Search results for: blocked-off solution procedure
6618 Magnetohemodynamic of Blood Flow Having Impact of Radiative Flux Due to Infrared Magnetic Hyperthermia: Spectral Relaxation Approach
Authors: Ebenezer O. Ige, Funmilayo H. Oyelami, Joshua Olutayo-Irheren, Joseph T. Okunlola
Hyperthermia therapy is an adjuvant procedure during which perfused body tissues is subjected to elevated range of temperature in bid to achieve improved drug potency and efficacy of cancer treatment. While a selected class of hyperthermia techniques is shouldered on the thermal radiations derived from single-sourced electro-radiation measures, there are deliberations on conjugating dual radiation field sources in an attempt to improve the delivery of therapy procedure. This paper numerically explores the thermal effectiveness of combined infrared hyperemia having nanoparticle recirculation in the vicinity of imposed magnetic field on subcutaneous strata of a model lesion as ablation scheme. An elaborate Spectral relaxation method (SRM) was formulated to handle equation of coupled momentum and thermal equilibrium in the blood-perfused tissue domain of a spongy fibrous tissue. Thermal diffusion regimes in the presence of external magnetic field imposition were described leveraging on the renowned Roseland diffusion approximation to delineate the impact of radiative flux within the computational domain. The contribution of tissue sponginess was examined using mechanics of pore-scale porosity over a selected of clinical informed scenarios. Our observations showed for a substantial depth of spongy lesion, magnetic field architecture constitute the control regimes of hemodynamics in the blood-tissue interface while facilitating thermal transport across the depth of the model lesion. This parameter-indicator could be utilized to control the dispensing of hyperthermia treatment in intravenous perfused tissue.Keywords: spectra relaxation scheme, thermal equilibrium, Roseland diffusion approximation, hyperthermia therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1196617 Desalination Technologies and Desalination Integrated with Renewable Energies – A Case Study
Authors: Ahmadali Shirazytabar, Hamidreza Namazi
As water resources are rapidly getting diminished, more and more interest is paid to the desalination of saline waters. Desalination has become a reliable and cost effective solution in provision of fresh water particularly in the arid areas of the world such as Middle East countries. However, the dramatic increase of utilizing desalination will cause a series of problems which are significantly related to energy consumption and environment impacts. The use of renewable energy sources to provide energy required by desalination processes is a feasible and simultaneously environmental friendly solution. In this study an attempt has been made to present a review on desalination technologies, desalination integrated with renewable energies, in brief, and practical progresses made during recent years particularly in the field of desalination by wind energy which is the most common form of renewable energies. Moreover, an economic analysis of a wind powered RO desalination system comprising of 10×2.5 MW wind turbines is done, and the results will be compared to those of a cogeneration system comprising of one 25 MW gas turbines, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) and MED-TVC desalination.Keywords: wind turbine, desalination, RO, MED, cogeneration, gas turbine, HRSG
Procedia PDF Downloads 3966616 Matrix-Based Linear Analysis of Switched Reluctance Generator with Optimum Pole Angles Determination
Authors: Walid A. M. Ghoneim, Hamdy A. Ashour, Asmaa E. Abdo
In this paper, linear analysis of a Switched Reluctance Generator (SRG) model is applied on the most common configurations (4/2, 6/4 and 8/6) for both conventional short-pitched and fully-pitched designs, in order to determine the optimum stator/rotor pole angles at which the maximum output voltage is generated per unit excitation current. This study is focused on SRG analysis and design as a proposed solution for renewable energy applications, such as wind energy conversion systems. The world’s potential to develop the renewable energy technologies through dedicated scientific researches was the motive behind this study due to its positive impact on economy and environment. In addition, the problem of rare earth metals (Permanent magnet) caused by mining limitations, banned export by top producers and environment restrictions leads to the unavailability of materials used for rotating machines manufacturing. This challenge gave authors the opportunity to study, analyze and determine the optimum design of the SRG that has the benefit to be free from permanent magnets, rotor windings, with flexible control system and compatible with any application that requires variable-speed operation. In addition, SRG has been proved to be very efficient and reliable in both low-speed or high-speed applications. Linear analysis was performed using MATLAB simulations based on the (Modified generalized matrix approach) of Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM). About 90 different pole angles combinations and excitation patterns were simulated through this study, and the optimum output results for each case were recorded and presented in detail. This procedure has been proved to be applicable for any SRG configuration, dimension and excitation pattern. The delivered results of this study provide evidence for using the 4-phase 8/6 fully pitched SRG as the main optimum configuration for the same machine dimensions at the same angular speed.Keywords: generalized matrix approach, linear analysis, renewable applications, switched reluctance generator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1996615 Investigating Geopolymerization Process of Aluminosilicates and its Impact on the Compressive Strength of the Produced Geopolymers
Authors: Heba Fouad, Tarek M. Madkour, Safwan A. Khedr
This paper investigates multiple factors that impact the formation of geopolymers and their compressive strength to be utilized in construction as an environmentally-friendly material. Bentonite and Kaolinite were thermally calcinated at 750 °C to obtain Metabentonite and Metakaolinite with higher reactivity. Both source materials were activated using a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Thereafter, samples were cured at different temperatures. The samples were analyzed chemically using a host of spectroscopic techniques. The bulk density and compressive strength of the produced Geopolymer pastes were studied. Findings indicate that the ratio of NaOH solution to source material affects the compressive strength, being optimal at 0.54. Moreover, controlled heat curing was proven effective to improve compressive strength. The existence of characteristic Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) peaks at approximately 1020 cm-1 and 460 cm-1 which corresponds to the asymmetric stretching vibration of Si-O-T and bending vibration of Si-O-Si, hence, confirming the formation of the target geopolymer.Keywords: calcination of metakaolinite, compressive strength, FTIR analysis, geopolymer, green cement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1716614 Bilateral Thalamic Hypodense Lesions in Computing Tomography
Authors: Angelis P. Barlampas
Purpose of Learning Objective: This case depicts the need for cooperation between the emergency department and the radiologist to achieve the best diagnostic result for the patient. The clinical picture must correlate well with the radiology report and when it does not, this is not necessarily someone’s fault. Careful interpretation and good knowledge of the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of each imaging procedure are essential for the final diagnostic goal. Methods or Background: A patient was brought to the emergency department by their relatives. He was suddenly confused and his mental status was altered. He hadn't any history of mental illness and was otherwise healthy. A computing tomography scan without contrast was done, but it was unremarkable. Because of high clinical suspicion of probable neurologic disease, he was admitted to the hospital. Results or Findings: Another T was done after 48 hours. It showed a hypodense region in both thalamic areas. Taking into account that the first CT was normal, but the initial clinical picture of the patient was alerting of something wrong, the repetitive CT exam is highly suggestive of a probable diagnosis of bilateral thalamic infractions. Differential diagnosis: Primary bilateral thalamic glioma, Wernicke encephalopathy, osmotic myelinolysis, Fabry disease, Wilson disease, Leigh disease, West Nile encephalitis, Greutzfeldt Jacob disease, top of the basilar syndrome, deep venous thrombosis, mild to moderate cerebral hypotension, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, Neurofibromatosis type 1. Conclusion: As is the case of limitations for any imaging procedure, the same applies to CT. The acute ischemic attack can not depict on CT. A period of 24 to 48 hours has to elapse before any abnormality can be seen. So, despite the fact that there are no obvious findings of an ischemic episode, like paresis or imiparesis, one must be careful not to attribute the patient’s clinical signs to other conditions, such as toxic effects, metabolic disorders, psychiatric symptoms, etc. Further investigation with MRI or at least a repeated CT must be done.Keywords: CNS, CT, thalamus, emergency department
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236613 Computation of ΔV Requirements for Space Debris Removal Using Orbital Transfer
Authors: Sadhvi Gupta, Charulatha S.
Since the dawn of the early 1950s humans have launched numerous vehicles in space. Be it from rockets to rovers humans have done tremendous growth in the technology sector. While there is mostly upside for it for humans the only major downside which cannot be ignored now is the amount of junk produced in space due to it i.e. space debris. All this space junk amounts from objects we launch from earth which so remains in orbit until it re-enters the atmosphere. Space debris can be of various sizes mainly the big ones are of the dead satellites floating in space and small ones can consist of various things like paint flecks, screwdrivers, bolts etc. Tracking of small space debris whose size is less than 10 cm is impossible and can have vast implications. As the amount of space debris increases in space the chances of it hitting a functional satellite also increases. And it is extremely costly to repair or recover the satellite once hit by a revolving space debris. So the proposed solution is, Actively removing space debris while keeping space sustainability in mind. For this solution a total of 8 modules will be launched in LEO and in GEO and these models will be placed in their desired orbits through Hohmann transfer and for that calculating ΔV values is crucial. After which the modules will be placed in their designated positions in STK software and thorough analysis is conducted.Keywords: space debris, Hohmann transfer, STK, delta-V
Procedia PDF Downloads 866612 Household Low Temperature MS2 (ATCC15597-B1) Virus Inactivation Using a Hot Bubble Column Evaporator
Authors: Adrian Garrido Sanchis, Richard Pashley
The MS2 (ATCC15597-B1) virus was used as a surrogate to estimate the inactivation rates for enteric viruses when using a hot air bubble column evaporator (HBCE) system in the treatment of household wastewater. In this study, we have combined MS2 virus surface charging properties with thermal inactivation rates, using an improved double layer plaque assay technique, in order to assess the efficiency of the HBCE process for virus removal in water. When bubbling a continuous flow of dry air, at 200°C, only heats the aqueous solution in the bubble column to about 50°C. Viruses are not inactivated by this solution temperature, as confirmed separately from water bath heating experiments. Hence, the efficiency of the HBCE process for virus removal in water appeared to be caused entirely by collisions between the hot air bubbles and the virus organisms. This new energy efficient treatment for water reuse applications can reduce the thermal energy required to only 25% (about 113.7 kJ/L) of that required for boiling (about 450 kJ/L).Keywords: MS2 virus inactivation, water reuse, hot bubble column evaporator, water treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2116611 Inclusive Business Development: A Case Study of Developing Community-Operated Business Venture
Authors: Paula Linna
During the recent years interest in inclusive business has increased. Still, research on inclusive business development is at infancy. This study provides empirical evidence on inclusive business development of mini-grid solution for the rural African communities. This study tests how well the insights of creation theory can explain inclusive business development process which often occurs under uncertainty due to demands for developing new technology, new business model and establishing business in new market. These several uncertain elements of business development impact what kind of business strategies the entrepreneur can practice and what kind of decision making tools to use. In addition, community engagement is essential for the successful operative management of a mini-grid solution. This study advances the understanding of inclusive business development and can be used as the foundation for future work to facilitate the process of new business venture creation at the BOP particularly when developing community-operated entrepreneurship model.Keywords: creation theory, base of the pyramid (BOP), community-operated entrepreneurship, rural African communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 5036610 Degradation of the Cu-DOM Complex by Bacteria: A Way to Increase Phytoextraction of Copper in a Vineyard Soil
Authors: Justine Garraud, Hervé Capiaux, Cécile Le Guern, Pierre Gaudin, Clémentine Lapie, Samuel Chaffron, Erwan Delage, Thierry Lebeau
The repeated use of Bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate) and other chemical forms of copper (Cu) has led to its accumulation in wine-growing soils for more than a century, to the point of modifying the ecosystem of these soils. Phytoextraction of copper could progressively reduce the Cu load in these soils, and even to recycle copper (e.g. as a micronutrient in animal nutrition) by cultivating the extracting plants in the inter-row of the vineyards. Soil cleaning up usually requires several years because the chemical speciation of Cu in solution is mainly based on forms complexed with dissolved organic matter (DOM) that are not phytoavailable, unlike the "free" forms (Cu2+). Indeed, more than 98% of Cu in the solution is bound to DOM. The selection and inoculation of invineyardsoils in vineyard soils ofbacteria(bioaugmentation) able to degrade Cu-DOM complexes could increase the phytoavailable pool of Cu2+ in the soil solution (in addition to bacteria which first mobilize Cu in solution from the soil bearing phases) in order to increase phytoextraction performance. In this study, sevenCu-accumulating plants potentially usable in inter-row were tested for their Cu phytoextraction capacity in hydroponics (ray-grass, brown mustard, buckwheat, hemp, sunflower, oats, and chicory). Also, a bacterial consortium was tested: Pseudomonas sp. previously studied for its ability to mobilize Cu through the pyoverdine siderophore (complexing agent) and potentially to degrade Cu-DOM complexes, and a second bacterium (to be selected) able to promote the survival of Pseudomonas sp. following its inoculation in soil. Interaction network method was used based on the notions of co-occurrence and, therefore, of bacterial abundance found in the same soils. Bacteria from the EcoVitiSol project (Alsace, France) were targeted. The final step consisted of incoupling the bacterial consortium with the chosen plant in soil pots. The degradation of Cu-DOMcomplexes is measured on the basis of the absorption index at 254nm, which gives insight on the aromaticity of the DOM. The“free” Cu in solution (from the mobilization of Cu and/or the degradation of Cu-MOD complexes) is assessed by measuring pCu. Eventually, Cu accumulation in plants is measured by ICP-AES. The selection of the plant is currently being finalized. The interaction network method targeted the best positive interactions ofFlavobacterium sp. with Pseudomonassp. These bacteria are both PGPR (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) with the ability to improve the plant growth and to mobilize Cu from the soil bearing phases (siderophores). Also, these bacteria are known to degrade phenolic groups, which are highly present in DOM. They could therefore contribute to the degradation of DOM-Cu. The results of the upcoming bacteria-plant coupling tests in pots will be also presented.Keywords: complexes Cu-DOM, bioaugmentation, phytoavailability, phytoextraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 836609 Functionalizing Gold Nanostars with Ninhydrin as Vehicle Molecule for Biomedical Applications
Authors: Swati Mishra
In recent years, there has been an explosion in Gold NanoParticle (GNP) research, with a rapid increase in publications in diverse fields, including imaging, bioengineering, and molecular biology. GNPs exhibit unique physicochemical properties, including surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and bind amine and thiol groups, allowing surface modification and use in biomedical applications. Nanoparticle functionalization is the subject of intense research at present, with rapid progress being made towards developing biocompatible, multi-functional particles. In the present study, the photochemical method has been done to functionalize various-shaped GNPs like nanostars by the molecules like ninhydrin. Ninhydrin is bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antigen-antibody reactive, and used in fingerprint technology in forensics. The GNPs functionalized with ninhydrin efficiently will bind to the amino acids on the target protein, which is of eminent importance during the pandemic, especially where long-term treatments of COVID- 19 bring many side effects of the drugs. The photochemical method is adopted as it provides low thermal load, selective reactivity, selective activation, and controlled radiation in time, space, and energy. The GNPs exhibit their characteristic spectrum, but a distinctly blue or redshift in the peak will be observed after UV irradiation, ensuring efficient ninhydrin binding. Now, the bound ninhydrin in the GNP carrier, upon chemically reacting with any amino acid, will lead to the formation of Rhumann purple. A common method of GNP production includes citrate reduction of Au [III] derivatives such as aurochloric acid (HAuCl4) in water to Au [0] through a one-step synthesis of size-tunable GNPs. The following reagents are prepared to validate the approach. Reagent A solution 1 is0.0175 grams ninhydrin in 5 ml Millipore water Reagent B 30 µl of HAuCl₄.3H₂O in 3 ml of solution 1 Reagent C 1 µl of gold nanostars in 3 ml of solution 1 Reagent D 6 µl of cetrimonium bromide (CTAB) in 3 ml of solution1 ReagentE 1 µl of gold nanostars in 3 ml of ethanol ReagentF 30 µl of HAuCl₄.₃H₂O in 3 ml of ethanol ReagentG 30 µl of HAuCl₄.₃H₂O in 3 ml of solution 2 ReagentH solution 2 is0.0087 grams ninhydrin in 5 ml Millipore water ReagentI 30 µl of HAuCl₄.₃H₂O in 3 ml of water The reagents were irradiated at 254 nm for 15 minutes, followed by their UV Visible spectroscopy. The wavelength was selected based on the one reported for excitation of a similar molecule Pthalimide. It was observed that the solution B and G deviate around 600 nm, while C peaks distinctively at 567.25 nm and 983.9 nm. Though it is tough to say about the chemical reaction happening, butATR-FTIR of reagents will ensure that ninhydrin is not forming Rhumann purple in the absence of amino acids. Therefore, these experiments, we achieved the functionalization of gold nanostars with ninhydrin corroborated by the deviation in the spectrum obtained in a mixture of GNPs and ninhydrin irradiated with UV light. It prepares them as a carrier molecule totake up amino acids for targeted delivery or germicidal action.Keywords: gold nanostars, ninhydrin, photochemical method, UV visible specgtroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1496608 Relationship between Blow Count Number (N) and Shear Wave Velocity (Vs30) from the Specified Embankment Material: A Case Study on Three Selected Earthen Dams
Authors: Tanapon Suklim, Prachaya Intaphrom, Noppadol Poomvises, Anchalee Kongsuk
The relationship between shear wave velocity (Vs30) and blow count Number from Standard Penetration Tests (NSPT) was investigated on specified embankment dam to find the solution which can be used to estimate the value of N. Shear wave velocity, Vs30 and blow count number, NSPT were performed at three specified dam sites. At each site, Vs30 measurement was recorded by using seismic survey of MASW technique and NSPT were measured by field Standard Penetration Test. Regression analysis was used to derive statistical relation. The relation is giving a final solution to applicable calculated N-value with other earthen dam. Dam engineer can use the statistical relation to convert field Vs30 to estimated N-value instead of absolute N-value from field Standard Penetration Test. It can be noted that the formulae can be applied only in the earthen dam of specified material.Keywords: blow count number, earthen dam, embankment, shear wave velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2366607 Rapid Expansion Supercritical Solution (RESS) Carbon Dioxide as an Environmental Friendly Method for Ginger Rhizome Solid Oil Particles Formation
Authors: N. A. Zainuddin, I. Norhuda, I. S. Adeib, A. N. Mustapa, S. H. Sarijo
Recently, RESS (Rapid Expansion Supercritical Solution) method has been used by researchers to produce fine particles for pharmaceutical drug substances. Since RESS technology acknowledges a lot of benefits compare to conventional method of ginger extraction, it is suggested to use this method to explore particle formation of bioactive compound from powder ginger. The objective of this research is to produce direct solid oil particles formation from ginger rhizome which contains valuable compounds by using RESS-CO2 process. RESS experiments were carried using extraction pressure of 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000psi and at different extraction temperature of 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70°C for 40 minutes extraction time and contant flowrate (24ml/min). From the studies conducted, it was found that at extraction pressure 5000psi and temperature 40°C, the smallest particle size obtained was 2.22μm on 99 % reduction from the original size of 370μm.Keywords: particle size, RESS, solid oil particle, supercritical carbon dioxide,
Procedia PDF Downloads 3356606 A Case for Introducing Thermal-Design Optimisation Using Excel Spreadsheet
Authors: M. M. El-Awad
This paper deals with the introduction of thermal-design optimisation to engineering students by using Microsoft's Excel as a modelling platform. Thermal-design optimisation is an iterative process which involves the evaluation of many thermo-physical properties that vary with temperature and/or pressure. Therefore, suitable modelling software, such as Engineering Equation Solver (EES) or Interactive Thermodynamics (IT), is usually used for this purpose. However, such proprietary applications may not be available to many educational institutions in developing countries. This paper presents a simple thermal-design case that demonstrates how the principles of thermo-fluids and economics can be jointly applied so as to find an optimum solution to a thermal-design problem. The paper describes the solution steps and provides all the equations needed to solve the case with Microsoft Excel. The paper also highlights the advantage of using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) for developing user-defined functions when repetitive or complex calculations are met. VBA makes Excel a powerful, yet affordable, the computational platform for introducing various engineering principles.Keywords: engineering education, thermal design, Excel, VBA, user-defined functions
Procedia PDF Downloads 3766605 Adsorption of Iodine from Aqueous Solution on Modified Silica Gel with Cyclodextrin Derivatives
Authors: Raied, Badr Al-Fulaiti, E. I. El-Shafey
Cyclodextrin (CD) derivatives (αCD, βCD, ϒCD and hp-βCD) were successfully immobilized on silica gel surface via epichlorohydrin as a cross linker. The ratio of silica to CD was optimized in preliminary experiments based on best performance of iodine adsorption capacity. Selected adsorbents with ratios of silica to CD derivatives, in this study, include Si-αCD (3:2), Si-βCD (4:1), Si-ϒCD (4:1) and Si-hp-βCD (4:1). The adsorption of iodine (I2/KI) solution was investigated in terms of initial pH, contact time, iodine concentration and temperature. No significant variations was noticed for iodine adsorption at different pH values, thus, initial pH 6 was selected for further studies. Equilibrium adsorption was reached faster on Si-hp-βCD than other adsorbents with kinetic adsorption data fitting well pseudo second order model. Activation energy (Ea) was found to be in the range of 12.7 - 23.4 kJ/mol. Equilibrium adsorption data were found to fit well the Langmuir adsorption model with lower uptake as temperature rises. Iodine uptake follows the order: Si-hp-βCD (714 mg/g) >Si-αCD (625 mg/g) >Si-βCD (555.6 mg/g)> Si-ϒCD (435 mg/g). Thermodynamic study showed that iodine adsorption is exothermic and spontaneous. Adsorbents reuse exhibited excellent performance for iodine adsorption with a decrease in iodine uptake of ~ 2- 4 % in the third adsorption cycle.Keywords: adsorption, iodine, silica, cyclodextrin, functionalization, epichlorohydrin
Procedia PDF Downloads 1326604 Removal of Lead from Aqueous Solutions by Biosorption on Pomegranate Skin: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamics
Authors: Y. Laidani, G. Henini, S. Hanini, A. Labbaci, F. Souahi
In this study, pomegranate skin, a material suitable for the conditions in Algeria, was chosen as adsorbent material for removal of lead in an aqueous solution. Biosorption studies were carried out under various parameters such as mass adsorbent particle, pH, contact time, the initial concentration of metal, and temperature. The experimental results show that the percentage of biosorption increases with an increase in the biosorbent mass (0.25 g, 0.035 mg/g; 1.25 g, 0.096 mg/g). The maximum biosorption occurred at pH value of 8 for the lead. The equilibrium uptake was increased with an increase in the initial concentration of metal in solution (Co = 4 mg/L, qt = 1.2 mg/g). Biosorption kinetic data were properly fitted with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The best fit was obtained by the Langmuir model with high correlation coefficients (R2 > 0.995) and a maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 0.85 mg/g for lead. The adsorption of the lead was exothermic in nature (ΔH° = -17.833 kJ/mol for Pb (II). The reaction was accompanied by a decrease in entropy (ΔS° = -0.056 kJ/K. mol). The Gibbs energy (ΔG°) increased from -1.458 to -0.305 kJ/mol, respectively for Pb (II) when the temperature was increased from 293 to 313 K.Keywords: biosorption, Pb (+II), pomegranate skin, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 2726603 Combination of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Electromembrane Extraction for the Determination of Zolpidem Using Modified Screen-Printed Electrode
Authors: Ali Naeemy, Mir Ghasem Hoseini
In this study, for the first time, an analytical method developed and validated by combining electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electromembrane extraction (EIS-EME) by Vulcan/poly pyrrole nanocomposite modified screen-printed electrode (PPY–VU/SPE) for accurately quantifying zolpidem. EME parameters optimized, including solvent composition, voltage, pH adjustments and extraction time. Zolpidem was transferred from a donor solution (pH 5) to an acceptor solution (pH 13) using a hollow fiber in 1-octanol as a membrane, driven by a 60 V voltage for 25 minutes, ensuring precise and selective extraction. In comparison with SPE, VU/SPE and PPY/SPE, the PPY–VU/SPE was much more efficient for ZP oxidation. Calibration curves with good linearity were obtained in the concentration range of 2-75 µmol L-1 using the EIS-EME with the detection limit of 0.5 µmol L-1 . Finally, the EIS-EME by using the PPY– VU/SPE was successfully used to determine ZP in tablet dosage form, urine and plasma samples. Keywords: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Electromembrane extraction, Zolpidem, Vulcan, poly pyrrole, Screen printed electrodeKeywords: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, electromembrane extraction, screen printed electrode, zolpidem
Procedia PDF Downloads 426602 A Review of Encryption Algorithms Used in Cloud Computing
Authors: Derick M. Rakgoale, Topside E. Mathonsi, Vusumuzi Malele
Cloud computing offers distributed online and on-demand computational services from anywhere in the world. Cloud computing services have grown immensely over the past years, especially in the past year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Cloud computing has changed the working environment and introduced work from work phenomenon, which enabled the adoption of technologies to fulfill the new workings, including cloud services offerings. The increased cloud computing adoption has come with new challenges regarding data privacy and its integrity in the cloud environment. Previously advanced encryption algorithms failed to reduce the memory space required for cloud computing performance, thus increasing the computational cost. This paper reviews the existing encryption algorithms used in cloud computing. In the future, artificial neural networks (ANN) algorithm design will be presented as a security solution to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and availability of user data in cloud computing. Moreover, MATLAB will be used to evaluate the proposed solution, and simulation results will be presented.Keywords: cloud computing, data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, availability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366601 Chemical Stability and Characterization of Ion Exchange Membranes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Authors: Min-Hwa Lim, Mi-Jeong Park, Ho-Young Jung
Imidazolium-brominated polyphenylene oxide (Im-bPPO) is based on the functionalization of bromomethylated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (BPPO) using 1-Methylimdazole. For the purpose of long cycle life of vanadium redox battery (VRB), the chemical stability of Im-bPPO, sPPO (sulfonated 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) and Fumatech membranes were evaluated firstly in the 0.1M vanadium (V) solution dissolved in 3M sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for 72h, and UV analyses of the degradation products proved that ether bond in PPO backbone was vulnerable to be attacked by vanadium (V) ion. It was found that the membranes had slightly weight loss after soaking in 2 ml distilled water included in STS pressure vessel for 1 day at 200◦C. ATR-FT-IR data indicated before and after the degradation of the membranes. Further evaluation on the degradation mechanism of the menbranes were carried out in Fenton’s reagent solution for 72 h at 50 ◦C and analyses of the membranes before and after degradation confirmed the weight loss of the membranes. The Fumatech membranes exhibited better performance than AEM and CEM, but Nafion 212 still suffers chemical degradation.Keywords: vanadium redox flow battery, ion exchange membrane, permeability, degradation, chemical stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026600 Multi-Objective Random Drift Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on RDPSO and Crowding Distance Sorting
Authors: Yiqiong Yuan, Jun Sun, Dongmei Zhou, Jianan Sun
In this paper, we presented a Multi-Objective Random Drift Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (MORDPSO-CD) based on RDPSO and crowding distance sorting to improve the convergence and distribution with less computation cost. MORDPSO-CD makes the most of RDPSO to approach the true Pareto optimal solutions fast. We adopt the crowding distance sorting technique to update and maintain the archived optimal solutions. Introducing the crowding distance technique into MORDPSO can make the leader particles find the true Pareto solution ultimately. The simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm has better convergence and distributionKeywords: multi-objective optimization, random drift particle swarm optimization, crowding distance sorting, pareto optimal solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2556599 The Fabrication of Scintillator Column by Hydraulic Pressure Injection Method
Authors: Chien Chon Chen, Chun Mei Chu, Chuan Ju Wang, Chih Yuan Chen, Ker Jer Huang
Cesiumiodide with Na doping (CsI(Na)) solution or melt is easily forming three- dimension dendrites on the free surface. The defects or bobbles form inside the CsI(Na) during the solution or melt solidification. The defects or bobbles can further effect the x-ray path in the CsI(Na) crystal and decrease the scintillation characteristics of CsI(Na). In order to enhance the CsI(Na) scintillated property we made single crystal of CsI(Na) column in the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template by hydraulic pressure injection method. It is interesting that when CsI(Na) melt is confined in the small AAO channels, the column grow as stable single column without any dendrites. The high aspect ratio (100~10000) of AAO and nano to sub-micron channel structure which is a suitable template for single of crystal CsI(Na) formation. In this work, a new low-cost approach to fabricate scintillator crystals using anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) rather than Si is reported, which can produce scintillator crystals with a wide range of controllable size to optimize their performance in X-ray detection.Keywords: cesiumiodide, AAO, scintillator, crystal, X-ray
Procedia PDF Downloads 4636598 Using Fly Ash Based Synthetic Zeolite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remove Arsenic, Cadmium, and their Mixture from Aqueous Solution
Authors: Mozhgan Bahadory, Gholam-Hossein Rostami
Over the next quarter of a century, the US government and the private sector will spend billions of dollars annually to clean the contaminated sites from pollution such as petroleum products, heavy metals, and solvents organic compounds. During the past three decades, almost 750,000 sites that require remediation have been reported to the United States federal and state agencies. Out of these contamination sites, approximately 300,000 are still in need of remediation. In these sites, the most widespread forms of contamination are petroleum products and heavy metals. At least half of US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, Superfund sites, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites have been reported to contain heavy metals. Heavy metals most often found in the contaminated water are lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and zinc. This investigation emphasizes the elimination of arsenic and cadmium from aqueous solution. During the past several years, we developed a novel material called Alkali-Activated fly ash Material Permeable Reactive Barrier (AAM-PRB), which includes fly ash, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, activating chemicals, and water. AAM can be produced with high permeability, 10-1 cm/s, then crushed into pelletized form. Laboratory experiments showed that water containing 10 ppm, 100 ppm, and 1000 ppm of arsenic and cadmium ion passing through AAM-PRB reduced to less than 0.1 ppm. However, water containing 10,000 ppm arsenic ion passing through AAM- PRB shows that the breakthrough was achieved. The removal of the mixture of arsenic and cadmium from aqueous solutions was also tested by using AAM-PRB. The results indicate that the efficiency of AAM-PRB for simultaneous removal of arsenic and cadmium from 10 ppm, 100 ppm, and 1,000 ppm were marginally below that of arsenic alone. Still, it was significantly lower for cadmium from the aqueous solution. The basic science behind removing heavy metal and microstructural investigation AAM-PRB will be the focus of our future work.Keywords: arsenic, cadmium, contaminated water, fly ash, permeability, reactive barrier
Procedia PDF Downloads 766597 Nonhomogeneous Linear Fractional Differential Equations Will Bessel Functions of the First Kind Giving Hypergeometric Functions Solutions
Authors: Fernando Maass, Pablo Martin, Jorge Olivares
Fractional derivatives have become very important in several areas of Engineering, however, the solutions of simple differential equations are not known. Here we are considering the simplest first order nonhomogeneous differential equations with Bessel regular functions of the first kind, in this way the solutions have been found which are hypergeometric solutions for any fractional derivative of order α, where α is rational number α=m/p, between zero and one. The way to find this result is by using Laplace transform and the Caputo definitions of fractional derivatives. This method is for values longer than one. However for α entire number the hypergeometric functions are Kumer type, no integer values of alpha, the hypergeometric function is more complicated is type ₂F₃(a,b,c, t2/2). The argument of the hypergeometric changes sign when we go from the regular Bessel functions to the modified Bessel functions of the first kind, however it integer seems that using precise values of α and considering no integers values of α, a solution can be obtained in terms of two hypergeometric functions. Further research is required for future papers in order to obtain the general solution for any rational value of α.Keywords: Caputo, fractional calculation, hypergeometric, linear differential equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1996596 Production, Quality Control, and Biodistribution Assessment of 111In-BPAMD as a New Bone Imaging Agent
Authors: H. Yousefnia, A. Aghanejad, A. Mirzaei, R. Enayati, A. R. Jalilian, S. Zolghadri
Bone metastases occur in many cases at an early stage of the tumour disease; however, their symptoms are recognized rather late. The aim of this study was the preparation and quality control of 111In-BPAMD for diagnostic purposes. 111In was produced at the Agricultural, Medical, and Industrial Research School (AMIRS) by means of 30 MeV cyclotron via natCd(p,x)111In reaction. Complexion of In‐111 with BPAMD was carried out by using acidic solution of 111InCl3 and BPAMD in absolute water. The effect of various parameters such as temperature, ligand concentration, pH, and time on the radiolabeled yield was studied. 111In-BPAMD was prepared successfully with the radiochemical purity of 95% at the optimized condition (100 µg of BPAMD, pH=5, and at 90°C for 1 h) which was measured by ITLC method. The final solution was injected to wild-type mice and biodistribution was determined up to 72 h. SPECT images were acquired after 2 and 24 h post injection. Both the biodistribution studies and SPECT imaging indicated high bone uptake while accumulation in other organs was approximately negligible. The results show that 111In-BPAMD can be used as an excellent tracer for diagnosis of bone metastases by SPECT imaging.Keywords: biodistribution, BPAMD, 111In, SPECT
Procedia PDF Downloads 5616595 Organic Carbon Pools Fractionation of Lacustrine Sediment with a Stepwise Chemical Procedure
Authors: Xiaoqing Liu, Kurt Friese, Karsten Rinke
Lacustrine sediment archives rich paleoenvironmental information in lake and surrounding environment. Additionally, modern sediment is used as an effective medium for the monitoring of lake. Organic carbon in sediment is a heterogeneous mixture with varying turnover times and qualities which result from the different biogeochemical processes in the deposition of organic material. Therefore, the isolation of different carbon pools is important for the research of lacustrine condition in the lake. However, the numeric available fractionation procedures can hardly yield homogeneous carbon pools on terms of stability and age. In this work, a multi-step fractionation protocol that treated sediment with hot water, HCl, H2O2 and Na2S2O8 in sequence was adopted, the treated sediment from each step were analyzed for the isotopic and structural compositions with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer coupled with element analyzer (IRMS-EA) and Solid-state 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), respectively. The sequential extractions with hot-water, HCl, and H2O2 yielded a more homogeneous and C3 plant-originating OC fraction, which was characterized with an atomic C/N ratio shift from 12.0 to 20.8, and 13C and 15N isotopic signatures were 0.9‰ and 1.9‰ more depleted than the original bulk sediment, respectively. Additionally, the H2O2- resistant residue was dominated with stable components, such as the lignins, waxes, cutans, tannins, steroids and aliphatic proteins and complex carbohydrates. 6M HCl in the acid hydrolysis step was much more effective than 1M HCl to isolate a sedimentary OC fraction with higher degree of homogeneity. Owing to the extremely high removal rate of organic matter, the step of a Na2S2O8 oxidation is only suggested if the isolation of the most refractory OC pool is mandatory. We conclude that this multi-step chemical fractionation procedure is effective to isolate more homogeneous OC pools in terms of stability and functional structure, and it can be used as a promising method for OC pools fractionation of sediment or soil in future lake research.Keywords: 13C-CPMAS-NMR, 13C signature, lake sediment, OC fractionation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2996594 Optimization of Chitosan Membrane Production Parameters for Zinc Ion Adsorption
Authors: Peter O. Osifo, Hein W. J. P. Neomagus, Hein V. D. Merwe
Chitosan materials from different sources of raw materials were characterized in order to determine optimal preparation conditions and parameters for membrane production. The membrane parameters such as molecular weight, viscosity, and degree of deacetylation were used to evaluate the membrane performance for zinc ion adsorption. The molecular weight of the chitosan was found to influence the viscosity of the chitosan/acetic acid solution. An increase in molecular weight (60000-400000 kg.kmol-1) of the chitosan resulted in a higher viscosity (0.05-0.65 Pa.s) of the chitosan/acetic acid solution. The effect of the degree of deacetylation on the viscosity is not significant. The effect of the membrane production parameters (chitosan- and acetic acid concentration) on the viscosity is mainly determined by the chitosan concentration. For higher chitosan concentrations, a membrane with a better adsorption capacity was obtained. The membrane adsorption capacity increases from 20-130 mg Zn per gram of wet membrane for an increase in chitosan concentration from 2-7 mass %. Chitosan concentrations below 2 and above 7.5 mass % produced membranes that lack good mechanical properties. The optimum manufacturing conditions including chitosan concentration, acetic acid concentration, sodium hydroxide concentration and crosslinking for chitosan membranes within the workable range were defined by the criteria of adsorption capacity and flux. The adsorption increases (50-120 mg.g-1) as the acetic acid concentration increases (1-7 mass %). The sodium hydroxide concentration seems not to have a large effect on the adsorption characteristics of the membrane however, a maximum was reached at a concentration of 5 mass %. The adsorption capacity per gram of wet membrane strongly increases with the chitosan concentration in the acetic acid solution but remains constant per gram of dry chitosan. The optimum solution for membrane production consists of 7 mass % chitosan and 4 mass % acetic acid in de-ionised water. The sodium hydroxide concentration for phase inversion is at optimum at 5 mass %. The optimum cross-linking time was determined to be 6 hours (Percentage crosslinking of 18%). As the cross-linking time increases the adsorption of the zinc decreases (150-50 mg.g-1) in the time range of 0 to 12 hours. After a crosslinking time of 12 hours, the adsorption capacity remains constant. This trend is comparable to the effect on flux through the membrane. The flux decreases (10-3 with an increase in crosslinking time range of 0 to 12 hours and reaches a constant minimum after 12 hours.Keywords: chitosan, membrane, waste water, heavy metal ions, adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 3886593 Comparison of the Indocyanine Green Dye Method versus the Combined Method of Indigo Carmine Blue Dye with Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Conservative Therapy for Early Breast Cancer
Authors: Nobuyuki Takemoto, Ai Koyanagi, Masanori Yasuda, Hiroshi Yamamoto
Background: Fluorescence imaging (FI) is one of the methods to identify sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). However, the procedure is technically complicated and requires procedural skills, as SLN biopsy must be conducted in dim light conditions. As an improved version of this method, we introduced a combined method (Combined mixed dye and fluorescence; CMF) consisting of indigo carmine blue dye and FI. The direct visualization of SLNs under shadowless surgical light conditions is facilitated by the addition of the blue dye. We compared the SLN detection rates of CMF with that of the indocyanine green (ICG) dye method (ICG-D). Methods: A total of 202 patients with stage ≤ IIA breast cancer who underwent breast conservative therapy with separate incision from January 2004 to February 2017 were reviewed. Details of the two methods are as follows: (1) ICG-D: 2ml of ICG (10mg) was used and the green-stained SLNs were resected via a 3-4cm axillary incision; (2) CMF: A combination of 1ml of ICG (5mg) and 1-3ml of indigo carmine (4-12mg) was used. Using Photodynamic Eye (PDE), a 1.5-2 cm incision was made near the point of disappearance of the fluorescence and SLNs with intermediate color of blue and green were resected. Results: There were 92 ICG-D and 110 CMF cases. CMF resulted in a significantly higher detection rate than ICG-D (96.4% vs. 83.7%; p=0.003). This difference was particularly notable in those aged ≥ 60 years (98.3% vs. 74.3%) and individuals with BMI ≥ 25kg/m2 (90.3% vs. 58.3%). Conclusion: CMF is an effective method to identify SLNs which is safe, efficient, and cost-effective. Furthermore, radiation exposure can be avoided, and it can be performed in institutes without nuclear medicine facilities. CMF achieves a high SLN identification rate, and most of this procedure is feasible under shadowless surgical light conditions. CMF can reliably perform SLN biopsy even in those aged ≥ 60 years and individuals with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2.Keywords: sentinel lymph node biopsy, identification rate, indocyanine green (ICG), indigocarmine, fluorescence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1726592 Synthesis of Flexible Mn1-x-y(CexLay)O2-δ Ultrathin-Film Device for Highly-Stable Pseudocapacitance from end-of-life Ni-MH batteries
Authors: Samane Maroufi, Rasoul Khayyam Nekouei, Sajjad Sefimofarah, Veena Sahajwalla
The present work details a three-stage strategy based on selective purification of rare earth oxide (REOs) isolated from end-of-life nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries leading to high-yield fabrication of defect-rich Mn1-x-y(CeₓLaᵧ)O2-δ film. In step one, major impurities (Fe and Al) were removed from a REE-rich solution. In step two, the resulting solution with trace content of Mn was further purified through electrodeposition which resulted in the synthesis of a non-stoichiometric Mn₋₁₋ₓ₋ᵧ(CeₓLaₓᵧ)O2-δ ultra-thin film, with controllable thicknesses (5-650 nm) and transmittance (~29-100%)in which Ce4+/3+ and La3+ ions were dissolved in MnO2-x lattice. Due to percolation impacts on the optoelectronic properties of ultrathin films, a representative Mn1-x-y(CexLay)O2-δ film with 86% transmittance exhibited an outstanding areal capacitance of 3.4 mF•cm-2, mainly attributed to the intercalation/de-intercalation of anionic O2- charge carriers through the atomic tunnels of the stratified Mn1-x-y(CexLay)O2-δ crystallites. Furthermore, the Mn1-x-y(CexLay)O2-δ exhibited excellent capacitance retention of ~90% after 16,000 cycles. Such stability was shown to be associated with intervalence charge transfers occurring among interstitial Ce/La cations and Mn oxidation states within the Mn₋₁₋ₓ₋ᵧ(CexLay)O2-δ structure. The energy and power densities of the transparent flexible Mn₋₁₋ₓ₋ᵧ(CexLay)O2-δ full-cell pseudocapacitor device with a solid-state electrolyte was measured to be 0.088 µ and 843 µ, respectively. These values showed insignificant changes under vigorous twisting and bending to 45-180˚, confirming these materials are intriguing alternatives for size-sensitive energy storage devices. In step three, the remaining solution purified further, that led to the formation of REOs (La, Ce, and Nd) nanospheres with ~40-50 nm diameter.Keywords: spent Ni-MH batteries, green energy, flexible pseudocapacitor, rare earth elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356591 Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach in Investment Projects Management
Authors: Irina Khutsishvili
The presented study develops a decision support methodology for multi-criteria group decision-making problem. The proposed methodology is based on the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) approach in the hesitant fuzzy environment. The main idea of decision-making problem is a selection of one best alternative or several ranking alternatives among a set of feasible alternatives. Typically, the process of decision-making is based on an evaluation of certain criteria. In many MCDM problems (such as medical diagnosis, project management, business and financial management, etc.), the process of decision-making involves experts' assessments. These assessments frequently are expressed in fuzzy numbers, confidence intervals, intuitionistic fuzzy values, hesitant fuzzy elements and so on. However, a more realistic approach is using linguistic expert assessments (linguistic variables). In the proposed methodology both the values and weights of the criteria take the form of linguistic variables, given by all decision makers. Then, these assessments are expressed in triangular fuzzy numbers. Consequently, proposed approach is based on triangular hesitant fuzzy TOPSIS decision-making model. Following the TOPSIS algorithm, first, the fuzzy positive ideal solution (FPIS) and the fuzzy negative-ideal solution (FNIS) are defined. Then the ranking of alternatives is performed in accordance with the proximity of their distances to the both FPIS and FNIS. Based on proposed approach the software package has been developed, which was used to rank investment projects in the real investment decision-making problem. The application and testing of the software were carried out based on the data provided by the ‘Bank of Georgia’.Keywords: fuzzy TOPSIS approach, investment project, linguistic variable, multi-criteria decision making, triangular hesitant fuzzy set
Procedia PDF Downloads 4306590 Numerical Simulation of Different Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Scenarios on a Volatile Oil Reservoir
Authors: Soheil Tavakolpour
Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) can be considered as an undeniable action in reservoirs life period. Different kind of EOR methods are available, but suitable EOR method depends on reservoir properties, like rock and fluid properties. In this paper, we nominated fifth SPE’s Comparative Solution Projects (CSP) for testing different scenarios. We used seven EOR scenarios for this reservoir and we simulated it for 10 years after 2 years production without any injection. The first scenario is waterflooding for whole of the 10 years period. The second scenario is gas injection for ten years. The third scenario is Water-Alternation-Gas (WAG). In the next scenario, water injected for 4 years before starting WAG injection for the next 6 years. In the fifth scenario, water injected after 6 years WAG injection for 4 years. For sixth and last scenarios, all the things are similar to fourth and fifth scenarios, but gas injected instead of water. Results show that fourth scenario was the most efficient method for 10 years EOR, but it resulted very high water production. Fifth scenario was efficient too, with little water production in comparison to the fourth scenario. Gas injection was not economically attractive. In addition to high gas production, it produced less oil in comparison to other scenarios.Keywords: WAG, SPE’s comparative solution projects, numerical simulation, EOR scenarios
Procedia PDF Downloads 4346589 A Comprehensive Overview of Solar and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Integration Micro-Grid
Authors: Adnan Kedir Jarso, Mesfin Megra Rorisa, Haftom Gebreslassie Gebregwergis, Frie Ayalew Yimam, Seada Hussen Adem
A microgrid is a small-scale power grid that can operate independently or in conjunction with the main power grid. It is a promising solution for providing reliable and sustainable energy to remote areas. The integration of solar and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in a microgrid can provide a stable and efficient source of renewable energy. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the integration of solar and VAWTs in a microgrid. The paper discusses the design, operation, and control of a microgrid that integrates solar and VAWTs. The paper also examines the performance of the microgrid in terms of efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. The paper highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using solar and VAWTs in a microgrid. The paper concludes that the integration of solar and VAWTs in a microgrid is a promising solution for providing reliable and sustainable energy to remote areas. The paper recommends further research to optimize the design and operation of a microgrid that integrates solar and VAWTs. The paper also recommends the development of policies and regulations that promote the use of microgrids that integrate solar and VAWTs. In conclusion, the integration of solar and VAWTs in a microgrid is a promising solution for providing reliable and sustainable energy to remote areas. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the integration of solar and VAWTs in a microgrid and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using solar and VAWTs in a microgrid. The paper recommends further research and the development of policies and regulations that promote the use of microgrids that integrate solar and VAWTs.Keywords: hybrid generation, intermittent power, optimization, photovoltaic, vertical axis wind turbine
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