Search results for: diagnostic image
2708 Innovative Technologies Functional Methods of Dental Research
Authors: Sergey N. Ermoliev, Margarita A. Belousova, Aida D. Goncharenko
Application of the diagnostic complex of highly informative functional methods (electromyography, reodentography, laser Doppler flowmetry, reoperiodontography, vital computer capillaroscopy, optical tissue oximetry, laser fluorescence diagnosis) allows to perform a multifactorial analysis of the dental status and to prescribe complex etiopathogenetic treatment. Introduction. It is necessary to create a complex of innovative highly informative and safe functional diagnostic methods for improvement of the quality of patient treatment by the early detection of stomatologic diseases. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the etiology and pathogenesis of functional disorders identified in the pathology of hard tissue, dental pulp, periodontal, oral mucosa and chewing function, and the creation of new approaches to the diagnosis of dental diseases. Material and methods. 172 patients were examined. Density of hard tissues of the teeth and jaw bone was studied by intraoral ultrasonic densitometry (USD). Electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles was assessed by electromyography (EMG). Functional state of dental pulp vessels assessed by reodentography (RDG) and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Reoperiodontography method (RPG) studied regional blood flow in the periodontal tissues. Microcirculatory vascular periodontal studied by vital computer capillaroscopy (VCC) and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). The metabolic level of the mucous membrane was determined by optical tissue oximetry (OTO) and laser fluorescence diagnosis (LFD). Results and discussion. The results obtained revealed changes in mineral density of hard tissues of the teeth and jaw bone, the bioelectric activity of masticatory muscles, regional blood flow and microcirculation in the dental pulp and periodontal tissues. LDF and OTO methods estimated fluctuations of saturation level and oxygen transport in microvasculature of periodontal tissues. With LFD identified changes in the concentration of enzymes (nicotinamide, flavins, lipofuscin, porphyrins) involved in metabolic processes Conclusion. Our preliminary results confirmed feasibility and safety the of intraoral ultrasound densitometry technique in the density of bone tissue of periodontium. Conclusion. Application of the diagnostic complex of above mentioned highly informative functional methods allows to perform a multifactorial analysis of the dental status and to prescribe complex etiopathogenetic treatment.Keywords: electromyography (EMG), reodentography (RDG), laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), reoperiodontography method (RPG), vital computer capillaroscopy (VCC), optical tissue oximetry (OTO), laser fluorescence diagnosis (LFD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2802707 Parallel Processing in near Absence of Attention: A Study Using Dual-Task Paradigm
Authors: Aarushi Agarwal, Tara Singh, I.L Singh, Anju Lata Singh, Trayambak Tiwari
Simple discrimination in near absence of attention has been widely observed. Dual-task studies with natural scenes studies have been claimed as being preattentive in nature that facilitated categorization simultaneously with the attentional demanding task. So in this study, multiple images at the periphery are presented, initiating parallel processing in near absence of attention. For the central demanding task rotated letters were presented in both conditions, while in periphery natural and animal images were presented. To understand the breakpoint of ability to perform in near absence of attention one, two and three peripheral images were presented simultaneously with central task and subjects had to respond when all belong to the same category. Individual participant performance did not show a significant difference in both conditions central and peripheral task when the single peripheral image was shown. In case of two images high-level parallel processing could take place with little attentional resources. The eye tracking results supports the evidence as no major saccade was made in a large number of trials. Three image presentations proved to be a breaking point of the capacities to perform outside attentional assistance as participants showed a confused eye gaze pattern which failed to make the natural and animal image discriminations. Thus, we can conclude attention and awareness being independent mechanisms having limited capacities.Keywords: attention, dual task pardigm, parallel processing, break point, saccade
Procedia PDF Downloads 2192706 Liver Lesion Extraction with Fuzzy Thresholding in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Images
Authors: Abder-Rahman Ali, Adélaïde Albouy-Kissi, Manuel Grand-Brochier, Viviane Ladan-Marcus, Christine Hoeffl, Claude Marcus, Antoine Vacavant, Jean-Yves Boire
In this paper, we present a new segmentation approach for focal liver lesions in contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging. This approach, based on a two-cluster Fuzzy C-Means methodology, considers type-II fuzzy sets to handle uncertainty due to the image modality (presence of speckle noise, low contrast, etc.), and to calculate the optimum inter-cluster threshold. Fine boundaries are detected by a local recursive merging of ambiguous pixels. The method has been tested on a representative database. Compared to both Otsu and type-I Fuzzy C-Means techniques, the proposed method significantly reduces the segmentation errors.Keywords: defuzzification, fuzzy clustering, image segmentation, type-II fuzzy sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4862705 Seawater Changes' Estimation at Tidal Flat in Korean Peninsula Using Drone Stereo Images
Authors: Hyoseong Lee, Duk-jin Kim, Jaehong Oh, Jungil Shin
Tidal flat in Korean peninsula is one of the largest biodiversity tidal flats in the world. Therefore, digital elevation models (DEM) is continuously demanded to monitor of the tidal flat. In this study, DEM of tidal flat, according to different times, was produced by means of the Drone and commercial software in order to measure seawater change during high tide at water-channel in tidal flat. To correct the produced DEMs of the tidal flat where is inaccessible to collect control points, the DEM matching method was applied by using the reference DEM instead of the survey. After the ortho-image was made from the corrected DEM, the land cover classified image was produced. The changes of seawater amount according to the times were analyzed by using the classified images and DEMs. As a result, it was confirmed that the amount of water rapidly increased as the time passed during high tide.Keywords: tidal flat, drone, DEM, seawater change
Procedia PDF Downloads 2042704 Tinder, Image Merchandise and Desire: The Configuration of Social Ties in Today's Neoliberalism
Authors: Daniel Alvarado Valencia
Nowadays, the market offers us solutions for everything, creating the idea of an immediate availability of anything we could desire, and the Internet is the mean through which to obtain all this. The proposal of this conference is that this logic puts the subjects in a situation of self-exploitation, and considers the psyche as a productive force by configuring affection and desire from a neoliberal value perspective. It uses Tinder, starting from ethnographical data from Mexico City users, as an example for this. Tinder is an application created to get dates, have sexual encounters and find a partner. It works from the creation and management of a digital profile. It is an example of how futuristic and lonely the current era can be since we got used to interact with other people through screens and images. However, at the same time, it provides solutions to loneliness, since technology transgresses, invades and alters social practices in different ways. Tinder fits into this contemporary context, it is a concrete example of the processes of technification in which social bonds develop through certain devices offered by neoliberalism, through consumption, and where the search of love and courtship are possible through images and their consumption.Keywords: desire, image, merchandise, neoliberalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1222703 A Comparative Assessment of Industrial Composites Using Thermography and Ultrasound
Authors: Mosab Alrashed, Wei Xu, Stephen Abineri, Yifan Zhao, Jörn Mehnen
Thermographic inspection is a relatively new technique for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) which has been gathering increasing interest due to its relatively low cost hardware and extremely fast data acquisition properties. This technique is especially promising in the area of rapid automated damage detection and quantification. In collaboration with a major industry partner from the aerospace sector advanced thermography-based NDT software for impact damaged composites is introduced. The software is based on correlation analysis of time-temperature profiles in combination with an image enhancement process. The prototype software is aiming to a) better visualise the damages in a relatively easy-to-use way and b) automatically and quantitatively measure the properties of the degradation. Knowing that degradation properties play an important role in the identification of degradation types, tests and results on specimens which were artificially damaged have been performed and analyzed.Keywords: NDT, correlation analysis, image processing, damage, inspection
Procedia PDF Downloads 5492702 Investigating the Impact of Super Bowl Participation on Local Economy: A Perspective of Stock Market
Authors: Rui Du
This paper attempts to assess the impact of a major sporting event —the Super Bowl on the local economies. The identification strategy is to compare the winning and losing cities at the National Football League (NFL) conference finals under the assumption of similar pre-treatment trends. The stock market performances of companies headquartered in these cities are used to capture the sudden changes in local economic activities during a short time span. The exogenous variations in the football game outcome allow a straightforward difference-in-differences approach to identify the effect. This study finds that the post-event trends in winning and losing cities diverge despite the fact that both cities have economically and statistically similar pre-event trends. Empirical analysis provides suggestive evidence of a positive, significant local economic impact of conference final wins, possibly through city image enhancement. Further empirical evidence shows the presence of heterogeneous effects across industrial sectors, suggesting that city image enhancing the effect of the Super Bowl participation is empirically relevant for the changes in the composition of local industries. Also, this study also adopts a similar strategy to examine the local economic impact of Super Bowl successes, however, finds no statistically significant effect.Keywords: Super Bowl Participation, local economies, city image enhancement, difference-in-differences, industrial sectors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2402701 Liver Tumor Detection by Classification through FD Enhancement of CT Image
Authors: N. Ghatwary, A. Ahmed, H. Jalab
In this paper, an approach for the liver tumor detection in computed tomography (CT) images is represented. The detection process is based on classifying the features of target liver cell to either tumor or non-tumor. Fractional differential (FD) is applied for enhancement of Liver CT images, with the aim of enhancing texture and edge features. Later on, a fusion method is applied to merge between the various enhanced images and produce a variety of feature improvement, which will increase the accuracy of classification. Each image is divided into NxN non-overlapping blocks, to extract the desired features. Support vector machines (SVM) classifier is trained later on a supplied dataset different from the tested one. Finally, the block cells are identified whether they are classified as tumor or not. Our approach is validated on a group of patients’ CT liver tumor datasets. The experiment results demonstrated the efficiency of detection in the proposed technique.Keywords: fractional differential (FD), computed tomography (CT), fusion, aplha, texture features.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3592700 Dogs Chest Homogeneous Phantom for Image Optimization
Authors: Maris Eugênia Dela Rosa, Ana Luiza Menegatti Pavan, Marcela De Oliveira, Diana Rodrigues De Pina, Luis Carlos Vulcano
In medical veterinary as well as in human medicine, radiological study is essential for a safe diagnosis in clinical practice. Thus, the quality of radiographic image is crucial. In last year’s there has been an increasing substitution of image acquisition screen-film systems for computed radiology equipment (CR) without technical charts adequacy. Furthermore, to carry out a radiographic examination in veterinary patient is required human assistance for restraint this, which can compromise image quality by generating dose increasing to the animal, for Occupationally Exposed and also the increased cost to the institution. The image optimization procedure and construction of radiographic techniques are performed with the use of homogeneous phantoms. In this study, we sought to develop a homogeneous phantom of canine chest to be applied to the optimization of these images for the CR system. In carrying out the simulator was created a database with retrospectives chest images of computed tomography (CT) of the Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science - UNESP (FMVZ / Botucatu). Images were divided into four groups according to the animal weight employing classification by sizes proposed by Hoskins & Goldston. The thickness of biological tissues were quantified in a 80 animals, separated in groups of 20 animals according to their weights: (S) Small - equal to or less than 9.0 kg, (M) Medium - between 9.0 and 23.0 kg, (L) Large – between 23.1 and 40.0kg and (G) Giant – over 40.1 kg. Mean weight for group (S) was 6.5±2.0 kg, (M) 15.0±5.0 kg, (L) 32.0±5.5 kg and (G) 50.0 ±12.0 kg. An algorithm was developed in Matlab in order to classify and quantify biological tissues present in CT images and convert them in simulator materials. To classify tissues presents, the membership functions were created from the retrospective CT scans according to the type of tissue (adipose, muscle, bone trabecular or cortical and lung tissue). After conversion of the biologic tissue thickness in equivalent material thicknesses (acrylic simulating soft tissues, bone tissues simulated by aluminum and air to the lung) were obtained four different homogeneous phantoms, with (S) 5 cm of acrylic, 0,14 cm of aluminum and 1,8 cm of air; (M) 8,7 cm of acrylic, 0,2 cm of aluminum and 2,4 cm of air; (L) 10,6 cm of acrylic, 0,27 cm of aluminum and 3,1 cm of air and (G) 14,8 cm of acrylic, 0,33 cm of aluminum and 3,8 cm of air. The developed canine homogeneous phantom is a practical tool, which will be employed in future, works to optimize veterinary X-ray procedures.Keywords: radiation protection, phantom, veterinary radiology, computed radiography
Procedia PDF Downloads 4182699 Optimized Road Lane Detection Through a Combined Canny Edge Detection, Hough Transform, and Scaleable Region Masking Toward Autonomous Driving
Authors: Samane Sharifi Monfared, Lavdie Rada
Nowadays, autonomous vehicles are developing rapidly toward facilitating human car driving. One of the main issues is road lane detection for a suitable guidance direction and car accident prevention. This paper aims to improve and optimize road line detection based on a combination of camera calibration, the Hough transform, and Canny edge detection. The video processing is implemented using the Open CV library with the novelty of having a scale able region masking. The aim of the study is to introduce automatic road lane detection techniques with the user’s minimum manual intervention.Keywords: hough transform, canny edge detection, optimisation, scaleable masking, camera calibration, improving the quality of image, image processing, video processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 962698 X-Ray Detector Technology Optimization In CT Imaging
Authors: Aziz Ikhlef
Most of multi-slices CT scanners are built with detectors composed of scintillator - photodiodes arrays. The photodiodes arrays are mainly based on front-illuminated technology for detectors under 64 slices and on back-illuminated photodiode for systems of 64 slices or more. The designs based on back-illuminated photodiodes were being investigated for CT machines to overcome the challenge of the higher number of runs and connection required in front-illuminated diodes. In backlit diodes, the electronic noise has already been improved because of the reduction of the load capacitance due to the routing reduction. This translated by a better image quality in low signal application, improving low dose imaging in large patient population. With the fast development of multi-detector-rows CT (MDCT) scanners and the increasing number of examinations, the clinical community has raised significant concerns on radiation dose received by the patient in both medical and regulatory community. In order to reduce individual exposure and in response to the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) which suggests that all exposures should be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), every manufacturer is trying to implement strategies and solutions to optimize dose efficiency and image quality based on x-ray emission and scanning parameters. The added demands on the CT detector performance also comes from the increased utilization of spectral CT or dual-energy CT in which projection data of two different tube potentials are collected. One of the approaches utilizes a technology called fast-kVp switching in which the tube voltage is switched between 80kVp and 140kVp in fraction of a millisecond. To reduce the cross-contamination of signals, the scintillator based detector temporal response has to be extremely fast to minimize the residual signal from previous samples. In addition, this paper will present an overview of detector technologies and image chain improvement which have been investigated in the last few years to improve the signal-noise ratio and the dose efficiency CT scanners in regular examinations and in energy discrimination techniques. Several parameters of the image chain in general and in the detector technology contribute in the optimization of the final image quality. We will go through the properties of the post-patient collimation to improve the scatter-to-primary ratio, the scintillator material properties such as light output, afterglow, primary speed, crosstalk to improve the spectral imaging, the photodiode design characteristics and the data acquisition system (DAS) to optimize for crosstalk, noise and temporal/spatial resolution.Keywords: computed tomography, X-ray detector, medical imaging, image quality, artifacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 2742697 Nano-Immunoassay for Diagnosis of Active Schistosomal Infection
Authors: Manal M. Kame, Hanan G. El-Baz, Zeinab A.Demerdash, Engy M. Abd El-Moneem, Mohamed A. Hendawy, Ibrahim R. Bayoumi
There is a constant need to improve the performance of current diagnostic assays of schistosomiasis as well as develop innovative testing strategies to meet new testing challenges. This study aims at increasing the diagnostic efficiency of monoclonal antibody (MAb)-based antigen detection assays through gold nanoparticles conjugated with specific anti-Schistosoma mansoni monoclonal antibodies. In this study, several hybidoma cell lines secreting MAbs against adult worm tegumental Schistosoma antigen (AWTA) were produced at Immunology Department of Theodor Bilharz Research Institute and preserved in liquid nitrogen. One MAb (6D/6F) was chosen for this study due to its high reactivity to schistosome antigens with highest optical density (OD) values. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were functionalized and conjugated with MAb (6D/6F). The study was conducted on serum samples of 116 subjects: 71 patients with S. mansoni eggs in their stool samples group (gp 1), 25 with other parasites (gp2) and 20 negative healthy controls (gp3). Patients in gp1 were further subdivided according to egg count in their stool samples into Light infection {≤ 50 egg per gram(epg) (n= 17)}, moderate {51-100 epg (n= 33)} and severe infection {>100 epg(n= 21)}. Sandwich ELISA was performed using (AuNPs -MAb) for detection of circulating schistosomal antigen (CSA) levels in serum samples of all groups and the results were compared with that after using MAb/ sandwich ELISA system. Results Gold- MAb/ ELISA system reached a lower detection limit of 10 ng/ml compared to 85 ng/ml on using MAb/ ELISA and the optimal concentrations of AuNPs -MAb were found to be 12 folds less than that of MAb/ ELISA system for detection of CSA. The sensitivity and specificity of sandwich ELISA for detection of CSA levels using AuNPs -MAb were 100% & 97.8 % respectively compared to 87.3% &93.38% respectively on using MAb/ ELISA system. It was found that CSA was detected in 9 out of 71 S.mansoni infected patients on using AuNPs - MAb/ ELISA system and was not detected by MAb/ ELISA system. All those patients (9) was found to have an egg count below 50 epg feces (patients with light infections). ROC curve analyses revealed that sandwich ELISA using gold-MAb was an excellent diagnostic investigator that could differentiate Schistosoma patients from healthy controls, on the other hand it revealed that sandwich ELISA using MAb was not accurate enough as it could not recognize nine out of 71 patients with light infections. Conclusion Our data demonstrated that: Loading gold nanoparticles with MAb (6D/6F) increases the sensitivity and specificity of sandwich ELISA for detection of CSA, thus active (early) and light infections could be easily detected. Moreover this binding will decrease the amount of MAb consumed in the assay and lower the coast. The significant positive correlation that was detected between ova count (intensity of infection) and OD reading in sandwich ELISA using gold- MAb enables its use to detect the severity of infections and follow up patients after treatment for monitoring of cure.Keywords: Schistosomiasis, nanoparticles, gold, monoclonal antibodies, ELISA
Procedia PDF Downloads 3722696 Osteoarticular Ultrasound for Diagnostic Purposes in the Practice of the Rheumatologist
Authors: A. Ibovi Mouondayi, S. Zaher, K. Nassar, S. Janani
Introduction: Osteoarticular ultrasound has become an essential tool for the investigation and monitoring of osteoarticular pathologies for rheumatologists. It is performed in the clinic, cheap to access than other imaging technics. Important anatomical sites of inflammation in inflammatory diseases such as synovium, tendon sheath, and enthesis are easily identifiable on ultrasound. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the importance of ultrasound for rheumatologists in the development of diagnoses of inflammatory rheumatism in cases of uncertain clinical presentation. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in our department and carried out over a period of 30 months from January 2020 to June 2022. We included all patients with inflammatory arthralgia without clinical arthritis. Patients' data were collected through a patient operating system. Results: A total of 35 patients were identified, made up of 4 men and 31 women, with a sex ratio M/F of 0.12. The average age of the patients was 48.8 years, with extremes ranging from 17 years to 83 years. All patients had inflammatory polyarthralgia for an average of 9.3 years. Only two patients had suspicious synovitis on clinical examination. 91.43% of patients had a positive inflammatory assessment with an average CRP of 22.2 mg/L. Rheumatoid factor (RF) was present in 45.7% of patients and anti-CCP in 48.57%, with respective averages of 294.43 and 314.63 international units/mL. Radiographic lesions were found in 54% of patients. Osteoarticular ultrasound was performed in all these patients. Subclinical synovitis was found in 60% of patients, including 23% Doppler positive. Tenosynovitis was found in 11% of patients. Enthesitis was objectified in 3% of patients. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was retained in 40% of patients; psoriatic arthritis in 6% of patients, hydroxyapatite arthritis, and osteoarthritis in 3% each. Conclusion: Osteoarticular ultrasound has been an essential tool in the practice of rheumatology in recent years. It is for diagnostic purposes in chronic inflammatory rheumatism as well as in degenerative rheumatism and crystal induced arthropathies, but also essential in the follow-up of patients in rheumatology.Keywords: ultrasound, skeletal, rheumatoid arthritis, arthralgia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1202695 An Improved Circulating Tumor Cells Analysis Method for Identifying Tumorous Blood Cells
Authors: Salvador Garcia Bernal, Chi Zheng, Keqi Zhang, Lei Mao
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) is used to detect tumoral cell metastases using blood samples of patients with cancer (lung, breast, etc.). Using an immunofluorescent method a three channel image (Red, Green, and Blue) are obtained. These set of images usually overpass the 11 x 30 M pixels in size. An aided tool is designed for imaging cell analysis to segmented and identify the tumorous cell based on the three markers signals. Our Method, it is cell-based (area and cell shape) considering each channel information and extracting and making decisions if it is a valid CTC. The system also gives information about number and size of tumor cells found in the sample. We present results in real-life samples achieving acceptable performance in identifying CTCs in short time.Keywords: Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC), cell analysis, immunofluorescent, medical image analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2142694 Computational Screening of Secretory Proteins with Brain-Specific Expression in Glioblastoma Multiforme
Authors: Sumera, Sanila Amber, Fatima Javed Mirza, Amjad Ali, Saadia Zahid
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a widely spread and fatal primary brain tumor with an increased risk of relapse in spite of aggressive treatment. The current procedures for GBM diagnosis include invasive procedures i.e. resection or biopsy, to acquire tumor mass. Implementation of negligibly invasive tests as a potential diagnostic technique and biofluid-based monitoring of GBM stresses on discovering biomarkers in CSF and blood. Therefore, we performed a comprehensive in silico analysis to identify potential circulating biomarkers for GBM. Initially, six gene and protein databases were utilized to mine brain-specific proteins. The resulting proteins were filtered using a channel of five tools to predict the secretory proteins. Subsequently, the expression profile of the secreted proteins was verified in the brain and blood using two databases. Additional verification of the resulting proteins was done using Plasma Proteome Database (PPD) to confirm their presence in blood. The final set of proteins was searched in literature for their relationship with GBM, keeping a special emphasis on secretome proteome. 2145 proteins were firstly mined as brain-specific, out of which 69 proteins were identified as secretory in nature. Verification of expression profile in brain and blood eliminated 58 proteins from the 69 proteins, providing a final list of 11 proteins. Further verification of these 11 proteins further eliminated 2 proteins, giving a final set of nine secretory proteins i.e. OPCML, NPTX1, LGI1, CNTN2, LY6H, SLIT1, CREG2, GDF1 and SERPINI1. Out of these 9 proteins, 7 were found to be linked to GBM, whereas 2 proteins are not investigated in GBM so far. We propose that these secretory proteins can serve as potential circulating biomarker signatures of GBM and will facilitate the development of minimally invasive diagnostic methods and novel therapeutic interventions for GBM.Keywords: glioblastoma multiforme, secretory proteins, brain secretome, biomarkers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532693 Imaging of Underground Targets with an Improved Back-Projection Algorithm
Authors: Alireza Akbari, Gelareh Babaee Khou
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is an important nondestructive remote sensing tool that has been used in both military and civilian fields. Recently, GPR imaging has attracted lots of attention in detection of subsurface shallow small targets such as landmines and unexploded ordnance and also imaging behind the wall for security applications. For the monostatic arrangement in the space-time GPR image, a single point target appears as a hyperbolic curve because of the different trip times of the EM wave when the radar moves along a synthetic aperture and collects reflectivity of the subsurface targets. With this hyperbolic curve, the resolution along the synthetic aperture direction shows undesired low resolution features owing to the tails of hyperbola. However, highly accurate information about the size, electromagnetic (EM) reflectivity, and depth of the buried objects is essential in most GPR applications. Therefore hyperbolic curve behavior in the space-time GPR image is often willing to be transformed to a focused pattern showing the object's true location and size together with its EM scattering. The common goal in a typical GPR image is to display the information of the spatial location and the reflectivity of an underground object. Therefore, the main challenge of GPR imaging technique is to devise an image reconstruction algorithm that provides high resolution and good suppression of strong artifacts and noise. In this paper, at first, the standard back-projection (BP) algorithm that was adapted to GPR imaging applications used for the image reconstruction. The standard BP algorithm was limited with against strong noise and a lot of artifacts, which have adverse effects on the following work like detection targets. Thus, an improved BP is based on cross-correlation between the receiving signals proposed for decreasing noises and suppression artifacts. To improve the quality of the results of proposed BP imaging algorithm, a weight factor was designed for each point in region imaging. Compared to a standard BP algorithm scheme, the improved algorithm produces images of higher quality and resolution. This proposed improved BP algorithm was applied on the simulation and the real GPR data and the results showed that the proposed improved BP imaging algorithm has a superior suppression artifacts and produces images with high quality and resolution. In order to quantitatively describe the imaging results on the effect of artifact suppression, focusing parameter was evaluated.Keywords: algorithm, back-projection, GPR, remote sensing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4532692 Rare Differential Diagnostic Dilemma
Authors: Angelis P. Barlampas
Theoretical background Disorders of fixation and rotation of the large intestine, result in the existence of its parts in ectopic anatomical positions. In case of symptomatology, the clinical picture is complicated by the possible symptomatology of the neighboring anatomical structures and a differential diagnostic problem arises. Target The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the difficulty of revealing the real cause of abdominal pain, in cases of anatomical variants and the decisive contribution of imaging and especially that of computed tomography. Methods A patient came to the emergency room, because of acute pain in the right hypochondrium. Clinical examination revealed tenderness in the gallbladder area and a positive Murphy's sign. An ultrasound exam depicted a normal gallbladder and the patient was referred for a CT scan. Results Flexible, unfixed ascending colon and cecum, located in the anatomical region of the right mesentery. Opacities of the surrounding peritoneal fat and a small linear concentration of fluid can be seen. There was an appendix of normal anteroposterior diameter with the presence of air in its lumen and without clear signs of inflammation. There was an impression of possible inflammatory swelling at the base of the appendix, (DD phenomenon of partial volume; e.t.c.). Linear opacities of the peritoneal fat in the region of the second loop of the duodenum. Multiple diverticula throughout the colon. Differential Diagnosis The differential diagnosis includes the following: Inflammation of the base of the appendix, diverticulitis of the cecum-ascending colon, a rare case of second duodenal loop ulcer, tuberculosis, terminal ileitis, pancreatitis, torsion of unfixed cecum-ascending colon, embolism or thrombosis of a vascular intestinal branch. Final Diagnosis There is an unfixed cecum-ascending colon, which is exhibiting diverticulitis.Keywords: unfixed cecum-ascending colon, abdominal pain, malrotation, abdominal CT, congenital anomalies
Procedia PDF Downloads 572691 Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case of Consecutive Occurrences of Different Types
Authors: Wania Mohammad Akram, Swetha Kannan, Urooj Shahid, Aisha Sajjad
Ovarian ectopic pregnancy, a rare manifestation of ectopic gestation, involves the implantation of a fertilized egg on the ovarian surface. This condition poses diagnostic challenges and is associated with significant maternal morbidity if not promptly managed. This report presents the case of a 33-year-old nulliparous woman with a history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) undergoing ovulation induction therapy. Following her first conception in October 2021, she presented with symptoms of per vaginal spotting and low back pain, prompting a diagnosis of left adnexal ectopic pregnancy confirmed by transvaginal ultrasound and serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (B-HCG) levels. Medical management with methotrexate was initiated successfully. In August 2022, the patient conceived again, with subsequent ultrasound revealing a large pelvic collection suggestive of a complex ectopic pregnancy involving both ovaries. Despite initial stability, she developed abdominal pain necessitating emergency laparoscopy, which revealed an ovarian ectopic pregnancy with hemoperitoneum. Laparotomy was performed due to the complexity of the presentation, and histopathology confirmed viable chorionic villi within ovarian tissue. This case underscores the clinical management challenges posed by ovarian ectopic pregnancies, particularly in patients with previous ectopic pregnancies. The discussion reviews current literature on diagnostic modalities, treatment strategies, and outcomes associated with ovarian ectopic pregnancies, emphasizing the role of surgical intervention in cases refractory to conservative management. Tailored approaches considering individual patient factors are crucial to optimize outcomes and preserve fertility in such complex scenarios.Keywords: obgyn, ovarian ectopic pregnancy, laproscopy, pcos
Procedia PDF Downloads 372690 Assessment of Sleep Disorders in Moroccan Women with Gynecological Cancer: Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Amina Aquil, Abdeljalil El Got
Background: Sleep quality is one of the most important indicators related to the quality of life of patients suffering from cancer. Many factors could affect this quality of sleep and then be considered as associated predictors. Methods: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of sleep disorders and the associated factors with impaired sleep quality in Moroccan women with gynecological cancer. A cross-sectional study was carried out within the oncology department of the Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Casablanca, on Moroccan women who had undergone radical surgery for gynecological cancer (n=100). Translated and validated Arabic versions of the following international scales were used: Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (RSES), and Body image scale (BIS). Results: 78% of participants were considered poor sleepers. Most of the patients exhibited very poor subjective quality, low sleep latency, a short period of sleep, and a low rate of usual sleep efficiency. The vast majority of these patients were in poor shape during the day and did not use sleep medication. Waking up in the middle of the night or early in the morning and getting up to use the bathroom were the main reasons for poor sleep quality. PSQI scores were positively correlated with anxiety, depression, body image dissatisfaction, and lower self-esteem (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Sleep quality and its predictors require a systematic evaluation and adequate management to prevent sleep disturbances and mental distress as well as to improve the quality of life of these patients.Keywords: body image, gynecological cancer, self esteem, sleep quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242689 Intelligent Grading System of Apple Using Neural Network Arbitration
Authors: Ebenezer Obaloluwa Olaniyi
In this paper, an intelligent system has been designed to grade apple based on either its defective or healthy for production in food processing. This paper is segmented into two different phase. In the first phase, the image processing techniques were employed to extract the necessary features required in the apple. These techniques include grayscale conversion, segmentation where a threshold value is chosen to separate the foreground of the images from the background. Then edge detection was also employed to bring out the features in the images. These extracted features were then fed into the neural network in the second phase of the paper. The second phase is a classification phase where neural network employed to classify the defective apple from the healthy apple. In this phase, the network was trained with back propagation and tested with feed forward network. The recognition rate obtained from our system shows that our system is more accurate and faster as compared with previous work.Keywords: image processing, neural network, apple, intelligent system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3992688 Automatic Classification of Lung Diseases from CT Images
Authors: Abobaker Mohammed Qasem Farhan, Shangming Yang, Mohammed Al-Nehari
Pneumonia is a kind of lung disease that creates congestion in the chest. Such pneumonic conditions lead to loss of life of the severity of high congestion. Pneumonic lung disease is caused by viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, or Covidi-19 induced pneumonia. The early prediction and classification of such lung diseases help to reduce the mortality rate. We propose the automatic Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system in this paper using the deep learning approach. The proposed CAD system takes input from raw computerized tomography (CT) scans of the patient's chest and automatically predicts disease classification. We designed the Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm (HDLA) to improve accuracy and reduce processing requirements. The raw CT scans have pre-processed first to enhance their quality for further analysis. We then applied a hybrid model that consists of automatic feature extraction and classification. We propose the robust 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to extract the automatic features from the pre-processed CT image. This CNN model assures feature learning with extremely effective 1D feature extraction for each input CT image. The outcome of the 2D CNN model is then normalized using the Min-Max technique. The second step of the proposed hybrid model is related to training and classification using different classifiers. The simulation outcomes using the publically available dataset prove the robustness and efficiency of the proposed model compared to state-of-art algorithms.Keywords: CT scan, Covid-19, deep learning, image processing, lung disease classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572687 X-Ray Detector Technology Optimization in Computed Tomography
Authors: Aziz Ikhlef
Most of multi-slices Computed Tomography (CT) scanners are built with detectors composed of scintillator - photodiodes arrays. The photodiodes arrays are mainly based on front-illuminated technology for detectors under 64 slices and on back-illuminated photodiode for systems of 64 slices or more. The designs based on back-illuminated photodiodes were being investigated for CT machines to overcome the challenge of the higher number of runs and connection required in front-illuminated diodes. In backlit diodes, the electronic noise has already been improved because of the reduction of the load capacitance due to the routing reduction. This is translated by a better image quality in low signal application, improving low dose imaging in large patient population. With the fast development of multi-detector-rows CT (MDCT) scanners and the increasing number of examinations, the clinical community has raised significant concerns on radiation dose received by the patient in both medical and regulatory community. In order to reduce individual exposure and in response to the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) which suggests that all exposures should be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), every manufacturer is trying to implement strategies and solutions to optimize dose efficiency and image quality based on x-ray emission and scanning parameters. The added demands on the CT detector performance also comes from the increased utilization of spectral CT or dual-energy CT in which projection data of two different tube potentials are collected. One of the approaches utilizes a technology called fast-kVp switching in which the tube voltage is switched between 80 kVp and 140 kVp in fraction of a millisecond. To reduce the cross-contamination of signals, the scintillator based detector temporal response has to be extremely fast to minimize the residual signal from previous samples. In addition, this paper will present an overview of detector technologies and image chain improvement which have been investigated in the last few years to improve the signal-noise ratio and the dose efficiency CT scanners in regular examinations and in energy discrimination techniques. Several parameters of the image chain in general and in the detector technology contribute in the optimization of the final image quality. We will go through the properties of the post-patient collimation to improve the scatter-to-primary ratio, the scintillator material properties such as light output, afterglow, primary speed, crosstalk to improve the spectral imaging, the photodiode design characteristics and the data acquisition system (DAS) to optimize for crosstalk, noise and temporal/spatial resolution.Keywords: computed tomography, X-ray detector, medical imaging, image quality, artifacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 1952686 Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles (MIP NPs) as Non-Animal Antibodies Substitutes for Detection of Viruses
Authors: Alessandro Poma, Kal Karim, Sergey Piletsky, Giuseppe Battaglia
The recent increasing emergency threat to public health of infectious influenza diseases has prompted interest in the detection of avian influenza virus (AIV) H5N1 in humans as well as animals. A variety of technologies for diagnosing AIV infection have been developed. However, various disadvantages (costs, lengthy analyses, and need for high-containment facilities) make these methods less than ideal in their practical application. Molecularly Imprinted Polymeric Nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are suitable to overcome these limitations by having high affinity, selectivity, versatility, scalability and cost-effectiveness with the versatility of post-modification (labeling – fluorescent, magnetic, optical) opening the way to the potential introduction of improved diagnostic tests capable of providing rapid differential diagnosis. Here we present our first results in the production and testing of MIP NPs for the detection of AIV H5N1. Recent developments in the solid-phase synthesis of MIP NPs mean that for the first time a reliable supply of ‘soluble’ synthetic antibodies can be made available for testing as potential biological or diagnostic active molecules. The MIP NPs have the potential to detect viruses that are widely circulating in farm animals and indeed humans. Early and accurate identification of the infectious agent will expedite appropriate control measures. Thus, diagnosis at an early stage of infection of a herd or flock or individual maximizes the efficiency with which containment, prevention and possibly treatment strategies can be implemented. More importantly, substantiating the practicability’s of these novel reagents should lead to an initial reduction and eventually to a potential total replacement of animals, both large and small, to raise such specific serological materials.Keywords: influenza virus, molecular imprinting, nanoparticles, polymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3632685 INRAM-3DCNN: Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Based on Residual and Attention Module Combined with Multilayer Perceptron for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Authors: Jianhong Xiang, Rui Sun, Linyu Wang
In recent years, due to the continuous improvement of deep learning theory, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has played a great superior performance in the research of Hyperspectral Image (HSI) classification. Since HSI has rich spatial-spectral information, only utilizing a single dimensional or single size convolutional kernel will limit the detailed feature information received by CNN, which limits the classification accuracy of HSI. In this paper, we design a multi-scale CNN with MLP based on residual and attention modules (INRAM-3DCNN) for the HSI classification task. We propose to use multiple 3D convolutional kernels to extract the packet feature information and fully learn the spatial-spectral features of HSI while designing residual 3D convolutional branches to avoid the decline of classification accuracy due to network degradation. Secondly, we also design the 2D Inception module with a joint channel attention mechanism to quickly extract key spatial feature information at different scales of HSI and reduce the complexity of the 3D model. Due to the high parallel processing capability and nonlinear global action of the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), we use it in combination with the previous CNN structure for the final classification process. The experimental results on two HSI datasets show that the proposed INRAM-3DCNN method has superior classification performance and can perform the classification task excellently.Keywords: INRAM-3DCNN, residual, channel attention, hyperspectral image classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 812684 Digital Watermarking Based on Visual Cryptography and Histogram
Authors: R. Rama Kishore, Sunesh
Nowadays, robust and secure watermarking algorithm and its optimization have been need of the hour. A watermarking algorithm is presented to achieve the copy right protection of the owner based on visual cryptography, histogram shape property and entropy. In this, both host image and watermark are preprocessed. Host image is preprocessed by using Butterworth filter, and watermark is with visual cryptography. Applying visual cryptography on water mark generates two shares. One share is used for embedding the watermark, and the other one is used for solving any dispute with the aid of trusted authority. Usage of histogram shape makes the process more robust against geometric and signal processing attacks. The combination of visual cryptography, Butterworth filter, histogram, and entropy can make the algorithm more robust, imperceptible, and copy right protection of the owner.Keywords: digital watermarking, visual cryptography, histogram, butter worth filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 3592683 Damage Micromechanisms of Coconut Fibers and Chopped Strand Mats of Coconut Fibers
Authors: Rios A. S., Hild F., Deus E. P., Aimedieu P., Benallal A.
The damage micromechanisms of chopped strand mats manufactured by compression of Brazilian coconut fiber and coconut fibers in different external conditions (chemical treatment) were used in this study. Mechanical analysis testing uniaxial traction were used with Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The images captured during the tensile test in the coconut fibers and coconut fiber mats showed an uncertainty of measurement in order centipixels. The initial modulus (modulus of elasticity) and tensile strength decreased with increasing diameter for the four conditions of coconut fibers. The DIC showed heterogeneous deformation fields for coconut fibers and mats and the displacement fields showed the rupture process of coconut fiber. The determination of poisson’s ratio of the mat was performed through of transverse and longitudinal deformations found in the elastic region.Keywords: coconut fiber, mechanical behavior, digital image correlation, micromechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 4592682 Comparison between High Resolution Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Causing Ankle Pain
Authors: Engy S. El-Kayal, Mohamed M. S. Arafa
There are various causes of ankle pain including traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Various imaging techniques are available for assessment of AP. MRI is considered to be the imaging modality of choice for ankle joint evaluation with an advantage of its high spatial resolution, multiplanar capability, hence its ability to visualize small complex anatomical structures around the ankle. However, the high costs and the relatively limited availability of MRI systems, as well as the relatively long duration of the examination all are considered disadvantages of MRI examination. Therefore there is a need for a more rapid and less expensive examination modality with good diagnostic accuracy to fulfill this gap. HRU has become increasingly important in the assessment of ankle disorders, with advantages of being fast, reliable, of low cost and readily available. US can visualize detailed anatomical structures and assess tendinous and ligamentous integrity. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of HRU with MRI in the assessment of patients with AP. We included forty patients complaining of AP. All patients were subjected to real-time HRU and MRI of the affected ankle. Results of both techniques were compared to surgical and arthroscopic findings. All patients were examined according to a defined protocol that includes imaging the tendon tears or tendinitis, muscle tears, masses, or fluid collection, ligament sprain or tears, inflammation or fluid effusion within the joint or bursa, bone and cartilage lesions, erosions and osteophytes. Analysis of the results showed that the mean age of patients was 38 years. The study comprised of 24 women (60%) and 16 men (40%). The accuracy of HRU in detecting causes of AP was 85%, while the accuracy of MRI in the detection of causes of AP was 87.5%. In conclusions: HRU and MRI are two complementary tools of investigation with the former will be used as a primary tool of investigation and the latter will be used to confirm the diagnosis and the extent of the lesion especially when surgical interference is planned.Keywords: ankle pain (AP), high-resolution ultrasound (HRU), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ultrasonography (US)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1932681 Characterization of Chest Pain in Patients Consulting to the Emergency Department of a Health Institution High Level of Complexity during 2014-2015, Medellin, Colombia
Authors: Jorge Iván Bañol-Betancur, Lina María Martínez-Sánchez, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez-Gázquez, Estefanía Bahamonde-Olaya, Ana María Gutiérrez-Tamayo, Laura Isabel Jaramillo-Jaramillo, Camilo Ruiz-Mejía, Natalia Morales-Quintero
Acute chest pain is a distressing sensation between the diaphragm and the base of the neck and it represents a diagnostic challenge for any physician in the emergency department. Objective: To establish the main clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients who present with chest pain to the emergency department in a private clinic from the city of Medellin, during 2014-2015. Methods: Cross-sectional retrospective observational study. Population and sample were patients who consulted for chest pain in the emergency department who met the eligibility criteria. The information was analyzed in SPSS program vr.21; qualitative variables were described through relative frequencies, and the quantitative through mean and standard deviation or medians according to their distribution in the study population. Results: A total of 231 patients were evaluated, the mean age was 49.5 ± 19.9 years, 56.7% were females. The most frequent pathological antecedents were hypertension 35.5%, diabetes 10,8%, dyslipidemia 10.4% and coronary disease 5.2%. Regarding pain features, in 40.3% of the patients the pain began abruptly, in 38.2% it had a precordial location, for 20% of the cases physical activity acted as a trigger, and 60.6% was oppressive. Costochondritis was the most common cause of chest pain among patients with an established etiologic diagnosis, representing the 18.2%. Conclusions: Although the clinical features of pain reported coincide with the clinical presentation of an acute coronary syndrome, the most common cause of chest pain in study population was costochondritis instead, indicating that it is a differential diagnostic in the approach of patients with pain acute chest.Keywords: acute coronary syndrome, chest pain, epidemiology, osteochondritis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3432680 Retina Registration for Biometrics Based on Characterization of Retinal Feature Points
Authors: Nougrara Zineb
The unique structure of the blood vessels in the retina has been used for biometric identification. The retina blood vessel pattern is a unique pattern in each individual and it is almost impossible to forge that pattern in a false individual. The retina biometrics’ advantages include high distinctiveness, universality, and stability overtime of the blood vessel pattern. Once the creases have been extracted from the images, a registration stage is necessary, since the position of the retinal vessel structure could change between acquisitions due to the movements of the eye. Image registration consists of following steps: Feature detection, feature matching, transform model estimation and image resembling and transformation. In this paper, we present an algorithm of registration; it is based on the characterization of retinal feature points. For experiments, retinal images from the DRIVE database have been tested. The proposed methodology achieves good results for registration in general.Keywords: fovea, optic disc, registration, retinal images
Procedia PDF Downloads 2672679 An Advanced Automated Brain Tumor Diagnostics Approach
Authors: Berkan Ural, Arif Eser, Sinan Apaydin
Medical image processing is generally become a challenging task nowadays. Indeed, processing of brain MRI images is one of the difficult parts of this area. This study proposes a hybrid well-defined approach which is consisted from tumor detection, extraction and analyzing steps. This approach is mainly consisted from a computer aided diagnostics system for identifying and detecting the tumor formation in any region of the brain and this system is commonly used for early prediction of brain tumor using advanced image processing and probabilistic neural network methods, respectively. For this approach, generally, some advanced noise removal functions, image processing methods such as automatic segmentation and morphological operations are used to detect the brain tumor boundaries and to obtain the important feature parameters of the tumor region. All stages of the approach are done specifically with using MATLAB software. Generally, for this approach, firstly tumor is successfully detected and the tumor area is contoured with a specific colored circle by the computer aided diagnostics program. Then, the tumor is segmented and some morphological processes are achieved to increase the visibility of the tumor area. Moreover, while this process continues, the tumor area and important shape based features are also calculated. Finally, with using the probabilistic neural network method and with using some advanced classification steps, tumor area and the type of the tumor are clearly obtained. Also, the future aim of this study is to detect the severity of lesions through classes of brain tumor which is achieved through advanced multi classification and neural network stages and creating a user friendly environment using GUI in MATLAB. In the experimental part of the study, generally, 100 images are used to train the diagnostics system and 100 out of sample images are also used to test and to check the whole results. The preliminary results demonstrate the high classification accuracy for the neural network structure. Finally, according to the results, this situation also motivates us to extend this framework to detect and localize the tumors in the other organs.Keywords: image processing algorithms, magnetic resonance imaging, neural network, pattern recognition
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