Search results for: vascular smooth muscle cell
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5069

Search results for: vascular smooth muscle cell

4019 The Cell Viability Study of Extracts of Bark, Flowers, Leaves and Seeds of Indian Dhak Tree, Flame of Forest

Authors: Madhavi S. Apte, Milind Bhitre


In pharmaceutical research and new drug development, medicinal plants have important roles. Similarly, Indian dhak tree belonging to family Fabaceae has been widely used in the traditional Indian medical system of ‘Ayurveda’ for the treatment of a variety of ailments. Hence the cell viability study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the activity of extracts of various parts like flower, bark, leaf, seed by conducting MTT assay method along with other pharmacognostical studies. The methanolic extracts of bark, flowers, leaves, and seeds were used for the study. The cell viability MTT assay was performed using the standard operating procedures. The extracts were dissolved in DMSO and serially diluted with complete medium to get the concentrations range of test concentration. DMSO concentration was kept < 0.1% in all the samples. HUVEC cells maintained in appropriate conditions were seeded in 96 well plates and treated with different concentrations of the test samples and incubated at 37°C, 5% CO₂ for 96 hours. MTT reagent was added to the wells and incubated for 4 hours; the dark blue formazan product formed by the cells was dissolved in DMSO under a safety cabinet and read at 550nm. Percentage inhibitions were calculated and plotted with the concentrations used to calculate the IC50 values. The bark, flower, leaves and seed extracts have shown the cytotoxicity activity and can be further studied for antiangiogenesis activity.

Keywords: pharmacognosy, Cell viability, MTT assay, anti-angiogenesis

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4018 Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Landslide-Generated Impulse Waves With a Soil‒Water Coupling Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Model

Authors: Can Huang, Xiaoliang Wang, Qingquan Liu


Soil‒water coupling is an important process in landslide-generated impulse waves (LGIW) problems, accompanied by large deformation of soil, strong interface coupling and three-dimensional effect. A meshless particle method, smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) has great advantages in dealing with complex interface and multiphase coupling problems. This study presents an improved soil‒water coupled model to simulate LGIW problems based on an open source code DualSPHysics (v4.0). Aiming to solve the low efficiency problem in modeling real large-scale LGIW problems, graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration technology is implemented into this code. An experimental example, subaerial landslide-generated water waves, is simulated to demonstrate the accuracy of this model. Then, the Huangtian LGIW, a real large-scale LGIW problem is modeled to reproduce the entire disaster chain, including landslide dynamics, fluid‒solid interaction, and surge wave generation. The convergence analysis shows that a particle distance of 5.0 m can provide a converged landslide deposit and surge wave for this example. Numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the limited field survey data. The application example of the Huangtian LGIW provides a typical reference for large-scale LGIW assessments, which can provide reliable information on landslide dynamics, interface coupling behavior, and surge wave characteristics.

Keywords: soil‒water coupling, landslide-generated impulse wave, large-scale, SPH

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4017 A Multi-Omic Assessment of Biomass and Pigment Accumulation in Nitrogen Deplete Conditions in Scenedesmus 46B-D3

Authors: Galen Dennis, Lukas Dahlin, Michael Guarnieri, Stefanie Van Wychen, Shawn Starkenburg, Matthew Posewitz, Colin Kruse


Scenedesmus 46B-D3 was identified in 2021 by screening a culture collection produced by the Posewitz lab at the Colorado School of Mines. The strain was found to continue accumulating biomass in a nitrogen-depleted state, which is a rare and technologically promising trait in microalgae. As the culture grows, a shift from nitrogen-replete to depleted conditions is indicated by arrested cell division and the accumulation of lipids, polysaccharides and photoprotective pigments. The latter trait gives stationary phase cultures a deep red color due to the presence of the high-value beta-ketocarotenoids, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin. The combination of continued photosynthesis post-nitrogen depletion and the accumulation of valuable pigments makes S. 46B-D3 of interest from a fundamental and industrial perspective, respectively. This project reports the results of a multi-omic study examining changes in the proteome and transcriptome in nitrogen-replete and deplete conditions. In addition, it characterizes the pigment composition of S. 46B-D3 across its growth curve and the method of cell division within the strain. These results indicate that upon sensing nitrogen scarcity, S. 46B-D3 efficiently recycles and repurposes nitrogen away from cell division and towards energy storage through the accumulation of lipids and polysaccharides. The accumulation of photoprotective pigments also prevents damage to and serves as an additional carbon sink for the cell’s light system.

Keywords: pigments, photosynthesis, proteomics, transcriptomics

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4016 Effects of Aging on Ultra: Triathlon Performance

Authors: Richard S. Jatau, Kankanala Venkateswarlu, Bulus Kpame


The purpose of this critical review is to find out what is known and what is unknown about the effects of aging on endurance performance, especially on ultra- triathlon performance. It has been shown that among master’s athlete’s peak levels of performance decreased by 50% by age 50 it has also been clearly revealed that age associated atrophy, weakness and fatigability cannot be halted, although year round athletic training can slow down this age associated decline. Studies have further revealed that 30% to 50% decrease in skeletal muscle mass between ages 40 and 80 years, which is accompanied by an equal or even greater decline in strength and power and an increase in muscle weakness and fatigability. Studies on ultra- triathlon athletes revealed that 30 to 39 year old showed fastest time, with athletes in younger and older age groups were slower. It appears that the length of the endurance performance appears to influence age related endurance performance decline in short distance triathlons. A significant decline seems to start at the age of 40 to 50 years, whereas in long distance triathlons this decline seems to start after the age of 65 years. However, it is not clear whether this decline is related in any way to the training methods used, the duration of training, or the frequency of training. It’s also not clear whether the triathlon athletes experience more injuries due to long hours of training. It’s also not clear whether these athletes used performance enhancing drugs to enhance their performance. It’s not also clear whiles there has been tremendous increase in the number of athletes specializing in triathlon. On the basis of our experience and available research evidence we have provided answers to some of these questions. We concluded that aging associated decline in ultra–endurance performance is inevitable although it can be slowed down.

Keywords: aging, triathlon, atrophy, endurance

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4015 Characterization of a Dentigerous Cyst Cell Line and Its Secretion of Metalloproteinases

Authors: Muñiz-Lino Marcos A.


The ectomesenchymal tissues involved in tooth development and their remnants are the origin of different odontogenic lesions, including tumors and cysts of the jaws, with a wide range of clinical behaviors. A dentigerous cyst (DC) represents approximately 20% of all cases of odontogenic cysts, and it has been demonstrated that it can develop benign and malignant odontogenic tumors. DC is characterized by bone destruction of the area surrounding the crown of a tooth that has not erupted and contains liquid. The treatment of odontogenic tumors and cysts usually involves a partial or total removal of the jaw, causing important secondary co-morbidities. However, molecules implicated in DC pathogenesis, as well as in its development into odontogenic tumors, remain unknown. A cellular model may be useful to study these molecules, but that model has not been established yet. Here, we reported the establishment of a cell culture derived from a dentigerous cyst. This cell line was named DeCy-1. In spite of its ectomesenchymal morphology, DeCy-1 cells express epithelial markers such as cytokeratins 5, 6, and 8. Furthermore, these cells express the ODAM protein, which is present in odontogenesis and in dental follicles, indicating that DeCy-1 cells are derived from odontogenic epithelium. Analysis by electron microscopy of this cell line showed that it has a high vesicular activity, suggesting that DeCy-1 could secrete molecules that may be involved in DC pathogenesis. Thus, secreted proteins were analyzed by PAGE-SDS where we observed approximately 11 bands. In addition, the capacity of these secretions to degrade proteins was analyzed by gelatin substrate zymography. A degradation band of about 62 kDa was found in these assays. Western blot assays suggested that the matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) is responsible for this protease activity. Thus, our results indicate that the establishment of a cell line derived from DC is a useful in vitro model to study the biology of this odontogenic lesion and its participation in the development of odontogenic tumors.

Keywords: dentigerous cyst, ameloblastoma, MMP-2, odontogenic tumors

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4014 Assessing the Bioactivity and Cell Viability of Apatite-Wollastonite Glass Ceramics Prepared via Spray Pyrolysis

Authors: Andualem Workie


In this study, we examined the sinterability and bioactivity of MgO-SiO₂-P₂O₅-CaO-CaF₂ glass compositions created through spray pyrolysis. We evaluated the bioactivity of the materials by immersing them for varying periods of time in simulated bodily fluid (SBF) and found that bioactivity was related to the sintering temperature and soaking time. The material's pH value during immersion in SBF was within the range of 7.4-8.2, which is below 8.5 and improves compatibility and reduces toxicity in biological applications. We used X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy to determine the phase compositions and morphologies of the samples and found that the 1100°C sintered A-W GC sample exhibited the highest bioactivity after soaking in SBF. This sample was dominated by fluorapatite, wollastonite, and whitlockite crystals scattered throughout the glass matrix. The crystallinity (%) of the A-W GC increased as its bioactivity improved, making it more suitable for use in pharmaceutical applications. We also conducted a cytotoxicity test on A-W GC samples sintered at different temperatures and found that the glass-ceramics were non-toxic to MC3T3-E1 cells at all extraction concentrations, except for those sintered at 700°C at concentrations of 250, 200, and 150 mg/ml where cell viability (%) was below the threshold of 70%.

Keywords: apatite wollastonite glass ceramics, bioactivity, calcination, cell viability

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4013 Evaluation of Naringenin Role in Inhibiton of Lung Tumor Progression in Mice

Authors: Vishnu Varthan Vaithiyalingamjagannathan, M. N. Sathishkumar, K. S. Lakhsmi, D. Satheeshkumar, Srividyaammayappanrajam


Background:Naringenin, aglycone flavonoid possess certain activities like anti-oxidant, anti-estrogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective, anti-obesity,anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and also have anti-cancer characteristics like carcinogenic inactivation, cell cycle arrest, anti-proliferation, apoptosis, anti-angiogenesis and enhances anti-oxidant activity. Methodology:The inhibitory effect of Naringenin in lung tumor progression estimated with adenocarcinoma (A549) cell lines (in vitro) and C57BL/6 mice injected with 5 X 106A549 cell lines (in vivo) in a tri-dose manner (Naringenin 100mg/kg,150mg/kg, and 200mg/kg) compared with standard chemotherapy drug cisplatin (7mg/kg). Results:The results of the present study revealed a dose-dependent activity in Naringenin and combination with cisplatin at a higher dose which showed decreased tumor progression in mice. In vitro studies carried out for estimation of cell survival and Nitric Oxide (NO) level, shows dose dependent action of Naringenin with IC50 value of 42µg/ml. In vivo studies were carried out in C57BL/6 mice. Naringenin satisfied the condition of an anti-cancer molecule with its characteristics in fragmentation assay, Zymography assay, anti-oxidant, and myeloperoxidase studies, than cisplatin which failed in anti-oxidant and myeloperoxidase effect. Both in vitro and in vivo establishes dose dependent decrease in NO levels. But whereas, Naringenin showed adverse results in Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymatic levels with increase in dose levels. Conclusion:From the present study, Naringenin could suppress the lung tumor progression when given individually and also in combinatorial with standard chemotherapy drug.

Keywords: naringenin, in vitro, cell line, anticancer

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4012 Natural Bio-Active Product from Marine Resources

Authors: S. Ahmed John


Marine forms-bacteria, actinobacteria, cynobacteria, fungi, microalgae, seaweeds mangroves and other halophytes an extremely important oceanic resources and constituting over 90% of the oceanic biomass. The marine natural products have lead to the discovery of many compounds considered worthy for clinical applications. The marine sources have the highest probability of yielding natural products. Natural derivatives play an important role to prevent the cancer incidences as synthetic drug transformation in mangrove. 28.12% of anticancer compound extracted from the mangroves. Exchocaria agollocha has the anti cancer compounds. The present investigation reveals the potential of the Exchocaria agollocha with biotechnological applications for anti cancer, antimicrobial drug discovery, environmental remediation, and developing new resources for the industrial process. The anti-cancer activity of Exchocaria agollocha was screened from 3.906 to 1000 µg/ml of concentration with the dilution leads to 1:1 to 1:128 following methanol and chloroform extracts. The cell viability in the Exchocaria agollocha was maximum at the lower concentration where as low at the higher concentration of methanol and chloroform extracts when compare to control. At 3.906 concentration, 85.32 and 81.96 of cell viability was found at 1:128 dilution of methanol and chloroform extracts respectively. At the concentration of 31.25 following 1:16 dilution, the cell viability was 65.55 in methanol and 45.55 in chloroform extracts. However, at the higher concentration, the cell viability 22.35 and 8.12 was recorded in the extracts of methanol and chloroform. The cell viability was more in methanol when compare to chloroform extracts at lower concentration. The present findings gives current trends in screening and the activity analysis of metabolites from mangrove resources and to expose the models to bring a new sustain for tackling cancer. Bioactive compounds of Exchocaria agollocha have extensive use in treatment of many diseases and serve as a compound and templates for synthetic modification.

Keywords: bio-active product, compounds, natural products and microalgae

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4011 A Comparison Between the Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Motor in the Automobile

Authors: Jack Mason, Ahmad Pourmovhed


This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the internal combustion engine when compared to different types of electric vehicles. The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)'s overall cost, environmental impact, and usability will all be compared to different types of Electric Vehicles (EVs) including Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs). Also, the ways to solve the issues of the problems each vehicle presents will be discussed.

Keywords: interal combustion engine, battery electric vehicle, fuel cell electric vehicle, emissions

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4010 Comparative and Combined Toxicity of NiO and Mn₃O₄ Nanoparticles as Assessed in vitro and in vivo

Authors: Ilzira A. Minigalieva, Tatiana V. Bushueva, Eleonore Frohlich, Vladimir Panov, Ekaterina Shishkina, Boris A. Katsnelson


Background: The overwhelming majority of the experimental studies in the field of metal nanotoxicology have been performed on cultures of established cell lines, with very few researchers focusing on animal experiments, while a juxtaposition of conclusions inferred from these two types of research is blatantly lacking. The least studied aspect of this problem relates to characterizing and predicting the combined toxicity of metallic nanoparticles. Methods: Comparative and combined toxic effects of purposefully prepared spherical NiO and Mn₃O₄ nanoparticles (mean diameters 16.7 ± 8.2 nm and 18.4 ± 5.4 nm respectively) were estimated on cultures of human cell lines: MRC-5 fibroblasts, THP-1 monocytes, SY-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, as well as on the latter two lines differentiated to macrophages and neurons, respectively. The combined cytotoxicity was mathematically modeled using the response surface methodology. Results: The comparative assessment of the studied NPs unspecific toxicity previously obtained in vivo was satisfactorily reproduced by the present in vitro tests. However, with respect to manganese-specific brain damage which had been demonstrated by us in animal experiment with the same NPs, the testing on neuronall cell culture showed only a certain enhancing effect of Mn₃O₄-NPs on the toxic action of NiO-NPs, while the role of the latter prevailed. Conclusion: From the point of view of the preventive toxicology, the experimental modeling of metallic NPs combined toxicity on cell cultures can give non-reliable predictions of the in vivo action’s effects.

Keywords: manganese oxide, nickel oxide, nanoparticles, in vitro toxicity

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4009 Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Pelvic Floor Muscle Stimulation on Peri-Vulva Area on Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Preliminary Study

Authors: Kim Ji-Hyun, Jeon Hye-Seon, Kwon Oh-Yun, Park Eun-Young, Hwang Ui-Jae, Gwak Gyeong-Tae, Yoon Hyeo-Bin


Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a common women health problem, is an involuntary leakage of urine while sneezing, coughing, or physical exertion caused by insufficient strength of the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles. SUI also leads to decrease in quality of life and limits sexual activities. SUI is related to the increased bladder neck angle, bladder neck movement, funneling index, urethral width, and decreased urethral length. Various pelvic floor muscle electrical stimulation (ES) interventions have been applied to improve the symptoms of the people with SUI. ES activates afferent fibers of pudendal nerve and smoothly induces contractions of the pelvic floor muscles such as striated periurethral muscles and striated pelvic floor muscles. ES via intravaginal electrodes are the most frequently used types of the pelvic floor muscle ES for the female SUI. However, inserted electrode is uncomfortable and it increases the risks of infection. The purpose of this preliminary study was to determine if the 8-week transcutaneous pelvic floor ES would be effective to improve the symptoms and satisfaction of the females with SUI. Easy-K, specially designed ES equipment for the people with SUI, was used in this study. The oval shape stimulator can be placed on a toilet seat, and the surface has invaded electrode fit to contact with the entire vulva area while users are sitting on the stimulator. Five women with SUI were included in this experiment. Prior to the participation, subjects were instructed about procedures and precautions in using the ES. They have used the stimulator once a day for 20 minutes for each session at home. Outcome data was collected 3 times at the baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the intervention. Intravaginal sonography was used to measure the bladder neck angle, bladder neck movement, funneling index, thickness of an anterior rhabdosphincter and a posterior rhabdosphincter, urethral length, and urethral width. Leavator ani muscle (LAM) contraction strength was assessed by manual palpation according to the oxford scoring system. In addition, incontinence quality of life (IQOL) and female sexual function index (FSFI) questionnaires were used to obtain addition subjective information. Friedman test, a nonparametric statistical test, was used to determine the effectiveness of the ES. The Wilcoxon test was used for the post-hoc analysis and the significance level was set at .05. The bladder neck angle, funneling index and urethral width were significantly decreased after 8-weeks of intervention (p<.05). LAM contraction score, urethral length and anterior and posterior rhabdosphicter thickness were statistically increased by the intervention (p<.05). However, no significant change was found in the bladder neck movement. Although total score of the IQOL did not improve, the score of the ‘avoidance’ subscale of IQOL had significant improved (p<.05). FSFI had statistical difference in FSFI total score and ‘desire’ subscale (p<.05). In conclusion, 8-week use of a transcutaneous ES on peri-vulva area improved dynamic mechanical structures of the pelvic floor musculature as well as IQOL and conjugal relationship.

Keywords: electrical stimulation, Pelvic floor muscle, sonography, stress urinary incontinence, women health

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4008 Thermography Evaluation on Facial Temperature Recovery after Elastic Gum

Authors: A. Dionísio, L. Roseiro, J. Fonseca, P. Nicolau


Thermography is a non-radiating and contact-free technology which can be used to monitor skin temperature. The efficiency and safety of thermography technology make it a useful tool for detecting and locating thermal changes in skin surface, characterized by increases or decreases in temperature. This work intends to be a contribution for the use of thermography as a methodology for evaluation of skin temperature in the context of orofacial biomechanics. The study aims to identify the oscillations of skin temperature in the left and right hemiface regions of the masseter muscle, during and after thermal stimulus, and estimate the time required to restore the initial temperature after the application of the stimulus. Using a FLIR T430sc camera, a data acquisition protocol was followed with a group of eight volunteers, aged between 22 and 27 years. The tests were performed in a controlled environment with the volunteers in a comfortably static position. The thermal stimulus involves the use of an ice volume with controlled size and contact surface. The skin surface temperature was recorded in two distinct situations, namely without further stimulus and with the additions of a stimulus obtained by a chewing gum. The data obtained were treated using FLIR Research IR Max software. The time required to recover the initial temperature ranged from 20 to 52 minutes when no stimulus was added and varied between 8 and 26 minutes with the chewing gum stimulus. These results show that recovery is faster with the addition of the stimulus and may guide clinicians regarding the pre and post-operative times with ice therapy, in the presence or absence of mechanical stimulus that increases muscle functions (e.g. phonetics or mastication).

Keywords: thermography, orofacial biomechanics, skin temperature, ice therapy

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4007 A Project in the Framework “Nextgenerationeu”: Sustainable Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution - SERGIO

Authors: Patrizia Frontera, Anastasia Macario, Simona Crispi, Angela Malara, Pierantonio De Luca, Stefano Trocino


The exploration of solar energy for the photoelectrochemical splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen has been extensively researched as a means of generating sustainable H₂ fuel. However, despite these efforts, commercialization of this technology has not yet materialized. Presently, the primary impediments to commercialization include low solar-to-hydrogen efficiency (2-3% in PEC with an active area of up to 10-15 cm²), the utilization of costly and critical raw materials (e.g., BiVO₄), and energy losses during the separation of H₂ from O₂ and H₂O vapours in the output stream. The SERGIO partners have identified an advanced approach to fabricate photoelectrode materials, coupled with an appropriate scientific direction to achieve cost-effective solar-driven H₂ production in a tandem photoelectrochemical cell. This project is designed to reach Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 by validating the technology in the laboratory using a cell with an active area of up to 10 cm², boasting a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 5%, and ensuring acceptable hydrogen purity (99.99%). Our objectives include breakthroughs in cost efficiency, conversion efficiency, and H₂ purity.

Keywords: photoelectrolysis, green hydrogen, photoelectrochemical cell, semiconductors

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4006 A Stokes Optimal Control Model of Determining Cellular Interaction Forces during Gastrulation

Authors: Yuanhao Gao, Ping Lin, Kees Weijer


An optimal control system model is proposed for the cell flow in the process of chick embryo gastrulation in this paper. The target is to determine the cellular interaction forces which are hard to measure. This paper will take an approach to investigate the forces with the idea of the inverse problem. By choosing the forces as the control variable and regarding the cell flow as Stokes fluid, an objective functional will be established to match the numerical result of cell velocity with the experimental data. So that the forces could be determined by minimizing the objective functional. The Lagrange multiplier method is utilized to derive the state and adjoint equations consisting the optimal control system, which specifies the first-order necessary conditions. Finite element method is used to discretize and approximate equations. A conjugate gradient algorithm is given for solving the minimum solution of the system and determine the forces.

Keywords: optimal control model, Stokes equation, conjugate gradient method, finite element method, chick embryo gastrulation

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4005 Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Protein Integrity and Quality of Chicken Meat

Authors: Nafees Ahmed, Nur Izyani Kamaruzman, Saralla Nathan, Mohd Ezharul Hoque Chowdhury, Anuar Zaini Md Zain, Iekhsan Othman, Sharifah Binti Syed Hassan


Meat quality is always subject to consumer scrutiny when purchasing from retail markets on mislabeling as fresh meat. Various physiological and biochemical changes influence the quality of meat. As a major component of muscle tissue, proteins play a major role in muscle foods. In meat industry, freezing is the most common form of storage of meat products. Repeated cycles of freezing and thawing are common in restaurants, kitchen, and retail outlets and can also occur during transportation or storage. Temperature fluctuation is responsible for physical, chemical, and biochemical changes. Repeated cycles of ‘freeze-thaw’ degrade the quality of meat by stimulating the lipid oxidation and surface discoloration. The shelf life of meat is usually determined by its appearance, texture, color, flavor, microbial activity, and nutritive value and is influenced by frozen storage and subsequent thawing. The main deterioration of frozen meat during storage is due to protein. Due to the large price differences between fresh and frozen–thawed meat, it is of great interest to consumer to know whether a meat product is truly fresh or not. Researchers have mainly focused on the reduction of moisture loss due to freezing and thawing cycles of meat. The water holding capacity (WHC) of muscle proteins and reduced water content are key quality parameters of meat that ultimately changes color and texture. However, there has been limited progress towards understanding the actual mechanisms behind the meat quality changes under the freeze–thaw cycles. Furthermore, effect of freeze-thaw process on integrity of proteins is ignored. In this paper, we have studied the effect of ‘freeze-thawing’ on physicochemical changes of chicken meat protein. We have assessed the quality of meat by pH, spectroscopic measurements, Western Blot. Our results showed that increase in freeze-thaw cycles causes changes in pH. Measurements of absorbance (UV-visible and IR) indicated the degradation of proteins. The expression of various proteins (CREB, AKT, MAPK, GAPDH, and phosphorylated forms) were performed using Western Blot. These results indicated the repeated cycles of freeze-thaw is responsible for deterioration of protein, thus causing decrease in nutritious value of meat. It damges the use of these products in Islamic Sharia.

Keywords: chicken meat, freeze-thaw, halal, protein, western blot

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4004 Development and Characterisation of a Microbioreactor 'Cassette' for Cell Culture Applications

Authors: Nelson Barrientos, Matthew J. Davies, Marco C. Marques, Darren N. Nesbeth, Gary J. Lye, Nicolas Szita


Microbioreactor technology is making important advances towards its application in cell culture and bioprocess development. In particular, the technology promises flexible and controllable devices capable to perform parallelised experimentation at low cost. Currently, state of the art methods (e.g. optical sensors) allow the accurate monitoring of the microbioreactor operation. In addition, the laminar flow regime encountered in these devices allows more predictive fluid dynamics modelling, improving the control over the soluble, physical and mechanical environment of the cells. This work describes the development and characterisation of a novel microbioreactor cassette system (microbioreactor volume is 150 μL. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (KLa) and mixing time have been characterised to be between 25 to 113 h-1 and 0.5 and 0.1 s, respectively. In addition, the Residence time distribution (RTD) analysis confirms that the reactor operates at well mixed conditions. Finally, Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 growth is demonstrated via batch culture experiments. Future work consists in expanding the optics of the microbioreactor design to include the monitoring of variables such as fluorescent protein expression, among others.

Keywords: microbioreactor, cell-culture, fermentation, microfluidics

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4003 Role of Interleukin 6 on Cell Differentiations in Stem Cells Isolated from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth

Authors: Nunthawan Nowwarote, Waleerat Sukarawan, Prasit Pavasant, Thanaphum Osathanon


Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine, regulating various biological responses in several tissues. A Recent study shows that IL-6 plays a role in stemness maintenance in stem cells isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs). However, the role of IL-6 on cell differentiation in SHEDs remains unknown. The present study investigated the effect of IL-6 on SHEDs differentiation. Cells were isolated from dental pulp tissues of human deciduous teeth. Flow cytometry was used to determined mesenchymal stem cell marker expression, and the multipotential differentiation (osteogenic, adipogenic and neurogenic lineage ) was also determined. The mRNA was determined using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and the phenotypes were confirmed by chemical and immunofluorescence staining. Results demonstrated that SHEDs expressed CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105 but not CD45. Further, the up-regulation of osteogenic, adipogenic and neurogenic marker genes was observed upon maintaining cells in osteogenic, adipogenic and neurogenic induction medium, respectively. The addition of IL-6 induced osteogenic by up-regulated osteogenic marker gene also increased in vitro mineralization. Under neurogenic medium supplement with IL-6, up-regulated neurogenic marker. Whereas, an addition of IL-6 attenuated adipogenic differentiation by SHEDs. In conclusion, this evidence implies that IL-6 may participate in cells differentiation ability of SHEDs.

Keywords: SHEDs, IL-6, cell differentiations, dental pulp

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4002 Phenotype of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Brazilian City with a Tropical Climate

Authors: Julia V. F. Cortes, Maria E. V. Amarante, Carolina L. Cerdeira, Roberta B. V. Silva


Nonmelanoma skin cancer is more commonly diagnosed than all other malignancies combined. In that group, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma stands out for having the highest probability of metastasis and recurrence after treatment, in addition to being the second most prevalent form of skin cancer. Its main risk factors include exposure to carcinogens, such as ultraviolet radiation related to sunlight exposure, smoking, alcohol consumption, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Considering the increased risk of skin cancer in the Brazilian population, caused by the high incidence of solar radiation, and the importance of identifying risk phenotypes for the accomplishment of public health actions, an epidemiological study was conducted in a city with a tropical climate located in southeastern Brazil, aiming to identify the target population and assist in primary and secondary prevention. This study describes the profile of patients with cutaneous squamous cell cancer, correlating the variables, sex, age, and differentiation. The study used as primary data source the results of anatomopathological exams delivered from January 2015 to December 2019 for patients registered at one pathology service, which analyzes the results of biopsies, Thus, 66 patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma were analyzed. The most affected age group was 60 years or older (78.79%), emphasizing that moderately differentiated (79.49%) and well-differentiated forms (66.67%) are prevalent in this age group, resulting in a difference of 12.82 percentage points between them. In addition, the predominant sex was male (58%), and it was found that half of the women and 65.79% of men had a moderately differentiated type, whereas the well-differentiated type was slightly more frequent in women. It is worth noting that the moderately differentiated subtype has a 59.20% prevalence among all cases. Thus, it was concluded that the most affected age group was 60 years or older and that men were more affected. As for the subtype, the moderately differentiated one, which is recognized for presenting the second-highest risk for metastasis, was prevalent in this study, affecting 6.6% more men and predominating in the elderly.

Keywords: cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, epidemiology, skin cancer, spinal cell cancer

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4001 TNF Modulation of Cancer Stem Cells in Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma

Authors: Rafia S. Al-lamki, Jun Wang, Simon Pacey, Jordan Pober, John R. Bradley


Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF), signaling through TNFR2, may act an autocrine growth factor for renal tubular epithelial cells. Clear cell renal carcinomas (ccRCC) contain cancer stem cells (CSCs) that give rise to progeny which form the bulk of the tumor. CSCs are rarely in cell cycle and, as non-proliferating cells, resist most chemotherapeutic agents. Thus, recurrence after chemotherapy may result from the survival of CSCs. Therapeutic targeting of both CSCs and the more differentiated bulk tumor populations may provide a more effective strategy for treatment of RCC. In this study, we hypothesized that TNFR2 signaling will induce CSCs in ccRCC to enter cell cycle so that treatment with ligands that engage TNFR2 will render CSCs susceptible to chemotherapy. To test this hypothesis, we have utilized wild-type TNF (wtTNF) or specific muteins selective for TNFR1 (R1TNF) or TNFR2 (R2TNF) to treat either short-term organ cultures of ccRCC and adjacent normal kidney (NK) tissue or cultures of CD133+ cells isolated from ccRCC and adjacent NK, hereafter referred to as stem cell-like cells (SCLCs). The effect of cyclophosphamide (CP), currently an effective anticancer agent, was tested on CD133+SCLCs from ccRCC and NK before and after R2TNF treatment. Responses to TNF were assessed by flow cytometry (FACS), immunofluorescence, and quantitative real-time PCR, TUNEL, and cell viability assays. Cytotoxic effect of CP was analyzed by Annexin V and propidium iodide staining with FACS. In addition, we assessed the effect of TNF on isolated SCLCs differentiation using a three-dimensional (3D) culture system. Clinical samples of ccRCC contain a greater number SCLCs compared to NK and the number of SCSC increases with higher tumor grade. Isolated SCLCs show expression of stemness markers (oct4, Nanog, Sox2, Lin28) but not differentiation markers (cytokeratin, CD31, CD45, and EpCAM). In ccRCC organ cultures, wtTNF and R2TNF increase CD133 and TNFR2 expression and promote cell cycle entry whereas wtTNF and R1TNF increase TNFR1 expression and promote cell death of SCLCs. Similar findings are observed in SCLCs isolated from NK but the effect was greater in SCLCs isolated from ccRCC. Application of CP distinctly triggered apoptotic and necrotic cell death in SLCSs pre-treatment with R2TNF as compared to CP treatment alone, with SCLCs from ccRCC more sensitive to CP compared to SLCS from NK. Furthermore, TNF promotes differentiation of SCLCs to an epithelial phenotype in 3D cultures, confirmed by cytokeratin expression and loss of stemness markers Nanog and Sox2. The differentiated cells show positive expression of TNF and TNFR2. These findings provide evidence that selective engagement of TNFR2 drive CSCs to cell proliferation/differentiation, and targeting of cycling cells with TNFR2 agonist in combination with anti-cancer agents may be a potential therapy for RCC.

Keywords: cancer stem cells, ccRCC, cell cycle, cell death, TNF, TNFR1, TNFR2, CD133

Procedia PDF Downloads 263
4000 Constitutive Flo1p Expression on Strains Bearing Deletions in Genes Involved in Cell Wall Biogenesis

Authors: Lethukuthula Ngobese, Abin Gupthar, Patrick Govender


The ability of yeast cell wall-derived mannoproteins (glycoproteins) to positively contribute to oenological properties has been a key factor that stimulates research initiatives into these industrially important glycoproteins. In addition, and from a fundamental research perspective, yeast cell wall glycoproteins are involved in a wide range of biological interactions. To date, and to the best of our knowledge, our understanding of the fine molecular structure of these mannoproteins is fairly limited. Generally, the amino acid sequences of their protein moieties have been established from structural and functional analysis of the genomic sequence of these yeasts whilst far less information is available on the glycosyl moieties of these mannoproteins. A novel strategy was devised in this study that entails the genetic engineering of yeast strains that over-express and release cell wall-associated glycoproteins into the liquid growth medium. To this end, the Flo1p mannoprotein was overexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strains bearing a specific deletion in KNR4 and GPI7 genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis that have been previously shown to extracellularly hyper-secrete cell wall-associated glycoproteins. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based cloning strategy was employed to generate transgenic yeast strains in which the native cell wall FLO1 glycoprotein-encoding gene is brought under transcriptional control of the constitutive PGK1 promoter. The modified Helm’s flocculation assay was employed to assess flocculation intensities of a Flo1p over-expressing wild type and deletion mutant as an indirect measure of their abilities to release the desired mannoprotein. The flocculation intensities of the transformed strains were assessed and all the strains showed similar intensities (>98% flocculation). To assess if mannoproteins were released into the growth medium, the supernatant of each strain was subjected to the BCA protein assay and the transformed Δknr4 strain showed a considerable increase in protein levels. This study has the potential to produce mannoproteins in sufficient quantities that may be employed in future investigations to understand their molecular structures and mechanisms of interaction to the benefit of both fundamental and industrial applications.

Keywords: glycoproteins, genetic engineering, flocculation, over-expression

Procedia PDF Downloads 416
3999 Exploring White-Matter Hyperintensities in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders and Their Clinical Relevance

Authors: Ubaid Ullah Kamgar, Ajaz Ahmed Suhaff, Mohammad Maqbool Dar


Objective: The aim is to study the association of MRI findings of T₂/FLAIR white matter hyperintensities among patients with psychiatric disorders. Background and Rationale: MRI findings in psychiatric disorders can vary widely depending on specific disorders and individual differences. However, some general patterns have been observed, such as, in Depression - reduced volume in areas such as the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus; in Schizophrenia - enlarged ventricles, abnormalities in frontal and temporal lobes, as well as hippocampus and thalamus; in Bipolar Disorder – reduced volume in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus and abnormalities in the amygdala; in OCD – abnormalities in the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and striatum. However, many patients show findings of white-matter hyper-intensities, which are usually considered non-specific in psychiatry. These hyperintensities are low attenuation in the deep and white matter. The pathogenic mechanisms of white matter hyperintensities are not well-understood and have been attributed to cerebral small vessel disease. The aim of the study is to study the association of the above MRI findings in patients with psychiatric disorders after ruling out neurological disorders (if any are found). Methodology: Patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals or presenting to OPDs with underlying psychiatric disorders, having undergone MRI Brain as part of investigations, and having T₂/FLAIR white-matter hyperintensities on MRI were taken to study the association of the above MRI findings with different psychiatric disorders. Results: Out of the 22 patients having MRI findings of T₂/FLAIR white-matter hyper-intensities, the underlying psychiatric comorbidities were: Major Depressive Disorder in 7 pts; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in 5 pts; Bipolar Disorder in 5 pts; Dementia (vascular type) in 5pts. Discussion and conclusion: In our study, the white matter hyper-intensities were found mostly in MDD (32%), OCD (22.7%), Bipolar Disorder (22.7%) and Dementia in 22.7% of patients. In conclusion, the presence of white-matter hyperintensities in psychiatric disorders underscores the complex interplay between vascular, neurobiological and psychosocial factors. Further research with a large sample size is needed to fully elucidate their clinical significance.

Keywords: white-matter hyperintensities, OCD, MDD, dementia, bipolar disorder.

Procedia PDF Downloads 64
3998 Optimizing Cell Culture Performance in an Ambr15 Microbioreactor Using Dynamic Flux Balance and Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling

Authors: William Kelly, Sorelle Veigne, Xianhua Li, Zuyi Huang, Shyamsundar Subramanian, Eugene Schaefer


The ambr15™ bioreactor is a single-use microbioreactor for cell line development and process optimization. The ambr system offers fully automatic liquid handling with the possibility of fed-batch operation and automatic control of pH and oxygen delivery. With operating conditions for large scale biopharmaceutical production properly scaled down, micro bioreactors such as the ambr15™ can potentially be used to predict the effect of process changes such as modified media or different cell lines. In this study, gassing rates and dilution rates were varied for a semi-continuous cell culture system in the ambr15™ bioreactor. The corresponding changes to metabolite production and consumption, as well as cell growth rate and therapeutic protein production were measured. Conditions were identified in the ambr15™ bioreactor that produced metabolic shifts and specific metabolic and protein production rates also seen in the corresponding larger (5 liter) scale perfusion process. A Dynamic Flux Balance model was employed to understand and predict the metabolic changes observed. The DFB model-predicted trends observed experimentally, including lower specific glucose consumption when CO₂ was maintained at higher levels (i.e. 100 mm Hg) in the broth. A Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model of the ambr15™ was also developed, to understand transfer of O₂ and CO₂ to the liquid. This CFD model predicted gas-liquid flow in the bioreactor using the ANSYS software. The two-phase flow equations were solved via an Eulerian method, with population balance equations tracking the size of the gas bubbles resulting from breakage and coalescence. Reasonable results were obtained in that the Carbon Dioxide mass transfer coefficient (kLa) and the air hold up increased with higher gas flow rate. Volume-averaged kLa values at 500 RPM increased as the gas flow rate was doubled and matched experimentally determined values. These results form a solid basis for optimizing the ambr15™, using both CFD and FBA modelling approaches together, for use in microscale simulations of larger scale cell culture processes.

Keywords: cell culture, computational fluid dynamics, dynamic flux balance analysis, microbioreactor

Procedia PDF Downloads 283
3997 Electricity Production Enhancement in a Constructed Microbial Fuel Cell MFC Using Iron Nanoparticles

Authors: Khaoula Bensaida, Osama Eljamal


The electrical energy generation through Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) using microorganisms is a renewable and sustainable approach. It creates truly an efficient technology for power production and wastewater treatment. MFC is an electrochemical device which turns wastewater into electricity. The most important part of MFC is microbes. Nano zero-valent Iron NZVI technique was successfully applied in degrading the chemical pollutants and cleaning wastewater. However, the use of NZVI for enhancing the current production is still not confirmed yet. This study aims to confirm the effect of these particles on the current generation by using MFC. A constructed microbial fuel cell, which utilizes domestic wastewater, has been considered for wastewater treatment and bio-electricity generation. The two electrodes were connected to an external resistor (200 ohms). Experiments were conducted in two steps. First, the MFC was constructed without adding NZVI particles (Control) while at a second step, nanoparticles were added with a concentration of 50mg/L. After 20 hours, the measured voltage increased to 5 and 8mV, respectively. To conclude, the use of zero-valent iron in an MFC system can increase electricity generation.

Keywords: bacterial growth, electricity generation, microbial fuel cell MFC, nano zero-valent iron NZVI.

Procedia PDF Downloads 144
3996 In Vivo Assessment of Biogenically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles

Authors: Muhammad Shahzad Tufail, Iram Liaqat


Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have wider biomedical applications due to their intensive antimicrobial activities. However, toxicity and side effects of nanomaterials like AgNPs is a subject of great controversy towards the further studies in this direction. In this study, biogenically synthesized AgNPs, previously characterized via ultraviolet (UV) visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), were subjected to toxicity evaluation using mice model. Albino male mice (BALB/c) were administered with 50 mgkg-1, 100 mgkg-1 and 150 mgkg-1 of AgNPs, respectively, except for control for 30 days. Log-probit regression analysis was used to measure the dosage response to determine the median lethal dose (LD50). Exposure to AgNPs caused significant changes in the levels of serum AST (P ˂ 0.05) at the 100mgkg-1 and 150mgkg-1 of AgNPs exposure, while ALT and serum creatinine (P ˃ 0.05) levels remained normal. Histopathology of male albino mice liver and kidney was studied after 30 days experimental period. Results revealed that mice exposed to heavy dose (150 mgkg-1) of AgNPs showed cell distortion, necrosis and detachment of hepatocytes in the liver. Regarding kidney, at lower concentration, normal renal structure with normal glomeruli was observed. However, at higher concentration (150 mgkg-1), kidneys showed smooth surface and dark red colour with proliferation of podocytes. It can be concluded from present study that biologically synthesized AgNPs are small to be eliminated easily by kidney and therefore the liver and kidney did not show toxicity at low concentrations.

Keywords: silver nanoparticles, pseudomonas aeruginosa, male albino mice, toxicity assessment

Procedia PDF Downloads 79
3995 Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics: A Beginners Viewpoint from the Conceptual Pipeline

Authors: Leo Nnamdi Ozurumba-Dwight


Messenger ribooxynucleic acid (mRNA) molecules are compositional, protein-based. These proteins, encoding mRNA molecules (which collectively connote the transcriptome), when analyzed by RNA sequencing (RNAseq), unveils the nature of gene expression in the RNA. The obtained gene expression provides clues of cellular traits and their dynamics in presentations. These can be studied in relation to function and responses. RNAseq is a practical concept in Genomics as it enables detection and quantitative analysis of mRNA molecules. Single cell and spatial transcriptomics both present varying avenues for expositions in genomic characteristics of single cells and pooled cells in disease conditions such as cancer, auto-immune diseases, hematopoietic based diseases, among others, from investigated biological tissue samples. Single cell transcriptomics helps conduct a direct assessment of each building unit of tissues (the cell) during diagnosis and molecular gene expressional studies. A typical technique to achieve this is through the use of a single-cell RNA sequencer (scRNAseq), which helps in conducting high throughput genomic expressional studies. However, this technique generates expressional gene data for several cells which lack presentations on the cells’ positional coordinates within the tissue. As science is developmental, the use of complimentary pre-established tissue reference maps using molecular and bioinformatics techniques has innovatively sprung-forth and is now used to resolve this set back to produce both levels of data in one shot of scRNAseq analysis. This is an emerging conceptual approach in methodology for integrative and progressively dependable transcriptomics analysis. This can support in-situ fashioned analysis for better understanding of tissue functional organization, unveil new biomarkers for early-stage detection of diseases, biomarkers for therapeutic targets in drug development, and exposit nature of cell-to-cell interactions. Also, these are vital genomic signatures and characterizations of clinical applications. Over the past decades, RNAseq has generated a wide array of information that is igniting bespoke breakthroughs and innovations in Biomedicine. On the other side, spatial transcriptomics is tissue level based and utilized to study biological specimens having heterogeneous features. It exposits the gross identity of investigated mammalian tissues, which can then be used to study cell differentiation, track cell line trajectory patterns and behavior, and regulatory homeostasis in disease states. Also, it requires referenced positional analysis to make up of genomic signatures that will be sassed from the single cells in the tissue sample. Given these two presented approaches to RNA transcriptomics study in varying quantities of cell lines, with avenues for appropriate resolutions, both approaches have made the study of gene expression from mRNA molecules interesting, progressive, developmental, and helping to tackle health challenges head-on.

Keywords: transcriptomics, RNA sequencing, single cell, spatial, gene expression.

Procedia PDF Downloads 124
3994 Improved Operating Strategies for the Optimization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System Performance

Authors: Guillaume Soubeyran, Fabrice Micoud, Benoit Morin, Jean-Philippe Poirot-Crouvezier, Magali Reytier


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) technology is considered as a solution for the reduction of CO2 emissions. However, this technology still meets several challenges for high-scale industrialization. In this context, the increase of durability remains a critical aspect for competitiveness of this technology. Fortunately, performance degradations in nominal operating conditions is partially reversible, meaning that if specific conditions are applied, a partial recovery of fuel cell performance can be achieved, while irreversible degradations can only be mitigated. Thus, it is worth studying the optimal conditions to rejuvenate these reversible degradations and assessing the long-term impact of such procedures on the performance of the cell. Reversible degradations consist mainly of anode Pt active sites poisoning by carbon monoxide at the anode, heterogeneities in water management during use, and oxidation/deactivation of Pt active sites at the cathode. The latter is identified as a major source of reversible performance loss caused by the presence oxygen, high temperature and high cathode potential that favor platinum oxidation, especially in high efficiency operating points. Hence, we studied here a recovery procedure aiming at reducing the platinum oxides by decreasing cathode potential during operation. Indeed, the application of short air starvation phase leads to a drop of cathode potential. Cell performances are temporarily increased afterwards. Nevertheless, local temperature and current heterogeneities within the cells are favored and shall be minimized. The consumption of fuel during the recovery phase shall also be considered to evaluate the global efficiency. Consequently, the purpose of this work is to find an optimal compromise between the recovery of reversible degradations by air starvation, the increase of global cell efficiency and the mitigation of irreversible degradations effects. Different operating parameters have first been studied such as cell voltage, temperature and humidity in single cell set-up. Considering the global PEMFC system efficiency, tests showed that reducing duration of recovery phase and reducing cell voltage was the key to ensure an efficient recovery. Recovery phase frequency was a major factor as well. A specific method was established to find the optimal frequency depending on the duration and voltage of the recovery phase. Then, long-term degradations have also been studied by applying FC-DLC cycles based on NEDC cycles on a 4-cell short stack by alternating test sequences with and without recovery phases. Depending on recovery phase timing, cell efficiency during the cycle was increased up to 2% thanks to a mean voltage increase of 10 mV during test sequences with recovery phases. However, cyclic voltammetry tests results suggest that the implementation of recovery phases causes an acceleration of the decrease of platinum active areas that could be due to the high potential variations applied to the cathode electrode during operation.

Keywords: durability, PEMFC, recovery procedure, reversible degradation

Procedia PDF Downloads 134
3993 Non-melanoma Nasal Skin Cancer: Literature Review

Authors: Geovanna dos Santos Romeiro, Polintia Rayza Brito da Silva, Luis Henrique Moura, Izadora Moreira Do Amaral, Marília Vitória Pinto Milhomem


Introduction: The nose is one of the most likely sites for the appearance of malignancy on the face. This can be associated with its unique position of exposure to environmental damage, lack of photoprotection and because it is an area susceptible to greater sun exposure. It is already known that the most common type of nasal tumor is basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is less common but considerably more aggressive, with a tendency to grow rapidly and metastasize. Nasal skin cancer can have a good prognosis, regardless of the type of treatment chosen, i.e., surgery, radiotherapy or electrodissection. However, tumors that are not diagnosed and treated quickly can be harmful and have a greater chance of metastasizing. When curative surgery is performed, therapies and reconstructive surgical procedures are usually required. Objective: The objective is to review the literature on nasal skin tumors and their types and specific locations. Forty-four articles published in Pubmed related to the location of skin cancer in the specific nasal areas region were analyzed. Twelve were excluded for being prior to the year 2000, three with inconclusive results, and one with unbiased conclusions. Results and Conclusion: Regarding the prevalence of types of nasal tumors, basal cell carcinoma comprises the majority, occurring predominantly in the ala, tip and root; squamous cell carcinoma, on the other hand, is more common in the lateral borders and columella. Even so, 2 articles report that the prevalence of metastasis has a higher incidence in squamous cell carcinomas. All of this points to the importance of early location, including regions that are often overlooked in the examination if the patient is wearing glasses. This topic needs further investigation for a greater correlation between anatomy and clinical-surgical implications.

Keywords: skin cancer, melanoma, non-melanoma, surgery

Procedia PDF Downloads 55
3992 Pathomorphological Markers of the Explosive Wave Action on Human Brain

Authors: Sergey Kozlov, Juliya Kozlova


Introduction: The increased attention of researchers to an explosive trauma around the world is associated with a constant renewal of military weapons and a significant increase in terrorist activities using explosive devices. Explosive wave is a well known damaging factor of explosion. The most sensitive to the action of explosive wave in the human body are the head brain, lungs, intestines, urine bladder. The severity of damage to these organs depends on the distance from the explosion epicenter to the object, the power of the explosion, presence of barriers, parameters of the body position, and the presence of protective clothing. One of the places where a shock wave acts, in human tissues and organs, is the vascular endothelial barrier, which suffers the greatest damage in the head brain and lungs. The objective of the study was to determine the pathomorphological changes of the head brain followed the action of explosive wave. Materials and methods of research: To achieve the purpose of the study, there have been studied 6 male corpses delivered to the morgue of Municipal Institution "Dnipropetrovsk regional forensic bureau" during 2014-2016 years. The cause of death of those killed was a military explosive injury. After a visual external assessment of the head brain, for histological study there was conducted the 1 x 1 x 1 cm/piece sampling from different parts of the head brain, i.e. the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital sites, and also from the cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, thalamus, walls of the lateral ventricles, the bottom of the 4th ventricle. Pieces of the head brain were immersed in 10% formalin solution for 24 hours. After fixing, the paraffin blocks were made from the material using the standard method. Then, using a microtome, there were made sections of 4-6 micron thickness from paraffin blocks which then were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic analysis was performed using a light microscope with x4, x10, x40 lenses. Results of the study: According to the results of our study, injuries of the head brain were divided into macroscopic and microscopic. Macroscopic injuries were marked according to the results of visual assessment of haemorrhages under the membranes and into the substance, their nature, and localisation, areas of softening. In the microscopic study, our attention was drawn to both vascular changes and those of neurons and glial cells. Microscopic qualitative analysis of histological sections of different parts of the head brain revealed a number of structural changes both at the cellular and tissue levels. Typical changes in most of the studied areas of the head brain included damages of the vascular system. The most characteristic microscopic sign was the separation of vascular walls from neuroglia with the formation of perivascular space. Along with this sign, wall fragmentation of these vessels, haemolysis of erythrocytes, formation of haemorrhages in the newly formed perivascular spaces were found. In addition to damages of the cerebrovascular system, destruction of the neurons, presence of oedema of the brain tissue were observed in the histological sections of the brain. On some sections, the head brain had a heterogeneous step-like or wave-like nature. Conclusions: The pathomorphological microscopic changes in the brain, identified in the study on the died of explosive traumas, can be used for diagnostic purposes in conjunction with other characteristic signs of explosive trauma in forensic and pathological studies. The complex of microscopic signs in the head brain, i.e. separation of blood vessel walls from neuroglia with the perivascular space formation, fragmentation of walls of these blood vessels, erythrocyte haemolysis, formation of haemorrhages in the newly formed perivascular spaces is the direct indication of explosive wave action.

Keywords: blast wave, neurotrauma, human, brain

Procedia PDF Downloads 194
3991 The Transport of Radical Species to Single and Double Strand Breaks in the Liver’s DNA Molecule by a Hybrid Method of Type Monte Carlo - Diffusion Equation

Authors: H. Oudira, A. Saifi


The therapeutic utility of certain Auger emitters such as iodine-125 depends on their position within the cell nucleus . Or diagnostically, and to maintain as low as possible cell damage, it is preferable to have radionuclide localized outside the cell or at least the core. One solution to this problem is to consider markers capable of conveying anticancer drugs to the tumor site regardless of their location within the human body. The objective of this study is to simulate the impact of a complex such as bleomycin on single and double strand breaks in the DNA molecule. Indeed, this simulation consists of the following transactions: - Construction of BLM -Fe- DNA complex. - Simulation of the electron’s transport from the metastable state excitation of Fe 57 by the Monte Carlo method. - Treatment of chemical reactions in the considered environment by the diffusion equation. For physical, physico-chemical and finally chemical steps, the geometry of the complex is considered as a sphere of 50 nm centered on the binding site , and the mathematical method used is called step by step based on Monte Carlo codes.

Keywords: concentration, yield, radical species, bleomycin, excitation, DNA

Procedia PDF Downloads 457
3990 Technological Ensuring of the Space Reflector Antennas Manufacturing Process from Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Authors: Pyi Phyo Maung


In the study, the calculations of the permeability coefficient, values of the volume and porosity of a unit cell of a woven fabric before and after deformation based on the geometrical parameters are presented. Two types of carbon woven fabric structures were investigated: standard type, which integrated the filament, has a cross sectional shape of a cylinder and spread tow type, which has a rectangular cross sectional shape. The space antennas reflector, which distinctive feature is the presence of the surface of double curvature, is considered as the object of the research. Modeling of the kinetics of the process of impregnation of the reflector for the two types of carbon fabric’s unit cell structures was performed using software RAM-RTM. This work also investigated the influence of the grid angle between warp and welt of the unit cell on the duration of impregnation process. The results showed that decreasing the angle between warp and welt of the unit cell, the decreasing of the permeability values were occurred. Based on the results of calculation samples of the reflectors, their quality was determined. The comparisons of the theoretical and experimental results have been carried out. Comparison of the two textile structures (standard and spread tow) showed that the standard textiles with circular cross section were impregnated faster than spread tows, which have a rectangular cross section.

Keywords: vacuum assistant resin infusion, impregnation time, shear angle, reflector and modeling

Procedia PDF Downloads 273