Search results for: content based retrieval
31492 A Preliminary Study for Building an Arabic Corpus of Pair Questions-Texts from the Web: Aqa-Webcorp
Authors: Wided Bakari, Patrce Bellot, Mahmoud Neji
With the development of electronic media and the heterogeneity of Arabic data on the Web, the idea of building a clean corpus for certain applications of natural language processing, including machine translation, information retrieval, question answer, become more and more pressing. In this manuscript, we seek to create and develop our own corpus of pair’s questions-texts. This constitution then will provide a better base for our experimentation step. Thus, we try to model this constitution by a method for Arabic insofar as it recovers texts from the web that could prove to be answers to our factual questions. To do this, we had to develop a java script that can extract from a given query a list of html pages. Then clean these pages to the extent of having a database of texts and a corpus of pair’s question-texts. In addition, we give preliminary results of our proposal method. Some investigations for the construction of Arabic corpus are also presented in this document.Keywords: Arabic, web, corpus, search engine, URL, question, corpus building, script, Google, html, txt
Procedia PDF Downloads 32431491 Ripening Conditions Suitable for Marketing of Winter Squash ‘Bochang’
Authors: Do Su Park, Sang Jun Park, Cheon Soon Jeong
This study was performed in order to investigate the optimum ripening conditions for the marketing of Squash. Research sample 'Bochang' was grown at Hongcheonin in Gangwon province in August 2014. Ripening the samples were stored under the conditions of 25℃, 30℃, and 35℃ with the humidity RH70 ± 5%. They were checked every 3 days for 21 days. The respiration rate, water loss, hardness, coloration, the contents of soluble solids, starch, total sugar were evaluated after storage. Respiration rate was reduced in all treatments with longer storage period. Water loss was increased in the higher temperature. The 13% water loss was found at 35℃ on 21st storage day. The store initially 25℃ and 30℃ Hardness 47N and the ripening 21 days decreased slightly. On the other hand, in the case of 35℃ showed a large reduction than 25℃ and 30℃. Soluble solid contents were increased with longer ripening period. 30℃ and 35℃ was highest ripening 15 days. In the case of 25℃, it was highest on 21th day. The higher the temperature, the higher the soluble solids content are. 25℃ and 30℃ Coloration was increased rapidly until the ripening 12 days. In case of 35℃, continued increase up to 21 days. 25℃ and 30℃ showed no differences. Meanwhile, in case of 35℃, appearance quality was reduced in Occurrence of yellowing phenomenon of pericarp occurs from after ripening for 9 days. The coloration of fruit flesh is increase until after ripening for 9 days and decrease from after ripening for 9 days. There was no significant difference depending on the conditions of temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the content of the starch. In case of 30℃ and 35℃, was reduced with longer storage period. 25℃ was minimal content change. Total sugar was increased in all treatments with longer storage period. The higher the temperature, the higher the amount of total sugar content is. Therefore, at 25℃ for 18-21 days and at 30℃ for 12-15 days is suitable for ripening.Keywords: marketing, ripening, temperature, winter squash
Procedia PDF Downloads 59831490 Reduction of Fermentation Duration of Cassava to Remove Hydrogen Cyanide
Authors: Jean Paul Hategekimana, Josiane Irakoze, Eugene Niyonzima, Annick Ndekezi
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root crop comprising an anti-nutritive factor known as cyanide. The compound can be removed by numerous processing methods such as boiling, fermentation, blanching, and sun drying to avoid the possibility of cyanide poisoning. Inappropriate processing mean can lead to disease and death. Cassava-based dishes are consumed in different ways, where cassava is cultivated according to their culture and preference. However, they have been shown to be unsafe based on high cyanide levels. The current study targeted to resolve the problem of high cyanide in cassava consumed in Rwanda. This study was conducted to determine the effect of slicing, blanching, and soaking time to reduce the fermentation duration of cassava for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in mg/g removal. Cassava was sliced into three different portions (1cm, 2cm, and 5cm). The first portions were naturally fermented for seven days, where each portion was removed every 24 hours from soaking tanks and then oven dried at a temperature of 60°C and then milled to obtain naturally fermented cassava flours. Other portions of 1cm, 2cm, and 5cm were blanched for 2, 5, 10 min, respectively, and each similarly dried at 60°C and milled to produce blanched cassava flour. Other blanched portions were used to follow the previous fermentation steps. The last portions, which formed the control, were simply chopped. Cyanide content and starch content in mg/100g were investigated. According to the conducted analysis on different cassava treatments for detoxification, found that usual fermentation can be used, but for sliced portions aimed to size reduction for the easy hydrogen cyanide diffuse out and it takes four days to complete fermentation, which has reduced at 94.44% with significantly different (p<0.05)of total hydrogen cyanide contained in cassava to safe level of consumption, and what is recommended as more effective is to apply blanching combined with fermentation due to the fact that, it takes three days to complete hydrogen cyanide removal at 95.56% on significantly different (p<0.05) of reduction to the safe level of consumption.Keywords: cassava, cyanide, blanching, drying, fermentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 7231489 Effects of Non-Diagnostic Haptic Information on Consumers' Product Judgments and Decisions
Authors: Eun Young Park, Jongwon Park
A physical touch of a product can provide ample diagnostic information about the product attributes and quality. However, consumers’ product judgments and purchases can be erroneously influenced by non-diagnostic haptic information. For example, consumers’ evaluations of the coffee they drink could be affected by the heaviness of a cup that is used for just serving the coffee. This important issue has received little attention in prior research. The present research contributes to the literature by identifying when and how non-diagnostic haptic information can have an influence and why such influence occurs. Specifically, five studies experimentally varied the content of non-diagnostic haptic information, such as the weight of a cup (heavy vs. light) and the texture of a cup holder (smooth vs. rough), and then assessed the impact of the manipulation on product judgments and decisions. Results show that non-diagnostic haptic information has a biasing impact on consumer judgments. For example, the heavy (vs. light) cup increases consumers’ perception of the richness of coffee in it, and the rough (vs. smooth) texture of a cup holder increases the perception of the healthfulness of fruit juice in it, which in turn increases consumers’ purchase intentions of the product. When consumers are cognitively distracted during the touch experience, the impact of the content of haptic information is no longer evident, but the valence (positive vs. negative) of the haptic experience influences product judgments. However, consumers are able to avoid the impact of non-diagnostic haptic information, if and only if they are both knowledgeable about the product category and undistracted from processing the touch experience. In sum, the nature of the influence by non-diagnostic haptic information (i.e., assimilation effect vs. contrast effect vs. null effect) is determined by the content and valence of haptic information, the relative impact of which depends on whether consumers can identify the content and source of the haptic information. Theoretically, to our best knowledge, this research is the first to document the empirical evidence of the interplay between cognitive and affective processes that determines the impact of non-diagnostic haptic information. Managerial implications are discussed.Keywords: consumer behavior, haptic information, product judgments, touch effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 17631488 Effect of Ambient Oxygen Content and Lifting Frequency on the Participant’s Lifting Capabilities, Muscle Activities, and Perceived Exertion
Authors: Atef M. Ghaleb, Mohamed Z. Ramadan, Khalid Saad Aljaloud
The aim of this study is to assesses the lifting capabilities of persons experiencing hypoxia. It also examines the behavior of the physiological response induced through the lifting process related to changing in the hypoxia and lifting frequency variables. For this purpose, the study performed two consecutive tests by using; (1) training and acclimatization; and (2) an actual collection of data. A total of 10 male students from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were recruited in the study. A two-way repeated measures design, with two independent variables (ambient oxygen (15%, 18% and 21%)) and lifting frequency (1 lift/min and 4 lifts/min) and four dependent variables i.e., maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL), Electromyography (EMG) of four muscle groups (anterior deltoid, trapezius, biceps brachii, and erector spinae), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and rating of oxygen feeling (ROF) were used in this study. The results show that lifting frequency has significantly impacted the MAWL and muscles’ activities. The oxygen content had a significant effect on the RPE and ROE. The study has revealed that acclimatization and training sessions significantly reduce the effect of the hypoxia on the human physiological parameters during the manual materials handling tasks.Keywords: lifting capabilities, muscle activities, oxygen content, perceived exertion
Procedia PDF Downloads 13031487 An Assessment of Floodplain Vegetation Response to Groundwater Changes Using the Soil & Water Assessment Tool Hydrological Model, Geographic Information System, and Machine Learning in the Southeast Australian River Basin
Authors: Newton Muhury, Armando A. Apan, Tek N. Marasani, Gebiaw T. Ayele
The changing climate has degraded freshwater availability in Australia that influencing vegetation growth to a great extent. This study assessed the vegetation responses to groundwater using Terra’s moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and soil water content (SWC). A hydrological model, SWAT, has been set up in a southeast Australian river catchment for groundwater analysis. The model was calibrated and validated against monthly streamflow from 2001 to 2006 and 2007 to 2010, respectively. The SWAT simulated soil water content for 43 sub-basins and monthly MODIS NDVI data for three different types of vegetation (forest, shrub, and grass) were applied in the machine learning tool, Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), using two supervised machine learning algorithms, i.e., support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF). The assessment shows that different types of vegetation response and soil water content vary in the dry and wet seasons. The WEKA model generated high positive relationships (r = 0.76, 0.73, and 0.81) between NDVI values of all vegetation in the sub-basins against soil water content (SWC), the groundwater flow (GW), and the combination of these two variables, respectively, during the dry season. However, these responses were reduced by 36.8% (r = 0.48) and 13.6% (r = 0.63) against GW and SWC, respectively, in the wet season. Although the rainfall pattern is highly variable in the study area, the summer rainfall is very effective for the growth of the grass vegetation type. This study has enriched our knowledge of vegetation responses to groundwater in each season, which will facilitate better floodplain vegetation management.Keywords: ArcSWAT, machine learning, floodplain vegetation, MODIS NDVI, groundwater
Procedia PDF Downloads 10131486 Credibility and Personal Social Media Use of Health Professionals: A Field Study
Authors: Abrar Al-Hasan
Objectives: There is ongoing discourse regarding the potential risks to health professionals' reputations and credibility arising from their personal social media use. However, the specific impacts on professional credibility and the health professional-client relationship remain largely unexplored. This study aims to investigate the type and frequency of the content posted by health professionals on their Instagram accounts and its influence on their credibility and the professional-client relationship. Methodology: In a controlled field study, participants reviewed randomly assigned mock Instagram profiles of health professionals. Mock profiles were constructed according to gender (female/male), social media usage (high/low), and social media richness (high/ low), with richness increasing from posts to stories to reels and personal content type (high /low). Participants then rated the profile owners’ credibility on a visual analog scale. An analysis of variance compared these ratings, and mediation analyses assessed the influence of credibility ratings on participants' willingness to become clients of the mock health professional. Results: Results from 315 participants showed that health professionals with personal Instagram profiles displaying high social media richness were perceived as more credible than those with lower social media richness. Low social media usage is perceived as more credible than high social media usage. Personal content type is perceived as less credible as compared to those with low personal content type. Contributions: These findings provide initial evidence of the impact of health professionals' personal online disclosures on credibility and the health professional-client relationship. Understanding public perceptions of professionalism and credibility is essential for informing e-professionalism guidelines and promoting best practices in social media use among health professionals.Keywords: credibility, consumer behavior, social media, media richness, healthcare professionals
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731485 Validation of Existing Index Properties-Based Correlations for Estimating the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve of Fine-Grained Soils
Authors: Karim Kootahi, Seyed Abolhasan Naeini
The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC), which represents the relationship between suction and water content (or degree of saturation), is an important property of unsaturated soils. The conventional method for determining SWCC is through specialized testing procedures. Since these procedures require specialized unsaturated soil testing apparatus and lengthy testing programs, several index properties-based correlations have been developed for estimating the SWCC of fine-grained soils. There are, however, considerable inconsistencies among the published correlations and there is no validation study on the predictive ability of existing correlations. In the present study, all existing index properties-based correlations are evaluated using a high quality worldwide database. The performances of existing correlations are assessed both graphically and quantitatively using statistical measures. The results of the validation indicate that most of the existing correlations provide unacceptable estimates of degree of saturation but the most recent model appears to be promising.Keywords: SWCC, correlations, index properties, validation
Procedia PDF Downloads 17731484 The Effect of Mixing and Degassing Conditions on the Properties of Epoxy/Anhydride Resin System
Authors: Latha Krishnan, Andrew Cobley
Epoxy resin is most widely used as matrices for composites of aerospace, automotive and electronic applications due to its outstanding mechanical properties. These properties are chiefly predetermined by the chemical structure of the prepolymer and type of hardener but can also be varied by the processing conditions such as prepolymer and hardener mixing, degassing and curing conditions. In this research, the effect of degassing on the curing behaviour and the void occurrence is experimentally evaluated for epoxy /anhydride resin system. The epoxy prepolymer was mixed with an anhydride hardener and accelerator in an appropriate quantity. In order to investigate the effect of degassing on the curing behaviour and void content of the resin, the uncured resin samples were prepared using three different methods: 1) no degassing 2) degassing on prepolymer and 3) degassing on mixed solution of prepolymer and hardener with an accelerator. The uncured resins were tested in differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) to observe the changes in curing behaviour of the above three resin samples by analysing factors such as gel temperature, peak cure temperature and heat of reaction/heat flow in curing. Additionally, the completely cured samples were tested in DSC to identify the changes in the glass transition temperature (Tg) between the three samples. In order to evaluate the effect of degassing on the void content and morphology changes in the cured epoxy resin, the fractured surfaces of cured epoxy resin were examined under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Also, the changes in the mechanical properties of the cured resin were studied by three-point bending test. It was found that degassing at different stages of resin mixing had significant effects on properties such as glass transition temperature, the void content and void size of the epoxy/anhydride resin system. For example, degassing (vacuum applied on the mixed resin) has shown higher glass transition temperature (Tg) with lower void content.Keywords: anhydride epoxy, curing behaviour, degassing, void occurrence
Procedia PDF Downloads 34931483 Evaluating the Small-Strain Mechanical Properties of Cement-Treated Clayey Soils Based on the Confining Pressure
Authors: Muhammad Akmal Putera, Noriyuki Yasufuku, Adel Alowaisy, Ahmad Rifai
Indonesia’s government has planned a project for a high-speed railway connecting the capital cities, Jakarta and Surabaya, about 700 km. Based on that location, it has been planning construction above the lowland soil region. The lowland soil region comprises cohesive soil with high water content and high compressibility index, which in fact, led to a settlement problem. Among the variety of railway track structures, the adoption of the ballastless track was used effectively to reduce the settlement; it provided a lightweight structure and minimized workspace. Contradictorily, deploying this thin layer structure above the lowland area was compensated with several problems, such as lack of bearing capacity and deflection behavior during traffic loading. It is necessary to combine with ground improvement to assure a settlement behavior on the clayey soil. Reflecting on the assurance of strength increment and working period, those were convinced by adopting methods such as cement-treated soil as the substructure of railway track. Particularly, evaluating mechanical properties in the field has been well known by using the plate load test and cone penetration test. However, observing an increment of mechanical properties has uncertainty, especially for evaluating cement-treated soil on the substructure. The current quality control of cement-treated soils was established by laboratory tests. Moreover, using small strain devices measurement in the laboratory can predict more reliable results that are identical to field measurement tests. Aims of this research are to show an intercorrelation of confining pressure with the initial condition of the Young modulus (E_o), Poisson ratio (υ_o) and Shear modulus (G_o) within small strain ranges. Furthermore, discrepancies between those parameters were also investigated. Based on the experimental result confirmed the intercorrelation between cement content and confining pressure with a power function. In addition, higher cement ratios have discrepancies, conversely with low mixing ratios.Keywords: amount of cement, elastic zone, high-speed railway, lightweight structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 14331482 Sociolinguistic and Classroom Functions of Using Code-Switching in CLIL Context
Authors: Khatuna Buskivadze
The aim of the present study is to investigate the sociolinguistic and classroom functions and frequency of Teacher’s Code Switching (CS) in the Content and Language Integrated (CLIL) Lesson. Nowadays, Georgian society struggles to become the part of the European world, the English language itself plays a role in forming new generations with European values. Based on our research conducted in 2019, out of all 114 private schools in Tbilisi, full- programs of CLIL are taught in 7 schools, while only some subjects using CLIL are conducted in 3 schools. The goal of the former research was to define the features of Content and Language Integrated learning (CLIL) methodology within the process of teaching English on the Example of Georgian private high schools. Taking the Georgian reality and cultural features into account, the modified version of the questionnaire, based on the classification of using CS in ESL Classroom proposed By Ferguson (2009) was used. The qualitative research revealed students’ and teacher’s attitudes towards teacher’s code-switching in CLIL lesson. Both qualitative and quantitative research were conducted: the observations of the teacher’s lessons (Recording of T’s online lessons), interview and the questionnaire among Math’s T’s 20 high school students. We came to the several conclusions, some of them are given here: Math’s teacher’s CS behavior mostly serves (1) the conversational function of interjection; (2) the classroom functions of introducing unfamiliar materials and topics, explaining difficult concepts, maintaining classroom discipline and the structure of the lesson; The teacher and 13 students have negative attitudes towards using only Georgian in teaching Math. The higher level of English is the more negative is attitude towards using Georgian in the classroom. Although all the students were Georgian, their competence in English is higher than in Georgian, therefore they consider English as an inseparable part of their identities. The overall results of the case study of teaching Math (Educational discourse) in one of the private schools in Tbilisi will be presented at the conference.Keywords: attitudes, bilingualism, code-switching, CLIL, conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics.
Procedia PDF Downloads 16231481 Study on Preparation and Storage of Composite Vegetable Squash of Tomato, Pumpkin and Ginger
Authors: K. Premakumar, R. G. Lakmali, S. M. A. C. U. Senarathna
In the present world, production and consumption of fruit and vegetable beverages have increased owing to the healthy life style of the people. Therefore, a study was conducted to develop composite vegetable squash by incorporating nutritional, medicinal and organoleptic properties of tomato, pumpkin and ginger. Considering the finding of several preliminary studies, five formulations in different combinations tomato pumpkin were taken and their physico-chemical parameters such as pH, TSS, titrable acidity, ascorbic acid content and total sugar and organoleptic parameters such as colour, aroma, taste, nature, overall acceptability were analyzed. Then the best sample was improved by using 1 % ginger (50% tomato+ 50% pumpkin+ 1% ginger). Best three formulations were selected for storage studied. The formulations were stored at 30 °C room temperature and 70-75% of RH for 12 weeks. Physicochemical parameters , organoleptic and microbial activity (total plate count, yeast and mold, E-coil) were analyzed during storage periods and protein content, fat content, ash were also analysed%.The study on the comparison of physico-chemical and sensory qualities of stored Squashes was done up to 12 weeks storage periods. The nutritional analysis of freshly prepared tomato pumpkin vegetable squash formulations showed increasing trend in titratable acidity, pH, total sugar, non -reducing sugar, total soluble solids and decreasing trend in ascorbic acid and reducing sugar with storage periods. The results of chemical analysis showed that, there were the significant different difference (p < 0.05) between tested formulations. Also, sensory analysis also showed that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) for organoleptic character characters between squash formulations. The highest overall acceptability was observed in formulation with 50% tomato+ 50% pumpkin+1% ginger and all the all the formulations were microbiologically safe for consumption. Based on the result of physico-chemical characteristics, sensory attributes and microbial test, the Composite Vegetable squash with 50% tomato+50% pumpkin+1% ginger was selected as best formulation and could be stored for 12 weeks without any significant changes in quality characteristics.Keywords: nutritional analysis, formulations, sensory attributes, squash
Procedia PDF Downloads 19931480 Effects of Ubiquitous 360° Learning Environment on Clinical Histotechnology Competence
Authors: Mari A. Virtanen, Elina Haavisto, Eeva Liikanen, Maria Kääriäinen
Rapid technological development and digitalization has affected also on higher education. During last twenty years multiple of electronic and mobile learning (e-learning, m-learning) platforms have been developed and have become prevalent in many universities and in the all fields of education. Ubiquitous learning (u-learning) is not that widely known or used. Ubiquitous learning environments (ULE) are the new era of computer-assisted learning. They are based on ubiquitous technology and computing that fuses the learner seamlessly into learning process by using sensing technology as tags, badges or barcodes and smart devices like smartphones and tablets. ULE combines real-life learning situations into virtual aspects and can be flexible used in anytime and anyplace. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of ubiquitous 360 o learning environment on higher education students’ clinical histotechnology competence. A quasi-experimental study design was used. 57 students in biomedical laboratory science degree program was assigned voluntarily to experiment (n=29) and to control group (n=28). Experimental group studied via ubiquitous 360o learning environment and control group via traditional web-based learning environment (WLE) in a 8-week educational intervention. Ubiquitous 360o learning environment (ULE) combined authentic learning environment (histotechnology laboratory), digital environment (virtual laboratory), virtual microscope, multimedia learning content, interactive communication tools, electronic library and quick response barcodes placed into authentic laboratory. Web-based learning environment contained equal content and components with the exception of the use of mobile device, interactive communication tools and quick response barcodes. Competence of clinical histotechnology was assessed by using knowledge test and self-report developed for this study. Data was collected electronically before and after clinical histotechnology course and analysed by using descriptive statistics. Differences among groups were identified by using Wilcoxon test and differences between groups by using Mann-Whitney U-test. Statistically significant differences among groups were identified in both groups (p<0.001). Competence scores in post-test were higher in both groups, than in pre-test. Differences between groups were very small and not statistically significant. In this study the learning environment have developed based on 360o technology and successfully implemented into higher education context. And students’ competence increases when ubiquitous learning environment were used. In the future, ULE can be used as a learning management system for any learning situation in health sciences. More studies are needed to show differences between ULE and WLE.Keywords: competence, higher education, histotechnology, ubiquitous learning, u-learning, 360o
Procedia PDF Downloads 28631479 Degradation of Endosulfan in Different Soils by Indigenous and Adapted Microorganisms
Authors: A. Özyer, N. G. Turan, Y. Ardalı
The environmental fate of organic contaminants in soils is influenced significantly by the pH, texture of soil, water content and also presence of organic matter. In this study, biodegradation of endosulfan isomers was studied in two different soils (Soil A and Soil B) that have contrasting properties in terms of their texture, pH, organic content, etc. Two Nocardia sp., which were isolated from soil, were used for degradation of endosulfan. Soils were contaminated with commercial endosulfan. Six sets were maintained from two different soils, contaminated with different endosulfan concentrations for degradation experiments. Inoculated and uninoculated mineral media with Nocardia isolates were added to the soils and mixed. Soils were incubated at a certain temperature (30 °C) during ten weeks. Residue endosulfan and its metabolites’ concentrations were determined weekly during the incubation period. The changes of the soil microorganisms were investigated weekly.Keywords: endosulfan, biodegradation, Nocardia sp. soil, organochlorine pesticide
Procedia PDF Downloads 38531478 Deep Learning Based Unsupervised Sport Scene Recognition and Highlights Generation
Authors: Ksenia Meshkova
With increasing amount of multimedia data, it is very important to automate and speed up the process of obtaining meta. This process means not just recognition of some object or its movement, but recognition of the entire scene versus separate frames and having timeline segmentation as a final result. Labeling datasets is time consuming, besides, attributing characteristics to particular scenes is clearly difficult due to their nature. In this article, we will consider autoencoders application to unsupervised scene recognition and clusterization based on interpretable features. Further, we will focus on particular types of auto encoders that relevant to our study. We will take a look at the specificity of deep learning related to information theory and rate-distortion theory and describe the solutions empowering poor interpretability of deep learning in media content processing. As a conclusion, we will present the results of the work of custom framework, based on autoencoders, capable of scene recognition as was deeply studied above, with highlights generation resulted out of this recognition. We will not describe in detail the mathematical description of neural networks work but will clarify the necessary concepts and pay attention to important nuances.Keywords: neural networks, computer vision, representation learning, autoencoders
Procedia PDF Downloads 12831477 Soil Properties and Crop Productivity of Kiln Sites in the Highlands of North-western Ethiopia
Authors: Hanamariam Mekonnen
Ethiopian farmers traditionally produce charcoal under several kilns on cultivated land: particularly in Kasiry micro-watershed Fagita Lekoma district of Northwestern Ethiopia. However, the effects of such soil heating and remnants of charcoal leftover on soils have not been adequately documented. Hence, this study tried to quantify the effects of such kiln sites on selected soil properties and wheat crop performance. Soils from four kiln sites were thus purposively sampled at depths of 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm and were compared with the respective soil layers of none-kiln sites from similar adjacent fields. While soil moisture content was sampled at kiln and none-kiln site in wet and dry seasons from each depth. In addition, a pot experiment was conducted using two sources of biochar (Acacia decurrens and Eucalyptus Camaldulensis) with four rates (0, 10, 20, and 40 t/ha) and compared with crops grown from soils of 1kiln sites without biochar application laid out in a CRD with three replications. The data were analyzed using SAS software Version 9.4.The result revealed notable variations of kiln site soils and along soil depth. The appreciable increased (p<0.05) soil pH (5.5 to 5.74), organic carbon (3.89 to 4.27%), TN (0.30 to 0.32%), CEC (32.59 to 35.23 cmolckg-1), Ca (6.44 to 7.9 cmolckg-1), Mg (4.48 to 5.46 cmolckg-1), and significantly (p<0.01) Av. P (30.25 to 46.4 ppm) and K (2.11 to 2.82 cmolckg-1) were recorded from the none-kiln to kiln soils, respectively. On the other hand, ex. acidity and aluminum, available Fe and Mn were reduced from 2.20 to 1.54, 1.95 to 1.31 cmolckg-1 and 57.46 to 41.40 and 5.65 to 3.86 ppm, respectively, from the control to the kiln. Soil texture was significantly affected by soil heating and along soil depth. The sand content was (p<0.05) varied between the value of 23% to 29% from none-kiln to kiln site, and clay content was (p<0.01) increased from 0-20 cm (32%) soil depth to 40-60 cm (43%) deeper soil. Significantly (p<0.05) higher Soil moisture content was recorded at none-kiln site (45.85%) compared to kiln (40.44%) in wet season, whereas in dry season, lower moisture content was revealed at kiln site (26%) compared to none-kiln (30.7%). As wet to dry season, soil moisture was decreased from 43% to 28% respectively. Bulk density (P<0.01) varied between 0.88 to 0.94 gcm-3 from control to kiln in dry season. Similarly, the value of soil pH (6.10), Av. P (58.12), exchangeable bases (Ca (9.83), Mg (6.19) and K (3.67)) were (p<0.01) higher at the 0-20 cm soil depth as compared to the deeper soils, the result of soil moisture (30 to 42%) and CEC (31 to 36 cmolckg-1) increased down the soil profile. After wheat harvest, soil pH, Av. P, CEC, and exchangeable bases (Mg, K and Na) were significantly higher in the kiln soil, while soil moisture and OC increased by the applied biochar of 20 and 40 ton/ha. High yield 2.28 gpot-1 (p<0.01) was recorded in kiln soil, growth parameters of wheat were significantly increased with increasing biochar rates.Keywords: biochar, kasiry micro-watershed, kiln site, none-kiln site, soil properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 8931476 Development of Open Source Geospatial Certification Model Based on Geospatial Technology Competency Model
Authors: Tanzeel Ur Rehman Khan, Franz Josef Behr, Phillip Davis
Open source geospatial certifications are needed in geospatial technology education and industry sector. In parallel with proprietary software, free and open source software solutions become important in geospatial technology research and play an important role for the growth of the geospatial industry. ESRI, GISCI (GIS Certification Institute), ASPRS (American Society of Photogrammetry and remote sensing), and Meta spatial are offering certifications on proprietary and open source software. These are portfolio and competency based certifications depending on GIS Body of Knowledge (Bok). The analysis of these certification approaches might lead to the discovery of some gaps in them and will open a new way to develop certifications related to the geospatial open source (OS). This new certification will investigate the different geospatial competencies according to open source tools that help to identify geospatial professionals and strengthen the geospatial academic content. The goal of this research is to introduce a geospatial certification model based on geospatial technology competency model (GTCM).The developed certification will not only incorporate the importance of geospatial education and production of the geospatial competency-based workforce in universities and companies (private or public) as well as describe open source solutions with tools and technology. Job analysis, market analysis, survey analysis of this certification opens a new horizon for business as well.Keywords: geospatial certification, open source, geospatial technology competency model, geoscience
Procedia PDF Downloads 56731475 Effect of Heat Treatment on Nutrients, Bioactive Contents and Biological Activities of Red Beet (Beta Vulgaris L.)
Authors: Amessis-Ouchemoukh Nadia, Salhi Rim, Ouchemoukh Salim, Ayad Rabha, Sadou Dyhia, Guenaoui Nawel, Hamouche Sara, Madani Khodir
The cooking method is a key factor influencing the quality of vegetables. In this study, the effect of the most common cooking methods on the nutritional composition, phenolic content, pigment content and antioxidant activities (evaluated by DPPH, ABTS, CUPRAC, FRAP, reducing power and phosphomolybdene method) of fresh, steamed, and boiled red beet was investigated. The fresh samples showed the highest nutritional and bioactive composition compared to the cooked ones. The boiling method didn’t lead to a significant reduction (p< 0.05) in the content of phenolics, flavonoids, flavanols and DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, CUPRAC, phosphomolybdeneum and reducing power capacities. This effect was less pronounced when steam cooking was used, and the losses of bioactive compounds were lower. As a result, steam cooking resulted in greater retention of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity compared to boiling. Overall, this study suggests that steam cooking is a better method in terms of retention of pigments and bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of beetroot.Keywords: beta vulgaris, cooking methods, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 6331474 Analysis of Labor Effectiveness at Green Tea Dry Sorting Workstation for Increasing Tea Factory Competitiveness
Authors: Bayu Anggara, Arita Dewi Nugrahini, Didik Purwadi
Dry sorting workstation needs labor to produce green tea in Gambung Tea Factory. Observation results show that there is labor who are not working at the moment and doing overtime jobs to meet production targets. The measurement of the level of labor effectiveness has never been done before. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of labor effectiveness and provide recommendations for improvement based on the results of the Pareto diagram and Ishikawa diagram. The method used to measure the level of labor effectiveness is Overall Labor Effectiveness (OLE). OLE had three indicators which are availability, performance, and quality. Recommendations are made based on the results of the Pareto diagram and Ishikawa diagram for indicators that do not meet world standards. Based on the results of the study, the OLE value was 68.19%. Recommendations given to improve labor performance are adding mechanics, rescheduling rest periods, providing special training for labor, and giving rewards to labor. Furthermore, the recommendations for improving the quality of labor are procuring water content measuring devices, create material standard policies, and rescheduling rest periods.Keywords: Ishikawa diagram, labor effectiveness, OLE, Pareto diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 23031473 Petrography and Mineral Chemical Study of Younger Quartzofeldspathic Bodies in Chakdara Granite Gneiss, Northwest Pakistan
Authors: Natasha Khan, Muhammad Arif
The Chakdara granite gneiss is an extension of Swat granite gneisses. It is characterized by biotite bands and the occurrence of fluorite and blue beryl. Younger phases (quartzofeldspathic veins) occur within gneisses are characterized by various mineral phases that include beryl, biotite, phlogopite, annite, muscovite, ilmenite-pyrophanite, monazite, zircon, apatite, magnetite and minor amounts of sphene, rutile, and ulvöspinel. The present paper is an attempt to address the detailed mineral chemistry and genesis of minerals occurring in these younger phases. These quartzofeldspathic veins are assumed to be of hydrothermal origin on the basis of Th2O content in monazite, Zr/Hf ratio in zircon, REE enrichment, and Ce/Y ratio of allanite. Biotite in the present study is characterized by high F content. Muscovite is phengitic and contains very high amounts of Fe as compared to the normal muscovites. The Th2O content for monazite is low (0.81-1.56 wt. %) like those of hydrothermal origin. The Zr/Hf ratio in zircon is variable for different analyses but mostly falls in the range of ~ 41 and above. Allanite is generally unaltered and characterized by LREE enrichment. The properties of beryl and columbite in the present study show pegmatitic features.Keywords: Beryl, Chakdarra granite gneiss, micas, quartzofeldspathic veins
Procedia PDF Downloads 32231472 Biobased Toughening Filler for Polylactic Acid from Ultrafine Fully Vulcanized Powder Natural Rubber Grafted with Polymethylmethacrylate
Authors: Panyawutthi Rimdusit, Krittapas Charoensuk, Sarawut Rimdusit
A biobased toughening filler for polylactic acid (PLA) based on natural rubber is developed in this work. Deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) was modified by grafting polymerization with methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) and further crosslinked by e-beam irradiation and spray drying process to achieve ultrafine full vulcanized powdered natural rubber grafted with polymethylmethacrylate (UFPNRg-PMMA) to solves in the challenges of incompatibility between natural rubber and PLA. Intriguingly, UFPNR-g-PMMA revealed outstanding and unique properties with minimal particle aggregation. The average particle size of rubber powder obtained from UFPNR-g-PMMA at PMMA grafting content of 20 phr reduced to 3.3±1.2 µm, compared to that of neat UFPNR of 5.3±2.3 µm which also showed partial particle aggregation. It is also found that the impact strength of the filled PLA was enhanced to 33.4±5.6 kJ/m2 at PLA/UFPNR-gPMMA 20 wt% compared to neat PLA of 9.6±3 kJ/m2. The thermal degradation temperature of the PLA composites was enhanced with increasing UFPNR-g-PMMA content without affecting the glass transition temperature of the composites. The fracture surface of PLA/ UFPNR-g-PMMA suggested internal cavitation and crazes are the main effects of rubber toughening PLA with substantial interfacial interaction between the filler and the matrix.Keywords: natural rubber, ultrafine fully vulcanized powder rubber, polylactic acid, polymer composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431471 Response of Post-harvest Treatments on Shelf Life, Biochemical and Microbial Quality of Banana Variety Red Banana
Authors: Karishma Sebastian, Pavethra A., Manjula B. S., K. N. Satheeshan, Jenita Thinakaran
Red Banana is a popular variety of banana with strong market demand. Its ripe fruits are less resistant to transportation, complicating logistics. Moreover, as it is a climacteric fruit, its post-harvest shelf life is limited. The current study aimed to increase the postharvest shelf life of Red Banana fruits by adopting different postharvest treatments. Fruit bunches of Red Banana were harvested at the mature green stage, separated into hands, precooled, subjected to 12 treatments, and stored in Corrugated Fibre Board boxes till the end of shelf life under ambient conditions. Fruits coated with 10% bee wax + 0.5% clove oil (T₄), fruits subjected to coating with 10% bee wax and packaging with potassium permanganate (T₉), and fruits dipped in hot water at 50°C for 10 minutes and packaging with potassium permanganate (T₁₁) registered the highest shelf life of 18.67 days. The highest TSS of 26.33°Brix was noticed in fruits stored with potassium permanganate (T₈) after 12.67 days of storage, and lowest titratable acidity of 0.19%, and the highest sugar-acid ratio of 79.76 was noticed in control (T₁₂) after 11.33 days of storage. Moreover, the highest vitamin C content (7.74 mg 100 g⁻¹), total sugar content (18.47%), reducing sugar content (15.49%), total carotenoid content (24.13 µg 100 g-¹) was noticed in treatments T₇ (hot water dipping at 50 °C for 10 minutes) after 17.67 days, T₁₀ (coating with 40% aloe vera extract and packaged with potassium permanganate) after 13.33 days, T₄ (coating with 10% bee wax + 0.5% clove oil) after 18.67 days and T₉ (coating with 10% bee wax + potassium permanganate) after 18.67 days of storage respectively. Furthermore, the lowest fungal and bacterial counts were observed in treatments T₂ (dipping in 30ppm sodium hypochlorite solution), T₇ (hot water dipping at 50 °C for 10 minutes), T₉ (coating with 10% bee wax + potassium permanganate), and T₁₀ (coating with 40% aloe vera extract + potassium permanganate).Keywords: bee wax, post-harvest treatments, potassium permanganate, Red Banana, shelf life
Procedia PDF Downloads 4931470 Geographic Information System Cloud for Sustainable Digital Water Management: A Case Study
Authors: Mohamed H. Khalil
Water is one of the most crucial elements which influence human lives and development. Noteworthy, over the last few years, GIS plays a significant role in optimizing water management systems, especially after exponential developing in this sector. In this context, the Egyptian government initiated an advanced ‘GIS-Web Based System’. This system is efficiently designed to tangibly assist and optimize the complement and integration of data between departments of Call Center, Operation and Maintenance, and laboratory. The core of this system is a unified ‘Data Model’ for all the spatial and tabular data of the corresponding departments. The system is professionally built to provide advanced functionalities such as interactive data collection, dynamic monitoring, multi-user editing capabilities, enhancing data retrieval, integrated work-flow, different access levels, and correlative information record/track. Noteworthy, this cost-effective system contributes significantly not only in the completeness of the base-map (93%), the water network (87%) in high level of details GIS format, enhancement of the performance of the customer service, but also in reducing the operating costs/day-to-day operations (~ 5-10 %). In addition, the proposed system facilitates data exchange between different departments (Call Center, Operation and Maintenance, and laboratory), which allowed a better understanding/analyzing of complex situations. Furthermore, this system reflected tangibly on: (i) dynamic environmental monitor/water quality indicators (ammonia, turbidity, TDS, sulfate, iron, pH, etc.), (ii) improved effectiveness of the different water departments, (iii) efficient deep advanced analysis, (iv) advanced web-reporting tools (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually), (v) tangible planning synthesizing spatial and tabular data; and finally, (vi) scalable decision support system. It is worth to highlight that the proposed future plan (second phase) of this system encompasses scalability will extend to include integration with departments of Billing and SCADA. This scalability will comprise advanced functionalities in association with the existing one to allow further sustainable contributions.Keywords: GIS Web-Based, base-map, water network, decision support system
Procedia PDF Downloads 9831469 A Case Report on Cognitive-Communication Intervention in Traumatic Brain Injury
Authors: Nikitha Francis, Anjana Hoode, Vinitha George, Jayashree S. Bhat
The interaction between cognition and language, referred as cognitive-communication, is very intricate, involving several mental processes such as perception, memory, attention, lexical retrieval, decision making, motor planning, self-monitoring and knowledge. Cognitive-communication disorders are difficulties in communicative competencies that result from underlying cognitive impairments of attention, memory, organization, information processing, problem solving, and executive functions. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an acquired, non - progressive condition, resulting in distinct deficits of cognitive communication abilities such as naming, word-finding, self-monitoring, auditory recognition, attention, perception and memory. Cognitive-communication intervention in TBI is individualized, in order to enhance the person’s ability to process and interpret information for better functioning in their family and community life. The present case report illustrates the cognitive-communicative behaviors and the intervention outcomes of an adult with TBI, who was brought to the Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, with cognitive and communicative disturbances, consequent to road traffic accident. On a detailed assessment, she showed naming deficits along with perseverations and had severe difficulty in recalling the details of the accident, her house address, places she had visited earlier, names of people known to her, as well as the activities she did each day, leading to severe breakdowns in her communicative abilities. She had difficulty in initiating, maintaining and following a conversation. She also lacked orientation to time and place. On administration of the Manipal Manual of Cognitive Linguistic Abilities (MMCLA), she exhibited poor performance on tasks related to visual and auditory perception, short term memory, working memory and executive functions. She attended 20 sessions of cognitive-communication intervention which followed a domain-general, adaptive training paradigm, with tasks relevant to everyday cognitive-communication skills. Compensatory strategies such as maintaining a dairy with reminders of her daily routine, names of people, date, time and place was also recommended. MMCLA was re-administered and her performance in the tasks showed significant improvements. Occurrence of perseverations and word retrieval difficulties reduced. She developed interests to initiate her day-to-day activities at home independently, as well as involve herself in conversations with her family members. Though she lacked awareness about her deficits, she actively involved herself in all the therapy activities. Rehabilitation of moderate to severe head injury patients can be done effectively through a holistic cognitive retraining with a focus on different cognitive-linguistic domains. Selection of goals and activities should have relevance to the functional needs of each individual with TBI, as highlighted in the present case report.Keywords: cognitive-communication, executive functions, memory, traumatic brain injury
Procedia PDF Downloads 34831468 Quality Parameters of Offset Printing Wastewater
Authors: Kiurski S. Jelena, Kecić S. Vesna, Aksentijević M. Snežana
Samples of tap and wastewater were collected in three offset printing facilities in Novi Sad, Serbia. Ten physicochemical parameters were analyzed within all collected samples: pH, conductivity, m - alkalinity, p - alkalinity, acidity, carbonate concentration, hydrogen carbonate concentration, active oxygen content, chloride concentration and total alkali content. All measurements were conducted using the standard analytical and instrumental methods. Comparing the obtained results for tap water and wastewater, a clear quality difference was noticeable, since all physicochemical parameters were significantly higher within wastewater samples. The study also involves the application of simple linear regression analysis on the obtained dataset. By using software package ORIGIN 5 the pH value was mutually correlated with other physicochemical parameters. Based on the obtained values of Pearson coefficient of determination a strong positive correlation between chloride concentration and pH (r = -0.943), as well as between acidity and pH (r = -0.855) was determined. In addition, statistically significant difference was obtained only between acidity and chloride concentration with pH values, since the values of parameter F (247.634 and 182.536) were higher than Fcritical (5.59). In this way, results of statistical analysis highlighted the most influential parameter of water contamination in offset printing, in the form of acidity and chloride concentration. The results showed that variable dependence could be represented by the general regression model: y = a0 + a1x+ k, which further resulted with matching graphic regressions.Keywords: pollution, printing industry, simple linear regression analysis, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 23531467 Enhanced Iron Accumulation in Chickpea Though Expression of Iron-Regulated Transport and Ferritin Genes
Authors: T. M. L. Hoang, G. Tan, S. D. Bhowmik, B. Williams, A. Johnson, M. R. Karbaschi, Y. Cheng, H. Long, S. G. Mundree
Iron deficiency is a worldwide problem affecting both developed and developing countries. Currently, two major approaches namely iron supplementation and food fortification have been used to combat this issue. These measures, however, are limited by the economic status of the targeted demographics. Iron biofortification through genetic modification to enhance the inherent iron content and bioavailability of crops has been employed recently. Several important crops such as rice, wheat, and banana were reported successfully improved iron content via this method, but there is no known study in legumes. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is an important leguminous crop that is widely consumed, particularly in India where iron deficiency anaemia is prevalent. Chickpea is also an ideal pulse in the formulation of complementary food between pulses and cereals to improve micronutrient contents. This project aims at generating enhanced ion accumulation and bioavailability chickpea through the exogenous expression of genes related to iron transport and iron homeostasis in chickpea plants. Iron-Regulated Transport (IRT) and Ferritin genes in combination were transformed into chickpea half-embryonic axis by agrobacterium–mediated transformation. Transgenic independent event was confirmed by Southern Blot analysis. T3 leaves and seeds of transgenic chickpea were assessed for iron contents using LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation – Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry). The correlation between transgene expression levels and iron content in T3 plants and seeds was assessed using qPCR. Results show that iron content in transgenic chickpea expressing the above genes significantly increased compared to that in non-transgenic controls.Keywords: iron biofortification, chickpea, IRT, ferritin, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, LA-ICP-MS, ICP-OES
Procedia PDF Downloads 44331466 Using SMS Mobile Technology to Assess the Mastery of Subject Content Knowledge of Science and Mathematics Teachers of Secondary Schools in Tanzania
Authors: Joel S. Mtebe, Aron Kondoro, Mussa M. Kissaka, Elia Kibga
Sub-Saharan Africa is described as the second fastest growing mobile phone penetration in the world more than in the United States or the European Union. Mobile phones have been used to provide a lot of opportunities to improve people’s lives in the region such as in banking, marketing, entertainment, and paying various bills such as water, TV, and electricity. However, the potential of using mobile phones to enhance teaching and learning has not been explored. This study presents an experience of developing and delivering SMS quizzes questions that were used to assess mastery of the subject content knowledge of science and mathematics secondary school teachers in Tanzania. The SMS quizzes were used as a follow up support mechanism to 500 teachers who participated in a project to upgrade subject content knowledge of science and mathematics subjects. Quizzes of 10-15 questions were sent to teachers each week for 8 weeks and the results were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that chemistry and biology had better performance compared to mathematics and physics. Teachers reported some challenges that led to poor performance, invalid answers, and non-responses and they are presented. This research has several practical implications for those who are implementing or planning to use mobile phones for teaching and learning especially in rural secondary schools in sub-Saharan Africa.Keywords: mobile learning, elearning, educational technolgies, SMS, secondary education, assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 28331465 The Development of Speaking Using Folk Tales Based on Performance Activities for Early-Childhood Students
Authors: Ms Yaowaluck Ruampol
The research on the development of using folk tales based on performance activities aimed to (1) study the development of speaking skill for early-childhood students, (2) evaluate the development of speaking skill before and after speaking activities. Ten students of Kindergarten level 2, who have enrolled in the subject of the research for speaking development of semester 2 in 2013, were purposively selected as the research cohort. The research tools were lesson plans for speaking activities and pre-posttest for speaking development that were approved for content validity and reliability (IOC=.66-1.00,0.967). The research found that the development of speaking skill of the research samples before using performance activities on folk tales in developing speaking skill was in the normal high level. Additionally, the results revealed that the preschoolers after applying speaking skill on performance activities also imaginatively created their speaking skill.Keywords: speaking development, folk tales, performance activities, communication engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 29231464 Plant Water Relations and Forage Quality in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit and Acacia saligna (Labill.) as Affected by Salinity Stress
Authors: Maher J. Tadros
This research was conducted to study the effect of different salinity concentrations on the plant water relation and forage quality on two multipurpose forest trees species seedlings Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit and Acacia saligna (Labill.). Five different salinity concentrations mixture between sodium chloride and calcium chloride (v/v, 1:1) were applied. The control (Distilled Water), 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 ppm were used to water the seedlings for 3 months. The research results presented showed a marked variation among the two species in response to salinity. The Leucaena was able to withstand the highest level of salinity compared to Acacia all over the studied parameters except in the relative water content. Although all the morphological characteristics studied for the two species showed a marked decrease under the different salinity concentrations, except the shoot/root ratio that showed a trend of increase. The water stress measure the leaf water potential was more negative with as the relative water content increase under that saline conditions compared to the control. The forage quality represented by the crude protein and nitrogen content were low at 6000 ppm compared to the 8000 ppm in L. Leucocephala that increased compared that level in A. saligna. Also the results showed that growing both Leucaena and Acacia provide a good source of forage when that grow under saline condition which will be of great benefits to the agricultural sector especially in the arid and semiarid areas were these species can provide forage with high quality forage all year around when grown under irrigation with saline. This research recommended such species to be utilized and grown for forages under saline conditions.Keywords: plant water relations, growth performance, salinity stress, protein content, forage quality, multipurpose trees
Procedia PDF Downloads 39431463 Contents for the Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Anti-lock Braking System for Automobile Craftsmen in Nigeria
Authors: Arah Abubakar Saidu, Audu Rufai, Abdulkadir Mohammed, Ibrahim Yakubu Umar, Idris Abubakar Mohammed
The study determined the contents for the maintenance and troubleshooting of an anti-lock braking system for automobile craftsmen in Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and answered and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at a .05 level of significance. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study was conducted in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos and Plateau States, Nigeria. The targeted population for the study was 99 consisting of all 43 non-teaching Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). The study utilized the whole population of the study. The instruments used for data collection were Anti-lock Braking System Maintenance and Troubleshooting Contents Questionnaire (ABSMTQ). Mean was used to analyze data that answered research questions and Z-test was used in testing the null hypotheses. Findings revealed, among others, that 81 items as content for the maintenance of ABS and 61 items as content for troubleshooting ABS for automobile craftsmen in Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, the recommended, among others, that the National Board for Technical Education should include the contents for the maintenance and troubleshooting ABS in Motor Vehicle Mechanic Works curriculum used for training automobile craftsmen through the process of curriculum review in order to equip them with the competencies in troubleshooting and maintenance of ABS.Keywords: anti-lock braking system, maintenance, troubleshooting, automobile craftsmen
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