Search results for: electronic attack
1288 Research on the Strategy of Orbital Avoidance for Optical Remote Sensing Satellite
Authors: Zheng DianXun, Cheng Bo, Lin Hetong
This paper focuses on the orbit avoidance strategies of optical remote sensing satellite. The optical remote sensing satellite, moving along the Sun-synchronous orbit, is equipped with laser warning equipment to alert CCD camera from laser attacks. There are three ways to protect the CCD camera: closing the camera cover, satellite attitude maneuver and satellite orbit avoidance. In order to enhance the safety of optical remote sensing satellite in orbit, this paper explores the strategy of satellite avoidance. The avoidance strategy is expressed as the evasion of pre-determined target points in the orbital coordinates of virtual satellite. The so-called virtual satellite is a passive vehicle which superposes the satellite at the initial stage of avoidance. The target points share the consistent cycle time and the same semi-major axis with the virtual satellite, which ensures the properties of the satellite’s Sun-synchronous orbit remain unchanged. Moreover, to further strengthen the avoidance capability of satellite, it can perform multi-target-points avoid maneuvers. On occasions of fulfilling the satellite orbit tasks, the orbit can be restored back to virtual satellite through orbit maneuvers. Thereinto, the avoid maneuvers adopts pulse guidance. And the fuel consumption is also optimized. The avoidance strategy discussed in this article is applicable to optical remote sensing satellite when it is encountered with hostile attack of space-based laser anti-satellite.Keywords: optical remote sensing satellite, satellite avoidance, virtual satellite, avoid target-point, avoid maneuver
Procedia PDF Downloads 4051287 High Capacity SnO₂/Graphene Composite Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Authors: Hilal Köse, Şeyma Dombaycıoğlu, Ali Osman Aydın, Hatem Akbulut
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have become promising power sources for a wide range of applications, such as mobile communication devices, portable electronic devices and electrical/hybrid vehicles due to their long cycle life, high voltage and high energy density. Graphite, as anode material, has been widely used owing to its extraordinary electronic transport properties, large surface area, and high electrocatalytic activities although its limited specific capacity (372 mAh g-1) cannot fulfil the increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries with higher energy density. To settle this problem, many studies have been taken into consideration to investigate new electrode materials and metal oxide/graphene composites are selected as a kind of promising material for lithium ion batteries as their specific capacities are much higher than graphene. Among them, SnO₂, an n-type and wide band gap semiconductor, has attracted much attention as an anode material for the new-generation lithium-ion batteries with its high theoretical capacity (790 mAh g-1). However, it suffers from large volume changes and agglomeration associated with the Li-ion insertion and extraction processes, which brings about failure and loss of electrical contact of the anode. In addition, there is also a huge irreversible capacity during the first cycle due to the formation of amorphous Li₂O matrix. To obtain high capacity anode materials, we studied on the synthesis and characterization of SnO₂-Graphene nanocomposites and investigated the capacity of this free-standing anode material in this work. For this aim, firstly, graphite oxide was obtained from graphite powder using the method described by Hummers method. To prepare the nanocomposites as free-standing anode, graphite oxide particles were ultrasonicated in distilled water with SnO2 nanoparticles (1:1, w/w). After vacuum filtration, the GO-SnO₂ paper was peeled off from the PVDF membrane to obtain a flexible, free-standing GO paper. Then, GO structure was reduced in hydrazine solution. Produced SnO2- graphene nanocomposites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. CR2016 cells were assembled in a glove box (MBraun-Labstar). The cells were charged and discharged at 25°C between fixed voltage limits (2.5 V to 0.2 V) at a constant current density on a BST8-MA MTI model battery tester with 0.2C charge-discharge rate. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was performed at the scan rate of 0.1 mVs-1 and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were carried out using Gamry Instrument applying a sine wave of 10 mV amplitude over a frequency range of 1000 kHz-0.01 Hz.Keywords: SnO₂-graphene, nanocomposite, anode, Li-ion battery
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281286 Numerical Analysis of Multiplicity and Transition Phenomena in Natural Convection
Authors: Hadi Kafil, Ali Ecder
Heat transfer by natural convection in two-dimensional and three-dimensional axisymmetric enclosure fitted with partially heated vertical walls is investigated numerically. The range of Rayleigh number is varied from 10³ until convective flow becomes unstable. This research focuses on multiplicity and transition phenomena in natural convection and is based on a parametric analysis to study the onset of bifurcations. It is found that, even at low Rayleigh numbers, the flow undergoes a series of turning-point bifurcations which increase the rate of natural convention. On the other hand, by partially heating or cooling the walls, more effective results can be achieved for both heating and cooling applications, such as cooling of electronic devices and heating processes in solidification and crystal growth.Keywords: natural convection, partial heated, onset of bifurcation, Rayleigh number
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711285 Kinect Station: Using Microsoft Kinect V2 as a Total Station Theodolite for Distance and Angle Determination in a 3D Cartesian Environment
Authors: Amin Amini
A Kinect sensor has been utilized as a cheap and accurate alternative to 3D laser scanners and electronic distance measurement (EDM) systems. This research presents an inexpensive and easy-to-setup system that utilizes the Microsoft Kinect v2 sensor as a surveying and measurement tool and investigates the possibility of using such a device as a replacement for conventional theodolite systems. The system was tested in an indoor environment where its accuracy in distance and angle measurements was tested using virtual markers in a 3D Cartesian environment. The system has shown an average accuracy of 97.94 % in measuring distances and 99.11 % and 98.84 % accuracy for area and perimeter, respectively, within the Kinect’s surveying range of 1.5 to 6 meters. The research also tested the system competency for relative angle determination between two objects.Keywords: kinect v2, 3D measurement, depth map, ToF
Procedia PDF Downloads 691284 ANOVA-Based Feature Selection and Machine Learning System for IoT Anomaly Detection
Authors: Muhammad Ali
Cyber-attacks and anomaly detection on the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is emerging concern in the domain of data-driven intrusion. Rapidly increasing IoT risk is now making headlines around the world. denial of service, malicious control, data type probing, malicious operation, DDos, scan, spying, and wrong setup are attacks and anomalies that can affect an IoT system failure. Everyone talks about cyber security, connectivity, smart devices, and real-time data extraction. IoT devices expose a wide variety of new cyber security attack vectors in network traffic. For further than IoT development, and mainly for smart and IoT applications, there is a necessity for intelligent processing and analysis of data. So, our approach is too secure. We train several machine learning models that have been compared to accurately predicting attacks and anomalies on IoT systems, considering IoT applications, with ANOVA-based feature selection with fewer prediction models to evaluate network traffic to help prevent IoT devices. The machine learning (ML) algorithms that have been used here are KNN, SVM, NB, D.T., and R.F., with the most satisfactory test accuracy with fast detection. The evaluation of ML metrics includes precision, recall, F1 score, FPR, NPV, G.M., MCC, and AUC & ROC. The Random Forest algorithm achieved the best results with less prediction time, with an accuracy of 99.98%.Keywords: machine learning, analysis of variance, Internet of Thing, network security, intrusion detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261283 A Dynamic Solution Approach for Heart Disease Prediction
Authors: Walid Moudani
The healthcare environment is generally perceived as being information rich yet knowledge poor. However, there is a lack of effective analysis tools to discover hidden relationships and trends in data. In fact, valuable knowledge can be discovered from application of data mining techniques in healthcare system. In this study, a proficient methodology for the extraction of significant patterns from the coronary heart disease warehouses for heart attack prediction, which unfortunately continues to be a leading cause of mortality in the whole world, has been presented. For this purpose, we propose to enumerate dynamically the optimal subsets of the reduced features of high interest by using rough sets technique associated to dynamic programming. Therefore, we propose to validate the classification using Random Forest (RF) decision tree to identify the risky heart disease cases. This work is based on a large amount of data collected from several clinical institutions based on the medical profile of patient. Moreover, the experts’ knowledge in this field has been taken into consideration in order to define the disease, its risk factors, and to establish significant knowledge relationships among the medical factors. A computer-aided system is developed for this purpose based on a population of 525 adults. The performance of the proposed model is analyzed and evaluated based on set of benchmark techniques applied in this classification problem.Keywords: multi-classifier decisions tree, features reduction, dynamic programming, rough sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111282 Characterization of Thin Woven Composites Used in Printed Circuit Boards by Combining Numerical and Experimental Approaches
Authors: Gautier Girard, Marion Martiny, Sebastien Mercier, Mohamad Jrad, Mohamed-Slim Bahi, Laurent Bodin, Francois Lechleiter, David Nevo, Sophie Dareys
Reliability of electronic devices has always been of highest interest for Aero-MIL and space applications. In any electronic device, Printed Circuit Board (PCB), providing interconnection between components, is a key for reliability. During the last decades, PCB technologies evolved to sustain and/or fulfill increased original equipment manufacturers requirements and specifications, higher densities and better performances, faster time to market and longer lifetime, newer material and mixed buildups. From the very beginning of the PCB industry up to recently, qualification, experiments and trials, and errors were the most popular methods to assess system (PCB) reliability. Nowadays OEM, PCB manufacturers and scientists are working together in a close relationship in order to develop predictive models for PCB reliability and lifetime. To achieve that goal, it is fundamental to characterize precisely base materials (laminates, electrolytic copper, …), in order to understand failure mechanisms and simulate PCB aging under environmental constraints by means of finite element method for example. The laminates are woven composites and have thus an orthotropic behaviour. The in-plane properties can be measured by combining classical uniaxial testing and digital image correlation. Nevertheless, the out-of-plane properties cannot be evaluated due to the thickness of the laminate (a few hundred of microns). It has to be noted that the knowledge of the out-of-plane properties is fundamental to investigate the lifetime of high density printed circuit boards. A homogenization method combining analytical and numerical approaches has been developed in order to obtain the complete elastic orthotropic behaviour of a woven composite from its precise 3D internal structure and its experimentally measured in-plane elastic properties. Since the mechanical properties of the resin surrounding the fibres are unknown, an inverse method is proposed to estimate it. The methodology has been applied to one laminate used in hyperfrequency spatial applications in order to get its elastic orthotropic behaviour at different temperatures in the range [-55°C; +125°C]. Next; numerical simulations of a plated through hole in a double sided PCB are performed. Results show the major importance of the out-of-plane properties and the temperature dependency of these properties on the lifetime of a printed circuit board. Acknowledgements—The support of the French ANR agency through the Labcom program ANR-14-LAB7-0003-01, support of CNES, Thales Alenia Space and Cimulec is acknowledged.Keywords: homogenization, orthotropic behaviour, printed circuit board, woven composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 2051281 Effect of Pre-Plasma Potential on Laser Ion Acceleration
Authors: Djemai Bara, Mohamed Faouzi Mahboub, Djamila Bennaceur-Doumaz
In this work, the role of the preformed plasma created on the front face of a target, irradiated by a high intensity short pulse laser, in the framework of ion acceleration process, modeled by Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism, is studied. This plasma is composed of cold ions governed by fluid equations and non-thermal & trapped with densities represented by a "Cairns-Gurevich" equation. The self-similar solution of the equations shows that electronic trapping and the presence of non-thermal electrons in the pre-plasma are both responsible in ion acceleration as long as the proportion of energetic electrons is not too high. In the case where the majority of electrons are energetic, the electrons are accelerated directly by the ponderomotive force of the laser without the intermediate of an accelerating plasma wave.Keywords: Cairns-Gurevich Equation, ion acceleration, plasma expansion, pre-plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1341280 Improved Ohmic Contact by Li Doping in Electron Transport Layers
Authors: G. Sivakumar, T. Pratyusha, D. Gupta, W. Shen
To get ohmic contact between the cathode and organic semiconductor, transport layers are introduced between the active layer and the electrodes. Generally zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are used as electron transport layer. When electron transport layer is doped with lithium, the resultant film exhibited superior electronic properties, which enables faster electron transport. Doping is accomplished by heat treatment of films with Lithium salts. Li-doped films. We fabricated organic solar cell using PTB7(poly(3-hexylthiopene-2,5- diyl):PCBM(phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) and found that the solar cells prepared using Li doped films had better performance in terms of efficiency when compared to the undoped transport layers.Keywords: electron transport layer, higher efficiency, lithium doping, ohmic contact
Procedia PDF Downloads 5131279 Challenges of e-Service Adoption and Implementation in Nigeria: Lessons from Asia
Authors: Kazeem Oluwakemi Oseni, Kate Dingley
E-Service has moved from the usual manual and traditional way of rendering services to electronic service provision for the public and there are several reasons for implementing these services, Airline ticketing have gone from its manual traditional way to an intelligent web-driven service of purchasing. Many companies have seen their profits doubled through the use of online services in their operation and a typical example is Hewlett Packard (HP) which is rapidly transforming their after sales business into a profit generating e-service business unit. This paper will examine the various challenges confronting e-Service adoption and implementation in Nigeria and also analyse lessons learnt from e-Service adoption and implementation in Asia to see how it could be useful in Nigeria which is a lower middle income country. Based on the analysis of the online survey data. It has been identified that the public in Nigeria are much aware of e-Services but successful adoption and implementation have been the problems faced.Keywords: e-government service, adoption, implementation, Nigeria, Asia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4591278 Disaster Adaptation Mechanism and Disaster Prevention Adaptation Planning Strategies for Industrial Parks in Response to Climate Change and Different Socio-Economic Disasters
Authors: Jen-Te Pai, Jao-Heng Liu, Shin-En Pai
The impact of climate change has intensified in recent years, causing Taiwan to face higher frequency and serious natural disasters. Therefore, it is imperative for industrial parks manufacturers to promote adaptation policies in response to climate change. On the other hand, with the rise of the international anti-terrorism situation, once a terrorist attack occurs, it will attract domestic and international media attention, especially the strategic and economic status of the science park. Thus, it is necessary to formulate adaptation and mitigation strategies under climate change and social economic disasters. After reviewed the literature about climate change, urban disaster prevention, vulnerability assessment, and risk communication, the study selected 62 industrial parks compiled by the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan as the research object. This study explored the vulnerability and disaster prevention and disaster relief functional assessment of these industrial parks facing of natural and socio-economic disasters. Furthermore, this study explored planned adaptation of industrial parks management section and autonomous adaptation of corporate institutions in the park. The conclusion of this study is that Taiwan industrial parks with a higher vulnerability to natural and socio-economic disasters should employ positive adaptive behaviours.Keywords: adaptive behaviours, analytic network process, vulnerability, industrial parks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481277 An Enhanced Harmony Search (ENHS) Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems
Authors: Talha A. Taj, Talha A. Khan, M. Imran Khalid
Optimization techniques attract researchers to formulate a problem and determine its optimum solution. This paper presents an Enhanced Harmony Search (ENHS) algorithm for solving optimization problems. The proposed algorithm increases the convergence and is more efficient than the standard Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. The paper discusses the novel techniques in detail and also provides the strategy for tuning the decisive parameters that affects the efficiency of the ENHS algorithm. The algorithm is tested on various benchmark functions, a real world optimization problem and a constrained objective function. Also, the results of ENHS are compared to standard HS, and various other optimization algorithms. The ENHS algorithms prove to be significantly better and more efficient than other algorithms. The simulation and testing of the algorithms is performed in MATLAB.Keywords: optimization, harmony search algorithm, MATLAB, electronic
Procedia PDF Downloads 4641276 Turkish College Students’ Attitudes towards Emotional Abuse in Romantic Relationships from a Gender Perspective
Authors: Uhde Serenay Sunay, Alev Yalçınkaya
Emotional abuse is one of the most challenging forms of violence to define, and many individuals often unknowingly experience emotional abuse. Existing literature has found that individuals who have experienced psychological abuse tend to suffer from depression, low self-esteem, a decreased sense of autonomy, fear, and an increased risk of suicide. Current research indicates that physical abuse in romantic relationships is often accompanied by emotional abuse, supporting the idea that identifying emotional abuse is an essential factor in romantic relationships. On the other hand, studies on emotional abuse between partners in romantic relationships are limited. This study investigated attitudes towards emotional abuse among Turkish university students. Gender differences were investigated.Additionally, the study examined whether the degree of emotional abuse was related to attitudes towards emotional abuse. A total of 243 university students participated in the research, with 156 female and 87 male participants. Participants' attitudes toward emotional abuse were measured using the Turkish adaptation of Follingstad Psychological Aggression Scale and hypothetical scenarios created by the researchers. The results revealed that attitudes of women and men vary significantly in attack looks/sexuality, fidelity, gender roles, and jealousy subscales of Follingstad Psychological Aggression Scale. Furthermore, attitudes towards moderate-level and severe-level emotional abuse exhibit statistically significant variability by gender, while attitudes towards mild-level emotional abuse do not.Keywords: emotional abuse, gender differences, Turkish culture, university students
Procedia PDF Downloads 301275 Nano Gold and Silver for Control of Mosquitoes Manipulating Nanogeometries
Authors: Soam Prakash, Namita Soni
The synthesis of metallic nanoparticles is an active area of academic and more significantly, applied research in nanotechnology. Currently, nanoparticle research is an area of intense scientific interest. Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) have been the focus of fungi and plant based syntheses. Silver and gold nanoparticles are nanoparticles of silver and gold. These particles are of between 1 nm and 100 nm in size. Silver and gold have been use in the wide variety of potential applications in biomedical, optical, electronic field, treatment of burns, wounds, and several bacterial infections. There is a crucial need to produce new insecticides due to resistance and high-cost of organic insecticides which are more environmentally-friendly, safe, and target-specific. Synthesizing nanoparticles using plants and microorganisms can eliminate this problem by making the nanoparticles more biocompatible. Here we reviewed the mosquitocidal and antimicrobials activity of silver and gold nanoparticles using fungi, plants as well as bacteria.Keywords: nano gold, nano silver, Malaria, Chikengunia, dengue control
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371274 Improved Dielectric Properties of CaCu₃Ti₄O₁₂ by Calcination at Different Temperatures
Authors: Lovepreet Kaur Dhugga, Dwijendra P. Singh
Calcium copper titanate (CCTO) was synthesized via the sol-gel auto-combustion method. The precursor was calcined at 800°C and 1000°C for 6 hours providing brown-coloured powders, which were pelletized and sintered at 1000°C for 12 hrs to determine their dielectric behaviour in the frequency range (100Hz-10MHz) at room temperature. The dielectric constant(εr) and loss tangent (tanδ) has been found to be ~ 6153 and 0.5 for 800°C and ~ 5504 and 0.2 for 1000°C respectively, at frequency 1kHz. Microstructure study revealed maximum grain growth occurs in sample calcined at 800°C, responsible for its high dielectric constant. Phase identification of CaCu₃Ti₄O₁₂ has been carried out through X-ray diffraction. It can be used in various electronic applications as it shows large εᵣ and low tanδ values over a wide frequency spectrum, including energy storage devices, microwave shielding, and sensors.Keywords: calcium copper titanate, dielectric behaviour, microstructure, X-ray diffraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 691273 Reduction of Planar Transformer AC Resistance Using a Planar Litz Wire Structure
Authors: Hamed Belloumi, Aymen Ammouri, Ferid Kourda
A new trend in power converters is to design planar transformer that aim for low profile. However, at high frequency, the planar transformer ac losses become significant due to the proximity and skin effects. In this paper, the design and implementation of a novel planar litz conductor is presented in order to equalize the flux linkage and improving the current distribution. The developed PCB litz wire structure minimizes the losses in a similar way to the conventional multi stranded litz wires. In order to further illustrate the eddy current effect in different arrangements, a finite-element analysis (FEA) tool is used to analyze current distribution inside the conductors. Finally, the proposed planar transformer has been integrated in an electronic stage to test at high signal levels.Keywords: planar transformer, finite-element analysis (FEA), winding losses, planar litz wire
Procedia PDF Downloads 5141272 Preparation and Characterization of Phosphate-Nickel-Titanium Composite Coating Obtained by Sol Gel Process for Corrosion Protection
Authors: Khalidou Ba, Abdelkrim Chahine, Mohamed Ebn Touhami
A strong industrial interest is focused on the development of coatings for anticorrosion protection. In this context, phosphate composite materials are expanding strongly due to their chemical characteristics and their interesting physicochemical properties. Sol-gel coatings offer high homogeneity and purity that may lead to obtain coating presenting good adhesion to metal surface. The goal behind this work is to develop efficient coatings for corrosion protection of steel to extend its life. In this context, a sol gel process allowing to obtain thin film coatings on carbon steel with high resistance to corrosion has been developed. The optimization of several experimental parameters such as the hydrolysis time, the temperature, the coating technique, the molar ratio between precursors, the number of layers and the drying mode has been realized in order to obtain a coating showing the best anti-corrosion properties. The effect of these parameters on the microstructure and anticorrosion performance of the films sol gel coating has been investigated using different characterization methods (FTIR, XRD, Raman, XPS, SEM, Profilometer, Salt Spray Test, etc.). An optimized coating presenting good adhesion and very stable anticorrosion properties in salt spray test, which consists of a corrosive attack accelerated by an artificial salt spray consisting of a solution of 5% NaCl, pH neutral, under precise conditions of temperature (35 °C) and pressure has been obtained.Keywords: sol gel, coating, corrosion, XPS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291271 Low Cost Surface Electromyographic Signal Amplifier Based on Arduino Microcontroller
Authors: Igor Luiz Bernardes de Moura, Luan Carlos de Sena Monteiro Ozelim, Fabiano Araujo Soares
The development of a low cost acquisition system of S-EMG signals which are reliable, comfortable for the user and with high mobility shows to be a relevant proposition in modern biomedical engineering scenario. In the study, the sampling capacity of the Arduino microcontroller Atmel Atmega328 with an A/D converter with 10-bit resolution and its reconstructing capability of a signal of surface electromyography are analyzed. An electronic circuit to capture the signal through two differential channels was designed, signals from Biceps Brachialis of a healthy man of 21 years was acquired to test the system prototype. ARV, MDF, MNF and RMS estimators were used to compare de acquired signals with physiological values. The Arduino was configured with a sampling frequency of 1.5 kHz for each channel, and the tests with the circuit designed offered a SNR of 20.57dB.Keywords: electromyography, Arduino, low-cost, atmel atmega328 microcontroller
Procedia PDF Downloads 3681270 Pharmacy Practice Research's Future
Authors: Ragy Raafat Gaber Attaalla
Background: The research begins with a summary of the state of pharmacy practice research, both now and in the future. The concerns that are relevant to practice research are then covered in this research to set the stage. These concerns include shifts in the demography of the population, technological advancements, the institutional function of pharmacies, consumer behavior, and the pharmacy profession itself. It also describes the significant changes in pharmacy practice research, such as interprofessional collaboration and patient teaming, the description and measurement of intervention results, and the cultural diversity of patients. Methods: It would be most frequently employed in the next pharmacy practice research are highlighted in the conclusion. They cover the cultural diversity of patients, documenting and assessing the results of interventions, and interdisciplinary communication and partnership with patients. Results: The rise of large and complicated data sets, the handling of electronic health records, and the use of a wide range of mixed techniques by pharmacy practice researchers are a few potential future methodological obstacles.Keywords: pharmacy, practice, research, significant changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 131269 The Transcriptome of Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus) of Elicited Cells with Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp. Dianthi
Authors: Juan Jose Filgueira, Daniela Londono-Serna, Liliana Maria Hoyos
Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) is one of the most important products of exportation in the floriculture industry worldwide. Fusariosis is the disease that causes the highest losses on farms, in particular the one produced by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi, called vascular wilt. Gene identification and metabolic routes of the genes that participate in the building of the plant response to Fusarium are some of the current targets in the carnation breeding industry. The techniques for the identifying of resistant genes in the plants, is the analysis of the transcriptome obtained during the host-pathogen interaction. In this work, we report the cell transcriptome of different varieties of carnation that present differential response from Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi attack. The cells of the different hybrids produced in the outbreeding program were cultured in vitro and elicited with the parasite in a dual culture. The isolation and purification of mRNA was achieved by using affinity chromatography Oligo dT columns and the transcriptomes were obtained by using Illumina NGS techniques. A total of 85,669 unigenes were detected in all the transcriptomes analyzed and 31,000 annotations were found in databases, which correspond to 36.2%. The library construction of genic expression techniques used, allowed to recognize the variation in the expression of genes such as Germin-like protein, Glycosyl hydrolase family and Cinnamate 4-hydroxylase. These have been reported in this study for the first time as part of the response mechanism to the presence of Fusarium oxysporum.Keywords: Carnation, Fusarium, vascular wilt, transcriptome
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501268 Phase Equilibria in the Ln-Sr-Co-O Systems
Authors: Anastasiia Maklakova
The perovskite type oxides formed in the Ln-Me-Me/-O systems (where Ln – rare-earth, Me – alkaline earth metal, Me/ - 3-d metal) have potential applications as gas sensors, catalysts or cathode materials for IT-SOFCs due to the high values of mixed electronic -ionic conductivity and high oxygen diffusivity. Complex oxides in the Sr-(Pr,Gd)-Co-O systems were prepared via the glycerol-nitrate technique The phase composition was determined using a Shimadzu XRD-7000 diffractometer at room temperature in air. Phase identification was performed using the ICDD database. The structure was refined by the full-profile Rietveld method using Fullprof 2008 software. Gradual substitution of strontium by Pr or Gd leads to the decrease of unit cell parameters and unit cell volume that can be explained by the size factor. An introduction of Pr or Gd into the strontium cobaltite increases the oxygen content in samples.Keywords: phase equilibria, crystal structure, oxygen nonstoichiometry, solid oxide fuel cell
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171267 Augmented Tourism: Definitions and Design Principles
Authors: Eric Hawkinson
After designing and implementing several iterations of implementations of augmented reality (AR) in tourism, this paper takes a deep look into design principles and implementation strategies of using AR at destination tourism settings. The study looks to define augmented tourism from past implementations as well as several cases, uses designed and implemented for tourism. The discussion leads to formation of frameworks and best practices for AR as well as virtual reality( VR) to be used in tourism settings. Some main affordances include guest autonomy, customized experiences, visitor data collection and increased electronic word-of-mouth generation for promotion purposes. Some challenges found include the need for high levels of technology infrastructure, low adoption rates or ‘buy-in’ rates, high levels of calibration and customization, and the need for maintenance and support services. Some suggestions are given as to how to leverage the affordances and meet the challenges of implementing AR for tourism.Keywords: augmented tourism, augmented reality, eTourism, virtual tourism, tourism design
Procedia PDF Downloads 3721266 Changes in Postural Stability after Coordination Exercise
Authors: Ivan Struhár, Martin Sebera, Lenka Dovrtělová
The aim of this study was to find out if the special type of exercise with elastic cord can improve the level of postural stability. The exercise programme was conducted twice a week for 3 months. The participants were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The electronic balance board was used for testing of postural stability. All participants trained for 18 hours at the time of experiment without any special form of coordination programme. The experimental group performed 90 minutes plus of coordination exercise. The result showed that differences between pre-test and post-test occurred in the experimental group. It was used the nonparametric Wilcoxon t-test for paired samples (p=0.012; the significance level 95%). We calculated effect size by Cohen´s d. In the experimental group d is 1.96 which indicates a large effect. In the control group d is 0.04 which confirms no significant improvement.Keywords: balance board, balance training, coordination, stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941265 Introduce a New Model of Anomaly Detection in Computer Networks Using Artificial Immune Systems
Authors: Mehrshad Khosraviani, Faramarz Abbaspour Leyl Abadi
The fundamental component of the computer network of modern information society will be considered. These networks are connected to the network of the internet generally. Due to the fact that the primary purpose of the Internet is not designed for, in recent decades, none of these networks in many of the attacks has been very important. Today, for the provision of security, different security tools and systems, including intrusion detection systems are used in the network. A common diagnosis system based on artificial immunity, the designer, the Adhasaz Foundation has been evaluated. The idea of using artificial safety methods in the diagnosis of abnormalities in computer networks it has been stimulated in the direction of their specificity, there are safety systems are similar to the common needs of m, that is non-diagnostic. For example, such methods can be used to detect any abnormalities, a variety of attacks, being memory, learning ability, and Khodtnzimi method of artificial immune algorithm pointed out. Diagnosis of the common system of education offered in this paper using only the normal samples is required for network and any additional data about the type of attacks is not. In the proposed system of positive selection and negative selection processes, selection of samples to create a distinction between the colony of normal attack is used. Copa real data collection on the evaluation of ij indicates the proposed system in the false alarm rate is often low compared to other ir methods and the detection rate is in the variations.Keywords: artificial immune system, abnormality detection, intrusion detection, computer networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551264 Exploring the Factors Affecting the Dependability of Mobile Devices in the Current World
Authors: Mayowa A. Sofowora, Seraphim D. Eyono Obono
In recent times the level of advancement in electronics and manufacturing technologies for portable electronic devices, especially for mobile devices such as cell phones, smartphones, personal digital assistants and tablet computers is unprecedented. Mobile devices have become indispensable to individuals, and businesses all over the world. The high level of manufacturing and production of mobile devices has led to the rapid release of newer and sleeker models with new features and capabilities. However, these newer models therefore render older models obsolete, and this pushes people to frequently replace their devices. The drawback of such frequent replacements is that a large number of devices are disposed and they end up as e-waste. The fact that e-waste constitutes a major hazard to human health and to the environment is the motivation behind this study whose aim is to develop a model of possible factors that affects the dependability of mobile devices which in turn leads to the obsolescence of these devices.Keywords: dependability, mobile devices, obsolescence, e-waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 3151263 Design of an Ultra High Frequency Rectifier for Wireless Power Systems by Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain
Authors: Felipe M. de Freitas, Ícaro V. Soares, Lucas L. L. Fortes, Sandro T. M. Gonçalves, Úrsula D. C. Resende
There is a dispersed energy in Radio Frequencies (RF) that can be reused to power electronics circuits such as: sensors, actuators, identification devices, among other systems, without wire connections or a battery supply requirement. In this context, there are different types of energy harvesting systems, including rectennas, coil systems, graphene and new materials. A secondary step of an energy harvesting system is the rectification of the collected signal which may be carried out, for example, by the combination of one or more Schottky diodes connected in series or shunt. In the case of a rectenna-based system, for instance, the diode used must be able to receive low power signals at ultra-high frequencies. Therefore, it is required low values of series resistance, junction capacitance and potential barrier voltage. Due to this low-power condition, voltage multiplier configurations are used such as voltage doublers or modified bridge converters. Lowpass filter (LPF) at the input, DC output filter, and a resistive load are also commonly used in the rectifier design. The electronic circuits projects are commonly analyzed through simulation in SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) environment. Despite the remarkable potential of SPICE-based simulators for complex circuit modeling and analysis of quasi-static electromagnetic fields interaction, i.e., at low frequency, these simulators are limited and they cannot model properly applications of microwave hybrid circuits in which there are both, lumped elements as well as distributed elements. This work proposes, therefore, the electromagnetic modelling of electronic components in order to create models that satisfy the needs for simulations of circuits in ultra-high frequencies, with application in rectifiers coupled to antennas, as in energy harvesting systems, that is, in rectennas. For this purpose, the numerical method FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) is applied and SPICE computational tools are used for comparison. In the present work, initially the Ampere-Maxwell equation is applied to the equations of current density and electric field within the FDTD method and its circuital relation with the voltage drop in the modeled component for the case of lumped parameter using the FDTD (Lumped-Element Finite-Difference Time-Domain) proposed in for the passive components and the one proposed in for the diode. Next, a rectifier is built with the essential requirements for operating rectenna energy harvesting systems and the FDTD results are compared with experimental measurements.Keywords: energy harvesting system, LE-FDTD, rectenna, rectifier, wireless power systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351262 The Application of a Hybrid Neural Network for Recognition of a Handwritten Kazakh Text
Authors: Almagul Assainova , Dariya Abykenova, Liudmila Goncharenko, Sergey Sybachin, Saule Rakhimova, Abay Aman
The recognition of a handwritten Kazakh text is a relevant objective today for the digitization of materials. The study presents a model of a hybrid neural network for handwriting recognition, which includes a convolutional neural network and a multi-layer perceptron. Each network includes 1024 input neurons and 42 output neurons. The model is implemented in the program, written in the Python programming language using the EMNIST database, NumPy, Keras, and Tensorflow modules. The neural network training of such specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet as ә, ғ, қ, ң, ө, ұ, ү, h, і was conducted. The neural network model and the program created on its basis can be used in electronic document management systems to digitize the Kazakh text.Keywords: handwriting recognition system, image recognition, Kazakh font, machine learning, neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 2631261 Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Applications of Divalent Schiff Base Metal Complexes Derived from Amino Coumarins and Substituted Benzaldehydes and Acetophenones
Authors: Srinivas Nerella
A series of new heterodentate N, O-donor ligands derived from condensing 3-amino Coumarins with hydroxy benzaldehydes and acetophenones were used to afford new mononuclear Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Pd(II) coordination compounds. All the complexes were characterized by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, Mass, ESR, Electronic spectra, Conductance, Magnetic and Thermal studies. The ligands show hexa coordination in Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Pd(II) complexes resulting octahedral geometries, while the ligands in Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes show tetra coordination resulting tetrahedral and square planar geometries respectively. These mononuclear complexes were investigated as catalysts in the hydrothiolation of aromatic and aliphatic alkynes with thiols. These metal complexes were acted as versatile catalysts and gave good yields.Keywords: schiff bases, divalent metal complexes of schiff bases, Catalytic activity, hydrothiolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4161260 A Novel Image Steganography Scheme Based on Mandelbrot Fractal
Authors: Adnan H. M. Al-Helali, Hamza A. Ali
Growth of censorship and pervasive monitoring on the Internet, Steganography arises as a new means of achieving secret communication. Steganography is the art and science of embedding information within electronic media used by common applications and systems. Generally, hiding information of multimedia within images will change some of their properties that may introduce few degradation or unusual characteristics. This paper presents a new image steganography approach for hiding information of multimedia (images, text, and audio) using generated Mandelbrot Fractal image as a cover. The proposed technique has been extensively tested with different images. The results show that the method is a very secure means of hiding and retrieving steganographic information. Experimental results demonstrate that an effective improvement in the values of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) and Image Fidelity (IF) over the previous techniques.Keywords: fractal image, information hiding, Mandelbrot et fractal, steganography
Procedia PDF Downloads 5411259 The Possibility of Using Somatosensory Evoked Potential(SSEP) as a Parameter for Cortical Vascular Dementia
Authors: Hyunsik Park
As the rate of cerebrovascular disease increases in old populations, the prevalence rate of vascular dementia would be expected. Therefore, authors designed this study to find out the possibility of somatosensory evoked potentials(SSEP) as a parameter for early diagnosis and prognosis prediction of vascular dementia in cortical vascular dementia patients. 21 patients who met the criteria for vascular dementia according to DSM-IV,ICD-10and NINDS-AIREN with the history of recent cognitive impairment, fluctuation progression, and neurologic deficit. We subdivided these patients into two groups; a mild dementia and a severe dementia groups by MMSE and CDR score; and analysed comparison between normal control group and patient control group who have been cerebrovascular attack(CVA) history without dementia by using N20 latency and amplitude of median nerve. In this study, mild dementia group showed significant differences on latency and amplitude with normal control group(p-value<0.05) except patient control group(p-value>0.05). Severe dementia group showed significant differences both normal control group and patient control group.(p-value<0.05, <001). Since no significant difference has founded between mild dementia group and patient control group, SSEP has limitation to use for early diagnosis test. However, the comparison between severe dementia group and others showed significant results which indicate SSEP can predict the prognosis of vascular dementia in cortical vascular dementia patients.Keywords: SSEP, cortical vascular dementia, N20 latency, N20 amplitude
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