Search results for: control group
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 16632

Search results for: control group

15552 Optimum Parameter of a Viscous Damper for Seismic and Wind Vibration

Authors: Soltani Amir, Hu Jiaxin


Determination of optimal parameters of a passive control system device is the primary objective of this study. Expanding upon the use of control devices in wind and earthquake hazard reduction has led to development of various control systems. The advantage of non-linearity characteristics in a passive control device and the optimal control method using LQR algorithm are explained in this study. Finally, this paper introduces a simple approach to determine optimum parameters of a nonlinear viscous damper for vibration control of structures. A MATLAB program is used to produce the dynamic motion of the structure considering the stiffness matrix of the SDOF frame and the non-linear damping effect. This study concluded that the proposed system (variable damping system) has better performance in system response control than a linear damping system. Also, according to the energy dissipation graph, the total energy loss is greater in non-linear damping system than other systems.

Keywords: passive control system, damping devices, viscous dampers, control algorithm

Procedia PDF Downloads 471
15551 Depression among Pregnant Women with Husbands Abroad during the Pregnancy

Authors: Usama Bin Zubair, Syed Azhar Ali


Introduction: Depression is emerging as a major public health problem in all parts of the world. Developing countries have a unique socioeconomic structure that affects the lives of its inhabitants in several ways. Going abroad for employment is one of the common social problems which have been faced by young males in developing countries. This included both highly qualified individuals as well as the labor class. Objective: To determine the difference in the presence of depressive symptoms among pregnant women with husbands living abroad and those with husbands living with them in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Methods: The sample population comprised of pregnant women reporting for an antenatal checkup at Amna hospital Rawalakot. Cases constituted the pregnant women with husbands living abroad while controls were the pregnant women with husbands living with them. Patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) was used to record the presence and severity of depressive symptoms. Age, gestation, parity, rural or urban origin, education, level of family income, daily contact hours on the telephone or what’s app, previous pregnancy loss or complications, number of years abroad and visits to home per year were associated with the presence of depressive symptoms. Findings: The mean age of the study participants was 29.73 ±5.395 years. Sixty-six had significant depression in the case group, while 14 had in the control group (p-value<0.001). Education and rural background had a significant difference between the case and the control group. Less number of visits per year of the husband was strongly linked with the presence of depressive symptoms among the cases. Conclusion: Pregnant women with husbands abroad were found more prone to develop depressive symptoms as compared to those with husbands living with them. Special attention should be paid to the women whose husband had a lesser number of visits to the country.

Keywords: depression, pregnancy, lack of support, war zone

Procedia PDF Downloads 125
15550 Speed Power Control of Double Field Induction Generator

Authors: Ali Mausmi, Ahmed Abbou, Rachid El Akhrif


This research paper aims to reduce the chattering phenomenon due to control by sliding mode control applied on a wind energy conversion system based on the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Our goal is to offset the effect of parametric uncertainties and come as close as possible to the dynamic response solicited by the control law in the ideal case and therefore force the active and reactive power generated by the DFIG to accurately follow the reference values which are provided to it. The simulation results using Matlab / Simulink demonstrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed technique while maintaining the simplicity of control by first order sliding mode.

Keywords: control of speed, correction of the equivalent command, induction generator, sliding mode

Procedia PDF Downloads 377
15549 Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Signal Control System for Mixed Traffic Conditions

Authors: Aneesh Babu, S. P. Anusha


A dynamic signal control system combines traditional traffic lights with an array of sensors to intelligently control vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The present study focus on evaluating the performance of dynamic signal control systems for mixed traffic conditions. Data collected from four different approaches to a typical four-legged signalized intersection at Trivandrum city in the Kerala state of India is used for the study. Performance of three other dynamic signal control methods, namely (i) Non-sequential method (ii) Webster design for consecutive signal cycle using flow as input, and (iii) dynamic signal control using RFID delay as input, were evaluated. The evaluation of the dynamic signal control systems was carried out using a calibrated VISSIM microsimulation model. Python programming was used to integrate the dynamic signal control algorithm through the COM interface in VISSIM. The intersection delay obtained from different dynamic signal control methods was compared with the delay obtained from fixed signal control. Based on the study results, it was observed that the intersection delay was reduced significantly by using dynamic signal control methods. The dynamic signal control method using delay from RFID sensors resulted in a higher percentage reduction in delay and hence is a suitable choice for implementation under mixed traffic conditions. The developed dynamic signal control strategies can be implemented in ITS applications under mixed traffic conditions.

Keywords: dynamic signal control, intersection delay, mixed traffic conditions, RFID sensors

Procedia PDF Downloads 108
15548 Education of Mothers and Influence on the Development of Intrauterine Growth Restriction

Authors: Sabina Garayeva


To determine the significant risk factors for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), we carried out a thorough study of the social status of the parents of children with IUGR. We observed 315 mothers who gave birth to children with (IUGR), of which 172 mothers with asymmetric type and 143 mothers with symmetric type of IUGR. Through a detailed survey was gathered detailed information about education of parents. The results show that the majority of mothers with IUGR had secondary education (44,8 ± 2,8%), and fathers - higher education (35,2 ± 2,7%). Whereas in the control group, the largest number of parents had higher education (mother 35,3 ± 4,4%, fathers 42,9 ± 4,5%). Number of mothers with secondary education with IUGR was significantly (p1 <0,01; χ2 = 22,67) differs from the number of mothers with physiological pregnancy with the same level of education. Meanwhile, in the group with a symmetrical embodiment of IUGR mothers with secondary formation of significantly greater 53,1 ± 4,2%, than the asymmetric embodiment IUGR 37,8 ± 3,7% (p2 <0,05; χ2 = 8 06). Among fathers with secondary education significant difference was noted in the symmetric version of IUGR 37,8 ± 4,1% more than in the control group (p1 <0,05), and among parents of children with asymmetric IUGR option prevailed fathers with higher education - 37 2 ± 3,7%. Thus, our results revealed a low educational level of the mother as a risk factor for IUGR, which further help to develop preventive and therapeutic measures to eliminate the severity of its consequences. As seen from the data presented, mothers of children with asymmetric IUGR had a school education and fathers - higher education, while in the symmetric type of both parents had secondary education. It is found that frequency of children, born with IUGR, of mothers - housewives and fathers, engage in physical labor, was high. Thus, the analysis conducted by the social status of the parents with IUGR revealed a low level of education and unemployed mothers as risk factors for this disease, which in the future will help to develop preventive and therapeutic measures to eliminate the severity of its.

Keywords: intrauterine growth restriction, education of mothers, education influence, IUGR

Procedia PDF Downloads 388
15547 ZBTB17 Gene rs10927875 Polymorphism in Slovak Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Authors: I. Boroňová, J. Bernasovská, J. Kmec, E. Petrejčíková


Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a severe cardiovascular disorder characterized by progressive systolic dysfunction due to cardiac chamber dilatation and inefficient myocardial contractility often leading to chronic heart failure. Recently, a genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on DCM indicate that the ZBTB17 gene rs10927875 single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with DCM. The aim of the study was to identify the distribution of ZBTB17 gene rs10927875 polymorphism in 50 Slovak patients with DCM and 80 healthy control subjects using the Custom Taqman®SNP Genotyping assays. Risk factors detected at baseline in each group included age, sex, body mass index, smoking status, diabetes and blood pressure. The mean age of patients with DCM was 52.9±6.3 years; the mean age of individuals in control group was 50.3±8.9 years. The distribution of investigated genotypes of rs10927875 polymorphism within ZBTB17 gene in the cohort of Slovak patients with DCM was as follows: CC (38.8%), CT (55.1%), TT (6.1%), in controls: CC (43.8%), CT (51.2%), TT (5.0%). The risk allele T was more common among the patients with dilated cardiomyopathy than in normal controls (33.7% versus 30.6%). The differences in genotype or allele frequencies of ZBTB17 gene rs10927875 polymorphism were not statistically significant (p=0.6908; p=0.6098). The results of this study suggest that ZBTB17 gene rs10927875 polymorphism may be a risk factor for susceptibility to DCM in Slovak patients with DCM. Studies of numerous files and additional functional investigations are needed to fully understand the roles of genetic associations.

Keywords: ZBTB17 gene, rs10927875 polymorphism, dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular disorder

Procedia PDF Downloads 406
15546 Assessment of Influence of Short-Lasting Whole-Body Vibration on Joint Position Sense and Body Balance–A Randomised Masked Study

Authors: Anna Slupik, Anna Mosiolek, Sebastian Wojtowicz, Dariusz Bialoszewski


Introduction: Whole-body vibration (WBV) uses high frequency mechanical stimuli generated by a vibration plate and transmitted through bone, muscle and connective tissues to the whole body. Research has shown that long-term vibration-plate training improves neuromuscular facilitation, especially in afferent neural pathways, responsible for the conduction of vibration and proprioceptive stimuli, muscle function, balance and proprioception. Some researchers suggest that the vibration stimulus briefly inhibits the conduction of afferent signals from proprioceptors and can interfere with the maintenance of body balance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a single set of exercises associated with whole-body vibration on the joint position sense and body balance. Material and methods: The study enrolled 55 people aged 19-24 years. These individuals were randomly divided into a test group (30 persons) and a control group (25 persons). Both groups performed the same set of exercises on a vibration plate. The following vibration parameters: frequency of 20Hz and amplitude of 3mm, were used in the test group. The control group performed exercises on the vibration plate while it was off. All participants were instructed to perform six dynamic exercises lasting 30 seconds each with a 60-second period of rest between them. The exercises involved large muscle groups of the trunk, pelvis and lower limbs. Measurements were carried out before and immediately after exercise. Joint position sense (JPS) was measured in the knee joint for the starting position at 45° in an open kinematic chain. JPS error was measured using a digital inclinometer. Balance was assessed in a standing position with both feet on the ground with the eyes open and closed (each test lasting 30 sec). Balance was assessed using Matscan with FootMat 7.0 SAM software. The surface of the ellipse of confidence and front-back as well as right-left swing were measured to assess balance. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 10.0 PL software. Results: There were no significant differences between the groups, both before and after the exercise (p> 0.05). JPS did not change in both the test (10.7° vs. 8.4°) and control groups (9.0° vs. 8.4°). No significant differences were shown in any of the test parameters during balance tests with the eyes open or closed in both the test and control groups (p> 0.05). Conclusions. 1. Deterioration in proprioception or balance was not observed immediately after the vibration stimulus. This suggests that vibration-induced blockage of proprioceptive stimuli conduction can have only a short-lasting effect that occurs only as long as a vibration stimulus is present. 2. Short-term use of vibration in treatment does not impair proprioception and seems to be safe for patients with proprioceptive impairment. 3. These results need to be supplemented with an assessment of proprioception during the application of vibration stimuli. Additionally, the impact of vibration parameters used in the exercises should be evaluated.

Keywords: balance, joint position sense, proprioception, whole body vibration

Procedia PDF Downloads 329
15545 Growth Performance and Critical Supersaturation of Heterogeneous Condensation for High Concentration of Insoluble Sub-Micron Particles

Authors: Jie Yin, Jun Zhang


Measuring the growth performance and critical supersaturation of particle group have a high reference value for constructing a supersaturated water vapor environment that can improve the removal efficiency of the high-concentration particle group. The critical supersaturation and the variation of the growth performance with supersaturation for high-concentration particles were measured by a flow cloud chamber. Findings suggest that the influence of particle concentration on the growth performance will reduce with the increase of supersaturation. Reducing residence time and increasing particle concentration have similar effects on the growth performance of the high-concentration particle group. Increasing particle concentration and shortening residence time will increase the critical supersaturation of the particle group. The critical supersaturation required to activate a high-concentration particle group is lower than that of the single-particle when the minimum particle size in the particle group is the same as that of a single particle.

Keywords: sub-micron particles, heterogeneous condensation, critical supersaturation, nucleation

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15544 Facilitating Active Reading Strategies through Caps Chart to Foster Elementary EFL Learners’ Reading Skills and Reading Competency

Authors: Michelle Bulawan, Mei-Hua Chen


Reading comprehension is crucial for acquiring information, analyzing critically, and achieving academic proficiency. However, there is a lack of growth in reading comprehension skills beyond fourth grade. The developmental shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn" occurs around this stage. Factual knowledge and diverse views in articles enhance reading comprehension abilities. Nevertheless, some face difficulties due to evolving textual requirements, such as expanding vocabulary and using longer, more complex terminology. Most research on reading strategies has been conducted at the tertiary and secondary levels, while few have focused on the elementary levels. Furthermore, the use of character, ask, problem, solution (CAPS) charts in teaching reading has also been hardly explored. Thus, the researcher decided to explore the facilitation of active reading strategies through the CAPS chart and address the following research questions: a) What differences existed in elementary EFL learners' reading competency among those who engaged in active reading strategies and those who did not? b) What are the learners’ metacognitive skills of those who engage in active reading strategies and those who do not, and what are their effects on their reading competency? c) For those participants who engage in active reading activities, what are their perceptions about incorporating active reading activities into their English classroom learning? Two groups of elementary EFL learners, each with 18 students of the same level of English proficiency, participated in this study. Group A served as the control group, while Group B served as the experimental group. Two teachers also participated in this research; one of them was the researcher who handled the experimental group. The treatment lasts for one whole semester or seventeen weeks. In addition to the CAPS chart, the researcher also used the metacognitive awareness of reading strategy inventory (MARSI) and a ten-item, five-point Likert scale survey.

Keywords: active reading, EFL learners, metacognitive skills, reading competency, student’s perception

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15543 Implemented Cascade with Feed Forward by Enthalpy Balance Superheated Steam Temperature Control for a Boiler with Distributed Control System

Authors: Kanpop Saion, Sakreya Chitwong


Control of superheated steam temperature in the steam generation is essential for the efficiency safety and increment age of the boiler. Conventional cascade PID temperature control in the super heater is known to be efficient to compensate disturbance. However, the complex of thermal power plant due to nonlinearity, load disturbance and time delay of steam of superheater system is bigger than other control systems. The cascade loop with feed forward steam temperature control with energy balance compensator using thermodynamic model has been used for the compensation the complex structure of superheater. In order to improve the performance of steam temperature control. The experiment is implemented for 100% load steady and load changing state. The cascade with feed forward with energy balance steam temperature control has stabilized the system as well.

Keywords: cascade with feed forward, boiler, superheated steam temperature control, enthalpy balance

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15542 Effects of Vitamin C and Spondias mombin Supplementation on Hematology, Growth, Egg Production Traits, and Eggshell Quality in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) in a Hot-Humid Tropics

Authors: B. O. Oyebanji, I. O. Dudusola, C. T. Ademola, S. A. Olaniyan


A 56 day study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary inclusion of Spondias mombin on hematological, growth, egg parameters and egg shell quality of Japanese quails, Cortunix cortunix japonica. One hundred birds were used for this study, and they were allocated randomly into 5 groups and replicated twice. Group 1 animals served as control without inclusion of extract, groups 2, 3, and 4 had 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg inclusion of SM, group 5 had 600 mg/kg of vitamin C respectively. The birds were weighed weekly to determine weight change, the blood parameters analyzed at the completion of the experiment were PCV, Hb, RBC WBC, differential WBC count, MCH, MCH, and MCV were afterwards calculated from these parameters. 5 eggs were collected from each group and egg weight, eggshell weight, eggshell diameter, yolk weight, albumen weight, yolk diameter, yolk height, albumen percentage, yolk percentage and shell percentage were determined. There was no significant difference among the group for the hematological parameters measured and calculated. The egg weight and albumen weight of quails on 800 mg/kg was highest of all the groups, all other egg parameters measured showed no significant difference. The birds supplemented with Vitamin C had the highest weight gain (40.8±2.5 g) and the lowest feed conversion ratio (2.25). There was no mortality recorded in all the groups except in the SM800 group with 10% mortality. It can be concluded from this experiment that Vitamin C supplementation has positive effect on quail production in humid tropics and the inclusion of Spondias mombin leaf extract has a dose-dependent toxicity in quails.

Keywords: hematology, quails, Spondias mombin, vitamin C

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15541 Non-Linear Control Based on State Estimation for the Convoy of Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: M-M. Mohamed Ahmed, Nacer K. M’Sirdi, Aziz Naamane


In this paper, a longitudinal and lateral control approach based on a nonlinear observer is proposed for a convoy of autonomous vehicles to follow a desired trajectory. To authors best knowledge, this topic has not yet been sufficiently addressed in the literature for the control of multi vehicles. The modeling of the convoy of the vehicles is revisited using a robotic method for simulation purposes and control design. With these models, a sliding mode observer is proposed to estimate the states of each vehicle in the convoy from the available sensors, then a sliding mode control based on this observer is used to control the longitudinal and lateral movement. The validation and performance evaluation are done using the well-known driving simulator Scanner-Studio. The results are presented for different maneuvers of 5 vehicles.

Keywords: autonomous vehicles, convoy, non-linear control, non-linear observer, sliding mode

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15540 Comparison of Conjunctival Autograft versus Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for Pterygium Surgery

Authors: Luksanaporn Krungkraipetch


Currently, surgery is the only known effective treatment for pterygium. In certain groups, the probability of recurrence after basic sclera excision is very significant. Tissue grafting is substantially more time-consuming and challenging than keeping the sclera uncovered, but it reduces the chance of recurrence. Conjunctival autograft surgery is older than amniotic membrane graft surgery. The purpose of this study was to compare pterygium surgery with conjunctival autograft against an amniotic membrane transplant. In the study, a randomized controlled trial was used. Four cases were ruled out (two for failing to meet inclusion criteria and the other for refusing to participate). Group I (n = 40) received the intervention, whereas Group II (n = 40) served as the control. Both descriptive and inferential statistical approaches were used, including data analysis and data analysis statistics. The descriptive statistics analysis covered basic pterygium surgery information as well as the risk of recurrent pterygium. As an inferential statistic, the chi-square was used. A p-value of 0.05 is statistically significant. The findings of this investigation were the majority of patients in Group I were female (70.0%), aged 41–60 years, had no underlying disease (95.0%), and had nasal pterygium (97.5%). The majority of Group II patients were female (60.0%), aged 41–60 years, had no underlying disease (97.5%) and had nasal pterygium (97.5%). Group I had no recurrence of pterygium after surgery, but Group II had a 7.5% recurrence rate. Typically, the recurrence time is twelve months. The majority of pterygium recurrences occur in females (83.3%), between the ages of 41 and 60 (66.7%), with no underlying disease. The recurrence period is typically six months (60%) and a nasal pterygium site (83.3%). Pterygium recurrence after surgery is associated with nasal location (p =.002). 16.7% of pterygium surgeries result in complications; one woman with nasal pterygium underwent autograft surgery six months later. The presence of granulation tissue at the surgical site is a mild complication. A pterygium surgery recurrence rate comparison of conjunctival autograft and amniotic membrane transplantation revealed that conjunctival autograft had a higher recurrence rate than amniotic membrane transplantation (p =.013).

Keywords: pterygium, pterygium surgery, conjunctival autograft, amniotic membrane transplantation

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15539 Lateral Control of Electric Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Logic Control

Authors: Hartani Kada, Merah Abdelkader


Aiming at the high nonlinearities and unmatched uncertainties of the intelligent electric vehicles’ dynamic system, this paper presents a lateral motion control algorithm for intelligent electric vehicles with four in-wheel motors. A fuzzy logic procedure is presented and formulated to realize lateral control in lane change. The vehicle dynamics model and a desired target tracking model were established in this paper. A fuzzy logic controller was designed for integrated active front steering (AFS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) in order to improve vehicle handling performance and stability, and a fuzzy controller for the automatic steering problem. The simulation results demonstrate the strong robustness and excellent tracking performance of the control algorithm that is proposed.

Keywords: fuzzy logic, lateral control, AFS, DYC, electric car technology, longitudinal control, lateral motion

Procedia PDF Downloads 612
15538 Pattern Identification in Statistical Process Control Using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: M. Pramila Devi, N. V. N. Indra Kiran


Control charts, predominantly in the form of X-bar chart, are important tools in statistical process control (SPC). They are useful in determining whether a process is behaving as intended or there are some unnatural causes of variation. A process is out of control if a point falls outside the control limits or a series of point’s exhibit an unnatural pattern. In this paper, a study is carried out on four training algorithms for CCPs recognition. For those algorithms optimal structure is identified and then they are studied for type I and type II errors for generalization without early stopping and with early stopping and the best one is proposed.

Keywords: control chart pattern recognition, neural network, backpropagation, generalization, early stopping

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15537 The Effects of Self-Efficacy on Challenge and Threat States

Authors: Nadine Sammy, Mark Wilson, Samuel Vine


The Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) states that self-efficacy is an antecedent of challenge and threat. These states result from conscious and unconscious evaluations of situational demands and personal resources and are represented by both cognitive and physiological markers. Challenge is considered a more adaptive stress response as it is associated with a more efficient cardiovascular profile, as well as better performance and attention effects compared with threat. Self-efficacy is proposed to influence challenge/threat because an individual’s belief that they have the skills necessary to execute the courses of action required to succeed contributes to a perception that they can cope with the demands of the situation. This study experimentally examined the effects of self-efficacy on cardiovascular responses (challenge and threat), demand and resource evaluations, performance and attention under pressurised conditions. Forty-five university students were randomly assigned to either a control (n=15), low self-efficacy (n=15) or high self-efficacy (n=15) group and completed baseline and pressurised golf putting tasks. Self-efficacy was manipulated using false feedback adapted from previous studies. Measures of self-efficacy, cardiovascular reactivity, demand and resource evaluations, task performance and attention were recorded. The high self-efficacy group displayed more favourable cardiovascular reactivity, indicative of a challenge state, compared with the low self-efficacy group. The former group also reported high resource evaluations, but no task performance or attention effects were detected. These findings demonstrate that levels of self-efficacy influence cardiovascular reactivity and perceptions of resources under pressurised conditions.

Keywords: cardiovascular, challenge, performance, threat

Procedia PDF Downloads 233
15536 Role of Adaptive Support Ventilation in Weaning of COPD Patients

Authors: A. Kamel Abd Elaziz Mohamed, B. Sameh Kamal el Maraghi


Introduction: Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) is an improved closed-loop ventilation mode that provides both pressure-controlled ventilation and PSV according to the patient’s needs. Aim of the work: To compare the short-term effects of Adaptive support ventilation (ASV), with conventional Pressure support ventilation (PSV) in weaning of intubated COPD patients. Patients and methods: Fifty patients admitted in the intensive care with acute exacerbation of COPD and needing intubation were included in the study. All patients were initially ventilated with control/assist control mode, in a stepwise manner and were receiving standard medical therapy. Patients were randomized into two groups to receive either ASV or PSV. Results: Out of fifty patients included in the study forty one patients in both studied groups were weaned successfully according to their ABG data and weaning indices. APACHE II score showed no significant difference in both groups. There were statistically significant differences between the groups in term of, duration of mechanical ventilation, weaning hours and length of ICU stay being shorter in (group 1) weaned by ASV. Re-intubation and mortality rate were higher in (group 11) weaned by conventional PSV, however the differences were not significant. Conclusion: ASV can provide automated weaning and achieve shorter weaning time for COPD patients hence leading to reduction in the total duration of MV, length of stay, and hospital costs.

Keywords: COPD patients, ASV, PSV, mechanical ventilation (MV)

Procedia PDF Downloads 390
15535 Mobile Robot Manipulator Kinematics Motion Control Analysis with MATLAB/Simulink

Authors: Wayan Widhiada, Cok Indra Partha, Gusti Ngurah Nitya Santhiarsa


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sophistication of the use of Proportional Integral and Derivative Control to control the kinematic motion of the mobile robot manipulator. Simulation and experimental methods will be used to investigate the sophistication of PID control to control the mobile robot arm in the collection and placement of several kinds of objects quickly, accurately and correctly. Mathematical modeling will be done by utilizing the integration of Solidworks and MATLAB / Simmechanics software. This method works by converting the physical model file into the xml file. This method is easy, fast and accurate done in modeling and design robotics. The automatic control design of this robot manipulator will be validated in simulations and experimental in control labs as evidence that the mobile robot manipulator gripper control design can achieve the best performance such as the error signal is lower than 5%, small overshoot and get steady signal response as quickly.

Keywords: control analysis, kinematics motion, mobile robot manipulator, performance

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15534 Effect of Ti, Nb, and Zr Additives on Biocompatibility of Injection Molded 316L Stainless Steel for Biomedical Applications

Authors: Busra Gundede, Ozal Mutlu, Nagihan Gulsoy


Background: Over the years, material research has led to the development of numerous metals and alloys for using in biomedical applications. One of the major tasks of biomaterial research is the functionalization of the material surface to improve the biocompatibility according to a specific application. 316L and 316L alloys are excellent for various bio-applications. This research was investigated the effect of titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb), and zirconium (Zr) additives on injection molded austenitic grade 316L stainless steels in vitro biocompatibility. For this purpose, cytotoxic tests were performed to evaluate the potential biocompatibility of the specimens. Materials and Methods: 3T3 fibroblast were cultivated in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and %1 penicillin-streptomycin at 37°C with 5% CO2 and 95%humidity. Trypsin/EDTA solution was used to remove cells from the culture flask. Cells were reseeded at a density of 1×105cell in 25T flasks. The medium change took place every 3 days. The trypan blue assay was used to determine cell viability. Cell viability is calculated as the number of viable cells divided by the total number of cells within the grids on the cell counter machine counted the number of blue staining cells and the number of total cells. Cell viability should be at least 95% for healthy log-phase cultures. MTT assay was assessed for 96-hours. Cells were cultivated in 6-well flask within 5 ml DMEM and incubated as same conditions. 0,5mg/ml MTT was added for 4-hours and then acid-isoprohanol was added for solubilize to formazan crystals. Cell morphology after 96h was investigated by SEM. The medium was removed, samples were washed with 0.15 M PBS buffer and fixed for 12h at 4- 8°C with %2,5 gluteraldehyte. Samples were treated with 1% osmium tetroxide. Samples were then dehydrated and dried, mounted on appropriate stubs with colloidal silver and sputter-coated with gold. Images were collected using a scanning electron microscope. ROS assay is a cell viability test for in vitro studies. Cells were grown for 96h, ROS solution added on cells in 6 well plate flask and incubated for 1h. Fluorescence signal indicates ROS generation by cells. Results: Trypan Blue exclusion assay results were 96%, 92%, 95%, 90%, 91% for negative control group, 316L, 316L-Ti, 316L-Nb and 316L-Zr, respectively. Results were found nearly similar to each other when compared with control group. Cell viability from MTT analysis was found to be 100%, 108%, 103%, 107%, and 105% for the control group, 316L, 316L-Ti, 316L-Nb and 316L-Zr, respectively. Fluorescence microscopy analysis indicated that all test groups were same as the control group in ROS assay. SEM images demonstrated that the attachment of 3T3 cells on biomaterials. Conclusion: We, therefore, concluded that Ti, Nb and Zr additives improved physical properties of 316L stainless. In our in vitro experiments showed that these new additives did not modify the cytocompatibility of stainless steel and these additives on 316L might be useful for biomedical applications.

Keywords: 316L stainles steel, biocompatibility, cell culture, Ti, Nb, Zr

Procedia PDF Downloads 513
15533 Effect of Application of Turmeric Extract Powder Solution on the Color Changes of Non-Vital Teeth (An In-vitro study).

Authors: Haidy N. Salem, Nada O. Kamel, Shahinaz N. Hassan, Sherif M. Elhefnawy


Aim: to assess the effect of using turmeric powder extract on changes of tooth color with extra-coronal and intra-coronal bleaching methods. Methods: Turmeric powder extract was weighted and mixed with two different hydrogen peroxide concentrations (3% and 6%) to be used as a bleaching agent. Thirty teeth were allocated into three groups (n=10): Group A: Bleaching agent (6%) was applied on the labial surface, Group B: Bleaching agent (3%) was applied inside the pulp chamber and Group C: Extra and intra-coronal bleaching techniques were used (6% and 3% respectively). A standardized access cavity was opened in the palatal surface of each tooth in both Groups B and C. Color parameters were measured using a spectrophotometer. Results: A statistically significant difference in color difference values (∆E*) and enamel brightness (∆L*) was found between Group C and each of Groups A and B. There was no statistically significant difference in (∆E*) and (∆L*) between Group A and Group B. The highest mean value of (∆E*) and (∆L*) was found in Group C, while the least mean value was found in Group B. Conclusion: Bleaching the external and internal tooth structure with low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with turmeric extract has a promising effect in color enhancement.

Keywords: bleaching, hydrogen peroxide, spectrophotometer, turmeric

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
15532 The Evaluation of Adjuvant Effects of CD154 in a Subunit Vaccine against Classical Swine Fever Virus

Authors: Yu-Chieh Chen, Li-Yun Wang, Chi-Chih Chen, Huy Hùng Đào, Ya-Mei Chen, Ming-Chu Cheng, Wen-Bin Chung, Hso-Chi Chaung, Guan-Ming Ke


Many recent researches have demonstrated that CD154, a protein primarily expressed on activated T cell molecules, has potentially acted as a molecular adjuvant to improve the immunogenicity of subunit vaccines against viral infections. Classical swine fever (CSF) affects the swine industry worldwide that is one of the most devastating and highly contagious pig diseases. It is listed by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an infectious animal disease that must be reported. Although pigs vaccinated with subunit vaccines can be differentially diagnosed from those infected animals, subunit vaccines usually need adjuvants to enhance and elicit immune responses. In this study, CD154 was linked with CSFV E2 sequences and then expressed in CHO cells to produce the fusion protein as E2-CD154. The porcine specific CpG adjuvant was also used in one of the formulations. The specific pathogen-free pigs (SPF) at the age of 4-week-old were randomly separated into four groups, vaccinated with E2-CpG, E2-CD154, E2-CD154-CpG or the commercial Bayovac® CSF-E2 vaccine and boosted two weeks after primary vaccination. The results showed that the percentages of CD4+ and CD4+IL2+ in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in E2-CD154 vaccinated piglets seven days after primary vaccination were gained by 1-5% relative to the control group. In addition, the percentages of CD4+IFNγ+ T cells had slightly edged up 0.1-0.3% compared with the control group. Also, increased E2-specific IFNγ levels had edged up CD4+CD8+ T cells found in E2-CD154 and E2-CD154-CpG groups, particularly in the E2-CD154-CpG group. These results implicate that CD154 may enhance cellular immunity and synergistically act with species-specific CpG adjuvant as a dual-phase adjuvant. Therefore, the CD154 may be beneficial as a promising adjuvant in subunit vaccines.

Keywords: CD154, CpG adjuvant, cellular immunity, subunit vaccine, pig

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15531 The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Using Transactional Analysis on the Dimensions of Marital Intimacy: An Experimental Study

Authors: Mehravar Javid, James Sexton, S. Taridashti, Joseph Dorer


Objective: Intimacy is among the most important factors in marital relationships and includes different aspects. Communication skills can enable couples to promote their intimacy. This experimental study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of communication skills using Transactional Analysis (TA) on various dimensions of marital intimacy. Method: The participants in this study were female teachers. Analysis of covariance was recruited in the experimental group (n =15) and control group (n =15) with pre-test and post-test. Random assignment was applied. The experimental group received the Transactional Analysis training program for 9 sessions of 2 hours each week. The instrument was the Marital Intimacy Questionnaire, with 87 items and 9 subscales. Result: The findings suggest that training in Transactional Analysis significantly increased the total score of intimacy except spiritual intimacy on the post-test. Discussion: According to the obtained data, it is concluded that communication skills using Transactional Analysis (TA) training could increase intimacy and improve marital relationships. The study highlights the differential effects on emotional, rational, sexual, and psychological intimacy compared to physical, social/recreational, and relational intimacy over a 9-week period.

Keywords: communication skills, intimacy, marital relationships, transactional analysis

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15530 Quadrotor in Horizontal Motion Control and Maneuverability

Authors: Ali Oveysi Sarabi


In this paper, controller design for the attitude and altitude dynamics of an outdoor quadrotor, which is constructed with low cost actuators and drivers, is aimed. Before designing the controller, the quadrotor is modeled mathematically in Matlab-Simulink environment. To control attitude dynamics, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) based controllers are designed, simulated and applied to the system. Two different proportional-integral-derivative action (PID) controllers are designed to control yaw and altitude dynamics. During the implementation of the designed controllers, different test setups are used. Designed controllers are implemented and tuned on the real system using xPC Target. Tests show that these basic control structures are successful to control the attitude and altitude dynamics.

Keywords: helicopter balance, flight dynamics, autonomous landing, control robotics

Procedia PDF Downloads 513
15529 A Fast and Cost-Effective Method to Monitor Microplastics in Compost and Soiduration of Enterococcus Faecalis Penetration in Environmentally Exposed Root Canals Obturated With Lateral Condensation Technique

Authors: N. Thawornwisit, P. Pradoo, S. Nuypree, L. Jarukasetrporn, S. Jitpukdeebodintra


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the duration of the Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) penetration into the gap between root canal wall and filling material at a 3 to 6 mm distance from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in the dislodged temporary filling, in vitro. Material and methods: Thirty-four single root canal mandibular premolars were divided into two experimental groups (N = 15) and one negative control (N = 4). Root canals were prepared and obturated with gutta-percha using lateral condensation technique, X-ray checked, and sterilized. Leakages were set up using the modified bacterial leakage model, and E. faecalis was used as a microbial marker. Leakages were evaluated at 3 and 7 days by culturing gutta-percha and dentine drilled from a 3-6 mm distance from CEJ. Broth turbidity was recorded and compared. Result: All four negative control and the 3-day experimental group showed no broth turbidity. For the 7-day experimental group, there was 33.3% leakage. Conclusion: Penetration of E. faecalis into the gap between root canal wall and filling material at a 3 to 6 mm distance from CEJ in the dislodged temporary filling were not found at three days. However, at seven days of exposure, bacteria could penetrate into the interface of the root canal and filling materials.

Keywords: coronal leakage, bacterial leakage model, enterococcus faecalis

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15528 A Simple Autonomous Hovering and Operating Control of Multicopter Using Only Web Camera

Authors: Kazuya Sato, Toru Kasahara, Junji Kuroda


In this paper, an autonomous hovering control method of multicopter using only Web camera is proposed. Recently, various control method of an autonomous flight for multicopter are proposed. But, in the previously proposed methods, a motion capture system (i.e., OptiTrack) and laser range finder are often used to measure the position and posture of multicopter. To achieve an autonomous flight control of multicopter with simple equipment, we propose an autonomous flight control method using AR marker and Web camera. AR marker can measure the position of multicopter with Cartesian coordinate in three dimensional, then its position connects with aileron, elevator, and accelerator throttle operation. A simple PID control method is applied to the each operation and adjust the controller gains. Experimental result are given to show the effectiveness of our proposed method. Moreover, another simple operation method for autonomous flight control multicopter is also proposed.

Keywords: autonomous hovering control, multicopter, Web camera, operation

Procedia PDF Downloads 563
15527 Assessment of hospital Infection Control at Intensive Care Units and Pediatric Wards

Authors: Hana A. Jameel Alsaeed, Rayyan Ibrahim Khaleel, Hanaa Hussein Mukhlif


Background: Contamination in Iraq's hospitals is a localized problem with high rates of disease And deaths that mainly affect poor areas. Thus, this study aims to evaluate hospital infections in the city of Mosul and to identify the etiology. So to assess environmental infection prevention in pediatric wards and newborn critical care units in Mosul city. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional hospital based in Mosul-Iraq between (10th February to 1st April 2022). Purposive sample of 60 nurses from neonatal intensive care units and pediatric wards in three pediatric teaching hospitals in Mosul city; Data was gathered using a questionnaire created by the researchers after reviewing previous studies. Results: The study showed that the majority of the study infection prevention and control policy isn't available in 46.7% of departments, and 45% of hospital workers in Iraq don't know if there is an Iraqi version of it. 70% of the study group had participated in an infection control training program. Conclusions: In the majority of samples 55% of respondents to the study claimed not to be aware of these rules. 60% of the study's participants had never attended a course on infection prevention and control, according to the study's findings on education and training programs. In the neonatal and critical care unit, nurses' skill levels, years of experience, and actual duties varied by wide statistically significant differences.

Keywords: pediatric, infection control, assessment, mosul city

Procedia PDF Downloads 82
15526 Implications of Learning Resource Centre in a Web Environment

Authors: Darshana Lal, Sonu Rana


Learning Resource Centers (LRC) are acquiring different kinds of documents like books, journals, thesis, dissertations, standard, databases etc. in print and e-form. This article deals with the different types of sources available in LRC. It also discusses the concept of the web, as a tool, as a multimedia system and the different interfaces available on the web. The reasons for establishing LRC are highlighted along with the assignments of LRC. Different features of LRC‘S like self-learning and group learning are described. It also implements a group of activities like reading, learning, educational etc. The use of LRC by students and faculties are given and concluded with the benefits.

Keywords: internet, search engine, resource centre, opac, self-learning, group learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 379
15525 A Comparison between the McGrath Video Laryngoscope and the Macintosh Laryngoscopy in Children with Expected Normal Airway

Authors: Jong Yeop Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Hyun Jeong Kwak, Sook Young Lee


Background: This prospective, randomized, controlled study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of the McGrath VL compared to Macintosh laryngoscopy in children with expected normal airway during endotracheal intubation, by comparing the time to intubation and ease of intubation. Methods: Eighty-four patients, aged 1-10 years undergoing endotracheal intubation for elective surgery were randomly assigned to McGrath group (n = 42) or Macintosh group (n = 42). Anesthesia was induced with propofol 2.5-3.0 mg/kg and sevoflurane 5-8 vol%. Orotracheal intubation was performed 2 minutes after injection of rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg with McGrath VL or Macintosh laryngoscope. The primary outcome was time to intubation. The Cormack and Lehane glottic grade, intubation difficulty score (IDS), and success rate of intubation were assessed. Hemodynamic changes also were recorded. Results: Median time to intubation [interquartile range] was not different between the McGrath group and the Macintosh group (25.0 [22.8-28.3] s vs. 26.0 [24.0-29.0] s, p = 0.301). The incidence of grade I glottic view was significantly higher in theMcGrath group than in the Macintosh group (95% vs. 74%, p = 0.013). Median IDS was lower in the McGrath group than in the Macintosh group (0 [0-0] vs. 0 [0-1], p = 0.018). There were no significant differences in success rate on intubation or hemodynamics between the two groups. Conclusions: McGrath VL provides better laryngeal views and lower IDS, but similar intubation times and success rates compared to the Macintosh laryngoscope in children with the normal airway.

Keywords: intubation, Macintosh laryngoscopy, Mcgrath videolaryngoscopy, pediatrics

Procedia PDF Downloads 229
15524 Improvement of an Arm and Shoulder Exoskeleton Using Gyro Sensor

Authors: D. Maneetham


The developed exoskeleton device has to control joints between shoulder and arm. Exoskeleton device can help patients with hemiplegia upper so that the patient can help themselves in their daily life. Exoskeleton device includes a robot arm wear that looks like the movement is similar to the normal arm. Exoskeleton arm is powered by the motor through the cable with a control system that developed to control the movement of the joint of a robot arm. The arm will include the shoulder, the elbow, and the wrist. The control system is used Arduino Mega 2560 controller and the operation of the DC motor through the relay module. The control system can be divided into two modes such as the manual control with the joystick mode and automatically control with the movement of the head by Gyro sensor. The controller is also designed to move between the shoulder and the arm movement from their original location. Results have shown that the controller gave the best performance and all movements can be controlled.

Keywords: exoskeleton arm, hemiplegia upper, shoulder and arm, stroke

Procedia PDF Downloads 353
15523 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Criminality: A Psychological Profile of Convicts Serving Prison Sentences

Authors: Agnieszka Nowogrodzka


Objectives: ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which symptoms are most prominent throughout childhood. In the longer term, these symptoms, as well as the behaviour of the child, the experiences arising from the response of the community to the child's symptoms, as well as the functioning of the community itself, all contribute to the onset of secondary symptoms and subsequent outcomes of the disorder, such as crime or mental disorders. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of ADHD among Polish convicts serving a prison sentence. To that end, the study will focus on the relationship between the severity of ADHD and early childhood trauma, family relations, maladaptive cognitive schemas, as well as mental disorders. It is an attempt to assess the interdependence between ADHD, childhood experiences, and secondary outcomes. Methods: The study enrolled two groups of first-time convicts and repeat offenders aged between 21 and 65 –each of the study groups comprised 120 participants; 240 participants in total took part in the study. Participants were recruited in semi-open penal institutions in Poland (Poznań Custody Suite, Wronki Penal Institution, Iława Penal Institution). The control group comprised 110 men without criminal records aged 21 to 65. The DIVA 5.0 questionnaire was employed to identify the severity of ADHD symptoms. Other questionnaires employed in the course of the study included the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale IV (FACES-IV), Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30). Results: The findings of the study in question are currently still being compiled and will be shared during the conference. The findings of a pilot study involving two cohorts of convicts (each numbering 20 men) and a control group (20 men with no criminal records) indicate a significant correlation between ADHD and the experience of early childhood trauma. The severity of ADHD also shows a correlation with the assessment of the functioning of the family, with the subjects assessing the relationships in their families more negatively than the control group. Furthermore, the severity of ADHD is also correlated with maladaptive emotional schemas manifesting in the participants. The findings also show a correlation between selected dimensions and the severity of offenses.

Keywords: ADHD, social impairments, mental disorders, early childhood traumas, criminality

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