Search results for: organisational IS success
1531 A Development of a Conceptual Framework for Safety Culture and Safety Risk Assessment: The Case of Chinese International Construction Projects under the “New Belt and Road” Initiative in Africa
Authors: Bouba Oumarou Aboubakar, HongXia Li, Sardar Annes Farooq
The Belt and Road Initiative’s success strongly depends on the safety of all the million workers on construction projects sites. As the new BRI is directed toward Africa and meets a completely different culture from the Chinese project managers, maintaining low risk for workers risks shall be closely related to cultural sharing and mutual understanding. This is why this work introduces a cultural-wise safety management framework for Chinese Construction projects in Africa. The theoretical contribution of this paper is an improved risk assessment framework that integrates language, culture and difficulty of controlling risk factors into one approach. Practically, this study provides not only a useful tool for project safety management practitioners but the full understanding of all risks that may arise in the BRI projects in Africa.Keywords: cultural-wise, safety culture, risk assessment, Chinese construction, BRI projects, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151530 Prioritization of the Failure Factors of Rural Cooperatives in Iran: The Case of Isfahan Province
Authors: Maryam Najafi, Mahdi Rajabi
Although the rural cooperatives are an effective way for rural development in Iran, their potential is not applied effectively. The investigation of the failures of rural cooperatives helps the authorities to improve the routine procedures and eliminate the current barriers to the success of these cooperatives, and to remove the defects in order to have a more efficient policy. Therefore, this research aims to prioritize the failure factors of rural cooperatives in Isfahan province via the survey research method. For this purpose, the effective factors of these failures were investigated by the available research documents and then by the new information which was obtained from 20 questionnaires from the experts of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives in Isfahan province. The questionnaire results were analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Excel, and Expert Choice software. The results of this research showed that the most important failure factor of these cooperatives is the lack of the participation culture of cooperative members and then the performance of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives, and also loss of confidence of the members in the cooperation.Keywords: cooperative, rural cooperatives, failure factors, analytical hierarchy process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311529 A Framework for Systemically Understanding and Increasing Compliance with Water Regulation in Time Limited and Uncertain Contexts
Authors: Luisa Perez-Mujica
Traditionally, non-compliance in water regulation has been understood to be attributable to lack of information or knowledge of regulations. In other words, it is confusing behavioural change and education with communication or regulations. However, compliance is a complex response to water regulation factors including 1) knowledge and understanding of regulations; 2) perception that resources are overregulated; 3) presence of regulatory officers in the field; 4) accurate communication of what is being protected; 5) time lag between behavioral change projects and observation of outcomes and 6) how success of behavioral change is measured and evaluated. This paper presents a framework for designing education and behavioral change projects by understanding non-compliance in terms of the interaction of its factors, including a process for prioritizing projects, actions, evaluation and monitoring of outcomes. By taking a systemic approach to compliance, a more directed type of actions can be efficiently identified and prioritized, preventing the reactive nature of education and behavioral change projects.Keywords: water regulation, compliance, behaviour change, systems thinking
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441528 Diagnostic Assessment for Mastery Learning of Engineering Students with a Bayesian Network Model
Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Yingchen Yang
In this study, a diagnostic assessment model for Mastery Engineering Learning was established based on a group of undergraduate students who studied in an engineering course. A diagnostic assessment model can examine both students' learning process and report achievement results. One very unique characteristic is that the diagnostic assessment model can recognize the errors and anything blocking students in their learning processes. The feedback is provided to help students to know how to solve the learning problems with alternative strategies and help the instructor to find alternative pedagogical strategies in the instructional designs. Dynamics is a core course in which is a common course being shared by several engineering programs. This course is a very challenging for engineering students to solve the problems. Thus knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills are crucial for student success. Therefore, developing an effective and valid assessment model for student learning are of great importance. Diagnostic assessment is such a model which can provide effective feedback for both students and instructor in the mastery of engineering learning.Keywords: diagnostic assessment, mastery learning, engineering, bayesian network model, learning processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531527 Smart Sustainable University Campus: Aspects on Efficient Space Utilization at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Authors: Wei-Hwa Chiang, Yu-Ching Cheng, Pei-Hsien Kao, Yu-Chi Lai
A smart sustainable university campus is multi-dimensional. The success requires intensive inter-disciplinary coordination among all users and the expert group and long-term optimization. This paper reported the design and realization process of the dense and campus NTUST campus where space sharing is essential. Two-phase web-based interviews with students were conducted regarding where they study between classes as well as how they move within the campus. Efficient and active utilization of public and semi-public spaces, in particular, the ones near the ground, were progressively designed and realized where lobbies, corridors, reading rooms, and classrooms not in use were considered. Most of the spaces were equipped with smart monitoring and controls in terms of access, lighting, ceiling fans, air condition, and energy use. Mobile device apps were developed regarding the management of the spaces while information about energy use, environmental quality, and the smart sustainable campus project itself were provided to stimulate the awareness of sustainability and active participation in optimizing the campus.Keywords: smart, sustainability, campus, space utilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581526 Achieving Supply Chain Competitiveness through Successful Buyer-Supplier Relationships
Authors: Kamran Rashid, Tashfeen M. Azhar, Asad-ur-Rahman Wahla
Current research aims to understand the role of successful buyer-supplier relationship in achieving supply chain competitiveness in a developing country perspective. Five hypotheses are developed to test structural model. Survey data is collected from the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Analysis is conducted using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through Smart PLS version 2.0 M3. Results demonstrate positive impact of effective supplier selection, buyer-supplier engagement, and information sharing capability on success of buyer supplier relationship. This successful buyer supplier relationship drives the supply chain firm financial and market performance. Additional analyses with large sample sizes are required in other developing countries to cross validate the results. Current study provides empirical evidence of the role of successful buyer supplier relationship in achieving supply chain competitiveness.Keywords: supply chain management, successful buyer-supplier relationship, supply chain competitiveness, developing country
Procedia PDF Downloads 6601525 An Expert System for Assessment of Learning Outcomes for ABET Accreditation
Authors: M. H. Imam, Imran A. Tasadduq, Abdul-Rahim Ahmad, Fahd M. Aldosari
Learning outcomes of a course (CLOs) and the abilities at the time of graduation referred to as Student Outcomes (SOs) are required to be assessed for ABET accreditation. A question in an assessment must target a CLO as well as an SO and must represent a required level of competence. This paper presents the idea of an Expert System (ES) to select a proper question to satisfy ABET accreditation requirements. For ES implementation, seven attributes of a question are considered including the learning outcomes and Bloom’s Taxonomy level. A database contains all the data about a course including course content topics, course learning outcomes and the CLO-SO relationship matrix. The knowledge base of the presented ES contains a pool of questions each with tags of the specified attributes. Questions and the attributes represent expert opinions. With implicit rule base the inference engine finds the best possible question satisfying the required attributes. It is shown that the novel idea of such an ES can be implemented and applied to a course with success. An application example is presented to demonstrate the working of the proposed ES.Keywords: expert system, student outcomes, course learning outcomes, question attributes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2511524 Municipal Action Against Urbanisation-Induced Warming: Case Studies from Jordan, Zambia, and Germany
Authors: Muna Shalan
Climate change is a systemic challenge for cities, with its impacts not happening in isolation but rather intertwined, thus increasing hazards and the vulnerability of the exposed population. The increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves, for example, is associated with multiple repercussions on the quality of life of city inhabitants, including health discomfort, a rise in mortality and morbidity, increasing energy demand for cooling, and shrinking of green areas due to drought. To address the multi-faceted impact of urbanisation-induced warming, municipalities and local governments are challenged with devising strategies and implementing effective response measures. Municipalities are recognising the importance of guiding urban concepts to drive climate action in the urban environment. An example is climate proofing, which refers to a process of mainstreaming climate change into development strategies and programs, i.e., urban planning is viewed through a climate change lens. There is a multitude of interconnected aspects that are critical to paving the path toward climate-proofing of urban areas and avoiding poor planning of layouts and spatial arrangements. Navigating these aspects through an analysis of the overarching practices governing municipal planning processes, which is the focus of this research, will highlight entry points to improve procedures, methods, and data availability for optimising planning processes and municipal actions. By employing a case study approach, the research investigates how municipalities in different contexts, namely in the city of Sahab in Jordan, Chililabombwe in Zambia, and the city of Dortmund in Germany, are integrating guiding urban concepts to shrink the deficit in adaptation and mitigation and achieve climate proofing goals in their respective local contexts. The analysis revealed municipal strategies and measures undertaken to optimize existing building and urban design regulations by introducing key performance indicators and improving in-house capacity. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that establishing or optimising interdepartmental communication frameworks or platforms is key to strengthening the steering structures governing local climate action. The most common challenge faced by municipalities is related to their role as a regulator and implementers, particularly in budget analysis and instruments for cost recovery of climate action measures. By leading organisational changes related to improving procedures and methods, municipalities can mitigate the various challenges that may emanate from uncoordinated planning and thus promote action against urbanisation-induced warming.Keywords: urbanisation-induced warming, response measures, municipal planning processes, key performance indicators, interdepartmental communication frameworks, cost recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 701523 Application of Causal Inference and Discovery in Curriculum Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
Authors: Lunliang Zhong, Bin Duan
The undergraduate graduation project is a vital part of the higher education curriculum, crucial for engineering accreditation. Current evaluations often summarize data without identifying underlying issues. This study applies the Peter-Clark algorithm to analyze causal relationships within the graduation project data of an Electronics and Information Engineering program, creating a causal model. Structural equation modeling confirmed the model's validity. The analysis reveals key teaching stages affecting project success, uncovering problems in the process. Introducing causal discovery and inference into project evaluation helps identify issues and propose targeted improvement measures. The effectiveness of these measures is validated by comparing the learning outcomes of two student cohorts, stratified by confounding factors, leading to improved teaching quality.Keywords: causal discovery, causal inference, continuous improvement, Peter-Clark algorithm, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 201522 New Public Management: Step towards Democratization
Authors: Aneri Mehta, Krunal Mehta
Administration is largely based on two sciences: ‘management science’ and ‘political science’. The approach of new public management is more inclined towards the management science. Era of ‘New Public Management’ has affected the developing countries very immensely. Public management reforms are needed to enhance the development of the countries. This reform mainly includes capacity building, control of corruption, political decentralization, debureaucratization and public empowerment. This gives the opportunity to create self-sustaining change in the governance. This paper includes the link of approach of new public management and their effect on building effective democratization in the country. This approach mainly focuses on rationality and effectiveness of governance system. These need to have deep efforts on technological, organizational, social and cultural fields. Bringing citizen participation in governance is main objective of NPM. The shift from traditional public management to new public management have low success rate of reforms. This research includes case study of RTI which is a big step of government towards citizen centric approach of governance. The aspect of ‘publicness’ in the democratic policy implementation is important for good governance in India.Keywords: public management, development, public empowerment, governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 5071521 The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Change Self-Efficacy on Employees' Commitment to Change
Authors: Denvi Giovanita, Wustari L. H. Mangundjaya
The pace of globalization and technological development make changes inevitable to organizations. However, organizational change is not easy to implement and is prone to failure. One of the reasons of change failure is due to lack of employees’ commitment to change. There are many variables that can influence employees’ commitment to change. The influencing factors can be sourced from the organization or individuals themselves. This study focuses on the affective form of commitment to change. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of transformational leadership (organizational factor) and employees’ change self-efficacy (individual factor) on affective commitment to change. The respondents of this study were employees who work in organizations that are or have faced organizational change. The data were collected using Affective Commitment to Change, Change Self-Efficacy, and Transformational Leadership Inventory. The data were analyzed using regression. The result showed that both transformational leadership and change self-efficacy have a positive and significant impact on affective commitment to change. The implication of the study can be used for practitioners to enhance the success of organizational change, by developing transformational leadership on the leaders and change self-efficacy on the employees in order to create a high affective commitment to change.Keywords: affective commitment to change, change self-efficacy, organizational change, transformational leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 3861520 Emotional Intelligence: Strategies in the Sphere of Leadership
Authors: Raghavi Janaswamy, Srinivas Janaswamy
Emotional Intelligence (EI) measures the degree to which individuals can identify, understand and manage emotions. Indeed, it highlights the intricate relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behavior of an individual. In today's world, EI competencies appear to be more valuable compared to cognitive and/or technical expertise. Higher EI endows realistic confidence to perceive challenges with positive thinking and, in turn, offers a steady growth as well as the speed of work and discerning ability. It certainly plays a vital role for aspirants to ascend the organizational ladder and distinguishes outstanding leaders from the rest. Emotional maturity further reflects on the behavioral pattern toward dealing with self and the immediate environment. Indeed, it aids in cementing inter-personal relations at a workplace with a thorough understanding and certainly paves the way for leaders to their prosperity as well as organizational growth. Herein, EI contributions to an individual, team, and organizational success are discussed with an emphasis on the required tools to acquire higher EI traits. The strategies for promoting self-awareness, empathy, and social skills and changing trends of the new programs for the EI improvement are also highlighted.Keywords: emotional intelligence, leadership, organizational growth, self-awareness skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 831519 Optimization of Cutting Forces in Drilling of Polimer Composites via Taguchi Methodology
Authors: Eser Yarar, Fahri Vatansever, A. Tamer Erturk, Sedat Karabay
In this study, drilling behavior of multi-layer orthotropic polyester composites reinforced with woven polyester fiber and PTFE particle was investigated. Conventional drilling methods have low cost and ease of use. Therefore, it is one of the most preferred machining methods. The increasing range of use of composite materials in many areas has led to the investigation of the machinability performance of these materials. The drilling capability of the synthetic polymer composite material was investigated by measuring the cutting forces using different tool diameters, feed rate and high cutting speed parameters. Cutting forces were measured using a dynamometer in the experiments. In order to evaluate the results of the experiment, the Taguchi experimental design method was used. According to the results, the optimum cutting parameters were obtained for 0.1 mm/rev, 1070 rpm and 2 mm diameter drill bit. Verification tests were performed for the optimum cutting parameters obtained according to the model. Verification experiments showed the success of the established model.Keywords: cutting force, drilling, polimer composite, Taguchi
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631518 Instructional Material Development in ODL: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges
Authors: Felix Gbenoba, Opeyemi Dahunsi
Customised, self-instructional materials are at the heart of instructional delivery in Open and Distance Learning (ODL). The success of any ODL institution depends on the availability of learning materials in quality and quantity. An ODL study material is expected to imitate what the teacher does in the face-to-face learning environment. This paper evaluates these expectation based on existing data and evidence. It concludes that the reality has not matched the expectation so far in terms of pedagogic aspect of instructional delivery especially in West Africa. This does not mean that instructional materials development has not produced any significant positive results in improving the overall learning (and teaching) experience in these institutions; it implies what will help further to identify the new challenges. Obstacles and problems of instructional materials development that could have affected the open educational resource initiatives are well established. The first section of this paper recalls some of the proposed values of instructional materials. The second section compares achievements so far and suggests that instructional materials development should be consider first at an early stage to realise the aspirations of instructional delivery. The third section highlights the challenges of instructional materials development in the future.Keywords: face-to-face learning, instructional delivery, open and distance education, self-instructional materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 3721517 Analyze of Nanoscale Materials and Devices for Future Communication and Telecom Networks in the Gas Refinery
Authors: Mohamad Bagher Heidari, Hefzollah Mohammadian
New discoveries in materials on the nanometer-length scale are expected to play an important role in addressing ongoing and future challenges in the field of communication. Devices and systems for ultra-high speed short and long range communication links, portable and power efficient computing devices, high-density memory and logics, ultra-fast interconnects, and autonomous and robust energy scavenging devices for accessing ambient intelligence and needed information will critically depend on the success of next-generation emerging nonmaterials and devices. This article presents some exciting recent developments in nonmaterials that have the potential to play a critical role in the development and transformation of future intelligent communication and telecom networks in the gas refinery. The industry is benefiting from nanotechnology advances with numerous applications including those in smarter sensors, logic elements, computer chips, memory storage devices, optoelectronics.Keywords: nonmaterial, intelligent communication, nanoscale, nanophotonic, telecom
Procedia PDF Downloads 3341516 Focusing of Technology Monitoring Activities Using Indicators
Authors: Günther Schuh, Christina König, Toni Drescher
One of the key factors for the competitiveness and market success of technology-driven companies is the timely provision of information about emerging technologies, changes in existing technologies, as well as relevant related changes in the market's structures and participants. Therefore, many companies conduct technology intelligence (TI) activities to ensure an early identification of appropriate technologies and other (weak) signals. One base activity of TI is technology monitoring, which is defined as the systematic tracking of developments within a specified topic of interest as well as related trends over a long period of time. Due to the very large number of dynamically changing parameters within the technological and the market environment of a company as well as their possible interdependencies, it is necessary to focus technology monitoring on specific indicators or other criteria, which are able to point out technological developments and market changes. In addition to the execution of a literature review on existing approaches, which mainly propose patent-based indicators, it is examined in this paper whether indicator systems from other branches such as risk management or economic research could be transferred to technology monitoring in order to enable an efficient and focused technology monitoring for companies.Keywords: technology forecasting, technology indicator, technology intelligence, technology management, technology monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731515 The Effect of Simultaneous Application of Laser Beam and Magnet in Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Authors: Alireza Moghtaderi, Negin Khakpour
Disc Herniation is a common complication in the society and it is one of the main reasons for referring to physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics. Despite of various methods proposed for treatingthis disease, still there is disagreement on success of these methods especially in non-surgical methods, and thus current study aims at determining effect of laser beam and magnet on treatment of Intervertebral Disc Herniation. During a clinical trial study, 80 patients with Intervertebral Disc Herniation underwent a combined package of treatment including magnet, laser beam, PRP and Prolotherapy during 6 months. Average age of patients was 51.25 ± 10.7 with range of 25 – 71 years. 30 men (37.5%) and 50 women (62.5%) took part in the study. average weight of patients was 64.3 ± 7.2 with range of 49 – 79 kg. highest level of Disc Herniation was L5 – S1 with frequency of 17 cases (21.3%). Disc Herniation was severe in 30 cases before treatment, but it reduced to 3 casesafter treatment. This study indicates effect of combined treatment using non-invasive laser beam and magnet therapy on disco genic diseases and mechanical pains of spine is highly effective.Keywords: hallux, valgus, botulinum toxin a, pain
Procedia PDF Downloads 921514 Use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Neuroimaging and Clinical Neuroscience Applications
Authors: Niloufar Yadgari
GANs are a potent form of deep learning models that have found success in various fields. They are part of the larger group of generative techniques, which aim to produce authentic data using a probabilistic model that learns distributions from actual samples. In clinical settings, GANs have demonstrated improved abilities in capturing spatially intricate, nonlinear, and possibly subtle disease impacts in contrast to conventional generative techniques. This review critically evaluates the current research on how GANs are being used in imaging studies of different neurological conditions like Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, aging of the brain, and multiple sclerosis. We offer a clear explanation of different GAN techniques for each use case in neuroimaging and delve into the key hurdles, unanswered queries, and potential advancements in utilizing GANs in this field. Our goal is to connect advanced deep learning techniques with neurology studies, showcasing how GANs can assist in clinical decision-making and enhance our comprehension of the structural and functional aspects of brain disorders.Keywords: GAN, pathology, generative adversarial network, neuro imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 341513 The Novel of 'the Adventure of the Secrets': Character in Postmodern Labyrinth, the Problem of Time and Subject
Authors: Nargiz Ismayilova
In Kamal Abdulla's "The Adventure of Mysteries", the plot develops on two parallel lines. While reading the work, the future looks hazy on the background of the present and the past. It is impossible to predict the end of the work in particular. This can be considered the success of the author. The novel has reflected the features of postmodernism. The novel is characterized by a richness of intertwined plots, themes, meta- submission, device (fiction) typical of postmodern prose technique. The introduction and progress of the work takes the reader to the place, which is an unrecognizable unknown for him but at the same time, its native for him very well. Parts of the novel, divided into chapter techniques, force the reader to distinguish mystical repetitions from the artistic circulation of reality. This makes people think directly. Intertextual communication and the variety of fiction, intelligence, and informativeness determine the perspective of the exemplary reader. As is well known, “postmodern novels, which often use intertextual communication and superstructure techniques, focus on expression rather than on the subject, and benefit from history by combining fiction with historical facts, are able to attract attention with their extraordinary foreign fiction.Keywords: Kamal Abdulla, postmodernism, parallelism, labyrinth, comparison, novel
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811512 Teaching Computer Programming to Diverse Students: A Comparative, Mixed-Methods, Classroom Research Study
Authors: Almudena Konrad, Tomás Galguera
Lack of motivation and interest is a serious obstacle to students’ learning computing skills. A need exists for a knowledge base on effective pedagogy and curricula to teach computer programming. This paper presents results from research evaluating a six-year project designed to teach complex concepts in computer programming collaboratively, while supporting students to continue developing their computer thinking and related coding skills individually. Utilizing a quasi-experimental, mixed methods design, the pedagogical approaches and methods were assessed in two contrasting groups of students with different socioeconomic status, gender, and age composition. Analyses of quantitative data from Likert-scale surveys and an evaluation rubric, combined with qualitative data from reflective writing exercises and semi-structured interviews yielded convincing evidence of the project’s success at both teaching and inspiring students.Keywords: computational thinking, computing education, computer programming curriculum, logic, teaching methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161511 Sustainability Performance in the Post-Pandemic Era: Employee Resilience Impact on Improving Employee and Organizational Performance
Authors: Sonali Mohite
Severe changes to Organizational Sustainability (OS) have been brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation forces organizations to tackle the competencies required to augment Employee Resilience (ER) and make profitable growth. This study explores how employee resilience contributes to both individual and organizational success in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We suggest that employees who possess strong coping mechanisms and adaptability are better equipped to handle ongoing disruptions, resulting in improved individual performance metrics like productivity, engagement, and innovative thinking. Hence, exploring the efficiency of ER in improving EP and OS in post-pandemic (PP) is the aim of this research. By utilizing convenience sampling techniques, a total of 422 employees have been collected from numerous organizations. After that, the study’s hypothesis is analysed by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). As per the study’s findings, the ER factors of “Job Satisfaction (JS)”, “Self-Efficacy (SE)”, “Supervisors’ Support (SS)”, and “Facilitating Conditions (FC)” have positive and significant associations with organizational efficiency. Furthermore, the study’s findings also exhibited that there is the most important relation between SE and EOP.Keywords: employee resilience, employee performance, organizational performance, sustainability, post-pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 301510 Improving Software Technology to Support Release Process in Global Software Development Environment: An Experience Report
Authors: Hualter Barbosa, Bruno Bonifacio
The process of globalization and new business has transformed the dynamics of software development. To meet the new demands, the software industry has adapted new methodologies that can shorten development cycles to ensure greater competitiveness. Given this scenario, Global Software Development (GSD) has become a strategic element for new products' success. However, the reliability, opportunity, and perceived value can be influenced substantially with the automation of steps in the development process activities. In this sense, the development of new technologies can help developers and managers to improve the quality of development. This paper presents a report on improving one of the release process activities of Sidia's mobile product area using software technology. The objective is to present the improvement of the CLCATCH tool developed based on experimental studies and qualitative analysis on the points of improvement for the release process in Android update projects for Samsung mobile devices. The results show improvement for the new version and approach of the tool, with points that can facilitate new features of the proposed technology.Keywords: Android updated, empirical studies, GSD, process improvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431509 An Empirical Study of Determinants Influencing Telemedicine Services Acceptance by Healthcare Professionals: Case of Selected Hospitals in Ghana
Authors: Jonathan Kissi, Baozhen Dai, Wisdom W. K. Pomegbe, Abdul-Basit Kassim
Protecting patient’s digital information is a growing concern for healthcare institutions as people nowadays perpetually live their lives through telemedicine services. These telemedicine services have been confronted with several determinants that hinder their successful implementations, especially in developing countries. Identifying such determinants that influence the acceptance of telemedicine services is also a problem for healthcare professionals. Despite the tremendous increase in telemedicine services, its adoption, and use has been quite slow in some healthcare settings. Generally, it is accepted in today’s globalizing world that the success of telemedicine services relies on users’ satisfaction. Satisfying health professionals and patients are one of the crucial objectives of telemedicine success. This study seeks to investigate the determinants that influence health professionals’ intention to utilize telemedicine services in clinical activities in a sub-Saharan African country in West Africa (Ghana). A hybridized model comprising of health adoption models, including technology acceptance theory, diffusion of innovation theory, and protection of motivation theory, were used to investigate these quandaries. The study was carried out in four government health institutions that apply and regulate telemedicine services in their clinical activities. A structured questionnaire was developed and used for data collection. Purposive and convenience sampling methods were used in the selection of healthcare professionals from different medical fields for the study. The collected data were analyzed based on structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. All selected constructs showed a significant relationship with health professional’s behavioral intention in the direction expected from prior literature including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, management strategies, financial sustainability, communication channels, patients security threat, patients privacy risk, self efficacy, actual service use, user satisfaction, and telemedicine services systems securities threat. Surprisingly, user characteristics and response efficacy of health professionals were not significant in the hybridized model. The findings and insights from this research show that health professionals are pragmatic when making choices for technology applications and also their willingness to use telemedicine services. They are, however, anxious about its threats and coping appraisals. The identified significant constructs in the study may help to increase efficiency, quality of services, quality patient care delivery, and satisfactory user satisfaction among healthcare professionals. The implantation and effective utilization of telemedicine services in the selected hospitals will aid as a strategy to eradicate hardships in healthcare services delivery. The service will help attain universal health access coverage to all populace. This study contributes to empirical knowledge by identifying the vital factors influencing health professionals’ behavioral intentions to adopt telemedicine services. The study will also help stakeholders of healthcare to formulate better policies towards telemedicine service usage.Keywords: telemedicine service, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, management strategies, security threats
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421508 Investigation into the Role of Leadership in the Management of Digital Transformation for Small and Medium Enterprises
Authors: Francesco Coraci, Abdul-Hadi G. Abulrub
Digital technology is transforming the landscape of the industrial sector at a precedential level by connecting people, processes, and machines in real-time. It represents the means for a new pathway to achieve innovative, dynamic competitive advantages, deliver unique customers’ values, and sustain critical relationships. Thus, success in a constantly changing environment is governed by the ability of an organization to revolutionize their business models, deliver innovative solutions, and capture values from big data analytics and insights. Businesses need to re-strategize operations and develop extra capabilities to cope with the necessity for additional flexibility and agility. The traditional “command and control” leadership style is structurally and operationally incompatible with the digital era. In this paper, the authors discuss how transformational leaders can act as a glue in the social, organizational context, which is crucial to enable the workforce and develop a psychological attachment to the digital vision.Keywords: internet of things, strategy, change leadership, dynamic competitive advantage, digital transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291507 Personalized Intervention through Causal Inference in mHealth
Authors: Anna Guitart Atienza, Ana Fernández del Río, Madhav Nekkar, Jelena Ljubicic, África Periáñez, Eura Shin, Lauren Bellhouse
The use of digital devices in healthcare or mobile health (mHealth) has increased in recent years due to the advances in digital technology, making it possible to nudge healthy behaviors through individual interventions. In addition, mHealth is becoming essential in poor-resource settings due to the widespread use of smartphones in areas where access to professional healthcare is limited. In this work, we evaluate mHealth interventions in low-income countries with a focus on causal inference. Counterfactuals estimation and other causal computations are key to determining intervention success and assisting in empirical decision-making. Our main purpose is to personalize treatment recommendations and triage patients at the individual level in order to maximize the entire intervention's impact on the desired outcome. For this study, collected data includes mHealth individual logs from front-line healthcare workers, electronic health records (EHR), and external variables data such as environmental, demographic, and geolocation information.Keywords: causal inference, mHealth, intervention, personalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331506 Evaluation of a Hybrid Configuration for Active Space Radiation Bio-Shielding
Authors: Jiahui Song, Ravindra P. Joshi
One of the biggest obstacles to human space exploration of the solar system is the risk posed by prolonged exposure to space radiation. It is generally agreed that particles with energies around 1-2 GeV per nucleon are the most damaging to humans. Passive shielding techniques entail using solid material to create a shield that prevents particles from penetrating a given region by absorbing the energy of incident particles. Previous techniques resulted in adding ‘dead mass’ to spacecraft, which is not an economically viable solution. Additionally, collisions of the incoming ionized particles with traditional passive protective material lead to secondary radiation. This study develops an enhanced hybrid active space radiation bio-shielding concept, a combination of the electrostatic and magnetostatic shielding, by varying the size of the magnetic ring, and by having multiple current-carrying rings, to mitigate the biohazards of severe space radiation for the success of deep-space explorations. The simulation results show an unprecedented reduction of 1GeV GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) proton transmission to about 15%.Keywords: bio-shielding, electrostatic, magnetostatic, radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3951505 Communities’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Protected Areas in South Africa: Insights from the Somkhanda Game Reserve
Authors: Sakhile Nsukwini, Urmilla Bob
Meaningful community participation is essential to the long-term success of protected areas. Hence, it is important to understand what drives neighbouring communities’ attitudes and perceptions towards protected areas. This study sought to determine local community attitudes towards conservation and protected areas, as well as their perceptions of benefits and participation at Somkhanda Game Reserve. Semi-structured interviews were held with experienced park officials, while a structured household survey and focus group discussions were conducted across two surrounding villages. The results highlighted a number of interesting findings, including support for biodiversity conservation and protected areas balanced by considerable negativity towards the Somkhanda Game Reserve itself. It was also determined that despite stated co-management policies, community residents perceived there was little meaningful participation, and benefits were poorly communicated and unfairly distributed. Practical suggestions were made for cooperatively developing more effective participation with the communities, despite limited available resources.Keywords: communities, protected areas, perceptions, co-management, land restitution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151504 The Impact of the Windows Opening on the Design of Buildings in Islamic Architecture
Authors: Salma I. Dwidar, Amal A. Abdel-Sattar
The window openings are the key to the relationship between the inside and the outside of any building. It is the eye that sees from, the lunges of the construction, and the ear to hear. The success of the building, as well as the comfort of the uses, depends mainly on this relationship. Usually, windows are affected by human factors like religious, social, political and economic factors as well as environmental factors like climatic, aesthetic and functional factors. In Islamic architecture, the windows were one of the most important elements of physiological and psychological comfort to the users of the buildings. Windows considered one of the main parameters in designing internal and external facade, where the window openings occupied a big part of the formation of the external facade of the buildings. This paper discusses the importance of the window openings and its relationship to residential buildings in the Islamic architecture. It addresses the rules that have been followed in the design of windows in Islamic architecture to achieve privacy and thermal comfort while there are no technological elements within the dwellings. Also, it demonstrates the effects of windows on the building form and identity and how it gives a distinctive fingerprint of the architecture buildings.Keywords: window openings, thermal comfort, residential buildings, the Islamic architecture, human considerations
Procedia PDF Downloads 2221503 Perspectives and Outcomes of a Long and Shorter Community Mental Health Program
Authors: Danielle Klassen, Reiko Yeap, Margo Schmitt-Boshnick, Scott Oddie
The development of the 7-week Alberta Happiness Basics program was initiated in 2010 in response to the need for community mental health programming. This provincial wide program aims to increase overall happiness and reduce negative thoughts and feelings through a positive psychology intervention. While the 7-week program has proven effective, a shortened 4-week program has additionally been developed to address client needs. In this study, participants were interviewed to determine if the 4- and 7-week programs had similar success of producing lasting behavior change at 3, 6, and 9 months post-program. A health quality of life (HQOL) measure was also used to compare the two programs and examine patient outcomes. Quantitative and qualitative analysis showed significant improvements in HQOL and sustainable behavior change for both programs. Findings indicate that the shorter, patient-centered program was effective in increasing happiness and reducing negative thoughts and feelings.Keywords: primary care, mental health, depression, short duration
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711502 Enterprise Information Portal Features: Results of Content Analysis Literature Review
Authors: Michal Krčál
Since their introduction in 1990’s, Enterprise Information Portals (EIPs) were investigated from different perspectives (e.g. project management, technology acceptance, IS success). However, no systematic literature review was produced to systematize both the research efforts and the technology itself. This paper reports first results of an extent systematic literature review study focused on research of EIPs and its categorization, specifically it reports a conceptual model of EIP features. The previous attempt to categorize EIP features was published in 2002. For the purpose of the literature review, content of 89 articles was analyzed in order to identify and categorize features of EIPs. The methodology of the literature review was as follows. Firstly, search queries in major indexing databases (Web of Science and SCOPUS) were used. The results of queries were analyzed according to their usability for the goal of the study. Then, full-texts were coded in Atlas.ti according to previously established coding scheme. The codes were categorized and the conceptual model of EIP features was created.Keywords: enterprise information portal, content analysis, features, systematic literature review
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