Search results for: sediment pollution
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2201

Search results for: sediment pollution

1151 A 3D Numerical Environmental Modeling Approach For Assessing Transport of Spilled Oil in Porous Beach Conditions under a Meso-Scale Tank Design

Authors: J. X. Dong, C. J. An, Z. Chen, E. H. Owens, M. C. Boufadel, E. Taylor, K. Lee


Shorelines are vulnerable to significant environmental impacts from oil spills. Stranded oil can cause potential short- to long-term detrimental effects along beaches that include injuries to the ecosystem, socio-economic and cultural resources. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling approach is developed to evaluate the fate and transport of spilled oil for hypothetical oiled shoreline cases under various combinations of beach geomorphology and environmental conditions. The developed model estimates the spatial and temporal distribution of spilled oil for the various test conditions, using the finite volume method and considering the physical transport (dispersion and advection), sinks, and sorption processes. The model includes a user-friendly interface for data input on variables such as beach properties, environmental conditions, and physical-chemical properties of spilled oil. An experimental mesoscale tank design was used to test the developed model for dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon within shorelines. The simulated results for effects of different sediment substrates, oil types, and shoreline features for the transport of spilled oil are comparable to those obtained with a commercially available model. Results show that the properties of substrates and the oil removal by shoreline effects have significant impacts on oil transport in the beach area. Sensitivity analysis, through the application of the one-step-at-a-time method (OAT), for the 3D model identified hydraulic conductivity as the most sensitive parameter. The 3D numerical model allows users to examine the behavior of oil on and within beaches, assess potential environmental impacts, and provide technical support for decisions related to shoreline clean-up operations.

Keywords: dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons, environmental multimedia model, finite volume method, sensitivity analysis, total petroleum hydrocarbons

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1150 Correlation of Urinary Waxy Casts with Renal Pathology

Authors: Muner M. B. Mohamed, Vipin Varghese, Dustin Chalmers, Khalid M. G. Mohammed, Juan Carlos Q. Velez


Background: Urinary waxy casts (uWxC) are traditionally described in textbooks as indicative of chronic renal parenchymal disease. However, data supporting this contention is lacking. uWxC can be seen in the context of various renal syndromes, including acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (GN), and nephrotic syndrome. Thus, we investigated the correlation between the identification of uWxC and renal pathological findings. Methods: We prospectively collected data of patients seen in nephrology consultation with a urine specimen subjected to the microscopic examination of the urinary sediment (MicrExUrSed) over a 3-year period. Within this cohort, we identified cases in which a kidney biopsy was concomitantly performed. We assessed the association of uWxC with glomerular or tubular pathology and with chronicity [interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) and glomerular obsolescence (GO)]. Results: Among 683 patients with MicrExUrSed,103 (15%) underwent kidney biopsy and were included. The mean age was 55 years, 51% women, 50% white, and 38% self-identified black. Median serum creatinine was 3.2 (0-7-15.6) mg/dL and not significantly different between those with and without uWxC (4.7 vs 3.8 mg/dL, p=0.13). uWxC was identified in 35 (34%) cases. A glomerulopathy was diagnosed in 79 (77%). Among those with uWxC (n=35), a glomerulopathy was more likely to be found with concomitant acute tubular injury (ATI) than without ATI (57% vs. 23%, p=0.0006), whereas among those without uWxC, glomerulopathies were found with or without concomitant ATI with similar frequency (41% vs. 34%, p=0.48). Overall (n=103), more patients with uWxC had ≥ 20% IFTA compared to those without uWxC (74% vs 51%, p=0.03). Among those with glomerulopathy (n=79), more patients with uWxC had ≥ 20% IFTA compared to those without uWxC (89% vs. 56%, p=0.004). uWxC did not correlate with GO. Conclusion: Identification of uWxC denotes a greater likelihood of finding evidence of ATI superimposed with a glomerulopathy rather than finding an isolated glomerular lesion. uWxC is associated with a greater probability of finding ≥ 20% IFTA in a kidney biopsy specimen, particularly in those with a glomerular pathology. This observation may help clinicians weigh on the suitability of a kidney biopsy when chronicity or coexistence of ATI is in question.

Keywords: waxy cast, kidney biopsy, acute tubular injury, glomerulopathy

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1149 An Exploitation of Electrical Sensors in Monitoring Pool Chlorination

Authors: Fahad Alamoudi, Yaser Miaji


The growing popularity of swimming pools and other activities in the water for sport, fitness, therapy or just enjoyable relaxation have led to the increased use of swimming pools and the establishment of a variety of specific-use pools such as spa pools, water slides, and more recently, hydrotherapy and wave pools. In this research, a few simple equipment is used for test, detect and alert for detection of water cleanness and pollution. YSI Photometer Systems, TDSTestr High model, Rio 12HF and Electrode A1. The researchers used electrolysis as a method of separating bonded elements and compounds by passing an electric current through them. The results which use 41 experiments show the higher the salt concentration, the more efficient the electrode and the smaller the gap between the plates, the lower the electrode voltage. Furthermore, it is proved that the larger the surface area, the lower the cell voltage and the higher current used the more chlorine produced.

Keywords: photometer, electrode, electrolysis, swimming pool chlorination

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1148 From By-product To Brilliance: Transforming Adobe Brick Construction Using Meat Industry Waste-derived Glycoproteins

Authors: Amal Balila, Maria Vahdati


Earth is a green building material with very low embodied energy and almost zero greenhouse gas emissions. However, it lacks strength and durability in its natural state. By responsibly sourcing stabilisers, it's possible to enhance its strength. This research draws inspiration from the robustness of termite mounds, where termites incorporate glycoproteins from their saliva during construction. Biomimicry explores the potential of these termite stabilisers in producing bio-inspired adobe bricks. The meat industry generates significant waste during slaughter, including blood, skin, bones, tendons, gastrointestinal contents, and internal organs. While abundant, many meat by-products raise concerns regarding human consumption, religious orders, cultural and ethical beliefs, and also heavily contribute to environmental pollution. Extracting and utilising proteins from this waste is vital for reducing pollution and increasing profitability. Exploring the untapped potential of meat industry waste, this research investigates how glycoproteins could revolutionize adobe brick construction. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) from cows' blood and mucin from porcine stomachs were the chosen glycoproteins used as stabilisers for adobe brick production. Despite their wide usage across various fields, they have very limited utilisation in food processing. Thus, both were identified as potential stabilisers for adobe brick production in this study. Two soil types were utilised to prepare adobe bricks for testing, comparing controlled unstabilised bricks with glycoprotein-stabilised ones. All bricks underwent testing for unconfined compressive strength and erosion resistance. The primary finding of this study is the efficacy of BSA, a glycoprotein derived from cows' blood and a by-product of the beef industry, as an earth construction stabiliser. Adding 0.5% by weight of BSA resulted in a 17% and 41% increase in the unconfined compressive strength for British and Sudanese adobe bricks, respectively. Further, adding 5% by weight of BSA led to a 202% and 97% increase in the unconfined compressive strength for British and Sudanese adobe bricks, respectively. Moreover, using 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.5% by weight of BSA resulted in erosion rate reductions of 30%, 48%, and 70% for British adobe bricks, respectively, with a 97% reduction observed for Sudanese adobe bricks at 0.5% by weight of BSA. However, mucin from the porcine stomach did not significantly improve the unconfined compressive strength of adobe bricks. Nevertheless, employing 0.1% and 0.2% by weight of mucin resulted in erosion rate reductions of 28% and 55% for British adobe bricks, respectively. These findings underscore BSA's efficiency as an earth construction stabiliser for wall construction and mucin's efficacy for wall render, showcasing their potential for sustainable and durable building practices.

Keywords: biomimicry, earth construction, industrial waste management, sustainable building materials, termite mounds.

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1147 Study the Performance of Metal-Organic Framework in Adsorptive Desulfurization for Gas Oil

Authors: Hoda A. Mohammed, Esraa M. El-Fawal, Howaida M. Abd El-Salam


Organic sulfurs in fuel oil cause serious environmental pollution and health problems. The important future direction for liquid fuel desulfurization is adsorptive desulfurization technology due to its simplicity, mild operating condition, and low cost. In this work, the well-prepared Nickel NPs were incorporated in a highly porous metal-organic framework MIL-101(Cr)) to produce Ni/Cr-MOF composite. Besides, the synthesis of Ni/Cr-MOF in the presence of Bi₂MoO₆/AC to prepare Bi₂MoO₆/AC@Ni/Cr-MOF. All the prepared composites were synthesized via a facile technique under ambient conditions to remove organosulfur compounds. The XRD, FT-IR, SEM, and BET techniques were used to characterize the prepared composites. The desulfurization performance of real gas oil by Bi₂MoO₆/AC, Ni/Cr-MOF, and Bi₂MoO₆/AC@Ni/Cr-MOF was investigated at different adsorbent doses and contact times. Bi₂MoO₆/AC@Ni/Cr-MOF shows the highest desulfurization performance, with removal efficiency reached to 80% at optimum conditions for a contact time of 4 hours.

Keywords: desulfurization, gas oil, metal-organic framework, sorption characteristics

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1146 Characterization of Leakage Current on the Surface of Porcelain Insulator under Contaminated Conditions

Authors: Hocine Terrab , Abdelhafid Bayadi, Adel Kara, Ayman El-Hag


Insulator flashover under polluted conditions has been a serious threat on the reliability of power systems. It is known that the flashover process is mainly affected by the environmental conditions such as; the pollution level and humidity. Those are the essential parameters influencing the wetting process. This paper presents an investigation of the characteristics of leakage current (LC) developed on the surface of porcelain insulator at contaminated conditions under AC voltage. The study is done in an artificial fog chamber and the LC is characterized for different stages; dry, wetted and presence of discharge activities. Time-frequency and spectral analysis are adopted to calculate the evolution of LC characteristics with various stages prior to flashover occurrence. The preliminary results could be used in analysing the LC to develop more effective diagnosis of early signs of dry band arcing as an indication for insulation washing.

Keywords: flashover, harmonic components, leakage current, phase angle, statistical analysis

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1145 Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions by Plant Biomass

Authors: Yamina Zouambia, Khadidja Youcef Ettoumi, Mohamed Krea, Nadji Moulai Mostefa


Environment pollution through various wastes (particularly by heavy metals) is a major environmental problem due to industrialization and the development of various human activities. Considerable attention has been focused, in recent years, upon the field of biosorption which represents a biotechnological innovation as well as an excellent tool for removal of metal ions from aqueous effluents. So the purpose of this study is to valorize by-product which are orange peels and an extract of these peels (pectin; a heteropolysaccharide) in treatment of water containing heavy metals. All biosorption experiments were carried out at room temperature, an indicated pH, a precise amount of biosorbent and under continuous stirring. Biosorption kinetic was determined by evaluating the residual concentration of the metal ion at different time intervals using UV spectroscopy. The results obtained show that the orange peels and pectin are interesting biosorbents with maximum biosorption capacity of up to 140 mg/g.

Keywords: orange peels, pectin, heavy metals, biosorption

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1144 Electrification Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicle as a Solution to Decrease CO2 Emission in Cities

Authors: M. Mourad, K. Mahmoud


Recently hybrid vehicles have become a major concern as one alternative vehicles. This type of hybrid vehicle contributes greatly to reducing pollution. Therefore, this work studies the influence of electrification phase of hybrid electric vehicle on emission of vehicle at different road conditions. To accomplish this investigation, a simulation model was used to evaluate the external characteristics of the hybrid electric vehicle according to variant conditions of road resistances. Therefore, this paper reports a methodology to decrease the vehicle emission especially greenhouse gas emission inside cities. The results show the effect of electrification on vehicle performance characteristics. The results show that CO2 emission of vehicle decreases up to 50.6% according to an urban driving cycle due to applying the electrification strategy for hybrid electric vehicle.

Keywords: electrification strategy, hybrid electric vehicle, driving cycle, CO2 emission

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1143 Research on Pollutant Characterization and Timing Decomposition in Beijing During the 2018-2022

Authors: Gao Fangting


With the accelerated pace of industrialization and urbanization, the economic level has been significantly improved, and at the same time, the air quality situation has also become a focus of attention, which not only affects people's health but also has certain impacts on the economy and ecology. As the capital city of China, the air quality situation in Beijing has attracted much attention. In this paper, based on the day-by-day PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO₂, SO₂ and O₃ conditions in Beijing from 2018 to 2022, the characterization of pollutants is launched, and the seasonal decomposition and prediction of the main pollutants, PM2.5, PM10 and O3, are performed in STL. The results of the study show that (1) the overall air quality of Beijing has significantly improved from 2018 to 2022, and the main pollutants are PM2.5, PM10, and O₃; (2) the seasonal intensities of the main pollutants are higher, and they are influenced by seasonal factors; and (3) it is predicted that the O₃ concentration will have a trend of slowly increasing from 2023 to 2026, and the PM10 and PM2.5 pollution situation slowly improves.

Keywords: air pollutants, Beijing, characteristic analysis, STL

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1142 Impact of Egypt’s Energy Demand on Oil and Gas Power Systems Environment

Authors: Moustafa Osman Mohamed


This paper will explore the influence of energy sector in Arab Republic of Egypt which has shared its responsibilities of many environmental challenges as the second largest economy in the Middle East (after Iran). Air and water pollution, desertification, inadequate disposal of solid waste and damage to coral reefs are serious problems that influence environmental management in Egypt. The intensive reliance of high population density and strong industrial growth are wearing Egypt's resources, and the rapidly-growing population has forced Egypt to breakdown agricultural land to residential and relevant use of commercial ingestion. The depletion effects of natural resources impose the government to apply innovation techniques in emission control and focus on sustainability. The cogeneration will be presented to control thermal losses and increase efficiency of energy power system.

Keywords: cogeneration, environmental management, power electricity, energy indicators

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1141 Eco-Nanofiltration Membranes: Nanofiltration Membrane Technology Utilization-Based Fiber Pineapple Leaves Waste as Solutions for Industrial Rubber Liquid Waste Processing and Fertilizer Crisis in Indonesia

Authors: Andi Setiawan, Annisa Ulfah Pristya


Indonesian rubber plant area reached 2.9 million hectares with productivity reached 1.38 million. High rubber productivity is directly proportional to the amount of waste produced rubber processing industry. Rubber industry would produce a negative impact on the rubber industry in the form of environmental pollution caused by waste that has not been treated optimally. Rubber industrial wastewater containing high-nitrogen compounds (nitrate and ammonia) and phosphate compounds which cause water pollution and odor problems due to the high ammonia content. On the other hand, demand for NPK fertilizers in Indonesia continues to increase from year to year and in need of ammonia and phosphate as raw material. Based on domestic demand, it takes a year to 400,000 tons of ammonia and Indonesia imports 200,000 tons of ammonia per year valued at IDR 4.2 trillion. As well, the lack of phosphoric acid to be imported from Jordan, Morocco, South Africa, the Philippines, and India as many as 225 thousand tons per year. During this time, the process of wastewater treatment is generally done with a rubber on the tank to contain the waste and then precipitated, filtered and the rest released into the environment. However, this method is inefficient and thus require high energy costs because through many stages before producing clean water that can be discharged into the river. On the other hand, Indonesia has the potential of pineapple fruit can be harvested throughout the year in all of Indonesia. In 2010, production reached 1,406,445 tons of pineapple in Indonesia or about 9.36 percent of the total fruit production in Indonesia. Increased productivity is directly proportional to the amount of pineapple waste pineapple leaves are kept continuous and usually just dumped in the ground or disposed of with other waste at the final disposal. Through Eco-Nanofiltration Membrane-Based Fiber Pineapple leaves Waste so that environmental problems can be solved efficiently. Nanofiltration is a process that uses pressure as a driving force that can be either convection or diffusion of each molecule. Nanofiltration membranes that can split water to nano size so as to separate the waste processed residual economic value that N and P were higher as a raw material for the manufacture of NPK fertilizer to overcome the crisis in Indonesia. The raw materials were used to manufacture Eco-Nanofiltration Membrane is cellulose from pineapple fiber which processed into cellulose acetate which is biodegradable and only requires a change of the membrane every 6 months. Expected output target is Green eco-technology so with nanofiltration membranes not only treat waste rubber industry in an effective, efficient and environmentally friendly but also lowers the cost of waste treatment compared to conventional methods.

Keywords: biodegradable, cellulose diacetate, fertilizers, pineapple, rubber

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1140 Deep Excavations with Embedded Retaining Walls - Diaphragm Walls

Authors: Sowmiyaa V. S., Tiruvengala Padma, Dhanasekaran B.


Due to urbanization, traffic congestion, air pollution and fuel consumption underground metros are constructed in urban cities nowadays. These metros reduce the commutation time and makes the daily transportation in urban cities hassle free. To construct the underground metros deep excavations are to be carried out. These excavations should be supported by an appropriate earth retaining structures to provide stability and to prevent deformation failures. The failure of deep excavations is catastrophic and hence appropriate caution need to be carried out during design and construction stages. This paper covers the construction aspects, equipment, quality control, design aspects of one of the earth retaining systems the Diaphragm Walls.

Keywords: underground metros, diaphragm wall, quality control of diaphragm wall, design aspects of diaphragm wall

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1139 Study of Surface Water Quality in the Wadi El Harrach for Its Use in the Artificial Groundwater Recharge of the Mitidja, North Algeria

Authors: M. Meddi, A. Boufekane


The Mitidja coastal groundwater which extends over an area of 1450 km2 is a strategic resource in the Algiers region. The high dependence of the regional economy on the use of this groundwater forces us to have recourse to its artificial recharge from the Wadi El Harrach in its upstream part. This system of artificial recharge has shown its effectiveness in the development of water resource mentioned in the succeeding works in several regions of the world. The objective of this study is to: Increase the reserves of water inputs by infiltration, raise the water level and its good quality in wells and boreholes, reduce losses to the sea, and address seawater intrusion by maintaining balance in the freshwater-saltwater interface in the downstream part of the groundwater basin. After analyzing the situation, it was noticed that a qualitative monitoring of the Wadi water for the groundwater recharge has to be done. For this purpose, we proceeded during three successive years (2010, 2011, and 2012) to the monthly sampling of water in the upstream part of the Wadi El Harrach for chemical analysis. The variation of the sediment transport concentration will be also measured. This monitoring aims to characterize the water quality and avoid clogging in the proposed recharge area. The results of these analyses showed the good chemical quality according to the analyses we performed in the laboratory during the three years, but they are too loaded with suspended matters. We noticed that these fine particles come from the grinding of limestone of sandpit located upstream of the area of the proposed recharge system. This problem can be solved by a water supply upstream of sandpit. For the recharge, we propose the method of using two wells for dual use, which means that it can be used for water supply and extraction. This solution is inexpensive in our case and could easily be used as wells are already drilled in the upstream part. This solution increases over time the piezometric level and also reduce groundwater contamination by saltwater in the downstream part.

Keywords: water quality, artificial groundwater recharge, Mitidja, North Algeria

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1138 Insights into Kinematics and Basin Development through Palinspastic Reconstructions in Pull-Apart Basin Sunda Strait: Implication for the Opportunity of Hydrocarbon Exploration in Fore-Arc Basin, Western Indonesia

Authors: Alfathony Krisnabudhi, Syahli Reza Ananda, M. Edo Marshal, M. Maaruf Mukti


This study investigates the kinematics and basin development of pull-apart basin Sunda Strait based on palinspastic reconstructions of new acquired seismic reflection data to unravel hydrocarbon exploration opportunity in frontier area, fore-arc basin western Indonesia. We use more than 780 km seismic reflection data that cover whole basin. Structural patterns in Sunda Strait are dominated by northwest-southeast trending planar and listric-normal faults which appear to be graben and half-graben system. The main depocentre of this basin is East Semangko graben and West Semangko graben that are formed by overstepping of Sumatra Fault Zone and Ujungkulon Fault Zone. In father east, another depocentre is recognized as the Krakatau graben. The kinematic evolution started in Middle Miocene, characterized by the initiation of basement faulting with 0% to 7.00% extension. Deposition stratigraphic unit 1 and unit 2 started at 7.00% to 10.00% extension in Late Miocene and recognized as pre-transtensional deposit. The Plio-Pleistocene unit 3 and 4 were deposited as syn-transtensional deposit with 10.00% to 17.00% extension contemporaneously with the initiation of uplift NW-SE trending ridges due to the evolution of cross-basin fault in central basin and the development of en-echelon basin margin in a transtensional system. The control of sedimentation rate and basin subsidence cause the Neogene sediment to be very thick. We suggest that both controls allow thermal and pressure to generate hydrocarbon habitats in the pre-transtensional deposits. It is reinforced by stable kinematic evolution and interpretation of the deposition environment of pre-transtensional deposits that are deposited in the marine environment.

Keywords: kinematics, palinspastic, Sunda Strait, hydrocarbon exploration, fore-arc basin

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1137 Perceptions of Farmers against Liquid Fertilizer Benefits of Beef Cattle Urine

Authors: Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Ikrar Moh. Saleh, Kasmiyati Kasim


The aim of this study was to know the perception of livestock farmers on the use of liquid organic fertilizer from urine of cattle at Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The choice of location for a farmer group manufactures and markets liquid organic fertilizer from cattle urine. This research was conducted in May to July 2013.The population were all livestock farmers who use organic liquid fertilizer from cattle urine samples while livestock farmers who are directly involved in the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer totaled 42 people. Data were collected through observation and interview. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the perception of livestock farmers of using liquid organic fertilizer from cattle urine provide additional revenue benefits, cost minimization farming, reducing environmental pollution which not contrary to the customs.

Keywords: liquid organic fertilizer, perceptions, farmers, beef cattle

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1136 Environmental Parameters Influence on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients’ Quality of Life

Authors: Kwok W. Mui, Ling T. Wong, Nai K. K. Fong


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fifth leading cause of death in Hong Kong. Investigators are eager to explore the environmental risk factors for COPD such as air pollution and occupational exposure. Through a cross-sectional survey, this study investigates the impact of air quality to the quality of life of patients with the COPD in terms of the scores of the (Chinese) chronic respiratory questionnaire (CCRQ) and the measurements of indoor air quality (IAQ) and Moser’s activities of daily living (ADL). Strong relationships between a number of indoor/outdoor environmental parameters were found and CRQ sub-scores for patients of COPD and thus indoor air pollutants must be monitored for future studies related to QOL for patients with COPD.

Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), indoor air pollutants, quality of life, chronic respiratory questionnaire (CRQ)

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1135 Removal of Lead in High Rate Activated Sludge System

Authors: Mamdouh Y. Saleh, Gaber El Enany, Medhat H. Elzahar, Mohamed Z. Elshikhipy, Rana Hamouda


The heavy metals pollution in water, sediments and fish of Lake Manzala affected from the disposal of wastewater, industrial and agricultural drainage water into the lake on the environmental situation. A pilot plant with an industrial discharge flow of 135L/h was designed according to the activated sludge plant to simulate between the biological and chemical treatment with the addition of alum to the aeration tank with dosages of 100, 150, 200, and 250 mg/L. The industrial discharge had concentrations of Lead and BOD5 with an average range 1.22, 145mg/L, respectively. That means the average Pb was high up to 25 times than the allowed permissible concentration. The optimization of the chemical-biological process using 200mg/L alum dosage compared has improvement of Lead and BOD5 removal efficiency to 61.76% and 56%, respectively.

Keywords: industrial wastewater, activated sludge, BOD5, lead, alum salt

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1134 Heavy Metal of Soil in Wastewater, Irrigated Agricultural Soil in a Surrounding Area of the Nhue River, Vietnam

Authors: Thi Lan Huong Nguyen, Motohei Kanayama, Takahiro Higashi, Van Chinh Le, Thu Ha Doan, Anh Daochu


Waste from industrial sources, serves as sources of water for irrigating farms. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of waste-water irrigation on the level of heavy metals in the soils. Soil samples were collected from the different locations from upstream to downstream of the Nhue River to evaluate heavy metal pollution. The results showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals in the soil samples in the farmland area were much higher than the background level in that area (1.2-2.6 mg/kg for Cd, 42-60 mg/kg for Cr, 22-62mg/kg for Cu, 30-86 mg/kg for Pb, 119-245 mg/kg for Zn, and 26-57 mg/kg for Ni), and exceeded the level of Vietnamese standard for agricultural soil for all heavy metals Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn except soil samples at upstream and downstream of the Nhue River.

Keywords: heavy metal, soil, Nhue River, wastewater irrigation

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1133 Material Detection by Phase Shift Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy

Authors: Rana Muhammad Armaghan Ayaz, Yigit Uysallı, Nima Bavili, Berna Morova, Alper Kiraz


Traditional optical methods for example resonance wavelength shift and cavity ring-down spectroscopy used for material detection and sensing have disadvantages, for example, less resistance to laser noise, temperature fluctuations and extraction of the required information can be a difficult task like ring downtime in case of cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Phase shift cavity ring down spectroscopy is not only easy to use but is also capable of overcoming the said problems. This technique compares the phase difference between the signal coming out of the cavity with the reference signal. Detection of any material is made by the phase difference between them. By using this technique, air, water, and isopropyl alcohol can be recognized easily. This Methodology has far-reaching applications and can be used in air pollution detection, human breath analysis and many more.

Keywords: materials, noise, phase shift, resonance wavelength, sensitivity, time domain approach

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1132 Review of Various Designs and Development in Hydropower Turbines

Authors: Fatemeh Behrouzi, Adi Maimun, Mehdi Nakisa


The growth of population, rising fossil fuel prices which the fossil fuels are limited and decreased day by day, pollution problem due to use of fossil fuels and electrical demand are important role to encourage of using the green energy and renewable technologies. Among different renewable energy technologies, hydro power generation (large and small scale) is the prime choice in terms of contribution to the world's electricity generation by using water current turbines. Nowadays, researchers focus on design and development of different kind of turbines to capture hydro-power electricity generation as clean and reliable energy. This article is review about statues of water current turbines carried out to generate electricity from hydro-kinetic energy especially places that they do not have electricity, but they have access to the current water.

Keywords: water current turbine, renewable energy, hydro-power, mechanic

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1131 Estimation of Leachate Generation from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Selangor

Authors: Tengku Nilam Baizura, Noor Zalina Mahmood


In Malaysia, landfilling is the most preferred method and most of it does not have the proper leachate treatment system which can cause environmental problems. Leachate is the major factor to river water pollution since most landfills are located near the river which is the main water resource for the country. The study aimed to estimate leachate production from landfills in Selangor. A simple mathematical modelling was used for the calculation of annual leachate volume. The estimate of identified landfill area (A) using Google Earth was multiplied by the annual rainfall (R). The product is expressed as volume (V). The data indicate that the leachate production is high even it is fully closed. It is important to design the efficient landfill and proper leachate treatment processes especially for the old/closed landfill. Extensive monitoring will be required to predict future impact.

Keywords: landfill, leachate, municipal solid waste management, waste disposal

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1130 Enhancing Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Efficacy and Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Laccase Immobilized on Magnetic Fe₃O₄ Nanoparticles

Authors: K. Verma, v. S. Moholkar


In developed countries, water pollution caused by industrial discharge has emerged as a significant environmental concern over the past decades. However, despite ongoing efforts, a fully effective and sustainable remediation strategy has yet to be identified. This paper describes how enzymatic and sonochemical treatments have demonstrated great promise in degrading bio-refractory pollutants. Mainly, a compelling area of interest lies in the combined technique of sono-enzymatic treatment, which has exhibited a synergistic enhancement effect surpassing that of the individual techniques. This study employed the covalent attachment method to immobilize Laccase from Trametes versicolor onto amino-functionalized magnetic Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles. To comprehensively characterize the synthesized free nanoparticles and the laccase-immobilized nanoparticles, various techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and surface area through Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) were employed. The size of immobilized Fe₃O₄@Laccase was found to be 60 nm, and the maximum loading of laccase was found to be 24 mg/g of nanoparticle. An investigation was conducted to study the effect of various process parameters, such as immobilized Fe₃O₄ Laccase dose, temperature, and pH, on the % Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal as a response. The statistical design pinpointed the optimum conditions (immobilized Fe₃O₄ Laccase dose = 1.46 g/L, pH = 4.5, and temperature = 66 oC), resulting in a remarkable 65.58% COD removal within 60 minutes. An even more significant improvement (90.31% COD removal) was achieved with ultrasound-assisted enzymatic reaction utilizing a 10% duty cycle. The investigation of various kinetic models for free and immobilized laccase, such as the Haldane, Yano, and Koga, and Michaelis-Menten, showed that ultrasound application impacted the kinetic parameters Vmax and Km. Specifically, Vmax values for free and immobilized laccase were found to be 0.021 mg/L min and 0.045 mg/L min, respectively, while Km values were 147.2 mg/L for free laccase and 136.46 mg/L for immobilized laccase. The lower Km and higher Vmax for immobilized laccase indicate its enhanced affinity towards the substrate, likely due to ultrasound-induced alterations in the enzyme's confirmation and increased exposure of active sites, leading to more efficient degradation. Furthermore, the toxicity and Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis revealed that after the treatment process, the wastewater exhibited 70% less toxicity than before treatment, with over 25 compounds degrading by more than 75%. At last, the prepared immobilized laccase had excellent recyclability retaining 70% activity up to 6 consecutive cycles. A straightforward manufacturing strategy and outstanding performance make the recyclable magnetic immobilized Laccase (Fe₃O₄ Laccase) an up-and-coming option for various environmental applications, particularly in water pollution control and treatment.

Keywords: kinetic, laccase enzyme, sonoenzymatic, ultrasound irradiation

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1129 Assessing the Impact of Heatwaves on Intertidal Mudflat Colonized by an Exotic Mussel

Authors: Marie Fouet, Olivier Maire, Cécile Masse, Hugues Blanchet, Salomé Coignard, Nicolas Lavesque, Guillaume Bernard


Exacerbated by global change, extreme climatic events such as atmospheric and marine heat waves may interact with the spread of non-indigenous species and their associated impacts on marine ecosystems. Since the 1970’s, the introduction of non-indigenous species due to oyster exchanges has been numerous. Among them, the Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia has colonized a large number of ecosystems worldwide (e.g., California, New Zealand, Italy). In these places, A.senhousia led to important habitat modifications in the benthic compartment through physical, biological, and biogeochemical effects associated with the development of dense mussel populations. In Arcachon Bay (France), a coastal lagoon of the French Atlantic and hotspot of oyster farming, abundances of A. senhousia recently increased, following a lag time of ca. 20 years since the first record of the species in 2002. Here, we addressed the potential effects of the interaction between A. senhousia invasion and heatwave intensity on ecosystem functioning within an intertidal mudflat. More precisely, two realistic intensities (“High” and “Severe”) of combined marine and atmospheric heatwaves have been simulated in an experimental tidal mesocosm system onto which naturally varying densities of A. senhousia and associated benthic communities were exposed in sediment cores collected in situ. Following a six-day exposure, community-scale responses were assessed by measuring benthic metabolism (oxygen and nutrient fluxes) in each core. Results show that besides significantly enhanced benthic metabolism with increasing heatwave intensity, mussel density clearly mediated the magnitude of the community-scale response, thereby highlighting the importance of understanding the interactive effects of environmental stressors co-occurring with non-indigenous species and their dependencies for a better assessment of their impacts.

Keywords: arcuatula senhousia, benthic habitat, ecosystem functioning, heatwaves, metabolism

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1128 The Antibacterial and Anticancer Activity of Marine Actinomycete Strain HP411 Isolated in the Northern Coast of Vietnam

Authors: Huyen T. Pham, Nhue P. Nguyen, Tien Q. Phi, Phuong T. Dang, Hy G. Le


Since the marine environmental conditions are extremely different from the other ones, so that marine actinomycetes might produce novel bioactive compounds. Therefore, actinomycete strains were screened from marine water and sediment samples collected from the coastal areas of Northern Vietnam. Ninety-nine actinomycete strains were obtained on starch-casein agar media by dilution technique, only seven strains, named HP112, HP12, HP411, HPN11, HP 11, HPT13 and HPX12, showed significant antibacterial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Staphylococcus epidemidis ATCC 12228, Escherichia coli ATCC 11105). Further studies were carried out with the most active HP411strain against Candida albicans ATCC 10231. This strain could grow rapidly on starch casein agar and other media with high salt containing 7-10% NaCl at 28-30oC. Spore-chain of HP411 showed an elongated and circular shape with 10 to 30 spores/chain. Identification of the strain was carried out by employing the taxonomical studies including the 16S rRNA sequence. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence it is proposed that HP411 to be belongs to species Streptomyces variabilis. The potent of the crude extract of fermentation broth of HP411that are effective against wide range of pathogens: both gram-positive, gram-negative and fungi. Further studies revealed that the crude extract HP411 could obtain the anticancer activity for cancer cell lines: Hep-G2 (liver cancer cell line); RD (cardiac and skeletal muscle letters cell line); FL (membrane of the uterus cancer cell line). However, the actinomycetes from marine ecosystem will be useful for the discovery of new drugs in the furture.

Keywords: marine actinomycetes, antibacterial, anticancer, Streptomyces variabilis

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1127 A Comprehensive Approach to Scour Depth Estimation Through HEC-RAS 2D and Physical Modeling

Authors: Ashvinie Thembiliyagoda, Kasun De Silva, Nimal Wijayaratna


The lowering of the riverbed level as a result of water erosion is termed as scouring. This phenomenon remarkably undermines the potential stability of the bridge pier, causing a threat of failure or collapse. The formation of vortices in the vicinity of bridges due to the obstruction caused by river flow is the main reason behind this pursuit. Scouring is aggravated by factors including high flow rates, bridge pier geometry, sediment configuration etc. Tackling scour-related problems when they become severe is more costly and disruptive compared to implementing preventive measures based on predicted scour depths. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of the development of a numerical model that could reproduce the scouring effect around bridge piers and estimate the scour depth. The numerical model was developed for one selected bridge in Sri Lanka, the Kelanisiri Bridge. HEC-RAS two-dimensional (2D) modeling approach was utilized for the development of the model and was calibrated and validated with field data. To further enhance the reliability of the model, a physical model was developed, allowing for additional validation. Results from the numerical model were compared with those obtained from the physical model, revealing a strong correlation between the two methods and confirming the numerical model's accuracy in predicting scour depths. The findings from this study underscore the ability of the HEC-RAS two-dimensional modeling approach for the estimation of scour depth around bridge piers. The developed model is able to estimate the scour depth under varying flow conditions, and its flexibility allows it to be adapted for application to other bridges with similar hydraulic and geomorphological conditions, providing a robust tool for widespread use in scour estimation. The developed two-dimensional model not only offers reliable predictions for the case study bridge but also holds significant potential for broader implementation, contributing to the improved design and maintenance of bridge structures in diverse environments.

Keywords: piers, scouring, HEC-RAS, physical model

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1126 Sustainable Strategies for Post-Disaster Shelters: Case Study-Based Review and Future Prospects

Authors: Fangwen Ni, Hongpeng Xu


When disasters occur, it is important to provide temporary shelters to protect victims from their environment and to comfort them with privacy and dignity. However, the commonly used shelters like tents and shanties can not ensure a comfortable condition. Furthermore, the demand for more energy and less pollution has become a major challenge. Focusing on the sustainable of temporary shelters, this study intends to clarify the essential role of temporary shelters before the reconstruction work is done. The paper also identifies the main problems from three aspects including spatial layout, thermal comfort and utilization of passive technology. Moreover, it expounds the passive strategies of ecological design by case study and simulation. It is found that the living condition of shelters can be improved from the perspective of architectural space, ventilation theory and construction techniques. Regardless of being temporary, these shelters are crucial elements in emergency situations and should be taken more seriously.

Keywords: architectural space, construction technique, sustainable strategy, temporary shelter

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1125 Improving Utilization of Sugarcane by Replacing Ordinary Propagation Material with Small Chips of Sugarcane Planted in Paper Pots

Authors: C. Garcia, C. Andreasen


Sugarcane is an important resource for bioenergy. Fields are usually established by using 15-20 cm pieces of sugarcane stalks as propagation material. An alternative method is to use small chips with nodes from sugarcane stalks. Plants from nodes are often established in plastic pots, but plastic pots could be replaced with biodegradable paper pots. This would be a more sustainable solution, reducing labor costs and avoiding pollution with plastic. We compared the establishment of plants from nodes taken from three different part of the sugarcane plant. The nodes were planted in plastic and paper pots. There was no significant difference between plants established in the two pot types. Nodes from different part of the stalk had different sprouting capacity. Nodes from the top parts sprouted significantly better than nodes taken from the middle or nodes taken closed to the ground in two experiments. Nodes with a length of 3 cm performed better than nodes with a length of 2 cm.

Keywords: nodes, paper pots, propagation material, sugarcane

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1124 Antifungal Activity of Commiphora myrrha L. against Some Air Fungi

Authors: Ahmed E. Al-Sabri, Mohamed A. Moslem, Sarfaraz Hadi


To avoid the harmful effects of the chemical fungicides on the human and minimize the environmental pollution, an alternative eco-friendly control strategies should be developed. The extract of Commiphora myhrra L. was tested against twenty fungal genera isolated from the indoor air collected from different rooms in King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Disc diffusion test was modified for use in this study and the collected data was statistically analyzed. Variable antifungal efficacy of different myrrh extract was recorded against the investigated fungal genera. The efficacy of the extract was increased as the concentration increased. The highest growth inhibition (74.6%) was against Acremonium strictum followed by Trichoderma psuedokoningii (70.6%). On contrast, the lowest efficacy (12.7%) was against Ulocladium consortiale. It could be concluded that myrrh extract is promised as a source of substances from which of safer and eco-friendly could be used as antimicrobial agents against a number of pathogenic fungi.

Keywords: antifungal, myrrh, antimicrobial, medicinal plant

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1123 Chemical Risk Posed by Hospital Liquid Effluents Example CHU Beni Messous Algiers

Authors: Laref Nabil


Ecology is at the center of many debates and international regulations. It therefore becomes a necessity and a privileged axis in many countries policy. The rise of environmental problems, the particularism of the hospital as an actor Public Health must lead by example in hygiene, prevention of risks to man and his environment. In this, it seemed interesting to make a poster on hospital liquid effluents in order to know not only the regulatory aspects but also their degree of pollution and their management in health institutions. Materials and methods: Samples taken at several looks, analysis performed at STEP Reghaia Algiers. Discussion and / or findings: In general, central gaze analysis results of water we can conclude that the contents of the various physico-chemical parameters greatly exceed the standards. Although the hypothesis of assimilating hospital liquid effluents domestic waters is confirmed, the liquid effluent from the University Hospital of Beni Messous and dumped in the natural environment still represent ecotoxicological risk.

Keywords: health, hospital, liquid effluents, water

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1122 Some Characteristics and Identification of Fungi Contaminated by Alkomos Cement Factory

Authors: Abdulmajeed Bashir Mlitan, Ethan Hack


Soil samples were collected from and around Alkomos cement factory, Alkomos town, Libya. Soil physiochemical properties were determined. In addition, olive leaves were scanned for their fungal content. This work can conclude that the results obtained for the examined physiochemical characteristics of soil in the area studied prove that cement dust from the Alkomos cement factory in Libya has had a significant impact on the soil. The affected soil properties are pH and total calcium content. These characteristics were found to be higher than those in similar soils from the same area. The increment of soil pH in the same area may be a result of precipitation of cement dust over the years. Different responses were found in each season and each site. For instance, the dominance of fungi of soil and leaves was lowest at 100 m from the factory and the evenness and diversity increased at this site compared to the control area and 250 m from the factory.

Keywords: pollution, soil microbial, alkomos, Libya

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