Search results for: group teaching
9835 Comparison of Depth of Cure and Degree of Conversion between Opus Bulk Fill and X-Tra Fill Bulk Fill Composites
Authors: Yasaman Samani, Ali Golmohammadi
Introduction: The degree of conversion and depth of cure affects the clinical success of resin composite restorations directly. One of the main challenges in achieving a successful composite restoration is the achievement of sufficient depth of cure. The insufficient polymerization may lead to a decrease in the physical/mechanical and biological properties of resin composites and, as a result of that, unsuccessful composite restoration. Thus, because of the importance of studying and evaluating the depth of cure and degree of conversion in bulk-fill composites, we decided to evaluate and compare the degree of conversion and depth of cure in two bulk-fill composites; x-tra fill (Voco, Germany) and Opus Bulk fill APS (FGM, Brazil). Materials and Methods: Composite resin specimens (n=10) per group were prepared as cylinder blocks (4×8 mm) with bulk-fill composites, x-tra fil (Voco, Germany) designated as Group A, and Opus Bulk fill APS (FGM, Brazil) designated as Group B. Depth of cure was determined according to “ISO 4049; Depth of Cure” method, In which each specimen were cured (iLED, Woodpecker, China) 40 seconds and FTIR spectroscopy method was used to estimate the degree of conversion of both the bulk-fill composites. The degree of conversion of monomer to polymer was estimated individually in the coronal half (Group A1 and B1) and pulpal half (Group A2 and Group B2) by dividing each specimen into two halves. The data were analyzed using a Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA at a 5% level of significance. Results: The mean depth of cure in x-tra fil (Voco, Germany) was 3.99 (±0.16), and for Opus Bulk fill, APS (FGM, Brazil) was 2.14 (±0.3). The degree of conversion percentage in Group A1 was 82.7 (±6.1), in group A2 was 73.4 (±5.2), in group B1 was 63.3 (±4.7) and in Group B2 was 56.5 (±7.7). Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference in the depth of cure between the two bulk-fill composites with x-tra fil (Voco, Germany) higher than Opus Bulk fill APS (FGM, Brazil) (P<0.001). The degree of conversion percentage also showed a significant difference, Group A1 being higher than A2 (P=0.0085), B1, and B2 (P<0.001). Group A2 was also higher than B1 (P=0.003) and B2 (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between B1 and B2 (P=0.072). Conclusion: The results indicate that x-tra fill has more depth of cure and a higher percentage of the degree of conversion than Opus Bulk fill APS. The coronal half of x-tra fil had the highest depth of cure percentage (82.66%), and the pulpal half of Opus Bulk fill APS had the lowest percentage (56.45%). Even though both bulk-fill composite materials had an acceptable degree of conversion (55% and higher), x-tra fill has shown better results.Keywords: depth of cure, degree of conversion, bulk-fill composite, FTIR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1029834 Designing Teaching Aids for Dyslexia Students in Mathematics Multiplication
Authors: Mohini Mohamed, Nurul Huda Mas’od
This study was aimed at designing and developing an assistive mathematical teaching aid (courseware) in helping dyslexic students in learning multiplication. Computers and multimedia interactive courseware has benefits students in terms of increase learner’s motivation and engage them to stay on task in classroom. Most disability student has short attention span thus with the advantage offered by multimedia interactive courseware allows them to retain the learning process for longer period as compared to traditional chalk and talk method. This study was conducted in a public school at a primary level with the help of three special education teachers and six dyslexic students as participants. Qualitative methodology using interview with special education teachers and observations in classes were conducted. The development of the multimedia interactive courseware in this study was divided to three processes which were analysis and design, development and evaluation. The courseware was evaluated by using User Acceptance Survey Form and interview. Feedbacks from teachers were used to alter, correct and develop the application for a better multimedia interactive courseware.Keywords: disability students, dyslexia, mathematics teaching aid, multimedia interactive courseware
Procedia PDF Downloads 4069833 Efficacy Of Tranexamic Acid On Blood Loss After Primary Total Hip Replacement : A Case-control Study In 154 Patients
Authors: Fedili Benamar, Belloulou Mohamed Lamine, Ouahes Hassane, Ghattas Samir
Introduction: Perioperative blood loss is a frequent cause of complications in total hip replacement (THR). The present prospective study assessed the efficacy of tranexamic acid (Exacyl(®)) in reducing blood loss in primary THR. Hypothesis: Tranexamic acid reduces blood loss in THR. Material and method: -This is a prospective randomized study on the effectiveness of Exacyl (tranexamic acid) in total hip replacement surgery performed on a standardized technique between 2019 and September 2022. -It involved 154 patients, of which 84 received a single injection of Exacyl (group 1) at a dosage of 10 mg/kg over 20 minutes during the perioperative period. -All patients received postoperative thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin 0.4 ml subcutaneously. -All patients were admitted to the post-interventional intensive care unit for a duration of 24 hours for monitoring and pain management as per the service protocol. Results: 154 patients, of which 84 received a single injection of Exacyl (group 1) and 70 patients patients who did not receive Exacyl perioperatively : (Group 2 ) The average age is 57 +/- 15 years The distribution by gender was nearly equal with 56% male and 44% female; "The distribution according to the ASA score was as follows: 20.2% ASA1, 82.3% ASA2, and 17.5% ASA3. "There was a significant difference in the average volume of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding during the 48 hours." The average bleeding volume for group 1 (received Exacyl) was 614 ml +/- 228, while the average bleeding volume for group 2 was 729 +/- 300, with a chi-square test of 6.35 and a p-value < 0.01, which is highly significant. The ANOVA test showed an F-statistic of 7.11 and a p-value of 0.008. A Bartlett test revealed a chi-square of 6.35 and a p-value < 0.01." "In Group 1 (patients who received Exacyl), 73% had bleeding less than 750 ml (Group A), and 26% had bleeding exceeding 750 ml (Group B). In Group 2 (patients who did not receive Exacyl perioperatively), 52% had bleeding less than 750 ml (Group A), and 47% had bleeding exceeding 750 ml (Group B). "Thus, the use of Exacyl reduced perioperative bleeding and specifically decreased the risk of severe bleeding exceeding 750 ml by 43% with a relative risk (RR) of 1.37 and a p-value < 0.01. The transfusion rate was 1.19% in the population of Group 1 (Exacyl), whereas it was 10% in the population of Group 2 (no Exacyl). It can be stated that the use of Exacyl resulted in a reduction in perioperative blood transfusion with an RR of 0.1 and a p-value of 0.02. Conclusions: The use of Exacyl significantly reduced perioperative bleeding in this type of surgery.Keywords: acid tranexamic, blood loss, anesthesia, total hip replacement, surgery
Procedia PDF Downloads 779832 Exploring Students’ Visual Conception of Matter and Its Implications to Teaching and Learning Chemistry
Authors: Allen A. Espinosa, Arlyne C. Marasigan, Janir T. Datukan
The study explored how students visualize the states and classifications of matter using scientific models. It also identified misconceptions of students in using scientific models. In general, high percentage of students was able to use scientific models correctly and only a little misconception was identified. From the result of the study, a teaching framework was formulated wherein scientific models should be employed in classroom instruction to visualize abstract concepts in chemistry and for better conceptual understanding.Keywords: visual conception, scientific models, mental models, states of matter, classification of matter
Procedia PDF Downloads 4029831 Characterization of Number of Subgroups of Finite Groups
Authors: Khyati Sharma, A. Satyanarayana Reddy
The topic of how many subgroups exist within a certain finite group naturally arises in the study of finite groups. Over the years, different researchers have investigated this issue from a variety of angles. The significant contributions of the key mathematicians over the time have been summarized in this article. To this end, we classify finite groups into three categories viz. (a) Groups for which the number of subgroups is less than |G|, (b) equals to |G|, and finally, (c) greater than |G|. Because every element of a finite group generates a cyclic subgroup, counting cyclic subgroups is the most important task in this endeavor. A brief survey on the number of cyclic subgroups of finite groups is also conducted by us. Furthermore, we also covered certain arithmetic relations between the order of a finite group |G| and the number of its distinct cyclic subgroups |C(G)|. In order to provide pertinent context and possibly reveal new novel areas of potential research within the field of research on finite groups, we finally pose and solicit a few open questions.Keywords: abstract algebra, cyclic subgroup, finite group, subgroup
Procedia PDF Downloads 1209830 Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Ankle-Brachial Index as Predictors of the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
Authors: Ali Kassem, Yaser Kamal, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Mohamed Hussen
Introduction: Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of death all over the world. Recently, there is an increasing interest in Carotid Intima-Medial Thickness (CIMT) and Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) as non-invasive tools for identifying subclinical atherosclerosis. We aim to examine the role of CIMT and ABI as predictors of the severity of angiographically documented coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted on 60 patients who were investigated by coronary angiography at Sohag University Hospital, Egypt. CIMT: After the carotid arteries were located by transverse scans, the probe was rotated 90 ° to obtain and record longitudinal images of bilateral carotid arteries ABI: Each patient was evaluated in the supine position after resting for 5 min. ABI was measured in each leg using a Doppler Ultrasound while the patient remained in the same position. The lowest ABI obtained for either leg was taken as the ABI measurement for the patient. Results: Patients with carotid mean IMT ≥ 0.9 mm had significantly more severe coronary artery disease than patients without thickening (mean IMT > 0.9 mm). Similarly, patients with low ABI (< 0.9) had significantly more severe coronary artery disease than patients with ABI ≥ 0.9. When the patients were divided into 4 groups (group A, n = 15, mean IMT < 0.9 mm, ABI ≥ 0.9; group B, n = 25, mean IMT < 0.9 mm, low ABI; group C, n = 5, mean IMT ≥ 0.9 mm, ABI ≥ 0.9; group D, n = 19, mean IMT ≤ 0.9 mm, low ABI), the presence of significant coronary stenosis (> 50%) of the groups were significantly different (group A, n = 5: (33.3%); group B, n = 11: (52.4%); group C, n = 4: (60%); group D, n=15, (78.9%), P = 0.001). Conclusion: CIMT and ABI provide useful information on the severity of CAD. Early and aggressive intervention should be considered in patients with CAD and abnormalities in one or both of these non-invasive modalities.Keywords: ankle brachial index, carotid intima media thickness, coronary artery disease, predictors of severity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2349829 A Comparison of Implant Stability between Implant Placed without Bone Graft versus with Bone Graft Using Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) Technique: A Resonance Frequency Analysis
Authors: R. Janyaphadungpong, A. Pimkhaokham
This prospective clinical study determined the insertion torque (IT) value and monitored the changes in implant stability quotient (ISQ) values during the 12 weeks healing period from implant placement without bone graft (control group) and with bone graft using the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique (study group). The relationship between the IT and ISQ values of the implants was also assessed. The control and study groups each consisted of 6 patients with 8 implants per group. The ASTRA TECH Implant System™ EV 4.2 mm in diameter was placed in the posterior mandibular region. In the control group, implants were placed in bone without bone graft, whereas in the study group implants were placed simultaneously with the GBR technique at favorable bone defect. IT (Ncm) of each implant was recorded when fully inserted. ISQ values were obtained from the Osstell® ISQ at the time of implant placement, and at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. No difference in IT was found between groups (P = 0.320). The ISQ values in the control group were significantly higher than in the study group at the time of implant placement and at 4 weeks. There was no significant association between IT and ISQ values either at baseline or after the 12 weeks. At 12 weeks of healing, the control and study groups displayed different trends. Mean ISQ values for the control group decreased over the first 2 weeks and then started to increase. ISQ value increases were statistically significant at 8 weeks and later, whereas mean ISQ values in the study group decreased over the first 4 weeks and then started to increase, with statistical significance after 12 weeks. At 12 weeks, all implants achieved osseointegration with mean ISQ values over the threshold value (ISQ>70). These results indicated that implants, in which guided bone regeneration technique was performed during implant placement for treating favorable bone defects, were as predictable as implants placed without bone graft. However, loading in implants placed with the GBR technique for correcting favorable bone defects should be performed after 12 weeks of healing to ensure implant stability and osseointegration.Keywords: dental implant, favorable bone defect, guided bone regeneration technique, implant stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2979828 The Dialectic between Effectiveness and Humanity in the Era of Open Knowledge from the Perspective of Pedagogy
Authors: Sophia Ming Lee Wen, Chao-Ching Kuo, Yu-Line Hu, Yu-Lung Ho, Chih-Cheng Huang, Yi-Hwa Lee
Teaching and learning should involve social issues by which effectiveness and humanity is due consideration as a guideline for sharing and co-creating knowledge. A qualitative method was used after a pioneer study to confirm pre-service teachers’ awareness of open knowledge. There are 17 in-service teacher candidates sampling from 181 schools in Taiwan. Two questions are to resolve: a) How did teachers change their educational ideas, in particular, their attitudes to meet the needs of knowledge sharing and co-creativity; and b) How did they acknowledge the necessity of working out an appropriate way between the educational efficiency and the nature of education for high performance management. This interview investigated teachers’ attitude of sharing and co-creating knowledge. The results show two facts in Taiwan: A) Individuals who must be able to express themselves will be capable of taking part in an open learning environment; and B) Teachers must lead the direction to inspire high performance and improve students’ capacity via knowledge sharing and co-creating knowledge, according to the student-centered philosophy. Collected data from interviewing showed that the teachers were well aware of changing their teaching methods and make some improvements to balance the educational efficiency and the nature of education. Almost all teachers acknowledge that ICT is helpful to motivate learning enthusiasm. Further, teaching integrated with ICT saves teachers’ time and energy on teaching preparation and promoting effectiveness. Teachers are willing to co-create knowledge with students, though using information is not easy due to the lack of operating skills of the website and ICT. Some teachers are against to co-create knowledge in the informational background since they hold that is not feasible for there being a knowledge gap between teachers and students. Technology would easily mislead teachers and students to the goal of instrumental rationality, which makes pedagogy dysfunctional and inhumane; however, any high quality of teaching should take a dialectical balance between effectiveness and humanity.Keywords: critical thinking, dialectic between effectiveness and humanity, open knowledge, pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3579827 Hacking the Spatial Limitations in Bridging Virtual and Traditional Teaching Methodologies in Sri Lanka
Authors: Manuela Nayantara Jeyaraj
Having moved into the 21st century, it is way past being arguable that innovative technology needs to be incorporated into conventional classroom teaching. Though the Western world has found presumable success in achieving this, it is still a concept under battle in developing countries such as Sri Lanka. Reaching the acme of implementing interactive virtual learning within classrooms is a struggling idealistic fascination within the island. In order to overcome this problem, this study is set to reveal facts that limit the implementation of virtual, interactive learning within the school classrooms and provide hacks that could prove the augmented use of the Virtual World to enhance teaching and learning experiences. As each classroom moves along with the usage of technology to fulfill its functionalities, a few intense hacks provided will build the administrative onuses on a virtual system. These hacks may divulge barriers based on social conventions, financial boundaries, digital literacy, intellectual capacity of the staff, and highlight the impediments in introducing students to an interactive virtual learning environment and thereby provide the necessary actions or changes to be made to succeed and march along in creating an intellectual society built on virtual learning and lifestyle. This digital learning environment will be composed of multimedia presentations, trivia and pop quizzes conducted on a GUI, assessments conducted via a virtual system, records maintained on a database, etc. The ultimate objective of this study could enhance every child's basic learning environment; hence, diminishing the digital divide that exists in certain communities.Keywords: digital divide, digital learning, digitization, Sri Lanka, teaching methodologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3569826 Compared Psychophysiological Responses under Stress in Patients of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Depressive Disorder
Authors: Fu-Chien Hung, Chi‐Wen Liang
Background: People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently complain about continuous tiredness, weakness or lack of strength, but without apparent organic etiology. The prevalence rate of the CFS is nearly from 3% to 20%, yet more than 80% go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as depression. The biopsychosocial model has suggested the associations among the CFS, depressive syndrome, and stress. This study aimed to investigate the difference between individuals with the CFS and with the depressive syndrome on psychophysiological responses under stress. Method: There were 23 participants in the CFS group, 14 participants in the depression group, and 23 participants in the healthy control group. All of the participants first completed the measures of demographic data, CFS-related symptoms, daily life functioning, and depressive symptoms. The participants were then asked to perform a stressful cognitive task. The participants’ psychophysiological responses including the HR, BVP and SC were measured during the task. These indexes were used to assess the reactivity and recovery rates of the automatic nervous system. Results: The stress reactivity of the CFS and depression groups was not different from that of the healthy control group. However, the stress recovery rate of the CFS group was worse than that of the healthy control group. Conclusion: The results from this study suggest that the CFS is a syndrome which can be independent from the depressive syndrome, although the depressive syndrome may include fatigue syndrome.Keywords: chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, stress response, misdiagnosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4579825 Self-Reliance Support and Environment Interaction in Long-Term Care
Authors: Chen-Yuan Hsu
Introduction Elderly is growing and results to live in the long-term care (LTC) and then due to the routine of the facilities in Taiwan, also resulted to losing of those people with environment interaction, so, the self-reliance support (SRS) for those people to experience environment interaction is an essential. Methods This study was recruited samples of a LTC in the central of Taiwan. There was a following research on the SRS group with 20 samples collected and routine care group with 20 samples. A structured questionnaire as the Environment Interaction Dimension, as data collection included demographic information and the dimensions of environment interaction. Data analysis used SPSS 22.0 for Window 2000 to report the finding. Results The Environment Interaction Dimension for Taiwanese is a Chinese version of the containing 8 items. The result of t-test analysis found that environment interaction showed a significant difference between groups (p<.05), the result recommended that there was a higher score of environment interaction dimension on the SRS group (29.90±5.56) comparing with the routine care group (22.1±5.53). Conclusion This study showed that the SRS group was higher than the routine care group on the environment interaction dimension for Taiwanese elderly living in the LTC. The results can also provide the reference for LTC, to encourage those people to participate in SRS in LTC, and therefore also improving their environment interaction.Keywords: self-reliance support, environment interaction, long-term care, elderly
Procedia PDF Downloads 1079824 Rhythm-Reading Success Using Conversational Solfege
Authors: Kelly Jo Hollingsworth
Conversational Solfege, a research-based, 12-step music literacy instructional method using the sound-before-sight approach, was used to teach rhythm-reading to 128-second grade students at a public school in the southeastern United States. For each step, multiple scripted techniques are supplied to teach each skill. Unit one was the focus of this study, which is quarter note and barred eighth note rhythms. During regular weekly music instruction, students completed method steps one through five, which includes aural discrimination, decoding familiar and unfamiliar rhythm patterns, and improvising rhythmic phrases using quarter notes and barred eighth notes. Intact classes were randomly assigned to two treatment groups for teaching steps six through eight, which was the visual presentation and identification of quarter notes and barred eighth notes, visually presenting and decoding familiar patterns, and visually presenting and decoding unfamiliar patterns using said notation. For three weeks, students practiced steps six through eight during regular weekly music class. One group spent five-minutes of class time on steps six through eight technique work, while the other group spends ten-minutes of class time practicing the same techniques. A pretest and posttest were administered, and ANOVA results reveal both the five-minute (p < .001) and ten-minute group (p < .001) reached statistical significance suggesting Conversational Solfege is an efficient, effective approach to teach rhythm-reading to second grade students. After two weeks of no instruction, students were retested to measure retention. Using a repeated-measures ANOVA, both groups reached statistical significance (p < .001) on the second posttest, suggesting both the five-minute and ten-minute group retained rhythm-reading skill after two weeks of no instruction. Statistical significance was not reached between groups (p=.252), suggesting five-minutes is equally as effective as ten-minutes of rhythm-reading practice using Conversational Solfege techniques. Future research includes replicating the study with other grades and units in the text.Keywords: conversational solfege, length of instructional time, rhythm-reading, rhythm instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1589823 Using Demonstration Method of Teaching Sewing to Improve the Skills of Form 3 Fashion Designing Students: A Case of Baworo Integrated Community Center for Employable Skills (Bicces)
Authors: Aboagye Boye Gilbert
Teaching and learning (Education), not only in Ghana but the whole world is regarded as the (Stepping stone) vehicle to accelerate the country’s economy, development and social growth. Basically the ingredients for human development and the country in general is Vocational and Technical education and this has been stressed in Ghana’s education system since Pre-independence. To this effect, this research seeks to determine using demonstration method of Teachings sewing to improve the skills of form 3 Fashion Designing students of Baworo Integrated Community Centre for Employable Skills. In this research, reviewed literature on opinions of other researchers and what other people have done and said on related articles or topics, analyzed the research design used, translate the data gathered in the study. The study was design to gather information from the school on how they use Teaching methods to teach sewing. The targeted respondent contacted to give assistance Consist of students from BICCES, fashion teachers and tailored garment makers. The sample size consisted of 5 teachers, 20 students and 5 tailors were selected to answer questionnaire items that were used to gather the data for the study. The study revealed that most teachers and students agreed to the fact that demonstration, teaching and learning materials had a positive attitude towards the students in learning sewing. The study recommends that there should be more mechanisms in place to serve as a guide.Keywords: VOTEC, BECE, BICCES, SHS
Procedia PDF Downloads 759822 Teachers’ Personal and Professional Characteristics: How They Relate to Teacher-Student Relationships and Students’ Behavior
Authors: Maria Poulou
The study investigated how teachers’ self-rated Emotional Intelligence (EI), competence in implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and teaching efficacy relate to teacher-student relationships and students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties. Participants were 98 elementary teachers from public schools in central Greece. They completed the Self-Rated Emotional Intelligence Scale (SREIS), the Teacher SEL Beliefs Scale, the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES), the Student-Teacher Relationships Scale-Short Form (STRS-SF) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for 617 of their students, aged 6-11 years old. Structural equation modeling was used to examine an exploratory model of the variables. It was demonstrated that teachers’ emotional intelligence, SEL beliefs and teaching efficacy were significantly related to teacher-student relationships, but they were not related to students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties. Rather, teachers’ perceptions of teacher-students relationships were significantly related to these difficulties. These findings and their implications for research and practice are discussed.Keywords: emotional intelligence, social and emotional learning, teacher-student relationships, teaching efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4419821 A Comparative Study of Anti-Diabetic Activity of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Artemisia absinthium and Combination with Difference Ratio
Authors: Ikram Mohamed Eltayeb, Ustina Saeed Barsoumbolice
Cinnamomum zeylanicum belong to the family Lauraceae and Artemisia absinthium belong to the family Asteraceae. Both were traditionally used as antiemetic, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic. In Sudan, the mixtures of the two plants were traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia. It is mainly classified into two major groups, type-1 and type-2. Type-2 is a combination of resistance to insulin action and an inadequate compensatory insulin secretory response. The treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM) with synthetic drugs have many side effects so many researches were conducted to overcome or reduce this side effects by using alternative medicine. The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the anti-diabetic activity of C. zeylanicum and A. absinthium and their combination with difference ratio. C. zeylanicum and A. absinthium were extracted by 96% ethanol using Soxhlet apparatus. Thirty-two rats were divided into eight groups; each group contains four rats. 1st group was administered with distilled water at dose of 10ml/kg, 2nd group had received glucose only at dose of 2g/kg intraperitoneal, the standard group (3rd group) had received Glibenclamide orally at dose of 0.45mg/kg, 4th group received 100 mg C. zeylanicum + 300 mg A. absinthium with a ratio of (25:75), 5th group received 300 mg C. zeylanicum + 100 mg A. absinthium with a ratio of (75:25), 6th group received 200 mg C. zeylanicum + 200 mg A. absinthiumwith a ratio of (50:50), 7th group received 400 mg of A. absinthium, 8th group received 400 mg of C. zeylanicum. Then the blood samples were taken Retro-orbitally at 0, 1, 2 and 4 hours and the glucose level was measured. Each plant alone and their combination with different ratios shows antidiabetic effect. The significant activity was shown by A. absinthium extract (400 mg/kg), combination of ratio of (75:25) A. absinthium: C. zeylanicum(400mg/kg) and then C. zeylanicum(400mg/kg) with p-value 0.001, 0.022, 0.030 respectively, the activity was found to be increased with time. The other combinations showed less activity with p-value > 0.05. The result concludes that the good antidiabetic activity was performed by A. absinthium alone and its activity decreased by increase combination ratio with C. zeylanicum. Which maybe explains by the antagonistic effect between the compounds of C. zeylanicum and A. absinthium.Keywords: antidiabetic, Artemisia absinthium , cinnamomum zeylanicum, combination
Procedia PDF Downloads 2009820 The Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field on Rats Brain
Authors: Omar Abdalla, Abdelfatah Ahmed, Ahmed Mustafa, Abdelazem Eldouma
The purpose of this study is evaluating the effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on Waster rats brain. The number of rats used in this study were 25, which were divided into five groups, each group containing five rats as follows: Group 1: The control group which was not exposed to energized field; Group 2: Rats were exposed to a magnetic field with an intensity of 0.6 mT (2 hours/day); Group 3: Rats were exposed to a magnetic field of 1.2 mT (2 hours/day); Group4: Rats were exposed to a magnetic field of 1.8 mT (2 hours/day); Group 5: Rats were exposed to a magnetic field of 2.4 mT (2 hours/day) and all groups were exposed for seven days, by designing a maze and calculating the time average for arriving to the decoy at special conditions. We found the time average before exposure for the all groups was G2=330 s, G3=172 s, G4=500 s and G5=174 s, respectively. We exposed all groups to ELF-MF and measured the time and we found: G2=465 s, G3=388 s, G4=501 s, and G5=442 s. It was observed that the time average increased directly with field strength. Histological samples of frontal lop of brain for all groups were taken and we found lesion, atrophy, empty vacuoles and disorder choroid plexus at frontal lope of brain. And finally we observed the disorder of choroid plexus in histological results and Alzheimer's symptoms increase when the magnetic field increases.Keywords: nonionizing radiation, biophysics, magnetic field, shrinkage
Procedia PDF Downloads 5469819 The Effect of Fetal Movement Counting on Maternal Antenatal Attachment
Authors: Esra Güney, Tuba Uçar
Aim: This study has been conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of fetal movement counting on antenatal maternal attachment. Material and Method: This research was conducted on the basis of the real test model with the pre-test /post-test control groups. The study population consists of pregnant women registered in the six different Family Health Centers located in the central Malatya districts of Yeşilyurt and Battalgazi. When power analysis is done, the sample size was calculated for each group of at least 55 pregnant women (55 tests, 55 controls). The data were collected by using Personal Information Form and MAAS (Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale) between July 2015-June 2016. Fetal movement counting training was given to pregnant women by researchers in the experimental group after the pre-test data collection. No intervention was applied to the control group. Post-test data for both groups were collected after four weeks. Data were evaluated with percentage, chi-square arithmetic average, chi-square test and as for the dependent and independent group’s t test. Result: In the MAAS, the pre-test average of total scores in the experimental group is 70.78±6.78, control group is also 71.58±7.54 and so there was no significant difference in mean scores between the two groups (p>0.05). MAAS post-test average of total scores in the experimental group is 78.41±6.65, control group is also is 72.25±7.16 and so the mean scores between groups were found to have statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was determined that fetal movement counting increases the maternal antenatal attachments.Keywords: antenatal maternal attachment, fetal movement counting, pregnancy, midwifery
Procedia PDF Downloads 2739818 ‘Women should not wear pants’: Reflections from Kenyan English Speakers in a Strait between American and British English
Authors: Vicky Khasandi-Telewa, Sinfree Makoni
This paper examines the lived experiences of Kenyans caught between the two main varieties of English and the communication challenges they often face. The paper aims to provide evidence for the challenges that Kenyan speakers of English have experienced as a result of the confluence between British English (BrE) and American English (AmE). The study is explorative thus, qualitative and a descriptive research design was used. The objectives were to describe the communication challenges Kenyans encounter due to the differences in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and pragmatics between AmE and BrE and, to illuminate these variations to enable the Kenyan English learner to communicate appropriately. The purposive sample consisted of sixty five subjects, all who were from a top girls national high school in Kenya, therefore, many are in high-end positions nationally and internationally and well-travelled; in fact, seven are based in the USA, two in the United Kingdom and one lives in Australia. Using interviews, they were asked about their experiences with the different varieties of English, and their responses recorded. Autoethnography, a qualitative research method that involves introspection and cultural analysis, was also used. Thematic content analysis was used to extract the themes and group them for data analysis. The theoretical framework used is World Englishes by Kachru. The results indicate that there is indeed some communication breakdown due to linguistic varieties, but the differences are largely understood by speakers of the different varieties. Attitude plays a major role in communication challenges between the different Englishes, especially among teachers. The study urges acceptance of different varieties of English so long as communication takes place. This has implications for teaching English to Kenyan and speakers of other languages to whom English is taught as a Second Language or Foreign language.Keywords: American english, british english, kenyan english, englishes, teaching of english to speakers of other languages (TeSOL)
Procedia PDF Downloads 729817 E-Book: An Essential Tool for Promoting Reading and Learning Amongst Students of Niger State College of Education, Minna
Authors: Abdulkadir Mustapha Gana, Musa Baba Adamu, Edimeh Augustine Jr
There are growing concerns over the astronomical decline inquality of teaching and learning amongst youths especially in developing countries, and handful research have been conducted in this regard. However, results from many of these studies revealed similar findings which all pointed to the steady decline in quality of teaching and learning across the globe. One common factor attributed for this drawback was the new media due to the evolution and advancement of technology as studies have revealed. In the beginning, what was then the new media (broadcast media of radio and television) was singled out as being responsible for diverting people’s attention from reading; particularly television. At present times, it was revealed that the social media and internet connectivity were responsible for diverting the attention of many, thus distracting attentions from reading. However, it is pertinent to note that the devastating effects, social media platforms have a couple of tools that could improve reading by extension teaching and learning amongst students. Therefore, this study reviewed the literature on the advantageous aspect of social media to reading and learning; whilst laying emphasis on how youths can utilize social media to improve their reading habits.Keywords: ebook, reading, learning, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 799816 Analysis of Senior Secondary II Students Performance/Approaches Exhibited in Solving Circle Geometry
Authors: Mukhtari Hussaini Muhammad, Abba Adamu
The paper will examine the approaches and solutions that will be offered by Senior Secondary School II Students (Demonstration Secondary School, Azare Bauchi State Northern Nigeria – Hausa/ Fulani predominant area) toward solving exercises related to the circle theorem. The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center is twice that which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference. The Students will be divided in to 2 groups by given them numbers 1, 2; 1, 2; 1, 2, then all 1s formed group I and all 2s formed group II. Group I will be considered as control group in which the traditional method will be applied during instructions. Thus, the researcher will revise the concept of circle, state the theorem, prove the theorem and then solve examples. Group II, experimental group in which the concept of circle will be revised to the students and then the students will be asked to draw different circles, mark arcs, draw angle at the center, angle at the circumference then measure the angles constructed. The students will be asked to explain what they can infer/deduce from the angles measured and lastly, examples will be solved. During the next contact day, both groups will be subjected to solving exercises in the classroom related to the theorem. The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center is twice that which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of circumference. The solution to the exercises will be marked, the scores compared/analysed using relevant statistical tool. It is expected that group II will perform better because of the method/ technique followed during instructions is more learner-centered. By exploiting the talents of the individual learners through listening to the views and asking them how they arrived at a solution will really improve learning and understanding.Keywords: circle theorem, control group, experimental group, traditional method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1959815 The Association between Saharran Dust and Emergency Department Admission and Hospitalization in Gaziantep, Turkey
Authors: Behcet Al, Mustafa Bogan, Mehmet Murat Oktay, Suat Zengin, Hasan Bayram
Objective: In the last two decades there is a strong scientific interest regarding the role of aerosols for the Earth’s climate and associated changes. Aerosol particles are very important to the Earth-atmosphere climate system playing a crucial role in cloud and precipitation processes, air quality and climate. Here, we evaluated the association between saharran dust and emergency department admission, hospitalization, and mortality. Method: The records of admission to emergency department of Gaziantep University and the dust stroms of 31 months were studied. Patients admitted to ED at dust strom with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), asthma bronchiale (AB), serebrovascular events (SVE), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stabile and unstabile angina pectoris (SAAP andUSAP); and the days with and without dust stroms were included. The study was realized from March 2010 to October 2012. The admission of three days before strom (group 1), during strom days (group 2) and three days after strom (group 3) were determined. The mean level of dust PM10 particulate was calculated, and the results were compared. Results: 5864 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease, asthma bronchiale, serebrovascular events, acute myocardial infarction, stabile and unstabile angyina pectoris admitted during the days with and without dust stroms. 28 dust stroms ocurred during 31 months. The totaliy of stroms continiued 78 days. Of admissions, 35.5% (n=2075) were in group1, 29.8% (n=1746) in group 2, and 34.8% (n=2043) were in group 3. The mean of PM10 for groups (group 1, 2 and 3) were 78.53 mg/m3 (range 19–276) particulate, 108.7 mg/m3 (range 34–631) particulate, and 60.9 mg/m3 (range 17–160) particulate respectively. The mean admission per a day for groups were 24.86, 22.55, and 24.50 respectively. The mortality was 12 in group 1, 12 in group 2, and 17 in grou 3. The hospitalization ratio for groups were 0.24, 0.27, and 0.27 respectively. Conclusion: However, the mean level of PM10 particulate for groups 2 (in dust strom days) is significantly higher (p=0.001) than the days before (group 1) and after (group 3) dust stroms, the mean admissions/day, hostilalization and mortality related to deseases (COLD, AB, SVE, AMI, SAAP andUSA) for group 2 is lower than the group 1 and group 3.Keywords: Saharran dust, PM10 particulate, emergency department admission, mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 3969814 English Language Competency among the Mathematics Teachers as the Precursor for Performance in Mathematics
Authors: Mirriam M. Moleko, Sekanse A. Ntsala
Language in mathematics instruction enables the teacher to communicate mathematical knowledge to the learners with precision. It also enables the learner to deal with mathematical activities effectively. This scholarly piece was motivated by the fact that mathematics performance in the South African primary classrooms has not been satisfactory, and English, which is a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) for the majority of the learners, has been singled out as one of the major impediments. This is not only on the part of the learners, but also on the part of the teachers as well. The study thus focused on the lack of competency in English among the primary school teachers as one of the possible causes of poor performance in mathematics in primary classrooms. The qualitative processes, which were premised on the social interaction theory as a lens, sourced the narratives of 10 newly qualified primary school mathematics teachers from the disadvantaged schools on the matter. This was achieved through the use of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The data, which were analyzed thematically, highlighted the actuality that the challenges cut across the pre-service stage to the in-service stage. The findings revealed that the undergraduate mathematics courses in the number of the institutions neglect the importance of language. The study further revealed that the in-service mathematics teachers lack adequate linguistic command, thereby finding it difficult to successfully teach some mathematical concepts, or even to outline instructions clearly. The study thus suggests the need for training institutions to focus on improving the teachers’ English language competency. The need for intensive in-service training targeting the problem areas was also highlighted. The study thus contributes to the body of knowledge by providing suggestions on how the mathematics teachers’ language incompetency can be mitigated.Keywords: Competency, English language proficiency, language of learning and teaching, primary mathematics teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1799813 Prediction Fluid Properties of Iranian Oil Field with Using of Radial Based Neural Network
Authors: Abdolreza Memari
In this article in order to estimate the viscosity of crude oil,a numerical method has been used. We use this method to measure the crude oil's viscosity for 3 states: Saturated oil's viscosity, viscosity above the bubble point and viscosity under the saturation pressure. Then the crude oil's viscosity is estimated by using KHAN model and roller ball method. After that using these data that include efficient conditions in measuring viscosity, the estimated viscosity by the presented method, a radial based neural method, is taught. This network is a kind of two layered artificial neural network that its stimulation function of hidden layer is Gaussian function and teaching algorithms are used to teach them. After teaching radial based neural network, results of experimental method and artificial intelligence are compared all together. Teaching this network, we are able to estimate crude oil's viscosity without using KHAN model and experimental conditions and under any other condition with acceptable accuracy. Results show that radial neural network has high capability of estimating crude oil saving in time and cost is another advantage of this investigation.Keywords: viscosity, Iranian crude oil, radial based, neural network, roller ball method, KHAN model
Procedia PDF Downloads 5029812 Raising Multilingual Awareness towards Plurilingual Competence Development: Through Which Approach and Which Pedagogical Material-A Case Study in the Greek Primary Education
Authors: Eftychia Damaskou
This article intends to place the question of the adequate approach for teaching multilingualism within the public education. Linguistic education, as it is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages, is no longer the proficiency in one or two languages. It’s about the development of a linguistic repertoire, where all linguistic skills find their place. In fact, the linguistic theories that frame the development of plurilingual competence point out the affective and intercultural aspect of such a process, insisting on an awareness of linguistic diversification, rather than an acquisition of communicative competence in many languages. In this spirit, our article attempts to go beyond a mere plurilingual awareness, present a research based on an experience in class, within 115 pupils, aiming at the development of plurilingual competence in five unknown foreign languages. This experience was held through a teaching unit personally conceived and applied, and consisted of a series of 6 activities based on a cross-linguistic content approach. The data analysis proves to be very interesting, as it reveals the development of plurilingual competences, as well as positive attitudes towards less common languages by the majority of our sample.Keywords: multilingual awareness, multilingual teaching material, plurilingual competence
Procedia PDF Downloads 4549811 Consumer Choice Determinants in Context of Functional Food
Authors: E. Grochowska-Niedworok, K. Brukało, M. Kardas
The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the consumption of functional food by consumers by: age, sex, formal education level, place of residence and diagnosed diseases. The study employed an ad hoc questionnaire in a group of 300 inhabitants of Upper Silesia voivodship. Knowledge of functional food among the group covered in the study was far from satisfactory. The choice of functional food was of intuitive character. In addition, the group covered was more likely to choose pharmacotherapy instead of diet-related prevention then, which can be associated with presumption of too distant effects and a long period of treatment.Keywords: consumer choice, functional food, healthy lifestyle, consumer knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 2589810 An Appraisal of the Design, Content, Approaches and Materials of the K-12 Grade 8 English Curriculum by Language Teachers, Supervisors and Teacher-Trainers
Authors: G. Infante Dennis, S. Balinas Elvira, C. Valencia Yolanda, Cunanan
This paper examined the feed-backs, concerns, and insights of the teachers, supervisors, and teacher-trainers on the nature and qualities of the K-12 grade 8 design, content, approaches, and materials. Specifically, it sought to achieve the following objectives: 1) to describe the critical nature and qualities of the design, content, teaching-learning-and-evaluation approaches, and the materials to be utilized in the implementation of the grade 8 curriculum; 2) to extract the possible challenges relevant to the implementation of the design, content, teaching-learning-and-evaluation approaches, and the materials of the grade 8 curriculum in terms of the linguistic and technical competence of the teachers, readiness to implement, willingness to implement, and capability to make relevant adaptations; 3) to present essential demands on the successful and meaningful implementation of the grade 8 curriculum in terms of teacher-related factors, school-related factors, and student-related concerns.Keywords: curriculum reforms, K-12, teacher-training, language teaching, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2559809 Interactive Teaching and Learning Resources for Bilingual Education
Authors: Sarolta Lipóczi, Ildikó Szabó
The use of ICT in European Schools has increased over the last decade but there is still room for improvement. Also interactive technology is often used below its technical and pedagogical potentials. The pedagogical potential of interactive technology in classrooms has not yet reached classrooms in different countries and in a substantial way. To develop these materials cooperation between educational researchers and teachers from different backgrounds is necessary. INTACT project brings together experts from science education, mathematics education, social science education and foreign language education – with a focus on bilingual education – and teachers in secondary and primary schools to develop a variety of pedagogically qualitative interactive teaching and learning resources. Because of the backgrounds of the consortium members INTACT project focuses on the areas of science, mathematics and social sciences. To combine these two features (science/math and foreign language) the project focuses on bilingual education. A big issue supported by ‘interactiveness’ is social and collaborative learning. The easy way to communicate and collaborate offered by web 2.0 tools, mobile devices connected to the learning material allows students to work and learn together. There will be a wide range of possibilities for school co-operations at regional, national and also international level that allows students to communicate and cooperate with other students beyond the classroom boarders while using these interactive teaching materials. Opening up the learning scenario enhance the social, civic and cultural competences of the students by advocating their social skills and improving their cultural appreciation for other nations in Europe. To enable teachers to use the materials in indented ways descriptions of successful learning scenarios (i.e. using design patterns) will be provided as well. These materials and description will be made available to teachers by teacher trainings, teacher journals, booklets and online materials. The resources can also be used in different settings including the use of a projector and a touchpad or other technical interactive devices for the input i.e. mobile phones. Kecskemét College as a partner of INTACT project has developed two teaching and learning resources in the area of foreign language teaching. This article introduces these resources as well.Keywords: bilingual educational settings, international cooperation, interactive teaching and learning resources, work across culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3969808 A Comparative Study of Morphine and Clonidine as an Adjunct to Ropivacaine in Paravertebral Block for Modified Radical Mastectomy
Authors: Mukesh K., Siddiqui A. K., Abbas H., Gupta R.
Background: General Anesthesia is a standard for breast onco-surgery. The issue of postoperative pain and the occurrence of nausea and vomiting has prompted the quest for a superior methodology with fewer complications. Over the recent couple of years, paravertebral block (PVB) has acquired huge fame either in combination with GA or alone for anesthetic management. In this study, we aim to evaluate the efficacy of morphine and clonidine as an adjunct to ropivacaine in a paravertebral block in breast cancer patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy. Methods: In this study, total 90 patients were divided into three groups (30 each) on the basis of computer-generated randomization. Group C (Control): Paravertebral block with 0.25% ropivacaine (19ml) and 1 ml saline; Group M- Paravertebral block with 0.25% ropivacaine(19ml) + 20 microgram/kg body weight morphine; Group N: Paravertebral block with 0.25% ropivacaine(19ml) +1.0 microgram/kg body weight clonidine. The postoperative pain intensity was recorded using the visual analog scale (VAS) and Sedation was observed by the Ramsay Sedation score (RSS). Results: The VAS was similar at 0hr, 2hr and 4 hr in the postoperative period among all the groups. There was a significant (p=0.003) difference in VAS from 6 hr to 20 hr in the postoperative period among the groups. A significant (p<0.05) difference was observed among the groups at 8 hr to 20 hr). The first requirement of analgesia was significantly (p=0.001) higher in Group N (7.70±1.74) than in Group C (4.43±1.43) and Group M (7.33±2.21). Conclusion: The morphine in the paravertebral block provides better postoperative analgesia. The consumption of rescue analgesia was significantly reduced in the morphine group as compared to the clonidine group. The procedure also proved to be safe as no complication was encountered in the paravertebral block in our study.Keywords: ropivacaine, morphine, clonidine, paravertebral block
Procedia PDF Downloads 1179807 Teaching Young Learners How to Work Together: Pedagogical Ideas for Language Teachers
Authors: Tomas Kos
An increasing body of research has explored patterns of interaction and peer support among young learners. Although some studies suggest that young learners can collaborate and support each other, other studies indicate that young learners may lack the ability to work together and support one another when interacting on classroom tasks. Moreover, despite the claims that peer collaboration is conducive to learning, studies have not paid enough attention to the “how” to enhance peer collaboration on classroom tasks. To fill this gap, this “how-to” article proposes that teaching young learners how to work together is a powerful pedagogical tool that can greatly improve collaborative behavior and a sense of mutuality among young learners. This article will pay particular attention to primary schools and the context of English as a foreign language. It will first review literature related to patterns of interaction and peer support conducted in the cognitive and sociocultural framework. It will then address what it actually means to collaborate. At the heart of the article, it will discuss some practical pedagogical ideas for language teachers, which entail teaching collaborative principles and strategies that will help their students to support each other and engage in communication with each other.Keywords: young learners, peer collaboration, peer interaction, peer support, patterns of interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1579806 Effect of Nitrogen-Based Cryotherapy on the Calf Muscle Spasticity in Stroke Patients
Authors: Engi E. I. Sarhan, Usama M. Rashad, Ibrahim M. I. Hamoda, Mohammed K. Mohamed
Background: This study aimed to know the effect of nitrogen-based cryotherapy on the spasticity of calf muscle in stroke patients. Patients were selected from the outpatient clinic of Neurology, Al-Mansoura general hospital, Al-Mansoura University. Subjects and methods: Thirty Stroke Patients of both sexes ranged from 45 to 60 years old were divided randomly into two equal groups, a study group (A) received a nitrogen-based cryotherapy, a selective physical therapy program and ankle foot orthosis (AFO), while as patients in control group (B) received the same program and AFO only. The treatment duration was three times per week for four weeks for both groups. We assessed spasticity of calf muscle before and after treatment subjectively using modified Ashworth scale (MAS) and objectively via measuring H / M ratio on electromyography machine. We also assessed ankle dorsiflexion ROM objectively using two dimensions motion analysis (2D). Results: After treatment, there was a highly significant improvement in the study group compared to the control group regarding the score of MAS, no significant difference in the study group compared to the control group regarding the readings of H / M ratio, highly significant improvement in the study group compared to the control group regarding the 2D motion analysis findings. Conclusion: This modality considers effective in reducing spasticity in the calf muscle and improving ankle dorsiflexion of the affected limb.Keywords: ankle foot orthosis, nitrogen-based cryotherapy, stroke, spasticity
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