Search results for: eMarketing plan
805 Understanding the Issue of Reproductive Matters among Urban Women: A Study of Four Cities in India from National Family Health Survey-4
Authors: Priyanka Dixit
Reproductive health problem is an important public health issue in most of the developing countries like India. It is a common problem in India for women in the reproductive age group to suffer from reproductive illnesses and not seek care. Existing literatures tell us very little about the several dimensions of reproductive morbidity. In addition the general perception says, metros have better medical infrastructure, so its residents should lead a healthier life. However some of the studies reveal a very different picture. Therefore, the present study is conducted with the specific objectives to find out the prevalence of reproductive health problem and treatment seeking behavior of currently married women in four metro cities in India namely; Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. In addition, this paper also examines the effect of socio-economic and demographic factors on self-reported reproductive health problems. Bi-variate and multivariate regression have been applied to achieve the proposed objectives. Study is based on National Family Health Survey 2015-16 data. The analysis shows that the prevalence of any reproductive health problem among women is the highest in Mumbai followed by Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata. A bulk of women in all four metro cities has reported abdominal pain, itching and burning sensation as the major problems while urinating. However, in spite of the high prevalence of reproductive health problems, a huge proportion of such women in all these cities do not seek any advice or treatment for these problems. This study also investigates determinants that affect the prevalence of reproductive health problem to policy makers plan for proper interventions for improving women’s reproductive health.Keywords: reproductive health, India, national family health survey-4, city
Procedia PDF Downloads 214804 Water Management of Erdenet Mining Company
Authors: K. H. Oyuntungalag, Scott Kenner, O. Erdenetuya
The life cycle phases of mining projects are described in this guidance document, and includes initial phases (exploration, feasibility and planning), mine development (construction and operations), closure and reclamation. Initial phases relate to field programs and desktop studies intended to build the data and knowledge base, including the design of water management infrastructure and development during these initial phases. Such a model is essential to demonstrate that the water management plan (WMP) will provide adequate water for the mine operations and sufficient capacity for anticipated flows and volumes, and minimize environmental impacts on the receiving environment. The water and mass balance model must cover the whole mine life cycle, from the start of mine development to a date sufficiently far in the future where the reclaimed landscape is considered self- sustaining following complete closure of the mine (i.e., post- closure). The model simulates the movement of water within the components of the water management infrastructure and project operating areas, and calculates chemical loadings to each mine component. At Erdenet Mining company an initial water balance model reflecting the tailings dam, groundwater seepage and mine process water was developed in collaboration with Dr. Scott Kenner (visiting Fulbright scholar). From this preliminary study the following recommendations were made: 1. Develop a detailed groundwater model to simulate seepage from the tailings dam, 2. Establish an evaporation pan for improving evapotranspiration estimates, and 3. Measure changes in storage of water within the tailings dam and other water storage components within the mine processing.Keywords: evapotranspiration , monitoring program, Erdenet mining, tailings dam
Procedia PDF Downloads 478803 Redesigning Malaysia Batik Sarong by Applying Quality Function Deployment
Authors: M. Kamal, Y. Wang, R. Kennon
Quality Function Deployment is a useful tool in product development with the application of voice of customer. In this paper, it aims to be applied as a product development tool in redesigning fashion and textile product. The purpose of these studies is to apply the effective use of Voice of Customer in redesigning cultural fashion product. The data collection from Voice of Customer or consumers’ feedback might help the producer to improve the quality of merchandise ahead. Voice of Customer could give a specific detailing for quality which needs to be redesigned according to customers’ requirements. Meanwhile, the next objective is to differentiate design specifications and characteristics using House of Quality. In product designing phase, it is very important to distinguish each specification and characteristic which translated from Voice of Customer to House of Quality matrix. This matrix would help designers to development according to qualities that customer wants for the better and successful product in the market. It is hope this research would indicate the customers’ requirements and production team idea might be measured and translated to a systematic data. The specific technical data could be planned ahead with specific design details as well. This could be a sustainable approach for a traditional product which could control the material that they use and sustain the quality as the past production. As a conclusion, this study would benefit the Small Medium Enterprises design team or the designers to style an item from customers view with organised projection of the product. The finding also could assist designers or batik producers’ to recognise specific details Batik sarong from consumers as well as in in advertising and marketing strategy plan.Keywords: house of quality, Malaysia batik sarong, quality function deployment, voice of customer
Procedia PDF Downloads 593802 The Friendship Network Stability of Preschool Children during One Pedagogical Season
Authors: Yili Wang, Jarmo Kinos, Tuire Palonen, Tarja-Riitta Hurme
This longitudinal study aims to examine how five- and six-year-old children’s peer relationships are formed and fostered during one preschool year in a southwestern Finnish preschool. All 16 kindergarteners participated in the study (at dyad level N=240; i.e., 16 x 15 relationships among the children). The children were divided into four daily groups, based on the table order during the daily routines, and four intervention groups, based on the teachers’ pedagogical plan. During the intervention, one iPad was given to each group in order to stimulate interaction among peers and, thus, enable the children to form new peer relationships. In the data gathering, sociometric nomination techniques were used to investigate the nature (i.e., stability and mutuality) of the peer relationships. The data was collected five times during the year to see what kind of peer relationship changes occurred at the dyad level and the group level, i.e., in establishing and losing friendship ties among the children. Social network analyses were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the children’s preference for gender segregation was strong compared to age preference and intervention. In all, the number of reciprocal friendship ties and the mutual absence of friendship ties increased towards the end of the year, whereas the number of unilateral friendship ties decreased. This indicates that children’s nominations narrow down; thus, the group structure becomes more crystalized. Instead of extending their friendship networks, children seek stable and mutual relationships with their peers in their middle childhood years. The intervention only had a slightly negative influence on children’s peer relationships.Keywords: intervention study, peer relationship, preschool education, social network analysis, sociometric ratings
Procedia PDF Downloads 274801 The Influence of Islamic Epistemology on Mosque Architecture
Authors: Sheba Akhtar
The profound importance that Islam places on knowledge has directly influenced the architectural development of the mosque throughout the Muslim world. The masjid is the most important religious building type in Islamic society because, as a place of worship and social interaction, it is the center of both spiritual knowledge and secular guidance. The Quran begins with the emphatic injunction, “Iqra”, establishing the central importance of the pursuit of the sacred ilm that is offered to man by Allah. Similarly, numerous hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad emphasize the profound importance of the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, both spiritual and temporal. The Muslim worshipper must enter the sacred space of the masjid to receive spiritual knowledge, but the transition from the profane realm outside the mosque to that of spirituality within is not merely physical; it is also deeply psychological and emotional. To this end, the architecture of the masjid, from the plan and geometry to the design elements and intricate ornamental details, plays a vital role in creating the environment within which the ritual acts of wudu and salat are enacted to foster the transformative journey, from the mundane reality of this world to the realm of spirituality beyond, in the heart, mind, and soul of the worshipper. It is expected that the paper will provide a better understanding of the ways in which sacred Islamic knowledge has influenced the architectural design of the mosque. The research will draw upon Islamic epistemology, Islamic architecture history, and compositional analysis to demonstrate this philosophical, historical, and formal relationship. In this way, the paper will provide a meaningful bridge between the existing knowledge related to mosque design and the expanding academic discourse about the religious architecture of Islam.Keywords: Islamic architecture, mosque architecture, religious architecture, sacred architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 104800 Training the Competences for the 'Expert Teacher': A Framework of Skills for Teachers
Authors: Sofia Cramerotti, Angela Cattoni, Laura Biancato, Dario Ianes
The recognition of specific standards for new professionals, within the teaching profile, is a necessary process in order to foster an innovative school vision in accordance with the change that school is experiencing. In line with the reform of the national education and training system and with the National Training Plan for teachers, our Research and Development department developed a training project based on a framework (Syllabus) of skills that each 'Expert Teacher' should master in order to fulfill what the different specific profiles request. The syllabus is a fundamental tool for a training process consistent with the teaching profiles, both to guide the to-become teachers entering in service and to provide the in-service teachers with a system of evaluation and improvement of their skills. According to the national and international literature about professional standards for teachers, we aggregated the skills of the syllabus in three macro areas: (1) Area of professional skills related to the teacher profile and their continuous training; (2) area of teaching skills related to the school innovation; (3) area of organizing skills related to school participation for its improvement. The syllabus is a framework that identifies and describes the skills of the expert teacher in all of their roles. However, the various skills take on different importance in the different profiles involved in the school; some of those skills are determining a role, others could be secondary. Therefore, the characterization of the different profiles is represented by suitably weighted skills sets. In this way, the same skill could differently characterize each profile. In the future, we hope that the skills development and training for the teacher could evolve in a skills development and training for the whole school staff ('Expert Team'). In this perspective, the school will, therefore, benefit from a solid team, in which the skills of the various profiles are all properly developed and well represented.Keywords: framework, skills, teachers, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 181799 Shelf Life of Frozen Processed Foods for Extended Durability
Authors: Manfreda Gerardo, Pasquali Frederique, Pepe Tiziana, Anastasio Aniello, Ianieri Adriana
The aim of the research was to evaluate the shelf life of a REPFED’s product (lasagna alla bolognese), developed as a product to be marketed fresh after defrosting. Three different samples were prepared: A, B and C, which presented differences in relation to the recipe, pasteurization technique and packaging on which the trend of the shelf-life indicator parameters was evaluated during a period of prolonged shelf life. The analytical plan involved the measurement of microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters over 7 moments of storage selected in a period of 33 days. CBT, LAB, enterobacteria, E. coli, yeasts, molds, S. coagulase positive, B. cereus, Salmonella spp and L. monocytogenes, pH, Aw, Kreiss test, peroxides, atmosphere inside the packages, and organoleptic characteristics were determined. The results demonstrated the effect of post-packaging pasteurization on the shelf life of fresh from frozen products. However, the products pasteurized at 95°C in the absence of steam showed microbiological parameters that were not appropriate for an extended shelf life of up to 60 days. On the contrary, the samples pasteurized at 98°C with steam saturation and counterpressure showed values compatible with an extended shelf life. The results of the chemical-physical analyses highlighted how recipe and packaging affect the chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters. In conclusion, this preliminary study confirmed the effectiveness of post-packaging pasteurization treatments aimed at extending the shelf life of the product, helping the food company to occupy market niches even very distant from the production sites.Keywords: shelf life, REPFED’s product, extended durability, pasteurization
Procedia PDF Downloads 30798 Value Creation of Public Financial Management Reforms through Their Long-Term Impacts
Authors: Christoph Schuler, Oriana Ponta
Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms are promoted by various international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank, local development banks and the donor country community to strengthen governance and accountability in developing countries across the world. Reform efforts undertaken are often systematically measured against international best practice by the application of standardized analytical instruments such as the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Framework (PEFA) or the Poverty Reduction Action Plan (PARP). While those instruments analyze direct achievements of PFM reforms, the long-term benefits of such reforms for society remain untapped. This gives rise to the question why the concept of impact evaluation with its experimental or quasi-experimental settings in the form of randomized control trials has rarely been applied in the context of PFM reforms. To close this gap, this study provides examples where the concept of impact evaluation can be applied to PFM reforms and thereby shifting the focus from outcome towards a long-term impact. As it is a new approach, this study does not attempt to conduct a fully flagged impact evaluation of a certain PFM reform. However, it will outline, as a form of pre-test the applicability of the impact evaluation methodology in this context, for example, by more closely analyzing the commonly used indicators (for example within PEFA or PARP). This would mean to scrutinize these indicators as to how they were designed and how they are related to the long-term impact, they should be producing. The analysis of PFM reform indicators and their relation to long-term impacts should provide practitioners and scholars alike with new insights on how to strengthen the accountability of public service delivery through successful and sustainable PFM reforms.Keywords: accountability, impact evaluation, PFM reforms, public financial management
Procedia PDF Downloads 327797 Preschool Teachers' Teaching Performance in Relation to Their Technology and 21st Century Skills
Authors: Vida Dones-Jimenez
The main purpose of this study is to determine the preschool teachers’ technology and 21st-century skills and its relation to teachers’ performance. The participants were 94 preschool teachers and 59 school administrators from the CDAPS member schools. The data were collected by using 21st Century Skill, developed by ISSA (2009), Technology Skills of Teachers Survey (2013) and Teacher Performance Evaluation Criteria and Descriptors (200) was modified by the current researcher to suit the needs of her study and was administered personally by her. The surveys were designed to measure the participants’ 21st-century skills, technology skills and teaching performance. The result of the study indicates that the majority of the preschool teachers are the college graduate. Most of them are in the teaching profession for 0 to 10 years. It also indicated that the majority of the school administrators are masters’ degree holder. The preschool teachers are outstanding in their teaching performance as rated by the school administrators. The preschool teachers are skillful in using technology, and they are very skillful in executing the 21st-century skills in teaching. It was further determined that no significant difference between preschool teachers 21st-century skill in regards to educational attainment same as with the number of years in teaching, likewise with their technology skills. Furthermore, the study has shown that there is a very weak relationship between technology and 21st-century skills of preschool teachers, a weak relationship between technology skills and teaching performance and a very weak relationship between 21st-century skills and teaching performance were also established. The study recommends that the preschool teachers should be encouraged to enroll in master degree programs. School administrators should support the implementation of newly adopted technologies and support faculty members at various levels of use and experience. It is also recommended that regular review of the professional development plan be undertaken to upgrade 21st-century teaching and learning skills of preschool teachers.Keywords: preschool teacher, teaching performance, technology, 21st century skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 399796 Implementation of a Quality Management Approach in the Laboratory of Quality Control and the Repression of Fraud (CACQE) of the Wilaya of Bechar
Authors: Khadidja Mebarki, Naceur Boussouar, Nabila Ihaddadene, M. Akermi
Food products are particularly sensitive, since they concern the health of the consumer, whether it’s be from the health point of view or commercial, this kind of product must be subjected to rigorous controls, in order to prevent any fraud. Quality and safety are essential for food security, public health and economic development. The strengthening of food security is essential to increase food security which is considered reached when all individuals can at any time access safe and nutritious food they need to lead healthy and active lives. The objective of this project is to initiate a quality approach in the laboratories of the quality control and the repression of fraud. It will be directed towards the application of good laboratory practices, traceability, management of quality documents (quality, procedures and specification manual) and quality audits. And to prepare the ground for a possible accreditation by ISO 17025 standard of BECHAR laboratory’s. The project will take place in four main stages: 1- Preparation of an audit grid; 2- Realization of a quality audit according to the method of 5 M completed by a section on quality documentation; 3- Drafting of an audit report and proposal for recommendations; 4- Implementation of corrective actions on the ground. This last step consisted in the formalization of the cleaning disinfection plan; work on good hygiene practices, establishment of a mapping of processes and flow charts of the different processes of the laboratory, classifying quality documents and formalizing the process of document management. During the period of the study within the laboratory, all facets of the work were almost appreciated, as we participated in the expertise performed in within it.Keywords: quality, management, ISO 17025 accreditation, GLP
Procedia PDF Downloads 519795 Relationship between Wave Velocities and Geo-Pressures in Shallow Libyan Carbonate Reservoir
Authors: Tarek Sabri Duzan
Knowledge of the magnitude of Geo-pressures (Pore, Fracture & Over-burden pressures) is vital especially during drilling, completions, stimulations, Enhance Oil Recovery. Many times problems, like lost circulation could have been avoided if techniques for calculating Geo-pressures had been employed in the well planning, mud weight plan, and casing design. In this paper, we focused on the relationships between Geo-pressures and wave velocities (P-Wave (Vp) and S-wave (Vs)) in shallow Libyan carbonate reservoir in the western part of the Sirte Basin (Dahra F-Area). The data used in this report was collected from four new wells recently drilled. Those wells were scattered throughout the interested reservoir as shown in figure-1. The data used in this work are bulk density, Formation Mult -Tester (FMT) results and Acoustic wave velocities. Furthermore, Eaton Method is the most common equation used in the world, therefore this equation has been used to calculate Fracture pressure for all wells using dynamic Poisson ratio calculated by using acoustic wave velocities, FMT results for pore pressure, Overburden pressure estimated by using bulk density. Upon data analysis, it has been found that there is a linear relationship between Geo-pressures (Pore, Fracture & Over-Burden pressures) and wave velocities ratio (Vp/Vs). However, the relationship was not clear in the high-pressure area, as shown in figure-10. Therefore, it is recommended to use the output relationship utilizing the new seismic data for shallow carbonate reservoir to predict the Geo-pressures for future oil operations. More data can be collected from the high-pressure zone to investigate more about this area.Keywords: bulk density, formation mult-tester (FMT) results, acoustic wave, carbonate shalow reservoir, d/jfield velocities
Procedia PDF Downloads 287794 Designing Space through Narratives: The Role of the Tour Description in the Architectural Design Process
Authors: A. Papadopoulou
When people are asked to provide an oral description of a space they usually provide a Tour description, which is a dynamic type of spatial narrative centered on the narrator’s body, rather than a Map description, which is a static type of spatial narrative focused on the organization of the space as seen from above. Also, subjects with training in the architecture discipline tend to adopt a Tour perspective of space when the narrative refers to a space they have actually experienced but tend to adopt a Map perspective when the narrative refers to a space they have merely imagined. This pilot study aims to investigate whether the Tour description, which is the most common mode in the oral descriptions of experienced space, is a cognitive perspective taken in the process of designing a space. The study investigates whether a spatial description provided by a subject with architecture training in the type of a Tour description would be accurately translated into a spatial layout by other subjects with architecture training. The subjects were given the Tour description in written form and were asked to make a plan drawing of the described space. The results demonstrate that when we conceive and design space we do not adopt the same rules and cognitive patterns that we adopt when we reconstruct space from our memory. As shown by the results of this pilot study, the rules that underlie the Tour description were not detected in the translation from narratives to drawings. In a different phase, the study also investigates how would subjects with architecture training describe space when forced to take a Tour perspective in their oral description of a space. The results of this second phase demonstrate that if intentionally taken, the Tour perspective leads to descriptions of space that are more detailed and focused on experiential aspects.Keywords: architecture, design process, embodied cognition, map description, oral narratives, tour description
Procedia PDF Downloads 159793 Critical Factors Influencing Effective Communication Among Stakeholders on Construction Project Delivery in Jigawa State, Nigeria
Authors: Shazali Abdulahi
Project planning is the first phase in project life cycle which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report the project progress within the project environment. Likewise, project execution is the third phase in project lifecycle, is the phase where the work of the project must get done correctly and it’s the longest phase in the project lifecycle therefore, they must be effectively communicated, now today Communication has become the crucial element of every organization. During construction project delivery, information needs to be accurately and timely communicating among project stakeholders in order to realize the project objective. Effective communication among stakeholders during construction project delivery is one of the major factors that impact construction project delivery. Therefore, the aim of the research work is to examine the critical factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders on construction project delivery from the perspective of construction professionals (Architects, Builders, Quantity surveyors, and Civil engineers). A quantitative approach was adopted. This entailed the used of structured questionnaire to one (108) construction professionals in public and private organization within dutse metropolis. Frequency, mean, ranking and multiple linear regression using SPSS vision 25 software were used to analyses the data. The results show that Leadership, Trust, Communication tools, Communication skills, Stakeholders involvement, Cultural differences, and Communication technology were the most critical factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders on construction project delivery. The hypothesis revealed that, effective communication among stakeholders has significant effects on construction project delivery. This research work will profit the construction stakeholders in construction industry, by providing adequate knowledge regarding the factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders, so that necessary steps to be taken to improve project performance. Also, it will provide knowledge about the appropriate strategies to employ in order to improve communication among stakeholders.Keywords: effetive communication, ineffective communication, stakeholders, project delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 53792 The Nursing Experience for an Intestinal Perforation Elderly with a Temporary Enterostomy
Authors: Hsiu-Chuan Hsueh, Kuei-Feng Shen Jr., Chia-Ling Chao, Hui-Chuan Pan
This article described a 75 years old woman who has suffered from intestinal perforation and accepted surgery with temporary enterostomy, the operation makes her depressed, refused relatives and friend's care, facing low willingness to participate in various activities due to fear of changing body appearance caused by surgery and leave enterostomy. The author collected information through observation talks, physical evaluation, and medical records during the period of care from November 14 to November 30, 2016, we used the four aspects of physiology, psychology, society and spirituality as a whole sexual assessment to establish the nursing problems of patient, included of acute pain, disturbance of body image,coping ineffective individual. For patient care issues, to encouraged case to express their inner feelings and take part in self-care programs through providing good therapeutic interpersonal relationships with their families. However, it provided clear information about the disease and follow-up treatment plan, give compliments in a timely manner, enhanced self-confidence of individual cases and their motivation to participate in self-care of stoma, further face the disease in a positive manner. At the same time, cross-section team care model and individual care measures were developed to enhance the care skills after returning home and at the same time assist the individual in facing the psychological impact caused by stoma. Hope to provide this experience, as a reference for the future care of the disease.Keywords: enterostomy, intestinal perforation, nursing experience, ostomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 140791 Full-Face Hyaluronic Acid Implants Assisted by Artificial Intelligence-Generated Post-treatment 3D Models
Authors: Ciro Cursio, Pio Luigi Cursio, Giulia Cursio, Isabella Chiardi, Luigi Cursio
Introduction: Full-face aesthetic treatments often present a difficult task: since different patients possess different anatomical and tissue characteristics, there is no guarantee that the same treatment will have the same effect on multiple patients; additionally, full-face rejuvenation and beautification treatments require not only a high degree of technical skill but also the ability to choose the right product for each area and a keen artistic eye. Method: We present an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that can generate realistic post-treatment 3D models based on the patient’s requests together with the doctor’s input. These 3-dimensional predictions can be used by the practitioner for two purposes: firstly, they help ensure that the patient and the doctor are completely aligned on the expectations of the treatment; secondly, the doctor can use them as a visual guide, obtaining a natural result that would normally stem from the practitioner's artistic skills. To this end, the algorithm is able to predict injection zones, the type and quantity of hyaluronic acid, the injection depth, and the technique to use. Results: Our innovation consists in providing an objective visual representation of the patient that is helpful in the patient-doctor dialogue. The patient, based on this information, can express her desire to undergo a specific treatment or make changes to the therapeutic plan. In short, the patient becomes an active agent in the choices made before the treatment. Conclusion: We believe that this algorithm will reveal itself as a useful tool in the pre-treatment decision-making process to prevent both the patient and the doctor from making a leap into the dark.Keywords: hyaluronic acid, fillers, full face, artificial intelligence, 3D
Procedia PDF Downloads 89790 Visual Simulation for the Relationship of Urban Fabric
Authors: Ting-Yu Lin, Han-Liang Lin
This article is about the urban form of visualization by Cityengine. City is composed of different domains, and each domain has its own fabric because of arrangement. For example, a neighborhood unit contains fabrics such as schools, street networks, residential and commercial spaces. Therefore, studying urban morphology can help us understand the urban form in planning process. Streets, plots, and buildings seem as urban fabrics, and they configure urban form. Traditionally, urban morphology usually discussed single parameter, which is building type, ignoring other parameters such as streets and plots. However, urban space is three-dimensional, instead of two-dimensional. People perceive urban space by their visualization. Therefore, using visualization can fill the gap between two dimensions and three dimensions. Hence, the study of urban morphology will strengthen the understanding of whole appearance of a city. Cityengine is a software which can edit, analyze and monitor the data and visualize the result for GIS, a common tool to analyze data and display the map for urban plan and urban design. Cityengine can parameterize the data of streets, plots and building types and visualize the result in three-dimensional way. The research will reappear the real urban form by visualizing. We can know whether the urban form can be parameterized and the parameterized result can match the real urban form. Then, visualizing the result by software in three dimension to analyze the rule of urban form. There will be three stages of the research. It will start with a field survey of Tainan East District in Taiwan to conclude the relationships between urban fabrics of street networks, plots and building types. Second, to visualize the relationship, it will turn the relationship into codes which Cityengine can read. Last, Cityengine will automatically display the result by visualizing.Keywords: Cityengine, urban fabric, urban morphology, visual simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 299789 Improvement plan for Integrity of Intensive Care Unit Patients Withdrawn from Life-Sustaining Medical Care
Authors: Shang-Sin Shiu, Shu-I Chin, Hsiu-Ju Chen, Ru-Yu Lien
The Hospice and Palliative Care Act has undergone three revisions, making it less challenging for terminal patients to withdraw life support systems. However, the adequacy of care before withdraw is a crucial factor in end-of-life medical treatment. The author observed that intensive care unit (ICU) nursing staff often rely on simple flowcharts or word of mouth, leading to inadequate preparation and failure to meet patient needs before withdraw. This results in confusion or hesitation among those executing the process. Therefore, there is a motivation to improve the withdraw of patient care processes, establish standardized procedures, ensure the accuracy of removal execution, enhance end-of-life care self-efficacy for nursing staff, and improve the overall quality of care. The investigation identified key issues: the lack of applicable guidelines for ICU care for withdraw from life-sustaining, insufficient education and training on withdraw and end-of-life care, scattered locations of withdraw-related tools, and inadequate self-efficacy in withdraw from life-sustaining care. Solutions proposed include revising withdraw care processes and guidelines, integrating tools and locations, conducting educational courses, and forming support groups. After the project implementation, the accuracy of removal cognition improved from 78% to 96.5%, self-efficacy in end-of-life care after removal increased from 54.7% to 93.1%, and the correctness of care behavior progressed from 27.7% to 97.8%. It is recommended to regularly conduct courses on removing life support system care and grief consolation to enhance the quality of end-of-life care.Keywords: the intensive care unit (ICU) patients, nursing staff, withdraw life support systems, self-efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 51788 Massive Open Online Course about Content Language Integrated Learning: A Methodological Approach for Content Language Integrated Learning Teachers
Authors: M. Zezou
This paper focuses on the design of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and more specifically about how teachers can use CLIL as an educational approach incorporating technology in their teaching as well. All the four weeks of the MOOC will be presented and a step-by-step analysis of each lesson will be offered. Additionally, the paper includes detailed lesson plans about CLIL lessons with proposed CLIL activities and games in which technology plays a central part. The MOOC is structured based on certain criteria, in order to ensure success, as well as a positive experience that the learners need to have after completing this MOOC. It addresses to all language teachers who would like to implement CLIL into their teaching. In other words, it presents the methodology that needs to be followed so as to successfully carry out a CLIL lesson and achieve the learning objectives set at the beginning of the course. Firstly, in this paper, it is very important to give the definitions of MOOCs and LMOOCs, as well as to explore the difference between a structure-based MOOC (xMOOC) and a connectivist MOOC (cMOOC) and present the criteria of a successful MOOC. Moreover, the notion of CLIL will be explored, as it is necessary to fully understand this concept before moving on to the design of the MOOC. Onwards, the four weeks of the MOOC will be introduced as well as lesson plans will be presented: The type of the activities, the aims of each activity and the methodology that teachers have to follow. Emphasis will be placed on the role of technology in foreign language learning and on the ways in which we can involve technology in teaching a foreign language. Final remarks will be made and a summary of the main points will be offered at the end.Keywords: CLIL, cMOOC, lesson plan, LMOOC, MOOC criteria, MOOC, technology, xMOOC
Procedia PDF Downloads 194787 Educational Sustainability: Teaching the Next Generation of Educators in Medical Simulation
Authors: Thomas Trouton, Sebastian Tanner, Manvir Sandher
The use of simulation in undergraduate and postgraduate medical curricula is ever-growing, is a useful addition to the traditional apprenticeship model of learning within medical education, and better prepares graduates for the team-based approach to healthcare seen in real-life clinical practice. As a learning tool, however, undergraduate medical students often have little understanding of the theory behind the use of medical simulation and have little experience in planning and delivering their own simulated teaching sessions. We designed and implemented a student-selected component (SSC) as part of the undergraduate medical curriculum at the University of Buckingham Medical School to introduce students to the concepts behind the use of medical simulation in education and allow them to plan and deliver their own simulated medical scenario to their peers. The SSC took place over a 2-week period in the 3rd year of the undergraduate course. There was a mix of lectures, seminars and interactive group work sessions, as well as hands-on experience in the simulation suite, to introduce key concepts related to medical simulation, including technical considerations in simulation, human factors, debriefing and troubleshooting scenarios. We evaluated the success of our SSC using “Net Promotor Scores” (NPS) to assess students’ confidence in planning and facilitating a simulation-based teaching session, as well as leading a debrief session. In all three domains, we showed an increase in the confidence of the students. We also showed an increase in confidence in the management of common medical emergencies as a result of the SSC. Overall, the students who chose our SSC had the opportunity to learn new skills in medical education, with a particular focus on the use of simulation-based teaching, and feedback highlighted that a number of students would take these skills forward in their own practice. We demonstrated an increase in confidence in several domains related to the use of medical simulation in education and have hopefully inspired a new generation of medical educators.Keywords: simulation, SSC, teaching, medical students
Procedia PDF Downloads 125786 Suicide Prevention through Spiritual Practice
Authors: Jayant Balaji Athavale, Sean Clarke
Background: According to the WHO, every year, more than 700,000 people die by suicide, which is one person around every 45 seconds. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds globally. The most common situations or life events that might cause suicidal thoughts are financial problems/unemployment, rejections, relationship breakups, sexual/substance abuse and mental illnesses. Mental/psychological weakness caused due to defects in one’s personality is one of the main reasons why people feel they cannot cope in such situations and contemplate suicide. A WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 lists a 4-point strategy to enhance mental health by ‘implementing strategies for promotion and prevention in mental health.’ Methodology: With 40 years of spiritual research background, the team at the Maharshi University of Spirituality has studied the spiritual root causes that can significantly affect one’s mental health and the solutions to improve it. Results/Findings: According to spiritual science, the time and nature of death are mostly due to spiritual reasons. A person would mostly contemplate and attempt suicide when he is spiritually most vulnerable. Spiritual practice, as per universal principles, helps in protecting a person spiritually and prevents him from getting such thoughts of self-harm or acting upon them by controlling such impulses. The University has had much success in helping people to overcome the defects in their personalities, including those with suicidal thoughts, through spiritual practices such as chanting the Name of God and the Personality Defect Removal (PDR) process developed by the Author. Conclusion: If such techniques were taught in educational institutions, they could be simple yet effective self-help tools to prevent thoughts of suicide and enhance mental health and well-being.Keywords: suicide, mental health, abuse, suicide prevention, personality defect removal
Procedia PDF Downloads 198785 Technology of Gyro Orientation Measurement Unit (Gyro Omu) for Underground Utility Mapping Practice
Authors: Mohd Ruzlin Mohd Mokhtar
At present, most operators who are working on projects for utilities such as power, water, oil, gas, telecommunication and sewerage are using technologies e.g. Total station, Global Positioning System (GPS), Electromagnetic Locator (EML) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to perform underground utility mapping. With the increase in popularity of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method among the local authorities and asset owners, most of newly installed underground utilities need to use the HDD method. HDD method is seen as simple and create not much disturbance to the public and traffic. Thus, it was the preferred utilities installation method in most of areas especially in urban areas. HDDs were installed much deeper than exiting utilities (some reports saying that HDD is averaging 5 meter in depth). However, this impacts the accuracy or ability of existing underground utility mapping technologies. In most of Malaysia underground soil condition, those technologies were limited to maximum of 3 meter depth. Thus, those utilities which were installed much deeper than 3 meter depth could not be detected by using existing detection tools. The accuracy and reliability of existing underground utility mapping technologies or work procedure were in doubt. Thus, a mitigation action plan is required. While installing new utility using Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method, a more accurate underground utility mapping can be achieved by using Gyro OMU compared to existing practice using e.g. EML and GPR. Gyro OMU is a method to accurately identify the location of HDD thus this mapping can be used or referred to avoid those cost of breakdown due to future HDD works which can be caused by inaccurate underground utility mapping.Keywords: Gyro Orientation Measurement Unit (Gyro OMU), Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Electromagnetic Locator (EML)
Procedia PDF Downloads 142784 An MIPSSTWM-based Emergency Vehicle Routing Approach for Quick Response to Highway Incidents
Authors: Siliang Luan, Zhongtai Jiang
The risk of highway incidents is commonly recognized as a major concern for transportation authorities due to the hazardous consequences and negative influence. It is crucial to respond to these unpredictable events as soon as possible faced by emergency management decision makers. In this paper, we focus on path planning for emergency vehicles, one of the most significant processes to avoid congestion and reduce rescue time. A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming with Semi-Soft Time Windows Model (MIPSSTWM) is conducted to plan an optimal routing respectively considering the time consumption of arcs and nodes of the urban road network and the highway network, especially in developing countries with an enormous population. Here, the arcs indicate the road segments and the nodes include the intersections of the urban road network and the on-ramp and off-ramp of the highway networks. An attempt in this research has been made to develop a comprehensive and executive strategy for emergency vehicle routing in heavy traffic conditions. The proposed Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm is designed by imitating obligate brood parasitic behaviors of cuckoos and Lévy Flights (LF) to solve this hard and combinatorial problem. Using a Chinese city as our case study, the numerical results demonstrate the approach we applied in this paper outperforms the previous method without considering the nodes of the road network for a real-world situation. Meanwhile, the accuracy and validity of the CS algorithm also show better performances than the traditional algorithm.Keywords: emergency vehicle, path planning, cs algorithm, urban traffic management and urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 82783 Maximizing the Role of Companion Teachers for the Achievement of Professional Competencies and Pedagogics Workshop Activities of Teacher Professional Participants in the Faculty of Teaching and Education of Mulawarman University
Authors: Makrina Tindangen
The problems faced by participants of teacher profession program in Faculty of teaching and education Mulawarman University is professional and pedagogic competence. Professional competence related to the mastery of teaching materials, while pedagogic competence related with the ability to plan and to implement learning. Based on the problems, the purpose of the research is to maximize the role of companion teacher for the achievement of professional and pedagogic competencies in the workshop of the participants of teacher professional education in the Faculty of Teaching and Education of Mulawarman University. Qualitative research method with interview guidance and document to get in-depth data on how to maximize the role of companion teachers in the achievement of professional and pedagogic competencies in the workshop participants of professional education participants. Location of this research is on the Faculty of Teaching and Education of Mulawarman University, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province. Research respondents were 12 teachers of workshop facilitator. Descriptive data analysis is through interpretation of interview data. The conclusion of the research result, how to maximize the role of assistant teachers in workshop activities for the professional competence and pedagogic competence of professional teacher training program participants, through facilitation activities conducted by teachers of companion related to real problems faced by students in school, so that the workshop participants have professional competence and pedagogic as an initial competence before carrying out practical activities of field experience in school.Keywords: companion teacher, professional and pedagogical competence, activities, workshop participants
Procedia PDF Downloads 189782 Dilution of Saline Irrigation Based on Plant's Physiological Responses to Salt Stress Following by Re-Watering
Authors: Qaiser Javed, Ahmad Azeem
Salinity and water scarcity are major environmental problems which are limiting the agricultural production. This research was conducted to construct a model to find out appropriate regime to dilute saline water based on physiological and electrophysiological properties of Brassica napus L., and Orychophragmus violaceus (L.). Plants were treated under salt-stressed concentrations of NaCl (NL₁: 2.5, NL₂: 5, NL₃: 10; gL⁻¹), Na₂SO₄ (NO₁: 2.5, NO₂: 5, NO₃: 10; gL⁻¹), and mixed salt concentration (MX₁: NL₁+ NO₃; MX₂: NL₃+ NO₁; MX₃: NL₂+ NO₂; gL⁻¹) and 0 as control, followed by re-watering. Growth, physiological and electrophysiology traits were highly restricted under high salt concentration levels at NL₃, NO₃, MX₁, and MX₂, respectively. However, during the rewatering phase, growth, electrophysiological, and physiological parameters were recovered well. Consequently, the increase in net photosynthetic rate was noted under moderate stress condition which was 44.13, 37.07, and 43.01%, respectively in Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) and 44.94%, 53.45%, and 63.04%, respectively were found in Brassica napus L. According to the results, the best dilution point was 5–2.5% for NaCl and Na₂SO₄ alternatively, whereas it was 10–0.0% for the mixture of salts. Therefore, the effect of salinity in O. violaceus and B. napus may also be reduced effectively by dilution of saline irrigation. It would be a better approach to utilize dilute saline water for irrigation instead of applies direct saline water to plant. This study provides new insight in the field of agricultural engineering to plan irrigation scheduling considering the crop ability to salt tolerance and irrigation water use efficiency by apply specific quantity of irrigation calculated based on the salt dilution point. It would be helpful to balance between irrigation amount and optimum crop water consumption in salt-affected regions and to utilize saline water in order to safe freshwater resources.Keywords: dilution model, plant growth traits, re-watering, salt stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 160781 Poverty Eradication Program in Malaysia
Authors: Ibrahim Mamat, Wan Mohd Zaifurin Wan Nawang
Malaysia's poverty eradication program is a long-term plan that was initially implemented by the government after the riots of the races on May 13, 1969. The incident broke out due to the huge economic gap between the majority of Malaysians,Malays and non-Malays minorities. As a result of the event, the government drafted the New Economic Policy(NEP) in 1970 to reduce the differences in economic status among races in Malaysia. At the end of this policy period (NEP) in 1990, the incidence of poverty in Malaysia was around 6.5 per cent. The incidence of poverty in Malaysia continued to decline to 0.6 per cent (2014) through some other policy after the NEP. The decline in poverty has been the result of the government's efforts to implement the New Economic Policy (1970-1990), National Development Policy (1991-2000), NationalVision Policy (2001-2010), and National Transformation Policy (2011-2020).This article also explains the meaning, concepts and measurements of poverty in order to identify the Poverty Level and measure the Poverty Index using various dimensions. This explanation is very important for a country like Malaysia who has some people living below the poverty line. In such a context, an effective poverty eradication policy can benefit the poor.Consequently, this article examines the continuing involvement of the government and non-governmental organizations through the empowerment program of the hardcore poor to change their lifestyle and culture as well as the vicious circle of poverty is indispensable to ensure that poverty eradication programs are in line with current economic and social changes. In addition, the involvement of non-governmental organizations and the State Islamic Religious Council to provide assistance to the poor is appropriate as the institution has its own distinctive interpretation of poverty to determine the type of assistance, criteria and so on to enable the rights of the poor to be ensured and protected.Keywords: economic policy, poor, poverty eradication, poverty program
Procedia PDF Downloads 228780 Noise Pollution: An Emerging Threat to Urban Health
Authors: M. Sirajul Islam Molla
Noise pollution has been a continuous and an increasing threat to human health in urban population all over the world. The situation in Bangladesh particularly in major cities has been dangerously aggravating. Despite the government of Bangladesh have laws in its hand to curb the noise pollution the authority’s reluctance in enforcing it, is making the situation worse. We do not see any difference in some other major cities of the South Asian Regional Countries like Delhi and Kathmandu, both of the cities are facing the same situation like Dhaka. With the expansion of technology-based township all over the world, the noise pollution has been an emerging threat to urban health. The information for this review has been derived from websites of GOs, NGOs, peer-reviewed papers, seminars and symposia. The worse situation of noise pollution results in people’s irritation and protest, but in many cases, the protesters are facing the wrath of the polluters. Two such consequences in Bangladesh have resulted in killing the protesters by the polluters – one happened in Dhaka city and the other in a rural town. The law-enforcing agencies proactively do not attempt to impose the law. Noise pollution has been increasing so rapidly that it has become a burden on human health in urban populations. Prolonged exposure to higher noise causes mental stress, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, cardiac failure, respiratory disorder, miscarriage and breaks attention of students to their studies and also irritates their behavior. The noise pollution-caused mortality has also been increasing all over the world. Recommendations from the international conferences such as ICUH should be forwarded to the United Nations. The UN then should pass it on to the concerned countries. The UN should also keenly monitor if the countries have appropriate plan to curb noise pollution to meet the sustainable development goals.Keywords: decibel, environment, noise, pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 246779 Optimal Continuous Scheduled Time for a Cumulative Damage System with Age-Dependent Imperfect Maintenance
Authors: Chin-Chih Chang
Many manufacturing systems suffer failures due to complex degradation processes and various environment conditions such as random shocks. Consider an operating system is subject to random shocks and works at random times for successive jobs. When successive jobs often result in production losses and performance deterioration, it would be better to do maintenance or replacement at a planned time. A preventive replacement (PR) policy is presented to replace the system before a failure occurs at a continuous time T. In such a policy, the failure characteristics of the system are designed as follows. Each job would cause a random amount of additive damage to the system, and the system fails when the cumulative damage has exceeded a failure threshold. Suppose that the deteriorating system suffers one of the two types of shocks with age-dependent probabilities: type-I (minor) shock is rectified by a minimal repair, or type-II (catastrophic) shock causes the system to fail. A corrective replacement (CR) is performed immediately when the system fails. In summary, a generalized maintenance model to scheduling replacement plan for an operating system is presented below. PR is carried out at time T, whereas CR is carried out when any type-II shock occurs and the total damage exceeded a failure level. The main objective is to determine the optimal continuous schedule time of preventive replacement through minimizing the mean cost rate function. The existence and uniqueness of optimal replacement policy are derived analytically. It can be seen that the present model is a generalization of the previous models, and the policy with preventive replacement outperforms the one without preventive replacement.Keywords: preventive replacement, working time, cumulative damage model, minimal repair, imperfect maintenance, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 364778 Application of Adaptive Architecture in Building Technologies: A Case Study of Neuhoff Site in Nashville, Tennessee
Authors: Shohreh Moshiri, Hossein Alimohammadi
Building construction has a great impact on climate change. Adaptive design strategies were developed to provide new life and purpose to old buildings and create new environments with economic benefits to meet resident needs. The role of smart material systems is undeniable in providing adaptivity of the architectural environments and their effects on creating better adaptive building environments. In this research, a case study named Neuhoff site located near Cumberland River in the Germantown neighborhood in the city of Nashville, Tennessee, was considered. This building in the early 1920s was constructed as a meat-packing facility and then served as a mixed-use space; however, New City has partnered with world-class architects to reinvent this site to be changed to mixed-use waterfront development. The future office space will be designed with LEED certification as a goal. Environmentally friendly sensitive materials and designs will offer for all adaptive reuse of the building. The smart materials and their applications, especially in the field of building technology and architecture, were emphasized in providing a renovation plan for the site. The advantages and qualities of smart material systems were targeted to explore in this research on the field of architecture. Also, this research helps to understand better the effects of smart material systems on the construction and design processes, exploration of the way to make architecture with better adaptive characteristics, plus provide optimal environmental situations for the users, which reflect on the climatic, structural, and architectural performances.Keywords: adaptive architecture, building technology, case study, smart material systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 73777 The Optimization of the Parameters for Eco-Friendly Leaching of Precious Metals from Waste Catalyst
Authors: Silindile Gumede, Amir Hossein Mohammadi, Mbuyu Germain Ntunka
Goal 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encourages sustainable consumption and production patterns. This necessitates achieving the environmentally safe management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle and the proper disposal of pollutants and toxic waste. Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts are widely used in the refinery to convert heavy feedstocks to lighter ones. During the refining processes, the catalysts are deactivated and discarded as hazardous toxic solid waste. Spent catalysts (SC) contain high-cost metal, and the recovery of metals from SCs is a tactical plan for supplying part of the demand for these substances and minimizing the environmental impacts. Leaching followed by solvent extraction, has been found to be the most efficient method to recover valuable metals with high purity from spent catalysts. However, the use of inorganic acids during the leaching process causes a secondary environmental issue. Therefore, it is necessary to explore other alternative efficient leaching agents that are economical and environmentally friendly. In this study, the waste catalyst was collected from a domestic refinery and was characterised using XRD, ICP, XRF, and SEM. Response surface methodology (RSM) and Box Behnken design were used to model and optimize the influence of some parameters affecting the acidic leaching process. The parameters selected in this investigation were the acid concentration, temperature, and leaching time. From the characterisation results, it was found that the spent catalyst consists of high concentrations of Vanadium (V) and Nickel (Ni); hence this study focuses on the leaching of Ni and V using a biodegradable acid to eliminate the formation of the secondary pollution.Keywords: eco-friendly leaching, optimization, metal recovery, leaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 68776 Application of Hydrological Model in Support of Streamflow Allocation in Arid Watersheds in Northwestern China
Authors: Chansheng He, Lanhui Zhang, Baoqing Zhang
Spatial heterogeneity of landscape significantly affects watershed hydrological processes, particularly in high elevation and cold mountainous watersheds such as the inland river (terminal lake) basins in Northwest China, where the upper reach mountainous areas are the main source of streamflow for the downstream agricultural oases and desert ecosystems. Thus, it is essential to take into account spatial variations of hydrological processes in streamflow allocation at the watershed scale. This paper adapts the Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model (DLBRM) to the Heihe River Watershed, the second largest inland river with a drainage area of about 128,000 km2 in Northwest China, for understanding the transfer and partitioning mechanism among the glacier and snowmelt, surface runoff, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge among the upper, middle, and lower reaches in the study area. Results indicate that the upper reach Qilian Mountain area is the main source of streamflow for the middle reach agricultural oasis and downstream desert areas. Large withdrawals for agricultural irrigation in the middle reach had significantly depleted river flow for the lower reach desert ecosystems. Innovative conservation and enforcement programs need to be undertaken to ensure the successful implementation of water allocation plan of delivering 0.95 x 109 m3 of water downstream annually by the State Council in the Heihe River Watershed.Keywords: DLBRM, Northwestern China, spatial variation, water allocation
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