Search results for: fractals dimensions
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2046

Search results for: fractals dimensions

966 The Effect of Entertainment, Interactivity, and Authenticity Features of Tourism E-Commerce Live Streaming on Tourism Consumer’s Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Social Presence

Authors: Muhammad Munir, Moazzam, Attia Saddique, Muhammad Waheed


This study examines the complex interactions between entertainment, interaction, and authenticity aspects in the context of live streaming tourism e-commerce and how they affect tourists' intent to purchase. In the context of e-commerce live streaming, the goal of this study is to offer a thorough understanding of how these factors work together to influence consumers' intents to make purchases related to tourism. A sample of 250 respondents' information was gathered, and it was analyzed through Smart PLS 4. To ensure reliable measurement constructs, convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated. Discriminant validity was evaluated using the HTMT ratio approach, and the structural model was evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) with bootstrapping. Results showed that entertainment had a strong beneficial impact on social presence, highlighting the value of compelling content in raising users' sense of presence on live streaming platforms for tourism-related e-commerce. The lack of a direct relationship between Interactivity and Authenticity and Social Presence emphasizes the need for more research into certain characteristics of these dimensions that appeal to consumers in this situation.

Keywords: entertainment, interactivity, authenticity, tourism consumer’s purchase intention, social presence

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965 Law Verses Tradition: Beliefs in and Practices of Witchcraft in Contemporary Ghana and the Law

Authors: Baba Iddrisu Musah


Many Ghanaians, including the rich and downtrodden, elite and unlettered, rural and urban dwellers, politicians and civil servants, in one way or the other, believe in and practice witchcraft. The existence of witches’ camp in northern Ghana, the rise of Pentecostal churches, especially in southern Ghana with the penchant to cleanse people of witchcraft, as well as media reports of witchcraft imputations assuming wider dimensions in the country, often classified as a citadel of democracy, good governance and human rights in Africa, buttress the pervasive nature of belief in and the practice of witchcraft in the country. This is in spite of the fact that tremendous efforts, especially by British colonial authorities, were made to regulate witchcraft beliefs and its associated practices. Informed by Western values and philosophy, witchcraft was considered by colonial authorities as illogical and unscientific. This paper, which is largely a review of existing literature, supplemented by archival information from the national archives of Ghana, focuses on the nature of witchcraft regulation in Ghana’s pre-colonial and colonial past, as well as immediately after Ghana obtained her independence in 1957. This article concludes by rhetorically questioning whether or not believing in and the practice of witchcraft in contemporary Ghana in general, and the existence of witches’ camps in the northern region of the country are attributed to the failure of past regulations, as well as the failure of present government policies.

Keywords: colonial, natives, regulation, witchcraft

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964 Establishing Student Support Strategies for Virtual Learning in Learning Management System Based on Grounded Theory

Authors: Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh, Narges Salehi


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to support student strategies for virtual learning in the learning management system. Methodology: The research method was based on grounded theory. The statistical population included all the articles of the ten years 2022-2010, and the sampling method was purposeful to the extent of theoretical saturation (n=31 ). Data collection was done by referring to the authoritative scientific databases of Emerald, Springer, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Sage Publication, and Science Direct. For data analysis, open coding, axial coding, and selective coding were used. Results: The results showed that causal conditions include cognitive empowerment (comprehension, analysis, composition), emotional empowerment (learning motivation, involvement in the learning system, enthusiasm for learning), psychomotor empowerment (learning to master, internalizing learning skills, creativity in learning). Conclusion: Supporting students requires their empowerment in three dimensions: cognitive, emotional empowerment, and psychomotor empowerment. In such a way that by introducing them to enter the learning management system, the capacities of the system, the toolkit of learning in the system, improve the motivation to learn in them, and in such a case, by learning more in the learning management system, they will reach mastery learning.

Keywords: student support, virtual education, learning management system, electronic

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963 Focus on Sustainable Future of New Vernacular Architecture — Building "Vernacular Consciousness" in the New Ara

Authors: Ji Min China


The 20th century was the century of globalization. Developed transportation and the progress of information media made the earth into a global village. The differences between regions is increasingly reduced, "cultural convergence" phenomenon intensified, regional specialties and traditional culture has been eroded. In the field of architecture, while experienced orderly rational modernism baptism, it is increasingly recognized that set the expense of cultural differences and forced to follow the universal international-style building has been outdated. At the same time, in the 21st century environmental issues has been paid more and more attention, and the concept of sustainable development and sustainable building have been proposed.This makes the domestic and foreign architects began to explore the possibilities of building and reflect local cultural characteristics of the new vernacular architecture as a viable diversified architectural tendencies by domestic and foreign architects’ favor. The author will use the production and creative process of the new vernacular architecture at home and abroad as the background, and select some outstanding examples of the analysis and discussion, then reinterpret the "new vernacular architecture" in China now. This paper will pay more attention to how to master the true meaning of the here and now "new vernacular" as well as its multiple dimensions of sustainability in the future. It also determines the paper will be a two-way aspect and multi-dimensional understanding and mining of the "new vernacular".

Keywords: new vernacular architecture, regional culture, multi dimension, sustainable

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962 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Interaction Behavior of a Bouncing Ball upon a Flexible Surface Impacted in Two Dimensions

Authors: Wiwat Chumai, Perawit Boonsomchua, Kanjana Ongkasin


The ball bouncing problem is a well-known problem in physics involving a ball dropped from a height to the ground. In this paper, the work investigates the theoretical and experimental setup that describes the dynamics of a rigid body on a chaotic elastic surface under air-damp conditions. Examination of four different types of balls is made, including marble, metal ball, tennis ball, and ping-pong ball. In this experiment, the effect of impact velocities is not considered; the ball is dropped from a fixed height. The method in this work employs the Rayleigh Dissipation Function to specify the effects of dissipative forces in Lagrangian mechanics. Our discoveries reveal that the dynamics of the ball exhibit horizontal motion while damping oscillation occurs, forming the destabilization in vertical pinch-off motion. Moreover, rotational motion is studied. According to the investigation of four different balls, the outcomes illustrate that greater mass results in more frequent dynamics, and the experimental results at some points align with the theoretical model. This knowledge contributes to our understanding of the complex fluid system and could serve as a foundation for further developments in water droplet simulation.

Keywords: droplet, damping oscillation, nonlinear damping oscillation, bouncing ball problem, elastic surface

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961 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Mechanical Displacements in Piezoelectric Transformer

Authors: F. Boukazouha, G. Poulin-Vittrant, M. Rguiti, M. Lethiecq


Since its invention, by virtue of its remarkable features, the piezoelectric transformer (PT) has drawn the attention of the scientific community. In past years, it has been extensively studied and its performances have been continuously improved. Nowadays, such devices are designed in more and more sophisticated architectures with associated models describing their behavior quite accurately. However, the different studies usually carried out on such devices mainly focus on their electrical characteristics induced by direct piezoelectric effects such as voltage gain, efficiency or supplied power. In this work, we are particularly interested in the characterization of mechanical displacements induced by the inverse piezoelectric effect in a PT in vibration. For this purpose, a detailed three-dimensional finite element analysis is proposed to examine the mechanical behavior of a Rosen-type transformer made of a single bar of soft PZT (P191) and with dimensions 22mm×2.35mm×2.5mm. At the first three modes of vibration, output voltage and mechanical displacements ux, uy and uz along the length, the width and the thickness, respectively, are calculated. The amplitude of displacements varies in a range from a few nanometers to a few hundred nanometers. The validity of the simulations was successfully confirmed by experiments carried out on a prototype using a laser interferometer. A good match was observed between simulation and experimental results, especially for us at the second mode. Such 3D simulations thus appear as a helpful tool for a better understanding of mechanical phenomena in Rosen-type PT.

Keywords: piezoelectricity, gain, dispalcement, simulations

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960 Technology, Organizational and Environmental Determinants of Business Intelligence Systems Adoption in Croatian SME: A Case Study of Medium-Sized Enterprise

Authors: Ana-Marija Stjepić, Luka Sušac, Dalia Suša Vugec


In the last few years, examples from scientific literature and business practices show that the adoption of technological innovations increases enterprises' performance. Recently, when it comes to the field of information technology innovation, business intelligence systems (BISs) have drawn a significant amount of attention of the scientific circles. BISs can be understood as a form of technological innovation which can bring certain benefits to the organizations that are adopting it. Therefore, the aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to define determinants of successful BISs adoption in small and medium enterprises and thus contribute to this neglected research area and (2) to present the current state of BISs adoption in small and medium-sized companies. In order to do so, determinants are defined and classified into three dimensions, according to the Technology – Organization – Environment (TOE) theoretical framework that describes the impact of each dimension on technological innovations adoption. Moreover, paper brings a case study presenting the adoption of BISs in practice within an organization from tertiary (service) industry sector. Based on the results of the study, guidelines for more efficient, faster and easier BISs adoption are presented.

Keywords: adoption, business intelligence, business intelligence systems, case study, TOE framework

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959 Investigation on Polymer Based Nano-Silver as Food Packaging Materials

Authors: A. M. Metak, T. T. Ajaal, Amal Metak, Tawfik Ajaal


Commercial nanocomposite food packaging type nano-silver containers were characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX). The presence of nanoparticles consistent with the incorporation of 1% nano-silver (Ag) and 0.1% titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticle into polymeric materials formed into food containers was confirmed. Both nanomaterials used in this type of packaging appear to be embedded in a layered configuration within the bulk polymer. The dimensions of the incorporated nanoparticles were investigated using X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and determined by calculation using the Scherrer Formula; these were consistent with Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles in the size range 20-70nm both were spherical shape nanoparticles. Antimicrobial assessment of the nanocomposite container has also been performed and the results confirm the antimicrobial activity of Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles in food packaging containers. Migration assessments were performed in a wide range of food matrices to determine the migration of nanoparticles from the packages. The analysis was based on the relevant European safety directives and involved the application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to identify the range of migration risk. The data pertain to insignificance levels of migration of Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles into the selected food matrices.

Keywords: nano-silver, antimicrobial food packaging, migration, titanium dioxide

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958 A Comparative Study on ANN, ANFIS and SVM Methods for Computing Resonant Frequency of A-Shaped Compact Microstrip Antennas

Authors: Ahmet Kayabasi, Ali Akdagli


In this study, three robust predicting methods, namely artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and support vector machine (SVM) were used for computing the resonant frequency of A-shaped compact microstrip antennas (ACMAs) operating at UHF band. Firstly, the resonant frequencies of 144 ACMAs with various dimensions and electrical parameters were simulated with the help of IE3D™ based on method of moment (MoM). The ANN, ANFIS and SVM models for computing the resonant frequency were then built by considering the simulation data. 124 simulated ACMAs were utilized for training and the remaining 20 ACMAs were used for testing the ANN, ANFIS and SVM models. The performance of the ANN, ANFIS and SVM models are compared in the training and test process. The average percentage errors (APE) regarding the computed resonant frequencies for training of the ANN, ANFIS and SVM were obtained as 0.457%, 0.399% and 0.600%, respectively. The constructed models were then tested and APE values as 0.601% for ANN, 0.744% for ANFIS and 0.623% for SVM were achieved. The results obtained here show that ANN, ANFIS and SVM methods can be successfully applied to compute the resonant frequency of ACMAs, since they are useful and versatile methods that yield accurate results.

Keywords: a-shaped compact microstrip antenna, artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), support vector machine (SVM)

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957 Use of Machine Learning in Data Quality Assessment

Authors: Bruno Pinto Vieira, Marco Antonio Calijorne Soares, Armando Sérgio de Aguiar Filho


Nowadays, a massive amount of information has been produced by different data sources, including mobile devices and transactional systems. In this scenario, concerns arise on how to maintain or establish data quality, which is now treated as a product to be defined, measured, analyzed, and improved to meet consumers' needs, which is the one who uses these data in decision making and companies strategies. Information that reaches low levels of quality can lead to issues that can consume time and money, such as missed business opportunities, inadequate decisions, and bad risk management actions. The step of selecting, identifying, evaluating, and selecting data sources with significant quality according to the need has become a costly task for users since the sources do not provide information about their quality. Traditional data quality control methods are based on user experience or business rules limiting performance and slowing down the process with less than desirable accuracy. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, it is possible to take advantage of computational resources to overcome challenges and add value to companies and users. In this study, machine learning is applied to data quality analysis on different datasets, seeking to compare the performance of the techniques according to the dimensions of quality assessment. As a result, we could create a ranking of approaches used, besides a system that is able to carry out automatically, data quality assessment.

Keywords: machine learning, data quality, quality dimension, quality assessment

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956 Factory Virtual Environment Development for Augmented and Virtual Reality

Authors: Michal Gregor, Jiri Polcar, Petr Horejsi, Michal Simon


Machine visualization is an area of interest with fast and progressive development. We present a method of machine visualization which will be applicable in real industrial conditions according to current needs and demands. Real factory data were obtained in a newly built research plant. Methods described in this paper were validated on a case study. Input data were processed and the virtual environment was created. The environment contains information about dimensions, structure, disposition, and function. Hardware was enhanced by modular machines, prototypes, and accessories. We added new functionalities and machines into the virtual environment. The user is able to interact with objects such as testing and cutting machines, he/she can operate and move them. Proposed design consists of an environment with two degrees of freedom of movement. Users are in touch with items in the virtual world which are embedded into the real surroundings. This paper describes the development of the virtual environment. We compared and tested various options of factory layout virtualization and visualization. We analyzed possibilities of using a 3D scanner in the layout obtaining process and we also analyzed various virtual reality hardware visualization methods such as Stereoscopic (CAVE) projection, Head Mounted Display (HMD), and augmented reality (AR) projection provided by see-through glasses.

Keywords: augmented reality, spatial scanner, virtual environment, virtual reality

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955 Task Value and Research Culture of Southern Luzon State University

Authors: Antonio V. Romana, Rizaide A. Salayo, Maria Lavinia E. Fetalino


This study assessed the subjective task value and research culture of SLSU faculty. It used the sequential explanatory mixed-method research design. For the quantitative phase, a questionnaire on the research culture and task value were used. While in the qualitative phase, the data was coded and thematized to interpret the focus group discussion outcome. Results showed that the dimensions of the subjective task value, intrinsic, got the highest rank while the utility value got the lowest. It is worth mentioning that all subjective task values were "Agreed." From the FGD, faculty members valued research and wanted to be involved in this undertaking. However, the limited number of faculty researchers, heavy teaching workload, inadequate information on the research process, lack of self-confidence, and low incentives received from research hindered their writing and engagement with research. Thus, a policy brief was developed. It is recommended that the institution may conduct a series of research seminar workshops for the faculty members, plan regular research idea exchange activities, and revisit the university's research thrust and agenda for faculties specialization and expertise alignment. In addition, the university may also lessen the workload and hire additional faculty members so that educators may focus on their research work. Finally, cash incentives may still be considered upon knowing that the faculty members have varied experiences in doing research tasks.

Keywords: task value, interest value, attainment value, utility value, research culture

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954 A Simple Device for Characterizing High Power Electron Beams for Welding

Authors: Aman Kaur, Colin Ribton, Wamadeva Balachandaran


Electron beam welding due to its inherent advantages is being extensively used for material processing where high precision is required. Especially in aerospace or nuclear industries, there are high quality requirements and the cost of materials and processes is very high which makes it very important to ensure the beam quality is maintained and checked prior to carrying out the welds. Although the processes in these industries are highly controlled, however, even the minor changes in the operating parameters of the electron gun can make large enough variations in the beam quality that can result in poor welding. To measure the beam quality a simple device has been designed that can be used at high powers. The device consists of two slits in x and y axis which collects a small portion of the beam current when the beam is deflected over the slits. The signals received from the device are processed in data acquisition hardware and the dedicated software developed for the device. The device has been used in controlled laboratory environments to analyse the signals and the weld quality relationships by varying the focus current. The results showed matching trends in the weld dimensions and the beam characteristics. Further experimental work is being carried out to determine the ability of the device and signal processing software to detect subtle changes in the beam quality and to relate these to the physical weld quality indicators.

Keywords: electron beam welding, beam quality, high power, weld quality indicators

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953 A Mixed-method Study of Psychological Empowerment in Child Protection Practitioners

Authors: Amy Bromley


Child protection practitioners are a vital part of systems designed to protect children from abuse and neglect. Reforms in Anglo-American systems have shown a trend towards compliance-culture that reduces practitioner autonomy and empowerment, increasing staff turnover and negatively impacting outcomes for children. This explanatory mixed-methods study examined psychological empowerment in a national sample of child protection practitioners in Australia (n=109) using the Psychological Empowerment Instrument followed by semi-structured interviews (n=19). The results show that practitioners experience the sub-dimensions of psychological empowerment differently, perceiving themselves to have high levels of competence and satisfaction in their work but limited opportunities for self-determination and low levels of impact on decision-making in their organizations. The qualitative data revealed that practitioners do not trust systemic reforms and have experienced them as ineffective, politically driven, and bureaucratic. The increased compliance demanded from these reforms has left practitioners feeling that their expertise is not valued, leading many to leave their organizations. The practitioners who remain employed in child protection identified their use of advocacy, curiosity, and child-centered values as ways of protecting their psychological empowerment. The findings highlight the ways psychological empowerment can be promoted within child protection systems, improving staff retention and building expertise.

Keywords: child protection, implementation, psychological empowerment, systems theory

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952 Profiling on the Holistic Identity of Malaysian Gifted Learners

Authors: Rorlinda Yusof, Siti Aishah Hassan, Afifah Mohamad Radzi, Mohd Hakimie Zainal Abidin, Amran Rasli, Inderbir Sandhu


The purpose of this study is to examine the self-identities of gifted and talented students and the relationship between self-identity and academic accomplishment. A random sample of 300 students enrolled in a secondary education programme at the Pusat GENIUS@pintar Negara was chosen as respondents of a 151-item holistic-identity component development tool. The validity of the instrument was assessed using Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis via an inter-Item Correlation Matrix (Loading values 0.44 to 0.86), which resulted in the formation of eight dimensions. The Cronbach's Alpha was calculated to determine the instrument's reliability (the overall result was 0.98). The results showed that students' holistic-identity profiles were relatively high (mean=4.09, standard deviation=0.449). In addition, spiritual identity received the greatest mean score (4.34) out of the eight components of identity investigated, while leadership identity received the lowest mean score (3.88). A conceptual framework for Islamic school leadership is recommended to implement spiritual values without differentiation to harmonize spiritual and intellectual intelligence among all the students. Some benchmarking studies with other centres for gifted and talented students are recommended for further research.

Keywords: holistic self-identity, academic achievement, self-development programme, counselling services, gifted and talented students

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951 Effect of Nanofibers on the Behavior of Cement Mortar and Concrete

Authors: Mostafa Osman, Ata El-Kareim Shoeib


The main objective of this paper is study the influence of carbon nano-tubes fibers and nano silica fibers on the characteristic compressive strength and flexural strength on concrete and cement mortar. Twelve tested specimens were tested with square section its dimensions (40*40*160) mm, divided into four groups. The first and second group studied the effect of carbon nano-tubes (CNTs) fiber with different percentage equal to 0.0, 0.11 %, 0.22 %, and 0.33 % by weight of cement and effect of nano-silica (nS) fibers with different percentages equal to 0.0, 1.0 %, 2.0 %, and 3.0 % by weight of cement on the cement mortar. The third and fourth groups studied the effect of CNTs fiber with different percentage equal to 0.0 %, 0.11 %, and 0.22 % by weight of cement, and effect of nS fibers with different percentages were equal to 0.0 %, 1.0%, and 2.0 % by weight of cement on the concrete. The compressive strength and flexural strength at 7, 28, and 90 days is determined. From analysis of tested results concluded that the nano-fiber is more effective when used with cement mortar than that of used with concrete because of increasing the surface area, decreasing the pore and the collection of nano-fiber. And also by adding nano-fiber the improvement of flexural strength of concrete and cement mortar is more than improvement of compressive strength.

Keywords: carbon nano-tubes (CNTs) fibres, nano-silica (nS) fibres, compressive strength, flexural strength

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950 Women with Disabilities: A Study of Contributions of Sexual and Reproductive Rights for Theology

Authors: Luciana Steffen


People with disabilities are often neglected in the exercise of their sexuality, facing several prejudices and discrimination in this area. For women with disabilities, the negligence is even major. Studies that relate sexual and reproductive rights with the experience of women with disabilities are rare, and in the field of Theology, practically nonexistent in Brazil. The aim of this work is to reflect on the relationship between women with disabilities, sexual and reproductive rights and Theology, according to a feminist perspective. The work is a literature review and involves the areas of Gender Studies, Disability Studies, Feminist Studies and Theology. In the article it will be addressed the relations between disability, sexual and reproductive rights, feminism, as well as the relations with the area of Theology, reflecting on these themes toward a fairer and more inclusive understanding of feminism, sexuality and women with disabilities. To reflect on sexual and reproductive rights of women with disabilities, it is important to reflect on religious concepts about the body, sexuality, reproduction and gender roles, because they are all connected. So, a critical analysis of traditional theological values taking into consideration the dimensions of sexuality and women with disability is important for a more liberating and inclusive understand about sexual and reproductive rights of women with disabilities. Theology should help the other areas in the understanding that all people have the right to live their lives with completeness, dignity and respect, so women with disabilities must have the opportunity of making their own choices on the fields of sexuality and reproduction.

Keywords: gender, disability, sexual and reproductive rights, theology

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949 Direct Visualization of Shear Induced Structures in Wormlike Micellar Solutions by Microfluidics and Advanced Microscopy

Authors: Carla Caiazza, Valentina Preziosi, Giovanna Tomaiuolo, Denis O'Sullivan, Vincenzo Guida, Stefano Guido


In the last decades, wormlike micellar solutions have been extensively used to tune the rheological behavior of home care and personal care products. This and other successful applications underlie the growing attention that both basic and applied research are devoting to these systems, and to their unique rheological and flow properties. One of the key research topics is the occurrence of flow instabilities at high shear rates (such as shear banding), with the possibility of appearance of flow induced structures. In this scenario, microfluidics is a powerful tool to get a deeper insight into the flow behavior of a wormlike micellar solution, as the high confinement of a microfluidic device facilitates the onset of the flow instabilities; furthermore, thanks to its small dimensions, it can be coupled with optical microscopy, allowing a direct visualization of flow structuring phenomena. Here, the flow of a widely used wormlike micellar solution through a glass capillary has been studied, by coupling the microfluidic device with μPIV techniques. The direct visualization of flow-induced structures and the flow visualization analysis highlight a relationship between solution structuring and the onset of discontinuities in the velocity profile.

Keywords: flow instabilities, flow-induced structures, μPIV, wormlike micelles

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948 Formal Group Laws and Toposes in Gauge Theory

Authors: Patrascu Andrei Tudor


One of the main problems in high energy physics is the fact that we do not have a complete understanding of the interaction between local and global effects in gauge theory. This has an increasing impact on our ability to access the non-perturbative regime of most of our theories. Our theories, while being based on gauge groups considered to be simple or semi-simple and connected, are expected to be described by their simple local linear approximation, namely the Lie algebras. However, higher homotopy properties resulting in gauge anomalies appear frequently in theories of physical interest. Our assumption that the groups we deal with are simple and simply connected is probably not suitable, and ways to go beyond such assumptions, particularly in gauge theories, where the Lie algebra linear approximation is prevalent, are not known. We approach this problem from two directions: on one side we are explaining the potential role of formal group laws in describing certain higher homotopical properties and interferences with local or perturbative effects, and on the other side, we employ a categorical approach leading to synthetic theory and a way of looking at gauge theories. The topos approach is based on a geometry where the fundamental logic is intuitionistic logic, and hence the ‘tertium non datur’ principle is abandoned. This has a remarkable impact on understanding conformal symmetry and its anomalies in string theory in various dimensions.

Keywords: Gauge theory, formal group laws, Topos theory, conformal symmetry

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947 Growth and Characterization of Bis-Thiourea Nickel Barium Chloride Single Crystals

Authors: Rakesh Hajiyani, Chetan Chauhan, Harshkant Jethva, Mihir Joshi


Metal bis-thiourea type organo-metallic crystals are popular as non-linear optical materials. Bis-thiourea nickel barium chloride was synthesized and crystals were grown by slow aqueous solvent evaporation technique. The transparent and colorless crystals having maximum dimensions of 13 mm x 8 mm x 2.2 mm were obtained. The EDAX was carried out to estimate the content of nickel and barium in the grown crystals. The powder XRD analysis suggested orthorhombic crystal structure with unit cell parameters as: a= 9.70 Å, b= 10.68 Å and c= 17.95 Å. The FTIR spectroscopy study confirmed the presence of various functional groups. The UV-vis spectroscopy study indicated that the crystals were transparent in the visible region with 90% transmittance level further optical parameters were studied. From the TGA it was found that the crystals remained stable up to 170 0C and then decomposed through two decomposition stages. The dielectric study was carried out in the frequency range of applied field from 500 Hz to 1 MHz. The variations of dielectric constant, dielectric loss were studied with frequency. It was found that the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss decreased as the frequency of applied field increased. The results are discussed.

Keywords: crystal growth, dielectric study, optical parameters, organo-metallic crystals, powder xrd, slow evaporation technique, TGA

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946 Religion and Sustainable Development: A Comparative Study of Buddhist and Christian Farmers’ Contribution to the Environmental Protection in Taiwan

Authors: Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph


The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development claims to be a comprehensive and integrated plan of action for prosperity for people and the planet, including almost all dimensions of human existence. Nevertheless, critics have pointed out the exclusion of the religious dimension from development discussions. Care for the earth is one of the vital aspects of sustainable development. Farmers all over the world contribute much to environmental protection. Most farmers are religious believers, and religious ideologies influence their agricultural practices. This nexus between faith and agriculture has forced policymakers to include religion in development discussions. This paper delves deeper into this religion and sustainable development connection. Buddhism and Christianity have contributed much to environmental protection in Taiwan. However, interviews conducted among 40 Taiwanese farmers (10 male and female farmers from Buddhism and Christianity) show that their faith experiences make them relate to the natural environment differently. Most of the Buddhist farmers interviewed admitted that they chose their religious adherence, while most of the Christian farmers inherited their faith. The in-depth analysis of the interview data collected underlines the close relationship between religion and sustainable development. More importantly, concerning their intention to care for the earth, farmers whose religious adherence is ‘chosen’ are self-motivated and more robust compared to those whose religious adherence is ‘inherited’.

Keywords: Buddhism, Christianity, environmental protection, sustainable development

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945 Web-Based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI): A Hybrid e-Framework for Instructional Design

Authors: Boon Yih Mah


Web-based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI) is a hybrid e-framework that consolidates instructional design and language development towards the development of a web-based instruction (WBI). WeCWI divides instructional design into macro and micro perspectives. In macro perspective, a 21st century educator is encouraged to disseminate knowledge and share ideas with in-class and global learners. By leveraging the virtue of technology, WeCWI aims to transform the educator into an aggregator, curator, publisher, social networker and finally, a web-based instructor. Since the most notable contribution of integrating technology is being a tool of teaching as well as a stimulus for learning, WeCWI focuses on the use of contemporary web tools based on the multiple roles played by the 21st century educator. The micro perspective draws attention to the pedagogical approaches focussing on three main aspects: reading, discussion, and writing. With the effective use of pedagogical approaches, technology adds new dimensions and expands the bounds of learning capacity. Lastly, WeCWI also imparts the fundamental theoretical concepts for web-based instructors’ awareness such as interactionism, e-learning interactional-based model, computer-mediated communication (CMC), cognitive theories, and learning style model.

Keywords: web-based cognitive writing instruction, WeCWI, instructional design, e-framework, web-based instructor

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944 Statistical Comparison of Machine and Manual Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of Gone with the Wind

Authors: Yanmeng Liu


This article analyzes and compares the linguistic differences between machine translation and manual translation, through a case study of the book Gone with the Wind. As an important carrier of human feeling and thinking, the literature translation poses a huge difficulty for machine translation, and it is supposed to expose distinct translation features apart from manual translation. In order to display linguistic features objectively, tentative uses of computerized and statistical evidence to the systematic investigation of large scale translation corpora by using quantitative methods have been deployed. This study compiles bilingual corpus with four versions of Chinese translations of the book Gone with the Wind, namely, Piao by Chunhai Fan, Piao by Huairen Huang, translations by Google Translation and Baidu Translation. After processing the corpus with the software of Stanford Segmenter, Stanford Postagger, and AntConc, etc., the study analyzes linguistic data and answers the following questions: 1. How does the machine translation differ from manual translation linguistically? 2. Why do these deviances happen? This paper combines translation study with the knowledge of corpus linguistics, and concretes divergent linguistic dimensions in translated text analysis, in order to present linguistic deviances in manual and machine translation. Consequently, this study provides a more accurate and more fine-grained understanding of machine translation products, and it also proposes several suggestions for machine translation development in the future.

Keywords: corpus-based analysis, linguistic deviances, machine translation, statistical evidence

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943 Customer Preference in the Textile Market: Fabric-Based Analysis

Authors: Francisca Margarita Ocran


Underwear, and more particularly bras and panties, are defined as intimate clothing. Strictly speaking, they enhance the place of women in the public or private satchel. Therefore, women's lingerie is a complex garment with a high involvement profile, motivating consumers to buy it not only by its functional utility but also by the multisensory experience it provides them. Customer behavior models are generally based on customer data mining, and each model is designed to answer questions at a specific time. Predicting the customer experience is uncertain and difficult. Thus, knowledge of consumers' tastes in lingerie deserves to be treated as an experiential product, where the dimensions of the experience motivating consumers to buy a lingerie product and to remain faithful to it must be analyzed in detail by the manufacturers and retailers to engage and retain consumers, which is why this research aims to identify the variables that push consumers to choose their lingerie product, based on an in-depth analysis of the types of fabrics used to make lingerie. The data used in this study comes from online purchases. Machine learning approach with the use of Python programming language and Pycaret gives us a precision of 86.34%, 85.98%, and 84.55% for the three algorithms to use concerning the preference of a buyer in front of a range of lingerie. Gradient Boosting, random forest, and K Neighbors were used in this study; they are very promising and rich in the classification of preference in the textile industry.

Keywords: consumer behavior, data mining, lingerie, machine learning, preference

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942 Gender and Citizen Participation at the Local Governments: A Case of Vietnam

Authors: Trinh Hoang Hong Hue


Citizen Participation has been largely considered as an important objective of improving democracy and government decision-making in Vietnam recently. The Public Administration Performance Index Survey data (PAPI) indicated that citizens in provinces that have a higher proportion of male often less participate in local governance than those in provinces that have lower proportion of male. That means Vietnamese women more actively participate at the local governance rather than men. Thus this study will explore factors involving gender differences that impact on citizen participation at the local level. Applying qualitative approach, mainly in-depth interview, this study explores four diverse perspectives on enhancing citizen participation for both women and men at the local governance including civic knowledge; the trust of citizens; suitable policies of local government; and the role of NGOs. Furthermore, this study also points out two crucial reasons that are leading to the gender differences of citizen participation at the local level. Firstly, because Vietnamese women play the main role in family financial management; then they are willing to highly contribute to ‘voluntary contributions’; one of the four sub-dimensions of the concept ‘citizen participation’ of PAPI. Secondly, in Vietnam, women are deeply prone to be interested in the small issues at the local governance; whereas men are much keen on the bigger issues at national and international governance.

Keywords: citizen participation, gender, women, local governance, PAPI, Vietnam

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941 Group Boundaries against and Due to Identity Threat

Authors: Anna Siegler, Sara Bigazzi, Sara Serdult, Ildiko Bokretas


Social identity emerging from group membership defines the representational processes of our social reality. Based on our theoretical assumption the subjective perception of identity threat leads to an instable identity structure. The need to re-establish the positive identity will lead us to strengthen group boundaries. Prejudice in our perspective offer psychological security those who thinking in exclusive barriers, and we suggest that those who identify highly with their ingroup/national identity and less with superordinate identities take distance from others and this is related to their perception of threat. In our study we used a newly developed questionnaire, the Multiple Threat and Prejudice Questionnaire (MTPQ) which measure identity threat at different dimensions of identification (national, existential, gender, religious) and the distancing of different outgroups, over and above we worked with Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Identification with All Humanity Scale (IWAH). We conduct one data collection (N=1482) in a Hungarian sample to examine the connection between national threat and distance-taking, and this survey includes the investigation (N=218) of identification with different group categories. Our findings confirmed that those who feel themselves threatened in their national identity aspects are less likely to identify themselves with superordinate groups and this correlation is much stronger when they think about the nation as a bio-cultural unit, while if nation defined as a social-economy entity this connection is less powerful and has just the opposite direction.

Keywords: group boundaries, identity threat, prejudice, superordinate groups

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940 Evaluating Data Maturity in Riyadh's Nonprofit Sector: Insights Using the National Data Maturity Index (NDI)

Authors: Maryam Aloshan, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud, Ahmad Khudair


This study assesses the data governance maturity of nonprofit organizations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, using the National Data Maturity Index (NDI) framework developed by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA). Employing a survey designed around the NDI model, data maturity levels were evaluated across 14 dimensions using a 5-point Likert scale. The results reveal a spectrum of maturity levels among the organizations surveyed: while some medium-sized associations reached the ‘Defined’ stage, others, including large associations, fell within the ‘Absence of Capabilities’ or ‘Building’ phases, with no organizations achieving the advanced ‘Established’ or ‘Pioneering’ levels. This variation suggests an emerging recognition of data governance but underscores the need for targeted interventions to bridge the maturity gap. The findings point to a significant opportunity to elevate data governance capabilities in Saudi nonprofits through customized capacity-building initiatives, including training, mentorship, and best practice sharing. This study contributes valuable insights into the digital transformation journey of the Saudi nonprofit sector, aligning with national goals for data-driven governance and organizational efficiency.

Keywords: nonprofit organizations-national data maturity index (NDI), Saudi Arabia- SDAIA, data governance, data maturity

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939 Efficient Principal Components Estimation of Large Factor Models

Authors: Rachida Ouysse


This paper proposes a constrained principal components (CnPC) estimator for efficient estimation of large-dimensional factor models when errors are cross sectionally correlated and the number of cross-sections (N) may be larger than the number of observations (T). Although principal components (PC) method is consistent for any path of the panel dimensions, it is inefficient as the errors are treated to be homoskedastic and uncorrelated. The new CnPC exploits the assumption of bounded cross-sectional dependence, which defines Chamberlain and Rothschild’s (1983) approximate factor structure, as an explicit constraint and solves a constrained PC problem. The CnPC method is computationally equivalent to the PC method applied to a regularized form of the data covariance matrix. Unlike maximum likelihood type methods, the CnPC method does not require inverting a large covariance matrix and thus is valid for panels with N ≥ T. The paper derives a convergence rate and an asymptotic normality result for the CnPC estimators of the common factors. We provide feasible estimators and show in a simulation study that they are more accurate than the PC estimator, especially for panels with N larger than T, and the generalized PC type estimators, especially for panels with N almost as large as T.

Keywords: high dimensionality, unknown factors, principal components, cross-sectional correlation, shrinkage regression, regularization, pseudo-out-of-sample forecasting

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938 The Impact of Text Modifications on Ethiopian Students’ Reading Comprehension and Motivation

Authors: Asefa Kenefergib, Dawit Amogne, Yinager Teklesellassie


A study investigated the effects of text modifications on reading comprehension and motivation among Ethiopian secondary school students. A total of 120 students participated, initially taking a reading comprehension pretest and completing a reading motivation questionnaire. Afterward, they were divided into three groups: control, simplified, and elaborated. Each group then took part in a reading comprehension posttest and another reading motivation questionnaire following an eight-week instructional intervention. Despite initial differences, both the simplified and elaborated text groups showed comparable levels of reading motivation and comprehension. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 25, with a one-way ANOVA used to assess the effectiveness of the modified texts in enhancing reading comprehension. The results indicated that the experimental groups performed significantly better on the posttest compared to the control group, suggesting that text modifications can positively influence students' comprehension skills. Furthermore, the impact of text modifications on student reading motivation was assessed using a one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed that both the elaborated and simplified text groups scored higher than the control group in various dimensions of reading motivation, including reading efficacy, curiosity, challenge, compliance, and reading work avoidance. However, the control and simplified groups had nearly similar mean scores in the dimension of reading competition. These results clearly demonstrate that modifying texts can enhance EFL learners' reading motivation and comprehension.

Keywords: simplification, elaboration, reading motivation, reading comprehension

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937 Efficient Numerical Simulation for LDC

Authors: Badr Alkahtani


In this poster, numerical solutions of two-dimensional and three-dimensional lid driven cavity are presented by solving the steady Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds numbers where it becomes difficult. Lid driven cavity is where the a fluid contained in a cube and the upper wall is moving. In two dimensions, we use the streamfunction-vorticity formulation to solve the problem in a square domain. A numerical method is employed to discretize the problem in the x and y directions with a spectral collocation method. The problem is coded in the MATLAB programming environment. Solutions at high Reynolds numbers are obtained up to Re=20000 on a fine grid of 131 * 131. Also in this presentation, the numerical solutions for the three-dimensional lid-driven cavity problem are obtained by solving the velocity-vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations (which is the first time that this has been simulated with special boundary conditions) for various Reynolds numbers. A spectral collocation method is employed to discretize the y and z directions and a finite difference method is used to discretize the x direction. Numerical solutions are obtained for Reynolds number up to 200. , The work prepared here is to show the efficiency of methods used to simulate the physical problem where accurate simulations of lid driven cavity are obtained at high Reynolds number as mentioned above. The result for the two dimensional problem is far from the previous researcher result.

Keywords: lid driven cavity, navier-stokes, simulation, Reynolds number

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