Search results for: conversion technologies
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4792

Search results for: conversion technologies

3712 Investigation of the Mechanical Performance of Carbon Nanomembranes for Water Separation Technologies

Authors: Marinos Dimitropoulos, George Trakakis, Nikolaus Meyerbröker, Raphael Dalpke, Polina Angelova, Albert Schnieders, Christos Pavlou, Christos Kostaras, Costas Galiotis, Konstantinos Dassios


Intended for purifying water, water separation technologies are widely employed in a variety of contemporary household and industrial applications. Ultrathin Carbon Nanomembranes (CNMs) offer a highly selective, fast-flow, energy-efficient water separation technology intended for demanding water treatment applications as a technological replacement for biological filtration membranes. The membranes are two-dimensional (2D) materials with sub-nm functional pores and a thickness of roughly 1 nm; they may be generated in large quantities on porous supporting substrates and have customizable properties. The purpose of this work was to investigate and analyze the mechanical characteristics of CNMs and their substrates in order to ensure the structural stability of the membrane during operation. Contrary to macro-materials, it is difficult to measure the mechanical properties of membranes that are only a few nanometers thick. The membranes were supported on atomically flat substrates as well as suspended over patterned substrates, and their inherent mechanical properties were tested with atomic force microscopy. Quantitative experiments under nanomechanical loading, nanoindentation, and nano fatigue demonstrated the membranes' potential for usage in water separation applications.

Keywords: carbon nanomembranes, mechanical properties, AFM

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3711 Information and Communication Technologies-Based Urban Spaces: From Planning and Design to Implementation

Authors: Yountaik Leem, Kwang Woo Nam, Sang Ho Lee, Tae Heon Moon


As to the development of the capitalist economy, local governments put their focuses on economic growth and quality of life including the management of declined urban area. Together with the rapid advances in ICTs (information and communication technologies) Korean government tried to adapt ICTs to urban spaces to catch these two goals. Ubiquitous city, concept introduced by Mark Weiser in 1988, is a kind of ICTs based urban space which can provide IT services anytime and anywhere. This paper introduces the experience of developing ICTs-based urban planning and it’s implementation process and discusses the effect of the R&D based U-City test-bed project. For a community center of a residential zone in a newly developing city, spatial problems and citizen’s needs were identified to plan IT-based urban services. The paper also describes the structure and functions of Community O/S (COS) as an IT platform which controls data and urban devices such as media facades and U-poles. Not only one-way information but also Interactive services were included. Public creating activities using this platform also added –CO2 emission management and citizen making safety map, etc. The effects of the comprehensive U-City planning in S/W, H/W and human-ware were discussed on the case study of similar individual projects.

Keywords: ICTs-based urban planning, implementation, public IT service, U-City

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3710 Template-less Self-Assembled Morphologically Cubic BiFeO₃ for Improved Electrical Properties

Authors: Jenna Metera, Olivia Graeve


Ceramic capacitor technologies using lead based materials is being phased out for its environmental and handling hazards. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO₃) is the next best replacement for those lead-based technologies. Unfortunately, the electrical properties in bismuth systems are not as robust as the lead alternatives. The improvement of electrical properties such as charge density, charge anisotropy, relative permittivity, and dielectric loss are the parameters that will make BiFeO₃ a competitive alternative to lead-based ceramic materials. In order to maximize the utility of these properties, we propose the ordering and an evaporation-induced self-assembly of a cubic morphology powder. Evaporation-induced self-assembly is a template-less, bottom-up, self-assembly option. The capillary forces move the particles closer together when the solvent evaporates, promoting organized agglomeration at the particle faces. The assembly of particles into organized structures can lead to enhanced properties compared to unorganized structures or single particles themselves. The interactions between the particles can be controlled based on the long-range order in the organized structure. The cubic particle morphology is produced through a hydrothermal synthesis with changes in the concentration of potassium hydroxide, which changes the morphology of the powder. Once the assembly materializes, the powder is fabricated into workable substrates for electrical testing after consolidation.

Keywords: evaporation, lead-free, morphology, self-assembly

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3709 Quantifying Firm-Level Environmental Innovation Performance: Determining the Sustainability Value of Patent Portfolios

Authors: Maximilian Elsen, Frank Tietze


The development and diffusion of green technologies are crucial for achieving our ambitious climate targets. The Paris Agreement commits its members to develop strategies for achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the second half of the century. Governments, executives, and academics are working on net-zero strategies and the business of rating organisations on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance has grown tremendously in its public interest. ESG data is now commonly integrated into traditional investment analysis and an important factor in investment decisions. Creating these metrics, however, is inherently challenging as environmental and social impacts are hard to measure and uniform requirements on ESG reporting are lacking. ESG metrics are often incomplete and inconsistent as they lack fully accepted reporting standards and are often of qualitative nature. This study explores the use of patent data for assessing the environmental performance of companies by focusing on their patented inventions in the space of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies (CCMAT). The present study builds on the successful identification of CCMAT patents. In this context, the study adopts the Y02 patent classification, a fully cross-sectional tagging scheme that is fully incorporated in the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), to identify Climate Change Adaptation Technologies. The Y02 classification was jointly developed by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and provides means to examine technologies in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change across relevant technologies. This paper develops sustainability-related metrics for firm-level patent portfolios. We do so by adopting a three-step approach. First, we identify relevant CCMAT patents based on their classification as Y02 CPC patents. Second, we examine the technological strength of the identified CCMAT patents by including more traditional metrics from the field of patent analytics while considering their relevance in the space of CCMAT. Such metrics include, among others, the number of forward citations a patent receives, as well as the backward citations and the size of the focal patent family. Third, we conduct our analysis on a firm level by sector for a sample of companies from different industries and compare the derived sustainability performance metrics with the firms’ environmental and financial performance based on carbon emissions and revenue data. The main outcome of this research is the development of sustainability-related metrics for firm-level environmental performance based on patent data. This research has the potential to complement existing ESG metrics from an innovation perspective by focusing on the environmental performance of companies and putting them into perspective to conventional financial performance metrics. We further provide insights into the environmental performance of companies on a sector level. This study has implications of both academic and practical nature. Academically, it contributes to the research on eco-innovation and the literature on innovation and intellectual property (IP). Practically, the study has implications for policymakers by deriving meaningful insights into the environmental performance from an innovation and IP perspective. Such metrics are further relevant for investors and potentially complement existing ESG data.

Keywords: climate change mitigation, innovation, patent portfolios, sustainability

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3708 Debate, Discontent and National Identity in a Secular State

Authors: Man Bahadur Shahu


The secularism is a controversial, debatable and misinterpreted issue since its endorsement in the 2007 constitution in Nepal. The unprecedented acts have been seen favoring and disfavoring against the secularism within the public domain—which creates the fallacies and suspicions in the rationalization and modernization process. This paper highlights three important points: first, the secularization suddenly ruptures the silence and institutional decline of religion within the state. Second, state effort on secularism simultaneously fosters the state neutrality and state separation from religious institutions that amplify the recognition of all religious groups through the equal treatment in their festivity, rituals, and practices. Third, no state would completely secular because of their deep-rooted mindset and disposition with their own religious faiths and beliefs that largely enhance intergroup conflict, dispute, riot and turbulence in post-secular period in the name of proselytizing and conversion.

Keywords: conflict, proselytizing, religion, secular

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3707 The Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Digital Transformation of Business Models

Authors: Chante Van Tonder, Bart Bossink, Chris Schachtebeck, Cecile Nieuwenhuizen


Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in national economies around the world, being contributors to economic and social well-being. Due to this, the success, growth and competitiveness of SMEs are critical. However, there are many factors that undermine this, such as resource constraints, poor information communication infrastructure (ICT), skills shortages and poor management. The Fourth Industrial Revolution offers new tools and opportunities such as digital transformation and business model innovation (BMI) to the SME sector to enhance its competitiveness. Adopting and leveraging digital technologies such as cloud, mobile technologies, big data and analytics can significantly improve business efficiencies, value proposition and customer experiences. Digital transformation can contribute to the growth and competitiveness of SMEs. However, SMEs are lagging behind in the participation of digital transformation. Extant research lacks conceptual and empirical research on how digital transformation drives BMI and the impact it has on the growth and competitiveness of SMEs. The purpose of the study is, therefore, to close this gap by developing and empirically validating a conceptual model to determine if SMEs are achieving BMI through digital transformation and how this is impacting the growth, competitiveness and overall business performance. An empirical study is being conducted on 300 SMEs, consisting of 150 South-African and 150 Dutch SMEs, to achieve this purpose. Structural equation modeling is used, since it is a multivariate statistical analysis technique that is used to analyse structural relationships and is a suitable research method to test the hypotheses in the model. Empirical research is needed to gather more insight into how and if SMEs are digitally transformed and how BMI can be driven through digital transformation. The findings of this study can be used by SME business owners, managers and employees at all levels. The findings will indicate if digital transformation can indeed impact the growth, competitiveness and overall performance of an SME, reiterating the importance and potential benefits of adopting digital technologies. In addition, the findings will also exhibit how BMI can be achieved in light of digital transformation. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in a highly relevant and important topic in management studies by analysing the impact of digital transformation on BMI on a large number of SMEs that are distinctly different in economic and cultural factors

Keywords: business models, business model innovation, digital transformation, SMEs

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3706 Accessible Mobile Augmented Reality App for Art Social Learning Based on Technology Acceptance Model

Authors: Covadonga Rodrigo, Felipe Alvarez Arrieta, Ana Garcia Serrano


Mobile augmented reality technologies have become very popular in the last years in the educational field. Researchers have studied how these technologies improve the engagement of the student and better understanding of the process of learning. But few studies have been made regarding the accessibility of these new technologies applied to digital humanities. The goal of our research is to develop an accessible mobile application with embedded augmented reality main characters of the art work and gamification events accompanied by multi-sensorial activities. The mobile app conducts a learning itinerary around the artistic work, driving the user experience in and out the museum. The learning design follows the inquiry-based methodology and social learning conducted through interaction with social networks. As for the software application, it’s being user-centered designed, following the universal design for learning (UDL) principles to assure the best level of accessibility for all. The mobile augmented reality application starts recognizing a marker from a masterpiece of a museum using the camera of the mobile device. The augmented reality information (history, author, 3D images, audio, quizzes) is shown through virtual main characters that come out from the art work. To comply with the UDL principles, we use a version of the technology acceptance model (TAM) to study the easiness of use and perception of usefulness, extended by the authors with specific indicators for measuring accessibility issues. Following a rapid prototype method for development, the first app has been recently produced, fulfilling the EN 301549 standard and W3C accessibility guidelines for mobile development. A TAM-based web questionnaire with 214 participants with different kinds of disabilities was previously conducted to gather information and feedback on user preferences from the artistic work on the Museo del Prado, the level of acceptance of technology innovations and the easiness of use of mobile elements. Preliminary results show that people with disabilities felt very comfortable while using mobile apps and internet connection. The augmented reality elements seem to offer an added value highly engaging and motivating for the students.

Keywords: H.5.1 (multimedia information systems), artificial, augmented and virtual realities, evaluation/methodology

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3705 Modeling of Hydrogen Production by Inductively Coupled Methane Plasma for Input Power Pin=700W

Authors: Abdelatif Gadoum, Djilali Benyoucef, Mouloudj Hadj, Alla Eddine Toubal Maamar, Mohamed Habib Allah Lahoual


Hydrogen occurs naturally in the form of chemical compounds, most often in water and hydrocarbons. The main objective of this study is 2D modeling of hydrogen production in inductively coupled plasma in methane at low pressure. In the present model, we include the motions and the collisions of both neutral and charged particles by considering 19 species (i.e in total ; neutrals, radicals, ions, and electrons), and more than 120 reactions (electron impact with methane, neutral-neutral, neutral-ions and surface reactions). The results show that the rate conversion of methane reach 90% and the hydrogen production is about 30%.

Keywords: hydrogen production, inductively coupled plasma, fluid model, methane plasma

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3704 Detailed Feasibility and Design of a Grid-Tied PV and Building Integrated Photovoltaic System for a Commercial Healthcare Building

Authors: Muhammad Ali Tariq


Grid-connected PV systems have drawn tremendous attention of researchers in the past recent years. The report elucidates the development of efficient and stable solar PV energy conversion systems after thorough analysis at various facets like PV module characteristics, its arrangement, power electronics and MPPT topologies, the stability of the grid, and economic viability over its lifetime. This report and feasibility study will try to bring all optimizing approaches and design calculations which are required for generating energy from BIPV and roof-mounted solar PV in a convenient, sustainable, and user-friendly way.

Keywords: building integrated photovoltaic system, grid integration, solar resource assessment, return on investment, multi MPPT-inverter, levelised cost of electricity

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3703 Techno-Economic Analysis of 1,3-Butadiene and ε-Caprolactam Production from C6 Sugars

Authors: Iris Vural Gursel, Jonathan Moncada, Ernst Worrell, Andrea Ramirez


In order to achieve the transition from a fossil to bio-based economy, biomass needs to replace fossil resources in meeting the world’s energy and chemical needs. This calls for development of biorefinery systems allowing cost-efficient conversion of biomass to chemicals. In biorefinery systems, feedstock is converted to key intermediates called platforms which are converted to wide range of marketable products. The C6 sugars platform stands out due to its unique versatility as precursor for multiple valuable products. Among the different potential routes from C6 sugars to bio-based chemicals, 1,3-butadiene and ε-caprolactam appear to be of great interest. Butadiene is an important chemical for the production of synthetic rubbers, while caprolactam is used in production of nylon-6. In this study, ex-ante techno-economic performance of 1,3-butadiene and ε-caprolactam routes from C6 sugars were assessed. The aim is to provide insight from an early stage of development into the potential of these new technologies, and the bottlenecks and key cost-drivers. Two cases for each product line were analyzed to take into consideration the effect of possible changes on the overall performance of both butadiene and caprolactam production. Conceptual process design for the processes was developed using Aspen Plus based on currently available data from laboratory experiments. Then, operating and capital costs were estimated and an economic assessment was carried out using Net Present Value (NPV) as indicator. Finally, sensitivity analyses on processing capacity and prices was done to take into account possible variations. Results indicate that both processes perform similarly from an energy intensity point of view ranging between 34-50 MJ per kg of main product. However, in terms of processing yield (kg of product per kg of C6 sugar), caprolactam shows higher yield by a factor 1.6-3.6 compared to butadiene. For butadiene production, with the economic parameters used in this study, for both cases studied, a negative NPV (-642 and -647 M€) was attained indicating economic infeasibility. For the caprolactam production, one of the cases also showed economic infeasibility (-229 M€), but the case with the higher caprolactam yield resulted in a positive NPV (67 M€). Sensitivity analysis indicated that the economic performance of caprolactam production can be improved with the increase in capacity (higher C6 sugars intake) reflecting benefits of the economies of scale. Furthermore, humins valorization for heat and power production was considered and found to have a positive effect. Butadiene production was found sensitive to the price of feedstock C6 sugars and product butadiene. However, even at 100% variation of the two parameters, butadiene production remained economically infeasible. Overall, the caprolactam production line shows higher economic potential in comparison to that of butadiene. The results are useful in guiding experimental research and providing direction for further development of bio-based chemicals.

Keywords: bio-based chemicals, biorefinery, C6 sugars, economic analysis, process modelling

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3702 Design and Realization of Computer Network Security Perception Control System

Authors: El Miloudi Djelloul


Based on analysis on applications by perception control technology in computer network security status and security protection measures, from the angles of network physical environment and network software system environmental security, this paper provides network security system perception control solution using Internet of Things (IOT), telecom and other perception technologies. Security Perception Control System is in the computer network environment, utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) of IOT and telecom integration technology to carry out integration design for systems. In the network physical security environment, RFID temperature, humidity, gas and perception technologies are used to do surveillance on environmental data, dynamic perception technology is used for network system security environment, user-defined security parameters, security log are used for quick data analysis, extends control on I/O interface, by development of API and AT command, Computer Network Security Perception Control based on Internet and GSM/GPRS is achieved, which enables users to carry out interactive perception and control for network security environment by WEB, E-MAIL as well as PDA, mobile phone short message and Internet. In the system testing, through middle ware server, security information data perception in real time with deviation of 3-5% was achieved; it proves the feasibility of Computer Network Security Perception Control System.

Keywords: computer network, perception control system security strategy, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

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3701 Cultural Invasion to Submerge Kalasha Culture: An Ethnomethodological Study

Authors: Fariyal Mir


The largest minority group over Pakistan lives in the farthest region of KPK, Chitral, which enclosed all its people in one closet despite their diversity. Chitral is considered a tourist hub and piece of paradise on earth. The major attraction of Chitral is the Kalash valley, which is also known as the homeland of kafir or 'weavers of the black robes'. Kalash people are counted as the primitive pagan tribe who practice culture, beliefs, and a lifestyle which dated beyond and distinct from the rest of the region. Their religious belief is known to be as 'animism', which means that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. They also believe that nature plays a highly significant and spiritual role in their daily life. As they have their different festivals like (a) Chilam Josh: celebrated in May to welcome spring, (b) Uchaw: which is observed in late August to ensure good crops of wheat, (c) Chanmos: which is being observed in December for more than two weeks, grand festival and is celebrated to welcome New Year. Their concept of purity and impurity is also very traditional and part of their religious belief as well. They used to call the man as pure 'Oshniru' (pure, holy) and woman as impure 'Chetu' (dirty, polluted, or contaminated). This study is based on ethnomethodology, which focuses on the way people make sense of their daily life. Their unique belief system connects them with the descendants of the armies of Alexander the Great, who called the Hindu Kush 'Parapamisus', meaning mountains over which eagles can fly. With time, their cultural system was molded into many ways, and the same is going on with the true beauty of Chitral in the form of conversion to Islam and adaptation of modern lifestyle. Ethnomethodology also supports this, that people are always good in their original form so they can be called the true representatives of their origin and cultural identity. It also argues that human society is based on the method of achieving and displaying not on the imposition of others' order and laws. So, everybody is obliged to respect and not to harm the beliefs and culture of all other human fellows. Some historians believe that these Kalash people are from Afghanistan and their origin is Saim which is known as Thailand, but those Kalash tribe from Afghanistan were forced to embrace Islam and only Pakistan keeps these people who own unique cultural values, ornaments and entire culture. Kalasha culture has been listed by UNESCO for consideration as World Heritage. It is necessary to save these people from the cultural invasion caused by modernity, forced religious conversion to maintain the pluralistic diversity of our country.

Keywords: Chitral, cultural identity, ethnomethodology, Kalasha culture

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3700 AI-Based Technologies for Improving Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Authors: Tewelde Gebreslassie Gebreanenia, Frie Ayalew Yimam, Seada Hussen Adem


Patient safety and quality of care are essential goals of health care delivery, but they are often compromised by human errors, system failures, or resource constraints. In a variety of healthcare contexts, artificial intelligence (AI), a quickly developing field, can provide fresh approaches to enhancing patient safety and treatment quality. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to decrease errors and enhance patient outcomes by carrying out tasks that would typically require human intelligence. These tasks include the detection and prevention of adverse events, monitoring and warning patients and clinicians about changes in vital signs, symptoms, or risks, offering individualized and evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention, and assessing and enhancing the effectiveness of health care systems and services. This study examines the state-of-the-art and potential future applications of AI-based technologies for enhancing patient safety and care quality, as well as the opportunities and problems they present for patients, policymakers, researchers, and healthcare providers. In order to ensure the safe, efficient, and responsible application of AI in healthcare, the paper also addresses the ethical, legal, social, and technical challenges that must be addressed and regulated.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, health care, human intelligence, patient safty, quality of care

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3699 Land Use Changes in Two Mediterranean Coastal Regions: Do Urban Areas Matter?

Authors: L. Salvati, D. Smiraglia, S. Bajocco, M. Munafò


This paper focuses on Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LULCC) occurred in the urban coastal regions of the Mediterranean basin in the last thirty years. LULCC were assessed diachronically (1975-2006) in two urban areas, Rome (Italy) and Athens (Greece), by using CORINE land cover maps. In strictly coastal territories a persistent growth of built-up areas at the expenses of both agricultural and forest land uses was found. On the contrary, a different pattern was observed in the surrounding inland areas, where a high conversion rate of the agricultural land uses to both urban and forest land uses was recorded. The impact of city growth on the complex pattern of coastal LULCC is finally discussed.

Keywords: land use changes, coastal region, Rome prefecture, Attica, southern Europe

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3698 Analysis of BSF Layer N-Gaas/P-Gaas/P+-Gaas Solar Cell

Authors: Abderrahmane Hemmani, Hamid Khachab, Dennai Benmoussa, Hassane Benslimane, Abderrachid Helmaoui


Back surface field GaAs with n -p-p+ structures are found to have better characteristics than the conventional solar cells. A theory, based on the transport of both minority carriers under the charge neutrality condition, has been developed in the present paper which explains behavior of the back surface field solar cells. That is reported with an efficiency of 25,05% (Jsc=33.5mA/cm2, Vco=0.87v and fill factor 86% under AM1.5 global conditions). We present the effect of technological parameters of the p+ layer on the conversion efficiency on the solar cell. Good agreement is achieved between our results and the simulation results given the variation of the equivalent recombination velocity to p+ layer as a function of BSF thickness and BSF doping.

Keywords: back surface field, GaAs, solar cell, technological parameters

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3697 Investigating the Potential for Introduction of Warm Mix Asphalt in Kuwait Using the Volcanic Ash

Authors: H. Al-Baghli, F. Al-Asfour


The current applied asphalt technology for Kuwait roads pavement infrastructure is the hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, including both pen grade and polymer modified bitumen (PMBs), that is produced and compacted at high temperature levels ranging from 150 to 180 °C. There are no current specifications for warm and cold mix asphalts in Kuwait’s Ministry of Public Works (MPW) asphalt standard and specifications. The process of the conventional HMA is energy intensive and directly responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases and other environmental hazards into the atmosphere leading to significant environmental impacts and raising health risk to labors at site. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology, a sustainable alternative preferred in multiple countries, has many environmental advantages because it requires lower production temperatures than HMA by 20 to 40 °C. The reduction of temperatures achieved by WMA originates from multiple technologies including foaming and chemical or organic additives that aim to reduce bitumen and improve mix workability. This paper presents a literature review of WMA technologies and techniques followed by an experimental study aiming to compare the results of produced WMA samples, using a water containing additive (foaming process), at different compaction temperatures with the HMA control volumetric properties mix designed in accordance to the new MPW’s specifications and guidelines.

Keywords: warm-mix asphalt, water-bearing additives, foaming-based process, chemical additives, organic additives

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3696 Urban Green Space Analysis Incorporated at Bodakdev, Ahmedabad City Based on the RS and GIS Techniques

Authors: Nartan Rajpriya


City is a multiplex ecological system made up of social, economic and natural sub systems. Green space system is the foundation of the natural system. It is also suitable part of natural productivity in the urban structure. It is dispensable for constructing a high quality human settlements and a high standard ecocity. Ahmedabad is the fastest growing city of India. Today urban green space is under strong pressure in Ahmedabad city. Due to increasing urbanization, combined with a spatial planning policy of densification, more people face the prospect of living in less green residential environments. In this research analyzes the importance of available Green Space at Bodakdev Park, Ahmedabad, using remote sensing and GIS technologies. High resolution IKONOS image and LISS IV data has been used in this project. This research answers the questions like: • Temporal changes in urban green space area. • Proximity to heavy traffic or roads or any recreational facilities. • Importance in terms of health. • Availability of quality infrastructure. • Available green space per area, per sq. km and per total population. This projects incorporates softwares like ArcGIS, Ecognition and ERDAS Imagine, GPS technologies etc. Methodology includes the field work and collection of other relevant data while preparation of land use maps using the IKONOS imagery which is corrected using GPS.

Keywords: urban green space, ecocity, IKONOS, LISS IV

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3695 Techno-Economic Comparative Analysis of Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) to Solar Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) for Developing Countries: A Case Study of Kenya and Zimbabwe

Authors: Kathy Mwende Kiema, Remember Samu, Murat Fahrioglu


The potential of power generation from solar resources has been established as being robust in sub Saharan Africa. Consequently many governments in the region have encouraged the exploitation of this resource through, inter alia direct funding, subsidies and legislation (such as feed in tariffs). Through a case study of Kenya and Zimbabwe it is illustrated that a good deal of proposed grid connected solar power projects and related feed in tariffs have failed to take into account key economic and technical considerations in the selection of solar technologies to be implemented. This paper therefore presents a comparison between concentrated solar power (CSP) and solar photovoltaic (PV) to assess which technology is better suited to meet the energy demand for a given set of prevailing conditions. The evaluation criteria employed is levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), net present value (NPV) and plant capacity factor. The outcome is therefore a guide to aid policy makers and project developers in choosing between CSP and PV given certain solar irradiance values, planned nominal plant capacity, availability of water resource and a consideration of whether or not the power plant is intended to compete with existing technologies, primarily fossil fuel powered, in meeting the peak load.load.

Keywords: capacity factor, peak load, solar PV, solar CSP

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3694 Visual Text Analytics Technologies for Real-Time Big Data: Chronological Evolution and Issues

Authors: Siti Azrina B. A. Aziz, Siti Hafizah A. Hamid


New approaches to analyze and visualize data stream in real-time basis is important in making a prompt decision by the decision maker. Financial market trading and surveillance, large-scale emergency response and crowd control are some example scenarios that require real-time analytic and data visualization. This situation has led to the development of techniques and tools that support humans in analyzing the source data. With the emergence of Big Data and social media, new techniques and tools are required in order to process the streaming data. Today, ranges of tools which implement some of these functionalities are available. In this paper, we present chronological evolution evaluation of technologies for supporting of real-time analytic and visualization of the data stream. Based on the past research papers published from 2002 to 2014, we gathered the general information, main techniques, challenges and open issues. The techniques for streaming text visualization are identified based on Text Visualization Browser in chronological order. This paper aims to review the evolution of streaming text visualization techniques and tools, as well as to discuss the problems and challenges for each of identified tools.

Keywords: information visualization, visual analytics, text mining, visual text analytics tools, big data visualization

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3693 Challenges of New Technologies in the Field of Criminal Law: The Protection of the Right to Privacy in the Spanish Penal Code

Authors: Deborah Garcia-Magna


The use of new technologies has become widespread in the last decade, giving rise to various risks associated with the transfer of personal data and the publication of sensitive material on social media. There are already several supranational instruments that seek to protect the citizens involved in this growing traffic of personal information and, especially, the most vulnerable people, such as minors, who are also the ones who make the most intense use of these new means of communication. In this sense, the configuration of the concept of privacy as a legal right has necessarily been influenced by these new social uses and supranational instruments. The researcher considers correct the decision to introduce sexting as a new criminal behaviour in the Penal Code in 2015, but questions the concrete manner in which it has been made. To this end, an updated review of the various options that our legal system already offered is made, assessing whether these legal options adequately addressed the new social needs and guidelines from jurisprudence and other supranational instruments. Some important issues emerge as to whether the principles of fragmentarity and subsidiarity may be violated since the new article 197.7 of the Spanish Penal Code could refer to very varied behaviours and protect not only particularly vulnerable persons. In this sense, the research focuses on issues such as the concept of 'seriousness' of the infringement of privacy, the possible reckless conduct of the victim, who hang over its own private material to third parties, the affection to other legal rights such as freedom and sexual indemnity, the possible problems of concurrent offences, etc.

Keywords: criminal law reform, ECHR jurisprudence, right to privacy, sexting

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3692 Emerging Film Makers in Tamil Cinema Liberated by Digital Media

Authors: Valarmathi Subramaniam


Ever since the first Indian feature film was produced and released by Shri Dada Saheb Phalke in the year 1931, the Indian Film Industry has grown leaps and bounds. The Indian Film Industry stands as the largest film industry in the world, and it produces more than a thousand films every year with investments and revenues worth several billion rupees. As per the official report published by UNESCO in the year 2017 on their website, it states that in the year 2015, India has produced one thousand nine hundred and seven feature films using digital technology. Not only is the cinema adapted to digital technologies, but the digital technologies also opened up avenues for talents to enter the cinema industry. This paper explores such talents who have emerged in the film industry without any background, neither academic nor from their family background, but holding digital media as their weapon. The research involves two variants of filmmaking technology – Celluloid and Digital. The study used a selective sampling of films that were released from the year 2020-to 2022. The sample has been organized, resulting in popular and fresh talents in the editing phase of filmmaking. There were 48 editors, of which 12 editors were not popular and 6 of them were fresh into the film without any background. Interview methods were used to collect data on what helped them to get into the industry straight. The study found that the digital medium and the digital technology enabled them to get into the film industry.

Keywords: digital media, digital in cinema, digital era talents, emerging new talents

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3691 The Transformative Landscape of the University of the Western Cape’s Elearning Center: Institutionalizing ELearning

Authors: Paul Dankers, Juliet Stoltenkamp, Carolynne Kies


In May 2005, the University of the Western Cape (UWC) established an eLearning Division (ED) that, over the past 18 years, accelerated into the institutionalization of an efficient eLearning Centre. The initial objective of the ED was to incessantly align itself with emerging technologies caused by digital transformation, which progressively impacted Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) globally. In this paper, we present how the UWC eLearning Division (ED) first evolved into the eLearning Development and Support Unit (EDUS), currently called the ‘Centre for Innovative Education and Communication Technologies (CIECT). CIECT was strategically separated from the Department of Information and Communication Services (ICS) in 2009 and repositioned as an independent structure at UWC. Using a comparative research method, we highlight the transformative eLearning landscape at UWC by doing a detailed account of the shift in practices. Our research method will determine the initial vision and outcomes of institutionalizing an eLearning division. The study aims to compare across space or time the eLearning division’s rate of growth. By comparing the progressive growth of the UWCs eLearning division over the years, we will be able to document the successes and achievements of the eLearning division precisely. This study’s outcomes will act as a reference for novel research subjects on formalising eLearning. More research that delves into the effectiveness of having an eLearning division at HEIs in support of students’ teaching and learning is needed.

Keywords: eLearning, institutionalization, teaching and learning, transformation

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3690 Nuclear Decay Data Evaluation for 217Po

Authors: S. S. Nafee, A. M. Al-Ramady, S. A. Shaheen


Evaluated nuclear decay data for the 217Po nuclide ispresented in the present work. These data include recommended values for the half-life T1/2, α-, β--, and γ-ray emission energies and probabilities. Decay data from 221Rn α and 217Bi β—decays are presented. Q(α) has been updated based on the recent published work of the Atomic Mass Evaluation AME2012. In addition, the logft values were calculated using the Logft program from the ENSDF evaluation package. Moreover, the total internal conversion electrons has been calculated using Bricc program. Meanwhile, recommendation values or the multi-polarities have been assigned based on recently measurement yield a better intensity balance at the 254 keV and 264 keV gamma transitions.

Keywords: nuclear decay data evaluation, mass evaluation, total converison coefficients, atomic mass evaluation

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3689 MXene Mediated Layered 2D-3D-2D g-C3N4@WO3@Ti3C2 Multijunctional Heterostructure with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Properties

Authors: Lekgowa Collen Makola, Cecil Naphtaly Moro Ouma, Sharon Moeno, Langelihle Dlamini


In recent years, advancement in the field of nanotechnology has evolved new strategies to address energy and environmental issues. Amongst the developing technologies, visible-light-driven photocatalysis is regarded as a sustainable approach for energy production and environmental detoxifications, where transition metal oxides (TMOs) and metal-free carbon-based semiconductors such as graphitic carbon nitride (CN) evidenced notable potential in this matter. Herein, g-C₃N₄@WO₃@Ti₃C₂Tx three-component multijunction photocatalyst was fabricated via facile ultrasonic-assisted self-assembly, followed by calcination to facilitate extensive integrations of the materials. A series of different Ti₃C₂ wt% loading in the g-C₃N4@WO₃@Ti₃C₂Tx were prepared and represented as 1-CWT, 3-CWT, 5-CWT, and 7-CWT corresponding to 1, 3, 5, and 7wt%, respectively. Systematic characterization using spectroscopic and microscopic techniques were employed to validate the successful preparation of the photocatalysts. Enhanced optoelectronic and photoelectrochemical properties were observed for the WO₃@Ti₃C2@g-C₃N4 heterostructure with respect to the individual materials. Photoluminescence spectra and Nyquist plots show restrained recombination rates and improved photocarrier conductivities, respectively, and this was credited to the synergistic coupling effect and the presence of highly conductive Ti₃C2 MXene. The strong interfacial contact surfaces upon the formation of the composite were confirmed using XPS. Multiple charge transfer mechanisms were proposed for the WO3@Ti3C₂@g-C3N4, which couples Z-scheme and Schottky-junction mediated with Ti3C2 MXene. Bode phase plots show improved charge carrier life-times upon the formation of the multijunctional photocatalyst. Moreover, transient photocurrent density of 7-CWT is 40 and seven (7) times higher compared to that of g-C₃N4 and WO3, correspondingly. Unlike in the traditional Z-Scheme, the formed ternary heterostructure possesses interfaces through the metallic 2D Ti₃C₂ MXene, which provided charge transfer channels for efficient photocarrier transfers with carrier concentrations (ND) of 17.49×1021 cm-3 and 4.86% photo-to-chemical conversion efficiency. The as-prepared ternary g-C₃N₄@WO₃@Ti₃C₂Tx exhibited excellent photoelectrochemical properties with reserved redox band potential potencies to facilitate efficient photo-oxidation and -reduction reactions. The fabricated multijunction photocatalyst exhibits potentials to be used in an extensive range of photocatalytic process vis., production of valuable hydrocarbons from CO₂, production of H₂, and degradation of a plethora of pollutants from wastewater.

Keywords: photocatalysis, Z-scheme, multijunction heterostructure, Ti₃C₂ MXene, g-C₃N₄

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3688 Experimental Assessment of Alkaline Leaching of Lepidolite

Authors: António Fiúza, Aurora Futuro, Joana Monteiro, Joaquim Góis


Lepidolite is an important lithium mineral that, to the author’s best knowledge, has not been used to produce lithium hydroxide, which is necessary for energy conversion to electric vehicles. Alkaline leaching of lithium concentrates allows the establishment of a production diagram avoiding most of the environmental drawbacks that are associated with the usage of acid reagents. The tested processes involve a pretreatment by digestion at high temperatures with additives, followed by leaching at hot atmospheric pressure. The solutions obtained must be compatible with solutions from the leaching of spodumene concentrates, allowing the development of a common treatment diagram, an important accomplishment for the feasible exploitation of Portuguese resources. Statistical programming and interpretation techniques minimize the laboratory effort required by conventional approaches and allow phenomenological comprehension.

Keywords: alkaline leaching, lithium, research design, statistical interpretation

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3687 An Active Rectifier with Time-Domain Delay Compensation to Enhance the Power Conversion Efficiency

Authors: Shao-Ku Kao


This paper presents an active rectifier with time-domain delay compensation to enhance the efficiency. A delay calibration circuit is designed to convert delay time to voltage and adaptive control on/off delay in variable input voltage. This circuit is designed in 0.18 mm CMOS process. The input voltage range is from 2 V to 3.6 V with the output voltage from 1.8 V to 3.4 V. The efficiency can maintain more than 85% when the load from 50 Ω ~ 1500 Ω for 3.6 V input voltage. The maximum efficiency is 92.4 % at output power to be 38.6 mW for 3.6 V input voltage.

Keywords: wireless power transfer, active diode, delay compensation, time to voltage converter, PCE

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3686 Inactivation of Rhodotorula spp. 74 with Cold Atmospheric Plasma

Authors: Zoran Herceg, Višnja Stulić, Tomislava Vukušić, Anet Režek Jambrak


High voltage electrical discharge is a new technology used for inactivation of pathogen microorganisms. Pathogen yeasts can cause diseases in humans if they are ingested. Nowadays new technologies have become the focus of researching all over the world. Rhodotorula is known as yeast that can cause diseases in humans. The aim of this study was to examine whether the high voltage electrical discharge treatment generated in gas phase has an influence on yeast reduction and recovery of Rhodotorula spp 74 in pure culture. Rhodotorula spp. 74 was treated in 200 mL of model solution. Treatment time (5 and 10 min), frequency (60 and 90 Hz) and injected gas (air or argon 99,99%) were changed. Titanium high voltage needle was used as high voltage electrode (positive polarity) through which air or argon was injected at the gas flow of 0.6 L/min. Experimental design and statistical analyses were obtained by Statgraphics Centurion software (StatPoint Technologies, Inc., VA, USA). The best inactivation rate 1.7 log10 reduction was observed after the 10 min of treatment, frequency of 90 Hz and injected air. Also with a longer treatment time inactivation rate was higher. After the 24 h recovery of treated samples was observed. Therefore the further optimization of method is needed to understand the mechanism of yeasts inactivation and cells recovery after the treatment. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to acknowledge the support by Croatian Science Foundation and research project ‘Application of electrical discharge plasma for preservation of liquid foods’.

Keywords: rhodotorula spp. 74, electrical discharge plasma, inactivation, stress response

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3685 Design and Fabrication of Electricity Generating Speed Breaker

Authors: Haider Aamir, Muhammad Ali Khalid


Electricity harvesting speed bump (EHSB) is speed breaker of conventional shape, but the difference is that it is not fixed, rather it moves up and down, and electricity can be generated from its vibrating motion. This speed bump consists of an upper cover which will move up and down, a shaft mechanism which will be used to drive the generator and a rack and pinion mechanism which will connect the cover and shaft. There is a spring mechanism to return the cover to its initial state when a vehicle has passed over the bump. Produced energy in the past was up to 80 Watts. For this purpose, a clutch mechanism is used so that both the up-down movements of the cover can be used to drive the generator. Mechanical Motion Rectifier (MMR) mechanism ensures the conversion of both the linear motions into rotational motion which is used to drive the generator.

Keywords: electricity harvesting, generator, rack and pinion, stainless steel shaft

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3684 Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on A PEM Fuel Cell Performance

Authors: Remzi Şahin, Sadık Ata, Kevser Dincer


In this study, performance of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell was experimentally investigated. The efficiency of energy conversion in PEM fuel cells is dependent on the catalytic activities of the catalysts used in the cathode and anode of membrane electrode assemblies. Membrane is considered the heart of PEM fuel cells without which they cannot produce electricity. PEM fuel cell performance increased with coating carbon nanotube (CNT). CNT show a unique combination of stiffness, strength, and tenacity compared to other fiber materials which usually lack one or more of these properties. Two different experiments were performed and the membrane performance has been determined by repeating the two experiments that were done before coating. The purposes of these experiments are the observation of power change due to a temperature change in the same voltage value.

Keywords: carbon nanotube (CNT), proton exchange membrane (PEM), fuel cell, spin method

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3683 An Interdisciplinary Maturity Model for Accompanying Sustainable Digital Transformation Processes in a Smart Residential Quarter

Authors: Wesley Preßler, Lucie Schmidt


Digital transformation is playing an increasingly important role in the development of smart residential quarters. In order to accompany and steer this process and ultimately make the success of the transformation efforts measurable, it is helpful to use an appropriate maturity model. However, conventional maturity models for digital transformation focus primarily on the evaluation of processes and neglect the information and power imbalances between the stakeholders, which affects the validity of the results. The Multi-Generation Smart Community (mGeSCo) research project is developing an interdisciplinary maturity model that integrates the dimensions of digital literacy, interpretive patterns, and technology acceptance to address this gap. As part of the mGeSCo project, the technological development of selected dimensions in the Smart Quarter Jena-Lobeda (Germany) is being investigated. A specific maturity model, based on Cohen's Smart Cities Wheel, evaluates the central dimensions Working, Living, Housing and Caring. To improve the reliability and relevance of the maturity assessment, the factors Digital Literacy, Interpretive Patterns and Technology Acceptance are integrated into the developed model. The digital literacy dimension examines stakeholders' skills in using digital technologies, which influence their perception and assessment of technological maturity. Digital literacy is measured by means of surveys, interviews, and participant observation, using the European Commission's Digital Literacy Framework (DigComp) as a basis. Interpretations of digital technologies provide information about how individuals perceive technologies and ascribe meaning to them. However, these are not mere assessments, prejudices, or stereotyped perceptions but collective patterns, rules, attributions of meaning and the cultural repertoire that leads to these opinions and attitudes. Understanding these interpretations helps in assessing the overarching readiness of stakeholders to digitally transform a/their neighborhood. This involves examining people's attitudes, beliefs, and values about technology adoption, as well as their perceptions of the benefits and risks associated with digital tools. These insights provide important data for a holistic view and inform the steps needed to prepare individuals in the neighborhood for a digital transformation. Technology acceptance is another crucial factor for successful digital transformation to examine the willingness of individuals to adopt and use new technologies. Surveys or questionnaires based on Davis' Technology Acceptance Model can be used to complement interpretive patterns to measure neighborhood acceptance of digital technologies. Integrating the dimensions of digital literacy, interpretive patterns and technology acceptance enables the development of a roadmap with clear prerequisites for initiating a digital transformation process in the neighborhood. During the process, maturity is measured at different points in time and compared with changes in the aforementioned dimensions to ensure sustainable transformation. Participation, co-creation, and co-production are essential concepts for a successful and inclusive digital transformation in the neighborhood context. This interdisciplinary maturity model helps to improve the assessment and monitoring of sustainable digital transformation processes in smart residential quarters. It enables a more comprehensive recording of the factors that influence the success of such processes and supports the development of targeted measures to promote digital transformation in the neighborhood context.

Keywords: digital transformation, interdisciplinary, maturity model, neighborhood

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