic Product in most of these African countries. Unfortunately, climate change coupled with the increasing rates of population growth; rural-urban migration; and urbanization have led to food insecurity due to a reduction of available land for agriculture. This has further intensified the food security dilemma in Africa, especially in urban areas, where land is already limited. Considering the aforementioned state of affairs, there is an increasing demand for interventions that can help farmers in Africa to cope with climate change and increase food production. This review explores hydroponic farming and how it can be used as a climate-smart farming system in Africa’s rural and urban areas. Specifically, the review focuses on hydroponics, requirements for hydroponic farming and the state of hydroponic farming in LDCs and Developed countries (DCs). From the review, it was observed that African countries especially those that receive a lot of sunlight would highly benefit from the solar-powered hydroponic farming systems. Further, still, this farming system will help African countries cope with the challenges of high population pressure in urban areas and climate change as it qualifies to be an urban farming system.Keywords: Africa, climate-smart agriculture, solar-powered-hydroponics, urban-farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 2776776 Identity of Cultural Food: A Case Study of Traditional Mon Cuisine in Bangkok, Thailand
Authors: Saruda Nitiworakarn
This research aims to identify traditional Mon cuisines as well as gather and classify traditional cuisines of Mon communities in Bangkok. The studying of this research is used by methodology of the quantitative research. Using the questionnaire as the method in collecting information from sampling totally amount of 450 persons analyzed via frequency, percentage and mean value. The results showed that a variety of traditional Mon cuisines of Bangkok could split into 6 categories of meat diet with 54 items and 6 categories of desserts with 19 items.Keywords: cultural identity, traditional food, Mon cuisine, Thailand
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