Search results for: northern areas
6395 A Literature Review on the Success Indicators for Sabah's Ecotourism Sites
Authors: Lip Vui Tshin
Sabah, one of the thirteen Malaysian states, is located in the northern part of Malaysian Borneo. It is a melting pot of many different cultures and traditions, being home to about 2.9 million people with more than 30 ethic groups. It is also known as one of the twelve mega-diversity sites in the world with its rich living heritage; ethnic makes it ideal for the ecotourism industry. Sabah enjoys a steady flow of eco tourists from domestic and international markets with a gradual increase in the number of visitor arrival each year. Sabah’s ecotourism is categorized by its natural attraction, wildlife and wilderness habitats. This paper sets out to interpret and develop the indicators for success ecotourism sites in Sabah and measures its development stage. The long-term viability of tourism can be assured only when the limitations and favorable opportunities of the overall environment for tourism development are understood and ways to measure changes induced by tourism are identified and applied. This is a literature review of ecotourism site success indicators, and the outcome of this review is the identification of existing clusters and categorization of indicators and charting the way forward to develop a better understanding in ecotourism site success.Keywords: ecotourism, ecotourism indicators, ecotourism success, Sabah
Procedia PDF Downloads 2756394 Exploring Coexisting Opportunity of Earthquake Risk and Urban Growth
Authors: Chang Hsueh-Sheng, Chen Tzu-Ling
Earthquake is an unpredictable natural disaster and intensive earthquakes have caused serious impacts on social-economic system, environmental and social resilience, and further increase vulnerability. Due to earthquakes do not kill people, buildings do. When buildings located nearby earthquake-prone areas and constructed upon poorer soil areas might result in earthquake-induced ground damage. In addition, many existing buildings built before any improved seismic provisions began to be required in building codes and inappropriate land usage with highly dense population might result in much serious earthquake disaster. Indeed, not only do earthquake disaster impact seriously on urban environment, but urban growth might increase the vulnerability. Since 1980s, ‘Cutting down risks and vulnerability’ has been brought up in both urban planning and architecture and such concept has way beyond retrofitting of seismic damages, seismic resistance, and better anti-seismic structures, and become the key action on disaster mitigation. Land use planning and zoning are two critical non-structural measures on controlling physical development while it is difficult for zoning boards and governing bodies restrict development of questionable lands to uses compatible with the hazard without credible earthquake loss projection. Therefore, identifying potential earthquake exposure, vulnerability people and places, and urban development areas might become strongly supported information for decision makers. Taiwan locates on the Pacific Ring of Fire where a seismically active zone is. Some of the active faults have been found close by densely populated and highly developed built environment in the cities. Therefore, this study attempts to base on the perspective of carrying capacity and draft out micro-zonation according to both vulnerability index and urban growth index while considering spatial variances of multi factors via geographical weighted principle components (GWPCA). The purpose in this study is to construct supported information for decision makers on revising existing zoning in high-risk areas for a more compatible use and the public on managing risks.Keywords: earthquake disaster, vulnerability, urban growth, carrying capacity, /geographical weighted principle components (GWPCA), bivariate spatial association statistic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2586393 Performance of Photovoltaic Thermal Greenhouse Dryer in Composite Climate of India
Authors: G. N. Tiwari, Shyam
Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) roof type greenhouse dryer installed above the wind tower of SODHA BERS COMPLEX, Varanasi has been analyzed for all types of weather conditions. The product to be dried has been kept at three different trays. The upper tray receives energy from the PV cover while the bottom tray receives thermal energy from the hot air of the wind tower. The annual energy estimation has been done for the all types of weather condition of composite climate of northern India. It has been found that maximum energy saving is observed for c type of weather condition whereas minimum energy saving is observed for a type of weather condition. The energy saving on overall thermal energy basis and exergy basis are 1206.8 kWh and 360 kWh respectively for c type of weather condition. The energy saving from all types of weather condition are found to be 3175.3 kWh and 957.6 kWh on overall thermal energy and overall exergy basis respectively.Keywords: exergy, greenhouse, photovoltaic thermal, solar dryer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4086392 An Appraisal of the Level of Civil Servants Participation in Recreational Activities
Authors: Isyaku Labaran Fagge
This study investigated on appraisal of civil servants level of participation in recreational activities in North Western States of Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, a descriptive survey was employed for the designed questionnaire which were administered on 300 respondents, who served as subject for this study, in North Western States of Nigeria. Descriptive statistics of simple frequency count, percentage and Chi square (x2) statistical techniques at 0.05 alpha level were used for all statistical tests of significance. The findings of the study revealed that senior civil servants by (gender, status and location) do participate in recreational activities. On the knowledgeable personnels, all the recreational centres (by gender, status and location) had no knowledgeable personnels to handle the centres across North Western States. Many recreational centers should be create. Government should train and employ more knowledgeable personnel to handle the centres. Civil servants in urban areas do participate more than the civil servants in rural areas.Keywords: recreation, civil servants, participation, recreational activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4236391 Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Channel for Foglet Assisted Smart Asset Reporting
Authors: Hasan Farahneh
Smart asset management along roadsides and in deserted areas is a topic of deprived attention. We find most of the work in emergency reporting services in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and rural areas but not much in asset reporting. Currently, available asset management mechanisms are based on scheduled maintenance and do not effectively report any emergency situation in a timely manner. This paper is the continuation of our previous work, in which we proposed the usage of Foglets and VLC link between smart vehicles and road side assets. In this paper, we propose a hybrid communication system for asset management and emergency reporting architecture for smart transportation. We incorporate Foglets along with visible light communication (VLC) and radio frequency (RF) communication. We present the channel model and parameters of a hybrid model to support an intelligent transportation system (ITS) system. Simulations show high improvement in the system performance in terms of communication range and received data. We present a comparative analysis of a hybrid ITS system.Keywords: Internet of Things, Foglets, VLC, RF, smart vehicle, roadside asset management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356390 Becoming a Shakti: An Analysis of Western Women's Experiences of Tantra Practices
Authors: Caroline Jones
Research over the last decade suggests that there have been distinct changes in both women’s sexual behaviour and attitudes towards female sexuality in the UK. Areas such as discussing sex, participating in sexual activity outside of traditional monogamous relationships, and engaging in boudoir photography have all been explored by researchers. Women’s participation in tantric practices, however, is a relatively unexplored area of sexuality, despite an increasing number of Tantra schools opening in the UK. Tantra is a practice in which women are considered to have a higher consciousness than men, where the sexual role of women is deemed to be very different to a traditional Western sexually passive role. This research looks at this area, and is based on in-depth, semi-structured, thematically analysed interviews with women who have participated in tantric workshops and/or retreats across the country. The interviews investigate why women engage with such practices, what they feel they gain from the experience, and how shifting notions of appropriate sexual roles for women impact on their sexuality and life generally. While Tantra is still a minority activity in the UK, the findings shed light on not only these areas but also on women’s constructions of their sexuality, their relationships with their bodies and sexualities, and ways in which they express and engage with changing notions of female sexuality.Keywords: sexuality, Tantra, gender, Shakti
Procedia PDF Downloads 4126389 Tourism Development and Its Role in the Urban Expansion of Al-Khomse City, Libya
Authors: Khaled Klib, Yousri Azzam, Ibrahim Maarouf
Tourism is one of the most important and fastest growing economic activities in the world, which has a prominent role in the growth and development of countries and has become increasingly important as business and trade after the World War II. The tourism development is one of the most important aspects of urban development, which aims to plan and develop tourist attractions and improve the urban environment within cities. Tourism development has become a priority for the urban development policy of cities, particularly those which have many tourist potentials. Complementary services, such as infrastructure, roads’ networks, transportation, and communications are needed for these potentials to function properly. In order to achieve these functionalities, also a new planning for the new areas as an expansion is required, or developing and renovating the existing urban areas according to pre-prepared plans to avoid random expansion of the urban structure of the city. This paper aims to determine the tourist attractions of Al-Khomse city, by reviewing the most important tourist attractions such as the Roman city (Leptis Magna), the geographical location on the Mediterranean coast, the temperate climate and diversity of the natural environment. The paper also examines the reality of the infrastructure and tourist services in the city and its suitability to serve the tourism sector. The paper also includes a proposed for tourism development in the city as one of the city's urban expansion trends, which can guide the development strategy in the future. The paper concludes with a vision for the tourism development areas as one of the trends for urban expansion in the future. The paper also concludes tourism development will have an effective role in the growth and development of urban, economic and social, in addition to preserving the natural environment. The paper recommended the need to emphasize the role of tourism development as one of the pillars and trends for the development policy and expansion of Al-Khomse city, preservation of tourist attractions and natural resources and developing infrastructure and tourist services such as accommodation, entertainment, mobility, and accessibility.Keywords: tourism, tourist attractions, tourism development, urban expansion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2486388 Radium Equivalent and External Hazard Indices of Trace Elements Concentrations in Aquatic Species by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Authors: B. G. Muhammad, S. M. Jafar
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) were employed to analyze the level of trace elements concentrations in sediment samples and their bioaccumulation in some aquatic species selected randomly from surface water resources in the Northern peninsula of Malaysia. The NAA results of the sediment samples indicated a wide range in concentration of different elements were observed. Fe, K, and Na were found to have major concentration values that ranges between 61,000 ± 1400 to 4,500 ± 100 ppm, 20100±1000 to 3100±600 and 3,100±600 and 200±10 ppm, respectively. Traces of heavy metals with much more contamination health concern, such as Cr and As, were also identified in many of the samples analyzed. The average specific activities of 40K, 232Th and 226Ra in soil and the corresponding radium equivalent activity and the external hazard index were all found to be lower than the maximum permissible limits (370 Bq kg-1 and 1).Keywords: external hazard index, Neutron Activation Analysis, radium equivalent, trace elements concentrations
Procedia PDF Downloads 4286387 Surface Deformation Studies in South of Johor Using the Integration of InSAR and Resistivity Methods
Authors: Sirajo Abubakar, Ismail Ahmad Abir, Muhammad Sabiu Bala, Muhammad Mustapha Adejo, Aravind Shanmugaveloo
Over the years, land subsidence has been a serious threat mostly to urban areas. Land subsidence is the sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the ground’s surface with little or no horizontal motion. In most areas, land subsidence is a slow process that covers a large area; therefore, it is sometimes left unnoticed. South of Johor is the area of interest for this project because it is going through rapid urbanization. The objective of this research is to evaluate and identify potential deformations in the south of Johor using integrated remote sensing and 2D resistivity methods. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) which is a remote sensing technique has the potential to map coherent displacements at centimeter to millimeter resolutions. Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) stacking technique was applied to Sentinel-1 data to detect the earth deformation in the study area. A dipole-dipole configuration resistivity profiling was conducted in three areas to determine the subsurface features in that area. This subsurface features interpreted were then correlated with the remote sensing technique to predict the possible causes of subsidence and uplifts in the south of Johor. Based on the results obtained, West Johor Bahru (0.63mm/year) and Ulu Tiram (1.61mm/year) are going through uplift due to possible geological uplift. On the other end, East Johor Bahru (-0.26mm/year) and Senai (-1.16mm/year) undergo subsidence due to possible fracture and granitic boulders loading. Land subsidence must be taken seriously as it can cause serious damages to infrastructures and human life. Monitoring land subsidence and taking preventive actions must be done to prevent any disasters.Keywords: interferometric synthetic aperture radar, persistent scatter, minimum spanning tree, resistivity, subsidence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1476386 Diverted Use of Contraceptives in Madagascar
Authors: Josiane Yaguibou, Ngoy Kishimba, Issiaka V. Coulibaly, Sabrina Pestilli, Falinirina Razanalison, Hantanirina V. Andremanisa
Background In Madagascar modern contraceptive prevalence rate increased from 18% in 2003 to 43% in 2021. Anecdotal evidence suggests that increased use and frequent stock out in public health facilities of male condoms and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) can be related to diverted use of these products. This study analyzed the use of contraceptives and mode of utilization (correct or diverted) at the community level in the period 2019-2023 in Madagascar. Methodology: The study included a literature review, a quantitative survey combined with a qualitative study. It was carried out in 10 regions out of the 23 of the country. Eight regions (Bongolava, Vakinakaratra, Italy, Hautre Matsiatra, Betsiboka, Diana, Sofia and Anosy) were selected based on a study that showed existence of medroxyprogesterone acetate in pigs (MPA). The remaining 2 regions were selected due to high mCPR (Atsimo Andrefana) and to ensure coverage of all geographical zones in the country (Alaotra Mangoro). Sample random method was used, and the sample size was identified at 300 individuals per region. Zonal distribution is based on the urbanization rate for the region. 6 focus group discussions were organized in 3 regions, equally distributed between rural and urban areas. Key findings: Overall, 67% of those surveyed or their partner are currently using contraception. Injectables (MPA) are the most popular choice (33%), followed by implants and male condoms, 12% and 9%, respectively. The majority of respondents use condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancy but also to prevent STDs. Still, 43% of respondents use condoms for other purposes, reaching 52% of respondents in urban areas and 71,2% in the age group 15-18. Diverted use includes hair growth (18.9%), as a toy (18.8%), cleaning the screen of electronic devices (10 %), cleaning shoes (3.1%) and for skincare (1.6%). Injectables are the preferred method of contraception both in rural areas (35%) and urban areas (21.2%). However, diverted use of injectables was confirmed by 4% of the respondents, ranging from 3 % in rural areas to 12% in urban. The diverted use of injectables in pig rearing was to avoid pregnancy and facilitate pig’s growth. Program Implications: The study confirmed the diverted use of some contraceptives. The misuse of male condoms is among the causes of stockouts of products in public health facilities, limiting their availability for pregnancy and STDs prevention. The misuse of injectables in pigs rearing needs to be further studied to learn the full extent of the misuse and eventual implications for meat consumption. The study highlights the importance of including messages on the correct use of products during sensibilization activities. In particular, messages need to address the anecdotal and false effects of male condoms, especially amongst young people. For misuse of injectables is critical to sensibilize farmers and veterinaries on possible negative effects for humans.Keywords: diverted use, injectables, male condoms, sensibilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 646385 The Results of the Archaeological Excavations at the Site of Qurh in Al Ula Region
Authors: Ahmad Al Aboudi
The Department of Archaeology at King Saud University conduct a long Term excavations since 2004 at the archaeological site of (Qurh) in Al-Ula area. The history of the site goes back to the eighth century AD. The main aim of the excavations is the training of the students on the archaeological field work associated with the scientific skills of exploring, surveying, classifying, documentations and other necessary in the field archaeology. During the 12th Season of Excavations, an area of 20 × 40 m2 of the site was excavated. The depth of the excavating the site was reached to 2-3 m. Many of the architectural features of a residential area in the northern part of the site were excavated this season. Circular walls made of mud-brick and a brick column drums and tiles made of clay were revealed this season. Additionally, lots of findings such as Gemstones, jars, ceramic plates, metal, glass, and fabric, as well as some jewelers and coins were discovered. This paper will deal with the main results of this field project including the architectural features and phenomena and their interpretations, the classification of excavated material culture remains and stratigraphy.Keywords: Islamic architecture, Islamic art, excavations, early Islamic city
Procedia PDF Downloads 2766384 Levels of Digital Health Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Females in Regional Australia and its Association with Demographics
Authors: Usma Iftikhar, Khorshed Alam
Background: Digital health platforms and digital health interventions are gaining increasing importance with the shift to online health-seeking behaviour, especially post-Covid. Subsequently, the importance of digital health literacy is increasingly being recognized. With the surge in culturally and linguistically diverse populations in First World countries, especially females, the predictors of digital health access in this population remain elusive. Keeping in view the inadequate digital infrastructure in rural and remote Australia, with lack of specialist services, the determinants of digital access gain even more importance. Objectives: The objective of this research are to measure the digital health literacy levels in this population, including the predictors of digital health literacy like sociodemographics and the correlation between the predictors and digital health literacy levels. Methods: A population-based quantitative survey was carried out in Regional Queensland from Jan 2022- Dec 2023 on culturally and linguistically diverse adult females. Sociodemographics like age, literacy levels, socioeconomic status, access to digital devices were recorded after informed consent. Digital health literacy levels were measured by specially designed questionnaires. The relationship between sociodemographics and digital health literacy levels was estimated by Pearson correlation. Results: Mean DHL was 2.66 + 0.35. There was a negative significant relationship (p<0.005) between demographics like age and access to a digital device with digital health literacy levels. Also observed was a positive significant relationship between literacy levels and proficiency in English. Conclusion: Age, literacy levels and English proficiency are some of the highest predictors of digital health access. This is important because remote areas rely on digital health access due to less developed health infrastructure, including specialist services. Guide for Policy makers to focus on the populations most in need.Keywords: digital health literacy, eHealth literacy, culturally and linguistically diverse, ethnic minorities, regional areas, rural and remote areas
Procedia PDF Downloads 726383 Telemedicine App Powered by AI
Authors: Cotran Mabeya
This focuses on an artificially intelligent telemedicine application that aims to enrich the access to health care services, especially for those who live in remote and underserved areas. This app is highly packed with very advanced AI technologies—symptom checkers and virtual consultations—as well as health data integration for very efficient and user-friendly remote health support with main features: AI-based diagnostics, real-time health monitoring through wearables, and an intuitive interface. The Telemedicine Application tries too hard to address some of the healthcare problems, such as limited access in remote areas, high costs, lengthy wait times for certain services, as well as difficulty in getting second opinions. By making it friendlier for consultation remotely, the application removes geographic and financial barriers to accessing affordable and timely medical care. In addition, by having centralized patient records and communication between healthcare providers, it allows continuity of care by making it easier to transition to treatment. It has been confirmed that this multi-design approach incorporated both quantitative and qualitative designs to evaluate the socio-economic impacts of artificial intelligence and telemedicine on patients in Nairobi County. Adults made up the target population, while informers and respondents were categorized into patients, healthcare providers, and specialists in law, IT, and AI. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to ensure diversely inclusive representation to enhance accuracy and triangulation in the data collected. Moreover, the study provides several recommendations, which include regular updating accuracy of AI symptom checkers, improving data security through encryption and multi-factor authentication, as well as real-time health data integration from bodily wearables for personal healthcareKeywords: artificial intelligence, virtual consultations, user-friendly, remote areas
Procedia PDF Downloads 86382 Carbon Footprint Assessment Initiative and Trees: Role in Reducing Emissions
Authors: Omar Alelweet
Carbon emissions are quantified in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents, generated through a specific activity or accumulated throughout the life stages of a product or service. Given the growing concern about climate change and the role of carbon dioxide emissions in global warming, this initiative aims to create awareness and understanding of the impact of human activities and identify potential areas for improvement regarding the management of the carbon footprint on campus. Given that trees play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions by absorbing CO₂ during the photosynthesis process, this paper evaluated the contribution of each tree to reducing those emissions. Collecting data over an extended period of time is essential to monitoring carbon dioxide levels. This will help capture changes at different times and identify any patterns or trends in the data. By linking the data to specific activities, events, or environmental factors, it is possible to identify sources of emissions and areas where carbon dioxide levels are rising. Analyzing the collected data can provide valuable insights into ways to reduce emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change.Keywords: sustainability, green building, environmental impact, CO₂
Procedia PDF Downloads 726381 Climatic and Human Impact on Karst Aquifer in Semi Arid Zone
Authors: Benhammadi Hocine, Fehdi Chemseddine, Chaffai Hicham
The study site is the plateau Cheria, a city in south eastern Algeria (Tebessa) thanks to its structure perched syncline is the region of Tebessa a real water tower. Special rates provided by some boreholes and wells around the city Cheria have long been led to believe that the reserves were virtually limitless. The investigations carried out in this region have located karstified limestone areas at depth of 100 meters of the carbonate formation. During the last two decades a rainfall deficit has increased the effect of drought has caused an increase in flow from this aquifer. The effect on water resources is a significant and progressive reduction of the static level of the karst aquifer. The qualitative aspect has also been marked by degradation. This climate variability marked by the decade of drought (1990/2000) has had the effect on the local population, a forced change of their activity primarily agricultural. Abandoning agro pastoral mode due to prolonged drought, populations chose agriculture maraichère consumer a lot of water, this increasing the depletion of water resources. This change in activity was accompanied by a rural exodus to urban areas. The result has led to an increase in population in the urban areas, this has resulted in an increase in water demand and an increase in emissions (waste water). Uncontrolled discharges contribute to pollute a little more groundwater. The second consequence is type Geotechnical, it is the appearance of sinkholes, results of the alternating periods of drought and violent floods. Sinkholes are a real concern for the management and urban development. An interdisciplinary contribution (geology, hydrology, climatology and management) is essential to reduce or avoid impacts in different sectors.Keywords: aquifer, carbonate formation, drought, exodus, resources, chéria, Algéria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4536380 The Rocketing Raise of Bride Price in the Rural China: Intimacy and Family Changes Brought by Rural Urban Migration
Authors: Lei Liu
This paper concerns on a special phenomenon of rocketing of bride’s price in rural China after the rural-urban labor migration nowadays. It provides a brief overview of three major prospective on marriage exchange, especially impose the local marriage market due to the post-migration economic environments. Then the author highlights on several factors that influence the rocketing raise of rural marriage gifts using both the primary data from census 2010 and the interviews from the field study, such as one-child policy and the unbalanced sex ratio with the familiar context parents used different strategies in raising their sons and daughters so as to best hold their own interests, causing inequality between females and males. Then this was broken by the independence of rural women and the phenomenon of cross-regional marriage after the free mobility of labor resource between rural areas and urban areas which gives women equal rights to choose their spouses together with some publicly policies that accelerate the decline of patriarchy. In the end, the author spells out a framework of migration influence on rural marriage for some theoretical and policy implications of the findings.Keywords: rural-urban migration, gender stratification, rural China, bride price, marriage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3296379 Implementing Bioremediation Technologies to Degrade Chemical Warfare Agents and Explosives from War Affected Regions in Sri Lanka
Authors: Elackiya Sithamparanathan
Chemical agents used during the Sri Lankan civil war continue to threaten human and environmental health as affected areas are re-settled. Bioremediation is a cost-effective and eco-friendly approach to degrading chemical agents, and has greater public acceptance than chemical degradation. Baseline data on contaminant distribution, environmental parameters, and indigenous microbes are required before bioremediation can commence. The culture and isolate of suitable microbes and enzymes should be followed by laboratory trials, before field application and long-term monitoring of contaminant concentration, soil parameters, microbial ecology, and public health to monitor environmental and public health. As local people are not aware of the persistence of warfare chemicals and do not understand the potential impacts on human health, community awareness programs are required. Active community participation, and collaboration with international and local agencies, would contribute to the success of bioremediation and the effective removal of chemical agents in war affected areas of Sri Lanka.Keywords: bioremediation, environmental protection, human health, war affected regions in Sri Lanka
Procedia PDF Downloads 3846378 Micro-sovereignty Dynamics: Property Management and Biopolitics
Authors: Sibo Lu, Zhongkai Qian, Haotian Zhang
This article examines the phenomenon of micro-sovereignty in the context of property management and its implications for biopolitics and urban governance in mainland China. It explores the transformation of urban spaces into privatized communities managed by property companies, leading to the reterritorialization of urban areas and the segmentation of urban populations. Drawing on legal frameworks, we analyze how commercial real estate development and property management have reshaped the urban landscape, placing nearly all urban residents within service areas of property management firms, thus establishing micro-sovereign entities that exercise control over residential spaces. Through a critique of property management's sovereign effects on social organization and the exploration of autonomous, democratic alternatives in community governance, this article contributes to the broader discourse on sovereignty, governance, and resistance within the urban milieu of contemporary China. It underscores the urgent need for more democratic forms of community management that can transcend the capitalist logic of property management companies and foster genuine participatory governance at the grassroots level.Keywords: biopolitic, critical theory, political sociology, political philosophy
Procedia PDF Downloads 496377 Clinical Pathway for Postoperative Organ Transplants
Authors: Tahsien Okasha
Transplantation medicine is one of the most challenging and complex areas of modern medicine. Some of the key areas for medical management are the problems of transplant rejection, during which the body has an immune response to the transplanted organ, possibly leading to transplant failure and the need to immediately remove the organ from the recipient. When possible, transplant rejection can be reduced through serotyping to determine the most appropriate donor-recipient match and through the use of immunosuppressant drugs. Postoperative care actually begins before the surgery in terms of education, discharge planning, nutrition, pulmonary rehabilitation, and patient/family education. This also allows for expectations to be managed. A multidisciplinary approach is the key, and collaborative team meetings are essential to ensuring that all team members are "on the same page.". The following clinical pathway map and guidelines with the aim to decrease alteration in clinical practice and are intended for those healthcare professionals who look after organ transplant patients. They are also intended to be useful to both medical and surgical trainees as well as nurse specialists and other associated healthcare professionals involved in the care of organ transplant patients. This pathway is general pathway include the general guidelines that can be applicable for all types of organ transplant with special considerations to each organ.Keywords: organ transplant, clinical pathway, postoperative care, same page
Procedia PDF Downloads 4386376 The Impact of System Cascading Collapse and Transmission Line Outages to the Transfer Capability Assessment
Authors: Nur Ashida Salim, Muhammad Murtadha Othman, Ismail Musirin, Mohd Salleh Serwan
Uncertainty of system operating conditions is one of the causative reasons which may render to the instability of a transmission system. This will encumber the performance of transmission system to efficiently transmit the electrical power between areas. For that reason, accurate assessment of Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) is essential in order to ensure effective power transfer between areas during the occurrence of system uncertainties. The power transfer is also called as the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) in which it is the information required by the utilities and marketers to instigate selling and buying the electric energy. This paper proposes a computationally effective approach to estimate TRM and ATC by considering the uncertainties of system cascading collapse and transmission line outages which is identified as the main reasons in power system instability. In accordance to the results that have been obtained, the proposed method is essential for the transmission providers which could help the power marketers and planning sectors in the operation and reserving transmission services based on the ATC calculated.Keywords: system cascading collapse, transmission line outages, transmission reliability margin, available transfer capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4276375 Nitrous Oxide Wastage: Putting Strategies “In the Pipeline” to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Nitrous Oxide
Authors: F. Gallop, C. Ward, M. Zaky, M. Vaghela, R. Sabaratnam
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) has been used in anaesthesia for over 150 years owing to advantageous physical and pharmacological properties. However, with a global warming potential of 310, we have an urgent responsibility to reduce its usage and emission. Anecdotal evidence in our hospital trust suggests minimal N₂O usage, yet our theatres receive a staggering supply. This warranted further investigation. We used a data collection tool to prospectively capture quantitative and qualitative data regarding N₂O cases during one week: this recorded demographics, N₂O indications, clinical management, and total N₂O consumption in litres. In addition, N₂O usage in dental sedation suites and paediatric theatres was separately quantified. Pipeline supply data was acquired from British Oxygen Company accounts. We captured 490 cases. 4% (n=19) used N₂O, 63% (n=12) of these in dental theatres. Common N₂0 indications were induction speed (37%) and rapidly increasing anaesthesia depth (32%). In adult cases, N₂O was always used intraoperatively rather than solely at induction. 74% (n=14) of anaesthetists reported environmental concern over using N₂O. The week’s total N₂O usage was 8109 litres, amounting to 421,668 litres annually. However, the annual N₂O pipeline supply is 2,997,000 litres; an enormous 1.8 million Kg of CO₂. Our results supportively demonstrate that the N₂O pipeline supply greatly exceeds its clinical use. Acknowledging clinical areas not audited, the discrepancy between supply and usage suggests approximately 2.5 million litres of yearly wastage. We consequently recommend terminating the N₂O pipeline supply in minimally used areas, eliminating 1.5 million Kg of CO₂ emissions. High usage clinical areas could consider portable N₂O cylinders as an alternative. In Sweden, N₂O destruction technology is routinely used to minimise CO₂ emissions. Our results support National Health System investment in similar infrastructure.Keywords: anaesthesia, environment, medical gases, nitrous oxide, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1406374 Installing Beehives in Solar Parks to Enhance Local Biodiversity
Authors: Nuria Rubio, María Campo, Joana Ruiz, Paola Vecino
Renewable energies have been proposed for some years as a solution to the ecological crisis caused by traditional fuels. The installation of solar parks for electricity production is therefore necessary for a transition to cleaner energy. Additionally, spaces occupied by solar parks can be ideal places for biodiversity promotion consisting in controlled areas allowing free transit of numerous animal species in absence of phytosanitary products or other substances commonly used in rural areas. The main objective of this project is increasing local biodiversity. Secondary objectives include the installation of beehives with Apis mellifera iberiensis swarms (native honeybee species), the monitoring and periodic evaluation of the state of health and demographic progression of these swarms and study of biodiversity increase in these areas, mainly due to the presence of Apis mellifera iberiensis. Prior to bee-hives installation, a preliminary study of the area is carried out to quantify floral load, biocenosis and geo-climatological characteristics of the area of study for determining the optimal number of hives for the benefit of the local ecosystem. Once beehives set up, the bee-swarms health status is monitored and evaluated quarterly using monitoring systems. Parameters studies are weight, humidity inside the hive, external and internal temperature, and sound inside the hive. Furthermore, a biodiversity study of the area was conducted by direct observation and quantification of species (S) in the area of bee-foraging (1 km around the beehives). A great diversity of species has been detected in the area of study. Therefore, the population of Apis mellifera iberiensis is not displacing other pollinators in the area, on the contrary, results show that it is contributing to the pollination of the different plant species enhancing wild bees’ biodiversity.Keywords: biodiversity, honeybee, pollination, solar park
Procedia PDF Downloads 556373 Association between a Forward Lag of Historical Total Accumulated Gasoline Lead Emissions and Contemporary Autism Prevalence Trends in California, USA
Authors: Mark A. S. Laidlaw, Howard W. Mielke
In California between the late 1920’s and 1986 the lead concentrations in urban soils and dust climbed rapidly following the deposition of greater than 387,000 tonnes of lead emitted from gasoline. Previous research indicates that when children are lead exposed around 90% of the lead is retained in their bones and teeth due to the substitution of lead for calcium. Lead in children’s bones has been shown to accumulate over time and is highest in inner-city urban areas, lower in suburban areas and lowest in rural areas. It is also known that women’s bones demineralize during pregnancy due to the foetus's high demand for calcium. Lead accumulates in women’s bones during childhood and the accumulated lead is subsequently released during pregnancy – a lagged response. This results in calcium plus lead to enter the blood stream and cross the placenta to expose the foetus with lead. In 1970 in the United States, the average age of a first‐time mother was about 21. In 2008, the average age was 25.1. In this study, it is demonstrated that in California there is a forward lagged relationship between the accumulated emissions of lead from vehicle fuel additives and later autism prevalence trends between the 1990’s and current time period. Regression analysis between a 24 year forward lag of accumulated lead emissions and autism prevalence trends in California are associated strongly (R2=0.95, p=0.00000000127). It is hypothesized that autism in genetically susceptible children may stem from vehicle fuel lead emission exposures of their mothers during childhood and that the release of stored lead during subsequent pregnancy resulted in lead exposure of foetuses during a critical developmental period. It is furthermore hypothesized that the 24 years forward lag between lead exposures has occurred because that is time period is the average length for women to enter childbearing age. To test the hypothesis that lead in mothers bones is associated with autism, it is hypothesized that retrospective case-control studies would show an association between the lead in mother’s bones and autism. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the forward lagged relationship between accumulated historical vehicle fuel lead emissions (or air lead concentrations) and autism prevalence trends will be similar in cities at the national and international scale. If further epidemiological studies indicate a strong relationship between accumulated vehicle fuel lead emissions (or accumulated air lead concentrations) and lead in mother’s bones and autism rates, then urban areas may require extensive soil intervention to prevent the development of autism in children.Keywords: autism, bones, lead, gasoline, petrol, prevalence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2946372 Vulnerability of Groundwater to Pollution in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria, using the DRASTIC Model and Geographic Information System (GIS)
Authors: Aniedi A. Udo, Magnus U. Igboekwe, Rasaaq Bello, Francis D. Eyenaka, Michael C. Ohakwere-Eze
Groundwater vulnerability to pollution was assessed in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria, with the aim of locating areas with high potentials for resource contamination, especially due to anthropogenic influence. The electrical resistivity method was utilized in the collection of the initial field data. Additional data input, which included depth to static water level, drilled well log data, aquifer recharge data, percentage slope, as well as soil information, were sourced from secondary sources. The initial field data were interpreted both manually and with computer modeling to provide information on the geoelectric properties of the subsurface. Interpreted results together with the secondary data were used to develop the DRASTIC thematic maps. A vulnerability assessment was performed using the DRASTIC model in a GIS environment and areas with high vulnerability which needed immediate attention was clearly mapped out and presented using an aquifer vulnerability map. The model was subjected to validation and the rate of validity was 73% within the area of study.Keywords: groundwater, vulnerability, DRASTIC model, pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2076371 Methods for Early Detection of Invasive Plant Species: A Case Study of Hueston Woods State Nature Preserve
Authors: Suzanne Zazycki, Bamidele Osamika, Heather Craska, Kaelyn Conaway, Reena Murphy, Stephanie Spence
Invasive Plant Species (IPS) are an important component of effective preservation and conservation of natural lands management. IPS are non-native plants which can aggressively encroach upon native species and pose a significant threat to the ecology, public health, and social welfare of a community. The presence of IPS in U.S. nature preserves has caused economic costs, which has estimated to exceed $26 billion a year. While different methods have been identified to control IPS, few methods have been recognized for early detection of IPS. This study examined identified methods for early detection of IPS in Hueston Woods State Nature Preserve. Mixed methods research design was adopted in this four-phased study. The first phase entailed data gathering, the phase described the characteristics and qualities of IPS and the importance of early detection (ED). The second phase explored ED methods, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Citizen Science were discovered as ED methods for IPS. The third phase of the study involved the creation of hotspot maps to identify likely areas for IPS growth. While the fourth phase involved testing and evaluating mobile applications that can support the efforts of citizen scientists in IPS detection. Literature reviews were conducted on IPS and ED methods, and four regional experts from ODNR and Miami University were interviewed. A questionnaire was used to gather information about ED methods used across the state. The findings revealed that geospatial methods, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Multispectral Satellites (MSS), and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), are not feasible for early detection of IPS, as they require GIS expertise, are still an emerging technology, and are not suitable for every habitat for the ED of IPS. Therefore, Other ED methods options were explored, which include predicting areas where IPS will grow, which can be done through monitoring areas that are like the species’ native habitat. Through literature review and interviews, IPS are known to grow in frequently disturbed areas such as along trails, shorelines, and streambanks. The research team called these areas “hotspots” and created maps of these hotspots specifically for HW NP to support and narrow the efforts of citizen scientists and staff in the ED of IPS. The results further showed that utilizing citizen scientists in the ED of IPS is feasible, especially through single day events or passive monitoring challenges. The study concluded that the creation of hotspot maps to direct the efforts of citizen scientists are effective for the early detection of IPS. Several recommendations were made, among which is the creation of hotspot maps to narrow the ED efforts as citizen scientists continues to work in the preserves and utilize citizen science volunteers to identify and record emerging IPS.Keywords: early detection, hueston woods state nature preserve, invasive plant species, hotspots
Procedia PDF Downloads 1076370 Automatic Change Detection for High-Resolution Satellite Images of Urban and Suburban Areas
Authors: Antigoni Panagiotopoulou, Lemonia Ragia
High-resolution satellite images can provide detailed information about change detection on the earth. In the present work, QuickBird images of spatial resolution 60 cm/pixel and WorldView images of resolution 30 cm/pixel are utilized to perform automatic change detection in urban and suburban areas of Crete, Greece. There is a relative time difference of 13 years among the satellite images. Multiindex scene representation is applied on the images to classify the scene into buildings, vegetation, water and ground. Then, automatic change detection is made possible by pixel-per-pixel comparison of the classified multi-temporal images. The vegetation index and the water index which have been developed in this study prove effective. Furthermore, the proposed change detection approach not only indicates whether changes have taken place or not but also provides specific information relative to the types of changes. Experimentations with other different scenes in the future could help optimize the proposed spectral indices as well as the entire change detection methodology.Keywords: change detection, multiindex scene representation, spectral index, QuickBird, WorldView
Procedia PDF Downloads 1386369 Residents' Satisfaction with Infrastructural Facilities in the Peri-Urban Area of Ibadan, Southwest of Nigeria
Authors: Simon Ayorinde Okanlawon
This study examines residents’ assessment of with infrastructural facilities in the urban fringe of Ibadan, Nigeria. Random sampling technique was used in selecting four Local Government Areas out of the six suburban LGAs of the city. Google earth and ground trotting were used in capturing and selecting seven hundred and forty-two new houses. The questionnaires administered on house owners were harvested on the spot. The information collected includes socio-economic and demographic characteristics of residents as well as characteristics of infrastructural facilities. The study utilised both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses; Facility Availability Index (FAI) Facility Functionality Index (FFI) and Residents’ Satisfactions Index (RSI) were used to compare respectively residents’ perceived levels of availability of, the functionality of, and satisfaction with facilities across Local Government Areas. The study shows that levels of both availability of, and satisfaction with infrastructural facilities are low with respective overall FAI (0.8) and RSI (0.05), while the functionality of the facilities is generally very poor IFFI = - 0.58). Strategies were proposed to enhance the good, livable, and healthy environment.Keywords: infrastructural facilities, infrastructural perception index, residents’ satisfaction, urban fringe of Ibadan
Procedia PDF Downloads 2246368 Highway Capacity and Level of Service
Authors: Kidist Mesfin Nguse
Ethiopia is the second most densely populated nation in Africa, and about 121 million people as the 2022 Ethiopia population live report recorded. In recent years, the Ethiopian government (GOE) has been gradually growing its road network. With 138,127 kilometers (85,825 miles) of all-weather roads as of the end of 2018–19, Ethiopia possessed just 39% of the nation's necessary road network and lacked a well-organized system. The Ethiopian urban population report recorded that about 21% of the population lives in urban areas, and the high population, coupled with growth in various infrastructures, has led to the migration of the workforce from rural areas to cities across the country. In main roads, the heterogeneous traffic flow with various operational features makes it more unfavorable, causing frequent congestion in the stretch of road. The Level of Service (LOS), a qualitative measure of traffic, is categorized based on the operating conditions in the traffic stream. Determining the capacity and LOS for this city is very crucial as this affects the planning and design of traffic systems and their operation, and the allocation of route selection for infrastructure building projects to provide for a considerably good level of service.Keywords: capacity, level of service, traffic volume, free flow speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 516367 Observational Study Reveals Inverse Relationship: Rising PM₂.₅ Concentrations Linked to Decreasing Muon Flux
Authors: Yashas Mattur, Jensen Coonradt
Muon flux, the rate of muons reaching Earth from the atmosphere, is impacted by various factors such as air pressure, temperature, and humidity. However, the influence of concentrations of PM₂.₅ (particulate matter with diameters 2.5 mm or smaller) on muon detection rates remains unexplored. During the summer of 2023, smoke from Canadian wildfires (containing significant amounts of particulate matter) blew over regions in the Northern US, introducing huge fluctuations in PM₂.₅ concentrations, thus inspiring our experiment to investigate the correlation of PM₂.₅ concentrations and muon rates. To investigate this correlation, muon collision rates were measured and analyzed alongside PM₂.₅ concentration data over the periods of both light and heavy smoke. Other confounding variables, including temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, were also considered. The results reveal a statistically significant inverse correlation between muon flux and PM₂.₅ concentrations, indicating that particulate matter has an impact on the rate of muons reaching the earth’s surface.Keywords: Muon Flux, atmospheric effects on muons, PM₂.₅, airborne particulate matter
Procedia PDF Downloads 756366 Modelling Suspended Solids Transport in Dammam (Saudi Arabia) Coastal Areas
Authors: Hussam Alrabaiah
Some new projects (new proposed harbor, recreational projects) are considered in the eastern coasts of Dammam city, Saudi Arabia. Dredging operations would significantly alter coast hydrological and sediment transport processes. It is important that the project areas must keep flushing the fresh sea water in and out with good water quality parameters, which are currently facing increased pressure from urbanization and navigation requirements in conjunction with industrial developments. A suspended solids or sediments are expected to affect the flora and fauna in that area. Governing advection-diffusion equations are considered to understand the consequences of such projects. A numerical modeling study is developed to study the effect of dredging and, in particular, the suspended sediments concentrations (mg/L) changed in the region. The results were obtained using finite element method using an in-house or commercial software. Results show some consistency with data observed in that region. Recommendations based on results could be formulated for decision makers to protect the environment in the long term.Keywords: finite element, method, suspended solids transport, advection-diffusion
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