Search results for: minimum volume embedding
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4749

Search results for: minimum volume embedding

3699 Retinal Vascular Tortuosity in Obstructive Sleep Apnea-COPD Overlap Patients

Authors: Rabab A. El Wahsh, Hatem M. Marey, Maha Yousif, Asmaa M. Ibrahim


Background: OSA and COPD are associated with microvascular changes. Retinal microvasculature can be directly and non-invasively examined. Aim: to evaluate retinal vascular tortuosity in patients with COPD, OSA, and overlap syndrome. Subjects and method: Sixty subjects were included; 15 OSA patients, 15 COPD patients, 15 COPD-OSA overlap patients, and 15 matched controls. They underwent digital retinal photography, polysomnography, arterial blood gases, spirometry, ESS, and stop-bang questionnaires. Results: Tortuosity of most retinal vessels was higher in all patient groups compared to the control group; tortuosity was more marked in overlap syndrome. There was a negative correlation between tortuosity of retinal vessels and PO2, O2 saturation, and minimum O2 desaturation, and a positive correlation with PCO2, AHI, O2 desaturation index, BMI and smoking index. Conclusion: Retinal vascular tortuosity occurs in OSA, COPD and overlap syndrome. Retinal vascular tortuosity is correlated with arterial blood gases parameters, polysomnographic findings, smoking index and BMI.

Keywords: OSA, COPD, overlap syndrome, retinal vascular tortuosity

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3698 A Review of Information Systems Development in Developing Countries

Authors: B. N. Asare, O. A. Ajigini


Information systems (IS) are highly important in the operation of private and public organisations in developing and developed countries. Developing countries are saddled with many project failures during the implementation of information systems. However, successful information systems are greatly needed in developing countries in order to enhance their economies. This paper is highly important in view of the high failure rate of information systems in developing countries which needs to be reduced to minimum acceptable levels by means of recommended interventions. This paper centres on a review of IS development in developing countries. The paper presents evidences of the IS successes and failures in developing countries and posits a model to address the IS failures. The proposed model can then be utilised by developing countries to reduce their IS project implementation failure rate. A comparison is drawn between IS development in developing countries and developed countries. The paper provides valuable information to assist in reducing IS failure, and developing IS models and theories on IS development for developing countries.

Keywords: developing countries, information systems, IS development, information systems failure, information systems success, information systems success model

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3697 The Study of the Mutual Effect of Genotype in Environment by Percent of Oil Criterion in Sunflower

Authors: Seyed Mohammad Nasir Mousavi, Pasha Hejazi, Maryam Ebrahimian Dehkordi


In order to study the Mutual effect of genotype × environment for the percent of oil index in sunflower items, an experiment was accomplished in form of complete random block designs in four iteration in four diverse researching station comprising Esfahan, Birjand, Sari, and Karaj. Complex variance analysis showed that there is an important diversity between the items under investigation. The results pertaining the coefficient variation of items Azargol and Vidoc has respectively allocated the minimum coefficient of variations. According to the results extrapolated from Shokla stability variance, the Items Brocar, Allison and Fabiola, are among the stable genotypes for oil percent respectively. in the biplot GGE, the location under investigations divided in two super-environment, first one comprised of locations naming Esfahan, Karaj, and Birjand, and second one were such a location as Sari. By this point of view, in the first super-environment, the Item Fabiola and in the second Almanzor item was among the best items and crops.

Keywords: sunflower, stability, GGE bipilot, super-environment

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3696 The Influence of Size on Fused Silica Strength: A Multi-Method Study

Authors: Şeyma Saliha Fidan, Rahmi Ünal


Ceramic materials exhibit inherently brittle behavior, primarily attributed to the presence of flaws that severely restrict their applicability as structural elements under tensile loading. This brittleness necessitates special attention in the design of ceramic components, with a particular focus on appropriately addressing stress distribution. Among the most commonly used uniaxial testing methods to evaluate the mechanical behavior of ceramics are three-point bending and four-point bending tests. Each of these methods induces a unique stress distribution within the specimen. Using Weibull theory and its fundamental assumptions, it is possible to account for the different stress fields produced by each testing method and compare the resulting strength data. This comparison is based on the concept of effective volume or area. In this study, slip-cast fused silica ceramics were selected as the material of interest. The study aims to apply Weibull statistical theory to various testing methods, integrating statistical tools and finite element method (FEM) simulations. A validated FEM-based approach was developed to determine the effective volumes of the specimens. The effective volume values obtained through analytical and numerical methods were compared, and the stress fields generated by different testing methods were evaluated based on Weibull theory. Moreover, the effective volume calculation procedure derived from numerical analysis methods has been adapted for use in complex test geometries and various loading conditions.

Keywords: ceramic, fused silica, effective volume, Weibull analysis, finite element method

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3695 A Novel Gateway Location Algorithm for Wireless Mesh Networks

Authors: G. M. Komba


The Internet Gateway (IGW) has extra ability than a simple Mesh Router (MR) and the responsibility to route mostly the all traffic from Mesh Clients (MCs) to the Internet backbone however, IGWs are more expensive. Choosing strategic locations for the Internet Gateways (IGWs) best location in Backbone Wireless Mesh (BWM) precarious to the Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) and the location of IGW can improve a quantity of performance related problem. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, namely New Gateway Location Algorithm (NGLA), which aims to achieve four objectives, decreasing the network cost effective, minimizing delay, optimizing the throughput capacity, Different from existing algorithms, the NGLA increasingly recognizes IGWs, allocates mesh routers (MRs) to identify IGWs and promises to find a feasible IGW location and install minimum as possible number of IGWs while regularly conserving the all Quality of Service (QoS) requests. Simulation results showing that the NGLA outperforms other different algorithms by comparing the number of IGWs with a large margin and it placed 40% less IGWs and 80% gain of throughput. Furthermore the NGLA is easy to implement and could be employed for BWM.

Keywords: Wireless Mesh Network, Gateway Location Algorithm, Quality of Service, BWM

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3694 Current Status of Industry 4.0 in Material Handling Automation and In-house Logistics

Authors: Orestis Κ. Efthymiou, Stavros T. Ponis


In the last decade, a new industrial revolution seems to be emerging, supported -once again- by the rapid advancements of Information Technology in the areas of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication permitting large numbers of intelligent devices, e.g. sensors to communicate with each other and take decisions without any or minimum indirect human intervention. The advent of these technologies have triggered the emergence of a new category of hybrid (cyber-physical) manufacturing systems, combining advanced manufacturing techniques with innovative M2M applications based on the Internet of Things (IoT), under the umbrella term Industry 4.0. Even though the topic of Industry 4.0 has attracted much attention during the last few years, the attempts of providing a systematic literature review of the subject are scarce. In this paper, we present the authors’ initial study of the field with a special focus on the use and applications of Industry 4.0 principles in material handling automations and in-house logistics. Research shows that despite the vivid discussion and attractiveness of the subject, there are still many challenges and issues that have to be addressed before Industry 4.0 becomes standardized and widely applicable.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, internet of things, manufacturing systems, material handling, logistics

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3693 Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer Utilizing Fixed-Step Error Signal for Multi-Gbps Serial Links

Authors: Alaa Abdullah Altaee


This paper presents an adaptive decision feedback equalizer (ADFE) for multi-Gbps serial links utilizing a fix-step error signal extracted from cross-points of received data symbols. The extracted signal is generated based on violation of received data symbols with minimum detection requirements at the clock and data recovery (CDR) stage. The iterations of the adaptation process search for the optimum feedback tap coefficients to maximize the data eye-opening and minimize the adaptation convergence time. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is validated using the simulation results of a serial link designed in an IBM 130 nm 1.2V CMOS technology. The data link with variable channel lengths is analyzed using Spectre from Cadence Design Systems with BSIM4 device models.

Keywords: adaptive DFE, CMOS equalizer, error detection, serial links, timing jitter, wire-line communication

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3692 Transformer Design Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Authors: Zakir Husain


Main objective of a power transformer design optimization problem requires minimizing the total overall cost and/or mass of the winding and core material by satisfying all possible constraints obligatory by the standards and transformer user requirement. The constraints include appropriate limits on winding fill factor, temperature rise, efficiency, no-load current and voltage regulation. The design optimizations tasks are a constrained minimum cost and/or mass solution by optimally setting the parameters, geometry and require magnetic properties of the transformer. In this paper, present the above design problems have been formulated by using genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) on the MATLAB platform. The importance of the presented approach is stems for two main features. First, proposed technique provides reliable and efficient solution for the problem of design optimization with several variables. Second, it guaranteed to obtained solution is global optimum. This paper includes a demonstration of the application of the genetic programming GP technique to transformer design.

Keywords: optimization, power transformer, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing technique (SA)

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3691 Clutter Suppression Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Fast Wavelet Algorithm

Authors: Ruomeng Xiao, Zhulin Zong, Longfa Yang


Aiming at the problem that the target signal is difficult to detect under the strong ground clutter environment, this paper proposes a clutter suppression algorithm based on the combination of singular value decomposition and the Mallat fast wavelet algorithm. The method first carries out singular value decomposition on the radar echo data matrix, realizes the initial separation of target and clutter through the threshold processing of singular value, and then carries out wavelet decomposition on the echo data to find out the target location, and adopts the discard method to select the appropriate decomposition layer to reconstruct the target signal, which ensures the minimum loss of target information while suppressing the clutter. After the verification of the measured data, the method has a significant effect on the target extraction under low SCR, and the target reconstruction can be realized without the prior position information of the target and the method also has a certain enhancement on the output SCR compared with the traditional single wavelet processing method.

Keywords: clutter suppression, singular value decomposition, wavelet transform, Mallat algorithm, low SCR

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3690 A Low Phase Noise CMOS LC Oscillator with Tail Current-Shaping

Authors: Amir Mahdavi


In this paper, a circuit topology of voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO) which is suitable for ultra-low-phase noise operations is introduced. To do so, a new low phase noise cross-coupled oscillator by using the general topology of cross-coupled oscillator and adding a differential stage for tail current shaping is designed. In addition, a tail current shaping technique to improve phase noise in differential LC VCOs is presented. The tail current becomes large when the oscillator output voltage arrives at the maximum or minimum value and when the sensitivity of the output phase to the noise is the smallest. Also, the tail current becomes small when the phase noise sensitivity is large. The proposed circuit does not use extra power and extra noisy active devices. Furthermore, this topology occupies small area. Simulation results show the improvement in phase noise by 2.5dB under the same conditions and at the carrier frequency of 1 GHz for GSM applications. The power consumption of the proposed circuit is 2.44 mW and the figure of merit (FOM) with -192.2 dBc/Hz is achieved for the new oscillator.

Keywords: LC oscillator, low phase noise, current shaping, diff mode

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3689 Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for WLAN Based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

Authors: Noman Shabbir, Roheel Nawaz, Muhammad N. Iqbal, Junaid Zafar


This paper focuses on the performance evaluation of routing protocols in WLAN based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). A comparative analysis of routing protocols such as Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing System (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) is been made against different network parameters like network load, end to end delay and throughput in small, medium and large-scale sensor network scenarios to identify the best performing protocol. Simulation results indicate that OLSR gives minimum network load in all three scenarios while AODV gives the best throughput in small scale network but in medium and large scale networks, DSR is better. In terms of delay, OLSR is more efficient in small and medium scale network while AODV is slightly better in large networks.


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3688 Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-To-Eat Food Sold in Johannesburg, South Africa

Authors: Hattie Hope Makumbe, Bhekisisa Dlamini, Frederick Tabit


Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most important foodborne pathogens associated with ready-to-eat (RTE) food. This study investigated the incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in 80 RTE food sold in the formal (dairy and processed meat) and informal markets (vegetable salads, beef stew, and rice) of Johannesburg, South Africa. High Enterobacteriaceae, S. aureus, and E. coli counts were obtained, which ranged from 1.9-7.5 log CFU/g. Listeria monocytogenes microbial counts in the food samples ranged from 3.5-6.0 log colony forming unit per gram except in cooked rice. The Listeria monocytogenes isolates were identified using biochemical tests and confirmed with the Biolog identification system and PCR analyses. The percentage incidence for Listeria monocytogenes in ready to eat food was 12.5%. When Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations were under consideration, all disinfectants were effective against Listeria monocytogenes strains. For antimicrobial work, rates of resistance amongst the antibiotics ranged from 17-100%. Therefore, more effective preventive control strategies for Listeria monocytogenes are needed to reduce the prevalence of the pathogen in RTE food that is sold in Johannesburg.

Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria species, ready to eat food, sanitiser efficacy

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3687 Artificial Bee Colony Based Modified Energy Efficient Predictive Routing in MANET

Authors: Akhil Dubey, Rajnesh Singh


In modern days there occur many rapid modifications in field of ad hoc network. These modifications create many revolutionary changes in the routing. Predictive energy efficient routing is inspired on the bee’s behavior of swarm intelligence. Predictive routing improves the efficiency of routing in the energetic point of view. The main aim of this routing is the minimum energy consumption during communication and maximized intermediate node’s remaining battery power. This routing is based on food searching behavior of bees. There are two types of bees for the exploration phase the scout bees and for the evolution phase forager bees use by this routing. This routing algorithm computes the energy consumption, fitness ratio and goodness of the path. In this paper we review the literature related with predictive routing, presenting modified routing and simulation result of this algorithm comparison with artificial bee colony based routing schemes in MANET and see the results of path fitness and probability of fitness.

Keywords: mobile ad hoc network, artificial bee colony, PEEBR, modified predictive routing

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3686 Development of K-Factor for Road Geometric Design: A Case Study of North Coast Road in Java

Authors: Edwin Hidayat, Redi Yulianto, Disi Hanafiah


On the one hand, parameters which are used for determining the number of lane on the new road construction are average annual average daily traffic (AADT) and peak hour factor (K-factor). On the other hand, the value of K-factor listed in the guidelines and manual for road planning in Indonesia is a value of adoption or adaptation from foreign guidelines or manuals. Thus, the value is less suitable for Indonesian condition due to differences in road conditions, vehicle type, and driving behavior. The purpose of this study is to provide an example on how to determine k-factor values at a road segment with particular conditions in north coast road, West Java. The methodology is started with collecting traffic volume data for 24 hours over 365 days using PLATO (Automated Traffic Counter) with the approach of video image processing. Then, the traffic volume data is divided into per hour and analyzed by comparing the peak traffic volume in the 30th hour (or other) with the AADT in the same year. The analysis has resulted that for the 30th peak hour the K-factor is 0.97. This value can be used for planning road geometry or evaluating the road capacity performance for the 4/2D interurban road.

Keywords: road geometry, K-factor, annual average daily traffic, north coast road

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3685 Taxonomic Study of Squirrel Order Rodentia, Family Sciuridea of District Jamshoro Pakistan

Authors: Aisha Liaquat Ali, Ghulam Sarwar Gachal, Muhammad Yusuf Sheikh


The squirrel commonly known as ‘Gulhari’ belongs to the order Rodentia, family sciuridea, its sub-species inhabit tropical to sub tropical regions of Asia. The core aim of the present study is to investigate the taxonomy of squirrel in District Jamshoro. Sampling was obtained for the taxonomic identification from various adjoining areas of District Jamshoro by non random method. During present study a total number of 107 specimens were collected from July 2018 to December 2018, specimens were collected from District Jamshoro it was observed that the prevalence of the sub-species Funambulus tristriatus numarius (23.3%), Funambulus pennant tulescens (23.3%) was high while Funambulus tristriatus tristriatus ((20.5%), Funambulus palmarun brodie (18.6%) and the minimum prevalence Funambulus palmaruns palmaruns (14.1%). In the present research, it is established that the climate factors, altitude has principal importance in the poor density of squirrel.

Keywords: Jamshoro District Pakistan, squirrel, taxonomy, prevalence

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3684 Selection of Solid Waste Landfill Site Using Geographical Information System (GIS)

Authors: Fatih Iscan, Ceren Yagci


Rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization are known as the most important factors of environment problems. Elimination and management of solid wastes are also within the most important environment problems. One of the main problems in solid waste management is the selection of the best site for elimination of solid wastes. Lately, Geographical Information System (GIS) has been used for easing selection of landfill area. GIS has the ability of imitating necessary economical, environmental and political limitations. They play an important role for the site selection of landfill area as a decision support tool. In this study; map layers will be studied for minimum effect of environmental, social and cultural factors and maximum effect for engineering/economical factors for site selection of landfill areas and using GIS for an decision support mechanism in solid waste landfill areas site selection will be presented in Aksaray/TURKEY city, Güzelyurt district practice.

Keywords: GIS, landfill, solid waste, spatial analysis

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3683 Optimization of Processing Parameters of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene Sheets Integrated by Taguchi Method

Authors: Fatemeh Sadat Miri, Morteza Ehsani, Seyed Farshid Hosseini


The present research is concerned with the optimization of extrusion parameters of ABS sheets by the Taguchi experimental design method. In this design method, three parameters of % recycling ABS, processing temperature and degassing time on mechanical properties, hardness, HDT, and color matching of ABS sheets were investigated. The variations of this research are the dosage of recycling ABS, processing temperature, and degassing time. According to experimental test data, the highest level of tensile strength and HDT belongs to the sample with 5% recycling ABS, processing temperature of 230°C, and degassing time of 3 hours. Additionally, the minimum level of MFI and color matching belongs to this sample, too. The present results are in good agreement with the Taguchi method. Based on the outcomes of the Taguchi design method, degassing time has the most effect on the mechanical properties of ABS sheets.

Keywords: ABS, process optimization, Taguchi, mechanical properties

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3682 The Customization of 3D Last Form Design Based on Weighted Blending

Authors: Shih-Wen Hsiao, Chu-Hsuan Lee, Rong-Qi Chen


When it comes to last, it is regarded as the critical foundation of shoe design and development. Not only the last relates to the comfort of shoes wearing but also it aids the production of shoe styling and manufacturing. In order to enhance the efficiency and application of last development, a computer aided methodology for customized last form designs is proposed in this study. The reverse engineering is mainly applied to the process of scanning for the last form. Then the minimum energy is used for the revision of surface continuity, the surface of the last is reconstructed with the feature curves of the scanned last. When the surface of a last is reconstructed, based on the foundation of the proposed last form reconstruction module, the weighted arithmetic mean method is applied to the calculation on the shape morphing which differs from the grading for the control mesh of last, and the algorithm of subdivision is used to create the surface of last mesh, thus the feet-fitting 3D last form of different sizes is generated from its original form feature with functions remained. Finally, the practicability of the proposed methodology is verified through later case studies.

Keywords: 3D last design, customization, reverse engineering, weighted morphing, shape blending

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3681 Design of Semi-Automatic Vent and Flash Remover

Authors: Inba Blesso P., Senthil Kumar P.


The main consideration of any tire manufacturing process is wear resistance. One of the factors that cause tire wear is improper removal of vent and flash from the tire surface. The contact point between tyre surface and vent is highly supposed to wear. When the vehicle running at higher speed with heavy load, the tire vent and flash is wearing initially and it makes few of the tire surface material to wear along with it. Hence, provision must be given to efficient removal vent and flash thereby tire wear. Human efforts in trimming of tire vent results in time consuming and inaccurate output. Hence, this lead to the reduction in production rate and profit. Thus, the development of automated system can helps to attain minimum time consumption and provide a possible way to get the profitable production. Semi-automated system that employs Pneumatic actuators and sequencing circuits are focused in this study. By implementing this, one can achieve the accurate results with reduction in time and profitable output.

Keywords: tire manufacturing, pneumatic system, vent and flash removal, engineering and technology

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3680 Antibacterial Activity of Libyan Seaweed Extracts

Authors: Salmin K. Alshalmani, Nada H. Zobi, Ismaeel H. Bozakouk


Marine organisms are potentially prolific sources of highly bio active secondary metabolites that might represent useful leads in the development of new pharmaceutical agents. The Libyan marine biodiversity including macroalgae remains partially unexplored in term of their potential bio activities. The phytochemical analysis of the alcoholic extracts of some commonly occurring seaweed Cystoseira compressa, enteromorpha intestinals, corallina, and Ulva lactuca and their evaluated for antibacterial activity by well diffusion assay were studied. Four different solvents namely water, ethanol 99 %, methanol 99 %, and methylated spirit 95 % were used for extraction. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of carbohydrates, steroids, tannin & phenols, saponins, proteins, and glycosides. The extracts were subjected for study of antibacterial activity. The zone of inhibition ranged between 8 to 16 mm in aqueous extract and up to 16 mm in methanol extract. The maximum activity (16 mm) was recorded from methanol extract of Ulva lactuca against Staphylococcus aureus and, minimum activity (8mm) recorded by Cystoseira compressa against S. aureus.

Keywords: macroalgae, phytochemicals, antibacterial activity, methanolic extract

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3679 Multiobjective Optimization of Wastwater Treatment by Electrochemical Process

Authors: Malek Bendjaballah, Hacina Saidi, Sarra Hamidoud


The aim of this study is to model and optimize the performance of a new electrocoagulation (E.C) process for the treatment of wastewater as well as the energy consumption in order to extrapolate it to the industrial scale. Through judicious application of an experimental design (DOE), it has been possible to evaluate the individual effects and interactions that have a significant influence on both objective functions (maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy consumption) by using aluminum electrodes as sacrificial anode. Preliminary experiments have shown that the pH of the medium, the applied potential and the treatment time with E.C are the main parameters. A factorial design 33 has been adopted to model performance and energy consumption. Under optimal conditions, the pollution reduction efficiency is 93%, combined with a minimum energy consumption of 2.60.10-3 kWh / mg-COD. The potential or current applied and the processing time and their interaction were the most influential parameters in the mathematical models obtained. The results of the modeling were also correlated with the experimental ones. The results offer promising opportunities to develop a clean process and inexpensive technology to eliminate or reduce wastewater,

Keywords: electrocoagulation, green process, experimental design, optimization

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3678 Inventory Optimization in Restaurant Supply Chain Outlets

Authors: Raja Kannusamy


The research focuses on reducing food waste in the restaurant industry. A study has been conducted on the chain of retail restaurant outlets. It has been observed that the food wastages are due to the inefficient inventory management systems practiced in the restaurant outlets. The major food items which are wasted more in quantity are being selected across the retail chain outlets. A moving average forecasting method has been applied for the selected food items so that their future demand could be predicted accurately and food wastage could be avoided. It has been found that the moving average prediction method helps in predicting forecasts accurately. The demand values obtained from the moving average method have been compared to the actual demand values and are found to be similar with minimum variations. The inventory optimization technique helps in reducing food wastage in restaurant supply chain outlets.

Keywords: food wastage, restaurant supply chain, inventory optimisation, demand forecasting

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3677 Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Thermophysical Properties of Photothermal Fluid and Enhancement of Photothermal Deflection Signal

Authors: Muhammad Shafiq Ahmed, Sabastine Ezugwu


Thermophysical properties of Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl₄), a photothermal fluid used frequently in Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS), containing different volume fractions of single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs) and their effect on the amplitude of PDS signal are investigated. It is found that the presence of highly thermally conducting SWCNTs in CCl₄ enhances the heat transfer from heated sample to the adjoining photothermal fluid, resulting in an increase in the intensity of amplitude of PDS signal. With the increasing volume fraction of SWCNTs in CCl₄, the amplitude of PDS signal is nearly doubled for volume fraction fopt =3.7X10⁻³ %., after that the signal drops with a further increase in the fraction of SWCNTs. It is shown that the use of highly thermally conducting carbon nanotubes enhances the heat exchange coefficient between the heated sample surface and adjoining fluid, resulting to an enhancement of PDS signal and consequently the improvement in the sensitivity of PDS technique.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes, heat transfer, nanofluid, photothermal deflection spectroscopy, thermophysical properties

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3676 Numerical Modeling of Large Scale Dam Break Flows

Authors: Amanbek Jainakov, Abdikerim Kurbanaliev


The work presents the results of mathematical modeling of large-scale flows in areas with a complex topographic relief. The Reynolds-averaged Navier—Stokes equations constitute the basis of the three-dimensional unsteady modeling. The well-known Volume of Fluid method implemented in the solver interFoam of the open package OpenFOAM 2.3 is used to track the free-boundary location. The mathematical model adequacy is checked by comparing with experimental data. The efficiency of the applied technology is illustrated by the example of modeling the breakthrough of the dams of the Andijan (Uzbekistan) and Papan (near the Osh town, Kyrgyzstan) reservoir.

Keywords: three-dimensional modeling, free boundary, the volume-of-fluid method, dam break, flood, OpenFOAM

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3675 Comparative Study of Bending Angle in Laser Forming Process Using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic System

Authors: M. Hassani, Y. Hassani, N. Ajudanioskooei, N. N. Benvid


Laser Forming process as a non-contact thermal forming process is widely used to forming and bending of metallic and non-metallic sheets. In this process, according to laser irradiation along a specific path, sheet is bent. One of the most important output parameters in laser forming is bending angle that depends on process parameters such as physical and mechanical properties of materials, laser power, laser travel speed and the number of scan passes. In this paper, Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic System were used to predict of bending angle in laser forming process. Inputs to these models were laser travel speed and laser power. The comparison between artificial neural network and fuzzy logic models with experimental results has been shown both of these models have high ability to prediction of bending angles with minimum errors.

Keywords: artificial neural network, bending angle, fuzzy logic, laser forming

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3674 Nutritional Benefits of Soy: An Implication for Health Education

Authors: Mbadugha Esther Ifeoma


Soybeans, like other legumes are rich in nutrients. However, the nutrient profile of soybeans differs in some important ways from most other legumes. Among other nutrients, soy is high in protein, carbohydrates, and fibers, is rich in vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids and is low in saturated fatty acids. Because of its high nutritional value, it has been rated to be equivalent to meats, eggs and milk. Soy has many health benefits including prevention of coronary heart disease, prevention of cancer growth, improvement of cognitive function, promotion of bone health, prevention of obesity, prevention of type II diabetes and promotion of growth of normal floras in the colon. Soybean consumption is also associated with some side effects which include allergy, flatulence and abdominal discomfort. Nurses/health care providers should therefore, educate clients on the precautionary measures to be taken in preparing soy food products in order to reduce to the barest minimum the side effects, while encouraging them to include soy as part of their daily meals for optimal health and vitality.

Keywords: health benefit, health education, nutritional benefit, soybeans

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3673 Experimental Approach for Determining Hemi-Anechoic Characteristics of Engineering Acoustical Test Chambers

Authors: Santiago Montoya-Ospina, Raúl E. Jiménez-Mejía, Rosa Elvira Correa Gutiérrez


An experimental methodology is proposed for determining hemi-anechoic characteristics of an engineering acoustic room built at the facilities of Universidad Nacional de Colombia to evaluate the free-field conditions inside the chamber. Experimental results were compared with theoretical ones in both, the source and the sound propagation inside the chamber. Acoustic source was modeled by using monopole radiation pattern from punctual sources and the image method was considered for dealing with the reflective plane of the room, that means, the floor without insulation. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method was implemented to calculate the sound pressure value at every spatial point of the chamber. Comparison between theoretical and experimental data yields to minimum error, giving satisfactory results for the hemi-anechoic characterization of the chamber.

Keywords: acoustic impedance, finite-difference time-domain, hemi-anechoic characterization

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3672 Detectability of Malfunction in Turboprop Engine

Authors: Tomas Vampola, Michael Valášek


On the basis of simulation-generated failure states of structural elements of a turboprop engine suitable for the busy-jet class of aircraft, an algorithm for early prediction of damage or reduction in functionality of structural elements of the engine is designed and verified with real data obtained at dynamometric testing facilities of aircraft engines. Based on an expanding database of experimentally determined data from temperature and pressure sensors during the operation of turboprop engines, this strategy is constantly modified with the aim of using the minimum number of sensors to detect an inadmissible or deteriorated operating mode of specific structural elements of an aircraft engine. The assembled algorithm for the early prediction of reduced functionality of the aircraft engine significantly contributes to the safety of air traffic and to a large extent, contributes to the economy of operation with positive effects on the reduction of the energy demand of operation and the elimination of adverse effects on the environment.

Keywords: detectability of malfunction, dynamometric testing, prediction of damage, turboprop engine

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3671 Self-Organizing Map Network for Wheeled Robot Movement Optimization

Authors: Boguslaw Schreyer


The paper investigates the application of the Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to the wheeled robot starting and braking dynamic states. In securing wheeled robot stability as well as minimum starting and braking time, it is important to ensure correct torque distribution as well as proper slope of braking and driving moments. In this paper, a correct movement distribution has been formulated, securing optimum adhesion coefficient and good transversal stability of a wheeled robot. A neural tuner has been proposed to secure the above properties, although most of the attention is attached to the SOM network application. If the delay of the torque application or torque release is not negligible, it is important to change the rising and falling slopes of the torque. The road/surface condition is also paramount in robot dynamic states control. As the road conditions may randomly change in time, application of the SOM network has been suggested in order to classify the actual road conditions.

Keywords: slip control, SOM network, torque distribution, wheeled Robot

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3670 A Statistical Analysis on Relationship between Temperature Variations with Latitude and Altitude regarding Total Amount of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in Iran

Authors: Masoumeh Moghbel


Nowadays, carbon dioxide which is produced by human activities is considered as the main effective factor in the global warming occurrence. Regarding to the role of CO2 and its ability in trapping the heat, the main objective of this research is study the effect of atmospheric CO2 (which is recorded in Manaloa) on variations of temperature parameters (daily mean temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature) in 5 meteorological stations in Iran which were selected according to the latitude and altitude in 40 years statistical period. Firstly, the trend of temperature parameters was studied by Regression and none-graphical Man-Kendal methods. Then, relation between temperature variations and CO2 were studied by Correlation technique. Also, the impact of CO2 amount on temperature in different atmospheric levels (850 and 500 hpa) was analyzed. The results illustrated that correlation coefficient between temperature variations and CO2 in low latitudes and high altitudes is more significant rather than other regions. it is important to note that altitude as the one of the main geographic factor has limitation in affecting the temperature variations, so that correlation coefficient between these two parameters in 850 hpa (r=0.86) is more significant than 500 hpa (r = 0.62).

Keywords: altitude, atmospheric carbon dioxide, latitude, temperature variations

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