Search results for: fast setting time
19703 Design of Built-Spaces and Enhanced Psychological Wellbeing by Limiting Effect of SBS: An Analytical Study across Students in Indian Universities
Authors: Sadaf H. Khan, Jyoti Kumar
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a situation in which inhabitants of a building develop illness symptoms or get infected with a chronic disease as a result of the building in which they reside or work. Certain symptoms tend to get more severe as an individual spends more time in the building; however, they generally improve with time or even disappear when they leave that space. Though ‘Design of Built-Spaces’ is a crucial factor in regulating these symptoms but it still needs to be identified further as to what specific design features of a ‘Built-Space’ trigger sick building syndrome (SBS). Much of the research work present to date is focused on the physiological or physical sickness caused due to inappropriate built-space design. In this paper, the psychological aspects of sick building syndrome (SBS) will be investigated across the adult population, more specifically graduate students in India trying to settle in back to their previous physical work environments, i.e., campus, classrooms, hostels, after a very long hold which lasted more than a year due to lockdowns during Covid-19 crisis all over the world. The study will follow an analytical approach and the data will be collected through self-reported online surveys. The purpose of this study is to enquire causal agents, diagnosable symptoms and remedial design of built spaces which can enhance the productive level of built environments and better facilitate the inhabitants by improving their psychological wellbeing, which is the most uprising concern. The fact that SBS symptoms can be studied only within the initial few weeks as an occupant starts interacting with a built-environment and leaves as the occupant leaves that space or zone, the post-lockdown incoming of students back to their respective campuses provides an opportunity to clearly draw multiple conclusions of the relationship that exist between the Design of Built-Spaces and Psychological Sickness Syndrome associated with it. The study will be one of a kind approach for understanding and formulating methods to improve psychological wellbeing within a built-setting by better identifying factors associated with these psychological symptoms, including anxiety, mental fatigue, reduced attention span and reduced memory span as refined symptoms of SBS discussed in 1987 by Molhave within his study.Keywords: built-environment psychology, built-space design, healthcare architecture, psychological wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 17519702 Deterioration Prediction of Pavement Load Bearing Capacity from FWD Data
Authors: Kotaro Sasai, Daijiro Mizutani, Kiyoyuki Kaito
Expressways in Japan have been built in an accelerating manner since the 1960s with the aid of rapid economic growth. About 40 percent in length of expressways in Japan is now 30 years and older and has become superannuated. Time-related deterioration has therefore reached to a degree that administrators, from a standpoint of operation and maintenance, are forced to take prompt measures on a large scale aiming at repairing inner damage deep in pavements. These measures have already been performed for bridge management in Japan and are also expected to be embodied for pavement management. Thus, planning methods for the measures are increasingly demanded. Deterioration of layers around road surface such as surface course and binder course is brought about at the early stages of whole pavement deterioration process, around 10 to 30 years after construction. These layers have been repaired primarily because inner damage usually becomes significant after outer damage, and because surveys for measuring inner damage such as Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) survey and open-cut survey are costly and time-consuming process, which has made it difficult for administrators to focus on inner damage as much as they have been supposed to. As expressways today have serious time-related deterioration within them deriving from the long time span since they started to be used, it is obvious the idea of repairing layers deep in pavements such as base course and subgrade must be taken into consideration when planning maintenance on a large scale. This sort of maintenance requires precisely predicting degrees of deterioration as well as grasping the present situations of pavements. Methods for predicting deterioration are determined to be either mechanical or statistical. While few mechanical models have been presented, as far as the authors know of, previous studies have presented statistical methods for predicting deterioration in pavements. One describes deterioration process by estimating Markov deterioration hazard model, while another study illustrates it by estimating Proportional deterioration hazard model. Both of the studies analyze deflection data obtained from FWD surveys and present statistical methods for predicting deterioration process of layers around road surface. However, layers of base course and subgrade remain unanalyzed. In this study, data collected from FWD surveys are analyzed to predict deterioration process of layers deep in pavements in addition to surface layers by a means of estimating a deterioration hazard model using continuous indexes. This model can prevent the loss of information of data when setting rating categories in Markov deterioration hazard model when evaluating degrees of deterioration in roadbeds and subgrades. As a result of portraying continuous indexes, the model can predict deterioration in each layer of pavements and evaluate it quantitatively. Additionally, as the model can also depict probability distribution of the indexes at an arbitrary point and establish a risk control level arbitrarily, it is expected that this study will provide knowledge like life cycle cost and informative content during decision making process referring to where to do maintenance on as well as when.Keywords: deterioration hazard model, falling weight deflectometer, inner damage, load bearing capacity, pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 39019701 Measuring E-Learning Effectiveness Using a Three-Way Comparison
Authors: Matthew Montebello
The way e-learning effectiveness has been notoriously measured within an academic setting is by comparing the e-learning medium to the traditional face-to-face teaching methodology. In this paper, a simple yet innovative comparison methodology is introduced, whereby the effectiveness of next generation e-learning systems are assessed in contrast not only to the face-to-face mode, but also to the classical e-learning modality. Ethical and logistical issues are also discussed, as this three-way approach to compare teaching methodologies was applied and documented in a real empirical study within a higher education institution.Keywords: e-learning effectiveness, higher education, teaching modality comparison
Procedia PDF Downloads 38719700 Human Gesture Recognition for Real-Time Control of Humanoid Robot
Authors: S. Aswath, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Amal Suresh, Ganesh Udupa
There are technologies to control a humanoid robot in many ways. But the use of Electromyogram (EMG) electrodes has its own importance in setting up the control system. The EMG based control system helps to control robotic devices with more fidelity and precision. In this paper, development of an electromyogram based interface for human gesture recognition for the control of a humanoid robot is presented. To recognize control signs in the gestures, a single channel EMG sensor is positioned on the muscles of the human body. Instead of using a remote control unit, the humanoid robot is controlled by various gestures performed by the human. The EMG electrodes attached to the muscles generates an analog signal due to the effect of nerve impulses generated on moving muscles of the human being. The analog signals taken up from the muscles are supplied to a differential muscle sensor that processes the given signal to generate a signal suitable for the microcontroller to get the control over a humanoid robot. The signal from the differential muscle sensor is converted to a digital form using the ADC of the microcontroller and outputs its decision to the CM-530 humanoid robot controller through a Zigbee wireless interface. The output decision of the CM-530 processor is sent to a motor driver in order to control the servo motors in required direction for human like actions. This method for gaining control of a humanoid robot could be used for performing actions with more accuracy and ease. In addition, a study has been conducted to investigate the controllability and ease of use of the interface and the employed gestures.Keywords: electromyogram, gesture, muscle sensor, humanoid robot, microcontroller, Zigbee
Procedia PDF Downloads 40819699 Anomaly Detection in Financial Markets Using Tucker Decomposition
Authors: Salma Krafessi
The financial markets have a multifaceted, intricate environment, and enormous volumes of data are produced every day. To find investment possibilities, possible fraudulent activity, and market oddities, accurate anomaly identification in this data is essential. Conventional methods for detecting anomalies frequently fail to capture the complex organization of financial data. In order to improve the identification of abnormalities in financial time series data, this study presents Tucker Decomposition as a reliable multi-way analysis approach. We start by gathering closing prices for the S&P 500 index across a number of decades. The information is converted to a three-dimensional tensor format, which contains internal characteristics and temporal sequences in a sliding window structure. The tensor is then broken down using Tucker Decomposition into a core tensor and matching factor matrices, allowing latent patterns and relationships in the data to be captured. A possible sign of abnormalities is the reconstruction error from Tucker's Decomposition. We are able to identify large deviations that indicate unusual behavior by setting a statistical threshold. A thorough examination that contrasts the Tucker-based method with traditional anomaly detection approaches validates our methodology. The outcomes demonstrate the superiority of Tucker's Decomposition in identifying intricate and subtle abnormalities that are otherwise missed. This work opens the door for more research into multi-way data analysis approaches across a range of disciplines and emphasizes the value of tensor-based methods in financial analysis.Keywords: tucker decomposition, financial markets, financial engineering, artificial intelligence, decomposition models
Procedia PDF Downloads 7019698 Evaluating the Efficacy of Tasquinimod in Covid-19
Authors: Raphael Udeh, Luis García De Guadiana Romualdo, Xenia Dolje-Gore
Background: Quite disturbing is the huge public health impact of COVID-19: As at today [25th March 2021, the COVID-19 global burden shows over 123 million cases and over 2.7 million deaths worldwide. Rationale: Recent evidence shows calprotectin’s potential as a therapeutic target, stating that tasquinimod, from the Quinoline-3-Carboxamide family is capable of blocking the interaction between calprotectin and TLR4. Hence preventing the cytokine release syndrome, that heralds the functional exhaustion in COVID-19. Early preclinical studies showed that tasquinimod inhibit tumor growth and prevent angiogenesis/cytokine storm. Phase I – III clinical studies in prostate cancer showed it has a good safety profile with good radiologic progression free survival but no effect on overall survival. Rationale/hypothesis: Strategic endeavors have been amplified globally to assess new therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 management – thus the clinical and antiviral efficacy of tasquinimod in COVID-19 remains to be explored. Hence the primary objective of this trial will be to evaluate the efficacy of tasquinimod in the treatment of adult patients with severe COVID-19 infections. Therefore, I hypothesise that among adults with COVID19 infection, tasquinimod will reduce the severe respiratory distress associated with COVID-19 compared to placebo, over a 28-day study period. Method: The setting is in Europe. Design – a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase II double-blinded trial. Trial lasts for 28 days from randomization, Tasquinimod capsule given as 0.5mg daily 1st fortnight, then 1mg daily 2nd fortnight. I0 outcome - assessed using six-point ordinal scale alongside eight 20 outcomes. 125 participants to be enrolled, data collection at baseline and subsequent data points, and safety reporting monitored via serological profile. Significance: This work could potentially establish tasquinimod as an effective and safe therapeutic agent for COVID-19 by reducing the severe respiratory distress, related time to recovery, time on oxygen/admission. It will also drive future research – as in larger multi-centre RCT.Keywords: Calprotectin, COVID-19, Phase II Trial, Tasquinimod
Procedia PDF Downloads 19719697 Family and Community Care for the Elderly: An Implementation Research in Local Community, Thailand
Authors: Sumattana Glangkarn, Vorapoj Promasatayaprot
Background: Proportion of population ageing in Thailand has been increased rapidly in the past decades according to living longer and the fertility rates have decreased. The most important challenge related to this situation is to consider how to improve quality and years of healthy of life. This study aimed to implement the older persons’ long term care (LTC) system for elderly care by family and community. Method: The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was employed for guiding and evaluating an implementation process in ageing care. The CFIR composed of five major domains: intervention characteristics, outer setting, inner setting, characteristics of the individuals involved, and the process of implementation. Results: most elderly participants were couples, educating primary school and living with children and grandchildren. More than half of them had chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Factor analysis revealed factors related to health care of older participants which consisted of exercise, diet, accidental prevention, relaxation, self-care capacity, joyfulness, family relationship, and personal hygiene. A pre-implementation phase showed intervention characteristics included facilities and services of the LTC policy from the Ministry of Public Health. The complexities of the LTC and relative advantages were explained. Community leaders, public health volunteers, care givers and health professionals had participated in the LTC activities. Outer and inner settings consisted of context of community, culture, and readiness. Characteristics of the individuals related to knowledge, self-efficacy, perceptions, and believes. The process consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The implementation outcomes and service outcomes had been evaluated during-implementation phase. Conclusion: the participation of caregivers, community leaders, public health volunteers, and health professionals had supported the LTC services. Thus, family and community care could improve quality of life of the ageing.Keywords: ageing, CFIR, long term care, implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 17719696 Spatial Analysis of Park and Ride Users’ Dynamic Accessibility to Train Station: A Case Study in Perth
Authors: Ting (Grace) Lin, Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia, Todd Robinson
Accessibility analysis, examining people’s ability to access facilities and destinations, is a fundamental assessment for transport planning, policy making, and social exclusion research. Dynamic accessibility which measures accessibility in real-time traffic environment has been an advanced accessibility indicator in transport research. It is also a useful indicator to help travelers to understand travel time daily variability, assists traffic engineers to monitor traffic congestions, and finally develop effective strategies in order to mitigate traffic congestions. This research involved real-time traffic information by collecting travel time data with 15-minute interval via the TomTom® API. A framework for measuring dynamic accessibility was then developed based on the gravity theory and accessibility dichotomy theory through space and time interpolation. Finally, the dynamic accessibility can be derived at any given time and location under dynamic accessibility spatial analysis framework.Keywords: dynamic accessibility, hot spot, transport research, TomTom® API
Procedia PDF Downloads 39219695 A Randomized, Controlled Trial to Test Behavior Change Techniques to Improve Low Intensity Physical Activity in Older Adults
Authors: Ciaran Friel, Jerry Suls, Mark Butler, Patrick Robles, Samantha Gordon, Frank Vicari, Karina W. Davidson
Physical activity guidelines focus on increasing moderate-intensity activity for older adults, but adherence to recommendations remains low. This is despite the fact that scientific evidence supports that any increase in physical activity is positively correlated with health benefits. Behavior change techniques (BCTs) have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing sedentary behavior and promoting physical activity. This pilot study uses a Personalized Trials (N-of-1) design to evaluate the efficacy of using four BCTs to promote an increase in low-intensity physical activity (2,000 steps of walking per day) in adults aged 45-75 years old. The 4 BCTs tested were goal setting, action planning, feedback, and self-monitoring. BCTs were tested in random order and delivered by text message prompts requiring participant engagement. The study recruited health system employees in the target age range, without mobility restrictions and demonstrating interest in increasing their daily activity by a minimum of 2,000 steps per day for a minimum of five days per week. Participants were sent a Fitbit® fitness tracker with an established study account and password. Participants were recommended to wear the Fitbit device 24/7 but were required to wear it for a minimum of ten hours per day. Baseline physical activity was measured by Fitbit for two weeks. In the 8-week intervention phase of the study, participants received each of the four BCTs, in random order, for a two-week period. Text message prompts were delivered daily each morning at a consistent time. All prompts required participant engagement to acknowledge receipt of the BCT message. Engagement is dependent upon the BCT message and may have included recording that a detailed plan for walking has been made or confirmed a daily step goal (action planning, goal setting). Additionally, participants may have been directed to a study dashboard to view their step counts or compare themselves to their baseline average step count (self-monitoring, feedback). At the end of each two-week testing interval, participants were asked to complete the Self-Efficacy for Walking Scale (SEW_Dur), a validated measure that assesses the participant’s confidence in walking incremental distances, and a survey measuring their satisfaction with the individual BCT that they tested. At the end of their trial, participants received a personalized summary of their step data in response to each individual BCT. The analysis will examine the novel individual-level heterogeneity of treatment effect made possible by N-of-1 design and pool results across participants to efficiently estimate the overall efficacy of the selected behavioral change techniques in increasing low-intensity walking by 2,000 steps, five days per week. Self-efficacy will be explored as the likely mechanism of action prompting behavior change. This study will inform the providers and demonstrate the feasibility of an N-of-1 study design to effectively promote physical activity as a component of healthy aging.Keywords: aging, exercise, habit, walking
Procedia PDF Downloads 9319694 Investigating the Effect of VR, Time Study and Ergonomics on the Design of Industrial Workstations
Authors: Aydin Azizi, Poorya Ghafoorpoor Yazdi
This paper presents the review of the studies on the ergonomics, virtual reality, and work measurement (time study) at the industrial workstations because each of these three individual techniques can be used to improve the design of workstations and task position. The objective of this paper is to give an overall literature review that if there is any relation between these three different techniques. Therefore, it is so important to review the scientific studies to find a better and effective way for improving design of workstations. On the other hand, manufacturers found that instead of using one of the approaches, utilizing the combination of these individual techniques are more effective to reduce the cost and production time.Keywords: ergonomics, time study, virtual reality, workplace
Procedia PDF Downloads 12019693 Time Bound Parallel Processing of a Disaster Management Alert System Using Random Selection of Target Audience: Bangladesh Context
Authors: Hasan Al Bashar Abul Ulayee, AKM Saifun Nabi, MD Mesbah-Ul-Awal
Alert system for disaster management is common now a day and can play a vital role reducing devastation and saves lives and costs. An alert in right time can save thousands of human life, help to take shelter, manage other assets including live stocks and above all, a right time alert will help to take preparation to face and early recovery of the situation. In a country like Bangladesh where populations is more than 170 million and always facing different types of natural calamities and disasters, an early right time alert is very effective and implementation of alert system is challenging. The challenge comes from the time constraint of alerting the huge number of population. The other method of existing disaster management pre alert is traditional, sequential and non-selective so efficiency is not good enough. This paper describes a way by which alert can be provided to maximum number of people within the short time bound using parallel processing as well as random selection of selective target audience.Keywords: alert system, Bangladesh, disaster management, parallel processing, SMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 47019692 Modified Gold Screen Printed Electrode with Ruthenium Complex for Selective Detection of Porcine DNA
Authors: Siti Aishah Hasbullah
Studies on identification of pork content in food have grown rapidly to meet the Halal food standard in Malaysia. The used mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) approaches for the identification of pig species is thought to be the most precise marker due to the mtDNA genes are present in thousands of copies per cell, the large variability of mtDNA. The standard method commonly used for DNA detection is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method combined with gel electrophoresis but has major drawback. Its major drawbacks are laborious, need longer time and toxic to handle. Therefore, the need for simplicity and fast assay of DNA is vital and has triggered us to develop DNA biosensors for porcine DNA detection. Therefore, the aim of this project is to develop electrochemical DNA biosensor based on ruthenium (II) complex, [Ru(bpy)2(p-PIP)]2+ as DNA hybridization label. The interaction of DNA and [Ru(bpy)2(p-HPIP)]2+ will be studied by electrochemical transduction using Gold Screen-Printed Electrode (GSPE) modified with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and succinimide acrylic microspheres. The electrochemical detection by redox active ruthenium (II) complex was measured by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The results indicate that the interaction of [Ru(bpy)2(PIP)]2+ with hybridization complementary DNA has higher response compared to single-stranded and mismatch complementary DNA. Under optimized condition, this porcine DNA biosensor incorporated modified GSPE shows good linear range towards porcine DNA.Keywords: gold, screen printed electrode, ruthenium, porcine DNA
Procedia PDF Downloads 30919691 Setting the Baseline for a Sentinel System for the Identification of Occupational Risk Factors in Africa
Authors: Menouni Aziza, Chbihi Kaoutar, Duca Radu Corneliu, Gilissen Liesbeth, Bounou Salim, Godderis Lode, El Jaafari Samir
In Africa, environmental and occupational health risks are mostly underreported. The aim of this research is to develop and implement a sentinel surveillance system comprising training and guidance of occupational physicians (OC) who will report new work-related diseases in African countries. A group of 30 OC are recruited and trained in each of the partner countries (Morocco, Benin and Ethiopia). Each committed OC is asked to recruit 50 workers during a consultation in a time-frame of 6 months (1500 workers per country). Workers are asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their health status and work conditions, including exposure to 20 chemicals. Urine and blood samples are then collected for human biomonitoring of common exposures. Some preliminary results showed that 92% of the employees surveyed are exposed to physical constraints, 44% to chemical agents, and 24% to biological agents. The most common physical constraints are manual handling of loads, noise pollution and thermal pollution. The most frequent chemical risks are exposure to pesticides and fuels. This project will allow a better understanding of effective sentinel systems as a promising method to gather high quality data, which can support policy-making in terms of preventing emerging work-related diseases.Keywords: sentinel system, occupational diseases, human biomonitoring, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 8219690 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Singular Value Decomposition of an Impulse Response Function
Authors: Rogelio Luck, Yucheng Liu
This paper proposes the continuous-time singular value decomposition (SVD) for the impulse response function, a special kind of Green’s functions e⁻⁽ᵗ⁻ ᵀ⁾, in order to find a set of singular functions and singular values so that the convolutions of such function with the set of singular functions on a specified domain are the solutions to the inhomogeneous differential equations for those singular functions. A numerical example was illustrated to verify the proposed method. Besides the continuous-time SVD, a discrete-time SVD is also presented for the impulse response function, which is modeled using a Toeplitz matrix in the discrete system. The proposed method has broad applications in signal processing, dynamic system analysis, acoustic analysis, thermal analysis, as well as macroeconomic modeling.Keywords: singular value decomposition, impulse response function, Green’s function , Toeplitz matrix , Hankel matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 15619689 Performance Comparison of Non-Binary RA and QC-LDPC Codes
Repeat–Accumulate (RA) codes are subclass of LDPC codes with fast encoder structures. In this paper, we consider a nonbinary extension of binary LDPC codes over GF(q) and construct a non-binary RA code and a non-binary QC-LDPC code over GF(2^4), we construct non-binary RA codes with linear encoding method and non-binary QC-LDPC codes with algebraic constructions method. And the BER performance of RA and QC-LDPC codes over GF(q) are compared with BP decoding and by simulation over the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels.Keywords: non-binary RA codes, QC-LDPC codes, performance comparison, BP algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 37719688 Controlled Release of Glucosamine from Pluronic-Based Hydrogels for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Authors: Papon Thamvasupong, Kwanchanok Viravaidya-Pasuwat
Osteoarthritis affects a lot of people worldwide. Local injection of glucosamine is one of the alternative treatment methods to replenish the natural lubrication of cartilage. However, multiple injections can potentially lead to possible bacterial infection. Therefore, a drug delivery system is desired to reduce the frequencies of injections. A hydrogel is one of the delivery systems that can control the release of drugs. Thermo-reversible hydrogels can be beneficial to the drug delivery system especially in the local injection route because this formulation can change from liquid to gel after getting into human body. Once the gel is in the body, it will slowly release the drug in a controlled manner. In this study, various formulations of Pluronic-based hydrogels were synthesized for the controlled release of glucosamine. One of the challenges of the Pluronic controlled release system is its fast dissolution rate. To overcome this problem, alginate and calcium sulfate (CaSO4) were added to the polymer solution. The characteristics of the hydrogels were investigated including the gelation temperature, gelation time, hydrogel dissolution and glucosamine release mechanism. Finally, a mathematical model of glucosamine release from Pluronic-alginate-hyaluronic acid hydrogel was developed. Our results have shown that crosslinking Pluronic gel with alginate did not significantly extend the dissolution rate of the gel. Moreover, the gel dissolution profiles and the glucosamine release mechanisms were best described using the zeroth-order kinetic model, indicating that the release of glucosamine was primarily governed by the gel dissolution.Keywords: controlled release, drug delivery system, glucosamine, pluronic, thermoreversible hydrogel
Procedia PDF Downloads 27019687 Factors Associated with Increase of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Diabetic Patients in Nyahururu County Hospital
Authors: Daniel Wachira
The study aims to determine factors contributing to increasing rates of DFU among DM patients attending clinics in Nyahururu County referral hospital, Lakipia County. The study objectives include;- To determine the demographic factors contributing to increased rates of DFU among DM patients, determining the sociocultural factors that contribute to increased rates of DFU among DM patients and determining the health facility factors contributing to increased rates of DFU among DM patients attending DM clinic at Nyahururu county referral hospital, Laikipia County. This study will adopt a descriptive cross-sectional study design. It involves the collection of data at a one-time point without follow-up. This method is fast and inexpensive, there is no loss to follow up as the data is collected at one time point and associations between variables can be determined. The study population includes all DM patients with or without DFU. The sampling technique that will be used is the probability sampling method, a simple random method of sampling will be used. The study will employ the use of questionnaires to collect the required information. Questionnaires will be a research administered questionnaires. The questionnaire developed was done in consultation with other research experts (supervisor) to ensure reliability. The questionnaire designed will be pre-tested by hand delivering them to a sample 10% of the sample size at J.M Kariuki Memorial hospital, Nyandarua county and thereafter collecting them dully filled followed by refining of errors to ensure it is valid for collection of data relevant for this study. Refining of errors on the questionnaires to ensure it was valid for collection of data relevant for this study. Data collection will begin after the approval of the project. Questionnaires will be administered only to the participants who met the selection criteria by the researcher and those who agreed to participate in the study to collect key information with regard to the objectives of the study. The study's authority will be obtained from the National Commission of Science and Technology and Innovation. Permission will also be obtained from the Nyahururu County referral hospital administration staff. The purpose of the study will be explained to the respondents in order to secure informed consent, and no names will be written on the questionnaires. All the information will be treated with maximum confidentiality by not disclosing who the respondent was and the information.Keywords: diabetes, foot ulcer, social factors, hospital factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2319686 The Modelling of Real Time Series Data
Authors: Valeria Bondarenko
We proposed algorithms for: estimation of parameters fBm (volatility and Hurst exponent) and for the approximation of random time series by functional of fBm. We proved the consistency of the estimators, which constitute the above algorithms, and proved the optimal forecast of approximated time series. The adequacy of estimation algorithms, approximation, and forecasting is proved by numerical experiment. During the process of creating software, the system has been created, which is displayed by the hierarchical structure. The comparative analysis of proposed algorithms with the other methods gives evidence of the advantage of approximation method. The results can be used to develop methods for the analysis and modeling of time series describing the economic, physical, biological and other processes.Keywords: mathematical model, random process, Wiener process, fractional Brownian motion
Procedia PDF Downloads 35819685 Real-Time Aerial Marine Surveillance System for Safe Navigation
Authors: Vinesh Thiruchelvam, Umar Mumtaz Chowdry, Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal
The prime purpose of the project is to provide a sophisticated system for surveillance specialized for the Port Authorities in the Maritime Industry. The current aerial surveillance does not have a wide dimensioning view. The channels of communication is shared and not exclusive allowing for communications errors or disturbance mainly due to traffic. The scope is to analyze the various aspects as real-time aerial and marine surveillance is one of the most important methods which could ensure the domain security of the sailors. The system will improve real time data as obtained for the controller base station. The key implementation will be based on camera speed, angle and adherence to a sustainable power utilization module.Keywords: SMS, real time, GUI, maritime industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 50119684 A Study for the Effect of Fire Initiated Location on Evacuation Success Rate
Authors: Jin A Ryu, Hee Sun Kim
As the number of fire accidents is gradually raising, many studies have been reported on evacuation. Previous studies have mostly focused on evaluating the safety of evacuation and the risk of fire in particular buildings. However, studies on effects of various parameters on evacuation have not been nearly done. Therefore, this paper aims at observing evacuation time under the effect of fire initiated location. In this study, evacuation simulations are performed on a 5-floor building located in Seoul, South Korea using the commercial program, Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation (FDS+EVAC). Only the fourth and fifth floors are modeled with an assumption that fire starts in a room located on the fourth floor. The parameter for evacuation simulations is location of fire initiation to observe the evacuation time and safety. Results show that the location of fire initiation is closer to exit, the more time is taken to evacuate. The case having the nearest location of fire initiation to exit has the lowest ratio of successful occupants to the total occupants. In addition, for safety evaluation, the evacuation time calculated from computer simulation model is compared with the tolerable evacuation time according to code in Japan. As a result, all cases are completed within the tolerable evacuation time. This study allows predicting evacuation time under various conditions of fire and can be used to evaluate evacuation appropriateness and fire safety of building.Keywords: fire simulation, evacuation simulation, temperature, evacuation safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 35219683 Prevalence, Median Time, and Associated Factors with the Likelihood of Initial Antidepressant Change: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Nervana Elbakary, Sami Ouanes, Sadaf Riaz, Oraib Abdallah, Islam Mahran, Noriya Al-Khuzaei, Yassin Eltorki
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) requires therapeutic interventions during the initial month after being diagnosed for better disease outcomes. International guidelines recommend a duration of 4–12 weeks for an initial antidepressant (IAD) trial at an optimized dose to get a response. If depressive symptoms persist after this duration, guidelines recommend switching, augmenting, or combining strategies as the next step. Most patients with MDD in the mental health setting have been labeled incorrectly as treatment-resistant where in fact they have not been subjected to an adequate trial of guideline-recommended therapy. Premature discontinuation of IAD due to ineffectiveness can cause unfavorable consequences. Avoiding irrational practices such as subtherapeutic doses of IAD, premature switching between the ADs, and refraining from unjustified polypharmacy can help the disease to go into a remission phase We aimed to determine the prevalence and the patterns of strategies applied after an IAD was changed because of a suboptimal response as a primary outcome. Secondary outcomes included the median survival time on IAD before any change; and the predictors that were associated with IAD change. This was a retrospective cross- sectional study conducted in Mental Health Services in Qatar. A dataset between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2019, was extracted from the electronic health records. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined and applied. The sample size was calculated to be at least 379 patients. Descriptive statistics were reported as frequencies and percentages, in addition, to mean and standard deviation. The median time of IAD to any change strategy was calculated using survival analysis. Associated predictors were examined using two unadjusted and adjusted cox regression models. A total of 487 patients met the inclusion criteria of the study. The average age for participants was 39.1 ± 12.3 years. Patients with first experience MDD episode 255 (52%) constituted a major part of our sample comparing to the relapse group 206(42%). About 431 (88%) of the patients had an occurrence of IAD change to any strategy before end of the study. Almost half of the sample (212 (49%); 95% CI [44–53%]) had their IAD changed less than or equal to 30 days. Switching was consistently more common than combination or augmentation at any timepoint. The median time to IAD change was 43 days with 95% CI [33.2–52.7]. Five independent variables (age, bothersome side effects, un-optimization of the dose before any change, comorbid anxiety, first onset episode) were significantly associated with the likelihood of IAD change in the unadjusted analysis. The factors statistically associated with higher hazard of IAD change in the adjusted analysis were: younger age, un-optimization of the IAD dose before any change, and comorbid anxiety. Because almost half of the patients in this study changed their IAD as early as within the first month, efforts to avoid treatment failure are needed to ensure patient-treatment targets are met. The findings of this study can have direct clinical guidance for health care professionals since an optimized, evidence-based use of AD medication can improve the clinical outcomes of patients with MDD; and also, to identify high-risk factors that could worsen the survival time on IAD such as young age and comorbid anxietyKeywords: initial antidepressant, dose optimization, major depressive disorder, comorbid anxiety, combination, augmentation, switching, premature discontinuation
Procedia PDF Downloads 15319682 Detection of Mustard Traces in Food by an Official Food Safety Laboratory
Authors: Clara Tramuta, Lucia Decastelli, Elisa Barcucci, Sandra Fragassi, Samantha Lupi, Enrico Arletti, Melissa Bizzarri, Daniela Manila Bianchi
Introdution: Food allergies occurs, in the Western World, 2% of adults and up to 8% of children. The protection of allergic consumers is guaranted, in Eurrope, by Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament which governs the consumer's right to information and identifies 14 food allergens to be mandatory indicated on the label. Among these, mustard is a popular spice added to enhance the flavour and taste of foods. It is frequently present as an ingredient in spice blends, marinades, salad dressings, sausages, and other products. Hypersensitivity to mustard is a public health problem since the ingestion of even low amounts can trigger severe allergic reactions. In order to protect the allergic consumer, high performance methods are required for the detection of allergenic ingredients. Food safety laboratories rely on validated methods that detect hidden allergens in food to ensure the safety and health of allergic consumers. Here we present the test results for the validation and accreditation of a Real time PCR assay (RT-PCR: SPECIALfinder MC Mustard, Generon), for the detection of mustard traces in food. Materials and Methods. The method was tested on five classes of food matrices: bakery and pastry products (chocolate cookies), meats (ragù), ready-to-eat (mixed salad), dairy products (yogurt), grains, and milling products (rice and barley flour). Blank samples were spiked starting with the mustard samples (Sinapis Alba), lyophilized and stored at -18 °C, at a concentration of 1000 ppm. Serial dilutions were then prepared to a final concentration of 0.5 ppm, using the DNA extracted by ION Force FAST (Generon) from the blank samples. The Real Time PCR reaction was performed by RT-PCR SPECIALfinder MC Mustard (Generon), using CFX96 System (BioRad). Results. Real Time PCR showed a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.5 ppm in grains and milling products, ready-to-eat, meats, bakery, pastry products, and dairy products (range Ct 25-34). To determine the exclusivity parameter of the method, the ragù matrix was contaminated with Prunus dulcis (almonds), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Glycine max (soy), Apium graveolens (celery), Allium cepa (onion), Pisum sativum (peas), Daucus carota (carrots), and Theobroma cacao (cocoa) and no cross-reactions were observed. Discussion. In terms of sensitivity, the Real Time PCR confirmed, even in complex matrix, a LOD of 0.5 ppm in five classes of food matrices tested; these values are compatible with the current regulatory situation that does not consider, at international level, to establish a quantitative criterion for the allergen considered in this study. The Real Time PCR SPECIALfinder kit for the detection of mustard proved to be easy to use and particularly appreciated for the rapid response times considering that the amplification and detection phase has a duration of less than 50 minutes. Method accuracy was rated satisfactory for sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%) and was fully validated and accreditated. It was found adequate for the needs of the laboratory as it met the purpose for which it was applied. This study was funded in part within a project of the Italian Ministry of Health (IZS PLV 02/19 RC).Keywords: allergens, food, mustard, real time PCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 16819681 Uncertain Time-Cost Trade off Problems of Construction Projects Using Fuzzy Set Theory
Authors: V. S. S. Kumar, B. Vikram
The development of effective decision support tools that adopted in the construction industry is vital in the world we live in today, since it can lead to substantial cost reduction and efficient resource consumption. Solving the time-cost trade off problems and its related variants is at the heart of scientific research for optimizing construction planning problems. In general, the classical optimization techniques have difficulties in dealing with TCT problems. One of the main reasons of their failure is that they can easily be entrapped in local minima. This paper presents an investigation on the application of meta-heuristic techniques to two particular variants of the time-cost trade of analysis, the time-cost trade off problem (TCT), and time-cost trade off optimization problem (TCO). In first problem, the total project cost should be minimized, and in the second problem, the total project cost and total project duration should be minimized simultaneously. Finally it is expected that, the optimization models developed in this paper will contribute significantly for efficient planning and management of construction project.Keywords: fuzzy sets, uncertainty, optimization, time cost trade off problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 35719680 Classification of Manufacturing Data for Efficient Processing on an Edge-Cloud Network
Authors: Onyedikachi Ulelu, Andrew P. Longstaff, Simon Fletcher, Simon Parkinson
The widespread interest in 'Industry 4.0' or 'digital manufacturing' has led to significant research requiring the acquisition of data from sensors, instruments, and machine signals. In-depth research then identifies methods of analysis of the massive amounts of data generated before and during manufacture to solve a particular problem. The ultimate goal is for industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data to be processed automatically to assist with either visualisation or autonomous system decision-making. However, the collection and processing of data in an industrial environment come with a cost. Little research has been undertaken on how to specify optimally what data to capture, transmit, process, and store at various levels of an edge-cloud network. The first step in this specification is to categorise IIoT data for efficient and effective use. This paper proposes the required attributes and classification to take manufacturing digital data from various sources to determine the most suitable location for data processing on the edge-cloud network. The proposed classification framework will minimise overhead in terms of network bandwidth/cost and processing time of machine tool data via efficient decision making on which dataset should be processed at the ‘edge’ and what to send to a remote server (cloud). A fast-and-frugal heuristic method is implemented for this decision-making. The framework is tested using case studies from industrial machine tools for machine productivity and maintenance.Keywords: data classification, decision making, edge computing, industrial IoT, industry 4.0
Procedia PDF Downloads 18219679 Automatic Tofu Stick Cutter to Increase the Production Capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises
Authors: Chaca Nugraha Zaid, Hikmat Ronaldo, Emerald Falah Brayoga, Azizah Eddy Setiawati, Soviandini Dwiki Kartika Putri, Novita Wijayanti
In the tofu stick production, the manual cutting process takes a half of working day or 4 hours for 21 kg of tofu. This issue has hampered the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to increase the capacity of production to fulfill the market demand. In order to address the issue, the cutting process should be automized to create fast, efficient, and effective tools. This innovation to tackle this problem is an automatic cutter tool that is able to move continuously to cut the tofu into stick size. The tool uses the 78,5-watt electric motor and automatic sensors to drive the cutting tool automatically, resulting faster process time with more uniform size compared to the manual cutter. The component of this tool, i.e., cutting knife and the driver, electric motor, limit switch sensors, riley, Arduino nano, and power supply. The cutting speed cutting speed of this tool is 101,25 mm/s producing 64 tofu sticks. Benefits that can be obtained from the use of automatic tofu stick cutter, i.e. (1) Faster process (2) More uniform cutting result; (3) The quality of the tofu stick is maintained due to minimal contact with humans so that contamination can be suppressed; (4) The cutting knife can be modified to the desired size of the owner.Keywords: automatic, cutter, small and medium enterprise, tofu stick
Procedia PDF Downloads 16919678 Replacement Time and Number of Preventive Maintenance Actions for Second-Hand Device
Authors: Wen Liang Chang
In this study, the optimal replacement time and number of preventive maintenance (PM) actions were investigated for a second-hand device. Suppose that a user intends to use a second-hand device for manufacturing products, and that the device is replaced with a new one. Any device failure is rectified through minimal repair, thereby incurring a fixed repair cost to the user. If the new device fails within the FRW period, minimal repair is performed at no cost to the user. After the FRW expires, a failed device is repaired and the cost of repair is incurred by the user. In this study, two profit models were developed, and the optimal replacement time and number of PM actions were determined to maximize profits. Finally, the influence of the optimal replacement time and number of PM actions were elaborated on, using numerical examples.Keywords: second-hand device, preventive maintenance, replacement time, device failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 46919677 Wait-Optimized Scheduler Algorithm for Efficient Process Scheduling in Computer Systems
Authors: Md Habibur Rahman, Jaeho Kim
Efficient process scheduling is a crucial factor in ensuring optimal system performance and resource utilization in computer systems. While various algorithms have been proposed over the years, there are still limitations to their effectiveness. This paper introduces a new Wait-Optimized Scheduler (WOS) algorithm that aims to minimize process waiting time by dividing them into two layers and considering both process time and waiting time. The WOS algorithm is non-preemptive and prioritizes processes with the shortest WOS. In the first layer, each process runs for a predetermined duration, and any unfinished process is subsequently moved to the second layer, resulting in a decrease in response time. Whenever the first layer is free or the number of processes in the second layer is twice that of the first layer, the algorithm sorts all the processes in the second layer based on their remaining time minus waiting time and sends one process to the first layer to run. This ensures that all processes eventually run, optimizing waiting time. To evaluate the performance of the WOS algorithm, we conducted experiments comparing its performance with traditional scheduling algorithms such as First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) and Shortest-Job-First (SJF). The results showed that the WOS algorithm outperformed the traditional algorithms in reducing the waiting time of processes, particularly in scenarios with a large number of short tasks with long wait times. Our study highlights the effectiveness of the WOS algorithm in improving process scheduling efficiency in computer systems. By reducing process waiting time, the WOS algorithm can improve system performance and resource utilization. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in developing and implementing efficient process scheduling algorithms.Keywords: process scheduling, wait-optimized scheduler, response time, non-preemptive, waiting time, traditional scheduling algorithms, first-come-first-serve, shortest-job-first, system performance, resource utilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 9319676 An Approach to the Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Uncertain Operation Time
Authors: Zhongmin Wang, Lin Wei, Hengshan Zhang, Tianhua Chen, Yimin Zhou
The assembly line balancing problems are signficant in mass production systems. In order to deal with the uncertainties that practically exist but barely mentioned in the literature, this paper develops a mathematic model with an optimisation algorithm to solve the assembly line balancing problem with uncertainty operation time. The developed model is able to work with a variable number of workstations under the uncertain environment, aiming to obtain the minimal number of workstation and minimal idle time for each workstation. In particular, the proposed approach first introduces the concept of protection time that closely works with the uncertain operation time. Four dominance rules and the mechanism of determining up and low bounds are subsequently put forward, which serve as the basis for the proposed branch and bound algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed work verified on a benchmark data set is able to solve the uncertainties efficiently.Keywords: assembly lines, SALBP-UOT, uncertain operation time, branch and bound algorithm.
Procedia PDF Downloads 17119675 Surveying Apps in Dam Excavation
Authors: Ali Mohammadi
Whenever there is a need to dig the ground, the presence of a surveyor is required to control the map. In projects such as dams and tunnels, these controls are more important because any mistakes can increase the cost. Also, time is great importance in These projects have and one of the ways to reduce the drilling time is to use techniques that can reduce the mapping time in these projects. Nowadays, with the existence of mobile phones, we can design apps that perform calculations and drawing for us on the mobile phone. Also, if we have a device that requires a computer to access its information, by designing an app, we can transfer its information to the mobile phone and use it, so we will not need to go to the office.Keywords: app, tunnel, excavation, dam
Procedia PDF Downloads 6919674 Influence of Moringa Leaves Extract on the Response of Hb Molecule to Dose Rates’ Changes: II. Relaxation Time and Its Thermodynamic Driven State Functions
Authors: Mohamed M. M. Elnasharty, Azhar M. Elwan
Irradiation deposits energy through ionisation changing the bio-system’s net dipole, allowing the use of dielectric parameters and thermodynamic state functions related to these parameters as biophysical detectors to electrical inhomogeneity within the biosystem. This part is concerned with the effect of Moringa leaves extract, natural supplement, on the response of the biosystem to two different dose rates of irradiation. Having Hb molecule as a representative to the biosystem to be least invasive to the biosystem, dielectric measurements were used to extract the relaxation time of certain process found in the Hb spectrum within the indicated frequency window and the interrelated thermodynamic state functions were calculated from the deduced relaxation time. The results showed that relaxation time was decreased for both dose rates indicating a strong influence of Moringa on the response of biosystem and consequently Hb molecule. This influence was presented in the relaxation time and other parameters as well.Keywords: activation energy, DC conductivity, dielectric relaxation, enthalpy change, Moringa leaves extract, relaxation time
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