Search results for: machine readable format
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3349

Search results for: machine readable format

2269 Spectrogram Pre-Processing to Improve Isotopic Identification to Discriminate Gamma and Neutrons Sources

Authors: Mustafa Alhamdi


Industrial application to classify gamma rays and neutron events is investigated in this study using deep machine learning. The identification using a convolutional neural network and recursive neural network showed a significant improvement in predication accuracy in a variety of applications. The ability to identify the isotope type and activity from spectral information depends on feature extraction methods, followed by classification. The features extracted from the spectrum profiles try to find patterns and relationships to present the actual spectrum energy in low dimensional space. Increasing the level of separation between classes in feature space improves the possibility to enhance classification accuracy. The nonlinear nature to extract features by neural network contains a variety of transformation and mathematical optimization, while principal component analysis depends on linear transformations to extract features and subsequently improve the classification accuracy. In this paper, the isotope spectrum information has been preprocessed by finding the frequencies components relative to time and using them as a training dataset. Fourier transform implementation to extract frequencies component has been optimized by a suitable windowing function. Training and validation samples of different isotope profiles interacted with CdTe crystal have been simulated using Geant4. The readout electronic noise has been simulated by optimizing the mean and variance of normal distribution. Ensemble learning by combing voting of many models managed to improve the classification accuracy of neural networks. The ability to discriminate gamma and neutron events in a single predication approach using deep machine learning has shown high accuracy using deep learning. The paper findings show the ability to improve the classification accuracy by applying the spectrogram preprocessing stage to the gamma and neutron spectrums of different isotopes. Tuning deep machine learning models by hyperparameter optimization of neural network models enhanced the separation in the latent space and provided the ability to extend the number of detected isotopes in the training database. Ensemble learning contributed significantly to improve the final prediction.

Keywords: machine learning, nuclear physics, Monte Carlo simulation, noise estimation, feature extraction, classification

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2268 Integrated On-Board Diagnostic-II and Direct Controller Area Network Access for Vehicle Monitoring System

Authors: Kavian Khosravinia, Mohd Khair Hassan, Ribhan Zafira Abdul Rahman, Syed Abdul Rahman Al-Haddad


The CAN (controller area network) bus is introduced as a multi-master, message broadcast system. The messages sent on the CAN are used to communicate state information, referred as a signal between different ECUs, which provides data consistency in every node of the system. OBD-II Dongles that are based on request and response method is the wide-spread solution for extracting sensor data from cars among researchers. Unfortunately, most of the past researches do not consider resolution and quantity of their input data extracted through OBD-II technology. The maximum feasible scan rate is only 9 queries per second which provide 8 data points per second with using ELM327 as well-known OBD-II dongle. This study aims to develop and design a programmable, and latency-sensitive vehicle data acquisition system that improves the modularity and flexibility to extract exact, trustworthy, and fresh car sensor data with higher frequency rates. Furthermore, the researcher must break apart, thoroughly inspect, and observe the internal network of the vehicle, which may cause severe damages to the expensive ECUs of the vehicle due to intrinsic vulnerabilities of the CAN bus during initial research. Desired sensors data were collected from various vehicles utilizing Raspberry Pi3 as computing and processing unit with using OBD (request-response) and direct CAN method at the same time. Two types of data were collected for this study. The first, CAN bus frame data that illustrates data collected for each line of hex data sent from an ECU and the second type is the OBD data that represents some limited data that is requested from ECU under standard condition. The proposed system is reconfigurable, human-readable and multi-task telematics device that can be fitted into any vehicle with minimum effort and minimum time lag in the data extraction process. The standard operational procedure experimental vehicle network test bench is developed and can be used for future vehicle network testing experiment.

Keywords: CAN bus, OBD-II, vehicle data acquisition, connected cars, telemetry, Raspberry Pi3

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2267 Using Machine Learning to Classify Different Body Parts and Determine Healthiness

Authors: Zachary Pan


Our general mission is to solve the problem of classifying images into different body part types and deciding if each of them is healthy or not. However, for now, we will determine healthiness for only one-sixth of the body parts, specifically the chest. We will detect pneumonia in X-ray scans of those chest images. With this type of AI, doctors can use it as a second opinion when they are taking CT or X-ray scans of their patients. Another ad-vantage of using this machine learning classifier is that it has no human weaknesses like fatigue. The overall ap-proach to this problem is to split the problem into two parts: first, classify the image, then determine if it is healthy. In order to classify the image into a specific body part class, the body parts dataset must be split into test and training sets. We can then use many models, like neural networks or logistic regression models, and fit them using the training set. Now, using the test set, we can obtain a realistic accuracy the models will have on images in the real world since these testing images have never been seen by the models before. In order to increase this testing accuracy, we can also apply many complex algorithms to the models, like multiplicative weight update. For the second part of the problem, to determine if the body part is healthy, we can have another dataset consisting of healthy and non-healthy images of the specific body part and once again split that into the test and training sets. We then use another neural network to train on those training set images and use the testing set to figure out its accuracy. We will do this process only for the chest images. A major conclusion reached is that convolutional neural networks are the most reliable and accurate at image classification. In classifying the images, the logistic regression model, the neural network, neural networks with multiplicative weight update, neural networks with the black box algorithm, and the convolutional neural network achieved 96.83 percent accuracy, 97.33 percent accuracy, 97.83 percent accuracy, 96.67 percent accuracy, and 98.83 percent accuracy, respectively. On the other hand, the overall accuracy of the model that de-termines if the images are healthy or not is around 78.37 percent accuracy.

Keywords: body part, healthcare, machine learning, neural networks

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2266 Resource Framework Descriptors for Interestingness in Data

Authors: C. B. Abhilash, Kavi Mahesh


Human beings are the most advanced species on earth; it's all because of the ability to communicate and share information via human language. In today's world, a huge amount of data is available on the web in text format. This has also resulted in the generation of big data in structured and unstructured formats. In general, the data is in the textual form, which is highly unstructured. To get insights and actionable content from this data, we need to incorporate the concepts of text mining and natural language processing. In our study, we mainly focus on Interesting data through which interesting facts are generated for the knowledge base. The approach is to derive the analytics from the text via the application of natural language processing. Using semantic web Resource framework descriptors (RDF), we generate the triple from the given data and derive the interesting patterns. The methodology also illustrates data integration using the RDF for reliable, interesting patterns.

Keywords: RDF, interestingness, knowledge base, semantic data

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2265 Detecting Hate Speech And Cyberbullying Using Natural Language Processing

Authors: Nádia Pereira, Paula Ferreira, Sofia Francisco, Sofia Oliveira, Sidclay Souza, Paula Paulino, Ana Margarida Veiga Simão


Social media has progressed into a platform for hate speech among its users, and thus, there is an increasing need to develop automatic detection classifiers of offense and conflicts to help decrease the prevalence of such incidents. Online communication can be used to intentionally harm someone, which is why such classifiers could be essential in social networks. A possible application of these classifiers is the automatic detection of cyberbullying. Even though identifying the aggressive language used in online interactions could be important to build cyberbullying datasets, there are other criteria that must be considered. Being able to capture the language, which is indicative of the intent to harm others in a specific context of online interaction is fundamental. Offense and hate speech may be the foundation of online conflicts, which have become commonly used in social media and are an emergent research focus in machine learning and natural language processing. This study presents two Portuguese language offense-related datasets which serve as examples for future research and extend the study of the topic. The first is similar to other offense detection related datasets and is entitled Aggressiveness dataset. The second is a novelty because of the use of the history of the interaction between users and is entitled the Conflicts/Attacks dataset. Both datasets were developed in different phases. Firstly, we performed a content analysis of verbal aggression witnessed by adolescents in situations of cyberbullying. Secondly, we computed frequency analyses from the previous phase to gather lexical and linguistic cues used to identify potentially aggressive conflicts and attacks which were posted on Twitter. Thirdly, thorough annotation of real tweets was performed byindependent postgraduate educational psychologists with experience in cyberbullying research. Lastly, we benchmarked these datasets with other machine learning classifiers.

Keywords: aggression, classifiers, cyberbullying, datasets, hate speech, machine learning

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2264 The Relationship between Human Pose and Intention to Fire a Handgun

Authors: Joshua van Staden, Dane Brown, Karen Bradshaw


Gun violence is a significant problem in modern-day society. Early detection of carried handguns through closed-circuit television (CCTV) can aid in preventing potential gun violence. However, CCTV operators have a limited attention span. Machine learning approaches to automating the detection of dangerous gun carriers provide a way to aid CCTV operators in identifying these individuals. This study provides insight into the relationship between human key points extracted using human pose estimation (HPE) and their intention to fire a weapon. We examine the feature importance of each keypoint and their correlations. We use principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the feature space and optimize detection. Finally, we run a set of classifiers to determine what form of classifier performs well on this data. We find that hips, shoulders, and knees tend to be crucial aspects of the human pose when making these predictions. Furthermore, the horizontal position plays a larger role than the vertical position. Of the 66 key points, nine principal components could be used to make nonlinear classifications with 86% accuracy. Furthermore, linear classifications could be done with 85% accuracy, showing that there is a degree of linearity in the data.

Keywords: feature engineering, human pose, machine learning, security

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2263 A Framework of Dynamic Rule Selection Method for Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Problem by Reinforcement Learning Method

Authors: Rui Wu


In the volatile modern manufacturing environment, new orders randomly occur at any time, while the pre-emptive methods are infeasible. This leads to a real-time scheduling method that can produce a reasonably good schedule quickly. The dynamic Flexible Job Shop problem is an NP-hard scheduling problem that hybrid the dynamic Job Shop problem with the Parallel Machine problem. A Flexible Job Shop contains different work centres. Each work centre contains parallel machines that can process certain operations. Many algorithms, such as genetic algorithms or simulated annealing, have been proposed to solve the static Flexible Job Shop problems. However, the time efficiency of these methods is low, and these methods are not feasible in a dynamic scheduling problem. Therefore, a dynamic rule selection scheduling system based on the reinforcement learning method is proposed in this research, in which the dynamic Flexible Job Shop problem is divided into several parallel machine problems to decrease the complexity of the dynamic Flexible Job Shop problem. Firstly, the features of jobs, machines, work centres, and flexible job shops are selected to describe the status of the dynamic Flexible Job Shop problem at each decision point in each work centre. Secondly, a framework of reinforcement learning algorithm using a double-layer deep Q-learning network is applied to select proper composite dispatching rules based on the status of each work centre. Then, based on the selected composite dispatching rule, an available operation is selected from the waiting buffer and assigned to an available machine in each work centre. Finally, the proposed algorithm will be compared with well-known dispatching rules on objectives of mean tardiness, mean flow time, mean waiting time, or mean percentage of waiting time in the real-time Flexible Job Shop problem. The result of the simulations proved that the proposed framework has reasonable performance and time efficiency.

Keywords: dynamic scheduling problem, flexible job shop, dispatching rules, deep reinforcement learning

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2262 Enhanced Extra Trees Classifier for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

Authors: Maurice Ntahobari, Levin Kuhlmann, Mario Boley, Zhinoos Razavi Hesabi


For machine learning based epileptic seizure prediction, it is important for the model to be implemented in small implantable or wearable devices that can be used to monitor epilepsy patients; however, current state-of-the-art methods are complex and computationally intensive. We use Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) to find relevant intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) features and improve the computational efficiency of a state-of-the-art seizure prediction method based on the extra trees classifier while maintaining prediction performance. Results for a small contest dataset and a much larger dataset with continuous recordings of up to 3 years per patient from 15 patients yield better than chance prediction performance (p < 0.004). Moreover, while the performance of the SHAP-based model is comparable to that of the benchmark, the overall training and prediction time of the model has been reduced by a factor of 1.83. It can also be noted that the feature called zero crossing value is the best EEG feature for seizure prediction. These results suggest state-of-the-art seizure prediction performance can be achieved using efficient methods based on optimal feature selection.

Keywords: machine learning, seizure prediction, extra tree classifier, SHAP, epilepsy

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2261 Radiomics: Approach to Enable Early Diagnosis of Non-Specific Breast Nodules in Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Authors: N. D'Amico, E. Grossi, B. Colombo, F. Rigiroli, M. Buscema, D. Fazzini, G. Cornalba, S. Papa


Purpose: To characterize, through a radiomic approach, the nature of nodules considered non-specific by expert radiologists, recognized in magnetic resonance mammography (MRm) with T1-weighted (T1w) sequences with paramagnetic contrast. Material and Methods: 47 cases out of 1200 undergoing MRm, in which the MRm assessment gave uncertain classification (non-specific nodules), were admitted to the study. The clinical outcome of the non-specific nodules was later found through follow-up or further exams (biopsy), finding 35 benign and 12 malignant. All MR Images were acquired at 1.5T, a first basal T1w sequence and then four T1w acquisitions after the paramagnetic contrast injection. After a manual segmentation of the lesions, done by a radiologist, and the extraction of 150 radiomic features (30 features per 5 subsequent times) a machine learning (ML) approach was used. An evolutionary algorithm (TWIST system based on KNN algorithm) was used to subdivide the dataset into training and validation test and to select features yielding the maximal amount of information. After this pre-processing, different machine learning systems were applied to develop a predictive model based on a training-testing crossover procedure. 10 cases with a benign nodule (follow-up older than 5 years) and 18 with an evident malignant tumor (clear malignant histological exam) were added to the dataset in order to allow the ML system to better learn from data. Results: NaiveBayes algorithm working on 79 features selected by a TWIST system, resulted to be the best performing ML system with a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 78% and a global accuracy of 87% (average values of two training-testing procedures ab-ba). The results showed that in the subset of 47 non-specific nodules, the algorithm predicted the outcome of 45 nodules which an expert radiologist could not identify. Conclusion: In this pilot study we identified a radiomic approach allowing ML systems to perform well in the diagnosis of a non-specific nodule at MR mammography. This algorithm could be a great support for the early diagnosis of malignant breast tumor, in the event the radiologist is not able to identify the kind of lesion and reduces the necessity for long follow-up. Clinical Relevance: This machine learning algorithm could be essential to support the radiologist in early diagnosis of non-specific nodules, in order to avoid strenuous follow-up and painful biopsy for the patient.

Keywords: breast, machine learning, MRI, radiomics

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2260 Sustainable Development of Adsorption Solar Cooling Machine

Authors: N. Allouache, W. Elgahri, A. Gahfif, M. Belmedani


Solar radiation is by far the largest and the most world’s abundant, clean and permanent energy source. The amount of solar radiation intercepted by the Earth is much higher than annual global energy use. The energy available from the sun is greater than about 5200 times the global world’s need in 2006. In recent years, many promising technologies have been developed to harness the sun's energy. These technologies help in environmental protection, economizing energy, and sustainable development, which are the major issues of the world in the 21st century. One of these important technologies is the solar cooling systems that make use of either absorption or adsorption technologies. The solar adsorption cooling systems are a good alternative since they operate with environmentally benign refrigerants that are natural, free from CFCs, and therefore they have a zero ozone depleting potential (ODP). A numerical analysis of thermal and solar performances of an adsorption solar refrigerating system using different adsorbent/adsorbate pairs, such as activated carbon AC35 and activated carbon BPL/Ammoniac; is undertaken in this study. The modeling of the adsorption cooling machine requires the resolution of the equation describing the energy and mass transfer in the tubular adsorber, that is the most important component of the machine. The Wilson and Dubinin- Astakhov models of the solid-adsorbat equilibrium are used to calculate the adsorbed quantity. The porous medium is contained in the annular space, and the adsorber is heated by solar energy. Effect of key parameters on the adsorbed quantity and on the thermal and solar performances are analysed and discussed. The performances of the system that depends on the incident global irradiance during a whole day depends on the weather conditions: the condenser temperature and the evaporator temperature. The AC35/methanol pair is the best pair comparing to the BPL/Ammoniac in terms of system performances.

Keywords: activated carbon-methanol pair, activated carbon-ammoniac pair, adsorption, performance coefficients, numerical analysis, solar cooling system

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2259 Integrating Machine Learning and Rule-Based Decision Models for Enhanced B2B Sales Forecasting and Customer Prioritization

Authors: Wenqi Liu, Reginald Bailey


This study proposes a comprehensive and effective approach to business-to-business (B2B) sales forecasting by integrating advanced machine learning models with a rule-based decision-making framework. The methodology addresses the critical challenge of optimizing sales pipeline performance and improving conversion rates through predictive analytics and actionable insights. The first component involves developing a classification model to predict the likelihood of conversion, aiming to outperform traditional methods such as logistic regression in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Feature importance analysis highlights key predictive factors, such as client revenue size and sales velocity, providing valuable insights into conversion dynamics. The second component focuses on forecasting sales value using a regression model, designed to achieve superior performance compared to linear regression by minimizing mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), and maximizing R-squared metrics. The regression analysis identifies primary drivers of sales value, further informing data-driven strategies. To bridge the gap between predictive modeling and actionable outcomes, a rule-based decision framework is introduced. This model categorizes leads into high, medium, and low priorities based on thresholds for conversion probability and predicted sales value. By combining classification and regression outputs, this framework enables sales teams to allocate resources effectively, focus on high-value opportunities, and streamline lead management processes. The integrated approach significantly enhances lead prioritization, increases conversion rates, and drives revenue generation, offering a robust solution to the declining pipeline conversion rates faced by many B2B organizations. Our findings demonstrate the practical benefits of blending machine learning with decision-making frameworks, providing a scalable, data-driven solution for strategic sales optimization. This study underscores the potential of predictive analytics to transform B2B sales operations, enabling more informed decision-making and improved organizational outcomes in competitive markets.

Keywords: machine learning, XGBoost, regression, decision making framework, system engineering

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2258 Developing Early Intervention Tools: Predicting Academic Dishonesty in University Students Using Psychological Traits and Machine Learning

Authors: Pinzhe Zhao


This study focuses on predicting university students' cheating tendencies using psychological traits and machine learning techniques. Academic dishonesty is a significant issue that compromises the integrity and fairness of educational institutions. While much research has been dedicated to detecting cheating behaviors after they have occurred, there is limited work on predicting such tendencies before they manifest. The aim of this research is to develop a model that can identify students who are at higher risk of engaging in academic misconduct, allowing for earlier interventions to prevent such behavior. Psychological factors are known to influence students' likelihood of cheating. Research shows that traits such as test anxiety, moral reasoning, self-efficacy, and achievement motivation are strongly linked to academic dishonesty. High levels of anxiety may lead students to cheat as a way to cope with pressure. Those with lower self-efficacy are less confident in their academic abilities, which can push them toward dishonest behaviors to secure better outcomes. Students with weaker moral judgment may also justify cheating more easily, believing it to be less wrong under certain conditions. Achievement motivation also plays a role, as students driven primarily by external rewards, such as grades, are more likely to cheat compared to those motivated by intrinsic learning goals. In this study, data on students’ psychological traits is collected through validated assessments, including scales for anxiety, moral reasoning, self-efficacy, and motivation. Additional data on academic performance, attendance, and engagement in class are also gathered to create a more comprehensive profile. Using machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, the research builds models that can predict students’ cheating tendencies. These models are trained and evaluated using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores to ensure they provide reliable predictions. The findings demonstrate that combining psychological traits with machine learning provides a powerful method for identifying students at risk of cheating. This approach allows for early detection and intervention, enabling educational institutions to take proactive steps in promoting academic integrity. The predictive model can be used to inform targeted interventions, such as counseling for students with high test anxiety or workshops aimed at strengthening moral reasoning. By addressing the underlying factors that contribute to cheating behavior, educational institutions can reduce the occurrence of academic dishonesty and foster a culture of integrity. In conclusion, this research contributes to the growing body of literature on predictive analytics in education. It offers a approach by integrating psychological assessments with machine learning to predict cheating tendencies. This method has the potential to significantly improve how academic institutions address academic dishonesty, shifting the focus from punishment after the fact to prevention before it occurs. By identifying high-risk students and providing them with the necessary support, educators can help maintain the fairness and integrity of the academic environment.

Keywords: academic dishonesty, cheating prediction, intervention strategies, machine learning, psychological traits, academic integrity

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2257 Comparative Analysis of Change in Vegetation in Four Districts of Punjab through Satellite Imagery, Land Use Statistics and Machine Learning

Authors: Mirza Waseem Abbas, Syed Danish Raza


For many countries agriculture is still the major force driving the economy and a critically important socioeconomic sector, despite exceptional industrial development across the globe. In countries like Pakistan, this sector is considered the backbone of the economy, and most of the economic decision making revolves around agricultural outputs and data. Timely and accurate facts and figures about this vital sector hold immense significance and have serious implications for the long-term development of the economy. Therefore, any significant improvements in the statistics and other forms of data regarding agriculture sector are considered important by all policymakers. This is especially true for decision making for the betterment of crops and the agriculture sector in general. Provincial and federal agricultural departments collect data for all cash and non-cash crops and the sector, in general, every year. Traditional data collection for such a large sector i.e. agriculture, being time-consuming, prone to human error and labor-intensive, is slowly but gradually being replaced by remote sensing techniques. For this study, remotely sensed data were used for change detection (machine learning, supervised & unsupervised classification) to assess the increase or decrease in area under agriculture over the last fifteen years due to urbanization. Detailed Landsat Images for the selected agricultural districts were acquired for the year 2000 and compared to images of the same area acquired for the year 2016. Observed differences validated through detailed analysis of the areas show that there was a considerable decrease in vegetation during the last fifteen years in four major agricultural districts of the Punjab province due to urbanization (housing societies).

Keywords: change detection, area estimation, machine learning, urbanization, remote sensing

Procedia PDF Downloads 251
2256 Short Text Classification for Saudi Tweets

Authors: Asma A. Alsufyani, Maram A. Alharthi, Maha J. Althobaiti, Manal S. Alharthi, Huda Rizq


Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging sites that allows users to publish short text messages called 'tweets'. Increasing the number of accounts to follow (followings) increases the number of tweets that will be displayed from different topics in an unclassified manner in the timeline of the user. Therefore, it can be a vital solution for many Twitter users to have their tweets in a timeline classified into general categories to save the user’s time and to provide easy and quick access to tweets based on topics. In this paper, we developed a classifier for timeline tweets trained on a dataset consisting of 3600 tweets in total, which were collected from Saudi Twitter and annotated manually. We experimented with the well-known Bag-of-Words approach to text classification, and we used support vector machines (SVM) in the training process. The trained classifier performed well on a test dataset, with an average F1-measure equal to 92.3%. The classifier has been integrated into an application, which practically proved the classifier’s ability to classify timeline tweets of the user.

Keywords: corpus creation, feature extraction, machine learning, short text classification, social media, support vector machine, Twitter

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2255 Isolation and Classification of Red Blood Cells in Anemic Microscopic Images

Authors: Jameela Ali Alkrimi, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Azizah Suliman, Loay E. George


Red blood cells (RBCs) are among the most commonly and intensively studied type of blood cells in cell biology. The lack of RBCs is a condition characterized by lower than normal hemoglobin level; this condition is referred to as 'anemia'. In this study, a software was developed to isolate RBCs by using a machine learning approach to classify anemic RBCs in microscopic images. Several features of RBCs were extracted using image processing algorithms, including principal component analysis (PCA). With the proposed method, RBCs were isolated in 34 second from an image containing 18 to 27 cells. We also proposed that PCA could be performed to increase the speed and efficiency of classification. Our classifier algorithm yielded accuracy rates of 100%, 99.99%, and 96.50% for K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) algorithm, support vector machine (SVM), and neural network ANN, respectively. Classification was evaluated in highly sensitivity, specificity, and kappa statistical parameters. In conclusion, the classification results were obtained for a short time period with more efficient when PCA was used.

Keywords: red blood cells, pre-processing image algorithms, classification algorithms, principal component analysis PCA, confusion matrix, kappa statistical parameters, ROC

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2254 Critique of the City-Machine: Dismantling the Scientific Socialist Utopia of Soviet Territorialization

Authors: Rachel P. Vasconcellos


The Russian constructivism is usually enshrined in history as another ''modernist ism'', that is, as an artistic phenomenon related to the early twentieth century‘s zeitgeist. What we aim in this essay is to analyze the constructivist movement not over the Art History field neither through the aesthetic debate, but through a geographical critical theory, taking the main idea of construction in the concrete sense of production of space. Seen from the perspective of the critique of space, the constructivist production is presented as a plan of totality, designed as socialist society‘s spatiality, contemplating and articulating all its scalar levels: the objects of everyday life, the building, the city and the territory. The constructivist avant-garde manifests a geographical ideology, launching the foundation‘s basis of modern planning ideology. Taken in its political sense, the artistic avant-garde of the Russian Revolution intended to anticipate the forms of a social future already put in progress: their plastic research pointed to new formal expressions to revolutionary contents. With the foundation of new institutions under a new State, it was given to the specialized labor of artists, architects, and planners the task of designing the socialist society, based on the thesis of scientific socialism. Their projects were developed under the politico-economics imperatives to the Soviet modernization – that is: the structural needs of industrialization and inclusion of all people in the productive work universe. This context shapes the creative atmosphere of the constructivist avant-garde, which uses the methods of engineering to the transform everyday life. Architecture, urban planning, and state planning integrated must then operate as spatial arrangement morphologically able to produce socialist life. But due to the intrinsic contradictions of the process, the rational and geometric aesthetic of the City-Machine appears, finally, as an image of a scientific socialist utopia.

Keywords: city-machine, critique of space, production of space, soviet territorialization

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2253 Predicting Provider Service Time in Outpatient Clinics Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Models

Authors: Haya Salah, Srinivas Sharan


Healthcare facilities use appointment systems to schedule their appointments and to manage access to their medical services. With the growing demand for outpatient care, it is now imperative to manage physician's time effectively. However, high variation in consultation duration affects the clinical scheduler's ability to estimate the appointment duration and allocate provider time appropriately. Underestimating consultation times can lead to physician's burnout, misdiagnosis, and patient dissatisfaction. On the other hand, appointment durations that are longer than required lead to doctor idle time and fewer patient visits. Therefore, a good estimation of consultation duration has the potential to improve timely access to care, resource utilization, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. Although the literature on factors influencing consultation length abound, little work has done to predict it using based data-driven approaches. Therefore, this study aims to predict consultation duration using supervised machine learning algorithms (ML), which predicts an outcome variable (e.g., consultation) based on potential features that influence the outcome. In particular, ML algorithms learn from a historical dataset without explicitly being programmed and uncover the relationship between the features and outcome variable. A subset of the data used in this study has been obtained from the electronic medical records (EMR) of four different outpatient clinics located in central Pennsylvania, USA. Also, publicly available information on doctor's characteristics such as gender and experience has been extracted from online sources. This research develops three popular ML algorithms (deep learning, random forest, gradient boosting machine) to predict the treatment time required for a patient and conducts a comparative analysis of these algorithms with respect to predictive performance. The findings of this study indicate that ML algorithms have the potential to predict the provider service time with superior accuracy. While the current approach of experience-based appointment duration estimation adopted by the clinic resulted in a mean absolute percentage error of 25.8%, the Deep learning algorithm developed in this study yielded the best performance with a MAPE of 12.24%, followed by gradient boosting machine (13.26%) and random forests (14.71%). Besides, this research also identified the critical variables affecting consultation duration to be patient type (new vs. established), doctor's experience, zip code, appointment day, and doctor's specialty. Moreover, several practical insights are obtained based on the comparative analysis of the ML algorithms. The machine learning approach presented in this study can serve as a decision support tool and could be integrated into the appointment system for effectively managing patient scheduling.

Keywords: clinical decision support system, machine learning algorithms, patient scheduling, prediction models, provider service time

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2252 Performants: A Digital Event Manager-Organizer

Authors: Ioannis Andrianakis, Manolis Falelakis, Maria Pavlidou, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Ermioni Avramidou, Dimitrios Kalogiannis, Nikolaos Milios, Katerina Bountakidou, Kiriakos Chatzidimitriou, Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos


Artistic events, such as concerts and performances, are challenging to organize because they involve many people with different skill sets. Small and medium venues often struggle to afford the costs and overheads of booking and hosting remote artists, especially if they lack sponsors or subsidies. This limits the opportunities for both venues and artists, especially those outside of big cities. However, more and more research shows that audiences prefer smaller-scale events and concerts, which benefit local economies and communities. To address this challenge, our project “PerformAnts: Digital Event Manager-Organizer” aims to develop a smart digital tool that automates and optimizes the processes and costs of live shows and tours. By using machine learning, applying best practices and training users through workshops, our platform offers a comprehensive solution for a growing market, enhances the mobility of artists and the accessibility of venues and allows professionals to focus on the creative aspects of concert production.

Keywords: event organization, creative industries, event promotion, machine learning

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2251 SVM-RBN Model with Attentive Feature Culling Method for Early Detection of Fruit Plant Diseases

Authors: Piyush Sharma, Devi Prasad Sharma, Sulabh Bansal


Diseases are fairly common in fruits and vegetables because of the changing climatic and environmental circumstances. Crop diseases, which are frequently difficult to control, interfere with the growth and output of the crops. Accurate disease detection and timely disease control measures are required to guarantee high production standards and good quality. In India, apples are a common crop that may be afflicted by a variety of diseases on the fruit, stem, and leaves. It is fungi, bacteria, and viruses that trigger the early symptoms of leaf diseases. In order to assist farmers and take the appropriate action, it is important to develop an automated system that can be used to detect the type of illnesses. Machine learning-based image processing can be used to: this research suggested a system that can automatically identify diseases in apple fruit and apple plants. Hence, this research utilizes the hybrid SVM-RBN model. As a consequence, the model may produce results that are more effective in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 Score, with respective values of 96%, 99%, 94%, and 93%.

Keywords: fruit plant disease, crop disease, machine learning, image processing, SVM-RBN

Procedia PDF Downloads 65
2250 Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning: A Survey

Authors: Edemealem Desalegn Kingawa, Kafte Tasew Timkete, Mekashaw Girmaw Abebe, Terefe Feyisa, Abiyot Bitew Mihretie, Senait Teklemarkos Haile


Currently, hate speech is a growing challenge for society, individuals, policymakers, and researchers, as social media platforms make it easy to anonymously create and grow online friends and followers and provide an online forum for debate about specific issues of community life, culture, politics, and others. Despite this, research on identifying and detecting hate speech is not satisfactory performance, and this is why future research on this issue is constantly called for. This paper provides a systematic review of the literature in this field, with a focus on approaches like word embedding techniques, machine learning, deep learning technologies, hate speech terminology, and other state-of-the-art technologies with challenges. In this paper, we have made a systematic review of the last six years of literature from Research Gate and Google Scholar. Furthermore, limitations, along with algorithm selection and use challenges, data collection, and cleaning challenges, and future research directions, are discussed in detail.

Keywords: Amharic hate speech, deep learning approach, hate speech detection review, Afaan Oromo hate speech detection

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2249 Thick Data Analytics for Learning Cataract Severity: A Triplet Loss Siamese Neural Network Model

Authors: Jinan Fiaidhi, Sabah Mohammed


Diagnosing cataract severity is an important factor in deciding to undertake surgery. It is usually conducted by an ophthalmologist or through taking a variety of fundus photography that needs to be examined by the ophthalmologist. This paper carries out an investigation using a Siamese neural net that can be trained with small anchor samples to score cataract severity. The model used in this paper is based on a triplet loss function that takes the ophthalmologist best experience in rating positive and negative anchors to a specific cataract scaling system. This approach that takes the heuristics of the ophthalmologist is generally called the thick data approach, which is a kind of machine learning approach that learn from a few shots. Clinical Relevance: The lens of the eye is mostly made up of water and proteins. A cataract occurs when these proteins at the eye lens start to clump together and block lights causing impair vision. This research aims at employing thick data machine learning techniques to rate the severity of the cataract using Siamese neural network.

Keywords: thick data analytics, siamese neural network, triplet-loss model, few shot learning

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2248 The Effects of Anapana Meditation Training Program Monitored by Skin Conductance and Temperature (SC/ST) Biofeedback on Stress in Bachelor’s Degree Students

Authors: Ormanee Patarathipakorn


Background: Stress was the major psychological problem that affecting to physical and mental health among undergraduate students. Aim of study was to determine the effective of meditation training program (MTP) for stress reduction measured by biofeedback (BB) machine. Material and Methods: This was quasi-experimental study conducted in Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Thailand. Study period was between August and December 2023. Participants were the first-year Dentistry students. MTP was concentration meditation (Anapana meditation). Stress measurement was evaluated by using Thai version perceived stress scale (T-PSS-10) was performed at one week before study, 14 and 18 weeks. Stress evaluation by biofeedback machine (skin conductance: SC and skin temperature: ST) were performed at one week before study, 4, 8, 14 and 18 weeks. Data from T-PSS-10 and SC/ST biofeedback were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 28 subjects were recruited. The mean age of participant was 18.4 years old. Two-thirds (19/28) was female. Stress reduction from MTP was detected since 4 and 8 weeks by STBB and SCBB, respectively. T-PSS 10 scores before MTP, 14 and 18 weeks were 17.7± 5.4, 9.8 ± 3.1 and 8.4 ± 3.1 with statistical significance. Conclusion: Meditation training program could reduce stress and measured by skin conductance and temperature biofeedback.

Keywords: stress, meditation, biofeedback, student

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2247 T-S Fuzzy Modeling Based on Power Coefficient Limit Nonlinearity Applied to an Isolated Single Machine Load Frequency Deviation Control

Authors: R. S. Sheu, H. Usman, M. S. Lawal


Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model based control of a load frequency deviation in a single machine with limit nonlinearity on power coefficient is presented in the paper. Two T-S fuzzy rules with only rotor angle variable as input in the premise part, and linear state space models in the consequent part involving characteristic matrices determined from limits set on the power coefficient constant are formulated, state feedback control gains for closed loop control was determined from the formulated Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) with eigenvalue optimization scheme for asymptotic and exponential stability (speed of esponse). Numerical evaluation of the closed loop object was carried out in Matlab. Simulation results generated of both the open and closed loop system showed the effectiveness of the control scheme in maintaining load frequency stability.

Keywords: T-S fuzzy model, state feedback control, linear matrix inequality (LMI), frequency deviation control

Procedia PDF Downloads 398
2246 Revolutionizing Project Management: A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications for Smarter Project Execution

Authors: Wenzheng Fu, Yue Fu, Zhijiang Dong, Yujian Fu


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into project management is transforming how engineering projects are executed, monitored, and controlled. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of AI and ML applications in project management, systematically categorizing their use in key areas such as project data analytics, monitoring, tracking, scheduling, and reporting. As project management becomes increasingly data-driven, AI and ML offer powerful tools for improving decision-making, optimizing resource allocation, and predicting risks, leading to enhanced project outcomes. The review highlights recent research that demonstrates the ability of AI and ML to automate routine tasks, provide predictive insights, and support dynamic decision-making, which in turn increases project efficiency and reduces the likelihood of costly delays. This paper also examines the emerging trends and future opportunities in AI-driven project management, such as the growing emphasis on transparency, ethical governance, and data privacy concerns. The research suggests that AI and ML will continue to shape the future of project management by driving further automation and offering intelligent solutions for real-time project control. Additionally, the review underscores the need for ongoing innovation and the development of governance frameworks to ensure responsible AI deployment in project management. The significance of this review lies in its comprehensive analysis of AI and ML’s current contributions to project management, providing valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners. By offering a structured overview of AI applications across various project phases, this paper serves as a guide for the adoption of intelligent systems, helping organizations achieve greater efficiency, adaptability, and resilience in an increasingly complex project management landscape.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, decision support systems, machine learning, project management, resource optimization, risk prediction

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2245 The Classification of Parkinson Tremor and Essential Tremor Based on Frequency Alteration of Different Activities

Authors: Chusak Thanawattano, Roongroj Bhidayasiri


This paper proposes a novel feature set utilized for classifying the Parkinson tremor and essential tremor. Ten ET and ten PD subjects are asked to perform kinetic, postural and resting tests. The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is used to decompose collected tremor signal to a set of intrinsic mode functions (IMF). The IMFs are used for reconstructing representative signals. The feature set is composed of peak frequencies of IMFs and reconstructed signals. Hypothesize that the dominant frequency components of subjects with PD and ET change in different directions for different tests, difference of peak frequencies of IMFs and reconstructed signals of pairwise based tests (kinetic-resting, kinetic-postural and postural-resting) are considered as potential features. Sets of features are used to train and test by classifier including the quadratic discriminant classifier (QLC) and the support vector machine (SVM). The best accuracy, the best sensitivity and the best specificity are 90%, 87.5%, and 92.86%, respectively.

Keywords: tremor, Parkinson, essential tremor, empirical mode decomposition, quadratic discriminant, support vector machine, peak frequency, auto-regressive, spectrum estimation

Procedia PDF Downloads 443
2244 Deployment of Armed Soldiers in European Cities as a Source of Insecurity among Czech Population

Authors: Blanka Havlickova


In the last ten years, there are growing numbers of troops with machine guns serving on streets of European cities. We can see them around government buildings, major transport hubs, synagogues, galleries and main tourist landmarks. As the main purpose of armed soldier’s presence in European cities authorities declare the prevention of terrorist attacks and psychological support for tourists and domestic population. The main objective of the following study is to find out whether the deployment of armed soldiers in European cities has a calming and reassuring effect on Czech citizens (if the presence at armed soldiers make the Czech population feel more secure) or rather becomes a stress factor (the presence of soldiers standing guard in full military fatigues recalls serious criminality and terrorist attacks which are reflected in the fears and insecurity of Czech population). The initial hypothesis of this study is connected with the priming theory, the idea that when we are exposed to an image (armed soldier), it makes us unconsciously focus on a topic connected with this image (terrorism). This paper is based on a quantitative public survey, which was carried out in the form of electronic questioning among the citizens of the Czech Republic. Respondents answered 14 questions about two European cities – London and Paris. Besides general questions investigating the respondents' awareness of these cities, some of the questions focused on the fear that the respondents had when picturing themselves leaving next Monday for the given city (London or Paris). The questions asking about respondent´s travel fears and concerns were accompanied by different photos. When answering the question about fear some respondents have been presented with a photo of Westminster Palace and the Eiffel with ordinary citizens while other respondents have been presented with a picture of the Westminster Palace, the and Eiffel's tower not only with ordinary citizens, but also with one soldier holding a machine gun. The main goal of this paper is to analyse and compare data about concerns for these two groups of respondents (presented with different pictures) and find out if and how an armed soldier with a machine gun in front of the Westminster Palace or the Eiffel Tower affects the public's concerns about visiting the site. In other words, the aim of this paper is to confirm or rebut the hypothesis that the look at a soldier with a machine gun in front of the Eiffel Tower or the Westminster Palace automatically triggers the association with a terrorist attack leading to an increase in fear and insecurity among Czech population.

Keywords: terrorism, security measures, priming, risk perception

Procedia PDF Downloads 252
2243 Building Community through Discussion Forums in an Online Accelerated MLIS Program: Perspectives of Instructors and Students

Authors: Mary H Moen, Lauren H. Mandel


Creating a sense of community in online learning is important for student engagement and success. The integration of discussion forums within online learning environments presents an opportunity to explore how this computer mediated communications format can cultivate a sense of community among students in accelerated master’s degree programs. This research has two aims, to delve into the ways instructors utilize this communications technology to create community and to understand the feelings and experiences of graduate students participating in these forums in regard to its effectiveness in community building. This study is a two-phase approach encompassing qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The data will be collected at an online accelerated Master of Library and Information Studies program at a public university in the northeast of the United States. Phase 1 is a content analysis of the syllabi from all courses taught in the 2023 calendar year, which explores the format and rules governing discussion forum assignments. Four to six individual interviews of department faculty and part time faculty will also be conducted to illuminate their perceptions of the successes and challenges of their discussion forum activities. Phase 2 will be an online survey administered to students in the program during the 2023 calendar year. Quantitative data will be collected for statistical analysis, and short answer responses will be analyzed for themes. The survey is adapted from the Classroom Community Scale Short-Form (CSS-SF), which measures students' self-reported responses on their feelings of connectedness and learning. The prompts will contextualize the items from their experience in discussion forums during the program. Short answer responses on the challenges and successes of using discussion forums will be analyzed to gauge student perceptions and experiences using this type of communication technology in education. This research study is in progress. The authors anticipate that the findings will provide a comprehensive understanding of the varied approaches instructors use in discussion forums for community-building purposes in an accelerated MLIS program. They predict that the more varied, flexible, and consistent student uses of discussion forums are, the greater the sense of community students will report. Additionally, students’ and instructors’ perceptions and experiences within these forums will shed light on the successes and challenges faced, thereby offering valuable recommendations for enhancing online learning environments. The findings are significant because they can contribute actionable insights for instructors, educational institutions, and curriculum designers aiming to optimize the use of discussion forums in online accelerated graduate programs, ultimately fostering a richer and more engaging learning experience for students.

Keywords: accelerated online learning, discussion forums, LIS programs, sense of community, g

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2242 Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Social Media for Health Organizations

Authors: Ricky Leung


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have revolutionized the way health organizations approach social media. The sheer volume of data generated through social media can be overwhelming, but AI and ML can help organizations effectively manage this information to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities. One way AI can be used to enhance social media in health organizations is through sentiment analysis. This involves analyzing the emotions expressed in social media posts to better understand public opinion and respond accordingly. This can help organizations gauge the impact of their campaigns, track the spread of misinformation, and improve communication with the public. While social media is a useful tool, researchers and practitioners have expressed fear that it will be used for the spread of misinformation, which can have serious consequences for public health. Health organizations must work to ensure that AI systems are transparent, trustworthy, and unbiased so they can help minimize the spread of misinformation. In conclusion, AI and ML have the potential to greatly enhance the use of social media in health organizations. These technologies can help organizations effectively manage large amounts of data and understand stakeholders' sentiments. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential consequences and ensure that these systems are carefully designed to minimize the spread of misinformation.

Keywords: AI, ML, social media, health organizations

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2241 Structural Design Optimization of Reinforced Thin-Walled Vessels under External Pressure Using Simulation and Machine Learning Classification Algorithm

Authors: Lydia Novozhilova, Vladimir Urazhdin


An optimization problem for reinforced thin-walled vessels under uniform external pressure is considered. The conventional approaches to optimization generally start with pre-defined geometric parameters of the vessels, and then employ analytic or numeric calculations and/or experimental testing to verify functionality, such as stability under the projected conditions. The proposed approach consists of two steps. First, the feasibility domain will be identified in the multidimensional parameter space. Every point in the feasibility domain defines a design satisfying both geometric and functional constraints. Second, an objective function defined in this domain is formulated and optimized. The broader applicability of the suggested methodology is maximized by implementing the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification algorithm of machine learning for identification of the feasible design region. Training data for SVM classifier is obtained using the Simulation package of SOLIDWORKS®. Based on the data, the SVM algorithm produces a curvilinear boundary separating admissible and not admissible sets of design parameters with maximal margins. Then optimization of the vessel parameters in the feasibility domain is performed using the standard algorithms for the constrained optimization. As an example, optimization of a ring-stiffened closed cylindrical thin-walled vessel with semi-spherical caps under high external pressure is implemented. As a functional constraint, von Mises stress criterion is used but any other stability constraint admitting mathematical formulation can be incorporated into the proposed approach. Suggested methodology has a good potential for reducing design time for finding optimal parameters of thin-walled vessels under uniform external pressure.

Keywords: design parameters, feasibility domain, von Mises stress criterion, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier

Procedia PDF Downloads 328
2240 Organizational Innovations of the 20th Century as High Tech of the 21st: Evidence from Patent Data

Authors: Valery Yakubovich, Shuping wu


Organization theorists have long claimed that organizational innovations are nontechnological, in part because they are unpatentable. The claim rests on the assumption that organizational innovations are abstract ideas embodied in persons and contexts rather than in context-free practical tools. However, over the last three decades, organizational knowledge has been increasingly embodied in digital tools which, in principle, can be patented. To provide the first empirical evidence regarding the patentability of organizational innovations, we trained two machine learning algorithms to identify a population of 205,434 patent applications for organizational technologies (OrgTech) and, among them, 141,285 applications that use organizational innovations accumulated over the 20th century. Our event history analysis of the probability of patenting an OrgTech invention shows that ideas from organizational innovations decrease the probability of patent allowance unless they describe a practical tool. We conclude that the present-day digital transformation places organizational innovations in the realm of high tech and turns the debate about organizational technologies into the challenge of designing practical organizational tools that embody big ideas about organizing. We outline an agenda for patent-based research on OrgTech as an emerging phenomenon.

Keywords: organizational innovation, organizational technology, high tech, patents, machine learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 122