Search results for: higher education institutes
Commenced in January 2007
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Search results for: higher education institutes

15609 Transforming ESL Teaching and Learning with ICT

Authors: Helena Sit


Developing skills in using ICT in the language classroom has been discussed at all educational levels. Digital tools and learning management systems enable teachers to transform their instructional activities while giving learners the opportunity to engage with virtual communities. In the field of English as a second language (ESL) teaching and learning, the use of technology-enhanced learning and diverse pedagogical practices continues to grow. Whilst technology and multimodal learning is a way of the future for education, second language teachers now face the predicament as to whether implementing these newer ways of learning is, in fact, beneficial or disadvantageous to learners. Research has shown that integrating multimodality and technology can improve students’ engagement and participation in their English language learning. However, students can experience anxiety or misunderstanding when engaging with E-learning or digital-mediated learning. This paper aims to explore how ESL teaching and learning are transformed via the use of educational technology and what impact it has had on student teachers. Case study is employed in this research. The study reviews the growing presence of technology and multimodality in university language classrooms, discusses their impact on teachers’ pedagogical practices, and proposes scaffolding strategies to help design effective English language courses in the Australian education context. The study sheds light on how pedagogical integration today may offer a way forward for language teachers of tomorrow and provides implications to implement an evidence-informed approach that blends knowledge from research, practice and people experiencing the practice in the digital era.

Keywords: educational technology, ICT in higher education, curriculum design and innovation, teacher education, multiliteracies pedagogy

Procedia PDF Downloads 80
15608 Identification of Ice Hockey World Championship International Sports Event through Brand Personality

Authors: Eva Čáslavová, Andrej Višněvský


This research focused on the dimensions of brand personality of the Ice Hockey World Championship sporting event. The authors compared the elements in relation to different demographic groups including gender, age, level of education and student status of the population of Prague. Moreover, the differences of opinions of respondents who had experience of visiting a sports event and those who had not were assessed. In the research, the modified brand personality scale was used. This modified scale consists of five dimensions: responsibility, activity, toughness, individuality and emotionality, none of which was previously tested. The authors had an intentional sample of 291 respondents from Prague available, ranging in age from 18 years to 75 years, with either a high school or university education. The respondents rated the characteristic features in a seven-point Likert Scale and the data was collected in November 2012. The results suggest that the Ice Hockey World Championship is most identified with these dimensions: responsibility, emotionality and activity. Men had higher mean scores (4.93) on the Likert Scale in the emotionality dimension, while women had higher mean scores (4.91) in the activity dimension. Those respondents with experience visiting an Ice Hockey World Championship match had the highest mean score (5.10) in the emotionality dimension. This research had expected to show more pronounced mean values (above six) on the Likert scale in the emotionality and activity dimensions that more strongly characterize the brand personality of the Ice Hockey World Championship, however this expectation was not confirmed.

Keywords: dimensions, brand personality, ice hockey, international sports event, marketing

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15607 Special Education in a Virtual Environment

Authors: Anna K. Johnson


Technology can provide endless opportunities for students with special needs. Virtual learning, particularly virtual charter schools in the US, provides opportunities for students with special needs for alternative education besides Brick and Mortar schools. Virtual schools have proven to be successful in the way they are able to provide quality education for their students. Virtual schools, just like Brick and Mortar schools, are not for everybody. This research is designed to look at the effectiveness of online charter schools, so parents can make decisions based on data. This article explains what inclusion is and how inclusion is addressed in the virtual environment. Often, students with special needs have limited options for schooling, and new charter schools provide that alternative education for students who don’t fit in the local brick-and-mortar school.

Keywords: special education, virtual school, online, inclusion

Procedia PDF Downloads 169
15606 The Reasons and the Practical Benefits Behind the Motivation of Businesses to Participate in the Dual Education System (DLS)

Authors: Ainur Bulasheva


During the last decade, the dual learning system (DLS) has been actively introduced in various industries in Kazakhstan, including both vocational, post-secondary, and higher education levels. It is a relatively new practice-oriented approach to training qualified personnel in Kazakhstan, officially introduced in 2012. Dual learning was integrated from the German vocational education and training system, combining practical training with part-time work in production and training in an educational institution. The policy of DLS has increasingly focused on decreasing youth unemployment and the shortage of mid-level professionals by providing incentives for employers to involve in this system. By participating directly in the educational process, the enterprise strives to train its future personnel to meet fast-changing market demands. This study examines the effectiveness of DLS from the perspective of employers to understand the motivations of businesses to participate (invest) in this program. The human capital theory of Backer, which predicts that employers will invest in training their workers (in our case, dual students) when they expect that the return on investment will be greater than the cost - acts as a starting point. Further extensionists of this theory will be considered to understand investing intentions of businesses. By comparing perceptions of DLS employers and non-dual practices, this study determines the efficiency of promoted training approach for enterprises in the Kazakhstan agri-food industry.

Keywords: vocational and technical education, dualeducation, human capital theory, argi-food industry

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15605 These Ungodly Institutions: Christian Reconstruction, Vouchers and the Fight for American Ideals

Authors: James A. Bryant Jr


This article examines the far-reaching consequences of the mainstreaming of the Christian Dominionist philosophy on public schools all across the United States of America. Under the guise of “school choice,” and the ever-growing influence and legacy of its most vocal proponent, R.J. Rushdoony, the American right has declared an all-out war on public education, public schools, and the men and women who staff these institutions. For the purposes of this paper, the term “school choice” encompasses both the efforts to use public money to support private, religious education as well as the move to dramatically expand the number of children and youth who are home schooled. This article examines both the history and dangers of the homeschool movement and the vouchers-for-religious school's scheme, with particular attention to the philosophy and words of its most renowned advocate, the missionary Rousas John Rushdoony.

Keywords: history education, multicultural education, public education, Christian Dominionism

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15604 Investigation of Various Variabilities of Attitudes toward Teaching as a Profession Levels of Physical Education and Sports School Students

Authors: Turan Cetinkaya, Abdurrahman Kırtepe


The aim of this study is to determine the relation of the level attitudes toward teaching as a profession to various variables of the students in physical education and sports departments. 277 students who are studying at the departments of physical education and sports teaching, sports management and coaching in Ahi Evran University, College of Physical Education and Sports participated to the research. Personal information tool and teaching profession scale consisting 34 items were used as data collection tool in the research. Distribution, frequency, t test and anova test were used in comparison of the related data. As a result of statistical analysis, attitudes toward teaching as a profession levels do not differ according to gender, but significant differences were detected in the exercise regularly and department.

Keywords: teaching profession, attitude, physical education and sports students, university students

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15603 Using Scrum in an Online Smart Classroom Environment: A Case Study

Authors: Ye Wei, Sitalakshmi Venkatraman, Fahri Benli, Fiona Wahr


The present digital world poses many challenges to various stakeholders in the education sector. In particular, lecturers of higher education (HE) are faced with the problem of ensuring that students are able to achieve the required learning outcomes despite rapid changes taking place worldwide. Different strategies are adopted to retain student engagement and commitment in classrooms to address the differences in learning habits, preferences, and styles of the digital generation of students recently. Further, the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in online teaching being mandatory. These changes have compounded the problems in the learning engagement and short attention span of HE students. New agile methodologies that have been successfully employed to manage projects in different fields are gaining prominence in the education domain. In this paper, we present the application of Scrum as an agile methodology to enhance student learning and engagement in an online smart classroom environment. We demonstrate the use of our proposed approach using a case study to teach key topics in information technology that require students to gain technical and business-related data analytics skills.

Keywords: agile methodology, Scrum, online learning, smart classroom environment, student engagement, active learning

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15602 Measurement and Evaluation Patterns Practiced by Physical Education Teachers in North Badia in Jordan

Authors: Aman Kasawneh, Wasfi Khazalah, Abedalbasit Abedalhafiz


This study aimed to identify the patterns of measurement and evaluation practiced by physical education in the schools of North Badia in Jordan, as well as identifying the statistical differences according to gender, educational qualification, and the experience. The sample consisted of 118 physical education teachers 58 males and 60 females chosen randomly from the schools of North Badia in Jordan. The completed a questionnaire developed by the researchers after verifying its validity and reliability. The results indicated a clear weakness in the practice of measurement and evaluation patterns by physical education teachers. Also no significant differences were found between male and female teachers, however, significant differences were found between bachelor degree holders and their counter parts and between teachers with less than eight years of experience. The researchers recommended the necessity of preparing the P.E teachers regarding the patterns of measurement and evaluation within the sport field as one of the essentials for improving and developing physical education at schools.

Keywords: evaluation, measurement, evaluation, physical education teacher, Jordanian

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15601 Reframing the Teaching-Learning Framework in Health Sciences Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects

Authors: Raul G. Angeles, Rowena R. De Guzman


The future workforce for health in a globalized context highlights better health human resource planning. Health sciences students are challenged to develop skills needed for global migration. Advancing health sciences education is crucial in preparing them to overcome border challenges. The purpose of this mixed-method, two-part study was to determine the extent by which the current instructional planning and implementation (IPI) framework is reframed with teaching approaches that foster students' 21st-century skills development and to examine participants’ over-all insights on learner-centered teaching and learning (LCTL) particularly in health sciences classrooms. Participants were groups of teachers and students drawn from a national sample through the Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs). To the participants, the use of technology, practices driven by students’ interests and enriching learning experiences through project-based learning are the approaches that must be incorporated with great extent in IPI to encourage student engagement, active learning and collaboration. Participants were asked to detail their insights of learner-centered teaching and learning and using thematic content analysis parallel insights between the groups of participants lead to three emerging themes: opportunities, challenges and prospects. More contemporary understanding of LTCL in today’s health sciences classrooms were demonstrated by the participants. Armed with true understanding, educational leaders can provide interventions appropriate to the students’ level of need, teachers’ preparation and school’s readiness in terms of resources. Health sciences classrooms are innovated to meet the needs of the current and future students.

Keywords: globalization, health workforce, role of education, student-centered teaching and learning, technology in education

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15600 The Current Use of Cell Phone in Education

Authors: Elham A. Alsadoon, Hamadah B. Alsadoon


Educators try to design learning environments that are preferred by their students. With the wide-spread adoption of cell phones surpassing any other technology, educators should not fail to invest in the power of such technology. This study aimed to explore the current use of cell phones in education among Saudi students in Saudi universities and how students perceive such use. Data was collected from 237 students at King Saud University. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. A T-test for independent groups was used to examine whether there was a significant difference between males and females in their perception of using cell phones in education. Findings suggested that students have a positive attitude toward the use of cell phones in education. The most accepted use was for sending notification to students, which has already been experienced through the Twasel system provided by King Saud University. This electronic system allows instructors to easily send any SMS or email to their students. The use of cell phone applications came in the second rank of using cell phones in education. Students have already experienced the benefits of having these applications handy wherever they go. On the other hand, they did not perceive using cell phones for assessment as practical educational usage. No gender difference was detected in terms of students’ perceptions toward using cell phones in education.

Keywords: cell phone, mobile learning, educational sciences, education

Procedia PDF Downloads 415
15599 Mobile Learning and Student Engagement in English Language Teaching: The Case of First-Year Undergraduate Students at Ecole Normal Superieur, Algeria

Authors: I. Tiahi


The aim of the current paper is to explore educational practices in contemporary Algeria. Researches explain such practices bear traditional approach and the overlooks modern teaching methods such as mobile learning. That is why the research output of examining student engagement in respect of mobile learning was obtained from the following objectives: (1) To evaluate the current practice of English language teaching within Algerian higher education institutions, (2) To explore how social constructivism theory and m-learning help students’ engagement in the classroom and (3) To explore the feasibility and acceptability of m-learning amongst institutional leaders. The methodology underpins a case study and action research. For the case study, the researcher engaged with 6 teachers, 4 institutional leaders, and 30 students subjected for semi-structured interviews and classroom observations to explore the current teaching methods for English as a foreign language. For the action research, the researcher applied an intervention course to investigate the possibility and implications for future implementation of mobile learning in higher education institutions. The results were deployed using thematic analysis. The research outcome showed that the disengagement of students in English language learning has many aspects. As seen from the interviews from the teachers, the researcher found that they do not have enough resources except for using ppt for some teacher. According to them, the teaching method they are using is mostly communicative and competency-based approach. Teachers informed that students are disengaged because they have psychological barriers. In classroom setting, the students are conscious about social approval from the peer, and thus if they are to face negative reinforcement which would damage their image, it is seen as a preventive mechanism to be scared of committing mistakes. This was also very reflective in this finding. A lot of other arguments can be given for this claim; however, in Algerian setting, it is usual practice where teachers do not provide positive reinforcement which is open up students for possible learning. Thus, in order to overcome such a psychological barrier, proper measures can be taken. On a conclusive remark, it is evident that teachers, students, and institutional leaders provided positive feedback for using mobile learning. It is not only motivating but also engaging in learning processes. Apps such as Kahoot, Padlet and Slido were well received and thus can be taken further to examine its higher impact in Algerian context. Thus, in the future, it will be important to implement m-learning effectively in higher education to transform the current traditional practices into modern, innovative and active learning. Persuasion for this change for stakeholder may be challenging; however, its long-term benefits can be reflective from the current research paper.

Keywords: Algerian context, mobile learning, social constructivism, student engagement

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15598 The Impact of Using Microlearning to Enhance Students' Programming Skills and Learning Motivation

Authors: Ali Alqarni


This study aims to explore the impact of microlearning on the development of the programming skills as well as on the motivation for learning of first-year high schoolers in Jeddah. The sample consists of 78 students, distributed as 40 students in the control group, and 38 students in the treatment group. The quasi-experimental method, which is a type of quantitative method, was used in this study. In addition to the technological tools used to create and deliver the digital content, the study utilized two tools to collect the data: first, an observation card containing a list of programming skills, and second, a tool to measure the student's motivation for learning. The findings indicate that microlearning positively impacts programming skills and learning motivation for students. The study, then, recommends implementing and expanding the use of microlearning in educational contexts both in the general education level and the higher education level.

Keywords: educational technology, teaching strategies, online learning, microlearning

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15597 Incorporating Morality Standards in eLearning Process at INU

Authors: Khader Musbah Titi


In this era, traditional education systems do not meet the new challenges created by emerging technologies. On the other hand, eLearning offers all the necessary tools to meet these challenges. Using the Internet has brought numerous benefits to most educational institutions; it has also stretched traditional problems of plagiarism, cheating, stealing, vandalism, and spying into the cyberspace. This research discusses these issues in an eLearning environment. It attempts to provide suggestions and possible solutions to some of these issues. The main aim of this research is to conduct a survey at Irbid National University (INU), one of the oldest and biggest universities in Jordan, to study information related to moral and ethical issues in e-learning environment that affect the construction of the students’ characters in the future. The study will focus on student’s behavior and actions through the Internet using Learning Management System (LMS). Another aim of this research is to analyze the opinions of the instructors and last year students at INU about ethical behavior and interaction through LMS. The results show that educational institutes that use LMS should focus on student character development along with field knowledge. According to disadvantages, the results of the study showed that most of students behave unethically in their online activities (cheating, plagiarism, copy/paste etc.) while studying online courses through LMS. The result showed that instructors play a major role in the character development of students. The result also showed that academic institute must have variant mechanisms and strict policy in LMS to control unethical actions of students.

Keywords: LMS, cyber ethics, e-learning, IT ethics, students’ behaviors

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15596 Selecting Special Education as a Career: A Qualitative Study of Motivating Factors for Special Education Teachers

Authors: Jennifer Duffy, Liz Fleming


Teacher shortage in special education is an American educational problem. Due to the implementation of The No Child Left Behind Act (2001) and The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004), there has been an increase in the number of students requiring special education services. Consequently, there has been an influx to hire more special education teachers. However, the historic challenge of hiring certified special education teachers has been intensified with this the profession’s increasing demand of positions to fill. Efforts to improve recruitment and entry into the field must be informed by an understanding of the factors that initially inspire special education teachers to choose this career pathway. Hence, an understanding of reasons why teachers select special education as a profession is needed. The purpose of this study was to explore personal, academic, and professional motivations that lead to the selection of special education as a career choice. Using the grounded theory approach, this research investigation examined the factors that were most instrumental in influencing applicants to select special education as a career choice. Over one hundred de-identified graduate school applications to Bay Path University’s Graduate Special Education Programs from 2014- 2017 were qualitatively analyzed. Grounded coding was used to discover themes that emerged in applicants’ admissions essays explaining why he/she was pursuing a career in special education. The central themes that were most influential in applicants’ selection of special education as a career trajectory were (a) personal/familial connections to disability, (b) meaningful paraprofessional experiences working with disabled children, (c) aptitudes for teaching, and (d) finding personal rewards and professional fulfillment by advocating for vulnerable children. Implications from these findings include educating family members of children with disabilities about possible career tracks in special education, designing programs for paraprofessionals to become certified teachers, exposing prospective teacher candidates to the field of special education, and recruiting professionals from the human services field who seek to improve the quality of life and educational opportunities for children with special needs.

Keywords: career choice, professional pathways to teaching children with disabilities, special education, teacher recruitment

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15595 Role of Education in the Transference of Global Values

Authors: Baratali Monfarediraz


Humans’ identity is not only under the influence of a certain society or social structure but also it is influenced by an international identity. This article is a research on role of education in the manifestation of universally accepted values such as, advancement of science, improvement in the quality of education, preservation of the natural environment, preservation, and spread of peace, exchange of knowledge and technology, equal educational opportunities, benefiting from a universal morality and etc. Therefore, the relation between universal beliefs and values and educational approaches and programs is the first thing to pay attention to. Studies indicate that the first step in achieving the above mentioned goals is offering learning strategies. Therefore the importance of educational approaches and programs as a tool for the transference of ideas, experiences and thoughts becomes quite clear. Proper education gives everyone the opportunity of acquiring knowledge while creating tendency toward social activities paves the way for achieving the universal values.

Keywords: globalization, universal values, education, universal goal, values, society

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15594 Action Research through Drama in Education on Adolescents’ Career Self-Efficacy and Decision-Making Skills Development

Authors: Christina Zourna, Ioanna Papavassiliou-Alexiou


The purpose of this multi-phased action research PhD study in Greece was to investigate if and how Drama in Education (DiE) – used as an innovative group counselling method – may have positive effects on secondary education students’career self-efficacy and career decision-making skills development. Using both quantitative and qualitative research tools, high quality data were gathered at various stages of the research and were analysed through multivariate methods and open-source computer aided data analysis software such as R Studio, QualCoder, and SPSS packages. After a five-month-long educational intervention based on DiE method, it was found that 9th, 10th, and 11th gradersameliorated their self-efficacy and learned the process of making an informed career decision – through targeted information gathering about themselves and possible study paths – thus, developing career problem-solving and career management skills. Gender differences were non statistically important, while differences in grades showed a minor influence on some of the measured factorssuch as general career indecisiveness and self-evaluation. Students in the 11th grade scored significantly higher than younger students in the career self-efficacy scale and have stronger faith in their abilities e.g., choosing general over vocational school and major study orientation. The study has shown that DiE can be effective in group career guidance, especially concerning the pillars of self-awareness, self-efficacy, and career decision-making processes.

Keywords: career decision-making skills, career self-efficacy, CDDQ scale, CDMSE-SF scale, drama in education method

Procedia PDF Downloads 126
15593 Constructing Practices for Lifestyle Journalism Education

Authors: Lucia Vodanovic, Bryan Pirolli


The London College of Communication is one of the only universities in the world to offer a lifestyle journalism master’s degree. A hybrid originally constructed largely out of a generic journalism program crossed with numerous cultural studies approaches, the degree has developed into a leading lifestyle journalism education attracting students worldwide. This research project seeks to present a framework for structuring the degree as well as to understand how students in this emerging field of study value the program. While some researchers have addressed questions about journalism and higher education, none have looked specifically at the increasingly important genre of lifestyle journalism, which Folker Hanusch defines as including notions of consumerism and critique among other identifying traits. Lifestyle journalism, itself poorly researched by scholars, can relate to topics including travel, fitness, and entertainment, and as such, arguably a lifestyle journalism degree should prepare students to engage with these topics. This research uses the existing Masters of Arts and Lifestyle Journalism at the London College of Communications as a case study to examine the school’s approach. Furthering Hanusch’s original definition, this master’s program attempts to characterizes lifestyle journalism by a specific voice or approach, as reflected in the diversity of student’s final projects. This framework echoes the ethos and ideas of the university, which focuses on creativity, design, and experimentation. By analyzing the current degree as well as student feedback, this research aims to assist future educators in pursuing the often neglected field of lifestyle journalism. Through a discovery of the unique mix of practical coursework, theoretical lessons, and broad scope of student work presented in this degree program, researchers strive to develop a framework for lifestyle journalism education, referring to Mark Deuze’s ten questions for journalism education development. While Hanusch began the discussion to legitimize the study of lifestyle journalism, this project strives to go one step further and open up a discussion about teaching of lifestyle journalism at the university level.

Keywords: education, journalism, lifestyle, university

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15592 A Shared Space: A Pioneering Approach to Interprofessional Education in New Zealand

Authors: Maria L. Ulloa, Ruth M. Crawford, Stephanie Kelly, Joey Domdom


In recent decades health and social service delivery have become more collaborative and interdisciplinary. Emerging trends suggest the need for an integrative and interprofessional approach to meet the challenges faced by professionals navigating the complexities of health and social service practice environments. Terms such as multidisciplinary practice, interprofessional collaboration, interprofessional education and transprofessional practice have become the common language used across a range of social services and health providers in western democratic systems. In Aotearoa New Zealand, one example of an interprofessional collaborative approach to curriculum design and delivery in health and social service is the development of an innovative Masters of Professional Practice programme. This qualification is the result of a strategic partnership between two tertiary institutions – Whitireia New Zealand (NZ) and the Wellington Institute of Technology (Weltec) in Wellington. The Master of Professional Practice programme was designed and delivered from the perspective of a collaborative, interprofessional and relational approach. Teachers and students in the programme come from a diverse range of cultural, professional and personal backgrounds and are engaged in courses using a blended learning approach that incorporates the values and pedagogies of interprofessional education. Students are actively engaged in professional practice while undertaking the programme. This presentation describes the themes of exploratory qualitative formative observations of engagement in class and online, student assessments, student research projects, as well as qualitative interviews with the programme teaching staff. These formative findings reveal the development of critical practice skills around the common themes of the programme: research and evidence based practice, education, leadership, working with diversity and advancing critical reflection of professional identities and interprofessional practice. This presentation will provide evidence of enhanced learning experiences in higher education and learning in multi-disciplinary contexts.

Keywords: diversity, exploratory research, interprofessional education, professional identity

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15591 One of the Missing Pieces of Inclusive Education: Sexual Orientations

Authors: Sıla Uzkul


As a requirement of human rights and children's rights, the basic condition of inclusive education is that it covers all children. However, the reforms made in the context of education in Turkey and around the world include a limited level of inclusiveness. Generally, the inclusiveness mentioned is for individuals who need special education. Educational reforms superficially state that differences are tolerated, but these differences are extremely limited and often do not include sexual orientation. When we look at the education modules of the Ministry of National Education within the scope of inclusive education in Turkey, there are children with special needs, bilingual children, children exposed to violence, children under temporary protection, children affected by migration and terrorism, and children affected by natural disasters. No training modules or inclusion terms regarding sexual orientations could be found. This research aimed to understand the perspectives of research assistants working in the preschool education department regarding sexual orientations within the scope of inclusive education. Six research assistants working in the preschool teaching department at a public university in Ankara (Turkey) participated in this qualitative research study. Participants were determined by typical case sampling, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods. The data of this research was obtained through a "survey consisting of open-ended questions". Raw data from the surveys were analyzed and interpreted using the "content analysis technique" (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). During the data analysis process, the data from the participants were first numbered, then all the data were read, and content analysis was performed, and possible themes, categories, and codes were extracted. The opinions of the participants in the research regarding sexual orientations in inclusive education are presented under three main headings within the scope of the research questions. These are: (a) their views on inclusive education, (b) their views on sexual orientations (c) their views on sexual orientations in the preschool period.

Keywords: sexual orientation, inclusive education, child rights, preschool education

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15590 Including All Citizens Pathway (IACP): Transforming Post-Secondary Education Using Inclusion and Accessibility as Foundation

Authors: Fiona Whittington-Walsh


Including All Citizens Pathway (IACP) is addressing the systems wide discrimination that students with disabilities experience throughout the education system. IACP offers a wide, institutional support structure so that all students, including students with intellectual/developmental disabilities, are included and can succeed. The entire process from admissions, course selection, course instruction, graduation is designed to address systemic discrimination while supporting learners and faculty. The inclusive and accessible pedagogical model that is the foundation of IACP opens the doors of post-secondary education by making existing academic courses environments where all students can participate and succeed. IACP is about transforming teaching, not modifying, or adapting the curriculum or essential knowledge and skill sets that are required learning outcomes. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles are applied to instructional teaching strategies such as lectures, presentations, and assessment tools. Created in 2016 as a research pilot, IACP is one of the first fully inclusive for credit post-secondary options available. The pilot received numerous external and internal grants to support its initiative to investigate and assess the teaching strategies and techniques that support student learning of essential knowledge and skill sets. IACP pilot goals included: (1) provide a successful pilot as a model of inclusive and accessible pedagogy; (2) create a teacher’s guide to assist other instructors in transforming their teaching to reach a wide range of learners; (3) identify policy barriers located within the educational system; and (4) provide leadership and encouraging innovative and inclusive pedagogical practices. The pilot was a success and in 2020 the first cohort of students graduated with an exit credential that pre-exists IACP and consists of ten academic courses. The University has committed to continue IACP and has developed a sustainable model. Each new academic year a new cohort of IACP students starts their post-secondary educational journey, while two additional instructors are mentored with the pedagogy. The pedagogical foundation of IACP has far-reaching potential including, but not limited to, programs that offer services for international students whose first language is not English as well as influencing pedagogical reform in secondary and post-secondary education. IACP also supports universities in satisfying educational standards that are or will be included in accessibility/disability legislation. This session will present information about IACP, share examples of systems transformation, hear from students and instructors, and provide participatory experiential activities that demonstrate the transformative techniques. We will be drawing from the experiences of a recent course that explored research documenting the lived experiences of students with disabilities in post-secondary institutes in B.C (Whittington-Walsh). Students created theatrical scenes out of the data and presented it using Forum Theatre method. Forum Theatre was used to create conversations, challenge stereotypes, and build connections between ableism, disability justice, Indigeneity, and social policy.

Keywords: disability justice, inclusive education, pedagogical transformation, systems transformation

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15589 A Mixed-Method Study Exploring Expressive Writing as a Brief Intervention Targeting Mental Health and Wellbeing in Higher Education Students: A Focus on the Qualitative Findings

Authors: Deborah Bailey-Rodriguez, Maria Paula Valdivieso Rueda, Gemma Reynolds


In recent years, the mental health of Higher Education (HE) students has been a growing concern. This has been further exacerbated by the stresses associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, placing students at even greater risk of developing mental health issues. Support available to students in HE tends to follow an established and traditional route. The demands for counseling services have grown, not only with the increase in student numbers but with the number of students seeking support for mental health issues, with 94% of HE institutions recently reporting an increase in the need for counseling services. One way of improving the well-being and mental health of HE students is through the use of brief interventions, such as expressive writing (EW). This intervention involves encouraging individuals to write continuously for at least 15-20 minutes for three to five sessions (often on consecutive days) about their deepest thoughts and feelings to explore significant personal experiences in a meaningful way. Given the brevity, simplicity and cost-effectiveness of EW, this intervention has considerable potential as an intervention for HE populations. The current study, therefore, employed a mixed-methods design to explore the effectiveness of EW in reducing anxiety, general stress, academic stress and depression in HE students while improving well-being. HE students at MDX were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (1) The UniExp-EW group was required to write about their emotions and thoughts about any stressors they have faced that are directly relevant to their university experience (2) The NonUniExp-EW group was required to write about their emotions and thoughts about any stressors that are NOT directly relevant to their university experience, and (3) The Control group were required to write about how they spent their weekend, with no reference to thoughts or emotions, and without thinking about university. Participants were required to carry out the EW intervention for 15 minutes per day for four consecutive days. Baseline mental health and well-being measures were taken before the intervention via a battery of standardized questionnaires. Following completion of the intervention on day four, participants were required to complete the questionnaires a second time and again one week later. Participants were also invited to attend focus groups to discuss their experience of the intervention. This will allow an in-depth investigation into students’ perceptions of EW as an effective intervention to determine whether they would choose to use this intervention in the future. Preliminary findings will be discussed at the conference as well as a discussion of the important implications of the findings. The study is fundamental because if EW is an effective intervention for improving mental health and well-being in HE students, its brevity and simplicity mean it can be easily implemented and can be freely available to students. Improving the mental health and well-being of HE students can have knock-on implications for improving academic skills and career development.

Keywords: expressive writing, higher education, psychology in education, mixed-methods, mental health, academic stress

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15588 Students’ and Clinical Supervisors’ Experiences of Occupational Therapy Practice Education: A Structured Critical Review

Authors: Hamad Alhamad, Catriona Khamisha, Emma Green, Yvonne Robb


Introduction: Practice education is a key component of occupational therapy education. This critical review aimed to explore students’ and clinical supervisors’ experiences of practice education, and to make recommendations for research. Method: The literature was systematically searched using five databases. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies were included. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist for qualitative studies and Mixed Methods Assessment Tool for quantitative and mixed methods studies were used to assess study quality. Findings: Twenty-two studies with high quality scores were included: 16 qualitative, 3 quantitative and 3 mixed methods. Studies were conducted in Australia, Canada, USA and UK. During practice education, students learned professional skills, practical skills, clinical skills and problem-solving skills, and improved confidence and creativity. Supervisors had an opportunity to reflect on their practice and get experience of supervising students. However, clear objectives and expectations for students, and sufficient theoretical knowledge, preparation and resources for supervisors were required. Conclusion: Practice education provides different skills and experiences, necessary to become competent professionals; but some areas of practice education need to improve. Studies in non-western countries are needed to explore the perspectives of students and clinical supervisors in different cultures, to ensure the practice education models adopted are relevant.

Keywords: occupational therapy, practice education, fieldwork, students, clinical supervisors

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15587 School Funding Methods and Egalitarianism

Authors: Mathew Hoyes


This paper is a collation of data, studies and anecdotes on the way education is funded in New Zealand, the ideals which have lead to this method, as well as the issues it has created when combined with other factors and government policy on education over the last two decades. The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical perspective of this situation and to contribute to the global discussion of how to fund schools in an equitable manner, given that the world has become increasingly more globalised and the perception of widening gaps between the rich and the poor in the western world.

Keywords: education funding equity, egalitarianism, socio-economic, New Zealand colonialism

Procedia PDF Downloads 406
15586 Perceptions on Development of the Deaf in Higher Education Level: The Case of Special Education Students in Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines

Authors: Ashley Venerable, Rosario Tatlonghari


This study identified how college deaf students of Bartimaeus Center for Alternative Learning in Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines view development using visual communication techniques and generating themes from responses. Complete enumeration was employed. Guided by Constructivist Theory of Perception, past experiences and stored information influenced perception. These themes of development emerged: social development; pleasant environment; interpersonal relationships; availability of resources; employment; infrastructure development; values; and peace and security. Using the National Economic and Development Authority development indicators, findings showed the deaf students’ views on development were similar from the mainstream views. Responses also became more meaningful through visual communication techniques.

Keywords: deaf, development, perception, development indicators, visual communication

Procedia PDF Downloads 431
15585 The Use of Computer Simulation as Technological Education for Crisis Management Staff

Authors: Jiří Barta, Josef Krahulec, Jiří F. Urbánek


Education and practical training crisis management members are a topical issue nowadays. The paper deals with the perspectives and possibilities of ‘smart solutions’ to education for crisis management staff. Currently, there are a large number of simulation tools, which notes that they are suitable for practical training of crisis management staff. The first part of the paper is focused on the introduction of the technology simulation tools. The simulators aim is to create a realistic environment for the practical training of extending units of crisis staff. The second part of the paper concerns the possibilities of using the simulation technology to the education process. The aim of this section is to introduce the practical capabilities and potential of the simulation programs for practical training of crisis management staff.

Keywords: crisis management staff, computer simulation, software, technological education

Procedia PDF Downloads 355
15584 Generation of Research Ideas Through a Matrix in the Field of International Comparative Education

Authors: Saleh Alzahrani


The studies in the field of International Comparative Education in the Arabic world and the middle east are scarcity. However, some International Comparative Education Researchers and post graduates face a challenge concerning of a selection of a distinguished study to improve their national education system. It requires a considerable effort. According to that, the matrix of scientific research in comparative and international education is designed to help specialists, researchers and graduate students in generating a variety of research ideas in a short time in this field. The matrix is built by using content analysis method of comparative education research published in the Arab journals from 1980 to 2017. Then, qualitative input with the in-depth focus analysis tool is utilized according to the root theory. The matrix consists of two axes; vertical (X) and horizontal (Y). The number of fields in the vertical axis are 6 domains, including 105 variables. The horizontal axis is two fields which are pre-university education that incorporate educational stages and contemporary formulations including (23) variables. The second field is the university education in its public universities and contemporary formulas including (15) variables. The researcher can access topics, ideas and research points through the matrix of scientific research in comparative and international education by selecting of any subject on the vertical axis (X) from (1) to (105) and selecting of any subject on the horizontal axis (Y) from (B) to (U). The cell where the axes intersect with the chosen fields can generate an idea or a research point conveniently and easily through the words that have been monitored by the user. These steps can be repeated to generate new ideas and research points. Many graduate researchers have been trained on using of this matrix which gave them more potential to generate an appropriate study serving the national education.

Keywords: content analysis method, comparative education, international education, matrix, root theory

Procedia PDF Downloads 135
15583 Second Language Skill through M-Learning

Authors: Subramaniam Chandran, A. Geetha


This paper addresses three issues: how to prepare the instructional design for imparting English language skill from inter-disciplinary self-learning material; how the disadvantaged students are benefited from such kind of language skill imparted through m-learning; and how do m-learners perform better than the other learners. This paper examines these issues through an experimental study conducted among the distance learners enrolled in a preparatory program for bachelor’s degree. This program is designed for the disadvantaged learners especially for the school drop-outs to qualify to pursue graduate program through distant education. It also explains how mobile learning helps them to enhance their capacity in learning despite their rural background and other disadvantages. In India, nearly half of the students enrolled in schools do not complete their study. The pursuance of higher education is very low when compared with developed countries. This study finds a significant increase in their learning capacity and mobile learning seems to be a viable alternative where the conventional system could not reach the disadvantaged learners. Improving the English language skill is one of the reasons for such kind of performance. Exercises framed from the relevant self-learning material for enhancing English language skill not only improves language skill but also widens the subject-knowledge. This paper explains these issues out of the study conducted among the disadvantaged learners.

Keywords: English language skill, disadvantaged learners, distance education, m-learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 426
15582 Teachers’ Perception of the Implementation of Inclusive Creative Arts Education

Authors: William Kwabena Nantwi


This quantitative study investigates Creative Arts teachers' perceptions regarding the implementation of an Inclusive Creative Arts curriculum. The research employs a descriptive approach utilizing a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire comprising 15 items to gather data from Creative Arts educators. The Census with a disproportionate stratified sampling method was utilized to select 226 teachers from five educational circuits (Circuit A, B, C, D & E) within Offinso Municipality, Ghana. The findings indicate that most Creative Arts teachers hold a positive perception towards implementing an inclusive Creative Arts curriculum. Positive perceptions and attitudes among teachers are correlated with increased student engagement and participation in class activities. This study recommends organizing workshops and in-service training sessions focused on inclusive Creative Arts education for Creative Arts teachers. Additionally, it suggests that Colleges of Education and Universities responsible for teacher training integrate foundational courses in Creative Arts and Special Education into their primary education teacher preparation programs.

Keywords: perception, attitude, inclusive education, creative art, creative arts teachers, Ghana

Procedia PDF Downloads 31
15581 Integrating Life Skills Education for Mental Health and Academic Benefits of Adolescents in Schools in Schools

Authors: Sarwat Sultan, Muhammad Saleem, Frasat Kanwal


Adolescence is a transition period of life that brings physical and psychological changes and always results in several challenges for an adolescent. An adolescent must learn life skills for a healthy transition from adolescence period to adulthood. Therefore this study was planned to examine the effects of life skill education on adolescents' mental health and academic benefits. A random sample of 720 school students aged between 13-17 years was categorized into two groups; experimental (n=360) and control (n=360). Life skill education was given to the students of the intervention group with repeated assessments of mental health and academic benefits at pre-intervention (T1) and post-intervention (T2) for both groups. Both groups were compared on scores of mental health and academic benefits across two times T1 and T2 by employing a mixed between-within-subjects analysis of variance. Findings showed the main effect of time suggesting the largest changes in mental health and academic benefits over time. Interaction effects between time and both groups were also found significant indicating the largest changes across time between both groups. Results of between-group comparisons showed significant values for Wilks’ Lambda and partial eta squared for students of the intervention group who scored higher on mental health and academic benefits after receiving life skills training than the students of the control group. Results of the present study determined the efficacy of life skill education and have implications for both teachers and psychotherapists to improve the students’ mental health and academic performance.

Keywords: academic benefits, life skills, mental health, adolescents

Procedia PDF Downloads 56
15580 The Need for the Utilization of Instructional Materials on the Teaching and Learning of Agricultural Science Education in Developing Countries

Authors: Ogoh Andrew Enokela


This paper dwelt on the need for the utilization of instructional materials with highlights on the type of instructional materials, selection, uses and their importance on the learning and teaching of Agricultural Science Education in developing countries. It further discussed the concept of improvisation with some recommendation in terms of availability, utilization on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science Education.

Keywords: instructional materials, agricultural science education, improvisation, teaching and learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 324