Search results for: a modified estimation equation
5003 The Estimation Method of Stress Distribution for Beam Structures Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Authors: Sang Wook Park, Jun Su Park, Byung Kwan Oh, Yousok Kim, Hyo Seon Park
This study suggests the estimation method of stress distribution for the beam structures based on TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning). The main components of method are the creation of the lattices of raw data from TLS to satisfy the suitable condition and application of CSSI (Cubic Smoothing Spline Interpolation) for estimating stress distribution. Estimation of stress distribution for the structural member or the whole structure is one of the important factors for safety evaluation of the structure. Existing sensors which include ESG (Electric strain gauge) and LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) can be categorized as contact type sensor which should be installed on the structural members and also there are various limitations such as the need of separate space where the network cables are installed and the difficulty of access for sensor installation in real buildings. To overcome these problems inherent in the contact type sensors, TLS system of LiDAR (light detection and ranging), which can measure the displacement of a target in a long range without the influence of surrounding environment and also get the whole shape of the structure, has been applied to the field of structural health monitoring. The important characteristic of TLS measuring is a formation of point clouds which has many points including the local coordinate. Point clouds is not linear distribution but dispersed shape. Thus, to analyze point clouds, the interpolation is needed vitally. Through formation of averaged lattices and CSSI for the raw data, the method which can estimate the displacement of simple beam was developed. Also, the developed method can be extended to calculate the strain and finally applicable to estimate a stress distribution of a structural member. To verify the validity of the method, the loading test on a simple beam was conducted and TLS measured it. Through a comparison of the estimated stress and reference stress, the validity of the method is confirmed.Keywords: structural healthcare monitoring, terrestrial laser scanning, estimation of stress distribution, coordinate transformation, cubic smoothing spline interpolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4345002 Displacement Solution for a Static Vertical Rigid Movement of an Interior Circular Disc in a Transversely Isotropic Tri-Material Full-Space
Authors: D. Mehdizadeh, M. Rahimian, M. Eskandari-Ghadi
This article is concerned with the determination of the static interaction of a vertically loaded rigid circular disc embedded at the interface of a horizontal layer sandwiched in between two different transversely isotropic half-spaces called as tri-material full-space. The axes of symmetry of different regions are assumed to be normal to the horizontal interfaces and parallel to the movement direction. With the use of a potential function method, and by implementing Hankel integral transforms in the radial direction, the government partial differential equation for the solely scalar potential function is transformed to an ordinary 4th order differential equation, and the mixed boundary conditions are transformed into a pair of integral equations called dual integral equations, which can be reduced to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind, which is solved analytically. Then, the displacements and stresses are given in the form of improper line integrals, which is due to inverse Hankel integral transforms. It is shown that the present solutions are in exact agreement with the existing solutions for a homogeneous full-space with transversely isotropic material. To confirm the accuracy of the numerical evaluation of the integrals involved, the numerical results are compared with the solutions exists for the homogeneous full-space. Then, some different cases with different degrees of material anisotropy are compared to portray the effect of degree of anisotropy.Keywords: transversely isotropic, rigid disc, elasticity, dual integral equations, tri-material full-space
Procedia PDF Downloads 4405001 A Study of Flow near the Leading Edge of a Flat Plate by New Idea in Analytical Methods
Authors: M. R. Akbari, S. Akbari, L. Abdollahpour
The present paper is concerned with calculating the 2-dimensional velocity profile of a viscous flow for an incompressible fluid along the leading edge of a flat plate by using the continuity and motion equations with a simple and innovative approach. A Comparison between Numerical method and AGM has been made and the results have been revealed that AGM is very accurate and easy and can be applied for a wide variety of nonlinear problems. It is notable that most of the differential equations can be solved in this approach which in the other approaches they do not have this capability. Moreover, there are some valuable benefits in this method of solving differential equations, for instance: Without any dimensionless procedure, we can solve many differential equation(s), that is, differential equations are directly solvable by this method. In addition, it is not necessary to convert variables into new ones. According to the afore-mentioned expressions which will be proved in this literature, the process of solving nonlinear differential equation(s) will be very simple and convenient in contrast to the other approaches.Keywords: leading edge, new idea, flat plate, incompressible fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2875000 Decontamination of Chromium Containing Ground Water by Adsorption Using Chemically Modified Activated Carbon Fabric
Authors: J. R. Mudakavi, K. Puttanna
Chromium in the environment is considered as one of the most toxic elements probably next only to mercury and arsenic. It is acutely toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic in the environment. Chromium contamination of soil and underground water due to industrial activities is a very serious problem in several parts of India covering Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. Functionally modified Activated Carbon Fabrics (ACF) offer targeted chromium removal from drinking water and industrial effluents. Activated carbon fabric is a light weight adsorbing material with high surface area and low resistance to fluid flow. We have investigated surface modification of ACF using various acids in the laboratory through batch as well as through continuous flow column experiments with a view to develop the optimum conditions for chromium removal. Among the various acids investigated, phosphoric acid modified ACF gave best results with a removal efficiency of 95% under optimum conditions. Optimum pH was around 2 – 4 with 2 hours contact time. Continuous column experiments with an effective bed contact time (EBCT) of 5 minutes indicated that breakthrough occurred after 300 bed volumes. Adsorption data followed a Freundlich isotherm pattern. Nickel adsorbs preferentially and sulphate reduces chromium adsorption by 50%. The ACF could be regenerated up to 52.3% using 3 M NaOH under optimal conditions. The process is simple, economical, energy efficient and applicable to industrial effluents and drinking water.Keywords: activated carbon fabric, hexavalent chromium, adsorption, drinking water
Procedia PDF Downloads 3374999 Sentiment Classification of Documents
Authors: Swarnadip Ghosh
Sentiment Analysis is the process of detecting the contextual polarity of text. In other words, it determines whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral.Sentiment analysis of documents holds great importance in today's world, when numerous information is stored in databases and in the world wide web. An efficient algorithm to illicit such information, would be beneficial for social, economic as well as medical purposes. In this project, we have developed an algorithm to classify a document into positive or negative. Using our algorithm, we obtained a feature set from the data, and classified the documents based on this feature set. It is important to note that, in the classification, we have not used the independence assumption, which is considered by many procedures like the Naive Bayes. This makes the algorithm more general in scope. Moreover, because of the sparsity and high dimensionality of such data, we did not use empirical distribution for estimation, but developed a method by finding degree of close clustering of the data points. We have applied our algorithm on a movie review data set obtained from IMDb and obtained satisfactory results.Keywords: sentiment, Run's Test, cross validation, higher dimensional pmf estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4044998 Facial Pose Classification Using Hilbert Space Filling Curve and Multidimensional Scaling
Authors: Mekamı Hayet, Bounoua Nacer, Benabderrahmane Sidahmed, Taleb Ahmed
Pose estimation is an important task in computer vision. Though the majority of the existing solutions provide good accuracy results, they are often overly complex and computationally expensive. In this perspective, we propose the use of dimensionality reduction techniques to address the problem of facial pose estimation. Firstly, a face image is converted into one-dimensional time series using Hilbert space filling curve, then the approach converts these time series data to a symbolic representation. Furthermore, a distance matrix is calculated between symbolic series of an input learning dataset of images, to generate classifiers of frontal vs. profile face pose. The proposed method is evaluated with three public datasets. Experimental results have shown that our approach is able to achieve a correct classification rate exceeding 97% with K-NN algorithm.Keywords: machine learning, pattern recognition, facial pose classification, time series
Procedia PDF Downloads 3514997 Development of Orbital TIG Welding Robot System for the Pipe
Authors: Dongho Kim, Sung Choi, Kyowoong Pee, Youngsik Cho, Seungwoo Jeong, Soo-Ho Kim
This study is about the orbital TIG welding robot system which travels on the guide rail installed on the pipe, and welds and tracks the pipe seam using the LVS (Laser Vision Sensor) joint profile data. The orbital welding robot system consists of the robot, welder, controller, and LVS. Moreover we can define the relationship between welding travel speed and wire feed speed, and we can make the linear equation using the maximum and minimum amount of weld metal. Using the linear equation we can determine the welding travel speed and the wire feed speed accurately corresponding to the area of weld captured by LVS. We applied this orbital TIG welding robot system to the stainless steel or duplex pipe on DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co. Ltd.,) shipyard and the result of radiographic test is almost perfect. (Defect rate: 0.033%).Keywords: adaptive welding, automatic welding, pipe welding, orbital welding, laser vision sensor, LVS, welding D/B
Procedia PDF Downloads 6904996 Rainfall Estimation Using Himawari-8 Meteorological Satellite Imagery in Central Taiwan
Authors: Chiang Wei, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen
The objective of this study is to estimate the rainfall using the new generation Himawari-8 meteorological satellite with multi-band, high-bit format, and high spatiotemporal resolution, ground rainfall data at the Chen-Yu-Lan watershed of Joushuei River Basin (443.6 square kilometers) in Central Taiwan. Accurate and fine-scale rainfall information is essential for rugged terrain with high local variation for early warning of flood, landslide, and debris flow disasters. 10-minute and 2 km pixel-based rainfall of Typhoon Megi of 2016 and meiyu on June 1-4 of 2017 were tested to demonstrate the new generation Himawari-8 meteorological satellite can capture rainfall variation in the rugged mountainous area both at fine-scale and watershed scale. The results provide the valuable rainfall information for early warning of future disasters.Keywords: estimation, Himawari-8, rainfall, satellite imagery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1944995 Generation Transcritical Flow Influenced by Dissipation over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
The transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle for negative forcing amplitude (hole) that generation upstream and downstream, connected by an unsteady solution, is examined. In the weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive regime, the problem is formulated in the forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers framework. This is done by including the influence of the viscosity of the fluid beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The results show that the influence of viscosity is crucial in determining various wave properties, including the amplitudes of solitary waves in the upstream and downstream directions, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results are presented for transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. In general, the outcomes are not qualitatively similar to those from the forced Korteweg-de–Vries equation when the value of the viscous is small, interesting differences emerge as the magnitude of the value of viscous increases.Keywords: Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation, soliton, transcritical flow, viscous flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 524994 Adaptive Multipath Mitigation Acquisition Approach for Global Positioning System Software Receivers
Authors: Animut Meseret Simachew
Parallel Code Phase Search Acquisition (PCSA) Algorithm has been considered as a promising method in GPS software receivers for detection and estimation of the accurate correlation peak between the received Global Positioning System (GPS) signal and locally generated replicas. GPS signal acquisition in highly dense multipath environments is the main research challenge. In this work, we proposed a robust variable step-size (RVSS) PCSA algorithm based on fast frequency transform (FFT) filtering technique to mitigate short time delay multipath signals. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm over the conventional PCSA algorithm. The proposed RVSS-PCSA algorithm equalizes the received carrier wiped-off signal with locally generated C/A code.Keywords: adaptive PCSA, detection and estimation, GPS signal acquisition, GPS software receiver
Procedia PDF Downloads 1184993 Generation Solitary Waves for Viscous Flow over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
This study investigates the transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography under negative forcing amplitude (hole), which generates upstream and downstream flows connected by an unsteady solution. This phenomenon is formulated by a forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers model, considering weak nonlinearity and weak dispersion by accounting for the fluid’s viscosity beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The findings highlight that viscosity significantly affects various wave characteristics, such as the amplitudes of solitary waves both upstream and downstream, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results apply to transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. Generally, when the viscosity is low, the results differ qualitatively from those predicted by the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation, with notable variations arising as viscosity increases.Keywords: Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers’ equation, soliton, viscous flow, transcritical (resonant) flow, solitary waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 54992 A Questionnaire-Based Survey: Therapists Response towards Upper Limb Disorder Learning Tool
Authors: Noor Ayuni Che Zakaria, Takashi Komeda, Cheng Yee Low, Kaoru Inoue, Fazah Akhtar Hanapiah
Previous studies have shown that there are arguments regarding the reliability and validity of the Ashworth and Modified Ashworth Scale towards evaluating patients diagnosed with upper limb disorders. These evaluations depended on the raters’ experiences. This initiated us to develop an upper limb disorder part-task trainer that is able to simulate consistent upper limb disorders, such as spasticity and rigidity signs, based on the Modified Ashworth Scale to improve the variability occurring between raters and intra-raters themselves. By providing consistent signs, novice therapists would be able to increase training frequency and exposure towards various levels of signs. A total of 22 physiotherapists and occupational therapists participated in the study. The majority of the therapists agreed that with current therapy education, they still face problems with inter-raters and intra-raters variability (strongly agree 54%; n = 12/22, agree 27%; n = 6/22) in evaluating patients’ conditions. The therapists strongly agreed (72%; n = 16/22) that therapy trainees needed to increase their frequency of training; therefore believe that our initiative to develop an upper limb disorder training tool will help in improving the clinical education field (strongly agree and agree 63%; n = 14/22).Keywords: upper limb disorder, clinical education tool, inter/intra-raters variability, spasticity, modified Ashworth scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 3114991 Factors Influencing the Resistance of the Purchase of Organic Food and Market Education Process in Indonesia
Authors: Fety Nurlia Muzayanah, Arif Imam Suroso, Mukhamad Najib
The market share of organic food in Indonesia just reaches 0.5-2 percents from the entire of agricultural products. The aim of this research is to analyze the relation of gender, work, age and final education toward the buying interest of organic food, to identify the factors influencing the resistance of the purchase of organic food, and to identify the market education process. The analysis result of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) shows the factors causing the resistance of the purchase of organic food are the negative attitude toward organic food, the lack of affordable in range for organic food product and the lack of awareness toward organic food, while the subjective norms have no significant effect toward the buying interest. The market education process which can be done is the education about the use of the health of organic food, the organic certification and the economic value.Keywords: market education, organic food, consumer behavior, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 6154990 Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Image Processing
Authors: Prodipta Bhowmik, Poulami Saha, Preety Mehra, Yogesh Soni, Triloki Nath Jha
In India, the smart city concept is growing day by day. So, for smart city development, a better traffic management and monitoring system is a very important requirement. Nowadays, road accidents increase due to more vehicles on the road. Reckless driving is mainly responsible for a huge number of accidents. So, an efficient traffic management system is required for all kinds of roads to control the traffic speed. The speed limit varies from road to road basis. Previously, there was a radar system but due to high cost and less precision, the radar system is unable to become favorable in a traffic management system. Traffic management system faces different types of problems every day and it has become a researchable topic on how to solve this problem. This paper proposed a computer vision and machine learning-based automated system for multiple vehicle detection, tracking, and speed estimation of vehicles using image processing. Detection of vehicles and estimating their speed from a real-time video is tough work to do. The objective of this paper is to detect vehicles and estimate their speed as accurately as possible. So for this, a real-time video is first captured, then the frames are extracted from that video, then from that frames, the vehicles are detected, and thereafter, the tracking of vehicles starts, and finally, the speed of the moving vehicles is estimated. The goal of this method is to develop a cost-friendly system that can able to detect multiple types of vehicles at the same time.Keywords: OpenCV, Haar Cascade classifier, DLIB, YOLOV3, centroid tracker, vehicle detection, vehicle tracking, vehicle speed estimation, computer vision
Procedia PDF Downloads 854989 Energy Management System Based on Voltage Fluctuations Minimization for Droop-Controlled Islanded Microgrid
Authors: Zahra Majd, Mohsen Kalantar
Power management and voltage regulation is one of the most important issues in microgrid (MG) control and scheduling. This paper proposes a multiobjective scheduling formulation that consists of active power costs, voltage fluctuations summation, and technical constraints of MG. Furthermore, load flow and reserve constraints are considered to achieve proper voltage regulation. A modified Jacobian matrix is presented for calculating voltage variations and Mont Carlo simulation is used for generating and reducing scenarios. To convert the problem to a mixed integer linear program, a linearization procedure for nonlinear equations is presented. The proposed model is applied to a typical low-voltage MG and two different cases are investigated. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed model.Keywords: microgrid, energy management system, voltage fluctuations, modified Jacobian matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 924988 Channel Estimation/Equalization with Adaptive Modulation and Coding over Multipath Faded Channels for WiMAX
Authors: B. Siva Kumar Reddy, B. Lakshmi
WiMAX has adopted an Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) in OFDM to endure higher data rates and error free transmission. AMC schemes employ the Channel State Information (CSI) to efficiently utilize the channel and maximize the throughput and for better spectral efficiency. This CSI has given to the transmitter by the channel estimators. In this paper, LSE (Least Square Error) and MMSE (Minimum Mean square Error) estimators are suggested and BER (Bit Error Rate) performance has been analyzed. Channel equalization is also integrated with with AMC-OFDM system and presented with Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) and Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithms with convergence rates analysis. Simulation results proved that increment in modulation scheme size causes to improvement in throughput along with BER value. There is a trade-off among modulation size, throughput, BER value and spectral efficiency. Results also reported the requirement of channel estimation and equalization in high data rate systems.Keywords: AMC, CSI, CMA, OFDM, OFDMA, WiMAX
Procedia PDF Downloads 3944987 Human Motion Capture: New Innovations in the Field of Computer Vision
Authors: Najm Alotaibi
Human motion capture has become one of the major area of interest in the field of computer vision. Some of the major application areas that have been rapidly evolving include the advanced human interfaces, virtual reality and security/surveillance systems. This study provides a brief overview of the techniques and applications used for the markerless human motion capture, which deals with analyzing the human motion in the form of mathematical formulations. The major contribution of this research is that it classifies the computer vision based techniques of human motion capture based on the taxonomy, and then breaks its down into four systematically different categories of tracking, initialization, pose estimation and recognition. The detailed descriptions and the relationships descriptions are given for the techniques of tracking and pose estimation. The subcategories of each process are further described. Various hypotheses have been used by the researchers in this domain are surveyed and the evolution of these techniques have been explained. It has been concluded in the survey that most researchers have focused on using the mathematical body models for the markerless motion capture.Keywords: human motion capture, computer vision, vision-based, tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 3204986 Series Network-Structured Inverse Models of Data Envelopment Analysis: Pitfalls and Solutions
Authors: Zohreh Moghaddas, Morteza Yazdani, Farhad Hosseinzadeh
Nowadays, data envelopment analysis (DEA) models featuring network structures have gained widespread usage for evaluating the performance of production systems and activities (Decision-Making Units (DMUs)) across diverse fields. By examining the relationships between the internal stages of the network, these models offer valuable insights to managers and decision-makers regarding the performance of each stage and its impact on the overall network. To further empower system decision-makers, the inverse data envelopment analysis (IDEA) model has been introduced. This model allows the estimation of crucial information for estimating parameters while keeping the efficiency score unchanged or improved, enabling analysis of the sensitivity of system inputs or outputs according to managers' preferences. This empowers managers to apply their preferences and policies on resources, such as inputs and outputs, and analyze various aspects like production, resource allocation processes, and resource efficiency enhancement within the system. The results obtained can be instrumental in making informed decisions in the future. The top result of this study is an analysis of infeasibility and incorrect estimation that may arise in the theory and application of the inverse model of data envelopment analysis with network structures. By addressing these pitfalls, novel protocols are proposed to circumvent these shortcomings effectively. Subsequently, several theoretical and applied problems are examined and resolved through insightful case studies.Keywords: inverse models of data envelopment analysis, series network, estimation of inputs and outputs, efficiency, resource allocation, sensitivity analysis, infeasibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 534985 Simultaneous Detection of Cd⁺², Fe⁺², Co⁺², and Pb⁺² Heavy Metal Ions by Stripping Voltammetry Using Polyvinyl Chloride Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
Authors: Sai Snehitha Yadavalli, K. Sruthi, Swati Ghosh Acharyya
Heavy metal ions are toxic to humans and all living species when exposed in large quantities or for long durations. Though Fe acts as a nutrient, when intake is in large quantities, it becomes toxic. These toxic heavy metal ions, when consumed through water, will cause many disorders and are harmful to all flora and fauna through biomagnification. Specifically, humans are prone to innumerable diseases ranging from skin to gastrointestinal, neurological, etc. In higher quantities, they even cause cancer in humans. Detection of these toxic heavy metal ions in water is thus important. Traditionally, the detection of heavy metal ions in water has been done by techniques like Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS) and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Though these methods offer accurate quantitative analysis, they require expensive equipment and cannot be used for on-site measurements. Anodic Stripping Voltammetry is a good alternative as the equipment is affordable, and measurements can be made at the river basins or lakes. In the current study, Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (SWASV) was used to detect the heavy metal ions in water. Literature reports various electrodes on which deposition of heavy metal ions was carried out like Bismuth, Polymers, etc. The working electrode used in this study is a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Ag/AgCl reference electrode and Platinum counter electrode were used. Biologic Potentiostat SP 300 was used for conducting the experiments. Through this work of simultaneous detection, four heavy metal ions were successfully detected at a time. The influence of modifying GCE with PVC was studied in comparison with unmodified GCE. The simultaneous detection of Cd⁺², Fe⁺², Co⁺², Pb⁺² heavy metal ions was done using PVC modified GCE by drop casting 1 wt.% of PVC dissolved in Tetra Hydro Furan (THF) solvent onto GCE. The concentration of all heavy metal ions was 0.2 mg/L, as shown in the figure. The scan rate was 0.1 V/s. Detection parameters like pH, scan rate, temperature, time of deposition, etc., were optimized. It was clearly understood that PVC helped in increasing the sensitivity and selectivity of detection as the current values are higher for PVC-modified GCE compared to unmodified GCE. The peaks were well defined when PVC-modified GCE was used.Keywords: cadmium, cobalt, electrochemical sensing, glassy carbon electrodes, heavy metal Ions, Iron, lead, polyvinyl chloride, potentiostat, square wave anodic stripping voltammetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1044984 Application of UAS in Forest Firefighting for Detecting Ignitions and 3D Fuel Volume Estimation
Authors: Artur Krukowski, Emmanouela Vogiatzaki
The article presents results from the AF3 project “Advanced Forest Fire Fighting” focused on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)-based 3D surveillance and 3D area mapping using high-resolution photogrammetric methods from multispectral imaging, also taking advantage of the 3D scanning techniques from the SCAN4RECO project. We also present a proprietary embedded sensor system used for the detection of fire ignitions in the forest using near-infrared based scanner with weight and form factors allowing it to be easily deployed on standard commercial micro-UAVs, such as DJI Inspire or Mavic. Results from real-life pilot trials in Greece, Spain, and Israel demonstrated added-value in the use of UAS for precise and reliable detection of forest fires, as well as high-resolution 3D aerial modeling for accurate quantification of human resources and equipment required for firefighting.Keywords: forest wildfires, surveillance, fuel volume estimation, firefighting, ignition detectors, 3D modelling, UAV
Procedia PDF Downloads 1424983 Three-Dimensional Off-Line Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
Authors: Lana Dalawr Jalal
This paper addresses the problem of offline path planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in complex three-dimensional environment with obstacles, which is modelled by 3D Cartesian grid system. Path planning for UAVs require the computational intelligence methods to move aerial vehicles along the flight path effectively to target while avoiding obstacles. In this paper Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) algorithm is applied to generate the optimal collision free 3D flight path for UAV. The simulations results clearly demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in guiding UAV to the final destination by providing optimal feasible path quickly and effectively.Keywords: obstacle avoidance, particle swarm optimization, three-dimensional path planning unmanned aerial vehicles
Procedia PDF Downloads 4114982 The Hyperbolic Smoothing Approach for Automatic Calibration of Rainfall-Runoff Models
Authors: Adilson Elias Xavier, Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho, Paulo Canedo De Magalhães
This paper addresses the issue of automatic parameter estimation in conceptual rainfall-runoff (CRR) models. Due to threshold structures commonly occurring in CRR models, the associated mathematical optimization problems have the significant characteristic of being strongly non-differentiable. In order to face this enormous task, the resolution method proposed adopts a smoothing strategy using a special C∞ differentiable class function. The final estimation solution is obtained by solving a sequence of differentiable subproblems which gradually approach the original conceptual problem. The use of this technique, called Hyperbolic Smoothing Method (HSM), makes possible the application of the most powerful minimization algorithms, and also allows for the main difficulties presented by the original CRR problem to be overcome. A set of computational experiments is presented for the purpose of illustrating both the reliability and the efficiency of the proposed approach.Keywords: rainfall-runoff models, automatic calibration, hyperbolic smoothing method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1494981 Enhanced Tensor Tomographic Reconstruction: Integrating Absorption, Refraction and Temporal Effects
Authors: Lukas Vierus, Thomas Schuster
A general framework is examined for dynamic tensor field tomography within an inhomogeneous medium characterized by refraction and absorption, treated as an inverse source problem concerning the associated transport equation. Guided by Fermat’s principle, the Riemannian metric within the specified domain is determined by the medium's refractive index. While considerable literature exists on the inverse problem of reconstructing a tensor field from its longitudinal ray transform within a static Euclidean environment, limited inversion formulas and algorithms are available for general Riemannian metrics and time-varying tensor fields. It is established that tensor field tomography, akin to an inverse source problem for a transport equation, persists in dynamic scenarios. Framing dynamic tensor tomography as an inverse source problem embodies a comprehensive perspective within this domain. Ensuring well-defined forward mappings necessitates establishing existence and uniqueness for the underlying transport equations. However, the bilinear forms of the associated weak formulations fail to meet the coercivity condition. Consequently, recourse to viscosity solutions is taken, demonstrating their unique existence within suitable Sobolev spaces (in the static case) and Sobolev-Bochner spaces (in the dynamic case), under a specific assumption restricting variations in the refractive index. Notably, the adjoint problem can also be reformulated as a transport equation, with analogous results regarding uniqueness. Analytical solutions are expressed as integrals over geodesics, facilitating more efficient evaluation of forward and adjoint operators compared to solving partial differential equations. Certainly, here's the revised sentence in English: Numerical experiments are conducted using a Nesterov-accelerated Landweber method, encompassing various fields, absorption coefficients, and refractive indices, thereby illustrating the enhanced reconstruction achieved through this holistic modeling approach.Keywords: attenuated refractive dynamic ray transform of tensor fields, geodesics, transport equation, viscosity solutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 514980 Investigation of the Stability of the F* Iterative Algorithm on Strong Peudocontractive Mappings and Its Applications
Authors: Felix Damilola Ajibade, Opeyemi O. Enoch, Taiwo Paul Fajusigbe
This paper is centered on conducting an inquiry into the stability of the F* iterative algorithm to the fixed point of a strongly pseudo-contractive mapping in the framework of uniformly convex Banach spaces. To achieve the desired result, certain existing inequalities in convex Banach spaces were utilized, as well as the stability criteria of Harder and Hicks. Other necessary conditions for the stability of the F* algorithm on strong pseudo-contractive mapping were also obtained. Through a numerical approach, we prove that the F* iterative algorithm is H-stable for strongly pseudo-contractive mapping. Finally, the solution of the mixed-type Volterra-Fredholm functional non-linear integral equation is estimated using our results.Keywords: stability, F* -iterative algorithm, pseudo-contractive mappings, uniformly convex Banach space, mixed-type Volterra-Fredholm integral equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1054979 Synthesis and Characterisation of Starch-PVP as Encapsulation Material for Drug Delivery System
Authors: Nungki Rositaningsih, Emil Budianto
Starch has been widely used as an encapsulation material for drug delivery system. However, starch hydrogel is very easily degraded during metabolism in human stomach. Modification of this material is needed to improve the encapsulation process in drug delivery system, especially for gastrointestinal drug. In this research, three modified starch-based hydrogels are synthesized i.e. Crosslinked starch hydrogel, Semi- and Full- Interpenetrating Polymer Network (IPN) starch hydrogel using Poly(N-Vinyl-Pyrrolidone). Non-modified starch hydrogel was also synthesized as a control. All of those samples were compared as biomaterials, floating drug delivery, and their ability in loading drug test. Biomaterial characterizations were swelling test, stereomicroscopy observation, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Buoyancy test and stereomicroscopy scanning were done for floating drug delivery characterizations. Lastly, amoxicillin was used as test drug, and characterized with UV-Vis spectroscopy for loading drug observation. Preliminary observation showed that Full-IPN has the most dense and elastic texture, followed by Semi-IPN, Crosslinked, and Non-modified in the last position. Semi-IPN and Crosslinked starch hydrogel have the most ideal properties and will not be degraded easily during metabolism. Therefore, both hydrogels could be considered as promising candidates for encapsulation material. Further analysis and issues will be discussed in the paper.Keywords: biomaterial, drug delivery system, interpenetrating polymer network, poly(N-vinyl-pyrrolidone), starch hydrogel
Procedia PDF Downloads 2514978 Treatment of Isopropyl Alcohol in Aqueous Solutions by VUV-Based AOPs within a Laminar-Falling-Film-Slurry Type Photoreactor
Authors: Y. S. Shen, B. H. Liao
This study aimed to develop the design equation of a laminar-falling-film-slurry (LFFS) type photoreactor for the treatment of organic wastewaters containing isopropyl alcohol (IPA) by VUV-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). The photoreactor design equations were established by combining with the chemical kinetics of the photocatalytic system, light absorption model within the photoreactor, and was used to predict the decomposition of IPA in aqueous solutions in the photoreactors of different geometries at various operating conditions (volumetric flow rate, oxidants, catalysts, solution pH values, UV light intensities, and initial concentration of pollutants) to verify its rationality and feasibility. By the treatment of the LFFS-VUV only process, it was found that the decomposition rates of IPA in aqueous solutions increased with the increase of volumetric flow rate, VUV light intensity, dosages of TiO2 and H2O2. The removal efficiencies of IPA by photooxidation processes were in the order: VUV/H2O2>VUV/TiO2/H2O2>VUV/TiO2>VUV only. In VUV, VUV/H2O2, VUV/TiO2/H2O2 processes, integrating with the reaction kinetic equations of IPA, the mass conservation equation and the linear light source model, the photoreactor design equation can reasonably to predict reaction behaviors of IPA at various operating conditions and to describe the concentration distribution profiles of IPA within photoreactors.The results of this research can be useful basis for the future application of the homogeneous and heterogeneous VUV-based advanced oxidation processes.Keywords: isopropyl alcohol, photoreactor design, VUV, AOPs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3774977 UWB Channel Estimation Using an Efficient Sub-Nyquist Sampling Scheme
Authors: Yaacoub Tina, Youssef Roua, Radoi Emanuel, Burel Gilles
Recently, low-complexity sub-Nyquist sampling schemes based on the Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) theory have been introduced to sample parametric signals at minimum rates. The multichannel modulating waveforms (MCMW) is such an efficient scheme, where the received signal is mixed with an appropriate set of arbitrary waveforms, integrated and sampled at rates far below the Nyquist rate. In this paper, the MCMW scheme is adapted to the special case of ultra wideband (UWB) channel estimation, characterized by dense multipaths. First, an appropriate structure, which accounts for the bandpass spectrum feature of UWB signals, is defined. Then, a novel approach to decrease the number of processing channels and reduce the complexity of this sampling scheme is presented. Finally, the proposed concepts are validated by simulation results, obtained with real filters, in the framework of a coherent Rake receiver.Keywords: coherent rake receiver, finite rate of innovation, sub-nyquist sampling, ultra wideband
Procedia PDF Downloads 2594976 Frequency Transformation with Pascal Matrix Equations
Authors: Phuoc Si Nguyen
Frequency transformation with Pascal matrix equations is a method for transforming an electronic filter (analogue or digital) into another filter. The technique is based on frequency transformation in the s-domain, bilinear z-transform with pre-warping frequency, inverse bilinear transformation and a very useful application of the Pascal’s triangle that simplifies computing and enables calculation by hand when transforming from one filter to another. This paper will introduce two methods to transform a filter into a digital filter: frequency transformation from the s-domain into the z-domain; and frequency transformation in the z-domain. Further, two Pascal matrix equations are derived: an analogue to digital filter Pascal matrix equation and a digital to digital filter Pascal matrix equation. These are used to design a desired digital filter from a given filter.Keywords: frequency transformation, bilinear z-transformation, pre-warping frequency, digital filters, analog filters, pascal’s triangle
Procedia PDF Downloads 5494975 Acceleration-Based Motion Model for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Authors: Daohong Yang, Xiang Zhang, Lei Li, Wanting Zhou
Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM) is a technology that obtains information in the environment for self-positioning and mapping. It is widely used in computer vision, robotics and other fields. Many visual SLAM systems, such as OBSLAM3, employ a constant-speed motion model that provides the initial pose of the current frame to improve the speed and accuracy of feature matching. However, in actual situations, the constant velocity motion model is often difficult to be satisfied, which may lead to a large deviation between the obtained initial pose and the real value, and may lead to errors in nonlinear optimization results. Therefore, this paper proposed a motion model based on acceleration, which can be applied on most SLAM systems. In order to better describe the acceleration of the camera pose, we decoupled the pose transformation matrix, and calculated the rotation matrix and the translation vector respectively, where the rotation matrix is represented by rotation vector. We assume that, in a short period of time, the changes of rotating angular velocity and translation vector remain the same. Based on this assumption, the initial pose of the current frame is estimated. In addition, the error of constant velocity model was analyzed theoretically. Finally, we applied our proposed approach to the ORBSLAM3 system and evaluated two sets of sequences on the TUM dataset. The results showed that our proposed method had a more accurate initial pose estimation and the accuracy of ORBSLAM3 system is improved by 6.61% and 6.46% respectively on the two test sequences.Keywords: error estimation, constant acceleration motion model, pose estimation, visual SLAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 954974 Reservoir Properties Effect on Estimating Initial Gas in Place Using Flowing Material Balance Method
Authors: Yousef S. Kh. S. Hashem
Accurate estimation of initial gas in place (IGIP) plays an important factor in the decision to develop a gas field. One of the methods that are available in the industry to estimate the IGIP is material balance. This method required that the well has to be shut-in while pressure is measured as it builds to average reservoir pressure. Since gas demand is high and shut-in well surveys are very expensive, flowing gas material balance (FGMB) is sometimes used instead of material balance. This work investigated the effect of reservoir properties (pressure, permeability, and reservoir size) on the estimation of IGIP when using FGMB. A gas reservoir simulator that accounts for friction loss, wellbore storage, and the non-Darcy effect was used to simulate 165 different possible causes (3 pressures, 5 reservoir sizes, and 11 permeabilities). Both tubing pressure and bottom-hole pressure were analyzed using FGMB. The results showed that the FGMB method is very sensitive for tied reservoirs (k < 10). Also, it showed which method is best to be used for different reservoir properties. This study can be used as a guideline for the application of the FGMB method.Keywords: flowing material balance, gas reservoir, reserves, gas simulator
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