Search results for: molecular states
3988 Legal Implications of a Single African Air Transport Market on Airlines and Passengers in Nigeria
Authors: Adejoke Omowumi Adediran
The commitment of African states to liberalise civil aviation in Africa through the implementation of the Yamoussoukro Decision of 1999 was reiterated in 2015 at the African Union Assembly meeting. A declaration was made by African Heads of government at the meeting to ensure the immediate implementation of the decision towards the establishment of a Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) by 2017. A SAATM will imply among others, a removal of all commercial restrictions for African airlines in Africa; access to any route in Africa by African airlines without any required permit or authorisation; and a common set of regulations for airlines in African member states. As the envisioned 2017 date for launching the SAATM could not be met, a new date of January 2018 has been set. The lack of political will by African States, however, remains a prominent challenge to the realisation of the SAATM. As at June 2017, only twenty-one states had signed the commitment to actualise the decision creating the SAATM. In actualisation of the SAATM, a regulatory framework has been established to efficiently manage the new African airline industry, and regulatory texts have been adopted as part of the legal regime. This legal regime is to regulate both interstate and domestic operations. Airlines in Nigeria are currently faced with certain challenges which ultimately affect their effectiveness and passengers as well do not enjoy utmost customer satisfaction with services rendered by the airlines. Although Nigeria has demonstrated support for the SAATM since 2015, as Nigeria alongside ten other states, signed the initial commitment, whether or not SAATM will eventually be beneficial to airlines and passengers has become an issue in the light of the challenges of the Nigerian airline industry. Remarkably, the benefit of the SAATM is to a large extent ultimately determined by its legal framework. Using doctrinal research, this paper examines the legal implications of the SAATM on airlines and passengers in Nigeria. This paper analyses the legal framework of SAATM and juxtaposes this with the particular issues affecting airlines and passengers in Nigeria such as financial difficulties on the part of airlines and consumer protection as regards passengers. Among others, it can be asserted that the legal regime affords an opportunity for business expansion and creates a fair environment for competition. This is beneficial not only to the airlines but to passengers as well. In addition, in the interest of passengers, consumer rights are prescribed, and the regulations also cater for situations where airlines interrupt their services, as losses arising from these situations will be mitigated. There is indeed no doubt that the SAATM will be of great utility to both airlines and passengers in Nigeria.Keywords: airlines, civil aviation, competition, consumer protection, passengers, single African air transport market, yamoussoukro decision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1413987 The Relationship Study between Topological Indices in Contrast with Thermodynamic Properties of Amino Acids
Authors: Esmat Mohammadinasab, Mostafa Sadeghi
In this study are computed some thermodynamic properties such as entropy and specific heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy and gibbs free energy in 10 type different Aminoacids using Gaussian software with DFT method and 6-311G basis set. Then some topological indices such as Wiener, shultz are calculated for mentioned molecules. Finaly is showed relationship between thermodynamic peoperties and above topological indices and with different curves is represented that there is a good correlation between some of the quantum properties with topological indices of them. The instructive example is directed to the design of the structure-property model for predicting the thermodynamic properties of the amino acids which are discussed here.Keywords: amino acids, DFT Method, molecular descriptor, thermodynamic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4333986 The Effects of Molecular and Climatic Variability on the Occurrence of Aspergillus Species and Aflatoxin Production in Commercial Maize from Different Agro-climatic Regions in South Africa
Authors: Nji Queenta Ngum, Mwanza Mulunda
Introduction Most African research reports on the frequent aflatoxin contamination of various foodstuffs, with researchers rarely specifying which of the Aspergillus species are present in these commodities. Numerous research works provide evidence of the ability of fungi to grow, thrive, and interact with other crop species and focus on the fact that these processes are largely affected by climatic variables. South Africa is a water-stressed country with high spatio-temporal rainfall variability; moreover, temperatures have been projected to rise at a rate twice the global rate. This weather pattern change may lead to crop stress encouraging mold contamination with subsequent mycotoxin production. In this study, the biodiversity and distribution of Aspergillus species with their corresponding toxins in maize from six distinct maize producing regions with different weather patterns in South Africa were investigated. Materials And Methods By applying cultural and molecular methods, a total of 1028 maize samples from six distinct agro-climatic regions were examined for contamination by the Aspergillus species while the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was applied to analyse the level of contamination by aflatoxins. Results About 30% of the overall maize samples were contaminated by at least one Aspergillus species. Less than 30% (28.95%) of the 228 isolates subjected to the aflatoxigenic test was found to possess at least one of the aflatoxin biosynthetic genes. Furthermore, almost 20% were found to be contaminated with aflatoxins, with mean total aflatoxin concentration levels of 64.17 ppb. Amongst the contaminated samples, 59.02% had mean total aflatoxin concentration levels above the SA regulatory limit of 20ppb for animals and 10 for human consumption. Conclusion In this study, climate variables (rainfall reduction) were found to significantly (p<0.001) influence the occurrence of the Aspergillus species (especially Aspergillus fumigatus) and the production of aflatoxin in South Africa commercial maize by maize variety, year of cultivation as well as the agro-climatic region in which the maize is cultivated. This included, amongst others, a reduction in the average annual rainfall of the preceding year to about 21.27 mm, and, as opposed to other regions whose average maximum rainfall ranged between 37.24 – 44.1 mm, resulted in a significant increase in the aflatoxin contamination of maize.Keywords: aspergillus species, aflatoxins, diversity, drought, food safety, HPLC and PCR techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 783985 Advancing the Analysis of Physical Activity Behaviour in Diverse, Rapidly Evolving Populations: Using Unsupervised Machine Learning to Segment and Cluster Accelerometer Data
Authors: Christopher Thornton, Niina Kolehmainen, Kianoush Nazarpour
Background: Accelerometers are widely used to measure physical activity behavior, including in children. The traditional method for processing acceleration data uses cut points, relying on calibration studies that relate the quantity of acceleration to energy expenditure. As these relationships do not generalise across diverse populations, they must be parametrised for each subpopulation, including different age groups, which is costly and makes studies across diverse populations difficult. A data-driven approach that allows physical activity intensity states to emerge from the data under study without relying on parameters derived from external populations offers a new perspective on this problem and potentially improved results. We evaluated the data-driven approach in a diverse population with a range of rapidly evolving physical and mental capabilities, namely very young children (9-38 months old), where this new approach may be particularly appropriate. Methods: We applied an unsupervised machine learning approach (a hidden semi-Markov model - HSMM) to segment and cluster the accelerometer data recorded from 275 children with a diverse range of physical and cognitive abilities. The HSMM was configured to identify a maximum of six physical activity intensity states and the output of the model was the time spent by each child in each of the states. For comparison, we also processed the accelerometer data using published cut points with available thresholds for the population. This provided us with time estimates for each child’s sedentary (SED), light physical activity (LPA), and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Data on the children’s physical and cognitive abilities were collected using the Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI-CAT). Results: The HSMM identified two inactive states (INS, comparable to SED), two lightly active long duration states (LAS, comparable to LPA), and two short-duration high-intensity states (HIS, comparable to MVPA). Overall, the children spent on average 237/392 minutes per day in INS/SED, 211/129 minutes per day in LAS/LPA, and 178/168 minutes in HIS/MVPA. We found that INS overlapped with 53% of SED, LAS overlapped with 37% of LPA and HIS overlapped with 60% of MVPA. We also looked at the correlation between the time spent by a child in either HIS or MVPA and their physical and cognitive abilities. We found that HIS was more strongly correlated with physical mobility (R²HIS =0.5, R²MVPA= 0.28), cognitive ability (R²HIS =0.31, R²MVPA= 0.15), and age (R²HIS =0.15, R²MVPA= 0.09), indicating increased sensitivity to key attributes associated with a child’s mobility. Conclusion: An unsupervised machine learning technique can segment and cluster accelerometer data according to the intensity of movement at a given time. It provides a potentially more sensitive, appropriate, and cost-effective approach to analysing physical activity behavior in diverse populations, compared to the current cut points approach. This, in turn, supports research that is more inclusive across diverse populations.Keywords: physical activity, machine learning, under 5s, disability, accelerometer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2123984 Nanoporous Metals Reinforced with Fullerenes
Authors: Deni̇z Ezgi̇ Gülmez, Mesut Kirca
Nanoporous (np) metals have attracted considerable attention owing to their cellular morphological features at atomistic scale which yield ultra-high specific surface area awarding a great potential to be employed in diverse applications such as catalytic, electrocatalytic, sensing, mechanical and optical. As one of the carbon based nanostructures, fullerenes are also another type of outstanding nanomaterials that have been extensively investigated due to their remarkable chemical, mechanical and optical properties. In this study, the idea of improving the mechanical behavior of nanoporous metals by inclusion of the fullerenes, which offers a new metal-carbon nanocomposite material, is examined and discussed. With this motivation, tensile mechanical behavior of nanoporous metals reinforced with carbon fullerenes is investigated by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Atomistic models of the nanoporous metals with ultrathin ligaments are obtained through a stochastic process simply based on the intersection of spherical volumes which has been used previously in literature. According to this technique, the atoms within the ensemble of intersecting spherical volumes is removed from the pristine solid block of the selected metal, which results in porous structures with spherical cells. Following this, fullerene units are added into the cellular voids to obtain final atomistic configurations for the numerical tensile tests. Several numerical specimens are prepared with different number of fullerenes per cell and with varied fullerene sizes. LAMMPS code was used to perform classical MD simulations to conduct uniaxial tension experiments on np models filled by fullerenes. The interactions between the metal atoms are modeled by using embedded atomic method (EAM) while adaptive intermolecular reactive empirical bond order (AIREBO) potential is employed for the interaction of carbon atoms. Furthermore, atomic interactions between the metal and carbon atoms are represented by Lennard-Jones potential with appropriate parameters. In conclusion, the ultimate goal of the study is to present the effects of fullerenes embedded into the cellular structure of np metals on the tensile response of the porous metals. The results are believed to be informative and instructive for the experimentalists to synthesize hybrid nanoporous materials with improved properties and multifunctional characteristics.Keywords: fullerene, intersecting spheres, molecular dynamic, nanoporous metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 2393983 Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixture Containing Diethylamine and 2-Alkanol
Authors: Elham jassemi Zargani, Mohammad almasi
Densities and viscosities for binary mixtures of diethylamine + 2 Alkanol (2 propanol up to 2 pentanol) were measured over the entire composition range and temperature interval of 293.15 to 323.15 K. Excess molar volumes V_m^E and viscosity deviations Δη were calculated and correlated by the Redlich−Kister type function to derive the coefficients and estimate the standard error. For mixtures of diethylamine with used 2-alkanols, V_m^E and Δη are negative over the entire range of mole fraction. The observed variations of these parameters, with alkanols chain length and temperature, are discussed in terms of the inter-molecular interactions between the unlike molecules of the binary mixtures.Keywords: densities, viscosities, diethylamine, 2-alkanol, Redlich-Kister
Procedia PDF Downloads 3893982 A Comparative Study of the Evolution of Disparities in Salaries of Hospital Executives
Authors: Lesley Clack, Rachel Ellison, Elizabeth Chambers
A belief exists that there are huge gender and racial disparities among hospital CEO’s in the United States, and historically, male, Caucasian healthcare executives have made significantly larger salaries than females and other races. With a recent focus on reducing barriers and disparities in healthcare, it remains to be seen whether there have been changes in these disparities over time. The purpose of this study was to explore disparities among salaries of hospital executives in the United States. Analysis of salary data was conducted utilizing online hospital salary databases. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the significance of the differences. Results indicated that there had been improvements in disparities among some ethnicities. Gender disparities remain the largest gap. The implications of this study are significant for the field of healthcare management as disparities can affect both social dynamics and organizational culture. Understanding where disparities lie is the first step towards bridging the gap and reducing barriers for cultural diversity within healthcare management.Keywords: health care, disparities, management, executives
Procedia PDF Downloads 1243981 Constitutive Flo1p Expression on Strains Bearing Deletions in Genes Involved in Cell Wall Biogenesis
Authors: Lethukuthula Ngobese, Abin Gupthar, Patrick Govender
The ability of yeast cell wall-derived mannoproteins (glycoproteins) to positively contribute to oenological properties has been a key factor that stimulates research initiatives into these industrially important glycoproteins. In addition, and from a fundamental research perspective, yeast cell wall glycoproteins are involved in a wide range of biological interactions. To date, and to the best of our knowledge, our understanding of the fine molecular structure of these mannoproteins is fairly limited. Generally, the amino acid sequences of their protein moieties have been established from structural and functional analysis of the genomic sequence of these yeasts whilst far less information is available on the glycosyl moieties of these mannoproteins. A novel strategy was devised in this study that entails the genetic engineering of yeast strains that over-express and release cell wall-associated glycoproteins into the liquid growth medium. To this end, the Flo1p mannoprotein was overexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strains bearing a specific deletion in KNR4 and GPI7 genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis that have been previously shown to extracellularly hyper-secrete cell wall-associated glycoproteins. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based cloning strategy was employed to generate transgenic yeast strains in which the native cell wall FLO1 glycoprotein-encoding gene is brought under transcriptional control of the constitutive PGK1 promoter. The modified Helm’s flocculation assay was employed to assess flocculation intensities of a Flo1p over-expressing wild type and deletion mutant as an indirect measure of their abilities to release the desired mannoprotein. The flocculation intensities of the transformed strains were assessed and all the strains showed similar intensities (>98% flocculation). To assess if mannoproteins were released into the growth medium, the supernatant of each strain was subjected to the BCA protein assay and the transformed Δknr4 strain showed a considerable increase in protein levels. This study has the potential to produce mannoproteins in sufficient quantities that may be employed in future investigations to understand their molecular structures and mechanisms of interaction to the benefit of both fundamental and industrial applications.Keywords: glycoproteins, genetic engineering, flocculation, over-expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 4163980 India’s Role in Afghanistan in the Post 9/11 Era
Authors: Fayiz Saifurahman
Afghanistan's geopolitically and geo-strategically location has remained the attention of Indian policy. On 11 September 2001, the terrorist attacks in the United States and the announcement of the United States, fight for international war against the Taliban in November 2001 provided India a chance to pursue its foreign policy goals of achieving a good position in the region and emerging as an international power. Therefore, post-9/11, India strengthened its efforts to re-establish its power in Afghanistan. The objectives of this study are to study the India-Afghanistan relation in the post 9/11 and to discuss the initial role of India in Afghanistan. The research method was conducted on a qualitative method based on descriptive. The research findings propose that; Indian foreign policy should be analyzed and increase its soft power. Afghanistan has definitely provided a significant occasion for India to increase its power in Afghanistan. In this linkage, Indian determinations have been to intrude all parts in Afghanistan to make them reliant on Indian cooperation.Keywords: Afghanistan, war, power, policy.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2323979 Expanded Polyurethane Foams and Waterborne-Polyurethanes from Vegetable Oils
Authors: A.Cifarelli, L. Boggioni, F. Bertini, L. Magon, M. Pitalieri, S. Losio
Nowadays, the growing environmental awareness and the dwindling of fossil resources stimulate the polyurethane (PU) industry towards renewable polymers with low carbon footprint to replace the feed stocks from petroleum sources. The main challenge in this field consists in replacing high-performance products from fossil-fuel with novel synthetic polymers derived from 'green monomers'. The bio-polyols from plant oils have attracted significant industrial interest and major attention in scientific research due to their availability and biodegradability. Triglycerides rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as soybean oil (SBO) and linseed oil (ELO), are particularly interesting because their structures and functionalities are tunable by chemical modification in order to obtain polymeric materials with expected final properties. Unfortunately, their use is still limited for processing or performance problems because a high functionality, as well as OH number of the polyols will result in an increase in cross-linking densities of the resulting PUs. The main aim of this study is to evaluate soy and linseed-based polyols as precursors to prepare prepolymers for the production of polyurethane foams (PUFs) or waterborne-polyurethanes (WPU) used as coatings. An effective reaction route is employed for its simplicity and economic impact. Indeed, bio-polyols were synthesized by a two-step method: epoxidation of the double bonds in vegetable oils and solvent-free ring-opening reaction of the oxirane with organic acids. No organic solvents have been used. Acids with different moieties (aliphatic or aromatics) and different length of hydrocarbon backbones can be used to customize polyols with different functionalities. The ring-opening reaction requires a fine tuning of the experimental conditions (time, temperature, molar ratio of carboxylic acid and epoxy group) to control the acidity value of end-product as well as the amount of residual starting materials. Besides, a Lewis base catalyst is used to favor the ring opening reaction of internal epoxy groups of the epoxidized oil and minimize the formation of cross-linked structures in order to achieve less viscous and more processable polyols with narrower polydispersity indices (molecular weight lower than 2000 g/mol⁻¹). The functionality of optimized polyols is tuned from 2 to 4 per molecule. The obtained polyols are characterized by means of GPC, NMR (¹H, ¹³C) and FT-IR spectroscopy to evaluate molecular masses, molecular mass distributions, microstructures and linkage pathways. Several polyurethane foams have been prepared by prepolymer method blending conventional synthetic polyols with new bio-polyols from soybean and linseed oils without using organic solvents. The compatibility of such bio-polyols with commercial polyols and diisocyanates is demonstrated. The influence of the bio-polyols on the foam morphology (cellular structure, interconnectivity), density, mechanical and thermal properties has been studied. Moreover, bio-based WPUs have been synthesized by well-established processing technology. In this synthesis, a portion of commercial polyols is substituted by the new bio-polyols and the properties of the coatings on leather substrates have been evaluated to determine coating hardness, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, gloss, chemical resistance, flammability, durability, and adhesive strength.Keywords: bio-polyols, polyurethane foams, solvent free synthesis, waterborne-polyurethanes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1323978 PRISM: An Analytical Tool for Forest Plan Development
Authors: Dung Nguyen, Yu Wei, Eric Henderson
Analytical tools have been used for decades to assist in the development of forest plans. In 2016, a new decision support system, PRISM, was jointly developed by United States Forest Service (USFS) Northern Region and Colorado State University to support the forest planning process. Prism has a friendly user interface with functionality for database management, model development, data visualization, and sensitivity analysis. The software is tailored for USFS planning, but it is flexible enough to support planning efforts by other forestland owners and managers. Here, the core capability of PRISM and its applications in developing plans for several United States national forests are presented. The strengths of PRISM are also discussed to show its potential of being a preferable tool for managers and experts in the domain of forest management and planning.Keywords: decision support, forest management, forest plan, graphical user interface, software
Procedia PDF Downloads 1123977 Using Unilateral Diplomatic Assurances to Evade Provisional Measures' Orders
Authors: William Thomas Worster
This paper will highlight the failure of international adjudication to prevent a state from evading an order of provisional measures by simply issuing a diplomatic assurance to the court. This practice changes the positions of the litigants as equals before a court, prevents the court from inquiring into the reliability of the political pledge as it would with assurances from a state to an individual, and diminishes the court’s ability to control its own proceedings in the face of concerns over sovereignty. Both the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) will entertain these kinds of unilateral pledges, but they consider them differently when the declaration is made between states or between a state and an individual, and when made directly to the court. In short, diplomatic assurances issued between states or to individuals are usually considered not to be legally binding and are essentially questions of fact, but unilateral assurances issued directly to an international court are questions of law, and usually legally binding. At the same time, orders for provisional measures are now understood also to be legally binding, yet international courts will sometimes permit a state to substitute an assurance in place of an order for provisional measures. This emerging practice has brought the nature of a state as a sovereign capable of creating legal obligations into the forum of adjudication where the parties should have equality of arms and permitted states to create legal obligations that escape inquiry into the reliability of the outcome. While most recent practice has occurred at the ICJ in state-to-state litigation, there is some practice potentially extending the practice to human rights courts. Especially where the litigants are factually unequal – a state and an individual – this practice is problematic since states could more easily overcome factual failings in their pledges and evade the control of the court. Consider, for example, the potential for evading non-refoulement obligations by extending the current diplomatic assurances practice from the state-to-state context to the state-to-court context. The dual nature of assurances, as both legal and factual instruments, should be considered as addressed to distinct questions, each with its own considerations, and that we need to be more demanding about their precise legal and factual effects.Keywords: unilateral, diplomacy, assurances, undertakings, provisional measures, interim measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713976 Elder Abuse: An Exploration of China, the United States, and Israel’s Perspectives on Elder Abuse and What Their Differences Reveal about Its Underreported Nature
Authors: Sydney Burnett
The history of the relationship between elder abuse and its tendency to go underreported is rooted in the oppressive nature of ageism and victimization. Approximately 8% of the world's population was aged sixty or over in 1950, whereas, in 2020, the number more than doubled to 16.9%. By 2050, that number is expected to reach 22%. Although difficult for individuals of any age to feel completely supported in society, this task proves especially difficult for the elderly demographic. And as the elderly population continues to grow, the systemic abuse and neglect that this group encounters, and thus its underreported nature, multiply at a similar rate. Although a recent increase in awareness has initiated stronger efforts towards addressing the meager resources, processes, and personnel present to manage elder abuse, both reported and unreported, the destructive complexities of ageism and victimization persist. Examining the byproducts of the rapidly growing elderly demographic in China, the United States, and Israel, in cohesion with the inherent challenges in the context of terminology, definition, and typologies of elder abuse should provide insight into the pernicious influences of elder abuse that contribute to the non-identification and non-recognition of elder maltreatment present in these three countries in different stages of development. This investigation aims to understand the intricacy of elder abuse and its correlation to a lack of acknowledgment as well as its consequences in society by exploring the variation between China, the United States, and Israel's attitudes surrounding the subject. Furthermore, the systemic abuse and neglect embedded in global ageism can be revealed by the differences between the three countries' approaches to reporting elder abuse.Keywords: elder abuse, ageism, mistreatment, underreported
Procedia PDF Downloads 913975 Biologically Active Caffeic Acid-Derived Biopolymer
Authors: V. Barbakadze, L. Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, M. Merlani, K. Mulkijanyan
The high-molecular water-soluble preparations from several species of two genera (Symphytum and Anchusa) of Boraginaceae family Symphytum asperum, S. caucasicum, S.officinale and Anchusa italica were isolated. According to IR, 13C and 1H NMR, APT, 1D NOE, 2D heteronuclear 1H/13C HSQC and 2D DOSY experiments, the main chemical constit¬uent of these preparations was found to be caffeic acid-derived polyether, namely poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] (PDPGA) or poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene]. Most carboxylic groups of this caffeic acid-derived polymer of A. italica are methylated.Keywords: Anchusa, poly[3-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid], poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene], Symphytum
Procedia PDF Downloads 3293974 Antioxidant, Hypoglycemic and Hypotensive Effects Affected by Various Molecular Weights of Cold Water Extract from Pleurotus Citrinopileatus
Authors: Pao-Huei Chen, Shu-Mei Lin, Yih-Ming Weng, Zer-Ran Yu, Be-Jen Wang
Pancreatic α-amylase and intestinal α-glucosidase are the critical enzymes for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into di- or mono-saccharide, which play an important role in modulating postprandial blood sugars. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) converts inactive angiotensin-I into active angiotensin-II, which subsequently increase blood pressure through triggering vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion. Thus, inhibition of carbohydrate-digestion enzymes and ACE will help the management of blood glucose and blood pressure, respectively. Studies showed Pleurotus citrinopileatus (PC), an edible mushroom and commonly cultured in oriental countries, exerted anticancer, immune improving, antioxidative, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects. Previous studies also showed various molecular weights (MW) fractioned from extracts may affect biological activities due to varying contents of bioactive components. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate the in vitro antioxidant, hypoglycemic and hypotenstive effects and distribution of active compounds of various MWs of cold water extract from P. citrinopileatus (CWEPC). CWEPC was fractioned into four various MW fractions, PC-I (<1 kDa), PC-II (1-3.5 kDa), PC-III (3.5-10 kDa), and PC-IV (>10 kDa), using an ultrafiltration system. The physiological activities, including antioxidant activities, the inhibition capabilities of pancreatic α-amylase, intestinal α-glucosidase, and hypertension-linked ACE, and the active components, including polysaccharides, protein, and phenolic contents, of CWEPC and four fractions were determined. The results showed that fractions with lower MW exerted a higher antioxidant activity (p<0.05), which was positively correlated to the levels of total phenols. In contrast, the inhibition effects on the activities of α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and ACE of PC-IV fraction were significantly higher than CWEPC and the other three low MW fractions (< 10 kDa), which was more related to protein contents. The inhibition capability of CWEPC and PC-IV on α-amylase activity was 1/13.4 to 1/2.7 relative to that of acarbose (positive control), respectively. However, the inhibitory ability of PC-IV on α-glucosidase (IC50 = 0.5 mg/mL) was significantly higher than acarbose (IC50 = 1.7 mg/mL). Kinetic data revealed that PC-IV fraction followed a non-competitive inhibition on α-glucosidase activity. In conclusion, the distribution of various bioactive components contribute to the functions of different MW fractions on oxidative stress prevention, and blood pressure and glucose modulation.Keywords: α-Amylase, angiotensin converting enzyme, α-Glucosidase, Pleurotus citrinopileatus
Procedia PDF Downloads 4613973 Improvisation Transformation: An Exploration of Musical Influence between the Cuban Descarga and American Jazz Movements
Authors: Alissa Settembrino
Improvisation, one of the most expressive qualities of the performing arts, has allowed for entire compositions to be created through descargas. A topic relatively understudied, these combo-inspired jam sessions originated in Cuba and intrigued jazz musicians in the United States to experiment with their improvisation after the Cool Jazz era. Through the exploration of prominent improvisation-based Cuban dance styles, the crucial jazz musicians that contributed to the progression of the descarga movement and comparing such facets to that of jazz in the United States, this paper offers a critical comparative analysis to suggest how the descarga influenced American jazz. This paper specifically focuses on harmonic construction, form and rhythmic qualities, as well as how these recorded jam sessions started to change the way people listened to and enjoyed this style of music. Examining the harmonic intricacies of descargas offers the likelihood of having influenced the construction of the blues scale in American jazz. Since these recorded jam sessions originally stemmed from Cuban dance styles (the cumbia, guaracha, rumba, etc.), descarga compositions changed the way musicians structured their improvisation to meet recording guidelines as well as their audiences’ listening needs. The ways in which the descarga inspired harmonic and rhythmic change led to the movement’s influence on the jazz culture as it progressed from Cuba to New York during the 1950s. Exploring the descarga provides insight into a movement that is not commonly studied and encourages further discussion about how certain aspects of Latin American culture have influenced the United States socially and creatively.Keywords: descarga, harmony, improvisation, jam session, jazz
Procedia PDF Downloads 1673972 Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory of an Oscillating Electron Density around a Nanoparticle
Authors: Nilay K. Doshi
A theoretical probe describing the excited energy states of the electron density surrounding a nanoparticle (NP) is presented. An electromagnetic (EM) wave interacts with a NP much smaller than the incident wavelength. The plasmon that oscillates locally around the NP comprises of excited conduction electrons. The system is based on the Jellium model of a cluster of metal atoms. Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) equations and the variational Kohn-Sham (SK) scheme have been used to obtain the NP electron density in the ground state. Furthermore, a time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) theory is used to treat the excited states in a density functional theory (DFT) framework. The non-interacting fermionic kinetic energy is shown to be a functional of the electron density. The time dependent potential is written as the sum of the nucleic potential and the incoming EM field. This view of the quantum oscillation of the electron density is a part of the localized surface plasmon resonance.Keywords: electron density, energy, electromagnetic, DFT, TDDFT, plasmon, resonance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3333971 Global Analysis of Modern Economic Sanctions
Authors: I. L. Yakushev
Economic sanctions are an integral part of the foreign policy repertoire of States. Increasingly, States and international organizations are resorting to sanctions to address a variety of issues -from fighting corruption to preventing the use of nuclear weapons. Over time, the ways in which economic sanctions have been used have changed, especially over the past two decades. In the late 1990s, the recognition of the humanitarian harm of economic sanctions and the "War on Terrorism" after the events of September 11, 2001, led to serious changes in the structure and mechanisms of their application. Questions about how these coercive tools work, when they are applied, what consequences they have, and when they are successful are still being determined by research conducted in the second half of the 20th century. The conclusions drawn from past cases of sanctions may not be fully applicable to the current sanctions policy. In the second half of the 20th century, most cases of sanctions were related to the United States, and it covered restrictions on international trade. However, over the past two decades, the European Union, the United Nations, and China have also been the main initiators of sanctions. Modern sanctions include targeted and financial restrictions and are applied against individuals, organizations, and companies. Changing the senders, targets, stakeholders, and economic instruments used in the sanctions policy has serious implications for effectiveness and results. The regulatory and bureaucratic infrastructure necessary to implement and comply with modern economic sanctions has become more reliable. This evolution of sanctions has provided the scientific community with an opportunity to study new issues of coercion and return to the old ones. The economic sanctions research program should be developed to be relevant for understanding the application of modern sanctions and their consequences.Keywords: global analysis, economic sanctions, targeted sanctions, foreign policy, domestic policy, United Nations, European Union, USA, economic pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 603970 New Recombinant Netrin-a Protein of Lucilia Sericata Larvae by Bac to Bac Expression Vector System in Sf9 Insect Cell
Authors: Hamzeh Alipour, Masoumeh Bagheri, Abbasali Raz, Javad Dadgar Pakdel, Kourosh Azizi, Aboozar Soltani, Mohammad Djaefar Moemenbellah-Fard
Background: Maggot debridement therapy is an appropriate, effective, and controlled method using sterilized larvae of Luciliasericata (L.sericata) to treat wounds. Netrin-A is an enzyme in the Laminins family which secreted from salivary gland of L.sericata with a central role in neural regeneration and angiogenesis. This study aimed to production of new recombinant Netrin-A protein of Luciliasericata larvae by baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) in SF9. Material and methods: In the first step, gene structure was subjected to the in silico studies, which were include determination of Antibacterial activity, Prion formation risk, homology modeling, Molecular docking analysis, and Optimization of recombinant protein. In the second step, the Netrin-A gene was cloned and amplified in pTG19 vector. After digestion with BamH1 and EcoR1 restriction enzymes, it was cloned in pFastBac HTA vector. It was then transformed into DH10Bac competent cells, and the recombinant Bacmid was subsequently transfected into insect Sf9 cells. The expressed recombinant Netrin-A was thus purified in the Ni-NTA agarose. This protein evaluation was done using SDS-PAGE and western blot, respectively. Finally, its concentration was calculated with the Bradford assay method. Results: The Bacmid vector structure with Netrin-A was successfully constructed and then expressed as Netrin-A protein in the Sf9 cell lane. The molecular weight of this protein was 52 kDa with 404 amino acids. In the in silico studies, fortunately, we predicted that recombinant LSNetrin-A have Antibacterial activity and without any prion formation risk.This molecule hasa high binding affinity to the Neogenin and a lower affinity to the DCC-specific receptors. Signal peptide located between amino acids 24 and 25. The concentration of Netrin-A recombinant protein was calculated to be 48.8 μg/ml. it was confirmed that the characterized gene in our previous study codes L. sericata Netrin-A enzyme. Conclusions: Successful generation of the recombinant Netrin-A, a secreted protein in L.sericata salivary glands, and because Luciliasericata larvae are used in larval therapy. Therefore, the findings of the present study could be useful to researchers in future studies on wound healing.Keywords: blowfly, BEVS, gene, immature insect, recombinant protein, Sf9
Procedia PDF Downloads 953969 Fighting Corruption: Antidote to Strengthening Governance in Africa
Authors: Gabriel Adegbite
Corruption has become one of the most notoriously persistent and progressively worsening social problems afflicting most of the African states. It has permeated virtually all institutions and has become a way of life and principal method of accumulating wealth on the continent. While major cause of this pandemic has been traced to the post-colonial antecedents of many African leaders, some highlights during the colonial era have shown that activities during the period gave impetus for its entrenchment. There is also a growing study establishing an intersection between corruption and governance. However, any comprehensive analysis of factors responsible for the emergence and entrenchment of corruption in Africa must take a holistic view of the practice. It must examine the role played by colonialism and neo-colonialism in African countries. This study presents few elements and historical view of corruption in sub-Sahara Africa. It analyse the reason for corruption eruption in most of the African states while suggesting some anti-corruption strategy that may be peculiar to the continent. This study makes a contribution to the growing literature in the area of corruption and panacea in developing countries.Keywords: Africa, fighting corruption, antidote, governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3743968 Impact of Transportation on the Economic Growth of Nigeria
Authors: E. O. E. Nnadi
Transportation is a critical factor in the economic growth and development of any nation, region or state. Good transportation network supports every sector of the economy like the manufacturing, transportation and encourages investors thereby affect the overall economic prosperity. The paper evaluates the impact of transportation on the economic growth of Nigeria using south eastern states as a case study. The choice of the case study is its importance as the commercial and industrial nerve of the country. About 200 respondents who are of different professions such as dealers in goods, transporters, contractors, consultants, bankers were selected and a set of questionnaire were administered to using the systematic sampling technique in the five states of the region. Descriptive statistics and relative importance index (RII) technique was employed for the analysis of the data gathered. The findings of the analysis reveal that Nigeria has the least effective ratio per population in Africa of 949.91 km/Person. Conclusion was drawn to improve road network in the area and the country as a whole to enhance the economic activities of the people.Keywords: economic growth, south-east, transportation, transportation cost, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2733967 Linguistic Attitudes and Language Learning Needs of Heritage Language Learners of Spanish in the United States
Authors: Sheryl Bernardo-Hinesley
Heritage language learners are students who have been raised in a home where a minority language is spoken, who speaks or merely understand the minority heritage language, but to some degree are bilingual in the majority and the heritage language. In view of the rising university enrollment by Hispanics in the United States who have chosen to study Spanish, university language programs are currently faced with challenges of accommodating the language needs of heritage language learners of Spanish. The present study investigates the heritage language perception and language attitudes by heritage language learners of Spanish, as well as their classroom language learning experiences and needs. In order to carry out the study, a qualitative survey was used to gather data from university students. Analysis of students' responses indicates that heritage learners are motivated to learn the heritage language. In relation to the aspects of focus of a language course for heritage learners, results show that the aspects of interest are accent marks and spelling, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, writing, reading, and culture.Keywords: heritage language learners, language acquisition, linguistic attitudes, Spanish in the US
Procedia PDF Downloads 2153966 All for One, or One for All: A Comparative Evaluation of the Role of Social Relations in Explaining Individual versus Group Participation in the Radicalization and Terrorism Process amongst Far-Right Actors in the United States
Authors: Jack Wippell
This paper explores the role of social relations in explaining far-right actors' decisions over whether to travel down the process of radicalization and terrorism alone or in a group. To this end, a joint comparative method of difference and agreement is applied to four case studies across key temporal points on the radicalization and terrorism pathway to generate a theory of why individuals decide to radicalize and/or act alone or within a group. While social relations are identified as playing some moderate role in explaining why certain individuals radicalize alone versus within a group, this paper argues they play a significant role in affecting decisions over whether to act alone versus in a group. These findings suggest new avenues of distinction and understanding of far-right actors' processes of radicalization and terrorism, in turn, offering potential new avenues for counter-terrorism policy and important areas for future research.Keywords: far-right, lone-actor, terrorism, United States, radicalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 913965 Postmortem Genetic Testing to Sudden and Unexpected Deaths Using the Next Generation Sequencing
Authors: Eriko Ochiai, Fumiko Satoh, Keiko Miyashita, Yu Kakimoto, Motoki Osawa
Sudden and unexpected deaths from unknown causes occur in infants and youths. Recently, molecular links between a part of these deaths and several genetic diseases are examined in the postmortem. For instance, hereditary long QT syndrome and Burgada syndrome are occasionally fatal through critical ventricular tachyarrhythmia. There are a large number of target genes responsible for such diseases, the conventional analysis using the Sanger’s method has been laborious. In this report, we attempted to analyze sudden deaths comprehensively using the next generation sequencing (NGS) technique. Multiplex PCR to subject’s DNA was performed using Ion AmpliSeq Library Kits 2.0 and Ion AmpliSeq Inherited Disease Panel (Life Technologies). After the library was constructed by emulsion PCR, the amplicons were sequenced 500 flows on Ion Personal Genome Machine System (Life Technologies) according to the manufacture instruction. SNPs and indels were analyzed to the sequence reads that were mapped on hg19 of reference sequences. This project has been approved by the ethical committee of Tokai University School of Medicine. As a representative case, the molecular analysis to a 40 years old male who received a diagnosis of Brugada syndrome demonstrated a total of 584 SNPs or indels. Non-synonymous and frameshift nucleotide substitutions were selected in the coding region of heart disease related genes of ANK2, AKAP9, CACNA1C, DSC2, KCNQ1, MYLK, SCN1B, and STARD3. In particular, c.629T-C transition in exon 3 of the SCN1B gene, resulting in a leu210-to-pro (L210P) substitution is predicted “damaging” by the SIFT program. Because the mutation has not been reported, it was unclear if the substitution was pathogenic. Sudden death that failed in determining the cause of death constitutes one of the most important unsolved subjects in forensic pathology. The Ion AmpliSeq Inherited Disease Panel can amplify the exons of 328 genes at one time. We realized the difficulty in selection of the true source from a number of candidates, but postmortem genetic testing using NGS analysis deserves of a diagnostic to date. We now extend this analysis to SIDS suspected subjects and young sudden death victims.Keywords: postmortem genetic testing, sudden death, SIDS, next generation sequencing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603964 Social Security Reform and Management: The Case of Three Member Territories of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Authors: Cleopatra Gittens
It has been recognized that some social security and national insurance systems in the Eastern Caribbean are experiencing ageing populations and economic and other crises that will present a financial challenge of being unable to pay pension benefits in fifteen to twenty years. This has implications for the fiscal and economic positions of the countries themselves. Hence, organizations would need to address the issue urgently. The study adds to the body of knowledge on social security systems and social security reforms in small island developing states (SIDS). It also makes recommendations for the types of reforms that social security systems in other SIDS can implement given their special circumstances. Secondary research is used to gather financial and other related information on three social security schemes in the Eastern Caribbean. Actuarial and financial reports and other documents of the social security systems are analysed to obtain financial and static data on each of the schemes. The findings show that the three schemes studied are experiencing steady increases in benefit expenditure versus contributions and increasing pensioner to insured ratios. The schemes will deplete their reserves between 2038 and 2050. Two of the schemes have increased their retirement age while the other has not embarked on any reforms. One scheme has made changes to its contribution percentages. Due to their small size, small populations and other unique circumstances, the social security schemes in the identified territories are not likely to be able to take advantage of all of the reform initiatives that the developed world embarked on when faced with similar problems. These schemes will need to make incremental changes that align with the timeframes recommended by the actuarial studies.Keywords: benefits, pension, small island developing states, social security reform
Procedia PDF Downloads 913963 Application of Vegetation Health Index for Drought Monitoring in the North-East Region of Nigeria
Authors: Abdulkadir I.
Scientists have come to terms with the fact that climate change has been and is expected to cause a significant increase in the severity and frequency of drought events. The northeast region of Nigeria is one of the most, if not the most, affected regions by drought in the country. Therefore, it is on this note that the present study applied ArcGIS and XLSTAT Software and explored drought and its trend in the northeast region of the country using the vegetation health index (VHI), Mann-Kendal, and Sen’s slope between 2001 and 2020. The study also explored the areas that remained under drought and no-drought conditions at intervals of five years for the period under review. The result of Mann-Kendal (-0.07) and Sen’s slope (-0.19) revealed that there was a decreasing trend in VHI over the period under review. The result further showed that the period between 2010 and 2015 had a minimum area of no-drought conditions of about 24%, with Gombe State accounting for the lowest percentage among the six States, about 0.9% of the total area of no-drought conditions. The result further showed the areas that were under drought conditions between 2010 and 2015 represented about 9.1%, with Borno State accounting for the highest percentage among the six States, about 2.5% of the total area under drought conditions. The masked-out areas stood at 66.8%, with Borno State accounting for the highest percentage among the six States, about 20.2% of the total area under drought conditions. Therefore, collective efforts are needed to put in place sustainable land management in the affected areas so as to mitigate the sprawl of desertification in the region.Keywords: climate change, drought, Mann Kendal, sustainable land management, vegetation health index
Procedia PDF Downloads 693962 Synthesis of Carbonyl Iron Particles Modified with Poly (Trimethylsilyloxyethyl Methacrylate) Nano-Grafts
Authors: Martin Cvek, Miroslav Mrlik, Michal Sedlacik, Tomas Plachy
Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are multi-phase composite materials containing micron-sized ferromagnetic particles dispersed in an elastomeric matrix. Their properties such as modulus, damping, magneto-striction, and electrical conductivity can be controlled by an external magnetic field and/or pressure. These features of the MREs are used in the development of damping devices, shock attenuators, artificial muscles, sensors or active elements of electric circuits. However, imperfections on the particle/matrix interfaces result in the lower performance of the MREs when compared with theoretical values. Moreover, magnetic particles are susceptible to corrosion agents such as acid rains or sea humidity. Therefore, the modification of particles is an effective tool for the improvement of MRE performance due to enhanced compatibility between particles and matrix as well as improvements of their thermo-oxidation and chemical stability. In this study, the carbonyl iron (CI) particles were controllably modified with poly(trimethylsilyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMATMS) nano-grafts to develop magnetic core–shell structures exhibiting proper wetting with various elastomeric matrices resulting in improved performance within a frame of rheological, magneto-piezoresistance, pressure-piezoresistance, or radio-absorbing properties. The desired molecular weight of PHEMATMS nano-grafts was precisely tailored using surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The CI particles were firstly functionalized using a 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane agent, followed by esterification reaction with α-bromoisobutyryl bromide. The ATRP was performed in the anisole medium using ethyl α-bromoisobutyrate as a macroinitiator, N, N´, N´´, N´´-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine as a ligand, and copper bromide as an initiator. To explore the effect PHEMATMS molecular weights on final properties, two variants of core-shell structures with different nano-graft lengths were synthesized, while the reaction kinetics were designed through proper reactant feed ratios and polymerization times. The PHEMATMS nano-grafts were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and gel permeation chromatography proving information to their monomer conversions, molecular chain lengths, and low polydispersity indexes (1.28 and 1.35) as the results of the executed ATRP. The successful modifications were confirmed via Fourier transform infrared- and energy-dispersive spectroscopies while expected wavenumber outputs and element presences, respectively, of constituted PHEMATMS nano-grafts, were occurring in the spectra. The surface morphology of bare CI and their PHEMATMS-grafted analogues was further studied by scanning electron microscopy, and the thicknesses of grafted polymeric layers were directly observed by transmission electron microscopy. The contact angles as a measure of particle/matrix compatibility were investigated employing the static sessile drop method. The PHEMATMS nano-grafts enhanced compatibility of hydrophilic CI with low-surface-energy hydrophobic polymer matrix in terms of their wettability and dispersibility in an elastomeric matrix. Thus, the presence of possible defects at the particle/matrix interface is reduced, and higher performance of modified MREs is expected.Keywords: atom transfer radical polymerization, core-shell, particle modification, wettability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2013961 Attention States in the Sustained Attention to Response Task: Effects of Trial Duration, Mind-Wandering and Focus
Authors: Aisling Davies, Ciara Greene
Over the past decade the phenomenon of mind-wandering in cognitive tasks has attracted widespread scientific attention. Research indicates that mind-wandering occurrences can be detected through behavioural responses in the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) and several studies have attributed a specific pattern of responding around an error in this task to an observable effect of a mind-wandering state. SART behavioural responses are also widely accepted as indices of sustained attention and of general attention lapses. However, evidence suggests that these same patterns of responding may be attributable to other factors associated with more focused states and that it may also be possible to distinguish the two states within the same task. To use behavioural responses in the SART to study mind-wandering, it is essential to establish both the SART parameters that would increase the likelihood of errors due to mind-wandering, and exactly what type of responses are indicative of mind-wandering, neither of which have yet been determined. The aims of this study were to compare different versions of the SART to establish which task would induce the most mind-wandering episodes and to determine whether mind-wandering related errors can be distinguished from errors during periods of focus, by behavioural responses in the SART. To achieve these objectives, 25 Participants completed four modified versions of the SART that differed from the classic paradigm in several ways so to capture more instances of mind-wandering. The duration that trials were presented for was increased proportionately across each of the four versions of the task; Standard, Medium Slow, Slow, and Very Slow and participants intermittently responded to thought probes assessing their level of focus and degree of mind-wandering throughout. Error rates, reaction times and variability in reaction times decreased in proportion to the decrease in trial duration rate and the proportion of mind-wandering related errors increased, until the Very Slow condition where the extra decrease in duration no longer had an effect. Distinct reaction time patterns around an error, dependent on level of focus (high/low) and level of mind-wandering (high/low) were also observed indicating four separate attention states occurring within the SART. This study establishes the optimal duration of trial presentation for inducing mind-wandering in the SART, provides evidence supporting the idea that different attention states can be observed within the SART and highlights the importance of addressing other factors contributing to behavioural responses when studying mind-wandering during this task. A notable finding in relation to the standard SART, was that while more errors were observed in this version of the task, most of these errors were during periods of focus, raising significant questions about our current understanding of mind-wandering and associated failures of attention.Keywords: attention, mind-wandering, trial duration rate, Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1833960 Identification of a Lead Compound for Selective Inhibition of Nav1.7 to Treat Chronic Pain
Authors: Sharat Chandra, Zilong Wang, Ru-Rong Ji, Andrey Bortsov
Chronic pain (CP) therapeutic approaches have limited efficacy. As a result, doctors are prescribing opioids for chronic pain, leading to opioid overuse, abuse, and addiction epidemic. Therefore, the development of effective and safe CP drugs remains an unmet medical need. Voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels act as cardiovascular and neurological disorder’s molecular targets. Nav channels selective inhibitors are hard to design because there are nine closely-related isoforms (Nav1.1-1.9) that share the protein sequence segments. We are targeting the Nav1.7 found in the peripheral nervous system and engaged in the perception of pain. The objective of this project was to screen a 1.5 million compound library for identification of inhibitors for Nav1.7 with analgesic effect. In this study, we designed a protocol for identification of isoform-selective inhibitors of Nav1.7, by utilizing the prior information on isoform-selective antagonists. First, a similarity search was performed; then the identified hits were docked into a binding site on the fourth voltage-sensor domain (VSD4) of Nav1.7. We used the FTrees tool for similarity searching and library generation; the generated library was docked in the VSD4 domain binding site using FlexX and compounds were shortlisted using a FlexX score and SeeSAR hyde scoring. Finally, the top 25 compounds were tested with molecular dynamics simulation (MDS). We reduced our list to 9 compounds based on the MDS root mean square deviation plot and obtained them from a vendor for in vitro and in vivo validation. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in HEK-293 cells and dorsal root ganglion neurons were conducted. We used patch pipettes to record transient Na⁺ currents. One of the compounds reduced the peak sodium currents in Nav1.7-HEK-293 stable cell line in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 values at 0.74 µM. In summary, our computer-aided analgesic discovery approach allowed us to develop pre-clinical analgesic candidate with significant reduction of time and cost.Keywords: chronic pain, voltage-gated sodium channel, isoform-selective antagonist, similarity search, virtual screening, analgesics development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1243959 Separation of Lanthanides Ions from Mineral Waste with Functionalized Pillar[5]Arenes: Synthesis, Physicochemical Characterization and Molecular Dynamics Studies
Authors: Ariesny Vera, Rodrigo Montecinos
The rare-earth elements (REEs) or rare-earth metals (REMs), correspond to seventeen chemical elements composed by the fifteen lanthanoids, as well as scandium and yttrium. Lanthanoids corresponds to lanthanum and the f-block elements, from cerium to lutetium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare-earth elements because they have ionic radii similar to the lighter f-block elements. These elements were called rare earths because they are simply more difficult to extract and separate individually than the most metals and, generally, they do not accumulate in minerals, they are rarely found in easily mined ores and are often unfavorably distributed in common ores/minerals. REEs show unique chemical and physical properties, in comparison to the other metals in the periodic table. Nowadays, these physicochemical properties are utilized in a wide range of synthetic, catalytic, electronic, medicinal, and military applications. Because of their applications, the global demand for rare earth metals is becoming progressively more important in the transition to a self-sustaining society and greener economy. However, due to the difficult separation between lanthanoid ions, the high cost and pollution of these processes, the scientists search the development of a method that combines selectivity and quantitative separation of lanthanoids from the leaching liquor, while being more economical and environmentally friendly processes. This motivation has favored the design and development of more efficient and environmentally friendly cation extractors with the incorporation of compounds as ionic liquids, membrane inclusion polymers (PIM) and supramolecular systems. Supramolecular chemistry focuses on the development of host-guest systems, in which a host molecule can recognize and bind a certain guest molecule or ion. Normally, the formation of a host-guest complex involves non-covalent interactions Additionally, host-guest interactions can be influenced among others effects by the structural nature of host and guests. The different macrocyclic hosts for lanthanoid species that have been studied are crown ethers, cyclodextrins, cucurbituryls, calixarenes and pillararenes.Among all the factors that can influence and affect lanthanoid (III) coordination, perhaps the most basic of them is the systematic control using macrocyclic substituents that promote a selective coordination. In this sense, macrocycles pillar[n]arenes (P[n]As) present a relatively easy functionalization and they have more π-rich cavity than other host molecules. This gives to P[n]As a negative electrostatic potential in the cavity which would be responsible for the selectivity of these compounds towards cations. Furthermore, the cavity size, the linker, and the functional groups of the polar headgroups could be modified in order to control the association of lanthanoid cations. In this sense, different P[n]As systems, specifically derivatives of the pentamer P[5]A functionalized with amide, amine, phosphate and sulfate derivatives, have been designed in terms of experimental synthesis and molecular dynamics, and the interaction between these P[5]As and some lanthanoid ions such as La³+, Eu³+ and Lu³+ has been studied by physicochemical characterization by 1H-NMR, ITC and fluorescence in the case of Eu³+ systems. The molecular dynamics study of these systems was developed in hexane as solvent, also taking into account the lanthanoid ions mentioned above, and the respective comparison studies between the different ions.Keywords: lanthanoids, macrocycles, pillar[n]arenes, rare-earth metal extraction, supramolecular chemistry, supramolecular complexes.
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