Search results for: high speed railway
21006 Improving the Residence Time of a Rectangular Contact Tank by Varying the Geometry Using Numerical Modeling
Authors: Yamileth P. Herrera, Ronald R. Gutierrez, Carlos, Pacheco-Bustos
This research aims at the numerical modeling of a rectangular contact tank in order to improve the hydrodynamic behavior and the retention time of the water to be treated with the disinfecting agent. The methodology to be followed includes a hydraulic analysis of the tank to observe the fluid velocities, which will allow evidence of low-speed areas that may generate pathogenic agent incubation or high-velocity areas, which may decrease the optimal contact time between the disinfecting agent and the microorganisms to be eliminated. Based on the results of the numerical model, the efficiency of the tank under the geometric and hydraulic conditions considered will be analyzed. This would allow the performance of the tank to be improved before starting a construction process, thus avoiding unnecessary costs.Keywords: contact tank, numerical models, hydrodynamic modeling, residence time
Procedia PDF Downloads 16821005 Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Can Increase the Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings
Authors: Ghazal Mortazavi, S. M. J. Mortazavi
Electricians, power line engineers and power station workers, welders, aluminum reduction workers, MRI operators and railway workers are occupationally exposed to different levels of electromagnetic fields. Mercury is among the most toxic metals. Dental amalgam fillings cause significant exposure to elemental mercury vapour in the general population. Today, substantial evidence indicates that mercury even at low doses may lead to toxicity. Increased release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings after exposure to MRI or microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones has been previously shown by our team. Moreover, our recent studies on the effects of stronger magnetic fields entirely confirmed our previous findings. From the other point of view, we have also shown that papers which reported no increased release of mercury after MRI, may have some methodological flaws. Over the past several years, our lab has focused on the health effects of exposure of laboratory animals and humans to different sources of electromagnetic fields such as mobile phones and their base stations, mobile phone jammers, laptop computers, radars, dentistry cavitrons, and MRI. As a strong association between exposure to electromagnetic fields and mercury level has been found in our studies, our findings lead us to this conclusion that occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in workers with dental amalgam fillings can lead to elevated levels of mercury. Studies which reported that exposure to mercury can be a risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) due to the accumulation of amyloid beta protein (Aβ) in the brain and those reported that long-term occupational exposure to high levels of electromagnetic fields can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia in male workers support our concept and confirm the significant role of the occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in increasing the mercury level in workers with amalgam fillings.Keywords: occupational exposure, electromagnetic fields, workers, mercury release, dental amalgam, restorative dentistry
Procedia PDF Downloads 43421004 Effects of Extrusion Conditions on the Cooking Properties of Extruded Rice Vermicelli Using Twin-Screw Extrusion
Authors: Hasika Mith, Hassany Ly, Hengsim Phoung, Rathana Sovann, Pichmony Ek, Sokuntheary Theng
Rice is one of the most important crops used in the production of ready-to-cook (RTC) products such as rice vermicelli, noodles, rice paper, Banh Kanh, wine, snacks, and desserts. Meanwhile, extrusion is the most creative food processing method used for developing products with improved nutritional, functional, and sensory properties. This method authorizes process control such as mixing, cooking, and product shaping. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to produce rice vermicelli using a twin screw extruder, and the cooking properties of extruded rice vermicelli were investigated. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with Box-Behnken design was applied to optimize extrusion conditions in order to achieve the most desirable product characteristics. The feed moisture rate (30–35%), the barrel temperature (90–110°C), and the screw speed (200–400 rpm) all play a big role and have a significant impact on the water absorption index (WAI), cooking yield (CY), and cooking loss (CL) of extrudate rice vermicelli. Results showed that the WAI of the final extruded rice vermicelli ranged between 216.97% and 571.90%. The CY ranged from 147.94 to 203.19%, while the CL ranged from 8.55 to 25.54%. The findings indicated that at a low screw speed or low temperature, there are likely to be more unbroken polymer chains and more hydrophilic groups, which can bind more water and make WAI values higher. The extruded rice vermicelli's cooking yield value had altered considerably after processing under various conditions, proving that the screw speed had little effect on each extruded rice vermicelli's CY. The increase in barrel temperature tended to increase cooking yield and reduce cooking loss. In conclusion, the extrusion processing by a twin-screw extruder had a significant effect on the cooking quality of the rice vermicelli extrudate.Keywords: cooking loss, cooking quality, cooking yield, extruded rice vermicelli, twin-screw extruder, water absorption index
Procedia PDF Downloads 8321003 The Simple Two-Step Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Transferring Process for High Aspect Ratio Microstructures
Authors: Shaoxi Wang, Pouya Rezai
High aspect ratio is the necessary parts of complex microstructures. Some methods available to achieve high aspect ratio requires expensive materials or complex process; others is difficult to research simple high aspect ratio structures. The paper presents a simple and cheap two-step Polydimethylsioxane (PDMS) transferring process to get high aspect ratio single pillars, which only requires covering the PDMS mold with Brij@52 surface solution. The experimental results demonstrate the method efficiency and effective.Keywords: high aspect ratio, microstructure, PDMS, Brij
Procedia PDF Downloads 26521002 The Modeling and Effectiveness Evaluation for Vessel Evasion to Acoustic Homing Torpedo
Authors: Li Minghui, Min Shaorong, Zhang Jun
This paper aims for studying the operational efficiency of surface warship’s motorized evasion to acoustic homing torpedo. It orderly developed trajectory model, self-guide detection model, vessel evasion model, as well as anti-torpedo error model in three-dimensional space to make up for the deficiency of precious researches analyzing two-dimensionally confrontational models. Then, making use of the Monte Carlo method, it carried out the simulation for the confrontation process of evasion in the environment of MATLAB. At last, it quantitatively analyzed the main factors which determine vessel’s survival probability. The results show that evasion relative bearing and speed will affect vessel’s survival probability significantly. Thus, choosing appropriate evasion relative bearing and speed according to alarming range and alarming relative bearing for torpedo, improving alarming range and positioning accuracy and reducing the response time against torpedo will improve the vessel’s survival probability significantly.Keywords: acoustic homing torpedo, vessel evasion, monte carlo method, torpedo defense, vessel's survival probability
Procedia PDF Downloads 45621001 Ground Effect on Marine Midge Water Surface Locomotion
Authors: Chih-Hua Wu, Bang-Fuh Chen, Keryea Soong
Midges can move on the surface of the water at speeds of approximately 340 body-lengths/s and can move continuously for >90 min. Their wings periodically scull the sea surface to push water backward and thus generate thrust; their other body parts, including their three pairs of legs, touch the water only occasionally. The aim of this study was to investigate the locomotion mechanism of marine midges with a size of 2 mm and living in shallow reefs in Wanliton, southern Taiwan. We assumed that midges generate lift through two mechanisms: by sculling the surface of seawater to leverage the generated tension for thrust and by retracting their wings to generate aerodynamic lift at a suitable angle of attack. We performed computational fluid dynamic simulations to determine the mechanism of midge locomotion above the surface of the water. The simulations indicated that ground effects are essential and that both the midge trunk and wing tips must be very close to the water surface to produce sufficient lift to keep the midge airborne. Furthermore, a high wing-beat frequency is crucial for the midge to produce sufficient lift during wing retraction. Accordingly, ground effects, forward speed, and high wing-beat frequency are major factors influencing the ability of midges to generate sufficient lift and remain airborne above the water surface.Keywords: ground effect, water locomotion, CFD, aerodynamic lift
Procedia PDF Downloads 8321000 Aerodynamic Optimization of Oblique Biplane by Using Supercritical Airfoil
Authors: Asma Abdullah, Awais Khan, Reem Al-Ghumlasi, Pritam Kumari, Yasir Nawaz
Introduction: This study verified the potential applications of two Oblique Wing configurations that were initiated by the Germans Aerodynamicists during the WWII. Due to the end of the war, this project was not completed and in this research is targeting the revival of German Oblique biplane configuration. The research draws upon the use of two Oblique wings mounted on the top and bottom of the fuselage through a single pivot. The wings are capable of sweeping at different angles ranging from 0° at takeoff to 60° at cruising Altitude. The top wing, right half, behaves like a forward swept wing and the left half, behaves like a backward swept wing. Vice Versa applies to the lower wing. This opposite deflection of the top and lower wing cancel out the rotary moment created by each wing and the aircraft remains stable. Problem to better understand or solve: The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential of achieving improved aerodynamic performance and efficiency of flight at a wide range of sweep angles. This will help examine the most accurate value for the sweep angle at which the aircraft will possess both stability and better aerodynamics. Explaining the methods used: The Aircraft configuration is designed using Solidworks after which a series of Aerodynamic prediction are conducted, both in the subsonic and the supersonic flow regime. Computations are carried on Ansys Fluent. The results are then compared to theoretical and flight data of different Supersonic fighter aircraft of the same category (AD-1) and with the Wind tunnel testing model at subsonic speed. Results: At zero sweep angle, the aircraft has an excellent lift coefficient value with almost double that found for fighter jets. In acquiring of supersonic speed the sweep angle is increased to maximum 60 degrees depending on the mission profile. General findings: Oblique biplane can be the future fighter jet aircraft because of its high value performance in terms of aerodynamics, cost, structural design and weight.Keywords: biplane, oblique wing, sweep angle, supercritical airfoil
Procedia PDF Downloads 27820999 Flow Visualization around a Rotationally Oscillating Cylinder
Authors: Cemre Polat, Mustafa Soyler, Bulent Yaniktepe, Coskun Ozalp
In this study, it was aimed to control the flow actively by giving an oscillating rotational motion to a vertically placed cylinder, and flow characteristics were determined. In the study, firstly, the flow structure around the flat cylinder was investigated with dye experiments, and then the cylinders with different oscillation angles (θ = 60°, θ = 120°, and θ = 180°) and different rotation speeds (15 rpm and 30 rpm) the flow structure around it was examined. Thus, the effectiveness of oscillation and rotation speed in flow control has been investigated. In the dye experiments, the dye/water mixture obtained by mixing Rhodamine 6G in powder form with water, which shines under laser light and allows detailed observation of the flow structure, was used. During the experiments, the dye was injected into the flow with the help of a thin needle at a distance that would not affect the flow from the front of the cylinder. In dye experiments, 100 frames per second were taken with a Canon brand EOS M50 (24MP) digital mirrorless camera at a resolution of 1280 * 720 pixels. Then, the images taken were analyzed, and the pictures representing the flow structure for each experiment were obtained. As a result of the study, it was observed that no separation points were formed at 180° swing angle at 15 rpm speed, 120° and 180° swing angle at 30 rpm, and the flow was controlled according to the fixed cylinder.Keywords: active flow control, cylinder, flow visualization rotationally oscillating
Procedia PDF Downloads 17720998 High-Fidelity Materials Screening with a Multi-Fidelity Graph Neural Network and Semi-Supervised Learning
Authors: Akeel A. Shah, Tong Zhang
Computational approaches to learning the properties of materials are commonplace, motivated by the need to screen or design materials for a given application, e.g., semiconductors and energy storage. Experimental approaches can be both time consuming and costly. Unfortunately, computational approaches such as ab-initio electronic structure calculations and classical or ab-initio molecular dynamics are themselves can be too slow for the rapid evaluation of materials, often involving thousands to hundreds of thousands of candidates. Machine learning assisted approaches have been developed to overcome the time limitations of purely physics-based approaches. These approaches, on the other hand, require large volumes of data for training (hundreds of thousands on many standard data sets such as QM7b). This means that they are limited by how quickly such a large data set of physics-based simulations can be established. At high fidelity, such as configuration interaction, composite methods such as G4, and coupled cluster theory, gathering such a large data set can become infeasible, which can compromise the accuracy of the predictions - many applications require high accuracy, for example band structures and energy levels in semiconductor materials and the energetics of charge transfer in energy storage materials. In order to circumvent this problem, multi-fidelity approaches can be adopted, for example the Δ-ML method, which learns a high-fidelity output from a low-fidelity result such as Hartree-Fock or density functional theory (DFT). The general strategy is to learn a map between the low and high fidelity outputs, so that the high-fidelity output is obtained a simple sum of the physics-based low-fidelity and correction, Although this requires a low-fidelity calculation, it typically requires far fewer high-fidelity results to learn the correction map, and furthermore, the low-fidelity result, such as Hartree-Fock or semi-empirical ZINDO, is typically quick to obtain, For high-fidelity outputs the result can be an order of magnitude or more in speed up. In this work, a new multi-fidelity approach is developed, based on a graph convolutional network (GCN) combined with semi-supervised learning. The GCN allows for the material or molecule to be represented as a graph, which is known to improve accuracy, for example SchNet and MEGNET. The graph incorporates information regarding the numbers of, types and properties of atoms; the types of bonds; and bond angles. They key to the accuracy in multi-fidelity methods, however, is the incorporation of low-fidelity output to learn the high-fidelity equivalent, in this case by learning their difference. Semi-supervised learning is employed to allow for different numbers of low and high-fidelity training points, by using an additional GCN-based low-fidelity map to predict high fidelity outputs. It is shown on 4 different data sets that a significant (at least one order of magnitude) increase in accuracy is obtained, using one to two orders of magnitude fewer low and high fidelity training points. One of the data sets is developed in this work, pertaining to 1000 simulations of quinone molecules (up to 24 atoms) at 5 different levels of fidelity, furnishing the energy, dipole moment and HOMO/LUMO.Keywords: .materials screening, computational materials, machine learning, multi-fidelity, graph convolutional network, semi-supervised learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4220997 A Problem with IFOC and a New PWM Based 180 Degree Conduction Mode
Authors: Usman Nasir, Minxiao Han, S. M. R. Kazmi
Three phase inverters being used today are based on field orientation control (FOC) and sine wave PWM (SPWM) techniques because 120 degree or 180 degree conduction methods produce high value of THD (total harmonic distortion) in the power system. The indirect field orientation control (IFOC) method is difficult to implement in real systems due to speed sensor accuracy issue. This paper discusses the problem with IFOC and a PWM based 180 degree conduction mode for the three phase inverter. The modified control method improves THD and this paper also compares the results obtained using modified control method with the conventional 180 degree conduction mode.Keywords: three phase inverters, IFOC, THD, sine wave PWM (SPWM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 42820996 Design and Simulation of an Inter-Satellite Optical Wireless Communication System Using Diversity Techniques
Authors: Sridhar Rapuru, D. Mallikarjunreddy, Rajanarendra Sai
In this reign of the internet, the access of any multimedia file to the users at any time with a superior quality is needed. To achieve this goal, it is very important to have a good network without any interruptions between the satellites along with various earth stations. For that purpose, a high speed inter-satellite optical wireless communication system (IsOWC) is designed with space and polarization diversity techniques. IsOWC offers a high bandwidth, small size, less power requirement and affordable when compared with the present microwave satellite systems. To improve the efficiency and to reduce the propagation delay, inter-satellite link is established between the satellites. High accurate tracking systems are required to establish the reliable connection between the satellites as they have their own orbits. The only disadvantage of this IsOWC system is laser beam width is narrower than the RF because of this highly accurate tracking system to meet this requirement. The satellite uses the 'ephemerides data' for rough pointing and tracking system for fine pointing to the other satellite. In this proposed IsOWC system, laser light is used as a wireless connectedness between the source and destination and free space acts as the channel to carry the message. The proposed system will be designed, simulated and analyzed for 6000km with an improvement of data rate over previously existing systems. The performance parameters of the system are Q-factor, eye opening, bit error rate, etc., The proposed system for Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication System Design Using Diversity Techniques finds huge scope of applications in future generation communication purposes.Keywords: inter-satellite optical wireless system, space and polarization diversity techniques, line of sight, bit error rate, Q-factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 27020995 Effects of Elastic, Plyometric and Strength Training on Selected Anaerobic Factors in Sanandaj Elite Volleyball Players
Authors: Majed Zobairy, Fardin Kalvandi, Kamal Azizbaigi
This research was carried out for evaluation of elastic, plyometric and resistance training on selected anaerobic factors in men volleyball players. For these reason 30 elite volleyball players of Sanandaj city randomly divided into 3 groups as follow: elastic training, plyometric training and resistance training. Pre-exercise tests which include vertical jumping, 50 yard speed running and scat test were done and data were recorded. Specific exercise protocol regimen was done for each group and then post-exercise tests again were done. Data analysis showed that there were significant increases in exercise test in each group. One way ANOVA analysis showed that increases in speed records in elastic group were significantly higher than the other groups (p<0/05),based on research data it seems that elastic training can be a useful method and new approach in improving functional test and training regimen.Keywords: elastic training, plyometric training, strength training, anaerobic power
Procedia PDF Downloads 53020994 Vitamin B9 Separation by Synergic Pertraction
Authors: Blaga Alexandra Cristina, Kloetzer Lenuta, Bompa Amalia Stela, Galaction Anca Irina, Cascaval Dan
Vitamin B9 is an important member of vitamins B group, being a growth factor, important for making genetic material as DNA and RNA, red blood cells, for building muscle tissues, especially during periods of infancy, adolescence and pregnancy. Its production by biosynthesis is based on the high metabolic potential of mutant Bacillus subtilis, due to a superior biodisponibility compared to that obtained by chemical pathways. Pertraction, defined as the extraction and transport through liquid membranes consists in the transfer of a solute between two aqueous phases of different pH-values, phases that are separated by a solvent layer of various sizes. The pertraction efficiency and selectivity could be significantly enhanced by adding a carrier in the liquid membrane, such as organophosphoric compounds, long chain amines or crown-ethers etc., the separation process being called facilitated pertraction. The aim of the work is to determine the impact of the presence of two extractants/carriers in the bulk liquid membrane, i.e. di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and lauryltrialkylmetilamine (Amberlite LA2) on the transport kinetics of vitamin B9. The experiments have been carried out using two pertraction equipments for a free liquid membrane or bulk liquid membrane. One pertraction cell consists on a U-shaped glass pipe (used for the dichloromethane membrane) and the second one is an H-shaped glass pipe (used for h-heptane), having 45 mm inner diameter of the total volume of 450 mL, the volume of each compartment being of 150 mL. The aqueous solutions are independently mixed by means of double blade stirrers with 6 mm diameter and 3 mm height, having the rotation speed of 500 rpm. In order to reach high diffusional rates through the solvent layer, the organic phase has been mixed with a similar stirrer, at a similar rotation speed (500 rpm). The area of mass transfer surface, both for extraction and for reextraction, was of 1.59x10-³ m2. The study on facilitated pertraction with the mixture of two carriers, namely D2EHPA and Amberlite LA-2, dissolved in two solvents with different polarities: n-heptane and dichloromethane, indicated the possibility to obtain the synergic effect. The synergism has been analyzed by considering the vitamin initial and final mass flows, as well as the permeability factors through liquid membrane. The synergic effect has been observed at low D2EHPA concentrations and high Amberlite LA-2 concentrations, being more important for the low-polar solvent (n-heptane). The results suggest that the mechanism of synergic pertraction consists on the reaction between the organophosphoric carrier and vitamin B9 at the interface between the feed and membrane phases, while the aminic carrier enhances the hydrophobicity of this compound by solvation. However, the formation of this complex reduced the reextraction rate and, consequently, affects the synergism related to the final mass flows and permeability factor. For describing the influences of carriers concentrations on the synergistic coefficients, some equations have been proposed by taking into account the vitamin mass flows or permeability factors, with an average deviations between 4.85% and 10.73%.Keywords: pertraction, synergism, vitamin B9, Amberlite LA-2, di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid
Procedia PDF Downloads 27620993 From Wave-Powered Propulsion to Flight with Membrane Wings: Insights Powered by High-Fidelity Immersed Boundary Methods based FSI Simulations
Authors: Rajat Mittal, Jung Hee Seo, Jacob Turner, Harshal Raut
The perpetual advancement in computational capabilities, coupled with the continuous evolution of software tools and numerical algorithms, is creating novel avenues for research, exploration, and application at the nexus of computational fluid and structural mechanics. Fish leverage their remarkably flexible bodies and fins to harness energy from vortices, propelling themselves with an elegance and efficiency that captivates engineers. Bats fly with unparalleled agility and speed by using their flexible membrane wings. Wave-assisted propulsion (WAP) systems, utilizing elastically mounted hydrofoils, convert wave energy into thrust. Each of these problems involves a complex and elegant interplay between fluid dynamics and structural mechanics. Historically, investigations into such phenomena were constrained by available tools, but modern computational advancements now facilitate exploration of these multi-physics challenges with an unprecedented level of fidelity, precision, and realism. In this work, the author will discuss projects that harness the capabilities of high-fidelity sharp-interface immersed boundary methods to address a spectrum of engineering and biological challenges involving fluid-structure interaction.Keywords: immersed boundary methods, CFD, bioflight, fluid structure interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 7020992 Electrospray Deposition Technique of Dye Molecules in the Vacuum
Authors: Nouf Alharbi
The electrospray deposition technique became an important method that enables fragile, nonvolatile molecules to be deposited in situ in high vacuum environments. Furthermore, it is considered one of the ways to close the gap between basic surface science and molecular engineering, which represents a gradual change in the range of scientist research. Also, this paper talked about one of the most important techniques that have been developed and aimed for helping to further develop and characterize the electrospray by providing data collected using an image charge detection instrument. Image charge detection mass spectrometry (CDMS) is used to measure speed and charge distributions of the molecular ions. As well as, some data has been included using SIMION simulation to simulate the energies and masses of the molecular ions through the system in order to refine the mass-selection process.Keywords: charge, deposition, electrospray, image, ions, molecules, SIMION
Procedia PDF Downloads 13320991 Explanatory Variables for Crash Injury Risk Analysis
Authors: Guilhermina Torrao
An extensive number of studies have been conducted to determine the factors which influence crash injury risk (CIR); however, uncertainties inherent to selected variables have been neglected. A review of existing literature is required to not only obtain an overview of the variables and measures but also ascertain the implications when comparing studies without a systematic view of variable taxonomy. Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to examine and report on peer-reviewed studies in the field of crash analysis and to understand the implications of broad variations in variable selection in CIR analysis. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the variance in variable selection and classification when modeling injury risk involving occupants of light vehicles by presenting an analytical review of the literature. Based on data collected from 64 journal publications reported over the past 21 years, the analytical review discusses the variables selected by each study across an organized list of predictors for CIR analysis and provides a better understanding of the contribution of accident and vehicle factors to injuries acquired by occupants of light vehicles. A cross-comparison analysis demonstrates that almost half the studies (48%) did not consider vehicle design specifications (e.g., vehicle weight), whereas, for those that did, the vehicle age/model year was the most selected explanatory variable used by 41% of the literature studies. For those studies that included speed risk factor in their analyses, the majority (64%) used the legal speed limit data as a ‘proxy’ of vehicle speed at the moment of a crash, imposing limitations for CIR analysis and modeling. Despite the proven efficiency of airbags in minimizing injury impact following a crash, only 22% of studies included airbag deployment data. A major contribution of this study is to highlight the uncertainty linked to explanatory variable selection and identify opportunities for improvements when performing future studies in the field of road injuries.Keywords: crash, exploratory, injury, risk, variables, vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 13720990 Sampled-Data Control for Fuel Cell Systems
Authors: H. Y. Jung, Ju H. Park, S. M. Lee
A sampled-data controller is presented for solid oxide fuel cell systems which is expressed by a sector bounded nonlinear model. The sector bounded nonlinear systems, which have a feedback connection with a linear dynamical system and nonlinearity satisfying certain sector type constraints. Also, the sampled-data control scheme is very useful since it is possible to handle digital controller and increasing research efforts have been devoted to sampled-data control systems with the development of modern high-speed computers. The proposed control law is obtained by solving a convex problem satisfying several linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed design method.Keywords: sampled-data control, fuel cell, linear matrix inequalities, nonlinear control
Procedia PDF Downloads 56620989 Reusing of HSS Hacksaw Blades as Rough Machining Tool
Authors: Raja V., Chokkalingam B.
For rough cutting, in many industries and educational institutions using carbon steels or HSS single point cutting tools in center lathe machine. In power hacksaw blades, only the cutter teeth region used to parting off the given material. The portions other than the teeth can be used as a single point cutting tool for rough turning and facing on soft materials. The hardness and Tensile strength of this used Power hacksaw blade is almost same as conventional cutting tools. In this paper, the effect of power hacksaw blades over conventional tool has been compared. Thickness of the blade (1.6 mm) is very small compared to its length and width. Hence, a special tool holding device is designed to hold the tool.Keywords: hardness, high speed steels, power hacksaw blade, tensile strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 45820988 The Role of Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis on Temporo-Spatial Parameters of Gait and Balance in Patients with Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis: Six-Months Follow Up
Background: Recently a supramalleolar type of dynamic ankle foot orthosis (DAFO) has been increasingly used to support all of the dynamic arches of the foot and redistribute the pressure under the plantar surface of the foot to reduce the muscle tone. DAFO helps to maintain balance and postural control by providing stability and proprioceptive feedback in children with disease like Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophies, Down syndrome, and congenital hypotonia. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Dynamic ankle foot orthosis (DAFO) on temporo-spatial parameters of gait and balance in three children with hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP). Material Method: 13, 14, and 8 years old three children with HSP were included in the study. To provide correction on weight bearing and to improve gait, DAFO was made. Lower extremity spasticity (including gastocnemius, hamstrings and hip adductor muscles) using modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) (0-5), The temporo-spatial gait parameters (walking speed, cadence, base of support, step length) and Timed Up & Go test (TUG) were evaluated. All of the assessments about gait were compared with (with DAFO and shoes) and without DAFO (with shoes only) situations. Also after six months follow up period, assessments were repeated by the same physical therapist. Results: MAS scores for lower extremity were between “2-3” for the first child, “0-2” for the second child and “1-2” for the third child. TUG scores (sec) decreased from 20.2 to 18 for case one, from 9.4 to 9 for case two and from 12,4 to 12 for case three in the condition with shoes only and also from 15,2 to 14 for case one, from 7,2 to 7,1 for case two and from 10 to 7,3 for case three in the condition with DAFO and shoes. Gait speed (m/sec) while wearing shoes only was similar but while wearing DAFO and shoes increased from 0,4 to 0,5 for case one, from 1,5 to 1,6 for case two and from 1,0 to 1,2 for case three. Base of support scores (cm) wearing shoes only decreased from 18,5 to 14 for case one, from 13 to 12 for case three and were similar as 11 for case two. While wearing DAFO and shoes, base of support decreased from 10 to 9 for case one, from 11,5 to 10 for case three and was similar as 8 for case two. Conclusion: The use of a DAFO in a patient with HSP normalized the temporo-spatial gait parameters and improved balance. Walking speed is a gold standard for evaluating gait quality. With the use of DAFO, walking speed increased in this three children with HSP. With DAFO, better TUG scores shows that functional ambulation improved. Reduction in base of support and more symmetrical step lengths with DAFO indicated better balance. These encouraging results warrant further study on wider series.Keywords: dynamic ankle foot orthosis, gait, hereditary spastic paraparesis, balance in patient
Procedia PDF Downloads 35520987 Study of Electrocoagulation on the Elimination of Chromium in Waste Water From an Electroplating Bath Using Aluminium Electrodes
Authors: Salim Ahmed
Electrocoagulation has proven its effectiveness in industrial effluent treatment by eliminating pollutants, particularly metallic ones. The electrochemical processes that occur at aluminium electrodes give excellent performance. In this work, electrocoagulation tests were carried out on an industrial effluent from an electroplating bath located in Casablanca (Morocco). The aim was to remove chromium and reuse the purified water for other purposes within the company. To this end, we have optimised the operating parameters that affect the efficiency of electrocoagulation, such as electrical voltage, electrode material, stirring speed and distance between electrodes. We also evaluated these parameters. The effect on pH, conductivity, turbidity and chromium concentration. The tests were carried out in a perfectly stirred reactor on an industrial solution rich in chromium. The effluent concentration was 1000 mg/L of Cr6+. Chromium removal efficiency was determined for the following operating conditions: aluminium electrodes, regulated voltage of 6 volts and 12 volts, optimum stirring speed of 600 rpm and distance between electrodes of 2 cm. The sludge produced by electrocoagulation was characterised by X-ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy (IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Keywords: wastewater, chromium, electrocoagulation, aluminium, aluminium hydroxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 9120986 Designing an Aerodynamic Braking in Order to Increase Power and Speed of Braking System of Vehicles
Authors: Hamidreza Ahmadi, Majid Abbasalizadeh, Ghasem Yazdani, Masoud Ahmadi
In this paper a special kind of aerodynamic system as a spoiler has been designed and tried to show effects of this devise on braking system of vehicle. Moreover, position of this spoiler has been considered in order to find optimum point from safety and highest rate of braking view for spoiler. Fluent software is our main tool to calculate rate of extra force that is produced by spoiler and this article has been tried to use various figures that are showed effects of spoiler at different speeds, angles and also heights. Other major points in this paper are static pressure of vehicle at different speed and statues. Undoubtedly, shape of spoiler would be very important, so in this investigation spoiler has been designed and proposed after a lot of simulation for different shape of spoiler. In the end, there is very important part as validation since these simulations must be validated by experimental way to prove our claims. In this case, a special kind of BMW has been simulated and results have been compared by experimental results that have been presented by BMW Company. Difference between simulation results and experimental results are very little and it could be a suitable validation for this project.Keywords: drag force, down force, vehicle, spoiler
Procedia PDF Downloads 33820985 The Influence of Contact Models on Discrete Element Modeling of the Ballast Layer Subjected to Cyclic Loading
Authors: Peyman Aela, Lu Zong, Guoqing Jing
Recently, there has been growing interest in numerical modeling of ballast railway tracks. A commonly used mechanistic modeling approach for ballast is the discrete element method (DEM). Up to now, the effects of the contact model on ballast particle behavior have not been precisely examined. In this regard, selecting the appropriate contact model is mainly associated with the particle characteristics and the loading condition. Since ballast is cohesionless material, different contact models, including the linear spring, Hertz-Mindlin, and Hysteretic models, could be used to calculate particle-particle or wall-particle contact forces. Moreover, the simulation of a dynamic test is vital to investigate the effect of damping parameters on the ballast deformation. In this study, ballast box tests were simulated by DEM to examine the influence of different contact models on the mechanical behavior of the ballast layer under cyclic loading. This paper shows how the contact model can affect the deformation and damping of a ballast layer subjected to cyclic loading in a ballast box.Keywords: ballast, contact model, cyclic loading, DEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 19820984 A Numerical Investigation of Total Temperature Probes Measurement Performance
Authors: Erdem Meriç
Measuring total temperature of air flow accurately is a very important requirement in the development phases of many industrial products, including gas turbines and rockets. Thermocouples are very practical devices to measure temperature in such cases, but in high speed and high temperature flows, the temperature of thermocouple junction may deviate considerably from real flow total temperature due to the effects of heat transfer mechanisms of convection, conduction, and radiation. To avoid errors in total temperature measurement, special probe designs which are experimentally characterized are used. In this study, a validation case which is an experimental characterization of a specific class of total temperature probes is selected from the literature to develop a numerical conjugate heat transfer analysis methodology to study the total temperature probe flow field and solid temperature distribution. Validated conjugate heat transfer methodology is used to investigate flow structures inside and around the probe and effects of probe design parameters like the ratio between inlet and outlet hole areas and prob tip geometry on measurement accuracy. Lastly, a thermal model is constructed to account for errors in total temperature measurement for a specific class of probes in different operating conditions. Outcomes of this work can guide experimentalists to design a very accurate total temperature probe and quantify the possible error for their specific case.Keywords: conjugate heat transfer, recovery factor, thermocouples, total temperature probes
Procedia PDF Downloads 14020983 Computational Fluid Dynamics Design and Analysis of Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Devices for a Mazda T3500 Truck
Authors: Basil Nkosilathi Dube, Wilson R. Nyemba, Panashe Mandevu
In highway driving, over 50 percent of the power produced by the engine is used to overcome aerodynamic drag, which is a force that opposes a body’s motion through the air. Aerodynamic drag and thus fuel consumption increase rapidly at speeds above 90kph. It is desirable to minimize fuel consumption. Aerodynamic drag reduction in highway driving is the best approach to minimize fuel consumption and to reduce the negative impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the natural environment. Fuel economy is the ultimate concern of automotive development. This study aims to design and analyze drag-reducing devices for a Mazda T3500 truck, namely, the cab roof and rear (trailer tail) fairings. The aerodynamic effects of adding these append devices were subsequently investigated. To accomplish this, two 3D CAD models of the Mazda truck were designed using the Design Modeler. One, with these, append devices and the other without. The models were exported to ANSYS Fluent for computational fluid dynamics analysis, no wind tunnel tests were performed. A fine mesh with more than 10 million cells was applied in the discretization of the models. The realizable k-ε turbulence model with enhanced wall treatment was used to solve the Reynold’s Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation. In order to simulate the highway driving conditions, the tests were simulated with a speed of 100 km/h. The effects of these devices were also investigated for low-speed driving. The drag coefficients for both models were obtained from the numerical calculations. By adding the cab roof and rear (trailer tail) fairings, the simulations show a significant reduction in aerodynamic drag at a higher speed. The results show that the greatest drag reduction is obtained when both devices are used. Visuals from post-processing show that the rear fairing minimized the low-pressure region at the rear of the trailer when moving at highway speed. The rear fairing achieved this by streamlining the turbulent airflow, thereby delaying airflow separation. For lower speeds, there were no significant differences in drag coefficients for both models (original and modified). The results show that these devices can be adopted for improving the aerodynamic efficiency of the Mazda T3500 truck at highway speeds.Keywords: aerodynamic drag, computation fluid dynamics, fluent, fuel consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 14020982 5G Future Hyper-Dense Networks: An Empirical Study and Standardization Challenges
Authors: W. Hashim, H. Burok, N. Ghazaly, H. Ahmad Nasir, N. Mohamad Anas, A. F. Ismail, K. L. Yau
Future communication networks require devices that are able to work on a single platform but support heterogeneous operations which lead to service diversity and functional flexibility. This paper proposes two cognitive mechanisms termed cognitive hybrid function which is applied in multiple broadband user terminals in order to maintain reliable connectivity and preventing unnecessary interferences. By employing such mechanisms especially for future hyper-dense network, we can observe their performances in terms of optimized speed and power saving efficiency. Results were obtained from several empirical laboratory studies. It was found that selecting reliable network had shown a better optimized speed performance up to 37% improvement as compared without such function. In terms of power adjustment, our evaluation of this mechanism can reduce the power to 5dB while maintaining the same level of throughput at higher power performance. We also discuss the issues impacting future telecommunication standards whenever such devices get in place.Keywords: dense network, intelligent network selection, multiple networks, transmit power adjustment
Procedia PDF Downloads 37820981 AI/ML Atmospheric Parameters Retrieval Using the “Atmospheric Retrievals conditional Generative Adversarial Network (ARcGAN)”
Authors: Thomas Monahan, Nicolas Gorius, Thanh Nguyen
Exoplanet atmospheric parameters retrieval is a complex, computationally intensive, inverse modeling problem in which an exoplanet’s atmospheric composition is extracted from an observed spectrum. Traditional Bayesian sampling methods require extensive time and computation, involving algorithms that compare large numbers of known atmospheric models to the input spectral data. Runtimes are directly proportional to the number of parameters under consideration. These increased power and runtime requirements are difficult to accommodate in space missions where model size, speed, and power consumption are of particular importance. The use of traditional Bayesian sampling methods, therefore, compromise model complexity or sampling accuracy. The Atmospheric Retrievals conditional Generative Adversarial Network (ARcGAN) is a deep convolutional generative adversarial network that improves on the previous model’s speed and accuracy. We demonstrate the efficacy of artificial intelligence to quickly and reliably predict atmospheric parameters and present it as a viable alternative to slow and computationally heavy Bayesian methods. In addition to its broad applicability across instruments and planetary types, ARcGAN has been designed to function on low power application-specific integrated circuits. The application of edge computing to atmospheric retrievals allows for real or near-real-time quantification of atmospheric constituents at the instrument level. Additionally, edge computing provides both high-performance and power-efficient computing for AI applications, both of which are critical for space missions. With the edge computing chip implementation, ArcGAN serves as a strong basis for the development of a similar machine-learning algorithm to reduce the downlinked data volume from the Compact Ultraviolet to Visible Imaging Spectrometer (CUVIS) onboard the DAVINCI mission to Venus.Keywords: deep learning, generative adversarial network, edge computing, atmospheric parameters retrieval
Procedia PDF Downloads 17120980 An Approach to Analyze Testing of Nano On-Chip Networks
Authors: Farnaz Fotovvatikhah, Javad Akbari
Test time of a test architecture is an important factor which depends on the architecture's delay and test patterns. Here a new architecture to store the test results based on network on chip is presented. In addition, simple analytical model is proposed to calculate link test time for built in self-tester (BIST) and external tester (Ext) in multiprocessor systems. The results extracted from the model are verified using FPGA implementation and experimental measurements. Systems consisting 16, 25, and 36 processors are implemented and simulated and test time is calculated. In addition, BIST and Ext are compared in terms of test time at different conditions such as at different number of test patterns and nodes. Using the model the maximum frequency of testing could be calculated and the test structure could be optimized for high speed testing.Keywords: test, nano on-chip network, JTAG, modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 49020979 Formulation of Optimal Shifting Sequence for Multi-Speed Automatic Transmission
Authors: Sireesha Tamada, Debraj Bhattacharjee, Pranab K. Dan, Prabha Bhola
The most important component in an automotive transmission system is the gearbox which controls the speed of the vehicle. In an automatic transmission, the right positioning of actuators ensures efficient transmission mechanism embodiment, wherein the challenge lies in formulating the number of actuators associated with modelling a gearbox. Data with respect to actuation and gear shifting sequence has been retrieved from the available literature, including patent documents, and has been used in this proposed heuristics based methodology for modelling actuation sequence in a gear box. This paper presents a methodological approach in designing a gearbox for the purpose of obtaining an optimal shifting sequence. The computational model considers factors namely, the number of stages and gear teeth as input parameters since these two are the determinants of the gear ratios in an epicyclic gear train. The proposed transmission schematic or stick diagram aids in developing the gearbox layout design. The number of iterations and development time required to design a gearbox layout is reduced by using this approach.Keywords: automatic transmission, gear-shifting, multi-stage planetary gearbox, rank ordered clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 32620978 Mitigation Strategies in the Urban Context of Sydney, Australia
Authors: Hamed Reza Heshmat Mohajer, Lan Ding, Mattheos Santamouris
One of the worst environmental dangers for people who live in cities is the Urban Heat Island (UHI) impact which is anticipated to become stronger in the coming years as a result of climate change. Accordingly, the key aim of this paper is to study the interaction between the urban configuration and mitigation strategies including increasing albedo of the urban environment (reflective material), implementation of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) and/or a combination thereof. To analyse the microclimate models of different urban categories in the metropolis of Sydney, this study will assess meteorological parameters using a 3D model simulation tool of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) named ENVI-met. In this study, four main parameters are taken into consideration while assessing the effectiveness of UHI mitigation strategies: ambient air temperature, wind speed/direction, and outdoor thermal comfort. Layouts with present condition simulation studies from the basic model (scenario one) are taken as the benchmark. A base model is used to calculate the relative percentage variations between each scenario. The findings showed that maximum cooling potential across different urban layouts can be decreased by 2.15 °C degrees by combining high-albedo material with flora; besides layouts with open arrangements(OT1) present a highly remarkable improvement in ambient air temperature and outdoor thermal comfort when mitigation technologies applied compare to compact counterparts. Besides all layouts present a higher intensity on the maximum ambient air temperature reduction rather than the minimum ambient air temperature. On the other hand, Scenarios associated with an increase in greeneries are anticipated to have a slight cooling effect, especially on high-rise layouts.Keywords: sustainable urban development, urban green infrastructure, high-albedo materials, heat island effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 9520977 Intelligent Agent-Based Model for the 5G mmWave O2I Technology Adoption
Authors: Robert Joseph M. Licup
The deployment of the fifth-generation (5G) mobile system through mmWave frequencies is the new solution in the requirement to provide higher bandwidth readily available for all users. The usage pattern of the mobile users has moved towards either the work from home or online classes set-up because of the pandemic. Previous mobile technologies can no longer meet the high speed, and bandwidth requirement needed, given the drastic shift of transactions to the home. The millimeter-wave (mmWave) underutilized frequency is utilized by the fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks that support multi-gigabit-per-second (Gbps) transmission. However, due to its short wavelengths, high path loss, directivity, blockage sensitivity, and narrow beamwidth are some of the technical challenges that need to be addressed. Different tools, technologies, and scenarios are explored to support network design, accurate channel modeling, implementation, and deployment effectively. However, there is a big challenge on how the consumer will adopt this solution and maximize the benefits offered by the 5G Technology. This research proposes to study the intricacies of technology diffusion, individual attitude, behaviors, and how technology adoption will be attained. The agent based simulation model shaped by the actual applications, technology solution, and related literature was used to arrive at a computational model. The research examines the different attributes, factors, and intricacies that can affect each identified agent towards technology adoption.Keywords: agent-based model, AnyLogic, 5G O21, 5G mmWave solutions, technology adoption
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